Illustrations of famous artists for literary works. Project "Illustration in the perception of works of fiction"


Types of state benefits for citizens with children, the procedure for appointment are determined by Federal Law No. 81 “On state benefits for citizens with children” dated May 19, 1995 (as amended by Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 N 133-FZ)

This Federal Law establishes the following types of state benefits:

Maternity benefits;

A one-time benefit for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy;

One-time benefit for the birth of a child. In the event of the birth of two or more children, the specified benefit is paid for each child. In the event of a stillbirth, the specified benefit is not paid.

Monthly child care allowance;

Monthly child benefit;

A one-time benefit when placing a child in a family;

A one-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a serviceman undergoing military service;

Monthly allowance for the child of a military serviceman undergoing military service.

The procedure for indexation and recalculation of state benefits for citizens with children is also regulated by this law (introduced by Federal Law No. 18-FZ of March 1, 2008).

When adopting a child (children) under the age of three months, maternity benefits are paid for the period from the date of adoption until the expiration of seventy calendar days (in the case of simultaneous adoption of two or more children - one hundred and ten calendar days) from the date of birth of the child (children). ).
The right to a one-time allowance when placing a child in a family for upbringing (adoption, establishing guardianship (trusteeship), placing children without parental care in a foster family) if the parents are unknown, died, declared dead, deprived of parental rights, limited in parental rights, recognized as missing, incompetent (partially incompetent), for health reasons cannot personally raise and support a child, are serving their sentences in institutions executing sentences of imprisonment, are in places of detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes, evade raising children or protecting their rights and interests, or refused to take their child from educational, medical institutions, social welfare institutions and other similar institutions, has one of the adoptive parents, guardians (trustees), foster parents.

If two or more children are placed in foster care, the allowance is paid for each child. A one-time benefit when placing a child in a family is paid in the amount of 8,000 rubles. In case of adoption of a disabled child, a child over seven years of age, as well as children who are brothers and (or) sisters, the benefit is paid in the amount of 100,000 rubles for each such child. (Part two was introduced by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 167-FZ)

Let's consider this type of state. support like, Family capital.

Maternal (family) capital is a form of state support for Russian families raising children. This support is provided from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016 at the birth or adoption of a second, third or subsequent child with Russian citizenship, provided that the parents have not exercised the right to additional measures of state support.

In accordance with current legislation, the following have the right to receive maternity capital:

· a woman with Russian citizenship who gave birth to (adopted) a second or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007;

· a man with Russian citizenship who is the sole adoptive parent of the second or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption entered into legal force starting from January 1, 2007;

· the father (adoptive parent) of the child, regardless of whether he has Russian citizenship, in the event of termination of the right to additional measures of state support for a woman who gave birth (adopted) children, due, for example, to death, deprivation of parental rights in relation to a child, in connection with whose birth (adoption) arose the right to receive maternity capital if an intentional crime is committed against a child (children);

· a minor child (children in equal shares) or a full-time student until he reaches the age of 23, upon termination of the right to additional measures of state support for the father (adoptive parent) or a woman who is the only parent (adoptive parent).

A state-issued certificate is issued to confirm the right to receive maternity capital funds.

Maternity capital can only be spent on the following purposes:

Improving living conditions

· Repayment of a mortgage or other credit/loan taken out for the purpose of purchasing a home;

· Reconstruction and repair of a residential building with an increase in living space;

· Compensation for building a house;

· Repair and construction of a house on your own;

· Share building;

· Participation in housing construction cooperatives.

Getting an education

· Student accommodation in the dormitory of an educational institution

· Payment for services of an educational institution

Mother's pension savings (through investment through a non-state pension fund, Vnesheconombank, management company).

As a general rule, maternity capital can be used after the child reaches the age of three. Except for cases of repayment of a loan for the purchase of housing, construction, reconstruction (including repayment of part of the mortgage). It is allowed to spend funds for these purposes immediately after receiving the certificate, provided that the credit or loan was taken before December 31, 2010.

Maternity capital cannot be deposited or spent, for example, on a car or paying off current debts on consumer loans and utilities. To protect family capital from unjustified waste by parents, cashing out state certificates is prohibited by law.

One of the instruments of social policy is the payment of benefits to citizens with children.

System of benefits for citizens with children

This legal area is regulated by several government regulations, which include the following documents:

  • Federal Law "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children" dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 1995 No. 883 “On approval of the regulations on the procedure for assigning and paying state benefits”;
  • Federal Law "On monthly payments to families with children" dated December 21, 2017.

Based on these regulations, the following types of benefits are defined:

One-time benefit for the birth or adoption of a child under 3 months of age

One of the parents or a person replacing them has the right to receive this benefit.

The benefit can be obtained at the place of work, from the social insurance or social protection authorities, if the parents. To do this, you must provide the child’s birth certificate, identification documents of the parents, proof that the second parent did not receive benefits elsewhere, and a certificate from the registry office.

An application for this benefit can be submitted within 6 months from the date of birth of the child. When two or more children are born, the benefit is paid for each of them.

Its size is 16,759 rubles 09 kopecks.

Child care allowance up to one and a half years old

This benefit is intended to compensate for the lack of income for persons caring for a child under one and a half years old. It begins to accrue monthly from the moment the woman returns from maternity leave.

Its amount is 40% of the earnings of a person caring for a child under one and a half years old, subject to restrictions imposed by law, or the amount of labor in the region. If the person caring for the child does not work, then through the Social Security authorities he has the right to receive benefits for the first child in the amount of 3142.33 rubles, for the second and subsequent ones - 6284.65 rubles.

Persons who receive child care benefits until the child is one and a half years old are not deprived of this right when they go to work during working hours.

Parents with children under 16 years of age have the right to it, and in the case of studying in a general education institution - up to 18 years of age in families that are less than the subsistence level in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

for this benefit is submitted to the social protection authority, multifunctional center or the State Services portal. The following documents must be attached to the application: a certificate of other income that the parents have, a certificate of birth certificates for all children, passports of parents, documents confirming all family members.

Separately, it should be noted the monthly child benefit in the amount of 11,374.18 rubles, which a person raising children of conscripted military personnel is entitled to receive.

To the general package of documents, you must additionally attach a certificate from the Military Commissariat about the conscription of the child’s father for military service or a certificate from a military educational institution stating that the father is studying there.

Notification of the assignment of benefits or refusal of benefits is sent in writing to the applicant no later than 10 days from the date of application.

Also wives of conscripted military personnel are entitled to a one-time benefit for a pregnancy period of 180 days or more in the amount of 26,539 rubles 76 kopecks.

Benefit in connection with the birth of the first or second child or in connection with their adoption

Families with a first child born after January 1, 2018, whose average per capita income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, are entitled to this benefit.

Its size is the regional subsistence minimum. A similar one is assigned to needy families with a second child from maternity capital funds.

You can obtain it from the Social Security authorities by providing parents’ passports, children’s birth certificates, registration certificates, certificates of residence about family composition, applications, documents confirming family income.

Is it possible to receive several benefits at once?

Some benefits can be received together, some separately.

Together you can receive maternity benefits and benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy, then upon the birth of a child you receive a lump sum payment for the birth or adoption of a child up to 3 months. After maternity leave, an application is submitted for child care benefits up to 1.5 years and a monthly allowance or allowance for 1 child or 2 children from maternity capital funds.

Benefits for families with children have a high social significance, as they support the financial well-being of the social unit with a newborn baby, thereby allowing parents to devote more time to caring for and raising a new member of society.

One of the most important social tasks of a modern state is to provide assistance to those citizens who need it. These include disabled people, incapacitated citizens, those who, for one reason or another, cannot carry out any activity, and therefore cannot provide for themselves, elderly people, and some families in need of such help.

Let us note once again that state social benefits are cash payments that are assigned to citizens on a monthly, periodic or one-time basis with the aim of providing them with maintenance during the period of their lack of earnings or providing additional material assistance in cases established by the state as socially significant, regardless of whether they have any - sources of income in the manner and amount provided by law. These most often are people of retirement age, or those who are unable to support themselves due to disability, illness or inability to find work.

Numerous types of benefits can be classified on various grounds: by purpose, by the duration of payment of benefits (one-time, monthly, periodic), by the source of their payment (benefits from extra-budgetary funds, benefits from the state budget).

Types of benefits according to their intended purpose:

1. compensating earnings (in whole or in part) that were lost for a good reason - temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits. As a rule, the amount of these benefits is tied to the amount of lost earnings and their payment continues for the entire period while earnings are lost;

2. provided as additional financial assistance to cover one-time additional expenses - a benefit on the occasion of the birth of a child, a funeral benefit. The amount of these benefits does not depend on whether the recipient has earnings or other income and what its size is. Such benefits are one-time due to the period of their payment;

3. which must provide a means of subsistence during the period of lack of earnings and other income - unemployment benefits. The amount of this benefit and the timing of its payment may vary and depend on the individual recipient of the benefit.

Types of benefits by payment terms:

1. one-time payments – for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy, on the occasion of the birth of a child, for funeral, refugees, internally displaced persons;

2. monthly – for child care up to one and a half years old, for a child up to sixteen years old, for unemployment;

3. periodic (which are paid during a certain period) - for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth.

Types of benefits by source of payment:

1. paid from budgets of all levels;

2. paid from the funds of the State Social Insurance Fund;

3. paid from the State Pension Fund.

Types of benefits for persons who can receive them:

1. citizens with children;

2. unemployed;

3. temporarily disabled;

4. spouses of military personnel performing military service under a contract;

5. internally displaced persons;

6. refugees;

7. citizens involved in the fight against terrorism;

8. for citizens from among orphans;

State benefits for citizens with children is a unified system of state benefits for citizens with children in connection with their birth and upbringing, which provides state-guaranteed material support for motherhood, paternity and childhood.

In accordance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 81-FZ, the following types of state benefits are established in the Russian Federation for citizens with children:

1. maternity benefit;

2. one-time benefit for women who registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy;

3. one-time benefit for the birth of a child;

4. monthly child care allowance;

5. monthly child benefit;

6. one-time benefit when placing a child in a family .

7. maternal (family) capital

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that in the Russian Federation there are systems of various social benefits aimed at improving the quality of life of a person and citizen. Benefits can be classified on various grounds: by purpose, by the duration of benefit payment (one-time, monthly, periodic), by the source of their payment (benefits from extra-budgetary funds, benefits from the state budget).

We will open a wonderland and meet the heroes. In the lines on pieces of paper, Where the stations are on the dots.

What do you think illustration is?

Illustration- this is a type of book graphics, its basis.

What is the name of the artist who illustrates a literary work?

Illustrator– an artist who designs a book, revealing the content of a literary work using artistic graphics.


Famous illustrators

Famous Russian illustrator

Evgeniy Ivanovich Charushin, was a writer and artist. He illustrated his books and works of other writers (Marshak S. “Children in a Cage,” “Teremok”).

Wonderful artistEvgeny Mikhailovich Rachev. The leading theme of E. Rachev’s creativity is illustrations Russian, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Belarusian, Bulgarian, northern folk tales, fables, tales of classics of Russian and world literature. In addition, he is the author of illustrations for many collections of stories and fairy tales about nature and animals, the authors of which were V. V. Bianki, M. M. Prishvin, P. N. Barto, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, V. M. Garshin, O. D. Ivanenko and others.


Children's writer, illustrator and animator Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev. His kind, cheerful pictures look like stills from a cartoon. Suteev’s drawings turned many fairy tales into masterpieces.


F. Iskander"The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules."

V. P. Astafiev"Horse with a pink mane"

A. Platonov"Unknown Flower"

A.S. Green"Scarlet Sails"

M.M. Prishvin « Pantry of the sun"


Carefully re-read your favorite book and think about the compositional structure of the illustration.

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