Indian appearance. A woman in India is one step below a dog.


India is a country with an incredible history and unique original culture. The special flavor of this nation has long fascinated and captivated the minds of Europeans. A separate place in the list of India's wealth is occupied by the fair sex, born in this state. look mysterious and mystical. From the inhabitants of any other countries, they are distinguished by a special become, some kind of inner strength and definitely bright and rich outfits. Let's try to figure out what we all should learn from them and what secrets "Indian beauty" consists of.

Traditions in clothes

Indian women pay special attention to their appearance. A knowledgeable person can determine the status, social status and religious affiliation of the fair sex in national dress standing in front of him only by her appearance. The basis of the wardrobe of any woman who respects traditions is the sari - a unique garment made from a large fabric that is fixed according to the figure. For Indian women, such an outfit has a deep meaning. The sari is usually made for a particular lady, the patterns on it tell about her life and worldview. Such clothes in themselves are quite practical - it is not difficult to take care of them, it is easy to store them. Usually, girls are taught the skill of wearing and winding a sari from the age of 12.

Bright details of the image

Indian women wear a lot of jewelry. Gold and precious stones are especially honored. Bracelets are worn on both hands, there should be a lot of them, and when moving, they should ring and shimmer in the sun. A popular decoration is a nose piercing. A ring is worn in the puncture, and by its location it is possible to understand from which region the woman is from. If the piercing is in the left nostril, we have a native of the north, and if in the right - a southerner. Rings for toes are considered another national decoration-amulet. However, today they are worn mainly in the villages. But ankle bracelets and necklaces around the neck are chosen by many ladies.

Appearance of an Indian woman and marriage

One glance at a woman from India is enough to understand whether she is married or not. Traditionally made and proudly worn usually after the wedding. We all know that Indian women should have a dot on their forehead. But in young girls it is located between the eyebrows, and in married women it is higher. Another important sign of marriage is the ring on the middle toe. However, this tradition is gradually fading into the past.

In addition, married women dye parting on their heads. There is another interesting tradition: during the wedding, the groom ties a special necklace around the neck of his chosen one - a thali. It symbolizes the unity of spouses and the magical protection that a woman gives to a man. However, it is not customary to wear a waist for show, on the contrary, for the sake of the well-being of her husband, a lady should hide him from prying eyes.

Indian beauty ideals

It sounds paradoxical, but not all Indian women are satisfied with their appearance. While we think that beauties in saris are the most beautiful women in the world, Indian women have their own ideals and strive to live up to them in every possible way. So, in the first place in the list of signs of "real" beauty for these ladies is white skin. Indeed, not all Indians are swarthy; residents of the northern regions can boast of a completely “Slavic” appearance. They have light eyes, white skin,

And it is precisely such external data that are considered signs of higher castes. And therefore, many natives of the southern provinces, who have swarthy skin, whiten it in every possible way with the help of modern cosmetics. Modern India in many ways remains true to its traditions. For example, despite fashion trends from European countries, a feminine figure with rounded shapes is held in high esteem here. A few folds at the waist for an Indian woman are a matter of pride, not extra centimeters. Provided that they do not interfere with graceful movement and walking with a perfectly straight back.

How do Indian women live?

In India, there is still a rigid social stratification, reinforced by the difference in observed traditions in different families and the diversity of religious beliefs in society. And yet, to a greater extent, patriarchy flourishes here. Marriages are still concluded by agreement of the relatives of the newlyweds. Often the bride and groom hardly know each other before the wedding. The attitude towards women is ambivalent, on the one hand, they are revered and surrounded by care from childhood, on the other hand, it is believed that the main task of the fair sex is to become a good wife and mother. In wealthy families, women are not supposed to work, and all their hobbies come down to raising children and communicating with relatives. But at the same time, housework and helping her husband in his professional activities are not considered serious work.

India today

Beautiful Indian women have long declared themselves to the world. Residents of this country win high-profile titles in world beauty contests, act in films and perform on stage. They are still far from European feminists, but today there are many Indian women who are striving to build a career or are engaged in creativity. Modern India provides its women with enough opportunities for self-realization. Often, the fair sex even receives the approval and help of their family if they want to go into business or politics. As for appearance - in large cities you can increasingly see girls in jeans and T-shirts or ladies in their prime in business attire. However, traditional saris and jewelry are always in the wardrobe of these “new” Indian women and are taken out of the closet on especially solemn occasions.

The most beautiful women in the world reveal their secrets

Each country has its own folk recipes for health and beauty, and they are in India. And thanks to the belated development of the local cosmetic industry, many of them have been tested for generations and are actively used today. Let's start with nutrition. A feature of Indian cuisine is the abundance of spices and spicy food. According to many local actresses and dancers, it is pepper that allows them to keep their harmony and beauty. And this interesting fact is confirmed by scientists. Indeed, this spice stimulates metabolic processes and prevents the accumulation of excessive body fat. But be careful - the abuse of spicy foods can lead to serious problems with the digestive system.

A simple and cheap secret for a beautiful face: accustom yourself to washing with cold water. This is an excellent exercise for blood vessels and a natural way to narrow down. Many Indian women use food in their personal care. Fresh fruits and vegetables, spices and herbs, as well as natural oils are the components of masks, homemade creams and skin scrubs that are popular in this country. This is one of the rules of Ayurveda - effective cosmetics are obtained only from what can be eaten.

The envy of many is caused by the chic curls of Indian beauties. The main secret is a daily head massage and the rejection of the use of chemical coloring agents. Indeed, many Indian women still prefer to prepare even decorative cosmetics on their own from natural products. If the hair does not grow well, and the skin begins to peel off, you should use coconut oil. It is simply applied with massage movements to areas of the body that need additional nutrition, or to the entire length of the curls.

Folk beauty recipes from India

Not only makes her so beautiful and charming. All the fair sex take care of themselves in the same way as their peers around the world. You can prepare a scrub for the face and the whole body from dry green peas. The grains should be ground with a coffee grinder, and then diluted with water to a creamy consistency. This composition is applied to the skin with massage movements, and then washed off with water.

Turmeric spice is found in many cosmetic recipes. However, it must be used with caution. The thing is that turmeric is a persistent natural dye and for this reason is only suitable for dark skin. Consider one emollient for the skin: bran is taken for a glass of milk. A pinch of turmeric is added to the mixture. The finished composition is applied to the entire body before the bath.

What should we learn from Indian women?

Indian culture is incredibly popular today. Often, outfits reminiscent of saris and national motifs of this country appear on the world's fashion catwalks, which are guessed in the jewelry and make-up of models. An Indian married woman has the right to draw or stick a special point on her forehead - a bindi. Today, many Russian women wear such jewelry at themed parties or just to create an interesting image.

Mehendi - henna drawings on the body, which last from several days to 2 weeks, have recently gained particular popularity in our country. Jewelry made in India is also popular with ladies all over the world and is often worn with the most casual clothing. Women of India for the entire period of the development of civilization have come up with many interesting and beautiful items of clothing and accessories. So let's say "Thank you" to them! and let's hope that the influence of European culture will not kill the national flavor, but will only improve and complement them.

So, there are 4 main ethnicities that make up the Indian diaspora: Tamils, Marathas, Hindustanis and Bengalis. Due to the peculiarities of the climate of their home states, representatives of these groups have characteristic differences in external indicators. There is an opinion that all Indians are small and swarthy, but this opinion is erroneous.

The northern, southern, eastern and western peoples of India differ from each other, as, for example, the Norwegians differ from the Spaniards. Perhaps to the untrained eye, these differences are not so striking, but meanwhile, they are colossal.

The entire population of India is divided primarily into two races - the Aryan Indians and the Dravidian peoples, of which the latter were the original inhabitants of the country. Skopin V.N. Central Asia and India. - M., 1904. - p. 76. The general distinguishing features are as follows: the southern Dravidians have a skin of a darker color. Aryan Indians are Caucasians. Their skin color ranges from dark olive to yellow-brown. They inhabit the north and center of India. In the East of India, Mongoloid peoples live: undersized, short-headed, with a yellow skin tone, slanting eyes, straight hair and a flat nose. Melvarth A. India. - L., 1927. - p. 97.

Therefore, we can say that the Hindustanis, the inhabitants of the northern state, are typical Caucasians. They are tall, have European features, light brown skin. In India, Hindustanis are considered the ideal of beauty. It is representatives of this race that are filmed in films, and Hindustani girls have long represented the country at international beauty contests.

Bengalis living in East India are Mongoloids. Their appearance is similar to the Nepalese peoples, or, as they are called in India, the Gurkhas. Main features: small stature, lack of vegetation on the body and face, only on the head - straight coarse hair, a flat nose, a characteristic Mongoloid incision of the eyes. Bengalis are hereditary farmers. However, now, due to the deplorable state of agriculture in the state, many wealthy families are concerned about the future of their children. Therefore, the majority of Indian students are Bengalis who come here for higher education in order to raise the family's authority in their homeland, as well as their financial situation. Dyakov A.M. The National Question in Modern India. - M.: Eastern literature, 1963. - p. 106.

Marathas, natives of the Western part of India, are also Caucasoids, but the close proximity of the descendants of the Dravidians affected their genetics. Marathas are a cross between Hindustanis and Bengalis. Main features: Marathas - medium height, with European features, but with rather dark skin, with straight hair. The section of their eyes can be both Caucasoid and Mongoloid. The Marathas who came to Moscow from Bombay and its environs are mostly businessmen. They have their own shops, firms, entertainment centers in Moscow.

And finally, the last group is the Tamils, who came from Madras, which is located in the South of India. The Tamils ​​are typical descendants of the Dravidians. At home, the Tamils ​​in 1961 even fought for the independence of the state. They consider themselves the true children of India, and the rest of the peoples - the invaders of their land. Indeed, the Dravidians are those peoples who inhabited the expanses of India before the arrival of the Aryans. Tamils ​​are proud of their origins and clearly separate themselves from Caucasians. Outwardly, the Tamils ​​look like this: small stature, almost black skin, curly hair, abundant facial and body hair, but at the same time they have large, wide-open eyes, rather of a Caucasoid type. There, - p. 151. Tamils ​​are one of the most literate peoples of India. They go to Moscow to receive their second education, or they are invited by the diaspora to work in firms as lawyers, financiers, managers, programmers. Alekseev V.I., Makarenko V.A. Tamil country. - M.: Thought, 1965. - p. 49.

So, from this paragraph it became clear that the Indian diaspora is quite diverse in terms of composition of participants. In particular, this diversity is reflected in the appearance of the Indians who are part of the diaspora.

The character of the Indians is mysterious and not entirely clear.

Caste laws have formed a kind of stereotypes of behavior among the Indians. People from different varnas have different character traits, but there are typical “all-India” features in their behavior. But first, let's talk about the differences.

Natives of the Brahmin varna are naturally pious, highly intellectual, silent, they have a highly developed self-esteem. They have a good command of their feelings, and can hide irritability and displeasure. These people are aware of their superiority, but are not inclined to advertise it. They are responsible and willing to help others in need.

Representatives of the second-ranking varna are kshatriyas, i.e. warriors. They derived their descent from the lower castes or from an alien element who acquired the right of citizenship for their donations to the benefit of religion. These are proud and arrogant people. They are the complete opposite of the varna of the Brahmins. Kshatriyas are brave, too confident in themselves and in their rightness. They are lovers of arguing, and, not listening to the arguments of the interlocutor, they will still insist on their own. Arguments can lead to fights. Kshatriyas are hot, impulsive people, often driven by their feelings and ambitions. It is hard to bear the superiority of other people. Strong leaders. Kotovsky G.G. India: society, power, reforms. - M.: Eastern literature, 2003. - p. 183.

The third varna is vaishya. This is the varna of merchants. Many of today's Indian businessmen come from this varna. The family vocation, of course, could not but leave a mark on their character. These are smart, cunning people for whom their own interests are above all. If they will help someone, then they will definitely demand compensation. They respect the Brahmins and fear the Kshatriyas, but at the same time their respect and fear is only a screen, a cover to lull the vigilance of both. The lively mind of the vaishyas, often uneducated people, is constantly occupied with the thought of profit. All their actions are aimed at its increase. They do nothing just like that, while they do not disdain lies. Benefit for oneself is the main motto of the Vaishyas. Realizing the benefits of higher education, the vaishyas send their children to study. So many Indian students in Moscow are from the Vaishya Varna.

Shudra - the fourth varna - was composed mainly of persons of non-Aryan origin, from an alien element, and from persons descended from a mixture of different castes. The entire composition of the fourth varna is very diverse in its origin. Skopin V.N. Central Asia and India. - M., 1904. - p. 56-58. These people have been accustomed to obey since ancient times. They are silent, often gloomy, especially if they are in the company of people from other varnas. Even now, when the caste limits are practically erased, the Shudras still continue to behave as before. At home, few of them enter the university, do any prestigious work. Basically, these are taxi drivers, workers of factories and factories. The lack of education is compensated by excellent knowledge and, most importantly, the preservation of Indian folklore. You can hardly meet people from this varna in Moscow.

After the main and specific differences in the characters of Indians - representatives of different varnas, it is logical to trace similar traits of the Indian character.

Indians are spiritual. Religiosity has been in their blood since time immemorial, be it Buddhism, Jainism, or the many branches of Hinduism. Indians simply need to believe in higher powers, otherwise their entire existence, all their goals, tasks, life aspirations lose all meaning.

By nature, Indians are polite. But being very polite towards another person, the Indian at the same time demands the same towards himself. If this does not happen, then politeness is quickly replaced by coldness and indifference. Indians initially treat strangers with trust. It is easy to earn their love and friendship. However, once this trust has been broken, it is almost impossible to regain it.

Special mention should be made of the superstition of the Indians. They clearly follow their signs and observe customs. Breaking the customs is a serious crime for an Indian. And to disobey signs means to incur severe troubles.

Another important feature is unquestioning obedience to elders, a kind of cult of parents. Moreover, most often the mother enjoys great respect, and not the father - the head of the house. It is to the mother that adult children go for advice, fulfill her requests, although often this can entail a change not only in status (marriage), but also a change in their whole life. For example, many Indian students came to Moscow to study only because their parents decided so. And the choice of faculty is also their decision. Ivanov I.I. Hindus. - St. Petersburg, 1980. - p. 102-104.

Indians tend to be clean and tidy. But they express it in forms that are rather strange for a Russian person. For example, the clothes of an Indian are always spotlessly clean, and the Indian also monitors the cleanliness of the body, observing hygiene. However, he can eat unwashed fruit. Live in a room where there is a mess, but at the same time he always knows where and what he has. Russians about India: through the eyes of friends. - M., 1957. - p. 69.

Another amazing feature of the Indians is their attachment to their homeland. All Indians are patriots of their country. An Indian born in Moscow says with full confidence that he is only a guest here, a stranger, and his native city is, for example, Delhi. Where could his ancestors have moved to Moscow sixty years ago.

Indians, surrounded by the customs and traditions of another ethnic group, are especially zealous in following their own. They are absolutely immune to the spiritual achievements of other peoples, they are not inclined to succumb to the influence of other cultures. Therefore, the national level of Indian self-consciousness is at a fairly high level. On the contrary, getting into a foreign country, city, Indians, without imposing their own rules, very soon gather around them a large number of people who want to adopt their culture.

But not accepting the customs of other cultures by Indians cannot be considered indifference. On the contrary, Indians are naturally curious. But their curiosity is more of a cognitive, educational and scientific nature. They love, as they say, to get to the bottom of the matter, to disassemble, analyze the subject of study and understand it. Only after that they form their opinion on a particular subject. Snesarev A.E. India as the main factor in the Central Asian issue. - M., 1937. - p. 120.

Indians also have a strong sense of duty. If an Indian has given a word, he will definitely fulfill it, even to the detriment of himself.

However, the attitude of Indians to their vices is of interest. Having committed an offense, the Indian will not be slow to confess and repent of his sin. He will cry, wring his hands, arrange real performances. But the very next Indian may again fall for the same sin (for example, deceit). And it will start all over again. Possessing steadfastness and strong will in connection with big plans and aspirations, in small things the Indian behaves like a spoiled child.

The attitude of the Indian towards lies is also amusing. Lying is one of the most terrible crimes in the concept of Indians. But, like all business people, Indians cannot do without it. And here they found such a trick. Indians will never lie, they will not deceive, but they can either tell the so-called "almost the truth" or not tell the truth at all. For example, to the question “Is the product of good quality to you?”, the Indian can answer: “It was made in the best factory!”. Well, the goods really could have been made at the best factory, but the question of quality remained open.

Indians are well aware that Europeans are far from their customs, and do not seek to "load" other nations with explanations about their traditions.

For the most part, Indians are cheerful and gambling people. They have a great, upbeat sense of humor. For example, at the end of a conversation about the Indian character, I want to cite a funny story told to me by an Indian living in Moscow: when a Muscovite came to the Krishna temple in Moscow, who wanted to change his faith and become a Hare Krishna, the Indian who was talking to him said that for this one will have to pass the test of iron and fire. The frightened young man quickly retreated from the temple, and the Indian meant only that the visitor would have to light a special candle in the temple and hold in his hands a sacred bowl made of iron.

But before moving on to describing the life of Indians in the capital, it is necessary to touch on two rather important everyday topics - the clothes of modern Indians, as well as their food.

At home, Indians still often wear traditional clothes, especially women. Indian women's traditional clothing is a sari, choli blouse, shalwar kameez, orchna, kameez ghagra. Men's costume, especially in the 20th century, has undergone great changes since the "veil". Now Indians wear: churidar, achkan, dhoti, kurta, chadar, pajama, turban and cap (Gandhi-topi). Ultsiferov O.G. India: Linguistic Dictionary. - M.: Russian language - Media, 2003. - p. 349. However, in the conditions of such a large metropolis as Moscow, and our climate, such garments are impossible. In Moscow, the Indians remained true to the simplicity and modesty of their attire. Men wear strict dark suits, buttoned jackets with a turtleneck collar, the so-called beatles, but in India they have a different name - gandhi, in honor of the suits that Mahatma Gandhi liked to wear. Indian students in Moscow dress more democratically. In this sense, they are no different from other students, they also follow fashion as much as possible. They wear jeans and T-shirts. For Indian women, the requirements are less liberal. Under no circumstances can she wear a short skirt - this is unacceptable. An Indian adult woman in Moscow wears a formal business suit, often a pantsuit. Or wear a long skirt with a sweater or T-shirt. Moreover, the requirements for the top of the outfit are less strict than for the bottom. Indian female students also wear long skirts, sometimes they can be seen in wide trousers. But, if the weather permits, an Indian woman will definitely wear a sari. Abdulaeva M. Women of India. - M.: Soviet artist, 1976. - p. 136.

Indian food consists of plant elements. They don't eat meat at all. It used to be a big problem for them to find truly vegetarian products in Moscow, but now everything has changed. There are many shops specializing in vegetarian products in Moscow, restaurants for vegetarians have opened. Traditionally, Indians eat twice a day.

Indians love to eat rice, beans, milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables. They eat very spicy food, generously seasoned with red pepper and other spices, because it was the Indians who gave the world a curry recipe that they themselves can eat in unlimited quantities. It is difficult for a person who is not prepared for such food to eat Indian dishes - they are so spicy. For dessert, Indians often cook amazingly delicious cakes - muto kondo, as well as pancakes - kal batashi, which taste like our Tula gingerbread. Indians do not drink alcohol and do not smoke tobacco. In general, they have a healthy lifestyle.

So, from the questions of clothing and food, you can move on to the questions of the occupations of the Indians in Moscow. In particular, their work, leisure, and how they satisfy their religious needs.

As a result of one event, a post has ripened for me. About Indians. We then discuss them every day, there is no one else. And you are probably interested. After all, India is primarily Indians. And the Indians ... and the Indians are a separate issue.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what kind of Indians they are, but I can try to state some facts. I don’t know what order will be, but rather from bad to good, because it has accumulated !!!
Hindus are curious and very sociable people. Sometimes it pleases, it is easy to make contact with them, and sometimes it annoys to such an extent that there is no more strength. I am learning patience. I already wrote that 2 favorite questions are what is your name and where did you come from. If you decide to visit India, be prepared to answer them a hundred times a day in tourist places. And not in tourist ones - two hundred each, since they cannot ask other questions in English. They save only those places where they do not know English at all, but there will be an incessant "Hello"!

Often on the streets there are rogues, as we call them, who are trying with all their might to drag into the store or sell something right on the spot. Getting rid of them sometimes takes a few minutes and a lot of energy.
Rickshaws are also called rogues because, in addition to their direct duties, they want to bring you to the hotel where it is beneficial for them, to the store from which they receive commissions, sell drugs, and girls were offered in Mysore.

We should not forget about the beggars, who are many in some places, and who can follow you endlessly. The method of struggle has not yet been developed. If there are many of them, then giving one means not getting rid of the crowd of such beggars. We serve some, but not all. Over time, we understand more - who really needs help, and who should not be given, so as not to encourage begging.
This is generally the main contingent that is found on the street every day. But this is not all of India.

Not always people who talk on the street want to sell you something or deceive you. Many people just want to talk. Many know English better than we do, some know it poorly, but this does not interfere with communication. Many girls came up to me - to talk, more often when I'm alone, they are usually shy about boys.

If you sit down at the same table with Hindus, you cannot avoid conversation, but it is often fascinating.

Recently we were approached in Mysore by a grandmother who knows 14 languages, has 5 entities and 9 children. We drank tea, talked, and did not understand what she really wanted from us. And such people meet.

Sometimes a worthy citizen, educated and decent, can start a conversation with you, and after an hour of conversation it turns out that his goal is to sell you a smoke.

It may be otherwise, in especially tourist places they offer immediately and continuously, when I am alone - less often, but in the company of two rastafarians .... Moreover, Paul tries to explain to everyone that he does not smoke.
Hindus are curious people, they can already look at us for hours, surrounded by a tight circle (in childhood, no one told them that it was indecent to look like that), but if they notice something more curious, they do not hesitate to come up and ask. For example, Paul at one time smoked tobacco and had a machine for folding cigarettes, was the object of everyone's attention and often did an encore. Both adults and children, and even policemen, approached him.

Hindus are not averse to taking pictures, no one will refuse, children run from all over the yard, and adults too.

Many ask to be photographed, some you can’t get rid of, and some want to take a picture with us. can line up. the record was in Goa, where 30 people were photographed with Zuma in turn.
This aunt froze in this position, seeing that she was being photographed, we felt sorry for her, she stood for about 5 minutes and we stopped. We all waited for her to start working so that we could take pictures at work.

In general, Indians are hospitable and cheerful people.
They can easily help you find accommodation and tell you about the city (absolutely disinterested),

Do not take money for tea if they like you, give flowers, fruits and other pleasant trifles, invite you to the house and feed you lunch,

Pass through all the temples of the city,

Can I get a massage

rather go out having friends

Yes, and many many you can have pleasant surprises when meeting with Indians

as a Hindu told us the other day - I don't like anything in India, but I love India.

I’m finishing this post, they are different Indians, they are not like we are used to, they sometimes delight, and sometimes enrage, and there are a lot of them !!!

Indians are definitely a unique people. They do not look like Europeans or other Asians. No culture, no traditions, no way of life. Their heads are also somehow arranged in their own way. Often their logic and the reason for their actions cannot be understood and accepted.

From my experience of interacting with Indian Indians, I have formed a list of characteristics that most often correspond to "every self-respecting Indian Indian."

Indian. Villager in Madhya Pradesh.

Indian. Cleans teeth in the Ganges. Varanasi.

So, real Indian.

Indians. Go to the Ramayana temple. Chitrakut.

  1. He has absolutely no concept of personal space.

Indians. Going to hang out at Bokhali Beach. District of Kolkata.

+ unpretentious, you can economically settle 10 Indians in one room :), he easily makes contact, shares all his thoughts, things and food.

no one's personal space for an Indian also exists. Be prepared for peeping at you and your belongings, pushing in traffic, very close contact in line, endless clinging to trying to start a conversation on the street, in a restaurant, in a store - everywhere. If you are visiting Indians, your room will be crowded all the time. If you are in a hotel and open the door, several pairs of eyes will immediately form nearby. If you want to relax on a bike ride alone or sit alone with your soul mate in the park, it will not work.

  1. Liar.

No problem - says the Indian. Tighten up, you are in trouble.

That's my garantee - the Indian promises. At this moment, he does not even think about how he will fulfill the guarantees.

I will do my best, he exclaims. Keep in mind that after 5 minutes he will forget about his words.

It will take only 5 minutes. For sure - can mean 5 minutes, or maybe 2 hours. Never predict.

Indians lie selflessly, artistically and beautifully. Rarely the goal is negative, rather - to show off. The rest of the Indians admire when they listen to beautiful lies, even if they know in advance that it is not true. The liar himself also does not care in the least about whether the truth will come out. He will only catch the moment of glory or postpone the problem until later, and then he will figure it out, if anything.

if you do not have experience with Indians, problems and disappointments will await you.

+ this is a great talent, often worthy of admiration, as before an actor or a reader of epics. You can lie yourself without shame and conscience. Indians will not be disappointed or offended.

Indians. Khajuraho.

  1. The sense of tact is not familiar to a quality Indian.

will fill up with tactless questions, will insistently insist on answers and dig. Lay out all the information he has about you aloud and loudly.

+ you can ask an Indian any tactless questions, he will not be offended. You can be a little rude, refuse something, do not answer the question - they will not be offended.

The word "no" in Russia is usually understood from the second time, and in India - from 3-5. It is normal for an Indian to keep insisting on something.

  1. Most of the Indians I have met, not spoiled by tourism, are not at all greedy.

Indians. Calcutta. P/s/ See what's in the background on the wall.

+ not on tour. environment, you can count on sincerity and any possible help, including in matters related to money. Well, in general, it’s nice to watch the preservation of self-esteem even in poverty.

no cons

  1. The Indian is a real family man.

+ family values ​​are very important. Respects older relatives, loves children, divorces are rare.

Indian with son. Himalayas, Dharamsala.

less independence in life. The majority opinion of the family prevails over their own.

  1. His forte is bad manners. Unusually loud champing while eating, blowing your nose, spitting and, most repulsive, constant scratching in all possible places. It's just awful!

the whole point and there is one big minus. They are simply disgusting with their mannerisms.

+ what are the advantages. You just have to accept that they have different standards. Some Englishmen also look at the Russians and think “oh my God, he put his elbows on the table, he didn’t put a napkin on his knees, he knocks with a spoon on a cup.” Here to each his own. And the Indians, by the way, don't have the best opinion of us either. They are outraged by girls in shorts, scenes like a girl kicking a guy as a joke (sir!), smoking girls. Loudly champing and raking food with their hands, they criticize such ladies for their complete lack of manners :)

Hindu eats rice with his hands. Bokhali beach. District of Kolkata.

  1. The Indian believes that everything that happens happens according to the will of God, karma, fate, etc.

Indians in religious clothes. Humpy.

He has nothing to do with it and can not influence anything. Why worry, I'd better lie down, look at the stars.

+ lack of stress, a positive outlook on things, faith in the best. Even with a terrible life, the Indian does not stop believing that tomorrow his luck will come.

An Indian shaves on the banks of the Ganges. Varanasi.

passive approach, expectation that everything will sail by itself. Unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions and failures.

  1. And the reader and the reaper (priest?) And the player on the pipe. Compared to the same Russians, the Indians are quite creative individuals. They love to dance, do not hesitate to sing, many draw, sculpt, carve.

Festival in Manali. Himalayas.

Festival in Manali. Hellish dancers.

+ it’s fun with them, well, it’s useful for the Indians themselves, for general harmony

Birthday of Krishna. Khajuraho.

confidence in one's talent usually far outweighs the quality

  1. The Indian has his own concept of beauty. Both natural and unnatural. Nature is being polluted. They retract only where necessary, neither a step to the left, nor a step to the right.

Village in Madhya Pradesh.

They rarely decorate their home. And if they decorate, it is not very neat, often tasteless. The same is true in clothes - they combine the incongruous, they love flashy combinations, unexpected accessories.

Indian fashionista. Himalayas.

Somewhere in India.

Indians. Ellora.

Apparently, they are at that stage of self-development when they look inside themselves, and not outside?

Inhabitant of Maharashtra.

So we don’t need clean rivers, gardens without papers, or design in the house. And for whom only are beautiful trash cans?

Trash can. Calcutta.

Although, rather, they are just lazy. The Indian concept of comfort is fundamentally different from ours. Primitively equipped bathrooms, a minimum of furniture, storing clothes in bags in suitcases instead of a comfortable and beautiful chest of drawers or a closet and then picking in these bags do not bother them. Antediluvian tools for construction, a dull knife, sometimes in a single person, in the kitchen. Sticking wires and dangling sockets. Hard beds, on which they eat and sit guests. And they often sleep in clothes in a roll. And all from the reluctance to spend some time on household chores.

Many tourists lament: the poor rickshaws sleep in their carriages. Trust me, they're fine. Paul India sleeps in beds comparable to a rickshaw sidecar in terms of comfort, even with the possibility of better conditions.

the whole item. Especially nature is frustrating, which suffers for nothing.

+ if you try to understand, not condemn, perhaps high levels of poverty prioritize differently.

An Indian carries cargo across the Calcutta bridge.

Well, if you look at yourself. Did they clean up after themselves in Russia after a picnic in the forest 80 years ago? And now, not everything is removed.

  1. An important Indian skill is to be very clever, without batting an eyelid, to merge with the topic and ignore uncomfortable questions. In particular, concerning its jambs. You give him a question or a complaint - he quickly, quickly babbles on another topic. You repeat - he turns away, starts to do something. The third time, he’s like, “Oh, I forgot, I urgently need to deliver tomatoes to my mother / call a friend / pick up clothes from the laundry”, etc. The more you push, the more eyes and hands start to run, fuss begins, tension is visible, but does not want to give up. I enjoy playing this game with our Indian workers. I always win) Only if the worker does not wait until I get distracted for a minute and does not run away slowly)

And this is their manner at the right time to abruptly forget English) Yes, so naively sincerely) Simply skill!

if the Indian does not want to give some information, it is very difficult to get it. Such communication can be very annoying, especially when there is no time.

+ the morale of the Indians. The wall between you and trouble is nirvana inside)

What was not voiced aloud - that was not.

Unflappable juicer. Delhi.

  1. All five-minute acquaintances of an Indian immediately become his friends, brothers, sisters, etc.

+ positive, easy interaction, a large number of acquaintances, connections, the ability to easily find the right people, information, help

for foreigners it looks intrusive. Especially for people from more closed culture countries.

Indian schoolchildren. Kumili.

  1. The Indian is absolutely sincerely very self-confident. She thinks she can do everything and is the best. Will cope with what has not been done before, 100%

+ why these complexes? Need to try! The right approach.

- something will easily spoil or break. Be carefull:)

  1. Very proud. Always remembers caste and position.

Indian pilgrim. Orcha.

+ non-tourist Indians behave very dignified. They refuse gifts and money, the hungry pounce on food greedily. Only one shirt is washed each time. Nice to look at.

sometimes too selective. For example, restaurant workers from the 3rd caste (from the podcast of fishermen, seamstresses or laundresses) wrinkle their noses when I make them pick up a piece of paper from the floor. This is not a bar business! No one wants to wash dishes. This is a low job, try to find such a worker here in Khajuraho. the dishwasher gets more than the waiter. The floor washer will never stoop to cleaning the toilet, etc.

Important seller. Orcha.

  1. Slow and lazy. When you look at an Indian working, it seems that he is about to fall face down and fall asleep.

Sleeping salesman mo-mo. Bagsu, Himalayas.

doing work 3 times longer than required and with poor quality

+ having lived in India, I realized that they survive like that. With a more intense regimen in this heat, it won't take long to die.

  1. Extremely curious. Returning to the point about tactlessness - the nose sticks everywhere. It is impossible to hide something from an Indian. As soon as something happens on the street, everyone immediately stops what they are doing and runs to watch.

- something is happening all the time, so the work is idle while the Indian eavesdrops, looks out and discusses. They interfere in the places of origin of accidents, catastrophes, etc., real chaos is formed.

Everyone knows everything. In general, it's all out of boredom. They just have nothing else to do.

Curious Indians. Maharashtra.

  1. Closed and shy in everything related to relations between men and women. More

Is there anything else I'm missing, or am I wrong somewhere? Write in the comments!

Other posts:

  • Pooja Ganatra (24) was born in Mumbai to a typical Indian family, but looks like the “ugly duckling” with blond hair, freckles and white skin among her dark-haired and dark-skinned relatives
  • As a child, she was repeatedly sent for a medical examination with a suspected skin disease.
  • In her own country, a girl feels like a foreigner
  • Strangers are often confused when she speaks Hindi

The white-skinned girl Pooja Ganatra was born in an ordinary Indian family in Mumbai. Her appearance is absolutely typical for Scotland, but in her hometown she endured the ridicule of others who mistake freckles for a skin disease. How many times in her teens she tried to bring her appearance to the “unattainable” standards of Indian beauty for her!

In the country of her birth, Pooja lives like a foreigner: locals ask to be photographed with her, taxi drivers start a conversation in English, merchants try to sell goods at prices for tourists and fall into shock when they hear her haggling with them in Hindi.

How to explain her unusual appearance? Perhaps this is a kind of evolutionary shift, an atavism that lay dormant in the genes of her parents for many years and manifested itself at the birth of Punja?

Ganathra dreams of a DNA test to finally know her genetic history.

Pooja Ganatra, 24 years old in traditional Indian dress. Born in Mumbai with red hair, emerald eyes and white freckled skin - a typical Scottish appearance.

Relatives feared that Pooja's freckles were a strange congenital skin disease. Mom Hemaxi (46) and dad Rajesh (51) have no explanation for their daughter's mysterious appearance.

The enterprising Pooja has her own clothing factory. A young businesswoman says: “When I was born, my family looked at me like a curiosity, because they all have dark brown eyes, black hair and dark skin, like most Indians.

When freckles began to appear on my skin at the age of 3, my parents took me to the doctors, fearing that this was a serious disease. They've never seen anything like it! At school, I also got a lot of ridicule because of my unusual appearance.

Strangers came up and asked, “What are those spots on your face?” What could I say to them?

Even in my first year of university, I had special requirements. I was not allowed, like everyone else, to wear short sleeves, because my fair skin attracted too much attention.”

Calm down, I'm Indian too

“Indians love to be photographed with foreigners with unusual looks.

Locals asked me to take pictures hundreds of times. I had to tell them, “Relax, I’m Indian too.” The funniest thing is when museums try to sell her a ticket at tourist prices, and Pooja has to show documents.

“Even when I was traveling to America, the border guard double checked my passport and asked if I was really from India?”

Parents immediately took their daughter to see the doctors when freckles appeared on her skin at the age of 3.

Ganathra suggests that her white-skinned appearance as a foreigner in India is a manifestation of her ancestral genes.

No brother or sister

After the birth of Punja, the parents decided not to have any more children, fearing that their daughter had a serious illness and they would have to spend a lot of money on her treatment in the future.

The girl's father Rajesh (51) is a typical Indian man with dark skin. Mama Hemaxi (46) has slightly lighter skin than most of the local women and has a few freckles on her skin. True, not on the face.

But for the whole family, the daughter's appearance is a big mystery.

The legacy of ancestors?

Knowing that India was once a colony of several countries and ruled by Great Britain for 100 long years, it is possible that Ganathra's appearance showed British genes.

Perhaps the reason for the unusual appearance was a “genetic leap into the past”?

A foreigner in her native country.

As a teenager, Punja tried very hard to look “like everyone else”

“When I was born, the family was very concerned about my appearance, they had never seen anything like it”

Mother Hemaxi differs from most Indian women with slightly lighter skin.

“My grandmother died when I was very young. I would love to ask her about my ancestors!

In India, women are obsessed with clean skin, there should not be a single pimple on the face. My freckles were perceived as a big flaw and ugliness.”

Freckles under the Mumbai sun

Punja continued her life story: “Freckles get brighter in the sun. In hot Mumbai, they appeared more and more. What creams I have not tried to fight them, but nothing helped.

I was offered laser therapy and cosmetic surgery to remove my freckles. But as I grew older, I decided to give up all “treatment.”

After the birth of their daughter, Ganatra's family decided not to have any more children. They considered that white skin was a sign of a serious illness and expensive treatment would be needed.

Punji's appearance is a big mystery to the Ganatra family.

Natural beauty is amazing!

“One day I got tired of all the advice to hide freckles under powder and I gave up trying to change myself.

The natural beauty of a woman is magnificent. I am no longer confused by the puzzled looks of others and what they think of me. I love and respect myself and dress the way I like, and onlookers I send my most supportive smile.”

With mother Hemaxi.

Once she was worried that she would never find a groom because of her “ugly” appearance.

In her native India, she felt like an “ugly duckling” until she traveled to Europe and America. There, Punja saw a lot of people who looked just like herself and for the first time felt “normal” (picture with a former school friend).

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