Igor in Greek means. Diminutive names


If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Igor.

What does the name Igor mean?

The name Igor means - warlike (other scand.)

The meaning of the name Igor is character and destiny

A man named Igor is a stubborn and contradictory person. However, he is very sociable, finds a common language with everyone, charming.

Easily makes promises that he then fails to keep. He tends to overestimate his abilities. Igor is as if woven from contradictions: he is stubborn; new at the same time easily adapts to circumstances, quickly converges with people and just as quickly parted, prudent in deeds and deeds, although he can dream up. A man named Igor is easy-going. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance, gallant, has good taste. Jealous, arranges scandals for no reason. Doesn't forgive change. The leader in the family, proud and vulnerable. From the wife requires complete obedience, unquestioning obedience. However, he is not cruel, he knows how to pay for good with kindness, he is noble in his actions, honest and sincere in friendly relations. Igor is jealous to the highest degree, in marriage he always strives to be a leader and requires his wife to do everything as he sees fit to do. Marriage happens more than once. Despite the divorce, he continues to maintain close relationships with children, takes care of them, takes part in their lives, and does not forget about his parents. He is especially close in spirit to his mother. A man named Igor loves beautiful women, is not too faithful to his wife, but you can’t call him a hero-lover either. Igor is not always able to fully realize his abilities, so by old age he becomes capricious, intractable, always dissatisfied with something, grouchy. Likes to teach, give advice, annoying and boring.

The meaning of the name Igor for sex

Igor in sex is an idealist and romantic, appreciates constancy. In intimate relationships, a man named Igor seeks perfection and rushes from one mistress to another. "December" Igor is passionate, he is very different, for example, from "July", which is more moderate in sexual needs.

"Winter" Igor in love needs a certain level of comfort, he is sensitive to the external environment, various smells (to a greater extent this is true in relation to the "February" Igor).

The nature and fate of the name Igor, taking into account the patronymic

Name Igor and patronymic ....

Igor Alekseevich, Igor Andreevich, Igor Artemovich, Igor Valentinovich, Igor Vasilyevich, Igor Viktorovich, Igor Vitalievich, Igor Vladimirovich, Igor Evgenievich, Igor Ivanovich, Igor Ilyich, Igor Mikhailovich, Igor Petrovich, Igor Sergeevich, Igor Yuryevich idealist and romantic. Proud and generous, positive attitude towards others. He is sexy, loves women, of them he chooses the most stately, bright, rushing from one to another - he likes many. Emotional, energetic. He loves comfort, luxury, expensive things, elegant and knows how to splurge, pretending not to be who he really is. However, he skillfully avoids conflicts, does not like to complicate his life with them. A good diplomat knows where and how to behave. He loves art, nature, admires everything beautiful. He marries in adulthood, seriously approaches the choice of a spouse, taking into account not only her appearance, but also her inner content. In the family - independent, uncontrollable, powerful, leads his wife. Does not adhere to generally accepted rules, lives by its own laws. He values ​​his principles above all else. More often boys are born.

Name Igor and patronymic ....

Igor Alexandrovich, Igor Arkadievich, Igor Borisovich, Igor Vadimovich, Igor Grigorievich, Igor Kirillovich, Igor Maksimovich, Igor Nikitich, Igor Pavlovich, Igor Romanovich, Igor Tarasovich, Igor Timofeevich, Igor Fedorovich, Igor Eduardovich, Igor Matveevich, Igor Yakovlevich very vulnerable, tactful, correct, helpful with women. Knows how to care. Calm and moderate in manifestations of feelings in public, in sexual relations - passionate and unbridled. He hides his sensuality, considering it a weakness. He hates scenes and scandals, strives to establish even, harmonious relations in the family. He is sociable, easily adapts to new circumstances, can live in his wife's house with her parents and becomes their favorite son-in-law. Does not strive for wealth, but cares about the welfare of the family, its future. Thrifty and economical. Unassuming. In the first marriage, intimate relations with his wife are not always successful. The second time, Igor will not marry soon. From the first marriage there is a child whom he loves no less than the children from the second marriage, pays him a lot of attention. The second time he marries more successfully, he takes a woman much younger than himself as his wife. In the first marriage he usually has a son, in the second he has children of different sexes.

Name Igor and patronymic ....

Igor Bogdanovich, Igor Vilenovich, Igor Vyacheslavovich, Igor Vladislavovich, Igor Gennadievich, Igor Georgievich, Igor Danilovich, Igor Egorovich, Igor Konstantinovich, Igor Robertovich, Igor Svyatoslavovich, Igor Yanovich, Igor Yaroslavovich witty, emotional, energetic. His character is fighting, warlike. Often enters into various kinds of controversy, passionate, stubbornly defends his opinion, even if he understands that he is wrong. Too independent, rebels against any restrictions. Feels a deep attachment to the family, to the house. Behavior and actions always coordinate with his wife, with close people. Easily adaptable to any environment. He is well versed in people, impartial, does not find fault with their shortcomings. Amorous, often suffers from unrequited feelings, but if he marries for love, he becomes the most tender and devoted spouse. In marriage, he is complaisant and compliant, but he is jealous of his spouse, although it is his wife who has reason to be jealous of him. Has sons.

Name Igor and patronymic ....

Igor Antonovich, Igor Arturovich, Igor Valerievich, Igor Germanovich, Igor Glebovich, Igor Denisovich, Igor Igorevich, Igor Leonidovich, Igor Lvovich, Igor Mironovich, Igor Olegovich, Igor Ruslanovich, Igor Semenovich, Igor Filippovich, Igor Emmanuilovich arrogant, selfish, selfish. He desperately needs a friend who would support him in everything. This person is most often his wife. In family relationships, stability is most valued. He must be sure that he has a reliable rear, that his family will not betray him. Such an Igor is highly sexual, attaches great importance to intimate relationships in family life, may have connections on the side, but purely physiological. The second marriage of this Igor is more successful, he tries to suppress his wife with authority, but he does not realize at all that everything in the house, including him, is led by his wife. Unlike namesakes with other patronymics, she does not like to deal with children. He pays attention to them only in adolescence, begins to teach, admonish. Children of different sexes are born to Igor, but more often daughters.

Name Igor and patronymic ....

Igor Alanovich, Igor Albertovich, Igor Anatolyevich, Igor Veniaminovich, Igor Vladlenovich, Igor Dmitrievich, Igor Nikolaevich, Igor Rostislavovich, Igor Stanislavovich, Igor Stepanovich, Igor Feliksovich, as a rule, intellectual, witty, resourceful. Fussy, restless. Does not tolerate monotony. He has golden hands, but it is impossible to make him do something around the house - he is lazy. But when he himself is interested in something, he does it quickly and deftly. Too independent, so he often has conflicts with his parents, then with his wife. He chooses a wife who is somewhat similar to his mother. He does not strive for power in the family, he is completely dependent on his wife, he is not involved in raising children, but is attached to them. Igor is cheerful and cheerful, but very quick-tempered and emotional. He likes to sleep longer in the morning, gets angry when he is interfered with. Igor is not looking for love affairs on the side, but he will take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself. He is jealous of his wife, but hides this feeling, considering it a manifestation of his weakness. He loves his daughter very much.

Numerology Of The Name Igor

While you are young, honor the one who is weak and gray,

To respect yourself in your declining years.

Attar Farid ad-din

The meaning of the name Igor: This is a Slavic name borrowed from the Scandinavian language.

There are several days of commemoration, including 18.06, 02.10.

Personality. Dedicated to princes.

Characteristics of the name Igor spelled:

And - love for everything beautiful;

G - the ability to sacrifice oneself;

O - mission;

Р - professionalism;

b - softness, oscillatory tendencies.

What does the name Igor mean in numerology:

IGOR = 14793 = 6 (Venus).

The purpose of the life of a person named Igor is to find harmony, love. A part of the line of the past is shown, an account of the past in the present life. The line of communication with the past, with the roots is involved. There is no birth curse.

Part of the line of the future is also involved, the search for harmony balances this line. She is fully engaged.

Characteristics of the name Igor, taking into account the analysis

Igor is led from above, but the probability of a true search for himself in this incarnation is high. He is fair, smart, but often lost in the bustle of earthly existence. Realizing the futility of the chosen field, he can dramatically change his worldview, being by nature a spiritual leader, a seer, a winner.

In general, he strives for well-being, wealth, but he conquers his flesh with a higher spirit, and he succeeds!

Sexuality is very high. He is a great lover, generous, gentle. The family is honored as the highest value. He loves his wife. The names of his women: Yaroslav, Svetlana, Gerda, Raisa, Rufina, Anna, Irina, Iraida, Christina.

Are you interested in the name Igor, the meaning of the name, character, fate of a person? In this article, we will give you answers to your questions.

Igor: an exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man with that name?

Origin and meaning of the name Igor

The origin of the name Igor and its meaning

There are several options for the origin of this name.

The most used version is the name Igor, origin and meaning - came from the name Ingvar in Scandinavia, interpreted as "warrior of the god Inga", "guardian of the god of thunder", "warlike".

It was first used by the Varangians and it had two similar forms: Igor and Ingvar. In the end, only the name Igor is used. Another version, less popular, the name Igor came from the Old Slavonic "play", interpreted as "game, fun, fun." An unlikely version is that the name comes from "yoke".

What character can the boy Igor have?

Igor is not too emotional, he keeps all his thoughts and worries in himself. We can say that this is a characteristic of the name Igor. Life for him is a struggle, his weapons are intelligence and diligence, and excessive openness is a weak point. Igor is determined to emerge victorious from this battle. If you are offended by Igor because of his severity, then do not be surprised if he does not notice that he has hurt you.

Igor has great pride and his biggest fear is to be in a ridiculous position, so he always takes care of himself and his behavior. A person with this name devotes most of his time to his health, and sometimes he can even become an athlete.

A man with that name will not accept help from the family, on the contrary, he will try his best to achieve everything himself. He will apply his intelligence and his perseverance. Igor can endure a lot, but up to a certain point. Despite all the ideal inclinations, if he goes astray, he will not achieve anything in life. Igor is a great visionary. If he has a good mood, then he will be the most pleasant person.

Igor sets himself the main goal of achieving everything on his own. He does not like dissolute people, although he himself is far from being a model of indicativeness. Igor is stubborn, it is difficult to find a common language with people and quickly part with them.

Fantasy more often takes up over real life. The character is contradictory.

A person named Igor will stubbornly try to create his own business. If he fails, he will not suffer over it, but will pull himself together and try again. The best professions for Igor are: an engineer, a worker, a lawyer, a driver, an athlete, a coach or a teacher. There were cases when Igor was subject to the profession of a philosopher, scientist, diplomat or military leader. Despite its severity, it has notes of creativity. Igor can be drawn to painting or theater. Igor's mindset is analytical. He easily remembers texts, you can accurately convey a story or a story from childhood. Although he may forget about an important meeting. Igor himself loves it when people are punctual in relation to his time.

Igor has an active lifestyle. He is cold and sexy, but prefers to hide his feelings. Girls, do not pay attention to the severity of character, he has a very loving heart. He may “go to the left”, not be faithful to his wife, but she will feel with him like behind a stone wall. But betrayal by his wife does not ask, seeks to be a leader in relationships.

Igor is aware of his deeds and deeds, but it can be very difficult for him to sit in one place. Having promised something, he rarely fulfills it, but if you promised something to Igor, then he will demand this fulfillment from you. They will feel confident in leadership positions, on stage, in journalism. Its potential usually manifests itself after thirty, or even later. In the family, he will try to control everything, the wife should reckon with his opinion. He will take care of children regardless of marital status. Appearance for Igor is of great importance.

Characteristics of the name Igor, character traits and fate

What fate awaits Igor?

Based on their name Igor, the meaning of the name and fate, it is safe to say that Igor positions himself as a leader, because he is sure that only he knows the truth about the future, which means that you need to obey his will. Blackmail can be added to leadership, which he skillfully practices it in case of need. On the one hand, he appreciates the truth, demands justice, but on the other hand, he is a masochist, because he loves to suffer, looks for the cause of experiences, after overcoming them he feels free. He believes that he has qualities such as: honesty, justice. He loves to be offended, to take revenge on offenders, but it is the search for suffering that helps him overcome this. This character trait gives him an extra opportunity to blackmail the guilty. It is these people who later become friends with the "ideal" Igor.

Igor likes to use his ingenuity and resourcefulness in achieving success. In his youth and youth, he will have financial problems, but in his mature years, using creativity and a bright personality, he can achieve great heights.

He perceives his misfortunes as a temporary phenomenon. That is why he confidently holds on in life and it is very difficult to lead him astray. He is very attracted by excitement, risk, game, as he is a player in life. Igor is costly by his hindsight in words and statements, as he likes to speak first, and then think.

Winter Igor narcissistic and not without vanity, he is very emotional and temperamental, and these qualities of him are manifested in all spheres of life. The temper of this man is softened by the fact that he is not vindictive, and therefore quickly forgets insults. Relationships for winter Igor are one of the ways to surround yourself with coziness and comfort. He chooses an attractive and strong-willed woman with a strong character as his wife.

Spring Igor - a highly moral man who does not accept injustice, lies and betrayal. At the same time, he has a cheerful and easy disposition, and therefore he is always and everywhere welcome. But behind the mask of a joker, a vulnerable and touchy nature often hides. In a woman, he appreciates, first of all, inner beauty, the ability to understand and support, therefore he chooses a calm and reasonable life partner.

Summer Igor - a person of mood who prefers not to think about tomorrow, and therefore lives exclusively with pressing problems (this man does not like to complicate his own life by thinking about a "foggy tomorrow"). The summer Igor is very careful in choosing a partner, as he strives to create a harmonious family in which he will feel as comfortable as possible.

Autumn Igor - a pretentious personality who loves not just comfort, but brilliance and luxury. No wonder he works hard to surround himself with the very best. In relations with people, he is also extremely selective: he is surrounded by smart, intelligent and accomplished people. The chosen one of autumn Igor is an ideal woman in all respects, who improves and develops day by day.

Stone - talisman

Igor's stones are agate, carnelian and beryl.


This is a stone of health, well-being, prosperity and longevity, which protects its owner from the "evil eye" and any other negative impact from the outside.

Interesting Facts! Our ancestors attributed powerful healing properties to agate. So, in order to relieve headaches and toothaches, they wore agate earrings. To eliminate a dry, choking cough, it was enough to constantly wear an agate brooch or beads, while for the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys, asthma attacks and neurosis, it was recommended to wear rings with agate on the middle or ring finger. An agate bracelet helped relieve joint pain.

Important! To enhance the magical and healing properties of agate, it is recommended to set this stone in copper.

Agate is especially indicated for women experiencing problems with motherhood, since the very name of the stone is translated from Arabic as "the hair of a newborn child." This stone is known to increase willpower, so it is recommended to be worn by people who seek to get rid of any kind of addiction.


From this "stone of happiness" in ancient times, wedding jewelry was made, which were amulets that enhance love, bring two souls together and protect spouses from moral instability.

There was a belief that the carnelian became brighter if the feelings were sincere and strong. This stone is able to improve mood, clarify the mind, enhance eloquence.

It is believed that carnelian jewelry neutralizes the power of black magic and evil forces, protects against ill will and quarrels, helps keep a secret, and gives courage to its owner.

Carnelian also has important medical significance: for example, this stone not only neutralizes negative energy, but also strengthens physical health, gives strength, brings well-being and luck to life, eliminates fatigue and melancholy.

Interesting Facts! Women are advised to wear rings with carnelian, while men can wear any jewelry with this stone. It is best to send carnelian in silver or cupronickel.


It is a symbol of warmth, happiness, good luck and sunlight, protecting from any adversity.

Beryl is considered a stone of scientists and philosophers, since it is energetically connected with human thinking.

If we talk about the healing properties of the stone, then in ancient times it was used in the treatment of various female diseases. In addition, beryl helps to reduce toothache and headaches.

No less useful are the magical properties of this stone, which protects the family hearth, maintains the fire of love between spouses and helps to maintain warm relations between parents and children. Also, beryl neutralizes negative energy, gives peace and tranquility, attracts good luck and protects on long trips.






Animal - symbol

Igor's animal symbols are bullfinch, sparrow and elephant.


This bird, signaling the arrival of winter, symbolizes happiness, wealth, prosperity, light, purity, beauty, courage and perseverance.

According to the biblical legend, it was the bullfinch that, during the crucifixion of Jesus, broke the needles of the crown of thorns on the head of Christ, as a result of which one drop of the red blood of the Savior fell on the bird’s chest (we all know that this bird is famous for its scarlet chest).


This small bird symbolizes cheerfulness, fun, energy, enthusiasm, freedom and devotion (sparrow couples never part).

Initially, the sparrow was considered a symbol of sailors, to whom this bird brought good luck, protecting them from troubles and misfortunes that lurk at sea.

The ancient Egyptians firmly believed that it was the sparrows that caught the souls of the dead and carried them to paradise.

In the Christian tradition, this bird has an ambiguous meaning, on the one hand symbolizing modesty and insignificance, and on the other, obscenity and debauchery.


This is the personification of strength, prudence, power, dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, fidelity, peace, longevity and prosperity.

In ancient India, the elephant was revered as a symbol of sacred wisdom and invincible power.

In Buddhism, the elephant symbolizes spiritual knowledge and stability, compassion and love, kindness and prudence.

The Chinese attribute to this animal such qualities as prudence and vigor.

The ancient Romans associated the elephant with victory and glory, therefore, in the Roman tradition, this animal personified longevity, immortality.

In Christianity, the elephant has become the personification of Jesus' victory over death and evil (for example, an elephant is often depicted at the moment of reprisal against a snake).


Igor's totem plants are hornbeam, daisy and willow.


This is a symbol of the transience of time, which goes away forever, and therefore it should be used in such a way as to leave a worthy mark behind.

The hornbeam is a symbol of responsibility, activity, determination, justice and honesty.


According to legend, daisies are stars that descended to earth and became flowers at the request of a little girl who wanted to play with them. This little girl was the Blessed Virgin. Thus, these flowers symbolize innocence, salvation, the victory of good over evil, immortality, joy and consolation.

Daisy not only revives the hope for happiness, but also symbolizes the victory of true love over all sorts of vicissitudes of fate.


The inhabitants of the Mediterranean believed that the willow is a symbol of chastity, purity and abstinence.

In the Christian tradition, willow (namely, its green branches) is compared with the Bible - an inexhaustible source of wisdom. So, it is customary to consecrate palm branches on Palm Sunday, and then store them in the house, since the branches drive away all evil.

In ancient China, the willow was considered an erotic symbol, personifying female beauty and youth.

Willow is a symbol of fertility, health, strength, rapid growth and development, as well as life-giving power.

But! In Rus', they were still quite cautious about the willow, because they believed that all evil spirits live in the branches of this tree.


The metal of the name Igor is tin, symbolizing flexibility, diplomacy and the ability to adapt to any circumstances.

auspicious day


origin of the name Igor

Name translation

From the Scandinavian name Igor is translated as "warlike", "rich", "lucky", "guarded by Ing".

From Norwegian, this name is translated as "archer", "shooter", while from English ("ing" and "warrior") as "footman".

Name history

The name Igor has Scandinavian roots: it is believed that this name comes from the Varangian name Ingvarr, where "ing" means "winter", and "varr" is translated as "strength", "army". Thus, the name Ingvarr means "cold-blooded warrior."

According to another version, there are two roots in the name Igor - "Ingvio" (that was the name of the Scandinavian god of fertility) and "varr" ("protect").

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Igor: Igorek, Igoryasha, Igoryunya, Igoryusha, Gora, Gorya, Gog, Igosh, Gosh, Igoryukha.

The secret of the name Igor

name patrons

  • Blessed Prince Igor Olegovich.
  • Blessed Prince Igor of Chernigov and Kyiv.

Angel Day (name day)

The legend of the name Igor

According to legend, Grand Duke Igor Olegovich ruled in Kyiv from 912. Thanks to his wisdom and courage, Kievan Rus was not only protected from raids, but the unity of the state was also preserved.

It was Prince Igor with his retinue who conquered the rebellious tribes of the Drevlyans, as well as the Uglichs. Moreover, he forced them to pay tribute.

During the campaign on the coast of the Caspian Sea, almost the entire army of the prince was destroyed. Therefore, returning to Kyiv, he again gathered a squad and went to defend his patrimony from the Pechenegs, with whom peace was eventually concluded, which lasted only five years.

In 941, Prince Igor went to war against Tsargrad, but his campaign was not successful: most of the Russian troops were killed under the blows of "Greek fire".

In 944, a peace treaty was concluded between Prince Igor and the Byzantines, according to which not only eternal peace was established, but also favorable conditions for trade between Rus' and Byzantium were settled. This treaty was the first international document in which a country called the Russian Land was mentioned.

Prince Igor was killed during the collection of taxes from the Drevlyans in 945 by Prince Mal. Igor's wife, Olga, not only brutally dealt with the Drevlyan traitors, but also introduced special rules for collecting taxes, determining the place, frequency, and amount of tribute collected.

Famous people

Famous composers and singers named Igor:

  • Igor Krutoy;
  • Igor Nikolaev;
  • Igor Talkov;
  • Igor Kornelyuk;
  • Igor Sorin;
  • Igor Sukachev (better known as Garik Sukachev);
  • Igor Sarukhanov;
  • Igor Belza.

Famous conductors named Igor:

  • Igor Stravinsky;
  • Igor Bezrodny;
  • Igor Oistrakh.

Famous poets and writers named Igor:

  • Igor Severyanin;
  • Igor Shklyarevsky.

Famous scientists named Igor:

  • Igor Tamm - Soviet theoretical physicist;
  • Igor Kurchatov - Soviet atomic physicist;
  • Igor Sikorsky is a Russian aircraft designer.

Famous artists and actors named Igor:

  • Igor Talankin;
  • Igor Kio - Russian circus illusionist;
  • Igor Starygin;
  • Igor Ilyinsky;
  • Igor Kostolevsky;
  • Igor Sklyar;
  • Igor Lifanov;
  • Igor Kvasha.

Famous athletes named Igor:

  • Igor Bobrin - Soviet figure skater and prominent coach;
  • Igor Akinfeev - goalkeeper and captain of the Russian football team;
  • Igor Malkov is a Soviet speed skater.

The meaning of the name Igor

For a child

Little Igor is an active and inquisitive fidget who cannot sit still for even a minute. But still, if necessary, this boy can show perseverance and patience. In general, his parents will have to make a lot of efforts to bring up accuracy and responsibility in Igor.

Already in childhood, Igor shows his pride: in any company he tries to be a leader and ringleader, but often his ambitions get out of control, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences (as you know, for every strength there is even greater strength). Another hypertrophied quality of this child is pride: Igor will never forgive his offender, moreover, at the first successful opportunity, he will definitely avenge himself or a friend.

At school, Igor can study quite well if he is assiduous and assertive, otherwise he will not see a higher education. By the way, the parents of this fidget are frequent guests at the school, where they are invited to talk about the behavior of their tomboy.

Therefore, it is very important to direct the boy's energy in a creative direction, especially since Igor is a sports child who can achieve quite high heights in sports.

For teenager

Igor is an active young man, while impulsiveness is absolutely not peculiar to him. He, on the contrary, tries to carefully consider his plan of action, since not only the final result, but also his reputation, which he values ​​too much, will largely depend on this.

The bearer of this name tries not to show his inner feelings to anyone, besides, he believes that any problems and difficulties can be solved, it is enough just to look to the future with hope and optimism.

Sociable Igor is the soul of the company, but at the same time he tends to be somewhat biased towards people, since he makes very high demands on those around him, although he himself does not always meet them.

The main qualities of young Igor are justice and honesty, but all his noble motives are denounced in a kind of suffering shell (this young man needs suffering and experiences in which he finds use for such qualities as kindness, sacrifice and forgiveness). Only overcoming various hardships, Igor feels like a real person.

Among the negative qualities of young Igor are the following:

  • touchiness;
  • vulnerability;
  • envy;
  • laziness;
  • revenge;
  • narcissism.

For a man

Adult Igor is a comprehensively developed man who is not afraid of any difficulties. His vanity and imperiousness help to reach high peaks (the main thing is not to cross that fine line beyond which imperiousness develops into dictatorship, and vanity into narcissism and narcissism).

With age, Igor becomes more calm and balanced. His struggle for truth and justice is devoid of impulsiveness and a touch of youthful maximalism, which helps him to look at the world more rationally and approach the solution of certain problems.

The impressionable Igor shows maximum concern for those who need it, although often the main reason for such responsiveness is vanity (the opinion of others is extremely important to this man).

Active Igor feels comfortable only when he is really busy (and it doesn’t matter if we are talking about household chores or work matters).

In general, this man can easily be called a spiritually rich nature with a big soul, although to many he seems pragmatic, prudent and cold.

Igor prefers to fight for his "place in the sun" rather than go with the flow, because the victory received in battle cannot be compared with the achievements given by fate and received while sitting on the couch.

Description of the name Igor


Igor is a moral man who is demanding both to himself and to others. He does not tolerate dishonesty, lies and betrayal.


Igor leads a fairly active and stressful life, he works without sparing himself, so he does not have time to monitor his health.

Igor's weak points are bones, liver and digestive organs.


Igor, who enjoys increased attention among women, can easily be called a polygamist. He strives to get everything from life, so he takes every opportunity to have a good time. But! Igor's feelings cool down very quickly, so his novels are short-term and frivolous, although the partners of this man often think differently.

Truly, Igor will be interested only in that woman whom he will consider equal to himself both in intellectual development and in emotional state. At the same time, Igor is afraid and avoids strong women, as he is afraid of losing his freedom and power. With a soft and calm chosen one, he will quickly become bored, which can lead to betrayal or separation.


Igor is a leader in life, so it is he who chooses a woman, and not vice versa. His wife should be, first of all, a devoted and faithful partner, who can be trusted with the most intimate thoughts. An important factor in choosing a wife is her housekeeping, since the house for Igor is his fortress, and therefore it should always be comfortable, warm, and cozy in it.

Igor's chosen one must be wise and patient if she wants not only to save her marriage with a powerful husband, but also to make him truly happy. She must also remember that this man will never forgive betrayal, even if he loves his wife to the point of insanity.

Igor marries early enough, but his early marriage is not always durable.

After the divorce, he maintains a close relationship with his children, helps them financially, physically and morally.

Family relationships

Igor is a reliable husband who will always support his family in trouble and in joy. He cannot be called a gentle spouse and an attentive father, but he is definitely a devoted family man who is ready to work tirelessly so that his family does not need anything. Therefore, Igor's wife must come to terms with the fact that all household chores and responsibilities for raising children will fall on her fragile shoulders. Despite such a passive position of Igor, all his household must unconditionally recognize his authority.

It should be noted that Igor is very jealous, so he tries to do everything to limit the communication of his wife with male representatives (most often he does everything so that his wife forgets about her own career and devotes herself to the family).

Igor's love of love can play a bad joke on him - in search of new emotions, he can decide to cheat, especially if the spouse does not have a stormy and passionate temperament. And one more thing: in old age, the owner of this name becomes capricious, obese and grouchy. He loves to teach and give advice to everyone.


Igor is a temperamental man whose sexuality is hidden behind feigned coldness. But as soon as a woman finds the "key" to this man, he turns into a sensual and passionate lover, craving diversity in the intimate sphere.

I must say that Igor is an experienced tempter who knows how to get what he wants from a woman. At the same time, he himself never loses his head from an overabundance of feelings, despite his emotionality, believing that even in the manifestation of feelings one should be guided by common sense. And the thing is that this man is afraid of being captured by a woman.

Mind (intelligence)

Igor is capable of both analyzing the situation and summarizing the information received, while he never flaunts his mental abilities, preferring to play the role of a "grey eminence".


Igor will show himself best in those areas and in those positions where the outcome of the enterprise will depend to a greater extent on himself, and then on the team as a whole.

Thanks to his violent imagination, Igor will perfectly prove himself in creative fields. But with the profession of an engineer, researcher, banker, lawyer or teacher, he will also cope no worse, because he has perseverance and an enviable hard work.

It should be noted that Igor is a careerist who, in order to recognize his abilities, is ready to spend not only days, but nights at work. He tries to avoid unnecessary people, as he himself tries to always keep his promises.

As a leader, the imperious Igor feels great, while his subordinates are not very happy with his manner of communication (it's all about the excessive demands of this man, who cannot calmly perceive human weaknesses).


Igor always strives to have his own business, especially since he was used to independence from childhood. In addition, no difficulties frighten him. Any failure is perceived by this man steadfastly and without panic (on the contrary, any obstacles even more encourage him to take action).

Conscientiousness, practicality, honesty, patience, prudence and commitment help Igor organize and successfully develop his personal business, which brings him not only material, but also moral pleasure.


One of Igor's main hobbies is sports, to which he tries to devote a lot of time, and this can be both ordinary walking and morning jogging.

Character type


Igor is a strong-willed man who is active, active, moral and honest. No difficulties stop him, thanks to which he confidently goes to his goal. The owners of this name do not forgive weaknesses to themselves or others, so it is quite difficult to get along with them at work.

Igor carefully hides his feelings from others (even from the closest people), so few people know about the true feelings of this man.

In general, Igor is a rather contradictory person: for example, he can be stubborn, or he can skillfully adapt to circumstances, he is open for communication, but at the same time he does not let anyone into his soul.


Igor does not use his intuition, as he is used to always being guided only by logic and common sense.

Horoscope named after Igor

Igor - Aries

This is a temperamental and active man who loves to travel and discover new horizons. He easily embarks on various adventures, because of which he often suffers. Igor-Aries is disgusted by loneliness, so he tries to surround himself with the same cheerful people as himself. In a woman, this man appreciates a sense of humor and sincerity.

Igor - Taurus

This sociable and witty man enjoys increased attention from women, whom he does not hesitate to compliment. At the same time, in a male society, he is no less confident, because he knows how to keep the conversation going on any topic and win over the interlocutor.

Igor - Gemini

Windy and frivolous Igor-Gemini is more like a child who does not want to part with childhood. He wants to get the most out of life, so he is characterized by rash acts and fleeting relationships. He needs a companion who will also be easy to relate to life, like him.

Igor - Cancer

This receptive and responsive man is endowed with a sensitive soul, therefore, in his actions he is often guided by impulses of the heart, and not by the arguments of reason. Igor-Rak does not know how to trust people, and especially women, so only those who can understand his vulnerable nature can open up.

Igor - Leo

The artistic and charming Igor-Lev easily adapts to any circumstances, while it is impossible to understand what is on his mind, as he is in no hurry to open up to people.

The ideal woman of Igor-Leo should be, first of all, smart and insightful.

Igor - Virgo

This restrained, practical and prudent man, despite his external coldness, has a vulnerable soul. He strives to create harmonious relationships with himself and with the outside world. Igor-Virgo appreciates fidelity, thriftiness, non-conflict and balance in a woman.

Igor - Libra

The artistic Igor-Libra is emotional, impressionable and romantic. He is charming and knows how to beautifully look after women who see him as a cheerful, witty and temperamental man who does not tolerate quarrels and scandals, therefore he is looking for a calm, gentle and kind woman who is ready to share with him all the hardships of family life.

Igor - Scorpio

This is an educated, witty and intelligent man who can surprise others with some extravagant trick. In general, Igor-Scorpio loves various adventures, despite his calm disposition. He is jealous and passionate, so his chosen one will have a hard time maintaining a calm atmosphere in the house.

Igor - Sagittarius

This man does not tolerate monotony and monotony in life, therefore he tries to diversify his life, rushing to extremes. Often his personal life is a series of short-term novels that follow each other. Only a loving and tender woman can pacify the temper of Igor-Sagittarius.

Igor - Capricorn

Serious, responsible and focused, Igor-Capricorn is very hard going through any disappointments in life. Despite his toughness, he is vulnerable and sensitive. He is a leader, not only at work, but also at home, so he needs an accommodating and calm woman who will maintain an atmosphere of comfort and peace in the house.

Igor - Aquarius

Sentimental, vulnerable and touchy, Igor-Aquarius is used to acting chaotically: he takes on several things at once, while none of them finishes in the end. In relations with women, he is also impulsive and impulsive, which makes it difficult to build serious and strong relationships.

Igor - Pisces

This is a contradictory nature, in which the mood changes at the speed of sound. He knows how to charm, while, having achieved success, he can easily leave his chosen one without any explanation. In a woman, he is looking for intelligence and beauty, wisdom and wit, lightness and thriftiness. But, as you know, ideal people do not exist.

Igor name compatibility with female names

Igor and Olga

This couple builds partnerships aimed at creating a prosperous and comfortable marriage. But there is no true love between Igor and Olga, it’s just that both of them are comfortable with this union and this format of relations.

Igor and Anna

Both partners are leaders by nature, so it is extremely difficult for Igor and Anna to "divide and conquer", because both want to have truly unlimited power and are not going to make concessions to each other.

Igor and Elena

These two are in no hurry to legitimize their relationship, since they consider love and mutual understanding, and not a stamp in the passport, to be the basis of marriage.

They are quite satisfied with their fairly free relationship without oaths and obligations.
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Igor and Julia

This purposeful and energetic union is able to conquer any heights, because the family for Yulia and Igor is the greatest value that needs to be protected.

Igor and Anastasia

These two have a lot in common, so it is not surprising that the couple of Igor and Nastya is doomed to success, especially if the foundation of their relationship is true and all-forgiving love.

Igor and Tatiana

Igor for Tatyana is a real support, without which she feels weak and unprotected. For Igor, Tatyana is a source of inspiration, a faithful friend and a tender wife, so their marriage is harmonious and strong.

Igor and Ekaterina

Igor and Victoria

If the imperious Igor and the temperamental Victoria learn to compromise, they will be able to create an exemplary family in which "beautiful sunny weather" will always reign.

Igor and Ksenia

Igor and Hope

In this tandem, completely different people converge, whose relationship is based solely on love. And if the feeling cools down, then Igor's authority and independence will force Nadezhda to break off relations.

Igor and Alina

The conservative and practical Alina appreciates Igor's cheerful disposition and lightness, but over time, it is these qualities that begin to annoy her. These relationships lack stability.

Igor and Evgenia

The contradictory characters of Igor and Evgenia make this tandem bright and expressive: here love grows into hatred, and trust can be replaced by jealousy. The result is always the same - a painful separation.

Igor and Daria

Love, happiness, tenderness - these are the epithets that can characterize the relationship between Igor and Daria. Their union is full of prosperity and harmony.

Igor and Olesya

Cheerful and never discouraged, Igor brings novelty and bright colors to the life of the constrained and withdrawn Olesya. She accepts him for who he is, so their union rarely breaks up.

Igor and Galina

This union is convenient, first of all, for Igor, who sees in the person of Galina his support, his rear. For Galina, the main task of all life is the creation of a family, therefore it is quite natural that in this union everyone finds what they were looking for.

Igor and Valeria

Both in this pair strive for self-development, both love to travel and discover something new for themselves, so the union of Igor and Valeria is often very successful and bright.

Igor and Alena

The principles, independence and love of freedom of both partners can become an insurmountable obstacle on the way to creating a happy and harmonious family in which no one is fighting for power.
Alena - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Igor and Margarita

This bright couple is full of enthusiasm, serious passions reign in their relationship, which, unfortunately, can turn into major quarrels. Pride and jealousy can also cause the separation of Igor and Rita.

Igor and Alexandra

In a pair of Alexandra and Igor, complete mutual understanding reigns. In addition, these two treat each other with great tenderness and cherish their harmonious relationship.

Igor and Irina

This couple lacks stability and the desire to create a truly strong union. And the thing is that both Igor and Irina are too capricious and independent, which is not always acceptable in marriage.

Igor and Veronica

In this gentle and romantic union, Veronica and Igor are focused exclusively on each other. At the same time, nothing can bring discord into their serene and sincere relationship, in which there is no lie and betrayal.

Igor and Inna

The relationship between Igor and Inna can be called idyllic, because both are maximally focused on each other. They do everything so that love and understanding reign in their family.

Igor and Larisa

The lack of financial security can cause the breakup of many couples, but this in no way applies to the couple Igor and Larisa, who put spiritual relationships at the head of the family.

Igor and Nina

This couple is characterized by deep feelings, and tenderness, and outbursts of jealousy, while Igor and Nina still know how to forget insults and find a compromise, which helps them maintain their union.

Forms of the name Igor

Common name variants: Igorek, Igoryasha, Igoryukha, Igoryusha, Gorya, Igosh, Gosh, Gog, Gotya, Igulya, Gulya, Igusya, Goose, Ira, Igorka, Igorka. Synonyms for the name Igor. Igor, Ingar, Ingvar.

Brief and diminutive options: Igorek, Igoryasha, Igoryusha, Gora, Gorya, Igosh, Igorsh.

Patronymic names: Igorevich, Igorevna.

Name Igor in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 伊戈爾 (Yī gē ěr). Japanese: イゴール (Igōru). Armenian: Իգոր (Igor). Hindi: इगोर (Igōra). Ukrainian: Igor. Gujarati: આઇગોર (Ā"igōra). English: Igor (Igor).

origin of the name Igor

The name Igor has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Igor is Scandinavian and comes from the name Ingvar, meaning "warrior of the god Inga", "guardian of the god of thunder", "warlike". The name was brought to Rus' by the Vikings and it existed in two similar forms: Igor and Ingvar. In the future, only the name Igor remained.

According to another version, the least common, the name Igor comes from the Old Slavonic "game", meaning "game, fun, fun." There is also a possibility that the name was formed from the word "yoke", but it is unlikely.

Igor's character

As a child, Igor tries to find a company in which he would constantly play. It is not convenient for him to change this company, because he wants to be a leader, but he does not have the necessary qualities for this. Igor can understand problems very well, he never panics, he is balanced, but makes excessive demands on others.

On the positive side, Igor is characterized by such character traits as energy, activity, optimism. But his pride and pride do not allow him to communicate on the same level with people. It seems to Igor that they should be a little better than they are now in order to have a chance to become his friends.

The secret of the name Igor

Igor is often a talented person who is able to reveal his abilities after thirty. He is proud, loves to achieve everything with his own labor, without asking anyone for help. Igor despises non-obligatory people, although he himself is the same.

In family life, such a man is jealous to self-forgetfulness. Igor seeks to take a leading position and requires obedience from his wife. She should only do what he wants.

Igor is controversial. He can easily adapt to circumstances, but is a very stubborn person. He quickly converges with new people, but also easily parted with them. Igor is prudent in his actions and deeds. He loves to fantasize. He is easy going.
Professions such as engineer, turner, lawyer, actor, driver, journalist, teacher, musician are suitable for Igor.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Incompatibility of the name Igor

Having learned the secret of his name, Igor will be able to assert his leadership position and fully reveal his energy potential. Indeed, this name contains very impressive energy resources.

The meaning and origin of the name

The name Igor has two common versions of its origin:

The first version says that the Scandinavians brought this name with them to Rus'. In the original version, it sounded like Ingvar. In the Slavic adaptation, it was the name Ingvar, which turned into Igor. The meaning of the name was simple: "warrior", "militant", "brave" and "brave".

The second version is much simpler, because many historians believe that Igor comes from the Old Slavonic word "igr", which means "game". However, these views are shared by a smaller number of scientists, considering the first version to be more convincing.

The name Igor today is Slavic and Orthodox, one of the most ancient in Russian culture.

The fate and character of Igor

If you carefully look at the men who have this name, then the first thing that comes to mind to describe them in one word is “calm”. Peace is present in everything they do. You rarely see Igor tearing his hair out in rage or not knowing what to do. This is not typical of the character of a man with that name.

The fate of Igor is determined by him, and once. He does not deviate from his principles and does not leave the path that he likes. He is very optimistic, so no hardships and problems will make him panic. Igor's energy allows him to solve any problems. What is most interesting, he rarely asks someone for help, but if he asked, and they helped him, then he will never forget this.

Igor really appreciates his parents and their opinion, so at a young age he does everything as his parents tell him, and then, based on his experience and knowledge, he makes the final decision himself. If you ask Igor about whether he is happy, then with a probability of almost 100% at any time in his life he will give you a positive answer.

This approach helps Igor to manage his own destiny and follow the road of life without turning. That is why Igor rarely enters into a second marriage and rarely changes jobs, preferring to bring to mind what he already has in his hands. Igor is characterized by two features that define his vocation - creative talents and an entrepreneurial streak.

The meaning of the name Igor for a child: we select a name for children

As a child, Igor is constant, not only in terms of mood and hobbies, but also in terms of choosing friends. He has a certain social circle, which can only narrow or expand a little from time to time. He knows how to be friends, so parents can not worry that he will betray or offend someone. Igori appreciate friendship, so from childhood I know how to find compromises.

Of great importance is the fact that Igor is rarely called Gosha or otherwise. This name has few abbreviations, which psychologically justifies the innate seriousness of boys named Igor. Energetically, this produces a very strong effect, which allows you to quickly grow up and appreciate your time, your strength and emotions.

Most often, little Igor is fond of something serious: music, exact sciences or sports. As children, the Igors are independent, which gives them a distinct advantage over most children.

Characteristics of the name Igor

Name energy: Igor has the usual, non-contrasting energy, which is stable. It is almost impossible to bring such a person out of balance.

Igor's birthday: June 18 and October 2. His patron is the faithful Prince Igor, canonized for his contribution to the formation of the Russian state and for his good deeds.

What patronymic is the name Igor suitable for: Andreevich, Alekseevich, Petrovich, Vladimirovich, Dmitrievich, Vyacheslavovich, Antonovich, Viktorovich, Vadimovich.

Patron Animal: calm, self-sufficient and peaceful elephant.

Name element: air. Let Igor look like water, which is good everywhere, but in fact he is always where he is used to.

Zodiac sign: Igor is a typical Aquarius, but being born under a different constellation will definitely leave an imprint on his character.

Charm stone: agate and beryl. Agate strengthens Igor's health, giving him longevity, and beryl protects him from troubles.

Metal: tin that can adapt to any situation.

Color: yellow, green and grey. These are the calmest colors that fully meet all the energy characteristics of Igor.

Planet: heavy and judicious Saturn, which is in charge of the intellect.

Auspicious day of the week: Wednesday.

Plant: willow, a symbol of modesty and tranquility.

Lucky number: 6.

Notable Representatives: Igor Vernik (musician, showman), Igor Stechkin (outstanding weapon technician), Igor Talkov (singer), Igor Krutoy (composer).

Knowing the secret of your name will open new doors for you, as it will be easier for you to unlock your potential and see your future. Use your strengths as intended.

Numerology of the male name Igor

Six is ​​an ambiguous number named after Igor. And it so happened that it is it that determines the life of this person, directs, gives strength and sets new goals. Igor can achieve anything he wants. With one "but" - if he is not lazy. Laziness for him is like a stop for a shark - there is no movement, which means there is no life. And it is important for him not only self-development, but also the desire to win ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

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