Ideological and artistic analysis of the poem in the prose of Ivan Turgenev “The Beggar. Literature lesson: "I.S


The Russian poet and prose writer Ivan Turgenev left not just a creative legacy, but a storehouse of kindness and love. His small prose poems can soften even a hard heart.

The miniature "Beggar" tells how important any help is, not only material, but also moral. The protagonist of the story is a simple passer-by who met a poor, unfortunate old man on the way.

The description of the beggar is spelled out in great detail by the author: inflamed eyes and blue lips indicated a possible illness from dirty wounds, the clothes were shabby. He extended his hand to the protagonist in the hope of alms. At the same time, the beggar did not just ask, but already mumbled, like a wounded animal.

The narrator mechanically began to look for change in his pockets, but could not find anything, not even a handkerchief or a watch. He realized with horror that he could do nothing to help this old man gnawed by poverty. And he felt extremely ashamed and hurt.

Unable to help financially, our hero firmly shakes the dirty hand of the beggar - a hand that most would disdain to shake. He does this sincerely and asks for forgiveness from the beggar, like his brother.

Oddly enough, the old man smiled and thanked the protagonist for such a sincere gesture.

Perhaps the hero did not help financially, but he showed human respect and kindness to the beggar, which is important and sometimes more valuable than money, which is usually given thoughtlessly.

The narrator, in turn, also received a kind of "alms" from his "brother" - far from everything is measured by money, and that sometimes the rich, the poor mentally, are also poor. When the hero wanted to show simple generosity and give the beggar a trifle, he called him an unfortunate creature. But when he realized that he himself was currently poor, he called the old man his brother.

Turgenev skillfully uses the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language, choosing successful epithets for a beggar. But most of all, the reader remembers the metonymic construction that the poor old man was "ugly gnawed by poverty." These words very accurately characterize the condition of the beggar.

In short poems in prose, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev shared with people his most intimate experiences and feelings, acquired life experience, and writing wisdom. The form of narration chosen by him is fully justified - rhyme is not at all necessary to convey emotions. Lyrical prose gives the author more opportunities to reveal the main idea of ​​the work.

Poems in prose are a genre to which their author, I.S. Turgenev, went all his life. And so his idea lay down on paper, combining the ever-competing prose and poetry. A poet in prose is probably Turgenev's true vocation, in which he found himself.

The unity of the philosophical view and artistic requirements of the writer happened shortly before his death. In total, the legacy of I.S. Turgenev contains about 85 poems in prose, which differ in subject matter, form, and characters. But the ideal formula for the unity of a poem in prose is the sincerity of the author and love for what

He's writing.

Turgenev wrote about the poverty to which fate sentenced the beggar, and about the wealth of the soul, which he did not lose, in the work “The Beggar”. The poem begins with a detailed description of the Beggar's appearance:

“A beggar, decrepit old man.

Inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips,

rough rags, unclean wounds...

Oh, how ugly poverty gnawed

this unfortunate creature!”.

And perhaps many passed by him, pretending not to notice. But the cordial narrator wanted to help, but there was nothing. However, sometimes words can support better than materially, and benefits

More, and the soul is easier, and life is easier.

In the form of a dialogue that took place between the narrator and the Beggar, a significant part of the work is built. At the beginning of the story, the Beggar hums and groans for help. But after he heard the awkwardness and guilt in the voice of the interlocutor, he changed. And these changes are visible in his speech. By the verbal portraits of the characters, one can also judge their inner world.

The key word exchanged between the narrator and the Beggar was "brother". This means that they are on the same level, both spiritual and social, no one puts himself above or below the other. Another important detail that confirms this statement is the handshake: “Lost, embarrassed, I firmly shook that dirty, trembling hand…”.

What an unusual epithet - "trembling hand", and how accurately they conveyed the state of mind of the Beggar. Trembling, timidity, embarrassment replace the initial isolation, when he could not utter a word. This prose poem is intended to debunk the stereotype that people are greeted by clothes, because in fact it is the most insignificant detail in a person's perception. Just to see the person in yourself and help another at least with something. It's the little things that can change someone's life.

Great is the power of the word! Sincerity, humanity, understanding and generosity are important! Here is what I.S. Turgenev wanted to tell readers. He did it excellently. The touching transformation of a dirty and poor old man into an understanding brother can bring tears. Such works are sealed in the heart for a long time, making you remember and think about the most difficult thing in the mortal world - about human relationships.

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Kharitonova Olga Nikolaevna, teacher, MBOU Gymnasium named after I.A. Bunin city of Voronezh


Poems in the prose of I. S. Turgenev "The Beggar", "Alms", "Two Rich Men".

6 Class

in-depth study), for reading and studying, poems are offered in the prose "Gemini",

"Russian language", "Two rich men". We considered it possible and expedient to involve

additional texts, thematically related to the latter, are "The Beggar", "Alms".

Lesson type : lesson in learning new material.

Lesson Objectives:

1) to understand the humanistic meaning and ideological and moral content of poems in prose

"The Beggar", "Two Rich Men", "Alms";

2) identify the specifics of the genre of poetry in prose.


2) improve reading comprehension skills;

3) to form the skill of literary analysis of the text;

4) to develop the creative abilities of students.

Requirements for the level of training of students

Learners should know, understand:

- the history of the creation of poems in prose by I.S. Turgenev;

Ideologically - the moral content of the poems in prose "The Beggar", "Two Rich Men", "Alms",

their instructive meaning;

- the meaning of concepts in the theory of literature: a poem in prose, a parable.

Learners should be able to :

- reproduce the content of individual episodes and the entire work as a whole;

- analyze and interpret a literary work, using information from history and

the theory of literature and the necessary literary terms;

- correlate the studied work with the facts of social life and culture;

- to formulate their attitude to the read work with reasoning

(monologic statement on the problem under study, as well as during the discussion, conversation).

Competences, the development of which is aimed at learning activities in the classroom: reading,

value-ideological, culturological, speech, communicative.

Forms of organizing the activities of students in the classroom : collective, group,


Forms of organizing the activities of the teacher in the classroom : organizational.

Predicted results :

- activation of cognitive activity of students;

- development of reflective skills;

- improving the speech culture of students;

- development of personal potential and creative abilities of students;

- improving the communicative culture of students.

Personal : learn new skills, improve existing ones.

Regulatory : accept and save the learning task, set target priorities.

cognitive : to be aware of the task, to read and listen, to extract the necessary


Communicative : organize and plan educational cooperation, display in speech

Technical support of the lesson: texts of poems in prose "Alms", "Beggar" "Two

rich man "(printout of the text for each student), a dictionary of literary terms,

presentation in PowerPoint, computer, projector, screen, audio recording of the city

romance "The Beggar" performed by A. Malinin.

Lesson opens prepared message one of the students dedicated

the history of the creation of Turgenev's cycle of poems in prose. Here is an example text


Poems in prose were created by Turgenev in 1877 - 1882. Originally writer

considered poems in prose as sketches for future works. Some of the new

writer to print them. A cycle of 51 poems appeared in the December issue

magazine "Bulletin of Europe" for 1882.

Cr The range of topics covered in Prose Poems is extensive: the theme of death, the theme of war,

the theme of feat and heroism, the theme of the present and future of the Russian people. Significant place in

poems in prose takes the image of human weaknesses and vices. In many

the works of the cycle sound the theme of the all-conquering power of love, self-sacrifice in the name of

neighbor, the superiority of life over death.

steam. Children receive sheets with information from dictionaries and reference books. Task

schoolchildren - select the main information, compile and write in a notebook a brief

definition of the genre of a poem in prose. A group of 2-3 people, the teacher instructs to find

information about this genre on the Internet.

Material for work in pairs:

Literature. Reference materials. Book for students. (M.: Enlightenment, 1988):

"A poem in prose - a short prose work of a lyrical nature,

graphically presented as prose. In a poem in prose, repetition is palpable

rhythmically similar syntactic constructions, sound echoes, less often rhymes, etc.,

that is, those means of expression that are used in poetic speech,

indicated in one of the literature reference books.

Dictionary literary terms ( compilers L.I. Timofeev and S.V. Turaev):

“A poem in prose is a small prose work of a lyrical nature. IN

poem in prose, as a rule, non-narrative, as subjective-

evaluative moment, the emotional coloring of speech is of great importance and,

a poem in prose is distinguished by the fact that its sound organization is not maintained as

system, although it acquires a certain artistic significance, the text is graphically

presented as prose.

Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary (Edited by V.M. Kozhevnikov, P.A. Nikolaev):

« Poem in prose- lyrical work in prose form; has such

signs of a lyrical poem, as a small volume, increased emotionality,

usually plotless composition, a general setting for the expression of a subjective impression

or experiences, but not by such means as meter, rhythm, rhyme. Therefore it should not

confuse prose poetry with forms intermediate between poetry and prose precisely because

metrical sign, - with rhythmic prose and free verse. Poem's form

prose in European poetry developed in the era of romanticism, based on the biblical tradition

religious lyrics in prose and into the French custom of prose translation of foreign-language verses;

the first example of a poem in prose is considered to be the book of A. Bertrand "Gaspar from darkness"

(ed. 1842); the term "Art. in Ave." introduced by S. Baudelaire in "Flowers of Evil"; entered Russian literature

at I.S. Turgenev in the cycle of works of 1878-1882. The genre did not receive wide distribution.

After 3 minutes, the task is checked. Children read written

definitions, compare, orally evaluate each other's work.

Continues lesson expressive reading of their creations in the prose "The Beggar"(texts

present on every table) and literary text analysis . The main form of work

collective: conversation .

Teacher . In a poem in prose there is an event series or simply mentioned

the event that led to the writing of the work. Lyrical series - an appeal to

the sphere of human feelings - in a poem in prose, as well as in lyric poetry in general, in the foreground;

caused by these events, the impressions of what they saw or heard. Event series

usually small.

The conversation begins with the question:

- Ka What event is at the heart of the story? works?

The main event described in the work is the meeting of the lyrical hero with the poor old man.

A meeting is like a meeting. At that time, beggars on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg were a common occurrence. Yes

and in our day you can meet people begging for alms. But this man is special.

Class task:

- Read the description of the old man's appearance. What conclusion does the lyrical hero, contemplating

neither what?

The old man is called "decrepit". He has "inflamed, tearful eyes", "blue lips"

(probably from long exposure to cold), "unclean wounds" (a consequence of illness and, so to speak,

« neglect » , lack of proper supervision of an elderly person), he is dressed in

"rough rags". The hand he held out begging is "red, swollen, dirty."

creature!" But here's the thing, obviously. not so much in poverty as in another: the person turned out to be

useless, he has no one to lend a helping hand to. And "he groaned, he lowed for help."

- For what purpose V work used Verbs "groaned", "mumbled"? Why is the author not

led the words of the beggar, for he must have spoken specific phrases, trying to attract

attention held past the nobleman? Note that, saying goodbye to the lyrical hero, the old man

speaks clearly and succinctly .

reflect the impression made on the lyrical hero the conversion of a beggar. Speech

exhausted old man merges in the mind of the lyrical hero into one continuous groan. The hero is not

accepts this request in his verbal expression, and specific words are not important in

the situation that has been created. A look, an outstretched hand, the whole appearance of a man driven to despair,

speak more eloquently than any phrases. The beggar old man is all an embodied plea for help. AND

the lyrical hero could not pass by, could not help but respond to this plea: “I began to fumble in

all pockets ... No wallet, no watch, not even a handkerchief ... I didn't take anything with me." "And the beggar

waited ... and the outstretched hand swayed and trembled.

Question for students:

- What are the further actions and experiences of the lyrical hero?

The hero is embarrassed and confused, he experiences deep genuine suffering from what he

nothing to give the old man. Emotional excitement is given out by the “cold fingers” of the hands. However, the hero

managed to literally stretch real hand helping one's neighbor: "Lost,

obeying a sincere, heartfelt impulse. The aristocrat did not disdain to touch the "dirty,

swollen" palm of a homeless beggar in need of support. The significance of your action

he realized later. The lexicon draws the attention of students to the change in epithets,

the one who asks for alms is seen by the lyrical hero as “dirty, swollen”; later she is named

"quivering". The choice of epithets fixes the change in the spiritual movements of the lyrical hero.

- What was the beggar's reaction? Why did he say: “This is also an alms…”?

The old man is amazed - first, the appeal "brother" to his modest person from

"barina". From expressions he probably lost the habit of sympathy long ago. It's good if passers-by give

a penny, they will not drive away, they will not scold. And how many people just pass by indifferently!

Therefore, the old man is shocked by the attitude towards himself as an equal. And the lyrical hero received reciprocal

handshake and return "brother".

- Let's read author's summary at the end of the poem: "I realized that I also received alms from

my brother". What was this alms received by the aristocrat from the beggar?

Often passers-by (even those that are not "greedy" ) have no real compassion for

those who give alms . The moral "vision" of the inhabitants does not allow to perceive

street ragamuffins as their brethren. They are not only neighbors for them, whom, according to

commandments Jesus Christ, we must love ourselves, but, on the contrary, completely strangers,

distant, involuntarily becoming a hindrance, disturbing their well-being. Lyrical short story

Turgeneva captured a vital "episode" of extreme importance - rapprochement, "fraternization"

people, the difference in social status of which is huge, to say the least - irresistible .

However, this abyss was "reduced", because the lyrical hero showed love for his neighbor in her

the only true understanding. And the fact that the poor man appreciated and accepted the sign of respect , also e

alms. Lyrical hero received a lesson in true philanthropy, - and, it must be said, without

Lesson continues work in groups. The teacher invites the children to unite in 4 groups for

completing tasks.

Group of students No. 1 works with a poem in prose "Alms" .

Assignment to a group of students No. 1

1. Prepare an expressive reading of the poem in prose "Alms".

2. Give answers to the questions:

- Who is the hero of the lyric novel? Give keywords and expressions that

description of the appearance of the character.

- How did the hero end up in distress? What is the reason for his suffering?

- What is the state of mind of the old man? Why does he not dare to beg?

- What does a stranger who turns to the hero look like? Who do you think it is?

- What advice was given to the old man by the divine messenger? What argument does stranger?

Why did the old man "start up" after the stranger's words?

- When the hero of the work extended his hand for alms, how did the first passer-by react? A

second? Is the old man now ashamed of begging? Why?

Information for the teacher

In "Alms" no lyrical hero, therefore absent and subjective - estimated

perception of the depicted situations. This work rather wears the nature of the parable. However

"Alms" to the genre of poems in prose.

Hero of Mercy in many ways similar the character of the poem "The Beggar". It's "old,

sick man”, wandering along the high road. "He staggered on the move" from fatigue. His

“thin legs” “stepped heavily and weakly”, “clothes hung on him in tatters”. In a word,

"he was exhausted" under the yoke of mental and physical suffering.

« ... He was once healthy and rich ... he spent his health, and distributed wealth to others ... And now

now he does not have a piece of bread - and everyone left him, friends even before enemies ... "The heroine is used to

to humiliate himself, therefore he feels bitterness and shame at the thought of alms .

"Face calm and important, but not strict; eyes are not radiant, but light; piercing gaze,

but not evil - this is how the stranger appeared before the hero. Judging by the appearance, by the sudden

appearance and the same disappearance, and also given that the stranger calls the old man by

Finding out that the old man despite the ingratitude of others, does not regret the distributed

wealth and perfect deeds, the stranger convinces the hero that should

be ashamed to beg. Beg for money - means giving other people

real opportunity to do good.

After that, the character of Turgenev's work is no longer ashamed of the fact that he has to

stand with outstretched hand. He looks hopefully into the eyes of those passing by. First

the passer-by turned away with a stern face. Well, there are all kinds of people. There are those who are not

understand that this is a test of their spiritual generosity - or stinginess and poverty. But in fact

deed alms - exchange process. And it is not known who receives more: the one to whom

give alms, or the one who submits it . And truly poor in spirit all who pass by, not

listening to pleas for help .

Group of students No. 2 works with a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "The Beggar" » (1 - aya and 2 -


Assignment to the teaching group their number 1

1. Prepare expressive reading fragment that poem opening M.Yu. Lermontov "Beggar" » (1 -

aya and 2 - stanza) :

At the gates of the holy monastery

Begging for alms stood

The poor man is withered, a little alive

From hunger, thirst and suffering.

He only asked for a piece of bread,

And the gaze showed living torment,

And who - then he laid a stone

Into his outstretched hand.

2. Give answers to the questions:

- What external appearance Lermontov a beggar? Compare his With portrait hero produced eniya

Turgenev "The Beggar".

- What is the difference between the plot situations in the works x Turgenev and Lermontov?

- Compare word meaning« alive» in stanzas 1 and 2?

- What is the role of the stone motif in Lermontov's poem?

Information for the teacher:

similarity Lermontov beggar With T Urgenev old man P almost literal: "poor man

withered, a little alive”, “look showed alive yu m uku" .

The image of a beggar - antithesis to parishioners: he is poor ots at mother's al blessings, while

surrounding demonstrate rovali absolute d at hovn wow poverty. At him « withered Shay" those forest

shell - He And same irreparably hardened ext morning. Even sight, showing "live m uku" , Not

smog stir up human hearts: beggar So And n e waited alive reactions direct

sensitivity, real responsiveness. Worse tog O: «… To That- That laid the stone // IN his extended at T at Yu

included motive petrified nia, necrosis souls, clearly from numbers those, whom V n arode are called

"non-Christians". iis mustache Christ, To ak We P omnim, movable philanthropy, P revratil ka think V

loaves. And human abyss shi, to how sad, can sometimes do the opposite. .

Group of students No. 3 works with a poem in prose "Two rich men".

Assignment to the teaching group their number 1

1. Prepare an expressive reading by roles poems in prose "Two rich men».

2. Give answers to questions (see textbook, p.:

Information for the teacher

Main hero sti creations rustic mu zhik, accepted niece - orphans at V mine

ruined house. To him Now b at kvaln O "Not n A What… salt get, P brisket P salt » , So

How n A "Katka recent pennies » P left. But V peasant family nobody Not grumbles And All With

joy are eating « And Not salty at Yu » chowder at , That's why What know: The main thing V zhi zni Not leave V trouble

near, stretch out R at To at help needy V support And compassion. Turgenev

allocating "whole thousands of and raising children for the treatment of patients, but the pity of the old" . Not

belittling merit last his, X artist co all responsibility declares: "Yes easy Rothschild at before

in the name of the neighbor.

Group teaching theirs 4 carries out selection proverbs Russian people And aphorisms ,

Sections: Literature, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Class: 7

Presentation for the lesson

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The purpose of the lesson- to reveal the artistic originality of the poem in the prose of I.S. Turgenev "The Beggar".


  • reveal the idea of ​​the poem;

Equipment: portrait of the writer, presentation.

Student Preliminary Work:

  1. Creation of two group informational mini-projects on the topics "History of the creation of the cycle "Poems in Prose"" and "Features of the genre prose poem».
  2. Creation of a group creative project - the film "Beggars" (with the necessary preparedness of students for this).
  3. Individual tasks:
    - a message about the history of the handshake ritual;
    - messages about the lexical meaning of words beggar And Brother.
    - individual research task "The expressive means of morphology in the poem "The Beggar"".
    - individual research task "Analysis of the composition of the poem."
    - creative task "The Beggar's Monologue".
  4. Homework for all students in the class:
    - read the poem "Beggar";
    - complete written task No. 4-5 (p. 71) in the workbook on literature for grade 7.
    - complete the tasks of the textbook No. 3, 5 (p. 261) orally.

1. Actualization of the topic and setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Today we turn to the reading and analysis of another Turgenev's creation - the prose poem "The Beggar". At home, you got acquainted with this work, tried to independently deal with its content and artistic features. What tasks do you want to set for yourself in today's lesson?

Students: Recall the features of the genre of a poem in prose, deepen the idea of ​​​​it; understand the main idea, the problem raised in the work; consider the means by which the author conveys to us the idea of ​​the poem.

Teacher: In other words, to comprehend the artistic originality of this poem. This will be the purpose of our lesson.

(Slide 1.) So, the topic of the lesson: “The artistic originality of the poem in the prose of I.S. Turgenev “The Beggar””.

(Slide 2.) Our tasks:

  • to deepen the idea of ​​the genre "poetry in prose";
  • identify the main idea of ​​the poem "The Beggar";
  • analyze the means of artistic expression used by the author;
  • improve the skills of monologue utterance.

2. Defense of the mini-project “History of the Creation of the Cycle “Poems in Prose””.

Teacher: To achieve the first goal, we turn to the group that studied the history of the creation of the Prose Poems cycle for help.

Students: (Slide 3) The cycle "Poems in Prose" was created by the great writer away from his homeland, in France, in the town of Bougival. First, ill health, and then Turgenev’s severe long-term illness, “a quiet, senile-sunset life”, loneliness, which a person experiences especially acutely in old age, fear of death, the death of people close to him set the writer in a sad mood. He still creates stories and novels, but since 1877 he discovers a new genre - poems in prose. It is this genre that will allow him to briefly but succinctly state instant impressions, the mood of an elusive life.

(Slide 4) The main motives of the cycle are memories of old love, reflections on the inevitability of death, reflections on the insignificance of life before the eternity of nature.

(Slide 5) The appearance of these miniatures, the reader should be obliged to Mikhail Maksimovich Stasyulevich, editor of the journal "Bulletin of Europe", with whom Turgenev collaborated for many years. From the memoirs of Mikhail Maksimovich, we learned that he repeatedly visited the writer in his French estate. Here is what he says: Turgenev said: “... if you want, I will prove to you in practice that I not only do not write a novel, but I will never write!” Then he bent down and took a briefcase from the side drawer of his desk, from which he took out a large sheaf of written sheets of various sizes and colors. To the expression of my surprise: what could it be? - he explained that this is something like what artists call sketches, sketches from nature, which they then use when they paint a big picture.

Turgenev further admitted that these materials would have been used if he had taken on a larger work, but in order to prove that he would not write anything else, he decided to seal the materials and deposit them until his death. Mikhail Maksimovich asked Turgenev to read a few sheets, and then said: “No, Ivan Sergeevich, I do not agree to your proposal; if the public must wait for your death in order to get acquainted with this charm, then you will have to wish that you died; and we'll just print it all now." Two weeks later, Turgenev sent Stasyulevich 50 sheets of poems.

(Slide 6) The collection of poems has a two-part composition. The first part - "The Senile" - includes 50 poems selected by Turgenev himself and published for the first time in the "Bulletin of Europe". The second part - "New Poems in Prose" - is 33 poems published much later than the death of the writer in Paris in 1930.

(Slide 7) It is known that Turgenev thought about the name of the cycle for a very long time. First, he called it "Posthuma" ("Poems in Prose"), then - "Senilia" ("Old Man"), and in the end he agreed with M.M. Stasyulevich's proposal to give the cycle the name "Poems in Prose".

3. Defense of the mini-project “Peculiarities of the genre “poetry in prose”.

Teacher: Let us give the floor to a group of literary critics who have been studying the features of this genre.

Students: (Slide 8) In the textbook of literature for grade 5, the following definition of this genre is given: "A poem in prose is a lyrical work in prose form."

Lyric is one of the three types of literature. The lyrical work depicts the state of a person at a particular moment of his life, expresses the feelings, thoughts and experiences of the hero. Common features of a poem in prose with a lyric poem can be called (Slide 9) small volume (as a rule, no more than a page of text); often - division into small paragraphs, like stanzas; usually plotless composition; the predominance of the lyrical beginning (the narration is in the first person, that is, on behalf of the lyrical hero); increased emotionality.

(Slide 10) Prose is a form of literature. A poem in prose is graphically designed as prose, it lacks rhythm and rhyme.

Thus, a poem in prose is an intermediate form between poetry and prose.

(Slide 11) I.S. Turgenev himself called these works sketches, sketches from nature, fragments.

Teacher: What have you learned about the genre?

4. Reading a poem and an analytical conversation with students.

Teacher: Guys, earlier you already got acquainted with the poems in Turgenev's prose. Which of them do you remember the most?

Today we turn to another poem. Before reading it, I want to quote the words of the author (Slide 12): “My good reader, do not run through these poems in a row ... But read them piecemeal: today one thing, tomorrow another; and one of them, perhaps, will plant something in your soul.

I hope that this poem will not leave anyone indifferent and will “drop” something important into your souls.

Let us turn to the lexical meaning of the word "beggar".

Student: (Slide 13) Beggar - 1) Very poor, poor. For example: poor hut, poor life. A person who lives on alms, collects alms. For example: give to a beggar. 2) The word can also be used in a figurative sense: deprived of internal interests, a spiritually devastated person. For example: poor in spirit.

Teacher: Explain the meaning of the words alms, charity. What is their etymology?

Teacher: Lexical meanings of cognate words differ alms And sop?

Students: Handouts are given out of condescension, even contempt. And alms - from sincere participation.

Teacher: Have you ever met beggars?

Let's create a portrait of such a person together?

Students: A thin, foul-smelling, unhealthy-looking person, dressed in dirty, old clothes.

Teacher: What is the attitude towards them in society?

Students: Negative. Prosperous people often try not to notice them, avert their eyes and pass by. Sometimes even aggression is shown towards the beggars: they can be driven away and even beaten.

Teacher: (slide 15) And how does IS Turgenev feel about these people? His attitude is expressed in the poem "The Beggar".

(Reading the poem by the teacher.)

Teacher: What feelings did you experience while reading the work?

Students: A feeling of pity, compassion for an unfortunate person who finds himself in a distressed situation. Feeling ashamed that there are people in the world who few people want to help ...

Teacher: It was precisely this feeling that the author himself experienced when he created this work, because when reading a talented lyrical work, we are imbued with the same emotions as their creator.

Can it be argued that the work has all the genre features of a poem in prose? Name them.


  • the work is small;
  • it is divided into small paragraphs;
  • there is a lyrical beginning - the narration is conducted from 1 person;
  • The work is emotional.

However, unlike most poems, there is a plot here. The work is written in the form of a scene. And this is one of the artistic features of this poem.

Students: The first proposal is a meeting of heroes.

Teacher: What artistic details help to present the lyrical hero?

Students: There are three of them: a scarf, a watch, a wallet.

Teacher: Draw his portrait.

Students: A strict suit, a hat, a coat, a white muffler ... This is a wealthy, prosperous person, an intellectual, a nobleman.

Teacher: And how did the hero see the beggar? Let's build an image line.

students: Face: "inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips"; "swollen eyes", "blue lips". The author uses the method of repetition of an artistic detail.

  • hands: "red, swollen, dirty hand", "dirty, trembling hand."
  • clothes: "rough rags"
  • health condition: "unclean wounds".

Teacher: Agree, an exhaustive portrait created with just a few details! It is no coincidence that Turgenev is called a master of artistic detail.

What part of speech does the author use more actively when creating a portrait of a beggar?

Students: Adjectives.

Teacher: Literally or figuratively?

Students: Most adjectives are used literally.

Teacher: We are used to the fact that words acquire special expressiveness if they are used in a figurative sense. Why, then, does Turgenev seem to deliberately avoid the use of tropes?

Students: The main thing for the writer is to fix the cruel, unsightly reality. Therefore, he selects words that are simple, devoid of subtext, double interpretation. Perhaps only one epithet will appear in the portrait of the beggar, expressing the perception of this unfortunate person by the lyrical hero: “trembling hand”.

Teacher: What are the expressive possibilities of the parts of speech used in the text?

Student(individual research task - morphological analysis of the text): 12 adjectives are used in the poem. All of them characterize the beggar: they clearly and accurately emphasize the features of his appearance and speech.

The verbs were used not to create dynamics, but to characterize the beggar: “stretched ... his hand”, “groaned”, “mumbled for help”, “waited”, “the hand swayed weakly and trembled”, “pointed at me ... eyes”.

The miniature is dominated by nouns (there are 30 of them), because the author wants to capture a life picture.

A special shade of sincerity is given to the poem by personal and possessive pronouns “I”, “me”, “mine”.

Thus, we can conclude that I.S. Turgenev skillfully used the expressive means of morphology.

Teacher: What expressive language did the author use?

Students: Turgenev used sound painting. The alliteration on Ш, Х, С, Х, Ш conveys the rustle of the poor old man's rags and his barely audible speech.

Teacher: Let's return to the lyrical hero. How did he feel when he saw the poor old man?

Students: Shock, embarrassment, confusion, horror...

Students: The rhetorical exclamation “Oh, how ugly poverty has gnawed this unfortunate creature!”.

Teacher: What do you see as a feature of this proposal?

Students: This is the only exclamatory sentence in the text. The effect produced by this rhetorical figure is enhanced by the use of a metaphor - “poverty gnawed”. Thus, this sentence can be called one of the emotional centers of the poem.

Teacher: How else is the shock, embarrassment of the hero expressed?

Students: The author uses a large number of dots. Their artistic role lies in the fact that the reader himself must guess what could have been discussed further in a suddenly interrupted statement. For example: “I began to fumble in all my pockets ... No wallet, no watch, not even a handkerchief ... I didn’t take anything with me.” We understand that the hero is embarrassed, confused, because he cannot help the beggar in any way.

Teacher: What is the climactic part of the poem?

Students: Hero handshake.

(Reading a fragment.)

Student(individual task): (Slide 16)

The history of the handshake ritual is as follows. In ancient times, this ritual demonstrated that a person does not hide weapons.

In knightly times, it had the following meaning: I am without weapons, I will not fight with you.

In the 19th century, the handshake became a sign of agreement in commercial transactions.

And in our time, this ritual demonstrates the goodwill of its participants, is a sign of greeting and respect for each other.

Student(individual task: work with explanatory dictionaries): (Slide 17) After analyzing various sources, I came to the conclusion that the word Brother is used in the following lexical meanings.

  1. Son in relation to other children of the same parents. For example: sibling, stepbrother.
  2. Familiar or friendly address to a man (colloquial)
  3. Comrade, comrade. For example: brothers in spirit.
  4. Your brother (colloquial), close, your person, as well as (generally) close people who understand each other. For example: your brother is a worker.

Teacher: In what sense is this word used in the speech of both characters?

Students: In 3 and 4 values.

Teacher: Consider the composition of the climax fragment.

Student(individual research task - analysis of the composition of the episode.) (Slide 18) In my opinion, with the composition of this fragment, Turgenev emphasizes the initial equality of people, which does not depend on their social status. The author shows that the desire to understand, to see a person in a person makes them really equal.

Firstly, the lyrical hero, feeling embarrassed because he cannot give alms, asks the beggar for forgiveness: "Do not seek, brother ...". And he replies with gratitude: "... and thanks for that." There is no bitterness in him against a person who could not give him money, food, something material. He was able to discern sincere embarrassment and loss in the lyrical hero.

Secondly, in the dialogue, the characters utter one line at a time, in each of which the appeal “brother” is heard twice.

Thirdly, the characters shake hands equally. The act of the lyrical hero, who extended his hand to a beggar, a sick person, was perceived by him as a recognition in him of an equal to himself.

Finally, everyone receives their alms. The beggar is the recognition of a person in him, and the lyrical hero is the forgiveness of the beggar for the fact that the world is so unfair, and gratitude.

Teacher: Here we have such a symmetrical table. The analysis once again emphasizes the idea that before God all people are equal, each of us has the right to count on the understanding, help and support of another person, and most importantly, on respect for our personality. And to understand a person, sometimes it is enough to try to stand in his place.

Student(individual creative task - "The Beggar's Monologue").

4. Generalization of the studied.

Teacher: To summarize what this poem has "buried" into your soul, we will write a syncwine, but before this difficult creative task, we will watch the film "Beggars" - the work of the third project group.

Creation and reading of syncwines.

Teacher: In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of A.P. Chekhov: “It is necessary that behind the door of every contented, happy person there should be someone with a hammer and would constantly remind by knocking that there are unfortunate people ...”. Such a person for us today was the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: What is the artistic originality of the poem "The Beggar"?

6. Homework.


  1. answer in writing question No. 1 (p. 260) of the textbook;
  2. to make a comparative analysis of poems in the prose of I.S. Turgenev "The Beggar" and "Alms".

(Slide 19)


  1. Borovitskaya V.N. Epilogue. - M .: MGP "Holy Boulevard", 1992.- 288s.
  2. Zaitsev B.K. Turgenev's Life: A Literary Biography. - Tula: Grif and K, 2007. - 222 p.
  3. Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary.- M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987.- P.425.
  4. Turgenev in the memoirs of his contemporaries. – M.: Pravda, 1988.- S.413-431.
  5. Russian literature of the 19th century. Second half. Grade 10. Issue 1 / Ed. L.G. Maksidonova. - M.: OLMA-PRESS Education, 2002. - 254 p. - (Summary of lessons for a teacher of literature).

In recent years, I.S. Turgenev lived in Paris, communicated with prominent French writers, and above all with the wonderful stylist Gustave Flaubert, he knew very well all book novelties and fashion trends. And therefore, in his quest, he drew attention to the prose poems of Charles Baudelaire and other poets of the coming era of decadence (ie decline). Exactly there the genre of a small poem in prose arose.

Initially, Turgenev considered prose poems as "sketches" for future works. At the first edition, the author wrote the following preface:

“My good reader, do not run through these poems in a row: you will probably get bored - and the book will fall out of your hands. But read them piecemeal: today one thing, tomorrow another, and one of them, perhaps, will plant something in your soul.

(I.S. Turgenev)

Poems in prose were written by I. S. Turgenev between 1877 and 1882 years, at the time of the writer's dying illness. Hence the name he came up with for them: "Senilia"- translated from Latin "senile". The editor of the journal "Bulletin of Europe", where the poems were first published, replaced the name with another one that remained forever - "Poems in Prose".

Collection composition

1 part- "senile"

(50 poems selected by I.S. Turgenev and

2 part - "New Poems"

in prose"

(33 poems were preserved in the drafts of the writer and were published in 1930 in

  • "Poems in Prose" is considered to be a cycle. Cycle not a simple selection or collection of works similar in theme or genre, some problem is certainly raised and resolved in the cycle. This small cycle is everything that excited, attracted, repelled Turgenev the man and Turgenev the writer: old thoughts about the meaning of human life and death, love and art, youth and old age. Human life seems to the writer short-term, instantaneous, doomed, which is especially bitterly felt in his declining years, during hours of bitter reflection.

"Posthuma" ("Posthumous")

"Senilia" ("senile")

"Poems in Prose"

  • Poem in prose It is a lyrical work in prose form. For a poem in prose, all the signs of a lyric are characteristic.

Signs of a lyric poem

  • small volume;
  • often - division into small paragraphs, like stanzas;
  • usually plotless composition;
  • the predominance of the lyrical beginning (1 sheet);
  • increased emotionality.

  • Some poems in prose are narrative, have a plot ("Sparrow").
  • graphic design;
  • lack of rhythm
  • lack of rhyme.

  • The poems are very different in character. But they are combined common features :
  • Autobiographical, first person narrative.
  • Confession of a diary entry.
  • Philosophical reflections on the most important questions.
  • Confidential communication with the reader.

They different by genre :

  • fairy tale("The Old Woman"), satire ("A Satisfied Man", "Life Rule"),
  • legend("Oriental legend"),
  • dialogue("Worker and Beloruchka") and others.

The poems of the cycle characteristic kind detachment from everyday credibility; image is created by a few sharp features and acquires in a number of cases contour character ; specific details and replacing them generalizations usually adjacent to each other - according to the principle simple neighborhood ; speech unhurried, solemn, upbeat, emotionally saturated.

  • Narrative is designed for active guessing And empathy reader, because each element of this structure is enveloped in many associations, allusions.
  • The unity of the cycle is manifested in the allegorical nature inherent in all its fragments, in a special romantic elation, in the exclusivity or unusualness of the narration, and in morality.

  • The title of the poem is "Beggar". Is it only about a poor person?

Expressive reading of a poem



Lexical work


1. Very poor, poor.

2. A person living on alms, collecting alms.

3. Deprived of internal interests, spiritually devastated.

Individual task

to prepare a report on the paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov "Begging singers", V.G. Perov "Tea drinking in Mytishchi".

  • With the help of what artistic details does Turgenev work out the portrait of a beggar in detail? What does the writer emphasize in the image of the hero? Write down key words and phrases.

Inflamed, tearful eyes, blue-colored lips, unclean wounds, a decrepit old man, an unhappy creature, a red, swollen, dirty, trembling hand.

  • The description helps to see the old beggar with his own eyes, even to hear his voice, the rustle of his rags. How does the author convey these sounds?

Alliteration ([w], [x], [s], [h], [u] - beggar, decrepit, rough rags, unclean, unhappy creature, mumbled, swollen, etc.) help us not only to see, but also to hear.

  • What verbs convey the condition of a beggar? What does the choice of vocabulary indicate?

Moaned, moaned, mumbled.

Lost, confused, cold

  • Write out participles that convey the state of the lyrical hero in the poem.

  • How many times do sentences with ellipsis appear in the text? Read them out loud. What is the name of this expression? What is the function of dots in the text of the poem by I.S. Turgenev?

Sentences with ellipsis occur 7 times. Default figure. With the help of dots, the extreme excitement of the lyrical hero and the author's desire are conveyed: the reader must feel it for himself.

  • What figurative and expressive means emphasizes the mood of the lyrical hero?

The rhetorical exclamation "Oh, how ugly poverty has gnawed this unfortunate creature!" conveys the indignation and compassion of the lyrical hero.

  • What does the lyrical hero of the beggar call? Count the number of words used. What is the choice of vocabulary

The lyrical hero calls the beggar "an unhappy creature", "a beggar" 3 times (2 times as a noun and 1 time as an adjective), the word "brother" is used 5 times (3 times by a lyrical hero and 2 times by a beggar).

The lyrical hero is able to think and feel. He saw in the old man a man worthy of respect and compassion.

  • How does the lyrical hero manifest himself in the work of I.S. Turgenev?

Lexical work

Handshake -

  • in ancient times:

I do not hide weapons;

2. knightly times:

I am unarmed, I will not fight with you;

sign of consent when concluding transactions;

4. Our time:

demonstration of goodwill.

Lexical work


1. Son in relation to other children of the same parents;

2. familiar or friendly address to a man (colloquial)

3. Comrade, like-minded person.

4. Your brother (colloquial), close, your person, as well as (generally) close, understanding people .



In epithets

A trembling hand, rough rags, lost

In various repetitions, in the intonation structure of speech

“Do not seek, brother; I have nothing brother

In exclamations, appeals, direct assessments

“Oh, how ugly poverty has gnawed this unfortunate creature!”


I was walking along the street... I was stopped by a beggar, decrepit old man.

Inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips, rough tatters, unclean wounds... Oh, how ugly poverty gnawed at this unfortunate creature!

He held out his red, swollen, dirty hand to me... He groaned, he bellowed for help.

I began to fumble in all my pockets... Not a purse, not a watch, not even a handkerchief... I took nothing with me.

And the beggar waited... and his outstretched hand swayed weakly and shuddered.

Lost, embarrassed, I firmly shook this dirty, trembling hand ... Do not seek, brother; I have nothing, brother.

The beggar fixed his inflamed eyes on me; his blue lips smiled - and he, in turn, squeezed my cold fingers.

- Well, brother, he mumbled, thanks for that. That's also an alms, brother.

I realized that I also received alms from my brother.

What picture comes to your mind?

Together with an abundance of pauses(short paragraphs, separations within sentences, author's dashes, caesuras) all this creates a unique rhythm of lyrical and philosophical prose- unhurried, with repetitions of individual motifs, with repeated returns - like a counter current in a river stream.

Such a rhythm corresponds to the complex, rich mood of the cycle and helps to arouse in the reader the mood necessary for the writer to most impressively comprehend his conclusions.

How many paragraphs are in the poem? What does this division of the text into paragraphs indicate?

Extract from the text

nouns (1 option) ,

adjectives (Option 2) ,

verbs and verb forms (Option 3) ,

pronouns (Option 4).

Count the number of words used. What does this indicate? What are the features of the poem?



Street, old man, eyes, lips, rags, wounds, poverty, creature, hand, help, pockets, purse, watch, handkerchief, beggar, hand, brother, turn, fingers, alms. - 20

Verbs and verb forms

Poor, decrepit, tearful, blue, rough, unclean, miserable, red, dirty, quivering, blue. - eleven


He passed, stopped, gnawed, held out, groaned, mumbled, began, fumbled, did not take, waited, swayed, shuddered, shook, do not demand, fixed, grinned, squeezed, mumbled, understood, received, lost, embarrassed, inflamed, cold. - 24

I, me, he, with me, myself, everyone, him, this, my, mine, mine. - eleven

There are many in the text nouns(taking into account repetitions), which indicates about the static image. I.S. Turgenev sought to recreate a picture of reality in the smallest detail. Verbs, participles and adjectives serve a means of characterizing the state of the hero. The text is dominated by neutral and sublime vocabulary. There are many in the text pronouns, What gives it a hint of sincerity, excitement.


What is the main idea of ​​the poem in prose "The Beggar", its artistic idea?

Poem by I.S. Turgenev "The Beggar" is a call for mercy, for respect for the dignity of man, for understanding the idea of ​​the brotherhood of all people and the significance of each person.

Lexical work


it is a willingness to help someone or forgive someone out of compassion, philanthropy. (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov)

Let's make a cinquain!


Let's work in groups

cinquain- this is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:

Line 1 - one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.

Line 2 - two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 - three verbs describing actions within the topic.

Line 4 - a phrase that carries a certain meaning.

Line 5 - conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).

2.Individual tasks:

Prepare a message "historian""Sennaya Square";

Prepare a message "literary scholar" about the image of the muse in the poetry of N.A. Nekrasov;

Expressive reading of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “I am unknown. I didn’t get you…”

Introspection card

I'm in today's class...

I learned and learned what a poem in prose is, a literary cycle

Engaged in text analysis, worked with literary terms and concepts

was active

Well-formulated answers to questions

I understood the meaning of the poem in the prose of I.S. Turgenev "The Beggar" and drew conclusions from it

Put a + in each empty box below the statement if you agree with it.


Ivan Sergeevich



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