Illusions of perception and errors of memory. How does our brain deceive us? Stereograms: miracles or optical illusions? Optical illusions for the development of the hemispheres of the brain


As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

At the same time, the right hemisphere mainly "serves" the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands, respectively, to the left arm, leg.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually, one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-brained people are more drawn to science. Right hemispheric people are more inclined to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right hemisphere" people.

Test 1

Name colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain - recognizes colors, the left - reads. In this exercise, the hemispheres are balanced and their interaction is trained. For safety (from glitches in users) - the test begins and ends with the "correct" word-color combinations.

Optical effects - chiaroscuro form a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph, you can see a lunar crater, and turning 180 degrees - a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, a visual habit of the eye that the daylight of the sun goes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (in the photo on the left) When you rotate the photo by 180 degrees (on the right) - "mountains" appear in the picture

Optical illusions (optical illusion, glitches) - image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look too long, there is an aftereffect (looking away, on a white background, you can see the same picture). Meditation, looking at a candle, acts similarly - in the central field of vision, within a few minutes, an "imprint" will be visible that remains on the retina and in the visual cortex of the brain (at first it resembles a yellow flame on a red and blue ellipse background with a green halo etc.) In the evening and at night, when the pineal gland (pineal gland, "third eye") is most active, meditative, including breathing practices of working with energy (yoga, qigong) are effective. In ancient times, this system served as a kind of "night vision device" ("second vision") and to increase sensitivity.

The usual, but regular (morning and afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, tilts, rotations, pulling up, standing on toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain human field structures (stability the so-called astral body, etc.)

In case of an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of headaches and dizziness during training, temporarily focus on both points E36 (zu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure to align your energy along the meridians. Grounding in time - everyday, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the pictures "Optical Illusions" - no longer than 15 minutes in a row, so as not to shake your psyche.

Test 2

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one English unviertiset, not ieemt zachneiya, in the cookery, the bkuvy in the salt are right. Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a plonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps. Pichryony egoto means that we don’t read every single letter from a distance, but everything is a solvo clique.

Test 3

What do you see? If a girl you have developed the right hemisphere of the brain. If the old woman is left

Test 4

Find the male head in this picture

If you have completed the task:

  • in less than 3 seconds then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people
  • within 1 minute is normal
  • if within 1-3 minutes. - your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein.
  • if the search took you more than 3 minutes - not good ...

Test 5

Below is a picture, when considering which, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, rotate around its axis either clockwise or counterclockwise. So...

Clockwise or counterclockwise. If you see this girl moving clockwise, then your right hemisphere is active at the moment. If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some may see it moving in both directions.

Try to make it move in the opposite direction using the other hemisphere. Can you do it.

Experiments have shown that two different areas of the brain are responsible for different types of mental activity. These activities are broken down by hemisphere below.

Left hemisphere:
  • Logic Processes
  • successive or consequences
  • Rational
  • analytical
  • objective
  • when one looks at individual parts rather than the whole
The right hemisphere is active when working with something:
  • chosen at random, randomly or randomly
  • intuitive
  • holistic
  • synthesizing
  • subjective
  • considers the whole, not individual parts

Usually people use only one hemisphere, which is characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. So schools that develop the left hemisphere focus on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. Whereas the right brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

Look to the side and look at the girl again, after a while she will start moving in the opposite direction. Also, some people have discovered that you can look at her legs and she will again change direction.

The amazing world of stereograms began to manifest itself most clearly at the end of the 19th century, when scientists plunged into research on such a feature of human vision as depth, i.e. the ability to distinguish the distance to objects and perceive them as three-dimensional.

At this stage, stereograms are used by ophthalmologists to restore and train vision in the first stages of myopia.

Features of stereo images

So, from the point of view of psychology, a stereogram is a double picture, and the second, volumetric one can be seen only by defocusing the vision. The idea is that each eye gives certain impulses to the brain and they are somewhat different from each other, due to our physiological characteristics. Having received signals from each eye, the brain creates one single picture of perception.
The principle of stereograms is based precisely on this peculiarity of ours.

So, a stereogram is two images superimposed one on top of the other in such a way that there is a slight shift between them. That is, one picture for the right eye, the other for the left. As a result, when we look at such a picture, our brain perceives the image as three-dimensional, 3-dimensional. The feeling is simply amazing. especially when you once tried to see the volume of the picture, but you did not succeed for a long time.

positive impact

First, it is important to understand what positive impact such pictures can have on us. You:
- develop concentration
- Relax your eye muscles
- develop imagination
- enter a state of altered consciousness, similar to meditation.
Therefore, very often after contemplating such images, you have insights and amazing discoveries - you find answers to important questions, you are able to find non-standard solutions for your task.

In other words, you not only develop the important quality of attention (concentration), but also train your mind and develop creative, physical intelligence. And the altered state of consciousness contributes to your healing and restoration of the body's strength.

Secondly, there are a number of techniques that allow beginners to learn this art. let's look at one of them.

1. If you are contemplating stereograms for the first time, print the image, do not work with it on a computer monitor.
2. For nearsighted and farsighted people, the strategy for viewing pictures is somewhat different.

Stages of working with stereograms

So, we need to relax and defocus our vision. Imagine that you are looking at the picture as if it is transparent and not in front of you. After some time, you will perceive the image as three-dimensional.
1. Nearsighted people can use the following trick.
Put the sheet with the picture to your eyes, blink your eyes lightly. Then slowly move the picture away from you. Try to maintain a state of relaxed gaze, as if looking through the picture, as if it were not there.
Gradually, you will notice how three-dimensionality appears in the picture - something is pushed to the fore, something - to the background. And, voila, you see clearly, clearly (as if wearing glasses) every detail of the picture in a three-dimensional image))) The feeling for myopic people is simply amazing when you realize that you see with 100% accuracy))) Joy simply overwhelms you))) and Delight from the fact that you were able and now you see a three-dimensional picture)))).

The first time in the stereogram you will see the volume for several seconds, then with training - this time will increase for you. And most importantly, you no longer have to adjust each picture in such a way to see it in volume (apply to your eyes and gradually move it away), with just one glance and setting a relaxed look, you can see both printed images and on a computer or tablet monitor.

Advice: if your activity is connected with a computer, you spend hours on end at it, stereograms are not only one of the ways to prevent your vision, but also to improve and restore it.

2. Far-sighted people need to independently adjust the distance of the picture from the eyes from which you will start working with the image. Try to position the picture in front of you so that you have a blurry spot in front of you. Then gradually move the picture so as to perceive it in its entirety. This will take you some time the first time. And then with each new contemplation it will be easy and very exciting))))

3. If while contemplating the pictures you have discomfort in the eyes, it means that you failed to relax the muscles of the eyes and defocus the vision. Try a series of relaxation exercises: butterfly wings (lightly blink your eyes) and palming.

4. Do training with stereograms for the first time for a short time up to 1 minute, then no more than 10 minutes.

I wish you great success! Enjoy your new opportunities and develop your imagination, and with it your creative intelligence))))
Rejoice in new successes))))))

A. Rudamanova

M. BACHENINA: Olga, hello! Welcome!

O. IVASHKINA: Good evening!

M.B.: Today we will talk about the perception and illusions of perception of the world around us, that is, about what we see, what we hear and, perhaps, what we feel. First of all, of course, about some single whole, which is and what can be called perception. If increasingly-??? immediately about illusions. Olga, what can be called an illusion of human perception in the world around him?

O.I.: In principle, the illusion of human perception can be called such a feeling when we see something, hear, somehow feel something that objectively does not exist, and we can control it, write something down, take a picture.

M.B.: That is, some kind of standard to get hold of.

O.I.: Yes, we can know about it, but for some reason we make mistakes and perceive something wrong.

M.B.: What about examples?

O.I.: There are a lot of optical illusions, you can find everything on the Internet on the request "optical illusions", when, for example, we see two identical squares of the same color due to a certain piece introduced, we see a different color. When we see the same length of the line due to the fact that they are located differently, in the perspective of different lengths: one is shorter, one is longer.

M.B.: But it's all man-made. I am now in Life's studio, and I can, for example, see not three microphones on the side of the table where you are sitting now, but four. Is it possible?

O.I.: This is possible if something went wrong.

M.B.: With my eyes, you mean?

O.I.: With the eyes or with the parts of the brain that process this visual information for us. It is clear that it may begin to see double temporarily for some reason.

M.B.: But it's all unhealthy. And sometimes we realize that this is not possible. You know another expression: "I can't believe my eyes." That is, we understand that it should be this way and nothing else, but in reality it happens differently. Or vice versa, it happens just differently, or rather, it happens as it should be, but we perceive it differently. How can this be explained scientifically?

O.I.: If you place two gray squares side by side, they will be exactly the same, we can check this, they are the same gray color, but if you create the effect of lighting one and darkening the other (you can imagine), then the whole square, which seems illuminated to us, will look much lighter, because that we know that illuminated objects are lighter and brighter.

M.B.: Lighter, yes.

O.I.: And the darkened square will look darker and more grey, because we know that dark objects, that is, objects that are shadowed, are much darker.

M.B.: This is what we know. And what do we see in this?

O.I.: So we see. As we know, we see it, but in fact, if we remove this darkening and lightening, which is artificially applied to the picture, we will see exactly the same gray squares.

M.B.: And yet we stay healthy.

O.I.: Yes. All our lives we have seen that the shadow is darker, the light is brighter, all is well.

M.B.: You constantly appeal to the fact that we know that we have accumulated such experience. Can we say that this experience sometimes fails us?

O.I.: In most cases, it does not fail us, because we encounter this state of affairs much more often than these optical illusions, as in the picture. This means that all our behavior, all our recognition, perception, whatever, must be adaptive. This means that most of our life is adaptive, and here the error came out.

M.B.: Yes, that's understandable. Then what is primary - our knowledge and experience, which is accumulated and tells us how it should be, or is it the visual signal that we receive and which is sent to the brain?

O.I.: Both. We get something, something is compared.

M.B.: And what is stronger, what volume is larger? What do neuroscientists say? Now I look and see a person in front of me. In realizing this, what is more - my experience, what do I know: does a person look like this, or that I see him?

O.I.: Both that, and another. If this person's mouth and eyes are removed, and the mouth and eyes are generally the most important thing for our perception of faces. The perception of faces is very important for a person, because we had to evolve to learn to recognize each other's emotions, to negotiate, to interact socially. But most of the emotions are achieved precisely due to changes in the eyes and lips. Therefore, there are all these things that if you turn the face, it will be much more difficult to recognize it, the emotions that are depicted there or what kind of person is there.

M.B.: That is, in this case, experience will interfere with us? The eyes will still work for us, but the experience is already against it. Habit - I put an equal sign now between habit and experience.

O.I.: Not exactly a habit, but it was so important to look exactly here, and therefore these areas of the brain have developed and play a more important function.

M.B.: And if we leave the two main ones - the mouth and eyes, and remove the nose, will the perception as a person remain?

O.I.: If the eyes and mouth are removed, then we can understand that this is a person, it will just take more time, it will be much more difficult to distinguish one from the other than if with eyes and a mouth.

M.B.: The brain will slow down and take more time to process information.

O.I.: Yes. When we talk about the perception of faces, there are two big systems. One system recognizes them very quickly - eyes, mouth, everything is in place, excellent, let's move on, you can look further at emotions, noses. And the other - when something went wrong. For example, there are famous fruit paintings, when faces are created from fruits and vegetables. And we recognize faces in them, all is well, but people who have a lesion in a place like the fusiform gyrus, they can recognize if you show them you or me, they recognize that it is a person. But they do not recognize a face among this heap of fruits and vegetables, because their system of additional recognition by elements is broken.

M.B.: And the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo was all right with the perception of the world around him?

O.I.: Yes.

M.B.: This is also a kind of unconventional, and our life experience does not work for us here - to make a person out of fruits! You see individual fruits and flowers, other plants, and at the same time you see a person.

O.I.: We can't say for sure.

M.B.: Did you think he was crazy?

O.I.: Didn't count. It seems to me that, in principle, everything is fine.

M.B.: No, his paintings are beautiful! And he is unique in his own way. Okay, do we see everything that surrounds us, or just what we need? Understand correctly the phrase "what we need." That is, here I put the brain first. See, I still separate the brain and myself, right? And you scientists don't separate it. Are we only seeing what we need?

O.I.: We first of all see what is more important to us. Evolutionarily, it was very important for all of us to notice the movement in order not to miss a predator, or in order not to miss our prey when hunting.

M.B.: Or chase the female.

O.I.: Yes. And therefore, our entire visual system reacts much better to movement, and we see it ahead. But of course, we also see static objects.

M.B.: Fine. That is, you can come up with something like this: let’s say, if I need to hide, I’d better not run away, but somehow merge with something (but I’ve added a little imagination now), stand up statically if a person is in a hurry in search of me or someone no matter what, he probably won’t notice me, because I’ll be static.

O.I.: It depends. If you're wearing a neon jacket...

M.B.: No, it's understandable. I mean if I merge with the wall.

O.I.: Animals have two (mice, for example) basic strategies in case of some kind of danger. One is to run away quickly, but sometimes there are situations when it is clear that now you will have time to run away and hide there.

M.B.: Do mice understand this?

O.I.: They can appreciate it. And the second strategy is to freeze. And even if the substrate is not the most suitable, you are a white mouse in a black chamber, but in our experiments, if they are scared, they freeze.

M.B.: Is it their instincts?

O.I.: They have two main forms of behavior in danger - to run and freeze. And in our experiments, they know that the chamber is closed, there is nowhere to run, they have already examined it and checked it, so they freeze, trying to avoid danger in this way. It would be natural for them in a natural environment.

M.B.: To the question of who decides what we need, can we answer that these are our instincts based on our (if we talk about people) knowledge? And more tasks. For example, what are we looking for.

O.I.: We have preexisting forms of behavior. We will not call them instincts, there are simply evolutionary developed forms of behavior. Some of them must additionally develop in childhood during the maturation of the brain and man. There are always the simplest forms of behavior, this includes coughing, vomiting, such basic things without which the baby will not survive.

M.B.: I still want to somehow bring this to visual perception. We said that there are things that you did not want to call instincts.

O.I.: Yes, and there are forms of behavior that we develop. Some of them unfold because it is evolutionarily prepared. They are certainly influenced by the experience we get. If we take some point of reference, an adult, formed person, whose training then takes place all his life, the brain changes all his life. And then there is what happens to us. If an event is some very strong, then our behavior changes dramatically simply due to it alone. A borderline example is how soldiers or people who have experienced some kind of terrorist attack develop post-traumatic stress disorder, and now they begin to get scared and react inadequately to situations, to some things that remind them of that event. Like a loud car exhaust.

M.B.: Startled, yes.

O.I.: Starts or collapses in horror and covers his head, because that event was so strong, so affected us, that it alone was enough to change the networks of neurons in the brain that are responsible for something.

M.B.: Would such a conditioned reflex work for them?

O.I.: It can be said. The conditioned reflex is a big class.

M.B.: It's clear. I'm just trying to somehow indicate this, in order to bring it closer to the understanding of more people, I guess. And why and for how long do neurons remember this? I understand very well what you are talking about. I remember well how, probably for half a year, I drove with extreme caution and with very great apprehension to the place where the accident happened to me. An accident without casualties, the car was slightly damaged, however, for me it was the first time, respectively, shocked. I still don’t like this place, but the frantic concentration on this stretch of road has already gone. I, it turns out, neurons forgot?

O.I.: There was an accident, this is a strong shock, it is important to remember this as something bad, it is important to beware of this bad place.

M.B.: Why don't you want to call it instincts? Because neurons can't have instincts?

O.I.: No, neurons cannot have instincts, I just don't want to introduce terminology.

M.B.: Confuse biological concepts. It's clear.

O.I.: Yes. And that's it, you remember it. Then you drove there once - nothing bad happened, two - nothing bad happened, three. And that's it, gradually this particular neural network that remembers this became not so important. The reaction of heightened attention is no longer very important here, you can pass it. But it was not a very strong event. Yes, it was negative, yes, it shocked you.

M.B.: But it doesn't compare to a terrorist attack, that's true.

O.I.: Yes. It does not compare with military action. It is already very difficult to bring down that reaction, and this is a task that doctors and neuroscientists are still struggling with, because they are trying to change this memory. In principle, if you recall that memory in some way and try to change its significance to a more positive one, then you can try.

M.B.: Is it possible to conclude from this, from this paragraph that has just sounded, that doctors, scientists, neuroscientists are able to modify perception and, as a result, consciousness? That is, you can work with me and I will stop loving my family and, on the contrary, I will begin to perceive them as enemies.

O.I.: Right straight.

M.B.: It was you know where? Several films. Unfortunately, it always flies out of my head, this disease is known to the entire team. In any case, the question remains. While you are talking, I will now remember this film.

O.I.: But this is such a taboo subject. We could probably do this using certain chemical, pharmacological substances. We know how to do this in animals by controlling the activity of their neurons. These are the famous modern experiments that try to change the memory in animals, to create a false memory in mice, or to change what we call the valency of memory, that is, the significance of memory, good or bad. And for this, special transgenic animals are used, and their genome is modified in such a way that certain new genes appear there, genes are taken from algae or bacteria. In algae and bacteria, these genes encode special light-sensitive channels, they need them to receive the energy of the sun and convert it into energy that can be used in some kind of food. In mice, everything is organized differently, but the main thing is that if we illuminate these proteins that are embedded in a neuron, in a brain cell, and to illuminate them, we use an optical fiber (they are still used in the fiber optic Internet), we insert it into the brain over a certain group of neurons and with the help of a laser we let light go there. This channel opens, and sodium ions enter the neuron, for example. The entry of sodium ions into the neuron for the neuron means that it is activated. When we say that a neuron is active, it means that this is what happened.

M.B.: This chemical reaction has taken place.

O.I.: Yes, this event happened - sodium entered, the neuron was activated. How exactly - it does not matter, but the main thing is that now we, turning on or off the light, can control the activity of neurons.

M.B.: It turns out that you can control the brain.

O.I.: Yes.

M.B.: Agree, it sounds primitive now, turning on and off the light. But you can’t order some complex actions to the same mice, can you? She can either sit down or stand up. I have composed now.

O.I.: No, why?

M.B.: Or depending on what to let the light on?

O.I.: There is a certain place where an aggressive male sits, something unpleasant for mice. And mice remember this place. And as usual, in order to remember something... When we remember something, a group of neurons appears, a network of neurons that fix and contain this memory. And we can make it so that it is this group of neurons that is marked with these light-sensitive proteins, only there it will be. Then the mouse runs to another place, and something pleasant sits there. For example, for male mice, the pleasant thing is the female mouse. They happily run there, and everything is fine, and then we turn on the light. And the light activates those neurons that are associated with a terrible male or a terrible current. Normally, if we offer them a place where a female used to be, or a place where a male used to be, then they will, of course, run to where the female was, because it’s nice there, and they want to look for her. If we are the valency, the significance of the memory is thus changed, now the female is not associated with the female.

M.B.: And with an aggressive male.

O.I.: Yes. Then they will not prefer this place anymore.

M.B.: But it turns out that this can be done thanks to these experiments only at a certain distance from the mouse, that is, you are nearby. And when I asked this question, I thought that some kind of work was going on with a person, and then he was sent, but thanks to some kind of phone call or an object or another person that appeared (it is clear that this is a planned action) in his field of vision , it runs some code, or something. It is fantastic?

O.I.: Yes, I think it's fantastic.

M.B.: I remembered that movie - "The Hunger Games", some part. These are several films, one after another. And there they changed the consciousness of a person, he began to perceive his beloved girl as an enemy. In the last part. And then I could not calm down. Yes, the listener asks the question: "Why is the object that we sometimes diligently search for, which is the goal of our search and we cannot find it in any way, is in the most visible place?" Is this some kind of illusion? Or our inattention, fatigue?

O.I.: Yes, it's not an illusion. Rather, we have some kind of knowledge that, most likely, we put this key in this basket.

M.B.: Look, this knowledge of ours is hindering us again.

O.I.: Yes, sometimes things get in the way. And if we hung the key instead of a basket here on the door under the bell, where we should immediately see it, but it seems to us that we need to find it in some secluded places: a basket, a pocket, a backpack, something. And so attention all the time switches to such things.

M.B.: We can't find it at all.

O.I.: Yes.

M.B.: They also asked why the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but it seems to me that this lies on the surface. We see the eyes first of all on the face of a person, and they are a reflection of emotions. Agree with me, right? And I want to ask about another phrase. How would a neuroscientist explain the phrase "easiness of perception." I sit, I see everything, I understand everything, it is not difficult for me. Why is this happening? After all, a huge number of items, plus information, plus I also multitask for periods.

O.I.: Yes, but the brain is so optimally built and optimally developed. Already during our development, he learned, for example, everything connected with vision. In a small child, up to a year or up to two years, the vision is not the same as in an adult. The closer to birth, the more it is not like that. First, he sees a more blurry image, does not select the contours, then the selection of contours begins, then they become voluminous. For all this to happen, it is necessary for the child to experience, therefore, for example, they say that it is important to walk with children in open spaces so that the perspective is visible, so that the visual system trains to recognize it.

M.B.: But is the child capable of doing this while lying in a stroller, or is it still desirable to wear it at this moment in an upright position?

There are already vague doubts about whether the theme of our program "perception of illusions" means the perception of the surrounding world, because we are touching on so many nuances here. It is impossible to separate and talk about perception without talking about memory, say, about experience, right? It's all very interconnected.

O.I.: When we talk about the brain, about the body, it is important to talk about it in its entirety, and therefore it is difficult to share perception without experience. This person has no perception without pre-existing experience.

M.B.: We interrupted on the subject of babies. And then the question arose from the listener: "Why is it undesirable to look at babies lying in a crib or stroller from the side of the head?" That is, we are turned upside down in his eyes. Is it just a superstition or is it also somehow connected with the development of vision in a child, with the accumulation of experience of perception?

O.I.: No, something that is never possible - you can, of course, because if you just approached from the side of your head once, once he saw your face turned upside down.

M.B.: Scared!

O.I.: But most of the time he will see your face correctly.

M.B.: What if you do it all the time?

O.I.: If you constantly do this and he does not see the face correctly, then there will be great difficulties with what we have already talked about, in order to perceive the face, emotions.

M.B.: And at what point in life can this happen? When will he become conscious?

O.I.: As far as I remember, by the age of three, the perception of faces was absolutely formed. And right away it won't be quite the same. In principle, the brain is quite plastic, and everything can be corrected. Even children who were born due to clouding of the lens, for example, were blind and did not see, then later, if at an older age (it seems that at one and a half or two years it can be done) they have an operation and return the lens to normal, then they learn see the same.

M.B.: As if they were born with full vision.

O.I.: But it takes a lot more effort. So it develops gradually, and we know that there are so-called critical periods in children, in which the maturation of certain functions must occur, in which the maturation of certain functions occurs. That is, vision, perception of speech, the implementation of speech, speaking. Further, most of these functions can be learned.

M.B.: Is there something that cannot be learned if it is not developed, how should it be developed, as usual, traditionally? That is, Mowgli can remain Mowgli.

O.I.: If they are found already in adulthood, at an older age, at 6-7 years old, then yes, many functions do not return and there are great difficulties with social functions, and so on. But I said that vision can be learned, but it will require some effort. There are specific exercises. Children who have undergone surgery are specially taught to see all this correctly.

M.B.: Yes. Apparently, we also influence the brain of listeners. Listen to the text messages: "Game of Thrones" programs my neurons for bloodthirstiness. brain or what?

O.I.: Some imitation. Obviously, if you went on the air that same evening, you would force yourself to speak normally by an effort of will.

M.B.: No, we know examples from life when no effort of will is enough not to miss some obscene word.

O.I.: It's random.

M.B.: What is random? The military is all over the place.

O.I.: They just don't want to.

M.B.: I don't think they can!

O.I.: And then, this often happened to them throughout their lives, and the "Brigade" - one evening.

M.B.: Obviously, it was small. See, another question. "Is it possible to increase the amount of long-term memory with the help of any drugs? (This is due to the fact that we talked about mice). Without training it, for example, by reading or constant repetition. Or is it possible to remember what was read the first time, for example, poetry? "

O.I.: Maybe yes. There are all sorts of special techniques, I don't know them very well.

M.B.: But this is not a phenomenon, is it just an effect on some parts of the brain that we usually do not use?

O.I.: There are phenomena. A case that is widely known, and he is not alone, but in Russia the most widely known case is the case of Shereshevsky with hypermemory, when he memorized everything that was said to him. He was a journalist, and his editor at some point began to notice that when he gives out assignments, to whom where to go, what to do and what to ask, he is the only one who never writes anything down. He sat, nonchalantly looking out the window and not writing down anything. And he thought that this was a manifestation of carelessness, negligence in work, and at some point he decided to test it from the series: "Come on, tell me what I told you." And he told everything he said to him, and everything he said to everyone else.

M.B.: Has it been researched?

O.I.: Yes, it was studied by Luria, he conducted various tests, showed that this hypermemory hinders him in a certain way.

M.B.: That is too much to identify that a glass is a glass?

O.I.: No, perception and identification were not affected. But to sort out the information he really needed, it all took time. This is a phenomenon.

M.B.: Systematization.

O.I.: Yes. But there are just techniques that allow you to remember a lot, a lot, by marking words by color or placing them in a room.

M.B.: Doesn't that make it even more difficult?

O.I.: I did not try.

M.B.: What is your own memory system? Everyone has it different. Someone subtracts two from five or forty-eight from thirty-eight, that is, someone remembers in numbers, someone, you say, in flowers. What do you need to do to remember your phone number?

O.I.: Numbers are easy for me to remember.

M.B.: I envy these people. They surround me, I'm lucky for them! Apparently, so that I understand how miserable I am in this.

O.I.: I do it as usual, as everyone advises, I repeat several times. But it interferes. I remembered the number of one bank card to pay on the Internet, then it changed, I always confused it with the new one, then I remembered the new one, but I didn’t forget that one.

M.B.: Here's what else experiments confirm, that systematization is lame from a large amount, the volume that our memory allows us to.

O.I.: Of course, everything is confused, especially similar things.

M.B.: Yes, twelve digits.

O.I.: Not the best recognition of similar things is.

M.B.: I want to ask you how to explain the fact that sometimes we remember something that was not really there? I'm not talking about deja vu now, I immediately warn you. That is, it was not absolutely absent, but as an example, so that everyone understands what it is about. An event in which two people take part, we will reduce them to a minimum. Two people, both took part, both recorded it in their memory. It's been three years, five years, it doesn't matter. And this event is really important. And they meet and begin to tell each other about how someone perceived this, let's say, a date. And both understand that there is a feeling that they were on different dates. That is, we think of something, invent, embellish. And in addition to the positive meaning of these bright events, important events in our lives - I noticed this even when we are talking about tragedies - we attach some significance to the departed person, inventing, and then it is somehow integrated into this story and becomes true.

O.I.: Yes, but there are two aspects, as it seems to me. The first aspect is more understandable - this is a kind of forgetting, a certain generalization, and now something more general remains from something.

M.B.: This is the dry residue.

O.I.: Yes. Some facts were forgotten, and this is one part. The other part is that, on the contrary, it is often remembered and often this memory is reactivated. We remember this, and the network of neurons that are associated with this memory is activated.

M.B.: And does it grow over time? Let's say I remember my first love every day. Will this group of neurons grow in me?

O.I.: Can't say it can change.

M.B.: More connections?

O.I.: Communications change, incoming ones may change. Although I say so confidently, in fact, we know that it can be, but definitely not yet completely.

M.B.: Okay, okay, I interrupted you.

M.B.: To not let go.

O.I.: Just so that they are approximately on the same level with the person we are talking about. It is overgrown with details, and then it is clear: the details are repeated over and over again. At first, this is done more or less consciously, and then everything, the neuron of details (roughly speaking, conditionally) was added there and integrated into this network, a person himself cannot distinguish.

M.B.: What was and what was not.

O.I.: Yes. And so over and over again, since this is a very significant event, a person thinks a lot about it and talks a lot, and if you think every time, adding something a little...

M.B.: Or in another state, for example, in sadness or in joy.

O.I.: Yes. You can add a little more to this memory.

M.B.: So what are the conclusions? Firstly, you need to write everything down if it's really important, because diaries, it turns out, cannot be trusted if you write from memory, especially when years have passed, right?

O.I.: Obviously, it depends on the individual. There are those who will never add anything there.

M.B.: These are unemotional, probably less emotional people.

O.I.: Because they thought about it strictly the way it was. But it is better to rely on some written evidence of the era.

M.B.: In principle, we are done, it turns out, about why we invent? It seems to me that this is one of the brightest illusions in a person's life. I will now explain why I am so perked up. I collect these illusions. I collect things that do not coincide with other participants in our common events. And I have accumulated quite a large number of them in my life. But when I share with someone, people sometimes look at me in surprise, because either they didn’t notice it, or they didn’t have it in their life. So that's what's interesting to me.

Since we were talking about what was not, let's have some more deja vu then right here. What is deja vu? This is something that was not, but it seems to us that it was? But at the same time, we realize that this was not the case. Right?

O.I.: There are many French words there that I, except for "vu", cannot pronounce, but when it seems to us that we hear, when it seems to us that we smell. But in a general sense, it's most about some complex scenes. Usually from the series: we are in Greece for the first time, we approach some restaurant, the sun is shining, and it seems to us: "Oh my God, I've been here before." It often happens to me when we discuss something at work, and all the time it seems to me: "Oh my God, this conversation has already been." With the same words, in the same composition.

M.B.: And why does it seem so to you?

O.I.: There are two big deja vu theories. It is clear that, since it seems to us that something has already happened, it means that we do not remember something or remember too much, or something else.

M.B.: See, "too much" again. Too much information interferes - stop the progress, I'll get off!

O.I.: No, it doesn't bother us now. We, on the contrary, have ceased to remember many things and google everything.

M.B.: Does that mean we are degrading?

O.I.: I don't like this word.

M.B.: Do you like black and white? Yes this is correct.

O.I.: We are very adaptable. If you can find something, why memorize it?

M.B.: But how to increase the amount of memory? I didn't forget about deja vu, we'll be right back. How about increasing memory capacity, training? What if life throws us into such circumstances that no Googles, Shmuggles and Bubbles will be available and we will need to remember everything.

O.I.: Maybe, but not yet. In my opinion, this is a very adaptive process.

M.B.: Okay, I agree. You are just loyal to people. You are not loyal to mice.

O.I.: Mice can't google, they have to memorize. I mean, there are some important things to remember.

M.B.: Yes, I agree.

O.I.: And you can also, if something interests you, spend more of yourself on memorization. I don't know if you're a fan of wine, memorizing wine regions or something like that. It is absolutely useless, if it does not bother you in any way, to remember the capital of Singapore, for example. For what?

M.B.: You now somehow took and framed the bandwagon. Okay, let's get back to you. For some reason, I represent you exclusively in the laboratory. Apparently, because mice, mice.

O.I.: In the lab, yes.

M.B.: Super! So I guessed. And you think it was. You are a rationalist, you are a scientist! There is no soul and no god.

O.I.: It's just a feeling. If you scroll through all this, it becomes clear, as with the feelings at the restaurant or somewhere else, that this was not and could not be. And there are two theories about this. The first theory says, okay, there was something else, something else is stored in the memory.

M.B.: Similar or not?

O.I.: Similar. And it just reminded you of something else.

M.B.: Like a person who looks like another person.

O.I.: Everything is fine. But instead of remembering something else and rejoicing at what a wonderful feeling, for some reason, that other thing is not remembered, that is, we cannot pull out this network of neurons, and instead of remembering a clear one, we get the feeling that this is connected with something - then others, it already happened. And this is simply based on the fact that we are not always good at distinguishing two similar things and remembering them well.

M.B.: Yes, you talked about it. I will now say sedition for scientists, but I will say it anyway. They have some esoteric connotation, don't they? You don’t want to admit that you haven’t found something in our head yet? What we now unknowingly or by faith call some kind of divine essence inside each person, and you, scientists, simply cannot explain this yet, because it has not yet been discovered. Do you understand what I mean? I read that deja vu is not very important, that it is so, scientists can discuss it at their leisure, but no one wants to discuss it seriously. What if there is some salt and some crazy discovery in this?

O.I.: First, I absolutely admit that we have not yet discovered something.

M.B.: I thought you were going to say that God exists. I love provoking scientists so much. Okay I will not! Delete my question from the protocol. We haven't discovered anything.

O.I.: We cannot admit any hypothetical power of telekinesis on the basis of existing facts, and yes, then we can be very surprised if it does exist. But it seems that it still isn't. The same with the brain. We don't know a whole lot about neurons firing, we know that they fire in a certain rhythm, in certain combinations. And we know that more or less all this is the activation or deactivation of neurons. There is nothing else there. But how, by what principle, how does it happen that from these not very complex activities (if you look, everything looks quite simple) our "I", consciousness, is formed, this is all - this principle is incomprehensible to us.

M.B.: That is, how from such a simple one is formed, when compared with animals, for example, such a complex one.

O.I.: No, animals are also very difficult.

M.B.: And with what then to compare? Whom should I substitute here, in this phrase, instead of animals, in comparison with whom?

O.I.: Not compared to anyone. We just see a neuron, we know that it works like this - sodium enters, potassium leaves, chlorine enters, whatever.

M.B.: All chemical processes.

O.I.: We know a lot of all sorts of chemical and physiological features of neurons, how they communicate with each other, how they transmit information. We're starting to learn something about populations of neurons, how they co-generate the rhythm of the brain, what we see in the EEG, all sorts of other things, and how it overlaps, how it provides certain work. But I speak all the time in more vague words, because beyond that we don't know.

M.B.: What doesn't give you the opportunity? There is no such equipment, supercomputers? I don't know what's missing? What's stopping you from digging into your brain?

O.I.: Of course, we are most interested in how a person works.

M.B.: Yes.

O.I.: To watch how the human brain works, we cannot get into his brain, unfortunately or to someone's joy.

M.B.: Yes, so that it does not lead to the death of a person.

O.I.: Yes, we can only look at the whole brain. We lack fMRI resolution. We can see certain areas of the brain, but it's not about areas, it's about individual neurons. We have already more or less understood this in other experiments on animals. And permission is missing. Sooner or later we will probably overcome this.

A very big problem for neuroscientists is the analysis of everything. You can get a huge canvas of an Excel spreadsheet and not know how to ask the right question. This is hard to explain even for me.

M.B.: I understand, yes. It is difficult to explain now, because initially it is not clear. That's all clear, I'm just looking at my watch and I'm really itching to ask a question that a listener wrote to us. “Isn’t the reason for contacting a specialist that I have been remembering phone numbers with codes and names for more than 10-15 years, but periodically I forget that “Vasya said a week ago?” That is, short-term memory tends to zero.

O.I.: No. Now I'm back to terms. Short-term is up to several hours, then it simply becomes long-term according to its physiological mechanism.

M.B.: Fine. What is wrong with a person? Or is it like that?

O.I.: Maybe it just doesn't matter what Vasya said. I don't think it's a big deal, it's just a feature.

M.B.: We do not have time, of course, to talk about hallucinations and dreams, which means that there is a reason to meet again. Neuroscientist Olga Ivashkina, thank you very much for the evening.

O.I.: Thank you. Goodbye.

M.B.: Happy friends.

name colors and not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left hemisphere reads. In this exercise, the hemispheres are balanced and their interaction is trained. Planning, purposeful execution of a task and retention of attention are controlled by the anterior (frontal) lobes. For safety (from glitches in the head of users) - the test begins and ends with the "correct" word-color combinations.





optical effects– Chiaroscuro forms a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph, you can see a lunar crater, and turning 180 degrees - a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, a visual habit of the eye that the daylight of the sun goes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (in the photo on the left) When you rotate the photo by 180 degrees (on the right) - "mountains" appear in the picture

optical illusions(optical illusion, glitches) - image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look too long, there is an aftereffect (looking away, on a white background, you can see the same picture). Meditation, looking at a candle, acts similarly - in the central field of vision, within a few minutes, an "imprint" will be visible that remains on the retina of the eye and in the visual cortex of the brain (at first it resembles a yellow flame on a red and blue ellipse background with a green halo etc.) In the evening and at night, when the pineal gland (pineal gland, "third eye") is most active, meditative, including breathing practices of working with energy (yoga, qigong) are effective. In ancient times, this system served as a kind of "night vision device" ("second vision") and to increase sensitivity.

The usual, but regular (morning and afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, tilts, rotations, pulling up, standing on toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain human field structures (stability the so-called astral body, etc.)

// in case of an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of headaches and dizziness during training, temporarily focus on both points E36 (zu-san-li) or perform a light acupressure to align your energy along the meridians. To ground in time - to do everyday, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

(test image source -

The visual illusion is caused by the difference in the areas of the figure.
When joining the parts, between them there is a small
a gap that fills up quickly.

Note: look at the pictures "Optical Illusions" - no longer than 15 minutes in a row, so as not to shake your psyche.

[email protected]- search for "answers to any questions", social network on

Https:// - "intellectual games"

Mindfulness exercises.

Method of self-regulation and training according to the system "Anti-stress training "Key"" by Dr. Hasai Aliyev.

The Key Method was developed in the 1980s in the USSR for cosmonauts, and was later recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for widespread use - to increase resistance to stress and reduce fatigue, for training and rehabilitation, psychoprophylaxis and treatment of various functional psychosomatic human diseases and borderline neuropsychiatric disorders. These techniques help in optimizing learning processes, revealing creative resources and developing independent thinking (increased resistance to external, adverse influences is developed). The Key system is constantly evolving - it includes synchro-gymnastics, new and improved techniques and techniques. The Key method is faster than auto-training and, unlike hypnosis, can be performed independently in any situation.

At the first lessons (preferably with an experienced instructor) - after oral instructions and acquaintance with the basic exercises and special basic techniques ("Star of Self-Regulation"), the initial settings and self-hypnosis formulas are selected. Individual action programs (sets of words, phrases to improve well-being and to develop the necessary qualities - both during training and in dynamics, for the future) are formed in advance, before entering a special state. If a suggestion is being made for a healthy night's sleep, set the time at yu border, at what o'clock in the morning it will be necessary to wake up, having a good night's sleep.

Tightness test(level of tension, stress). Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, look - absent-minded, motionless, directed slightly upward. Stretch your arms straight out in front of you and give them the mental command to move apart, visualize it. If your hands are obedient, then the internal feedback (between your mind and body) is working. Divergence and convergence - done continuously, 4-5 repetitions.

1. Choosing Your First Key from the standard set of "universal keys" (acting on all people, to one degree or another) - spreading-reducing the arms, lateral levitation of the arm (as in weightlessness, with an astronaut), swaying the body (swinging the pendulum). Before, and in pauses - a five-minute warm-up is done ("synchrogymnastics"). Then - sit down or lie down for a few minutes, listening to yourself. At the same time, a feeling of emptiness arises in the head - a rehabilitation "zero", neutral state (like a reboot mode in a computer), in which relaxation takes place (relaxation of too tense muscles, psychological unloading, erasing obsessive fears, phobias, alien behavior programs from one's consciousness) and accumulation of new forces.

2. Finding your "individual keys". With the help of the first key (in the state of self-hypnosis / self-regulation) "scanning" is carried out (search for other options for entering a special state and implementing programs). After months or years, if desired, change, update your key to a more relevant one for your current state. The practitioner himself must control all his actions and thoughts (as in qigong gymnastics).

The maximum degree of psychological comfort arises not at the moment of performing the Key techniques, but immediately after them, in the aftereffect stage.

Before coming out of relaxation, you must definitely tune in to a feeling of fullness of strength, a fresh head, imagine something that invigorates. And then - to stretch, as after a good night's sleep, to shake things up.

Website of the Moscow "Center for Protection from Stress":

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

At the same time, the right hemisphere mainly "serves" the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands, respectively, to the left arm, leg.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually, one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-brained people are more drawn to science. Right hemispheric people are more inclined to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right-brained" people.

Test 1

Name colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left hemisphere reads. In this exercise, the hemispheres are balanced and their interaction is trained. To be safe, the test starts and ends with 'correct' word-color combinations.

Test 2

Optical effects - light and shade form a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph, you can see a lunar crater, and turning 180 degrees - a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, a visual habit of the eye that the daylight of the sun goes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (first photo). When the photo is rotated 180 degrees (second photo), “mountains” appear in the picture.

Test 3

Optical illusions (optical illusion, glitches) - image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look too long, there is an aftereffect (looking away, on a white background, you can see the same picture). Meditation, looking at a candle, acts similarly - in the central field of vision, within a few minutes, an “imprint” will be visible that remains on the retina and in the visual cortex of the brain (at first it resembles a yellow flame on a red and blue ellipse background with a green halo etc.) In the evening and at night, when the pineal gland (pineal gland, “third eye”) is most active, meditative, including breathing practices of working with energy (yoga, qigong) are effective. In ancient times, this system served as a kind of "night vision device" ("second vision") and to increase sensitivity.

The usual, but regular (morning and afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, tilts, rotations, pulling up, standing on toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain human field structures (stability the so-called astral body, etc.)

In case of an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of headaches and dizziness during training, temporarily focus on both points E36 (zu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure to align your energy along the meridians. Grounding in time - everyday, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the pictures "Optical Illusions" - no longer than 15 minutes in a row, so as not to shake your psyche. :)

Test 4

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one English unviertiset, not ieemt zachneiya, in the cookery, the bkuvy in the salt are right. Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a plonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps. Pichryony egoto means that we don’t read every single letter from a distance, but everything is a solvo clique.

Test 5

What do you see?

If a girl, you have a developed right hemisphere of the brain. If the old woman is left.

Test 6

Find the male head in this picture (look for no more than 3 minutes).

If you have completed the task:
- in less than 3 seconds, then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people;
- within 1 minute - this is a normal result;
- if within 1-3 minutes. - your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein;
- if the search took you more than 3 minutes - not good ...

Test 7

Below is a picture, when considering which, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, either clockwise or counterclockwise. So…

If you see this girl moving clockwise, then your right hemisphere is active at the moment. If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some may see it moving in both directions.

Try to make it move in the opposite direction using the other hemisphere. Can you do it.

Look to the side and look at the girl again, after a while she will start moving in the opposite direction. Also, some people have discovered that you can look at her legs and she will again change direction.

Experiments have shown that two different areas of the brain are responsible for different types of mental activity.

Usually people use only one hemisphere, which is characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. So schools that develop the left hemisphere focus on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. Whereas the right brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

And note:

Areas of specialization of the left hemisphere :

Verbal Information Processing: The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for your language abilities. This hemisphere controls speech and the ability to read and write.
It also remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.
Analytical thinking: The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It analyzes all the facts.
Literal understanding of words: The left hemisphere can only understand the literal meaning of words.
Consistent thinking: Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.
Mathematical Ability: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.
Logical, analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.
Control over the movements of the right half of the body. When you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

Areas of specialization of the right hemisphere:

Nonverbal Information Processing: The right hemisphere specializes in processing information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.
Parallel information processing: Unlike the left hemisphere, which processes information only in a clear sequence, the right hemisphere can process a lot of different information at the same time. It is able to consider the problem as a whole without applying analysis.
The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to him we can perceive the totality of traits as a single whole.
Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for the perception of location and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and make mosaic puzzle pictures.
Musicality: Musical abilities, as well as the ability to perceive music, depend on the right hemisphere, although, however, the left hemisphere is responsible for musical education.
Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of the work of another's imagination. Thanks to him, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: “He is hanging on my tail,” then it is the right hemisphere that will understand exactly what this person wanted to say.
Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can make up different stories. By the way, the question "What if ..." also asks the right hemisphere.
Artistic Ability: The right hemisphere is responsible for the ability to visual arts.
Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is associated with them more closely than the left.
Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, unless, of course, you are too concerned with the very technique of this process.
Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.
Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.
Controls the movements of the left half of the body: When you raise your left hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the right hemisphere.

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