Games for general physical training for elementary school children. Sport games


Outdoor games in primary school are an indispensable means of solving a complex of interrelated tasks of educating the personality of a younger student, developing his various motor abilities and improving skills. At this age, they are aimed at developing creativity, imagination, attention, fostering initiative, independence of action, developing the ability to comply with the rules of public order. Achieving these goals depends more on the skillful organization and observance of the methodological requirements for the conduct of games than on their own content.

The variety of motor actions that are part of outdoor games has a complex effect on the improvement of coordination and conditioning abilities (reaction abilities, orientation in space and time, restructuring of motor actions, speed and speed-strength abilities, etc.).

At this age, the foundations of game activity are laid, aimed at improving primarily natural movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing), elementary game skills (catching the ball, passing, throwing, hitting the ball) and technical and tactical interactions (choosing a place, interaction with a partner, team and opponent) necessary for further mastery of sports games in the middle and senior classes.

As a result of training, students should get acquainted with many games, which will allow them to develop an interest in gaming activities, the ability to independently select and play them with friends in their free time.

The program material on outdoor games (Table 2) is grouped according to their predominant effect on the corresponding motor abilities and skills. After mastering the basic version of the game, it is recommended to vary the conditions of the game, the number of participants, equipment, the time of the game, etc. The system of exercises with large and small balls is a kind of ball school. It is very important that every primary school student master this school. Movements with the ball are recommended to be performed in approximately equal proportions for both arms and legs.

Program material on outdoor games

Main focus

To consolidate and improve running skills, the development of speed abilities, the ability to orientate in space

"To your flags" "Two frosts" "Fifteen"

"Empty Place" "Polar Bears"


To consolidate and improve skills in jumping, the development of speed-strength abilities, orientation in space

"Jumping Sparrows"

"Hares in the Garden"

"Foxes and Chickens"

"Strip Jumping"

"Wolf in the Den"

"Fishing rod"

To consolidate and improve throwing for distance and accuracy, the development of abilities to differentiate the parameters of movements, speed-strength abilities

To master elementary skills in catching, throwing, passing and dribbling

Catching, passing, throwing and dribbling individually, in pairs, standing still and walking

Catching and passing the ball on the move. Throws at the target (ring, shield, target, hoop). Dribbling (right, left hand) while moving in a straight line (walking and running)

Catching and passing the ball on the spot and on the move in triangles, squares, circles.

Dribbling the ball with a change of direction.

Shots on goal from 3-4 m (handball) and shots on goal (walking and slow running), kicks on goal in football

To consolidate and improve holding, catching, passing, throwing and dribbling and to develop abilities for differentiating movement parameters, reactions, orientation in space

“Play, play, don’t lose the ball” “The ball to the driver” “Who has fewer balls”

"School of the ball" "Ball in the basket" "Hit the hoop"

Ball race in a circle

"Call by name"

"Take possession of the ball"

"Moving Target"

"Ball to the catcher"

"Hunters and Ducks"

"Fast and Accurate"


"Ball games"

For the complex development of coordination and conditioning abilities, mastering elementary technical and tactical interactions

With appropriate game preparation, the games recommended for grades 3 and 4 can be played in grades 1 and 2

"Fight for the ball" "Shootout"

"Mini Basketball"

"Mini Handball"

Football game options

For knowledge about physical culture

Names and rules of games, inventory, equipment, organization, rules of conduct and safety


Throwing, catching and passing the ball, kicking and stopping the ball with the feet, dribbling on the spot, walking and running, performed with both hands and feet

Physical Culture. Outdoor games. 1-4 classes. Fedorova N.A.

M.: 2016. - 48 p.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation). The manual presents scenarios of outdoor games with the ball. These games can be used both for the general physical development of children and for the purpose of mastering the skills necessary for sports such as basketball, volleyball and football. The development and improvement of technical techniques during the game are carried out in an interesting, exciting way, which contributes to their rapid assimilation. The proposed games can be played both indoors and outdoors. They can be used both in physical education lessons, and during extracurricular or vacation time in schools, children's clubs. The manual is addressed to teachers of physical culture, organizers of children's leisure, parents.

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Introduction 4
Through outdoor play, you can bring children to sports 4
What's the best way to play the game? 5
1. Ball in 9 circles
2. Don't give the ball to the driver! 10
3. Gunfight 11
4. Relay with dribbling and hitting the basket 14
5. Ball catcher 15
6. Challenging for the ball 18
7. Attack fives 20
8. Relay with elements of basketball 21
9. "Hunters" and "ducks" 23
10. No miss 25
11. Relay 26
12. Defense of fortification 27
13. Moving target 29
14. Flying ball 30
15. Ball average 31
16. Ball against the wall 33
17. Rod 34
18. Falling stick 36
19. Catch up in a circle 37
20. Fishing in pairs 38
21. Kick ball in circle 39
22. Wheel 40
23. Salki with a soccer ball 42
24. Break through the wall 42
25. Wall Relay 43
26. Anywhere 44
27. Blow after blow 45

Running, jumping, throwing, wrestling - all these are elements of outdoor games. In games, such motor skills as speed, accuracy, coordination of movements are developed, and this development is much more intense, since in the game it is associated with strong emotional experiences. Over other types of physical exercises, outdoor games also have the advantage that the players themselves regulate physical activity: if you are tired, you can step aside, in other cases, on the contrary, you can be more active if you wish. It should be noted, however, that the lack of proper self-control in the game often leads to overload. Only with the right guidance, games can benefit the children's body.

The games on this page are recommended for use in physical education classes in elementary grades. The games are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Designed for 6-8 year olds.

"Running centipedes"
Play 2-3 teams of 10 people. The leader ties each team with a rope, or the players “put on” a gymnastic hoop. On a signal, a group of "centipedes" begin to move to the finish line.
The team that comes first and does not fall along the way wins.

"Sparrows and Crows"
There are two teams of 10 people. The players of one are crows, the other are sparrows. The groups line up in a line, back to back. It is determined where the team has a house, where you can hide, so as not to be stained. The host calls out the name of one of the teams, for example: “V-ro-ny!”. The sparrows run away to their house, and the crows catch them. If the signal “Sparrows!” is given, then the crows run away, and the sparrows catch them. The number of players caught is counted.
The team that catches the most opponents wins.

A glass of water is placed on tennis rackets. Participants, at the signal of the leader, run to the finish line and return back to the start line.
The player who comes first and does not spill the water wins.

Play 2-3 teams of 10 people. Each line up at the start in a column, at the back of each other's head. In front of the team, at a distance of 15m, an object is placed - a stone, a stick, a pin, a flag, a tree branch stuck into the ground. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers run forward to the reference point, go around it and again run to their team. The second number joins the first number, grabbing him by the belt, and now they run forward together, then the third numbers join them, the fourth, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

10-15 people can play. The driver is chosen - a cat, all the rest - mice. The cat sits on the ground and sleeps. Mice surround him and sing a song:
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. We are not afraid of goats!
At the signal of the presenter: “The skin woke up!” - the mice run away to their house, and the cat tries to catch them. Those whom the cat stains (touches with his hand) become his prey.
At the second signal of the presenter: “The cat fell asleep!” - the players again approach the driver, who returned to his place and sleeps, and again sing the song of mice. After three exits of the cat to hunt, a new driver is selected.
Two teams of 5 people play. An open chessboard is placed in the middle of the playing area.
Teams line up in columns one after another on opposite sides. Near one group lie black chess pieces, near the other - white. At the signal of the host, the first numbers of both teams take one piece each and run to the chessboard, put the piece in its place, come back, touch the next player with their hand, who
takes a piece, runs to the board, etc. The first numbers take place at the end of the column. The team whose players quickly and correctly place the chess pieces wins.

Two players hold hands and catch other players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught is in a circle. Now the three of them catch the rest. Everyone caught becomes part of the seine. The game continues until all participants are caught.

The host gives each of the players a spoon containing an egg, a potato or a tennis ball. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants run, holding the spoons in front of them and trying not to drop the objects in them.
The one who reaches the finish line first wins.
Two teams can also compete. Then the first players of both teams, having reached the finish line, make a turn and run to the start - they pass the spoon to the second numbers, etc. The team whose players are the first to finish the run wins.

The leader gives each of the players a plate to which a burning candle is glued. At the signal of the leader, the competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. If teams participate in the game, then the first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the second numbers, the second to the third, etc. The team that finished the run first and whose candle did not go out during the run wins.

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up at the start in a column one after another. At the signal of the leader, the first players of both teams run to the reference point (stone, pin, cube, flag), go around it, return back to the start line and touch the outstretched hand of the next participant, the second numbers also run to the finish line, return and pass the baton to the third numbers , third fourth, etc.
The team that finishes the run before the other team wins.
Then the groups compete with each other in the following types of relay races:
Running together, wearing a single hoop;
Running with the ball;
Running with carrying a partner;
Running with one ski on the leg.
Running in fins;
Running backwards (backward);
Running with jumping rope;
Running with an apple on your head;
Running with a hand tossing a balloon;
Running with overcoming simple obstacles.
The players are divided into two teams, each of which is divided into pairs. The couples become columns facing each other and hold the ends of the rope at knee level.
At the signal of the host, the first pair puts the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then jump over the ropes of the remaining pairs. Having reached their place, they lift the rope from the ground. Behind them, the second pair puts the rope on the ground, jumps over the first rope and goes all the way to the first pair. Then the third pair comes into play, the fourth, and so on.
The team whose players finish jumping rope first wins.

Players compete against each other in the following contests.
Hitting the ball on target. A target is drawn on the wall with chalk. Strikes are performed with the right and left legs from a place, then from a run.
On the ground, some objects are placed one after another, you need to circle them, driving the ball with your foot (either right or left).
Raise your hands with the ball above your head, release it and catch it on the fly.
Lean with your left hand on the gene, hit the ball with the right hand on the wall from under your arm, catch with both hands.
Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands on your knees and catch the ball.
Throw the ball under the left, then under the right foot and catch it.
Throw the ball up, sit down, touch the ground with your hands, then straighten up and catch the ball first with both hands, then alternately with your right and left.
Throw the ball to each other with pops, with a turn, with a rebound from the ground.
Throwing the ball into the distance for a distance (who will throw further).
Throwing the ball at an escaping partner.
Throwing the ball into a basketball basket from different distances.
A ball is placed on the ground at a distance of 6 m. Another ball must hit this ball. to make it roll as far as possible.
Pins are placed at a distance of 8 m. With a kick (right, then left) you need to knock it down.
Roll the ball down the hill and catch up with it.
Standing opposite each other, and clasping the ball with your hands, try to take the other ball from the opponent and not give your own.

Players stand with their backs to each other at a distance of 1 m. Each has a ball in their hands. At the leader's signal, the ball is thrown back over the head, and everyone rushes forward after the opponent's ball.
The winner is the one who quickly catches up with the ball and returns to its original position.

The ball must be placed on the book, carefully raised above the head without dropping the ball, and just as carefully lowered. That one wins. who did the right thing.

The players become in a circle. The host gives the ball, and on a signal, the participants pass it clockwise to each other. Neli, the host says: “Stop!”, The transfer of the ball stops, and the player who has it in his hands is out of the game. The host gives the command: “Begin!”, and the game resumes.
The last player left when there is no one to pass the ball wins.
Players line up at the starting line. Holding the ball between their knees, the participants jump towards the finish line.
The winner is the one who rode first and did not lose the ball.

The ball is placed in front of the player at a distance of 5-6 steps. Blindfold the eyes. You have to go to the ball and kick it with your foot.
The winner is the one who successfully completed the task.

Several pairs of players compete with each other, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible:
putting the ball on the shoulders, and pressing it with their heads on both sides;
pressing the ball with his shoulders;
holding the ball with their backs;
holding the ball, holding it with their foreheads and moving sideways.
The pair that comes first and does not lose the ball wins.
The players take the ball and stand in a circle. The first participant, throwing the ball, calls some noun. The catcher calls the adjective and throws the ball further, the third player calls the verb. For example: “Bird,” says the first; “Black,” says the second; “Flies,” says the third, and, throwing the ball to the next, calls a new noun.

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The host throws the ball to one of the participants and says: "The Beast."
The one who catches the ball must quickly name someone from the animal world and throw the ball back to the leader. If the leader, throwing the ball, says "fish" or "bird", the catcher calls the fish or bird. Anyone who does not answer the host or hesitates to answer is out of the game.

Two teams of 6-8 people participate. Players line up one after another in a column. Between the participants, it is clamped on the ball with the back and chest. At the signal of the host, the "dragons" run to the finish line.
The team that comes first and does not lose a single ball wins.

The players stand in a circle at a distance of arms extended to the sides and are calculated for the first and second numbers. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. Two players standing side by side are appointed captains and given the ball to them.
On a signal, the captains begin to transfer (throw) the balls in a circle - one to the right, the other to the left, to their nearest players, that is, through one. The balls are thrown until they return to the captains.
The team that manages to move the ball faster around the circle wins. Having received the ball, the captains raise their hands with the ball up. The game can be played several times in a row.
1. The ball must be passed or thrown to your nearest neighbor. Each pass by a player counts as a penalty point. 2. If the balls collided in the air, the players, after the throw of which they collided, must quickly take their balls and, standing in their place, continue the game. 3. The winner is the team that finished passing the ball around the circle earlier and has no penalty points.

A line is drawn in the middle of the site, along which 10 towns (maces) are placed. The players are divided into two teams and line up one behind the other on one side of the site facing the towns. Participants in front of the standing line receive a small ball. A start line is drawn in front of the line.
On the established signal of the leader, the players of the first rank throw balls into the towns (maces), trying to knock them down. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The guys who threw the balls run, pick them up and pass them to the members of the next team, and they themselves stand in line behind them. At the command of the leader, the participants in the second rank (team) also throw balls at the towns. Downed towns are counted again. So they play 2-4 times. The team that manages to knock down more towns in several times wins.
1. Throwing balls is possible only at the signal of the leader.
2. When throwing, it is impossible to go beyond the starting line - in this case, the throw does not count.

" Whofit"

Preparation.All players form a circle, blindfolded driver stands in the center.

The driver opens his eyes at the direction of the leader, when the one who approaches takes his place. He must guess who approached him. If the driver guessed the one who approached him, the players change roles.

The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

Rules of the game:1. The driver should not open his eyes ahead of time. 2. The vote is given only by the one indicated by the leader. 3. The first driver is not considered a loser.

" astronauts"

Preparation.At the corners and sides of the hall, 5-8 large triangles are drawn - "rocket launchers". Inside each "rocket site" draw 2-5 circles - "rockets". And the total number should be 5-8 less than the players. On the side of each "rocket launcher" you can write routes, for example:

Z-L-Z (Earth - Moon - Earth)
Z-M-Z (Earth - Mars - Earth)
Z-N-Z (Earth - Neptune - Earth)
Z-V-Z (Earth - Venus - Earth)
W-S-W (Earth - Saturn - Earth)

The players, holding hands, form a circle in the center of the hall.

Fast rockets are waiting for us
For planet walks.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
Latecomers - no room!

As soon as the last word is said, everyone scatters around the "rocket sites" and tries to take their places in any of the pre-drawn "rockets" as soon as possible.

Those who are late for the "flight" stand in a general circle, and the "cosmonauts" who have taken their places announce their routes loudly 3 times. This means that they are taking a walk in "space". Then everyone again becomes in a circle, join hands and the game is repeated.

Those who manage to make three flights win.

Rules of the game:1. Start the game - only on the established signal of the leader. 2. Run away - only after the words: "To those who are late - there is no place!"

" KarasiAndpike"

Preparation.On one side of the site are "carp", in the middle of the "pike".

Now the "carp" should run across to the other side of the site through the net (under the arms). "Pike" stands behind the net and lies in wait for them. When there are eight or nine "carp" caught, they form baskets - circles through which you need to run. There can be only one such basket, then it is depicted, holding hands, 15-18 participants. "Pike" takes a place in front of the basket and catches "carp".

When there are more "crucians" caught than not caught, the players form tops - a corridor of caught crucians, through which the uncaught ones run. "Pike", located at the exit from the top, catches them.

The winner is the one who remains last. He is entrusted with the role of the new "pike".

Rules of the game:1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. All "carp" are obliged to pass the net, basket and tops when running. 3. Those standing have no right to detain them. 4. Players forming a basket can catch a "pike" if they manage to throw their clasped hands behind the back of the "pike" and drive it into the basket or slam the tops. In this case, all "carp" are released, and a new "pike" is selected.

" Whitethe Bears"

Preparation.The site is the sea. A small place is outlined to the side - an ice floe. On it stands the driver - "polar bear". The rest of the "bears" are randomly placed throughout the site.

Game content. "Bear" growls: "I'm going out to catch!" - and rushes to catch "bear cubs". First, he catches one "bear cub" (takes him to the ice floe), then another. After that, two caught "bear cubs" join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. "Bear" goes to the ice floe. Having overtaken someone, two "bear cubs" join their free hands so that the caught one finds himself between the hands, and shout: "Bear, help!" "Bear" runs up, taunts the one he has caught and takes him to the ice floe. The next two caught also join hands and catch "bear cubs". The game continues until all the bears have been caught. The last one caught becomes a "polar bear".

The last player caught wins.

Rules of the game:
1. The "bear cub" cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding him until the "bear" has taunted him. 2. When catching, it is forbidden to grab the players by the clothes, and those who run away run out of the boundaries of the site.

" Twofrost"

Preparation.Two cities are marked on opposite sides of the site. The players, divided into two groups, are located in them. In the middle of the site are placed the "Frost brothers": "Frost Red Nose" and "Frost Blue Nose".

We are two young brothers
Two Frosts removed:
I am Frost Red Nose,
I am Frost Blue Nose.
Which one of you decides
To go on a path?

The boys respond in unison:

We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost! -

and start running from one city to another. Frosts catch them. Anyone they manage to tarnish is considered frozen. He remains in the place where he was caught, and must, with outstretched arms, block the path of the players during the next dashes. When there are so many frozen that it becomes difficult to run, the game stops.

The winners are those who have never been frozen.

Rules of the game:
1. You can start running only after the end of the recitative. 2. Tagging behind the city line does not count. 3. Salted guys can be helped out: for this, the rest of the players must touch them with their hands.


Preparation.From among the players, an "owl" is selected. Her nest is away from the site. It can be outlined, fenced off by a gymnastic bench. The players on the court are randomly placed. "Owl" in the nest.

Game content. At the signal of the leader: "The day is coming, everything comes to life!" - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, beetles, depicting frogs, mice, kittens. At the second signal: "The night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!" - the players stop, freeze in the position in which they were caught by the signal. "Owl" go hunting. Noticing the moving player, she takes him by the hand and takes him to her nest. In one exit, she can get two or even three players.

Then the "owl" returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground.

Players who have not been caught even once win. You can also note the best driver - who caught more players.

Rules of the game:
1. "Owl" is forbidden to watch the same player for a long time, and the caught one is not allowed to escape. 2. After two or three outings of the "owl" to hunt, it is replaced by new drivers from among those that she has never caught.

" Wolvesinditch"

Preparation.Two parallel lines are drawn in the middle of the site at a distance of 70-100 cm from one another. This is a corridor - a moat. It can be indicated by not quite parallel lines; narrower on one side and wider on the other. Two drivers - "wolves" - stand in the ditch; the rest of the players - "goats" - are placed on one side of the site behind the line of the house. On the other side of it, a line indicates a pasture.

After 3-4 runs (by agreement) new "wolves" are selected and the game is repeated.

Win "goats", not caught even once, and those "wolves" who scored more points.

Rules of the game:1. Jumping over the moat is mandatory. 2. Caught "goats" are not out of the game.

"Passing Balls in Columns"

Preparation.The players are divided into several groups - teams, and each of them lines up in a column one at a time, one parallel to the other. Players in columns stand at arm's length. For those in front in columns - a ball or other object.

Game content. Option 1. On a signal, the players in front pass the ball over their heads to those behind them. Those in the same way pass the ball to those behind. Each time the last player in the column, having received the ball, runs to the right of the column to the leader, and then becomes the first in his column. The team of the one who brings the ball before the others gets the winning point. Then, also on a signal, they begin to pass the ball in columns. And so they play until all the participants visit the end of the columns and deliver the ball to the leader.

The team that finishes the game first with the fewest penalty points wins.

Rules of the game:1. The game starts only at the signal of the leader. 2. You can pass the ball over your head, and not in any other way. 3. The person who dropped the ball must pick it up, stand in place and continue the game. 4. Penalty points are awarded for each violation.

Option 2.You can also pass the ball under your feet, spreading them wide.

" geese- swans"

Preparation.On one side of the site (hall) a line is drawn separating the "goose house". Four benches are placed in the middle of the hall (platform), forming corridors ("the road between the mountains") 2-3 m wide. Mats are placed on the other side of the site - this is a "mountain". All the players, except for two, stand in the goose - these are "geese". A circle is drawn behind the mountain - a "lair", in which two "wolves" are placed.

Game content. The leader says: "Geese-swans, in the field!" "Geese" pass along the "mountain road" to the "field", where they walk. Then the leader says: "Geese-swans, go home, the wolf is behind the distant mountain!" "Geese" run to their "goose house", running between the benches - "along the mountain road". From behind a distant mountain "wolves" run out and catch up with "geese". The salted ones stop. Caught are counted and released into their flock of "geese". They play twice, after which new "wolves" are chosen from those not caught. And so the game is played 2-3 times, after which the never caught "geese" and "wolves" are noted, who managed to catch more "geese".

The "geese" who have never been caught, and the "wolves" who managed to catch more "geese" win.

Rules of the game:
1. "Wolves" catch "geese" to the "goose". 2. "Wolves" can catch "geese" only after the words "over the distant mountain." 3. You can not jump over the benches or run on them.

" Teamswift-footed"

Preparation.The players are divided into 2-4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time parallel to one another. A line is drawn in front of the toes of those in front in the columns, at a distance of 2 m from it - the start line. At 10-20 m from the starting line, a stand or mace is placed against each column. The first players in columns stand on the starting line.

Option 1. At the command of the leader, "Get ready, attention, march!" (or according to another conditional signal), the first players run forward to the uprights (maces), run around them on the right and return back to the start line. The player who crosses the start line first earns a point for his team. Those who have come running stand at the end of their columns, and the following players line up at the start line. Also, on a signal, they run to the object set against their column, go around it and come back. The one who comes first earns a point for his team again. And so all the players run in turn. Then the points are counted. The team with the most points wins.

Rules of the game:1. You can not run out and cross the start line before the leader's signal. 2. You can only run around the object to the right, without touching it with your hands. 3. When running with a stick, be sure to hit it three times on an object or on the floor, counting loudly. 4. Returning, you need to stand at the end of your column.

Option 2.
Sticks can be used in the game. Each player at the start holds a wand. Having reached the rack, he hits it three times on the rack or on the floor and comes back. Having run the start line, the player gives the wand to the next one.

" Relay raceanimals"

Preparation.The players are divided into 2-4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. Players in teams take the names of animals. Suppose the first are called "bears", the second - "wolves", the third - "foxes", the fourth - "hares", etc. Everyone remembers what animal he depicts. A starting line is drawn in front of the players in front. In front of each column at a distance of about 10-20 m is placed on a mace or on a rack. A finish line is drawn at a distance of 2 m from the start.

Game content. The leader loudly calls any beast. Players who have taken the name of this beast run forward, run around the object standing in front of them and return back. The one who returns to his team first wins a point for her. The leader calls the animals randomly, at his discretion. Some he can call twice. Each time the players who come running take their places in the team. The game is played for 5-10 minutes, after which points are counted.

The team that earns the most points wins.

Rules of the game:1. If both players come running at the same time, no points are awarded to either team. 2. If the player does not reach the final point, his partner from the other team earns a point.

" Callrooms"

Preparation.Location, inventory and preparation are the same as in the previous game. If the room allows and there are few players, you can build them in two lines facing the same direction on the same line. At a distance of 2 m from the building line of the players (start line), a finish line is drawn parallel to it.

The team with the most victory points wins.

Rules of the game:1. If the players are in ranks, then they can be put in a high or low start position, and from this position they must run out when called by the leader. 2. If a player breaks the rules, a point is deducted from his team. This rule is recommended to be applied from the 3rd grade, when students become familiar with the low start.

" FoxAndchickens"

Preparation.In the middle of the hall, four gymnastic benches are placed in the form of a square with slats up, this is a "perch". One driver is chosen - "foxes" and one - "hunter". All other players are "chickens". In one corner of the hall, a "burrow" is outlined, in which a "fox" is placed. In the other corner stands the "hunter". "Chickens" are located around the "roost".

Game content. At a signal, the "chickens" begin either to fly up to the "roost", then fly off it, or simply walk around the "hen house" (near the benches that form the "hen house"). On the second agreed signal, the fox, having approached the chicken coop, catches any "chicken" that touches the ground (floor) with at least one foot. The "fox" takes the greasy man by the hand and leads him into his "burrow". If on the way he meets a "hunter", the "fox" releases the one he has caught, and he himself runs into the "burrow". The caught one returns to the "chicken coop", after which all the "chickens" fly off the perch. If the "hunter" catches the "fox", a new "fox" is chosen. Play 4-6 times.

Players who are not caught even once win.

Rules of the game:1. Having run into the "chicken coop", the "foxes" can only touch one player. 2. At the signal of the leader, the "fox" must leave the "hen house", regardless of whether he caught the "chicken" or not. 3. Those standing on the rail can help each other (support).

" Whofurtherquit?"

Preparation.A start line is drawn on one side of the site. At 5 m from it, 3-4 lines are drawn parallel to it with an interval of 4 m between them. The players are divided into several groups - teams, and each line up in a column one at a time behind the start line. Each player has a bag of peas.

The team in which the players managed to throw more bags over the far line wins.

Rules of the game:1. Everyone can throw only one bag. 2. The bags are thrown in turn each time at the signal of the leader. 3. The one who threw the bag immediately goes to the end of his column.

" aptlyVtarget"

Preparation.A line is drawn in the middle of the site, along which 10 towns (maces) are placed. The players are divided into two teams and line up one behind the other on one side of the site facing the towns. The participants in the front line receive a small ball each. A start line is drawn in front of the line.

Game content. On the established signal of the leader, the players of the first rank throw balls into the towns (maces), trying to knock them down. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The guys who threw the balls run, pick them up and pass them to the members of the next team, and they themselves stand in line behind them. At the command of the leader, the second-rank players (teams) also throw balls at the towns. Downed towns are counted again. So they play 2-4 times.

The team that manages to knock down more towns in several times wins.

Rules of the game:1. Throwing balls is possible only at the signal of the leader. 2. When throwing, it is impossible to go beyond the starting line. Throwing over the line does not count.

" cones, acorns, nuts"

Preparation.The players form a circle, in the middle of which the leader becomes, and the rest, split into threes, stand one after the other facing the center (the first number is three to four steps from the leader). The leader gives names to all the players: the first in the threes are "bumps", the second are "acorns", the third are "nuts".

Game content. On a signal, the driver says loudly, for example: "Nuts." All the players, called "nuts", must change places, and the driver seeks to take any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says "acorns", the second ones in threes change places, if the "bumps" - the first ones in threes. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, for example: "bumps, nuts." The summoned must also switch places. "

Preparation.Two teams of "alpinists" line up facing the gymnastic wall 6-7 m from it. Between the first players and the gymnastic wall, gymnastic benches are installed, turned upside down with slats. At the extreme spans of the wall, gymnastic mats are laid.

Game content. At the signal of the teacher, the first players begin to move along the rail of the gymnastic bench, go to the gymnastic wall, climb it, move along the wall to the last span and go down. The height of the ascent to the wall is indicated in advance by the teacher (marked with a ribbon, a flag). When descending from the gymnastic wall, the player has the right to jump from the rail, located at a height of not more than 70-75 cm, into a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, marked with chalk on the mat. Having landed, the player stands last in his line. The second players start moving on the gymnastic bench immediately after the landing of the previous "climber".

The team that manages to finish the relay race faster than others and makes fewer mistakes than the other team wins.

Rules of the game:1. It is forbidden to prematurely move along the rail of the bench. 2. The player must not lose balance. 3. You can not jump from a height higher than indicated by the teacher. 4. Inaccurate landing is also prohibited. For each mistake, the player is penalized with a penalty point.

" jumpingBystripes"

Preparation.Lines indicate a corridor 2-3 m wide. Lines are drawn across the corridor, forming narrow (30 cm) and wide (50 cm) strips that alternate with each other. There can be 6-8 such strips. Through narrow strips, children jump, and from wide strips they repel when jumping. The class is divided into three or four teams that stand in lines.

Game content. On a signal, the first numbers of each team start jumping from the beginning of the corridor (with a push with both feet) through narrow strips, making an intermediate jump on each wide strip. Those who performed all the jumps correctly (without stepping on narrow stripes) bring their team a point. The second numbers also jump, etc. If a player steps on a narrow strip, he continues to jump further, but does not bring a point to the team. Jumping speed is not taken into account.

The team whose players got the most points wins.

Rules of the game:1. The width of the strips gradually increases (up to 60, 90, 100 cm). 2. Teams are in the same position and follow the same sequence. 3. The one who jumped to the first strip gets one point, to the second - two points, and so on. 4. The one who landed inaccurately on the next strip or did not resist on it, leaves the game and does not receive points.

" Whoovertake preparation. For the game you need one volleyball and tennis balls in an amount equal to half of the participants. The players are divided into two teams and line up on opposite sides of the site at a distance of 18-20 m from each other. Lines are drawn in front of the toes of the players, and a volleyball is placed in the middle of the court. Players of one team (by lot) receive a small ball.

Game content. On a signal from the leader, the players throw the ball at the volleyball, trying to roll it back to the opposite team. Players from the other team collect thrown balls and, on a signal, also throw them at the volleyball, trying to roll it back. So, in turn, teams throw balls a set number of times. The duration of the game is 8-10 minutes.

The team that manages to roll the ball over the line of the opposite team wins.

Rules of the game:1. If during the game the volleyball rolls away from the players, it is placed in the court area on the same line. 2. In this case, the shelling of the volleyball starts from two sides at the same time. 3. Each ball driven over the opponent's line brings the team one point.

Outdoor games for grades 3-4 at school

"Traffic light"

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 5-6 m from one another. The players stand in one line. The driver stands between the lines (approximately in the middle) with his back to the players.

The driver calls any color. If there is no such color in clothes, they freely pass by the driver for another line. If the players have this color in their clothes, then the driver can touch the space between the player's lines. The salted one becomes the leader.


Players of two teams line up on opposite sides of the court facing each other (behind the lines of their "houses"). On a signal, the players, advancing by jumping on one (right, left) foot, cross the courts and must be behind the opponent's "home" line as soon as possible. The team whose players gather behind the opposite line first wins. The last player to finish moving is out of the game. Then jumps in the opposite direction follow, and again the last one is eliminated from the game.

The game continues until two or three of the most enduring jumpers remain on the court. It is not difficult to determine the winning team by the number of players on the court. Continuing the competition, you can identify the fastest player.

"Running in teams" (trains)

Two equal teams line up in a column one at a time, clasping their hands in front of them or taking them by the belt. The columns stand parallel to each other at a distance of 3-5 steps. A starting line is drawn in front of the columns, and a rack or other object is placed opposite the competing teams at a distance of 15 m. On a signal, the players in the columns run forward to the rack, go around it and come back. The team wins, whose players ran the entire distance without breaking up, and earlier crossed the starting line with the entire column.

"Day and night"

Two teams stand in the middle of the court with their backs to each other at a distance of two steps. One team is given the name "day", the other - "night". Each team has a "house" on its side of the site at 10-12 meters. The host of the game suddenly says the name of one of the teams, for example, “day”. This team quickly runs to their "home", and the players of the other team catch up with them and stain them. Salted players are counted and released to their team. Everyone takes their places in lines, the game is repeated. It is important that there is no strict alternation of teams, then the players will remain extremely attentive. Before the signal to run, you can invite the players to perform simple exercises to divert attention. The game is played several times, after which the total number of caught players of both teams for an equal number of runs is calculated. Salting players is only allowed up to the "home" line. Those caught continue to participate in the game. During the running game, one participant can salute not only the person opposite, but also his neighbors.

"Be able to catch up"

On the site, they outline or mark with objects (pebbles, towns, flags, etc.) a circle with a diameter of 9-12 m. 6-8 people are located on the outside of the circle facing counterclockwise at the same distance from each other and are calculated for the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another.

At the signal, everyone runs in one direction, keeping their distance. On the second signal, the competition begins. The task of each player is to overpower the one running in front and not to let the opponent behind him stain himself. The tagged leave the circle along with the one who tagged them, the rest continue to run in a circle. When the last player is touched, the game ends. The team with the most tainted players is considered the loser. You can not divide the participants into pairs. Then each runner, having spotted the player in front, continues to run in a circle, trying to tag the next one, and the tags leave the circle (go to its middle). 2-3 best runners are identified, who remain the last.

"Step fast"

The leader turns to face the wall or tree, covers his face with his hands or elbow and says: “Walk quickly, look around - freeze ... one, two, three, four, five ... Stop!” The driver can, after any number, say the word “stop!” and look around quickly. The rest of the guys, located behind the line 15-20 steps from the driver, during the count, quickly move towards the driver. When the driver shouted "Stop!" and turned to face the players, they freeze in place. A player who did not have time to stop in time or moved after stopping, the driver sends back beyond the line. After that, the driver closes his eyes and repeats the recitative. Everyone again moves forward from their places, including those who start moving from the line. This continues until someone comes close to the driver, touches him with his hand and, turning around, rushes over the line as quickly as possible. All players do the same. The driver runs after them, trying to overpower someone to hell. Salted becomes the new leader. If it was not possible to catch up with anyone, the driver returns to his original place, the game continues.

"Fifteen in a circle"

Players sit in a circle at arm's length. Two drivers are chosen, one of which becomes a tag, and the other becomes a runaway. Before the start of the game, they stand around the circle from different sides.

On a signal, the tag runs along the circle, trying to pin down the escaping. The latter, when they begin to overtake him, becomes in a circle between the other players in any place. At the same moment, the neighbor on the right becomes the new evader, and the tag continues to pursue him. If the tag managed to touch the fleeing hand, they change roles.

"Third extra on a walk"

Divided into pairs, the players stand in a circle and slowly walk in one direction, holding hands or arm in arm, free hand on the belt. Two drivers. One of them runs away and the other catches up with him. The one who runs away, when he is in danger, attaches himself to any pair, taking one of them by the arm, and then he cannot be caught. The third player on the other side of the pair must run away from the driver and, escaping from persecution, also joins any pair on the right or left, grabbing his arm.

The game continues until the driver catches one of the runaways. Then the caught one changes role with the driver. In this game, the driver and the evader are allowed to run through the circle, but it is forbidden to needlessly touch the players in pairs while running past.

"Falling Stick"

Everyone stands in a circle and counts in numerical order. The first number stands in the middle of the circle, holding a gymnastic stick in his hands. He puts one end of it on the ground, and holds the other end with his hand from above so that the stick stands vertically. Then he loudly calls a number and releases the stick. The player with the named number must have time to catch the falling stick. The driver at this time runs back. If the called player managed to grab the stick and it did not fall to the ground, then he returns to his place, and the driver continues to drive. If he does not catch the stick, then he becomes the leader, and the one who drove goes in a circle to his place.

They play for a set time, after which it will become clear who was the driver the least number of times. He is considered the winner.

If there are more than 10 people who want to play, then it is better to organize two circles for the game.

"Take the Town"

For the game, towns (tennis balls, pebbles of the same size) are needed in the amount of one unit less than the number of participants in the game. For example, six towns are placed in a circle (one meter from one another), and seven players stand on the outside one step away from them. On a signal, everyone goes, then runs around the towns (to the right or left) until the whistle or the command “Take it!”. Then each player seeks to capture the town. Whoever does not get the item is out. There is one less player left, so one town is also removed from the circle. When one town and two participants remain at stake, they play for the first place among themselves.

"Plate in a circle"

4-5 people stand in a circle at a distance of 5-8 m from one another. The first and third players have a plastic flying saucer in their hands. On a signal, the players throw their plates to the neighbor in a clockwise direction. Having caught a plate from a neighbor on the right, the player sends it further, and he himself must catch a new plate on the right side. If the player did not have time to throw the plate, as the second one flew to him (turned out to be with two plates), then the game stops and the slow player receives a penalty point. It is also awarded to the player who inaccurately (more than a step away from the player) threw him a plate or the last one flew over his head. Play 8-10 minutes. The winner is the one with the fewest penalty points.

You can increase the number of players in the circle by leaving two plates. Then it will be easier to play. If there are more than 8-10 people who want to play, three plates should be introduced into the game.

"Hunters and Foxes"

A court no larger than a basketball court is limited by lines. The players choose the driver - the “hunter”, they give him a small ball in his hands. All other players are "foxes".

"Hunter" goes to the middle of the site, and "foxes" gather around him. The “Hunter” throws the ball up 2 times and catches it, after the third throw, the “Foxes” scatter in different directions. "Hunter", having caught the ball, throws it into one of the "foxes". Each tagged "fox" becomes his assistant, which means that the number of "foxes" will be reduced.

As soon as the “hunter” has the first assistant, the “foxes” can pick up the ball thrown at them and throw it between themselves so that the “hunter” and the assistant do not take it. Now the drivers are trying to intercept the ball in order to salve the “foxes”.

The game continues until all the "foxes" except one have been caught. This "fox", who proved to be the most dexterous, becomes the new "hunter".

The game is repeated.

During the game, it is important to ensure that the "foxes" do not get beyond the boundaries of the site. Otherwise, each of them is considered salted and becomes an assistant to the "hunter". Before the start of the game, you can agree that it is impossible to salve, for example, in the head, chest, etc.

Games for general physical training in winter

"Wand in the Snow"

Each player must have a stick pointed at one end. The participants of the game stand in a circle and throw their stick up one by one so that, falling, it sticks its pointed end into the snow. Whoever succeeded, leaves the circle. And so on until one player remains, he becomes the leader. His task is to overpower the players who have left the circle. Those who are tarnished become his assistants. The last player left uncaught is declared the winner.

"Don't go to the mountain"

Holding hands tightly, the players surround a large snowball - a mountain. At first they slowly go to the right or to the left, and on a signal they pull each other and try to force someone to climb the mountain, that is, to touch the lump. Whoever unwittingly has to climb the snowball is out of the game. The winners are the three players who remain last.

"Fast and accurate"

The players are divided into groups of 2-5 people. Each of them receives a task within a set time (5-8 minutes) to roll up a snowball. The group with the largest com wins. Then the clods are placed one on top of the other: the largest at the bottom, the smallest at the top. Each player prepares snowballs for himself. In turn, from a distance of 6-8 steps, the figures throw them at the head, trying to knock it down. The one who manages to do it wins. The game can also be a team game. Then make two snow figures. The team whose players knock down the opponent's head first wins.

"Catch the net"

The whole class participates. Five guys, holding hands, form a "network". At the signal of the teacher, they run after the players, trying to catch up and spot them (only the extreme ones in the "net" can spot). The caught player joins the "network". The players can break the "net" and take one of the comrades "to freedom". The game continues until all players are caught in the "net".

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