Ilona Novoselova - biography, information, personal life. The story of the life and tragic death of the Russian clairvoyant and medium Ilona Novoselova


The ashes of the clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova were scattered over the sea.

The funeral of the clairvoyant who died on June 13 was held in the strictest secrecy in a narrow circle of people. Ilona's body was cremated. After cremation, her mother and ex-boyfriend Artem Besov scattered Novoselova's ashes over the sea.

This became known in the program “Psychics are investigating. Battle of the Strongest" on TNT.

“We went to the South Sea, took catamarans and almost reached the very middle. There was a pink haze on the water, like a cloud floating. Ilona had a golden pendant, they also threw it into the water, ”said Elena Novoselova, mother of Ilona Novoselova.

Ilona's mother and her ex-lover said that after death, strange phenomena began to occur. When the parent came to the police, the lights flickered, and the computers of the employees turned off. They also noticed strange phenomena at home.

“At 10 pm, a bird flew in, looked like a dove, stood on the window sill of the room where Ilona did magic and looked out the window,” said her mother.

Recall. In mid-June, it became known that the 29-year-old star of the Battle of Psychics, Ilona Novoselova, had died. The girl fell out of the sixth floor window under mysterious circumstances. Relatives and friends still cannot believe in the death of a witch.

The next release of the program of the new season of the project “Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest ”revealed some of the circumstances of the complicated case.

During the program, they remembered how Ilona came to the casting of the sixth season, but refused to participate. A year later, she reappeared in the selection and reached the final. However, at a decisive moment, the host of the show named her opponent the best.

“I told you, I don’t want a prize. If I get it, I will break it on the floor, ”Novoselova said.

Then she was invited to a new project - "Psychics are investigating." She helped people solve their difficult problems. However, it was hard for the film crew to work with her - Ilona showed a tough temper more than once, but immediately asked for forgiveness for her rudeness.

Novoselova acutely felt someone else's pain and often drew parallels with her own life. She talked about problems in the family. She recalled how she was teased at school, and after school she always came home in tears. Mom did not tolerate such an attitude and at the age of 12 she took her from an educational institution. Ilona talked about growing up without a father and admitted that she was in dire need of love.

“I'm afraid I'll be left alone, I don't want to grow old and remain a lonely witch,” her colleague Ziraddin Rzayev recalled Novoselova's words.

Some said that Ilona had an affair with Alexander Sheps. However, the psychics themselves did not comment on the relationship.

The editors of the program "Psychics are investigating" recalled that Novoselova was one of the most "thrifty" participants - she always carried with her numerous attributes that helped her to establish contact with the other world. She tried to do everything the way she saw fit. The witch did not hesitate to send damage to the offenders and believed that she acted in justice. She often shocked the heroes with offers to take revenge on ill-wishers. The editors of the program “Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest ”decided to show one of Novoselova’s rituals. The witch herself did not allow her spells to be broadcast.

Ilona told her colleagues that she was going to die soon, but they urged her not to attract such thoughts. “I just got into black magic, the family breaks off on me, I paid for it,” the witch noted.

The funeral of the clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova, who died on June 13, was held in the strictest secrecy in a narrow circle of people.

Ilona's body was cremated.

After cremation, her mother and ex-boyfriend Artem Besov scattered Novoselova's ashes over the sea. This became known in the program “Psychics are investigating. Battle of the Strongest" on TNT.

“We went to the South Sea, took catamarans and almost reached the very middle. There was a pink haze on the water, like a cloud floating. Ilona had a gold pendant, they also threw it into the water, ”said Elena Novoselova, Ilona’s mother. Ilona's mother and her ex-lover said that after death, strange phenomena began to occur. When the parent came to the police, the lights flickered, and the computers of the employees turned off. They also noticed strange phenomena at home.

“At 10 pm, a bird flew in, looked like a dove, stood on the windowsill of the room where Ilona did magic and looked out the window,” said her mother.

Recall. In mid-June, it became known that the 29-year-old star of the Battle of Psychics, Ilona Novoselova, had died. The girl fell out of the sixth floor window under mysterious circumstances. Relatives and friends still cannot believe in the death of a witch.

The battle of the strongest ”revealed some of the circumstances of the complicated case. Artem Besov During the program, they remembered how Ilona came to the casting of the sixth season, but refused to participate. A year later, she reappeared in the selection and reached the final.

However, at a decisive moment, the host of the show named her opponent the best. “I told you, I don’t want a prize. If I get it, I will break it on the floor, ”Novoselova said.

Then she was invited to a new project - "Psychics are investigating." She helped people solve their difficult problems. However, it was hard for the film crew to work with her - Ilona showed a tough temper more than once, but immediately asked for forgiveness for her rudeness. Novoselova acutely felt someone else's pain and often drew parallels with her own life. She talked about problems in the family. She recalled how she was teased at school, and after school she always came home in tears. Mom did not tolerate such an attitude and at the age of 12 she took her from an educational institution. Ilona talked about growing up without a father and admitted that she was in dire need of love.

“I’m afraid I’ll be left alone, I don’t want to grow old and remain a lonely witch,” her colleague Ziraddin Rzayev recalled Novoselova’s words. Some said that Ilona had an affair with Alexander Sheps. However, the psychics themselves did not comment on the relationship.

The editors of the program "Psychics are investigating" recalled that Novoselova was one of the most "thrifty" participants - she always carried with her numerous attributes that helped her to establish contact with the other world. She tried to do everything the way she saw fit.

The witch did not hesitate to send damage to the offenders and believed that she acted in justice. She often shocked the heroes with offers to take revenge on ill-wishers. The editors of the program “Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest ”decided to show one of Novoselova’s rituals. The witch herself did not allow her spells to be broadcast. Ilona told her colleagues that she was going to die soon, but they urged her not to attract such thoughts.

“I just got into black magic, the family breaks off on me, I paid for it,” the witch noted.

On June 13, 2017, the famous witch Novoselova died. The girl's body was found under the windows of her apartment in the east of Moscow. The finalist of the show "The Battle of Psychics" fell from the balcony of the sixth floor after a quarrel with a young man.

On June 13, the body of Ilona Novoselova was removed from the visor of a private clinic on Entuziastov Highway by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The hospital is located on the first floor of a residential building, and a participant in two seasons of the Battle of Psychics fell from the window of her apartment on the sixth. The injuries were very severe, Ilona died before the doctors arrived.

Investigators are now investigating the circumstances of Novoselova’s death, and based on the results of the check, the issue of a criminal case will be decided, a law enforcement source told KP. — Only, most likely, there is no crime there. According to preliminary data, she did not have any mental disorders. She just quarreled with her young man and, perhaps, because of a nervous breakdown, she wanted to scare him. But what is called "outplayed". Unfortunately, this happens during family squabbles.

The death of Ilona Novoselova, like her life, is shrouded in mystery. Until now, no one can say with certainty what preceded the terrible event when the girl fell from the sixth floor.

Several versions are currently being considered. In particular, the option is not ruled out that Novoselova simply could not stay on the balcony behind the fence, after which she collapsed down. However, initially in the press there was a version that Ilona decided to commit suicide after a quarrel with her lover. However, this assumption was refuted by the relatives of the deceased.

Ilona Novoselova, as her clairvoyant friend Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova assured, was engaged exclusively in black magic. “She could drive into a coffin, cause damage, break up a family, punish a rival,” Cajetta said. “I always warned her that all these dark deeds would not go in vain, that she would have problems. But she did not hear me. Ilona had apartments, money, but for all this she paid too high a price - her life.

In this context, we can say that Novoselova paid for the sins of the past. However, this version is preliminary and can hardly be considered seriously at this stage.

The finalist of the program "The Battle of Psychics" during her lifetime asked her relatives to cremate her body. On the eve of the relatives fulfilled the request of the deceased. The farewell ceremony was held behind closed doors, only relatives of Ilona were present. Even the place of the farewell ceremony was not reported in order to protect the ashes of Novoselova from journalists and enemies of the psychic.

The body of Ilona Novoselova was brought in a coffin that was not opened. Even before the cremation, the coffin was not opened, as the body was severely mutilated and this could cause additional stress to relatives. Also, the clairvoyant herself did not want someone to feed on her energy and take away her power.

Note that the mother of Ilona Novoselova suffered the funeral of her daughter very hard. At one point, the woman became so ill that she had to call an ambulance.

Novoselova was the finalist of the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics. In 2013, Ilona Novoselova was the victim of a kidnapping. The perpetrators kidnapped her and her boyfriend, also a transsexual, and hid her in an apartment in Sergiev Posad. They demanded a ransom of 7.5 million rubles. Novoselova's mother paid the kidnappers this amount, and the show participant was released.

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On June 13, at about 5 pm, the clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova died, and already today at lunchtime her body was burned in the crematorium. The finalist of the program "The Battle of Psychics" during her lifetime asked her relatives to cremate her body. At about 12.00 the relatives fulfilled the request of the deceased. The farewell ceremony was held behind closed doors, only relatives were present. Even the place of the farewell ceremony was not reported in order to protect the ashes of Novoselova from journalists and enemies of the psychic.

The body of Ilona Novoselova was brought in a coffin that was not opened. Even before the cremation, the coffin was not opened, as the body was severely mutilated and this could cause additional stress to relatives. Also, the clairvoyant herself did not want someone to feed on her energy and take away her power.

Note that the mother of Ilona Novoselova suffered the funeral of her daughter very hard. At one point, the woman became so ill that she had to call an ambulance.

We add that fans will be able to watch the program “Let them talk” about death today, in which the presenter will tell the details of the life of a clairvoyant, her participation in projects and her lover.

Exactly two weeks have passed since the tragic death of the black sorceress Ilona Novoselova. But there is no rest for her soul and body even after death. As told website eyewitnesses, the very next day after the tragedy, strange personalities began to come to the place of death of the fortune-teller - to house 13 on the highway of Enthusiasts. These are sorcerers and warlocks of various kinds, who gather where there was death, in the hope of enlisting the help of the spirit for their dark deeds.


Several years ago, scientists conducted an experiment. With the help of special devices, they recorded the change in the energy fields (aura) of the bodies of ten people who died various deaths. It turned out that the glow of those who died of old age in the first few hours did not differ from the aura of the living. Then it gradually faded away. But the energy field of people who committed suicide for more than three days remained like a living one. This explains the interest of fortune tellers and sorcerers in suicides and everything connected with them.

Ordinary people are often afraid of any contact with the deceased. They are afraid to "pick up necrotic", so they seek to get rid of things related to the dead. But not in the case of black magicians. For them, the water that washed the deceased, soap, sheets, etc., are objects of black magic. And they are so eager to go to the place of Novoselova's death because blood was shed there. And, obviously, up to 40 days, while the soul of the deceased, according to legend, is on earth, sorcerers will conduct their rituals.

From ancient times in Rus', those who did not die of their own death - suicides and drowned people - were considered unclean dead. They were not buried on consecrated ground, but only behind the church fence. The body of Ilona Novoselova was cremated in the strictest secrecy. The mother of the deceased took this measure to avoid vandalism and the use of her daughter's body for magical rituals.

There was a high probability that the sorcerers would use Novoselova's grave for occult purposes - to take land from it to induce damage, for example, to perform death rites there. Therefore, the mother of the sorceress decided not to tell anyone about the burial place of the urn with the ashes of her daughter. She wants Ilona not to be disturbed after death.

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