Name Taras origin and meaning. Positive character traits bestowed on Taras


The male name Taras is of Greek origin. So the modern city of Taranto was called in ancient times, one of the ancient deities had the same name. The name Taras is most often translated as “troublemaker”, “confused”. Currently, it is considered Ukrainian, as it is very common in this country. In Russia, the name Taras is quite rare and not popular.

Characteristics of the name Taras

Phonosemantically, the name Taras gives the impression of something stubborn, fast. However, such a disposition is more typical for a small owner of this name, who really can be very smart, curious, restless, loving to scoff. At the same time, raising Taras is not very difficult, since this boy finds a way out of any controversial situation, prefers to solve his problems himself, without involving his parents in them. Adult Taras is more calm and sensitive. It is important for him to know that he is loved, so he will be very supportive of his parents and treat his family well. Often the owner of this name gives the impression of a person who is indifferent to everything and who is difficult to surprise. But still this is not so, because a spark is enough to ignite passion, stubbornness or cheerfulness in him. Taras tries to avoid society. He loves empty talk, and communicates only with those who are interested in him.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Taras is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, that is, from February 20 to March 20. Under the influence of this sign, Taras will be a creatively developed, calm or nervously energetic person who will strive for a rich life, but not always willing to fight for it. Also, Pisces will give the owner of this name great imagination, romance, devotion and unambitiousness.

Pros and cons of the name Taras

What are the positive and negative aspects that can be noted in the decision to name the child by the name Taras? On the one hand, this is a rare, sonorous, decisive name that can become the highlight of a man. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Taraska, Tarasik, Tarasushka. Yes, and the character of Taras is simple and unpretentious, making him a completely positive person. The only thing that parents may not like is the somewhat simple sound of this name.


Taras is in good health. In childhood, parents may be tormented by the fact that he constantly picks up infectious diseases, but with age this passes, and the owner of this name becomes a strong man, who, however, is sometimes disturbed by the digestive system and back.

Love and family relationships

In marriage, Taras will be happy next to a woman who is active and stronger in character. Since he does not like to do household chores, he will gladly give way to his wife as a leader in the family, and he will earn money himself. Nevertheless, Taras can be called a good husband, because he is compliant, non-confrontational, attentive to his wife, loves to spend time with children.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Taras is close to work, at least partially related to creativity. For example, he can work on television, beat an advertising designer, a website developer, a photographer, an architect. But also from the owners of this name a successful military man, mechanic, historian, driver, sailor can turn out.

name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Taras (in the church spelling Tarasy) celebrates his name day on March 10, March 22, June 20, August 15, October 25, and according to the Catholic calendar - February 25.

Taras is a person with a decisive, calm and purposeful character. He is distinguished by quick wit, accuracy and the ability to insist on his own, but he can give in if his inner instinct suggests this is necessary. The name Taras makes a man a pleasant conversationalist, he is friendly by nature, but can become a capricious egoist in moments of anger. Let us consider in more detail the meaning of the name Taras and the fate of the owner in different periods of life.

The origin of the name Taras is connected with the culture of ancient Rome and the word "Taurus". Another version of the origin of the name is Greek. According to her, the name comes from the Greek "Tarasios". And it was from Greek that the Romans borrowed the form of the name, changing its meaning. Over time, this option was transformed into Tarasius and came to the territory of Russia with the spread of Christianity.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Taras is translated from Greek - "restless". The Roman interpretation translates it as "calf".

What does the name Taras mean by individual letters:

  • T - sensitivity, irascibility, arrogant character, creativity, strong intuition, demanding attitude towards oneself and others.
  • A - the desire for strength and power, energy, the desire for professional and spiritual development.
  • P - decisive character, diligence, ability to analyze events, loyalty to principles.
  • C - zeal for power and constancy, material well-being, demanding character.

The numerological meaning of the name is "5". "People-five" - ​​soft with a kind character, active, sociable, for which they are appreciated by others. They are positive and independent, do not take advice, preferring to rely on their own experience. They love movement and a good rest, which does not always have to take place with a large number of people.


The meaning of the name Taras gives the boy activity and mobility from childhood. Among other guys, he behaves in the most calm way and tries not to upset his parents. Taras is very attached to his mother and perceives her as his best friend, sharing experiences or grievances. The boy is distinguished by shyness and suspiciousness. He has a sense of justice and responsiveness, he is always happy to help and is very good-natured.

Taras will always apologize if he does something wrong, but if he was offended for no reason, he will show unchildish determination and express everything to the offender in person. Even at a young age, he is self-willed. The boy is very creative and has a great imagination. At school, he does not experience any particular problems with either exact subjects or the humanities. Taras studies with great interest and constantly reaches for new knowledge.

Adult Taras is not much different from the young one, he is just as hardworking, decent and accurate, his stubbornness is almost impossible to break. Growing professionally, achieving personal victories and goals, he becomes more confident and begins to treat himself with due respect. Perseverance can play both a positive role and push the environment away if it is not controlled. Taras does not understand jokes about himself and they make him very angry.

In a career, a man advances smoothly, without tangible sharp drops. The ability to find a common language with people helps him well for professional purposes, in addition, he knows how to earn and save money.

In love, he manifests himself as a charming, sensual partner, knows how to please women, attract and conquer them. Quiet homebodies, ready to obey their spouse in everything, do not attract a man with this name. He will pay attention to an independent and independent girl, the same as himself. In the family, he manifests himself calmly and non-conflict, he shifts household duties entirely onto the shoulders of his wife, but occupies the main position in the house.

He prefers to take on the material side of family life, knows how to save money, sometimes this desire comes to outright stinginess. He loves children, knows how to communicate both with his own and with strangers. If his chosen one already has a child or even several, this is not a big problem for him.


The character of Taras depends on the season of birth:

  • "Winter" Taras is distinguished by energy and activity, kindness and sociability, but he cannot be called frivolous. He is ambitious and loves to work.
  • Taras, born in springtime, is smart, self-sufficient, stubborn, gambling and romantic. Vulnerable, sometimes selfish and emotional.
  • "Summer" is a dreamy dreamer with an optimistic character. Does not accept criticism, always defends his own opinion.
  • Taras, born in autumn, has a difficult character. A cheerful disposition does not prevent him from losing his temper from time to time, becoming aggressive.

The nature of the name according to the sign of the Zodiac:

  1. Aries - knows how to prudently assess the situation and learn from the mistakes made. Hard work helps him stubbornly achieve the intended goal.
  2. Taurus is serious, responsible, really looks at things, makes decisions with the mind, and not in a fit of emotions. He carefully hides his own vulnerability from others.
  3. Gemini - he is distinguished by charm, friendliness, eccentricity and directness. This set of qualities complicates his relationship with other people. Girls love him, but he is in no hurry to connect his life with one woman.
  4. Cancer is a changeable and unpredictable dreamer in actions. This is not an adult child who needs protection even in adulthood.
  5. Leo is arrogant, does not recognize the presence of someone else's opinion. Mistakes cannot make him give up.
  6. Virgo - erudition and erudition makes him an interesting conversationalist. Kind, open, sympathetic, creatively gifted man.
  7. Libra - a cheerful character, love for noisy companies and sociability provides him with a huge number of acquaintances and friends.
  8. Taras-Scorpio is demanding, emotional and unrestrained. During an attack of anger, he does not follow the words, which offends loved ones.
  9. Sagittarius is a manipulator who knows how to position his person in a favorable light. To the environment, he is a sweet and pleasant person.
  10. Capricorn is a purposeful, active, work-obsessed man. Work activity takes all his strength, leaving no time for rest and relationships. He knows how to get out of the most difficult situation.
  11. Aquarius is tactful, diplomatic, which does not prevent him from managing the environment and situations. Knows how to prioritize and quickly rises through the ranks.
  12. Pisces - kind, friendly and shy, prefers to notice only good features in others. He is cheerful, naive and changeable.

name day

Name day of Taras:

  • 25 February;
  • March 9, 10;
  • 26 of May;
  • June 20;
  • August 15;
  • the 25th of October.

Name color

The lucky color of Taras is red. He personifies the impetuosity of action, emotionality, decisive character, jealousy, passion.

name flower

Taras' talisman plant is a catchment area. In Norway, this flower is a symbol of the goddess of love, Freya. Considered clownish in some cultures because of its shape. In Christian culture, the flower is a symbol of the holy spirit.

church name

The church name of Taras is Tarasy.

Name translation in different languages

In English and Czech, the name Taras is written using the transcription Taras. There are two forms for the Belarusian, Bulgarian and Ukrainian languages ​​- Taras and Tarasiy.

Full name, abbreviated, affectionate

Locked and affectionate forms of the name Taras:

  • Tarasik.
  • Tarasca.
  • Tarasonka.
  • Tarasochka.


Patronymic for a boy on behalf of Taras - Tarasovich. Names for son:

  • Vyacheslav.
  • Demyan.
  • Matthew.
  • Timothy.
  • Fedor.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Stanislav.
  • Ruslan.
  • Egor.

The patronymic for the girl is Tarasovna. Names for daughter:

  • Victoria.
  • Valeria.
  • Arina.
  • Olga.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Christina.


Compatibility of the male name Taras with female names:

  1. C - excellent relationships based on trust and tranquility, a strong family.
  2. Uliana and Taras are looking for something that will unite them, whether it be common interests or passion, there is love here, but it does not absorb them entirely.
  3. Paired with Anastasia, there is excellent mutual understanding and constant support for each other, there are practically no quarrels here.
  4. With Catherine in the relationship there are constant clarifications. Both partners are very emotional, but quick-witted and quickly put up. The couple has excellent sexual compatibility and enough mutual understanding for a strong union.
  5. With Olga - an ideal union, despite the constant ardent clarifications. It's just that both partners are very passionate and independent. Yes, and quarrels most often end in violent reconciliation.
  6. Diana and Taras will converge slowly and carefully, and there is no particular passion between the partners.

How to decline

Declension of the name Taras by cases:

  • In the nominative and accusative - Taras.
  • In the genitive - Taras.
  • In the dative - Taras.
  • In the creative - Taras.
  • In the prepositional - Taras.

Notable people with this name

Notable people named Taras:

  1. Shevchenko - a former serf who became a thinker, poet and artist. One of his most famous works is the poem "Katerina". After it was written, a portrait of the same name was also created. The satirical poem "Dream" led him to exile.
  2. Bidenko - Ukrainian heavyweight boxer.
  3. Bulba - Colonel, one of the heroes of the famous story of Gogol.

Taras can take place as a journalist or writer. He loves areas of activity in which there is healthy competition. It will also make a good military man, sailor, teacher or doctor.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Taras

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The name Taras, which is not the most common in modern Russia, is of Greek origin. Its first form, which was used in Greece, was the word Tarasios. Subsequently, the name changed into such a form as Tarasius, which subsequently migrated to the newly adopted Orthodox culture. In Russian, Tarasy has changed to Taras, familiar to us. Translation from Greek - "Restless, rebel, troublemaker."

Of those qualities for which the surrounding people value and love Taras, his determination and rebellious will stand out. In society, he always strives to be individual and original. In any team, he quickly takes a leadership position. A combination of unusual qualities attracts attention to him - suspiciousness and the ability to instantly make strong-willed decisions.

Spoil the picture of his constant internal experiences based on doubts. Also, the people around him do not always find his jokes funny - he generally has problems with a sense of humor.

He also tends to be overly assertive, as he actively seeks self-assertion. He himself is inclined to believe that his phlegm, detachment and gloom put him in the light of an independent person and cause respect, but they can repel people.

The male name Taras has various derivative and abbreviated forms. Short variants of the name are as follows: Tarasco, Tarasik, Taraska, Tarasichok, Tarasio, Tarasunya.

The patronymic of the children is Tarasovich and Tarasnovna.

Also this name has two Greek synonyms - Tarasius and Tarasios.

Character of Taras

From an early age, he believes that something more is destined for him than for other people, and he is waiting for his finest hour, preparing for great achievements. Only over the years does he realize that they require appropriate circumstances and hard work on his own personality. The most suitable professions for him are military service, medicine or rescue work.

Tarasik's will is unusually strong and strong, and his thinking is unconventional and even paradoxical, thanks to which none of the people around him manage to subordinate him to their influence. He perceives failures calmly, however, he is not too happy about victories, as he understands that his stubbornness can lead him to any goal.

Deprived of the ability to calculate the situation for many moves ahead. However, the complicated and complex cases that have developed at the moment are resolved in one or two actions. An inexorable truth-teller, expressing to others everything that he thinks. This is not always pleasant for his friends and relatives, but everyone is sure that he is not evil.

Often very talented, but does not know how to realize it. Goes to the goal in a direct way, does not look for loopholes. This man is laconic, but he will always find the right approach to an interesting person for himself. He loves women and women love him. There is always a leader in the family.

What fate awaits Taras

As a child, Tarasik will be active and mischievous. To a greater extent, it will please parents, entertain and amuse them. This child will have exceptional resourcefulness, which will allow him to successfully extricate himself from various situations caused by his mischief.

He prefers to keep his parents away from their affairs, so they often see their son only in an ideal light. In the process of growing up, rash acts and mischief in him become less and less. Discretion and balance are at the forefront.

In studies, he will show success, both in the exact sciences and in the humanitarian sphere. It will also contain a developed creativity, which parents need to reveal, make the child believe in himself and give him the opportunity for self-realization. In the chosen business, he will be able to achieve considerable success.

Adult Taras will be in good health, but such a picture will not develop immediately. In childhood, due to weak immunity, he will often get sick, and also his mischievous nature creates the risk of various injuries, however, these problems will be eliminated with age.

Taras will be distinguished by high vitality and good sports inclinations. If, for some purposes, the resources inherent in him by nature are not enough, he will achieve his goal through stubbornness. The ability to fight to the last more than once to help him out during his life.

Various characteristics of Taras

It is worth noting that Tarasik rarely advertises his strong-willed qualities and unbending character. For his enemies, such personality traits become a surprise that can confuse, and they pleasantly surprise friends.

  • The patron planet is Uranus;
  • Animal talisman - crucian carp;
  • Zodiac sign - Pisces;
  • The color of the name is red;
  • Talisman tree - elm;
  • Mascot plant - catchment area;
  • Talisman stone - topaz.

Twice a year Taras celebrates the day of the angel - March 10 (in honor of the Patriarch of Constantinople - Tarasius, who built many churches and hospitals), and June 20 (in honor of the holy martyr Tarasius).

Taras in work, family and love

In work, a man named Taras is able to show maximum dedication at the initial stage of a newly started business. However, such a fighting spirit may weaken over time if Taras doubts the need to bring the work to its logical conclusion.

Passion for boxing, wrestling and other power sports from an early age occupy the mind of Tarasik, so it makes sense for him to try himself in the military or rescue field. Taras will also make an excellent coach. However, this man can choose any profession in which assertiveness and courage can be applied.

In love, Taras will be happy with such a woman who, firstly, is able to take the initiative, and secondly, will endure his difficult character. Decisive and strong-willed in all areas of life, in matters of romantic relationships, he can hesitate and doubt for a long time.

Most likely, the wife will also have to deal with household chores. However, Taras will remain the head of the family - he will make the most important and correct decisions. His wife will need the ability to admire him and obey him. Also, this man carefully monitors the spending of money of all family members, avoiding waste.

Taras - "confusing" (Greek)

Mobile and stubborn child. He will always act in his own way, so it’s better not to waste time on instructions and explanations - he will listen silently, he may even nod, as if he agrees, but he will move towards the goal set by him.

There are many smart and talented people among the Taras, but they do not always develop the activity necessary to realize their potential. Fearing potential difficulties, Taras is reluctant to get involved in new business. He has many ideas that he shares with others, since he himself is not able to bring them to life. Ambition is not strongly developed, which also hinders his practical success. In particular, this applies to situations where you need to agree on something, get something, “knock it out”, etc.

He has few close friends, he is more immersed in the world of his own experiences than in the events surrounding him. If Taras really needs a person, he will find an opportunity to get to know him closely, but he will be reluctant to do this. He is laconic, likes to spend his free time watching TV, reading books.

He needs a wife who could make up for his natural lack of initiative and hard work. He, one might say, flourishes as a family man, if the wife turns out to be a practical woman and takes over

most of the household chores. Taras, in this case, will completely immerse himself in making money, and his participation in household chores will be reduced mainly to controlling his wife's expenses. At the same time, he shows pettiness and stinginess. Often marries divorced women, children from his first marriage do not stop him. Drinks a little. When drunk, he is usually not aggressive.

He is prone to colds, has a weak stomach, and is often prone to injury.

"Winter" Taras is closed, silent.

"Autumn" - purposeful, active, energetic. Can work as a doctor in a sanitary and epidemiological station, a dentist, a teacher. The name is suitable for patronymics: Ilyich, Kimovich, Petrovich, Nikitovich, Pavlovich, Ivanovich.

"Summer" - mobile, active.

"Spring" - vulnerable, touchy. He is a journalist, teacher, translator, trainer. The name is suitable for patronymics: Eduardovich, Sergeevich, Stanislavovich, Olegovich, Ernestovich, Feliksovich.

The meaning of the name Taras option 2

Ancient Greek origin, means: restless, rebel, troublemaker.

Taras in childhood is mobile and stubborn. He will always act in his own way, so it is better not to waste time on instructions and explanations - he will listen silently, maybe even nod his head in agreement, but will stubbornly move towards his goal.

There are many smart and talented people among the Taras, but they do not always have enough activity to realize their abilities. Fearing potential difficulties, they are reluctant to take on new cases. Taras has a lot of ideas that he shares with others, since he himself cannot bring them to life. He has insufficiently developed ambition, and this also hinders practical success.

Taras has few close friends, he is more immersed in the world of his own experiences than the events of the world around him, but if he really needs a person, he will find an opportunity to get to know him closely, but he does it as if reluctantly. Taras is laconic, he likes to spend his free time watching TV, reading books.

Taras needs a wife who could compensate for his natural lack of initiative and diligence. It can be said that he will flourish as a family man if the wife turns out to be a practical woman and takes on most of the household chores. Taras, in this case, will be completely engaged in earning money, and his participation in household chores will be reduced mainly to controlling his wife's expenses. At the same time, it can show pettiness and stinginess. Often marries divorced women, children from his first marriage do not stop him. Drinks a little.

Marriage with Daria, Elena, Zinaida, Claudia, Nelly, Yulia, Martha may turn out to be unfavorable.

The meaning of the name Taras option 3

Taras- from Greek. to confuse, disturb, old. Tarasy.

Derivatives: Taraska, Asya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Our Taras is no worse than you.
  • He's talking about Taras, and he's a hundred and fifty.
  • Married Taras, did not ask us.
  • Taras eats gingerbread a lot, but Filat is happy with porridge.
  • March 10 - Tarasius the kumoshnik: from now on they don’t sleep during the day, otherwise the kumakh will attack, that is, fever.


Taras is a multi-talented person, smart, but the lack of strong will, organization and healthy ambition prevents him from achieving full success. Taras is a generator of ideas, but he can only realize them with the help of more active and purposeful people. In general, outward brilliance and bustle attract little Taras, he prefers to think, dream, read alone. The world of his own experiences and dreams seems to him more interesting than boring reality. He doesn't even want to waste time talking. Naturally, he has few friends, but those that do appreciate the wealth of his soul. Some kind of strong impulse is needed in order to give out the “mineral resources” of his nature to the mountain.

The meaning of the name Taras option 4

TARAS- troublemaker (Greek).

Name days: March 10 - Saint Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople; helped the poor, built many monasteries and hospitals (IX century). June 20 - Holy Martyr Tarasius, suffered for the faith of Christ at the hands of the pagans.

  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • Planet - Uranus.
  • Color - red.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • Treasured plant - catchment.
  • The patron of the name is crucian.
  • Talisman stone - topaz.


Among the Taras there are many smart and talented people, but they lack the activity to realize their abilities. Being afraid of potential difficulties, he is reluctant to take on new cases. He has many ideas that he shares with others, because he himself cannot bring them to life. He has insufficiently developed ambition, and this also hinders practical success. Taras has few close friends, he is more immersed in the world of his own experiences than in the events of the world around him. Taras is laconic, he likes to spend his free time alone, reading, thinking. Something extraordinary must happen for Taras to show his energy.

The meaning of the name Taras option 5

Taras is persistent. He always does everything at his own discretion, not paying attention to advice and persuasion. In his address, you can often hear that he is "stubborn as a donkey." In childhood, very mobile; he needs an eye and an eye. He is often talented, but he does not always manage to realize his talent.

Even at the time of his early childhood, it is desirable for mentors to determine his talent in order to help in choosing the right profession. He should be instilled with diligence, which Taras has not been endowed with since childhood. In the case of an incorrectly chosen profession, Taras has a complex of a loser, an underestimated, infringed person. This can ruin his life and future. In everyday life, he is so lazy that his mother simply cannot count on the help of her son. As a husband, he is unreliable, incapable of noble impulses; most often spends time watching TV. He loves himself more than anything in the world; this is not bad - to some extent, but not in excess, then he will not be able to surround himself with devoted friends. However, in business contacts, it can be indispensable. Parents! Choose! What's better? In some cases, pettiness is manifested in the character of Taras; the tendency to hide money from the family - it would be good for good purposes, otherwise it’s just out of greed.

He often marries a woman with a child. Usually sons appear in this marriage. Taras treats everyone - both his own and other people's children - equally, he does not single out anyone; his only drawback in relation to them is that he requires his wife to raise them, and boys need fatherly attention.

Name day of Taras

Name day of Taras 10, 22 March; 26 of May; June 20; August 15; the 25th of October. Saints: Tarasy Glushitsky, reverend, hegumen; Tarasius of Lycaon; Tarasius, martyr; Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople.

The meaning of the name Taras

Taras means "rebel, rebel" (this is a translation of the name Taras from ancient Greek).

origin of the name Taras

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Taras with its origin. The history of the name Taras has Greek roots. It came from an ancient Greek name???????? (Tarasios), which translates as "rebel, rebel." There is another less common version of the origin of the name Taras - the name comes from the name of the city of Taras in Great Greece (now the Italian city of Taranto). The city got its name in honor of Taras, the son of the god Poseidon and the nymph Satyrion.

What does the name Taras mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Taras according to B. Khigir, the bearer of this name has a strong will, non-standard, somewhat paradoxical thinking, and is not amenable to other people's influence. Stubborn, resistant to failures, accepts them as smoothly as victories, but does not know how to calculate the situation for many moves ahead. Taras solves complicated cases in one fell swoop, cuts the truth in the eyes and it is not very pleasant for others, but everyone knows that he does not hold a stone in his bosom. Often Taras is very talented, but not always able to realize his potential. To achieve this goal is a direct and far from the easiest way.

Sociable, does not fit into the usual stereotypes, so many are disappointed in him. It must be accepted as it is, and then you will not regret your patience. He is often pursued by someone else's envy, but enemies are clearly afraid of Taras. He has few close friends.

Taras is laconic, but he will always find an approach to the right person. Not ambitious, reluctant to take on a new business. He willingly shares his ideas with others, although he himself is often deprived of the opportunity to realize them.

He loves women and is loved by them. There is a leader in the family, the wife will have to adapt to him. Homebody. He loves children, but his love is not expressed at all in indulging their whims, Taras is quite severe with children. He considers sex as a means of satisfying love passion, considers it useful for health and peace of mind, and painfully perceives the slightest setbacks. Taras's wife needs to show maximum patience, tact and delicacy.

Characteristics of the name Taras according to N. Zagovorova

According to the description of the name Taras by N. Zagovorova, the man who bears this name is stubborn, even stubborn: having once decided to achieve success in any business, he immediately sets to work and is almost impossible to stop. However, he can spend much more time on achieving the goal than common sense requires: after all, Taras always acts too straightforwardly, without resorting to any kind of diplomacy, and in the modern world one often has to look for a reasonable compromise in everything.

The defiant straightforwardness of Taras can give rise to problems in communicating with women, can create a difficult situation at work and in the family circle. The nature of the name Taras is such that the bearer of this name is rather proud, perceives criticism painfully; if it weren’t for natural humor, Taras’s touchiness and explosiveness would reach unprecedented heights, and it would be too difficult to communicate with him.

Derivatives of the name Taras

Variants of the name Taras: Tarasy.

Diminutive name Taras: Taraska, Tarasik, Asya.

Name Taras in different languages

  • Name Taras in English: Taras.
  • Name Taras in Ukrainian: Taras, Tarasiy.
  • Name Taras in Belarusian: Taras, Tarasij.
  • Name Taras in Czech: Taras (Taras).
  • Name Taras in Bulgarian: Taras, Tarasy.

Famous Taras:

  • Taras Bidenko is a Ukrainian professional boxer in the heavyweight category.
  • Taras Dmitrievich Borovets - Ukrainian nationalist, leader of the so-called Bulbovites.
  • Taras Ivanovich Franko - Ukrainian Soviet writer.
  • Taras Vyacheslavovich Chernovol is a Ukrainian politician.
  • Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko is a Ukrainian and Russian poet and prose writer, artist. The literary heritage of Shevchenko is considered the basis of Ukrainian literature and, in many respects, the modern literary Ukrainian language.
  • Taras Anatolyevich Shelest is a Russian football player, midfielder.
  • Taras Fedorovich is the hetman of the Zaporozhye non-registered Cossacks, an active participant in the struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from Polish rule.
  • Taras Yuryevich Khtey is a Russian volleyball player, finishing player, captain of the Lokomotiv-Belogorye team, player of the Russian national team.
  • Taras Nikolaevich Stepanenko is a Ukrainian football player, midfielder of the Shakhtar club (Donetsk).
  • Taras Volodymyrovych Mikhalyk is a Ukrainian football player, the central defender of Dynamo Kyiv and the national team of Ukraine.
  • Taras Bogdanovich Prokhasko is a modern Ukrainian prose writer, one of the leaders of the Stanislav phenomenon.

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