Games for children in a small room. Family club "Outdoor games indoors with children of the middle group


Two fishermen are chosen, the rest of the players sit in a circle, folding their hands together. They depict the bank of the river, and the hands folded on their knees are the ropes. One of the fishermen walks along the shore, holding a small fish in his hands. He lowers his hands with the fish in the net and imperceptibly puts it to one of the players. The second fisherman must guess who has the fish. If he did not guess right away, then he is allowed to name names - another 2-3 children. The first fisherman sits down, the second lowers the fish into the net, and the one who found the fish goes to guess.

Indoor outdoor games The sea is rough

According to the number of players, chairs are placed in two rows so that the back of one chair is in contact with the back of the other. All participants in the game sit on chairs. The driver says: "The sea is worried." The players stand up and run around the chairs. “The sea has calmed down,” the driver says, and the children take empty seats. Someone will be left without a seat, since one chair is occupied by the driver. The one who missed, goes to drive.

Rules. 1. The players are not allowed to run close to the chairs.

2. You can take a free place only after the words: "The sea has calmed down."

indoor outdoor games

sea ​​figure

This is a very famous and popular game. Participants become all over the site. Together with the leader, they raise their hands up, smoothly move them to the left and right, depicting waves and pronounce a rhyme:

The sea is worried

Sea waving two, Sea waving three,

sea ​​figure

Freeze in place!

The players stop and freeze in a pose depicting a figure. The host announces the winner of the participant who came up with the most beautiful position.

indoor outdoor games

Sly Fox

The players walk in a circle and say:

"We're going in circles

We call the fox

Don't open your eyes

Then the children stop, and the one pointed by the adult asks: "Cunning fox, where am I?" The one standing in the center should, without opening his eyes, approach the one who asked the question, touch and say: “Here you are!”.

indoor outdoor games

Teams of 5-8 people play. The first participants jump from the starting line from a place, pushing with two legs. Second numbers jump from the landing site. Then the third, and so on.

The team that covers the greater distance wins.

indoor outdoor games

Blindly between the lines

Two parallel lines are drawn on the board at a distance of 3 cm from each other, 1 m long. It is necessary, blindfolded, to draw a line with chalk between these lines, never touching any of them.

Draw a snowman without eyes and nose. Children with their eyes closed draw it.

Spread the cubes on the floor. Children with their eyes closed pass between them or stepping over them.

indoor outdoor games


Children stand in a line, a few steps from the conditional forest. They say in turn: “I am going to the forest, I will hunt (an animal)” and takes a step. The one who reaches the forest first wins. You can go for berries, mushrooms, flowers, fish, etc.

indoor outdoor games

Cones, acorns, nuts

Children are divided into threes and stand in a circle facing the center. The leader is in the center. The player closest to the center in each trio becomes a "bump", the middle player becomes an "acorn", and the one farthest becomes a "nut". At the command of the host, for example: "Cones!" all the “bumps” are required to change places, and the host tries at this time to take the place of one of the “bumps”. The one who was left without a place becomes the leader.

Outdoor games

Go to the bell

Two players are called. One is given a bell, the other is blindfolded. The one with the bell stands in one place and rings, but rings only three times, when the blindfolded player raises his right hand up. The blindfolded player must find the player with the bell.

Outdoor games

Where does the bell ring?

One child is blindfolded. The second walks around the room with a bell and rings them in different places. The first guesses where they called, naming the place of the sound in relation to themselves: “they called to my right”, etc.

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indoor outdoor games

Thread and needle

Everyone stands in a column and takes each other by the waist - this is a "thread". Ahead becomes a "needle" runs and leads a "thread". The task of the "needle" is to break or confuse the "thread".

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Outdoor games

Caught a fish!

The players tie a 1.5 m long thread with a short stick at the end (a fish) to their belt. The task is to catch as many fish as possible (that is, step on a stick dragging along the ground and cut it off). The player who loses the fish is out of the game. The winner is the one who breaks the sticks the most and, deftly dodging, keeps his own.

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indoor outdoor games Earth, water, air

The players form a circle, and the driver becomes in the middle with the ball. The leader says one of three words: "EARTH", "AIR", "WATER" - and throws a ball to someone. The catcher returns the ball and names the animal, bird or fish in accordance with the task. A player who violated the rules of the game (wrong answer or did not catch the ball) receives a penalty point.

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Outdoor games


All participants stand in a common circle, calculated for the first or second. The leader, standing in the center of the circle, rotates the rope, and the players, moving in a circle, jump over it. The player who touches the rope is out. The team with the most players left at the end of the game wins. The game lasts 3 minutes.

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Outdoor games

Fast penguins.

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up in 2 lines. The first participants in the game pinch the ball between their legs (above the knees). On a signal, they begin to move forward and, having reached the opposite start line, they pass the balls to the guides of the oncoming columns. If the ball falls, pick it up and continue the relay. The team whose players finished the relay faster wins.

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Outdoor games


Each of the players calls himself some kind of vegetable, fruit, berry: onion, raspberry, apple, etc. Everyone becomes in a circle. One of the players - "gardener" - goes to the middle of the circle. He is asked:

-Who's there?


- What did you come for?

For the bow!

The “gardener” must guess which of the guys called himself, for example, an onion; if he guesses correctly, the “onion” must run away, otherwise the “gardener” will catch him.

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Outdoor games

Fishermen and fish.

Children become in a circle. According to the counting rhyme, two guys are selected - "fishermen", the rest - "fish". They lead a round dance and say:

Fish live in the water

There is no beak, but they peck.

There are wings - do not fly,

There are no legs, but they walk.

Nests do not start

And they take the kids out.

"Pisces" scatter in different directions. "Fishermen" join hands and catch "fish". The "fish" caught by the "fishermen" form a "net" with the "fishermen" and catch the remaining "fish".

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indoor outdoor games Rain

The players read the poem:

Rain, rain, drop

water saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, did not cut.

And tired, and stopped!

While the text is being read, all the players perform arbitrary movements. With the last word “stopped”, all movements stop, the participants seem to freeze. The host should notice who moved. He is out of the game.

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indoor outdoor games Do not snooze!!!

Children walk in a circle holding hands. At the leader's signal "stop!" the players stop, make three claps, turn around their axis and start moving in the other direction. If the child is confused and made a mistake, he leaves the game. The game can end when there are two or three children left.

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Outdoor games


the private players of the game become in a circle, and the “lamb” is inside the circle. Players walk in a circle and say the words:

You are a gray lamb

With a white tail!

We fed you

We fed you.

Don't hit us!

Play with us!

Hurry up!

At the end of the words, all players scatter, and the “lamb” must catch them.

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Outdoor games

Father Frost

using the counting rhyme, Santa Claus is selected. All players scatter, and Santa Claus tries to touch any player and freeze him. At the time of freezing, you can take any position. The winner is the one who never got caught by Santa Claus.

Outdoor games


The players stand in a circle. When the facilitator says: "Sea", all players jump forward one step, with both feet at once. And if "Shore", all players jump back. The host may confuse the players. Those who made a mistake squat down in the middle of the circle.

Outdoor games

Funny crackers

Two teams are playing. The host says: “This is the team of the right hand. This is the left hand team. On the movement of my right hand, the right team should clap their hands 2 times. Under the left hand, the left team claps twice. I will confuse you." Teams receive penalty points for mistakes.

Outdoor games

Lisa Patrikeevna

The leader is chosen with the help of a rhyme. They tease him: “Fox, fox, tail home!” The fox rushes to catch the players, and whoever she catches helps her catch the rest.

The more players, the more interesting.

Outdoor games

Heron at work

On the playing field is designated "swamp". One child is chosen as the "heron", the other children as the "frog". "Heron" stands in a swamp, and "frogs" jump through the swamp and "croak":

On one foot in the swamp

A heron stands at work

All frogs are counted

She leads all day long.

But fun frogs

We would only be in the swamp

To croak, to indulge.

The heron repeatedly raises and lowers its arms to the sides, as if flapping its wings, and says:

Stand on one leg

I'll support myself with a frog.

I'll flap my wings

I will eat all the wahs.

After these words, the "heron" catches the "frogs" that did not have time to jump out of the swamp.

Play is one of the most important ways for children to explore the world. This is how, in the game, the younger generations are trained in all wildlife. It allows the animals to learn vital skills in a safe way, learn from the older cubs the accumulated experience and find their own ways of interacting with the outside world.

For millennia, mankind has not come up with a better way of learning than games. The complexity of the requirements for a modern person has led to a variety of games that help hone a wide variety of skills and abilities. More and more of them are those that lead to long-term immobility of children. Therefore, outdoor games are so important for indoor children from 7 to 10 years old.

In children of primary school age, intellectual loads increase sharply, the way of life is fundamentally different from preschool childhood. Regular walks and outdoor activities are being replaced by the need to spend many hours in a sedentary state in the school building and doing homework. Outdoor games are designed to soften this transition for children, giving the physical activity necessary for health.

Educational and educational games for younger students help them master the skills of intellectual activity, develop thinking, learn new things easily and with pleasure. Team games, which are actively mastered by children aged 7-10, give them the most important social interaction skills for life. They teach children to achieve their goals, not to be afraid of difficulties.

For children of preschool age, both walks on the street, and in many ways play activities were organized by adults. Although the independence of younger students is increasing, they still need the help of adults to learn new games and spend their free time more productively. Unlike adolescents, they are ready and willing to take part in the organization of games adults.

Outdoor games

Children 7-10 years old are physically stronger and more resilient than preschoolers. Schoolchildren of this age develop the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, strengthen ligaments, increase lung capacity, and improve coordination of movements. Therefore, children of this age can play with a sufficiently large physical load for a longer time. The games themselves are becoming more complex and more diverse.

It is optimal for health to play outdoor games, but our climate and the need for schoolchildren to spend a lot of time indoors do not always allow this. Therefore, we will give several outdoor games for children 7-10 years old, which can be played both on the street and in a spacious room.

Boys of this age are especially useful strength exercises. Such as, for example, tug of war or "cockfight".

  • "Rooster Fight". A fairly spacious circle is drawn with chalk, inside which two players become. They should put their hands behind their backs and bend one leg. Jumping on one foot and not helping with their hands, they should try to push the opponent out of the circle. It is considered a loss not only to leave the circle, but also if the player stands on two legs or uses his hands.
  • « Draw out the opponent". Two teams line up in a circle facing each other. The task of the players for some is to drag the enemy into the circle, for others - to pull it out of the circle. This must be done in one or two minutes of individual bouts, pulling the opponent by the belt or arms. The one who was defeated in this short duel is out of the game. Several rounds are played and the team with the most players left wins.
  • Girls, on the other hand, prefer exercises to develop flexibility, a sense of balance or rhythm. Although the boys willingly take part in them.
  • « Go under the tape". A rope is stretched at the chest level of the children. You need to go under it without hitting it. In a more complicated version, the player must bow back at the same time. Then the rope descends lower and lower in succession until one player remains.
  • But most of the outdoor games, which differ from sports games by less rigid rules and a freer composition of participants, are aimed at children of different ages, regardless of gender.
  • « Fisherman". There is one leader here - a "fisherman" with a "net" rope. He stands in the center. The rest of the participants stand in a circle. The fisherman spins the rope on the floor, trying to hurt the players. Their task, bouncing, is to avoid this.
  • « Atoms, molecules". Pupils move arbitrarily until the leader's command sounds. He says a number, like three or five. Players "atoms" must immediately unite into "molecules" from the named number of participants. Anyone who did not have time to hit the "molecules" is out of the game.

Mobile games for children. Mom's school.

Physical education for elementary school

Children 7-10 years old are in the phase of active growth. Nature has laid in them the need for active movement, which ensures the harmonious physical development of the emerging muscles. And society requires, first of all, intellectual development, which is possible only with schooling. Physical exercises in physical education cannot give pupils of primary school age the required level of stress.

Therefore, in elementary school, physical education sessions are necessarily held at lessons and breaks. They necessarily include exercises for various muscle groups. One of the mandatory recommendations for conducting physical education sessions is to conduct them against the backdrop of a positive attitude of schoolchildren. Mobile games help to ensure this.

Physical education sessions often include exercises using various objects..

  1. « Walk blindly". Several pins are placed in a straight line at an equal and sufficiently large distance (about 80 cm) from each other. The player must go from the beginning to the end of the track without knocking them down.
  2. « Tell a friend". Children are lined up along the desks, and in each row, from edge to edge, it is passed to the music of the skittle. The music is stopped from time to time, and whoever has a skittle left at that moment is out of the game.
  3. « Hurry up to grab". Schoolchildren are placed opposite each other at the greatest possible distance. In the middle between them put a chair with skittles. On a signal, a couple of children run to the chair at the same time. The one who grabs the skittle wins.

Educational games

Mobile exercises can be combined with didactic, educational purposes. They suggest clearer rules compared to conventional outdoor games and a learning goal thought out by teachers.

  1. « I believe - I do not believe»: For children 7 - 10 years old for the development of logical thinking. Children become in a circle, and the leader throws the ball, while saying the phrase. The one to whom the host throws must say "I believe" and catch him. If he believes the statement is false, then the ball is not caught and "I don't believe it!" is pronounced. If the reaction was correct, then the players switch roles.
  2. « Words". An educational game with a ball to consolidate knowledge for children 7-10 years old. One participant throws the ball and sets the topic, for example, animals. The one who catches the ball names some animal. Then the one who received the ball throws it to the next of the students, and already sets his own topic.
  3. « hide-and-seek»: On the development of attention and observation in younger students. Children are given time to carefully look at the room. Then they turn away and close their eyes. One or more leaders hide several medium-sized objects in the room. Then, to the music, the rest are looking for the hidden. The winners are those who first found the hidden. If teams play, the one that found the most items wins.

Ball games for schoolchildren

Ball exercises are one of the most popular among children of all ages. Children start playing with a ball from preschool years, and by the preparatory group they are already doing it quite well. In children of primary school age, coordination of movements and endurance reach a new level, so exercises with him are carried out according to more complex rules. Of course, exercises with the ball can only be carried out in a fairly spacious room without breakable objects.

  1. « Try it, take it!". Children are divided into two groups. The host throws the ball. One group needs to throw the ball, preventing it from falling to the ground. The second part of the children interferes with them in every possible way. The player from the second group, who grabbed the ball, changes roles with the one who dropped it.
  2. « Grab a yummy". Real or toy fruits, nuts or sweets are laid out on the table. Children take turns tossing the ball, and until it touches the floor, you need to grab something tasty. Students who fail to do so are removed from the game.
  3. « Green and red". Here you will need two medium balls of different colors, for example, green and red. Children are divided into two teams, in which a captain is selected. The host gives the signal and the captains throw the balls as far as they can. On the second signal, the players each run after their ball. The player who brought the ball to the captain first earns a point for the team. Then everything is repeated for the next pair of students. Only the captain throws the ball. All actions occur only at the signal of the leader.

Team games

As you can see, most outdoor games involve team actions. Children 7 - 10 years old are quite ready for this. But the guys of this age are still very emotional, they can not always control their behavior. Therefore, the organizers of the games should take into account a few rules.

The organization of team games should be especially well thought out, since, unlike just outdoor games, it includes a powerful element of competition. This makes the game more emotional and can provoke conflicts between students when interacting.

It is necessary to make sure that the participants have a good understanding of the rules and the purpose of the game, so as not to create a conflict due to their discrepancies among the opposing teams.

The organizers should try to divide the participants into approximately equal groups in terms of strength and skills.

It is necessary to ensure objective refereeing, as children are very sensitive to injustice.

Active exercises should alternate with calmer tasks, uniting in relay race games. Because children of this age with continuous intensive movement for more than 15 minutes can overwork.

The facilitator names living and non-living objects mixed up, and the children answer in chorus only “living”, and they are silent to “non-living”. The kids who make the fewest mistakes win.


Children line up in one line in the direction of the leader's hand. When he speaks in all directions, everyone scatters. And having heard the slogan: “The guys have a strict order, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, they know all their places,” they run and line up in a new direction. The latter is considered the loser.

find the color

Children stand in a circle and, at the command of the host, look for objects of the named color in order to touch them. The loser is the one who touches the right thing last. He is out of the game.


All children are fish, one of them is a predator. When an adult calls "Ship", the fish take cover against one wall, when they call "Storm" they run away from the other, and at the word "predator" they begin to flee, while the predator reveals itself and begins to catch them.


Rules. The players sit in a circle. The host informs everyone: "Each of you has an MPS, each of you has his own, unique and your goal is to get to know him." To do this, the players take turns asking the host questions about their MPS, requiring an unambiguous, positive or negative, answer. The game is played until one of the players guesses that MPS is My Right Neighbor.

Examples and additional material.

Examples of questions that players can ask the host:

Is it animated?

Do I always have it?

Is it a person?

Is it masculine?

He has dark hair?

Am I friendly with him?

sun bunnies

This activity is suitable for sunny weather. You should take a small mirror, put sunbeams on the walls and ceiling and watch them with your baby.

Runaways are jumping
Sunny Bunnies.
We call them - they don't go.
Were here - and they are not here.
Jump, jump in the corners.
They were there and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
Did you find them anywhere?
(A. Brodsky)


I am three handfuls of flour
I pour into a bowl from my hand,
I'll add a little water
I stir the dough with a spoon
I'll grind everything with an egg,
I knead the dough with my hands.
I break into pieces
I make buns.
I'll turn the meat grinder
I will get minced meat.
I separate a handful of minced meat,
I put a hill on the circle,
I connect the edges
I squeeze them with my fingers
I'll show you my skill
I will fashion a hundred dumplings!
(perform all actions under the poem)

Count up to 30

The participants in the game must count in order from 1 to 30. Each number names any of the participants. However, if the same number is called by two (or more) participants at the same time, the count starts all over again. Conversations and any non-verbal communication between players is prohibited.

Game example:

1st participant: “One”

2nd participant: “Two, three”

3rd participant: “Four”

1st participant: “Five”

4th participant: “Six, seven, eight”

2nd and 3rd participant (simultaneously): "Nine."

Due to the fact that two participants called the same number at the same time, the counting starts again.

3rd participant: “One”, etc.

For the reality of achieving the game goal, first suggest counting to 10 (a difficult task).


Number of participants - 9-40.

venue: room, hall.

Rules. Players sit down so that they can see each other. Everyone closes their eyes. The leader passes between the players and the touch appoints three or four "killers". Then everyone opens their eyes and the game begins. The goal of the "killers" is to "kill" all the players. The player who made eye contact with the "killer" and saw how the "killer" winked at him is considered killed. "Killed" are out of the game. The goal of ordinary players is to arrest all the "killers". If someone has suspicions about who is playing the role of "killer", he raises his hand and says "Support!" (at this point, the "killer" can still kill him). As soon as someone also raises his hand and says "I support", the person who asked for support announces his suspicions. If he is right, the "killer" leaves the game, if not, both voters leave the game. The game is played until the final victory of the "killers" or "honest people".

In the intellectual version of the game, before the start, the "killers" get acquainted ("honest people" stand with their eyes closed, and the "killers" open their eyes to see each other). In such a game, the "killer" may also raise his hand and ask for support in order to blame the other "killer" and deflect suspicion from himself.


The leader whistles to give the blindfolded players a signal and change direction. Focusing on the sounds, you need to find an adult.


Children bring some small items with them and put them in one place. Next, one of the players is chosen, who becomes his back to the objects. The leader, pointing to one of the objects, asks: "What should the one who owns this object do?". All players see this item, but one has their back to it and does not know whose item the host is pointing to. This player's job is to assign "penalties", a task that the owner of the item must complete in order to redeem the item.

through the hoop

The player holds a racket with a table tennis ball in one hand, and a gymnastic hoop in the other. The player's task is to pass the hoop through himself from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, without dropping the ball. They play in pairs. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.

Arithmetic cubes

The game requires 3 dice. Everyone throws them 3 times. If among the dropped numbers they are the same, they are added up (for example, 3, 5 and 3 fell out, playing the sum 3 + 3 = 6, and if all different numbers fall out, let's say 5, 2 and 3 - they are not taken into account). If it happens that after the next throw all 3 numbers turn out to be the same (for example, 4,4 and 4), then the sum of these numbers also doubles. The winner is the one who, as a result of three throws, will have the largest sum of numbers.


Players need to find and collect all the clothespins in the room. Clothespins can be different: plastic, wooden, colored, transparent, old, new. The main principle: the more the better. Players are divided into pairs. The couple is given a bandage with clothespins. The task is very simple. One child is blindfolded. Clothespins are attached to the partner's clothes. Moreover, clothespins are hung around, and not the child himself. Where to attach them - they decide. The player has no right to interfere in the process. Next comes the hour for a blindfolded player to act. His task is to find and remove all clothespins from the player as quickly as possible.

Funny pictures

Game for the development of visual memory. Invite the child to carefully consider 10 pictures, each of which depicts a familiar object. Then ask your child to take turns naming the items he remembers. The number of items that the child remembers is important. Show the child the pictures that he did not name. Please try again in 10 minutes. Offer to remember all the pictures in an hour.

Get the town

The participants in the game take a stance of socks and five together, their hands are connected behind their backs (the hand of one hand grabs the wrist of the other). Squatting, he must, without moving from his place and without touching the floor with his hands, raise the town (puck, cube, bump, etc.) located behind the leg. The winner is the one who succeeds more than three times out of three attempts.

Find a bunny

You will need a clean handkerchief to play. You should take it by 2 adjacent ends, look behind it from both sides and ask: "Where is our bunny? Where did he run?" After that, you need to tie the ends of the scarf into knots so that they look like rabbit ears, and say: "Here is the bunny! And where is his tail?" At the remaining end of the scarf, you need to tie a small knot-tail: "Here is the tail! Let's stroke it."

gold fish

The child is a goldfish who invites the fisherman to grant his wish. You come up with something supernatural, and he must find a good reason why he cannot fulfill your desire. Then you can switch roles.

tainted farce

Participants sit in a row one after another. The last participant draws a picture on the back of the person sitting in front of him. The player who received the message must repeat it as accurately as possible on the back of the person sitting in front. The first player in a row, having received a message, draws it on paper. After that, the drawings of the first and last players are compared and it is revealed on which participants in the game the fax failed. Before the next round, all players must switch places.

Geometric shapes, letters and small words, various symbols (dollar sign, euro sign, ampersand, copyright) can be used as drawings.

It is desirable to start the game with simple geometric pictures. In order for the game to be more dynamic, you can prepare drawings for transmission in advance, secretly from the participants in the game.

You can conduct a team version of the game - all participants are divided into teams of 5-8 people and simultaneously transfer the drawing. The winning team is the team whose final drawing is closest to the original.

musical chairs

After the music stops, sit down on a chair as quickly as possible. The one who did it last or who did not have enough chair loses.


Living - non-living

The facilitator names living and non-living objects mixed up, and the children answer in chorus only “living”, and they are silent to “non-living”. The kids who make the fewest mistakes win.


Children line up in one line in the direction of the leader's hand. When he speaks in all directions, everyone scatters. And having heard the slogan: “The guys have a strict order, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, they know all their places,” they run and line up in a new direction. The latter is considered the loser.

find the color

Children stand in a circle and, at the command of the host, look for objects of the named color in order to touch them. The loser is the one who touches the right thing last. He is out of the game.


All children are fish, one of them is a predator. When an adult calls "Ship", the fish take cover against one wall, when they call "Storm" they run away from the other, and at the word "predator" they begin to flee, while the predator reveals itself and begins to catch them.

sun bunnies

This activity is suitable for sunny weather. You should take a small mirror, put sunbeams on the walls and ceiling and watch them with your baby.

Runaways are jumping
Sunny Bunnies.
We call them - they don't go.
Were here - and they are not here.
Jump, jump in the corners.
They were there and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
Did you find them anywhere?
(A. Brodsky)


The leader whistles to give the blindfolded players a signal and change direction. Focusing on the sounds, you need to find an adult.


Children bring some small items with them and put them in one place. Next, one of the players is chosen, who becomes his back to the objects. The leader, pointing to one of the objects, asks: "What should the one who owns this object do?". All players see this item, but one has their back to it and does not know whose item the host is pointing to. This player's job is to assign "penalties", a task that the owner of the item must complete in order to redeem the item.

through the hoop

The player holds a racket with a table tennis ball in one hand, and a gymnastic hoop in the other. The player's task is to pass the hoop through himself from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, without dropping the ball. They play in pairs. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.

Arithmetic cubes

The game requires 3 dice. Everyone throws them 3 times. If among the dropped numbers they are the same, they are added up (for example, 3, 5 and 3 fell out, playing the sum 3 + 3 = 6, and if all different numbers fall out, let's say 5, 2 and 3 - they are not taken into account). If it happens that after the next throw all 3 numbers turn out to be the same (for example, 4,4 and 4), then the sum of these numbers also doubles. The winner is the one who, as a result of three throws, will have the largest sum of numbers.


Players need to find and collect all the clothespins in the room. Clothespins can be different: plastic, wooden, colored, transparent, old, new. The main principle: the more the better. Players are divided into pairs. The couple is given a bandage with clothespins. The task is very simple. One child is blindfolded. Clothespins are attached to the partner's clothes. Moreover, clothespins are hung around, and not the child himself. Where to attach them - they decide. The player has no right to interfere in the process. Next comes the hour for a blindfolded player to act. His task is to find and remove all clothespins from the player as quickly as possible.

Funny pictures

Game for the development of visual memory. Invite the child to carefully consider 10 pictures, each of which depicts a familiar object. Then ask your child to take turns naming the items he remembers. The number of items that the child remembers is important. Show the child the pictures that he did not name. Please try again in 10 minutes. Offer to remember all the pictures in an hour.

Get the town

The participants in the game take a stance of socks and five together, their hands are connected behind their backs (the hand of one hand grabs the wrist of the other). Squatting, he must, without moving from his place and without touching the floor with his hands, raise the town (puck, cube, bump, etc.) located behind the leg. The winner is the one who succeeds more than three times out of three attempts.

Find a bunny

You will need a clean handkerchief to play. You should take it by 2 adjacent ends, look behind it from both sides and ask: "Where is our bunny? Where did he run?" After that, you need to tie the ends of the scarf into knots so that they look like rabbit ears, and say: "Here is the bunny! And where is his tail?" At the remaining end of the scarf, you need to tie a small knot-tail: "Here is the tail! Let's stroke it."

gold fish

The child is a goldfish who invites the fisherman to grant his wish. You come up with something supernatural, and he must find a good reason why he cannot fulfill your desire. Then you can switch roles.

Broken fax

Participants sit in a row one after another. The last participant draws a picture on the back of the person sitting in front of him. The player who received the message must repeat it as accurately as possible on the back of the person sitting in front. The first player in a row, having received a message, draws it on paper. After that, the drawings of the first and last players are compared and it is revealed on which participants in the game the fax failed. Before the next round, all players must switch places.

Geometric shapes, letters and small words, various symbols (dollar sign, euro sign, ampersand, copyright) can be used as drawings.

It is desirable to start the game with simple geometric pictures. In order for the game to be more dynamic, you can prepare drawings for transmission in advance, secretly from the participants in the game.

You can conduct a team version of the game - all participants are divided into teams of 5-8 people and simultaneously transfer the drawing. The winning team is the team whose final drawing is closest to the original.

musical chairs

After the music stops, sit down on a chair as quickly as possible. The one who did it last or who did not have enough chair loses.


The players stand in a circle and raise their hands up, forming a "gate". The host announces two nearby players as vines. One loach stands in a circle and is called "running away", the other - behind the circle - "catching up". The running distance is small - you need to run around the circle once and stand in your place, but you will have to run not in a straight line, but along a winding line, slipping into the “gates” from one side or the other.

At the signal of the leader, both loaches take off. If he won, that is, the escaping one ran earlier to his place, then a loach is appointed instead of him, and the chasing one remains the same. If the chasing one has taunted the escaping one, then the chasing one chooses a replacement for himself, and the escaping loach remains old.

You can play the game with a division into two teams, counting all those standing on the first and second numbers, then the runner and catching up the loaches are selected from different teams, and the success of one or the other brings one point to his team.

Dwarfs - Giants

Children stand waist-deep in water. The leader gives a signal by shouting the word: "Dwarfs!". Everyone gets into the water. Behind the signal: "Giants!" - all players jump up. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Whoever is left wins.

extra item

The teacher puts rows of geometric shapes on the typesetting canvas. In each row, one figure differs in color (shape, size). Students must find the "extra" figure and explain why they decided so. For a correct answer, the student receives a token.

Ball over the line

Players of two teams enter the water and line up at opposite sides of the pool facing the middle. The side is for them in the game the line of the house that they defend. The leader throws the ball in the middle between the teams. The players swim towards him and, having taken possession of the ball, begin to throw it among themselves, trying not to give it to the opponent. The task is. To approach the opponent's house and touch the side of the pool with the ball. On an open reservoir, the field for the game is limited by floats, paths from floats. The game lasts 10 minutes. The team that manages to touch the opponent's home with the ball the most times wins.

Hurry up to pick up

A participant with a volleyball in his hands becomes a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. Behind the player are 8 tennis (rubber) balls.
On a signal, the participant throws the ball up, and while he is in the air, he tries to pick up as many balls as possible and, without leaving the circle, catch the ball. The participant who managed to pick up more balls wins.

monkey tag

Monkey tags are a type of tag. The driver catches up with the evader, who changes modes of movement, the driver must change his mode of movement after the evader.

chain fishing

Chain fishing is a type of tag. The beginning is like a game of catching in pairs, only the drivers remain one chain. This game is interesting in the forest or among the pillars.

Freeze in place

To conduct the game, one or more participants are assigned, who play the role of sorcerers. The one whom the sorcerer touches must stop in place, spread his legs apart. The player can continue the game if one of the runners crawls between his feet.

Flying Dutchman

This game is best played in the forest, especially if everyone is cold. They warm up very quickly.
Players (10-30 people) stand in a circle and hold hands. One pair of people runs around the circle. Suddenly, one of them strikes the clasped hands of someone from the circle. The couple that was hit on the hands should jump out of the circle and run around it, the same is done by the couple that hit, only they run in the opposite direction. Those two who run around the circle faster take an empty place. Others remain running around the circle. History repeats itself.

falling stick

Standing in a circle, several players are calculated in numerical order. The participant of the game at number 1 takes a gymnastic stick and goes to the middle of the circle. Putting the stick vertically and covering it with his palm from above, he loudly calls a number, for example 3, and he runs back to his place. The one who is named runs forward, trying to catch the falling stick. If he manages to do this, then the participant in the game at number 1 again takes the stick and, placing it vertically, calls a number, etc. If the stick fell to the ground, then the one who failed to pick it up becomes the leader. The game lasts 5 - 7 minutes. The winner is the one who was less than others in the role of leader.

The last word

The host calls different nouns. Suddenly he interrupts, goes up to one of the children and asks to repeat the last word. If the child was inattentive and did not remember it, he receives a penalty point. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.

What to do if it’s raining outside the window, and fun games and outdoor activities were planned in the camp? Do not despair, no less interesting leisure can be arranged without leaving the building. The most important thing is a good mood and a little imagination.

fish, animal, bird

The players sit on the sides of the room. Choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: “Fish, beast, bird…” Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he says loudly one of these words, for example, “bird”. The player must immediately name some bird, for example "hawk". You can not hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. The one who gapes or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “redeems” him (reads poetry, sings, etc.)


In this interesting game, the dexterity and ingenuity of the participants are tested. Three players play - the rest watch and wait their turn.
Two hunters stand at the edges of the table. A two-meter rope or a cord tied into a large loop serves as a trap - only a half knot is made.
Loop diameter 25-30 cm.
Hunters hold the cord by the ends so that the loop ring touches the table.
At a distance of 15-20 cm from the loop, a bait (cube, toy) is placed on the table.
A player approaches the table, makes deceptive movements, checking the reaction of the hunters. Having seized the moment, with a quick movement he puts his hand through the loop and, grabbing the bait, pulls it back.
The hunters are trying at this moment to tighten the loop so that the hand gets into it. The participants in the game take turns changing roles.
This attraction can also be held between teams.
To do this, each team is allocated two hunters who will catch all the remaining members of the opposing team.
Each is given one try. If he wins, he brings his team one point.
The winning team is determined by the highest number of points scored. Other competition conditions are also possible.

Don't back!

The players stand in a circle, holding hands tightly.
In the middle of the circle, pins are placed in random order, approximately at a distance of 50 cm from one another.
At the referee's signal, each player, without opening his hands, tries to push his neighbors onto the skittle.
As soon as the first pin is knocked down, the game is suspended. The pin is placed again, and the player who knocked down the pin is out of the game.
The rest, holding hands, resume the game on a signal.
It should be remembered that pushing is allowed only with your hands, without letting go of the hands of your neighbors. And one more thing: if a player, without dropping the pin, breaks the chain three times (by releasing his hand), he is out of the game.
By the end of the game, when the number of participants becomes small, you can reduce the number of pins and the distance between them.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need a large box, postcards according to the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant.
Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves, write the name of the prize (postcard, sticker, pen, notepad, etc.), and write tasks on the other half.
Tasks can be as follows:

  1. Sing a song
  2. Tell a verse
  3. Ask an interesting question
  4. Tell a funny story
  5. Make a riddle Say a wish
  6. Sing a duet with a friend
  7. Say a phrase, an aphorism for reflection

If you have many participants in the game, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with different ones. Put the halves of the cards with the task in a box, and put the halves of the cards with the name of the prizes in prominent places in the room where the game is being built. Invite everyone present to take halves of the postcard with the task from the box and, in turn, complete what is written on the postcard. After completing the task, the player searches the room for the other half of his postcard, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When the half is found, and the halves of the card match, the host must give this player the prize indicated on the card. All players should follow the same principle.

Drawing together

Invite two players to come forward and draw a joint drawing on one piece of paper. In this case, one condition must be met: to blindfold the players. Suggest a theme for the picture (nature, domestic animals, etc.). Let the players agree in advance on who will draw what. Then blindfold them and ask them to draw a picture.

After the drawing is completed, untie the eyes of the players and invite them to look at what is drawn. Most likely, the drawing will be uncoordinated, mistakes will be made.

Summarize. Often in our lives, sin closes our eyes, like this bandage. And the episodes of our life are sometimes uncoordinated, we make mistakes. But God removes the bandage called "Sin" from our eyes and we see all the imperfection of our nature. And it's even very funny!

Drawing on the back

How close are you to each other, how does your group have cohesion and commonality? The following game will help you answer this question. Invite the group to sit or stand one after the other in one line. If the group is large, split it into two teams.

The leader in the ear must say the word to the last person in the line. Words should not be complex, such that they can be depicted. For example: house, sun, flower, person, table, etc.

The last one on the back of the previous person should “draw” with an unsharpened pencil what the leader said. The one on whose back they drew must understand what is at stake and draw the same thing on the back of their neighbor in front, etc. from player to player.

When a drawing is “drawn” on the back of the first one in the line, he must tell the leader what was drawn on his back. The facilitator compares the word that he said to the last person and heard from the first. If the words match, i.e. "sun-sun", then the team is close to each other, they can feel the train of thought of the other. If not, then it is necessary to advise them to show more trust in each other, to be closer in communication.

balloon with wishes

In a simple, free environment, you can play a game - a wish. Inflate a small balloon and invite everyone present to toss it from one person to another so that the balloon does not fall on the floor and on other objects. In this case, the host must turn on the tape recorder or play any musical instrument.

After a short time, the host stops the music. The person who last touched the ball before the music stops must tell everyone present or any one person a wish out loud.

Wish examples:

I wish you clear skies
Live without fear, sorrow and evil.
So that the soul strives for beauty
And found shelter with Christ.
(S. Svistun).

Without faith, life is dark, painful, unbearable,
Without faith there is no consolation in her.
Ask God for fruitful faith
And a quiet light will be shed into your life.

Don't be blinded by cunning
Vanity mutilated,
If you were born as a man
Always be human.
(N. Khosrov).

Life is a moment, just a moment
But only he is years long
How important it is to honor everything for rubbish
And find salvation in God.
(S. Svistun).

What passes, we do not own,
Only the present belongs to us,
While we regret the past,
Life will turn the coming day into the past.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't choose your friends by looks
On a difficult life road.
And nice shoes
We often rub our feet.
(S. Svistun).

When you want to grumble
Think of others who have it harder
And learn to notice everywhere
Grains of happiness in the turmoil of days.

To love Christ is my soul's aspiration,
Love Him with all your heart and soul.
And always live according to God's command,
Just as my Redeemer tells me.

If you follow the path of greed,
You will die soon.
Wealth is just a bait, you will be lost
In a trap of grief.
(M. Salman).

We will all die, there are no immortal people,
And all this is known and not new.
But we live to leave a mark:
House or path, tree or word.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't be sad, smile more often
Even if there is no joy
And then it will pour into your heart
God's endless light.
(S. Svistun).

This evening will pass and fade away
Like everything on earth will fly by.
Only Christ can give you happiness
Justify, appease, forgive.
(A. Isaev).

Faith preserves the blameless,
Pulls wickedness into sin.
Faithful to the covenant of the Father
We will be successful.

What for common happiness to suffer to no avail -
It is better to give happiness to someone close.
It is better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,
How to free humanity from the fetters.
(O. Khayyam).

Often give a person
It only takes us half an hour
To create in his heart
True miracles!
(C. de Gaan).

When your soul is in doubt
Persecuted night and day.
Bow your knees before God
You will find comfort in Him.
(V. Kuzmenkov).

Life is a carpet. But I wove clumsily
And now I'm embarrassing myself.
Lots of extra lines and spaces
I find in my pattern.
(R. Gamzatov).

In life it is not necessary for many reasons
The title to boast, boast and rank.
Remember, old and young,
And the most ascended in this number:
To be a man in the sublunar world -
The highest position on sinful earth.
(B. Karabaev).

Sometimes a word is enough
To encourage a person.
So that from the heart of a sinner, sick
I was able to break through the spring of living water.
(S. Svistun).


Each player claims three things about him. Two of them are correct, and one is not (the order is arbitrary). The rest of the players try to guess which is correct. The one who guessed correctly gets a point. You can play for the winner.

What's in the backpack?

Team players take turns running up to the leader, who has a backpack full of different things in his hands. On command, each of them puts his hand into the backpack (you can’t look !!!), gropes for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out - for verification. Teams are given a certain amount of time, and those who have learned as many things as possible win.

Quack quack! (Or grunt, piggy, grunt!)

How well do you know the voices in your group? Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. A blindfolded man sits in the middle with a pillow in his hands. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and observes silence. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts a pillow on these knees and says: “Quack, quack!” The player who has a pillow on his knees must also answer him (it is allowed to change the voice). The driver must identify the player by voice and name him. He gets 3 tries. If the driver guessed right, they change places.

Check your powers of observation

Option A
3 players leave the room. The facilitator invites those who remain in it to accurately describe the players who have left (appearance, character traits, data on the place of study, etc.). To draw an analogy: someone will definitely be on the sidelines. Option B
The players stand opposite each other in pairs, at the command of the host, they peer at each other for 15 seconds, then turn their backs and begin to answer the host's questions about each other. The winner is the one who gives the most complete and correct answers.

Option B
One player goes out, everyone changes places. One player is covered with a blanket. The player enters and tries to guess who is sitting under the covers.

History from the cap

10 people write one word of their choice on separate pieces of paper. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. The other 10 people take one piece of paper from the hat and read it to themselves. The essence of the game: tell a coherent story using the words from the cap. The first player starts with the word: “Once upon a time…” and comes up with a sentence with the word he pulled out. The second one continues and so on. At the same time, those who pulled the sheets out of the hat write their words on other sheets and put them in the hat. They are taken out by those who first wrote the words. Then two teams come up with a story in turn.

Word pronunciation

Option A
Gather groups of 6 people and have each come up with a six-letter word (don't say it out loud!). Letters are distributed to each member of the group. Children pronounce all the letters at the same time, and other teams must guess the word.

Option B
Proverbs are written on the sheets in advance according to the number of teams, given that there should be as many players in the team as there are words in the proverb, for example: -You go quieter - you will continue; -Without labor, you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond; -Measure seven times - cut one. Each player chooses one word for themselves, and everyone says their words together. The other teams must guess what was said. Instead of proverbs, you can use song titles or their first lines, bible verses, but everything should be publicly known.

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams. Each team receives a sheet with the name of a musical instrument and must depict the game on it, supplementing it with sounds and movements. The group is given one minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups introduce themselves, and the rest guess the instruments.


Give each person 10 nuts, a topic to talk about, and tell them to chat in pairs, talking and asking questions about the topic. When one of the pair says the word "I", his interlocutor takes one nut. The one with the most nuts after 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape and a large sheet of paper. Give each team (no more than five people) a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a piece of paper to the tables or to the wall so that the rivals do not see. Each player receives only one part of the task (description of the picture). Everyone chooses a place for themselves on a piece of paper, and everyone starts drawing at the same time. For example:

1. Man in blue pants….
2. ...crying a lot...
3. ... a striped toy in your hand ...
4. ...cries a lot...
5. ... on the street under a maple tree ...

1. A baby in a stroller…
2. …holding a bottle of juice…
3. ... drinking Coca-Cola ...
4. ... reads a book ...
5. ... in a raging sea ...

Dogs and roosters

The players sit in a circle. The driver gives each the name of the city. Then he says: "I heard that in the city ... dogs crow and roosters bark." The player whose city has been named replies: “No, sir, in the city ... dogs do not crow and roosters do not bark. The city where dogs crow and roosters bark is called…”. The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or gets confused, he gives a deposit. When a lot of pledges are collected, they are redeemed by performing some task of the leader.


Two teams line up opposite each other. Each team joins hands, forming a chain behind their backs, so that the other team does not see the clasped hands. At the end of the chain there is a chair, on it lies a small thing, and at the beginning of the chain there is a leader who tosses a coin. Team captains, i.e. those who are first in the chain look carefully at the coin (the rest look only towards the chair, i.e. they do not see their captain). In the event of an eagle falling out, the captains transmit current, i.e. they quickly squeeze the hand of the one standing nearby, he shakes the hand of the other, and so on - until the end of the "electric circuit". The last one in the chain, having received a "discharge", quickly grabs a little thing lying on a chair.
In the team that did not have time to grab the thing from the chair, there is a rearrangement. The one who was supposed to grab becomes the captain, and the former captain becomes the second in line. The captain may make a mistake by prematurely squeezing the hand of a person standing nearby. This happens when the captain is in a hurry to give "current". In this case, the team also loses.

Elephant Bathing

Four people are involved. The three walk out the door. The remaining one plays a pantomime that now he will wash the elephant. One person starts up, he must carefully watch all the movements of the “washer” and then repeat them to the second, and that to the third player. At the end, all four take turns saying their version of what they were doing.

Damaged TV

Everyone knows about the broken phone. What if the TV breaks? 3-4 groups take turns showing each other sketches. What will come out of the original idea?

Competition "Her Majesty Potato"

  1. One from the detachment - who will peel the potatoes faster and better.
  2. One from the detachment - who will eat the potatoes faster.
  3. One from the detachment - who will more accurately hit the potatoes in the bucket.
  4. Squads - write the names of potato dishes.
  5. Squad - make a craft out of potatoes. Who is more original?
  6. Squad is the best advertisement for potatoes
  7. Detachment Representative - Plant potatoes in a bucket of potatoes. Lay it out in one line. Smooth. Tuber to tuber. Who is faster and better quality "Plant potatoes?"
  8. According to the representative - who will “harvest the harvest faster?” With closed eyes, the squad can tell.
  9. Relay race - for a certain time (10 minutes), the squad must peel as many and better potatoes as possible (depending on how many knives you have, either in turn, or all together).
  10. Relay - take turns moving potatoes on a spoon in your mouth. Who is faster.
  11. Make cheese from potatoes. Do it in 3 min. As many holes as possible, but so that the potatoes do not fall apart.

Ball - ah - show

  1. Merry ball
    Everyone sits in a circle. Everyone says the verse in unison.
  2. You roll, funny ball,
    Quick, quick hand.
    Who has a funny ball
    He will sing a song for us.
  3. Water strongmen
    Those who wish are called. The host invites them to inflate balloons on a signal. The winner is the one whose balloon bursts the fastest.
  4. Architect
    Build a balloon tower
  5. reactive ball
    Participants line up in one line. Their task is to inflate the balloons and, on command, release them. The one whose ball flies the farthest wins.
  6. Air bridge
    The team stands one behind the other. It is necessary to pass the ball over the head from the first to the last participant and back - between the legs (4-5 balls can be passed at the same time)
  7. The most friendly
    The team is divided into pairs. At the leader's signal, the first couples must run to a predetermined landmark and back, holding the ball between their heads. Pass the balls to the next pair.

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