Names for girls are unusual beautiful Russian. Beautiful female Tibetan names


Elena Zhabinskaya

Dear future mothers, most likely you already know the gender of your unborn child and are expecting a little princess.

You know exactly what she will be - beautiful, funny, mischievous, inquisitive and kind, and you want to give her all the best. Therefore, you already know how to choose the right one and which one to buy.

The most important, pleasant and significant thing remains: to sort through all the names for girls and choose the most beautiful and best for your little princess. This is a very responsible choice, because it will leave an imprint on the whole future life and fate of the child.

Will your girl grow up to be a downtrodden quiet, following the lead of someone else's, stronger, opinion, will she be aggressive and ready to repel an invisible attack every second? Or will it develop into a harmonious personality with an even character and a benevolent disposition? You will not believe it, but a lot depends on the name that you give her. That is why it is important to make the right choice and consciously.

Numerous scientists have long noticed that people with the same names have similar character traits.

As one of the explanations, the phenomenon of "music of names" is given. According to him, some names sound melodious, literally caress the ear and evoke positive emotions in the one who pronounces and the one who hears. Others, on the contrary, make you cringe and tense up.

Each name is a set of sounds of one or another pitch and key. All sounds affect different parts of the brain in different ways. Since a person hears what they call him several dozen times a day, this forms a certain psycho-emotional state and certain character traits. There are hard, hard names: Zhanna, Dina, Tamara. They contribute to the formation of a persistent, stubborn, decisive character. There are soft and melodic ones: Svetlana, Natalya, Anna, which will be the prerequisites for the formation of a soft and docile character.

In addition, there is another reasonable explanation for the influence of the name on fate. Hearing the name, we draw conclusions about the nationality of a person (Maria, Olga, Anna, Ekaterina), possible religion (Gulnara, Zulfiya), alleged character traits (calm Elena, fiery Tatyana). Having succumbed to the first impression, we draw some conclusions about a person. And, of course, when thousands of people “endow” someone with certain qualities when they meet, this leaves an imprint on the personality.

An interesting fact: scientists recently conducted a study and found out that girls with attractive romantic names (Angelina, Angelica, Milana) move up the career ladder worse, but are much more successful in the creative environment and show business.

How to choose

When choosing a name for a girl, you can be guided by different theories and principles (we will talk about them below). However, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind.

The name must match the nationality of the child. This is a fairly obvious rule, and usually in a family of Orthodox Christians it would never occur to anyone to name their daughter Khadija, Alfiya or Alsu. In the same way, the presence of a child, for example, with the name Vera, Anna, Olga, in a Tatar or Muslim family immediately creates dissonance.

The name must be combined with the surname and patronymic of the girl. Various combinations of full name the child will have to hear very often. First, the last name and first name at school, then the first name and patronymic in adult life at work. Therefore, say all these combinations several times, so to speak, taste them.

If the surname and patronymic are long, then the name should be chosen shorter. It is convenient to show this by my personal example. When we chose what to name our daughter, we saw that we had just a long surname and patronymic, so we chose a shorter name so as not to fall asleep while you pronounce it in full. It turned out like this: Zhabinskaya Eva Dmitrievna. Both together and separately, the combinations are not quite long and euphonious. Compare, for example, as if it were Zhabinskaya Ekaterina Dmitrievna, or Zhabinskaya Anastasia Dmitrievna. For me, a very long time.

At the junction of the last name and first name, first name and patronymic, there should not be a pile of consonant letters that make pronunciation difficult. In this case, the child will tense up in advance in anticipation that they can pronounce something incorrectly, which will form uncertainty and tightness. For example, it is more difficult to pronounce Christine Stern than Alice Stern.

It is necessary to try so that the name easily forms a diminutive form, so that communication with the baby can be painted in a different range of emotions.

How not to call a girl

When choosing how to name a girl in 2017, you must always remember that a baby with this name will live: go to kindergarten, school, university, build a career. Therefore, it is inappropriate and stupid to be guided by momentary fashion or emotions in such an important issue.

Do not give unpronounceable, unpronounceable and strange names. For example, Traktorina, Wilhelmina, Gloriosa, Eupraxia, Xanthippus, Mitrodora. The child will feel awkward from birth at every need to name himself, which can develop an inferiority complex and insecurity.

Do not name children after historical events or prominent people. Events go down in history, and politicians are often criticized over time. As a result, a name that seemed meaningful and relevant to you, ten years later, will sound ridiculous, inappropriate and stupid, confusing the child and developing complexes for him. For example, Dazdraperma (Long live the first of May), the Olympics (in honor of the Winter Olympics in Sochi), Crimea (in honor of the annexation of the peninsula), Stalin (in honor of Stalin).

You should not call the baby as well as relatives who died a violent death or tragically. You can believe in mysticism or not, but there are statistics according to which such people more often repeat the fate of unfortunate ancestors.

Recently, there has been a fashion for double names (Anna-Maria, Victoria-Elizabeth). Moms explain this choice something like this: the queen - the royal name (hinting that all the reigning persons always had two names). But firstly, we are still not royal, and secondly, this is not a game of princesses, but a real children's life. I do not see the need to create additional difficulties and awkward situations for the child in communicating with peers.

Names for girls by month according to the church calendar

Our ancestors did not have to puzzle over the appropriate name for the child. It was enough to look into the holy calendar - the church calendar with the names of saints.

It was believed that the saint, on whose day the baby was born, would be his protector and patron, respectively, that was the name of the baby.

In our time, although the saints have already played their role, and the choice of the name of the child is at the mercy of the imagination of the parents, sometimes it is still possible, and even necessary, to look into the church calendar.

Who knows, perhaps it is there that you will draw inspiration and, according to the calendar, will find an unusual name for a girl, which, moreover, will carry a secret spiritual meaning, because the guardian angel himself will protect such a baby.

Now church canons are not so strict, and in order to give parents more choice in names, calendars are used by months, not by days. This means that the name of the patron saint can be chosen from a list related to the baby's birth month.

  • Girls born in September can be called the following names of patron saints: Thekla, Martha, Natalia, Maria, Kira, Anfisa, Anna, Elizabeth, Tatiana, Natalia, Xenia, Vasilisa, Sofia, Lyudmila, Vera, Love, Hope, Raisa, Evdokia, Seraphim.
  • In October, patronize: Elizabeth, Zlata, Zinaida, Pelageya, Taisiya, Tatyana, Nadezhda, Veronica, Anna, Alexandra, Maria, Sofia, Iraida, Ariadna, Irina.
  • In November: Anna, Elizabeth, Nina, Alexandra, Claudia, Elena, Anastasia, Maria, Pelageya, Matryona, Olga.
  • In December: Zoya, Vera, Marina, Alexandra, Tatyana, Anna, Anfisa, Barbara, Ekaterina, Julia, Kira, Tamara, Maria, Margarita.
  • In January: Maria, Sofia, Nina, Tatiana, Julia, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Evgenia, Polina, Melania, Maria, Anna, Barbara, Augusta, Claudia.
  • In February: Sofia, Anna, Vera, Svetlana, Irina, Zoya, Maria, Christina, Ekaterina, Pelageya, Xenia, Anastasia, Agnia, Vasilisa, Rimma.
  • In March: Marina, Christina, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Alexandra, Antonina, Nadezhda, Elena, Julia, Olga, Kira, Evgenia, Varvara, Valentina.
  • In April: Galina, Lydia, Svetlana, Maria, Daria, Sofia, Alexandra, Anastasia.
  • In May: Claudia, Julia, Christina, Irina, Pelageya, Zoya, Nina, Ivanna, Tamara, Susanna, Matryona, Alexandra, Glafira, Anna, Taisiya.
  • In June: Pelageya, Anna, Antonina, Martha, Valeria, Maria, Julia, Ulyana, Thekla, Susanna, Vera, Elena, Efrosinya, Nina, Thekla.
  • In July: Marina, Margarita, Alevtina, Valentina, Julia, Maria, Olga, Elena, Evdokia, John, Agrippina, Zoya, Anna, Rimma, Zina.
  • In August: Maria, Sofia, Eva, Daria, Nona, Evdokia, Elizabeth, Elena, Anfisa, Christina, Susanna, Mavra.

Beautiful Russian names

As you know, classic is always in fashion. And names are no exception. Most Russian traditional names are rooted in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. But this only adds to their charm and history.

With such a name, the baby will feel comfortable, and it will most likely go well with her last name and patronymic.

Popular modern names for girls

Sociologists annually analyze which female names are more popular with parents. According to the statistics of recent years, in addition to the classic Russian names that we reviewed above, young parents are attracted to the following.

rare and beautiful

Classical names are beautiful and cozy, but nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with them. And so you want to show everyone that your baby is special. Therefore, I propose to go in search of not only beautiful, but also rare names for girls.

Old Russian

One of the latest fashion trends is to call children old Russian names. I'm wary of this idea, and here's why. As a rule, such names are still used extremely rarely in our time.

Accordingly, they are unusual for a child's ear, and again in this case we are faced with the danger that the baby will be a troublesome crow in the children's team, she will begin to be ashamed of her name, feel awkward when she needs to be called, or when they will turn to her.

There is always such a danger, because we do not know in advance what character and temperament our baby will have. Perhaps someone will not be shy and will be able to stand up for themselves, while someone will close up and refuse to attend school.

Therefore, I do not see the need to give children too rare old Russian names, such as Martha, Thekla, Lukerya, Pelageya, Efrosinya, Agrippina, Aglaya.

There is a theory according to which people born at a certain time of the year have common character traits and inclinations.

Knowing these patterns, you can align and adjust the character of a person in the right direction.

So, for example, cold and harsh weather conditions form a tough, hard and uncompromising character in those born in winter. Therefore, there is a recommendation to try to give such girls soft, gentle and affectionate names, in order to add femininity and kindness in this way. In this case, such names as Elena, Alice, Sophia will be appropriate, and unsuccessful (they will only strengthen, aggravate the character) Kira, Olga, Zhanna.

Spring, on the contrary, contributes to the formation of soft, indecisive personalities. It is difficult for such girls to resist other people's opinions, it is difficult to say a firm no, to stop unpleasant statements or actions. They, on the contrary, need to add hardness. The name Marina, Christina, Dina will do. Natalya, Dashenka, Svetlana will be unsuccessful.

In the summer, emotional, impressionable girls are born, good-natured and often spineless. Their character should be balanced with firm, stable names, for example, Martha, Barbara.

Autumn is the best time for the birth of balanced, whole personalities. They can be given any names without fear.

I also suggest watching a video that has useful tips on the topic.


Muslim names are melodious and melodious, in addition, they always hide some unique quality under themselves, which parents strive to endow a little girl at birth.

Much attention is paid to the beauty of a woman, because she should please and delight the gaze of her husband, as well as obedience and humility.

Let's take a look at modern popular, unusual-sounding options and find out what they mean.

  • Jasmina - similar to a jasmine flower;
  • Elvira is a protector;
  • Shakira - who is grateful;
  • Samira - who knows how to listen;
  • Madina - in honor of the city of Medina;
  • Leila - a girl with black hair;
  • Dinara - like gold;
  • Amira is a princess;
  • Alsu is the personification of beauty.


Tatars are a great people with a distinctive history and rich traditions. Needless to say, female names in Tatar culture are beautiful and unusual.

Often parents create their own new name for the baby, comparing it with beautiful flowers, or a unique natural phenomenon. The names are somewhat bolder than in classical Muslim traditions, more attention is paid to beauty, less importance to the need for obedience and humility.

We have selected for you the most popular modern options.


The Kazakh people have an ancient and rich history. Traditional Kazakh names came to us from ancient times. Most often they are composite and represent admiration for the beauty of a young girl, her grace, love of life.

The names are often compared with beautiful flowers, the moon, precious stones, as well as admiration for some qualities of character, as a rule, meekness, helpfulness and humility, which is logical for Muslim peoples.

Let's look at modern beautiful Kazakh names for girls and admire their poetic explanation.

  • Janelle - blessed;
  • Aisulu - beautiful as the moon;
  • Meiram - festive;
  • Saule - like a ray of sunshine;
  • Canipa is a sincere girl;
  • Batima is a wise girl;
  • Aigul - similar to a moon flower;
  • Asiana - a girl from the East;
  • Bibigul - the mistress of the flower meadow;
  • Guldana is an expensive flower.

When choosing a name for the baby, do not forget to prepare all the necessary things for her birth. Advanced mothers know that it is most profitable now to buy everything via the Internet: it saves time, money, and there is much more choice. An excellent trusted store that has everything you need for a newborn -. Be sure to look into it, it once saved me a lot of time and nerves from shopping.

I hope the information was useful to you. I will be happy to read your opinion on choosing a name for my daughter, if necessary, I will prompt and advise, so do not hesitate to leave comments.

Beautiful female names: foreign in Russian

Every female name hides a secret, and a beautiful female name contains a mystery. And how harmoniously the name sounds in your native language when you understand its meaning without translation! That's why For the past 10 years, beautiful female names of Slavic origin have been fashionable in Russian.

Despite the prevalence of Slavic names, in Russian, names of foreign origin are more common. They appeared from different languages ​​of the world, as a result of the Christianization of Rus' and cultural contacts with foreigners. Most beautiful female names of overseas origin determined after a worldwide survey. Among them were:

Beautiful American Names: Female

Female American names are a "big cauldron" of variety from unusual and rare names. American names have Native American, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and even Russian origins.

American female names have diverse origins

But that's not all - Americans tend to experiment with names, so it's not surprising that this country has the most names derived from the names of movie characters, cartoon characters, engineering devices, flowers and flowers, natural phenomena. We have collected the top most popular female names in the USA.

The most popular female names in the US today:

Sofia-(Sophia) WiseEmma-(Emma) Completed
Olivia-(Olivia) Oliva, peaceIsabel-(Isabella) Dedicated to God
Hanna-(Hannah) GraceMia-(mia) Desired
Chloe-(Chloe) FreshMadison-(Madison) God's gift
Victoria-(Victoria) VictoryCheryl-(Cheryl) Expensive
Karina-(Karina) BelovedCaroline-(caroline) Song of Happiness
Gwyneth-(Gwyneth) HappinessTrixie-(Trixie) Happy
Beatrix-(Beatrix) bringer of happinessLana(Lana) Calm
Rosalyn-(Rosaleen) little roseEllie-(Ellie) shining
Nora-(Norah) LightLily-(Lily) Purity
Mabel-(mabel) My beautifulEmily - (Emily) diligent

Biblical female names that are common in the US:

  1. Abigail - the name from the Old Testament, means "the joy of the father."
  2. Bethany Biblical name meaning "house of song".
  3. Charity - the name from the New Testament means "love, faith and hope."
  4. Elizabeth (Elizabeth) is a Hebrew name meaning "an oath to God."
  5. Faith - Greek name meaning "faithful".
  6. Judith Latin name meaning "praise".
  7. Mary The biblical name means "desired child."
  8. Naomi (Naomi) - Hebrew name means "beautiful, pleasant."
  9. Phoebe - American name meaning "radiant".
  10. Tabitha - the biblical name from the Old Testament means "beauty, grace."
  11. Amity (Amity) - friendship, harmony.
  12. Nadia - hope.
  13. Angelica (Angelica) - angelic.
  14. Irene - world.
  15. Linnea (Linnea) - flower.
  16. Orianna (Orianna) - golden.

Pop culture has long influenced the names of American children. Thanks to the popular HBO series "Game of Thrones" ("Game of Thrones"), the name of the girl Arya (after the character Arya Stark) has become eloquent. And of course the names Elsa and Anna from the popular cartoon Frozen have become more popular than ever.

The names of the female characters of the series "Game of Thrones" have become very popular in the US

See the most new names of girls in the USA, who came from the world of cinema:

  • Arya — Arya
  • Perla Perla
  • Catalina — Catalina
  • Elisa — Eliza
  • Raelynn — Relinn
  • Rosalie — Rosalie
  • Haven — Haven
  • Raylyn — Relin
  • Briella — Briella
  • Marilyn - Marilyn.

The Pilgrims were the first settlers in America and they had beautiful and meaningful names. Many of the American names are inspired by pioneers and virtues., so girls are named after them to this day. These beautiful female names are often used as the first or middle name, although they are over 500 years old:

  • Charity (Charity) - charity
  • Chastity - chastity
  • Hope - hope
  • Justice (Justice) - justice
  • Mercy - mercy
  • Patience (Patience) - patience
  • Grace (Grace) - courtesy
  • Virtue - virtue.

Beautiful English female names

Unlike the US, in the UK, female names are not characterized by eccentricity. The English, Welsh, Scots, Irish and other peoples of the Foggy Albion rely on traditionalism and euphony, which is ahead of the Americans. English female names may be popular in Britain but not popular in the US.

In the UK, female names are of Celtic, Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Greek, French and Latin origin.

Beautiful female names from the UK, with their meanings:

  1. Ailsa (Ailsa) is a traditional Scottish name associated with a rocky island in the Firth Clyde called Ailsa Craig.
  2. Alice (Alice) - in England, this name is at the peak of popularity. It is of Germanic origin and means "noble, noble".
  3. Amelie (Amelie) - the name of French origin, became popular after the rental of the film "Amelie". From French Amelia is translated as "work".
  4. Annabel (Annabelle) - a Scottish name that appeared in the 12th century (derived from Amabel). It means "beloved" in translation.
  5. Arabella (Arabella) - a very popular name in England, is of Latin origin, and means "to pray."
  6. Anwen (Anwen) is a Welsh female name meaning "beautiful".
  7. Bronwen (Bronwen) is a common name in Wales. In Welsh mythology, that was the name of the daughter of the sea god. Llyr.
  8. Bryony (Briani) - in translation means "to let". The name has a Latin origin, literally this is the name of a wild flower with tenacious stems. This female name is very common in Ireland.
  9. Catriona (Katrina) - Gaelic name Katherine, translates as "pure". Popular Irish and Scottish name.
  10. Clementine (Clementine) - the French equivalent of the Latin male name Clement. It translates as "soft, pretty."
  11. Cressida (Cressida) - the name of Greek origin, means "golden".
  12. Eilidh (Eili) - Celtic female name, translated from Gaelic as "shining sun." It is believed that this is the Scottish version of the name Helen.
  13. Eugenie (Southern) is the French equivalent of the Greek name Eugenia. It means "noble" in translation.
  14. Evie (Evie) - derived from the name Eva means "life".
  15. Flora (Flora) Latin name meaning "flower".
  16. Freya (Freya) - name of Norwegian origin, translated as "noble woman." Freya- also the name of the Scandinavian goddess of love. When the Normans came to Britain in the 8th century, the name came into local use.
  17. Gwendolyn (Gwendolyn) - variant of a female Welsh name Gwendolen. It means "white ring".
  18. Hermione (Hermaini) - a female name of Greek origin, derived from a male name Hermes(Greek god-messenger of Olympus). It translates as "messenger".
  19. Iris (iris) - also a name of Greek origin, translated as "rainbow". It is also the name of a beautiful flower that the Englishwomen loved.
  20. Jessamine (Jessemin) - name of Persian origin, derived from Jasmine, "jasmine flower".
  21. Lettice - English version of the Latin name Letitia meaning "joy".
  22. Matilda (Matilda) - a female name of Germanic origin, translated as "powerful."
  23. Philippa (Philippa) - female equivalent of a male name Philip. Translated from Greek as "loving horses."
  24. Rhiannon (Rianon) is a Welsh name meaning "divine queen". According to Celtic legend, birds Rhiannon they sang very beautifully, and the queen herself was famous for her wit.
  25. Ruby (Ruby) - a female name of Latin origin, and translates as "dark red gem."
  26. Tamsin (Tamzin) is an English name derived from Thomasina. It means "twin" in translation.
  27. Zara (Zara) - the name has Arabic origin, in translation it means “princess; flourish." The playwright William Congrave first used the name in his 1697 play.

Beautiful Japanese names: female

Japanese beautiful female names often denote the positive qualities of a person or a force of nature. The Japanese tradition of naming a child is quite complicated, especially because of the thousands of characters (kanji) that are used in the spelling of names.

Japanese female names are written in hieroglyphs

Many kanji have upper and lower readings, so it happens that different characters can be read the same way, and translated differently. In addition, one character can have more than one sound. Here n some kanji (pronounced phonetically) often used in given names:

ai = love

hana = flower

hiro = hero, man, man

ichi = one

ji = two

ken = healthy

ko = child

mi = beauty

you = sun

The following are female Japanese names that are beautiful in sound and meaning. Several names have dual meanings representing from the kanji that are usually combined to create this name. Beautiful female Japanese names:

  • Aimi (Aimi) – love + beauty;
  • Airi (Airi) - love + jasmine;
  • Akemi (Akemi) – light + beauty;
  • Akira (Akira) – bright + light;
  • Amarante (Amarante) - a flower that never fades;
  • Aya (Aya) - color;
  • Ayame (Ayame) - iris;
  • Chiyo (Chyo) - a thousand generations (eternity);
  • Emiko (Emiko) - smiling child;
  • Hanako (Hanako) - flower + child;
  • Kaede (Kaede) - maple;
  • Kaida (Kaida) - little Dragon;
  • Kanon (Canon) – flower + sound;
  • Kaori (Kaori) - aroma;
  • Kazuki (Kazuki) - One or Harmony + Radiance or Hope;
  • Kohana (Kohana) - a small flower;
  • Maiko (Maiko) - dance + child;
  • Miya (Miya) - increasing beauty;
  • Moriko (Moriko) - forest + child;
  • Rumi (Rumi) – beauty + flow + lapis lazuli;
  • Shiori (Shiori) - weaving + poem;
  • Suzume (Suzume) - sparrows;
  • Tama (Tama) - precious stone;
  • Tsukiko (Tsukiko) - moon + child.

Beautiful female Muslim names

In recent decades, Muslim names have become common in the United States and many European countries. Despite the millions of Muslim people living in East and West, in the TOP-three Muslim names are female names Aaliyah (Aliya), Layla (Leila), Lila (Lila).

Muslim female names are becoming popular in the US and Europe

Modern Europeans and Americans wanted to replace the traditional Latin, English, French, Greek beautiful female names with those that came from the Islamic world. List of the most popular and modern female Muslim names:

Alfia (Alfia) - translated from Arabic, the name means "close to Allah." A beautiful and fairly common female name in the CIS countries.

Amina (Amina) - translated from Arabic means "faithful, reliable." This is a fashionable female name in any part of the world. Often referred to as this name for girls in Bosnia, and is in the Top 200 in Belgium, France, England and Wales.

Aziza (Aziza) - translates as "powerful, precious." A common name in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Fatima (Fatima) - one of the most famous Arabic names, more than 1000 American girls received it last year. It is an important name in Muslim culture as Fatima is the name of Muhammad's youngest daughter.

Hadiya (Hadiya) - translated from Arabic as "the one that indicates the right path." The name fits well in a modern, multicultural society. The Hadiya are also an Ethiopian group that at one time controlled the kingdom of Hadiya.

Maryam (Maryam) - There are several options for the origin of the name. In the Koran, this is the name of the mother of the prophet Isa (Miriam). Translated from Arabic as "serving God", "pious".

Nazia (Nazi) - translated from Persian means "grace". It is a Pakistani, Arabic and Indian name, most common among Muslims. Nazia Iqbal and Nazia Hassan are two well-known name-bearers, both Pakistani singers. Now easily assimilated in the USA, instead of the name Nadia.

Noor (Nur) - With names like Nora and Eleanor so trendy in the west, Noor could quickly become a replacement. It has roots in Dutch and Arabic, and is extremely fashionable in both cultures. Noor is also the name of a city in Iran, and is often associated with Queen Noor of Jordan.

Senna - a rare double-digit name. This is the name of a tropical flower and a breed of butterfly. Both the plant and the insect are yellow in color, so it is only fitting that Senna means "brightness".

Zaynab (Zaynab) - is also a botanical name, like the name of one of the trees. The name Zainab is currently common in the United States. Its Turkish form, Zeynep, is the most popular given name for women in Turkey.

Beautiful Tatar female names

Personal Tatar names have different forms. Tatar female names are of common Altai, Bulgar, ancient Turkic, Persian, Arabic, Novo-Tatar, Western European origin. Some names have a mixed Tatar-Persian, Turkic-Tatar, Bulgar-Tatar origin.

Tatar female names are of ancient origin

Tatar, indigenous and beautiful female names, their meaning:

  1. Aibibi - a female name of Turkic-Tatar origin, translated as "a woman like the moon."
  2. Aibika - Bulgarian-Tatar female name, comes from the name of the daughter of the Moon. It translates as "a girl who looks like the moon."
  3. Aigulem – abbreviated Aigul. Tatar-Persian name, translated as "moon flower".
  4. Ainura - Tatar-Arabic name, means "moonbeam".
  5. Alma - Tatar name, means "beautiful, like an apple."
  6. Alsou - female Tatar name, means "beautiful rosy-cheeked girl."
  7. Bika - the name is of ancient Turkic-Tarara origin, translated as "the wife of the master."
  8. Guzelia - Turkic-Tatar name, means "very beautiful."
  9. Dilyaram - Persian-Tatar name, translated as "consolation of my soul."
  10. Durfand - modern Tatar name-neologism, means "pearl of science".
  11. Idelia - the name of the ancient Turkic-Tatar-Arabic origin, it is believed that in ancient times the Volga River (Idel) was called that.
  12. Ilbik - Tatar female name, translated as "daughter of the country."
  13. Ildana - Persian-Turkic-Tatar name, means "glory of the country."
  14. Ilnur - Arabic-Tatar name, meaning "radiance of the country."
  15. Ilsia - Tatar female name, translation - "beloved by the country."
  16. Ilfira - Tatar-Persian name, means "folk beauty".
  17. Caderli - Tatar-Arabic "dear".
  18. Minleys - female Tatar name, means "happy."
  19. Nurlynis - Arabic-Tatar-Persian name, means "radiant girl."
  20. Sulmas - Turkic-Tatar name, meaning "unfading".
  21. Sylukay - Tatar name, means "beauty".
  22. Sylunis - Arabic-Tatar name, translated as "the most beautiful among all women."
  23. Sylukhan - Turkic-Tatar name, translated as "beautiful and noble girl."
  24. Tanbika - a female Tatar name, translated means "dawn girl".
  25. Tansu - the name has a Turkic-Tatar origin, meaning "similar to the dawn."
  26. Tulganai - the name of the Tatar-Turkic etiology, translated as "full moon".
  27. Uralia - Turkic-Tatar name, comes from the name of the Ural Mountains.
  28. Urfia - Tatar name, means "light, sweet."
  29. Hanzifa - Turkic-Tatar-Persian name of a woman, translated as "stately, slender."
  30. Khansiyar - an ancient Turkic-Tatar name meaning "to be loved."
  31. Chia - Turkic-Tatar name, means "cherry".
  32. Chulpan - Turkic-Tatar name, translated as "star of the morning."
  33. Egenis - Arabic-Turkic-Tatar name, meaning "a girl like pearls."
  34. Yulgiza - Tatar-Persian name of a woman, translated as "one who will live long."
  35. Yazgul - Tatar-Persian name, translated means "spring flower".
  36. Yanabika - Turkic-Tatar name, means "newborn girl."

Beautiful female names directly express in verbal form the mythological and cultural aspects of the country where they originated. Thanks to the name, an association about a person arises. And the beautiful name of a woman sounds like unique music, the melody of which is embedded in the pronunciation.

10 most unusual and beautiful female names in Russian, video:

Many sources claim that the name can affect the fate of a person. It is still impossible to prove or disprove this with a 100% guarantee. But every parent strives to give his baby a beautiful and, in his opinion, harmonious name.

Now around you can increasingly hear unusual names that have come to us from abroad or “extracted” from old books. Even in society, children with rare names are no longer reacted as sharply as they were ten years ago. It seems that such a variety simplifies the task of naming your baby. But this is not the case: a wide choice complicates the decision-making process. Sometimes, it is even difficult to narrow down the circle to two or three options.

1. How to choose a good name for a child

There are a number of criteria that will help parents make the right choice. The beauty of the sound of the full version may not be enough. The following should be analyzed:

  • name origin;
  • euphony of the short form;
  • compatibility with the surname;
  • meaning, translation and more.

Often parents choose names based on family customs. For example, one name may be passed down from generation to generation, or two may alternate. Or parents, by coincidence, have names that begin with the same letter. They may wish to retain this feature and name the child with this in mind.

If we talk about fashion trends, then the trend is Old Slavonic, international and even short names that are entered in documents. Among the latter are Marusya, Sasha, Lena, Kit and others. Even made-up names are no longer a rarity.

If the idea came to mind to invent a name on your own, then you should take into account the combination of each of the syllables of the word and its full sound. The chosen or invented word should be melodic. Its purpose is to emphasize the character that parents would like to see in a child. Or focus on some visible features of the baby. For example, red hair or big eyes.

2. Fashionable and beautiful names for boys

It is believed that a beautiful name is of great importance only for a girl. However, parents are seriously puzzled in the process of naming the boy. It is at this moment that fathers and mothers seek to lay in the child some traits that will need to be developed in the future. Therefore, most of the names chosen for male babies mean nobility, masculinity, strength, courage, intelligence and the ability to protect the weak.

Among the usual male names, their own variations appeared, designed to make these words more refined and original. This is due to a new generation of young parents who are fighting for the uniqueness of everything related to their offspring. So all kinds of Maximus, Alejandro and Damiana are born.

The desire to bring a foreign chic into the mediocrity of Russian reality gave rise to countless Alains, Bernards, Daniels, Jules, Laurents, Lucs, Mathieus, Nathans, Pierres and others among Ivans and Sergeyevs, undoubtedly attracting the attention of boys. Parents with such a violent fantasy should take into account that Francisco Ivanov or Günter Semenov will cause nothing but laughter from classmates. Even adults will not be able to calmly respond to such combinations.

For those who have not yet decided on a name for a male baby, we can recommend the following list of names suitable for our region and at the same time beautiful names:

  • Alexander;
  • Matvey;
  • Oleg;
  • Oscar;
  • Paul;
  • Alexei;
  • Bogdan;
  • Peter;
  • Anatoly;
  • Andrey;
  • Daniel;
  • Vladimir;
  • Arkady;
  • Arseny;
  • Vitaly;
  • Vlad;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • Gleb;
  • Gregory;
  • David;
  • Denis;
  • Egor;
  • Zakhar;
  • Ivan;
  • Ignat;
  • Eugene;
  • Artem;
  • Igor;
  • Luke;
  • Makar;
  • Marin;
  • Arthur;
  • Vadim;
  • Valery;
  • Novel;
  • Stanislav;
  • Stepan;
  • Ilya;
  • Joseph;
  • Kuzma;
  • Philip;
  • Edward;
  • Laurel;
  • Victor;
  • Fedor;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Kirill;
  • Nikita;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Yuri.

Milan, Rafael, Alain, Dobromir, Demyan, Elisha, Aurelius, Mark, Julian will be more original.

3. Choosing a name for a girl

In the case of the birth of a girl, parents also have a difficult task. During adolescence, girls are more likely than boys to say that they do not like their name. Of course, you can make a reference to the rebellious age and whims, but still, you should take care in advance that the child himself likes the name.

An interesting fact: Roman women most often did not have their own name. They were honored only with a generic name or the so-called cognomen of the husband. In Greece, quite the opposite: every girl born was given a completely new name.

The choice of a harmonious name for everyone is absolutely subjective. Someone likes Elena, while the other is delighted with Praskovya. Increasingly, on the streets of cities you can meet Lada or Evdokia. Among the most popular female names today:

  • Angelina;
  • Veronica;
  • Alice;
  • Alina;
  • Bella;
  • Anastasia;
  • Faith;
  • Alexandrina;
  • Dina;
  • Vladislav;
  • Daria;
  • Irina;
  • Veronica;
  • Evgenia;
  • Yvonne;
  • Adeline;
  • Kira;
  • Valeria;
  • Ksenia;
  • Irma;
  • Elena;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Claudia;
  • Lada;
  • Inga;
  • Love;
  • Lydia
  • Galina;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Zara;
  • Milena;
  • Lyme;
  • Christina;
  • Lana;
  • Inessa;
  • Carolyn;
  • Dana;
  • Lily;
  • Jeanne;
  • Catherine;
  • Vlada;
  • Ludmila;
  • Melana;
  • Agatha;
  • Barbara;
  • Marianne;
  • Ariadne;
  • Evdokia;
  • Daniella;
  • Amelia;
  • Violet;
  • Alyona;
  • Alexandra;
  • Kira;
  • Margarita.

Among French names:

  • Bridget;
  • Louise;
  • Natalie;
  • Virginie;
  • Isabelle;
  • Nicole.


  • Andrea;
  • Dolores;
  • Dominga;
  • Isabelle;
  • Maria;
  • Pilar;
  • Sarah;
  • Khesenia;
  • Joseph.


  • Amalia;
  • Astrid;
  • Barbara;
  • Henrietta;
  • Ingrid;
  • Irma;
  • Linda;
  • Martha;
  • Renata.


  • Abigel;
  • Angelina;
  • Beatrice;
  • Grace;
  • Laura;
  • Melissa;
  • Hilary;
  • Cheryl.

4. Popular Russian names

The choice of foreign names is extremely wide. But for harmony, it is still better to consider those that are more familiar to the Russian ear. These do not have to be native Russian names. You can use those that originated from Greek or Jewish culture, but have already firmly settled in the minds of the Russian people.

Particularly popular among these are:

  • Anastasia;
  • Alexander;
  • Elena;
  • Sofia;
  • Maksim;
  • Michael;
  • Sergey.

They have been chosen for children for many decades, which makes the names traditional. Over the past few years, you can notice a surge in the popularity of the names Trofim, Evdokia, Matvey, Prokhor, Seraphim. This is explained by the fact that fashion is cyclical and Zabava and Lubomyra appear more and more often among children.

The main thing, when choosing a beautiful and original name, is to withstand the measure. Only in this case, the child, regardless of gender, will feel comfortable throughout his life.

Choosing a name for a baby is a difficult and responsible task. Thousands of parents daily puzzle over what interesting female names are in fashion now, how not to make a mistake and charge their beloved child with happiness for life. A woman is always a mystery, it is mysterious and enchanting beauty, and each country has its own canons. Now they are becoming very foreign in origin, Old Slavonic and long forgotten. Perhaps this material will help you choose a fate for your daughter.

We are for modern fashion!

If you constantly follow trends and do not miss any important events, then we recommend that you watch beautiful ones. You won’t have to break your tongue over pronunciation, and, of course, any traditional Russian version is ideally combined with a simple Russian patronymic.

A popular magazine recently conducted a survey. 45 thousand men answered the question about which female name is the most pleasant for them. The top three included Katenka, Victoria and Nastenka. They are followed by Ksyusha, Tanechka and Natashenka. Of course, these names always remain in trend and are considered classics. At the same time, many parents prefer to give beautiful female names (modern) rare and mysterious, such as Carmina, Evangeline, Evelina, Ariadne, Camellia.

We are fans of the French genre

It is believed that French ladies have the most melodic names. If we recall famous actresses, they will always be associated with the standards of beauty and elegance. It is not surprising that French names for women are in fashion with us. In kindergartens, you can increasingly meet Adele, Camilla, Violetta. Veronica (with an emphasis on the last syllable) is similar to our Vika - both names mean victory, but have different origins. Irene (by analogy with Ira) - a peaceful and kind soul; Claire - flamboyant style; Sylvia is a forest nymph, Emma is mysterious.

Almost all popular French female names have a complex etymology and were borrowed from other countries. Over time, their pronunciation has changed. For example, Jeanette comes from the Hebrew language, and Barbara comes from the ancient Roman language. Here are some more interesting options: Vivienne (live), Giselle (arrow), Josephine (kind), Monica (affectionate), Mary (beloved), Margot (precious), Emmanuelle (given by God).

We are German favorites

German female names always impress. Despite the fact that the very language of the German people is rude, and not everyone likes it, their names are charming. Girls named after a German name will surely be successful and the attention of others.

For example, Mirabellas are very sensitive and vulnerable natures. They make excellent housewives and faithful wives. But Isolde is the name for a strong personality who will surely achieve success in her career. Isolde's name translates as "cold gold" and therefore she can be dangerous, but only with those who do not appreciate her.

Other popular German female names are: Alma (blessed), Gertrude (warrior, heroine), Hanrietta (noble girl), Iolanthe (violet), Frederick (powerful), Emily (rival), Frieda (loyal), Hannah (gifted). In Russia, you can often meet Inga, Maryana, Nelly. These names are firmly rooted in our country, although they are of Germanic origin.

We look to the east

Oriental women are always a mystery. Arabic female names are associated with the melody of oriental dance, the secrets of the sands and the charm of their owners. The mixture of cultures leads to the fact that in our country more and more often Russian girls are called traditional Muslim names. And at the same time they grow up happy and loved. Consider which Arab women's

Often there are girls Guli, Naili, Kamila. They are beautiful like flowers, respected and merciful. Malika, Jamilya, Laysan sound like juicy chords... Naming a child with the name Aisha, parents expect their daughter to grow up smart and obedient, meek and courteous. By the way, this name is of great importance for Muslims. That was the name of the wife of the great prophet Muhammad.

It is not recommended to name girls Fatima. The fact is that this is the name of all babies before they receive their birth certificate. Most residents of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other countries give girls the following names: Jana, Layan, Zafira, Razan, Shahd.

We are for the long forgotten old

Interesting female names of primordially Russian origin are now, surprisingly, rare. What is not sweet-sounding Elena, Vera, Natalia? You will be surprised, but it is very difficult to meet modern newborns with such names. But Sofia and Daria are found in almost every ward of maternity hospitals.

Old female names are used even less frequently. Some 100-200 years ago, among the common people, they sounded everywhere, but now they have lost their former glory. Perhaps someone will like one of these options: Agapia, Agnia, Adelina, Anthony, Vasilisa, Evdokia, Emeliana, Zoya, Zlata, Matryona, Milena, Pelageya, Praskovya, Seraphim, Taisya, Raisa, Fevronya, Thekla, Theodora.

Must have the root "mila" or "glory". For example, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Boguslav, Bogumil, Svyatoslav. This tradition has been preserved since the time of Kievan Rus, because then the name must have had a meaning. And all the more familiar to us - Barbara, Sophia, Maria, Julia, Anna came to our country from Ancient Greece and Rome.

Popular female names in Russia

Other common female names

Not included in the top 3, but also interesting female names that are more common than others, are Ksenia, Uliana, Varvara, Alexandra, Valeria. Less common - Alina, Arina, Yana, Alice, Veronica. Lydia, Milana, Vasilisa, Diana, Margarita, Zlata are considered undeservedly forgotten. Such girls are found one in several hundred.


Whatever name you choose for your daughter - be sure that it will be the best, and your sun - the happiest. Interesting female names are just the opinion of one person, but there are no comrades for the taste and color.

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