Igor cool real surname biography. Unfinished novel


Our article will present the biography of the popular Russian maestro Igor Krutoy, the creator of hits of all time: “I love you to tears”, “Unfinished novel”. Recognized Ukrainian and Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, producer of "New Wave", "Songs of the Year".

Igor Krutoy is known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. He was awarded the title of Honored Worker of the Russian Federation. Now many famous singers dream that this famous artist would write a song and music for them. But how his path to success began, you will find out as soon as you read the article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy

Many adherents of his work are interested in the question of what height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy. At 62, Igor Krutoy looks like a fit, stately man. He leads an active lifestyle, and this all affects his external data.

He is 176 centimeters tall and weighs 78 kilograms. Weight is in harmony with his height. According to the sign of the zodiac, he is a lion, and according to the Chinese calendar, he is a horse. Igor can be compared to a horse, they are both hardworking and proactive.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

The biography of Igor Krutoy is eventful. Almost everyone thinks that Krutoy is the pseudonym of the artist. 07/29/1954 Igor Krutoy was born in Ukraine. Mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked from a sanitary and epidemiological station, and father, Yakov Krutoy, worked at a factory. At the age of six, a button accordion was bought for the boy. With this instrument began his creative career. As a child, the artist did not even think of being a composer, he wanted to be a driver. But, over time, he realized that most of all in life he likes to compose music and write poetry.

The future pop star studied at a music school in Kirovograd, graduating with honors. The guy dreamed of entering the conservatory, but this did not happen. In 1974 he entered the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute at the conducting and choral faculty. While studying at the institute, the future composer worked at school, teaching musical art, and also worked in restaurants and taverns with his friend Alexander Serov in his spare time. Igor Krutoy played the piano, and Serov sang. In 1986 he entered the Saratov Composer University.

Success overtook the composer in 1987, when he composed the song "Madonna", which was performed by his friend Alexander Serov. After this song, Krutoy's career as a composer began to grow. In 1998, he became president of the ARS concert and production company.

The famous artist has many awards and orders.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

The personal life of Igor Krutoy was arranged for a long period of time. Krutoy has an unsuccessful marriage behind him. When Igor was a student, he met his first wife, Elena. Elena captivated him so much that he proposed to her on the third date.

The family did not last long, due to difficulties in everyday life, lack of money, they decided to divorce. From his first marriage, the composer has a son, Nikolai. In 1995, he ties the knot for the second time. This marriage is strong, he went through "fire and water, and a copper pipe." The second wife is Olga. She gave Igor a daughter, Alexander.

Family of Igor Krutoy

The family of Igor Krutoy lives in two houses. The wife will live in the USA, and Igor in Moscow. The maestro has a large family, he has a loving wife, son, two daughters and granddaughters. Rarely do they get together. Igor Krutoy constantly has to fly to his daughters in America.

The composer has a rather successful family: his wife is a business lady, and her daughter is a singer. Their family has a tradition - this is a joint celebration of the New Year. The biggest gift he received from his wife Olga Krutoy was the birth of his daughter Sasha.

Children of Igor Krutoy

The children of Igor Krutoy constantly delight their father with their talents and successes. Son Nikolai grew up without the participation of his father. Since his first wife, Elena, went to another man, and Kolya grew up with a different “dad”. Igor has a stepdaughter Victoria, but he considers her his own daughter.

Igor adopted Vika and gave her his last name. The most favorite child is daughter Sasha. Sasha is a late child, and the actor has the most reverent and tender feelings for her. Alexandra is now 14 years old, and she is already as tall as her dad. But, for Igor Krutoy, she remains a little girl.

The son of Igor Krutoy - Nikolai Krutoy

The son of Igor Krutoy is Nikolai Krutoy. Nikolay was born in 1981. After the divorce, Elena Krutaya forbade Igor to see her son, but after a while she thawed and allowed Kolya to see her father. Krutoy provided the boy with not only moral, but also financial assistance. Nikolai Igorevich received a decent education. Kolya holds a high position in the largest machine and construction company, which is located in Moscow.

The son of a popular composer first married in 2007. In this marriage, a daughter, Christina, appeared. Igor doted on the granddaughter of the soul. In 2013, the couple separated. In 2015, Nikolai marries for the second time. The wedding was magnificent, many celebrities were invited.

Is the daughter of Igor Krutoy - Alexander Krutai suffering from autism?

The daughter of Igor Krutoy - Alexander Krutaya was born in 2003. The girl is brought up in severity, but for her father she is an outlet. Igor Krutoy composed for her music and poetry "Lullaby to Sashenka". At her age, the girl is not registered in any social network.

Sasha tried herself as a singer, performing in the competition for young performers "New Wave". There are many facts on the Internet that Igor Krutoy's daughter Sasha has autism. The producer himself does not comment on this fact.

Igor Krutoy's wife - Olga Krutaya

The wife of Igor Krutoy is Olga Krutaya. The meeting of Olga and Igor took place in America in 1995. Igor Krutoy arrived with his concert program "Song of the Year". A month after this meeting, they began a relationship. In 1997, the couple decided to get married. Igor adopted Olga's daughter Victoria.

Olga Krutaya does not waste hours on quarrels and resentments, as they rarely see each other. From the lips of the couple's comrades it is said that due to the fact that Igor and Olga often part, they do not have time to get bored with each other. In 2017, the couple will celebrate a pearl wedding.

Illness: Igor Krutoy has cancer?

Everyone is interested in the question of what illness Igor Krutoy has. Everyone was shocked by the news that Igor Krutoy had cancer. Igor had a pancreatic cyst. The composer was able to overcome this disease. The operation was performed at the oncology clinic, which is located in Los Angeles.

A difficult operation, which lasted more than twenty hours, and soon long rehabilitation days helped to overcome the disease. After suffering an illness, the composer rethought the values ​​in life. Igor still adheres to proper nutrition, no matter what provokes the disease.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Krutoy

The composer does not update his Instagram feed often, due to his busy schedule. On Instagram, you can see photos with celebrities such as: Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Laima Vaikule and others. Also lots of family photos. The composer is not registered in other social networks.

People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, laureate of song festivals.

Born on July 29, 1954 in the city of Gaivoron, Kirovohrad region (Ukraine). Father - Krutoy Yakov Aleksandrovich (1927-1980), worked as a dispatcher at the Radiodetal plant in Gaivoron. Mother - Krutaya Svetlana Semyonovna (born in 1934), works in the ARS company. Wife - Krutaya Olga Dmitrievna (born in 1963), lives in New Jersey (USA), is engaged in business. Son (from his first marriage) - Nikolai (born in 1981). Daughters: Victoria (born in 1985), Alexandra (born in 2003).

The musical abilities of Igor Krutoy manifested themselves early. At school, at children's matinees, he played the button accordion, accompanied the choir. In the 6th grade, he organized his own ensemble, in the senior classes he played accordion dances. And when the time came to decide on a profession, on the advice of his mother, Igor began to prepare for admission to a music school. But in order to seriously engage in music, it was necessary to master the piano, and Igor spent the whole year before entering the school on this.

In 1970, Igor Krutoy entered and in 1974 graduated with honors from the theoretical department of the Kirovograd Musical College. After graduating from college, he taught a button accordion course in Gayvoron and in the village of Bandurovo. A year later, he entered the Nikolaev Musical and Pedagogical Institute at the conducting faculty. And only 11 years later, Igor's dream came true: in 1986, he entered the composition department of the L.V. Saratov Conservatory. Sobinov (class of Professor N. Simansky).

While studying in Nikolaev, Igor Krutoy played dances, worked part-time in restaurants, worked at the Nikolaev Philharmonic - in the VIA "Singing Cadets" as a pianist. In 1979 he was invited to the Moscow Concert Orchestra "Panorama", where he worked with L. Smetannikov, V. Miguley, P. Bulbul ogly. In 1980, he went to work at the Blue Guitars VIA.

In 1981, I. Krutoy was invited to work first as a pianist, and then as the head of the ensemble, Valentina Tolkunova. During this period, he collaborates a lot and tours with concerts with Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov. The first big success came to I. Krutoy in 1987, when he wrote the song "Madonna", and Alexander Serov, an old friend of Igor Krutoy who still worked in Ukraine, performed it. The song became the laureate of the television festival "Song of the Year". Further, for A. Serov, the composer wrote such famous songs as “Wedding Music”, “How to Be”, “You Love Me”.

Since 1989, in addition to the creative activity of I.Ya. Krutoy begins to actively engage in production activities. He heads the ARS firm (originally the ARS Youth Center), first as director - artistic director, and then, since 1998, as president. Over the years of its existence, the firm "ARS" under the leadership of I. Krutoy has become one of the largest concert and production organizations in Russia.

The activities of the ARS company are carried out in all areas of show business, including the production of TV programs, the release of audio and video products, the organization of concerts in the country and abroad, as well as the organization and holding of tours of foreign performers in Russia.

AND I. Krutoy and the ARS firm cooperate with all famous domestic performers, hold solo performances and large-scale show programs at the most prestigious venues in the country, as well as abroad. Under the auspices of the ARS company, concerts were held in Moscow by such world-famous stars as Jose Carreras (1995, Bolshoi Theater), Michael Jackson(1996, Dynamo stadium).

Millions of pop lovers know ARS primarily as a producer of popular television music programs broadcast on ORT and RTR channels - Song of the Year, Morning Mail, Good Morning, Country!, Hot Ten, Sound track".

Igor Krutoy and the firm "ARS" organized and held concerts of the main Russian song festival "Song of the Year" in the USA (1995 - Atlantic City, Taj Mahal Hall; 1996 - Los Angeles, Shrine Auditorium; 1996-1997 - New York, Radio City). Together with the composer Raimonds Pauls, Igor Krutoy organized the New Wave competition for young performers in Jurmala. He also became the producer of "Star Factory-4" on Channel One.

Since 1994, the ARS firm has been holding creative evenings of the composer, People's Artist of Russia Igor Krutoy, with the participation of Russian pop stars. The first creative evenings of Igor Krutoy were presented for the 40th anniversary of the composer at the Moscow Operetta Theater (1994). After the success of the first concerts, Igor Krutoy's creative evenings became traditional and were later held at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. In addition to Russia and the CIS countries, they were also held abroad - in the USA, Germany and Israel. Every year, pop stars delight the audience with new hits by Igor Krutoy. Songs of one author sound from the stage, but every year a completely new, unusual show program is presented to the audience.

Igor Krutoy released a series of discs with recordings of his songs: “Songs of Composer Igor Krutoy” (parts 1–6), “Songs of the Composer - Star Series” (2002), A. Buinov “Islands of Love” (1997), “My finances sing romances" (1999), I. Allegrova“I will part the clouds with my hands” (1996), “Unfinished novel” (1998), M. Shufutinsky “Once in America” (1998), A. Serov “Madonna” (1987), “You love me” (1990), L . Vaikule "Latin Quarter" (1999), V. Leontiev"Rope Dancer" (1999), V. Baikov "The Queen of My Dreams" (1996), collections of songs "Starfall" (1994), "Love, like a dream" (1995), "Grand Collection" (2002), "The Best" (2004).

Igor Krutoy writes a lot of instrumental music. In 2000, an album of instrumental music "Without words" was released. He also wrote music for three feature films: A Souvenir for the Prosecutor (1988, directed by A. Kosarev), Hostages of the Devil (1991, directed by A. Kosarev), and Thirst for Passion (1992, directed by A. Kharitonov).

For outstanding services in the field of musical art I.Ya. Krutoy was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1989), the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1992), People's Artist of Russia (1996). In 1998, Igor Krutoy's nominal star was laid on the Square of Stars near the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. Awarded the Order of Friendship (2004).

Igor Krutoy, a Soviet and Russian composer, celebrates his birthday - today the most famous songwriter for Alla Pugacheva and the stars of Russian show business turned 62 years old. Igor Krutoy's career was difficult, but the composer himself is sure that he owes his success to those wonderful people he met on the stage of the USSR.

The first performers of Igor Krutoy's songs were the young Alexander Serov and Valentina Tolkunova. Rather, he met Tolkunova earlier, the young pianist acquired vast experience in concert activities precisely during the period of cooperation with this demanding performer of lyrical songs. “Such a school was very useful to me in the future: a composer and songwriter should know how performers live, where they go and how ideas for lyrics are born,” Igor Krutoy notes in his interview.

Igor Krutoy was born on July 29, 1954 in the Ukrainian city of Gayvoron. The music school, which he graduated with honors, allowed him to enter the Kirovohrad Musical College, but after graduating in 1974, Igor did not qualify for the Kyiv Conservatory, where he had dreamed of entering since childhood. For a year Igor Krutoy taught music at a rural school, and a few years later, in 1979, Krutoy successfully completed his higher musical education at the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute.

Student part-time jobs in a restaurant during the Nikolaev period introduce Igor Krutoy to Alexander Serov, in the future this duet will become the best on the Soviet stage of the mid-late 80s.

Igor Krutoy and Alla Pugacheva

Igor Krutoy wakes up famous after the release of his song "Madonna" on the central television channel of the USSR. The hit was performed by Alexander Serov, it was 1987 in the yard. "Song of the Year-1987" cemented the successful collaboration between singer Serov, composer Igor Krutoy and poetess Rimma Kazakova. Alla Pugacheva also draws attention to a promising composer: the prima donna has always been famous for helping young and talented musicians find themselves on the stage.

Alla Pugacheva and Igor Krutoy will cooperate for many more years, in 1989, not without the advice and participation of the prima donna, Igor Yakovlevich opens his own business related to recording activities. After the collapse of the USSR, the monopoly on recording songs by the Melodiya company disappears, so the new brainchild of Krutoy becomes a very popular structure. His firm ARS for 11 years of work has become a respected concert-producing organization of the Russian Federation. It was with the help of ARS that Igor Krutoy started a new tradition in 1994 - his concert evenings, at which many stars were discovered.

Igor Krutoy: personal life

Igor Krutoy entered into his first marriage in 1979, his wife Elena is from St. Petersburg, in 1981 the couple has a son, Nikolai. Now Nikolai is also a father - in 2010, Igor Krutoy became the grandfather of the charming Christina Krutoy. However, the marriage cracked, the long absence of Igor Yakovlevich on tour and mutual cooling affected. Divorce Elena and Igor spent intelligently, parted on a friendly note, managing to maintain mutual respect and not hurting the feelings of his son.

The second marriage of Igor Krutoy happened out of great love: Igor saw his future wife in the USA, where he was on tour in 1994. Olga had no idea how popular, wealthy and in demand Igor Krutoy was in Russia, so she did not attach any importance to a casual acquaintance. However, Igor was very persistent, in the next of his visits to the United States, he seeks the hand and heart of Olga, who was then raising her daughter Vika alone.

Having married in 1995, the couple decide to have a second child: in 2003 they become the parents of their daughter Sasha, who is already showing creative inclinations and rushing into show business, like her older sister Vika. The family always spends father's birthday together, and 07/29/2016 will again be such a happy day.

The wife of Igor Krutoy is Olga, an amazing woman. She achieved a lot in life on her own, without the help of her famous spouse. At her age, Olga Krutaya looks just great - a young beauty, you can’t call her otherwise.

Krutoy's first wife

In his youth, however, as now, Igor was a very attractive man. His first wife, Elena Krutaya, agreed to marry the composer on their third date. In those years, Igor did not work, which irritated his young wife very much, and, being already pregnant, she left Igor. Igor Krutoy divorced his wife. The ex-wife tried in every possible way to prevent him from communicating with the born son Kolya, but in different ways he still saw the boy. As an adult, Nikolai communicates with his father and always turns to him for advice. Unfortunately, life turned out in such a way that the son repeated the fate of his father and also divorced in his early years.

Igor Krutoy's wife Olga - photo

Olga's biography begins in 1963. She was born in the city of St. Petersburg. Her family was not very rich, her father was a communist who lived by the rules and tried to adjust the whole family to these rules, and her mother was a quiet and calm woman who looked after the house.

As a child, Olga was a very obedient child, but with age, her father's frame ceased to suit her. The girl constantly quarreled with her father about the fact that she was an adult and should not listen to anyone about how long she should walk and what to wear. But the father believed that he was the head of the family, which means that his word was above all. As a result, thanks to her character, Olga was able to achieve her goal. In many ways, character and perseverance helped the girl to become who she is now.

After school, the girl received an economic education. Initially, she wanted to choose a different direction, but to spite her father, she chose the economy. Despite the fact that it was an unconscious choice, she never regretted it, as education helps her to run a business competently. At the age of 19, the girl got married and a child appeared in the family - the daughter of Vika. Some time after the birth of her daughter, Olga went to visit a friend in America, after spending a little time there, she fell in love with this country and decided to stay there. Olga took her daughter and settled down abroad.

Acquaintance with Igor Krutoy

In the fourth year of Olga's stay in America, Igor Krutoy arrived there with a concert. The girl and her friend decided to attend this event in order to have a little rest and remember Russia. It so happened that the tables of the future spouses were located nearby. Igor immediately drew attention to an attractive lady and asked her for a phone number, saying that he wanted to talk when he was here next time. In fact, Cool just fell in love at first sight with this woman. A month later, Igor called Olga and invited her to a meeting. Krutoy's future wife did not think at all about any serious relationship, and besides, she was married. But after talking, young people began an affair.

Two years later, Olga and Igor got married. They arranged a luxurious wedding, where many Russian stars were invited. The newlyweds could not decide on the place of residence, so Olya remained in America, and Igor Krutoy in Russia, because he loved this country very much and could not leave.

In 2003, a child appeared in the family - the daughter of Alexander. The couple still communicated only a few times a month, when Igor came to America. Maybe that's why their personal life does not collapse - they simply do not have time to annoy each other. The children of the spouses get along well with each other, and Igor considers Olga's daughter his own and even gave her his last name. Igor Krutoy with his wife Olga and daughter Alexandra, as well as Olga's daughter from her first marriage - Victoria in the photo.

Now Krutoy's wife has her own perfume business, which brings in sufficient income. Despite the fact that the age of the woman is already more than fifty years old, she looks just great. Many people think that it is a matter of plastic surgery, but Olga Krutaya denies this and says that she only uses creams, and she owes her beautiful appearance to genetics.

// Photo: Anna Salynskaya / PhotoXPress.ru

Today it is hard to imagine that the composer Igor Krutoy, the creator of numerous hits, once had no money even for food. Only decades later, he will become an eminent musician, producer, organizer of competitions and a very popular person, whose army of fans will number in the millions. All my life, there were women next to Igor Krutoy, who will celebrate his 63rd birthday at the end of July. Each of them played a role in the fate of the maestro.

An incorrigible romantic, girls always liked him. I fell in love myself. Igor Krutoy made an offer to his first wife Elena on the third date. She agreed without hesitation. The young people played a wedding in 1979 in Leningrad. The celebration was modest, the guests gathered in Elena's small apartment. They laid a long table, ran around the neighbors for forks and spoons. In a word, it was noisy and fun. But family life turned out to be completely different.

26-year-old Igor Krutoy did not have a permanent income, which made his young wife very nervous. As a result, Elena left her husband, being pregnant.

“I am grateful to her for this, for honesty, for making such a decision, because every year it would be more and more tragic,” Igor Krutoy will say decades after the divorce.

For a while, Elena tried to prevent communication between her father and Kolya's little son. Igor Krutoy admitted that sometimes he had to cheat and ask the boy's nanny to arrange a date for him with the heir. But later everything fell into place. After an unsuccessful experience of family life, Igor Krutoy tried to protect his son from irreparable mistakes. But the young man still had to go through a divorce, practically repeating the fate of his father.

After ten years of a bachelor life, in the early 90s, Igor Krutoy met a woman who became his destiny. At one of the banquets in America, Igor was introduced to the bright and beautiful business lady Olga. “I didn’t even think that women could be so beautiful,” Igor Krutoy recalls about the first meeting with his future wife. But there was no question of romance. Olga was married and had a daughter. And Igor was waiting for work in Moscow. But their love turned out to be stronger than distances and conventions. At one of the following meetings, Krutoy made an offer to Olga.

“I went for broke,” Igor Yakovlevich recalled in an interview. We haven't had any relationship yet, but I've already made an offer. Immediately asked the question: "Will you be my wife?" And she immediately agreed.

The meeting with Olga filled the composer's life with new meaning. Thanks to this woman, Krutoy wrote his most beautiful and lyrical songs. “They fell in love with each other at first sight,” said the younger sister of the maestro Alla Baratta. - Igor began to compose unusual songs. I remember my brother came to see me in Philadelphia, sat down at the piano and played a beautiful melody. I asked: “What is this? And what is it called? He replied: “It is called “Olenka”. The result was the song "I love you to tears ...".

The couple have been together for over twenty years. In 2003, Olga gave her husband a daughter, Sasha. And they still live in two countries - Olga in America, Igor - in Russia. “I am in demand here,” says Igor Krutoy. “Of course we miss you a lot. But we try to see each other more often. We usually spend the summer together somewhere in Europe.”

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