The name klim is the meaning of the name for the child. Name Klim in different languages


The male name Clement today is not often found even in their homeland, although during the existence of the USSR and until the very end of the twentieth century it was popular not only in Russia, but also in other republics (Ukraine, Belarus). According to etymologists, his noble origin gives him the strongest energy, which in turn can influence the fate, character, and the whole future of the guy named by this name. And this name, like many Russian names, has good compatibility with most Russian female names ...

History and origin of the name

The energy of the name, according to etymologists and astrologers, primarily depends on its roots and on its history of occurrence. Our case is no exception. Well, to be more precise, there are several versions of the origin of the name Clement. The first and most important opinion is the formation of the male nominal form Clement in ancient Roman culture. whence came many other names. Could come from the ancient Roman cognomen, sounding like "clement". In turn, the cognomen is translated from the ancient Roman language as “soft”, “merciful” or “humane” - which of the translation options is accurate, unfortunately, even etymologists cannot say.

In Europe, by the way, in the distant past, like many names, Clement also met, but was pronounced differently, depending on the culture and language. So, in European countries, it was mainly pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable, while in countries with a Russian-speaking population, on the contrary, for the most part, the emphasis was on the first syllable. Speaking of the Russian-speaking population - in Russian culture, the name Clement has a twin name that sounds like Klim. From him, at one time, another happened with an identical interpretation - Klimyat. And it is this variant that is found in most Novgorod birch bark letters. Also, on the territory of modern Russia in those days, a female name derived from the name of Klim appeared - Clementine.

The name Clement is also listed in the list of Orthodox names according to the Saints, and in the name book of Catholic revered names. Among Catholics and Orthodox people, the most revered Saint is the Holy Apostle Clement, who once became the Pope. By the way, among Catholics, St. Clement is also the patron saint of sailors and even masons. The name day of the nominal form Clement is celebrated both according to the Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

The name Clement, as mentioned earlier, is not very common abroad, but still occurs, and, moreover, in each culture it is represented by a unique form of pronunciation. So, if in Russia and countries with a Russian-speaking population it sounds like Clement, but in France it is Clement, in Portugal it is Clement, in Poland and Romania it is Clement, and in Scotland it is Cliamin. In Ukraine, a derivative that sounds like Klim is common.

The meaning of the name Clement

According to etymologists, meaning of the name Clement, thanks to the noble roots of this name, can promise all the men named by this name many good qualities and, at the same time, an extremely complex nature. Energy, activity, purposefulness, efficiency, mobility, assertiveness and perseverance, sociability and friendliness, goodwill and dryness in calculations - all this is just the beginning of the list of those qualities that the meaning of the nominal form Clement can promise to the bearer. But at the same time, one cannot ignore the fact that each individual case must be considered separately, because much, in particular in character, depends not only on the characteristics and significance of the name, but also on a bunch of various other factors, including astrological symbols with their energy, education, and much more. Although there is also averaged information, thanks to which it is possible to characterize the bearer of the name Clement at each of his age stages.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy whose parents decided to give the rare male name Clement may show such traits as friendliness, honesty, kindness. Sociability, friendliness, responsiveness, openness, goodwill, cheerfulness, optimism, positivity and charm. Usually, the meaning endows those called Clement with a unique nature, a friendly character, the features of a person who cannot live for a minute without communication. This boy can have an incredibly many friends, and he will constantly replenish their list with new and new acquaintances. Plus, such a boy has an exorbitant desire to constantly be in the attention of the environment, which is why sometimes he can behave too provocatively, sometimes even aggressively. Emotional, quick-tempered, charming, able to adapt to the environment and the atmosphere in society - this will feel confident everywhere.

Skirmishes may arise with parents, but the main reason will always be the inability of the boy Clement to accept refusals from his mother and father. If he asks for something, demands, then he must receive it - in case of refusal, hysteria, resentment, and even aggressiveness may follow. Mother and father should pay special attention to this moment. If they fail to re-educate this trait in him, then in the future everything can only get worse. The value can endow the boy named in this way with an amazing nature and creativity, excellent imagination, but parents must develop and stimulate everything in him.


With age, Clement should become more reasonable. The value can endow a teenage boy who received the name form Clement with unique features, an organizational gift, the makings of a leader, a creative nature, excellent imagination and amazing imagination. It will certainly be dominated by such features as restlessness, activity, energy, unpredictability and inconstancy, the desire to constantly move forward, purposefulness and diligence, perseverance. But in addition to all of the above, the boy Clement may also have shortcomings, among which such as unwillingness to live by general rules, instability, optionality, unfulfillment, unreliability, uncompromisingness and adherence to principles can dominate. Moreover, the latter manifests itself in everything without exception - even in a quarrel, being wrong, he fundamentally never admits his guilt, not because he wants to seem right, but because his principle is such that he never does what is expected of him. The value can endow him with sociability and the ability to communicate, eloquence, but these traits will not help him in communicating with friends. In this regard, there will certainly be an eternal turnover - the boy Clement can have many friends, but they are all temporary and will change endlessly.

And the energy of this name promises the bearers a lot of problems in terms of academic performance in an educational institution. But the reason is not stupidity or unwillingness to learn, but restlessness, restlessness, which promises the meaning and energy of the name Clement, and which simply will not allow him to normally do what children should be doing at school - to study.

grown man

An adult man who received the name Clement, his value can bestow even more good qualities. But the main ones among them are those that relate to leadership inclinations. Clement can be an excellent worker, can become more reasonable and systematic, prudent and reliable, obligatory and even executive. He can make an excellent boss or leader, a real leader. But there is one huge “but” - the meaning endows all Clements with shyness and even naivety, plus, they hardly understand people and try not to notice shortcomings in anyone. And in addition to all of the above, Clements are easily amenable to any outside influence - this can lead to the fact that friends and comrades will have a very negative impact on this man.

But Clement is active and energetic, the meaning and energy of this name can turn him into a leader who simply cannot be stopped. Purposeful, stubborn, always achieves his goals, even despite the obstacles that arise on the way, easily makes new acquaintances and is able to make friends even with those he does not like, knows how to adapt to any situations and atmospheres in society, has a very flexible nature.

And despite the fact that the meaning of this name is not endowed with the ability to understand people, over time, Clement can still learn this. Then things will start to get better for him. In addition, this is a person who never rests on his laurels, and this, whatever one may say, will sooner or later bring its benefits.

Relationships with women

As for the relationship of a man, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Clement, with representatives of the opposite sex, everything is simple here. In adolescence, he can be very popular with women and can have a lot of whirlwind romances. But with age, everything will change. He will become more reasonable and responsible, and he will have a truly responsible attitude towards marriage. He will never change, he will not betray, but he will not forgive betrayal either. Demanding, can demand too much from his potential soulmate, not realizing that they can not always adapt to his wishes and standards.

The nature of the name Clement

The nature of the name Clement is such that it promises the wearer a very difficult and constantly changing nature. The bearer of this nominal form has a complex, unpredictable, but at the same time very regular character. For example, correctness is expressed in the fact that Clement's character will never allow him to betray or deceive a friend, comrade, or just a loved one. In the same way, the character will not allow him to take advantage of someone else's weakness for the sake of achieving his own goal, will not allow him to show self-interest, or offend someone, for no particular reason. And the character of all Clements, without exception, implies the presence of such qualities as purposefulness, honesty, charm, eloquence and sociability. In other words, Clement is always the right, loyal, reliable and friendly person.

Among other things, the nature of this name also promises many other good characteristics. For example, among them it would be worth highlighting optimism, positivity, a cheerful disposition, admiration for adventure, and a thirst for new experiences. Of course, this is all just a theory. So, in this case, such a character can belong to both a merry fellow and an exceptionally serious man - it is almost impossible to predict exactly what this or that boy named Clement will be like.

The interaction of the character of Clement with the seasons

Spring - a boy who was born under the auspices of the spring season, and named Clement at the same time, spring usually rewards with impulsiveness, irascibility, unpredictability, charm and a great sense of humor. In many ways, this is too unpredictable person, eager to attract as much attention to his person as possible.

Summer - a summer guy can turn out to be infantile and a little irresponsible, but on the other hand, he is a strong and impetuous man who easily achieves everything he wants. Egocentric, narcissistic, independent, always acting only as he sees fit. This often conflicts with the environment, not everyone loves him, but he is true to his principles, which is rare.

Autumn - and this is already a kind and sympathetic boy, with an excellent character, an ideal sense of humor and a cheerful disposition. Soft and generous, open, a little naive, trusting, has no leadership inclinations, but is accepted by any society. Sentimental and romantic, his charm can make any woman fall in love with him. Unstable, in no hurry to marry and start a family.

Winter - a guy born in one of the three winter months, named Clement, is a dreamer and romantic, diplomatic, practical, reasonable, eloquent, open and sincere. Easy to get along with, easy to make friends with. But you should not rely on him in important matters - his problem is that he does not know how to overcome obstacles and easily gives up if he sees that something is not working out for him.

The fate of the name Clement in relationships, love, marriage

The fate of the name Clement in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love, and in marriage, in fact, is almost the most unpredictable factor of all concerning men named by this name. And yet, something about how the fate of Clement should develop in his personal life, we still became aware. So, according to researchers, Clement is promised a very stormy personal life in adolescence.

There is an opinion that as a teenager, Clement must be popular with the opposite sex - such is his fate. The reason is simple and lies in the eloquence promised to all Clements, as well as charm, communication skills, sociability, optimism, playfulness and unpredictability. But this applies only to a teenager - everything can change in the future, although again, fate is unpredictable.

According to the main version, fate may involve the final formation of the guy named by this name as a reasonable, prudent, responsible and constant person. And besides, most Clements have a truly responsible attitude towards marriage. Fate can eventually turn the bearer of this name form into an excellent husband, an excellent father, and a truly reliable protector. In other words, in the end, fate can make him a real role model.

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone - Aquamarine.
  • The ruling planet is Venus.
  • The patronizing element is Air.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Clement is the Bull.
  • The plant symbol is Periwinkle.
  • The best zodiac is Taurus and Libra.
  • Lucky day is Friday.
  • Ideal season is Autumn.

Famous people

Kliment Artemyevich (Novgorod thousand)

Kliment Alfanov (one of the Alfanov brothers)

Clement of Alexandria (Titus Flavius ​​Clement) (Christian apologist)

Kliment Voroshilov (Soviet military leader)

Kliment Timiryazev (Russian naturalist, physiologist)

Clement of Ohrid (all-Slavic educator, saint)

Kliment Smolyatich (Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus')

Kliment Dydorov (participant of the white movement)

Kliment Redko (representative of the pictorial avant-garde of the 1920s)

Kliment Kvitka (Soviet musicologist-folklorist)

Kliment Lyovychkin (Soviet diplomat)

Additional information

Each name that we meet in life makes a certain impression on us, and all because a special combination of letters gives the name a certain energy. For example, the name Klim is sharp, hard and at the same time melodious.

So, the character of such a man is distinguished by firmness, determination and some recklessness, as evidenced by the sound of his name. We will try to consider in detail all the subtleties and meaning of the name Klim or Clement in today's article.

When exploring the meaning of a name, one cannot bypass the historical question, because it is important to understand what its origin is and in which countries it originates. If you turn to history, you can find out that this name is of Roman origin and is translated from Latin as “soft”, “kind-hearted”.

This name came to the territory of Russia a long time ago and was very popular. Thanks to some passion-bearers, the name Klim became Orthodox, and therefore, it can be given to a child at baptism.

Personality Features

The character of any person is laid down in childhood, and his name is largely influenced by his formation. So, if you decide to choose the name Klim for your child, then you will have an inquisitive child who will be interested in literally everything.

It is important for Klim's parents to keep an eye on him, because this child has a reduced sense of fear, but Klim's curiosity will only grow over the years. Therefore, it is better to answer any questions of this boy in as much detail as possible, otherwise he will look for answers to them on his own.

Clement is a quiet boy, his social circle is very small, and only the best friends enter there. This boy does not have leadership qualities, so more often he tends to follow the leader of the group.

Klim studies well, he is distinguished by perseverance, curiosity and an excellent memory. Moreover, he is able to keep his attention on the issue being studied for a long time, which makes him a successful student.

In adolescence, Klim's character changes somewhat, now he is characterized by mood swings and some impulsiveness and irascibility. At the same time, most of the time he maintains external calmness and even detachment.

Klim's curiosity becomes less obvious, although he retains an interest in learning. He enjoys doing the exact sciences, and is also fond of everything that requires imagination and spatial perception, which he has well developed.

As a man, Klim becomes more sociable and open. He acquires flexibility in behavior, becomes "his boyfriend" in any company and with any people. Sometimes he does what comes to his mind first, not caring about the consequences. And when the consequences make themselves felt, he can worry for a long time because of what he did.

Sometimes he can take on more than he is ready to carry, which means that he is not always able to calculate his strength. But at the same time, if Clement sets himself an adequate goal, then he is able to easily achieve what he wants.

Also, when exploring the meaning of the name Klim, it is important to study not only his character, but also other personal characteristics that affect his behavior. So, Clement has high morality and tries to observe generally accepted norms of morality in everything.

This man is in excellent health, he has every chance of becoming a professional athlete. The only thing you need to take care of Klima is his psychological health, because excessive emotionality and sensitivity can play a cruel joke on him.

The mind of this man is sharp and insightful, he knows a lot and always skillfully applies his knowledge in practice. Throughout his life, he is able to easily absorb new information. Klim is not inclined to listen to his "sixth sense", as he relies mainly on his mind.

Clement is a good organizer, so he should choose a profession in this area. He is easily able to establish contact with the client, please and charm, which makes him a successful manager. Klim has all the makings to become a businessman, he is enterprising and ready to take risks. The only thing that can negatively affect his business is the inability to handle money and excessive spending.

Affairs of love

To understand what fate awaits men with such a beautiful name, you need to turn to a detailed study of their behavior in relationships, as well as in marriage and in the family. Clement is a true gentleman, he treats all women with respect and reverence. Naturally, he pays attention only to worthy women who can rightly be called a lady.

Klim will be a wonderful husband, as he chooses a life partner for a long time and in detail. It is paramount for him to see next to him not just a woman, but the mistress of his house. In a woman, accuracy, thriftiness, the ability to be meek and obedient are important to him.

He may not specifically make a marriage proposal to his chosen one in order to get to know her better. Klim is a man ready to take responsibility, so if he understands that he cannot provide for his family financially, he will not start a serious relationship. Also, he will never choose a wife who loves luxury and does not know how to be frugal.

Klim is a very demanding man, but if his wife is meek and obedient, then she will easily cope with all his requirements, and in many ways this is what can give the spouses complete understanding. Klim loves children, takes care of them, but can also be strict, especially when it comes to studying.

A good marriage is possible with women who bear the following names - Lada, Nina, Anfisa, Glafira. Difficulties may arise with Anya and Dasha.

It is important to pay attention to other useful information:

  • Name days, according to Wikipedia, Klim celebrates on February 5 and December 8.
  • Forms of the name - Klimka, Klimushka, Clement.
  • A stone that can become a talisman is chrysolite.
  • The totem animal is the falcon.
  • The patron tree is maple.

If you know what the name of a person means, then you can always easily determine who is in front of you. After all, the name contains a lot of information about the character, abilities, inclinations and capabilities of a person. Author: Daria Potykan

Short form of the name Klim. Klimka, Klimasha, Klimukha, Clem, Klemy, Mente, Clementino, Mentino, Kleme, Klimek, Klema, Klemous, Maines, Mens, Klimko, Klimonko, Klimochko, Klimus, Klimtsio.
Synonyms for Klim. Clement, Clement, Clement, Clemens, Clement, Clemente, Clementi, Clement, Kelemen.
Origin of the name Klim The name Klim is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Klim is a short form of the name Clement, which comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) "clement", which translates as "merciful", "humane", "soft". Currently used as an independent full-fledged name.

The name Clement has two variants of stress, both on the first and on the last syllable. In Europe, the stress is on the second syllable, while in the Orthodox tradition, the stress is on the first syllable.

In Ancient Rus', on behalf of Klim, another male name Klimyat was formed by adding the Old Russian suffix "-yata". This ancient Russian name was mentioned in one of the Novgorod birch bark letters.

In Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Clement will be called Clemens, in France - Clement, in Portugal, Italy - Clement, Clement, in Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic - Clement, in Hungary - Kelemen, in Scotland - Kliamine. In Belarus and Ukraine, the form of the name Klim is more often used, less often the full name Klimenty. On behalf of Clement, the female name Clementine is formed (Clementine, Clementine, Clementia, Clemensia, Clemenza, Clementine, Clementine, Clementine, Clementine, Clementine). And the diminutive address to Clementine - Tina - is also an independent name.

Among Orthodox and Catholics, Saint Clement, the apostle of the seventy, who was the pope of Rome, is especially revered. For Catholics, he is the patron saint of sailors and masons. The dates of the Catholic name day of Clement are January 23, March 15, March 19, March 22, May 1, June 27, September 10, November 21, November 23, December 16. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name day of Klim.

Klim grows up as a calm boy, without causing any special worries to his parents. He is kind and inquisitive and retains these qualities throughout his life. Klim does not make much progress in school studies. As a child, the boy is honest to the point of scrupulousness. Parents need not worry that their son can deceive them: this will never happen.

By nature, Klim is phlegmatic. It is quite difficult to piss him off, if desired, he will control himself. He is calm and patient, but in the depths of his soul, unreasonable anxiety can live in him, which will not allow him to act consistently.

Having matured, Klim retains the same character traits as in childhood. Perhaps over the years he will become more prudent, stubborn. Klim, born in the summer, will remain a visionary and a dreamer. He does not know how to adapt to people and circumstances. Stubbornness makes Klim spend too much energy trying to break the resistance of the outside world.

Sometimes Klim behaves too trustingly, which is why he gets into various unpleasant stories. It is important for this man to feel secure, which is only possible when he is engaged in an exciting business in an established team.

A man with this name does not aspire to be a leader. True, he is prudent and will try not to miss his benefit. Klim is patient, and it is common for him to complete every business he starts. This is a very responsible man when it comes to work. He is punctual and has a good memory.

Klim can build a career in a variety of areas, although Klim will rise slowly through the ranks. Wherever you need to be active, a man will find himself. Perhaps Klim will achieve significant results in sports, but only if he does not give up playing sports at school. Most often, Klim becomes a physician, engineer, agronomist or livestock breeder.

This man treats women with respect. However, for Klim, there is only black and white, and, at times, he panics, being unable to choose between feelings and duty.

Klim chooses his wife for a long time. By nature, he is monogamous and, having found his soul mate, becomes a good father and husband. This man has a strong sense of duty to his family. However, Klim's wife should take into account the jealousy and temper of her husband. From his wife, he expects understanding and sincere expression of feelings.

In his house, Klim observes perfect order. The choice of each thing is very pedantic, from a practical point of view.

Klim, born in winter, loves to argue and prove his own, and summer Klim, on the contrary, easily makes concessions, pities those around him. Sometimes it becomes difficult to communicate with Klim because of his temper, he has very little flexibility. Love and devotion to his family saves a man from trouble. It is in the family circle that he likes to make far-reaching plans and feel really irreplaceable.

This man does not like to visit, prefers to invite friends to his place. He doesn't have many friends though. After all, Klim prefers to remain silent rather than speak. At the same time, a man has a well-developed intuition, which, together with the ability to listen, helps him to understand people well and notice any insincerity. Empty gatherings do not captivate Klim; he prefers interesting conversations in a narrow circle of friends.

Name day Klim

Klim celebrates name day on January 5, January 17, January 23, February 8, March 8, March 15, March 19, March 22, May 1, May 5, May 13, May 17, June 27, June 30, August 9, September 10 November 21st, November 23rd, December 8th, December 16th.

Notable people named Klim

  • Clement Titus Flavius ​​(cousin of the Roman emperor Domitian; killed in 96 by order of the emperor himself (according to rumors, for his sympathy for Christians), which contributed to the emergence in the early Middle Ages of a colorful hagiographic legend about the miraculous wanderings and martyrdom of his namesake, Pope Clement I .)
  • Clement I ((d.97/99/101) apostle from the seventy, fourth bishop of Rome (4th Pope), one of the apostolic men. Widely revered in Kievan Rus. We revere in Orthodoxy as one of the first Christian preachers in the Russian lands .)
  • Klimyata (one of the first ancient Russian entrepreneurs: the Novgorod merchant Klimyata, who lived at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th century, combined trade with the return of money on interest, a usurer)
  • Kliment Artemyevich (Novgorod thousand, ambassador from Novgorod to the holy prince Alexander Nevsky, 1255)
  • Kliment Alfanov (one of the Alfanov brothers, Novgorod XII century)
  • Clement of Alexandria (Titus Flavius ​​Clement) ((c.150 - c.215) Christian apologist and preacher of the Holy Scriptures among the Hellenistic scribes, founder of the Alexandrian theological school, who headed it before Origen)
  • Kliment Voroshilov ((1881 - 1969) Soviet military leader, statesman and party leader, participant in the Civil War, one of the first Marshals of the Soviet Union. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor.)
  • Kliment Timiryazev ((1843 - 1920) Russian naturalist, physiologist, physicist, instrument maker, historian of science, writer, translator, publicist, professor at Moscow University, founder of the Russian and British scientific schools of plant physiologists)
  • Clement of Ohrid (Ohridski) ((c.840 - 916) Bulgarian and all-Slavic educator, saint, lived in the city of Ohrid, in Macedonia. One of the disciples of Cyril and Methodius.)
  • Clement, Metropolitan of Tarnovsky ((1841/1838 - 1901) in the world - Vasil Drumev; Bishop of the Bulgarian Exarchate (during the schism); figure of the period of the Bulgarian national revival, politician of the Bulgarian Principality, writer)
  • Klement Gottwald ((1896 - 1953) politician of Czechoslovakia, leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia and President of Czechoslovakia)
  • Kliment (Klim) Smolyatich ((d. ​​after 1164) Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus' (1147-1155), church writer, the first Russian theologian, the second metropolitan of Russian origin. He was a highly educated person of his time. The annals mention him as such a “scribe and philosopher , which have not yet happened in the Russian land.")
  • Klimenty Gankevich ((1842 - 1924) Ukrainian philologist, linguist, writer, ethnographer, translator, the first teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature at Chernivtsi University, one of the most prominent representatives of Galician idealist philosophers. Doctor of Philosophy.)
  • Klimenty Korchmarev ((1899 - 1958) Soviet composer. Honored Art Worker of the Turkmen SSR (1944. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1951).)
  • Archimandrite Clement ((1869 - 1951) in the world - Maria Kazimir Sheptytsky; archimandrite of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. In 2001 he was beatified by the Catholic Church.)
  • Klimenty Chernykh ((born 1925) Russian scientist. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. K.F. Chernykh. Published 18 books and about 120 articles. His two-volume monograph “Linear Theory of Shells "(1962-1964) was published by NASA in English, his monograph "Introduction to Anisotropic Elasticity" was republished in the USA (1998). Klimenty Feodosevich headed the scientific school "Nonlinear problems of mechanics and physics of a deformable body", which was awarded by many grants (state support of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Education, etc.) He trained 20 candidates and 7 doctors of science. ". Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2000), prizes of the Leningrad University and the All-Union Society of Builders of the USSR.)
  • Klimenty Mints ((1908 - 1995) Soviet director, screenwriter. Together with V. Kreps, he was the author of scripts for one of the most popular children's radio programs - "The Club of Famous Captains", which aired from December 1945 until the end of the 70s. Also co-authored with V. Kreps several books for children, including those based on the radio program "Club of Famous Captains".)
  • Kliment Dydorov ((1885 - 1938) Russian officer, member of the white movement)
  • Kliment Redko ((1897 - 1956) Soviet artist, representative of the pictorial avant-garde of the 1920s - early 1930s)
  • Kliment Kvitka ((1880 - 1953) Ukrainian and Russian Soviet musicologist-folklorist. One of the founders of Soviet musical ethnography. Author of many theoretical works on Ukrainian musical folklore. He also owns works on the study of folk musical instruments, educational and methodological manuals. Awarded 2 orders, as well as medals.Developed a new method of field work, the theoretical basis of ethnomusical sociology and historical and comparative study of the music of ethnically related peoples (Slavs, Turks).He made a number of important discoveries in the field of origin and distribution of primitive sound sequences, chromatisms, rhythmic archetypes and folk musical instruments. Of paramount importance are his works on the criticism of sources. K. V. Kvitka collected over 6000 Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian and other folk songs. Kvitka made unique recordings on the phonograph of the dooms of the kobzar Ignat Goncharenko, the voices of Lesya Ukrainka and Ivan Franko. Therefore No wonder he is called the founder of Ukrainian musical ethnography.)
  • Kliment Lyovychkin ((1907 - 1984) Soviet diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary)
  • Klim Shomoev ((1930 - 2010) Soviet statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR (1987-1990))
  • Klim Zvezdin ((born 1989) Russian actor)
  • Klim Dmytruk (Galsky) (Ukrainian historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, author of numerous books about the Bandera underground and the Uniate Church)
  • Clement Iyer Smoot ((1884 - 1963) American golfer, champion of the 1904 Summer Olympics)
  • Sir Clement Efelstone Errindel ((1931 - 2011) statesman of Saint Kitts and Nevis, governor (1981-1983), governor general (1983-1995))
  • Clement (Clements) Robert Markham ((1830 - 1916) English geographer, explorer and writer. From 1863 to 1888 he served as secretary of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), and later remained president of the society for another twelve years. In this position, he (1901-1904) and helped launch the polar career of Robert Scott (Clement Markham was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.)
  • Clement Pemberton Daken ((1877 - 1969) British rugby player, silver medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
  • Clement Juglar ((1819 - 1905) French physician and statistician. He published articles in economic journals, later separate books were published. He made a significant contribution to the study of business cycles, named after him - Juglar cycles.)
  • Clement Duval ((1850 - 1935) French anarchist and criminal. His ideas of "individual compensation" influenced the formation of illegalism.)
  • Clement Mansfield Ingleby ((1823 - 1886) English philosopher and literary critic)
  • Clemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg-Beilstein ((1773 - 1859) Austrian diplomat from the Metternich family, Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1809-1848, chief organizer of the Congress of Vienna in 1815. He led the political reorganization of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. Known for his extremely conservative views He bore the titles of Imperial Prince (Furst) and Duke of Portalla. Author of valuable memoirs.)
  • Clemens Pirke ((1874 - 1929) Austrian pediatrician; proposed a diagnostic test for tuberculosis ("Pirke reaction"), and also introduced the concept of "allergy." environment, the term “allergy.” In 1907, Clemens proposed the use of tuberculin for skin tests to detect human infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.)
  • His Eminence Cardinal Count Clemens August von Galen ((1878 - 1946) German aristocrat, count, bishop, cardinal, blessed of the Roman Catholic Church. He became known for his open criticism of the Nazi policy of killing "useless", in particular the T-4 program. At that time At the same time, he adhered to extreme right and anti-communist views and considered it right to go to war with the Soviet Union and the Stalinist regime.The speeches of Bishop von Galen, together with the discontent of the population (primarily the relatives of patients who underwent euthanasia), forced Adolf Hitler to officially stop the T-4 program, which infuriated the Nazis.Martin Bormann advocated hanging the "rebellious bishop", while Goebbels opposed this decision, arguing that the execution would give von Galen the aura of a martyr and cause discontent among numerous Catholic believers both in Germany and abroad. His openly anti-Nazi sermons, Bishop von Galen acquired the name "Munster Lion". On September 14, 1941, two months after the start of Operation Barbarossa, Bishop von Galen delivered a sermon supporting the "campaign against the Bolshevik plague." After 1945, he criticized the actions of the Western Allies (including the devastating bombing of German cities, as well as the transfer of East Prussia to the Soviet Union and the expulsion of the Germans from there). He was elected an honorary citizen of the city of Münster. February 18, 1946 was appointed cardinal, died just a few days after returning from Rome. In January 2005, Pope John Paul II decided to beatify (blessed) Cardinal Count Clemens August von Galen. The beatification took place in October 2005, already under Pope Benedict XVI.)
  • Clemens Alexander Winkler ((1838 - 1904) German chemical technologist who discovered the chemical element germanium (1881), "strengthener" of D.I. Mendeleev's theory of periodicity)
  • Clemens Brentano de la Roche ((1778 - 1842) German writer and poet, along with Achim von Arnim, the main representative of the so-called Heidelberg romanticism. Brother of Bettina von Arnim.)
  • Clemens Kraus ((1893 - 1954) Austrian conductor. One of the most prominent performers of the music of Richard Strauss. Kraus was a friend of Richard Strauss and an outstanding performer of his music. He is the author of the libretto of Strauss's opera Capriccio. Kraus collaborated a lot with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra; to The tradition of the New Year's Concert in Vienna dates back to him.He also taught in Vienna, among his students is the Polish composer Alfred Gradshtein.)
  • Clemente Juan Rodriguez ((born 1981) Argentine football player, left back. Defender of the Argentina national team, in which he became the champion of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.)
  • Clemente Russo ((born 1982) Italian amateur boxer, two-time Olympic silver medalist in 2008 and 2012, world champion in 2007)

As the heroes of the old children's cartoon said: "Whatever you call a boat, that's how it will float." The proof of this was that, having named their yacht "Trouble", her crew constantly got into all kinds of trouble.

But it is one thing to choose a name for a type of transport or a building, and quite another to name a child, because the name given to him can determine his entire future fate. So before you decide how to name your baby, you must first study the history, features and origin of the chosen name.

Today, the tendency to call children by old names is again becoming relevant. One of them is Clement. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of the child are determined by some historical circumstances. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the future, parents who have opted for this name should carefully study all the information about it.

Clement: the meaning of the name

The name Clement (Klim, Clement) came to the Slavic languages ​​quite a long time ago. Today it is difficult to determine in which language it first appeared: in Greek or Latin.

In the language of the proud Hellenes, the meaning of the name Clement is "vine". But the invincible Romans in their speech had the word "Clemens", meaning "merciful / merciful." It is generally accepted that the name Clement and its various variants in Slavic and other languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world came from this word.

Origin of the name Clement (short forms Clement, Klim)

Despite the Latin-Greek origin and meaning of the name Clement, it came to the Slavs along with Christianity and quickly spread, becoming popular. However, rather soon, instead of the long name Clement, they began to use its abbreviated forms - Klim or Clement.

The appearance and spread of this name among the Slavs is associated with St. Clement. This man is widely revered among both Catholics and Orthodox. Being one of the most active distributors of Christianity in the Roman Empire, he became objectionable to the official authorities, and in order to stop him, Clement was exiled to the possessions of Rome near the Black Sea.

However, this did not stop the saint, and he continued his educational activities. So it was ordered to kill him. Having died a martyr's death, Saint Clement was buried in Chersonese. Over time, canonized. With the collapse of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity, the relics of Clement were divided. Some of them were sent to Rome, while others were left in Rus' and transported to Kievskaya

From the time of Yaroslav the Wise, Saint Clement began to be revered as the first protector of Rus', churches were opened in his honor and, of course, children were named. And not only boys, since the female version of this name appeared quite quickly - Clementine (Clementine).

Name Clement: the meaning of the name and fate

From early childhood, boys bearing the name Clement and its abbreviated variants are rather calm personalities, even slightly phlegmatic. Despite a flexible mind and a well-developed imagination, at Clementia's school, most often they study averagely or even poorly. It's all about lack of motivation. If parents from the very beginning of their studies will check and control the success of their child, Clement is even able to become an excellent student and achieve a lot.

The main "trump card" of people bearing this name is the ability to think calmly and with concentration. It helps Clement to cope well with mathematics and other exact sciences. Therefore, among the people bearing this name, there are many scientists, engineers and physicians.

It is worth noting that the name Clement is of great importance for a boy who decides to devote himself to sports. Since people with this name have excellent inclinations for this occupation, they allow Clement to achieve high sports achievements, as well as become excellent coaches.

Despite his sympathetic character, sometimes Clement often seems to the surrounding person to be callous, superficial and incapable of deep real feelings. But it's not. Having found his soul mate, he is capable of the most sincere and devoted love that will not fade for many years.

Clement does not tend to be cunning. Most often, such people are trusting, sincere. They are ready to give the last for the good of a loved one. Unfortunately, friends and relatives are not always able to appreciate the sacrifices of Clement. So the one who bears this name is quite often disappointed in people and with a huge circle of acquaintances, Clement does not have so many real friends.

Another pronounced character trait of Clement is a heightened sense of duty. Therefore, most of them are constantly torn between duties and their desires, as a result, it is not easy for them to build a personal life. So, naming your baby like that, it is worth remembering what is the meaning of the name Clement for the boy and the fate that it can decide for him.

Love and family relationships Klimentiev

Guys with this name get married quite late. Being inherently maximalists, they prefer marriage for love. In their opinion, the wife is obliged to love, understand, support her husband and fully share his interests. And finding such a life partner for Clement is not easy.

In the process of searching for the ideal wife, Clement is even able to divorce several times if he sees that the other half does not meet his high requirements. However, due to a heightened sense of duty, the decision to divorce is very painful and not easy for him. So, having divorced, he will come to his senses for a long time.

Clement rarely develops harmonious and lasting relationships with girls named Anna, Valentina, Daria, Larisa, Margarita and Varvara.

But Nina, Natalia, Lada, Ada, Lydia and Anfisa will become wonderful companions in family life for Clement.

Health of Clement

Having decided to name their child this way, parents should also consider the meaning of the name Clement for the child in terms of health.

People with it are quite energetic and have a strong nervous system. The weak point of Klimentii, as a rule, is vision and stomach. With a sedentary lifestyle, problems with the musculoskeletal system are possible. Following a healthy lifestyle, people with this name are able to surprise others with their longevity and excellent shape.

Talismans and secrets of the name Clement

Like all names, Clement has its own special secrets. For example, the meaning of the name Clement and its influence on the character of a person so named depends largely on the season in which he was born.

"Summer" Clement is a good-natured altruist, ready to give away his last shirt. “Autumn”, on the contrary, is focused and not inclined to waste his time, resources and attention on people who are not interesting to him.

Clement, born in winter, may have a penchant for alcoholism, but if he has a favorite business, he can avoid this vice. And the "spring" Clement is a fan of inventing something, a dreamer and a dreamer. However, sometimes this quality prevents him from achieving serious success in his chosen field.

The talisman stone of Klimentiev is chrysolite, the flower is gladiolus, the tree is maple, and the totem animal is falcon. The color for a boy with this name is purple and the ruling planet is Mars.

Name day of Clement

According to church tradition, Clement has several name days. First of all, this, of course, is the eighth of December, popularly called “Kliment's Day”.

Also, all Clements can celebrate the name day of the seventeenth of January, the fifth of February, the fifth and seventeenth of May, the ninth of August and the twenty-third of September.

The name Clement (Clement) in history

In addition to St. Clement and many popes of the same name, there were many other famous personalities with this name.

Among the Orthodox educators, famous church leaders and bishops, there are many who bore this name. Of these, the Bulgarian educator Kliment Ohridsky, the archimandrite of the Russian Church Kliment Mozharov and many others.

The name Kliment Timiryazev was given to a well-known Russian biologist, one of the first disseminators of the theory of evolution in the Russian Empire. It was he who was able to establish the mechanism of photosynthesis, and also conducted a lot of research in the field of ecology.

Short for Clement, worn by one of the first Marshals of the USSR, who showed himself remarkably well not only during the Civil War, but also in the Great Patriotic War.

Over time, the name Clement and its analogues also became surnames. For example, the Czech opera singer Vaclav Kliment, quite popular at the beginning of the twentieth century, wore a similar one.

Today, the famous football player of the German club Stuttgart, originally from the Czech Republic, bears the name Jan Kliment. And one of the most beautiful Russian actresses of our time, Ekaterina Klimova, has a surname derived from the name Klim.

The name Clement (Clement, Klim) came to our lands quite a long time ago, but has already managed to become native. Unfortunately, after the tragic events of 1917, this name began to rapidly lose its popularity. Perhaps this is due to the fact that for the majority it was associated with Christianity, which for many years they unsuccessfully tried to eradicate.

Fortunately, today the name Clement is back in fashion. Having chosen it for your child, you should pay attention to the features and meaning of the name Clement for its owner. At the same time, one should not forget that education also plays a huge role in shaping the personality.

The soft and pleasant-sounding name Klim fully corresponds to its interpretation - “kind”, “merciful”. Increasingly, parents so call newborns, but the peak of popularity came in 1999. The British, Americans, French also use other meanings, for example, "humane", "meek".

In ancient Rome, people were strictly divided into classes and assigned surnames with nicknames. Sometimes the child responded to the serial number under which he was born. It is believed that the name Klim did not exist then, and in circulation there was a cognomen (a kind of variation of the surname) Klementy. Most of the carriers of such a prefix were close to the imperial court or devoted their lives to serving in the church.

According to another version, this cognomen owes its origin to the Greek culture of ancient times. The second meaning of the name Klim is "vine". Later it took root among other peoples, mainly living on the territory of modern Europe.

The Slavs revered many saints who came to their lands from the Roman Empire. One of them was the apostle and bishop Clement I. Perhaps the cult of such personalities affected Klim in the Slavic states. In the Orthodox and Catholic church calendars, the corresponding name days are marked.

In turn, the name Klim served as the basis for new forms: Klimyata, Klimushka, Klimka. There are settlements with similar names.

Main character traits

At a young age boys named Klim are reserved. He has few friends, instead of communication, he prefers to spend time alone. The guy likes reading books, along with watching his favorite cartoons, more than gatherings in a noisy company.

Friends, if they appear, then in early childhood. At school, Klim's studies may suffer due to laziness. Parents have to monitor the child so that he continues his studies in sports or art sections.

Student named Klim gravitates towards the exact sciences, but does not miss the chance to get acquainted with interesting facts from other areas. Quickly loses interest, barely getting down to business. Can suddenly switch from one hobby to another.

The choice of a professional direction sometimes depends on a momentary desire. In the future, Klim is long and hard seeking promotion.

  • Shy and inactive, he always defends his own point of view.
  • The positive qualities of a man named Klim include honesty, good manners, lack of aggression.
  • Rarely speaks against adults when taught, but can show character after unfair punishment.
  • Their health is strong throughout their lives. Such people rarely complain of illness, not attaching great importance to their condition. With enviable ease endure physical activity.
  • Intelligence and good imagination are two essential features that accompany the name Klim. Occupying the position of a simple manager, they can write poems, come up with interesting plots for adventure novels.
  • Holidays are spent close to hometown.

Relationships with women

The vast majority of Klimov are pronounced jealous people. The slightest hint of treason sows suspicion in his head. This means that the chosen one should see herself from the side while communicating with the opposite sex.

Clemente Russo (Italian amateur boxer, two-time Olympic silver medalist, two-time world champion)

  • They prefer a calm style of clothing, acquire strict suits for work, and wear comfortable and practical things at home.
  • Choosing a wife can take a long time. Grooms named Klim pay attention to economic girls with a pleasant appearance. They are repelled by vulgarity, bright makeup, defiant behavior, excessive perseverance. Being monogamous, they are able to wait for their only one for years.

According to the opinions of a certain group of specialists, the name Klim is compatible with:

Prominent figures

Celebrities named Klim are known even by elementary school students. Among them are the great commander Voroshilov, the modern director Poplavsky. In literary works and cinema, it is worn by the main characters. Gorky's novel was called "The Life of Klim Samgin", which was based on a domestic series. Historical chronicles contain information about the advisers of emperors, great martyrs and rulers who wore derivative forms of the name Klim.

Zodiac signs, elements and other amulets

as a talisman in terms of value and effect, semi-precious chrysolite is suitable, creating protection from nightmares, protecting against damage to karma and all kinds of unrest. This stone also brings financial luck.

The name Klim also corresponds to coffee colors various shades.

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