Igor Krutoy - biography, information, personal life. Igor Krutoy: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Krutoy biography year of birth


The legendary Igor Krutoy: how did he develop his composing talent? Like his wife?

And the most famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy is popular in Russia, the CIS countries and other countries of the world. Beautiful music, eccentricity, talent and solidity of the personality itself attract a lot of attention. We will tell you how a man achieved success and celebrity, and what is happening in his personal life: who is Igor's wife now, how many children he has.

Brief biography of the Russian star

A popular composer and producer originally from the Kirovograd region: he was born on July 29, 1954 in the provincial town of Gayvoron, Ukrainian SSR. The boy turned out to have an excellent ear for music, he felt the music well. How this talent was born in him is unknown, since his family was not connected with the art of music: his father was a dispatcher at a local factory, and his mother worked in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

The mother noticed this feature of her son in time and took him to a music school: Igor began to actively and successfully study. First, he learned to play the button accordion, then the piano, and already in the middle of the 6th grade he was able to organize a musical ensemble. The boy was famous at school and often led the organization of musical accompaniment for school performances and holidays.

During this time, the talent completely captured the mind of a teenager - after school, he entered the Musical College of Kirovograd, where he studied theory well. In 1974, Igor graduated with honors and began to earn a living teaching the button accordion. He did this by force, because he was not accepted into the conservatory. But the young man did not give up, and a year later he was successfully enrolled in the Pedagogical Institute of the city of Nikolaev in the musical and pedagogical direction, starting to study as a choir conductor. Igor was forced to work as a waiter at a local restaurant, where he later met Alexander Serov.

In the late seventies, the young man moved to the capital of the USSR, starting work in the Panorama orchestra. In 1981, he began working in the ensemble of Valentina Tolkunova, and after she left, he became its leader.

The composer's career took off. Igor created songs for various artists, including Alexander Serov, who helped him in promotion.

In 1986, the man entered the conservatory in Saratov, realizing his dream of becoming a full-fledged composer. A year later, he already wrote his famous creation "Madonna". It, like Igor's subsequent works, became hits of that time.

Krutoy became famous and in demand: many famous Soviet performers needed his talent. After Igor became the director and artistic director of the ARS company, he began producing: under his leadership, this company became the most famous company in Russia in the 90s, engaged in production and concert activities. It was this company that organized concerts for such stars as Michael Jackson, Jose Carreras, and also performed concerts in other countries.

In 2000, Krutoy became interested in instrumental music. At the same time, his famous collection “Music Without Words” appeared, which became insanely popular among listeners. The man acts in video clips, creates music for various films.

After 2005, the composer was treated for a serious illness. Several operations in the United States and active treatment were able to put the Russian celebrity on her feet.

In 2010, Igor collaborated with the world-famous singer Lara Fabian, a joint album was recorded, and more was learned about Krutoy in Western countries.

And in 2016, the video “Belated Love” appeared at the box office along with Anzhelika Varum, the song hit the Russian charts.

Krutoy is the People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Who is Cool's wife?

Igor met his first wife back in the Soviet years: in 1979 he met the journalist Elena. The couple did not advertise their romance, people even played a wedding in secret. Igor admitted this only after some time, giving an interview.

Two years after they met, Elena gave birth to a son, Nikolai, but already in 1985 the couple divorced - the man fell in love with Olga, a very active person who was then engaged in entrepreneurship, and now is a serious businessman. She gave birth to the composer's daughter Alexandra in 2003: the baby was born in the USA, where Igor's wife lives most of the time.

A man pays great attention to the well-being of his family. Igor Krutoy realized his talent, becoming one of the most famous people in the USSR, and then in Russia. We learned that he has a beloved wife and children, and we wish the man further success in his work and happiness in the family.

Many people think that the composer took a beautiful pseudonym that speaks for itself in show business, but in fact he inherited a sonorous surname. Igor Krutoy was born on July 29, 1954 in Ukraine, in the Gaivoron district center of the Kirovograd region. His family was far from music and, moreover, show business. Father, Yakov Aleksandrovich Krutoy, worked as a freight forwarder at a radio components factory, mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked as a laboratory assistant at the city sanitary and epidemiological station. However, my father had an amazing ear, he brought a trophy accordion from the war, which he played perfectly and could pick up any melody by ear. Igor was not the only child in the family: five years later his sister Alla was born, who later became a TV presenter.

The future composer began to gravitate towards music at an early age, as a junior schoolboy he himself learned to play the button accordion, then entered a music school. Igor always played music - at first he accompanied the school choir, and in high school he played dances. As the composer later recalled, thanks to this, he was famous in the area "almost like the Beatles."

After the button accordion, Igor Krutoy mastered the piano - this was required in order to enter the Kirovograd Musical College. Upon admission, the teachers made the young man an indulgence - he lacked theoretical knowledge, but absolute pitch and abilities spoke for themselves - Igor was admitted to the school on the condition that for the first year he would fill in the "gaps" in his musical education, which was more self-education.

Krutoy graduated from college in 1974 with a red diploma, after which he went to the exams at the Kyiv Conservatory, but did not pass the competition. The following year, the young man worked as a music teacher in a rural school, and then entered the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute. Belinsky. In 1979, Krutoy became a certified music teacher and conductor - he received a composer's diploma more than ten years later, graduating from the composer department of the L.V. Saratov Conservatory. Sobinova

While studying in Nikolaev, the young musician did not sit idle: he worked part-time, worked at the Philharmonic, played in a restaurant. In the restaurant, he met the aspiring singer Alexander Serov, a casual acquaintance over time turned into friendship and long-term cooperation.

In the late seventies, Igor left for Moscow: at first he worked in the Moscow Panorama Concert Orchestra, then in the Blue Guitars ensemble. At that time he began to write the first songs. In 1981, Igor Krutoy was called to work in the ensemble of Valentina Tolkunova - first as a pianist, and later as the head of the ensemble, and in the early eighties he often toured with concerts with actor Yevgeny Leonov. Great success came to the young composer in 1987, when he wrote the song "Madonna" for Alexander Serov to the verses of Rimma Kazakova. This was the first recognition, and what a one: Serov with his song immediately became the laureate of the "Song of the Year". The successful tandem continued: in collaboration with Kazakova Kruta, he wrote such hits for the singer as "Wedding Music", "How to Be", "You Love Me". Although the composer himself believes that his first hit was the song "Confession" to the verses of his friend Alexander Zhigarev, which was performed by Serov. As Igor Krutoy recalls, when he came home, he heard all of Ukraine singing: “I will always love you, I will share my life with you ...”.

Cooperation with Serov was long enough - but as often happens, when business comes into play, a crack appears in the relationship of friends. However, a long quarrel with Serov did not lead to creative downtime - gradually Igor Krutoy became an increasingly sought-after composer, and very soon he gained the fame of one of the main domestic hit-makers. In the mid-nineties, Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova, Valery Leontiev, Alexander Buinov, Igor Nikolaev and other stars sang his songs. And in 1997, after the release of the video “Unfinished Romance”, in which he sang a duet with Allegrova, the whole country recognized the composer by sight, they began to take autographs from him on the streets. Many were worried about the question: “Did Igor Krutoy have an affair with Irina Allegrova?” Of course it wasn't.

Igor Krutoy met his first wife Lena when he came to Leningrad on tour in the late seventies. And in 1979 they got married. At first, the young lived in Leningrad, but Igor could not get a job in the city on the Neva. And then he was just invited to Moscow, to the Panorama orchestra. In the same year, their son Nikolai was born. At first, the couple rented a house, then Elena exchanged a Leningrad apartment for a Moscow one. However, after a while, family relationships cracked - and as a result, Elena filed for divorce. After Igor Krutoy wandered around rented apartments for about a year, until Evgeny Leonov and Valentina Tolkunova “knocked out” a room in a communal apartment for him in the executive committee - he lived there for a long time.

The second time Igor Krutoy married in 1995, his wife Olga is in business, lives in New York, but the couple often fly to each other. As the composer laughs, it does not happen that they do not see each other for more than a month. He always treated Olga's daughter from Victoria's first marriage (she was born in 1985) as his own, and in 2003 Igor and Olga Krutykh had a daughter, Alexander.

In addition to composing, in the late eighties, Igor Krutoy took up producing activities - in 1989, thanks to his efforts, the Ars company appeared (at first it was called the ARS Youth Center), which quickly became one of the largest concert and production organizations engaged not only in "promotion" artists and the release of audio and video, but also the production of television programs, the organization of tours of foreign stars. Also, starting in 1994, Igor Krutoy began to hold his annual creative evenings with the participation of Russian pop stars. These concerts once again prove how hard Krutoy works: every year the concert participants present new songs to his music.

In 2003, Igor Krutoy, together with Raymond Pauls, organized the New Wave competition for young performers, and then the Children's New Wave, and in 2004 he became the producer of Star Factory-4. In addition to songs for artists, Krutoy writes a lot of instrumental music, in addition, he wrote music for the films “A Souvenir for the Prosecutor” (1989), “Thirst for Passion” (1991), “Hostages of the Devil” (1992). In total, the composer has released more than fifteen albums, for the entire time of his work he has written more than three hundred compositions for Russian pop stars.


  • Igor Krutoy has a sister, Alla, who is 5 years younger than him. In 1992, she married an Italian-American and moved to the United States, to Philadelphia. There she began working as a TV presenter, after a divorce from her husband, she returned to her homeland and began to broadcast on Ukrainian television.
  • Igor Krutoy graduated with honors from the Faculty of Music Theory of the Kirovograd Musical College.
  • Having entered the Pedagogical Institute in the city of Nikolaev after college, Igor Krutoy also worked part-time by playing in the Philharmonic and in a restaurant. In a restaurant, he met aspiring singer Alexander Serov, who sang there in the evenings, and Krutoy accompanied him. It was Serov who began to persuade him to move to Moscow.
  • The first time the composer married in 1979. In 1981, his son Nikolai was born, but they soon broke up with his wife. The second wife of Igor Krutoy - Olga (they got married in 1995) lives in America, is engaged in business. In 2003, their daughter Alexandra was born. Olga also has an adult daughter from her first marriage, Victoria. When she got married, Igor Krutoy led her down the aisle.
  • The composer got an excellent ear from his father - he could pick up almost any melody by ear and enjoyed playing the trophy accordion brought from the war

1988 Lenin Komsomol Prize

1991 Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

1996 People's Artist of Russia

2004 Order of Friendship

2009 Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree

2011 People's Artist of Ukraine

2012 Muz-TV Award

1989 Souvenir for the prosecutor

1991 Thirst for Passion

1992 The Devil's Hostages


2011 Mademoiselle Zhivago

1986 Recognition. Songs of Igor Krutoy

1987 Alexander Serov. Madonna

1991 Alexander Serov. I'm crying

1992 Rose Sisters. How is it in Russia?

1994 Collection of songs by Igor Krutoy. Starfall

1995 Collection of songs by Igor Krutoy. Love is like a dream

1995 Arkady Arkanov. Arcane - Cool

1996 Irina Allegrova. I will part the clouds with my hands

1996 Vadim Baikov. queen of my dreams

1997 Alexander Buynov. islands of love

1997 Songs of the composer Igor Krutoy. Part 1 and 2

1998 Irina Allegrova. Unfinished novel

1998 Songs of the composer Igor Krutoy. Part 3 and 4

1998 Mikhail Shufutinsky. Once upon time in America

1998 Rose Sisters. You are me

1998 Laima Vaikule. latin quarter

1998 Alexander Buynov. My finances sing romances

1999 Valery Leontiev. Ropewalker

1999 Songs of the composer Igor Krutoy. Part 5

2000 Igor Krutoy. Friends and songs

2000 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 1

2001 Creative evening of Igor Krutoy in the State Kremlin Palace

2001 Songs of the composer Igor Krutoy. Part 6

2003 Snow Queen

2004 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 2

2004 Once in a lifetime… 50

2004 Igor Krutoy. The best. Part 1

2006 Igor Krutoy. What does the pianist play about?

2007 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 3

2008 Igor Krutoy. The best. Part 2

2009 Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Igor Krutoy. deja vu

2010 Lara Fabian and Igor Krutoy. Mademoiselle Jivago

2012 Igor Krutoy. Without words. Part 4, 5

The biography of Igor Krutoy, the details of his personal life, have always been of interest to both his many supporters and admirers of talent, and his opponents, whom he also has a lot of. And this is natural: Igor Krutoy is, first of all, a great personality, and then everything else.



Igor Krutoy was born in 1954 in the city of Gayvoron, Ukrainian SSR. Contrary to misconceptions, Cool is not a pseudonym. It just so happened that the real name coincided with fate.

Igor Krutoy in childhood

He was born into a family far from music: his mother is a housewife, his father worked at a local radio factory. Perhaps the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy was influenced by his Jewish nationality. Music has been in his blood since childhood.

At the music school, he quickly mastered the button accordion, then he also learned the secrets of the piano. There, at school, his producing abilities also showed up: he created his own group and organized concerts. Most likely, nationality has nothing to do with it. It's just that someone is given a talent from God, someone is not.

Igor Krutoy in his youth

Igor always knew what he wanted, and did not turn off the musical path: he graduated from the music school, then the conducting department of the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute.

Carier start

The beginning of the 80s is a turning point, when significant changes took place in the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy. Acquaintance and friendship with Alexander Serov, work in the VIA "Blue Guitars", work as the head of the Tolkunova ensemble, performances with Evgeny Leonov - these are just some of the milestones of his creative path of that period.

Igor Krutoy with Alexander Serov

The star of composer glory really rose for him in the 87th year. The song "Madonna" by Kazakova was performed by Serov, and the song instantly became a number one hit. The most popular songs of the composer of those years:

  • "Do you love me"
  • "Wedding Music"
  • "Fortune"

Producer activity

Since 1989, Krutoy has been the president of the ARS production and concert company. He managed to attract both the most famous performers and emerging stars to cooperation.

The company has gained considerable weight and a good reputation in the colorful world of show business. Suffice it to recall that the tour of Michael Jackson in Moscow in 1993 was organized by ARS.

Composer Igor Krutoy

At various times, the following cooperated with ARS:

  • Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • Nikolai Trubach
  • Irina Allegrova
  • Shark and many more

Health problems

After the conflict with the First, the composer completely passed. He was unrecognisable in the photo. He had to go to the USA for treatment, and in New York he underwent a complex operation, which ended successfully. However, one of the ill-wishers launched a "duck" about his death. It was at that time that the composer realized very well who was friend and who was enemy. Fortunately, he quickly recovered and returned to a creative life.

Composer Igor Krutoy

Personal life

The personal life of Igor Krutoy in the late 70s, a photo of those years, his first wife is not the brightest page in his biography. The first marriage with Elena in the 79th year was unsuccessful. Scandals constantly broke out, and after the divorce, the wife did not allow Krutoy to see his son Nikolai, who was born in the 81st year. Then Krutoy had problems with alcohol, but he managed to overcome them.

First marriage to Elena

The second marriage turned out to be much happier. The composer was introduced to Olga by Alla Pugacheva during his tour in New York. Classical love at first sight broke out between them.

It is the future wife that the famous hit of Krutoy “I love you to tears” is dedicated to. The composer's wives turned out to be very different people, respectively, and life together with them turned out completely differently.

Igor Krutoy always believed that the crown of any biography and personal life is, of course, children. Son Nikolai from his first marriage did not follow in his father's footsteps. He is quite successful in the construction business.

Igor Krutoy and son Nikolai from his first marriage

Children from the second marriage are the adopted daughter Victoria and daughter Alexandra, born in 2003.

For two years, a rumor has been circulating on the Web that the daughter of Cool Alexander has autism. It is difficult to say what prompted the emergence of such gossip. Perhaps the whole point is that the girl did not spend enough time on social networks and with a smartphone. There is no reason to believe that this is true.

From the side of Krutoy and his wife, there have never been any statements about this. By the age of 16, Alexandra has blossomed, has become a real beauty, she always smiles in the photo and looks completely happy.

Igor Krutoy, his wife and daughters

Igor Krutoy now

At the end of 2017, Igor Krutoy scared fans with his photos. On them, he looked too thin and somehow exhausted. Of course, rumors about his serious illness immediately spread. However, fortunately, these rumors were not confirmed.

The composer is still full of strength and energy, took an active part in numerous New Year's musical shows and corporate parties at a high level.

Igor Krutoy

Igor Krutoy devotes a lot of energy to his brainchild - the Children's New Wave Festival. He is both the general producer of the festival and a member of the jury. It remains to wish the maestro long years and the conquest of new creative heights.


Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy (born July 29, 1954 (54 years old), Gaivoron, Kirovograd region, Ukrainian SSR) - People's Artist of Russia (1996), Russian composer, singer, owner of the ARS production company, an independent copyright agency (NAAP), Muz-TV channel and radio stations "Love-Radio" and "Radio Dacha", "Song of the Year", one of the creators of the New Wave festival in Jurmala, music producer of Star Factory-4.

The path to recognition

Composer Igor Krutoy was born on July 29, 1954 in Gaivoron (Kirovograd region). His father worked at the factory as a freight forwarder, and his mother was a laboratory assistant at the sanitary and epidemiological station. As a child, he independently learned to play the button accordion, performed with the school ensemble. After studying at a music school, Igor Krutoy entered the theoretical faculty of the Kirovograd Music College, from which he graduated with honors in 1974. He failed to enter the Kyiv Conservatory - he failed in the exam in the history of the CPSU. Then he taught music for a year in a rural school. In 1979, Krutoy graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Nikolaev Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Simultaneously with his studies, he worked part-time in a restaurant; then the composer met Alexander Serov, for whom he soon began to write songs. In 1986 and 1987, Serov won international competitions with Igor Krutoy's songs "Inspiration" and "Despite Fate". In 1988, Igor Krutoy became the laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

General fame

The songs of the famous Russian composer are performed by Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova, Valery Leontiev, Alexander Serov, Laima Vaikule, Alexander Buinov, Abraham Russo, Rose Sisters, Alsu, Igor Nikolaev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Iosif Kobzon, Philip Kirkorov, Vladimir Vinokur, Kristina Orbakaite, Vladimir Presnyakov, Lev Leshchenko, Masha Rasputina, Anzhelika Varum, Verka Serduchka, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru, Nikolai Baskov, Anna Reznikova, V. Baikov, Diana Gurtskaya, Tea Together, Anastasia Stotskaya, Vlad Stashevsky, Alexa, Vadim Azarkh, Disco Crash ”, Irina Dubtsova, Yuri Titov, Max, VIA Cream, Sergey Zhukov, Valery Meladze, Dima Bilan, Timati, Sergey Lazarev, Taisiya Povaliy. The tours of these and other Russian "stars" in the solo program of Igor Krutoy were successfully held not only in Russia, but also in the USA, in the prestigious halls of the Taj Mahal (Atlantic City), Radio City Music Hall ( New York), Madison Square Garden (New York). He also composed music for films (“A Souvenir for the Prosecutor”, “Hostages of the Devil”, “Thirst of Passion”, “Kind Exchange”), recorded an album of instrumental piano music “Without Words 1-3”. In addition to composing, Igor Krutoy is known as a producer, he is the artistic director of the ARS company.

Composer of over 300 songs, including:

* Madonna. Do you love me.
* I will love. Inspiration.
* Love is like a dream.
* Wedding flowers.
* Steamboats go to sea.
* Fate out of spite. Susanna.
* How to be. Airmail.
* I am in love with you. Do you remember.
* Wedding music.
* Starfall. You were.
* Guardian angel. Snow boy.
* Crystal and champagne.
* How is it in Russia?
* Water meadows. Name days are stale.
* Yesterday. Random meetings.
* Well and Let. Do you love or not?
* It was, but it's gone.
* Small cafe. Hunter Diana.
* September 3rd. Waltz.
* Unrequited love. Honduras.
* Catcher in the rye. I need you.
* Gold of love. I will take you back.
* Hotel Razgulnaya. I am in the field or a sapper.
* Not my fault. I pray.
* There is no trouble here. Last meeting.
* Outside the cordon. Letters from afar
* Leave. Otzovis.

* I love you to tears.
* Train Kyiv-Moscow.
* I will part the clouds with my hands.
* A curtain.
* Palms.
* Kiss Me.
* Mistress.
* Honeymoon. Girl named "I want"
* Expectation. Confession.
* Queen of my dreams. Elizabeth.
* On Ordynka. lonely without you
*Give me a kiss.
* Lunar path.
* As you wish. gold fish
* Accidental separation. Under the constellation of love
* Train to nowhere. Early hour...
* Birthday love. Belated dream.

* Palma da Mallorca. A stolen night.
* Treasures of the Black Sea. Ropewalker.
* I forgot your face. Pretty Lolita.
* Tram ticket. When the day ends
* You are me. Dance Dance.
* Right last night. Russia and America.
* Maupassant. White dove.
* Romeo and Juliet. What the night can do.
* Thaw. I am begging you.
* Surf music. In the city of dreams.
* Toshiba. Child of love.
* Bitch women. Autumn in Philadelphia.
* Island of a thousand kisses. I love men.
*Her Highness. Spring in Paradise.
* Monologue. Master of Pleasure.
* Captain. I will smile at you through my tears.
* Do not be late. Night lilies.
* Dad's smile. Table for two.
* Unfinished novel. Hooligan.
* Crystal glass. Two.
* You will be responsible for the market. Lullaby.
* Islands of love. Sealed envelope.
* White Butterfly of the Day. Othello.
* In the wrong car. Honeymoon trip.
* Song about the Motherland. Mannequin.
* For you. Paris.
* Do not kill my love. Gallery of broken hearts.
* Meeting at the restaurant. Do you think about me...
* My finances sing romances. Roses scattered...
* Ocean Love. Alien woman
* Lady Lorigan. In the city of N.
* Don't leave. Oh Maggie.
* Train in the mountains. Olga.
* Loneliness. Shark from Honolulu.
* Father. Coco Chanel.
*Let me take my leave.
* Moscow taxi. Moscow does not believe in tears.
* Lanterns. Halfway to you
* Let me go. Take care of yourself.
* The Velvet season. Crazy.
* Three girls. Night.
*Let's go on Safari. Two stars.
* I will marry a Jew. Last page.
* Puerto Rico. Two hours of rain. Love notes.
* Acapulco. Magnolias of Monaco.
* Chestnut branch. Street of love.
* For what? On the golden sands of Miami.
* I miss you. Wind.
* The brides closed the shutters. In the stagecoach of my dreams
* I want to see you. Carmen.
* Remember. Latin Quarter.
* Trio. Snow falls.
* Romance. The craft of hope.
* Sonnet. Birds.
* I love opera. Tsytsa Maritsa.
* Hawk. Dream world.
* Finish an unfinished novel.
* My 20th century. The people are ancient.
* I'm leaving.
* Mirrors. I will go to Sylvester Stallone.

* A thousand years. River tram.
* A game. Live in peace, country. Zone.
* Adjuster. Marilyn. Ginger cat.
* An unnamed planet. Stopwatch.
* Tenderness. When love comes to me
* Do not forget. Flower.
* Farewell words. You know mom.
* Sun and moon. Doesn't matter.
* My friend. Air castle.
* You are my light. Love does not know the word no.
* Barrel organ.
* It's just a dream. What is the pianist playing about?
* Separation. Let's steal each other.
* June rain. Last time.

* Bridges. Enemy.
* Forever. Kiss Me.
* Make-believe. Just ain't easy
* Where are you? I live for you.
* Nordic wenches are hot. The green color of your favorite eyes.
* River. Carl has stolen Clara's corrals. Lilies of the valley.
* Only time. Eat.
* Not with you. Song of the robbers.
* Lanterns. When you say goodbye to a fairy tale.
* Goodbye, Jurmala. Let me go.
* Black Star. Lemonade bubbles.
* Sunset invitation. Every day with you.
* May you be lucky in love.

* Four guys.

Music without words

* Table for two

* Song of a friend
* Eurydice-dance
* Tenderness
* Cocktail "Jazz"
* When I close my eyes
* Overnight Express
* Pink smoke
* Madison Square
* Pleasure
* Without words
* Song of a friend (remix)

* Lullaby for Sasha
* Journey with a fugitive
* You are in my September
* Contrasts
* I miss you even when I sleep
* This world loves winners
* Sad Angel
* Cherchez La Femme
* You were sent to me by God
* bullfight love
* Ballerina
* City of dreams come true
* I like rain
* Eyes of love
* Dream seen in a dream

* The whole world is love
* Island of the Sun
* Flight for happiness
* Bay of Angels
* Autumn Sonata
* Only for you
* Metamorphoses
* New Year's Sashenka
* Fleeting
* Mamba Cool.
* The whisper of palm leaves in the warm breeze
* Cocktail of different women
* Elegy
* Mad World Carnival
* Music from the movie "Kinship Exchange"
* Music from the movie "Long Road in the Dunes"


* "Guardian Angel (1994)"
* "Unfinished Romance (1997)"
* "Table for Two (1998)"
* "Crystal glass (1998)"
* "My friend (2001)"
* "Live easy country (2002)"
* "Palma de Mallorca (2004)"
* "Moscow does not believe in tears (2004)"
* Lost Shore (2007)
* "Steamboats go to sea (2008)"

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy (July 29, 1954) is a world-famous Russian composer and producer who today owns several radio stations and even owns his own music site on the Internet. Thanks to incredibly attractive compositions, in 1996 he received the title of People's Artist of Russia, and in 2011 he became People's Artist of Ukraine. Among other things, since 1992 Igor Yakovlevich has been an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.


Igor was born on July 29 in the city of Gayvoron, located on the territory of the Kirovograd region, in an ordinary average family, where at that time her older sister Alla was already being brought up. Igor's father is a worker at an engineering plant, who devoted his whole life to working and maintaining a good and stable condition in the family. The mother of the future composer, Svetlana Semyonovna, was a laboratory assistant at the sanitary and epidemiological station and, because of her work, she was often forced to travel. In her absence, the older sister watched over the boy, since his father worked at the factory until late in the evening.

The musical abilities of a little boy have been visible to the naked eye since his school years. At first, young Igor independently mastered musical literacy, and then even learned to play the button accordion (moreover, he also did it himself!). In addition, he did not neglect participation in school performances and productions, often performing compositions of his own composition.

And, despite the fact that musical numbers, as a rule, were only minute, Igor's friends from school and teachers noted the boy's incredible talent, predicting his successful future in the world of show business. But, despite such flattering reviews, Krutoy was in no hurry to immerse himself in music, making it his profession. So far, for him it was just a fun hobby, which, moreover, attracted the attention of friends to him.

Youth and early musical career

The fact that he seriously wants to study music and, moreover, to connect his whole life with it, Igor Yakovlevich began to think after successfully graduating from high school. So, he goes to the theoretical faculty of the Kirovograd Musical College, where young talents like him begin to comprehend the basics of complex craftsmanship.

In 1974, Krutoy graduated with honors from an educational institution. At that moment, he dreams of entering the conservatory, but, due to circumstances unknown to anyone, the young and gifted guy is denied admission.

Frustrated, Igor goes to teach at one of the local schools. It seems that the dreams and aspirations of becoming a professional pianist have come to an end, but Krutoy does not give up. In parallel with teaching, he successfully passes the entrance exams and ends up at one of the faculties of the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute named after Belinsky. Of course, studying at this institution was very different from the one that the future musician had originally expected, but there was no choice.

Studying at a teacher training school was given to Krutoy with great difficulty, mainly due to serious financial problems. Despite the fact that several friends helped him at once, the guy could barely make ends meet in order to steadily pay for tuition and accommodation in the college dormitory. Then he decides that he is no longer able to ask for a loan from friends and goes to one of the restaurants in the city, applying for the position of a waiter.

After much persuasion, the owner of the establishment takes the guy to work, setting an ultimatum - he will take off - he will be fired this very second! But Krutoy does not even think about relaxing on a working dream, on the contrary, he is trying in every possible way to earn more. By the way, his first meeting with Alexander Serov takes place there, for whom Krutoy will subsequently compose lyrics and music.

Gaining Popularity

Since 1981, the creative rise of Krutoy begins. Thanks to the same Serov, who, having met a talented guy, becomes a listener of several draft compositions, Igor is offered to become a pianist in the artistic ensemble of Valentina Vasilievna Tolkunova. Having proven himself well in front of the leader, Igor Yakovlevich rather quickly becomes her best friend, and then, after Tolkunova left, the new artistic director.

During this period, Krutoy writes compositions for several domestic performers at once, the main of which, of course, is Alexander Serov. With the help of beautiful and lyrical melodies, he even wins the Song of the Year festival, after which Igor Krutoy begins to receive orders several times a day, making the composer more and more famous.

Until 1989, Igor Krutoy was in the musical field only as a composer. He collaborates with Alexander Serov, tours with Evgeny Leonov and writes music for such compositions as "Out of Fate", "You Love Me", "Madonna", "Inspiration", "How to be", "Wedding Music" and others.


Since 1989, having gained experience in the music field, Igor Yakovlevich opens his own production company called the ARS Youth Center (later shortened to the abbreviation ARS). The goal of the company is not only the cooperation and support of many domestic celebrities, but also the attraction of new and unknown performers.

Since 1994, the ARS Youth Center has been holding monthly creative evenings, in which about a dozen pop celebrities constantly take part. Each time the events are radically different from each other, however, as are the compositions performed on stage, the author of which, of course, is Krutoy. It is worth noting that over the 11 years of its existence, ARS has proved its success, entered the top three largest and most popular music companies in Russia, and even managed to organize performances of sections abroad (in particular, in Germany, Israel and the United States of America). At the moment, Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy has over a hundred successful contracts with such domestic stage stars as Irina Allegrova, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Nikolai Baskov, Nadezhda Babkina, Oleg Gazmanov, Alsu, Vlad Stashevsky, Prokhor Chaliapin and others.

Personal life

In early 1979, at one of the charity concerts, Igor Krutoy met his first love, the journalist Elena, who is an ardent admirer of the composer's work. A few months later, a rumor appears in the press that Krutoy secretly married a young girl, which he openly admits in an interview.

In 1981, the couple's son Nikolai was born, but the couple was not destined to be together - by 1985, the press became aware that Igor Yakovlevich had left his family, carried away by the young business woman Olga Dmitrievna. The couple was in no hurry to tie the knot, and a couple of years after the composer's meeting, the woman went back to New Jersey, where she continues to do business and actively correspond with Krutoy, raising his daughter Alexandra.

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