Perfect girl selfies. Create the right frame


When it comes to showing off a new look, the position in which you stand in front of the mirror is often crucial. You definitely don't want a selfie in which you're standing at attention - it can make you look old-fashioned in the picture. There are three when you take a selfie in the mirror.

Stick out your leg. This pose is considered a win-win when all other poses have failed. This pose makes the body look slimmer, and it also makes the outfit look good. And don't forget to expose your sock!

Set your feet apart. A full-length selfie a priori cannot be unsuccessful, especially if you want to demonstrate the image in full. Just remember to spread your legs a little to the sides, thereby creating a smooth curve that flatters the image.

Cross your legs and bend your knee. The classic cross-legged pose, where you stand with your legs crossed one over the other, sometimes with your feet touching. She is one of the favorite poses of many bloggers. We offer a slightly different variation. Cross your legs with one knee slightly bent, with the toe of the bent leg pointing towards the floor. This pose is especially flattering for midi and maxi skirts. And a bent knee, pulled forward towards the mirror, makes the legs look longer and slimmer.

Select phone location

One of the most advantageous places to place the phone is a little to the side right next to the face. But if you want to look slimmer, put your phone close to a mirror and place it under your chin. This posture has pros and cons. Due to this arrangement, the body looks smaller, but the head, on the contrary, seems unnaturally large.

Keep Proportions

Here are some wise tips on how to keep your head from looking big and your legs from looking fat.

Focus on the waist. Add a belt, tie a shirt around your waist, or wear a jacket that reaches to your hips.

Remember your hair. Loose hair sometimes weighs down the image when it comes to a photo in a mini Instagram frame. So for such photos it is better to take the hair up. A high hairstyle, in turn, lengthens the body and does not block the details of the image.

Avoid distractions

You absolutely do not need anything to distract attention from you. The key to solving the problem is cleanliness.

Make sure the background is clean. Don't forget to clean up the extra stuff and sort out the pile of clothes in the background. It will be very embarrassing if all the visitors to your page see the mess in your room.

Wipe down the mirror. If you take a selfie in front of a dirty mirror, the result will be disastrous - strange stains and streaks on your face and clothes are inevitable, so make sure the mirror is clean before taking a photo.

Don't worry about facial expressions

Embarrassingly smiling at yourself in the mirror is not the best idea for this type of photo (and people passing by will not look at you strangely). Sometimes the best way to take the perfect selfie is to forget about facial expressions, smirk a little, and look at your phone's camera rather than at your reflection in the mirror. In this case .

Use application tools

Photos in the bathroom or dimly lit bedroom don't always come out well, but there's a way to make your shot look less amateurish. So add more light. It's not about fully editing your photos, but Instagram and other apps have a set of tools to help you brighten and lighten up your photos. Experiment with shades until your photo is perfect.

Translation from English.

Selfies, as you know, at leisure are done by everyone without exception. Even those who will never admit it 😉 Our today's review will help you figure out how to take a selfie to please yourself, and collect the maximum possible number of likes on social networks.

For reference: how is selfie translated? Literally, this is a self-made photo, that is, a photo taken by you, which depicts you yourself.

In our opinion, the photo of the stars at the Oscars 2014 can be considered a legendary selfie. The fun taking place is depicted in a short video at the top of the post. A considerable number of stars fell into one photo: here you can admire both Jennifer Lawrence and Julia Roberts, the beautiful Angelina Jolie also lit up. Well, let's not leave the male half without attention - Brad Pitt alone is worth something, handsome Jared Leto and Channing Tatum ... There is no point in listing them all. They are well known to you!

The obvious conclusion is that in order to take a cool selfie, you need to take a picture with a star.

If for some reason you are not yet planning a meeting with a celebrity, then you can simply watch popular Instagram accounts and take your selfies cool. Here are some examples:

And here is a video in which popular models show themselves how beautiful it is to take a selfie:

And a few more words about the right selfie on the example of the stars: naturalness is always relevant. Many stars show their natural beauty, according to the hashtag #nomakeup (from English - “without makeup”) on Instagram, you can see for yourself. So you follow this fashion trend, the main thing is to choose the right light and a winning angle.

If you are in the photo with a pet or a wild animal, success is guaranteed! Charming little animals are a win-win option, as evidenced by these photos:

A good selfie is a photo in extreme conditions, or just in an interesting, extraordinary environment. And it is possible both there and there. In this case, a special “selfie stick”, called a “monopod” or a tripod for the phone, will help. "Selfie stick" has a special button, photos can be taken at a distance.

Let's get back to the technical side of the issue. Here are a few points that will help both guys and girls take a cool selfie:

  • Choose the right lighting. Daylight or cold light are the best helpers in making a good avatar or other photo.
  • Find a good angle. Everything comes with experience - try to shoot yourself from different angles, change the position of your head, etc. You will definitely find the one you need!
  • Girls for a change can use different types of makeup. We advise you to resort to the help of cosmetics with shining particles - illuminating bases, illuminators, shimmers, meteorites ... Everything will come in handy in this case! Do not forget that the camera "eats" makeup, so you can apply a little more tone, for example. But do not abuse - everything is good in moderation.
  • Sunglasses are very useful in a selfie business. They will hide a tired look, and give the image of mystery.
  • Sincere laughter or a smile look a hundred times better in the photo than, for example, the well-known, boring, but exploited by many "duck face" (duck lips). Such cuteness is obtained only in babies (and even then not always).

In the end, I would like to add that selfies are just momentary fun. No need to get carried away and spend half a day searching. If it doesn't work today, it will work tomorrow! Live a rich life and don't let social media become your main source of entertainment. After all, there are still books, friends and fun communication with them, family, travel, walks in the park, wind in your hair, ringing laughter, playing snowballs, sports, dogs and cats that need attention ... well, and much more. Yes, you must know everything yourself!

However, not always, when there is a desire to capture yourself in an interesting place, there is a person nearby who can help. But this is not a reason to abandon the idea, because you can always take a selfie! And we asked the photographer about how to take pictures of yourself correctly so that the pictures turn out beautiful and interesting. Arkady Sobolev.

- In fact, a selfie is the same self-portrait. There is nothing new, except for the name, in this way of photographing there,- says Arkady. - Now it is generally accepted that a selfie is just a picture with a face in the frame. But any photo can be made interesting. For example, you can put the camera on a tripod or any suitable surface, set a timer, move away - and also take a selfie.

As Arkady rightly noted, a selfie is an ordinary photograph, therefore the rules for these shooting methods will be almost the same.


You should always consider what technique you use to take a selfie - a phone, a GoPro camera, a regular “soap box” or a professional camera can come to the rescue. When capturing yourself on your phone, you need to take into account that the front camera is always worse than the rear one, so the conditions for shooting are better for it.

- The advantage of the front camera is that you can see yourself while shooting. But it also has serious shortcomings. For example, most often the camera located on the front of the phone is wide-angle, which can cause some distortion. For example, if you raise the phone above your head, your forehead will automatically become wider and your chin narrower. The opposite effect will happen if you lower the phone down,- enlightens us Arkady. - Considering all these factors, it is better to hold the phone at about eye level during shooting. You can slightly adjust the angle to hide any imperfections if necessary, but you should always remember that a large angle greatly distorts the proportions of the face.


-The best friend and at the same time the enemy of any photographer is light,- says Arkady. - You should always try not to take pictures against the sun, so as not to squint. Stepping into the shade, it is better to turn your back to the source of this shadow - then there will be no sharp changes in light. Otherwise, you risk getting a whitened background.

If you take a selfie indoors, then you need to take into account that the light most often falls from the lamps on the ceiling, and they give hard shadows under the nose, under the eyes - in general, under all the protruding parts of the face. Based on this, you need to look for a place where the lighting will be as even as possible. “In everything you need to look for a balance and avoid drops in light. It is better to take pictures either completely in the shade, or completely in the light - but not when you cannot open your eyes normally from the sun. Remember that the camera always focuses on the brightest."


- You always need to remember that the main character in a selfie should still be a “selfie taker”, so the key to a good photo is the absence of unnecessary objects and extra people in the frame, Arkady warns. - Always keep an eye on what's behind you. And when adjusting the composition, pay attention to the fact that nothing sticks out of the head, for example.

When shooting - whether it's a selfie or a regular photo - you always need to turn on your head, come up with original poses, look for interesting "backs". Because the same type and monotonous photos quickly get bored. Selfies always attract attention, in which something happens around a person. Turn on the environment. Pictures always look advantageous, the composition of which is reduced to the center of the frame - for example, if you are photographed on railway tracks, then it is better to choose an angle in which perspective lines (that is, rails) will converge on your head.

Selfie in the mirror

- The main rule to remember when photographing yourself in the mirror is not to look at yourself in the phone, as most girls do for some reason. Pictures are much more interesting if you look at the camera lens through a reflection - then there is contact with the viewer and the photo looks much more advantageous, - Arkady repeats several times.

As for the phone itself, it can be moved to the side or beaten so that it also becomes a character in the frame. Here fantasy and hard training will come to the rescue.

And a little about the concept

- As a photographer with 10 years of experience, I have nothing against selfies. The only thing I don't like is the pictures with the lips stretched out. Is not cool! A million identical “duckfaces”, when each next photo does not tell anything new about a person, is boring. And given that such photographs are usually taken by girls, I, as a man, can say that no one likes these “ducks”.

A selfie is to show a person somewhere. It's such a check-in with photography, so it's always interesting to look at original shots. Do not be afraid to come up with new concepts and do whole photo projects, as a girl from Russia did, using a selfie to show the everyday life of a mother of a small child. It's cool when photography goes beyond the usual fun and turns into something more.

As for people who consider selfies to be degradation and something abnormal, Arkady says this: “If you want to take a selfie, do it. If you don't want to, don't. And if you want, but you don’t do it, then this is already something in your head. news in your feed! Follow us at

The term “selfie” has only recently entered the vocabulary, but the concept of self-portrait is not new. Artists created their self-portraits centuries before there were modern smartphones, however, modern photographs do not at all claim to be a work of art. But how do you take the perfect photo? Check out some practical tips for a great selfie!

Keep your chin down and your camera up

Love her or hate her, but Kim Kardashian definitely knows how to take selfies. There is even a wax figure of Kim right in the process of taking such a picture, it is on display at Madame Tussauds. In an interview, Kim admitted that she always tries to keep her chin down and the camera up. If you hold the camera too low, it looks like you have a double chin. If you raise your chin, you can see the nostrils, which is not very bright for the selfie. But remember that this angle is suitable for Kim Kardashian because she has a rather thin face. Your ideal angle depends on the shape of your face. Try different angles to find the best option.

Focus on more than just the face

Remember that you are not only your face. You can share other body parts as well. Did you buy new shoes? Show your legs! Walked twenty thousand steps? Show off a fitness tracker on your wrist! You can tell a story with your photo, even if your face isn't in it. If you're relaxing on the beach, sand-covered feet in a hammock make for a better story than a face in the water. When you look at the camera, you are distracted from what is happening around you, so showing off your appearance is not the best way to show what is happening to you. A selfie is not just a face, a selfie is you. Try to notice small details too!

Create the right frame

If you want to convey your feelings through facial expressions, try to shoot with your smartphone closer. Get rid of the distracting background, focus on the eyes. But don't get too close either, as the camera will focus on the closest object, and that will be your nose. Get close enough to be in the frame, but not too close to ruin the quality of the photo. A smartphone doesn't work like a good camera, so you need to frame your shot properly. If you are body shy, you can focus on the face and posture that will look good.

Divide and Conquer

If you position your face in the center of the frame, the picture looks like a passport photo. If you're not aiming for that kind of impression, use the basic photography rule of thirds. Divide the frame into three equal parts vertically and horizontally. Position your face to the left or right of the frame so that your eyes are a third below the screen and not in the very center. Such a composition allows you to show both your face and what surrounds you. The rule of thirds creates more compelling shots because it allows the eye to move across the photo and back to the subject.

Photo while taking a photo

Sometimes the act of taking a selfie can tell a story. Ask someone to take your photo while you are taking your photo. Celebrities often publish such photos, which are depicted with smartphones.

Crop your photo correctly

The background should be interesting, but not compromising. Always think about what surrounds you. No one will be interested in you if you have a dumpster behind you. It is better to cut such fragments.

Is it worth pouting your lips?

The so-called "duckface" is suitable only for real ducks. The rest is better to pose naturally!

Add sound

Instead of agonizing over trying to press the right button and keep the pose, just use the buttons to adjust the sound, this also allows you to take a picture.

Be careful with filters

There are plenty of filters and apps out there, but don't get too carried away. If the photo has too many filters, it looks unnatural. Don't try to hide your natural look!

Good lighting

The right light is the key to a good photo. Lack of lighting can ruin your selfie. Always try to take photos in natural light, as fluorescent lights don't brighten skin tone. However, the direct rays of the sun are also not suitable. You need a uniform light, not directed directly at you.

Should you use a selfie stick?

A selfie stick is a great way to take a picture of both your face and the nature around you. Use this device carefully so as not to disturb others, especially if you are in a tourist place.

Take photos with pleasure

Shooting so-called "selfies" was invented many years ago. However, this style gained popularity only with the development of smartphones. At first, many people did not understand why such devices needed a front camera - video communication then cost a lot of money. Only later did smartphone owners realize that with a small lens above the screen, you can take pictures of yourself. Our tips will help you, if not reach a new level, then at least impress your friends and girlfriends. You will quickly realize that you can take a cool selfie without much difficulty.

There are several rules for the perfect selfie. Finding natural light is one of them. Even professional photographers with multi-thousand-dollar gear prefer to shoot outdoors, as natural light is no substitute. In nature, you will be lit evenly, the contrast of the picture will be perfect.

However, be careful! If the sun is shining outside, then glare may appear. It will be better if the luminary is to your right or left. In no case should the sun be behind you - then even the regime will not save you.

Check out artificial lighting

Of course, I want to take pictures not only on the street, but also indoors. In the case of artificial lighting, you need to spend at least a couple of minutes preparing for shooting. Get a little closer to the light source and see how it affects your skin tone. If you don't like the result, then switch to another light source.

Most importantly, stand facing the lamp. Otherwise, your face will plunge into darkness, the smartphone may not be able to cope with its highlighting. You can also position yourself to the right or left of the light source - this will make the picture more daring. You can further enhance the effect by slightly tilting the device. Frames like this are perfect for avu. But do not overdo it, a person should not tilt his head to one side to view the picture, almost breaking his neck.

You can tilt not only the smartphone

When shooting a selfie, you have to rely on the device itself and on the head - the rest of the body in the frame is usually not visible. But this does not mean that in every frame it is necessary to fool around, making faces. No, you can achieve variety simply by slightly tilting your head to the left or right. Rotate it more and more until you get the perfect angle.

Don't hold your smartphone above head level unless it's a group photo. And it’s not at all necessary to look into the lens - try to glance somewhere to the side. All this allows you to get very interesting shots, sometimes even mysterious.

Don't twist your lips

At one time it was very popular when taking a selfie to squeeze your lips and literally turn them out. In the people, this facial expression was called "duckface". For some reason, the girls themselves liked these photos. But now even they understand that such facial expressions are far from normal. A normal smile looks much better.

If you can't smile in front of the camera, then remember some funny moment in your life. As a result, if you do not laugh, then you will definitely smile.

Move the camera away from your face

If you want to take a great selfie, then you need to figure out how to fit more space into the frame. To do this, you can get a smartphone with a wide-angle camera. But if your budget does not allow you to do this, or you are just already attached to your device, then get yourself monopod. With it, you can move the smartphone away from your face by about one and a half meters. As a result, the picture will become more understandable - a person will be able to see the background and determine exactly where you are. This will allow you to stand out against the background of a huge number of monotonous selfies.

In a separate article, we wrote how to use a selfie stick. There is nothing difficult in this. Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to take a monopod with you absolutely everywhere. Practice shows that good pictures are obtained without it. A selfie stick will come in handy somewhere on vacation when you want to get perfect photos.

Note: Using a monopod, you can take a picture of yourself on the main camera. And it shoots most often much better than the front.

Use an alternative to the shutter button

If you don't have a monopod, you'll most often shoot with your phone by pressing the virtual shutter button. By doing so, you are causing some shaking, which can make the photo look blurry. Most often this happens under artificial lighting, when the shutter speed increases up to 1/15 second. It is correct to shoot in such conditions using alternative buttons. In particular, you can press one of the volume buttons. On some smartphones, you can press the power key - this will also take a picture.

There are other alternatives as well. You can purchase Bluetooth button, which will allow you to remotely press the shutter button. Some devices allow you to give a voice command. For example, Samsung smartphones perceive the word "take a picture". There are also special selfie apps, which almost automatically capture the frame when your face is in the right place. And sometimes standard Camera applications also receive similar functionality - this applies not only to South Korean products, but also Chinese smartphones .

Adjust white balance and exposure

Digital cameras are very bad with light and colors. Artificial lighting can cause certain problems. Also, the smartphone experiences some difficulties at dusk, if there is a large amount of snow around. If you notice that your skin has an unnatural color, then try changing the white balance. Now any smartphone can do this.

As for exposure, this word refers to how light or dark a picture is. This setting can also be adjusted. And many people do not know this, trying to shoot at full auto.

Edit your pictures

Do not think that experienced photographers get a masterpiece immediately after pressing the shutter button. No, they edit their photos in various photo editors. Here you can also process your selfies in third-party applications. To do this, you do not need to turn on the computer, now many similar programs exist on the Android operating system. You can verify this by reading the article. "The best graphic editors". With the help of such applications, you can turn an ordinary selfie into a very unusual picture that will definitely catch the eye of a person scrolling through Instagram.

Apply filters

Many of the photographs are good on their own. A selfie can highlight a well-applied filter. In particular, this should help those who are thinking about how to take a beautiful selfie with a budget smartphone. The simplest cameras shoot with different artifacts, they are not able to produce a clear picture. The filter can hide technical flaws.

Now many pre-installed programs have the function of applying a filter " Camera" And " Gallery". There are also filters in Instagram and many other social media clients. Do not do without them in photo editors.


This concludes our list of tips. The most important rule when shooting a selfie is to fantasize more. Believe me, no one will appreciate your picture, most of which is occupied by the face. Try to come up with something new - go somewhere, take a picture against the backdrop of a landmark, do something unusual ... Surprise the viewer! And try not to abuse the front camera - you don't need to take a lot of selfies every day. This only diminishes their value.

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