Game as a means of developing communication skills of preschool children. "Game as a means of forming communicative skills and relationships in children


"Communicative games as a means of social development of preschool children"

Compiled by music director

Shilonosova T.V.

MADOU "C. r. R. d / s No. 355 "Chulpan" Perm

“Introducing a child into the world of human relations is one of the most important

tasks of educating the personality of a child of preschool age”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The urgency of the problem.

The problem of introducing the child to the social world is one of the leading ones in the process of personality formation. At preschool age, it is very important to develop communication skills in a child. This is necessary so that the baby is adapted to life in society, has an active and responsible social position, can realize himself, can always find a common language with any person and make friends.

The main purpose of using communicative games is to help children enter the modern world, which is so complex, dynamic, and characterized by many negative phenomena. For the social development of children, of course, it is necessary to use the game. Firstly, the game is the leading activity of a preschooler. Secondly, it is a collective activity that involves the need to communicate with peers or adults.

Communication game - this is a joint activity of children, a way of self-expression, mutual cooperation, where partners are in a position of “equals”, they try to take into account the characteristics and interests of each other.

The purpose of communication games:

- development of the dynamic side of communication: ease of making contact, initiative, readiness for communication;

Development of empathy, sympathy for a partner, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication;

The development of a positive sense of self, which is associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence, a sense of one's own emotional well-being, one's importance in the children's team, and a formed positive self-esteem.

Meaning of communication games:

Children's experience of joy with peers later turns into cheerfulness, an optimistic attitude towards life, the ability to get along with people, successfully solve life's problems, and achieve goals.

On the contrary, the absence or underdevelopment of communicative abilities plays a disorganizing role, leads to a delay in the overall mental development of the child, and in the future to the formation of a negative life position.

Music is closely connected with motor-muscular and intonation-speech sensations, and in this way it is especially close to the game. Consequently, musical-playing activity can be pedagogically aimed at developing the social qualities of children. The teacher can use the playing potential of musical activity to develop communication skills between children, to educate children in a good relationship with each other.

Musical communication games – it is a synthesis of music with speech, movement, spatial, tactile and visual sensations, the main task of which is to include preschool children in interpersonal relationships, creating conditions for the free and natural manifestation of the individual qualities of the child. Music in these games is used as a factor that organizes the game in time, rhythm, and emotional mood.

Communication games are diverse in form. This can be an ordinary role-playing game with occasional use of the musical repertoire by children, the inclusion of songs in the general plot, as well as games based on the methods and techniques of Karl Orff

(Orff - pedagogy). Almost all children's folklore (rhymes, songs, jokes, pestles, roll calls) belongs to communicative games. Children's game folklore can be considered as a unique means of the child's social development, since it takes into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of the child, his interests and creative abilities. )

Communication games are classified according to the function they perform in the development of the dynamic side of communication in children:

Games - plastic improvisations that develop creative imagination and emotionally expressive movements ("Gnomes and giants", "Vacuum cleaner and dust particles", "Friend strap", etc.)

Mirror games, plastic dialogues in pairs aimed at developing non-verbal communication skills (“The sea is worried”, “Mirror”, “Do not be angry, but smile”, “Poses”, “Snowflakes, fly”, etc.)

Tactile games, when children touch each other, hold hands (outdoor games - “Forged Chains”, “Burn Clearly”, “Wolf and Geese”, speech games - “Komariki”, “Bath-Babanya”, massage “We chop cabbage ..” and many others)

Rhythmo - intonation games with names. These games are a kind of training, enabling the child to imagine himself in various roles, "try on" these roles. In these games, each child is given the attention of everyone: the image presented to him is immediately copied by everyone. These games allow children not only to see themselves from the outside, but also to feel their importance in the team. In addition, the sound of one's own name from the lips of others evokes positive emotions and sets up friendly relations with other children. The loud pronunciation of one's name helps the child cope with shyness, feel his strength and self-confidence (various greeting games, "Acquaintance", "Loaf", "Who is good with us", etc.)

The most popular form of communicative musical games are dances with change of partners, which are found in the folklore of different peoples. The movements and figures in them are very simple, accessible to children. In these dances, as a rule, there are game plots, which makes memorization even easier. The value of dances with a change of partners is that they help to increase self-esteem in those children who feel insecure in the children's team. The tactile contact carried out in the dance further contributes to the development of friendly relations between children and, thereby, the normalization of the social microclimate in the group. (“Sweet orange”, “Hello, dear friend”, “One, two, three”, etc.)

Communication games can be used in a variety of forms of work not only with children, but also with parents - in GCD, on holidays, entertainment. Since communicative games are accessible and at the same time attractive, evoking bright, positive emotions, they can be successfully included in corrective work with children with various developmental pathologies.


Communication games allow children to get closer and get to know each other better, teach them to show care, attention, sympathy for peers, communicate productively, create an emotionally positive microclimate in the group.

The use of communicative games contributes to the development of communication skills, communicative abilities of children and has a positive effect on the formation of friendly relations in a peer group. The ability to love and accept oneself, to treat others kindly are the factors that determine the fate of the child, giving him the opportunity in the future to become a worthy member of society, to be more fully realized as a person.


Game "Centipede"

The centipedes ran

They ran along the path.

Too many legs

These centipedes.

Several children stand behind each other, holding the waist in frontstanding. On command, they begin to move forward, trying not to break the "chain"

The game "We are all happy»(early age)

Everybody get on your feet

And gather in a circle.

Let's wave our hands together

Together we will sing and dance.

We are all very happy for Katya (when repeated - a different name)

We need to clap Katya.

We were few without Katya

Katya was sorely missed.

Hello game

Hello palms!stretch your arms forward, palms up


Hello legs!springs


Hello cheeks!stroking cheeks

Plop-plop-plop.pat on puffy cheeks

Hello sponges!shake their heads

Peck - peck - peck.

Hello teeth!shake their heads


Hello my nose!stroking the palm

Beep beep beep. press pointer with finger

Hello guests!stretch out their hands

Hello! waving

Hello game

Children stand in a circle and pass the ball,singingthe name of each child , e.g. "Hello Serezha"

The game "Grandma Malanya". Children become in a circle, mother in the center of the circle. She invites the children to play a fun game - a round dance. At the same time, he warns that the children will lead the round dance on their own. The children hold hands, and the adult in the center begins to sing a song, accompanying it with expressive movements.

1. Malanya's old lady

Lived in a small hut

Seven daughters, seven sons

All without eyebrows.

With eyes like that

With ears like that

With such noses

With such a mustache

With such a head

With such a beard...

Children move in a circle in one direction, holding hands. They stop and, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict what is said in the text: they cover their eyebrows with their hands, make “round eyes” and “big nose”, etc.

Didn't eat anything

Sitting all day

They looked at her

They did it like this.

They squat down and support their chin with one hand. Repeat after the leader any funny movement. Movement must be correct. The teacher shows examples: jokingly wag his finger, wave his hand, bow, put his hands behind his back.

A game"Awho is the smartest among us. Place the kids opposite each other. Grasp the handle of one child in the wrist, gently stroke the peer's head, arms, legs with it. At the same time, sing a song about the good qualities of this peer, call him by name:

1. And who is smart with us,

Who is reasonable among us?

Vanya is smart

He is reasonable!

2. Who is beautiful with us,

Who is handsome?

Sashenka is beautiful,

He is nice to us.

Repeat the game, only now give another child the opportunity to touch a peer. Invite the kids to perform actions on their own: “Where is my friend? Where is Sasha? Pat Sasha on the head. Well done! And Sasha will stroke Vanya. Play as long as the children's interest in each other remains. Remember: the game should not give the kids any discomfort, be guided by the mood and reactions of the children.

The game for preschoolers is an important factor in understanding the world around them, mastering role functions, mental development of the personality, and its socialization. As a complex and interesting life phenomenon, it attracts the attention of people of various professions: teachers and psychologists, writers and artists, physiologists and philosophers, mathematicians, etc. In the peculiarities of the child's psyche, I.M. Sechenov. The sincerity and immediacy of the feelings of children in the game was noticed by K.S. Stanislavsky.

The game is commonly referred to as the "companion of childhood." In preschool children, it constitutes the main content of life, acts as a leading activity, closely intertwined with work and study. Many serious things in a child take the form of a game. All aspects of the personality are involved in it: the child moves, speaks, perceives, thinks; in the course of the game, his imagination, memory are actively working, emotional and volitional manifestations are intensified. According to K.D. Ushinsky, in the game the child "lives, and the traces of this life remain deeper in him than the traces of real life ...". Because of this, the game acts as a powerful means of education.

Play is a child's activity. Because of this, it has features that are characteristic of any activity: the presence of a goal, motives, means of implementation, planned actions, results.

Diverse in content and form, games introduce the child into a circle of real life phenomena, providing an unintentional assimilation of the social experience of adults: knowledge, skills, methods of action, moral norms and rules of behavior. The game forms the style of relationships, communication of the child with peers and adults.

Children's games are very diverse. They differ in content and organization, rules, the nature of the manifestation of children, the impact on the child, the types of objects used, origin, etc. The most widespread in pedagogy is the division of games into two large groups: creative games and games with rules. Children come up with the content of creative games themselves, reflecting in them their impressions, their understanding of the environment and their attitude towards it.

Games with rules are created and introduced into the lives of children by adults. Depending on the complexity of the content and rules, they are intended for children of different ages. Among games with ready-made rules, a large group is made up of folk games, many of which are passed from generation to generation.

In turn, both groups of games have their own varieties. The group of creative games consists of role-playing games (this is the main type of creative games), building and constructive games, in which children reflect their impressions of the life around them in a specific way, dramatization games, in which children creatively reproduce the content of literary works, etc.

Games with ready-made content and rules, according to their educational impact, are conditionally divided into didactic games, in which, first of all, the mental activity of children develops, their knowledge deepens and expands; mobile games in which various movements are improved; musical games that develop musical abilities, etc.

There are also entertainment games, fun games. The concept of "creative play" covers role-playing games, dramatization games, building-constructive games. In role-playing games, children's impressions of the life around them, the depth of their understanding of certain life phenomena are reflected. The rules are in the very content of the game - in the role , in the plot. Having assumed the role of an adult, the child acts in accordance with the logic of his behavior in certain circumstances (for example, a doctor examines a sick daughter whom her mother brought to an appointment; a driver in a car takes them home). The most general rule for children in collective creative play is the recognition by all the players of the conditional meaning of objects, accepted roles and actions. Without this, the game cannot take place.

Many researchers of children's games note the strength and authenticity of the feelings experienced by the child in the game. These feelings are rich and varied. In creative role-playing games, children experience feelings associated with the roles they play: care, mother's tenderness, responsibility of a driver or doctor, etc. In collective games, the social feelings of children (friendship, camaraderie) are manifested.

A game of any kind proceeds as a meaningful and purposeful activity. Each game has a meaningful goal for the child. Goals are not permanent. N.K. Krupskaya pointed out that as the child develops, the nature of the goals that he sets himself in the game changes: from imitative goals, children gradually move on to deliberate, motivated goals.

In order to achieve his game goals, the child selects his comrades, in the course of the game he performs certain actions and deeds, enters into various relationships with the players.

Children acquire the ability to agree on the topic and content of the game, distribute roles, and plan their game activities to a certain extent.

The whole personality of the child is involved in the game process, as in other types of activity: his mental cognitive processes, will, feelings and emotions, needs and interests; in the game the child actively acts, speaks, uses his knowledge.

The game is a free and independent activity that occurs on the personal initiative of the child, characterized by an active creative character, high emotional richness. As the personality of the child develops, the game develops.

The freedom and independence of the child are manifested:

a) in the choice of the game or its content,

b) in the voluntary association with other children,

c) freedom of entry and exit from the game, etc.

The game is characterized by self-regulation of actions, deeds and behavior of the players. The manifestations of playing children are regulated by certain requirements and rules contained in the game.

A child from preschool age needs a company as an important condition for his personal and social development, including preparation for school. The real relationship between children is the relationship between them as partners in joint play activities. Functions of real relationships include planning the plot of games, distribution of roles, game items. In the game, the role is realized, which reveals the meaning of the rule for the child, and obedience to this rule.

Game communication is very important for a child, through game communication, children learn more easily, the game liberates the child, reveals him as an independent person. It is very important to use gaming methods in preschool institutions for more intensive development of the child, rather than just teaching methods.

Preschool childhood is a long period of a child's life, during which the child discovers the world of human relations, various activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to get involved in this adult life, to actively participate in it, which is not yet available to him, in addition, he strives for independence. “From this contradiction, a role-playing game is born - an independent activity of children that simulates the life of adults”:

The organization of work with children on the development of the communicative sphere sets tasks for the educator that require the integration of all sections, the relationship of work on communicative development with role-playing and theatrical play, musical and rhythmic movements, fiction, and so on.

The game is a reflection of social life. A game team is a social organism with cooperative relationships and communication skills. It is no coincidence that a child usually says: “I want to play with you” or “I don’t play with you anymore.” This, in essence, means "I want to be friends with you" or "I'm not friends with you anymore!".

Role-playing games are a source of the formation of the child's social consciousness and the possibility of developing communication skills. A child can develop not only speech skills, but also learn to play not next to other children, but together with them. In the game, created under the guidance of the educator, a new life situation is created in which the child seeks to fully realize the need for communication with other children that is formed with age.

With the development of the child, the forms of play communication also change. Gradually, as a result of educational influence, children develop the ability to distribute roles, taking into account the interests and desires of each of the participants. The teacher uses various game techniques to develop sociability, sensitivity, responsiveness, kindness, mutual assistance in children - all that is required for life in a team. We can say that education in the game is a school of cultural communication skills.

In the game, the ability to live and act together, to help each other, develops a sense of collectivism, responsibility for one's actions. The game also serves as a means of influencing those children who show selfishness, aggressiveness, isolation. During the game, the child learns to play not next to other children, but together with them.

Pedagogical work on game management can be presented in several aspects:

Methods of pedagogical influence on the content of games;

Help children in the implementation of the game;

Story development;

Formation of relationships between the participants of the game.

Of particular importance in the correct planning of the game is the constant analysis and evaluation by educators of their actions and the actions of children in the game. Educators in their records reflect the results of targeted observations of gaming activities.

In role-playing games, children enter into various contacts with each other and, on their own initiative, have the opportunity to build their relationships largely independently, encountering the interests of their partners and learning to reckon with them in joint activities. Thus, the role of the role-playing game in the formation and development of communicative abilities and relationships of children with each other is extremely high. It must be remembered that when organizing and conducting collective role-playing games, an individual approach to each child, depending on his interests and abilities, is of particular importance. Therefore, a necessary condition is the support and development of all the best that can be in a child.

The theatrical game, as one of its types, is an effective means of communicative development and creates favorable conditions for developing a sense of partnership and mastering ways of positive interaction. At the same time, the developing potential of theatrical play is not used enough in preschool institutions.

Theatrical games are free in improvisation, not subject to strict rules and conditions. Children act out various plots, situations, taking on someone's roles. Thus, they enter into various contacts with each other and, on their own initiative, have the opportunity to build relationships largely independently, colliding with the interests of their partners and learning to reckon with them in joint activities.

Games with rules (didactic, board, outdoor games) contribute to cognitive, motor development. The rule is open, i.e. addressed to the child himself, not to the game character. Therefore, it can become a means of understanding one's behavior and mastering it. Playing with the rules develops the necessary abilities in a child: firstly, the implementation of the rules is associated with understanding an imaginary situation; secondly, despite the fact that the games are educational, the collective game also teaches to communicate.

The game should be used as a means of forming the ability to communicate, since it is with the help of the game that the teacher is able to help the child establish contact with the outside world, as well as with peers and adults.

To develop a child's communicative culture in joint activities, you can also use various games and exercises that contribute to the development of basic communication skills, for example, such as: formation of norms of social behavior), corrective games, soothing games (allowing you to relieve tension, teach self-regulation techniques), games of trust (forming a sense of unity, cohesion, mutual trust, responsibility for each other), exercises for responding to aggression, psychological relief.

The game activity organized by the educator is able to form the following communication skills and qualities in children:

The ability to recognize the emotions of others and own their feelings;

Positive attitude towards other people, even if they are “completely different”;

The ability to empathize - to rejoice in other people's joys and be upset because of other people's grief;

The ability to express their needs and feelings through verbal and non-verbal means;

Ability to interact and cooperate.

The game changes the real relationship between children and adults, they become warmer, closer, a common cause appears, thereby establishing relationships, mutual understanding, which is difficult to do later. The poverty and primitiveness of the game have a detrimental effect on the formation of the personality, as well as on the communicative development of children - after all, communication occurs mainly in joint play. It is a joint game that is the main content of communication. Playing and performing various game roles, children learn to see events from different perspectives, take into account the actions and interests of others, and comply with norms and rules.

Conclusions to Chapter 1.

Conclusions for chapter 1

Thus, having studied the theoretical aspects of the formation of communicative abilities in preschool children, we determined that communication skills are individual psychological properties of the child's personality, providing it with conditions for personal development, social adaptation, independent informational, perceptual, interactive activity based on subject- subject relations. Communication skills are a condition for the development of the personality of children and are manifested in the process of communication. The education of the foundations of the communicative culture of children occurs under the influence of objective conditions of life, training and education, as well as in the process of playing activity. The game, as the main form of work with preschool children and as the leading activity of preschoolers, can become a means of developing the child's communicative sphere.

Chapter 2


2.1. Organization and conduct of experimental work

In order to study the characteristics of the communicative sphere of children of middle preschool age, an experimental study was organized, which was conducted in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Bavlinsky district, the village of Tatarskaya Tumbarla "Milyausha". The experiment covered 14 preschoolers who were divided into 2 groups: control and experimental. The study included three consecutive stages.

The first stage is the ascertaining experiment. At this stage, the study and evaluation of interpersonal relations in the group, the level of development of communication skills, the determination of the sociometric status of each child, the cohesion coefficient of the group were carried out. Pedagogical observation and special tasks were used.

The second stage is a formative experiment. It was aimed at developing communicative skills in children and included the development of a system of game exercises, tasks, games, a methodology for conducting various types of games with the aim of communicative development of children.

The third stage included the completion of the formative experiment, as well as control, comparative and evaluation experiments, and the systematization of research materials.

Along with this, individual conversations were used, which contributed to the active participation of educators and children in our study, since, for example, the novelty and unconventionality of various types of games aroused great interest and a desire to play in them.

To determine the level of development of communicative abilities, we decided to diagnose the communicative competence of the child and evaluate the communicative qualities of the individual.

1. Diagnostics of the communicative sphere.

The purpose of the study: To identify the communicative competence of a child in communicating with peers using the "Pictures" technique (authors E.O. Smirnova and E.A. Kalyagina). An adult shows children pictures depicting situations of interaction with an adult or peer (Appendix 1). The child must answer the teacher's question by choosing one of the two situations in the picture. Based on the answers of the children, we assessed their communicative competence.

2. Evaluation of the communicative qualities of a personality in children.

The methodology is a questionnaire for parents (Appendix 2), which is a questionnaire designed for expert assessment of the communicative qualities of a personality in children, as well as their relationships with other people.

3. The study of the relationship between children was carried out in the form of the game "Two Houses" (Appendix 3) - a variant of the methodology proposed by Ya.L. Kolominsky (sociometric experiment). The purpose of this technique is to determine the status position of children in the children's team, the number of isolated, preferred, accepted and rejected children in the group, the number of mutual choices, the level of well-being of relationships in the group, the level of development of communication skills.

To determine the game as an effective means of communicative development of preschool children, we used an analysis of various types of behavior, conditions for joint play activities using a modified methodology, which included studies of different levels of a child's behavior in the game by criteria for ranking children by specific types of behavior, the levels of formation of game actions and understanding essence and values, accompanied by the speech of a preschooler.

Using joint play activities, we revealed different levels of children's communicative development. They represented the following sequence of development of social relations and behavior of children (Table - 1).

Table - 1. The system of different levels of communicative development

children at play

Levels of communicative development of children in the game Action
I level The lack of ideas in children about the rules of behavior in society and desires, egocentrism, passivity, etc.
II level Knowledge of the rules of communication, understanding the need to obey the rules, but unwillingness to reckon with this need, protest against it.
III level Internal consent, the appropriation of social experience, the rules of communication, but still passive, which is not decisive in the active behavior of the child, i.e. formal acceptance.
IV level Social norms and rules of behavior become defining and regulating the position of the child in the game and relationships with adults.

Games, speaking in various meanings, are most closely related to education in the following functions:

Communicative - united groups of players, established emotional contacts, friendly relationships, formed feelings and positions;

Educational - included teaching children the elements of psychotechnics aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking, etc .;

Relaxation - relieved emotional stress, acute neurotic reactions, neutralized emotionally negative experiences and fears;

Entertaining - created a favorable atmosphere in the group of players, turned the game into an exciting, interesting, educational event;

Developing - based on the theory of L.S. Vygotsky that in a concentrated form the game contains development trends. It actively develops perception, memory, thinking, forms and develops communicative, universal qualities, skills and abilities;

Educational - lies in the fact that the game creates opportunities for the upbringing of children. These opportunities are contained in the content of the game, game and role-playing actions, relationships in the game. It brings up communicative and moral qualities, skills, abilities;

Formative - through knowledge with the systematic use of games, high-quality formations of the intellectual (cognitive capabilities, logical thinking) and communicative spheres (qualities, norms of behavior, assessment) are formed; a preschooler receives knowledge about the environment and people's lives;

Regulatory - lies in the fact that the conditions and rules of various types of games set certain requirements for the preschooler that regulate his behavior, verbal communication, actions, actions, focus on the formation of communicative experience, regulation of behavior.

To study the levels of formation in play activity in order to identify the communicative development of children, a method was used to identify and fix these levels, which was based on a test system: an opinion test (to this group of the subject's attitudes to other persons, norms of behavior and morality, actions and views of children in the game, etc.); situational tests - they offered the creation of a certain situation, for example, the same game task is performed alone and in front of the whole group; objective tests (to study game associations, conflict situations that arise in the game, etc.).

To study the gaming communication of preschoolers in various types of independent games in order to study the relationship of preschoolers to each other, an experimental technique developed by T.A. Repina.

To study the relationship of preschoolers in play activities and mutual assessments, the methodology and choice in action were used.

All games were divided into four groups with their own goals, objectives and influence on the upbringing of the child's personality. These are the games:

1. On stories from the life of children (in the family, kindergarten, etc.).

2. For professional subjects (in a store, hospital, atelier).

3. Amusement games that develop technical ingenuity and creativity.

4. Entertaining games (verbal, mobile).

Thus, the complex of methods used was aimed at studying meaningful information about the relationships of preschoolers, their level of communicative development, as well as individual and group gaming activities.

Since the concept of communicative development is quite extensive, it was considered through the quality of the formation of communicative abilities in children.

Diagnostics of the level of formation of the communicative development of children was carried out. The results obtained are presented in Table - 2.

Table - 2. Distribution of children according to the level of formation of communicative abilities (stating experiment).

As the data show, in general, the overall level of development of communicative abilities in children in the experimental and control groups corresponds to an average level of 62% in the experimental and 54% in the control groups.

Communicative development is not limited to psychological formations. This is a synthesis of properties, which also includes the level of communication skills. Therefore, periodically in each group, a diagnostic examination of preschool children was carried out.

When comparing data on the level of formation of communicative abilities in children, it seems possible to judge the relative degree of development of communicative abilities of children in the middle group. The data obtained is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Distribution of children by levels of development of communicative abilities, in % (stating experiment)

Thus, based on the results of the ascertaining experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn:

At the beginning of the experiment, the level of formation of the communicative abilities of preschoolers is the same in the experimental and control groups, which is confirmed by the closeness of the average value in the groups.

The level of formation of communicative abilities of preschoolers is mostly below the average and at the average level.

The control study was supposed to reveal the final results of experimental activities on the formation of communicative abilities in preschoolers. The distribution of children according to the level of formation of communicative abilities is presented in Table - 3.

Table 3. Distribution of preschoolers of the middle group according to the level of formation of communicative abilities, in % (control experiment)

Thanks to targeted work on the development of communication skills through play in the experimental group, the number of preschoolers with a high level of communication skills increased from 29% at the beginning of the experiment to 59% at the end of the study. While in the control group there is a decline (from 35% to 30%).

The distribution of preschoolers according to the level of development of communicative abilities in children is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Distribution of children by levels of development of communicative abilities, in % (control experiment)

According to the results of the control experiment, it can be concluded that in the experimental group there is a progressive formation of the communicative abilities of preschoolers. Compared with the beginning of the study, the number of children in the middle group with a high level of communicative abilities increased, which was achieved through gaming activities.

In the control group, the process of forming the communicative abilities of children in the middle group is characterized by weak dynamics in the increase in the number of children with an average level of communicative abilities, and the absence of positive changes in children with a low level.

The game, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

The game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the outside world. The game clearly manifests the features of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication.

The game is the true social practice of the child, his real life in the society of peers. Therefore, the problem of using the game for the purpose of comprehensive education, and primarily the formation of the moral side of the personality, is so relevant for preschool pedagogy. Currently, preschool specialists are faced with the task of further studying the game as a form of organizing the life and activities of children.

The understanding of play as a form of organizing the life and activities of children is based on the following provisions:

The game is designed to solve general educational problems, among which the tasks of forming the moral social qualities of the child are of paramount importance;

The game should be of an amateur character and develop more and more in this direction, subject to proper pedagogical guidance;

An important feature of the game as a form of life for children is its penetration into various activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities and play.

In human practice, gaming activity performs such functions as:

Entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest);

Communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

Self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;

Game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;

Diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

Correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;

Interethnic communication: the assimilation of social and cultural values ​​that are common to all people;

Socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human society.

Thus, the game is the form of organizing the life of a preschooler, in which the teacher can, using various methods, shape the personality of the child, its social orientation.

The game manifests such strong-willed qualities as responsibility, purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance in overcoming difficulties. A six-year-old child knows how to set a goal - to independently select the material, patiently bring the work begun to the end. The game is good when the children organize it themselves, they know how to lead, obey, and provide assistance.

The game is the leading activity of a preschool child and the best way to address issues of upbringing and development of a child. The game is a reflection of social life, has a significant impact on the comprehensive development of the child. The game team is a social organism with a relationship of cooperation, communication skills.

Games are very diverse and can be conditionally divided into two large groups: role-playing games and games with rules.

Role-playing games are a source of the formation of the child's social consciousness and the possibility of developing communication skills. A child can develop not only speech skills, but also learn to play not next to other children, but together with them. In the game, created under the guidance of the educator, a new life situation is created in which the child seeks to fully realize the need for communication with other children that is formed with age.

With the development of the child, the forms of play communication also change. Gradually, as a result of educational influence, children develop the ability to distribute roles, taking into account the interests and desires of each of the participants. The teacher uses various game techniques to develop sociability, sensitivity, responsiveness, kindness, mutual assistance in children - all that is required for life in a team. In the game, the ability to live and act together, to help each other, develops a sense of collectivism, responsibility for one's actions. The game also serves as a means of influencing those children who show selfishness, aggressiveness, isolation.

In the process of developing the game, the child moves from simple, elementary, ready-made plots to complex, independently invented ones, covering almost all spheres of reality. He learns to play not next to other children, but together with them, dispenses with numerous game attributes, masters the rules of the game and begins to follow them, no matter how difficult they may be.

In role-playing games, children enter into various contacts with each other and, on their own initiative, have the opportunity to build their relationships largely independently, encountering the interests of their partners and learning to reckon with them in joint activities. Thus, the role of the role-playing game in the formation and development of communicative abilities and relationships of children with each other is extremely high.

The theatrical game, as one of its types, is an effective means of communicative development and creates favorable conditions for developing a sense of partnership and mastering ways of positive interaction. Theatrical games are free in improvisation, not subject to strict rules and conditions. Children act out various plots, situations, taking on someone's roles. Thus, they enter into various contacts with each other and, on their own initiative, have the opportunity to build relationships largely independently, colliding with the interests of their partners and learning to reckon with them in joint activities. These games are especially useful for the development of figurative and expressive speech.

The second group of games are games with rules. These include didactic, board, outdoor games. With clear rules, these games contribute to cognitive, motor development. The main component of the game is the rules. Thanks to them, a new form of pleasure arises for the child - the joy that he acts as the rules require. The rule is open, i.e. addressed to the child himself, not to the game character. Therefore, it can become a means of understanding one's behavior and mastering it. Playing with the rules develops the necessary abilities in a child: firstly, the implementation of the rules is associated with understanding an imaginary situation; secondly, despite the fact that the games are educational, the collective game also teaches to communicate.

The game should be used as a means of forming the ability to communicate, since it is with the help of the game that the teacher is able to help the child establish contact with the outside world, as well as with peers and adults.

Thus, the game changes the real relationship between children and adults, they become warmer, closer, a common cause appears, thereby

relationships, mutual understanding are established, which is difficult to do later.

The poverty and primitiveness of the game are detrimental to the formation of the personality, as well as to the communicative development of children - after all, communication occurs mainly in joint play. It is a joint game that is the main content of communication. Playing and performing various game roles, children learn to see events from different perspectives, take into account the actions and interests of others, and comply with norms and rules.

Game as a Means of Forming Communication Skills of Modern Primary School Students

One of the most important skills of a modern person is communication skills. Possession of them at a high level allows you to effectively interact with other people in various activities. However, despite the ever-growing need in society for communicative people, the modern school with its existing set of forms and teaching methods does not sufficiently contribute to the formation of communicative skills. It is important to gradually form communicative skills in the primary school age. The activation of the communicative activity of younger students involves the process of encouraging students to energetic, purposeful communication. Communication is an integral part of any lesson, so the formation of students' communicative skills leads to an increase in the quality of the educational process.

Communication skills are skills in the structure of communication activities, skills associated with the exchange of information. According to the teachings of L. S. Vygotsky, communication skills are among the highest mental functions, because formed during life.

Communication attracts the attention of specialists in various fields of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, linguistics, etc.

This problem was dealt with by such scientists as Andreeva G.M., Apel K.O., Herbert M.M., Gorbunova M.Yu., Mukhina V.S., Fisher B. .

However, in the works of scientists, the possibilities of the game as a means of developing the communicative skills of younger schoolchildren have not yet been sufficiently studied.

The need to develop communication skills is also understood by school teachers, who actively use various forms and methods of work, the possibilities of the educational process for this purpose. Teachers also understand that the development of communication skills is impossible without a game, but the game is often used as an educational tool in an inappropriate way. A certain part of teachers simply underestimate the possibility and effectiveness of the game as a means of developing communication skills.

We managed to identify the contradictions that have developed in pedagogical practice on the problem of the development of communicative skills in primary school age. We include the following among them:

    the contradiction between the possibilities of the game as a means of developing the communicative skills of children and the insufficient implementation of these possibilities in pedagogical practice;

    the contradiction between the need to form communication skills in younger students and insufficient methodological support for this process.

The contradictions revealed by us in the theory and practice of solving this problem determined the choice of the topic of our study: "Game as a means of developing the communicative skills of modern primary schoolchildren."

The game has long attracted the attention of not only psychologists and teachers, but also philosophers, ethnographers, and art critics.

N. K. Krupskaya considers play to be a need for a growing organism and explains this by two factors: the child’s desire to learn about the life around him and his characteristic imitation and activity. A. S. Makarenko gave a deep analysis of the psychology of the game, showed that the game is a meaningful activity.

The similarity of play is hardly expressed in the fact that children feel responsible for achieving the set goal and for fulfilling the role assigned to them by the team.

G. V. Plekhanov, proves that in the life of society, work precedes the game and determines its content.

In his opinion, the game serves as a means of preparing for work, a means of education.

The study of the origin of the game as a special type of human activity makes it possible to determine its essence: the game is a figurative, effective reflection of life; it arose from labor and prepares the younger generation for labor.

In pedagogical literature, the understanding of the game as a reflection of real life was first expressed by the great teacher K. D. Ushinsky.

A game - a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, recorded in socially fixed ways of implementing objective actions, in objects of culture and science (Psychological Dictionary \ Edited by A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, 1990) .

The structure of the game as an activity includes goal setting, planning, goal realization, as well as analysis of the results in which the person fully realizes himself as a subject. Motivation of gaming activity is provided by its voluntariness, opportunities for choice and elements of competition, satisfaction of the need for self-affirmation, self-realization.

The structure of the game as a process includes: a) the roles assumed by the players; b) game actions as a means of realizing these roles; c) game use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with game, conditional ones; d) real relations between the players; e) plot (content) - an area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game.

Considering that there are not enough methods for studying the communicative skills of younger schoolchildren today, we decided to develop our own methodology, for which we introduced criteria for assessing the level of development of communicative skills.

We have introduced such criteria as 1) cognitive,

2) operational,

3) reflective.

Under the cognitive criterion, we understand the child's knowledge, ideas about the norms and rules of communication. Under the operational criterion - the child's ability to build communication on the basis of acquired knowledge, norms, rules. For example, the ability to address adults, to read the verbal and non-verbal manifestations of the interlocutor. Under the reflexive criterion, we mean the readiness of the child to objectively assess situations of communication, to analyze their own mistakes and the mistakes of their peers, those around them.

To identify this current level, we applied this technique.

It was held in the 4th grade "A" of school No. 93. There are 24 students in this class, 12 are girls and 12 are boys. All children are from complete families, of average social status.

Let's present the data obtained during the primary cut in table 1.

Table 1












Thus, we found that 54% of children have a high level of communicative skills development in all criteria, and 46% have an average level. A low level of development of communicative skills according to all three criteria was not revealed among junior schoolchildren.

We see that more than 50% of children in this class have a high level, this is due to the fact that the teacher worked on the formation of communication skills. She spent class hours on the topics: "Rules of conduct in the dining room", "Birthday Day", "School of Polite Sciences", "Manners of Conduct", "Bad Words - Bad Jokes." These class hours were aimed at familiarizing and practicing the ability to behave correctly in the dining room, guests, public places, and the ability to analyze one's speech.

The table shows that 66% of girls are at a high level of development of communication skills, boys with a high level of only 34%, while 58% of boys are at the average level, and only 42% of girls.

Thus, we see that communication skills are better developed in girls than in boys of this class.

Having studied the current level of development of communication skills, we selected games taking into account this level.

To familiarize children with the norms of communication, we have developed abstracts of extracurricular activities. These classes included such games as "Gift", "Closed Class", "Compliment", as well as exercises in a game form aimed at familiarizing and mastering the norms of communication.

Gradually, we introduced games that help build more complex skills, such as listening, which was carried out through the use of games such as Snowball, Running Lights, Pass to Another.

We also formed skills and abilities in the field of non-verbal communication. To do this, we used the games mentioned above, namely “Gift” and “Closed Class”, and also used such games as “Greeting”, “Handshake”, “Comfort Zone”, “Intuition”, “Eastern Market”, “ Mirror”, “Bridge”, “Theater”.

At later stages, we offered students such games as "No, I'm not going with you", "Kids - kids", "Carousel", "Who am I", "Communication in a couple", "Establishing contact", which allowed them to master skills of adequate communication, allowed to work out effective means of communication, developed the ability to behave in accordance with the principle of "here and now", and also allowed to form skills of assertive behavior.

Completing the formative experiment, we conducted a control section in order to identify the levels of formation of communicative skills. We were interested in whether there was a positive trend in their development. We used the previously used method. Let's present the obtained data in table 2.

table 2

The level of development of communicative skills of younger schoolchildren in the experimental group.












Thus, we found that 92% of children have a high level of communicative skills in all criteria, and 8% have an average level. A low level of development of communicative skills according to all three criteria was not revealed among junior schoolchildren.

Table 2 shows that 92% of girls are at a high level of development of communication skills, boys with a high level are also 92%, while 8% of boys are at the average level, girls are also 8%.

Thus, we see that communication skills are equally developed in girls and boys of this class.

The results of the cognitive criterion are presented in Table 3.

Table 3

The development of communication skills of younger students at the beginning and end of the experiment.

By all criteria





From table 3, we can conclude that in this class, after a formative experiment, the number of girls with a high level of development of communicative skills increased by 23%, and boys by 50%, with an average level of development of communicative skills of girls decreased by 16%, and boys by 33%. A low level after the formative experiment was not revealed in the subjects.

The level of development of communication skills according to the operational criterion has increased, namely:after a formative experiment, with a high level of girls decreased by 9%, while in boys it increased by 25%, girls with an average level of communication skills increased by 9%, and boys decreased by 17%. A low level of development of communication skills according to the operational criterion after the formative experiment was not revealed. As we can see, the development of communication skills according to the operational criterion was more pronounced in boys.

According to the reflexive criterion, the number of girls with a high level of development of communication skills increased by 42%, for boys it also increased by 42%, girls with an average level of development of communication skills according to the reflexive criterion decreased by 42%, and for boys it decreased by 34%. A low level after the formative experiment was not detected.

Application of the criterionGshowed that the development of communication skills of younger students occurred at the end of the experiment at the 1% level of statistical significance.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of the game contributes to the development of communicative skills of younger students under the following conditions:

When selecting games, the current level of development of communication skills is taken into account

Through the content of the game, consistent and systematic familiarization of students with the norms of communication is ensured.

The game is included as a means of developing communicative skills in the educational process.


1 Pedagogical possibilities of the game

1.1 Game, its types and functions

1.2 Classification of games

1.3 Using the game in the work of a teacher with teenagers

2 Communication skills

2.1 Communication. Its types and functions

2.2 Features of the communicative side of communication

2.3 Development of communication skills in the game

3 Practical part

3.1 Diagnostic step

3.2 Practical - activity stage

3.3 Analytical stage


Choosing the theme of the work “Game as a means of forming communicative abilities”, I would like to emphasize the importance and relevance of this issue.

This problem was dealt with by such teachers and scientists as Makarenko A.S., Elkonin D.B., Shchurkova N.E., Mukhina V.S., Anikieva N.P.

Today, when the world is in a constant information boom, and every time something changes, it is very important to be mobile and be able to quickly assimilate, analyze and convey the necessary information to people.

The problem of communication and interpersonal interaction in our opinion is very relevant. Touching on it, I would like to show the need for the development of communication skills. And how the game is used as a means.

A game is an artificially created life or problem situation, which we reproduce thereby, transferring a real life problem into a game activity.

In our opinion, the game, today, is one of the main means of developing communication skills.

And it is most relevant to study the topic "play as a means of developing communication skills" precisely at adolescence, which is a turning point - this is the transition from the world of childhood and a carefree existence to the complex realities of modern reality, to the difficulties of communication and interaction.

It is at this age that a child encounters problems in communication, and the game helps not only to form the necessary communication skills, but also provides a springboard for the further development of the personality, its socialization and self-realization in society.

In the course of working on the study of this topic, we structured it as follows:

Object: development of communicative abilities of a teenager.

Subject: a condition for the development of communication skills.

Purpose: selection and testing of games that affect the development of the communicative qualities of a teenager.

Hypothesis: the use of the game will contribute to the effective development of communicative abilities of adolescents, taking into account the following rules:

1. Awareness (knowledge) of the teacher about the individual abilities of adolescents.

3. With the competence of teachers in this matter.

4. Taking into account the interests of children.

1. Show the need for the development of communication skills in adolescence.

2. To reveal the features of the formation of communication skills in adolescents

3. Determine the possibilities of the game as a means of developing communication skills.

4. Select and test games for the development of communication skills.

1 Pedagogical possibilities of the game

1.1 Game. Its types and functions

The game arises as a special type of activity, separated from labor (activity) and is a reproduction of relations between people. The game arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the place of the child in the system of social relations. It is social in origin and by nature.

A game is a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience fixed in fixed ways of carrying out objective activity. The game reproduces the norms of human life and activity, the obedience to which ensures the knowledge and assimilation of objective and social reality, the intellectual, emotional and moral development of the individual. In preschool children, the game is the leading activity that forms knowledge, skills and abilities.

At the end of the 19th century, the German scientist K. Gross was the first to attempt a systematic study of the game, who believed that in the game there is an adaptation to the future conditions of the struggle for existence.

The materialistic view of the game was formulated by G.V. Plekhanov, who pointed to its emergence from labor. Associating play with orienting activity, D.V. Elkonin defines play as an activity in which the control of behavior is formed and improved.

A distinctive feature of the development of the game is the rapidly changing situations in which the object finds itself after actions with it, and the equally quick adaptation of actions to a new situation.

The structure of children's play includes: roles assumed by the players, play actions as a means of realizing these roles, play use of objects, i.e. replacement of real objects with game, conditional ones, real relationships between the players.

The plot of the game is the area of ​​reality reproduced in it, the content of the game is what is reproduced by children as the main moment of activity and relations between adults in their work and social life.

In the game, the formation of production experience and arbitrary behavior of the child, his self-realization and socialization (that is, entry into human society), familiarization with the communicative culture - the culture of communication.

At an early age, individual, objective, including symbolic play arises and develops.

An object game is a children's game with objects of human material and spiritual culture, in which the child uses them for their intended purpose.

A symbolic game is a type of game in which reality is reproduced in the form of symbols, signs, and game actions are performed in an abstract form.

In the second year of life, the child reproduces the actions of adults with objects: object games appear - imitation (assimilation of the forms and norms of adult behavior), and the formation of personal qualities.

Children's games of the subject plan can be of three types:

Exploration game;

Construction game;

Role-playing game;

A role-playing game is a joint group game in which its participants distribute, take on and perform various social roles: mother, father, educator, doctor, etc.

A story game is a children's game in which a child reproduces stories from real life events, stories, fairy tales.

The role-playing game can be considered as preparing the child for participation in public life and various social roles.

In a group game, leadership is manifested for the first time, organizational skills and abilities begin to develop, communication skills develop.

A special class of games includes games-competitions, in which such important factors of personality development as motivation, achievement of success, and the desire to develop one's abilities are formed and consolidated.

A game is a type of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:

Entertaining - this is the main function of the game - to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest;

Communicative - mastering communication skills, developing communication skills, mastering the dialectics of communication;

Self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice

Game therapy - overcoming various game situations, difficulties that arise in other types of life;

Diagnostic - to identify deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

Correction function - making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;

Interethnic communication - the assimilation of social and cultural values ​​that are common to all people;

Socialization - inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human and interpersonal communication.

The game, as a method of teaching, transferring the experience of older generations to younger people, has been used since antiquity. The game is widely used in folk pedagogy, in preschool and out-of-school institutions. In a modern school that relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, gaming activities are used in the following cases: as independent technologies for mastering concepts, topics and other sections of the subject; as elements, sometimes very essential, of a more extensive technique; as a lesson, lesson or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control); as a technology for extracurricular work of the school.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

By the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

1. Educational, training, controlling, summarizing.

2. Cognitive, educational, developing.

3. Reproductive, productive, creative.

4. Communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychological, etc.

In addition to the classification presented, there are other reasons for it, for example:

By the nature of the game methods of the game, there are:

1. Subject.

2. Plot.

3. Role playing.

4. Business.

5. Imitation.

6. Games - dramatizations.

And, finally, the specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the environment: there are games with objects, and without objects, desktop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer, and with TSO, as well as with various vehicles.

But first of all, games should be divided by type of activity into the following groups:

Physical (motor)

intellectual (mental)

labor and socio-psychological.

We can see the classification of pedagogical games in the appendix, as well as in the chapter on the classification of games.

1.2 Classification of games

In pedagogy, repeated attempts have been made to study and describe each type of game, taking into account its functions in the development of children, and to give a classification of games. This is necessary for an in-depth study of the nature of the game, its influence on the development of the individual, as well as in order to determine how games can be influenced, strengthen their impact, pedagogically competently using them in the educational process.

Due to the variety of games, it is difficult to determine the initial basis for the classification. In each game theory, those criteria are proposed that correspond to this concept. So F. Froebel, being the foremost among teachers who put forward the position on the game as a special means of education, based his classification on the principle of differentiated influence of games on the development of the mind (mental games), external sense organs (sensory games), movements (motor games ).

The German psychologist K. Gross characterizes the types of games according to their pedagogical significance: mobile, mental, sensory games that develop the will are classified by K. Gross as “games of ordinary functions”. The second group of games, according to his classification, are “games of special functions”. These games are exercises aimed at improving instincts (family games, games of hunting, courtship, etc.).

In domestic pedagogy, a classification of games has developed, based on the degree of independence and creativity of children in the game. Initially, the classification of games according to this principle was proposed by P.F. Lesgaft, later his idea was developed in the works of N.K. Krupskaya.

Of course, this is not the most complete classification, but studying it, we see that psychologists and educators pay great attention to the game as the most important factor in development, socialization, the assimilation of social norms, the development of communication skills and life skills in human society.

For a detailed classification of pedagogical games, see the appendix [p. ]

1.3 Using the game in the work of a teacher with teenagers

In the work of a teacher, the game can be given one of the most important places, since the game is one of the leading means of education and the formation of communicative skills and abilities, as well as the most important form of life organization. In the game, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the value of his social practice, his relationship with other people and with himself will subsequently depend.

The very nature of the game is unique: association in common cooperation and activity, common joy for victory.

The work of a teacher with adolescents has a special character, since the teacher must take into account not only the age and physiological characteristics of the child at a given age, but also the characteristics of his mental and individual development.

Adolescence has its own characteristics of personality development.

It is natural for adolescents to strive to deepen and expand their mental space. The main activity at this age is communication. For a teenager, it is important not only to communicate with peers, but also to communicate with adults. He strives to expand his social function, go beyond communication with peers, so to speak, improve his communicative culture.

At this age, it is very important how the child puts himself in a peer group; to show their leadership and organizational, as well as communication skills.

The game at this age is far from the last place, because a teenager is on the verge between childhood and adulthood. It’s just that a teenager is still a child in his soul, but his behavior is already considered, perceived and evaluated by those around him as “adult”.

The role of the teacher in the game is different: he can be a direct participant in the game, adviser, assistant, and so on. But in all these cases, the teacher carefully monitors the game, does not suppress initiative and independence, influences the content of games, creates conditions for their deployment, for the development of children's ingenuity, creativity, and communication skills.

In the game, the teacher studies each teenager, his interests, orientations, desires, individual characteristics, monitors his actions in order to find the right ways and means of his socialization and self-actualization.

Based on the general characteristics of the game as a pedagogical phenomenon, we can name the main tasks of the teacher:

1. Realization of the set goals, such as the development of certain qualities of a teenager's personality.

2. Getting a positive emotional experience.

3. Making sure that the game carries a supply of food for moral development, the development of creative individuality.

4. Transfer of knowledge about the system of human relationships and communicative culture from the older generation.

An analysis of the main sources of adolescent activity in the game shows the corresponding direction of its pedagogical organization:

1. Involving adolescents in a game situation and inclusion in various areas of communication through a combination of individual, group and collective forms of activity.

2. Providing opportunities for the manifestation of their creative, leadership abilities, communication skills.

3. Assistance in mastering the means of social communication.

4. Self-realization and self-actualization of a teenager in society. An attempt to designate one's place in the system of social relations.

The skill of managing such a powerful stimulating tool as the competition that spontaneously arises in the game, first of all, depends on the teacher's ability to choose a flexible, dialectical position. Many special feelings and norms of behavior (comradeship, mutual assistance, discipline, suppression of egocentric instincts, honesty, justice, etc.) are most intensively fixed in the game due to the analysis of conflicts, clashes related to the observance of game morality, and the influence on the personality of the child of public (group ) opinions. Obviously, in the aspect under consideration, the pedagogical guidance of adolescents is not about restraining emotions, preventing conflicts, but about managing the public opinion of the gaming team.

To effectively educate schoolchildren, it is not enough to know a set of games. The game, like any other means, becomes an educational factor and a driving force for the development of abilities, only if a number of conditions are met. The main one is the attitude of the teacher to the children, which is expressed with the help of game techniques. It can be called the game position of the teacher. This is a special style of relationship between the teacher and children. The organization of children's self-government becomes effective only when the educator or teacher follows the hidden or explicit logic of play relationships. The game position of the teacher therefore turns the game into an educational factor, which contributes to the humanization of the teacher-student relationship.

The game occupies one of the main and most important places in the system of the teacher's work. It is aimed at rallying the team, developing communication and organizational skills, creating a favorable emotional and psychological background. It has diagnostic, control and predictive functions. As well as the main pedagogical value of the game:

1. Play is a factor in personal development

2. A way to introduce a teenager to the adult world.

3. A gentle form of teaching vital skills and abilities.

4. Familiarization of a teenager with a wide range of human activities.

5. Diagnosing the social development of a teenager.

6. A professionally prepared form of socio-psychological training.

7. Method of pedagogical assistance to adolescents with problems in real life.

8. Emotional psycho-correction.

9. A way of forming communication skills, leadership qualities, as well as friendship, camaraderie, mutual assistance and humanistic attitudes in a group or student team.

With the help of the game, the teacher can trace the atmosphere within any team, coordinate its (team) activities, as well as the emotional and psychological state of each teenager.

In the game, the role positions of the teacher and the teenager are diverse, dynamic, less regulated, and more trusting.

In our opinion, the main pedagogical meaning of the game is to create conditions for the socialization of children in imitated social activities, i.e. the creation of a situation of choice in which a teenager must find a way to solve a particular social problem would not be so effective if the teacher did not act, who corrects the conditions of the game.

Of course, the game is an important factor in the personal development of a teenager, but in our opinion, the game is the most important means of developing communication skills. After all, communication is the main activity of a teenager.

2 Communication skills

2.1 Communication. Its types and functions

The interaction of a person with the outside world is carried out in a system of objective relations that develop between people in their social life.

We can say that a person exists and develops in society, in a group of people surrounding him, in accordance with its requirements, changes his thoughts and behavior, experiences any feelings under the influence of interaction with other members of the group. However, all this happens due to the fact that, by exchanging information and experiences with other people, getting to know them better, each of us, one way or another, participates in communication.

Communication - 1. A complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person;

2. The interaction of subjects carried out by symbolic means, caused by the needs of joint activities, and aimed at a significant change in the state, behavior and personal-semantic formations of the partner.

The psychology of communication explores such phenomena as people's perception and understanding of each other; imitation, suggestion and persuasion; cohesion and conflict; collaboration and interpersonal relationships. With all the variety of these psychological phenomena, the main source of their occurrence is the sphere of communication between people. Only in communication with other people does personal development occur.

Communication occurs at three levels of interaction:

1. Microenvironment - family, school, street, production, etc.

2. Macroenvironment is a society with its own science, culture, ideology, laws, social norms.

3. Small group - a person interacts with society not directly, but through his social circle.

Human communication is a complex process of interaction, exchange of information, knowledge and experience of experiences arising in the course of communication.

Communication is extremely diverse in its forms and types. Psychologists talk about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect, verbal (verbal) and non-verbal.

Direct communication is historically the first form on the basis of which, in later periods of the development of civilization, other types of communication arise.

Mediated communication appeared only after the invention of writing.

Distinguish between interpersonal and mass communication. Interpersonal, associated with direct contacts of people in different groups. Mass - this is the whole set of connections and contacts, unfamiliar in the society of people. This also includes communication through radio, television, newspapers, magazines, i.e. through the media.

It is also customary to single out interpersonal and role-playing communication. In the first case, we are talking about the usual communication of people, each of which is distinguished by its unique qualities. In the course of communication, we get to know each other better, opening up and showing these qualities. In the case of role-playing communication, participants act as carriers of certain roles (teacher - student). A person does what his role prescribes to him. In role-playing communication, a person loses his individual qualities, now the actions taken are dictated by the role being played.

Communicating with other people, a person learns the knowledge accumulated by mankind, his experience, established laws and norms, values ​​and methods of activity, is formed as a person. Communication is the most important factor in the mental development of a person. It is in communication that mental processes, the state and characteristics of human behavior are born, exist and manifest.

According to its purpose, communication is multifunctional. Five main functions can be distinguished:

1. The pragmatic function of communication is realized when people interact in the process of joint activities.

2. Formative function, manifests itself in the process of human development and the formation of him as a person. Indeed, without communication with adults, no one could turn from a helpless child into who they are now.

3. The confirmation function is manifested in the fact that only in the course of communication with other people can we know, understand and affirm ourselves in our own eyes. Wanting to be convinced of the recognition of his value, a person is looking for a foothold in other people. This includes acquaintances, greetings, naming, rendering various signs of attention. Action instructions are aimed at maintaining a “minimum confirmation” in a person, and therefore, good health.

4. The function of organizing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Communication for any person is invariably associated with the evaluation of other people and the establishment of certain emotional relationships - either positive or negative. Of course, emotional interpersonal relationships do not exhaust communication, but they permeate the entire system of relationships between people, often leaving an imprint on business and even role relationships.

5. The intrapersonal function of communication is one of the most important. Thanks to the dialogue with ourselves, we make certain decisions, perform significant actions. Such "internal communication" can be seen as a universal way of human thinking.

These most important functions of communication determine the system of interpersonal interaction. But it is important not only with whom a person communicates, but also how. Psychologists distinguish three main types of communication:

1. Imperative.

2. Manipulative.

3. Dialogic.

imperative communication

It is also called authoritarian or directive. It differs in that one of the communication partners seeks to subjugate the other, wants to control his behavior and thoughts, and forces him to certain actions. (Example: strict parents). The ultimate goal is to force the partner to do something. The means of imperative communication are threats, orders, instructions, prescriptions, demands.

manipulative communication

Its purpose is to influence the communication partner. But here, the achievement of their intentions is achieved covertly. The goal is to gain control over the behavior and thoughts of another person. Most often, manipulations are found in the field of business and business relations.

The professions of a teacher and a psychologist can be attributed to the most prone to manipulative deviations.

The imperative and manipulative form of communication can be characterized as monologue communication. A person who considers another as an object of his influence, in fact, communicates with himself with his goals and objectives, not seeing the true interlocutor and ignoring him.

Dialogical communication

1. Positive emotional mood of the interlocutor.

2. Trust.

3. The principle of parity (perception as an equal).

4. General problems and tasks.

5. The truth of opinions, feelings and desires - the principle of personification of communication.

Dialogue or humanistic communication allows you to achieve a deeper mutual understanding, self-disclosure of the interlocutor.

The study of communication shows the complexity, diversity, multi-level, manifestation and functions of this phenomenon. The complexity of communication requires the allocation of its individual components, a description of the structure. One of the most frequently used is an approach in which three interrelated aspects of communication are distinguished:

Informative (or communicative), which consists in the exchange of information between communicating people;

Interaction (or interactive), which manifests in the exchange between the participants of communication not only knowledge, ideas, states, but also actions;

Understanding (or perceptual), which is the process of perception, evaluation and understanding by partners in communicating each other.

Of course, all three aspects of communication are important in the interaction of people. But, in my opinion, teenage children need and especially important communication skills. They are just entering the adult world and the acquisition of information transfer experience is especially urgent for them. Therefore, we would like to devote the next chapter to communication skills.

2.2 Features of the communicative side of communication

Speaking about the information side of communication, we, first of all, mean the exchange of various knowledge, ideas, feelings, attitudes.

The need for new experiences is one of the most important human needs. Information hunger, spiritual thirst, we usually quench with the help of other people.

This was confirmed during the psychological experiments of Yakov Kolomensky. When schoolchildren of different ages chose their partners for various activities.

The study found that the most popular and favored people in a group tend to speak out more often and are more informed. An interesting person is indeed, first of all, a source of new information, but not just any, but new for the listener. This means that it is necessary to introduce a distinction between the two concepts of awareness and informativeness.

Awareness is the stock of knowledge a person has. And informativity is the expected ability of a person to serve as a source of information for another person.

The thirst for knowledge, like the thirst for communication, provides for two-way joint activity. However, the exchange of information is too simple, a narrow understanding of the communication process. In this case, the process of communication and information exchange is one and the same.

Communication cannot be considered as a simple sending of information or its reception, also because each interlocutor strives to “win” attention, be active, influence the other.

Information can be of two types: incentive and ascertaining.

Incentive information is manifested in the form of an order, advice or request. It is meant to stimulate some kind of action.

Ascertaining information appears in the form of a message, and does not directly imply a change in behavior.

In order for the exchange of information to take place, the interlocutors must understand each other and speak the same language.

During a conversation, each participant is alternately the speaker - giving information, then the listener - receiving it. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the one who receives the information is called the recipient. This is how dialogue is organized.

So, we note that the characteristics of human communication according to G.M. Andreeva:

1. In the communicative process, there is not just a movement of information, but an active exchange of it, in which the significance of a particular message plays a special role. And this is possible when the information is not just accepted, but also comprehended. This leads to collaborative activities.

2. The exchange of information necessarily involves a psychological impact on the partner in order to change his behavior. The effectiveness of communication is measured precisely by how successful this impact was.

3. Participants in communication must understand each other "everyone must speak the same language." This speaks of communication barriers in relationships, signs of which can be social, age, and other differences, as well as the psychological characteristics of each person.

There are three positions of the communicator during the communication process:

1. Open - the communicator is open about his point of view.

2. Detached - the communicator is kept emphatically neutral.

3. Closed - the communicator is silent about his point of view.

The transfer of information is carried out in two ways: words and gestures - this is how verbal and non-verbal communication is distinguished.

Speech is verbal communication, i.e. the process of communication through language. Words are the means of verbal communication. Speech has two functions:

1. Significative - the ability to arbitrarily call up images of objects, perceive the content of speech.

2. Communicative - speech is a means of communication and transmission of information.

Speech is written and oral. Oral speech is divided into monologue (monologue of a person), and dialogic (dialogue with another person). Dialogue is the most varied. When two or more people exchange information. And the way they exchange information, what techniques they use to maintain interest and attention, is the external features of human communication, a manifestation of his communication abilities.

Written speech appeared in the history of mankind much later than oral speech. It arose as a result of the need and need for communication between people who are far from each other and separated by space and time.

It is also possible to single out inner speech - reflections and thoughts of a person about himself. Differs in brevity, content.

The ability to accurately express one's thoughts, the ability to listen is an integral part of the communicative side of communication. The inept expression of one's thoughts leads to a misinterpretation of what was said. The two main methods of listening are non-reflective and reflective listening.

Non-reflexive listening involves minimal interference with the speech of the interlocutor with maximum concentration on it. Therefore, one must learn to be attentively silent, demonstrating understanding, goodwill and support. This technique facilitates the process of self-expression for the speaker and helps listeners to better understand the meaning of the statement.

Reflective listening involves establishing active feedback with the speaker. It allows you to eliminate barriers, distortion of information in the process of communication, more accurately understand the meaning, content of the statement.

Four methods of reflective listening:

1. Clarification, i.e. Update information.

2. Reflection of feelings, i.e. emotional reaction, expression of feelings.

3. Summarizing, i.e. a statement that summarizes the thoughts and feelings of the speaker.

4. Paraphrasing, i.e. formulating the same idea in a different way.

Such methods of listening help the person speaking to adapt to the situation and get the necessary emotions and also achieve the goal - to convey information to the listener.

Non-verbal communication is also an important form of communication. The means of non-verbal communication are gestures, facial expressions, intonation, pauses, posture, laughter, tears, etc., which form a sign system that complements, and sometimes reinforces and replaces words.

Sometimes, non-verbal means of communication can express more and more clearly than verbal ones.

Professional psychologists can distinguish by non-verbal muscle movements, plastics and facial expressions whether a person is lying or not. Or maybe he's hiding something?

Compliance of the means of non-verbal communication used with the goals and content of the verbal transmission of information is one of the elements of the culture of communication.

A.S. Makarenko emphasized that the teacher should be able to pronounce the same word with many different intonations, putting into it the meanings of either an order, or a request, or advice. Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication.

We examined the main features of the communicative side of communication and found out that without the ability to correctly convey information to the listener, the process of communication and interpersonal interaction is impossible. To do this, it is necessary not only to learn how to correctly express your thoughts, taking into account the personality of the listener, his characteristics and needs, but also to be able to listen to a person who is trying to convey certain information to us.

And, of course, it is in adolescence, when interpersonal interaction and communication come to the fore, when such concepts as love and friendship are strong, a teenager needs to know and be able to communicate, thereby forming a concept of himself in the circle of his acquaintances and friends.

2.3 Development of communication skills in the game

The game is an important activity not only at a younger age, but also at an older age. Only by taking into account the individual age characteristics of a teenager does it acquire a slightly different direction. In the game, not only the formation of communicative abilities takes place, but also their projection onto the simulated conditions of communication existing in the real world.

Games not only help to develop and demonstrate their communication skills, but also allow you to correct emerging problems and communication difficulties.

Understanding each other by people is one of the most acute problems not only of teenage relationships, but this problem arises throughout a person’s life.

The game helps a teenager to build a system of relationships, interpersonal interaction, to show their leadership skills.

The game provides a solid foundation, so to speak, theoretical modeling of future situations that a teenager may encounter in real life.

The experience of subordination and leadership in the game can educate adolescents in the ability to make independent decisions, to defend their own opinions, and in some situations will help to resist suggestion and suppression.

Each game is aimed at developing certain abilities, skills and abilities, it has a specific educational task.

The game is a continuous change of positions. The ability to behave in a certain role, whether it is a leader or a subordinate, forms an adequate self-esteem in a teenager and the ability to really perceive his place in the system of social relations. This forms the flexibility of perception and communication, the ability to empathize, quick switching from one type of activity or communication to another.

While playing, teenagers "absorb" the experience of communicating with older comrades and adults.

The game allows you to experience those emotions that help a teenager at the game level to be able to control or refrain from them.

The game situation is aimed at forming one's own position on a particular issue. It allows the teenager to convey the "correctness" of his opinion. With the help of verbal and non-verbal communication to prove their correctness and the logic of judgments.

For the development of the communicative side in communication among adolescents, communication trainings are most often used, which consist of a certain set of games (didactic, developing, and others).

For the effectiveness of the training of communication, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions, both on the part of the person conducting the training - an adult, and on the part of the participants in the training, such as:

1. Voluntary participation in game training.

2. Creation of an emotionally positive and trusting background.

3. Feedback.

4. Humanization.

There are many gaming communication trainings, including the development of communication skills.

The ability to convey the necessary information to another person, even if it is dressed in a game form, is a complex and multi-structural process. A teenager overcomes various difficulties and faces communication barriers, misunderstanding on the part of the recipient. However, if the game situation is thought out and designed in advance, then the game task will be achieved thanks to the flexibility of communication and communication.

In our world, where information is exchanged; and a huge information flow, which is changing every day, requires speed and flexibility of perception and reaction to a constantly changing situation. Where social relations are so complex and diverse, it is necessary to quickly adapt and be able to adequately respond to the existing system of information exchange and transmission.

The game is very mobile, its tasks can be constantly changed and complicated, which allows a teenager who is just entering the complex world of social and interpersonal relations to be able to quickly adapt and respond, as well as be able to present information according to the rules and needs of modern society.

Choosing the topic of the thesis "Game as a means of forming communicative abilities", I would like to emphasize the importance and relevance of this issue.

In modern pedagogy, great importance is given not only to education, but also to the development of various skills and abilities in students that they need in their future life in society.

Working on the study of the theoretical heritage of teachers and psychologists, as well as independently studying this issue, we came to the conclusion that this problem has not been adequately covered and studied. Therefore, all the theoretical and practical material of this work is aimed at the disclosure of this issue.

A systematic study of the development of communicative abilities has shown the need to focus on the game as the most effective means of shaping communicative abilities.

Adolescence, for study, was not chosen by chance. According to the results of a study conducted on undergraduate practice, it was the ninth graders who showed an acute lack of communication, namely, the inability to convey information to each other. Inattention, inability to listen, fear of expressing one's own opinion in front of an audience, insufficiently developed verbal and non-verbal communication, difficulty in communication - these are the few problems that modern high school students face. Therefore, it seemed to us, interesting and necessary for studying, precisely this aspect of the upbringing of a modern diversified schoolchild. And as a means of forming communication skills, the game was chosen as the most interesting, effective and mobile form of achieving pedagogical goals.

In pre-diploma practice, we tried to bring the topic of this final qualifying work as close as possible to the practice program. To do this, we chose, according to the test results, the most difficult class in order to identify significant problems in communication, and to carry out psychological, pedagogical and organizational work with them aimed at team building and the development of communication skills.

The practice program was divided into three main stages:

I. Diagnostic stage:

1. Identification of significant problems.

2. Introduction of children to the structure of this problem.

3. Tests, questionnaires, surveys and diagnostics aimed at determining the level of formation of communication skills.

II. Practical-activity stage:

1. Conducting a conversation on the topic “Variety of communication. Difficulties in communication”, statement of the problem.

2. The first game training aimed at uniting the class team.

The second game training includes games aimed at solving problems and difficulties in communication and at developing the communicative qualities of a person.

III. Analytical stage:

1. Diagnostics, comparative characteristics of tests that were carried out at the beginning and at the end of the practice.

2. Analysis of the effectiveness of the work done through feedback - conversations, creative work, mini-essays.

The whole practice was built and structured in order to most effectively and efficiently test the working hypothesis that "the use of the game will contribute to the effective development of the communicative abilities of adolescents", but only under the condition that:

1. there will be the necessary knowledge about the individual characteristics of adolescents.

2. the presence of a game database for use in working with adolescents.

3. the competence of the teacher in this matter.

4. taking into account the interests of children.


This stage includes getting to know the class and conducting various tests, questionnaires, methods and diagnostics aimed at identifying problems in communication and forming a positive attitude and interest in this problem among adolescents. To do this, we used the following methods:

ü "Psychological atmosphere in the team" (prepared by LG Zhedunova).

ü Methods of studying communicative and organizational skills (K.O.S test).

ü Methods of studying competence in communication.

ü Methodology of "Value Orientation".

ü Communication skills assessment test (i.e. the ability to assess the interlocutor, his strengths and weaknesses, the ability to establish a friendly atmosphere, the ability to understand the problems of the interlocutor, etc.)

ü Test "Do you understand the language of facial expressions and gestures?" (To determine the level of development of non-verbal communication).

ü A test for assessing self-control in communication (how a person can control himself and his behavior, i.e. communicative control).

ü Test card of communicative activity.

ü Evaluation of the level of sociability (VF Ryakhovsky test).

ü Test to determine the communicative qualities of a person

your communication style.

At this stage of work with the class, we have identified a range of significant issues and problems:

1. Inability to present information and convey it to the listener.

2. Insufficient development of verbal and non-verbal communication.

3. Inability to correctly assess the situation.

4. A tense atmosphere in the team - difficulties in communication, the so-called "outcasts, outcasts."

5. Suppression by the class of the desire of some students to participate in school-wide and classroom activities.

6. Inability to control statements and emotions.

7. Communication barriers of relations.

8. The presence in the class of a student with antisocial behavior, which in the eyes of the public forms an opinion about the class.

9. Fear of speaking in front of a large audience.

However, with a lot of problems in communication, we also noted positive aspects:

1. The presence of two very strong leaders of the 9th “A” class (Chech Sergey, Shinkareva Tatyana), who have not only a high level of communication skills, but also organizational talent. Therefore, we decided to build our work with the class through work with leaders (conversations, inclusion in school-wide activities).

2. The positive attitude of the class towards us and our work, the desire to participate in conversations and games.

3. Openness and friendliness towards us.

4. The class quite clearly set before us the range of issues to be addressed; they know their problems and are eager to solve them.

Based on the results of the diagnostic study, and the identification of a number of problems, a further work plan was drawn up for the remaining three weeks, including conversations and game trainings aimed at developing communication skills.


At this stage, we carried out activities aimed at solving those issues that were raised at the diagnostic stage, and involving adolescents (students of grade 9 “A”) in these activities, in order to solve problems and form communication skills.

In order to familiarize the class with the problems of communication and with such a topic as “communication”, a conversation was held entitled “Diversity of communication. Difficulties in communication. The conversation consisted of two parts: the first part - theoretical material, which included general information about the problem of communication; what is communication?; why there are difficulties in communication and transfer of information?; what are communication barriers?; non-verbal communication and what it is for; psychology of lies; [all materials are taken from the theoretical part of the final qualifying work "Game as a means of forming communicative abilities" and from books: a series of Masters of Psychology Paul Ekman "Psychology of lies"; Allan Pease "Body Language"; Glenn Wilson, Chris McCluffin "Sign Language"; Igor Vagin "Lessons of psychological defense"].

The second part of the conversation was that we discussed the issues and difficulties of each student and the class as a whole. Everyone was given the opportunity to speak on the questions “What difficulties do you experience when conveying information to other people?”, “Do you experience problems in communication?”.

The class actively participated in the conversation, everyone expressed a desire to answer questions and express their point of view. Everyone really liked the conversation, the students of class 9 "A" were fully involved. The atmosphere was very friendly and relaxed. At the end of the conversation, a "crocodile" game was played to relax and relieve tension. The game is aimed at the development of non-verbal communication: One of the participants was called a word, and he must show this word in the language of facial expressions and gestures, the rest of the participants who must guess this word.

The purpose of the conversation was achieved. Pupils (teenagers) were interested in this topic and they readily, with great interest, showed a desire to participate in the game training.

The first game training (in a circle) was aimed at establishing closer contact, at uniting the class, and at relieving tension. Since there was not much time (45 minutes), the training included only 3 parts.

Part 1: Everyone introduced himself in a circle, called his name (or whatever he would like to be called), and said that good things happened today, which made him get positive emotions.

Part 2: Game. It included acquaintance games (everyone in a circle begins to clap their hands twice, twice on their knees. While the presenter clap his hands, he calls his name twice, when he claps his knees, he calls the name of any person sitting in a circle twice, then the game is continued by the one who was named, the game continues until the person is mistaken, then a funny nickname is invented for him, and the game continues, at the end of the game almost all participants have nicknames, those who remain with their name win ). The game is entertaining and relaxing.

The second block of games is aimed at developing attention. Very often people are simply inattentive to each other and therefore many problems arise. Here we have included "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Oops" games. The facilitator shows on the fingers, saying the phrase written above. The rest of the participants must repeat his movements. The essence of the game is that after the host shows this movement, he takes a certain pose. The person who shows the movement in full wins. Usually, the participants concentrate only on sound signals and hand movements and do not pay attention to the further movement of the leader, thus the game turns into a fun repetition of a simple movement, and goes on until someone guesses the essence.

The next game is called Parallel Cross. All the players sit in a circle and the leader, taking any object, says a phrase consisting of two words: “Cross” and “Parallel”, they can be spoken in any combination. The essence of the game is that all those sitting have certain leg postures (either parallel to each other, or cross-legged). The host calls the pose in which he himself is and the pose of any person in the circle. The players must guess what the meaning is. This game also belongs to the block of games for attention and entertainment.

Usually children enjoy playing such games, they like the process itself and the simple result.

The next game is called Association. This game is similar to “Broken Phone”, only instead of one word, the players are asked to name an association with the word that they heard from a neighbor (approx. Snow - White - Fluff), and so on in a circle. The leader gets the result (it can be very unexpected and funny). Next, the host asks everyone to say their associations. The game is always very active. It is aimed at developing imagination, creative thinking, the ability to convey information and has an entertaining function.

The next game included in the training is "Circle Movement". All participants close their eyes. The host transmits any movement (approx. Pat on the shoulder), to the neighbor on the right, without opening his eyes, he must transmit the same movement, and only then opens his eyes. The game is very fast paced and interesting. Usually, the initial movement is changed beyond recognition, which makes everyone ecstatic.

Part 3: The final part of the training is summing up. Each student says what he liked and what he didn't like. We received a positive response from teenagers, thus creating a springboard for further work.

The purpose of this training is to establish contact with adolescents, relieve stress, and obtain a positive emotional and psychological background. Children open up. Even the most withdrawn students of the 9th "A" class played these games with pleasure.

And our next training, which was held about a week later, was aimed at solving problem situations. He was already more serious. It includes games aimed at solving communication problems, developing communication skills and the ability to convey information.

He also walked around the circle. At the beginning of the game training, we asked teenagers to answer the question "What do you expect from today's meeting?". The participants of the training were positive, they answered that they were waiting for a lot of new and interesting things.

To begin with, we played the Crocodile game, which has already been described above. Teenagers were already more actively involved in the game, we watched with interest their readiness for games.

For the next game, we asked three participants to go out the door. Further, the essence of the game was explained to the rest of the participants. We let one participant into the class and the facilitator reads to him a text consisting of four or five sentences (note the usual gossip column), and this participant must pass on the content of the text to the next one, and so on. As a result, the last participant tells everyone else what is left of the original text. Most often it is one or two unrelated sentences. This game is interesting in that seemingly simple information is difficult to convey to the listener, many details are lost, and the information takes on a simple, but very difficult to perceive form.

The name of the next game is "Story". The host starts a story, and all the participants in a circle add one sentence to it. The goal of the game is for the story to be meaningful, interesting and have some main idea (approx. It's good that we can speak, because ...).

The next game we held had a very strong influence on the students of the 9th "A" class. Already after the game, teenagers said that they had never thought about it, and that now they realized how difficult it is to be in the place of the one who transmits information. Three participants went out the door, they were given the task: the first one was to tell about his favorite place in the city of St. Petersburg, the second one was asked to read a poem with expression, and the third one was to tell some interesting story from life. While the participants were preparing, the facilitator gave instructions to the rest of the participants. They were asked to imitate certain situations: when the First participant enters, pretend not to pay attention (so that someone is yawning, someone is sleeping, or tying shoelaces), but not paying attention to the speaker. When the Second Participant entered, they had to laugh at his every word. And pay the highest degree of your attention to the third participant, exclaiming every now and then how interesting he speaks, agreeing and listening with an “open mouth”.

After this game was over, we asked the participants to describe how they felt. And they were asked to imagine that some teachers, in their lessons, experience the same unpleasant sensations. After this game, we asked in a circle to tell what they liked and what they didn't like. This game training made quite a strong impression. Teenagers began to think about their behavior. All the participants were very open about what they were going through. The goal of the training was achieved.

We saw the results of the game training in their changed behavior in the classroom and a more sensitive attitude towards speaking people.

In this case, the game, as an imitation and artificially created problem environment, gave impetus to the formation of social experience, that is, actions in a certain situation, and contributed to the development of communication skills.

The process of developing communicative abilities is extremely long and complex, a teenager needs the social experience that he gets in the game, because through trial and error he finds a way out of a problem situation.

Of course, in such a short time, it is impossible to achieve such grandiose goals as the development of communication skills in all students of the 9th "A" class. But, it seems to me that those games that we held provided the basis for self-development and for the best understanding of each other by teenagers. And by including them in school-wide events, we noticed an increased activity and desire to participate in school-wide life.

Game trainings were aimed at developing communication skills, such as:

Understanding of each other by people;

Listening skills;

Ability to convey information to another person or to a group of people;

Development of verbal and non-verbal communication;

Ability to deal with some of the communication barriers;

The ability to control their emotions and statements;

We have made some progress on many fronts, as evidenced not only by their improved behavior in and out of the classroom, but also by the rediagnosis rates we conduct at the end of the fourth week of undergraduate practice.

On the results of a comparative analysis of the methods used in the next chapter.

IV. Analytical stage.

The results of our work in undergraduate practice were not only creative work and a changed attitude of adolescents towards each other, but also a large number of tests, methods and diagnostics that we carried out at the beginning and at the end of the practice. Based on the results of these works, we can trace how much the relationship between students in grade 9 “A” has changed, and whether progress has been made in achieving the goal: the development of communication skills through the game.

To begin with, we will give a graph of the comparative characteristics of the methodology "Psychological atmosphere in the team" at the beginning and at the end of work with the class. I would like to note that quite good results were achieved on some points.

As can be seen from the graph, a significant improvement is noticeable in many points of the methodology. According to the results of the first method, one can see the average indicator for almost all items. The so-called "smooth" atmosphere in the team. The indicator for the items "enthusiasm" - (6.1) and "success" - (6.4) has been increased, which indicates the interest of students in the educational process. Both low scores on the items "agreement" - (4.2), and "satisfaction" - (4.9), showing that the class has a problem solving common issues, and that they do not listen well to each other.

As a result of our work, we noted an increase in these indicators for common items. Also, a significant increase in indicators for the items "enthusiasm" - (7.2), "warmth of relationships" - (6.2) and "entertainment" - (7.0), which indicates that the class became interested not only learning, but also relationships within the team.

The “warmth of relationships” point (from 5.5 to 6.2) speaks of an increase in interest in each other - this is very valuable for our work.

This technique showed us the general mood of the class, its orientation, and the atmosphere within the team. The rest of the methods carried out by us are closely related to the topic of the final qualifying work, and are aimed at identifying the level of development of adolescents' communicative abilities.

The next test "K.O.S" is a method for studying communicative and organizational skills.

Before talking about the results of this test, I would like to note that very sociable and sociable teenagers study in grade 9 “A”, but, like in any other class, there are children who are closed and “outcast” who communicate with their microgroup. The first test involved 21 students, and the second - 20. The data that were calculated by the formula were transferred to a point system from 1 to 5. The results are shown in the table.

Communication skills

Organizational skills

Number of people

Number of people

Number of people

Number of people

Grade 1 - Low Ability

1 - Below average

2 - Medium

3 - High

4 - Very high

Our results indicate that there are teenagers in the class with a very high, but also a very low level of K.O.S., however, I would like to emphasize that students with a high level of K.O.S. more.

This is the so-called initiative group of teenagers participating in the affairs of the class, who are the initiators of common affairs - these are students participating in school-wide events.

As can be seen from the table, the number of students with a high level of K.O.S. remains almost unchanged. The results are changing for the better in the middle group (from 2 to 4 points), which indicates that our work in the classroom and game trainings, in which we included all students of grade 9 "A", had a positive impact on the development of their communication skills. During the training, we tried to involve everyone, but still, more emphasis was placed on students with a low level of C.O.S., who during the training actively, and even unexpectedly for others, showed their creative and organizational abilities. This indicates that their behavior is greatly influenced by the environment, i.e. what surrounds them. Therefore, by including such adolescents in activities that are significant for them (study or communication), we influenced their level of K.O.S.

The next test we did was called “Do you understand facial expressions and gestures”, showing the level of development in adolescents of non-verbal communication, which is just as important as verbal. This test was taken for implementation, because in game trainings we had games for non-verbal communication, and in our conversation, on the topic of communication, a large section was devoted to the language of facial expressions and gestures. What did the test results show? Most of those tested (18 people) showed an average level, i.e. they are not bad at interpreting the language of facial expressions and gestures, but they are not quite able to use the information they receive in real life. These adolescents tend to take information more literally, i.e. believe in the words, not in the face of the speaker.

Two students of grade 9 "A" were in the group with a low indicator of non-verbal communication, i.e. it is difficult for them to correctly evaluate people, because they do not betray the importance of gestures and facial expressions, they fix attention poorly.

And only one student showed high results in this test (this is Sergey Chekh), indicating that this teenager has a high degree of intuition, good observation and instinct.

During practice and communication with the 9th "A" class, we were amazed at how precocious modern teenagers have become. We were especially surprised by Sergei Chekh, a boy with a very high level of intelligence and communication skills. He is clearly ahead of his classmates in development, and is by all the recognized leader in this class. He is very easy to work with, he is a good listener and very sociable.

As a result of getting good feedback from the class leaders, it was easier for us to work with him.

The results of the next test, "Assessment of communication skills", in which the whole class participated, turned out to be very good.

The concept of "communicative skills" includes not only the assessment of the interlocutor, the determination of his strengths and weaknesses, but also the ability to establish a friendly atmosphere and understand the problems of the interlocutor.

During the first test, 16 students - 10 - 40% - i.e. a good conversationalist, but sometimes inattentive.

5 students - 40 - 70% - a critical attitude to statements related to their person, most often this teenager tries to monopolize the conversation.

3 students - 70 - 100% - showed a very high degree of irritation during communication, not the ability to listen to another person.

And only two students showed a high level of communication skills - 0 - 10% (Shinkareva Tanya, Chekh Sergey - class leaders) - excellent interlocutors who can both listen and speak.

The results that the class showed of two game trainings and conversations pleased us. Two leaders remained at the highest level. And in other gradations, there have been changes: there were 4 more people in the second column, and the number of students with a low level of communication skills has decreased, which indicates that our conversations, games and trainings had a positive impact on the development of the communicative culture of students in grade 9 "A", and that some situations in communication already cause less displeasure and irritation, that teenagers have become more tolerant of each other, realizing that they are all different, and that everyone has individual characteristics of personal development.

The following methodology for studying competence in communication or a test for assessing the level of sociability (VF Ryakhovsky).

This test determines the level of sociability and sociability of a person, and this, first of all, indicates the degree of formation of communicative abilities.

There were 19 participants in the first test and 17 in the second.

The test classifier is from 30 to 3 points, from obvious lack of communication skills to sociability, which is painful in nature.

Assessment of the level of sociability

This technique helps to identify how high the level of sociability of adolescents. The good news is that there is not a single person at the lowest level. One person, both in the first and in the second test, is the same person, Oleinik Sergey, reluctantly converges with other people and participates in disputes.

At the middle level of the so-called "Golden Mean" are the majority of students of grade 9 "A" - they are sociable, and even very energetic, they like to meet new people and learn new information. In the fourth column there is one person - in the first case - Shinkareva Tanya, and in the second - Krinitsina Katya.

In this case, sociability is developed to the highest degree. The person is sociable, active, likes to participate in all matters, sometimes taking above his bar.

And in the last column, we also see, in both cases, the same person - Igor Toskin. This teenager has extremely painful communication, he cannot be stopped for a minute. His statements, most often, thoughtless and spontaneous. He constantly wants to be in the spotlight, and more often than not, the class calls it one of their biggest problems, since the opinion of the class is often shaped by the public opinion of one student.

In our opinion, this teenager should undergo a course of psychotherapy with a specialist, as his behavior causes concern. An attempt by the class to solve the problem on its own was unsuccessful. We tried to smooth out the negative attitude of the class towards this teenager, explaining this by age-related changes, however, his behavior leaves a very negative imprint on the class, hinders its development, both within the educational process and in interpersonal interaction. We tried to include Igor Toskin in active work at game trainings and noted that he is quite adequate to the perception of information. At the second gaming training, he behaved more calmly, and was already more tolerant of our work with him.

In addition to the above tests, methods and diagnostics, we carried out diagnostics of the "Level of upbringing of adolescents", the test "Your communication style" and others, which, in turn, showed that work with the class in this direction was carried out quite effectively.

I would like to answer that in the course of pre-diploma practice, we revealed an acute shortage of schools in such specialists as the organizer of educational work. In our opinion, the staff of the school must necessarily include specialists who would organize extracurricular work aimed not only at organizing school-wide events, but also at working with the class.

The results of our work with the class can be seen not only from tests, methods, diagnostics, the results of conversations and game trainings, but also from creative works that were written by students of grade 9 “A” at the end of our work with them.

These works showed the need and desire of adolescents for communication, self-knowledge, in cooperation with specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

The work that we have done can be called a small part of all that we would like to bring to life. But even this activity of ours showed how effectively it is possible to organize educational work in the classroom.

It seems to us that this undergraduate practice was very effective and fruitful. It was hard for us to part with the already beloved 9 "A" class. And analyzing the creative work, you can see that they were not indifferent to the weeks that we spent together. And the participation of students of the 9th "A" class in the final conference on practice once again proves that our work was in demand and was, by all accounts, quite successful.

Having worked at the school, and seeing from the inside all the warmth of relations between students and teachers, their interaction and cooperation, it became clear to us why, having come to school, the teacher would never leave this profession, not to mention the organizers of extracurricular educational work.

Analyzing the results of work on undergraduate practice, in which we studied and tested the topic "Game as a means of forming communicative abilities", the purpose of which was the selection and testing of games that affect the development of communicative abilities. And the object of study: the development of communicative abilities by a teenager. We carried out a number of methods, diagnostics, thanks to which we identified the main communication problems in adolescents, and tested games aimed at developing communication skills.

The results of this work were not only increased numerical indicators on this issue, but also an external change in behavior and communication (interpersonal and group) among students of the 9th "A" class. Thus, this study showed that the working hypothesis is that: The use of the game will contribute to the effective development of communication skills; subject to conditions such as:

1. Awareness of the teacher about the individual characteristics of adolescents.

2. The presence of a game database for use in various forms of work with adolescents.

3. With the competence of the teacher in this matter.

4. Taking into account the interests of children.

And also, the fact that the goals and objectives set by us when entering the undergraduate practice were achieved.


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