Daniel's name day according to the church calendar. Origin and character of the name Danil


The name Daniel is considered one of the oldest among Christians. Day Angel should be celebrated by every carrier of it. The memorable date occurs several times a year. You don't have to celebrate everything. It is enough to choose one for your name day that is closest to your birthday. The church calendar provides such an opportunity.

  • 02.01. – St. Daniil Serbsky
  • 01.03. - M. Daniil
  • 31.03. - Rev. Daniel
  • 20.04. - Rev. Daniil Pereyaslavsky
  • 05.06. - Rev. Daniel
  • 23.07. - torment Daniil Nikopolsky
  • 12.09.. – holy. Daniil Serbsky
  • 25.09. - Rev. Daniel
  • 04.10. - Rev. Daniil Shuzhgorsky
  • 11.12. - Rev. Much Daniel
  • 12.12. Rev. Daniel
  • 24.12. - Rev. Daniil Stylite
  • 30.12. - Prophet Daniel

Church form of the name

Daniel is of Hebrew origin. The exact translation of the meaning of the word: “God is my judge.” Sometimes explained as “the judgment of God.” In Rus', especially among the merchants and commoners, the form Danila (Danilka) was in use.

Church writing is found in legends. This was the name of the sage, the prophet, life, suffering, who is shown in the ancient “Book of the Prophet Daniel.”

Characteristics of a person named Danila

Main features

Being a child he is calm and does not cause any trouble. His ability to remain calm and balanced carries over many years. He can only break down when faced with an outright lie. He quickly suppresses his anger, but the deceiver will not wait for forgiveness. Children's hobbies can develop into a profession. He turns out to be a conscientious worker who feels responsible. The team always takes into account his opinion.

Family, relationships

Married people are not always happy. Hasty marriages happen. She loves her children very much, but is not too zealous in raising them, giving leadership to her wife. Often marries multiple times. In case of repeated marriages, he does not strive for new children. Supports and helps his own people. He decides everything himself, being alone for some time.

Daniel is a man who cannot be broken by any storm. He is decisive, although he thinks about everything for a long time. Knows how to pave the way to something new for others. Preserves the memory of ancestors. Always has a cozy home.

Stories of saints named Daniel

Daniil Moskovsky

  • 17.03. - day of death.
  • 12.09. – acquisition of relics

The future saint was born into the family of Prince. Alexander Nevsky. He was the youngest of the sons. Named after St. Daniel the Stylite. All my life I have revered him, said, and feel his holy protection. He had his own seal with the face of a martyr. He built a monastery in his name. With the departure of the father to another world, the sons began to rule each in their own principality.

Danila received the Moscow lands, the most seedy ones at that time. The new ruler tried, and his possessions began to increase. The wise prince knew how to negotiate peacefully and avoided bloodshed and war. Despite this, he also had to successfully fight the Mongol-Tatars.

Moscow Daniel, being in power, strengthened Moscow, built monasteries, and is considered the founder of the Rurikovichs. Shortly before his death, he became a monk.

  • Died - 17.03. (new style) 1303
  • Canonized - in 1791 as St. noble prince Daniil Moskovsky.

He was buried in the Danilovsky Monastery, where the rector is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Valid.

Daniil Serbsky

Being of a noble family, rich by birth, he was part of the entourage of King Stephen of Serbia. He left the palace, left everything in the world, and took monastic vows in the monastery of Konchula.

Over the years, he became the abbot of the Hilendar monastery. Together with the monks, he endured famine in wartime, siege, and enemy attacks. With the advent of peacetime, he resigned from the abbess and lived in the cell of St. Savva. He helped to extinguish civil strife, and as a result became a bishop. He was the rector of the monastery of St. Stephen, and then received the rank of archbishop.

Daniil Nikopolsky

In the city of Nikopol, under Emperor Licinius, Christians were persecuted everywhere. They were tortured, destroyed, and demanded to renounce. By order of the state, everyone who did not want to become a pagan again was tormented to death. Many were hiding, but 45 citizens, led by Daniel, Mauritius, Alexander, Leontius, declared their faith openly to the ruler, appearing to him in person.

Because the confessors did not want to renounce Christianity, they were killed and put on fire alive. The charred bones were drowned in the river. The holy remains were discovered, and a temple was erected in honor of the 45 Nikopol martyrs.

Daniel - Hebrew Daniel - judge of God.

Daniel's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 2:Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop
  • January 12:Daniil Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite (discovery of relics)
  • March 1:Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr.
  • March 17:Daniil of Moscow, prince
  • March 31:Daniel, St.
  • 20 April:Daniil Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite
  • June 4:Daniil Reslavsky, stylite
  • June 26:Daniil of Moscow, icon painter, icon painter
  • July 23:Daniil Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr.
  • 12-th of September:Daniil of Moscow, Prince (Finding of Relics)
  • September 25:Daniel, St.
  • The 4th of October:Daniil Shuzhgorsky, Rev.
  • November 25:Daniel
  • December 11th:Daniel, reverend
  • 12 December:Daniel, St.
  • December 24:Daniel the Stylite, St.
  • December 30th:Daniel (in the schema Stefan) of Nivert, Egyptian, confessor; Daniel, prophet

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Daniel is a very inquisitive child. He is rarely stubborn, receptive to affection, and good-natured. Willingly help around the house and will be happy to take care of your pet.

Daniel is interested in everything in the world. He absorbs knowledge like a sponge. He studies with great desire and is diligent, but sometimes he lacks the patience to listen to the end and complete the work he has started. He loves to read, especially fairy tales and adventure stories. Secretly, Daniel dreams of performing feats, racing on a white horse towards dangers, saving everyone indiscriminately. He is usually the best student in literature. Daniil also draws well, is interested in natural sciences, and easily masters foreign languages.

Daniel's character surprisingly combines practicality and sensitivity. He understands life well, but he cannot help but dream. He has a romantic nature, and will remain so for the rest of his life. At the same time, he is hardworking and smart. Daniel will be able to perfectly realize his abilities by becoming a writer, philosopher, scientist, and artist. He will make a magnificent man or architect. Daniil can generally engage in any type of activity, because he will treat his chosen profession with responsibility.

Daniel is a reserved and unhurried person by nature. He prefers not to share his problems and experiences with anyone. He talks about his life deep inside himself. Daniel has a philosophical mindset. He perceives the problems of other people with sympathy and understanding. He has an unusually large number of friends. Probably, people are unconsciously drawn to Daniel due to his tact, gentleness and innate kindness.

Daniel often idealizes women. For him, love is shrouded in an aura of romance and mystery. He treats his chosen one with truly chivalrous nobility. takes into account her slightest desires. As a rule, he falls in love once and forever. He chooses a wife who is modest, capable of subtly feeling the beauty of the world. Daniel trusts his wife recklessly. He loves children, but he does not have enough time to raise them. Daniil is a caring family man and an excellent master of the house.

The name Daniel is considered one of the oldest among Christians. Day Angel should be celebrated by every carrier of it. The memorable date occurs several times a year. You don't have to celebrate everything. It is enough to choose one for your name day that is closest to your birthday. The church calendar provides such an opportunity.

  • 02.01. – St. Daniil Serbsky
  • 01.03. - M. Daniil
  • 31.03. - Rev. Daniel
  • 20.04. - Rev. Daniil Pereyaslavsky
  • 05.06. - Rev. Daniel
  • 23.07. - torment Daniil Nikopolsky
  • 12.09.. – holy. Daniil Serbsky
  • 25.09. - Rev. Daniel
  • 04.10. - Rev. Daniil Shuzhgorsky
  • 11.12. - Rev. Much Daniel
  • 12.12. Rev. Daniel
  • 24.12. - Rev. Daniil Stylite
  • 30.12. - Prophet Daniel

Church form of the name

Daniel is of Hebrew origin. Exact translation of the meaning of the word: God is my judge. Sometimes it is explained as the judgment of God. In Rus', especially among the merchants and commoners, the form Danila (Danilka) was in use.

Church writing is found in legends. This was the name of the sage, the prophet, life, suffering, who is shown in the ancient Book of the Prophet Daniel.

Characteristics of a person named Danila

Main features

Being a child he is calm and does not cause any trouble. His ability to remain calm and balanced carries over many years. He can only break down when faced with an outright lie. He quickly suppresses his anger, but the deceiver will not wait for forgiveness. Children's hobbies can develop into a profession. He turns out to be a conscientious worker who feels responsible. The team always takes into account his opinion.

Family, relationships

Married people are not always happy. Hasty marriages happen. She loves her children very much, but is not too zealous in raising them, giving leadership to her wife. Often marries multiple times. In case of repeated marriages, he does not strive for new children. Supports and helps his own people. He decides everything himself, being alone for some time.

Daniel is a man who cannot be broken by any storm. He is decisive, although he thinks about everything for a long time. Knows how to pave the way to something new for others. Preserves the memory of ancestors. Always has a cozy home.

Stories of saints named Daniel

Daniil Moskovsky

  • 17.03. - day of death.
  • 12.09. – acquisition of relics

The future saint was born into the family of Prince. Alexander Nevsky. He was the youngest of the sons. Named after St. Daniel the Stylite. All my life I have revered him, said, and feel his holy protection. He had his own seal with the face of a martyr. He built a monastery in his name. With the departure of the father to another world, the sons began to rule each in their own principality.

Danila received the Moscow lands, the most seedy ones at that time. The new ruler tried, and his possessions began to increase. The wise prince knew how to negotiate peacefully and avoided bloodshed and war. Despite this, he also had to successfully fight the Mongol-Tatars.

Moscow Daniel, being in power, strengthened Moscow, built monasteries, and is considered the founder of the Rurikovichs. Shortly before his death, he became a monk.

  • Died - 17.03. (new style) 1303
  • Canonized - in 1791 as St. noble prince Daniil Moskovsky.

He was buried in the Danilovsky Monastery, where the rector is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Valid.

Daniil Serbsky

Being of a noble family, rich by birth, he was part of the entourage of King Stephen of Serbia. He left the palace, left everything in the world, and took monastic vows in the monastery of Konchula.

Over the years, he became the abbot of the Hilendar monastery. Together with the monks, he endured famine in wartime, siege, and enemy attacks. With the advent of peacetime, he resigned from the abbess and lived in the cell of St. Savva. He helped to extinguish civil strife, and as a result became a bishop. He was the rector of the monastery of St. Stephen, and then received the rank of archbishop.

Daniil Nikopolsky

In the city of Nikopol, under Emperor Licinius, Christians were persecuted everywhere. They were tortured, destroyed, and demanded to renounce. By order of the state, everyone who did not want to become a pagan again was tormented to death. Many were hiding, but 45 citizens, led by Daniel, Mauritius, Alexander, Leontius, declared their faith openly to the ruler, appearing to him in person.

Because the confessors did not want to renounce Christianity, they were killed and put on fire alive. The charred bones were drowned in the river. The holy remains were discovered, and a temple was erected in honor of the 45 Nikopol martyrs.

The meaning of the name Danil must be sought in its history. This name appears on the historical stage in the fifth century BC and is associated with the name of the Old Testament prophet Daniel. This is a prophet revered in Abrahamic religions, a descendant of a noble Jewish family. In Hebrew the name sounds like "Daniel" and is written as דניאל. How is it translated? Translated from Hebrew The name Daniel means "God is my judge" or "God is my judge". The name itself is two-part, which is associated with a large number of meanings. The name consists of the roots Dan - judge and El - God.

In Russia, the name Daniil often has a short form - Danil. This situation is typical for many names and their short forms.

The meaning of the name Daniel for a child

Little Danya is a calm and affectionate child. He listens well to his parents and communicates easily with other children. He is a smiling and calm baby. The boy is growing active, mobile and cheerful. He is distinguished by special honesty and rejection of lies, which is unusual for children. In adolescence, he is prone to strong teenage experiences, which often worries loved ones.

Studying comes easy to Daniel. He has taken a responsible approach to learning since childhood, but some subjects are difficult for him. Here he needs to be supported, or better yet, find a teacher who can ignite in him a love for the subject.

Dani's health makes her parents happy. He rarely gets sick, but it’s difficult to call his health heroic. Danil often has weight problems as a teenager. Moreover, this is both a lack and excess weight. Sports and proper nutrition will correct the situation, although they will require a lot of effort.

Short name Daniel

Danil, Danila, Danilka, Danya, Danka.

Diminutive pet names

Danilchik, Danilushka, Danechka, Danyushka, Danyusha, Danusya.

Children's middle names

Daniilovich and Danilovna. There is a folk form, Danilych and Danilovna.

Name Daniel in English

In English as in Russian, the name Daniil has several forms. The full form of the name Daniel in English is Daniel, and short ones - Dan and Danny.

Name Daniil for international passport Daniil - DANIIL and Daniil - DANIL.

Translation of the name Daniel into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Daniel
in Arabic - دانيال‎‎
in Armenian - Դանիել (Daniel)
in Belarusian - Daniil
in Bulgarian - Daniel
in Hungarian - Dániel and Dános
in Greek - Δανιήλ
in Hebrew - דניאל‎
in Spanish - Daniel
in Italian - Daniele and Daniello
in Chinese - 丹尼爾
in Korean - 다니엘
in Latin - Daniel
in German - Daniel
in Polish - Daniel
in Romanian - Daniel
in Ukrainian - Danilo
in Finnish - Daniel
in French - Daniel and Dani
in Croatian - Daniel
in Czech - Daniel, Dan
in Estonian - Tanel
in Japanese - ダニエル (Danieru)

Church name Daniel (Danil)(in the Orthodox faith and other Christian denominations) - Daniel. Whatever form of the name Daniel you take, it will be exactly Daniel.

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Daniel can be characterized as a man of balanced decisions. He doesn't like rushing or being rushed. The more important the decision, the more carefully Daniel approaches the decision. However, having made a decision, he becomes decisive and persistent. If you rush him, then even having started the task, he will do his best to sabotage progress towards the goal. This applies to everything in his life. Work, study, relationships with the opposite sex. He is generally level-headed and calm in most situations, but can occasionally lose his temper. More often than not, even with life’s difficulties, he continues to smile.

He loves to work, but if he has to work, it bothers him. He is inclined, like most calm, balanced people, to monotonous and same-type work. He has difficulty adapting to new tasks and this meets his resistance. If managers have the opportunity not to change his work, then it is better to do so.

In his relationships with women, Daniel may seem shy. But in fact, he is a very temperamental and sensitive man. True, to really get to know him, you need to get into the circle of his loved ones. Daniil is a family man, he spends a lot of energy and money on ensuring home comfort and well-being.

The mystery of the name Daniel

The secret of Daniel can be called his analogous mind. Many, not seeing what Daniil is like when he is passionate about something, think that analytics is not his strong point. However, if Daniel becomes interested in something, then his mind wakes up. This turns out to be a revelation for many.

Daniel's touchiness and vulnerability due to his isolation can be called his secret. If he is offended, he rarely speaks about it, but he will remember it for a long time. And his vulnerability makes his grievances constant. However, he cannot be called vindictive, rather wary in his relationship with the offender.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Squirrel.

Name color- Gray-blue.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Buttercup.

Stone- Blue jasper.

Patron saints of those named Daniel

Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow
The Orthodox Church has established two days of celebration: the day of remembrance of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow - March 4/17 and August 30/September 12 - the day of the discovery of his holy relics.
The holy noble prince Daniil of Moscow is the son of Alexander Nevsky. People turn to Holy Prince Daniel for help in God’s blessing over the house, in housing problems, and pray for finding their home. Also, the holy blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow is now the heavenly patron of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Army.

Order an icon

Icon options

Icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
Holy Prophet Daniel
The Holy Prophet Daniel is a great biblical prophet, the author of a book included in the Old Testament. The book of the prophet Daniel includes 14 chapters, which can be divided into two parts: historical and prophetic. The second part describes the visions and revelations he had about the fate of the world. The book of the prophet Daniel is quoted in the New Testament: the Savior and His apostles refer to it in their conversations. In folk tradition, they pray to the saint for an explanation of incomprehensible and disturbing dreams.
Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on February 16/March 1.

There were five of them. Christian brothers who called themselves after the biblical prophets: Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Daniel, were returning from Asia Minor to Egypt. Their path ran through the city of Caesarea. At that time, terrible things were happening there. Christians were severely persecuted. Pamphilus, who created a library of Christian books, the elderly deacon Valens and Paul had been languishing in prison for two years.

Before the five Egyptians had time to enter the city, they were immediately captured. During interrogation they admitted that they profess Christianity. When asked about their origin, they answered that they were from Jerusalem. In the third century there was no Jerusalem; it was destroyed in the first century, and the new city had a different name. Daniel and his brothers spoke of the heavenly Jerusalem. Not understanding anything, Governor Firmilian wanted to find out from them by torture where this city was located. But everything was useless, then he ordered the execution of Daniel, his companions and the prisoners who were in prison. Following them, four more people were killed. The bodies of the 12 martyrs lay untouched for 4 days, and on the fifth day the pagans allowed Christians to bury them.

holy prophet Daniel.

Daniel (in the schema of Stefan) Nivertsky, Egyptian, venerable, confessor

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on December 17/30.
Daniil Nivertsky lived in the 10th century. A Spanish nobleman, he occupied a high position in society. He was in command on the island of Niverta. But worldly fame did not attract him, but rather even weighed him down. His soul was directed towards God. Saint Daniel went to Rome and accepted monasticism there. While making a pilgrimage to holy places: Constantinople, Jerusalem, he received a schema there with the name Stephen. In Egypt, conquered by the Saracens, Saint Daniel was captured, where he was forced to convert to Islam. Saint Daniel of Nivertsky died as a martyr for refusing to change his faith.

Icon painting workshop “Your Icon”. Russia. XXI Century

Daniel of Nikopol (Armenian), martyr

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 10/23.

Saint Daniel was one of the 45 martyrs who suffered for the faith in the city of Nicopolis.
At the beginning of the 4th century, Emperor Lucinius ruled there. He was an implacable persecutor of Christians. Having issued the order to kill everyone who refused to worship the pagan gods, he demanded its execution. Hegemon Lysias was one of those who had to carry it out. How shocked he was when the Christians themselves came to him. It was Saint Daniel and 44 other people. Lysias invited them to make a sacrifice to the pagan gods and promised to release them after that. But the martyrs did not renounce Christ, even after they were beaten and thrown into prison. There Saint Daniel prayed and sang psalms with everyone. One day he saw an Angel who said that their feat would soon be completed. The next day, having endured cruel torture, Saint Daniel of Nikopol accepted martyrdom.

Personalized icons, as a rule, depict the holy prophet Daniel.

Daniil Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite
Saint Daniel of Pereyaslavl was born around 1460 in Pereslavl-Zalessky. The world's name was Dimitri. He grew up as a meek, reasonable child, loved to read spiritual books and attend church services. The young man received his education in a monastery, where his relative, the revered elder Jonah, was the abbot. There, Demetrius finally decided to choose the path of monastic service and the pursuit of Christian perfection. At the age of seventeen, he and his brother Gerasim, secretly from their parents, left Pereyaslavl for the Borovsky Paphnutian Monastery and there took monastic vows with the name Daniel.

Under the leadership of Elder Leukius, Daniel of Pereyaslav quickly learned the rigors of monastic life, humility and obedience. The monks respected him for his virtues, firm faith, tireless work and wished to see Daniel as their abbot. But fearing the temptation of power, the ascetic left the Borovsk monastery and, after wandering through many monasteries, returned to his native Pereyaslavl, settling in the Goritsky monastery. At first, Daniel served as a prosphora maker, but soon, for his strict, godly life and diligence in service, he was appointed confessor to the brethren. Not only monks, but also many lay people turned to him for wise instructions.

Following with all his heart the covenant of love for one's neighbor, the Monk Daniel always received strangers and took upon himself the care of the burial of the poor, rootless and homeless. He buried them on the mountain in a mass grave - a poor one and remembered them in prayers. Daniel often heard stories about people seeing light emanating from this place and hearing bells ringing. And he decided to build the Church of All Saints near the poor woman. In confirmation of the goodness of this plan, the necessary funds were quickly found to build the temple, and Grand Duke Vasily gave the Monk Daniel a charter to build a church in the right place. However, many townspeople and peasants expressed the wish that not just one church, but a holy monastery be created under the poor woman. This is how the Trinity Monastery arose. Daniil Pereyaslavsky became its rector with the rank of archimandrite.

It is known that the Monk Daniel became famous as a seer and wonderworker. The brothers saw him walking on water. More than once he miraculously saved those suffering from hunger and disease. Even the mention of his name in prayer gave believers protection from robbers. The monastery preserves a well dug by Daniil of Pereyaslavl. From the water from this well, pilgrims repeatedly received healing of their ailments.

Before his death, the holy ascetic accepted the schema and died on April 7, 1540 at the age of 81. Many miracles were also performed from his relics.

Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop

Daniel the Stylite, Rev.
Saint Daniel the Stylite lived in the 5th century in Syria near the city of Samosata. His mother, after years of infertility, made a vow that if the child was born, his life would be dedicated to God. When she had a boy, she did not call him by name until he was 5 years old, then she took the child to the nearest monastery and asked him to give him a name. The abbot randomly opened the book on the words of the prophet Daniel and christened the boy that way. The parents asked the boy to stay in the monastery, but they were refused. At the age of 12, Daniel voluntarily entered a monastery. The parents, having learned about this, persuaded the abbot to tonsure their son as a monk.

Until the age of 42, Daniel labored in a monastery. For him, Simeon the Stylite became an example to follow in spiritual life, and he also decided to accept the feat of stylite life. The Monk Daniel left the monastery for the Thracian desert and settled there on a pillar that had been built. One night the ascetic almost died from the cold. The emperor, who learned about this, ordered the ascetic to build a pillar of two columns connected by iron fasteners, on top of which a small house was erected. With the blessing of Patriarch Gennady of Constantinople, the Monk Simeon was ordained a priest. The sick and disabled were often brought to him with the hope of healing. Simeon the Stylite's prayers were fervent, his advice was simple, and his sermons were clear to everyone. He helped many unfortunate people find their path in life.

During the 33 years of his pillarhood, Saint Daniel descended to earth only once, when the Emperor Basilisk, who overthrew Zeno’s predecessor, began to patronize heretics. The crowd carried Daniel, who descended with difficulty, on a high chair as the spiritual leader of the popular uprising, and the emperor hastened to admit his mistakes.

The Monk Daniel the Stylite lived until he was 80 years old and died peacefully in 490.

Daniil Shuzhgorsky, Rev.

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on September 21/October 4.

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