Indoor games for all ages. Collection of outdoor games in the room


colorful ball

The teacher reads the lines of a poem by V. Suslov.

colorful ball

Jumping along the path

Along the path, along the path

From birch to aspen,

From the aspen turn -

Directly to Ira

To the garden!

The players throw a balloon (ball) in a circle. The one who received the ball beats it off the floor, after which everyone scatters, and the driver tries to “smack” the fleeing participants in the game with the ball. The player who hit the ball (ball) again invites everyone into the circle and throws the ball to any player. The ball is passed around again.


The teacher invites the players to sit freely in the classroom. Then he explains the conditions of the game, after which he recites poems by I. Tokmakova.

Rain, rain, drop

water saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, did not cut.

And tired, and stopped!

All perform arbitrary movements. With the last word “stopped”, all movements stop, the participants in the game freeze. The leader, passing by them, notices the one who has moved. He is out of the game.

Again, the host and a group of guys who have dropped out of the game recite a poem. It sounds loud, perky, but not very fast. Movements can be very diverse, but standing still. At the end of the game, the host notes those who performed the most beautiful or complex movements. It is possible to reward the “most persistent” participant in the game.

merry ax

This game can be played both outdoors and indoors. The guys stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs. The host, passing behind the players, hides a small object from any player - a “small hatchet”. Then all together (or the presenter) pronounce the text of the poem by I. Demyanov. The one from the players who had the last words (but preferably not the one who has the object hidden) goes to look for the ax.

Yegor took an ax in the corner,

With an ax went into the yard,

Egor began to repair the fence,

Yegor lost the ax.

That's what he's still looking for.

Look for an ax too!

triangular cap

The game develops mindfulness and coordination of movements. The players are randomly placed in a circle in the classroom. The host explains the conditions of the game, then says the words:

My triangular hat

My triangular cap.

And if the cap is triangular,

That is not my hat.

Repeating the words a second time, the players on the word "triangular" show a triangle of fingers. Further, in addition to showing the triangle, the players should lightly hit themselves in the chest on the word “my”. Then, showing the triangle to themselves, the players should touch the head on the word “cap”. In the future, all the players together with the leader pronounce the words and perform all 3 actions. Words are repeated faster and faster with each repetition. Those who go astray leave the game and only repeat the words. The one who doesn't fall off wins.

Be careful!

The game stimulates attention, promotes learning, quick and accurate response to sound signals.

The guys stand in a group, freely, but at arm's length from each other. Marching music (or any rhythmic) sounds. Children march to the music, it is possible to perform dance movements.

At the same time, the head of the game gives commands arbitrarily at different intervals. Children must implement the movements in accordance with the command.

For example:

"Bunnies!" Children jump, imitating the movements of a hare.

"Horses!" Children kick the floor.

"Crayfish!" The children back up.

"Birds!" Children run with their arms outstretched (imitation of the flight of birds).

"Heron!" They stand on one leg.

"Frog!" They squat and squat.

"Dogs!" Children bend their arms (imitation of the movement when “the dog serves”) and bark.

"Chickens!" Children walk, "search for grains" on the floor and say "Ko-ko-ko."

"Cows!" Children stand on their hands and feet and say "Moo-moo!"

The game can last 20-25 minutes. At the end of the game, the teacher notes the most attentive.


The game contributes to the development of volitional (voluntary) attention.

Children walk in a circle one after another, holding hands. Perhaps musical accompaniment in the pace of the march. At the signal of the leader, the players stop, make 4 claps, turn 180 ° and start moving in the other direction. The direction changes after each signal. If the child is confused and made a mistake, he leaves the game.

That's the pose!

The game can be used to develop observation and memory, it will contribute to the development of children's looseness, their communication skills.

At the request of the children, five players are selected from the group. One of them is the driver, the rest are spectators. Children show the driver "their poses." He walks around the children and memorizes their positions. Then the children go into the hall and sit on chairs, and the leader repeats the poses in the order in which he saw them.

"Spectators" shout whether the pose is repeated correctly or not. If wrong, one of the "spectators" (optional) goes "on stage" and repeats the pose.

The game is repeated 2-3 times until everyone is sure that the poses are shown correctly.

Mysterious proverbs

And this game contributes to the development of speech of younger schoolchildren, logical thinking, introduces them to the origins of oral folk art.

The teacher gives simple proverbs. The guys should explain what it means, what is the meaning of it, why it arose in the everyday life of people.

The work of the master is afraid.

Every master in his own way.

Jack of all trades.

The tailor will spoil - the iron will make amends.

The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.

Without labor, there is no fruit in the garden.

What is the care, such is the fruit.

More action, less words.

Every person in business is known.

There is grief - grieve, there is work - work.

To live without discipline is not good.

Earned bread is sweet.

Whoever has the skill, he acts smartly.

March 28th, 2011

Preschool children 4-5 years old will play with pleasure not only outdoor games, but also those where you need to think. Emphasis in games is recommended to be done on the development of observation, memorization, logic, imagination and speech skills, and in outdoor games - on improving coordination, speed, dexterity and attentiveness.

Here are some suitable games:

  1. Cats and mice

Active play. Develops dexterity, speed, attentiveness. It can successfully pass among a company of different ages. Suitable for home and street.
There are two versions of this game.
First. All but three players join hands and stand in an open circle. A "mouse" and two "cats" run inside. "Cats" must catch up with the mouse, but it's not so easy, because. she can safely run between the players in a circle, but they cannot. After that, all three of them stand in a circle and new cats and mice are selected.
Second option. In one corner, the house of the cat is indicated, in the other - the mink of mice, in the third - the pantry, where there are small objects depicting supplies. The cat falls asleep in the house, and the mice run from the hole to the pantry. At the clap of the leader (or after the words of the rhyme), the cat wakes up and begins to catch mice that are trying to run to the mink. At first, the cat is played by one of the adults, who pretends to catch, but lets the mice run away. You can add verbal accompaniment to the game:
The cat guards the mice
He pretended to be asleep.
Here he hears - the mice came out,
Slowly, closer, closer
From all cracks creep.
Tsap - scratch! Catch it soon!

  1. Carousels

Calmly active round dance game. Develops coordination and synchronism of movements, dexterity, attentiveness. The ability to control the power of the voice. Suitable for home and street.
The leader, together with the children, stands in a circle and everyone begins to slowly and quietly pronounce the text:
Barely, barely, barely
The carousels spin.
(At the same time, the players begin to slowly move in a circle)
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
(The tempo and strength of the voice increase, while the speed of movement increases. The players start running) The next part is pronounced with a decrease in the tempo and strength of the voice:
Hush hush! Do not hurry!
Stop the carousel!
(With these words, everyone stops).

  1. Kangaroo

Active play. Develops dexterity, speed in movements. It can successfully pass among a company of different ages. Suitable for home and street.
Two teams compete. Holding a matchbox (or similar object) with your feet, you need to jump like a kangaroo to the opposite wall (or chair), stop and say loudly: "I am a kangaroo!" (This statement is also evaluated by the presenter). Then you need to jump back and pass the box to a teammate. The winning team gets prizes.

  1. Superfluous word

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, the ability to combine objects into groups and select generalizing words. Suitable for home and street.
Before the start of the game, the host explains that in Russian there are words similar in meaning. The facilitator lists 4 words to the children, and they name what is superfluous, and explain why they think so. You can play not only with nouns, but also with verbs and adjectives.

  1. sweets

Calm game. Teaches communication, the ability to formulate questions and answers. Suitable for home and street.
A good game to start the holiday, allowing children to be liberated. You will need any sweets or dragees. Each child is offered to take as many sweets as he wants. Then the plate with refreshments is passed around. Then the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must answer the number of questions from the others, equal to the number of candies he took.

  1. hot ball

Calm game. Develops agility, speed and attention. Suitable for home and street.
Gambling: everyone stands in a circle and passes the ball to each other to the music. When the music stops, the player who did not have time to pass the ball and remained with him in his hands is eliminated (you can put him in honorary spectators, you can take forfeits). The last player left without a ball wins.

  1. missing numbers

The facilitator counts up to 10, deliberately skipping some numbers (or making mistakes). Players should clap their hands when they hear an error and name the missing number.

  1. Fluffy

Calm game. Develops discipline. Suitable for home.
An old Russian game. The teams stand against each other, between them is a line that cannot be crossed (for example, a ribbon). The host tosses a feather (you can use a fluffy cotton swab) over the heads of the participants. Task: to blow it to the side of the enemy. Attention, the team that steps up the ribbon or touches the feather with their hands is counted as a defeat.

  1. Chamomile

Calm game. Lets loosen up. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the beginning of the holiday, if the guests feel constrained. For the game, a camomile is prepared in advance from paper. The number of petals should be equal to the number of guests. On the back of each, light funny tasks are written, for example, crow, jump like a frog or on one leg, repeat a tongue twister, crawl on all fours, etc. Children tear off a petal and complete the task. If the children do not yet know how to read, the task can be depicted in the form of a picture or read to the facilitator.

  1. hedgehogs

Active play. Develops speed and fine motor skills. Suitable for street and home.
Team game. She needs a rope of 1.5 m and 30 multi-colored clothespins attached to it. Adults act as hedgehogs. The players run up to the stretched rope one at a time, as in a relay race, take off one clothespin, run to the “hedgehogs” sitting on chairs and attach it to any place of clothing or hairstyle. It’s good if the distance from the rope to the hedgehogs is 10 meters. The team whose hedgehog bristles better wins, i.e. which will have more clothespins - needles. The second team can be given a prize for the most original / cute / fun hedgehog (according to circumstances).

  1. I go, I go

Active play. Develops speed and attention. Suitable for home and street.
A fun, emotional game that gives young children a lot of fun. Children line up behind the leading chain. He goes and pronounces the following words: "I'm walking, walking, walking, I'm leading the children (an arbitrary number of times), and as soon as I turn around, I'll catch everyone at once." catches them (it's better for kids to pretend to let them run away). The game is well suited for the home, when the host leads from room to room, repeating the first lines. When the cherished “I will catch” is uttered, the children with a screech rush through the entire apartment to the saving place.

  1. Spider and flies

Flickering game. Teaches children to run in different directions without colliding, and freeze on a signal. Develops coordination and attention. Suitable for home and street.
In one corner of the room (platform) a web is indicated in which a "spider" sits. The rest of the children depict flies: they run, circle around the room, buzz. At the leader's signal: "Spider!" flies freeze in the place where they were caught by the signal. The spider emerges from the web and carefully watches who moves. The one who moved - takes him into his web.

  1. Who am I?

Calm game. Develops logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home.
Good for starting a holiday. At the entrance, each child receives a new name - a bear, a fox, a wolf, etc. A picture with a new name is attached to his back, he does not know about it, until, with the help of leading questions, he finds out everything about himself from those around him. Alternatively, you can describe this animal only with adjectives (for example: cunning, red, fluffy ... - fox). The goal is to find out as quickly as possible who is involved.

  1. Seasons?

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The host chooses any time of the year and calls it to the players. Then he begins to list the phenomena and objects associated with this season. From time to time he says the wrong words. When they hear a word that is not related to this time of year, the children should clap their hands.

  1. Edible - inedible?

Calm game. Develops attention and logic. Suitable for home and street.
The leader throws the ball to one of the players and says a word. The player must catch the ball if the word denotes an edible item, or discard it if the item is inedible. The most attentive wins. From those who made a mistake, you can take forfeits, according to which ridiculous tasks are then blindly assigned.

  1. Obedient Shadow or Mirror

Calm game. Develops attention. Suitable for home and street.
Two players are selected (for example, with the help of a counter), one is the shadow of the other. "Shadow" should repeat the actions of another player, if possible synchronously. If within a minute the player does not make a single mistake, he becomes the main player and chooses his shadow from among the other players.

  1. treasure hunt

Calm game. Develops the ability to navigate in space, logic, attention, the ability to compare parts, to assemble a mosaic. Suitable for home and street.
A map is drawn up in advance of the place where the treasures are hidden (apartments or streets), cut into pieces, each of which is obtained by the players in the form of a reward for correctly guessing a riddle or completing a task. Having made a map like a puzzle, all invitees are looking for treasure and discover something tasty or interesting. Before this game, it is better to practice and draw up a similar plan with the children, pronouncing how and what is indicated. It is important to draw the children's attention to the fact that the plan is, as it were, a view from above. In case of difficulty in finding the treasure, the leader prompts, directing the children in the right direction.

  1. hot-cold

Calm game. Develops logic. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the start of the holiday, if you hide various souvenirs-trinkets in advance in the room. The incoming guest begins to look for the hidden prize, and the rest tell him if he is walking right. If he approaches a hidden object, they shout "Heat", if it is very close - "Hot", if it moves away "Cool" or completely "Cold".

  1. missing numbers

Calm game. Develops attention and counting skills. Suitable for home and street.
The leader counts, deliberately making mistakes or skipping numbers. Players should clap their hands when they spot an error and correct it.

  1. Hurry up

Calm game. Develops attention, fine motor skills. Suitable for home.
Cubes (or skittles, etc.) are laid out on the floor according to the number of players minus one. Players walk around to the music, and as soon as it subsides, they must grab the cube. Whoever did not get the cube - drops out (or gives a phantom).

  1. Where we were, we won't tell you what we did - we'll show you

Calm game. Develops motor skills, imagination, attention, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The facilitator quietly tells the player the profession, so that the others do not hear. The player says "Where we were, we won't tell you what we did - we'll show you" and tries to show without words what people of this profession do. The rest guess. Guessed player - shows next.

  1. In an old closet

Calm game. Develops speech and the ability to distinguish parts of objects, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The facilitator together with the players says:
In the old closet, with Anna's grandmother,
Where did I go -
Many wonders...
But they are all "without" ...
Next, the host calls the item, and the player he points to must say what part of the item may be missing. For example: a table without a leg, a dress without a pocket, etc.

("When It Rains")


The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The facilitator explains the rules of the game:
There are 3 characters in Kabuki theater:
  • DRAGON - he throws his arms up threateningly, as if he wants to attack you and growls: "rrr"
  • PRINCESS - she turns from side to side holding her skirt and says: "woo-tu-tu"
  • SAMURAI - like a karateka, he throws his leg forward and cries out: "y-a-a-a"

  • The samurai defeats the dragon, the dragon defeats the princess, the princess defeats the samurai.
    The teams, having agreed, at the command of the host, show one of the characters. The game goes either for points, or the winning team catches up with the enemy and pulls the caught players to its side.

    2. BLUE COW.

    Participants are divided into 2 teams and each team thinks of a word. Then the members of one of the teams choose an opposing player and tell him the hidden word. This player must explain to his team without words, numbers, letters, the hidden word. If the team was able to guess the word, then it gets a point. Then it's the turn of the other team.

    3. PULSE.

    To play, you will need a small ball or a small soft toy. Participants are divided into 2 teams and stand in 2 lines facing each other, holding hands. At one end there is a chair with a toy or a ball, at the other - the leader holds the hands of the last two players. Imperceptibly, he squeezes the hands of both players at the same time (sends them a pulse), the task of the participants is to transfer the impulse to their team as quickly as possible, the last players from the other end must have time to grab the toy. The team with the toy wins.


    Participants sit in a circle on chairs. It is necessary to pay for apples, bananas, oranges and other fruits. The leader stands in a circle. At the command "apples" or oranges, the named fruits change places, the leader's task is to take a free chair. On the command "Fruit Salad" - all participants change places.


    Participants are divided into threes. The two hold hands and stand facing each other. They are home. The third participant stands between them. He is a human. At the command of the leader “house”, all the houses, without disengaging their hands, run to look for another person, the leader at this time tries to take the place of one person in one of the “houses”. The one who is left alone becomes the leader. On the command "man", all players - people change "houses". On the "earthquake" command, all players change places, that is, they are looking for new game partners.


    All participants become in a circle. The facilitator says the names of the figures and explains how to show them:
  • "CAPTAIN" - performed by one player, the hand is brought to the forehead
  • "LIFEBUOY" - 2 people join hands
  • "BARREL" - 3 players grab each other's shoulders
  • "BOAT" - 4 players stand one after another, imitating the movements of the oars with their hands

  • Participants begin to move randomly. At the command of the leader, they must unite and depict the named figure. The participants who remained outside the figure are captured by the pirates, that is, they leave the game and sing the song: "The life of a pirate, the life of a pirate - this is for me!"


    Participants become in a circle. The host sets the figures for 3 people standing side by side.
  • "ELEPHANT" - a man in the center depicts a trunk, people on the right and left - ears
  • "BUFFALO" - standing in the middle puts his fingers - horns to his head, tilts his head forward, people on the sides beat with hooves closest to the center
  • "JELLE" - those standing at the edges join hands, depicting a plate; standing in the center crouches, raising his hands up, imitating jelly trembling on a plate.
  • "PALMA" - the person in the center raises his hands up, spreading his fingers, the person on the right raises his hands up and leans to the right, the person on the left does the same.
  • 8. ONE, TWO, THREE.

    All participants stand in a circle, the leader counts to 3. At the expense of 1 - everyone puts out the index finger of the left hand, at the expense of 2 - with the right palm they cover the index finger of the neighbor on the right, at the expense of 3 - everyone tries to grab the neighbor's finger and have time to remove his own.


    All participants stand in a circle, turn to the right, hold their hand at the waist. With the words "Chili, chili, kan, chili-chili-kan, spaghetti, ketchup, Coca-Cola" go around one circle. Then you need to grab the waist of the player next to the neighbor and go around another circle, then the third, and so on.


    Living - non-living

    The facilitator names living and non-living objects mixed up, and the children answer in chorus only “living”, and they are silent to “non-living”. The kids who make the fewest mistakes win.


    Children line up in one line in the direction of the leader's hand. When he speaks in all directions, everyone scatters. And having heard the slogan: “The guys have a strict order, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, they know all their places,” they run and line up in a new direction. The latter is considered the loser.

    find the color

    Children stand in a circle and, at the command of the host, look for objects of the named color in order to touch them. The loser is the one who touches the right thing last. He is out of the game.


    All children are fish, one of them is a predator. When an adult calls "Ship", the fish take cover against one wall, when they call "Storm" they run away from the other, and at the word "predator" they begin to flee, while the predator reveals itself and begins to catch them.

    sun bunnies

    This activity is suitable for sunny weather. You should take a small mirror, put sunbeams on the walls and ceiling and watch them with your baby.

    Runaways are jumping
    Sunny Bunnies.
    We call them - they don't go.
    Were here - and they are not here.
    Jump, jump in the corners.
    They were there and they are not there.
    Where are the bunnies? Gone.
    Did you find them anywhere?
    (A. Brodsky)


    The leader whistles to give the blindfolded players a signal and change direction. Focusing on the sounds, you need to find an adult.


    Children bring some small items with them and put them in one place. Next, one of the players is chosen, who becomes his back to the objects. The leader, pointing to one of the objects, asks: "What should the one who owns this object do?". All players see this item, but one has their back to it and does not know whose item the host is pointing to. This player's job is to assign "penalties", a task that the owner of the item must complete in order to redeem the item.

    through the hoop

    The player holds a racket with a table tennis ball in one hand, and a gymnastic hoop in the other. The player's task is to pass the hoop through himself from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, without dropping the ball. They play in pairs. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.

    Arithmetic cubes

    The game requires 3 dice. Everyone throws them 3 times. If among the dropped numbers they are the same, they are added up (for example, 3, 5 and 3 fell out, playing the sum 3 + 3 = 6, and if all different numbers fall out, let's say 5, 2 and 3 - they are not taken into account). If it happens that after the next throw all 3 numbers turn out to be the same (for example, 4,4 and 4), then the sum of these numbers also doubles. The winner is the one who, as a result of three throws, will have the largest sum of numbers.


    Players need to find and collect all the clothespins in the room. Clothespins can be different: plastic, wooden, colored, transparent, old, new. The main principle: the more the better. Players are divided into pairs. The couple is given a bandage with clothespins. The task is very simple. One child is blindfolded. Clothespins are attached to the partner's clothes. Moreover, clothespins are hung around, and not the child himself. Where to attach them - they decide. The player has no right to interfere in the process. Next comes the hour for a blindfolded player to act. His task is to find and remove all clothespins from the player as quickly as possible.

    Funny pictures

    Game for the development of visual memory. Invite the child to carefully consider 10 pictures, each of which depicts a familiar object. Then ask your child to take turns naming the items he remembers. The number of items that the child remembers is important. Show the child the pictures that he did not name. Please try again in 10 minutes. Offer to remember all the pictures in an hour.

    Get the town

    The participants in the game take a stance of socks and five together, their hands are connected behind their backs (the hand of one hand grabs the wrist of the other). Squatting, he must, without moving from his place and without touching the floor with his hands, raise the town (puck, cube, bump, etc.) located behind the leg. The winner is the one who succeeds more than three times out of three attempts.

    Find a bunny

    You will need a clean handkerchief to play. You should take it by 2 adjacent ends, look behind it from both sides and ask: "Where is our bunny? Where did he run?" After that, you need to tie the ends of the scarf into knots so that they look like rabbit ears, and say: "Here is the bunny! And where is his tail?" At the remaining end of the scarf, you need to tie a small knot-tail: "Here is the tail! Let's stroke it."

    gold fish

    The child is a goldfish who invites the fisherman to grant his wish. You come up with something supernatural, and he must find a good reason why he cannot fulfill your desire. Then you can switch roles.

    Broken fax

    Participants sit in a row one after another. The last participant draws a picture on the back of the person sitting in front of him. The player who received the message must repeat it as accurately as possible on the back of the person sitting in front. The first player in a row, having received a message, draws it on paper. After that, the drawings of the first and last players are compared and it is revealed on which participants in the game the fax failed. Before the next round, all players must switch places.

    Geometric shapes, letters and small words, various symbols (dollar sign, euro sign, ampersand, copyright) can be used as drawings.

    It is desirable to start the game with simple geometric pictures. In order for the game to be more dynamic, you can prepare drawings for transmission in advance, secretly from the participants in the game.

    You can conduct a team version of the game - all participants are divided into teams of 5-8 people and simultaneously transfer the drawing. The winning team is the team whose final drawing is closest to the original.

    musical chairs

    After the music stops, sit down on a chair as quickly as possible. The one who did it last or who did not have enough chair loses.


    The players stand in a circle and raise their hands up, forming a "gate". The host announces two nearby players as vines. One loach stands in a circle and is called "running away", the other - behind the circle - "catching up". The running distance is small - you need to run around the circle once and stand in your place, but you will have to run not in a straight line, but along a winding line, slipping into the “gates” from one side or the other.

    At the signal of the leader, both loaches take off. If he won, that is, the escaping one ran earlier to his place, then a loach is appointed instead of him, and the catching up remains the same. If the chasing one has taunted the escaping one, then the chasing one chooses a replacement for himself, and the escaping loach remains old.

    You can play the game with a division into two teams, counting all those standing on the first and second numbers, then the runner and catching up the loaches are selected from different teams, and the success of one or the other brings one point to his team.

    Dwarfs - Giants

    Children stand waist-deep in water. The leader gives a signal by shouting the word: "Dwarfs!". Everyone gets into the water. Behind the signal: "Giants!" - all players jump up. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Whoever is left wins.

    extra item

    The teacher puts rows of geometric shapes on the typesetting canvas. In each row, one figure differs in color (shape, size). Students must find the "extra" figure and explain why they decided so. For a correct answer, the student receives a token.

    Ball over the line

    Players of two teams enter the water and line up at opposite sides of the pool facing the middle. The side is for them in the game the line of the house that they defend. The leader throws the ball in the middle between the teams. The players swim towards him and, having taken possession of the ball, begin to throw it among themselves, trying not to give it to the opponent. The task is. To approach the opponent's house and touch the side of the pool with the ball. On an open reservoir, the field for the game is limited by floats, paths from floats. The game lasts 10 minutes. The team that manages to touch the opponent's home with the ball the most times wins.

    Hurry up to pick up

    A participant with a volleyball in his hands becomes a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. Behind the player are 8 tennis (rubber) balls.
    On a signal, the participant throws the ball up, and while he is in the air, he tries to pick up as many balls as possible and, without leaving the circle, catch the ball. The participant who managed to pick up more balls wins.

    monkey tag

    Monkey tags are a type of tag. The driver catches up with the evader, who changes modes of movement, the driver must change his mode of movement after the evader.

    chain fishing

    Chain fishing is a type of tag. The beginning is like a game of catching in pairs, only the drivers remain one chain. This game is interesting in the forest or among the pillars.

    Freeze in place

    To conduct the game, one or more participants are assigned, who play the role of sorcerers. The one whom the sorcerer touches must stop in place, spread his legs apart. The player can continue the game if one of the runners crawls between his feet.

    Flying Dutchman

    This game is best played in the forest, especially if everyone is cold. They warm up very quickly.
    Players (10-30 people) stand in a circle and hold hands. One pair of people runs around the circle. Suddenly, one of them strikes the clasped hands of someone from the circle. The couple that was hit on the hands should jump out of the circle and run around it, the same is done by the couple that hit, only they run in the opposite direction. Those two who run around the circle faster take an empty place. Others remain running around the circle. History repeats itself.

    falling stick

    Standing in a circle, several players are calculated in numerical order. The participant of the game at number 1 takes a gymnastic stick and goes to the middle of the circle. Putting the stick vertically and covering it with his palm from above, he loudly calls a number, for example 3, and he runs back to his place. The one who is named runs forward, trying to catch the falling stick. If he manages to do this, then the participant in the game at number 1 again takes the stick and, placing it vertically, calls a number, etc. If the stick fell to the ground, then the one who failed to pick it up becomes the leader. The game lasts 5 - 7 minutes. The winner is the one who was less than others in the role of leader.

    The last word

    The host calls different nouns. Suddenly he interrupts, goes up to one of the children and asks to repeat the last word. If the child was inattentive and did not remember it, he receives a penalty point. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.

    Interesting games for the development of children. Games are aimed at developing: communication skills, emancipation, motor skills of hands, memory, mindfulness of thinking. Games for kindergarten and school.

    Fight for the ball

    For the game choose a flat area. Draw circles with a diameter of about 1 meter. These circles should be located at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from each other.

    Choose 3 - 4 drivers who stand between the circles. All other players take places in circles and begin to throw the ball to each other. The task of the drivers is to catch this ball. If they succeed, they shout: "Change!" Players must change places. Drivers try to occupy the vacated circles. The one who is left without a circle becomes the driver next time. The winner is the one who has never been a driver for the entire time of the game.

    A few mandatory rules:

    1. Players cannot leave circles, and drivers cannot enter circles.

    2. The ball can be passed in a variety of ways.

    3. After the command: "Change!" no one can stay in their circles.

    Place of play: street

    Items needed: ball

    Game Mobility: Movable

    Siamese twins

    Siamese Twins is a game for introverted kids who want to fix that.

    The purpose of the game: to teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote the emergence of trust between them.

    Participants are divided into pairs. Pairs of players stand side by side with each other and hug each other by the shoulders. It turns out that the one on the right has only the right hand free, and the one on the left has only the left. Together they are the Siamese twin.

    The facilitator gives a task, and the "Siamese twin" must complete this task (for example, tie shoelaces, cut out a circle from paper, comb your hair).

    Age of players: from six years old

    The game develops: communication skills, fluency

    Number of players: 4 or more.

    Broken fax

    This children's game resembles a broken phone, but unlike that game, it does not develop hearing, but the sense of touch of children.

    Players sit down one after another and look at the back of each other's heads. The first and last player is given a pen and paper. The last player draws a simple figure on the sheet, and then the exact same figure with his finger on the back of the neighbor in front.

    Each next player draws on the back of the person sitting in front of what he felt on his back.

    The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back.

    After all, they compare the received pictures and have fun.

    The last player goes to the beginning of the column and the game starts again.

    Age of players: from six years old

    The game develops: mindfulness, hand motor skills, memory

    Mobility of the game: sedentary

    Number of players: 4 or more

    Items needed: paper, pencil

    Copy of the monument

    A copy of the monument is a game that develops mindfulness in children and adolescents, helps to overcome shyness.

    The game is suitable for children of primary and senior school age for holding on holidays.

    Also suitable for adults for parties.

    Two players are selected from those present. One of them (the copyist) is taken out of the room

    and blindfolded, the second (monument) at this time should take some interesting pose and freeze in it. Enter the player-copier blindfolded.

    Without removing the bandage, he must determine the position of the monument by touch and take exactly the same. As soon as the copier has taken a pose, the blindfold is removed from the eyes. Everyone compares the original of the monument and what happened with the copyist.

    The copyist becomes a monument, and someone from those present is chosen to replace the copyist

    Notes. The game has no losers or winners.

    Age of players: from six years to fifteen years

    The game develops: mindfulness, sense organs, emancipation

    Mobility of the game: sedentary

    Number of players: 4 or more

    Place of play: indoor

    Items needed: bandage


    With the help of this game, it is good to give a child a hidden surprise / gift, because the child’s interest in the gift increases in the process of searching (just like a delicious smell from the kitchen increases appetite before dinner).

    A surprise / gift is hidden from the child in advance. He must find it at the prompts of the presenter:

    Completely frozen - it means that the surprise is very far away and the child is looking in the wrong direction. Cold - it means that the child is looking in the wrong place.

    Again winter-winter has come - it means that the child is going in the wrong direction, after the right direction.

    Already warmer means that the child has turned in the right direction

    Warmer means that the child continues to walk / search in the right direction

    Hot - the child is already close to a surprise

    It's hot - baby close, close to surprise

    Quite a fire! - the child is a few centimeters from his gift

    The child is looking for a hidden surprise, according to the facilitator's tips described above.

    The child enjoys the found gift. It is obvious that the gift found is the reward for the child.

    Notes. If the child is not one, but there are several of them, then all the children are engaged in the search at once. For this occasion, the gift must be appropriate!

    Age of players: from six years old

    The game develops: mindfulness, thinking

    Mobility of the game: sedentary

    Number of players: 2 or more

    snow duel

    Snow duel is almost a real duel, but on snowballs. The game well develops the coordination of movements and the reaction of playing children.

    The game follows the rules of the duel, but with some changes. Namely:

    The duel takes place not on pistols, but on snowballs, you can dodge hits and no one kills anyone. The maximum that you can get is a bruise under the eye and a slight concussion.

    Two players stand 10 meters apart. Each duelist draws a 1 meter circle around him - within this circle he can dodge the opponent's snowball.

    After the prearranged signal, the first duelist throws a snowball at the opponent. After that, the second duelist throws a snowball at the first.

    If one duelist hit and the other missed, then the hit one is considered to have won the duel.

    If both miss or hit, the duel is replayed.

    A duelist who is being "shooted" can dodge a snowball within the circle outlined around him.

    If there are more players, then the new player takes the place of the loser and everything starts all over again.

    Notes. To reduce the chance of injury, aim for the torso rather than the head. Also, do not make icy or very strong snowballs.

    Age of players: from six years old

    The game develops: coordination, reaction

    Mobility of the game: sedentary

    Number of players: 2 or more

    Place of play: street

    Items needed: snow

    Marine figures

    For this game, you need to choose one driver. The rest of the players are at some distance from him. The driver says: “The sea is worried - one, The sea is worried - two, The sea is worried - three, Sea figure, freeze on the spot!” After these words, all participants in the game should freeze in place, depicting some kind of motionless marine figure, for example, a fish, crab, seahorse or other inhabitants of the seas and oceans. The driver approaches a player and taunts him. The player must show how the figure depicted by him moves. For example, a fish swims, a crab crawls, a frog jumps. The rest of the participants must guess who the player is portraying.

    Next time, the driver can choose the participant in the game who depicted the most mysterious marine figure, that is, one that no one could guess. Or, on the contrary, you can choose the leader of the one who depicted the simplest figure that everyone immediately recognized.

    Age of players: from six years old

    Place of play: street, indoor

    Mobility of the game: sedentary


    Participants are divided into two equal teams. The players of each team line up in a chain, join hands and disperse so that the distance between the chains is approximately 7-8 meters. Teams agree in advance who will start the game.

    The team that starts the game (the first one), without disengaging its hands, goes towards the opponents (the second team) and shouts: “The chains, the chains are forged, Who are you not loosened by?”

    After that, she returns to her seat. Opponents, after conferring, call the name of one of the players of the first team. This player runs and runs with all his might into the chain of the second team, trying to break it.

    If the chain can be broken, then the player who did this takes the one to his right to his team. In this case, the first team retains the right to break the chain.

    If he fails to break the chain, he gets into the opponent's chain. The right to break the chain passes to the second team.

    The game continues until one of the teams has only one player left. Or the team with the most players after a certain amount of time wins.

    There is a game similar to this - Ali Baba. Its essence is the same as in "Chains", only the players shout different words. One of the teams starts the game with the words: "Ali Baba!" The second team answers in chorus: “About what, servant?” The first team speaks again, naming the name of one of the players of the opposing team, for example: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha here for us!”

    Mobility of the game: mobile.


    This is an old and beloved Russian game. It needs a large playground, a ball and a lapta (bat or board). Two lines are drawn on the site. Behind one of them is a “house”, behind the other is a “city”, and between them is a “field”.

    The players are divided into two teams. The teams disperse: one goes to the “field”, and the other goes beyond the “city” line. One player from the “city” team hits the ball with a bast shoe, runs to the “house” and runs back to his place.

    The selected players of the "field" try to intercept the ball and knock them down on the runner. If the player of the "city" understands that he will not have time to run to the "house" without being tagged, he can stop, and then run to the "city" together with the next player of his team. If the player managed to run across to the “home” and return to the “city” without being tagged, the team gets a point. If the ball is caught by a field player on the fly, or if a city player is tagged while running, the city team receives a penalty point.

    The game takes place in two stages of 20 minutes each. At the end of each period, the teams change places.

    Then the points are counted, and the winner is determined by their number.

    Age of players: from ten years old

    Place of play: street, spacious room

    Items needed: ball, bast shoes

    Game Mobility: Movable

    sea ​​king

    This game should be played on the shore, near the water. Choose one leader. He will be the "king of the sea".

    The "sea king" lives in the water, and the rest of the participants go swimming and tease him. He must catch up and knock down one of the players. The “sea king” cannot go ashore.

    If the "sea king" knocks down one of the players, then the next time the driver, that is, the "sea king", will be another player.

    Age of players: from ten years old

    Place of the game: shore of the reservoir

    Game Mobility: Movable

    live target

    You need a flat area and pre-prepared snowballs. In addition, a sufficient number of players is required so that they can be divided into two teams. The essence of the game is to cross the area under the enemy's snowball fire and dodge the blows at the same time.

    On the snow, a large rectangle 20 meters long is drawn on the site. One team, which has to run, stands at the start line (in front of the transverse side of the rectangle), and the other, which will fire, along the site.

    The first player of the “defectors” starts off and rushes along the site to its opposite border. At this time, the players of the second team must throw snowballs at him, trying to hit him. The running player can wag, dodge, and dodge, but move mostly in a straight line. If he runs unscathed, his team gets a point. And if he gets hit with a snowball, he is out of the game.

    As soon as the first player runs, the second one takes off, and so on. When the whole team has covered the distance, points are counted, and the runners become attackers.

    The team that scores the most points wins.

    Age of players: from ten years old

    Place of play: street

    Items needed: snow

    Game Mobility: Movable

    Cossack robbers

    The participants of the game should be divided into two teams: the team of "robbers" and the team of "Cossacks". The "Cossacks" find a place for the captured "robbers" - a "dungeon", while the "robbers" hide in the meantime.

    Then the "Cossacks" begin to search, and the "robber" must be caught up and touched. The "robber" who was taken prisoner has no right to run away. All prisoners are in the "dungeon", they are guarded by the "Cossack". "Robbers" can release a comrade from the "dungeon", but for this they must touch the "prisoner". And if he does not have time to run away immediately, the “Cossack” watchman can catch him again. The "Cossack" can also catch the "robber" who came to the rescue.

    The game is considered over when all the "robbers" are in the "dungeon". Then the game can be started again, and the participants can switch roles.

    Age of players: from ten years old

    Place of play: street

    Items needed: crayons

    Game Mobility: Movable


    A large circle is drawn on a flat area. Two players enter it and kneel in front of each other, each has a handkerchief or scarf - “tail” attached to the back of his belt. The task of the players is, without rising from their knees, to approach the enemy from behind and grab the handkerchief with their teeth. You can't help yourself with your hands.

    Age of players: from eight years old

    Things needed: two scarves; something with which to draw or mark a circle

    Place of play: any

    Mobility of the game: sedentary


    The participants of the game stand in a circle. Selected by lot or with the help of a counting rhyme, the driver enters the circle. The players pass the ball to each other so that the driver does not get it. That player, through whose fault the ball is caught, becomes the next driver.

    This game has some rules.

    1. You can not keep the ball in your hands for a long time.

    2. You can pass the ball in different ways: throw it through the air, roll it on the ground, hit it off the ground. You can agree in advance and choose only one way to pass the ball.

    3. Players are allowed to make fake moves, false passes, throws, turns, etc.

    4. Any player, including the driver, can intercept the ball that has flown out of the circle.

    If desired, the game can be somewhat complicated. For example, to agree that during the game everyone moves in a circle to the right or left, or all those who missed the ball join the leader and also try to take possession of the ball.

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