Games for adults on barbecue. New Year's feast: games under the tree


A cheerful company gathered together in nature ... What was the reason for the meeting? Birthday, anniversary, alumni meeting, festive corporate party or just a friendly picnic with friends - in any case, this event should not be boring and ordinary. Having taken care of the treat, which will be especially appetizing in the open air, the organizer should not forget about the entertainment for the guests.

Companies are different: both reckless youth and respectable colleagues, but any team will not refuse to have fun by participating in competitions or at least watching them. The main thing is to choose and organize these competitions correctly!

We bring to your attention a large selection of various games and entertainment for outdoor activities among adults. Among them there are mobile, and more calm, and requiring work with the head, as well as harmless practical jokes. Choose those that are more suitable for your guests, you can combine several diverse ones. A festive mood is guaranteed to you long before the start of the meeting: while you are planning and preparing the props, you will involuntarily begin to tune in to a cheerful mood, and at the end of the holiday, the smiling faces of your friends in the photographs will remind you of your talent as an organizer.

Of course, for the winners you need to prepare memorable prizes and souvenirs.

And now - contests for every taste!

Various relay races

One of the most common mobile contests. Outdoors, there are even more opportunities for them. Relay races can be easily adapted to any "story", if the party is themed, for example, pirate, beach, etc.

You can run in turn for anything and with any tasks and obstacles. Here are some interesting options that differ from the standard type of running in bags or with the ball between the knees.

"Poured, drank, ate."

On the table for each team there is a glass, a full bottle and a sliced ​​lemon. Participants are divided into teams of 3 people, the first one should, having reached the table, pour a glass, the second one should drink, and the third one should have a bite of lemon. The glass does not have to be hot!


The distance must be covered with fins, looking through binoculars turned upside down. The passage of the track will bring a lot of pleasure to the audience!


For each team, a circle with a diameter of about 50 cm is drawn. The participants are blindfolded in turn, and they stand in the center of the circle. Task: take 8 steps out of the circle and return back. The team counts steps aloud. The next participant can start the task only if the previous one managed to return to the circle, and not miss or stop at the border - in this case, you will have to repeat! The team with the best eye, whose members completed the task faster than others, wins.


If anyone does not know, this is a snake biting its own tail. Participants become a "train" by holding each other by the waist or putting their hand on the shoulder of the person in front. The first participant (the head of the snake) should try to catch the "tail" - the last participant. It's more fun to play with more people.


This is a kind of relay race in which you need to pass one object to another in various unusual ways. It is important not only that the object reaches the last participant faster, but also that the condition is correctly observed and the object does not fall.

Different options for what and how can be transmitted:

  • ball under the chin;
  • a stick, holding it with your feet;
  • a book in the armpits;
  • a button on the index finger;
  • holding an egg with your backs or foreheads, lower it to the floor without breaking it (it is better to play on the sand).

Another interesting “transfer” with the host is the “Delicious Bagel” game. Players stand in a circle, the leader is in the middle. In the hands of the players, hidden behind their backs, is a bagel, which they pass around in a circle, and seizing a convenient moment, bite off a piece of it. The presenter must guess in whose hands the bagel is in, or catch the offender “on the hot” - while biting off.

If he did not succeed before the bagel was eaten, a forfeit is due from him! Instead of a bagel, you can take a cucumber.

Team games

You can divide the participants into groups according to various criteria: for example, the captains alternately choose their team members, or the boys against the girls. Here the winner will be not one person, but the whole team, so the prize for the victory should be either intended for each participant, or be symbolic, for example, a diploma, pennant, ribbons, wreaths of winners, etc.

You can, of course, play any sports game - beach volleyball, football, mini-golf, etc. But no less interesting can be comic contests, competitions, and not only sports!

"Wet serve".

Teams are separated from each other by a line (if available, you can use a volleyball or tennis net). In advance, you need to prepare balloons in which a little water is poured (an odd number, preferably 5-7). The balls are thrown into the game one by one.

Players must throw them to the opponent's side, trying to make the service become "wet" not in their half. The game lasts until the last ball, and then the number of puddles is counted. You can play on the beach or just in hot weather. A fun squeal is guaranteed in the girls' team!


It is more effective if this game is played by young people against girls. The guys will be "rhinos": a "horn" is attached to their forehead - a piece of adhesive plaster pierced with a pushpin. And the girls need to tie a balloon around the waist so that it is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe most piquant place.

The task is clear: the “rhinos” must pierce the balls, it is impossible to catch the girls with your hands. You can limit the place of the game and the time it lasts (for example, by playing music).

"Sharks of business".

A “poverty line” is drawn or marked with ropes on the ground - two lines at a distance of about 2-2.5 m. “Sharks” will swim in this “river of business”: at first there are only two people in their team, they must hold hands. The task of the rest of the participants is to overcome the “poverty line”. But while they are between the lines, the “sharks” can catch them, and then the participant will join them, extending the “sharks” chain.


Each team has 5 people. At the expense of "one, two, three" they must, without agreeing, raise any number of fingers on one hand. And then the rule comes into play: you need to throw out fingers until each team has either the same number for everyone, or a different number for each player, that is, from 1 to 5. We remind you that you can’t collude out loud! The team that manages to do it first wins.

The competition is able to unite the company and teach to understand each other without words. Another variation of this game is to line up in a certain position in 10 seconds (the host counts loudly): by height, by hair color from light to dark, build a triangle, “eight”, “circle inside a circle” ...


Each team of 3-5 people led by the captain is given a melon and a knife. The task of each team is to cope with the treat as quickly as possible. The rules are as follows: the captain cuts and distributes, and he himself has the right to eat only the last slice. Instead of a melon, there can be a watermelon, a large apple, a pie.

Conductor at karaoke. You need a leader and two teams. Each team chooses a song that they know well. The host will conduct: thumbs up - singing aloud, down - to himself. The teams begin to sing at the same time, and the leader gives them signals when to sing silently, and when to turn on the voice again. Sometimes it may not happen at the same time. The downed player is out. In the end, the last "singer", the most attentive, will receive the main prize.

Pair games

Of course, only two will not necessarily participate in the game. It means that competitions are based on the interaction or opposition of two participants. But who will be these two - it will become clear during the game!


Couples participate - a guy and a girl. They cling with their elbows, and with their free hands (one of them has the left, the other has the right), they must perform some action, for example, put on mittens, tear the newspaper into small pieces, unwrap 2 candies and treat each other!

"Who is in front of me?"

The host is in the center of the circle of guests, he is blindfolded. The circle begins to move around the leader until he says "stop". Now he needs to approach the person who is opposite and try to find out who is in front of him. You can not introduce any restrictions, this is already a rather difficult task.

But if the company is close, it will be fun to identify a friend or girlfriend ... by smell, not using touch, or just by the hand. If the guess is correct, the recognized takes the place of the driver. If after 2 versions the friend is not identified, the circle rotates again.

The host sits on the mat in the middle of the circle, and in the circle there are guys and girls mixed up. Everyone, except the leader, is wearing a hat. Each girl tells one of the guys a color in the ear, and he tells her the name of the flower. The host announces, for example: “White rose!” If these words are not assigned to anyone, nothing happens, and the leader tries again. If there is only a "White" guy or a "Rose" girl, then they should put a hat on the leader and take his place. But if both are available, then they should try to put their hat on the leader, and if it doesn’t work out, then on the partner.

Who remains in his hat or no hat at all - leads. Spat…


Young people are always happy to fight for the glory of beautiful ladies. The duel will take place on the grass, on the sand or in a shallow pool. A long piece of fabric is stuck behind the waist of swimming trunks or trousers of each participant, each participant has his own color. The rules are simple: you need to be the first to snatch the opponent's flap, not allowing him to snatch his own, and victoriously throw the "pennant" up, to the delight of the fans.

"Bottle Towns".

Teams of men participate in this competition, and the girls will have to be laughing spectators. First you need to build figures for knocking down from wooden blocks, boxes or empty plastic bottles and give them intriguing names. Each team must have the same number of figures (one for each participant).

Then an empty bottle is tied to the back of the participants by the belt of their trousers. The length of the rope is about 50 cm, hanging down, the bottle should not reach the ground. And now you need, swinging the bottle, knock down all the figures without using your hands.

Water games

Very often, companies gather on the beach, by the river or near the pool, combining relaxation with swimming. Many games can be played with the expectation that immediately after them it would be nice to take a dip!

"Shell Princess".

This game must be played on the sand. Together, rake up a large sandy mountain, on top of which lay a large shell or pebble. Then all the participants, sitting around the mountain, begin to slowly rake up the sand in their direction, until the “princess-shell” slides right into the hands of ... the loser.


One of the participants lies down on the sand, and around him the other players put a pebble. Condition: pebbles should not touch the lying one. He must rise to his feet without hitting a single "mines". Of course, friendly advice is allowed!

"T-shirt for memory".

This is not a competition, but rather just fun entertainment. You will need spray paints and white t-shirts - 1 for each participant. Paint a T-shirt, as fantasy tells, give it to one of the guests (and another participant will give it to you), put it on - and run to take pictures. And from the holiday, a wonderful souvenir will remain as a keepsake!


You can use ordinary gouache. Swimsuit-wearing guests pair up for a "simultaneous body art session". After that - a fashion show of each participant, a photo session and an immediate bath!

For an intellectual company. Not sport alone lively fun

Some people prefer not reckless fun, but games that make you be smart, logical thinking, mental alertness, and also develop these qualities with pleasure in joint games. Well, we have something to offer smart and smart girls!


Everyone is standing in a circle. Each is a letter on the keyboard (any, in order). Clap your hands - press the letter. All together clap twice - space. Punctuation marks are not printed. The leader, standing in a circle (he will monitor the correctness), comes up with a phrase for printing (proverb, line from a song, etc.). He commands who will start printing (“From Lena clockwise - they started!”).

If someone clapped out of tune, the presenter asks again “What word are you typing?”, Giving you the opportunity to correct yourself. If the "seal" is lost, it will start again, but without the confused player. The phrase will be able to finish the most attentive (sometimes there are only two of them) ...

"We throw balls and words."

Everyone stands in a circle, passing a ball or other object to each other. When giving the ball, everyone says any noun, and the taker must answer with the appropriate adjective or verb. For example, "Butterfly" - "Bright!" or "Flies!" Giving the ball further, you need to say a new word. Seems easy, doesn't it?

But the leader, standing in a circle, gradually increases the number of balls! So you have to work both with your hands (passing the balls) and your head (inventing words) at the same time, and do it quickly! An excellent training of thinking, besides, very cheerful and reckless.

"What's on the back?"

One participant draws the contours of some simple object (a house, an apple, a fish, etc.) on the back with another finger. Depending on what he felt, the participant tries to show this object to other guests without using words, and they must guess what was depicted on the back.

"Gwalt - encryption."

One of the participants steps aside, while the others take out a card from the envelope, each of which contains one of the words that make up a well-known proverb or a line from a song. Then the participant falls into a circle, where everyone begins to repeat only his word at the same time. In this hubbub, you need to try to make out all the words and put them into the desired line.

Prank games

Most often, the goal of these games is not victory, but the cheerful mood of spectators and participants. The only pity is that they cannot be repeated twice in the same company!


Longer ropes are thrown over the bush, to the ends of which boxes with prizes are tied (it seems so at first glance). The host announces to the audience that they need to wind their rope around a stick as quickly as possible and get a prize.

The catch is that the guests will wind each other's ropes, only from different ends. And the prizes are tied with completely different ropes, the ends of which are securely hidden.


Several obstacles are installed on the track - a stool, a bowl of water, a rope is pulled. The participant is asked to go through the maze - first, to train and memorize the route, with their eyes open, then they are blindfolded.

Everything is quickly removed from the track, and the participant, under the advice of laughing spectators, overcomes non-existent obstacles.


Men are given a stick, the ends of which are covered with red paint for a length of 5 cm, and a piece of sandpaper. The task is to clean the stick of paint as quickly as possible. The game is especially popular after 5 shots.

"Strong breath".

A tennis ball is placed on a stool. Two are called to participate. The host asks them to simultaneously blow on the balloon from different sides. In whose direction he rolls, he lost - breathing must be strong.

After the participants have tried this a couple of times, the facilitator complicates the task by blindfolding the blowers. While they are taking in more air, the tennis ball is quickly replaced by... for example, a plate of flour!

More fun contests for everyone

These are competitive games that do not require division into teams: everyone can participate at the same time. In such games, there may well be a winner who deserves the main prize. The rest are just having fun!

"Sweet Nothing".

You need to take turns saying a kind word to your neighbor. Whoever could not pick up an option that has not yet been heard in 5 seconds is out. The most affectionate - a prize and a kiss to the loser!

"Prize ball".

In advance, you need to inflate a lot of balloons, hide a piece of paper with the word "prize" in one of them. The rest can be empty or filled with water, confetti, etc. Hang balloons all over the site. Guests will pierce them until the prize paper is found.

"Into the piggy bank!"

Each player is given a jar - piggy bank, you can stick identification stickers on them. On the grass, stumps, the path, several handfuls of little things are scattered. Participants must collect it with bare feet and take it to their “piggy bank” - also, of course, without the help of hands. Who will be "richer"? Shows the end of the game.

Permanent hits

Simple and well-known games, loved by many companies, allowing the holiday to always go with a bang. Although they are not original, many conservatives prefer them to new notions. We will only remind you of some of them.

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it."

This game is always popular not only at adult holidays. It can be safely included in the program of outdoor games for children.

Each participant receives a role (pulls it out by lot) and some element of props. Then the facilitator begins to read the text of the tale, and everyone plays the role to the best of their imagination. Texts can be invented by yourself or found on the Internet, the main thing is that the words-names of roles in the fairy tale occur as often as possible.

It is especially interesting when there are many participants, and the distribution of roles is non-standard. Let them be received not only by the prince and princess, but also by the "horse" on which the prince rode, or the "balcony" on which the princess dreamed.


To show a certain word, song, movie without using speech ... What could be more exciting? It is better to play in teams so that one comes up with a riddle for a player from the other team, and he plays pantomime in front of his “friends”. You can prepare riddles in advance by writing them on cards, and pull them out at random.

Fant can be taken for losing in any previous contest or just take one thing from the players. Often, a hyped bottle is used to determine who to do the task. Well, the tasks themselves are in abundance on the Internet.

You can purchase ready-made Fanta for Adults sets on various topics, including frivolous ones, for every taste!

Mafia is a game of all time, suitable for both indoors and for a picnic.

You can come up with a lot of interesting things when going to an open-air meeting. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to turn it into an ordinary barbecue. Let it be fun and extraordinary.

To capture the most interesting moments, take care of the photographs. It is best to invite a photographer - after all, any guest, even if he is a maestro of the camera, will also want to participate in competitions. Choose, organize and have fun to the fullest!

When adults get out into nature, into the forest or to barbecues for just a few hours, they want to leave all their seriousness for this time and arrange games in nature for a cheerful company of adults.

Of course, outdoor outdoor games require some preparation, fresh ideas, but you can limit yourself to the usual set:

  • playing cards;
  • fun with the ball;
  • famous game "crocodile".

But vacationers will like fun, perky games for fresh air that will captivate everyone present at the picnic much more.


For this competition, you will need a rope that you need to randomly pull between the trees to form a semblance of a web. After that, the participants must quickly get through the "web" without touching it.

Silent system

The host must line up the participants in a row and explain to them the rules of the game. So, the leader, passing behind the formation, each participant will clap his hand on the back a different number of times (which is his serial number). Then, at the signal, the participants must silently, without uttering a sound, line up in the indicated order. The joke is that the host can assign the same numbers to two participants, and skip some. This is where the row confusion comes in. It is useful to shoot such games in nature for a fun company, because later it will be funny for the participants themselves to look at themselves from the side: winking, inarticulately lowing, pushing one with another. Fun entertainment!

Boar hunting

With great success, you can add this game to outdoor games for a company of adults, in which you first need to recruit two teams of hunters and a “boar victim”. Hunter weapons can be stickers, and each team has its own color. They need to be glued to the target - a cardboard circle lined with circles, tied to the “boar” just below the back. The fleeing "boar" must dodge, and the goal of the hunters is to hit as accurately as possible. After the agreed time has passed, the game stops and the winning team is determined, which hit the target more often. She gets the prize or she comes up with a punishment for the losing team. This and other fun competitions in nature will amuse any company, turning an outing into nature into a great vacation.


In this game, each participant, in addition to a good mood, will need a piece of cardboard or paper. Nearby, it is necessary to protect the territory of a conditional “swamp” with branches and other improvised materials, which the participants must overcome. But they cannot go straight through the swamp, but only over bumps, which are pieces of cardboard. The game is quite simple, but requires a certain dexterity, and stumbled and "drowning" participants will cause everyone to laugh.


This is the name of the game, which is the classic game of hide and seek turned inside out. If in the latter one driver is looking for all the other hidden participants, then in the “sardines” everyone is looking for one. Moreover, the one who found the hidden person joins him, and this continues until the last participant has to look for everyone else. Of course, the hiding place must be large enough to accommodate all the players hiding in it.

Gift Hunters

At a barbecue picnic by the lake, this game is perfect. Its participants need to be divided into several teams, which will be united by the goal to find hidden treasures faster than others:

  • beverages;
  • fruits;
  • snacks.

A dozen notes are made, each of which indicates where to look for the next one. In this case, part of the notes must be hidden, and the other can be placed in the exchange office. To get it there, you have to complete a pre-designed task, which can be very unusual and fun. From this fun, you can make an interesting corporate game in nature that can rally a new team.

Tear off your hat

Anyone who is looking for games for outdoor activities can play this simple but fun game in any outdoor area or park. The participants in the game must form a circle, in the center of which they launch two players who have:

  • one hand is tied to the body;
  • a hat is put on the head.

In the game, everyone seeks to remove the hat from the opponent's head and not allow their own to be stolen. Noise and fun for 20 minutes are provided.

Bring the egg

This fun game is good for a picnic and will require you to form two teams of participants. A member of each team must bring a raw egg, which lies in a spoon between the teeth, to a real or conditional pan, and pass it to the cook. Of course, the egg cannot be taken in hand.

Video about outdoor games for a company of adults


Participants are divided into pairs or teams, they are given an arbitrary number of pieces of paper on which they write phrases or individual words. The papers are folded and folded into a hat. The first team is determined by lot. One participant must guess, and the other must guess the word. In a minute, you need to explain to your team as many words from the pieces of paper as possible, without naming them directly or using the same root words. The game continues until the end of all pieces of paper with riddles. Then the results are calculated, the team that guessed the most words wins.

ball games

Comic football variant

Outdoor outdoor games for teenagers can be interesting not only for classic football, but also for its parody form. For example, you need to divide the participants into two teams, outline the gates, because goals will have to be scored here too. Then the players of each team are first divided into pairs and the right leg of one player is tied to the left of the other. And so the players, hobbled in this way, are trying to take possession of the ball, bring it to someone else's goal and score a goal. More often, they fall on the grass with laughter.

"Blind" soccer player

Another variation on the theme of football. You can safely play it in the forest, since even the semblance of a football field is not required. A contestant ready to look ridiculous is chosen as the "blind" football player who is blindfolded. A ball is then placed in front of him, and the player himself is spun. Then he must blindly hit the ball. The first participant can be chosen by lot, and the winner can nominate another “victim” as a prize. It turns out a kind of mobile ball game in the air.

What games do you like to play outdoors? Tell about it in

The weekend was so hot that I didn't want to go outside at all. And dragging to the beach is just torture when the thermometer is +35. Therefore, I stocked up in a stall with magazines and newspapers and, drinking cold cola, relaxed my brain with non-irritating, including women's reading matter.

Bears - boom!

It is more interesting if no one (or the majority) in the company knows about the rules of the game. The host asks the participants to stand in line, he himself becomes the first and declares: “You are the bears. The bears go for a walk (everyone waddling stomp in place), the bears are tired - they sat down to rest (“the bears” squat down), rested - they went again. - tired, sat down. So you can repeat, supplying the story with details in the style of "the sun was shining, the birds were singing," etc. When everyone relaxes and sits down again, the host says: "Bears - boom!" - And easily pushes the next one with his shoulder The bears fall one after the other like dominoes.Everyone laughs in surprise: indeed, the bears - boom!

Who's going north?
Here, too, as in "Bears" - the fewer participants know the rules of the game, the better. Ideally, if only the host knows them. He suggests going on an expedition to the north. For this you need to get together. Everyone should offer the things necessary for the trip. Everyone sits in a circle, the move is passed from participant to participant with some object (spoon, fork, pencil - whatever). The leader (he knows the rules and always goes north) starts. He says: "I'm going north and I'm taking with me ... a warm scarf" and passes the move to a neighbor. Passing the move (that is, some object), says the word "please" and adds "And I'm going north." The next player, who does not know the rules (there are usually no ones who guess right away), says "I'm going north and take with me ... warm gloves" and silently passes the move. The host states: "And he is NOT going north." Actually, the meaning of the game is that when passing the move, the players must say the magic word "please", and everyone, as a rule, focuses on the list of things and cannot understand the logic by which the leader takes some on the expedition, but not others. After some time, those who managed to guess what the matter is, try to push the others to the right idea, and begin to take all sorts of extremely "useful" things on this journey with them to the north.
- swimwear or suntan products, while saying the word "please" louder. You can also suggest, saying that only polite and well-mannered people go north. The game ends when everyone has guessed how to go north.

maternity hospital
All participants are divided into pairs: M and F. Outside the pair - only the host. All men in the game are mothers of newborns, all women are fathers. The game simulates a situation where mothers in the ward behind a closed window are trying to tell fathers standing on the street details about the baby. Accordingly, they do not hear each other - you can only use gestures. The couple sit opposite each other. The facilitator distributes leaflets to the “mothers” where the details are written, for example, it is necessary to show with facial expressions and gestures that “this is a boy, and his ears are just like those of your grandfather” (it is desirable that for each pair the tasks are equivalent in complexity of display). The host gives pens and clean sheets of paper to the "fathers". At the command, the couples start the game: the “mother” man tries to convey to the partner what the host wrote to him. The woman-"father" writes down on her piece of paper what she saw and understood. Time is limited - for example, a minute. The couple wins, in which what the “father” woman saw will be closer to the leader’s task.

The facilitator approaches each player and says: "I am a snake, a snake, a snake ... I crawl, crawl, crawl ... Do you want to be my tail?" He replies: "I want!" - and stands behind, clasping the "snake's head" around the waist. So they approach everyone else and already in chorus ask them to join. When the snake becomes long and no one else wants to be a tail, the snake says: "I am a hungry snake, I will bite my tail!" - and tries to catch his tail. Players need to hold on tightly to each other, and the tail needs to dodge their heads. Those who got off are out of the game, and the snake continues to catch its tail.
You can make the game more difficult: when new players join the tail, they must crawl on all fours between the legs of the snake, starting from its head. This game has a rule - you can not refuse. If the company is large, you can collect two snakes, each trying to catch the tail of the other. The winning snake "eats" the loser - she crawls between the winners' legs.

Swap places!
The company sits on chairs (there are one less than the participants) in a circle leading in the center, he announces: "Change places everyone who has ..." - he can call anything from "who has blue eyes" to "who has had more than ten lovers" or "who loves blonds (blondes)", "who does not wear thongs" ... The longer the game, the more frank the questions. The named players (blue-eyed or blond-lovers) must stand up and quickly move to one of the vacant seats. If the selection criterion applies to the leader, he also takes part in the search for a seat, then the one who did not have enough chair becomes the new leader. If only one person stood up, then he will continue to play the game, and the old leader takes his place. So that people do not stay too long, you can periodically command: "Change places everyone who is in a good mood now!"

It requires one "dunno" victim. The rules are explained to him: he asks questions to the players in a circle, the players answer him "yes" or "no". The task of the "dunno" is to guess who is hiding under the abbreviation MPS. Everyone becomes in a circle, the "dunno" (he is in the center) begins to ask questions. The trick is that when answering the question "Is this a man?", one player can say "yes" and the next one can say "no" (because the MPS is "My right neighbor", and each player standing in a circle says about your neighbor on the right). Usually the "dunno" guesses who the MPS is when he starts asking the same question in a circle. But it happens, as a rule, around the fifteenth. There is also a variation on the same theme: a sticker is glued to the forehead of the "victim", on which any character is written - be it Alexander Pushkin, Pinocchio, or even the victim herself. You can make fun of even more and call the victim a pumpkin or swine flu. The goal of the victim is to get yes/no answers to his questions, to guess as quickly as possible what is written on her forehead.

hanging pear
Play game. You need to choose an artistic couple - preferably a girl and a young man, but not necessarily. The two leaders separate them and explain the task. One is told that he will have to go into the room, take a chair and pretend to screw in a light bulb. A partner or partner will interfere with him in every possible way. The goal of the player "with a light bulb" is to use gestures to explain to a friend that he is doing the right thing and soon the room will be light. You can't speak. The second is explained that the first player portrays a man who decided to hang himself, and the task is to dissuade him from a crazy step without words. While they are being instructed, the rest are also explained what the essence of the matter is, and when the participants in the game enter the room, the audience is already having fun in advance.

Everyone in the company is given a "snowflake" - a small ball of cotton wool. Participants loosen their "snowflakes", at the same time launch them into the air and start blowing from below so that the fleece stays in the air as long as possible. The winner is the one whose snowflake is the last to fall on the floor.

noah's ark
The facilitator writes the names of animals on pieces of paper in advance (each creature has a pair: two hares, two giraffes, two elephants ...), folds the papers and puts it in a hat. Each participant pulls out "his destiny", and the host announces that now you need to find your partner, but you can not make sounds and speak. It is necessary with the help of facial expressions and gestures to portray your animal and look for "like yourself." The first pair to reunite wins. You can think of characteristic animals like a hare (showed his ears - and you're done), it's more interesting to come up with someone less recognizable, such as a hippopotamus and a lynx.

broken fax

Two teams are playing. Everyone runs after each other, everyone gets a piece of paper and a pencil. The last in both rows, the leader shows a simple drawing, the participants must draw the same mine on their sheet, lying on the back of the player standing in front, who: in turn, reproduces the drawing according to sensations. The team whose final drawing is more similar to the original wins.

The more pairs, the more interesting. It is necessary that in each pair there is a guy (even better if it is a guy and a girl). The cavalryman puts on a cap or panama and sits on the stove (on the back) of the "horse". The goal is to pluck as many hats from the "enemies" as possible without losing your own.
You will need a couple of dozen balls of two colors and a lot of space. Each participant ties an inflated balloon to his leg (so that the balloon lies on the ground, but rather drags a little). The task is to destroy all the opponents' balls with kicks and save your own. The player whose ball is hit is out. The one with the last whole ball left wins.

This prank game resembles the popular "crocodile" (or "associations" - when the players are divided into two teams, a "victim" is selected from the group of opponents, a word or phrase, the name of a movie or book is suggested to her - and you need to convey this information to the audience with facial expressions and gestures. theirs to guess). But here everything is easier.
The host, having called one player aside, asks him to show the kangaroo. The catch is that absolutely everyone knows what the word is. Their task is to build any kind of ridiculous guesses, just not to say "kangaroo". Usually the game goes on for a long time: the unfortunate kangaroo pokes at his stomach and jumps in front of the audience dying with laughter, who bewilderedly suggest: “a pregnant hare ... a lame dinosaur ...” and shouts: "Showing for idiots again!" - and stop.

On the ground, you need to draw two lines at a distance of two to three meters. The task of the players is to get from the start to the finish line as slowly as possible, but in no case stopping or changing the direction of movement. The slowest "snail" wins.

Words words
A game for a quiet, rainy evening in the country. There are several variations.
First: for everything about everything is given no more than three minutes. In this short time, participants must write a short story in which all words (including prepositions) must begin with one letter.

Second: choose a word that is not too long, but not too short. It must be a singular noun. The same three, and maybe five minutes are given. During this time, only from the letters in the word (if there is one "H" in the word, then the word cannot be used with a double "H") you need to make up as many words as possible (also nouns and also in the singular). The one with the most words wins.

Third: almost man-made "Erudite". A word is invented, and prefixes and suffixes are added to it to form new words. You can assign both horizontally and vertically. Strictly one letter from each player.

Princess on the Pea
The participants in the game stand facing the audience, behind each chair. The host puts a spoon, a spool of thread or a small cube on it - and covers it with a thin pillow. Players take turns sitting on a chair and trying to guess what the object is under them. Time - 2 minutes, no more. Another variation: walnuts are placed on a chair (well, almost peas?). In this case, the player is trying to determine how many there are - this option is closest to a fairy tale.

Evgenia Mitina, Cosmopolitan magazine (July/August 2009)

Thank you all for your attention, love

The long-awaited summer has come. Finally, you can move not only from home to office, but also deviate from the standard route and get your short happiness in nature. I am lucky, I live in an accessible environment of a forest and a park area with a lake. One evening, walking along the path to the lake, I noticed a very unusual picture that made me smile healthy. Offices are located on the first floor of the house closest to the forest. Near one of the offices, right on the sidewalk, there was a long table covered with a tablecloth. The table was bursting with treats: salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, sweets, wine. Around the table, people were sitting on chairs, stools, tourist loungers, leaning over their plates. Flowers in a bucket placed on the steps crowned the whole event. It was obvious that the festival was going on, perhaps the company was celebrating the birthday of one of its employees. “How nice,” I thought, “people are tired of spending a long time in a stuffy room, and they moved to nature along with tables and chairs. Their faces and posture spoke of one thing - they are enjoying this sunny Friday afternoon. It was the beginning of summer. These people, like pilgrims, were the first to break free, inviting us all to plan the maximum stay in nature with their example.

Organized vacation

The above example can be called an unorganized vacation. Of course, the guys did their best: they took the furniture outside, prepared salads, but still it was only a feast. We will talk about outdoor recreation, which involves not only food, but also entertainment. An organized vacation is a planned event that includes an extended program of activities. Nothing will decorate outdoor recreation like games and competitive programs. The game is something that captivates a person from childhood. Playing in nature makes the rest more exciting and unforgettable. Organized recreation is more accessible to large campaigns, which, when going out into nature, agree in advance with representatives of holiday agencies, which organize entertainment for them. If the company's budget does not allow such a luxury, then the employees themselves come up with activities on vacation, trying to bring it closer to the organized one. MirSovetov, which promotes a healthy lifestyle, is ready to expand your horizons and replenish your knowledge base with those games that will be useful to you on any vacation, for any budget, status and age. And most importantly: they will make your vacation memorable for long working days.

Types of games

Games on summer holidays can be divided into four types:
  1. Sport games.
  2. Entertaining games.
  3. Team games.
  4. Banquet games.

Sport games

This is the most common and well-known type of entertainment on vacation. A football (volleyball) ball in the trunk of a car and badminton rackets never get in the way. While the kebabs are fried, men can "drive in football", and women and children jump after the shuttlecock ( badminton).

To unite the whole team of vacationers, we recommend playing volleyball. A volleyball can be thrown over the net, but you can do without it. Then the participants stand in a circle and throw the ball to any of those standing opposite. The main thing is to hit the ball in time, not letting it fall to the ground.

If you go on vacation where there is a body of water, a volleyball will also come in handy for playing in the water. It can be water volleyball And water polo.
Water polo is manual football. The group is divided into two teams. Each team must have its own identification mark: for example, a different color of headband. On a signal from the self-proclaimed referee, the teams start the game from the center of the pool. Purpose: to throw the ball into the opponent's goal. Gates can be symbolic, such as sticks planted in the ground on a shoreline or objects placed on the edge of a pool. The team that scores more goals in the goal wins.
It should be noted that water games are now becoming very popular, especially in Europe. Mass bathing in pools also gives rise to new games, such as frisbee, boomerang, water tennis, water balls:
  • frisbee is the tossing of a flying saucer or ring. You can play in pairs, standing opposite each other or as a team in a circle. One player throws the plate to another. Purpose of the game: to catch the plate, do not let it fall into the water. In this game, the winner may not be determined;
  • boomerang– can be played by one to several people. You need to take turns throwing a boomerang, which should return to the player. The winner is the one whose boomerang fell on the water the fewest times;
  • water tennis is a new generation of sports equipment designed for water. The essence of the game is the same as in table tennis, only here the ball bounces off the water, and not off the table;
  • water balls is a game similar to our "pancakes", when you look for a flat, not heavy pebble on the shore and throw it parallel to the water plane. Such a stone flies away from the shore, bouncing off the surface of the water. And you need to have time to count how many “pancakes” you got, i.e. how many times the pebble hit the water. With special balls you need to do the same.

If we are talking about popular games in the water, we also note beach (or coastal) games that have European roots. This Frenchball(or bocce), petanque And bowls. All these are similar games with metal or plastic balls. The rules of the game are similar to curling, but there are no brushes. Each team has to roll their metal heavy balls as close as possible to a predetermined small, distinctive ball, which has its own name in each game (and this is perhaps the only difference between these three games). Typically, each team has four players. With their balls, they can aim and beat off the opponent's balls from the central ball, which must remain untouched. The game ends when all the balls have been thrown. The winner is the player or team whose balls are closest to the main ball.

Sports beach games in our country and abroad do not require special preparation, their rules are known to everyone, and they can be played both before and after the banquet, which is why they are so popular on summer holidays.

Entertainment games

These games are aimed at entertaining vacationers. They are distinguished by the fact that their rules are unknown to the majority, which is an element of surprise. And if there is a creative person in the team, he will not be lazy and will find in advance on the Internet such games that are not known to his employees. The same person, most likely, becomes the leader when holding these games on vacation. MirSovetov has in its arsenal several original games that you can take note of.
If you go on vacation not only with your team, but also with their family members, or with another company little known to each other, then the first game that we advise you to play is Acquaintance. If you don’t get to know each other at the beginning of your vacation, you won’t get a good vacation.
Game "Acquaintance". The rules are as follows: the whole group stands in a circle, including children (if they are present). The host first says his name and makes his own distinctive movement, such as raising his hands up. After his introduction, everyone standing in a circle repeats his name and action. Further, clockwise, the next guest says his name and makes his movement, for example, puts his hand on his heart. Now everyone repeats two names and two movements, starting from the leader. It looks like this: everyone says “Nikolai” and raises their hands up, then “Anyuta” and puts their palm to their hearts. Next, the third player calls his name. Everyone again repeats both the name and the movement, starting from the leader. And so, having reached the last participant in a circle, the whole team will not only remember the names that have been repeated many times, but also have fun from the heart, inventing and repeating different movements. The last circle must be pronounced at high speed, the leader must warn the players about this in advance. A high pace will give mood in the final game.

If you came to rest with a well-known team, then we suggest making the Telegram game first.
Telegram game. The host in a playful way tells that the players must send a telegram home to their relatives. To do this, he calls one "code" word, for example, "field". All participants must come up with the text of the telegram using the letters of the word "field". For example, someone might end up with this text: “Help very much. The euro is better. The task is given at the beginning of the game, and the telegrams will be collected later, depending on the entire scenario. Swapping letters in a code word is prohibited. At the table, during the first toast, the winner can be announced. It becomes the player whose telegram turned out to be the funniest. A fun start to the holiday is guaranteed.
In the afternoon, you can play a very interesting game, which is especially suitable for children, but also for mixed companies. It's called the Golden Gate.
Golden Gate game. You need to choose two people who do not really like to move, these can be elderly people, for example. They stand opposite each other, take each other by the wrists and raise their hands up. This is the gate. The rest of the players stand up as a “snake”, directing their faces to the back of the head of the one in front. The host gets up at the beginning of the “snake” and begins to lead it, saying: “The Golden Gate is sometimes missed. The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden, and the third time we will not let you through! The snake passed through the gate several times while the saying was being read. At the last phrase, the “gates” should close (hands down), and one or two people from the “snake” will remain inside them. Those who "enter" the gate become the Golden Gate. They take the hands of the first two players, forming a circle. The rest of the participants again line up in a “snake” and walk, holding each other by the shoulders or waist towards the gate, passing and leaving through them. At the last phrase of the saying, the “gates” close again, leaving people inside. The game is repeated until the last player is left in the "gate".

This game is very interesting with a lot of people. And especially if there are children with their parents among the vacationers.
Toward evening, the musical game "Day-Night" for knowledge of songs will be good.
The game "Day-night". This game is suitable for those vacationers who have a guitarist or accordionist in the team. Everyone sits around the fire. Players are divided into two teams, for example, male and female. Ladies start first. They sing any song where there are words to which antonyms can be easily invented. For example, the girls sang a verse of the song with the words "girls". Then the men remember the song with the words "guys". Samples can be such antonyms: day-night, summer-winter, blizzard-heat, white-black. One team sings, the other remembers a song with the opposite word. The team that can remember the most songs wins. But provided for everything.

Team games

These are all types of relay games designed to create a competitive atmosphere. Team games should also include the currently fashionable trainings Team building (team formation) and Timspirit (team spirit), designed to create a favorable environment in the work team. Such games have become an integral part of corporate outdoor events.
team building And Timspirit- these are team-building trainings, which include a complex of scenario games, in which each person is given the opportunity to prove himself both in a team and individually.
Now it has become fashionable to themed team games. For example, you come with your employees to an island bought by your company (a camp site, a sanatorium, a river bank), and there you are met by a pirate costumed team led by Captain Flint. Half of your team falls into the hands of pirates, and the rest become warriors who need to free the hostages and find the pirate chest with the stolen provisions of your entire team.

And the game begins, which includes many difficult tasks. This may also include quest- this is the execution of certain tasks on the map, to which the following description can be attached: “Stand at a tall pine tree, move east five steps, turn north and go another ten steps, near the juniper bush, find a hint that will orient you further on the terrain ".

When, with the help of a tricky map, a treasure is found, new tests begin, for example, paintball- This is a paramilitary game in which there is an instructor, whose duties include conducting a safety briefing and explaining the rules of the game. In this game, unlike the quest, you will see your opponent and start a real war with him. Only the cartridges will be filled with paint, not gunpowder. The team with the fewest paint spots on their camouflage wins.
Further, “fate” throws you into the jungle, where you need to get through impromptu vines (ropes) stretched like a web on trunks, branches, stumps and poles. The main thing: do not touch the rope with your body. Those who pass this test move on, the rest are taken captive to the ship. There they will have to solve the real riddles of Captain Flint. Guessed - free! Questions may be:
  1. Where is the end of the world? Answer: where the shadow begins.
  2. Two fathers and two sons found three treasures, but each had one. Why? Answer: they were grandfather, father and son.

When the whole team reunited, they had a bottle in their hands with a note indicating where the chest was buried. But the found loss is not so easy to get. You must first cross the log to the other side, and there the “pirate” will give you the chest if you guess what is in it, asking the “pirate” leading questions.
Instead of a "mysterious island", your team can find themselves in a "submarine", in the "remote past" or in the "future", in a "balloon", and in a "dragon cave". The scenery may change, but the games remain roughly the same.
If you are planning to spend your vacation without the involvement of specialists in organizing holidays, MirSovetov offers you a list of team games simpler:
  • long jump- two teams start jumping. The first players jump from the line, and all subsequent players from the place where the player in front landed. The team whose jumps made up the longest path wins;
  • ball on a tray– players line up as in the previous game. The first players are given a tray in their hands and put a tennis ball on it. All other players hold the ball in their hands. The player must run to a certain mark and return back to the team, passing the tray with his ball to the next player. The second players put their balls on the tray and run to the mark already with two balls on the tray. And so on until the last player. The bottom line: you need to run so that the balls do not fall from the tray. The team with the fewest mistakes wins.
  • find the treasure- this game is similar to a quest, but here each team hides their treasure and draws up a description card for the enemy. The bottom line: find the treasure on the map. The team that finds the treasure first wins;
  • throw a ring on the bottle- the host arranges the bottles in a row or like skittles. Each team takes turns throwing three rings on their bottles. The team that completed the task more accurately wins. The ring can be made of wire or cut out of thick cardboard;
  • don't spill the water- each team lines up in a line, parallel to the line of the other team. In the left hand of each player of each team is a glass of water, in the right hand of each player are empty glasses. The bottom line: at the signal of the host, each team must pour water from their cup into the empty glass of the opponent. At the same time, the opposite team does the same. The winner is the team that filled the opponent's glasses with water without spilling a drop;
  • pantomime- each team prepares a theatrical pantomime, depicting the word or the phrase that the host asked them. The opposite team must guess the word in pantomime. The one who guesses wins.

If you add your bag jumps and blind man's blind to our games, then your holiday will be filled with a healthy competitive spirit, ingenuity, creativity and good mood.

Banquet games

These are table games. There are situations when outdoor games are impossible or they need to be “diluted” with games at the festive table. And then banquet games come to our aid.
Words- the host calls the letter. You need to come up with a word that denotes a gastronomic item on the table. For example: the letter "C" - salt. Purpose: to get ahead of the enemy. Whoever comes up with the word first becomes the leader.

deaf phone- the leader whispers a word in the ear of the person sitting next to him. He passes to another, and so on until the end of the table. The last player says the word aloud. The facilitator checks the correctness of the named word. If the word is returned incorrect, the presenter starts looking for the “weak link”, starting from the person to whom he entrusted his word. The one who made a mistake becomes the leader.
Questions- the host asks pre-prepared comic questions. For example: “What should you do if you break the headlight in your director’s car while parking near the office?”. The bottom line: come up with the most original and funny answers.

song toast- each participant is given a poetic text, for example, birthday greetings. The text can be the same for everyone. Throughout the feast, the guests rise and sing their text (like a toast) to different music, prepared in advance and turned on by the host. You can not look for a winner here, but in the name of the result, you need to demand a quality performance of the task.

The final

It is customary to end any organized holiday with a concert. MirSovetov offers you "on the road" the idea of ​​the final game, namely, a concert. But it won't be quite normal. In advance, within a month before the corporate holiday, specialists in dance, vocals, original genre and tightrope walking will come to your company. They will hold master classes with those employees of your company who have talent and want to speak in these areas. The issue of costumes will also need to be decided in advance. And when the company comes to rest, a concert held on its own will be a magnificent final stage, but its quality may not be inferior to the skill of the invited "stars".

A sure way to get a good charge of cheerful mood for at least six months is the opportunity to spend a well-thought-out organized vacation in the company of your friends. Your ingenuity, talent and mobility will "reveal" you from a different side, and your colleagues will become even closer to you. And so that friendship does not fade away, take a piece of paper, a pencil and start slowly sketching out a plan for the next event after the summer event -

This relay race can be carried out in nature when it is already warm. Since the relay is held outdoors, the competitions will be on the theme of nature. Team names, mottos and emblems can be associated with plants, birds and animals.

This is a family run. All participants must be divided into two teams so that parents and children are equally divided in them.

Warm up

Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty.

"Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by." (Owl)

"The brothers stood on stilts,
looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go
they can't get off their stilts." (Herons)

"I grow out of the earth, I clothe the whole world." (Linen)

"White peas on a green leg". (Lily of the valley)

"Cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter." (Forest)

"The beast is afraid of my branches,
birds will not build nests in them.
In the branches is my beauty and power.
Tell me quickly, who am I?" (Deer)

"In the dense forest under the trees,
strewn with leaves,
lies a ball of needles,
prickly and alive. "(Hedgehog)

"An oak tree hid in a golden ball." (Acorn)

"Sisters stand in the meadows - a golden eye, white cilia." (Daisies)

For each riddle that is guessed, the team gets a point.

Getting ready for the trip

The team is given a backpack (it can be replaced with any bag), a set of dishes (cup, mug, spoon, flask) and matches. If there are many people in the team, then you can take two sets of dishes.

The team lines up in a row, in front of the first participant lies a backpack. Dishes are located 15-20 steps from both teams. Each player needs to run to the dishes, take one item, return, put it in a backpack and touch the next player with his hand - "pass" the baton. Then the next participant runs.

Teams are given three points for quickness and neat packing of the backpack.


Two circles are drawn on the ground, in which the players of the teams stand in turn (starting with the first pair). In front of them are signs with cardinal points (north, south, east, west).

The host calls the direction of the world, both participants must simultaneously turn to the corresponding sign. As soon as one of the pair makes a mistake, a point is given to the team of the second participant, and the next players are called into the circle.

Swamp bumps

The teams are given two newspapers ("bumps"), the participants again compete in pairs.

At the start, the players stand on one newspaper, holding the second in their hands. The earth plays the role of a "swamp". You need to run over the "bumps" without getting into the "swamp". On command, the players put a newspaper in front of them, move to it, take the one they stood on, put it in front of them, move on, etc. A point is given to the team whose player reached the finish line faster, without stepping on the ground (without falling into the "swamp"). If the player steps past the bump, the opposing team automatically gets a point.


Riddles (children guess, adults help in case of difficulty).

"What animal sleeps upside down all winter?" (Bat)

"What mother's chicks don't know her?" (Cuckoos)

"Thin or fat, should a bear lie down in a den?" (Bold, as fat warms him during hibernation)

"About what animals can we say that they are climbing out of their skin"? (About snakes)

"Where do crayfish hibernate?" (In minks near the shore)

"Does a tree grow in winter?" (No)

"Where is the sunflower looking?" (In the sun)

"Why can't you touch eggs in a bird's nest?" (Because then the bird will leave the nest)

What trees turn red in autumn? (Rowan, aspen, maple)

"Which birds have a" nursery "? (Penguins have. Chicks cling to each other and keep warm. There are up to a thousand penguins in such a nursery.)

For each guessed riddle - a point for the team.

Cooking competition

Take water from a cup into a spoon, bring it to the next cup without spilling, then return and "pass" the baton to the next participant. The host, before running, must come up with and name one animal or bird with a given letter, for example:

M (bear, robin, mouse, walrus, etc.) - to the first team.

K (mole, cuckoo marten, goat, etc.) - the second team.

Relay race

Jump on one leg to the finish line and return back. The host must come up with and name one plant with a specific letter:

K (maple, nettle, bluebell, feather grass, burnet, clover, etc.)

L (lily of the valley, linden, onion, larch, chanterelle, lily, etc.)

The winning team gets five points, the losing team gets three points.

fun tree

Ropes of the same length are tied to two trees with trunks approximately equal in thickness. Participants are called in pairs, one from each team. On command, both participants begin to run around the trees and wind ropes around them. A point is given to the team whose member is the first to "wind up".

Running in bags

Relay for speed (can be replaced by jumping to the finish line with tied legs).

Participants jump to the finish line, come back, pass the bag to the next player, etc. The winning team gets three points, the losing team gets one point.

knock down the skittles

As pins, you can use plastic bottles, in which a little water is poured for stability.

Before each team - 3-5 bottles. You can shoot down with a stick or bottles, throw - once. Each team gets as many points as they knocked down the bottles.

Final competition

Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty. Guess which tree the leaf was taken from. (Prepare the sheet ahead of time.) Guess the plant from the description:

  • "The upper side of the leaves of this plant is cold, like a stepmother in a fairy tale, and the lower side is warm, like a mother." (Coltsfoot)
  • "Today the clearing is golden yellow from these flowers, and tomorrow - white and fluffy." (Dandelion)
  • "He is crushed, beaten, soaked, cut. What is it?" (Linen)
  • "Garlands of white bells hang between wide leaves. And in summer, in their place is a red poisonous berry" (Lily of the Valley)

For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

So, we have finished our journey, it remains to take stock and get prizes.

Everyone was brave and persistent, and these are the main qualities for any athlete! What about mother laziness? Ran, blushed, improved! So why don't we go to the gym? Tomorrow after work?

Comment on the article "Relay race in nature"

Poem for a reading competition. Leisure, hobby. Child aged 10 to 13. Raising a child aged 10 to 13: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, extracurricular activities, leisure and hobbies.

Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and a poem for a reading competition. Surely they were looking for and participating. Girl, 11-12 years old, any topic. What and how to tell children about spring...


Year after year the same...
She always comes to us...
But I don't seem to get used to it
To your appearances, Spring ...

Ripping off dirty covers,
And putting things in order
Spring always comes again
For the hateful Winter...

Winter grumbles, and, nevertheless, leaves,
Resentment petty is full ...
Sowing the ground at the end
Pieces of old shit...

Spring laughs at the old woman,
And fertilizes them with flowers ...
And a sunny rag, dry
Erases winter marks...

And every year, the same
I watch the show forever...
Wonderful are thy works, O God,
Thank you for everything...


Spring passed
Along the edge
Through the spring
blue dreams,
And quietly shone
On the girl's face
There was a girl
In a green skirt
Ringing blue dew.
And jealous
redhead girl,
The earth breathed.
And not in vain
On this spring morning
Where light legs
dandelions blossomed,
As if
golden freckles

After a winter deep slumber
Disorder on the globe.
So much work before the holiday -
It is necessary to remember spring about everything!
And spring in an emerald scarf
Walks, wanders in gardens and forests
And as a keepsake, knots
Leaves on bare branches.
Day and night she needs to work -
Repaint forests and fields.
It is necessary for the earth to dress up by May,
To make the land beautiful.
It is necessary to clean the sun to shine -
It faded in the wind.
Need to remove the winter curtain
And wash the blue window
To spend the cold outside the gate,
Imperceptibly turn on the streams ...
And this work will end -
And all the knots will be untied.

(V. Orlov)

Well, a classic, of course.

Green Noise (excerpt)

Nikolai Nekrasov

The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully divergent
Suddenly the wind is riding:
Shakes alder bushes,
Raise flower dust
Like a cloud: everything is green -
Both air and water!
The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Like drenched in milk
There are cherry orchards,
Quietly noisy;
Warmed by the warm sun
The merry ones make noise
pine forests,
And next to the new greenery
Babbling a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
Noisy cheerful maple ...
They make new noise
In a new way, spring ...
Goes-buzzes, Green Noise,
Green Noise, spring noise!

And one more, terribly funny from Yunna Moritz

Here the blizzards are over
The stools have arrived
Elephants sing on the branches
Hello, first day of spring!

The fashion came out of the dresser
Fashion is one hundred and four years old,
On her head
A vegetable garden and a barrel of honey!

Shaft went to the dance
In a new hat from a saucepan.
Her cavalier was a broom,
He ate a dumpling out of his hat!

The cat got drunk on valerian
Became a hooligan drunk
And for climbing to the mice,
He got it in the ears!

Once upon a time there was a goat with a grandmother,
The wolf cooked it in a pot,
The goat came out young
I ate a wolf with a cucumber!

The ship floats in compote,
In the summer he lives with his aunt,
Paints the eggs and the fence
Cucumber and tomato.

A buffet runs along the river,
It contains a big secret.
He acts in films
Everyone will love it!

One more thing
Yunna Moritz

Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is that gentle sound?
This is a snowdrop
Smiling through sleep!

This is whose fluffy beam
So it tickles because of the clouds,
Forcing the little ones
Smile from ear to ear?

Whose warmth is this?
Whose kindness
Makes you smile
Hare, chicken, cat?
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around town!

And y poodle - ylybka!
And in the aquarium there is a fish
Smiled out of the water
Smiling bird!

Here it turns out
What does not fit
On one page
Smile boundless, -
How pleasant!
This is the length
That's the width!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around the city!

Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova,
Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova
Spring Maevna Chereshnikova!

New Year's competitions for fifth graders. Leisure, hobby. Child from 10 to 13. New Year's competitions for fifth graders. Help, throw ideas or links. Relay in nature. where to buy small prizes for competitions for children?


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys stand in a circle, blindfolded, in the middle. Everyone holds out their hands to the driver, he shakes his hand (one) and says: "Happy New Year!". The owner of the hand replies: "And you too!". You can change the voice. If the presenter guesses by voice who answered him, then he becomes the leader.
2. Homework required.
A hole the size of a child's face is cut out on a sheet of thick paper (for drawing) of A3 format. A recognizable object is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, Dr. Aibolit, fungus, etc.). The driver sits on a chair, looks out through the hole, as if through a window. Everyone sees who he is, except for himself. With the help of questions Is it alive (non-living, animal, can fly, etc.)? must guess who he is.
This is the third year that this contest has been going on with a bang. Drawings are sketchy, but easily recognizable.
3. Gemini
Two children take each other by the belt. They have one hand free. And they have to do something that requires both hands: cap the bottle, cut out a circle from a sheet of paper.

Yesterday my 5th grader had an NG light.
Of the competitions were:
1. Drawing on the board blindfolded the symbol of the year (2 people participate at the same time, the class determines the winner from the pair)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a verse.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to get from one end of the class to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed - puts a foot on it, then another sheet, the second leg on it, etc.
4. "Sticky": parts of the body are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and should stick to the previous participant in written parts. It turns out a funny caterpillar)

How to celebrate a child's birthday in nature? We offer a fun program from our animators! It can be either just a game program from your favorite fairy-tale characters, or sports competitions using additional props...

Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and I'm trying to find my daughter (grade 4, almost 11 years old) a poem about winter for a reading competition. Part of the teacher dismissed as very childish or short.

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