Individual classes of a defectologist with preschoolers. Defectology lesson on the topic “Funny Figures


Target: correction and development of cognitive processes, taking into account the individual and physiological characteristics of the child.


1. Expansion of ideas about the world around.

2. Development of visual and auditory perception.

3. Development of voluntary attention.

4. Development of elementary mathematical concepts.

5. Development of interhemispheric connections.

6. Development of coherent speech.

7. Development of thinking.

8. Development of general and fine motor skills.

Equipment: picture material: the plot picture "Spring", images of migratory birds, a birdhouse, a bird's nest; geometric flat magnetic figures, a magnetic board, a drawing with a schematic image of a bird, a CD player, a CD-ROM, a toy "Mother duck with ducklings", wheat grains, counting material, multi-colored saucers, a task card, a "Bird's Nest" manual.

Lesson plan


Main part

1. Remember the names of migratory birds and their voices according to the picture material presented.

2. What do birds eat? Feed the ducklings (spread the grains on colored plates).

3. Performance of songs-staging "Worms" and "Spider".

4. Make a bird from geometric magnetic figures according to the model and name the parts of the bird's body.

5. Dynamic pause. Mobile game "Birds-animals".

6. Cover the animal and its house with colored chips.

7. Consideration of the manual "Bird's Nest" (shape, size, material, etc. characteristics of the nest and eggs).

Summary of the lesson

Lesson progress


We have guests today, let's say hello to them: "Hello!"


Look at the picture. The snow has melted, green grass appears, it has become warmer - this means that winter is over, and what season has come?

Spring. (Winter. Summer. Autumn.)

In the spring, migratory birds return to us from warm lands ...

- …birds.

Main part

1 . - Right! Now look at these three pictures, they show migratory birds. Name them.

The goose cackles "Ha-ha-ha", the duck quacks "Quack-quack".

2. - Tell me, what do birds eat?

Grains, caterpillars, worms, spiders.

A toy duck appears with ducklings, which asks to feed her ducklings grains, 3 each.

Let's feed the ducklings grains, as the mother duck asked.

The child lays out the grains on colored saucers, counting by three.

Do all ducklings have three grains?

No Yes).

Take enough so that everyone has an equal share.

The child reports the missing grains.

3 . - Now our palms and fingers will turn into worms and spiders, and we will sing along to them.

The teacher-defectologist together with the child, turning to face each other, perform performance songs to the music.

4 . - And now let's finish our spring picture. It has a flower, a bush, the sun, a birdhouse. Who can live in this house?

Starling (bird).

Right! Let's make a starling out of magnetic figures. Here is a sample.

The child completes the task on the magnetic board, standing at the easel

Name the body parts of a bird.

Head, body, tail, wings, beak, eye.

What figures are the head, tail, beak, torso, eye made of?

The head, torso and eye are circles, the tail and beak are triangles.

5 . Dynamic pause

The defectologist teacher invites the child to play the game "Birds - animals".

When I call a bird, wave your arms like a bird with wings. When I call the beast, sit down.

6. - Well done! And now we will sit down at the table and find for each animal its house.

The child is offered a card on which it is required to cover the animal and its house with colored chips.

The child covers the animal and its house with chips of the same color.

Well done! You did it.

7 . - A birdhouse for a starling is made by a person. And what do we call the house that the bird makes herself?

In case of difficulty with the answer, the image of the nest is shown.


Would you like to see a real bird's nest with testicles?

Yes! (No.)

Let's take a look at it. What is it made of?

From twigs and grass.

What is the shape of the nest?


What's in the nest?

Eggs and feathers.

What testicles?

Small, colorful.

- What about feathers?

Lightweight, warm.

Summary of the lesson.

Evaluation of the child's activity.

Today we played, sang songs, you finished the picture, saw a real bird's nest: what did you like or remember the most?

A nest of a bird with eggs, a picture with a starling, a mother duck with ducklings.

You worked really hard today!



- stimulate cognitive activity;

- development of understanding of speech;

- activate, expand expressive speech, enrich the lexical dictionary;

- the formation of the ability to imitate and master communication by all available means (expressive look, pointing gesture, “lightened” words, onomatopoeia, words);

- to consolidate the knowledge of the child about his name, parts of the face and body, about actions in the environment.


- to teach the child to fix his eyes on the subject, to follow his movement with his eyes;

- development of general and fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination;

- development of the articulatory apparatus;

– formation of correct oral exhalation

- remove the state of internal discomfort.


- to educate children in productive joint activities, establishing positive emotional contact, creating a trusting environment.

Equipment: a bowl of water, a small towel, a lollipop, a glass of water, a straw for a cocktail, a computer game "The World Around Us", pictures with a picture, a didactic board game with a picture of a face, a sandbox, a doll.

Course progress.

  1. Organizing time.

Surprise moment: knock, knock, knock. Who is knocking? Oh, it's Lyalya doll who came to visit us.

Yes, I came to (name of the child) today, I want to play with him. Look, (child's name), how my legs stomp along the path - top, top, top. My hands are clapping - clap, clap, clap.

(Child's name) look, you repeat after me. These are the handles (both handles are raised to the top), these are the legs (they stomp with two legs alternately). Well done, (child's name).

(Name of the child), Lyalya was in such a hurry to us that she did not have time to wash herself with water. Let's help her!

On the table is a prepared bowl of water and a small towel.

Together with the child, we wash Lyalya to the rhyme, focusing on the structure of the face - eyes, mouth, nose, cheeks.

Water, water, wash my face,

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth.

Thank you, (name of the child), now Lyalya is so beautiful, washed.

Now show yourself where your eyes are, where your mouth is, where your nose is, where your cheeks are (if the child finds it difficult to show parts of his face on his own, we help him with the hand-in-hand method).

  1. Elements of massage of the muscles of the child's face: pat the parts of the face with the pads of the fingers (we use the hand-in-hand method).

Rain lei, lei, lei.

For me and people.

Cap, cap, cap.

As the rain drips - let's show with our fingers on the forehead, on the eyes, on the cheeks, on the nose, on the mouth.

  1. Articulation gymnastics.

The child and the adult are in front of the mirror, where the faces of the adult and the child are visible (to control the correctness of the exercises).

  1. Exercises to develop lip mobility:

- Smile.
Holding lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible.

Proboscis (Tubule).
Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible.

- Biting and scratching first the upper and then the lower lip with the teeth.

- Smile - Tube.
Pull your lips forward with a tube, then stretch your lips into a smile.

  1. Dynamic tongue exercises(at the initial stage, we use food reinforcement, you can chupa - chups, syrup on a cotton swab).

Delicious jam.
The mouth is open. Lick the upper lip with a wide tongue and remove the tongue deep into the mouth.

- Lick your lips.
The mouth is open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.
The mouth is open. Lips stretched into a smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately stretch under the teacher's account to the corners of the mouth.
The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or for the upper and lower incisors.

3. Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw

– Imitation of chewing with closed and open mouth.

  1. And now you and Lyalya and I will indulge, play teasers.
  1. Breathing exercises.

We played in front of the mirror, and now we will rest a little.

The game is a storm in a glass (water is poured in a glass, a cocktail tube is prepared). The game is played in imitation of an adult.

We put the tube in our mouth, inhale harder with our nose, blow harder into the tube and see a lot of bubbles.

  1. Use of ICT:

The game "The world around us", section: the structure of the face. Viewing on the touch panel educational fragments 5 minutes.

After the slide show, we offer the child pictures with an image from the game printed on a color printer (facial structure). We ask the child to show in the picture - where are the eyes, where is the mouth, where is the nose, where are the cheeks.

  1. Reflection:

We offer the child a board game with a picture of a face. (Parts of the face model are detachable and glued with Velcro). First, we show the child a complete image, then we remove the attached parts, and we ask you to assemble the picture.

  1. The development of motor skills of the fingers.

Using the sandbox:

Finger games.

  1. Along the path gray, smooth,

Fingers jump like horses.

Tsok - tsok, tsok - tsok - a frisky herd jumps.

(All fingers jump on the surface of the sand in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme).

  1. They folded their fists, beat them with fists,

Pya-pya-pya-pya, pya-pya-pya-pya!

We hide our fingers in a bun

Fist, fist!

Chock, chock, chock!

(Walk alternately with each fist of the left and right hand on the sand, then with two fists at the same time).

  1. Fingers will dance again.

Fist to fist

Fist to fist

Fist to fist

Boom, fell on the barrel!

  1. I mix, I mix the dough

There is a place in the sand

I bake, I bake a loaf

Get over it, get over it.

(All fingers and cams act in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme).

And now we will draw our face in the sand. We help the child draw an oval on the sand with his index finger, on it are eyes, a mouth, a nose, ears, hairs.

  1. Summary of the lesson.

Today (child's name), you and I had fun playing. But the time has come - Lyali go home. Goodbye, Lala! Come visit us, we'll be waiting for you.

Title: Plan - summary of an individual lesson of a defectologist teacher with young children with disabilities using sand therapy
Nomination: Correctional Pedagogy. Summaries of classes, GCD / defectologist classes
Author: Averina Olga Vladimirovna
Position: teacher-defectologist
Place of work: GOBUZ "OSDR for children with organic lesions of the central nervous system with mental disorders"
Location: Murmansk region, Apatity, st. Stroiteley d. 14

Lesson in defectology

"Funny Figures"

Target: Continue to develop elementary ideas about geometric shapes.


Educational :

- to fixideas about geometric shapes;

- improve the ability to recognize geometric shapes;

- continue to develop the ability to read diagrams and transfer them to figures.


Correct attention: visual-spatial, to form the ability to transfer; operations of thinking;

Develop speech, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Develop the ability to work according to the model and in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.

Educational :

Cultivate independence, organization, diligence.

Equipment :

Blocks of Gyenes, methodical album; easel, planar geometric figures, computer game table

Lesson progress:

Let's greet our guests and introduce ourselves (we greet the guests and introduce ourselves).

Today we will make an unusual journey to the country of geometric shapes. Let's use the spaceship. Look carefully, the ship is unusual, it is decorated with geometric shapes, look and name what. (answers) To begin with, let's try to prepare our spaceship, stick parts on it. (stick a few details) - Well done!

Before we get to work, we need to warm up with you. And the warm-up is not simple, but guessing riddles about geometric shapes:


1. Since childhood, I'm your friend
Every corner here is right

All four sides are the same length

I am glad to introduce myself to you.

And my name is ... (square).

2. I have no corners
And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

And on the circle and the wheel (circle)

3. My riddle is short:
Three sides and three corners

Who am I? (triangle)

Guessed geometric shapes are attached to the easel.

Well done! guessed riddles correctly.

Glue more shapes on the picture.

Now listen to what task is in store for you in a magic bag:

All the geometric figures fled and hid. I will show you the figures, and you will find the same one, only in a different size (what?). Let's get started. (Exercise "Find the figures") We return to the ship.

Did well. Now listen to what needs to be done with these geometric shapes. Try to make a path out of them, but not an easy one. We will work according to the scheme. It is very important to read the diagram correctly and accurately put the next geometric figure on the track. They can also be used to make various items. (Blocks of Gyenesh and methodical album). We return to the ship.

And now we will have a game of attention. Listen carefully. We have laid out a path of various geometric shapes, I will call them, and you move along them, you need to be very careful, because. I will call them faster and faster each time. - Well done! We return to the ship.

Well done! You did great. Now, please look at the objects in the office and try to determine what geometric shapes they look like. (Exercise "What does it look like?").


Encourage the student to say what they did in the lesson. You coped with all the tasks, and I have a surprise in store, this picture that you completed, I give you.

Alla Dolesko
Abstract of an individual lesson of a defectologist teacher with young children on the topic "Toys".

Subject classes: « Toys» .


1. Development of visual orientation activity.

2. Stimulation of positive emotional and verbal responses during classes.

3. Development of attention, memory, thinking.

4. Learn the child to follow simple verbal instructions, accompanied by a demonstration of actions.

5. To develop the coordination of hand movements in a child under visual control.

6. Encourage to pronounce words.

7. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

8. Learn the child to correlate primary colors by analogy, and also to select colors by name, using a sample.

9. Development of auditory differentiations. Learn to hear the sounds of animals.

Equipment: wooden dog inserts, cats with closing windows, a table with 6 round holes, 6 mushrooms, a truck, animal sounding cubes.

Lesson progress:

1) Game: "Who hid in the window?"

move classes. The child is sitting at the table. An adult puts an insert with one window open in front of the child, we show the cat to the child, calling her: kitty, kitty, kitty speaks: "Meow meow", "here is pussy"., We examine the kitty, then open the window with the dog, call: doggy, doggy, doggy av-av, doggy. We are looking at a dog. We close the window pronouncing: "Hid the dog", "Hid the kitty", then ask: "Where is the kitty?", "Where's the doggy?". We open the windows one by one, showing and joyfully exclaiming: "Here is a kitty, here is a dog". So several times. At the end, we suggest that the child himself show where the kitty, doggie hid, while the insert is with the windows closed.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

2) Finger games.

1. Give me your palm, my baby!

Give me a hand, give me a hand

My little one!

2. The fists were folded, they were beaten with fists,

La-la-la-la, yes-ah-ah-ah!

We hide our fingers in a bun

Fist, fist!

Chock, chock, chock!

3. The fingers will dance again.

Here they are, here they are

Everyone will wave their fingers

Here they are, here they are.

3) Game "Mushrooms".

move classes. We play and the kitty and the dog want to play. “Look, a car with mushrooms came to us. Here is a mushroom with a green hat! Here is a fungus with a yellow cap! Here is a mushroom with a red cap! Let's put mushrooms with a yellow hat on the dog, mushrooms with a green hat on the pussy! Lay out the mushrooms. The adult takes the green-capped fungus, puts it on the pussy, then turns to to kid: "Take the same, put the pussy". Adult pronounces: the same, green. Same with all mushrooms. Then we draw the child's attention to what color the mushrooms were left in the car.

"There are mushrooms with a red hat in the car". At the end classes, an adult offers to plant mushrooms. Refers to to kid: “Take a green fungus, stick it in a hole, plant it, etc.

4) Game "Collect the Cube".

move classes. The adult turns to to kid: “Look at my cubes with a secret, if you fold it correctly, a pussy or a dog will scream, look!”. The adult shows the child. pussy meowed "Meow meow!"- who's screaming? -Kisa. "Aw-Aw!"- who is this? The dog, etc. After the show, offers to put the sounding cubes to the child. “And now you will fold it yourself, and I will help you and together we will guess who is screaming!”

Outcome classes: An adult draws the child's attention, look: "Kitty, dog, car, cubes, mushrooms - that's all toys!”, “Show me where toys? This toys, This toys. (At the same time, take the child’s hand, circle with a gesture, pronouncing: « Toys, toys» ).

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