Ideological and artistic features of the Kolyma stories. The theme of the tragic fate of a person in a totalitarian state in "Kolyma Tales"


The plot of V. Shalamov's stories is a painful description of the prison and camp life of the prisoners of the Soviet Gulag, their tragic destinies similar to one another, in which chance, merciless or merciful, helper or murderer, arbitrariness of bosses and thieves dominate. Hunger and its convulsive satiety, exhaustion, painful dying, slow and almost equally painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - this is what is constantly in the center of the writer's attention.


The author recalls by name his comrades in the camps. Calling to mind a mournful martyrology, he tells who died and how, who suffered and how, who hoped for what, who and how behaved in this Auschwitz without ovens, as Shalamov called the Kolyma camps. Few managed to survive, few managed to survive and remain morally unbroken.

Life of engineer Kipreev

Having never betrayed or sold anyone, the author says that he has developed for himself a formula for actively protecting his existence: a person can only consider himself a person and survive if he is ready to commit suicide at any moment, ready to die. However, later he realizes that he only built himself a comfortable shelter, because it is not known what you will be like at a decisive moment, whether you just have enough physical strength, and not just mental. Arrested in 1938, the engineer-physicist Kipreev not only withstood the beating during interrogation, but even rushed at the investigator, after which he was put in a punishment cell. However, they still try to get him to sign false testimony, intimidating him with the arrest of his wife. Nevertheless, Kipreev continued to prove to himself and others that he was a man, and not a slave, as all prisoners are. Thanks to his talent (he invented a way to restore burnt out light bulbs, repaired an X-ray machine), he manages to avoid the most difficult work, but not always. He miraculously survives, but the moral shock remains in him forever.

For the show

Camp corruption, Shalamov testifies, affected everyone to a greater or lesser extent and took place in a variety of forms. Two thieves are playing cards. One of them is played down and asks to play for a "representation", that is, in debt. At some point, irritated by the game, he unexpectedly orders an ordinary intellectual prisoner, who happened to be among the spectators of their game, to give a woolen sweater. He refuses, and then one of the thieves "finishes" him, and the sweater still goes to the thieves.

At night

Two prisoners sneak to the grave where the body of their deceased comrade was buried in the morning, and take off the linen from the dead man in order to sell it or exchange it for bread or tobacco the next day. The initial squeamishness about the removed clothes is replaced by a pleasant thought that tomorrow they might be able to eat a little more and even smoke.

Single metering

Camp labor, unequivocally defined by Shalamov as slave labor, is for the writer a form of the same corruption. A goner-prisoner is not able to give a percentage rate, so labor becomes torture and slow death. Zek Dugaev is gradually weakening, unable to withstand the sixteen-hour working day. He drives, turns, pours, again drives and again turns, and in the evening the caretaker comes and measures Dugaev's work with a tape measure. The mentioned figure - 25 percent - seems to Dugaev to be very large, his calves are aching, his hands, shoulders, head are unbearably sore, he even lost his sense of hunger. A little later, he is called to the investigator, who asks the usual questions: name, surname, article, term. A day later, the soldiers take Dugaev to a remote place, fenced with a high fence with barbed wire, from where the chirring of tractors can be heard at night. Dugaev guesses why he was brought here and that his life is over. And he regrets only that the last day was in vain.


Sherry Brandy

A prisoner-poet, who was called the first Russian poet of the twentieth century, dies. It lies in the dark depths of the bottom row of solid two-story bunks. He dies for a long time. Sometimes some thought comes - for example, that they stole bread from him, which he put under his head, and it is so scary that he is ready to swear, fight, search ... But he no longer has the strength for this, and the thought of bread also weakens. When a daily ration is put into his hand, he presses the bread to his mouth with all his strength, sucks it, tries to tear and gnaw with scurvy loose teeth. When he dies, they don’t write him off for another two days, and inventive neighbors manage to get bread for the dead man as if it were alive during the distribution: they make him raise his hand like a puppet doll.

Shock therapy

Prisoner Merzlyakov, a man of large build, finds himself at common work, feels that he is gradually losing. One day he falls, cannot get up immediately and refuses to drag the log. He is beaten first by his own people, then by the escorts, they bring him to the camp - he has a broken rib and pain in the lower back. And although the pain quickly passed, and the rib grew together, Merzlyakov continues to complain and pretends that he cannot straighten up, trying to delay his discharge to work at any cost. He is sent to the central hospital, to the surgical department, and from there to the nervous department for research. He has a chance to be activated, that is, written off due to illness at will. Remembering the mine, aching cold, a bowl of empty soup that he drank without even using a spoon, he concentrates all his will so as not to be convicted of deceit and sent to a penal mine. However, the doctor Pyotr Ivanovich, himself a prisoner in the past, was not a blunder. The professional replaces the human in him. He spends most of his time exposing the fakers. This amuses his vanity: he is an excellent specialist and is proud that he has retained his qualifications, despite the year of general work. He immediately understands that Merzlyakov is a simulator and looks forward to the theatrical effect of a new exposure. First, the doctor gives him a round anesthesia, during which Merzlyakov's body can be straightened, and a week later, the procedure of the so-called shock therapy, the effect of which is similar to an attack of violent madness or an epileptic seizure. After it, the prisoner himself asks for an extract.

Typhoid Quarantine

Prisoner Andreev, ill with typhus, is quarantined. Compared to general work in the mines, the position of the patient gives a chance to survive, which the hero almost no longer hoped for. And then he decides, by hook or by crook, to stay here as long as possible, in transit, and there, perhaps, he will no longer be sent to the gold mines, where there is hunger, beatings and death. At the roll call before the next dispatch to work of those who are considered recovered, Andreev does not respond, and thus he manages to hide for quite a long time. The transit is gradually emptying, and the line finally reaches Andreev as well. But now it seems to him that he has won his battle for life, that now the taiga is full, and if there are shipments, then only for nearby, local business trips. However, when a truck with a selected group of prisoners who were unexpectedly given winter uniforms passes the line separating short trips from long ones, he realizes with an internal shudder that fate has cruelly laughed at him.

aortic aneurysm

Illness (and the emaciated state of the “goal” prisoners is quite tantamount to a serious illness, although it was not officially considered as such) and the hospital are an indispensable attribute of the plot in Shalamov’s stories. Ekaterina Glovatskaya, a prisoner, is admitted to the hospital. Beauty, she immediately liked the doctor on duty Zaitsev, and although he knows that she is in close relations with his acquaintance, the prisoner Podshivalov, the head of the amateur art circle, (“the serf theater,” as the head of the hospital jokes), nothing prevents him in turn try your luck. He begins, as usual, with a medical examination of Głowacka, with listening to the heart, but his male interest is quickly replaced by a purely medical concern. He finds an aortic aneurysm in Glovatsky, a disease in which any careless movement can cause death. The authorities, who took it as an unwritten rule to separate lovers, had already once sent Glovatskaya to a penal female mine. And now, after the doctor’s report about the prisoner’s dangerous illness, the head of the hospital is sure that this is nothing more than the machinations of the same Podshivalov, who is trying to detain his mistress. Glovatskaya is discharged, but already when loading into the car, what Dr. Zaitsev warned about happens - she dies.

Major Pugachev's last fight

Among the heroes of Shalamov's prose there are those who not only strive to survive at any cost, but are also able to intervene in the course of circumstances, to stand up for themselves, even risking their lives. According to the author, after the war of 1941-1945. prisoners who fought and passed German captivity began to arrive in the northeastern camps. These are people of a different temper, “with courage, the ability to take risks, who believed only in weapons. Commanders and soldiers, pilots and scouts...”. But most importantly, they possessed the instinct of freedom, which the war awakened in them. They shed their blood, sacrificed their lives, saw death face to face. They were not corrupted by camp slavery and were not yet exhausted to the point of losing their strength and will. Their “guilt” was that they were surrounded or captured. And it is clear to Major Pugachev, one of these people who have not yet been broken: “they were brought to their death - to change these living dead,” whom they met in Soviet camps. Then the former major gathers prisoners who are just as determined and strong, to match, ready to either die or become free. In their group - pilots, scout, paramedic, tanker. They realized that they were innocently doomed to death and that they had nothing to lose. All winter they are preparing an escape. Pugachev realized that only those who bypassed the general work could survive the winter and then run away. And the participants in the conspiracy, one by one, advance into the service: someone becomes a cook, someone a cultist who repairs weapons in the security detachment. But spring is coming, and with it the day ahead.

At five o'clock in the morning there was a knock on the watch. The attendant lets in the camp cook-prisoner, who, as usual, has come for the keys to the pantry. A minute later, the duty officer is strangled, and one of the prisoners changes into his uniform. The same thing happens with another, who returned a little later on duty. Then everything goes according to Pugachev's plan. The conspirators break into the premises of the guard detachment and, having shot the guard on duty, take possession of the weapon. Keeping the suddenly awakened fighters at gunpoint, they change into military uniforms and stock up on provisions. Having gone outside the camp, they stop a truck on the highway, drop off the driver and continue on their way in the car until the gas runs out. After that, they go to the taiga. At night - the first night at liberty after long months of captivity - Pugachev, waking up, recalls his escape from the German camp in 1944, crossing the front line, interrogation in a special department, charged with espionage and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. He also recalls the visits to the German camp of the emissaries of General Vlasov, who recruited Russian soldiers, convincing them that for the Soviet authorities all of them, who were captured, are traitors to the Motherland. Pugachev did not believe them until he could see for himself. He lovingly looks over the sleeping comrades who believed in him and stretched out their hands to freedom, he knows that they are "the best, worthy of all." And a little later, a fight ensues, the last hopeless battle between the fugitives and the soldiers surrounding them. Almost all of the fugitives die, except for one, seriously wounded, who is cured and then shot. Only Major Pugachev manages to escape, but he knows, hiding in a bear's lair, that he will be found anyway. He doesn't regret what he did. His last shot was at himself.


Discipline: literature

Course 1

Semester 2

Topic: Artistic originality of V.T. Shalamova.

Number of hours for this lesson: 2


Particular attention in modern literary research is paid to the study of the artistic world of Russian writers of the twentieth century. The literary process of that time reflected a new phase of socio-historical development, which is associated with a reassessment of all values, tragic "losses of meaning" and "losses of God", associated, among other things, with the emergence of totalitarian states, fascist and Stalinist concentration camps, in which millions of people died. Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov spent about 20 years in camps and prisons and experienced the tragic "loss of meaning" from his own "negative" experience. In his works, he created a unique model for understanding reality, which reflected the crisis of cultural and social consciousness and his own tragic worldview.


- - reproduce the content of a literary work;

- analyze and interpret a work of art, analyze an episode of the studied work, explain its connection with the problems of the work.


  • introduce the tragic fate of Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov;
  • to identify the features of the "new prose" of "Kolyma Tales"; to identify artistic ways and techniques of Shalamov's display of his "negative experience" of being in Stalin's camps;
  • develop the skills of literary analysis;
  • to form a civic position of students.

teacher's word

October 30 All-Russian Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repressions. A reminder to us of the tragic pages of our history.

The best people of the country - scientists and writers, engineers and diplomats, artists and soldiers - were behind barbed wire. Those who suffered for their beliefs were calledpolitical prisoners.

The system of prisons, detention centers, and camps entangled the whole country. Gulag became a symbol of arbitrariness and violence.

The words of People's Commissar Yezhov sound terrible that the country's population is divided into three categories: prisoners, those under investigation and suspects.

In total, from 1930 to 1953, 18 million people visited the barracks of the camps and colonies. Every fifth of them is a political prisoner. 786 thousand people were shot.

Tens of millions of our fellow citizens became victims of mass violence, and it affected almost everyone to one degree or another. Many writers suffered from state terror in our country:

  • Boris Pilnyak was arrested on October 28, 1937 at his dacha in Peredelkino and shot on April 21, 1938.
  • Isaac Babel was arrested on May 16, 1939 at his dacha in Peredelkino and was shot on January 27, 1940.
  • Osip Mandelstam served two terms in exile on the absurd charge of counter-revolutionary activities. The official certificate received by the poet's widow states that he died on December 27, 1938 in the Far Eastern camp.
  • Boris Pasternak was forced to refuse the Nobel Prize.
  • Marina Tsvetaeva's husband Sergei Efron and daughter Ariadna were arrested.
  • In 1935, the only son of Anna Akhmatova, Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov, was arrested.

The name of V.T. Shalamov occupies a special place in this list. First arrested in 1929 on charges of distributing an allegedly false political testament of V.I. Lenin (it was the famous letter to the XII Party Congress), the young writer spent about three years in the camps of the Western Urals. In 1937 he was arrested again and sent to Kolyma. Almost 20 years of prison, camps, exile, loneliness and oblivion fell on his fate in the last years of his life, spent in a nursing home and a psychiatric hospital.

The tragedy of Varlam Shalamov was by no means unique. This is the reality of a country with a totalitarian regime: millions of innocent people passed through the camps in our country. It is known that the labor of prisoners in the 30s. intensively used for the development of the Far Eastern and northern outskirts of the USSR. The sparsely populated and harsh nature of these places created ideal conditions for isolating large masses of people. In the encyclopedia "History of Russia and its closest neighbors", published in 2000, it is recorded: "The Kolyma camps were the most terrible. In the camps, people died primarily from starvation and related diseases. Back in 1928, a gold deposit was found in Kolyma, and later other minerals. The prisoners had to develop the icy desert literally from scratch, paying for the construction of cities and towns in the permafrost with thousands and thousands of lives.”

Shalamov, foreseeing that his prose would raise many questions, that it would be difficult to understand, wrote a number of theoretical works (“On Prose”, 1965; “New Prose”, 1971), in which he explained what its originality, his thoughts about how to write about the camp.

student performance

Shalamov designated his "Kolyma Tales" as "new prose", meaning both their ideological and conceptual and purely aesthetic novelty.

Shalamov believed that the theme itself, unusual and complex, dictates certain artistic principles to the writer. First of all, the "new prose" should reveal a vital topic. A running theme of Kolyma Tales is the camp, like a school of evil, because in it a person is passed through a meat grinder and freed from everything too human. The camp is the abolition of any earthly human order, it is the “underworld” that corrupts a person. Shalamov understands that the moral and physical powers of a person are not unlimited. He is trying to understand the psychology of "goal" (camp jargon), people who have reached the limit of physical and mental capabilities, and who cannot be responsible for their actions. People who live only by elementary animal instincts, with a confused mind, with an atrophied will. It is noteworthy that "GULAG is considered in Shalamov's stories as an exact socio-psychological model of a totalitarian, and to some extent any society" [Gromov 1989: 12].

The new content had to take on a new form. Shalamov believed that he waged a "successful and conscious struggle against what is called the genre of the story" [Shalamov 1989: 58]. For the "new prose" it is not necessary to develop the plot and the development of character, the individualization of the characters' speech, since the only type of individualization is the originality of the author's face. This is confirmed by the author himself in a letter to I.P. Sirotinskaya, the publisher of his books: “There is no plot in my stories, there are no so-called characters. Each writer reflects time through the knowledge of his own soul” [Shalamov 1989: 62]. Shalamov describes in detail the structure of this prose. Subject: the fate of martyrs who were not, did not know how and did not become heroes. Heroes : people without a biography, without a past and without a future. Action: storyline completion. Style : short, phrase; purity of tone, cutting off everything superfluous, halftones (like Gauguin). The narration is epicly calm, there is no escalation of sensuality, the author's commentary is concise and impartial.

One of the main principles is that "new prose" "can be created only by people who know their material perfectly. There are things in human life, touching which the artist should be especially careful, because any carelessness of fiction, artificiality can easily turn into blasphemy, a kind of indifferent espionage. Shalamov denies the principle of "tourism", that is, the principle of "above life" or "outside". In contrast to fiction, the writer puts forward the principle of documentary. With the meticulousness of an ethnographer, V. Shalamov describes the way of camp life; in his stories, the share of details and details of household arrangement is very large. But with all the specificity and "physiological" accuracy of the descriptions, the reader is faced with highly artistic prose. This is an art in which facts and fiction are inextricably fused, "the unique specifics of life and generalization"

One of the fundamental principles of the "new prose" is conciseness. A huge semantic, and most importantly, a huge load of feelings do not allow the development of a tongue twister, a trifle. “It is important to resurrect the feeling” [Shalamov 1996: 430]. In fact, V. Shalamov denies "literature". Brevity, simplicity, clarity of presentation in the "new prose" - in his opinion, this is also the overcoming of "everything ... that can be called" literature "[Shalamov 1996: 430]. There are no lengthy descriptions, digital material, conclusions in Kolyma Tales, they are far from being publicistic.

It is necessary to note one more striking feature of Shalamov's "new prose". A special role in it belongs to the details that create subtext. Their novelty, fidelity to fact and feeling, accuracy make one believe in the story not as information, but as an open heart wound. But their role is not only in this. According to Shalamov's wording, this is "a detail-symbol, a detail-sign, translating the whole story into a different plan, giving a "subtext" that serves the will of the author, an important element of artistic decision, artistic method" [Shalamov 1996: 430]. As E. Mikhailik notes , "Kolyma stories" always mean more than "what is reported." Diversity, polysemy is a form of their artistic existence.

The Kolyma Tales is characterized by compositional integrity. The plot of one story develops into another, cycles of stories are also connected. Such a composition helps to comprehend the reasons that led to the tragedy, and the logic of the transformation of the classical "neighbor" into a miserable creature with a mutilated psyche.

As I. Sukhikh rightly notes, “Shalamov’s personal, internal theme is not a prison, not a camp in general, but Kolyma with its experience of grandiose, unprecedented, unprecedented extermination of man and suppression of the human. "Kolyma Tales" is an image of new psychological patterns in human behavior, people in new conditions. Do they remain human?

The theme of resurrection, the acquisition of a new spiritual shell is one of the key ones in Shalamov (see the story "Sentence", where the hero suddenly recalls the title word and this turns out to be a symbol of his rebirth to life). The soul arises like new skin on frostbitten hands (see the story "The Glove").

Let us briefly list the main artistic principles of Shalamov's prose, keeping its wording as far as possible:

  • at the heart of the "new prose" is the camp theme - the main, main issue of our days";
  • the main task of the “new prose” is to show new psychological patterns, new in the behavior of a person who has been reduced to the level of an animal, in other words, the writer must show how camp life destroys the usual moral and cultural mechanisms when a person approaches a state close to the state “for -humanity";
  • the heroes of the “new prose” are martyrs who were not, did not know how and did not become heroes”, “people without a biography, without a past and without a future are taken here, taken at the moment of their present – ​​animal or human?”;
  • the principle of documentation comes to the fore. “Everything that goes beyond the document is no longer realism, but is a lie,” but at the same time it must be a highly artistic work;
  • "new prose" requires conciseness, it must be simple and clear;
  • an important element of the artistic solution are details - symbols that create subtext, often they carry an increased semantic and ideological load;
  • "new prose" is focused on the compositional integrity of the stories that make up the content of the collection: "only a few stories can be replaced or rearranged in the collection."

Viewing a presentation“Details-symbols in “Kolyma stories” by V.T. Shalamov.

Research work in groups

Group 1 - the story "The pier of hell"

Group 2 - the story "The Snake Charmer"

Group 3 - the story "Handwriting"

4 group - the story "Day off"

Group 5 - the story "Dry rations"

Group 6 - the story "The Resurrection of the Larch"


  1. Prepare a summary of the work
  2. Find reflection in the story of the following principles of the "new prose":
  • “the heroes of the “new prose” are martyrs who were not, did not know how and did not become heroes”, “people without a biography are taken here”
  • "camp life destroys the usual moral and cultural mechanisms"
  • “Everything that goes beyond the document is no longer realism, but is a lie”
  • Give examples illustrating the conciseness of the "new prose"
  1. Find in the text details-symbols that reveal the main idea of ​​the work?


Everyday, historical and psychological authenticity typical of Shalamov's prose, as well as vivid artistic details-symbols, allow creating a peculiar artistic image of the world - the Kolyma "anti-world".

Questions on the topic of the lesson:

  1. Where and when was Shalamov born? What can be said about his family?
  2. Where did V. Shalamov study?
  3. When was V. Shalamov arrested and for what?
  4. What was the verdict?
  5. When and where did Shalamov serve his sentence?
  6. When was Shalamov arrested again? What is the reason?
  7. Why was his term extended in 1943?
  8. When is Shalamov released from the camp? When will he return to Moscow?
  9. In what year did he start working on Kolyma Tales?
  10. Name the main principles of Shalamov's "new prose".
  11. What questions does the author ask in his stories?
  12. Which of Shalamov's stories made the greatest impression on you, and why?

Grading, commenting

Final word of the teacher

In the Kolyma Tales, a universal model of the world is realized, which first manifested itself in myth: a person is insignificant in the face of higher, more often evil, forces, but in this spiritless, unfree world, “stripped down by “mortal winds,” the world of eternally living culture is opposed to evil.


What do you already know about this topic? What did you learn new? What do you remember most about the lesson?


Write an essay: “Two views on the camp theme: A.I. Solzhenitsyn and V.T. Shalamov" Literature

  1. Esipov V.V. Varlam Shalamov and his contemporaries. - Vologda: Book heritage, 2007. - 270 p.ISBN 978-5-86402-213-9
  2. Sirotinskaya I.P.My friend Varlam Shalamov . - M., 2006.
  3. On the centenary of the birth of Varlam Shalamov Contents of the conference (Moscow, 2007)
  4. Shklovsky E. A. Varlam Shalamov. - M.: Knowledge, 1991. - 64 p.ISBN 5-07-002084-6
  5. Esipov V.V. Shalamov. - M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2012. - 346 p.: ill.- (Life of remarkable people: series of biogr.; Issue 1374).ISBN 978-5-235-03528-7
  6. Dmitry Nich. Varlam Shalamov in the testimonies of contemporaries. Collection . - Personal edition. Third edition, enlarged. PDF, 2012. - P. 568.
  7. Zhuravina L. V. At the time at the bottom: Aesthetics and poetics of Varlam Shalamov's prose: Monograph. - 3rd ed., stereotype. M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2013. - 232 p.,
  8. Russian writers, XX century. Bibliographic dictionary: in 2 hours / Ed. N.N. Skatova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1998.


Instruction for students

How to write an essay.

Dear students!

The genre of the essay suggests freedom of creativity. It can be written in any style, This is your reflection on what you heard, read, viewed.

An essay (from the French essai “an attempt, a test, an essay”) is a prose essay of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming to be an exhaustive answer. This is a new, subjectively colored word about something that has a philosophical, historical-biographical, journalistic, literary-critical, popular science or fiction character.

Essay style is different:

  • imagery
  • aphorism
  • paradoxical

To convey personal perception, mastering the world, the author of the essay

  • attracts numerous examples
  • draws parallels
  • picks up analogies
  • uses all sorts of associations.

The essay is characterized by the use of numerous means of artistic expression:

  • metaphors
  • allegorical and parable images
  • symbols
  • comparisons

The essay will look richer and more interesting if it contains:

  • unpredictable conclusions
  • unexpected twists
  • interesting clutch

I wish you success!

Essay grading

The essay evaluation criteria can be transformed depending on their specific form, while the general requirements for the quality of an essay can be evaluated according to the following criteria:


Student Requirements

Knowledge and understanding of theoretical material.

Defines the concepts under consideration clearly and completely, giving appropriate examples;
- the concepts used strictly correspond to the topic;
- independence of work performance.

Analysis and evaluation of information

Competently applies the categories of analysis;
- skillfully uses the techniques of comparison and generalization to analyze the relationship between concepts and phenomena;
- is able to explain alternative views on the problem under consideration and come to a balanced conclusion;
- the range of information space used (the student uses a large number of different sources of information);
- reasonably interprets textual information with the help of graphs and diagrams;
- gives a personal assessment of the problem;

Building judgments

Clarity and clarity of presentation;
- evidence structuring logic
- the proposed theses are accompanied by competent argumentation;
- different points of view and their personal assessment are given.
- the general form of presentation of the obtained results and their interpretation corresponds to the genre of a problematic scientific article.

Registration of work

The work meets the basic requirements for the design and use of citations;
- observance of lexical, phraseological, grammatical and stylistic norms of the Russian literary language;
- design of the text in full compliance with the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation;
- compliance with formal requirements.

STRUCTURE OF "KOLYMA STORIES" The writer divided his stories into six cycles: "Kolyma Tales", "Left Bank", "Shovel Artist", "Essays on the Underworld", "Resurrection of the Larch" and "Glove, or KR-2".

FEATURE OF "KOLYMA STORIES" The stories reflect the spiritual experience of the writer, the individual author's artistic thinking, which has features of both existential and mythological consciousness.

central problem. main motives. The central problem is the problem of the destruction of the personality in the camp and the possibility of a person's spiritual rebirth. The main motives: the motive of the absurd world, the motive of loneliness, the motive of doom, the motive of resurrection.

One of the most important means of creating an artistic model of the world in "Kolyma Tales" by V. T. Shalamov are natural-cosmic mythologems (earth, water, fire, air), thanks to which elements of ancient archaic thinking and individual author's myth-making are combined in the work.

L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, S. D. Dovlatov, V. T. Shalamov have something in common in the topic of state captivity 1. Particular attention is paid to the description of the work and life of prisoners, the influence of difficult conditions life on the individual. 2. One subject of the image (prison, camp, penal servitude). 3. Specific typology of characters (prisoners, bosses, guards, etc.) 4. Description of almost the same real space (barracks, barbed wire, guard towers, lanterns, etc.).

Shalamov depicted in his works the most severe camps - the Kolyma camps, in which it was almost impossible for prisoners to survive.

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW With Solzhenitsyn, the camp world did not so much destroy as test a person, moreover, trials in it could also become the reason for his spiritual development. For Shalamov, the camp appears as a “school of evil”, in which everything is aimed at destroying the personality: every day in it carries a real threat to life. Unlike Solzhenitsyn, Shalamov paid special attention to the most tragic moments in the life of people in the camp, creating a world of "otherness".

ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) In "Kolyma Tales", unlike Dovlatov's "Zone", life in the camp was assessed from the point of view of a prisoner, not a guard. But Shalamov and Dovlatov agreed that the difficult living conditions in the camp contribute not only to the physical, but also to the moral degradation of a person.

THE INDIVIDUALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) For Solzhenitsyn and Dovlatov, the main source of "evil" is the Soviet power. For Shalamov, the source of “evil” is not only the Soviet government, but also the system of violence against a person in general and the government that legitimized this violence. According to Shalamov, violence was characteristic of man at all times to a greater or lesser extent, therefore "the executions of the thirty-seventh year can be repeated again."

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) The world is historical, history is eternal, therefore: it is no coincidence that Shalamov compares life in the camp with Egyptian slavery (“Engineer Kiselev”), with the reign of Ivan the Terrible (“Lyosha Chekanov, or Odnodeltsy in Kolyma”). One of the important theses of the writer: the camp is “world-like”, the camp is a “model of the world”.

ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) Shalamov refuses detailed characteristics of characters, descriptions of their portraits, verbose monologues, significant descriptions of nature, etc. However, in each Shalamov's text there are always several artistic details that are "hidden" in the text or, highlighted in close-up, carrying an increased semantic load, giving the narrative a deep philosophical overtones and psychologism (“On the Predstavka”, “Condensed Milk”, “The First Chekist”, etc.).

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) Both Solzhenitsyn and Dovlatov show the absurdity of the camp world. A significant difference is observed in the attitude towards the absurdity of the main characters of these works: in Shalamov and Dovlatov, the absurdity of the camp world is felt by an educated, thinking person who is able to realize the hostility of the camp system; in Solzhenitsyn, in One Day in Ivan Denisovich, the main character is a peasant who camp world, studied its laws and even justifies some of them. At the same time, it should be noted that Solzhenitsyn deliberately distances himself from his character. He, like the reader, is amazed that a person can adapt to the world of the Gulag. Dovlatovsky Boris Alikhanov appears as an “outsider” person who cannot accept the world around him, and evaluates all the events that happen to him in the camp from the outside, as if they were happening to someone else.

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV’S WORLDVIEW (continued) The “Kolyma Tales” mainly presents two types of people of the absurd: “rebellious” heroes (“Major Pugachev’s Last Fight”, “Silence”, “Tombstone”, etc.) and characters who do not have physical and moral strength to resist the absurdity ("At night", "Vaska Denisov, the thief of pigs", etc.). The main characters of "Kolyma Tales" - representatives of the intelligentsia - are trying to overcome the absurdity and chaos of what is happening and oppose them to a "different" space, where the categories of "memory" and "creativity" turn out to be fundamental.

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) Shalamov constantly models life situations in which the inner world of the characters is fully revealed: a state of loneliness, doom, awareness of imminent death. In existential literature, such situations are called "borderlines". The situation of loneliness and doom modeled by Shalamov characterizes the position of a person in the world and is ontological in nature: a person is left alone with the world, cannot find support either in God or in the “other” (“Bread”, “Seraphim”, etc.) , although paradoxically, loneliness can become a condition for self-knowledge and creativity (“Path”, “In the snow”, etc.).

ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) Features of the behavior of doomed people in the camp: - shock from the discrepancy between reality, as it should be, and the reality into which a person has fallen ("Single measurement"), - concentration of attention on petty everyday worries to distract from the worst (“Rain”), inability to commit suicide (“Two meetings”), fatalism (“Tombstone”, “Green Prosecutor”).

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) The motif of doom is emphasized by allusions to the plot of a journey to the afterlife, the analog of which is the camp. An important role in revealing the motives of doom and loneliness is played by the images of the Kolyma nature. Nature in "Kolyma Tales" can be hostile, "alien" to man ("Carpenters") or "understanding", emphasizing his spiritual communication with the world ("Kant").

ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) The sign of world culture - the Word - in the "Kolyma stories" is a symbol of rebirth ("Sentence", "Athenian Nights", etc.). In Shalamov's parables ("Path", "In the Snow"), the artist's creative path is described in an allegorical form. The main idea in them is that a creative gift is a great responsibility, because every artist must pave his own “path” in creativity.

ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) The image of a taiga tree has a positive connotation, acquiring the features of the World Tree. In mythology, the image of the World Tree is simultaneously associated with life and death, while the concept of death has a positive connotation, since it includes the idea of ​​rebirth. In Shalamov, the archetypal meanings of the World Tree are reflected in the images of Larch and Dwarf. In Shalamov's story "Graphite", Larch becomes a symbol of sacrifice - "The Mother of God of Chukotka", "Virgin Mary of Kolyma", whose "wounded" body "exudes" juice.

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) Taiga trees are associated with the motif of resurrection, rebirth, and the preservation of humanity in man. In this regard, they are also the embodiment of the mythology of Mother Earth as a symbol of fertility and rebirth. In the story "The Resurrection of the Larch", where a broken, "dead" tree branch, having made a long journey from Kolyma to Moscow, suddenly comes to life, not due to the fact that it was warm and was put into the water, especially since the water in Moscow is "evil , chlorinated”, “dead”, but because in the branch “other, secret forces have been awakened”. She resurrects in obedience to human “strength and faith”: placed in a jar of water on the anniversary of the death of the mistress’s husband, she resurrects the “memory of the dead”.

THE ORIGINALITY OF SHALAMOV'S WORLDVIEW (continued) In this story, Shalamov uses a mythological story about a dying and resurrecting god-man, which he has as a poet. The writer is convinced that there is only "one kind of immortality - art", therefore, in his story, the deceased poet appears, the memory of which is kept by his wife. There is a resemblance here with well-known mythological plots in which the main idea of ​​the Tree of Life is associated with vitality and immortality.

I give way to flowers ... I give way to flowers, That follow me on my heels, Overtake in any region, In the underworld or in paradise. Let the flowers protect me From the vicissitudes of every day. Like a thin vegetative cover, Consisting of mosses and flowers, Like a thin vegetative cover, I am ready to answer for the earth. And a painted shield of flowers is more reliable for me than any protection In the bright kingdom of plants, where I am - Also someone's detachment and family. In the fields near the flowers of the field Remarks left my verse.

The first reading of "Kolyma Tales" by V. Shalamov

To talk about the prose of Varlam Shalamov means to talk about the artistic and philosophical meaning of non-existence. About death as a compositional basis of the work. About the aesthetics of decay, disintegration, separation... It would seem that there is nothing new: even before Shalamov, death, its threat, expectation and approach were often the main driving force of the plot, and the very fact of death served as a denouement... But in Kolyma stories, otherwise. No threats, no waiting! Here, death, non-existence is the artistic world in which the plot usually unfolds. The fact of death preceded the beginning of the story. The line between life and death was crossed forever by the characters even before the moment when we opened the book and, having opened it, started the clock counting artistic time. The most artistic time here is the time of non-existence, and this feature is perhaps the main one in Shalamov's writing style...

But here we immediately doubt: do we have the right to understand precisely the artistic manner of the writer, whose works are now read primarily as a historical document? Isn't there a blasphemous indifference to the real destinies of real people in this? And about the reality of destinies and situations, about the documentary background of the Kolyma Tales, Shalamov spoke more than once. Yes, and I would not say - the documentary basis is already obvious.

So, shouldn’t we first of all recall the sufferings of the prisoners of Stalin’s camps, the crimes of the executioners, some of them are still alive, and the victims are crying out for revenge ... We are going to talk about Shalamov’s texts - with analysis, about the creative manner, about artistic discoveries. And, let's say right away, not only about discoveries, but also about some aesthetic and moral problems of literature ... It is on this, Shalamov's, camp, still bleeding material - do we have the right? Is it possible to analyze a mass grave?

But after all, Shalamov himself was not inclined to regard his stories as a document indifferent to artistic form. A brilliant artist, he apparently was not satisfied with the way his contemporaries understood him, and wrote a number of texts explaining precisely the artistic principles of the Kolyma Tales. "New prose" he called them.

“In order for prose or poetry to exist, it doesn’t matter, art requires constant novelty”

He wrote, and to comprehend the essence of this novelty is precisely the task of literary criticism.

Let's say more. If "Kolyma Tales" is a great document of the era, then we will never understand what it tells about if we do not comprehend what its artistic novelty is.

“The artist’s business is precisely the form, because otherwise the reader, and the artist himself, can turn to an economist, a historian, a philosopher, and not to another artist, in order to surpass, defeat, surpass the master, the teacher,” Shalamov wrote. .

In a word, we need to understand not only and not so much Shalamov the convict, but above all Shalamov the artist. It is necessary to understand the soul of the artist. After all, it was he who said: “I am the chronicler of my own soul. No more". And without understanding the artist's soul, how can a person understand the essence and meaning of history, the essence and meaning of what happens to him? Where else do these meanings and meanings lurk, if not in great works of literature!

But it is difficult to analyze Shalamov's prose because it is really new and fundamentally different from everything that has been in world literature so far. Therefore, some of the former methods of literary analysis are not suitable here. For example, retelling - a common method of literary criticism in the analysis of prose - is far from always sufficient here. We have a lot to quote, as happens when it comes to poetry ...

So, first let's talk about death as the basis of artistic composition.

The story "Sentence" is one of the most mysterious works of Varlam Shalamov. By the will of the author himself, he was placed last in the corpus of the book "Left Bank", which, in turn, as a whole completes the trilogy of "Kolyma Tales". This story, in fact, is the finale, and, as it happens in a symphony or a novel, where only the finale finally harmonizes the entire previous text, so here only the last story gives the final harmonic meaning to the entire thousand-page narrative...

For the reader already familiar with the world of the Kolyma Tales, the first lines of the Maxim do not promise anything unusual. As in many other cases, the author already at the very beginning puts the reader on the edge of the bottomless depths of the other world, and from these depths the characters, the plot, and the very laws of plot development appear to us. The story begins energetically and paradoxically:

“People arose from non-existence - one after another. A stranger lay down next to me on the bunks, leaned against my bony shoulder at night ... "

The main thing is that from non-existence. Non-existence, death are synonyms. Did people emerge from death? But we have become accustomed to these Shalamov paradoxes.

Having taken the Kolyma Tales in our hands, we quickly cease to be surprised at the fuzziness or even the complete absence of boundaries between life and non-existence. We get used to the fact that characters arise from death and go back to where they came from. There are no living people here. Here are the prisoners. The line between life and death disappeared for them at the moment of arrest ... No, and the very word arrest- inaccurate, inappropriate here. Arrest is from a living legal lexicon, but what is happening has nothing to do with law, with the harmony and logic of law. The logic is broken. The man was not arrested have taken. They took it quite arbitrarily: almost by accident - they could have taken not him - a neighbor ... There are no sound logical justifications for what happened. Wild randomness destroys the logical harmony of being. They took it, removed it from life, from the list of tenants, from the family, separated the family, and left the emptiness left after the withdrawal left an ugly gaping... That's it, there is no person. Was or was not - no. Alive - disappeared, perished ... And the plot of the story already includes a dead man who has come from nowhere. He forgot everything. After they dragged him through the unconsciousness and delirium of all these senseless actions performed on him in the first weeks and called interrogation, investigation, sentence - after all this he finally woke up in another, unknown to him, surreal world - and realized that forever . He might have thought that everything was over and that there was no return from here, if he remembered exactly what ended and where there was no return. But no, he doesn't remember. He does not remember his wife's name, nor God's word, nor himself. What was is gone forever. His further circling around the barracks, transfers, "hospital hospitals", camp "business trips" - all this is already otherworldly ...

Really, in the understanding that people enter into the plot of the story (and, in particular, into the plot of the "Sentence") from death, there is nothing that would contradict the general meaning of Shalamov's texts. People arise from non-existence, and it seems that they show some signs of life, but nevertheless it turns out that their condition will be clearer to the reader if we talk about them as about the dead:

“An unfamiliar person lay next to me on the bunk, leaned against my bony shoulder at night, giving his warmth - drops of warmth, and receiving mine in return. There were nights when no warmth reached me through scraps of a pea jacket, padded jackets, and in the morning I looked at my neighbor as if he were a dead man, and was a little surprised that the dead man was alive, gets up at a cry, dresses and obediently obeys the command.

So, leaving neither warmth nor a human image in memory, they disappear from the narrator's field of vision, from the plot of the story:

"A man who emerged from nothingness disappeared during the day - there were many sites in the coal exploration - and disappeared forever."

The narrator himself is also a dead man. At least the story begins with the fact that we get to know the dead man. How else to understand the state in which the body does not contain heat, and the soul not only does not distinguish where the truth is, where the lie is, but this distinction itself is not of interest to a person:

“I don't know the people who slept next to me. I never asked them questions, and not because I followed the Arabic proverb: "Do not ask, and you will not be lied to." It didn’t matter to me whether they would lie to me or not, I was outside the truth, outside the lie.

At first glance, both the plot and the theme of the story are simple and rather traditional. (The story has long been noticed by critics: see, for example: M. Geller. Concentration World and Modern Literature. OPI, London. 1974, pp. 281-299.) It seems that this is a story about how a person changes, how a person comes to life when several the conditions of his camp life are improving. It seems to be about resurrection: from moral non-existence, from the disintegration of the personality to high moral self-consciousness, to the ability to think - step by step, event after event, act after act, thought after thought - from death to life ... But what are the extreme points of this movement? What is death in the author's understanding and what is life?

The hero-narrator no longer speaks about his existence in the language of ethics or psychology - such a language cannot explain anything here - but using the vocabulary of the simplest descriptions of physiological processes:

“I had little warmth. Not much meat left on my bones. This meat was only enough for anger - the last of human feelings ...

And, keeping this anger, I expected to die. But death, so close just recently, began to gradually move away. Death was not replaced by life, but by half-consciousness, an existence that has no formulas and which cannot be called life.

Everything is displaced in the artistic world of Kolyma Tales. The usual meanings of words are not suitable here: they do not compose the logical concepts so well known to us. formulas life. It's easy for readers of Shakespeare, they know what it means be So what - not to be, know between what and what the hero chooses, and empathize with him, and choose together with him. But Shalamov - what is life? what is malice? what is death? What happens when today a person is tortured less than yesterday - well, at least they stop beating them every day, and that's why - that's the only reason! - death is postponed and he passes into another existence, to which no formulas?

Resurrection? But is it so resurrect? The acquisition by the hero of the ability to perceive the surrounding life, as it were, repeats the development of the organic world: from the perception of a flatworm to simple human emotions ... There is a fear that the delay of death will suddenly turn out to be short; envy of the dead, who already died in 1938, and to living neighbors - chewing, smoking. Pity for animals, but not yet pity for people...

And finally, after the feelings, the mind awakens. An ability is awakened that distinguishes a person from the natural world around him: the ability to call words from memory stores and, with the help of words, to give names to beings, objects, events, phenomena is the first step towards finally finding logical formulas life:

“I was frightened, stunned, when in my brain, right here - I remember it clearly - under the right parietal bone - a word was born that was completely unsuitable for the taiga, a word that I myself did not understand, not only my comrades. I shouted this word, standing on the bunk, turning to the sky, to infinity:

- A maxim! Maxim!

And laughed...

- A maxim! I yelled straight into the northern sky, into the double dawn, yelled, not yet understanding the meaning of this word born in me. And if this word is returned, found again - so much the better, so much the better! Great joy filled my whole being...

For a week I did not understand what the word "maxim" means. I whispered this word, shouted it out, frightened and made the neighbors laugh with this word. I demanded from the world, from the sky, clues, explanations, translations... And a week later I understood - and shuddered with fear and joy. Fear - because I was afraid of returning to that world where there was no return for me. Joy - because I saw that life was returning to me against my own will.

Many days passed until I learned to call more and more new words from the depths of the brain, one after another ... "

Resurrected? Returned from oblivion? Got freedom? But is it possible to go back, go back all this way - with arrest, interrogations, beatings, experienced death more than once - and resurrect? Leave the underworld? Free yourself?

And what is liberation? Regaining the ability to use words to make logical formulas? Using logical formulas to describe the world? The very return to this world, subject to the laws of logic?

Against the gray background of the Kolyma landscape, what fiery word will be saved for future generations? Will it be an all-powerful word denoting the order of this world - LOGIC!

But no, "maxim" is not a concept from the dictionary of the Kolyma reality. The life here does not know logic. It is impossible to explain what is happening with logical formulas. An absurd case is the name of the local fate.

What is the use of the logic of life and death, if, sliding down the list, it is on your last name that the finger of a stranger, unfamiliar (or, conversely, familiar and hating you) contractor accidentally stops - and that's it, you're not there, got on a disastrous business trip and a few days later your body, twisted by frost, will hastily throw stones at the camp cemetery; or by chance it turns out that the local Kolyma "authorities" themselves invented and themselves uncovered a certain "conspiracy of lawyers" (or agronomists, or historians), and suddenly it is remembered that you have a legal (agricultural or historical) education - and now your name is already in the execution list; or without any lists, the gaze of a criminal who lost at cards accidentally fell on you - and your life becomes the stake of someone else's game - and that's it, you're gone.

What a resurrection, what a liberation: if this absurdity is not only behind you, but also ahead - always, forever! However, one must immediately understand: it is not a fatal accident that interests the writer. And not even an exploration of a fantasy world, consisting entirely of intertwining wild accidents, which could captivate an artist with the temperament of Edgar Allan Poe or Ambroise Bierce. No, Shalamov is a writer of the Russian psychological school, brought up on the great prose of the 19th century, and in the wild clash of chances he is interested in precisely certain patterns. But these patterns are outside the logical, cause-and-effect series. These are not formal-logical, but artistic patterns.

Death and eternity cannot be described by logical formulas. They just don't fit that description. And if the reader perceives the final Shalamov's text as a major psychological study and, in accordance with the logic familiar to modern Soviet people, expects that the hero is about to fully return to normal life, and just look, he will find suitable formulas, and he will rise to denounce the “crimes of Stalinism”, if the reader perceives the story in this way (and with it all the “Kolyma stories” as a whole), then he will be disappointed, since none of this happens (and cannot happen with Shalamov!). And the whole thing ends very mysteriously ... with music.

The tragedy of the Kolyma Tales ends not at all with a accusatory maxim, not with a call for revenge, not with a formulation of the historical meaning of the horror experienced, but with hoarse music, an occasional gramophone on a huge larch stump, a gramophone that

“... played, overcoming the hiss of the needle, played some kind of symphonic music.

And everyone stood around - murderers and horse thieves, thieves and fraer, foremen and hard workers. The boss was standing next to me. And the expression on his face was as if he himself had written this music for us, for our deaf taiga business trip. The shellac plate whirled and hissed, the stump itself whirled, wound up for all its three hundred circles, like a tight spring, twisted for three hundred years ... "

And that's it! Here is the final for you. Law and logic are not synonymous at all. Here the very absence of logic is natural. And one of the main, most important patterns is manifested in the fact that there is no return from the otherworldly, irrational world. In principle... Shalamov has repeatedly stated that it is impossible to resurrect:

“... Who would have figured out then, a minute or a day, or a year, or a century, we needed to return to our former body - we did not expect to return back to our former soul. And they didn't come back, of course. Nobody returned."

No one returned to the world that could be explained with the help of logical formulas... But what then is the story "Sentence" about, which occupies such an important place in the general corpus of Shalamov's texts? What's with the music? How and why does her divine harmony arise in the ugly world of death and decay? What mystery is revealed to us by this story? What key is given to understand the entire multi-page volume of Kolyma Tales?

And further. How close are the concepts? logics life and harmony peace? Apparently, it is precisely these questions that we have to look for answers in order to understand Shalamov's texts, and with them, perhaps, many events and phenomena both in history and in our life.

“The world of barracks was squeezed by a narrow mountain gorge. Limited by sky and stone…” — this is how one of Shalamov’s stories begins, but we could start our notes about artistic space in Kolyma Tales this way. The low sky here is like a punishment cell ceiling - it also restricts freedom, it presses just the same ... Everyone should get out of here on their own. Or die.

Where are all those enclosed spaces and enclosed territories located that the reader finds in Shalamov's prose? Where does that hopeless world exist or existed, in which the deaf lack of freedom of each is due to the complete lack of freedom of all?

Of course, those bloody events took place in Kolyma that forced the writer Shalamov, who survived them and miraculously survived, to create the world of his stories. The events took place in the famous geographic area and deployed in a certain historical time... But the artist, contrary to the widespread prejudice - from which, however, he himself is not always free - does not recreate any real events, much less "real" space and time. If we want to understand Shalamov's stories as an artistic fact (and without such an understanding we cannot comprehend them at all - we cannot comprehend them either as a document, or as a psychological phenomenon or a philosophical acquisition of the world - in general, in no way), so if we want to understand at least something in Shalamov's texts, then first of all it is necessary to see what is the significance of these "as if physical" categories - time and space - in the poetics of the Kolyma Tales.

Let's be careful, nothing can be missed here ... Let's say, why at the very beginning of the story "On the show" when designating the "scene" the author needed an obvious allusion to everyone: "We played cards at Naumov's konogon"? What is behind this appeal to Pushkin? Is it just irony, shading the gloomy coloring of one of the last circles of the camp hell? A parodic attempt to "lower" the tragic pathos of The Queen of Spades by jealously opposing it... no, not even another tragedy, but something beyond the bounds of any tragedy, beyond the limits of human reason, and perhaps something beyond the limits of art in general?...

The opening phrase of Pushkin's story is a sign of the easy freedom of the characters, freedom in space and time:

“Once we were playing cards with Narumov, a horse guard. The long winter night passed unnoticed; sat down to supper at five o'clock in the morning ... ".

They sat down to supper at the fifth, or they could at the third or at the sixth. The winter night passed unnoticed, but the summer night could have passed just as unnoticed... And in general, Narumov, the Horse Guardsman, could not have been the owner - in draft sketches, the prose is not at all so strict:

“About 4 years ago we gathered in P<етер>B<урге>several young people connected by circumstances. We led a rather hectic life. We dined at Andrie's without appetite, drank without gaiety, went to S.<офье>A<стафьевне>irritate the poor old woman with feigned legibility. During the day they killed somehow, and in the evening they took turns gathering at each other's.

It is known that Shalamov had an absolute memory for literary texts. The intonational relationship of his prose to Pushkin's prose cannot be accidental. Here's a calculated take. If in Pushkin's text there is an open space, the free flow of time and the free movement of life, then in Shalamov's it is a closed space, time seems to stop and it is no longer the laws of life, but death determines the behavior of the characters. Death is not an event, but like a name the world we find ourselves in when we open the book...

“We played cards at Naumov's konogon. The guards on duty never looked into the horse barracks, rightly considering their main service in monitoring the convicts under the fifty-eighth article. Horses, as a rule, were not trusted by the counter-revolutionaries. True, the practical supervisors grumbled in silence: they were losing the best, most caring workers, but the instruction on this matter was definite and strict. In a word, the konogons were the safest of all, and every night the thieves gathered there for their card fights.

In the right corner of the hut on the lower bunks were spread multi-colored wadded blankets. A burning "kolyma" was fastened to the corner post - a home-made light bulb on gasoline steam. Three or four open copper tubes were soldered into the lid of the can - that's all the device. In order to light this lamp, hot coal was placed on the lid, gasoline was heated, steam rose through the pipes, and gasoline gas burned, lit by a match.

There was a dirty down pillow on the blankets, and on both sides of it, with their legs tucked up in the Buryat style, “partners” were sitting - a classic pose of a prison card battle. There was a brand new deck of cards on the pillow. These were not ordinary cards: it was a prison home-made deck, which is made by the masters of these crafts at an unusual speed ...

Today's maps have just been cut out of a volume of Victor Hugo - the book was forgotten by someone yesterday in the office ...

I and Garkunov, a former textile engineer, sawed firewood for the Naumov barracks ... "

There is a clear designation of space in each of Shalamov's short stories, and always - always without exception! - this space is deafly closed. It can even be said that the grave isolation of space is a constant and persistent motif of the writer's work.

Here are the opening lines, introducing the reader to the text of only a few stories:

“All around the clock there was a white fog of such density that a man could not be seen two steps away. However, it was not necessary to go far alone. Few directions - a canteen, a hospital, a shift - were guessed, unknown as an acquired instinct, akin to that sense of direction that animals fully possess and which, under suitable conditions, wakes up in a person.

“The heat in the prison cell was such that not a single fly could be seen. Huge windows with iron bars were wide open, but this did not give relief - the hot asphalt of the yard sent hot air waves upwards, and it was even cooler in the cell than outside. All clothes were thrown off, and hundreds of naked bodies, full of heavy, damp heat, tossed and turned, dripping with sweat, on the floor - it was too hot on the bunk.

“A huge double door opened, and a distributor entered the transit hut. He stood in the broad band of morning light reflected by the blue snow. Two thousand pairs of eyes looked at him from everywhere: from below - from under the bunks, directly, from the side, from above - from the height of the four-story bunks, where those who still retained strength climbed up the ladder.

“The “Small Zone” is a transfer, the “Large Zone” is the camp of the Mining Administration - endless squat barracks, prison streets, a triple barbed wire fence, guard towers that look like birdhouses in winter. In the “Small Zone” there are even more towers, castles and hecks ... ".

It would seem that there is nothing special there: if a person writes about the camp and about the prison, then where can he get at least something open! Everything is so ... But before us is not a camp in itself. Before us is only a text about the camp. And here it depends not on the protection, but only on the author, how exactly the "artistic space" will be organized. What will be the philosophy of space, how will the author make the reader perceive its height and length, how often will he make him think about towers, locks and hecks, and so on and so forth.

The history of literature knows enough examples when, at the will of the author, a life that seems to be completely closed, closed (even in the same camp zone) easily communicates with life that flows within other limits. After all, there are some ways from the special camp, where Solzhenitsyn's Ivan Shukhov was imprisoned, to Shukhov's native Temgenevo. It's nothing that these paths - even for Shukhov himself - are traversable only mentally. One way or another, having gone through all these paths (say, remembering the letters received together with the hero), we will learn about the life of Ivan's family, and about affairs on the collective farm, and in general about the country outside the zone.

And Ivan Denisovich himself, although he tries not to think about the future life - in today's one he would survive - but nevertheless with her future one, albeit with rare letters, he is connected and cannot resist the temptation to think briefly about the tempting business, which it would be worthwhile to do after release - to paint carpets according to a stencil. With Solzhenitsyn, a person is not alone in the camp either, he lives in cohabitation with his contemporaries, in the same country, in the neighborhood of humanity, according to the laws of humanity - in a word, although in deep captivity, but in the world of people, a person lives.

Otherwise, Shalamov. The abyss separates a person from everything that is customarily called the word "modernity". If a letter comes here, it is only to be destroyed under the overseer's drunken laughter before it is read - they do not receive letters after death. Deaf! In the other world, everything takes on otherworldly meanings. And the letter does not unite, but - not received - further divides people. Yes, what to talk about letters, if even the sky (as we already recalled) does not broaden one's horizons, but limits his. Even doors or gates, although they will be open, will not open space, but will only emphasize its hopeless limitation. Here you seem to be forever fenced off from the rest of the world and hopelessly alone. There is no mainland, no family, no free taiga in the world. Even on the bunks you are not side by side with a person - with a dead man. Even the beast will not stay with you for a long time, and the dog, to which he managed to become attached, will be shot by the guard in passing ... Reach out even for a berry growing outside this closed space - and then you fall dead, the guard will not miss:

“... ahead were hummocks with wild rose berries, and blueberries, and lingonberries ... We saw these hummocks a long time ago ...

Rybakov pointed to the jar, which was not yet full, and to the sun descending towards the horizon, and slowly began to approach the enchanted berries.

A shot crackled dryly, and Rybakov fell face down between the bumps. Seroshapka, waving his rifle, shouted:

"Leave it where you are, don't come near!"

Seroshapka pulled the bolt and fired again. We knew what that second shot meant. Seroshapka also knew this. There should be two shots - the first is a warning.

Rybakov lay between the bumps unexpectedly small. The sky, the mountains, the river were huge, and God knows how many people can be laid in these mountains on the paths between the bumps.

Rybakov's jar rolled away, I managed to pick it up and hide it in my pocket. Maybe they will give me bread for these berries...”.

It is only then that the sky, and the mountains, and the river open. And only for the one who fell, buried his face between the taiga bumps. Freed! For another, a survivor, the sky is still no different from the other realities of camp life: barbed wire, barrack walls or cells, at best, hard beds of a camp hospital, but more often - bunks, bunks, bunks - such is the real cosmos of Shalamov's short stories.

And here, what is the cosmos, such is the luminary:

"A dim electric sun, filthy with flies and shackled with a round lattice, was attached high above the ceiling."

(However, the sun, as it appears in the text of Kolyma Tales, could be the topic of a separate, very voluminous study, and we will have the opportunity to touch on this topic later.)

Everything is deaf and closed, and no one is allowed to leave, and there is nowhere to run. Even those desperate who dare to escape - and run! - with incredible efforts, it is possible to only slightly stretch the boundaries of the grave world, but no one has ever managed to break or open them at all.

In Kolyma Tales there is a whole cycle of short stories about escapes from the camp, united by one title: “The Green Prosecutor”. And all these are stories about unsuccessful escapes. Successful - not that there are none: in principle, they cannot be. And those who fled - even those who fled far away, somewhere to Yakutsk, Irkutsk or even Mariupol - all the same, as if it were some kind of demonic obsession, like running in a dream, always remain within the grave world, and the run goes on and on , lasts and sooner or later there comes a moment when the borders, which were far stretched, are again instantly pulled together, drawn into a loop, and a person who believed himself to be free wakes up in the cramped walls of a camp punishment cell ...

No, this is not just a dead space fenced off with barbed wire or barrack walls or landmarks in the taiga, a space into which some doomed people have fallen, but outside of which more fortunate people live according to other laws. That is the monstrous truth, that everything that Seems existing outside this space, in fact, is involved, drawn into the same abyss.

It seems that everyone is doomed - everyone in general in the country, and maybe even in the world. Here is some kind of monstrous funnel, equally sucking in, sucking in the righteous and thieves, healers and lepers, Russians, Germans, Jews, men and women, victims and executioners - everyone, everyone without exception! German pastors, Dutch communists, Hungarian peasants... None of Shalamov's characters are even mentioned - not a single one! - about whom one could say that he is definitely outside these limits - and safe ...

Man no longer belongs to the epoch, to the present, but only to death. Age loses all meaning, and the author sometimes admits that he himself does not know how old the character is - and what's the difference! Any time perspective is lost, and this is another, the most important, constantly repeating motif of Shalamov's stories:

“The time when he was a doctor seemed very distant. And was there such a time? Too often that world beyond the mountains, beyond the seas, seemed to him some kind of dream, an invention. The real thing was a minute, an hour, a day from wake-up to lights-out - he did not think further, did not find the strength to think. As everybody".

Like everyone else ... There is no hope even for the passage of time - it will not save! In general, time here is special: it exists, but it cannot be defined in the usual words - past, present, future: tomorrow, they say, we will be better, we will not be there and not the same as yesterday ... No, here today is not at all not an intermediate point between "yesterday" and "tomorrow". “Today” is a very indefinite part of what is called the word Always. Or is it more correct to say - never...

The cruel writer Shalamov. Where does it take the reader? Does he know how to get out of here? However, he himself, apparently, knows: his own creative imagination has known, and, therefore, overcame the conditioned closure of space. After all, this is precisely what he claims in his notes “On Prose”:

“The Kolyma stories are an attempt to pose and solve some important moral questions of the time, questions that simply cannot be resolved on other material.

The question of the meeting of man and the world, the struggle of man with the state machine, the truth of this struggle, the struggle for oneself, within oneself and outside oneself. Is it possible to actively influence one's destiny, which is being ground by the teeth of the state machine, the teeth of evil. Illusory and heaviness of hope. Opportunity to rely on forces other than hope.”

Perhaps... an opportunity... Yes, indeed, does it exist where, say, the possibility of looting - pulling a corpse out of a shallow grave, barely stoned, pulling off his underpants and undershirt - is considered a great success: linen can be sold , exchange for bread, maybe even get some tobacco? ("At night ").

The one in the grave is dead. But aren't those who are above his grave in the night, or those in the zone, in the barracks, on the bunk beds, aren't they dead? Isn't a person without moral principles, without memory, without will a dead man?

“I gave a word a long time ago that if they hit me, then this will be the end of my life. I will hit the boss and they will shoot me. Alas, I was a naive boy. When I weakened, my will, my mind also weakened. I easily persuaded myself to endure and did not find the strength of my soul to retaliate, to commit suicide, to protest. I was the most ordinary goner and lived according to the laws of the psyche of goners.

What “moral questions” can be solved by describing this closed grave space, this forever stopped time: talking about beatings that change a person’s gait, his plasticity; about hunger, about dystrophy, about the cold that deprives the mind; about people who have forgotten not only the name of their wife, but who have completely lost their own past; and again about beatings, bullying, executions, which are spoken of as liberation - the sooner the better.

Why do we need to know all this? Do we not remember the words of Shalamov himself:

“Andreev was the representative of the dead. And his knowledge, the knowledge of a dead person, could not be useful to them, still alive.

Cruel artist Varlam Shalamov. Instead of immediately showing the reader direct answers, direct, happy exits from the abyss of evil, Shalamov places us deeper and deeper into this closed otherworldly world, into this death, and not only does not promise an early release, but, it seems, does not seek to give anything at all - at least in the text.

But we no longer live without a clue. We are seriously drawn into this hopeless space. Here you can't get away with talking about the documentary, and hence the temporary, passing problems of stories. Let there be no Stalin and Beria, and the order has changed in Kolyma ... but the stories, here they are, live on. And we live in them together with the characters. Who will say that the problems of "War and Peace" have now been removed - due to the remoteness of the events of 1812? Who will put aside Dante's tencins because, they say, their documentary background has long lost its relevance?

Mankind cannot exist otherwise than by solving the great mysteries of great artists. And we can’t understand our own life, which seems to be far from the Kolyma reality — we can’t understand without unraveling the riddle of Shalamov’s texts.

Let's not stop halfway.

It seems that we have only one chance left to escape from the abyss of Shalamov's world - the one and only, but true and well-acquired by literary criticism method: to go beyond literary fact and turn to the facts of history, sociology, politics. The same opportunity that Vissarion Belinsky suggested to Russian literary criticism a hundred and fifty years ago and which has since fed more than one generation of literary scholars and critics: the opportunity to call a literary work an “encyclopedia” of some kind of life and thus secure the right to interpret it one way or another, depending on how we understand "life" itself and that historical "phase" of its development, in which the critic places us together with the author.

This possibility is all the more tempting because Shalamov himself, in one of his self-commentaries, speaks of the state machine, in another, in connection with the Kolyma Tales, he commemorates the historical events of that time - wars, revolutions, the fires of Hiroshima ... Perhaps, if we will weave the Kolyma reality into the historical context, will it be easier for us to find the key to Shalamov's world? Like, there was a time like this: revolutions, wars, fires - they cut down the forest, the chips fly. After all, be that as it may, we analyze the text written after behind real events, not fiction of the author, not fantasy. Not even an artistic exaggeration. It is worth remembering once again: there is nothing in the book that would not find documentary evidence. Where did Varlam Shalamov find such a closed world? After all, other authors who wrote about Kolyma reliably inform us about the normal, natural, or, as psychologists say, “adequate” reactions of prisoners to historical events that took place simultaneously with the terrible events of Kolyma life. No one has ceased to be a man of his time. Kolyma was not cut off from the world and from history:

"- Germans! Fascists! Crossed the border...

Our retreat...

- Can't be! How many years they kept repeating: “We won’t give up our land even five!”

Elgen barracks do not sleep until morning...

No, we are not sawyers now, we are not drivers from the convoy base, we are not nannies from the children's plant. With extraordinary brightness, they suddenly remembered “who is who” ... We argue until we are hoarse. We're trying to get perspective. Not their own, but general. People, desecrated, tormented by four years of suffering, we suddenly recognize ourselves as citizens of our country. For her, for our Motherland, we are trembling now, her rejected children. Someone has already got hold of paper and writes with a pencil stub: “Please direct me to the most dangerous sector of the front. I have been a member of the Communist Party since the age of sixteen”...”

(E. Ginzburg. Steep route. N.-Y. 1985, book 2, p. 17)

Alas, let's say right away, Shalamov does not leave us even this last chance. Well, yes, he recalls historical events ... but how!

“It seems to me that a person of the second half of the twentieth century, a person who survived wars, revolutions, the fires of Hiroshima, the atomic bomb, betrayal, and the most important crowning all(emphasis mine.— L.T.), - the shame of Kolyma and the ovens of Auschwitz, man ... - and after all, every relative died either in the war or in the camp - a person who survived the scientific revolution simply cannot help but approach issues of art differently than before.

Of course, both the author of the Kolyma Tales and his characters have not ceased to be people of their time, of course, in Shalamov’s texts there is both a revolution, and a war, and a story about the “victorious” May 1945 ... But in all cases, all historical events - both great and small - turn out to be only an insignificant everyday episode in a series of other events, the most important- camp.

“Listen,” said Stupnitsky, “the Germans bombed Sevastopol, Kyiv, Odessa.

Andreev listened politely. The message sounded like news of a war in Paraguay or Bolivia. What's the deal with Andreev? Stupnitsky is full, he is a foreman - that's why he is interested in such things as war.

Grisha Grek, the thief, came up.

- What are automata?

- Don't know. Like machine guns, I guess.

“A knife is worse than any bullet,” Grisha said instructively.

- That's right, - said Boris Ivanovich, a prisoner surgeon, - a knife in the stomach is a sure infection, there is always a danger of peritonitis. A gunshot wound is better, cleaner...

“A nail is best,” said Grisha Grek.

- Stand up!

Lined up in rows, went from the mine to the camp ... ".

So we talked about the war. What is in it for a prisoner?.. And the point here is not some biographical insults of the author, who, due to a judicial error, was suspended from participation in the main event of our time, - no, the point is that the author is convinced that it was his tragic fate that made him a witness to the main events. Wars, revolutions, even the atomic bomb are only private atrocities of History - hitherto unseen in centuries and millennia, a grandiose spill of evil.

No matter how strong it is - to the point of prejudice! - the habit of the Russian public consciousness to operate with the categories of dialectics, here they are powerless. Kolyma stories do not want to be woven into the general fabric of "historical development". No political mistakes and abuses, no deviations from the historical path can explain the all-embracing victory of death over life. On the scale of this phenomenon, all sorts of Stalins, Berias and others are only figurants, nothing more. Bigger than Lenin's idea here ...

No, the reality of Shalamov's world is not the "reality of the historical process" - they say, yesterday it was like this, tomorrow it will be different ... Here nothing changes "with the passage of time", nothing disappears from here, nothing goes into non-existence, because the world of "Kolyma Tales" is itself nothingness. And that is why it is simply wider than any conceivable historical reality and cannot be created by the “historical process”. From this nothingness there is nowhere to return, nothing to resurrect. An idyllic ending, sort of like in "war and peace", is unthinkable here. There is no hope that there is another life somewhere. Everything is here, everything is drawn into the dark depths. And the “historical process” itself, with all its “phases,” slowly circles in the funnel of the camp, prison world.

In order to make any kind of digression into recent history, the author and his characters need not strive beyond the camp fence or prison bars. All history is nearby. And the fate of each camp inmate or cellmate is her crown, her main event.

“Prisoners hold themselves differently during arrest. Breaking the distrust of some is a very difficult task. Gradually, day by day they get used to their fate, they begin to understand something.

Alekseev was of a different stock. It was as if he had been silent for many years - and now the arrest, the prison cell returned to him the gift of speech. He found here an opportunity to understand the most important thing, to guess the course of time, to guess his own fate and understand why. To find an answer to that huge, hanging over his whole life and destiny, and not only over his life and destiny, but also over hundreds of thousands of others, a huge, gigantic “why”.

The very possibility of finding an answer appears because the "course of time" has stopped, fate ends as it should - with death. On the Last Judgment, revolutions, wars, executions float into the prison cell, and only a comparison with non-existence, with eternity, clarifies their true meaning. From this point on, the story has a reverse perspective. In general, isn’t non-existence itself the final answer—the only terrible answer that we can only extract from the entire course of the “historical process,” an answer that drives the ingenuous, deceived by crafty agitators to despair, and makes those who has not yet lost this ability:

“... Alekseev suddenly broke free, jumped onto the windowsill, grabbed the prison bars with both hands and shook it, shaking it, swearing and growling. The black body of Alekseev hung on the grate like a huge black cross. The prisoners tore Alekseev's fingers from the bars, unbent his palms, hurried, because the sentry on the tower had already noticed the fuss at the open window.

And then Alexander Grigoryevich Andreev, General Secretary of the Society of Political Prisoners, said, pointing to a black body sliding from the bars:

Shalamov's reality is an artistic fact of a special kind. The writer himself has repeatedly stated that he is striving for a new prose, for the prose of the future, which will speak not on behalf of the reader, but on behalf of the material itself - “stone, fish and cloud”, in the language of the material. (The artist is not an observer studying events, but their participant, their witness- in the Christian meaning of this word, which is synonymous with the word martyr). The artist - "Pluto, who has risen from hell, and not Orpheus, descending into hell" ("On Prose") And the point is not that before Shalamov there was no master capable of coping with such a creative task, but that there was no still on earth "the most important, crowning all" evil. And only now, when evil had swallowed up all the previous sly hopes for the final victory of the human mind in its historical development, the artist could rightfully declare:

"There is no rational basis for life - that's what our time proves."

But the absence of a reasonable (in other words, logically explainable) foundation in life does not mean the absence of what we, in fact, are looking for - the truth in the artist's texts. This truth, apparently, is not where we are used to looking for it: not in rational theories that “explain” life, and not even in moral maxims, which so habitually interpret what is good and what is evil. How close are the concepts to each other? logics life and harmony peace? Perhaps not the earthly word "logic" will shine against the background of the Kolyma night, but the divine one - LOGOS?

According to Mikhail Geller, who carried out the most complete edition of Kolyma Tales, along with Shalamov's texts, a letter from Frida Vigdorova to Shalamov was circulated in samizdat:

“I have read your stories. They are the most brutal I have ever read. The most bitter and merciless. There are people without a past, without a biography, without memories. It says that adversity does not bring people together. That there a person thinks only about himself, about how to survive. But why do you close the manuscript with faith in honor, goodness, human dignity? It's mysterious, I can't explain it, I don't know how it works, but it is so.

Remember the mysterious whirling of the shellac record and the music at the end of the story "Sentence"? Where does it come from? The sacrament to which Shalamov introduces us is art. And Vigdorova was right: comprehend this sacrament is completely given to no one. But the reader is given something else: by joining the sacrament, strive to understand himself. And this is possible, because not only the events of history, but all of us - the living, the dead, and not yet born - all the characters in Shalamov's stories, the inhabitants of his mysterious world. Let's take a look at ourselves there. Where are we there? Where is our place? The finding of a simple person of his Self in the radiance of art is similar to the materialization of sunlight ...

“A beam of red sunbeams was divided by the binding of the prison bars into several smaller beams; somewhere in the middle of the chamber, beams of light again merged into a continuous stream, red and gold. Dust particles were densely golden in this jet of light. The flies that fell into the strip of light themselves became golden, like the sun. The rays of the sunset beat right on the door, bound with gray glossy iron.

The lock tinkled, a sound that every prisoner, awake and sleeping, hears in a prison cell at any hour. There is no conversation in the chamber that could drown out this sound, there is no sleep in the chamber that would distract from this sound. There is no such thought in the chamber that could... No one can focus on anything in order to miss this sound, not to hear it. Everyone's heart stops when he hears the sound of the castle, the knock of fate on the cell door, on souls, on hearts, on minds. This sound fills everyone with anxiety. And it cannot be confused with any other sound.

The lock rattled, the door opened, and a stream of rays escaped from the chamber. Through the open door, it became clear how the rays crossed the corridor, rushed through the corridor window, flew over the prison yard and broke on the window panes of another prison building. All sixty inhabitants of the cell managed to see all this in the short time that the door was open. The door slammed shut with a melodious chime like old chests when the lid is slammed shut. And immediately all the prisoners, eagerly following the throw of the light stream, the movement of the beam, as if it were a living being, their brother and comrade, realized that the sun was again locked up with them.

And only then did everyone see that a man was standing at the door, taking on his wide black chest a stream of golden sunset rays, squinting from the harsh light.

We intended to talk about the sun in Shalamov's stories. Now it's time for that.

The sun of the Kolyma Tales, no matter how bright and hot it may be at times, is always the sun of the dead. And next to him are always other luminaries, much more important:

“There are few spectacles as expressive as the red faces from alcohol, beefy, overweight, fat-heavy figures of the camp authorities in brilliant, like a sun(hereinafter italics are mine. — L.T.), brand new, smelly sheepskin coats ...

Fedorov walked along the face, asked something, and our foreman, bowing respectfully, reported something. Fyodorov yawned, and his golden, well-repaired teeth reflected Sun rays. The sun was already high ... ".

When this helpful sun of the warders sets, or the rainy autumn haze overshadows it, or an impenetrable frosty fog rises, the prisoner will only be left with the already familiar “dim electric sun, polluted by flies and chained with a round lattice ...”

One could say that the lack of sunlight is a purely geographical feature of the Kolyma region. But we have already found out that geography cannot explain anything to us in Shalamov's stories. It's not about seasonal changes in sunrise and sunset times. The point is not that there is not enough heat and light in this world, the point is that there is no movements from darkness to light or vice versa. There is no light of truth, and nowhere to find it. There are no rational causes, and there are no logical consequences. There is no justice. Unlike, say, Dante's hell, the souls imprisoned here do not bear reasonable punishments, they do not know their own guilt, and therefore they do not know either repentance or the hope of ever, having atoned for their guilt, to change their position ...

“The late Alighieri would have created the tenth circle of hell out of this,” Anna Akhmatova once said. And she was not the only one who was inclined to correlate the Russian reality of the 20th century with the pictures of Dante's horrors. But with such a ratio, it became obvious every time that the last horrors, the camp ones, were stronger than those that seemed extremely possible to the greatest artist of the XIV century - and you can’t cover it with nine circles. And, apparently, understanding this, Akhmatova does not look for anything similar in the literary texts already created, but evokes the genius of Dante, brings him closer, makes him a recently departed contemporary, calling him "the late Alighieri" - and, it seems, only such a contemporary can comprehend everything recently experienced by humanity.

The point, of course, is not to follow a rational, even numerical order, in which the nine circles of hell appear to us, then seven - purgatory, then nine heavenly heavens ... It is the rational ideas about the world, revealed by the text of the Divine Comedy, structure of this text, are questioned, if not completely refuted by the experience of the 20th century. And in this sense, the worldview of Varlam Shalamov is a direct denial of the philosophical ideas of Dante Alighieri.

Recall that in the orderly world of The Divine Comedy, the sun is an important metaphor. And the “carnal” sun, in the depths of which there are shining, radiating light, pouring flame souls of philosophers and theologians (King Solomon, Thomas Aquinas, Francis of Assisi), and the “Sun of Angels”, as the Lord appears to us. One way or another, Sun, Light, Reason are poetic synonyms.

But if in Dante's poetic consciousness the sun never fades away (even in hell, when there is dense darkness all around), if the path from hell is the path to the luminaries and, having gone to them, the hero, on occasion, does not forget to notice how and in what direction his shadow lies , then in the artistic world of Shalamov there is neither light nor shadow at all, there is no familiar and generally understandable boundary between them. Here, for the most part, thick dead twilight - a twilight without hope and without truth. In general, without any source of light, it is lost forever (and was it?). And there is no shadow here, because there is no sunlight - in the usual sense of these words. The prison sun, the camp sun of the Kolyma Tales are not at all the same thing, Sun. It is not present here as a natural source of light and life. for all, but as a kind of secondary inventory, if not belonging to death, then it has nothing to do with life.

No, after all, there comes a moment - rarely, but still happens - when the bright, and sometimes hot sun breaks into the world of the Kolyma prisoner. However, it never shines for everyone. From the dull twilight of the camp world, like a strong beam directed from somewhere outside, it always snatches someone's one figure (say, the "first Chekist" Alekseev, already familiar to us) or someone's one face, is reflected in the eyes of one person. And always - always! - this is the figure or face, or eyes of the finally doomed.

“...I was completely calm. And I was in no hurry. The sun was too hot - it burned her cheeks, weaned from bright light, from fresh air. I sat down by a tree. It was nice to sit outside, breathe in the elastic wonderful air, the smell of blooming rose hips. My head is spinning...

I was sure of the severity of the sentence - killing was a tradition of those years.

Although we have quoted the same story twice here, the sun that illuminates the face of the doomed prisoner is by no means the same as that which, a few pages earlier, was reflected in the coats of the guards and in the golden teeth of the guards. This distant, as if unearthly light, falling on the face of a person who is ready to die, is well known to us from other stories. There is a certain peace in it, perhaps a sign of reconciliation with Eternity:

“The fugitive lived in the bathhouse of the village for three whole days, and finally, shorn, shaved, washed, well-fed, he was taken away by the “operative” to the investigation, the outcome of which could only be execution. The fugitive himself, of course, knew about this, but he was an experienced, indifferent prisoner, who had long ago crossed that line of life in prison, when every person becomes a fatalist and lives “with the flow”. Near him all the time there were escorts, “guards”, they didn’t let him talk to anyone. Every evening he sat on the porch of the bathhouse and looked at the cherry sunset. The fire of the evening sun rolled into his eyes, and the eyes of the fugitive seemed to be burning - a very beautiful sight.

Of course, we could turn to the Christian poetic tradition and say that this directed light of love meets the soul leaving this world... But no, we remember Shalamov's statement very well: "God is dead..." And one more thing:

“I lost faith in God a long time ago, at the age of six ... And I am proud that from the age of six to sixty I did not resort to his help either in Vologda, or in Moscow, or in Kolyma.”

And yet, despite these claims, the absence of God in the artistic picture otherworldly Kolyma world is not at all a simple and self-evident fact. This theme with its contradictions, as it were, constantly disturbs the author, again and again attracts attention. There is no God... but there are believers in God, and it turns out that these are the most worthy people of those who had to meet in Kolyma:

“The non-religiousness in which I lived my conscious life did not make me a Christian. But I have never seen more worthy people than religious people in the camps. Corruption seized the souls of all, and only the religious held on. So it was fifteen and five years ago.”

But at the same time, having spoken about the spiritual stamina of the "religious", Shalamov, as it were, passes by, not showing much attention to the nature of this stamina, as if everything is clear to him (and, presumably, to the reader) and this way of "holding on" is of little interest to him. . (“Is there only a religious way out of human tragedies?” asks the hero-narrator in the story “The Unconverted”).

Moreover, Shalamov, as if by a specially calculated method, removes traditional ideas about God and religion from his artistic system. It is precisely this goal that the story “The Cross” serves - a story about an old blind priest, although he does not live in Kolyma and not even in a camp, but still in the same Soviet conditions of constant deprivation, humiliation, direct bullying. Left with an old and sick wife like himself, completely without funds, the priest breaks and cuts a gold cross for sale. But not because he lost his faith, but because "God is not in this." The story does not seem to belong to the “Kolyma Tales” either by the setting or the plot, but according to a subtle artistic calculation, the author included it in the general corpus and turns out to be extremely important in the composition of the volume. At the entrance to the other world, it is like a sign of a ban on any traditional humanistic values, including the Christian one. When it is said that there is no rational basis in this life, it means the Divine Mind too - or even such a mind in the first place!

But at the same time, here is a completely different turn of the theme: one of the lyrical heroes of Shalamov, an undoubted alter ego, is named Krist. If the author is looking for a "non-religious way out", then what exactly attracts him to the Son of Man? Is there any thought here about a redemptive sacrifice? And if there is, then whose victim is the author, the hero, all those who died in Kolyma? And what sins are atoned for? Isn’t it the same temptation, since Dante’s times (or even more ancient — from the times of St. Augustine, or even from Plato’s, pre-Christian times?) to build a just world order — fair according to human understanding — a temptation that turned into “the shame of Kolyma and the ovens of Auschwitz” ?

And if we are talking about redemption, then “in whose name”? Whose, if God is not in the artistic system of Varlam Shalamov?

We are not talking about an ordinary person, not about the religious views of one of the thousands of Kolyma residents, finding out who was easier to survive in the camps - a "religious" or an atheist. No, we are interested in the creative method of the artist, the author of Kolyma Tales.

Shalamov wrote, as if objecting to the doubters or those who could not see this triumph. But if good triumphs, then what is it, this very good? It’s not a science to fasten your fly in the Kolyma frost! ..

Shalamov deliberately rejects the literary tradition with all its fundamental values. If in the center of the artistic world of Dante Alighieri is the Light of the Divine Mind, and this world is arranged rationally, logically, in fairness, and Reason triumphs, then in the center of Shalamov’s artistic system ... yes, however, is there anything at all here that could be called center, system-forming beginning? Shalamov, as it were, rejects everything that he offers him as such began literary tradition: the concept of God, the idea of ​​a reasonable order of the world, dreams of social justice, the logic of legal law ... What remains for a person when nothing remains for him? What remains artist when the tragic experience of the past century forever buried the ideological foundations of traditional art? What new prose he will offer the reader - is he obliged to offer?!

“Why can’t I, a professional who has been writing since childhood, published since the beginning of the thirties, and thought about prose for ten years, add nothing new to the story of Chekhov, Platonov, Babel and Zoshchenko? Shalamov wrote, asking the same questions that are now tormenting us. - Russian prose did not stop at Tolstoy and Bunin. The last great Russian novel is Bely's Petersburg. But Petersburg, no matter how colossal its influence on the Russian prose of the twenties, on the prose of Pilnyak, Zamyatin, Vesely, is also only a stage, only a chapter in the history of literature. And in our time, the reader is disappointed in Russian classical literature. The collapse of her humanistic ideas, the historical crime that led to the Stalinist camps, to the ovens of Auschwitz, proved that art and literature are zero. When confronted with real life, this is the main motive, the main question of time. The scientific and technological revolution does not answer this question. She cannot answer. The probabilistic aspect and motivation give many-sided, many-valued answers, while the human reader needs a yes or no answer, using the same two-valued system that cybernetics wants to apply to the study of all mankind in its past, present and future.

There is no rational basis for life - that is what our time proves. The fact that Chernyshevsky's "Favorites" are being sold for five kopecks, saving waste paper from Auschwitz, is highly symbolic. Chernyshevsky ended when the hundred-year era completely discredited itself. We do not know what is behind God - behind faith, but behind unbelief we clearly see - everyone in the world - what is worth. Therefore, such a craving for religion, surprising for me, the heir to completely different beginnings.

There is a deep meaning in the reproach that Shalamov throws at the literature of humanistic ideas. And this reproach was deserved not only by Russian literature of the 19th century, but also by all European literature - sometimes Christian in outward signs (well, after all, it is said: love your neighbor as yourself), but seductive in its essence, the tradition of dreams, which always boiled down to one thing. : to take away from God and transfer into the hands of the human creations of History. Everything for man, everything for the good of man! It was these dreams - through the utopian ideas of Dante, Campanella, Fourier and Owen, through the "Communist Manifesto", through the dreams of Vera Pavlovna, "plowed" Lenin's soul - that led to Kolyma and Auschwitz ... This sinful tradition - with all possible consequences sin - Dostoevsky discerned. Not without reason, at the very beginning of the parable of the Grand Inquisitor, the name of Dante is mentioned as if by chance ...

But art is not a school of philosophy and politics. Or at least not only or even not so much the school. And the "late Alighieri" would still rather create the tenth circle of hell than the program of a political party.

“Dante's poetry is characterized by all types of energy known to modern science,” wrote Osip Mandelstam, a sensitive researcher of the Divine Comedy, “The unity of light, sound and matter constitutes its inner nature. Reading Dante is, first of all, an endless labor, which, as far as we are successful, moves us away from the goal. If the first reading causes only shortness of breath and healthy fatigue, then stock up for the subsequent pair of indestructible Swiss shoes with nails. The question really comes to my mind, how many soles, how many cowhide soles, how many sandals Alighieri wore out during his poetic work, traveling along the goat paths of Italy.

Logical formulas and political, religious, etc. doctrine is the result of only the "first reading" of literary works, only the first acquaintance with art. Then art itself begins - not formulas, but music ... Shocked by the dependence of the Kolyma reality on texts that seem to be in no way connected with it, realizing that the “shame of Kolyma” is a derivative of these texts, Shalamov creates a “new prose”, which from the very The beginning does not contain any doctrines and formulas - nothing that could be easily grasped at the "first reading". It seems to remove the very possibility of "first reading" - there is neither healthy shortness of breath, nor satisfaction. On the contrary, the first reading leaves only bewilderment: what is it about? What's with the music? Is it possible that the shellac plate in the story "Sentence" is the system-forming metaphor of "Kolyma Tales"? Doesn't he put the Sun, not Reason, not Justice at the center of his artistic world, but just a hoarse shellac record with some kind of symphonic music?

Masters of the "first readings", we are not immediately able to discern the relationship between the "late Alighieri" and the late Shalamov. Hear the kinship and unity of their music.

“If we had learned to hear Dante,” wrote Mandelstam, “we would have heard the maturation of the clarinet and trombone, we would have heard the transformation of the viola into a violin and the lengthening of the horn valve. And we would be listeners of how a foggy core of the future homophonic three-part orchestra is formed around the lute and theorbo.

“There are thousands of truths in the world (and truth-truths, and truth-justices) and there is only one truth of talent. Just like there is one kind of immortality - art.

Having finished the analysis, we ourselves must now seriously question our work or even completely cross it out ... The fact is that the very text of the Kolyma Tales, the text of those publications that we referred to in our work, already raises doubts. It's not that anyone is not sure whether Varlam Shalamov wrote this or that story - it is, thank God, undoubtedly. But what genre is the entire collection of his "Kolyma" works, how large is its text, where does it begin and where does it end, what is the composition - this not only does not become clear with the passage of time, but, as it were, even becomes more and more incomprehensible.

We have already referred to the nine-hundred-page volume of the Paris edition of Kolyma Tales. The volume opens with the actual cycle "Kolyma Tales", here called "The First Death". This cycle is a harsh introduction to the artistic world of Shalamov. It is here that we first find both a deafly closed space and a stopped time - nothingness- Kolyma camp "reality". (It is here that the deathbed indifference, the mental stupefaction that comes after torture by hunger, cold, and beatings is first spoken of.) This cycle is a guide to that Kolyma non-existence, where the events of the following books will unfold.

A guide to the souls of the inhabitants of this hell - the prisoners. It is here that you understand that to survive (to stay alive, to save life - and to teach the reader how to survive) is not at all the task of the author, which he solves together with his "lyrical hero" ... If only because none of the characters already did not survive - everyone (and the reader along with everyone) is immersed in Kolyma non-existence.

This cycle is, as it were, an "exposition" of the author's artistic principles, well, like "Hell" in the "Divine Comedy". And if we are talking about the six cycles of stories known today as a single work - and this is precisely what everyone who interpreted Shalamov's compositional principles tends to - then it is impossible to imagine a different beginning of the whole grandiose epic, as soon as the cycle entitled in the Paris volume (and which, by the way, is subject to additional discussion) "The First Death".

But now, in Moscow, a volume of Shalamov's stories "The Left Bank" (Sovremennik, 1989) is finally coming out... and without the first cycle! You can't imagine worse. Why, what guided the publishers? No explanation...

In the same year, but in a different publishing house, another book of Shalamov's stories was published - "The Resurrection of the Larch". Thank God, it begins with the first cycle, with the Kolyma Tales proper, but then (again, worse than ever!) are heavily and completely arbitrarily truncated, by half or more, The Spade Artist and The Left Bank. And here they have changed places both in comparison with the Paris edition, and in comparison with the just published collection "Left Bank". Why, on what basis?

But no, only at first glance it seems incomprehensible why all these manipulations are performed. It's easy to figure it out: a different sequence of stories - a different artistic impression. Shalamov is strenuously forced to conform to the traditional (and repeatedly refuted with such force and certainty) principle of the Russian humanistic school: “from darkness to light” ... But it is enough to look back a few dozen lines back to see that this principle, in the opinion of Shalamov himself , there is something decidedly incompatible with his "new prose".

I. Sirotinskaya herself, the publisher of both books, seems to express the right thoughts: “The stories of V.T. Shalamov are connected by an inseparable unity: this is the fate, the soul, the thoughts of the author himself. These are the branches of a single tree, streams of a single creative stream - epics about Kolyma. The plot of one story grows into another story, some characters appear and act under the same or different names. Andreev, Golubev, Krist are the incarnations of the author himself. There is no fiction in this tragic epic. The author believed that the story about this otherworldly world is incompatible with fiction and should be written in a different language. But not in the language of psychological prose of the 19th century, already inadequate to the world of the 20th century, the century of Hiroshima and concentration camps.

It's like that! But after all, artistic language is not only, and often not so much words, but rhythm, harmony, composition of an artistic text. How, understanding that "the plot of one story develops into another story," one cannot understand that the plot of one cycle develops into another! They cannot be arbitrarily reduced and rearranged. Moreover, there is a sketched by the writer himself order arrangement of stories and cycles - it was used by Parisian publishers.

With respect and love thinking about Shalamov, we transfer our respect to those who, by the will of the artist, bequeathed to be his executors. Their rights are inviolable... But managing the text of a brilliant artist is an impossible task for one person. The task of qualified specialists should be the preparation of the publication of the scientific edition of Kolyma Tales - in full accordance with the creative principles of V. Shalamov, so clearly set out in the recently published letters and notes (for which I.P. Sirotinskaya bows low) ...

Now that there seems to be no censorship interference, God forbid that we, contemporaries, offend the memory of the artist by considerations of political or commercial conjuncture. Life and work of V.T. Shalamova is an expiatory sacrifice for our common sins. His books are the spiritual treasure of Russia. This is how they should be treated.

M. "October". 1991, No. 3, pp. 182-195


  • 1. "New World, 1989, No. 12, p. 60
  • 2. Ibid., p. 61
  • 3. Ibid., p. 64
  • 4. Shalamov V. Resurrection of larch. "Thermometer Grishka Logun"
  • 5. Shalamov V. Resurrection of larch. "Brave Eyes"
  • 6. A.S. Pushkin. PSS, vol. VIII (I), p. 227.
  • 7. Ibid., vol. VIII (II), p. 334.
  • 8. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "Carpenters"
  • 9. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "Tatar mullah and clean air"
  • 10. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "Bread"
  • 11. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "Golden Taiga"
  • 12. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "Berries"
  • 13. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "Sherry brandy"
  • 14. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "At night"
  • 15. Shalamov V."About prose"
  • 16. Shalamov V. Resurrection of larch "Two meetings"
  • 17. Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. "Typhoid Quarantine"
  • 18. "New World", 1989, No. 12, p. 60
  • 19. Shalamov V. Spade artist. "June"
  • 20. Shalamov V.
  • 21. Shalamov V. Spade artist. "First Chekist"
  • 22. "New World", 1989. No. 12, p. 61
  • 23. By the time the article was published, approx.
  • 24. In book. V. Shalamov "Kolyma stories" Foreword by M. Geller, 3rd ed., p.13. YMCA - PRESS, Paris, 1985
  • 25. Shalamov V. Spade artist. "First Chekist"
  • 26. Shalamov V. Left Coast. "My process"
  • 27. See L. Chukovskaya. Workshop of human resurrections... "Referendum". Journal of Independent Opinions. M. April 1990. No. 35. page 19.
  • 28. Shalamov V. Left Coast. "My process"
  • 29. Shalamov V. Spade artist. "Green prosecutor"
  • 30. "The Fourth Vologda" - Our heritage, 1988, No. 4, p. 102
  • 31. Shalamov V. Spade artist. "Courses"
  • 32. The plot of the story is based on the life events of the writer's father T.N. Shalamova.
  • 33. "New World", 1989, No. 2, p. 61
  • 34. In book. O. Mandelstam. Word and culture. - M. Soviet writer 1987, p. 112
  • 35. Ibid., p. 114
  • 36. "New World", 1989, No. 12, p. 80
  • 37. I. Sirotinskaya. About the author. In book. V. Shalamova "Left Bank". - M., Sovremennik, 1989, p. 557.
  • 38. We are talking about the publication: Shalamov V. Kolyma stories. Foreword by M. Geller. - Paris: YMKA-press, 1985.

Among the literary figures discovered by the era of glasnost, the name of Varlam Shalamov, in my opinion, is one of the most tragic names in Russian literature. This writer left to his descendants a legacy of amazing depth of artistry - "Kolyma Tales", a work about life and human destinies in the Stalinist Gulag. Although the word "life" is inappropriate when it comes to the pictures of human existence depicted by Shalamov.

It is often said that "Kolyma Tales" is an attempt by the writer to raise and solve the most important moral issues of the time: the question of the legality of a person's struggle with the state machine, the possibility of actively influencing one's own destiny, and ways to preserve human dignity in inhuman conditions. It seems to me that the task of a writer depicting hell on earth under the name "GULAG" is different.

I think Shalamov's work is a slap in the face to the society that allowed this. "Kolyma Tales" is a spit in the face of the Stalinist regime and everything that personifies this bloody era. What ways of preserving human dignity, which Shalamov allegedly speaks of in Kolyma Tales, can be discussed on this material, if the writer himself calmly states the fact that all human concepts - love, respect, compassion, mutual assistance - seemed to the prisoners "comic concepts ". He is not looking for ways to preserve this very dignity, the prisoners simply did not think about it, did not ask such questions. It remains to be amazed at how inhuman the conditions were in which hundreds of thousands of innocent people found themselves, if every minute of “that” life was filled with thoughts about food, clothes that can be obtained by removing it from the recently deceased.

I think that the issues of managing a person's own destiny and preserving dignity are more applicable to the work of Solzhenitsyn, who also wrote about the Stalinist camps. In the works of Solzhenitsyn, the characters really reflect on moral issues. Alexander Isaevich himself said that his heroes were placed in milder conditions than Shalamov's heroes, and explained this by the different conditions of imprisonment in which they, the eyewitness authors, found themselves.

It is difficult to imagine what emotional tension these stories cost Shalamov. I would like to dwell on the compositional features of the Kolyma Tales. The plots of the stories at first glance are unrelated, however, they are compositionally integral. “Kolyma Tales” consists of 6 books, the first of which is called “Kolyma Tales”, then the books “Left Bank”, “Artist of the Shovel”, “Essays on the Underworld”, “Resurrection of the Larch”, “Glove, or KR -2".

The book "Kolyma Tales" includes 33 stories, arranged in a strictly defined order, but not tied to chronology. This construction is aimed at depicting the Stalinist camps in history and development. Thus, Shalamov's work is nothing more than a novel in short stories, despite the fact that the author has repeatedly announced the death of the novel as a literary genre in the 20th century.

The story is told in the third person. The main characters of the stories are different people (Golubev, Andreev, Krist), but all of them are extremely close to the author, since they are directly involved in what is happening. Each of the stories is reminiscent of a hero's confession. If we talk about the skill of Shalamov - the artist, about his manner of presentation, then it should be noted that the language of his prose is simple, extremely accurate. The tone of the story is calm, without strain. Severely, concisely, without any attempts at psychological analysis, even somewhere documented, the writer speaks about what is happening. I think Shalamov achieves a stunning effect on the reader by contrasting the calmness of the author's slow, calm narrative with explosive, terrifying content.

The main image that unites all the stories is the image of the camp as an absolute evil. “Camp is hell” is a constant association that comes to mind while reading Kolyma Tales. This association arises not even because you are constantly faced with the inhuman torments of prisoners, but also because the camp seems to be the kingdom of the dead. So, the story "Tombstone" begins with the words: "Everyone died ..." On each page you meet with death, which here can be named among the main characters. All heroes, if we consider them in connection with the prospect of death in the camp, can be divided into three groups: the first - heroes who have already died, and the writer remembers them; the second, those who are almost certain to die; and the third group - those who may be lucky, but this is not certain. This statement becomes most obvious if we remember that the writer in most cases talks about those whom he met and whom he survived in the camp: a man who was shot for not fulfilling the plan by his plot, his classmate, whom they met 10 years later in the Butyrskaya cell prison, a French communist whom the brigadier killed with one blow of his fist...

But death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person in a camp. More often it becomes a salvation from torment for the one who has died, and an opportunity to gain some benefit if another has died. Here it is worthwhile to turn again to the episode of camp campers digging up a freshly buried corpse from the frozen ground: all that the heroes experience is the joy that the dead’s linen can be exchanged tomorrow for bread and tobacco (“Night”),

The main feeling that pushes the heroes to nightmarish acts is a feeling of constant hunger. This feeling is the strongest of all feelings. Food is what sustains life, so the writer describes in detail the process of eating: the prisoners eat very quickly, without spoons, over the side of the plate, licking its bottom clean with their tongue. In the story "Domino" Shalamov portrays a young man who ate the meat of human corpses from the morgue, cutting down "non-fat" pieces of human flesh.

Shalamov draws the life of prisoners - another circle of hell. Huge barracks with multi-story bunks serve as housing for prisoners, where 500-600 people are accommodated. Prisoners sleep on mattresses stuffed with dry branches. Everywhere there is complete unsanitary conditions and, as a result, diseases.

Shalamova considers the GULAG as an exact copy of the Stalinist totalitarian society model: “... The camp is not the opposition of hell to paradise. and the cast of our life... The camp... is world-like.

In one of his 1966 notebook-diaries, Shalamov explains the task set by him in Kolyma Tales in this way: “I am not writing so that what has been described does not happen again. It doesn’t happen like that... I write so that people know that such stories are being written, and they themselves decide on some worthy deed...”

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