Game alias (alias) rules of the game: for children, at a party. board game alias say otherwise


Alias ​​is a fun board game for any company. Alias, Elias, Elias, as soon as they call this board game. The whole point comes down to one simple phrase "say otherwise." The classic version of this board game is a rectangular red box, there are also other subspecies in this game.

People play this board game in atikaf, at home, in nature, but why is it so attractive? How to play Alias ​​board game? Game cost? Is there a mobile phone app and children's version? We talk about everything in detail on our website.

How many people can play?

From two or more;

From 4 people and more, it is more interesting to play, because there are more chances that someone from the team will guess the hidden word.

What can not be done in the game?

You can not use gestures, single-root words, call a word with a different ending.

What's inside the box?

The board game Alias ​​contains: a playing field that folds in the shape of a box, several chips of different colors, an hourglass, instructions with the rules of the game and cards with different words. Sometimes a card may not have one word, but several.

How to play the board game Alias?

We lay out the playing field on a flat surface. On the playing field, the numbers from 1 to 8 and after 8 they are repeated again until the end of the field. Word cards are shuffled. Each player (or team) chooses the color of the piece that he will play. Players are divided into teams. Everyone puts chips on the number 1.

One team picks up a deck of cards and begins to explain the words to their team under the number 1. At this time, the other team turns the hourglass over and keeps track of the time. As soon as the time runs out, the other team can also give an answer if the word has not yet been voiced. And if the opposite team gives the correct answer, then the point is counted by them.

How many words the team guessed, how much the chip moves across the playing field.

If the word is heavy, you can postpone the card, but then this is a minus for the team. If the player puts the card aside, then 1 point is deducted from the team.

You need to guess the word exactly as it is written (considering the ending).

Whose chip comes to the finish line first, that player or team won.

If the chip hits a number with a black background?

In some places of the playing field, you can see that there are numbers not on a white, but on a black background. Then the player counts 6 cards and explains the words to his team without regard to time. He should explain in such a way that his team, and not rivals, guessed faster.

If the other team guessed the word, then the point is given to them.

Is there a mini version of the game?

Yes. A small box that is convenient to take with you on a picnic, on the road, for a walk or a trip.

Is there a mobile phone app?

Yes. You need to go through the play market icon, enter the name of the game alias in the search line and install the application on your cell phone.

Is there a children's version of the game?

Yes. Alias ​​Junior: For kids.

Is there a game in English?

Yes. This is an option for people who are fluent in English.

Sometimes the game is used in English courses or in schools, because there are words on the cards, and it is easier for a person to perceive the word visually.

What is the cost of the game?

The approximate cost of the game Alias ​​is 1200-1500 rubles. In different places, it is different.

Where can you buy the game?

Museums and exhibitions;
- book Shop;
- sites of free ads;
- an online store that sells toys;

Can I buy the game cheaper or get it for free?

Yes. You need to understand that not all people like to play board games, they could give someone as a gift, win a contest, or have no one to play with. Therefore, some people list the board game for sale on free listing sites.

How to get Say Different game for free? Ask relatives to buy this board game for you for your birthday or other holiday (February 14, February 23, March 8, New Year, Christmas).

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In this review, you will learn about the most interesting word games that will come in handy more than once: at a party, at a party, with a group of friends. Stormy laughter, a tense train of thought and general excitement are guaranteed to you. In addition, these games have a number of their advantages:

  • The number of participants in them, as a rule, is easily replicated from 2-3 to a very large group of participants, which means you can play it with your family and friends.
  • They expand their horizons, vocabulary, teach them to think, fantasize, invent and create.
  • Many games of this direction are suitable for those who study a foreign language, remember words and remove the language barrier. For beginners, you can take games where words need to be explained with gestures or drawing, and for advanced ones, where you need to explain with words. Expansion of vocabulary in a foreign language is guaranteed)).
  • and of course this is a great leisure activity with bright positive emotions!


The simplest game that does not require props, although there is a "Crocodile" in the printed version with ready-made tasks. You can play as a team for a team, and for one player to explain the word to all players.

  • In the team version, the first team thinks of a word and tells it to the representative of the opponents. He must portray the word with the help of gestures and facial expressions to his team, it is impossible to use words and sounds. But you can nod or shake your head in response to the versions of your team. As a rule, the team that made up the word rolls with laughter at this time, seeing the futile efforts of opponents. If the word is guessed, the teams switch roles. Each time a new player comes out to demonstrate.
  • In the case of a "single game", the previous driver guesses the word, and the next one explains it. Who guessed - comes out to drive.

Secret Keeper

Another game that does not require props, but is designed for an older age. Carefully! Very addictive and extremely brain-bearing game! The host thinks of a well-known phrase, slogan or quote. Indicates the number of words in the phrase, after which the players ask the "keeper" any questions. Each answer must contain a word from the hidden phrase. The answer must fit in one sentence. Analyzing the facilitator's answers, the players give out their own version of the "secret".


Alias ​​is a classic! In the game "Alias" or "Say otherwise" you need to explain the hidden word in other words. The game goes against the clock, during the explanation of the word, you can use synonyms and antonyms, but you cannot use single-root words. The classic game has a lot to offer - 2400 words and phrases to solve.

In addition to the classic, Alias ​​is available in several versions:

  • Alias ​​for parties - here you need not only to explain the words, but also to compose stories, portray emotions, and also parody famous people.
  • An alias for toddlers with drawings on cards for children who can't read yet.
  • Alias ​​for the whole family - players of any age can participate: for this, the cards are divided into "family" and "adults". This is not a team version of the game, everyone plays for himself.
  • Alias ​​is a brilliant version - before you start explaining a word, you need to come up with it.
  • Alias ​​on dice is an interesting variant of the game in which words are formed from letters on dice.


This is a similar series of board games for explaining words and phrases. Depending on the version of the game, you need to explain in other words, show in pantomime or draw. The classic version of the game has more than 2500 words, recommended from 12 years of age.

But you can also take a special series for children: "Activity for children" from 8 years old and "Activity for kids". The latter differs from the classic version of Activity in its "baby" design (two cute wooden elephants on a winding path) and simple rules. Guessed the word - the elephant goes forward. The game has both cards with words and pictures for those who can't read yet. Words can be explained with words, drawing, pantomime.


Several talented authors from Japan came up with an exciting game Imagine, in which you have to explain words to each other. And you will have to explain in an unusual way: with the help of transparent cards, without a single sound and gesture. The set contains 60 transparent cards with drawings. Cards can be combined, rotated, overlapped. It looks very unusual and, on the one hand, it seems quite simple, but on the other hand, it requires good imagination in order to explain the word as clearly as possible.

The game is recommended from the age of 10, but in our opinion, it is also suitable for younger children. The words on the cards are quite simple, but if they still seem difficult for the child, you can come up with your own. So even 5-year-olds can play the game! You can even play it with two people, so we would highly recommend having it in your arsenal of games.


The task in this game remains the same: to explain the words, but it is already much more difficult to do this: when explaining, you cannot pronounce the taboo words indicated on the card, as well as words with the same root. It is not so easy to do this!

The number of players can be from 4 to 16. In our experience, you can play with children from about 8-9 years old (by default, it is recommended from 13 years old) and if you come across an incomprehensible word, then skip it and take the next one. The game goes against the clock, so dynamism and a wide range of stormy experiences are guaranteed to you :). And here are some examples of assignments:


In our opinion, one of the most interesting games in this direction, however, it will not work with small children. The game is recommended from 10 years old. On the card with words and phrases, there are three levels of difficulty: from easy to very difficult. Children can explain the words of the first level, adults - the second and third. Not only the explainer, but also the rest of the participants will have to rack their brains. The word must be explained using a set of pictograms depicted on the playing field.

The facilitator places plastic concept markers on the general field of the game, trying to explain the hidden word or phrase with hints. Each pictogram can mean several similar meanings, the decoding of which is given on additional cards. There are 4 of them (and in our opinion it is not enough if there are many participants), but this does not detract from the pleasure of the game. The game is very dynamic, bright, with violent emotions, laughter and non-trivial solutions, which perfectly develops imagination and ingenuity!


In the game, you must be the first to reach the finish line on the playing field by drawing cards from the deck and explaining the words written on them. there are several different ways to explain the words: you need to sing, compose poetry, draw .. The more difficult the way of explaining the players choose, the more moves they move their chip. The explanation of the word is also limited by time (an hourglass is attached), if the team guessed the word correctly, they move forward. There are also special places on the playing field that allow you to move forward or get a special task. The game is released in two versions: from 11 years old and children from 7 years old. In the nursery, the words are very simple and you can try to play with children and younger ones.


The game technique is very similar to "Pozitivium": the teams also move along the playing field by guessing words. Explanation methods will also require the use of a wide variety of skills: you will have to not only explain with words, but also play danetki, sculpt a word from plasticine (included), draw it, or even sing a song where there is a hidden word. The way of explaining the word is chosen by the die. If the team has guessed correctly, it advances on the dropped number of points forward on the playing field.

It must be said that the game is extremely peculiar in terms of the choice of words for explanation, therefore it is not suitable for children, except perhaps from adolescence, and even then it is a very big question. If you are thinking about buying, look on the Internet for sample cards to get started. As a suggestion women's words for explanations ethere are many names of dishes, isto characters, singers and actresses, movie titles, TV shows, and if you are not a fan of TV and do not know popular TV programs, the game may be "past", as it happened with us. In addition, there is vocabulary of a non-childish nature (zombie apocalypse, black demobilization, starryl), which we also did not like, but ... "felt-tip pens are different in taste and color."


If you draw a hedgehog and it looks like a saw with eyes, it means that you draw well enough to play Pictomania! All players draw at the same time, I try to explain the hidden word, but at the same time trying to understand before others what the others are drawing. Once you have guessed what one of the "pictomaniac artists" is drawing, use your guess card. Bonus points are awarded for the speed of the task and the correct guesses.

But if you think that you will get off with a schematic drawing "so that no one guesses", this is completely in vain)). It is unprofitable for players to draw badly. The fewer opponents guess what you drew, the fewer points you earn. The game offers four levels of difficulty, the easiest ones can be handled by children, and adults will have to think about the most difficult ones. How, for example, to draw "distrust"? Or not to confuse "prince", "prince" and "king" when guessing? The game has 99 double-sided cards with 1386 tasks. The game is very cute and arouses great interest among children up to 99 years old inclusive).


In contact with

The game Say Different is played by teams of two or more people. The main idea of ​​the game is to explain words to your teammates in other words, using, for example, synonyms, antonyms and clues so that your team members can guess as many words as possible before time runs out. The more words the team guessed, the more steps it will be able to take forward on the playing board. In the game Say Different / Party, words can be explained in completely new and incredible ways. The team that reaches the finish line first wins the game.

Game progress

  • Set the spinning arrow on the game board.
  • Place the Word cards face down in separate piles next to each team. Place the Position and Emoticon cards face down in the spaces marked for them on the game board.
  • Each team takes a blank celebrity card and writes 8 names on it, for example, the names of acquaintances and friends. Then mix these cards with the rest of the Celebrity cards, divide them into two piles and place them face down on the game board.
  • Each team chooses a playing piece and places it on the Start field.
  • Teams alternately choose a player who will explain the words in the first round. This player takes a number of cards with words on the playing board (10-15 pieces). Each card has 8 words. Then the other teams choose a number from 1 to 8, for example - 4. The hourglass is turned over and the player begins to explain the word number 4 (see Explanation of words). When the team guesses the correct answer, the explainer puts the card on the table and begins to explain the word number 4 in the next card.
  • When the clock runs out of sand, the other teams shout "Stop!". If the player then continues to explain the word, then all teams have the right to guess. The team that gives the correct answer the fastest wins and has the right to make one move forward on the playing board.
  • The number of cards on the table indicates how many forward moves a team can make (see Errors and Omissions).
  • The right to move passes to the next team. Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck. Unused cards are passed on to the next explainer, who may also want to take some new cards from the board.
  • The number fields on the game board are numbered from 1 to 8 and now the number of the word to be explained will be determined by the number on which the team chip is located. Team members take turns explaining the words.
  • There are also "Party" fields on the game board. When a team token lands on one of these spaces at the start of its turn, a special explanation method is applied (see Party Explanations). Successful completion of the "Party" tasks gives the team the right to spin the bonus "top" in the middle of the game board and move forward faster!
  • The team that reaches the finish line first wins the game!
  • Errors and omissions

    If the explaining player makes a mistake - for example, says part of the word indicated on the card, the word will not be accepted and the team must take one step back. Therefore, each team must carefully listen to the explanations of the other teams. For example, if the team guessed b words, but the explainer made two mistakes, then the team makes a move 4 spaces forward (6-2 = 4). If a word seems too heavy, you can skip it, but remember that for this you will have to take one move back. However, sometimes it's worth it, as you can save time.

    Explanation of the "Party" field

    Each time a team manages to successfully complete a Party task, it has the right to spin a spinning top, which gives bonus points (1-3). This means that the team can advance as many fields as they guessed the words, plus the number of steps indicated by the arrow. The hourglass is used in the same way as in normal explanations.

    And now a little more about the rules and the course of the game. (I will talk about the version of the game that we usually play, it differs slightly from the description of the manufacturer's rules, but not much. Moreover, this kind of game implies that in each company the rules are somewhat transformed for people who constantly play this game)

    At the very beginning, everyone is divided into teams (there can be any number of players in a team). Each team chooses a chip and puts it on the start. Word cards are in the center of the table. The team that will start the game agrees among themselves who will explain the words this time, the rest of the team members will guess. The player pulls out a card, the hourglass turns over, and begins to explain the words (and the order is determined by the explainer himself). For each word guessed by his team, the team chip moves one step forward on the playing field. We advise that the player from the other team move the chip at this moment, so as not to distract the pointer and guessers from the process.
    But the team has only 1 minute. As soon as the last grain of sand falls, all the other players who until that moment could not guess are included in the game. But a minute has passed and everyone can start guessing. And which team guesses the word, that one moves forward on the playing field.
    As soon as all the words from the card are guessed, the “round” ends. The turn to show and guess goes to the next team.

    When explaining the words, it is important to remember that the answer must be exactly as written on the card. For example, if the word “swing-board” is explained, the players must guess exactly that, it is not enough to say only “swing”. We can immediately say that we guess two words. First explains the first, and then we move on to the second. (not forgetting to fix the already guessed first or second part with your team). As a result, the team calls the correct combination and you can move on to the next word.

    Single-root words cannot be used. That is, if the word “swing” is on the card, you can’t say “this is what they swing on”. We can say that "it is always on the playgrounds and they fly high on them." Explaining the word "aircraft", one cannot say that this is a "flying vehicle", because. These words have the same root. For each such error-clause, the team's chip is returned one move back on the playing field.

    However, you can use antonyms or synonyms. Moreover, you can say “the antonym of the word “big” (if the word is small on the card). If a difficult word comes across, then it is better to temporarily skip it and explain it when the time is up, so as not to spend all the time explaining it.

    The first team to reach the finish line wins!

    This game comes with a game board, spinning game board arrow, hourglass, 6 tokens and 400 cards (290 with words, 96 celebrity cards, 8 emoticon cards, 6 position cards)

    In this version, the players, as in the classic Alias, are divided into teams and must also explain the words from the card. The rules of explanation remain the same - you cannot speak the same root words.

    What is special about this version? Let's try to figure it out.

    The first difference that catches your eye is the "roulette" on the playing field, as well as the presence of special divisions on the field. If the team’s chip falls on such a division, then “new” cards will be needed here, which are not in the classic version.

    The red circle is the "Celebrities" field. Draw a card from the celebrity deck. On it you will find 8 names of famous musicians, actors, movie and cartoon characters. Your task is to explain to your teammate who it is about by any available means.

    Yellow field - emotions. Take the smiley card. Words must be explained according to the usual rules, but at the same time the player must portray the emotion that has fallen out. Examples of emotions: frightened, joyful, angry, embarrassed, hysterical, etc.

    The blue field is a pose. Similar to "emotions": the player draws a card from the deck of positions and explains the words in the position that he came across. Examples: stand with your back to the team, do squats, pat yourself on the head, do a swallow, etc.

    White field - tell a story. In this space, the player takes only one card with words and must explain to his team all eight words from this card in a minute, linking his explanations into one logical story.

    If the team successfully completes the tasks on the "special fields", then it gets the opportunity to spin the "roulette" and get an additional number of points (from 1 to 3)

    The game can be a great addition to the classic version.

    The kit includes:
    300 family cards
    180 cards for adults
    20 task cards
    8 chips
    playing field

    A distinctive feature of this version is that here everyone plays for himself. The game is focused specifically on the family game. There are “adult cards” and there are “children's” cards with simpler words. Also, there are task cards. And also fun penalty actions (for example, explain words while standing on one leg or sneezing)

    Before starting to explain the words, the player spins the roulette wheel, which indicates to him a partner for the round. For each correctly guessed word, both partners move across the playing field.
    This version of the game can be called one of the best, because it is really focused specifically on the family game. If you like to play Say Different with friends, then this version will allow you to play your favorite game with your family at home.

    The game includes a playing field, 6 chips of different colors (ideally 6 teams, but if you want more, you can replace the chip with any small object), an hourglass and 300 cards with pictures and words.

    Unlike the adult version of Alias, the children's version has one word and a picture on the cards, which allows even those who cannot read to play the game.

    This is a team game in which you need to explain to your teammates the words that are shown in the pictures.

    Teams must have a minimum of two players, and there is no maximum number of teams or players per team.

    An ideal game for a children's company. If you are traveling with children and want to play by yourself for some time - take Alias ​​junior with you - children will be happy to play it separately from adults.

    The rules of the game are the same as in the classic version. We wrote more about the course of the game
    As we already mentioned, there are no words on the cards in this game. Letters are written on the cards. Players must form words in three different ways. The number on the field under the command chip indicates how in this case the word should be composed.

    Passwords (both players explain)
    Open 5 cards with words and flip the hourglass. Both players must form a word consisting ONLY of the letters that have fallen out on the cards. An empty card can mean any letter.
    When one player makes up a word, his task is to explain it according to the classic rules of Alias.

    Use all three
    The player who makes the move reveals three cards and turns over the clock. His task is to come up with a word that includes all these three letters in any order. For example, with the letters OTP, you can guess the word PYTHON
    Having come up with a word, the player begins to explain it according to the classical rules. When the word is guessed, the second player opens three more letters and thinks of a new word for explanation.
    When the time runs out, the team can move their chip across the board by the number of words they guessed divided by two.

    Chains of letters
    The explaining player takes the deck in his hand. The clock is turned over and the player puts two cards with letters on the table, one under the other, in two rows.
    These are the first letters of two chains, which the explainer must make as long as possible.
    First, he explains a word that starts with one of the two letters. When the second player guesses the word, the explainer can take a card with a letter from the deck and place it next to one of the initial letters, thus continuing the chain. At the same time, he must think of a word that begins with these letters.
    LI - sheet
    LIT - literature

    In the rules there is also a description of additional rules of the game.

    Which of the games to choose (or maybe several) is up to you. But no matter which one you choose, it will bring a lot of pleasure to you and your children! On my own behalf, I’ll add that this type of game is my favorite, so we have collected several variations of this game at home and we play each one with great pleasure. And, if all the cards have already been studied and the game has become a little boring, then a great option to diversify it is to start playing in a foreign language.

    A game "Alias" - board game, which has existed for a long time and already has a number of variations. Alias translated from English as a "synonym", the Russian-language name - "Say Different". Alias ​​game is not only an opportunity to have fun, but also to practice your diction and public speaking skills.

    We are used to that "Alias" board game and is issued in the form of cards on which words are depicted. Like many material things, cards and words end on them, and it is no longer interesting to play using the same words. In such a situation, it is convenient to join forces, and by adding words to one base, a large pantry of such words will soon form. And the game "Say Different" will not be scarce.

    Alias ​​game. Basic principles. It is necessary to explain the hidden word to the team. In this case, parts of the guessed word and single-root words cannot be used. The game "Alias" also does not approve of the use of foreign words, which in translation mean hidden. Players of the opposite team monitor compliance with the rules. The team must guess the words exactly with the same prefixes, suffixes, endings, etc. If the team does not understand, say otherwise. "Alias" - board game, which can be attended by 4 to 15 people. In this amount, the game will not lose its dynamism.

    Alias ​​game on the JollyGame project. Mechanics. Players are divided into two or three teams. Indicate the number of players in the team (if the teams are not equal, then the number of players in the largest team). The player from the team comes out and tries to explain as many words as possible in a minute. For each guess, he receives a certain number of points. If the word was not guessed, was omitted, or the rules were violated when explaining it, then points are removed from the team account. The teams alternate. During the game, each player will explain as many times as you specify in the game settings.

    "Alias" - board game, one of those in which there are often problems with the countdown (an hourglass is very inconvenient, and it is not always convenient to always set a timer for 60 seconds). The JollyGame project will also keep time and keep score. Words in the game "Say Different" will be issued randomly from different topics and varying complexity.

    "Alias" is a board game in which the fact that the words are not repeated greatly influences the interest. You can add words to our project. To do this, use the form "+1 word". Thanks in advance for participating in the development of the project.

    Keywords: alias, alias game, alias board game, say otherwise

    Our advice: the game "Risumei" - she will demand an explanation without words.

    They say that everything new is a well-forgotten old, but in our case it is not so. Nobody thought to forget the classic Alias, which has been entertaining groups of friends for many years, unites families, introduces colleagues and reconciles children. And now we are proud, excited and sincerely happy to present you a mega-epic, bilingual, brand new edition of the well-known game, Alias ​​2!

    Short description

    You can talk about the greatness, versatility, hilariousness, remarkableness, non-boringness, anti-depressiveness and diversity of the Alias ​​board game for hours, using all the existing and invented synonyms and antonyms that our vocabulary can give out, but it's better to play once than read seven times. Therefore, we will write to you about this only once, and you will draw all the necessary conclusions.

    So, for those who are not familiar with this hit of any party, this Mozart of the world of board games, this majestic elephant in the zoo of your game library, this Mona Lisa of every table Louvre, we will quickly tell you what the rules of this game are. (And, as these very rules prescribe us, we will do it in a minute!).

    Divide into teams, draw cards, explain to your team the words written on the card without using the same root words. Synonyms, antonyms, associations, songs, and even whole stories - everything so that your comrades understand what you mean by "nap", "Argentina" or "red carpet". The more words your team can guess in a minute, the more points you get. And ... everything! The rules of Alias ​​are as simple as a watermelon, but the amount of fun and enjoyment you get in the process is immeasurable.

    If you have been familiar with the board game Say Otherwise firsthand for more than a year, you can explain the word “thermonuclear” with one eyebrow bend or convey the word “surfing” to your friends using only prepositions and interjections, then you will probably with excitement and trepidation in breasts were waiting for the sequel to finally appear, the sequel, the second part of this delightful entertainment. Dance, there it is, right in front of you!

    Main difference these are the versions from its predecessors - these are completely new, not repeating or overlapping with any game from series Elias cards with words, of which there are now as many as 3200! But the indisputable merits of the wonderful reissue do not end there: now on the back of each card there is also a set of words in English! Learn the language and expand your vocabulary by playing, because now it's so easy and very, very exciting!

    What else can be said about such a wonderful continuation of such a great game as Alias? Is it just that she , like a good wine, over time it only gets better, richer and continues to invigorate, amuse and delight large groups of people. One of the best party games, great entertainment for groups of all ages, the Elias board game is definitely worth buying, because it will take root in any game library and certainly will not have time to get dusty on the shelf!

    And this is how we have fun in our store on Pionerskaya :)

    Alias ​​is a team game to explain words. On their turn, a player draws a card and attempts to explain one of the words written on it to a teammate without using that word or its derivatives. If he managed to guess the word before the turn time expired, the command token moves forward.

    The main problem of such games - the repetition of tasks - Alias ​​solves in a rather original way. Each of the 400 cards contains eight numbered words and phrases of varying complexity. Also, from one to eight, the cells on the field are numbered. Taking a card, the player chooses a word on it with the same number as the current position of his chip.

    Alias ​​has been translated into 15 languages ​​of the world, and regional versions often differ. For example, each card might have six words instead of eight, or there might be special spaces on the board to allow teams to respond to the opponent's explanations. The main drawback of the Russian version of Alias ​​is the sloppy translation (“hound car”, “snow shovel”) and numerous typos.

    Let's start with perhapsclassic version

    The game includes a playing field, an hourglass, 6 chips, 400 word cards.

    The translation of the name speaks for itself - say otherwise. The task is extremely simple - you need to explain the words from the cards without naming them.

    And now a little more about the rules and the course of the game. (I will talk about the version of the game that we usually play, it differs slightly from the description of the manufacturer's rules, but not much. Moreover, this kind of game implies that in each company the rules are somewhat transformed for people who constantly play this game)

    At the very beginning, everyone is divided into teams (there can be any number of players in a team). Each team chooses a chip and puts it on the start. Word cards are in the center of the table. The team that will start the game agrees among themselves who will explain the words this time, the rest of the team members will guess. The player pulls out a card, the hourglass turns over, and begins to explain the words (and the order is determined by the explainer himself). For each word guessed by his team, the team chip moves one step forward on the playing field. We advise that the player from the other team move the chip at this moment, so as not to distract the pointer and guessers from the process.
    But the team has only 1 minute. As soon as the last grain of sand falls, all the other players who until that moment could not guess are included in the game. But a minute has passed and everyone can start guessing. And which team guesses the word, that one moves forward on the playing field.
    As soon as all the words from the card are guessed, the “round” ends. The turn to show and guess goes to the next team.

    When explaining the words, it is important to remember that the answer must be exactly as written on the card. For example, if the word “swing-board” is explained, the players must guess exactly that, it is not enough to say only “swing”. We can immediately say that we guess two words. First explains the first, and then we move on to the second. (not forgetting to fix the already guessed first or second part with your team). As a result, the team calls the correct combination and you can move on to the next word.

    Single-root words cannot be used. That is, if the word “swing” is on the card, you can’t say “this is what they swing on”. We can say that "it is always on the playgrounds and they fly high on them." Explaining the word "aircraft", one cannot say that this is a "flying vehicle", because. These words have the same root. For each such error-clause, the team's chip is returned one move back on the playing field.

    However, you can use antonyms or synonyms. Moreover, you can say “the antonym of the word “big” (if the word is small on the card). If a difficult word comes across, then it is better to temporarily skip it and explain it when the time is up, so as not to spend all the time explaining it.

    The first team to reach the finish line wins!

    This game comes with a game board, spinning game board arrow, hourglass, 6 tokens and 400 cards (290 with words, 96 celebrity cards, 8 emoticon cards, 6 position cards)

    In this version, the players, as in the classic Alias, are divided into teams and must also explain the words from the card. The rules of explanation remain the same - you cannot speak the same root words.

    What is special about this version? Let's try to figure it out.

    The first difference that catches your eye is the "roulette" on the playing field, as well as the presence of special divisions on the field. If the team’s chip falls on such a division, then “new” cards will be needed here, which are not in the classic version.

    The red circle is the "Celebrities" field. Draw a card from the celebrity deck. On it you will find 8 names of famous musicians, actors, movie and cartoon characters. Your task is to explain to your teammate who it is about by any available means.

    Yellow field - emotions. Take the smiley card. Words must be explained according to the usual rules, but at the same time the player must portray the emotion that has fallen out. Examples of emotions: frightened, joyful, angry, embarrassed, hysterical, etc.

    The blue field is a pose. Similar to "emotions": the player draws a card from the deck of positions and explains the words in the position that he came across. Examples: stand with your back to the team, do squats, pat yourself on the head, do a swallow, etc.

    White field - tell a story. In this space, the player takes only one card with words and must explain to his team all eight words from this card in a minute, linking his explanations into one logical story.

    If the team successfully completes the tasks on the "special fields", then it gets the opportunity to spin the "roulette" and get an additional number of points (from 1 to 3)

    The game can be a great addition to the classic version.

    Alias ​​Party also exists Travel option

    The kit includes:
    . 300 family cards
    . 180 cards for adults
    . 20 task cards
    . hourglass
    . 8 chips
    . playing field
    . roulette

    A distinctive feature of this version is that here everyone plays for himself. The game is focused specifically on the family game. There are “adult cards” and there are “children's” cards with simpler words. Also, there are task cards. And also fun penalty actions (for example, explain words while standing on one leg or sneezing)

    Before starting to explain the words, the player spins the roulette wheel, which indicates to him a partner for the round. For each correctly guessed word, both partners move across the playing field.
    This version of the game can be called one of the best, because it is really focused specifically on the family game. If you like to play Say Different with friends, then this version will allow you to play your favorite game with your family at home.

    The game includes a playing field, 6 chips of different colors (ideally 6 teams, but if you want more, you can replace the chip with any small object), an hourglass and 300 cards with pictures and words.

    Unlike the adult version of Alias, the children's version has one word and a picture on the cards, which allows even those who cannot read to play the game.

    This is a team game in which you need to explain to your teammates the words that are shown in the pictures.

    Teams must have a minimum of two players, and there is no maximum number of teams or players per team.

    Jokes aside! In this game, you will not be able to relax as much as all the previous ones. Among the cards, there is not one with words! Intrigued? Then let's try to understand the rules of this game.

    Includes double-sided game board, hourglass, 6 tokens and 200 cards (198 letter cards and joker cards)

    As we already mentioned, there are no words on the cards in this game. Letters are written on the cards. Players must form words in three different ways. The number on the field under the command chip indicates how in this case the word should be composed.

    Passwords (both players explain)
    Open 5 cards with words and flip the hourglass. Both players must form a word consisting ONLY of the letters that have fallen out on the cards. An empty card can mean any letter.
    When one player makes up a word, his task is to explain it according to the classic rules of Alias.

    Use all three
    The player who makes the move reveals three cards and turns over the clock. His task is to come up with a word that includes all these three letters in any order. For example, with the letters OTP, you can guess the word PYTHON
    Having come up with a word, the player begins to explain it according to the classical rules. When the word is guessed, the second player opens three more letters and thinks of a new word for explanation.
    When the time runs out, the team can move their chip across the board by the number of words they guessed divided by two.

    Chains of letters
    The explaining player takes the deck in his hand. The clock is turned over and the player puts two cards with letters on the table, one under the other, in two rows.
    These are the first letters of two chains, which the explainer must make as long as possible.
    First, he explains a word that starts with one of the two letters. When the second player guesses the word, the explainer can take a card with a letter from the deck and place it next to one of the initial letters, thus continuing the chain. At the same time, he must think of a word that begins with these letters.
    LI - sheet
    LIT - literature

    In the rules there is also a description of additional rules of the game.

    Which of the games to choose (or maybe several) - it's up to you. But whatever you choose, it will bring a lot of pleasure to you and your children! On my own behalf, I’ll add that this type of game is my favorite, so we have collected several variations of this game at home and we play each one with great pleasure. And, if all the cards have already been studied and the game has become a little boring, then a great option to diversify it is to start playing in a foreign language.

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