Sauna games for birthday. New Year in the bath


Ekaterina Pavlovna Lomakina

spruce: the formation in preschool children of motivation for healthy lifestyle skills through the traditions and values ​​of Russian culture in the field of health; revival of the traditions of family physical education, strengthening of family values.


Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of preschool children.

Activation of teachers and parents of pupils to search for non-traditional approaches, forms and methods of rehabilitation of preschool children.

Introducing children and parents to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle by preserving the origins of folk culture and family traditions.

Increasing the interest of parents in joint participation with children in recreational and physical education activities.

Search for emotionally attractive forms for children to receive information about a healthy lifestyle.

Development of the creative potential of preschoolers.

Materials used: decoration of the Russian bath; brooms - oak, linden, birch, juniper, spruce; basins, models of brooms, bath hats, sheets (6 pcs each); costumes - grandmother and grandfather; pictures for dividing participants into teams (according to the number of participants); washcloth, towel, basin, containers with water and for water, mugs (3 pcs each); firewood (according to the number of children and parents); prizes.

Actors and performers:

Leader - educator groups.

Petrushka is a physical education instructor.

Grandfather and grandmother - parents of children preparatory group.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we invite you to gatherings. Yes, not simple, but bath!

On this festive day

We are waiting for you at the light.

The bath is heated for a long time,

Yes, and we don't care

With whom spend your leisure time,

Who do we go to the bath with?

The bath is famous for its heat,

Come take a steam bath!

Children recite a poem by I. Butrimova "Russian bath".

1st child.

People love the Russian bath

The Russian bath gives strength.

We will flood the stove, we will splash kvass, we will all bloom with a bright blush.

2nd child.

If longing floods into the soul,

The bath will always help in this.

Take a bath with your friends

Your heart will beat louder in your chest.

3rd child.

The body will relax with the caress of steam,

Herbs fragrant tart decoction,

Sorrows will perish, joy will come,

After all, only in the bath the soul will rest!

Petrushka enters the hall to Russian folk music, holding a tray with brooms in his hands.


Bow to you, invited and welcome guests!

Hello swans!

Hello young people!

Yes, daring guys, funny fellows!

Yes, men are mustaches, yes grandfathers are bearded!

Come in, honest people, parsley sells

Different brooms for Katenka and Lenochka.

There are bath brooms for Misha and for Vanya.

Fresh fragrant, tender and burning!

Come, do not yawn, brooms rather buy!

Presenter - Hello, Petrushka, you are welcome to bath gatherings! Do you sell whisks? And what are these strange brooms you have? All different! Absolutely not bath.

Parsley - How is it not bath! Yes, my brooms are the most baths in the world! They are magical - they cure all diseases! These brooms have all the vitamins! They are essential for a bath!

The head is in the bath - a broom!

And a prankster, and an entertainer!

He not only drives the blood - our body heals!

The broom can be oak, and birch, maple

A broom in the bath is the main trump card, the tool is excellent bathhouse,

You will walk through their body - you will gain health at a time!

Presenter - Are your brooms so useful?

Parsley - Do not believe, then look. Let's start our broom parade! detachment, build - one, two

Children come out, each takes a broom from Petrushka and talks about them.

Children's stories about brooms.

1st child. This is an oak broom. Oak brooms are used to treat skin diseases. Its aroma lowers blood pressure, calms the nervous system.

2nd child. I have a juniper broom. It is useful against hair loss, helps with colds, heals wounds.

3rd child. And this is a spruce broom. There is a lot of vitamin C in its branches, it helps with pain in the spine and reduces pressure.

4th child. I am holding a linden broom. In the old days it was called royal. Linden treats cough, sore throat, calms nerves, strengthens hair.

5th child. And here is a birch broom. It has all the vitamins. A birch broom in the bath will straighten the bones, drive out any disease from the body.

Parsley - That's it, dear! Know now that in the bath a broom is more valuable than money.

Host - What a miracle! Parsley, how do you know everything?

Parsley -

I go around the world, I always look at the people.

I always remember everything and collect it in a piggy bank!

And folk wisdom is a great thing!

Leading - And we know a lot of proverbs, in them we call a bath!

Children tell proverbs about baths.

1st child. The bath knows its business - it returns health to the sick and the sick.

2nd child. He went to the bath tired, and from the bath - brave and ruddy.

3rd child. Wash in the bath - how to be born again.

4th child. After bathhouse broom soul kinder.

5th child. Bathhouse the day dragged away all the ailments.

Performance "Grandfather and Grandmother".

Parsley -

To cheer you up, I'll put on a show!

Hunched Grandfather with a broom and Babka enter to Russian folk music.

Parsley -

I traveled around the world, took down many pairs of bast shoes.

Well, in this village I decided to relax a bit.

I look - a house on a mountain is standing from a chimney, smoke is coming down.

The old grandfather decided to heat the bathhouse on Saturday.

Broom grandfather broke a big one, he will bathe with his soul!

The beauty of the forests!

I'm on a clearing in the forest

I broke an armful of five

Will be in the bath than waving.

I send grandfather to the bath,

The bath is heated from lunch.

Get better, darling

You will be forever young!

Grandfather leaves with a broom behind the scenery.

Parsley -

Bath is a miracle, bath is light!

Aromas of herbs bouquet!

In the bath, you immediately get kinder and seem to be getting younger!

For a long time grandfather puffed, he did not want to go out!

So one hour passed, the smoke stopped pouring.

Grandma is watching: in front of her is Prince Elisha!

Under Russian folk music, a rejuvenated Grandfather comes out from behind the scenery.

Where is my grandfather? Say mercy!

What happened to the old one?

You, old woman, open your eyes:

Before you is your own grandfather!

It's all his fault here!

(points to a broom)

Come on, give me this miracle!

Maybe I'll be pretty!

Grandmother, picking up a broom, runs away behind the scenery.

Parsley - Buy brooms!

Grandpa - You won't regret it!

Together. For 20 years, you will immediately look younger with them!

Parsley -

There is a bathhouse on a hillock, again smoke from the chimney.

Grandma instantly rejuvenated, as she sat on the shelves.

Steamed and steamed our beauty!

Under Russian folk music, a rejuvenated grandmother comes out from behind the scenery.

After the bath - grace!

Beauty, give or take!

Oh yes broom - well done!

Well, at least down the aisle again!

Children dance with brooms to the song "Bath!" (music and lyrics by M. Evdokimov).

Parsley -

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

Good fellows lesson!

To always be healthy

Everyone needs to go to the bathroom.

And so we have

Bath day for you now!


Parsley - Attention, attention! I invite you to fun competitions! Divide into 2 teams and each team will get their own « bath» Name. 1st team - "Birch broom". 2nd - "Stoves-benches". The competition will be judged by our esteemed jury.

Petrushka introduces the members of the jury.

First task.

Parsley -

Weekend, bath day.

We are not too lazy to wash in the bathhouse.

We need to flood the bath -

It's time to apply firewood.

relay race: each team member (in order) brings along the log (sticks).

Second task.

Parsley -

Smoke comes from the chimney

So the bath is heated

Bring some water

And then we wash!

relay race is underway: from 1 large bucket (or pelvis) you need to pour water in one glass into a small bucket, then transfer and pour water into a second large bucket.

Third task.

Parsley - Well, let's remember, friends, what you need for a bath. (gives riddles to « bathhouse» topic.)

The box is full of golden sparrows. (coals in the stove.)

Small, furry, he killed all the people and did not miss the king. (Broom.)

Our fat Fedora takes a long time to eat. And then, when full, warmth from Fedora. (bake.)

Waffle, striped, smooth, shaggy,

Always at hand. What it is? (towel.)

The fourth task.

Parsley -

When you reach the chair, immediately spank 3 times.

You need to know the measure in this matter - a healthy mind in a healthy body!

relay race: team members (in order) they run to a chair along a ribbed board, sit on it and hit themselves on the back with a broom 3 times.

Fifth task.

Parsley - Oh, our birch broom,

Too bad we only have one!

You're steamed my friend, -

Pass it on to someone else!

Parsley -

Are you tired of steaming?

The steam bath is famous!

sit down, take a rest

Take a cold sip of kvass.

Perk up your ears!

We will sing ditties for you!

Children sing ditties by Y. Kim and I. Svechnikova.

1st child.

Look: Oh oh oh!

Thick smoke floats in the sky.

According to folk tradition

The bath is heated on the weekend!

2nd child.

Bath invites you

All friends will take a steam bath!

Take a broom with you

To loosen up.

3rd child.

Fired up all the wood

To be hot.

Come to the bath with us

We don't care about water.

4th child.

Oh dear guests

what to toil under the shower?

Come visit us soon

Take a steam bath in our bathhouse!

5th child.

Broom on my belly - slap,

From him I to my mother - lope!

Let him wash my sides, I'm without a broom yet.

The sixth task.

Parsley -

Have a rest? We continue!

Let's start washing together!

"short" back we are not lazy,

We'll bathe all day.

Let's sit in a basin, guys,

It's hot in the bathroom right now.

relay race is underway: running around the buckets, the mother runs to the child sitting in the basin, 3 times "short" him back with a sponge, comes back. Dads are the last to run with a towel, they bring the child.

Presenter - Well, Petrushka, are you tired?

Parsley - Oh, tired, steamed up! I should have a cup of tea, I guess.

Presenter - After the bath, tea is very useful, especially herbal tea. Now we will give you fragrant tea! According to Russian tradition - from a samovar!

Parsley - Nicely we took a steam bath and had fun! It's time to sum up the results of the competition.

The jury announces the winners and awards them prizes.

Parsley -

There are no losers today

Everyone is equal in the bath!

Now it's time for tea

Russian, with pies!

The celebration ends with tea group.

Recently, holidays, birthdays or friendly gatherings in baths and saunas have become very popular, especially since almost all modern baths are equipped with a banquet hall, musical equipment, and an outdoor recreation area. Most often, a close company of relatives or friends gathers, it is for such a case that this article was written. the scenario of the bath party "Heat is not a hindrance to fun."

This is a fun sauna-themed competition program. for an adult company which can be arranged before water or wellness procedures (thanks to the author of this idea). If this is an anniversary, then you should add some funny congratulations for the attendant.

Bath party script.

Host: Obviously, real lovers of the Russian bathhouse have gathered here! After all, what could be better than a cool parka, a cheerful broom and foamy beer after a Russian steam room! That is why we are happy to start our bath party “Heat is not a hindrance to fun”, which we gathered for recovery, warm communication and laughter. All games, entertainment, poems and songs today are only about her - a unique and wonderful - Russian bath!

First toast

Wash away the sickness, the pain and the sweat

Our people go to the bath!

Oh, let's get hot today!

We wish everyone: “Enjoy your bath!”

(small break)

Table guessing game "Finish the phrase"

Host: Whoever wets his throat will shout loudly. I start the phrase, and you end in chorus. Go.

Enjoy Your Bath-

Soap - neck

Walk - with a broom

Give - heat

Chill out

Warm up the bones.

Flood a bathhouse for me - .... (in white). I'm out of the habit of white light!

I will eel, and hot steam will unleash me mad –… (language)!

Presenter: While the steam is hot, I see that not everyone has yet untied their tongues, the word is presented to our most inveterate bath attendant, who is ready to talk about the bath in any state

Second toast

Host: Well, we know how to talk about the topic of bathing, but which of the amateurs is ready to create a work of art that glorifies this great invention of mankind? (5-6 people are invited for the competition)

Competitive part of the scenario "Heat is not a hindrance to fun":

Competition "Terry Creation"

For this competition, you need five to six large terry towels. We recruit the appropriate number of participants. Their task is to make / lay out some figure from the towels. Be sure to note the time for which each player copes with the task. You can demonstrate, for example, a towel fan, so that the players understand what is required of them. For the duration of the game, a funny song about a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeer or something else "bath" is turned on.

Players are evaluated by the audience: first, they must understand what is depicted. This is five points. If you guessed only with a hint from the player - only three points. Secondly, you need to take into account the time during which the participant made his terry figure. Thirdly, the audience should demonstrate with their applause which of the figures they liked more. The main prize is a birch broom. Everyone else can give a different soap.

(a short break, then the host continues the program)

"Bath Riddles"

1. Dry, but remote -

He left everyone in the steam room,

Overcome every disease. (broom)

2. Here is a sheepskin coat made of bricks,

Gives steam in a hurry. (bake)

3. High on the roof

It emits black smoke. (pipe)

4. Soft, airy,

The bath is very necessary!

I wrap one end

I wipe off the other side! (towel)

(four players who coped with the riddles, the host invites you to go to the center)

Bath for us is physical and moral rest,

And a good warm-up in it is a very desirable thing!

(addressing 4 players) Choose a partner to your liking in the hall and bring to us!

(so formed four couples).

Contest “Everyone dances in the bath!”

Each couple draws out a card with the name of one or another prop and must dance with washcloths - an erotic dance, with towels - a gypsy, with brooms - a lady, with basins - African dances. Winners can not be chosen, this is a game for general fun. The main thing is to choose the appropriate music and props.

(short music break)

Presenter: Real bath attendants know that there are men's and women's days in the baths, our bath party is no exception - I propose to hold a separate men's and women's competition

Comic game for ladies in the bath "Yes" and "no" do not say!

The host says that there is an opinion about the talkativeness and inattention of women and suggests dispelling this myth with the help of the children's game “Will you go to the ball?” So, he will ask various tricky questions, while according to the rules of the game: do not say “yes” and “no”, do not wear black and white, do not tell your neighbor!” Be sure to follow the conditions, for violations - the participant leaves. The leader can repeat the poem from the game before each question. The action must be dynamic, otherwise it will look like a boring poll. In the final there are three winners who receive.

Do you take off your underpants when you bathe? (remember that players are not allowed to say "yes" and "no"!)

Does your neighbor's nose get cold in the steam room? (Here, make sure that the neighbor does not tell!)

At what temperature does heat break your bones?

If the bathhouse is not flooded in white, then it is flooded ...? (the word "black" should not be pronounced!)

Do you like to lick honey from yourself in a steam room? (the answer is "yes" / "no" can not be!)

Did your beautiful neighbor dream of becoming a bath attendant as a child? (trick!)

Why do you love contrast showers?

Is Charcot's shower named after Charcot's doctor? (trick again!)

What do you do in the jacuzzi?

Do Roman baths heat black? (they drown, of course, in white, but the player must do without this word, otherwise - to fly!)

What kind of salt was rubbed in the steam room by your neighbor on the left? What about your neighbor on the right? (trick question!)

The winners are awarded the title of the most inflexible and are invited to test them in the next competition. For this, three cool machos are invited, who are ready to embarrass these “iron” ladies a little.

Contest "It's hot for me, it's hot!"

The ladies are given ribbons that they tie around their necks, the ends of the ribbon are hidden or deeper in the upper part of the clothes.

Leading: As you know, a bathhouse is the most democratic institution, since everyone is equal in it! After all, everyone is naked in the bath! In any case, dressed only in the most necessary, men, your main task is to remove these extra details of the costume, ribbons from the ladies. But! You must do it without hands!

Any musical composition can serve as a background for the competition. The pair wins, in which the men will deal with the ribbon before the others.

Leading: So, we met and played roles,

On this day, we will not allow each other to freeze!

Soap, broom, slippers we will take with us

And let's go to the steam room with a friendly company !!!

(Several couples are invited for the next competition: man-woman)

Contest "Oh, let's go!

Leading: When we undressed in the bath, then, of course, the first thing to do is to take a steam bath so that the park thoroughly penetrates our bones! Therefore, ladies, get a broom each (brooms are issued from rolled up newspapers, slightly cut along the edges). Steam your cavaliers, whoever wears out the brooms faster, she will become the winner of our competition!

In this case, you should turn on the music more energetically.

The presenter proposes to put a musical pause before the next “hot competitions” - everyone is given texts with altered words of the song.

Song-alteration "Well, it's hot in the sauna!"

to the tune of the song "Three White Horses".

Cold hands and cold feet
And we went here to warm up.
At work, we were all sad,
Well, the sauna is hot, hot, hot!

Oh, for such a holiday, for such a holiday
We came together today!
Take a break from work, family and worries...
An idiot lives without a bath!

The bath took us in a warm embrace,
The steam room with a broom is waiting for us!
Today we are not in elegant dresses,
On the back of the streams run, run, run!

Host: In previous competitions, we have already undressed and taken a steam bath, what do we usually want after that? (guests answer) Of course, we want to take a break from the works of the righteous and indulge in a cup of tea or a bottle of beer. What else? That's right, relax so that someone, for example, does a massage. Let's not delay, let's get started, I assure you, after this massage, the participants should experience euphoria, and unobtrusive erotic bliss will spread over all members! Note that we will offer you such a type of massage that neither the lady nor the gentleman will be left deprived!

Competition "SPA-salon"

Chairs are taken out, men are put on them. Ordinary paper napkins are laid on their feet. Women sit on these napkins. They also put a napkin on their backs. The task of the players is to wipe the paper napkins to smithereens with their body movements (that is: women twist their hips, and men massage with their hands). You have only one minute to complete the task. Those three couples who left the minimum of papers win.

Moderator: For some reason it seems to me that you really liked our non-standard approaches to customer service! And these thoughts of mine are confirmed by your contented appearance and the rosy cheeks of our charmers! We really hope that in your person we have acquired regular and loyal customers of the bathhouse. Thank you for visiting our party and we want to present you with memorable souvenirs!

During these words, multi-colored washcloths are taken out according to the number of participating men.

Presenter: We are proud to present you our own invention - the hand-held massager "Laskatel"!

This glorious massager in any bath is needed:

And any weakling will easily become a glorious husband!

And for the ladies, we have prepared a universal remedy for smooth skin "Body Salt from the Lake of Hope"!

Lake of Hope, accept everything as it is!

Soap did not wash away sadness - wipe off with salt!

Even if earlier you did not like the Russian bathhouse and the hot park, then after today's session you probably managed to appreciate these benefits of civilization at their true worth! Not jokingly, but seriously, we urge you to love the bath, because it is an ingenious means to be young and healthy!

Additional competitions for a holiday in the bath:

Bath "Crocodile"

Based on the name, we explain that here it is necessary to show an object or phenomenon that naturally relates to the bath theme, with your whole body - without words! – to be guessed by your team members. Words for guessing can be the following: foam, heat, dry steam, body scrub.

"Bath proverbs in faces"

The principle is the same as in the previous game, so the games, if desired, can be combined and make the second round, or they can be played separately. The essence of the competition: without words to depict a whole proverb, because. not all of them are well known, you can do not guessing, but beating, a competition for artistry - teams draw cards, announce a proverb and quickly improvise, depicting its content.

Variants of proverbs for playing on bath party:

- "A broom in the bath is the master of all."
- "Tobacco and a bathhouse, a tavern and a woman - one fun."
- “The bath soars, the bath rules. The bath will fix everything.
- "If it were not for the bath, we would all be lost."
- "Bath is the second mother."
- "Onion heals seven ailments."

- "Onion and bath all rule."
- “Here’s an ice bath for you, water brooms, take a steam bath - don’t burn yourself, give in - don’t fall off, don’t fall off the shelf!”
- "Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish and drink kvass."
- "Russian bone loves warmly."

- "Heat does not break bones."
- "The soul loves coolness, and the flesh loves steam."

Competition "Race in the steam room"

The competition can be held when you have enough space. Two teams of five to seven people are recruited. Each team is given a pair of large family shorts to make it easier to put on and take off, and a hat. Either the hero of the occasion (the hero of the day and his wife) or selected participants stand at the finish line. They are holding brooms in their hands.

The task of the teams - the player puts on shorts and a hat, runs to the finish line. There he receives steam - a string of blows with a broom and returns back. Removes bath accessories and passes to the next player. He does the same. The winner is not the team that finishes steaming faster, but the one on whose broom there are as few leaves as possible.

2012-08-22 15:04:54

The sauna has long been the very favorite place where people go not only to wash themselves, but also to have fun with friends. When the question is where to spend a birthday, saunas are often chosen for many reasons. Firstly, this is a very successful change of scenery, secondly, modern saunas have everything to adequately receive guests and have a comfortable rest, and thirdly, such events are remembered for a long time by companies, especially if everything is successfully organized.

So, the birthday is just around the corner, it was decided to spend it in the sauna. How to please your friends besides delicious food and service offered in the steam room? It would be very appropriate in this case to hold fun contests. We all remain a little childish at heart, and if there is a good opportunity to escape from adult problems, why not do it while fooling around to your heart's content?

A fairly popular drink in the sauna is beer. Many fun games and competitions exist with his participation, for example, who will drink more in the allotted time. But still, we do not recommend including competitions with alcoholic drinks in the entertainment program, since in a sauna this can adversely affect the health of you or your guests. If you are confident in your abilities and cannot imagine a fun celebration without beer, then follow the basic safety rules and do not forget that moderation is good in everything.

Do you remember your favorite forfeit game from childhood? So you can tweak it a bit to make it more fun. Prepare notes with desires in advance and indicate a certain time on them. Distribute forfeits to all guests, you can “pack” them into balloons. Everyone must complete their task at the specified time. It's very fun when, during the celebration, someone suddenly starts to recite a poem about the Christmas tree or crawl under the table. The main thing is not to talk about your phantom and the time of its implementation in advance.

It would be very appropriate to arrange a cocktail contest in the sauna. Both girls and men can take part in it. To do this, you need to prepare a separate table with different drinks, liquors, fruits. You don’t need a lot of variety, let the contestants be smart, how to make something unusual from simple ingredients.

When everyone relaxes and gets excited, for sure, the body art contest will go with a bang. To do this, you also need to stock up on special paints and brushes in advance, gouache or watercolor will do. Once you've given guests the opportunity to show their artistic talent, you can safely choose the king or queen of the sauna. By the way, the prize for each competition can be inexpensive souvenirs, but the winner of the evening can be safely handed a bath broom or fork out for a professional massage, which you will definitely be offered in the sauna.

If your guests are quite liberated people, then they will like the body art contest, but only with the use of cream in a spray can, liquid chocolate, various syrups instead of ordinary paints. Such a delicious suit after the competition can be tasted if desired.

If you were brought up in other rules or your guests are more serious people, then offer arm wrestling. Men love to compete in strength. The arm wrestling championship will not leave the guests indifferent.

Very often in the bath there is a billiard table, which will be needed for the competition. What man would refuse the opportunity to prove his superiority in such a game. Women can also join if they wish. In addition to billiards, the sauna can also host table football, hockey or ping-pong. All this will come in handy for the entertainment of guests.

If your friends are sports fans, you can come up with contests without special equipment. Push-ups from the floor, swimming in the pool for distillations, swinging the press - all this is suitable for a fun pastime. If you wish, you can take something not heavy with you: a rope, a ball. Guests will be pleased with such a program.

Even in the sauna there may be special equipment that will allow for the competition "Two Stars" for those who like to sing. Participants must draw lots to choose a pair. Then a song is selected, if desired, you can also throw lots and the order of performances. Let the winners be chosen by the birthday man or the birthday girl, and all songs can be dedicated to the hero of the occasion.

Baths and saunas for a birthday in Moscow are great for organizing an extraordinary and unforgettable holiday. And even if there is no time for preparation, you definitely won’t be bored there.

Modern bathing establishments are equally designed for steaming and subsequent procedures, as well as for an exciting and varied vacation. The presence of opportunities for sports and board games, audio-video equipment, karaoke, disco equipment make them a wonderful venue for events of any format. It is especially good to organize themed birthday parties in saunas of the new generation. We bring to your attention some of the most popular themes for the holiday.

Hawaiian style

Bright swimsuits and swimming trunks, funny glasses, Hawaiian shorts and shirts, African wigs, flower wreaths and necklaces - all this is the best fit for the hot atmosphere of the sauna. For entourage, the room can be decorated with multi-colored lanterns, home or fake palm trees, put a surfboard and turn on cheerful Latin American music. As a treat, serve smoothies, fruit and small snacks that can be eaten with your hands. Greet each other in traditional Hawaiian: Aloha, dance Hula and arrange contests and pranks.

Beach party

Suitable for sauna with swimming pool. Guests in swimsuits, swimming trunks, flip flops, hats and sunglasses. For atmosphere, you can install beach umbrellas, spread out sunscreen and towels. Throw inflatable mattresses and circles into the pool. Serve "Sex on the Beach" and any refreshing drinks. Sushi, seafood, fish are suitable for a snack. For dessert, ice cream. From entertainment - games and competitions in the pool, body art.

pirate Party

It is better to choose a sauna with a finished interior and a swimming pool. Pirate costumes can be rented or simply dressed up in black headbands, bandanas, "gold" rings and sailor suits. To create images, girls will need fishnet stockings, corsets and puffy skirts. Bottles with scrolls, ship models, compasses, magnifiers, maps, ropes, toy swords and water pistols are suitable for decorating the hall. Offer rum and cocktails from it, as well as beer and kvass, there is a barbecue. Use pirate vocabulary. Arrange a "Survival Game" - who will last the longest in the sauna, shoot from water pistols, knit marine knots, look for a treasure chest.

spa bachelorette party

The most popular entertainment for ladies in Moscow and beyond. You will need professional and home-made cosmetics for baths, bath hats, beautiful towels and bathrobes. From food, order sushi, tartlets, canapes, cupcakes and other mini-snacks. Drink juices and special teas for the sauna. Exchange cosmetics and advice on face and body care, visit all possible spa treatments, call a steam bather in a bathhouse, and a massage therapist in a hammam.

Helpful Hints

The organization of a party in the sauna should be done long before the appointed day. Even if there is a suitable institution in mind, it is better to book it in advance. If not, the search may be delayed, because you have to drive and look. Further, it is necessary to coordinate with the administration a number of issues. Who decorates the room, is it possible to bring snacks and drinks with you, the maximum number of guests, and so on.

When everything is organized, you need to have an explanatory conversation with friends about alcohol. Everyone knows that strong drinks are not compatible with the sauna, but few people stop this. In order not to spoil the birthday boy his day, ask the staff of the establishment to periodically carefully examine the guests for alcohol intoxication or entrust this function to the least drinking person in the company.

Some saunas, when organizing a party, can please with a special discount, a gift from the establishment, include the decoration of the hall or a birthday cake in the price. The total price of renting a bathhouse usually depends on the number of guests and hours. And both up and down, which is always worth asking in advance. Special discounts in saunas for birthdays are provided if there is proof: birthday passports and are valid only on the specified date.

March 19, 2016

Recently, the sauna and bath have become a favorite place for holding, celebrating, the New Year, March 8, February 23 and many other events. What is the secret of the popularity of such a pastime? And the secret is that this is the perfect place to relax. Here you can find both delicious treats and first-class drinks, as well as excellent service that will allow you to relax and enjoy as much as possible not only for guests, but also for the hosts of the party. But so that the holiday does not turn into a banal booze, it is still necessary to think carefully about how to entertain guests. Many various companies offer their customers a wide range of entertainment programs. True, such pleasure will not be cheap. For those who are not ready to shell out such an amount of money, there is an alternative option - to entertain guests on their own. Fortunately, there are many interesting competitions for the sauna, among which you can choose those that will be as relevant as possible for your company. It is rather difficult to classify them. Most often, these entertainments are combined into such groups as: with and without alcohol, for children and adults, restrained and liberated. website presents the most interesting and original of them.

1. Competition "Sausage"

The essence of this competition is to answer questions prepared in advance by the presenter and at the same time remain calm, calm and in no case laugh. What's so difficult? The catch is that you can only answer using the words "sausage", "sausage", "sausage" or their derivatives. Agree that it is not so easy to restrain yourself when you hear a similar answer to questions:
- Your favorite color?
- How do you brush your teeth in the morning?
- How are you?
- What do you want to receive as a gift?
- What is your name?
What is your favorite type of candy (alcohol)?

Questions can be very diverse. You can, of course, not prepare them in advance, but improvise according to the situation. Those who show a low level of laughter resistance must be punished at the end of the game - to fulfill the desire of the winner.

2. Competition "Surprise"

This competition is very similar to the well-known Fanta competition. All those gathered are invited to draw out one of the pre-prepared leaflets with the task. Task examples:

  • Climb on the table and sing a song
  • Kiss everyone present
  • Tell a joke (on a given topic)
  • Sit on the floor and portray a capricious child
  • Eat two lemons
  • Drink a glass of vodka in one gulp and say that she is somehow weak
  • Mumble a drinking song
  • See more options for cool tasks.

Only on a leaflet, in addition to the fant itself, the exact time when it should be performed is also indicated. At the same time, it is impossible to reveal the essence of the task to anyone, and it is also undesirable to warn that you are starting to complete it. This will create a certain atmosphere and make the evening more dynamic.

3. Competition "Detectives"

As you know, in the steam room itself there is no time for active competitions that require movement. But you can have a good time even in a stationary state. So the host announces to those present that only one piece of evidence is missing to solve a terrible crime, which the host himself knows about. And the detective guests must figure out what kind of evidence it is. To do this, they need to ask questions about her. But the answer they can get is yes or no. The first person to name the hidden clue wins. The more unusual the intended word, the better. For example, a heating pad, bathrobe, toothpick, mixer.

4. Competition "Song by request"

If the company is one of those where they like to sing, then this competition is perfect. Pre-prepared "application" sheets are placed in a bath cap or other vessel. They contain various words: “sea”, “love”, “weather”, “eyes”, “heart”, “ass”, “fish” and others. Each guest in turn draws out his “application” for a song and must sing one verse or chorus of a musical hit where the extended word occurs. Those who cannot remember anything are eliminated from the competition. The winner orders the losers to perform a group performance of their favorite song.

5. Competition "Challenge"

This is a doubles competition - only two take part here (although several rounds can be held). On the table in front of the participants are laid out ten edible crushed products (five sweet and five unsweetened) and a vessel with non-translucent leaves on which their names are indicated. In turn, each participant draws his lot, and the ingredient that is caught is placed on his plate. When there are no more leaves left, everything is mixed. The winner is the one who first eats the dish that he got. Instead of food, you can use drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). But both the first and second options are not recommended for those who have a weak stomach.

6. Competition "Are you weak?"

Everyone knows that Julius Caesar could freely simultaneously perform several tasks at once. Participants of the competition are also given the opportunity to try their hand at this skill. To do this, each of them is given two items: a mug of beer and a balloon. At the command of the leader, all participants must alternately drink beer and inflate the balloon. At the same time, the interval between the commands “Drink” and “Blow” decreases each time. It is important not to let the balloon deflate or burst. The winner in this exciting competition goes to the one who inflates the largest balloon.

7. Competition "Game for Survival"

The law of nature says that the strongest always wins, the one who is more dexterous, faster and more confident. And it is this competition that will help find such a participant. Glasses of vodka are placed on the table in the center of the sauna or bath rest room. At the same time, their number should be one less than the participants themselves, who are standing around this table. At the moment when the music starts to play (for example, the song of Grigory Leps “A glass of vodka on the table” is suitable), everyone starts moving clockwise. You can just walk, or you can actively dance. When the melody ends abruptly, you need to grab a glass from the table with lightning speed and drink. The one who does not get alcohol is out. The glasses are refilled, but one is deliberately removed. And everything repeats. The game continues until either one wins or only one survives. This sauna competition can only be held at the end of the evening when you are no longer going to the steam room. Alcohol and high temperatures are very dangerous for the normal functioning of the heart.

8. Competition "Alcohol Detector"

For this competition, you will need several glasses of water and vodka that look exactly the same. It is important that their total number corresponds to the number of participants. Also, one person is assigned as "alcohol detector". The essence of the game is that the participants, having drunk each of their glasses, do not show what kind of liquid they got. And the “alcohol detector”, without coming close to them, should determine who got what.

9. Set up a quest

Sauna is a place for entertainment. But remember that the steam room and alcohol are not the most successful tandem. It is important that entertainment bring joy and a large number of pleasant experiences, and not health problems.

Going to the sauna is a great opportunity to have a great rest with a big company. Have you decided to celebrate a birthday, hold a bachelor or bachelorette party, a meeting of classmates or a corporate party, organize a holiday for clients or partners, or maybe you have another reason to bring together a lot of people? In this case, there is no better place than a sauna.

Many people think that a sauna or bath is a place where you can only wash yourself and get distracted from ordinary affairs. In fact, a modern sauna is a real club that offers a full range of services for an interesting and complete relaxation. The bath complex may include not only the obligatory steam rooms and pools. Many of the saunas presented on the site portal have restaurants, bars, banquet halls where you can spend the beginning of the celebration and taste dishes of Russian, European or Caucasian cuisine. Billiards, home cinema, table tennis, karaoke, strip show or disco on a specially equipped dance floor will be a great continuation of the party. And of course, the bath itself, which includes spacious steam rooms, fonts and deep pools, accommodating everyone. But that's not all - the services of professional bath attendants and masseurs, SPA-therapy, a wide range of healing procedures will help you to completely relax and rejuvenate. And for exotic lovers, some saunas even offer tea ceremonies.

Having rented a sauna, you will not have to complain that guests are cramped and bored. Bath complexes, presented in this section of the site, are planned and designed so that even with a large number of people everyone feels free and can find pleasure to their taste. In addition, if you do not have time to prepare, the administration of the complex will take care of organizing the event.

A cozy atmosphere and a wide range of entertainment make the sauna an ideal place to celebrate any event. Only here you can provide an environment that is most conducive to a good rest, allowing you to forget about current affairs and have a great time with friends, colleagues, classmates or clients. A convenient location near metro stations and the availability of parking are another argument in favor of holding a party in the bath complex.

For large companies, you can find a sauna in almost any area of ​​the capital - both in the center and on the outskirts. Kurskaya, Prospekt Mira, Rimskaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya, River Station, Bibirevo - this is just a small list of metro stations where complexes are located that can accommodate more than 10 people. And near the subway Park Pobedy there is a bath club that can easily accommodate up to 60 people.

An event with a large number of guests usually lasts several hours, so it is also economically beneficial to hold it in a sauna. In addition, you can choose a bath in a wide price range - from 700 to 8000 rubles per hour, and for large companies renting the complex for several hours, very serious discounts are usually offered. And if you rent a sauna for the whole night, you can get even more savings. The administration provides individual discounts to regular customers.

For clients who prefer special comfort, the portal offers to choose a VIP-sauna or a bath club, for example, VIP-level saunas near the Prospect Mira metro station or near Kutuzovsky Prospekt, in Bolshoy Koptevsky Proezd or on 1812 Street near the Fili metro station. In them, you and your friends will be provided with a full and safe rest, elite drinks, cigars and other services at the highest level will be offered.

The portal site will help you find a place of rest that best suits the occasion for the meeting and your wishes. Convenient filters, photos, descriptions will help you make the right choice, and contact numbers - you can immediately find out the details and place an order.

Choosing a sauna for a large company on our website, you will not regret the time spent and you can be sure that guests will be satisfied. After all, a good sauna is a pleasure for both the body and the soul.

Why not have a bachelorette party in the sauna for a change? Since ancient times, before the wedding, the newlywed, along with her girlfriends, went to the bathhouse and there, to the melancholy tunes, symbolically cleansed her soul and body.

But those who want to realize the idea of ​​a bachelorette party scenario in a sauna will definitely not have to be sad! Fun, unusual games and competitions, harmoniously intertwined with ancient rituals, and a good mood are guaranteed!

The host of the party can be both a witness and bridesmaids.

Outfits and paraphernalia

Since the bride’s farewell to a free life will take place in the sauna, the bridesmaids should also offer the appropriate dress code in clothes: you can buy it for everyone identical sauna sets, a bathing pareo, or limit yourself to white sheets that need to be tied in some special way, decorate with a flower-shaped clip and put on your head sauna hats with the inscription "Women's Council".

Sauna dressing room you can decorate with posters with cool inscriptions, funny photo collages made up of photos of the bride’s single life, arrange aroma or salt lamps in the corners.

Necessary attributes for a bachelorette party:

Holiday script

The presenter reports that the bride wants to keep the ancient traditions and therefore organized a bachelorette party in the sauna. Today she will say goodbye to her bachelor life, and the task of all girlfriends is to make this evening unforgettable. Offers to start the holiday with the presentation of gifts.

Girlfriends agree on gifts in advance. It can be pair items, for example, 2 pairs of slippers (male and female), 2 towels with the names of the bride and groom? or gifts are chosen for the home (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and so on). Task for the hero of the occasion: using leading questions to guess what exactly they brought her as a gift. You can also give such pleasant little things as a paid visit to a beauty salon, beautiful underwear, cosmetics. The bride, in return, gives her bridesmaids small souvenirs.

The presenter recalls that everyone gathered at the "women's council" on a serious occasion. It's time to spend (name of the bride) into married life. There is no way back, since the banquet is ordered, the dress is bought, the offer is accepted. He proposes to raise a toast to the fact that the girlfriend does not want to go back to the bachelor life. The guests wish the bride what, in their opinion, is the most important thing in family and marriage. (Small feast).

Everyone goes to the steam room

The host talks about the traditional ceremony: since ancient times, it has been believed that bridesmaids should lightly hit the bride a couple of times with a bath broom in order to cleanse her of all the bad things that happened to her during her girlhood. Offers to observe ancient traditions (girls take turns spanking the bride with an oak broom). After the last blow, the presenter announces that (name of the bride) stepped on the path leading to marriage. Then they go to the shower or pool, carry out caring procedures for the body with the help of scrubs, tonics, aromatic oils. If you wish, you can invite a professional massage therapist or stripper to the sauna.

The presenter says that it's time to braid the girl's braid for the last time. Girlfriends light candles, sit around the bride, braid her braid. At this time, the Erzya folk song "Lamentation of the bride when braiding the braid" sounds.

Surprise for the bride

The bridesmaids are preparing a common gift for the bride in advance - a photo book "Natalie's World" (insert the name of the bride). The pages of the book are filled with photographs of the bride from a young age and ending with photographs of her with her beloved boyfriend. All this is complemented by funny comments, drawings, wishes. The photo book is handed to the bride with the words that such an important event as her wedding could not go unnoticed by the paparazzi, and therefore it is widely covered in the glossy press.


The game "Recipes for family happiness"

For the game, cards with tasks are prepared in advance. Various situations from family life are written on them. The girls take turns drawing cards and together they come up with an original way out of the situation.

The situations might be:

  • A huge pile of unwashed dishes has grown in the sink.
  • The mother-in-law entered the room while you and your husband were in bed.
  • The husband "hangs" for days at the computer.
  • Both came down with a high fever.

Competition "Best Advice"

The bride will soon become a married woman, so she really needs the advice of her friends about family life. Girlfriends are encouraged to give their unmarried girlfriend practical, fun, original advice. The winner of the contest is chosen by the bride.

The game "What men love"

Everyone knows the game "To the City". The game "What men love" is built on the same principle. The bride calls first word, for example, fishing-machine-pineapple-sex-strip and so on.

Competition "Man of my dreams"

To conduct this competition, you will need whatman paper for everyone and markers. The girls take turns with their eyes closed to draw the man of their dreams.

The competition is fun if, in the course of drawing, the girlfriends comment on what they have drawn.

The game "To the touch"

The girls are blindfolded in turn, and they must by touch determine the object that will be pulled out of the "magic" box. You can put everything at hand in it - from fruits and vegetables to a comb.

Game "Magic Balls"

You should write in advance on the leaves the pleasant events that await the bride, roll them into tubes and place them in balloons. The bride is offered to write on “magic balls” what she is afraid of in family life - a boring life, an evil mother-in-law, quarrels, betrayal, and so on. Then all the girlfriends turn trouble together (balloons burst) into positive events.

dance competition

The girls take turns pulling out cards that indicate the attribute for the dance (umbrella, hat, pillow, pole, broom). Then a couple of minutes are given to think about the dance number, and the competition begins. Whoever has the most creative dance wins.

Task for the bride "Letter"

The bride is offered to write a letter to herself in the future, for example, in 5 years. She will have to dream up how life will turn out, give a couple of tips to herself. The letter is given to the most responsible girlfriend of those present at the bachelorette party with the condition that in 5 years everyone will come together again and read this letter.


Do you want to feel like real fortune tellers and soothsayers? Then be sure to include all sorts of fortune-telling in the script! The main thing is not to take the received predictions seriously, and remember that this is just an element of entertainment.

Divination "Next"

This fortune-telling helps to find out in what order the girlfriends will get married. For the ritual, you will need small candles according to the number of unmarried girls. Candles are lit at the same time and see in what order they burn out. The girls will get married in the same order. In the meantime, they are burning, you can remember the funny stories from the life of the bride.

Fortune telling on the phone book

To carry out fortune-telling on the surname and name of the betrothed, you need a phone book. The witness picks up a book, and the girl who is guessing calls the page number in the book and the line number. Then the girlfriends carefully look at which name fell out. Similarly, they guess according to the interpreter of male names.

Divination on croup

A deep bowl is filled with millet and various small things are hidden in it. Then each of the participants of the bachelorette party, with their eyes closed, pulls out one object from the bowl, by which they judge the future. For example, if she pulled out the key - there will be a new apartment, a car keychain - she will buy a car, a heart pendant - she will fall in love, a ring - she will get engaged, a coin - to wealth.

Divination for children

With the help of this comic fortune-telling, you can find out how many children a girl will have and who will be born. In a bowl filled with rice, you need to add red and white beans, mix well. Then, without looking, scoop up a handful of cereal and pour it onto a plate. We saw beans among rice - to the birth of children. How many beans counted, so many children will be. White - sons, red - daughters.

Divination on the ring

For divination, you need a glass of water and a bride's engagement ring with a thread threaded into it. They take a ring on a thread and fix it over a glass of water. Then they ask about children. For example, like this: at what age will I have children? At 22? At 23? At 24? On which of the numbers the ring begins to loosen, in that year the child will be born.

Farewell to single life

You can say goodbye to unmarried life with the help of a funny ritual. To carry it out, you will need helium balloons. On the balls, the bride must write insults, past troubles, bad memories, and let them go into the sky.

Recently, holidays, birthdays or friendly gatherings in baths and saunas have become very popular, especially since almost all modern baths are equipped with a banquet hall, musical equipment, and an outdoor recreation area. Most often, a close company of relatives or friends gathers, it is for such a case that this article was written. the scenario of the bath party "Heat is not a hindrance to fun."

This is a fun sauna-themed competition program. for an adult company which can be arranged before water or wellness procedures (thanks to the author of this idea). If it's an anniversary, then it's worth adding some funny

Leading: It is obvious that real lovers of the Russian bath have gathered here! After all, what could be better than a cool parka, a cheerful broom and foamy beer after a Russian steam room! That is why we are happy to start our bath party “Heat is not a hindrance to fun”, which we gathered for recovery, warm communication and laughter. All games, entertainment, poems and songs today are only about her - a unique and wonderful - Russian bath!

First toast

Wash away the sickness, the pain and the sweat

Our people go to the bath!

Oh, let's get hot today!

We wish everyone: “Enjoy your bath!”

(small break)

Table guessing game "Finish the phrase"

Leading: Whoever wets his throat will shout loudly. I start the phrase, and you end in chorus. Go.

With a light - ferry-

Lather - neck

Walk - broom

Give in - heat

Release - steam

Warm up - bones.

Flood a bath for me - .... ( in white). I'm out of the habit of white light!

I will eel, and hot steam will unleash me mad -… (language)!

Leading: While the steam is hot, I see that not everyone has yet loosened their tongues, the word is presented to our most inveterate bath attendant, who is ready to talk about the bath in any condition

Second toast

Leading: Well, we know how to talk about the bath topic, but which of the amateurs is ready to create a work of art that glorifies this great invention of mankind? (5-6 people are invited for the competition)

Competitive part of the scenario "Heat is not a hindrance to fun":

Competition "Terry Creation"

For this competition you need five - six large terry towels. We recruit the appropriate number of participants. Their task is to make / lay out some figure from the towels. Be sure to note the time for which each player copes with the task. You can demonstrate, for example, a towel fan, so that the players understand what is required of them. For the duration of the game, a funny song about a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeer or something else "bath" is turned on.

Players are evaluated by the audience: first, they must understand what is depicted. This is five points. If you guessed only with the player's hint - only three points. Secondly, you need to take into account the time during which the participant made his terry figure. Thirdly, the audience should demonstrate with their applause which of the figures they liked more. The main prize is a birch broom. Everyone else can give a different soap.

(a short break, then the host continues the program)

"Bath Riddles"

1. Dry, but remote -

He left everyone in the steam room,

Overcome every disease. (broom)

2. Here is a sheepskin coat made of bricks,

Gives steam in a hurry. (bake)

3. High on the roof

It emits black smoke. (pipe)

4. Soft, airy,

The bath is very necessary!

I wrap one end

I wipe off the other side! (towel)

(four players who coped with the riddles, the host invites you to go to the center)


Bath for us is physical and moral rest,

And a good warm-up in it is a very desirable thing!

(speaking to 4 players) Choose a partner in the hall to your liking and lead to us!

(so formed four couples).

Contest "Everyone dances in the bathhouse!"

Each couple draws out a card with the name of one or another prop and must dance with washcloths - an erotic dance, with towels - a gypsy, with brooms - a lady, with basins - African dances. Winners can not be chosen, this is a game for general fun. The main thing is to choose the appropriate music and props.

(short music break)

Leading: Real bath attendants know that there are men's and women's days in the baths, our bath party is no exception - I propose to hold a separate men's and women's competition

Comic game for ladies "Do not say yes and no in the bathhouse!"

The host says that there is an opinion about the talkativeness and inattention of women and suggests dispelling this myth with the help of the children's game “Will you go to the ball?” So, he will ask various tricky questions, while according to the rules of the game: do not say “yes” and “no”, do not wear black and white, do not tell your neighbor!” Be sure to follow the conditions, for violations - the participant leaves. The leader can repeat the poem from the game before each question. The action must be dynamic, otherwise it will look like a boring poll. In the final there are three winners who receive.


Do you take off your underpants when you bathe? (remember that players are not allowed to say "yes" and "no"!)

Your neighbor's nose in the steam room does not freeze ? (Here, make sure that the neighbor does not tell!)

At what temperature does heat break your bones?

If the bathhouse is not flooded in white, then it is flooded ...? (the word "black" should not be pronounced!)

Do you like to lick honey from yourself in a steam room? (the answer is "yes" / "no" can not be!)

Did your beautiful neighbor dream of becoming a bath attendant as a child? (trick!)

Why do you love contrast showers?

Is Charcot's shower named after Charcot's doctor? (trick again!)

What do you do in the jacuzzi?

Do Roman baths heat black? (they drown, of course, in white, but the player must do without this word, otherwise - to fly!)

What kind of salt was rubbed in the steam room by your neighbor on the left? What about your neighbor on the right? (trick question!)

The winners are awarded the title of the most inflexible and are invited to test them in the next competition. For this, three cool machos are invited, who are ready to embarrass these “iron” ladies a little.

Contest "It's hot for me, it's hot!"

Bath "Crocodile"

Based on the name, we explain that here it is necessary to show an object or phenomenon that naturally relates to the bath theme with your whole body - without words! - to be guessed by your team members. Words for guessing can be the following: foam, heat, dry steam, body scrub.

"Bath proverbs in faces"

The principle is the same as in the previous game, so the games, if desired, can be combined and make the second round, or they can be played separately. The essence of the competition: without words to depict a whole proverb, because. not all of them are well known, you can do not guessing, but beating, a competition for artistry - teams draw cards, announce a proverb and quickly improvise, depicting its content.

Variants of proverbs for playing on:

- "A broom in the bath is the master of all."
- "Tobacco and a bathhouse, a tavern and a woman - one fun."
- “The bath soars, the bath rules. The bath will fix everything.
- "If it were not for the bath, we would all be lost."
- "Bath is the second mother."
- "Onion heals seven ailments."

- "Onion and bath all rule."
- “Here is an ice bath for you, water brooms,

take a steam bath - do not burn yourself, give in -

don’t fall down, don’t fall off the shelf!
- "Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish and drink kvass."
- "Russian bone loves warmly."

- "Heat does not break bones."
“The soul loves coolness, but the flesh loves steam.”

Competition "Race in the steam room"

The competition can be held when you have enough space. Two teams of five to seven people are recruited. Each team is given a pair of large family shorts to make it easier to put on and take off, and a hat. Either the hero of the occasion (the hero of the day and his wife) or selected participants stand at the finish line. They are holding brooms in their hands.

The task of the teams - the player puts on shorts and a cap, runs to the finish line. There he receives steam - a string of blows with a broom and returns back. Removes bath accessories and passes to the next player. He does the same. The winner is not the team that finishes steaming faster, but the one on whose broom there are as few leaves as possible.

P.S. If bathhouse lovers gathered at the party, then it may be useful for the Bathhouse attendant's Horoscope program (thanks to the author!)

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