The noun which. Noun declension patterns


MORPHOLOGY is a section of grammar that studies different aspects of a word: its belonging to a certain part of speech, structure, forms of change, ways of expressing grammatical meanings.

PARTS OF SPEECH are lexical and grammatical categories into which the words of the language fall apart due to the presence of

  1. a semantic feature (some general meaning that accompanies the specific lexical meaning of a given word),
  2. morphological feature (a system of grammatical categories specific to a given category of words),
  3. syntactic feature (features of syntactic functioning).

In Russian, independent and auxiliary words are distinguished.


Independent (significant) parts of speech are categories of words that name an object, action, quality, state, etc. or point to them and which have an independent lexical and grammatical meaning and are members of the sentence (main or secondary).

The independent parts of speech are:

  1. noun,
  2. adjective,
  3. numeral,
  4. pronoun,
  5. verb,
  6. adverb.

24. NOUN- this is an independent part of speech, which combines words denoting objects and animate beings (the meaning of objectivity) and answering the questions who? What? This meaning is expressed using the independent categories of gender, number, case, animateness and inanimateness. In a sentence, nouns mainly act as the subject and object, but they can also be other members of the sentence.

24.1. Discharges of nouns: common, specific, collective.

Depending on the lexical and grammatical features, nouns are divided into:

  • common nouns (names of homogeneous objects, actions or states): house, bed
  • own (names of single objects selected from a number of homogeneous ones - names, surnames, geographical names, etc.): Vanya Petrov, Pluto, Moscow;
  • concrete (they name specific objects and phenomena from reality): a boy, a station and abstract (abstract) (they call an object or sign abstractly from the agent or carrier of the sign): hatred, love, care;
  • collective (denoting a set of identical or similar individual items as one whole): students, sheet.

24.2. Lexicre-grammatical categories of nouns:

24.1. Animation-inanimate category: animate nouns denote living beings (humans and animals), and inanimate nouns - an object in the proper sense of the word, in contrast to living beings. This category is manifested in the declension of nouns, namely in the accusative case of the plural: the form of the accusative case of the plural of animate nouns coincides with the form of the genitive case, and of inanimate nouns with the form of the nominative case. For masculine nouns (except for -a, -я), the same thing happens in the singular.

The masculine gender is a variety of the gender category, characterized by a certain form change, and for animate nouns, the belonging to it of masculine creatures (father, cat, table, house).

Feminine gender is a kind of gender category, characterized by a certain form change, and for animate nouns - belonging to it of feminine creatures (mother, cat, bench, terrace).

There are nouns of the general gender that can be correlated with both masculine and feminine persons: slob, orphan, incognito, protégé.

The neuter gender is a variety of the gender category, characterized by a certain form change (partially coincides with the form change of the masculine gender) and the meaning of inanimateness (window, sky, sun);

24.2.3. Category of number: in Russian there is a singular form (denotes one parent in a series of homogeneous objects): chair, sock, boy, and a plural form (denotes an indefinite set of homogeneous objects): chairs, socks, boys.

The singular and plural differ in different endings, different compatibility with other parts of speech.

There are nouns that have only the singular form: some abstract nouns (love, care), collective nouns (leaves, students), proper names (Moscow, Siberia), some nouns denoting substance (milk, gold).

There are nouns that, on the contrary, have only a plural form: some abstract nouns (holidays, twilight), some nouns denoting a substance (soup, cream), the names of some games (chess, hide and seek), some concrete nouns that consist of several components (scissors, trousers);

24.2.4. Case category: this category is based on the opposition of case forms and denotes the relationship of the object denoted by the noun to other objects, actions or signs. There are six cases in Russian: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional.

24.3. Declension of nouns is a change of nouns by cases.

There are three declensions in Russian.

1 cl.
noun m.r. and cf.
on -a, -i

2 fold.
noun m.r. from zero. ending
dry cf. on -o, -e

from zero. ending


I.p. Mother. uncle
R.p. moms, uncles
D.p. mom-e, uncle-e
V.p. mum, uncle
etc. mom-oh, uncle-her
P.p. oh mom, oh uncle

house, window
house-a, windows-a
house-y, window-y
house, window
house-ohm, window-ohm
about the house, about the window

night and
night and
at night
about the night and


I.p. mothers. uncles
R.p. mom, uncle
D.p. mum-am, uncle-yum
V.p. mom, uncle
etc. mom-ami, uncle-ami
P.p. about mom-ax, about uncle-x

house-a, windows-a
houses, windows
house-am, window-am
window-a, house-a,
houses, windows
about house-ax, about windows-ah
night and
night and
about the nights

Notes: in masculine and neuter nouns, in which a vowel is written before the case ending and, in an unstressed position in P.p. the ending -i is written; for feminine nouns, this rule applies to D.p. and P.p.

I. p. militia, genius, blade
R.p. militia, genius, blade
D.p. militia, genius, blade
V.p. militia, genius, blade
etc. militia, genius, blade
P.p. about the police, about the genius, about the blade

For more information about difficult cases of writing the ending of nouns, see the "Spelling" section.

In the Russian language there are nouns with different declensions: these are 10 neuter nouns in -mya (flame, burden, time, udder, banner, seed, stirrup, shemya, tribe, name) - they decline with an increase in the suffix -en- in the singular in all cases , except for the instrumental, according to the 3rd declension, and in the instrumental case of the singular - according to the 2nd declension, in the plural they decline according to the 2nd declension; the words mother, daughter (inclined according to the 3rd declension with an increase -er-), way (inclined in all cases according to the 3rd declension and only in the instrumental - according to the 2nd), child (this word is now not used in indirect cases singular).

There are also indeclinable nouns (that is, they do not change for cases and numbers). Basically, they include words of foreign origin, which denote both inanimate objects (cafes, radios), and masculine and feminine persons (attache, lady); they can also represent animals (kangaroos, chimpanzees), given names and surnames (Helen Frankenstein), place names (Baku, Helsinki), etc.

24.4. Syntactic functions of nouns

In a sentence, a noun can be; any member:

  • subject: Mom goes to the store,
  • addition: I asked him to give me a book.
  • definition: Mom bought me a notebook with checkered paper.
  • Addendum: The Volga River is very beautiful.
  • circumstance: He got his way despite the difficulties.
  • predicate: My father is an engineer.

Definition of a noun:

A noun is a part of speech denoting an object and expressing the categorical grammatical meaning of objectivity in particular grammatical categories of animateness/inanimateness, gender, number and case. Nouns name objects in a broad sense, that is, not only specific objects of the surrounding reality, their aggregates or constituent parts, but also living beings, as well as actions and states in the abstract from their producers, properties and quantities in the abstract from their carriers. Consequently, the meaning of objectivity is an abstract grammatical meaning inherent in all nouns without exception.

Proper/common nouns:

Proper nouns denote the individual name of a particular subject. Basic grammatical feature proper nouns is the lack of change in numbers. For example, "Zhiguli", Alps have a grammatical form only in the plural, and "Artek", Moscow - only in the singular. Basic spelling feature proper nouns is to capitalize them. In literary texts and in speech, there is the use of proper nouns that have only the singular form, in the plural form. In this case, the noun ceases to denote an individual object, but acquires the meaning of a generalization of a phenomenon or objects or has an evaluative connotation, that is, it actually changes its semantics, for example: Vasya Ivanov - good man. The Ivanovs are going on vacation. In the first example - an individual nomination of the subject, in the second - the generalized name of the subject. In any case, opposition of proper nouns by number without changing the lexical meaning is impossible. Common nouns designate an object from a number of similar, homogeneous objects, concepts, substances. Basic grammatical feature is change by numbers if there are no semantic constraints; basic spelling feature is lowercase.

Animate/inanimate nouns:

The division of nouns into animate and inanimate, of course, is based on the semantic factor. However, in grammar absent the identity of the concepts "animate - inanimate" and "living - inanimate". Often biologically living objects are considered as grammatically inanimate, for example, oak, birch, spruce. And biologically inanimate objects are often considered as grammatically animated objects, for example, a dead person, a dead person, a doll, a robot, an idol, and many others. In addition, grammatical animation and inanimateness are characteristic only of specific nouns that can change in numbers.

It should be noted that the main factor in determining animateness or inanimateness in Russian is grammatical factor, namely - the coincidence of the endings of the nominative and accusative plural cases for inanimate nouns and the nominative and genitive plural cases for animate nouns. It should be noted that this method of determining grammatical animation/inanimateness is almost universal and does not present any difficulties for students. Among the many nouns there are those that show fluctuations in belonging to one of the categories, for example, some names of microorganisms or insects and fish. Many linguistic sources indicate that nouns like youth, students, people are inanimate nouns. It should be clarified that these nouns designate a set of biologically living objects, belong to the category of collective nouns that do not change in numbers, so it is impossible to establish their grammatical animacy/inanimateness. In our opinion, these and other nouns that do not have plural forms should not necessarily be included in any of the two categories, it is enough to indicate that they are outside of animate / inanimate according to the grammatical indicator, which, as noted earlier, is recognized by all linguists decisive factor.

Concrete and real nouns:

Suffice it to say that only specific nouns can change in numbers and be combined with cardinal numbers, since they denote a specific object, have, as a rule, a complete declension paradigm, and can be grammatically defined as animate or inanimate. Real nouns denote a substance, abstract - an abstract concept, collective - an object as a set, all of them cannot change in numbers and be combined with cardinal numbers, that is, they can be considered, which means they have an incomplete declension paradigm (it consists of only 6 members) and are beyond grammatical animation/inanimateness. Note, however, that the amount of a substance can be measured, so real nouns can be combined with words of measure, which does not change other characteristics of this category of words. So, the selection of all lexical and grammatical categories of nouns important for the systematic characterization of the noun, and, regardless of what is noted in each particular textbook of the Russian language and what is not noted, it is not worth neglecting the lexical and grammatical categories, in our deep conviction.

The category of gender for a noun is a classifying category. At all nouns, except for those that are always used in the plural, the grammatical gender is determined by the initial form. Just remember that nouns gender does not change. Different methods of determining the gender of inflected nouns and invariable nouns should be used.

Inflected nouns can have masculine and feminine forms and meanings, a neuter form, there are nouns of the general gender and those that are outside the gender category. The main indicator of the gender of inflected nouns is morphological, which is represented by two varieties: 1) for nouns that have a solid base and a zero ending or a soft base and a materially expressed ending in the paradigm (table, wall, earth, window, field), morphological indicator is the end of the nominative case singular: -а (-я) - for the feminine gender, zero ending - for the masculine, -о, -е - for the neuter gender. 2) for nouns that have a soft stem and a zero ending in the nominative case (stump, laziness) or a hissing stem (cloak, rye), indicator is the ending of the genitive case, since in the nominative case these nouns do not differ: stump, laziness, raincoat, rye.

Other indicators of gender for inflected nouns are semantic, derivational and syntactic. Semantic indicator used to distinguish the gender of nouns denoting males or females: mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather. In this case, the genus category has a nominative character.

Word-building indicator is used if the noun has a subjective assessment suffix: hostess, house, hare. To determine the gender of such nouns, it is necessary to discard the suffix of subjective evaluation and return to the generating stem: hare, hostess, house, and then turn to the morphological indicator of the gender. Students should pay attention to the ending of a noun with a subjective assessment suffix.

Syntax indicator allows you to determine the gender of nouns of the general gender in the text. It is known that in the Russian language there are nouns that can equally denote both male and female persons, that is, they can act in the meaning of both male and female gender, while the formal generic indicator refers them to the feminine gender. According to the lexical meaning of these nouns, it is not possible to determine a specific gender, since the meaning of any of the two genders can only appear in the context, hence the choice of the gender indicator is syntactic. One modified noun may have two or more indicators, and it is advisable to note this.

Invariable nouns are predominantly borrowed from different languages, do not have special gender indicators in Russian, since they do not have a stem and ending, therefore the most significant factor in determining their gender is semantic factor. Before determining the gender of invariable nouns, it is necessary to find out from explanatory dictionaries or from dictionaries of foreign words their lexical meaning in Russian. Attention should be paid to the fact that most nouns belong to the same gender, but there is a group of words that, while retaining their lexical meaning, can be used in two generic forms, for example: reserved seat and reserved seat, langoustilangusta, key and key, strong coffee and coffee strong, cuff and cuff. It is customary to say about these nouns that they have vibrations in the gender, and the forms themselves are called generic versions of the word. In case of difficulty in determining the gender of a noun, one should refer to dictionaries. Correctly determining the gender of a noun is very important, since the correct choice of syntactic forms consistent with the noun (adjective or verb in the past tense) in students' independent written works and their oral speech depends on this.

1. Define a noun.

A noun is an independent part of speech that answers the questions who? What? and denotes an object. Nouns can be animate and inanimate, proper and common nouns, belong to one of the three declensions or be heterogeneous. Nouns are declined, that is, they change in cases and numbers, but there are also indeclinable nouns. In a sentence, nouns can be any member, but more often subject and object.

2. What have you learned about declension and gender of nouns?

In addition to nouns of three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter), there are nouns of a common gender; it ends in -a and can refer to males and females: the bore Ira and the bore Pasha, the bully Olya and the bully Oleg.
The language has preserved a few words that decline differently than all other nouns. They are called dissimilar. These are nouns in -mya: time, stirrup, name, burden, banner, flame, tribe, seed, udder, and the word way. The word path is declined according to the 3rd declension, although it belongs to the masculine gender; only in T.p. has the form "path".
In nouns on -me in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases, the ending -and, in addition, in all indirect cases, the element -en- appears: Im-en-i.
In addition, we have learned to determine the gender of indeclinable nouns. Usually they are neuter, but some must be remembered: coffee - m.p., salami - f.r. If this is the name of a geographical object, then the genus must be determined according to the general concept: Tbilisi is a city (m.r.), which means Tbilisi is m.r.

3. In what nouns and in what cases in the singular are the letters I and E written in the endings?

For nouns of the 1st declension, -е is written in the dative and prepositional cases and -и(-ы) - in the genitive.
Nouns with 2 declensions and -e are written only in the prepositional case.
Nouns have 3 declensions, as well as nouns in –iya, -й, -е and dissimilar ones – and are written in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.

4. How are nouns formed?

In a prefixed way: true - not true;
suffix way: table - table;
prefixed-suffixal way: window - window sill;
in a non-suffixal way - run - run;
addition: steam + stroke - steamer, Russian Federation - RF;
transition from one part of speech to another: the student on duty is on duty.

5. How to distinguish a noun with the prefix non- from a noun with the particle not?

Nouns with a prefix are not written together. You can pick up a synonym for them without not.
Nouns with a particle are not written separately. It is impossible to find a synonym for them, or in the sentence there is a contrast with the union a.
Sometimes the word without non- is not used, then it is part of the root.
Misfortune (trouble; not - prefix). Not happiness, but grief (there is a contrast). Not November (can't find a synonym). Ignorant (without not not used).

6. How to distinguish the suffixes -ek- and -ik- in writing?

If the vowel drops out when changing the word, then this is the suffix -ek-, if it does not drop out - -ik-. Pocket - pocket; cucumber - cucumber.

7. Tell us about the spelling of the letters h and u in the suffix chik (-schik-).

The suffix -chik- is written after the consonants dt, zs and zh; in other cases it is necessary to write -schik-. For example: scout (after d), bricklayer (not after dt, ss, f).

8. How do we determine when to write about, and when e after nouns hissing in endings and suffixes?

After nouns hissing in endings and suffixes, it is written o, without stress - e. Dog - under stress; river - without stress.

Noun is a part of speech that names an object and answers questions "who what?". Nouns have a number of features with which you can classify all nouns by type.

The main features of the noun.

  • The grammatical meaning of a noun- the general meaning of the subject, everything that can be said about this subject: this What ? Or Who ? This part of speech can mean the following:

1) The name of objects and things ( table, ceiling, pillow, spoon);

2) Names of substances ( gold, water, air, sugar);

3) Names of living beings ( dog, person, child, teacher);

4) Names of actions and states ( murder, laughter, sadness, sleep);

5) The name of the phenomena of nature and life ( rain, wind, war, holiday);

6) Names of features and abstract properties ( white, fresh, blue).

  • Syntactic sign of a noun is the role it occupies in the sentence. Most often, a noun acts as a subject or object. But in some cases, nouns can also act as other members of the sentence.

Mother cooks delicious borscht (subject).

Borscht is prepared from beets, cabbage, potatoes and others vegetables (addition).

Beet is vegetable red, sometimes purple (nominal predicate).

Beet from the garden- the most useful (definition).

Mother- chef knows how to surprise his household at the table, mom- Friend able to listen and comfort (application).

Also, a noun in a sentence can act as appeals:

Mother, I need your help!

  • By lexical Nouns can be of two types:

1. Common nouns- these are words that mean general concepts or name a class of objects: chair, knife, dog, earth.

2. Proper names- these are words meaning single objects, which include names, surnames, names of cities, countries, rivers, mountains (and other geographical names), animal names, names of books, films, songs, ships, organizations, historical events, and the like: Barsik, Weaver, Titanic, Europe, Sahara and etc.

Features of proper names in Russian:

  1. Proper names are always capitalized.
  2. Proper names have only one number form.
  3. Proper names can consist of one or more words: Alla, Viktor Ivanovich Popov, "Loneliness in the Net", Kamensk-Uralsky.
  4. Titles of books, magazines, ships, films, paintings, etc. written in quotation marks and capitalized: "Girl with Peaches", "Mtsyri", "Aurora", "Science and Technology".
  5. Proper names can become common nouns, and common nouns can move into the category of proper names: Boston - Boston (a type of dance), though - the Pravda newspaper.
  • By type of item nouns are divided into two categories:

1. Animated nouns- those nouns that denote the names of wildlife (animals, birds, insects, people, fish). This category of nouns answers the question "Who?": father, puppy, whale, dragonfly.

2. Inanimate nouns- those nouns that refer to the real and answer the question "What?": wall, board, machine, ship and etc.

  • By value Nouns can be divided into four types:

Real- kind of nouns naming substances: air, dirt, ink, sawdust etc. This kind of nouns has only one form of number - the one that we know. If a noun is singular, then it cannot be plural, and vice versa. The number, size, volume of these nouns can be adjusted using cardinal numbers: few, many, few, two tons, cubic meter and etc.

Specific- nouns that name specific units of objects of living or inanimate nature: man, pole, worm, door. These nouns change in number and combine with numerals.

Collective- these are nouns that generalize many identical objects into one name: many warriors - an army, a lot of leaves - foliage etc. This category of nouns can exist only in the singular and cannot be combined with cardinal numbers.

Abstract (abstract)- these are nouns that name abstract concepts that do not exist in the material world: suffering, joy, love, grief, fun.

The noun is a very important and numerous part of speech. It is no coincidence that it is from the noun that schoolchildren begin to study morphology.

There is an assumption that the first words of the human language were nouns when it was still in its infancy.

A noun is a part of speech that refers to an object. In linguistics, the term "subject" refers to the widest range of phenomena.

It can be an actual object, a being, a phenomenon of nature or social life, a state, an abstract concept, etc.

Nouns are an extremely diverse and numerous part of speech. But recognizing a noun is quite simple, since all words related to this part of speech answer the questions “Who?” or "What?"

To demonstrate how diverse nouns can be in our language, here are some examples:

Words denoting the actual object, thing, object ( table, cabinet, computer, wall, toy ).

Creature. This group includes:

- words for a person man, woman, young man, old man );

- animals ( cat, bear );

- professions ( scientist, tractor driver, doctor );

- fictional creatures alien, centaur ).

Phenomena of nature and social life ( snowfall, frost, revolution ).

Names of substances and substances ( water, metal, jam ).

The names of abstract features, actions, states expressed in the objective form ( beauty, building, thirst );

Names of abstract concepts ( word, volume, form ).

Nouns have a number of grammatical categories.

Genus. In Russian, nouns are masculine ( knife, moose, boy ), female ( sister, village, station ) and average ( building, sun, child ) kind.

You can determine the gender of a noun by the gender of the word with which it is combined. For example:

My table. Bright marker. (masculine)

My book. Bright picture. (Feminine gender).

My village. Brilliant event. (Neuter gender).

In order to determine the gender of a noun, you need to put the word in the singular, since this category is not defined in the plural ( my tables - my books - my villages ).

A special group of nouns of the general gender is distinguished ( crybaby, orphan, sleepyhead ). The form of the word that is combined with such nouns in speech depends on the gender of the person they designate. For example: little crybaby (girl) - little crybaby (boy) .

Number. Nouns change in number. For example:

singular, plural

car, cars

birch, birches

tree, trees

There are nouns in Russian that are used only in the singular ( milk, chalk, potatoes ) or only in the plural ( ink, railings, watches, pants ).

Case. Nouns change by case. There are six cases in Russian: nominative (Who? What?), Genitive (Who? What?), Dative (To whom? What?, Accusative (Who? What?), Instrumental (Who? What?) and Prepositional (About ? About what?).

Changing a noun in cases and numbers is called declension. There are three types of noun declension. To determine the declension, you need to put the word in the singular form of the nominative case.

To the first inclination include masculine, feminine and common nouns ending in –а (-я). For example: soil, song, grandpa, uncle, bully .

To the second declension relate:

- masculine nouns with a zero ending ( horse, slope, sanatorium ) ending in –o ( house );

- neuter gender ending in –o (-e) ( field, village, building ).

To the third declension include feminine nouns with a null ending ( daughter, night, steppe ).

Heterogeneous nouns differ in that in various forms they have case endings inherent in different declensions. This group includes 12 words: time, stirrup, burden. udder, crown, flame, tribe, seed, name, banner, child, path .

Nouns of the same declension have the same type endings in the same case form. For competent writing, it is necessary to be able to correctly determine the declension of nouns.

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