Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed: latest personal news. Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed: latest news


She announced her pregnancy. But only now the 29-year-old actress decided on a big candid interview about the birth of her first child. It appeared in the September issue of Fit Pregnancy and Baby magazine. The Twilight star Rosalie Hale wants to be undisturbed in the first few weeks after her first child is born. “I want to take a “month of silence” after the baby is born. Only our family, no guests, and we will also turn off the phones, ”said the actress. She is not one of those who flaunt every step of the newborn: she does not intend to post a photo of the baby and write about her health.

Nikki Reed also revealed how she found out about the pregnancy. “I didn’t have glasses or contact lenses on and I can’t see without them. I looked closely and could not understand if there was one strip or two. Then I screamed at Ian (Ian Somerhalder - husband of Nikki Reed. - Note. ed.): “Get up soon!” He ran into the bath, saw two stripes, and we were in seventh heaven, ”reed confessed.

Nicki admitted that she does not yet know the gender of her unborn child. According to her, this is “the greatest and only real surprise that life throws up.” “A close friend had a son, and then I also wanted a boy. And then another friend had a baby girl, and I thought it was great to have a miniature version of myself. So both options are good here,” Reed added.

Nikki Reed plans to use the services of a personal doctor, a doula (a special profession, the essence of which is to provide the woman in labor with the necessary information and psychological support. - Note. ed.) and masseur. The actress noted that at first she wanted to give birth at home without medication and with the help of a midwife, but still changed her mind. “As my doctor told me, midwives believe that childbirth will be easy and effortless. Doctors are always wary and think in advance: something can go wrong. You need to find a middle ground, ”the expectant mother shared.

The actress adds that her husband doesn't want Nikki's pregnancy to end. “Ian jokes that he would like me to be pregnant forever. Now I'm much better, because I'm really relaxed. This is happiness,” admitted Nikki Reed.

Recall that Nikki Reed married actor Ian Somerhalder (TV series The Vampire Diaries, Smallville and Lost) in April 2015. Before the wedding, the lovers met for a year. In 2009, information appeared in the media that the Twilight star Nikki Reed was in a close relationship with Russian actor Pavel Priluchny and even wore a tattoo with his name on her wrist. The first official celebrity husband was Paul McDonald, with whom the actress broke up in 2014, and in January 2015 an official divorce was obtained.

Pregnant Nikiya Reid with husband Ian Somerhalder

Nikki shared with the publication that she and her husband planned to spend the first month after the birth of their daughter just the three of us:

“The first month after the baby is born will be our month. It will be a month of silence. Just the three of us, no guests, no phones, let no one expect news from us. Looks like the couple kept their promise and actually spent 30 days alone with their adorable baby.

Nikki also told the publication a sweet story about how she and Ian found out that they were expecting a baby: “I am an early bird and took a pregnancy test before dawn. I didn't have glasses or contact lenses on and I couldn't see well without them. I squinted and could not understand how many stripes there were. I yelled "Ian, get up." He burst into the bathroom, looked at the test, and we were beside ourselves with happiness. We greeted the dawn together, thinking that we would have a child.

Posted by Nikki Reed (@iamnikkireed) Aug 9, 2017 at 1:44 PDT

We first learned that the couple were expecting a baby in May of this year, when Nikki posted a cute photo on Instagram with the caption, “Hi babe. I know you because I feel you. How is it possible to love someone so much? The only thing I know for sure is the strongest feeling I have ever experienced. We've been through so much together already. We look forward to your birth. With love, parents.

Posted by Nikki Reed (@iamnikkireed) May 4, 2017 at 3:03 PDT

Ian then posted the same photo as his wife, captioning, “To friends, family and the world. I have been living on Earth for 38 years and I have never seen anything more powerful and beautiful than this. I can't think of anything but a new chapter in my life, which is very exciting. We decided that you should hear this news from us. It was the most wonderful time in our lives. We want to keep this between us for as long as possible, enjoying the time with our little one who is growing very fast... which is what they always do fast: growing up. Thank you for the positive energy. With love, Yen."

To our friends, family, and the rest of the world. In my 38 years on this earth I "ve never experienced anything more powerful and beautiful than this. I can" t think of anything more exciting than this next chapter and we wanted you to hear this from us first. This has been the most special time of our lives and we wanted to keep it between the three of us for as long as possible so we could enjoy this time with each other and our little one who is growing so fast...because that" s what they do, they grow so fast.

0 October 17, 2018, 12:45

Ian Somerhalder with daughter

The star of the series "The Vampire Diaries" 39-year-old Ian Somerhalder and the actress of the saga "Twilight" 30-year-old Nikki Reed first became on July 25, 2017. The other day, the paparazzi finally managed to capture their little daughter Bodie Soleli on the streets of Toronto. Fans of the couple were able to see the face of the baby for the first time.

Spouses do not like to advertise their relationship. A few weeks before the birth, Nikki gave an interview to Fit Pregnancy and Baby magazine, in which she admitted that in the first month of their baby's life, she and Ian would lead a very private life.

After the birth of a child, our family will take a month of silence. Only we - without guests, communication with journalists and with disconnected phones. These unique 30 days are non-refundable, so enjoy them to the fullest.

Nikki also spoke about the moment when she first found out that she was expecting a baby. According to her, she decided to do the test before going to bed.

I didn’t take glasses, I also didn’t have lenses, and without them I can’t see much. I began to squint hard, wondering, "Is there really more than one strip?" In the end, I had to shout out to Ian: "Get up! Urgent!" He ran to the bathroom, looked at the test and... We almost died of happiness! After that, we sat on the veranda, watched the sunset and thought: "Wow, we will have a baby!"

It looks like there are irreconcilable contradictions in the family of the Vampire Diaries star. Newlyweds Ian and Nikki can not find a common language on the issue ... procreation! The actors got married this spring for great love and it is quite natural to assume that they should soon have their first child. But no! Actress Nikki Reed wants to actively pursue a career, and her star husband, on the contrary, wants to be realized as a father.

Let's try to figure out what is the problem of this couple? The fact is that handsome Ian Somerhalder has recently had serious difficulties with self-realization. The television series, in which he has been working for several seasons, may be closed in the near future. Yen feels a crisis because of this. He understands that the time has come to show his fatherly qualities.

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The wife of the beloved vampire, Nikki Reed, is a rather sought-after and popular actress. She is only 27, she is 10 years younger than her husband and does not want to take maternity leave for the sake of having a baby ...

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According to the American portal OK!, the actor delivered a serious ultimatum to his beloved woman. If she does not give birth to a baby before the end of the year, then he will file for divorce.

This is not the first time Ian Somerhalder has had similar problems. According to rumors, he broke up with his previous passion Nina Dobrev for the same reasons: she was in no hurry to give birth.

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