Ilya Glinnikov: packed Katya's things and told her mother that she would not come to them again. Planned turmoil


// Photo: Photo by the press service of the TNT channel

Keanu Reeves visited Russia last week. The actor tried to secretly visit St. Petersburg, but the mission failed. The Hollywood star was spotted while still on the plane. He modestly sat alone in the business class, without security guards and escorts. The plane had not yet had time to turn off the engines after landing, and the first selfies with Keanu rained down on Instagram. In the latest issue of the magazine "Antenna-Telesem. Southern Region” (dated June 7) material about the visit of a Hollywood star to our country.

“There are very few women who like their appearance. I know fellow artists of incredible beauty and talent, but on the set they behave like this: “My ears, my nose are a disaster, so you can’t shoot me close, and even better, I’ll play everything with my back.” I’m not lying for a second when I say that I’m not afraid to be ugly in the frame. Actress Yuliya Snigir candidly answers readers' questions during a live line. The entire text is published in the printed version of the Antenna-Telesem. South Region".

Ekaterina Nikulina became the chosen one of the bachelor Ilya Glinnikov on the TNT channel project. “The only reason why I stayed was Ilya. By the end, the intensity of passions went off scale, and for a moment I doubted him, his feelings for me. The interview with both Katya and Ilya reveals the secrets of the show, how the girl got on the project, why Ilya chose her, how he proposed to her and whether there will be a wedding - all this in No. 23 of the Antenna-Telesem magazine. South Region".

Now on Channel One there is a musical show "Winner", the winner of it receives 3 million rubles. To do this, the participant needs not only talent, but also luck. And what happened to the winners of the TV quizzes? We found them. Read the material in the latest issue of the magazine.

“In great shape”: in the summer, beauty salons arrange promotions for massage, promising to correct the figure and improve health. We understand which procedures are best to choose.

Marriage is unbearable. You are made for each other, but cute pulls with a marriage proposal? There are ways to help him become more determined.

Parent meeting. How to teach a child to understand the comments of mom and dad. At one and a half to two years, the child begins to show character, to be harmful, to say “I myself”, “no”. He finds out the boundaries of what is permitted, fights for power, tests his parents for strength.

It is important not to restrict the baby in development and not infringe on his freedom, because the word “no” should concern the safety of the child.

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Buy the magazine "Antenna-Telesem. Southern Region" every Wednesday in shops and kiosks of the city of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory!

”, Season 5, a heated discussion began on social networks whether the main character of the project made the right choice Ilya Glinnikov. Many criticize the winner of the show, Ekaterina Nikulina, and some doubt that the couple stayed together after the cameras were turned off. TNT has officially confirmed that now Ilya and Katya continue to build relationships. Glinnikov and Nikulina, having found their love in the fifth season of the Bachelor show in front of millions of viewers, are together and happy.

Ekaterina Nikulina now, after the show, admits that for her everything became clear after the first meeting with Ilya: “I always pay attention to inexplicable symbols, circumstances that make it clear that someone brought this person to me, we met for a reason ...” However, the girl believes that the reality show - the strangest place to meet a young man. By the way, at the casting Katya said that she decided to take part in the show , because she wants to find a husband and "start a family faster in order to become a young mother."

In turn, Ilya Glinnikov still does not hide his surprise, since, in his words, he saw a person next to him whom he did not expect to see at all: “I have a feeling that I dreamed of her, I met a woman who is ready to give, not consume. My mind refused to believe in it - this simply cannot be! Here, maybe! I hope we manage to get to the last station. If this happens, then I will be the happiest person in the world!”

It's no secret to anyone that the shooting of the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor" was completed long ago. Moreover, Ilya Glinnikov even got into the lenses of the paparazzi cameras along with his chosen one. The couple consecrated Easter cakes in the church on Easter. There they were ambushed by photojournalists. True, the shots that were taken were very blurry, but Ekaterina Nikulina was guessed in Ilya's companion. The actor then came up with a rather strange excuse: they say, he consecrated Easter cakes with Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Varvara. She was very surprised by this information.

As a result, Ilya Glinnikov nevertheless really chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor". Yesterday, everything secret finally became clear, and the couple no longer needs to hide the relationship. Madina Tamova , whom Ilya Glinnikov preferred Ekaterina Nikulina to in the final , could not hide her resentment towards the actor . By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the project a step away from the final, does not hold a grudge against the Bachelor. Moreover, in an interview with Vokrug TV, she admitted that she managed to maintain friendly relations with Ilya Glinnikov. The actor and journalist continue to communicate after the project.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina are together, happy and continue to build relationships

Ilya Glinnikov rarely gives interviews, especially on personal topics. But for the magazine "Antenna - Telesem" he made an exception. Yes, and there was a suitable reason: the release of the comedy "Raiders", in which Ilya played the main role.

Live greedily, but not stingily

Doesn't it annoy you that the majority of viewers associate you primarily with your hero from the "Interns" Gleb Romanenko?

" Not annoying, but not happy either. I knew what I was getting into. Basically, I am a sociopath, and as a person who loves loneliness, I tend to think that I develop autism from such attention. "Hey bro! How is it better there? I run into this all the time. Where exactly? Who is it? What bro? It is pointless to fight this, you will still lose, because “boys - they are finally guys ...” I understand that every evening we come to visit people from television screens, we are already like distant relatives for them. And I haven't tried to convince anyone that I'm not a doctor for a long time."

This year you will be 30 years old. What thoughts overcome on the threshold of the anniversary?

" All normal dudes left this world at 27, so nothing bothers me anymore, and there is no anniversary. It's just that another weak person on this planet turns 30. I'm getting calmer, which is great. There are spiritual joys, and there are spiritual ones. Now I prefer the second one. Mental is: “Hey-gey, cheers! Class! I won!" And the spiritual: having played a good performance, you go home with a full chest of good, healthy, kind energy and a slight smile on your face. You rejoice within yourself. Quiet happiness. By my thirties, I had acquired a profession and some understanding of myself. Today my philosophy of life is to live greedily, but not stingily!"

Two crazy people are better!

I plant trees every day, if you project a tree onto a profession. Bought an apartment. I will build a house. We will have time for children, for now one teenager is enough for me. I mean Aglaya.

Yes, recently you have already introduced the bride - actress Aglaya Tarasova (daughter of actress Ksenia Rappoport. - Approx. "Antennas") ...

How did you say - Aglaya Tarasova? Yes, you can go to Iraq with it. As they say, one crazy is good, but two is even better. Aglaya is always and everywhere near me as the wife of a Decembrist, by the way, everyone calls her that. She and I are one organism, Aglaya is my support, my air, my wind, my freedom.

Is this the first time you've experienced such a strong feeling?

If I live with this feeling all my life, I will be the happiest dead on this planet. Love lives in each of us, there is no need to look for it, the main thing is that when it knocks, do not be afraid, but rush in. The worst thing that can happen to you is that you just die, but it's better to burn out than fade away.

What do you value in women?

Women in general and my girlfriend are two different things. I need only three small but very strong bricks - sincerity, friend and smell. Yes, there is no way without chemistry, I want me to be drawn to my beloved even after 50 years! And do not strive to show yourself better than you are. Why deceive? Better show your vices right away, let her see everything. And if a girl is ready to be with you like that, then she will. The main thing is to be, not to seem. True, when it comes to feelings, one cannot follow logic here ... I realized that love is an action, not a noun, but a verb. We must act, not be afraid. And sooner or later the one to whom you can open yourself comes.

And how do you operate? Capable of romantic deeds?

Not only romantic, but also non-romantic. If I tell you about them, then the security agencies or the clinic will be interested in me. I have one misfortune - I am not afraid of death, but I understand what a blow it can be for loved ones, and immediately I condemn myself, I feel like an egoist. Although if you look at it, when I spent all the money I earned from the film “The Fog” on the trip of my mother and brother to Thailand and thus gave her a gift for her 45th birthday, this was also a manifestation of selfishness. After all, I was 10 times more happy than they were. Or, yesterday, I was sitting in the office, writing a script, and something dawned on me, I went and arranged a little holiday for my beloved at one in the morning!

You are filming with beautiful actresses. Hard to resist playing love scenes?

I never fell in love with my partners. Love, of course, is difficult to play. After all, if you yourself do not believe in it, then the audience will not believe you either. But for this there is a technique, professionalism. Well, I don’t like, for example, the partner with whom I have a love line is not my type at all. But I will find in it a mole, an eyelash, an eyebrow that I will like. And for that I will forgive everything else. I will find it for myself, justify it, and it will be easier for me to work.

We are taught by suffering

Ilya, on March 20, a film premiere with your participation is expected - the comedy "Raiders". Recently, another comedy “Only Girls in Sports” was held at the box office, where you played. Love this genre?

Comedy is the highest, most complex genre since ancient Greece. I'm a ramp slave, comedy today, tragedy tomorrow. Raiders is hooliganism in the style of the American movie Pineapple Express. A bold movie is not for everyone.

Your comedy is about two unlucky buddies who get a chance to make their dreams come true. But they are catastrophically unlucky ... Are you lucky in life?

I am lucky From English: I am lucky. - Approx. "Antennas") - I once dropped in Las Vegas and beat the casino in blackjack. Nevertheless, there are no accidents, every accident must be earned. The most pleasant luck in my life is, probably, people, I would even say personalities, who met on my way and made me wiser. An actor for me is Mikhail Chekhov, and I just do my favorite profession with its inherent fanaticism. Fate did not ask me which way I would like to go in life, and the path turned out to be not easy, but I am proud of it, it taught me a lot. As Marcel Proust, the greatest writer, comparable only to Shakespeare, said: “Only years of suffering made me what I became. And the years of happiness are a waste of time, because they did not affect me in any way. And most importantly - it (suffering) taught not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to do everything yourself.

I grow to the root

You were born in the Tula region, now you can say that you conquered Moscow?

Moscow is a city where people do not live, but work. If you asked me if it is possible to come here and start everything from scratch, I would answer that it is impossible now. The first time I came to Moscow at the age of 16 and lived here for the summer, I won’t say what it was like for me. A year later, there was another attempt, but I stayed here only at the age of 18, when I was invited to a casting in the Urbans dance project and was finally approved. And it's good that everything went so easy. Moving to the capital in 2002 was a turning point in my life. The main thing was not to go back. Many of my friends and classmates went downhill, someone became a drug addict, someone went to jail. There was absolutely nothing for me to do in my small homeland. And the institute turned me around 360 degrees. My values ​​have changed, I became interested in religion and philosophy thanks to the wonderful teacher Galina Hayrapetyants. We still communicate, she comes to all my premieres. Plus, I reconsidered my attitude towards the family, took my mother and brother with me in 2005. Although at that time I was far from the best financial situation. I worked at night, I came to the institute at six in the morning, the guards opened the supply room, and I slept there. At nine, classmate Andryukha Samoilov came, woke me up, and I went to the audience. You once said that you consider Marina Golub to be your godmother in the profession ...

Beloved Marina Grigorievna ... She prepared me for admission to the theater institute. I read "Dubrovsky" by Pushkin, "12" by Blok. If it wasn't for her, I don't know what would have happened to me. The last time we saw each other was on my 27th birthday. Marina Grigorievna said: “Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid of anything!” True, she lamented: “Oh, you wish you had a little more sprout and immediately to us at the Moscow Art Theater!” And I answered her: “Well, what is it. I'm growing up!" The last thing she told me: "Acting is not your last path ...".

Apparently, she was not mistaken. After all, you have already created your own company.

Yes, my friends and I created the Troika Production company. We write the scripts ourselves, shoot and shoot ourselves. In December, TNT approved our project. I am an actor, screenwriter and producer in it. The script has already been written for five episodes, in the process of writing another 8. Now I have invested all my money in this project. At your own risk, not knowing if he will shoot or not.

What do you spend money on anyway? What male toys?

I dream of a boat that makes waves to surf. Nearly died in Hawaii this year. We arrived at the coast, where the biggest waves come. And they came 10 meters high. The Americans covered the shore with a protective tape. But I saw: three local guys are still somersaulting in the ocean on the boards. I also swam across the lineup (the place where the waves begin), caught one or two waves, swam, and then the board that was tied to my leg was torn off by a wave. And without this board, you don’t understand where the bottom is and where the surface is. The wave covered me, strongly squeezed my ears (and I know that the ears begin to press at a depth of 4-5 meters) and darkness is everywhere. Then another wave came, already under water, I was flattened along the bottom, and at the bottom there was a reef. Hands in the blood, and yet I get up on the reef, push off with my feet (they are also in the blood), I emerge. I barely have time to take a breath of air, as I am pulled back. Somehow I got out, covered in blood, my head is spinning, I only see how my beloved runs along the beach with a board, calling for help. Nothing, I caught my breath and the next day again climbed into the water. He also jumped with a parachute from four thousand meters. Amazing. I can also treat myself to a new snowboard. And if a car, then with an opening top, if a motorcycle, then a Harley Davidson. Do you spend a lot of time and money on clothes?

No. Many things in my wardrobe were given to me on the same film sets. In Moscow, I don’t buy anything from clothes at all, only abroad. In the same America, you can buy a good thing for 5 or 20 dollars, which costs crazy money here. Abroad, I enjoy shopping. Right now I'm wearing bracelets bought by my mother in Georgia.

Do you already have an idea of ​​what your family will be like?

Whatever it is, it will be. For me it is important that I can give my children. You must first educate yourself in order not to make mistakes. It is not particularly necessary to give birth to children of the mind, but who will disentangle? I want them to be interested in me. So far, it seems to me, I can give them little, I need to grow up a little. But if suddenly such happiness happens and one small point becomes brighter in this world, then this child will be the happiest. If a guy is born, I will raise him as a Spartan, a man should be a warrior, not be afraid of anything. But I want more girls. It seems to me that I will fight with my son. Two men in the house, the second you, only a little one - trouble! And the daughter will have to be influenced differently, you need to maneuver with her somehow. It's more interesting to me.

On June 3, the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor" ended. The hero of the program and his chosen one Ekaterina Nikulina shared their plans for the future life with Antenna.

I came to the casting by accident. And the most difficult thing for me was to be in the same territory with 25 competitors who seek to attract the attention of a man, although they may not like him. Yes, and with older girls (Katya is 22 years old. - Approx. "Antennas") I never had communication. They don't like me. I spent most of my time alone. Already at the end she became friends with Lesya Ryabtseva. Under the terms of the show, they were allowed to call home once a week, and this did not always work out due to filming. It was hard without contact with family. And thoughts to leave the project arose. Ilya was the only reason why she stayed. By the end, the intensity of passions went off scale, and for a moment I doubted him, his feelings for me.

During the filming of the final episodes in Georgia (this is the birthplace of Papa Ilya. - Approx. "Antennas"), I felt that Katya was starting to distrust me, and, of course, I was upset. But there was no strength to convince her, and there were constant provocations.

Expect the Unexpected

But there were also good moments: our first date with Ilya. Sleighs, horses and a snowy forest ... I am in some kind of unusual, fabulous image, Ilya too. We experienced incredible emotions then. And so it was all, including jealousy. But I tried to believe Ilya. Probably because she had feelings for him from the very beginning. We had a conversation that wasn't shown in the first episode. Then Ilya said: “Katya, don’t fall in love with me, don’t.” And although you can’t command the heart, his phrase haunted me. I tried several times to find out why Ilya asked me not to fall in love, but he didn’t answer me for the whole show.

I was afraid to play with the sincere feelings of a person. But after that conversation, I also saw something native in Katya.

There were moments when I felt: Ilya is now talking to another girl. And I was seized by an irresistible desire to call him, to talk, to ask how he was doing. I was especially worried when Ilya started having problems with his leg.

It was with this approach that Katya disarmed me. And how charmingly angry she is! I watched it a couple of times on dates. This woman is from another planet. Thanks to her parents. Katya is a girl of old traditions, I have not seen such a long time ago. And most importantly - Catherine does not know how to lie. And trust is the foundation of a relationship. At the beginning of the project, the producer gave me a notebook with the inscription “Expect the unexpected” (“Expect the unexpected.” - Approx. “Antennas”). At first I wrote dating scenarios there, thoughts about the show, but after meeting with Ekaterina, all the entries were dedicated to her.

Ilya tested me at the end of the project, asked tricky questions. Somewhere even began to behave worse than he is. But, despite this, I saw in Ilya the man I dreamed of. Our thoughts coincided in everything. Therefore, the tests only confirmed the correctness of my choice.

Wedding - in Georgia

Do you want me to tell you how he proposed to Catherine to get married? I said: "Let's take it and run away from everyone?"

At the top of a fortress in Georgia, when I was standing in a wedding dress, Ilya and I had an unusual dialogue. By that time, he had already seen the second finalist (Madina Tamova. - Approx. "Antennas") home, but I did not know this. I was worried, of course, I don’t deny it, but largely because of Ilya’s words: “I want to burn like a candle, but I burn like a torch with you.”

I built the appeal to Katya in such a way that initially it looked like I was telling her “no”! Turned everything upside down.

And I stand, listen to Ilya and understand that, most likely, he did not choose me. She lifted her head to hold back her tears. Although I already cried so much on the project, but at that moment I tried to hold on. And then he says that he would like to say something else. I asked: is it necessary? Ilya replied that he might not speak if I did not want to. Okay, I said, I'm listening to you. And Ilya starts quoting pages from that notebook with the inscription "Expect the unexpected." He says: “If I had to choose from 50 million, I would still choose you, only it would take more time.” And then he took out a box with a ring.

I must admit, Katya looked charming in a wedding dress. She was chosen for a beautiful outfit with a touch of pink, but in real life she will have it even better. And when I saw her in that dress, for me it was happiness with tears. In addition, we then ended up in the Rabat fortress in Meskheti, where my family originated from, because my surname is Meskhi by my father.

I tried on a wedding dress for the first time in my life. In it, I had to go to my beloved man, I felt very comfortable, and my mood was at its maximum.

I would like to give Katya another ring, but with a different stone. And I'm thinking about an offer that I would like to make to her outside of this show. And I think more about getting married in Georgia than about a magnificent wedding.

And in this our dreams are similar. I also want the wedding to take place first, because I believe in God.

“In my opinion, Katya never cheated on the project, she did not condemn anyone and behaved more than with dignity. I didn’t pull the blanket over myself, and I liked it.”

life under cover

After filming ended, we had to hide our relationship for quite a long time.

I offered different options: go to the taiga, wear wigs, without which, by the way, it could not have done. So, I had the premiere of the film "Love with Limits." Given the situation, we could not go to it together. But they really wanted to. We put on wigs and went to the night session. And in order to watch the fireworks on May 9 together, they climbed onto the roof of an abandoned building and were still wearing biker balaclavas, glasses and hoods on their heads. For groceries, they entered the store from different directions. Naturally, in caps, glasses. And then I had surgery on my leg. 21 days at home. We decided to treat this as an important experience. It was tormenting, however, that they could not even walk together, breathe fresh air.

When the project had just begun for the audience, it had already ended for us. It was enormous stress. I didn't have any nervous breakdowns.

We wanted to be together, enjoy the feelings, but we had to hide from everyone. Once I had to ask a person to remove pictures and videos of me and Katya from the phone. Surprisingly, everything ended well, he even apologized.

“When I came home to Katya, I realized that, having gone to the project, she ended up in total hell. Her mother said that her daughter's relationship with girls always did not work out very well. But she still went into such an uncomfortable environment for herself. ”

desire to cook

After filming was over, we went to Katya's parents. I packed her things in a suitcase and told my mother that I would throw it away later, because my daughter would not come to you anymore! And so it happened. As for living together, I did not even expect that we would be so suitable for each other in everyday life. We do everything together: we watch movies, we read books, we talk for 10 hours, or we argue about the year in which One Hundred Years of Solitude was written. I am surprised at how Katya took care of me when I was on crutches. She cooks divinely. In the morning I eat the most delicious cereals, and for dinner - just restaurant food. We got two griffon dogs after watching the movie As Good As It Gets. They named them Una and Chaplin. These cute creatures are now pissing on our sofa.

Glinnikov and Nikulina after the Bachelor show: juicy details. After the first bachelor of the country made his choice in the final of the show, many fans and admirers were interested in the most intriguing question about what happened to the couple after the project and whether Ilya and Katya stayed together.

At the end of the show itself, Ilya had two unforgettable dates with Madina and Katya. Of course, many fans hoped that Ilya would still choose Madina, but the bachelor listened to the call of his heart and called Katya his chosen one. After that, an active hysteria began on the network, on the topic of choice and final.

But one way or another, no matter what, the couple builds relationships after the show. Katya and Ilya are together to this day. The couple lives in the same house and are happy together. Moreover, some say that Katya and Ilya are preparing to get married.

The girl recalls the first meeting with Ilya, then she was not yet familiar with his work, but she was imbued with love for him and saw in him a loved one. Ilya calls his beloved girl from the moon, and sees the meaning of life only in her love.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina gave the first joint interview about the wedding and plans for the future

Yesterday, viewers finally found out who the actor chose in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor"

It's no secret that the shooting of the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor" was completed long ago. Moreover, Ilya Glinnikov even got into the lenses of the paparazzi along with his chosen one. The couple consecrated Easter cakes in the church on Easter. There they were ambushed by the paparazzi. True, the shots that the journalists managed to make were very blurry. But Ekaterina Nikulina was guessed in Ilya's companion. The actor then came up with a rather strange excuse, they say, he consecrated Easter cakes with Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Varvara. She was very surprised by this information.

As a result, Ilya Glinnikov nevertheless really chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor". Yesterday, everything secret finally became clear, and the couple no longer needs to hide the relationship. Madina Tamova, whom Ilya Glinnikov chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the final, could not hide her resentment towards the actor. By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the project a step away from the final, does not hold a grudge against a bachelor. Moreover, in an interview with our website, she admitted that she managed to save with Ilya Glinnikov. The actor and journalist continue to communicate after the project.

Meanwhile, Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina have already managed to give a joint interview to Antenna magazine and talk about a secret life together after the show, a wedding, and plans for the future.

“We want to get away from everyone. Only now are we beginning to truly feel happiness. And it is for us to peel the pomegranate together in the morning, to be late for work because you can’t get rid of your loved one. Finally, to walk hand in hand through your favorite places without seeing or hearing anyone around, ”Glinnikov quotes from an interview with Ilya is completely satisfied with his choice and is already making big plans for the future with his beloved.

Recall that Glinnikov was initially skeptical about the Bachelor project. The actor refused the proposal of the producers three times, but in the end they managed to persuade him.

“When I once again spoke with my director on the phone about participating in the show, I forgot my wallet on the bench, in which there was an icon. With her, I went all the way in Moscow. I run out into the street - there is no wallet. I call my director back and say: “I lost my icon, and she has been here with me all my life since I was 16 years old. I think we're just missing something." That's how I agreed to participate in the show "The Bachelor" and, it seems, I found the most important thing in life ... ”, - Ilya Glinnikov said on the eve of the start of the fifth season of the project in an interview with our website. Even then, the actor said that he had found love.

“According to statistics, in the 20-year history of the Bachelor show, there have only been two weddings worldwide, and one of these couples broke up. It seems to me that the point is that both girls and bachelors, when they are in a project, are in illusions. The heroes come to life after this show, and finds out that everyone needed something completely different. And that's okay. And I, it seems to me, managed to separate illusions and reality in the project. I have lived it all. It was very painful. I saw reality…” — summed up Ilya Glinnikov.

Madina Tamova was offended by Ilya Glinnikov after his choice in the final of the show "The Bachelor", season 5

The finale of the show "The Bachelor", season 5, on TNT was unexpected for the fans of the project. Most viewers were sure that Ilya Glinnikov would choose Madina Tamova, but the actor preferred Ekaterina Nikulina to her. Madina herself was shocked to hear from the Bachelor that, as Tamova had advised, when making a decision, he listened only to his heart. She could not hide her disappointment and resentment. Moreover, before finding out the decision of the Bachelor, Madina was sure that it was she who would receive the ring.

“It may sound arrogant, but Katya is absolutely no competitor to me, absolutely no match. Showy sexuality is something that any woman can do. It's primitive and devalues ​​a lot when put on public display. You need to show your seductiveness alone with your man. Katya and I are completely different, and thank God ... ”Madina Tamova said before putting on a white bridesmaid dress and going on a last date with the Bachelor.

However, once in front of Glinnikov on a platform strewn with rose petals, Madina was in for an unpleasant surprise. “You are a princess from start to finish… You have no idea how many times I imagined what kind of family I would have next to you… You are the diamond of this project. But you told me to choose with my heart, and I managed to hear my heart: another person settled in my heart. I cannot deceive you. Forgive me ... ”Glinnikov admitted to the girl. To this sincere speech, Madina only replied: “Thank you for the experience. The lesson is over." But already sitting in the car and leaving the project, she could not hold back her tears: “Has Ilya lost something is a question. And what he lost, I know. Me. That's it, I won't say anything more."

Recall that the Glinnikov family liked Tamov: the actor’s relatives almost immediately married Ilya and Madina. But Katya Nikulina raised questions: the actor's relatives doubted her sincerity. However, the opinion of the family did not influence the choice of the Bachelor. By the way, before the final, Madina said that with her Ilya would gain a family, attention, care, harmony, and if she chose Katya, then he would be disappointed in the near future. In turn, Nikulina also spoke about her rival: “Madina is a worthy woman in terms of family, life, reports t. But Ilya will be bored with her. Ilya is not the man Madina needs, and she is not the woman he needs ... Ilya is inspired by me.

Recall that three months ago, actor Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls who passed the casting and got into the show. In the very first issue, the Interns star chose 15 beauties who went with him to Sri Lanka. By the end, as in previous seasons, the Bachelor had to leave only two participants on the project.

By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the show a step away from the final, talking in an interview with Vokrug TV about her participation in the project, described Glinnikov as a gallant, modest and very talented man: “And sometimes even shy. It's hard not to fall in love with such a man.

Madina Tamova gave the first comment after the finale of the show Bachelor

Unfortunately, in the life of each of us, for sure, it happened that our illusions and charms did not coincide with reality. But I want to ask each of you not to put out the fire in your heart and goodness in your soul by any disappointments and insults. Whoever is happy is right, and if someone is happy without you, then this is simply not your person.

Thank the Universe, draw conclusions, become stronger, wiser, be sure to find the strength in yourself to get up and move on with a smile to each new day Thank you for having me, thank you for walking this path with me, thank you for the criticism, for the kind words- You make me better! I wish each of you to love and be loved, live in harmony and cultivate goodness in yourself! I appreciate you, hug and love you!

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