Empire of the strongest witches - the choice of the name of the company. Numerology of money


Many people think that a numerological forecast is needed only to understand oneself, to determine how successful a year or even a day will be, to choose a name for a child, to choose a partner. Not many people know that using numerology for business, you can find answers to questions of a commercial nature.

Numerology for business

First of all, you need to set the exact start date of the object, that is, the date of the Inauguration. We find out the vibration of the name of the object of interest by summing up the numbers (corresponding to the letters) that are part of the name of this object. The future can be determined by summing the number of the Inauguration Vibration and the Name Vibration.

It often happens that a seemingly prosperous company experiences difficulties in everything, this, among other things, may be the result of the fact that the Vibration of the Inauguration and the Vibration of the Name do not constitute a harmonious unity. If things go well, although the Name is not the best, we can say with confidence that this is the result of a successful combination of these Vibrations. In the case of a favorable combination, the Vibrations will mutually intensify.

So, first we determine the Vibration of the name of the enterprise and get acquainted with the interpretations. Example: A company that manufactures cosmetic products, "Venus" - 3+6+6+6+9+1= 31=3+1=4

The vibration of the name of this company corresponds to the number "4". As you can see, Vibration is quite favorable for a company with this type of activity.

Numerology for Business: Number 1

There is no doubt that this is an advanced enterprise. It can be a concern or an agency that in its activities relies on innovative, sometimes even revolutionary ideas. If the company is engaged in the production of some product, then this product will have the same features. Often the equipment or goods that are produced here are new to the market, sharply different from everything else. This vibration promises success.

Numerology for Business: Number 2

A firm with this Vibration will all too often face all sorts of obstacles. This Number is not overtly commercial. It will be most favorable for enterprises that are part of larger associations. The success of such associations will depend on the mutual influence of the Vibrations corresponding to the specific participants in such an association.

Numerology for Business: Number 3

This Number is most favorable for those enterprises that are related to the general improvement of life, and also if they are associated with products or activities that bring pleasure and joy to people. It can also be all kinds of entertainment centers.

Numerology for Business: Number 4

This Number symbolizes, mainly, firms that produce solid, durable products - whether they are luxury goods or essential goods. This Vibration promises significant, though not instant, returns. The enterprise will slowly but surely accumulate capital and expand. You should not rely on luck or chance, well-coordinated work, successful deals, reliable partners, in the end, will bring such a company to the top of Olympus.

Numerology for Business: Number 5

Fairly variable vibration. Businesses with this Vibration tend to be in constant motion and turmoil. Most often, these enterprises bring large incomes. However, internal conflicts often arise in them: administrative, personal, or related to manufactured products. These can be travel companies, marriage agencies, companies organizing all kinds of presentations and other events, etc.

Numerology for Business: Number 6

This number will be most favorable for those enterprises that produce essential goods. Also, these enterprises can be associated with the education system or with the hotel business. It is also suitable for those companies that produce children's products, it can be children's clothing, food, toys. The development of such firms will proceed unevenly; There will be both ups and downs.

Numerology for Business: Number 7

The vibration of this Number is favorable for firms producing beautiful, refined and elegant goods. It can be jewelry, clothing, accessories, etc. These products are often named after famous people, which guarantees their high quality. The vibration of this Number will promise universal recognition and popularity. Very often, fortune will give such enterprises lucrative deals and offers.

Numerology for Business: Number 8

This Vibration is suitable for large scale projects. Enterprises that succumb to the influence of this Vibration usually gain international fame. This Number symbolizes high investments that bring millions in profits.

Numerology for Business: Number 9

This Number is not very favorable to business owners and manufacturers who are solely concerned with generating income. But there is no more suitable Vibration when it comes to charities and institutions.

Numerology for business: the sum of vibrations

Now let's sum up the Name Vibration with the Inauguration Vibration.

Example: Venus was inaugurated on 03/12/2001 1+2+0+3+2+0+0+1= 9

Sum of Name Vibration and Inauguration Vibration 9+4=13=4

The future of this firm will be influenced by the vibration of the number "4". Let's get to know the interpretation.

1 – target number; the future associated with this vibration promises success and recognition.

2 - for the enterprise it promises both ups and downs, it will be quite difficult for small firms to stay afloat, since the vibration is quite changeable.

3 - There will be unexpected twists and turns, and success, however, it cannot be said that the company is waiting for stability, but the vibration of this number symbolizes adaptability, therefore, in the end, the company will cope with any situation.

4 - Since the vibration of this number means stability and strength, the future of a company with such a vibration will be quite reliable, competitors and other "well-wishers" will have to work hard to get the soil out from under its feet.

5 - This vibration is favorable for those companies that are used to taking risks, as the future will present a lot of situations when it will be necessary to put everything at stake. Travel and experience will help to achieve excellent results in business.

6 - The future associated with this vibration promises reliability and stability, although not a very large income.

7 - The future will be quite successful. The company will not be left without attention, and its products will certainly be in demand.

8 - The vibration of this number promises material success. Any monetary transactions will be very profitable and profitable.

9 - A wonderful future awaits, the implementation of the most daring plans. The owners of firms with such a Vibration should not forget about charity - otherwise, in pursuit of material things, they may be left with nothing.

Oksana Koledyonok, numerologist

What's in your name? Fate. As you know, the name of the company is of great importance in business. If the name does not sound, the brand cannot be promoted. Although an attractive name is half of the successful branding of a company and business.

The second half of prosperity is the correct decoding of the numbers in the title. The date when the company was opened is also important. It is important to name correctly, and then start your own business. To do this, you need to study a little business numerology.

Consider an example of a company name and the resulting numerological number. Imagine that you want to open a perfume company. You have determined the name of the company: "Leader" - it sounds solid. Now we have to look and calculate to decide if this name suits us.

Let's use the table and get the following data: 4+1+5+6+9=25=2+5=7. The sum of numbers is 7. After looking at the description, we notice that the name not only sounds perfect, but also numerologically fits the perfume business. Now it will not be difficult for you to choose a harmonic name for your company or corporation.

Deciphering numbers 1 - 5

  • 1. Positive figure. Firms that build large-scale plans should contain it. If the sum of numbers is 1, then it has an impact on young business, modern innovations and technologies. Any product that the company produces will be a huge success. Customers want to buy it and will do it.

Think about expanding the horizons of your firm. After all, this is the number of global projects - a global scale. If you stand still, then 1 will kill your business. The exception is small firms that produce a specific product - an exclusive. They may not think about global plans. If you approach the calculations reasonably, then the figure will help in business.

  • 2. There is no power, number suppresses energy. There is no focus on trade and commerce. With this figure, there may be a subsidiary or branch of the company. And then sooner or later we will have to close it - we do not pay back. Some difficult situations on the way of this organization, as well as problems with documents. There is only one chance for salvation - if the people who work in this company carry positive vibrations. Then they will help the firm not to drown.
  • 3. Do you want to open a moon - a park or a circus? Then the name suits - this figure favors her. Kindergarten, playroom. Everything related to leisure and entertainment. Fitness, yoga, billiard room - everything will go with a bang. Customers will go to your establishment. They will be attracted by the vibration of numbers in the name of the institution.
  • 4. There are two options for the category of goods. One is expensive and original goods. Goods that the buyer will buy only from you. It can even be your original work. At first it will be difficult, and then the sum of the lucky numbers in the title will help correct the situation.

The second variant of goods is consumer goods, goods that are always needed. They are in constant demand. The number in the title will help attract such customers to your company. A business correctly compiled according to numerology can imperceptibly attract good luck in your direction.

  • 5. This number provokes variable success. Today things are going badly, but tomorrow they are skyrocketing. To get along with this figure, the owner of the company must be in harmony with this number. If he does not cope with the number, then he will wallow in debt and in the claims of disgruntled customers. The firm may even shut down from such a conflict.

If you have no other alternatives in the name of the company, then carefully select employees - with calm vibrations. Otherwise, there will be a large turnover of personnel, from which things will decline.

By applying the laws of numerology in life, you can achieve incredible results.

Even despite such contradictions, these enterprises can perfectly exist and bring a lot of income. It all depends on what the company does. It is better not to name stores with such a number. Transport services will bring financial flow. For example, travel companies. If you do everything right, then luck will not keep you waiting. Any agencies, bureaus, excursions - everything will go well. If the owner finds harmony with this difficult number.

Deciphering numbers 6 - 9

  • 6. Customer interest comes first here. Hotels, exclusive tours - everything that interests the client makes him drool with desire and knowledge of the new. Learning foreign languages, courses and everything else. The name of the company attracts just such visitors.

Enterprises that produce any edible products will develop well. A baby store or a toy store is just what the doctor ordered for this number. Their success is guaranteed.

  • 7. The figure will help those who are engaged in the production of expensive products. Jewelry, perfumes, designer clothes. Style and high cost pulsate in the number 7. It is 7 that can throw a profitable contract, and therefore you should not miss these happy moments.

The minus is when the number of the owner of the company reduces the strength of 7, which is simply phenomenal for business. To have 7 in the title - to prosperity. All names become well-known brands.

  • 8. Small alien Does not tolerate small shops and firms. Something big and huge is discovered with this figure. Otherwise, the ending can be deplorable. Network or empire. Chain of hotels, supermarkets. Everything that unites a huge corporation in one name. It happens that the company goes global. So what do you think.
  • 9. Collecting money is a calling Charitable foundations, commercial banks, paid education. Vibration asks for support, so name your company in two words. Then the second word can help the first.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant S b E YU I

The correct name of the enterprise will help to achieve success in the chosen field. Don't think that the name and number don't affect the result. Remember at least the famous steamship Titanic, which sank and repeated the bitter fate of the titans from the myths of ancient Hellas. It is better to name the boat "Victory" and climb the pedestal.

The article contains only relevant information that is directly related to the name of the company in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui company name for a successful business

Feng Shui in translation means harmony, according to this the name should consist of promising words or words. It is best to consult with relatives, close people who, knowing you, will suggest something that comes from a pure heart. A good choice would be a 5-letter word with a vowel at the end.

With the help of numerology, you can find out whether a business with such a name will succeed, for this you need to calculate the word by adding all the letters into numbers. Write numbers from 1 to 9, write letters under them in order. For example, take the word "Paradise" R-9, A-1, J-2. 9+1+2=12 1+2=3

In this case, the number is 3.

1. A number suitable for a business that will develop on a large scale in the future. There is a high probability that it will turn out to open a whole network. This figure has a good effect on the new business, helping it develop in the right direction.

2. This figure is not ready to drive the business forward. Yes, everything will probably go smoothly at the very beginning, but over time, the business will “deflate”.

3. A great choice for a people-based business, such as kindergarten, nightclub, coffee shop or restaurant. A place where it will be comfortable for visitors to spend their leisure time.

4. This figure is suitable for a business that will offer non-essential goods that people will buy regardless of the amount of funds. Namely, luxury goods, author's things. What people buy for pleasure.

5. A chic figure for any undertaking, it will help a person in all matters. But the five do not like debt, so when doing business, try not to accumulate unnecessary burdens and debts, so that, God forbid, you do not go broke. Suitable in the service sector, beauty salons, massage parlor and more.

6. With such a figure, one can only dream of buyers. The business will not even be able to develop, let alone survive in the market. Consumers will bypass your establishment.

7. A good option for expensive items, jewelry. Will patronize only strong personalities. In order to open such a business, you must have everything thought out to the smallest detail.

8. This figure patronizes those who are ready to invest their souls in business. Wants to develop to the volume of large cities.

9. Ideal for businesses that raise money. Bank, charity.

How to Choose a Feng Shui Name for an LLC

The name should be pleasant to the ear, it is best if it carries some meaning, and not just a set of letters. Oddly enough, but naming stores or other establishments by their names is not very profitable.

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How to remove the evil eye at home

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye on the Internet

Your envious and ill-wishers may follow you, and you may not guess anything. It is better to play it safe, because even if you do not believe in the existence of the evil eye, this does not mean that it does not exist. Take three minutes of your time to read this article, where I explain to you (in my opinion, quite intelligibly) why you can be subject to this scourge.

How to neutralize someone else's envy?

Now in what only networks people do not communicate. And everywhere they post photos where they are beautiful, successful, in cars and diamonds. Well, or just happy. Of course, most people who see your photos on the networks do not care who you are, and what you have there, and how. But a couple of individuals with not very pure thoughts are sure to be found. These can be ex-wives (who have not let go of their ex-husbands to the end), mistresses (who sleep and see the lover leave his wife), friends (friends with a failed career, with a constant lack of money and not having success with women), girlfriends ( constantly jealous of your happiness, but carefully hiding it), mothers-in-law who sleep and see how to free their son from the shackles. Mother-in-law with similar thoughts also come across. Former classmates who envied you all through school... Childhood photos are very vulnerable. Not without reason, some resources impose restrictions on posting photos with children.

The fact that his thoughts will return to this ill-wisher is without fail. But that doesn't make it any easier for you! This energy will begin to act on you now. I offer you my skill and my energy to protect your photos. Send me your photos for protection. Payment is made after the work is completed. The price for the work is symbolic.

Nobody will ask you whether you believe in damage and the evil eye or not. They will simply envy you in silence - and damage is right there!

Unfortunately, many people categorically do not believe in the existence of energies. You can often hear that " I don't believe in corruption, which means no one found it on me t". Nobody will ask you whether you believe in it or not. They will simply envy you. Your beauty, your health, your success, your family happiness, your new fur coat or car, your newborn baby. Reasons for envy can be listed endlessly. It can be an incredible little thing! For example, a new ring on your finger! Or the fact that you are successful with the opposite sex! Yes, elementary, someone will envy that you are smarter or smarter. That you answered better in class than your classmate Or your boss will praise you for a job well done, but not your colleague (just not for anything). And this will not necessarily be said out loud. And it will not necessarily be someone else. Or maybe a best friend or friend. Thought is material! Thought is the flow of energy.

Energy, in its initial form, is neutral. It is neither positive nor negative. And only a person can give it one direction or another. And imagine that a person who has the ability to exert a strong influence will envy you (he may not even know about it himself). And this person activates negative energy with the help of his bad thought. After all, it is logical - if the thought is negative, then the energy is negative. And, accordingly, if you were envied, then they gave their thoughts a negative. And you accepted it. And if you do not defend yourself, then this energy begins to affect you in the most unpredictable way. Imagine that a person wishes you harm on purpose? After all, there are such people, you know! What then does the energy of his thought turn into for you?

I can still convince you of this. But I'm not the only one talking and writing about it. There are other resources as well. I just offer you my help in protecting your photos and images on the Internet.

Protect your photos from the negative impact of envious and unkind eyes.

Payment is due after work is completed. for protection. Payment can be made at any Qiwi terminal near your home or at any Sberbank ATM. Online payment can be made using Yandex-Money. The cost of protecting ten photos symbolic.

I work only "live", no automatic downloads - you send me your photos to my email address, which I will send you. Your photos will not be saved anywhere on the Internet. They will also be deleted from my computer as soon as I finish working with energy and send the photos to you. No automatic sending - everything is individual for each person, that is, for you personally. Write me a message, indicate the number of photos and your email address. Here you can find out the price and write a message.

What will I do with your photos? I will place a translucent image with special words that will reflect all the negativity from your photos. Also, I will work on your images energetically.

Protect your own photos from the evil eye, damage, negative impact in social networks and the Internet.

There are many charms and amulets in real life. But a photo on the Internet is still something digital that cannot be touched. Of course, you can try to defend yourself. Some advise writing some text on the photo (I write special words to protect against damage and the evil eye, which I was taught by a Ukrainian old woman who has been healing people with her energies all her life) and this will already serve as an additional barrier to protect against the evil eye. You can read a prayer before the photos. But, unfortunately, not everyone can work with energies. Therefore, contact a specialist. That is, to me!

Protection from the evil eye and damage on your own at home

There are various conspiracies and of course prayers. Moreover, you should not be afraid of the word "conspiracies", because this is the same prayer, only, so to speak, not official.

Everyone knows that whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail, so the most important thing in creating a company is to find a bright and concise name for it that will “cling” and attract, and it must also tell what this organization does. There is another essential point in choosing the right name - an appeal to numerology, with the help of the science of numbers, you can choose not only a beautiful name for an enterprise, but also bearing certain information about the services or products that provide.

The meaning of the numbers

1. This name is usually given to firms that decide to expand on a large scale. The leaders will succeed, but you need to act, and not sit still, otherwise you can only wait for losses. As for a suitable production for this name, it is better that this be a law firm - many clients, courts won and much more. Also, the vibration of one is good for small firms in the mega-company, they will have great success and recognition.

2. With such a name, it is good to develop a family business or focus on lovers and family, the "deuce" is perfect for a restaurant, pizzeria, children's center, etc., it will always be comfortable for sociable and sociable people, lonely people will feel uncomfortable, which is take their attention away from the organization. One important note - if the company has a vibration of a deuce, then it may have problems if there are two owners or bosses (preferably one or more), because both will pull the leader's blanket over themselves and, as a result, will be torn in half.

3. The figure of leisure and childhood, therefore, is suitable for various children's entertainment centers or private schools and gymnasiums, it also harmonizes with companies and organizations focused on communication between children and adults, these can be gaming establishments or interest clubs. An excellent option is creative clubs, where mothers do their own thing, and children do their own, and then unite into one team.

4. This firm will prosper on one condition - its leaders must have the same digital vibration. Usually this figure is favorable for firms that are focused on the sale of luxury and originality - paintings, panels, podium and wedding clothes and other works of art, but you will have to work hard and promote your own things, but if you sit back, nothing will work out . The motto of this organization is diligence, patience and exclusivity.

5. This figure is suitable for travel agencies, carriers and other companies where you need to move. And if laziness is still acceptable to the authorities, then the subordinates must work tirelessly, then the matter will be argued and bring considerable income. It is worth paying attention to this fact - among the workers there should not be people with a vibration of more than five, otherwise the business will collapse under their pressure. The best tandem - five and three, one five - is also contraindicated.

6. "Six" - an excellent vibration for shops and hotels, then the enterprise will bring a decent and stable income. The owners will only have to prepare safes and bags where to put the earned profits, however, it should be remembered that you should not tell anyone about your expenses and incomes, otherwise the company will break up with envy into small pieces, which will be very difficult to collect.

7. Developers of their own perfume or jewelry line are best to choose a name with the vibration of the seven. By the way, "seven" is the number of intuition, so you should always listen to her prompts, she will not let you down. Quite often, the owners of companies with this name have a problem, they cannot make the right choice, and so the best option will always be the first, it will become branded.

8. Such a figure is suitable for a business that is always relevant - fitness rooms, chain stores, beauty salons, etc., but you should be guided by such a rule - never trust anyone with money matters, since a stranger can introduce endless problems, of which practically it will be impossible to get out.

9. This vibration of kindness and charity, so the name "nine" is ideal for banks, educational institutions, charities, orphanages and animal shelters. Great, when it is headed by a person with the numerological code "nine", such a combination of a company and a boss will only bring success - financial and media. It is worth taking note of the fact that it is desirable to give a double name, that is, consisting of two words, then no one and nothing will help hinder the development of the work begun.

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