An individual educational route allows you to identify. Cognitive skills and abilities


In real life, educational programs are mostly aimed at the average level of development of the pupil, therefore, due to the uniqueness and originality, it is not easy for each child to try to reveal his inner potential and carry out the full development of the personality within the narrow framework of averaged patterns. The resulting contradiction poses a task for teachers to organize an individual learning route within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of each preschooler.

An individual educational route for a preschooler as defined by the Federal State Educational Standard

An individual approach to the personality of a child is the basic principle of the Federal State Educational Standard. The principle of the priority of the interests of the child, the researchers designated the formula "to be on the side of the child." The cause of the difficulties experienced by the child in development should be sought both in the personality of the baby himself and in the adults around him, who are directly responsible for the social environment in which the little person grows. In real life, only he himself often acts on the side of the child. At the same time, he often turns out to be helpless and defenseless in the face of circumstances, therefore it is important to hear the child in any problem situation, understand and help him.

The foundation of the modern standard of preschool education was based on the principle of individual approach pedagogy and the developing concept of education. Mentioned in the following paragraphs:

  1. item 1. 6. - the formulation of tasks that focus on creating optimal conditions for the formation and development of the child's personality, as well as the disclosure of his creative potential in accordance with his age, psycho-emotional and physiological characteristics, individual abilities and inclinations, the specifics of the social environment. The child is considered as an intrinsically valuable subject of relations with himself, the people around him and the outside world.
  2. paragraph 1. 4. - contains the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard, the key of which is the provision on the implementation of an individual approach to the educational needs of each child.
  3. item 2. 10. 2. - ways of organizing and coordinating children's initiative and spontaneous activity in the spirit of creative activity are specified.
  4. p. 3. 2. 1. - professional selection of forms and methods of pedagogical work that are relevant to the age and individual needs of the child.
  5. p. 3. 2. 3. - patronage of the child, development of an individual development roadmap, pedagogical and psychological correction of identified problems.
  6. p. 3. 2. 5. - a developing concept of education, aimed at the short-term development of the pupil.

The individual approach refers to the management of the development of the child, based on a deep, multifaceted study and understanding of the complexity of his inner world and social conditions of life.

Identification of capable children is carried out on the basis of observation, communication with parents, the study of individual characteristics.

The principle of pedagogy of an individual approach is not to change the content of education in the interests of a particular child, but to adapt pedagogical methods and techniques to his personal characteristics. In order for the educational process to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties experienced by the child, the pace of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. In this case, a model of fruitful partnership between the child and the teacher is being implemented, since the child and parents have the right to choose the most appropriate educational methods from those that will be offered by specialists.

An individual educational route is a personal way of realizing the intellectual, emotional, spiritual potential of the personality of a pupil of a preschool institution. The goal is to create favorable conditions that stimulate activity, the disclosure of the creative and intellectual powers of the child. The task of the teacher is to ensure competent professional selection of the content of educational, psychological and physical activity, as well as forms and methods of work that meet the individual needs of the child.

Video: individualization of preschool education

Criteria that determine the objectives of an individual development strategy:

  • the current level of development of the child's abilities;
  • the degree of readiness for educational activities;
  • individual educational goals and objectives for the near future.

IOM tasks, review and approval procedure

Individual educational routes are designed:

  • for problem children who experience difficulties in the process of mastering the general educational program for preschoolers and need corrective help from specialists;
  • for pupils with disabilities, children with disabilities;
  • for gifted children with a level of ability that exceeds the average regulatory educational standards.

Leading tasks of the individual educational route:

  • provide support and assistance in self-development and development of the preschool education program;
  • to form in the child the initial level of the ability to learn, i.e. to teach him to be aware of the learning task, plan his learning activities, concentrate on the exercise, develop self-discipline and strong-willed qualities;
  • develop and improve the skills of coordination of movement, the development of general and fine motor skills;
  • to form and consolidate general cultural, household, hygienic, communicative foundations of behavior;
  • accustom the child to manipulative-objective, sensory, practical, gaming activities, develop skills in the productive area (drawing, modeling, application);
  • develop speech - emotional intonation, grammatical constructions, speech mechanisms;
  • to form knowledge about the natural environment and the world of social relations;
  • form ideas about spatio-temporal and quantitative categories.

Methodological tools that are used in the passage of an individual development trajectory:

  • role-playing and outdoor games, classes in the form of conversation and dialogue, reading and discussion of literary works, small improvisation sketches that enhance the emotional component of information perception;
  • psychological trainings and game exercises that help relaxation, neutralize fears, lower the level of anxiety and aggression, improve the behavioral sphere, as well as social and communication skills;
  • exercises for the development of thinking, imagination, speech, memory;
  • the use of art therapy techniques (treatment with art, a fairy tale, making dolls).

Development and adoption of IOM

To create an individual educational route, first of all, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic study to find out the level of psycho-emotional, intellectual, communicative-social and physical development of the child. The results of the diagnosis are submitted to the teachers' council, which then recommends that the children be examined by specialists of the PMPK (Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Council).

The council draws up a list of children for whom the development of an individual educational work plan is relevant.

Main stages, structure and content of IOM

The team of educators, in cooperation with narrow specialists, thinks over the content component of the plan. A calendar plan is filled in with an indication of the elements of pedagogical technology and a list of methodological techniques for the implementation of the educational goals set.

Basic principles for designing an individual plan:

  1. Development of the child's ability to learn.
  2. Continuity and Consistency. A team of specialists accompanies the baby throughout the entire project of an individual route until the problem is resolved.
  3. Rejection of average assessment templates, development of an individual assessment scale for each child based on the results of diagnosing the level of his abilities. In ordinary life, this means that the teacher tries not to apply the practice of straightforward “sentencing” or “labeling”, comparing the child’s achievements with the generally accepted “norm”. The very concept of “norm” is not perceived as a correspondence to the average or standard level that is mandatory for all children, but is interpreted as the best level that a particular child can show in a particular situation. The result, which for one child will be regarded as a success, for another, based on his personal level of ability, will be considered a defeat. Such a humane approach will allow you to “save face” and self-esteem, develop self-confidence.
  4. Favorable influence of children's subculture, enrichment of the child's inner world with informal traditions of the children's environment, which form and strengthen their own experience of a full-fledged childhood. It is important to create an atmosphere of positive emotions that will help overcome tension, anxiety and wariness.

Educational games are used in individual work by a defectologist teacher, educators in order to correct emotional and volitional disorders, develop logic, perception, substitution actions, motor skills and perception of colors, ideas about the world around

Stages of educational activities according to an individual plan

  1. Observation, identification of the level of formation of the psychological, social and intellectual qualities of the personality of a preschooler, necessary for his productive activity in any educational field. The stage of observation involves the indifferent approach of the teacher, the position of non-interference when observing the child.
  2. Diagnostics of the starting volume and qualitative characteristics of specific subject knowledge, skills and abilities. Specialists conduct tests, during which problem areas and "zones of success" are identified.
  3. Building a personal plan of correctional work for the near future (up to 1 year with mandatory intermediate monitoring every 3 months) based on the "zones of success", individual selection of effective methods and techniques of pedagogical work.
  4. Active activities for the implementation of an individual route: conducting classes, talking with parents, homework.
  5. Analytical stage - summing up, evaluating the results: demonstrating the results of the student's work in the form of a presentation or exhibition of crafts, speaking to children and adults. Thus, the feedback mechanism with others is turned on, the problem of socialization of pupils is solved. The results achieved, whether it be reproductive knowledge or creative projects, are compared with the planned tasks indicated in the individual schedule or general education curricula.

For the development of harmonious relations with other people, solving problems of socialization, the following methods will be useful:

  • didactic and role-playing games that will introduce the baby to the traditions of other peoples and will contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards people of other nationalities and cultures;
  • reading fairy tales of the peoples of the world, acquaintance with the folklore (songs, dances, games, holidays) of the peoples of Russia;
  • collective outdoor games in the fresh air, holidays and concerts, exhibitions of handicrafts;
  • discussion in a confidential conversation of situations that occur in real life and cause difficulties for children in understanding or contain a moral context;
  • arbitrary creation of situations that will put before the baby the question of choice and the need to commit an act;
  • holding photo exhibitions in which there is a place for a photograph of each baby.

Predicted result:

  • achieving social comfort and awareness;
  • improvement of communication skills;
  • lowering the level of emotional instability, aggressiveness, increased self-control;
  • development of self-awareness, a sense of significance and value of one's own personality;
  • the formation of self-esteem close to adequate.

Criteria that allow assessing the degree of success of a preschooler in social and personal growth:

  • the ability for self-esteem is formed, the “little man” tries to speak honestly about himself, admit his shortcomings;
  • ideas about moral and ethical values ​​have been developed, the baby shares and understands “what is good and what is bad”;
  • the conscious need to adhere to moral standards of behavior has strengthened, the child has a desire to “be good” and see the positive reaction of people around him to his behavior;
  • the child is able to easily and naturally communicate with other children or adults;
  • a feeling of empathy, compassion awakens, a sincere desire arises to help elders, peers or kids;
  • the pupil builds relationships with surrounding children on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, adequately resolves conflict situations;
  • formed ideas about safe behavior at home, on the street, in the game.
  1. The introductory part, which records general information about the child and his family, the reasons for developing an individual plan, the goals and objectives of educational work, the schedule and form of classes.
  2. Registration of data from a diagnostic study of a preschooler, materials of planned monitoring, which allow for a deep analysis of the symptoms and causes of developmental disorders, to give an objective assessment of the level of development of the baby and plan remedial classes to overcome difficulties.
  3. The schedule of medical and recreational activities, which includes the distribution of physical activity, the implementation of procedures for hardening the body.
  4. An individual lesson plan that includes mandatory integration with educational activities common to all children.
  5. A report on the implementation of an individual roadmap indicating the topic, content, the result of the lesson and conclusions about the necessary improvement.
  6. An observation sheet is filled in, which displays the dynamics of the educational process and helps to make timely changes depending on the results of intermediate control, as well as determine the choice of optimal forms of pedagogical work to increase the effectiveness of the child's educational activities.
  7. Evaluation of the student's achievements in the implementation of an individual route. It is recommended to conduct control tests at the end of each thematic block, i.e. with a regularity of three months.
  8. Advice and advice to parents.

The general developmental elements of gymnastics, as well as various outdoor games, are very popular with children and contribute to the mental, psychomotor and emotional development of preschoolers.

Sections of the educational route

There are several important sections for developing an individual educational route for a preschooler, which will be discussed below.

General information about the child and family

It is indicated where he came from (family or transferred from another preschool), whether he constantly visited the preschool, if there were long breaks, then indicate the reason. Mark the level of adaptation of the pupil in the new conditions on a five-point scale.

Family composition: indicate all family members with whom the pupil lives.

Describe the type of family:

  • prosperous - a stable, strong family with a decent cultural level of education;
  • dysfunctional - has a low level of pedagogical awareness, the baby is deprived of parental care and attention, the conflict emotional atmosphere in the family injures the child, gives rise to psychological complexes, physical methods of influence are used on the child.

Which adult is raising the child?

The style of the child's relationship with adult family members:

  • authoritarian - harsh dictate and suppression of freedom, humiliation of the dignity of the child;
  • control and guardianship - restriction of independence, protection from worries and problems, "hothouse conditions";
  • connivance - indulging the desires of the child, spoiling the child with the passivity of adults;
  • respect and cooperation - help and support, joint experience of difficulties.

Appearance. It is necessary to note manners, gestures, describe the features of facial expressions, gait and posture, the degree of accuracy and grooming.

"Puppet therapy" is a correction of children's problems by means of a puppet theater: children play sketches with puppets according to specially designed scenarios that reflect the individual problems of a particular child

Somatic health

Health group, the presence of chronic diseases, appetite characteristics, whether the habit of daytime sleep has been developed, whether the baby suffers from enuresis.

Motor skills:

  • general motor skills correspond to the age norm or there are violations of coordination of movement;
  • the range of possibilities of fine motor skills is indicated with the characteristics of coordination, tempo and volume of motor functions of the hand, left-handed or right-handed.

Cognitive skills and abilities

Attention - the ability to concentrate and hold attention, qualitative characteristics (voluntary, involuntary).

Memory - the speed of memorization, the amount of material that the child is able to reproduce by heart or retell independently from memory, which type of memory (auditory or visual) is dominant.


  • the degree of understanding of spatial landmarks (top, bottom, left, right, etc.);
  • the ability to choose a generalizing word for several homogeneous objects (furniture, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.);
  • the ability to highlight the main thing;
  • skills to identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (summer - hot, snow - winter, etc.);
  • orientation in time parameters (day, night, year, month, etc.).

Scope of knowledge:

  • primary knowledge about himself and the world around him: knows his name, age, members of his family, address of residence, names the signs of the seasons, has general knowledge about the animal and plant world according to program requirements;
  • development of skills in design, drawing, modeling;
  • level of knowledge of elementary mathematical concepts - ordinal counting skills, solving simple examples;
  • skills of definition and distinction of a form, color.

A problem child especially needs positive emotions, adult support and understanding, and it is precisely games with water that provide invaluable assistance in this.

Behavior during learning activities

Development of self-control, discipline, organization, purposefulness and awareness of actions in the classroom.

Speech development

Sound characteristics, quality of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical organization and structure of speech.

Characteristics of the child's activity

  • level of self-service skills;
  • interest and personal activity demonstrated in gaming activities.

Features of character and behavior

  • emotional portrait of the child - cheerfulness, depression, tearfulness, positivity, depression, calm or hyperactive, etc.;
  • character traits, temperamental features - activity or passivity, aggressiveness or poise, confidence or timidity, prefers individual or collective forms of work;
  • development of moral guidelines, culture of behavior and communication.

It is necessary to note personal preferences, the sphere of creative or intellectual endowment of the baby.

Sample for filling in general and diagnostic data in IOM - table

Full name of the pupil
Date of Birth
Last name, first name, patronymic of mother, age, education
Surname, name, patronymic of the father, age, education
IOM start date
Reason for registrationPersistent failure to assimilate the OOP DOW due to illness
Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work4 years
Objectives of IOM
  • Opening new perspectives in the assimilation of the OPP preschool educational institution, enriching the child as a person;
  • assistance in adapting to the team of children, development, encouragement and stimulation of individual abilities in the child;
  • involvement of parents in the creative process.
  • Identify the special educational needs of the child; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child;
  • to promote the child's assimilation of the educational program of preschool education;
  • to ensure positive changes in the development of the child, his purposeful advancement in relation to his own capabilities, stimulation of individual capabilities;
  • provide methodological assistance to parents of children with disabilities.
Number of lessons per week5 lessons.
Forms of holdingGame activity, joint activity, conversations, observations, individual work.
Expected Result
Form of work with parentsConsultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience.
Diagnosis of child development
Purpose of pedagogical monitoringGeneralization and analysis of information on the state of general development for the purpose of assessing, planning the correctional developmental process (development of IEM) and predicting the final result.
Types, causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms)Types of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms):
Reasons for difficulties:
Physical development
Somatic development
Speech development
Features of the development of cognitive processesMemory:
The content of correctional work (the activities of the educator)

After diagnosing and determining the goals and objectives of the compiled route, the educator and specialists determine which games, exercises and other activities will be used when working with the baby. This is also reflected in the text of the IOM.

An example of the selection of forms of work with a preschooler on an individual route - table

Periodicity Recommendations, forms of work with the pupil The result of the work
Daily Cleanliness. Finger gymnastics. Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova.
  • The overall level of development has slightly increased.
  • There is a positive trend in the development of the integrative quality "Able to manage one's behavior and plan one's actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior."
  • Slightly overcame the "barrier of embarrassment."
  • Improved attention and memory.
In one day
Didactic games of choice.
Drawing with chalk on the board, fingers, foam rubber.
Modeling from clay, plasticine, layer. masses.
2 times per
Games to overcome broncho-pulmonary diseases "Train", "Chickens".
2 times per
Mathematical game "Fold the leaf", "Dots", "Dress the doll", "Assemble a square of 5 parts", "Pick up the key to the lock", "Who will pass the maze faster", "What is superfluous", "Fold the square", "Close house door”, “Geometric figures”, “Cats”, “Geom. forms”, “Collect a flower”, “Dress up a Christmas tree”, “Pick up a belt for a dress”, “Solve examples”, “Bee's score”, “How much”, “Samples for laying out”, “Guess”, “Voskobovich's Square” , "Counting material of the squirrel".
2 times per
Throwing exercises (game "Ring toss"), "Reach for the flag", "Gymnastic wall", etc.
Daily Lego construction.
Daily Outdoor games ("Snowball", "Cunning Fox").
Situational conversations, conversations on speech therapy topics, any collective games of your choice.

Productive joint activities of the pupil and the teacher, aimed at the successful implementation of an individual educational route, will achieve positive dynamics in the personal growth of the child. Such work will require a high level of professional competence and efficiency from the educator, as well as personal interest in obtaining a good result.

Municipal educational institution

Yasenetska secondary school

Report on RMS

primary school teachers

Topic: "Individual educational routes, individual development programs and individually oriented educational programs

taking into account personal and age characteristics


Prepared by:

primary school teacher

MBOU Yasenetskaya secondary school

Shkarina Anna Mikhailovna


The main idea of ​​the renewal of education is that it should become individualized, functional and efficient.

Educational work should bring joy, the desire to learn new things again and again. The modern school carries out work with students on the basis of:

    respect for the personal dignity of each pupil, his individual life goals, requests and interests;

    focuses not only on preparing for a future life, but also on ensuring a full-fledged living of each age stage in accordance with its psychophysiological characteristics.

An individual approach is considered as an organization of pedagogical influence, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's personality.

One of the options that contribute to the realization of individual educational needs and the rights of students to choose their own path of development is an individual educational program or route.

An individual route is taking into account the psychological and individual characteristics of the child, his interests, life position, level of learning. An individual route is built in the interaction of a teacher and a psychologist.

For whom, first of all, an individual route is needed? For underachieving children who do not keep up with the pace of the class. For gifted kids who might get bored with class work and lack pace and discovery. The end result should show that the child feels comfortable in the learning process and learns with joy.

The term "individual educational route" (IEM) is both a specific and extremely broad concept. Having arisen as a result of the practical activities of educational institutions focused on the principles of ensuring the individual needs of students in the educational process, it also acquired a zone of uncertainty associated with the presence of various related concepts: “individual curriculum”, “individual educational trajectory”, “individual educational program”.

Options for interpreting the concept of an individual educational route are graphically presented in the diagram.

A number of authors (E. S. Zair-Bek, E. I. Kazakova, A. P. Tryapitsyna) associate the concept of an individual educational route with the concept of "educational program", which allows one to master a certain level of education. If the trajectory“trace”, then the route is the plan of this “trace”, the given coordinates of the initial and final values ​​of the characteristics. An individual educational trajectory implies a mandatoryavailability of an individual educational program. In the general case, the route involves the consideration of the educational process as a means of achieving personal goals of self-development and self-improvement, self-discovery by the student of new opportunities in the forms and methods of activity.

Depending on the chosen approach to the implementation of an individual educational route, various goals can be achieved.: compensation of educational difficulties; expanding the scope of knowledge in relation to a particular academic discipline.

Along with the concept of "individual educational route" there is the concept « individual educational trajectory » (G.A. Bordovsky, S.A. Vdovina, E.A. Klimov, V.C. Merlin, N.N. Surtaeva, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.), which has a broader meaning and involves several areas of implementation: meaningful ( variable curricula and educational programs that determine an individual educational route); activity (special pedagogical technologies); procedural (organizational aspect).

Individual educational trajectory provides for individual educational route, as well as the developed method for its implementation.

Individual curriculum performs a predictive function for a high school student - "I choose subjects for study"; individual educational program performs the function of designing for a high school student - "I am developing a program of educational activities" and finally individual educational route constructs educational activities - “I determine in what sequence, in what time frame, by what means the educational program will be implemented.”

IOM design principles (T.N. Knyazeva):

    The principle of systematic diagnosis

    differentiated (individual) selection of pedagogical technologies

    control and adjustment

    systematic observations

    The principle of incremental fixation

Responsibilities of a teacher providing an individual educational route:

    • Assessment of the child's readiness for the transition to training on an individual educational route.

      The choice together with the student of an individual educational route.

      Correction of the educational route.

      Contacts with the student's parents.

      Summing up the results.

Algorithm for creating an individual educational route

    Student research, state analysis:

    diagnostics of the basic (starting) level and identification of individual characteristics of the student;

    differentiation of students;

    Statement, together with the student, goals and definition of educational tasks. Determination of the validity period of the route.

    Selection of the content of the educational route

    Definition of the model of the educational process

    Planning and creating an individual educational program and determining the results of its implementation.

    Educational activities within the framework of an individual educational route.

    Diagnosis of current results and possible correction of an individual educational route.

    Summing up the work

Thus, the technology of creating an individual educational route is a more or less algorithmic process of interaction between a teacher and students, which guarantees the achievement of the set goal.

I will focus on the system of work on the formation of educational and cognitive competence when using individual - educational routes or trajectories.

An individual educational route (trajectory) is a structured program of student actions at a certain fixed stage of his education.


    for the weak student

    for a strong student. A strong student may, due to illness or other reasons, miss many school days, his knowledge must be brought back to normal and the gaps must be eliminated. A weak child needs to constantly maintain interest, motivation, a situation of success. An individual educational route can be



For a weak student, the route can be designed for the entire academic year, and for a strong student, a few weeks or months are enough.

An individual educational route is implemented through various forms of organization of students' activities:

- classroom activity. When consolidating or repeating what has been learned, through individual tasks - simulators, cards. Children work independently, the work is checked and evaluated.

-group lessons. Children studying on an individual route have one problem. The teacher puts them into one group and conducts a group lesson for them.

- independent study of the material. For the strong student. For example. The student is moving from teaching the EMC "Schools of Russia" to the EMC "Primary School of the 21st Century". The teacher gives a task for self-study: "Learn and learn how to apply the rule" Unpronounced consonants at the root of the word. "Then the teacher checks the rule and the ability to apply it in the exercises.

- home independent work. After repeating the rule with the teacher, the child gets a day off for a few days. At the appointed time, the teacher checks it and evaluates it. All classes and grades are recorded in the journal of the individual route, which is compiled and filled out by the teacher.

4 variable educational routes:

1 for students with advanced development rates;

2 for students with disabilities;

3 for students with a low level of academic motivation and learning difficulties;

4 for gifted students with various special abilities.

Algorithm for drawing up a work plan for an individual educational route:

1) Diagnostics of general educational skills and abilities.

2) Finding out the reasons for low academic performance.

The reasons may be:

    transition to another UMC

    unformed self-control

    lack of stable motives for teaching

    problems in the knowledge, abilities, skills of the student, due to the irregularity of work in the lesson.

    phonemic hearing loss

    poor vocabulary

    general underdevelopment of speech

    unformed cognitive activity

3) Based on the identified reasons, we determine the direction of corrective work. For example:

    elimination of the overall backlog in the program

    vocabulary enrichment and speech development

    formation of motives of educational activity. Pay attention to creating a situation of success, set tasks that are accessible in terms of difficulty and small in volume.

4) Having determined the direction of corrective work, we plan the route and carry out work to implement the plan.

An approximate scheme for compiling thematic planning of an individual route:

We determine the day when classes will be held (at least 1 time per week). For advice, the child can contact the teacher at any time.

5) Summing up. This is diagnostic work.

If the problems are eliminated, the route is closed; if not, the work continues.

As a result of such work on an individual educational route, the foundations of educational and cognitive competence were formed in children:

    they learned to self-organize for the lesson.

    know how to plan their work

    can evaluate and review their work.

Of 4 people working on an individual educational route

    1 - excellent student,

    1 - studies at 4 and 5,

    2 - are engaged with satisfactory marks.

Currently, 2 people are engaged in an individual route.

One child is already making progress. Others are still not successful, but the dynamics are positive. It is hoped that the children will be successful in learning.

Perspectives for students:

Each child is given the opportunity to try his hand in a situation where there is no oppressive authority of the teacher and the attention of the whole class;

The ability to apply knowledge in non-standard situations, independently make the right choice is formed;

Correct self-esteem is formed.

Perspectives for the parent:

Takes an active part in the educational process;

It makes it possible to determine the boundary between knowledge and ignorance of your child (map of movement in the subject);

The level of control over the educational achievements of your child increases.

Perspectives for the teacher:

Frees up time for other forms of lessons;

New forms of lessons are mastered: presentations, workshops, consultations;

There is an opportunity to provide individual assistance to students.

The implementation of the technology gives positive results, as evidenced by the personal growth of each student, individual advancement in the field of education and upbringing, an increase in the number of students participating in research and creative activities. According to the results of the survey, complex diagnostics, informal indicators - essays, creative works, participation in competitions, tournaments, olympiads of students show a significant progress in the level of development.

I believe that the introduction of the technology of individual educational routes into practice effectively affects the educational process and the development of the student's personality. Therefore, educational programs are aimed at shaping an educated, moral, active-creative, initiative, responsible, oriented towards understanding and respecting oneself and another person, able to independently acquire and apply knowledge, able to live and act correctly in changing life situations, ready for the future. education .


1. Bogdanova, E.V. Ivanenko// School technologies. - 2009. - No. 1. - P.116-120.

2. Zhuravleva, K. Teaching according to individual curricula: increasing motivation and the student's ability to choose the desired load / K. Zhuravleva, E. Zubareva, I. Nistratova, E. Sekacheva // Director of the school. – 2008

Annex 1.

Sheet individual learning route

FULL NAME_________________________________________________________________________

Pupil(s) ______ class MBOU Yasenetskaya secondary school

Tatyana Suntsova
Designing an individual educational route


In practice, the process of education and upbringing is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, and is based mainly on statistical data on the correspondence of the majority of children of a given age to certain "age standards". But, it must be remembered that not every child can fit into the concept "average child", and, accordingly, not every pupil can fully realize their potential. The reasons can be both features and deviations in physical development, and behavioral problems.

This sets the task for the specialists of the preschool institution to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the compilation and implementation individual educational route(hereinafter - IOM). Individualization of learning, education and correction is aimed primarily at overcoming the discrepancy between the level that is set educational programs, and the real possibilities of each pupil.

This is a personal way to compensate for learning difficulties, and then the realization of personal potential. child: intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity, moral and spiritual (Sh. Yu. Amonashvili, V. V. Davydov, V. Yu. Sukhomlinsky)

There is currently no universal recipe for creating IOM. Construction method individual educational route of the child, should characterize the features of his learning and development over a certain period of time, i.e., be of a prolonged nature. Can't define this route for the entire period of preschool childhood at once, setting its directions, since the essence of its construction lies precisely in the fact that it reflects the process of change (speakers) in the development and education of the child, which allows timely adjustment of the components of the pedagogical process.

When compiling an IEM, it is necessary to take into account some significant factors:

The need for coordinated actions of specialists at the stage of diagnosis (differentiation of the child's problems directly related to the disease, organic damage, from the problems of pedagogical neglect);

Clear interaction of all specialists of the institution at all stages of support;

The need for a combination educational, correctional and therapeutic activities;

A dynamic system of flexible transfer from one accompaniment option to another, depending on the dynamics of development and the capabilities of the child;

Inclusion of parents as full participants in correctional and developmental work in the activities of the institution.

primary goal individual educational route(IOM): the creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the socialization of a preschooler, his social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with the general processes of the intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child's personality.

An individual educational route is determined by educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the child (the level of readiness for mastering the program, as well as existing standards of content education.

When developing preschooler's individual itinerary, the following must be observed. principles:

The principle of reliance on the learning of the child.

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development. Compliance with this principle involves identifying potential abilities to assimilate new knowledge as a basic characteristic that determines designing an individual child development trajectory.

The principle of respecting the interests of the child. L. M. Shipitsina calls him "on the child's side". The cause of any problematic situation in the development of the child is both the child himself and his social environment. In difficult situations, an objective analysis of the problem is required, taking into account the life experience of adults, their many opportunities for independent self-realization, and taking into account the multitude of social structures and organizations. And on the side of the child is often only himself. The support system specialist is called upon to solve each problem situation with the maximum benefit for the child.

The principle of close interaction and coordination of work "commands" specialists, in the course of studying the child (phenomena, situations).

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem. The escort specialist will stop supporting the child only when the problem is solved or the approach to the solution is obvious.

The principle of rejection of the average rationing. The implementation of this principle - this support involves the avoidance of a direct evaluative approach in the diagnostic examination of the level of development of the child, leading in its ultimate expression to the desire "put labels" understanding of what is the norm. “Norms are not the average, what is (or the standard, what is necessary, but what is the best that is possible at a particular age for a particular child under appropriate conditions. One of the most important tasks of specialists implementing the ideology of psychological and pedagogical support individual development of the child, is to determine these conditions, and, if necessary, to create " (V. I. Slobodchikov).

The principle of reliance on children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with the traditions, norms and methods developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience.

Structure individual educational route should include the following Components:

Target (setting goals, defining tasks educational work); For what?

Technological (determination of the used pedagogical technologies, methods, techniques, systems of training and education, taking into account individual characteristics of the child) in what ways, games, technologies, activities, etc.?

Diagnostic (definition of the diagnostic support system); how will we track the results?

Effective (expected results are formulated, the timing of their achievement and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the measures being implemented) what results should the child achieve?

Approximate IOM scheme of a child for each specialist:

Section, direction of development Terms Goals and objectives Content of the work (programs, technologies) Diagnosis Expected result

Individual educational route should include the main directions:

Organization of motor activity (development of general and fine motor skills);

Skill Development (self-service, cultural-hygienic and communicative-social);

The development of higher mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech);

The development of higher mental functions (conscious memorization, understanding, arbitrariness, logical thinking, creative imagination);

Formation of the child's activity (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, subject-practical, playful, productive);

Speech development (dictionary, emotional side of speech, sound pronunciation* (*for a speech therapist, communication functions);

Formation of ideas about the environment (objective world and social relations);

cognitive development (development of academic skills).

In DOW process designing an individual educational route begins at a meeting of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC). The main areas of work of the PMPK the following:

Development and refinement individual educational route for each child (includes definition educational programs and organizing them by topic in the time intervals available to the child, taking into account his current capabilities);

Development, refinement and implementation of schemes and programs for accompanying children with special needs, taking into account the data of a dynamic survey;

Hygienic regulation of loads;

Ensuring continuity and consistency in working with the child.

At a consultation with the participation of specialists from the preschool educational institution, a comprehensive IOM is agreed. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account following:

individual mode of visiting a preschool educational institution;

Decrease in the rate of speech and thought activity, increased fatigue;

Violation of communication skills;

Features of the motor development:

1) violation of fine motor skills (it is difficult for them to tie shoelaces, use scissors, decorate, they have difficulty developing graphic skills);

2) imbalance (unsteady gait, difficulty coordinating in space);

3) violation of visual-spatial coordination (it is difficult to participate in sports games and relay races, especially with the ball).

The main thing that determines success in solving a child's problems is the interest and high motivation of all participants in the process. escorts: child, parents, teachers, specialists.

Annex 1.

Approximate scheme of a complex IOM of a child *

with disabilities and unwanted behavior

(per month, semester, academic year):

Specialist Direction of work Schedule of classes Content of work (programs, technologies) Interaction Note

Teacher-psychologist Correction of undesirable behavior.

Reducing the level of psycho-emotional stress. 1 time per week

Once a week 1. Lessons on the development of voluntariness.

2. Sand therapy, art therapy. 1. Consultation for educators "The use of visual schedules in the correction of manifestations of undesirable behavior", How to work with hyperactive children, “The child has hysterical manifestations. What to do?"

2. Designing problem situations.

3. Counseling parents. * The mental development of the child corresponds to the age norm

Speech therapist / defectologist Correction of sound pronunciation.

Correction of unwanted behavior

Joint classes with a psychologist to develop academic skills (as a tutor)* The development of cognitive processes corresponds to the age norm

Educator Development of arbitrary behavior. Development of communication skills.

Correction of unwanted behavior.

Development of motivation for learning activities. 1. Program "Childhood".

2. Elements of the program "I - You - We".

3. Ind. classes or in small (1-2 children) subgroups.

1. Ind. classes on the instructions of specialists.

2. Modeling of problem situations together with a teacher-psychologist.

3. Counseling parents

Musical director Development of arbitrary behavior. Development of communication skills 1. Inclusion in theatrical activities.

2. The use of elements of logorhythmics for the development of speech functions.

additional teacher education Development of voluntary behavior. Development of communication skills.

AFC specialist / physical education leader Development of gross motor skills, spatial orientation.

Decreased aggressiveness. 1. Breathing exercises.

Head Nurse Monitoring the state of somatic health.

Load level control. 1. Daily: measurement of t°, blood pressure, heart rate.

2. Weekly: a survey of parents about the health of the child; load adjustment.

3. Monthly: monitoring the state of the somatic health of the child 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the pediatrician.

2. Control in physical education classes.

3. Control of the level of teaching load.

4. Consultations for teachers on somatic manifestations.

Pediatrician Monitoring the state of somatic health.

Load level control. Monitoring of the state of somatic health of the child 1. Recommendations of medical specialists.

2. Consultations for teachers on somatic manifestations.

Individual educational route:

theoretical aspects, organization and support
The documents on the modernization of Russian education, including the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation, clearly express the idea of ​​the need to change the orientation of education from the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of abstract educational tasks to the formation of universal abilities of the individual based on new social needs and values. Achieving this goal is directly related to the individualization of the educational process, which is quite feasible when teaching students along individual educational routes. The value of an individual educational route lies in the fact that it allows everyone, on the basis of an operationally regulated self-assessment, an active desire for improvement, to ensure the identification and formation of a creative individuality, the formation and development of value orientations, their own views and beliefs. Ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes for students at school is an attempt to solve the problem of personality development, its readiness to make a choice, determine the purpose and meaning of life through the content of education. This is an attempt to see the learning process from the perspective of the student.

Individual educational route - this is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of the educational program when teachers provide pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization. (S.V. Vorobieva, N.A. Labunskaya and others)

Along with the concept of "individual educational route" there is the concept « » (G.A. Bordovsky, S.A. Vdovina, E.A. Klimov, V.C. Merlin, N.N. Surtaeva, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.), which has a broader meaning and involves several areas of implementation: meaningful ( variable curricula and educational programs that determine an individual educational route); activity (special pedagogical technologies); procedural (organizational aspect).

Thus, individual educational trajectory provides for individual educational route(content component), as well as the developed method for its implementation (technologies for organizing the educational process).

Individual curriculum performs a predictive function for a high school student - "I choose subjects for study"; individual educational program performs the function of designing for a high school student - "I am developing a program of educational activities" and finally individual educational route constructs educational activities - “I determine in what sequence, in what time frame, by what means the educational program will be implemented.”

The route system of education makes it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach, first of all, in the education of gifted individuals, which takes into account the intellectual abilities of children to the maximum, determines the personal trajectory of development and education. The introduction of the route system of education makes it possible to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions that provide active stimulation of self-valuable educational activities in a gifted person based on self-education, self-development, self-expression in the course of mastering knowledge.

Based on the idea of ​​the universal genetic giftedness of children, a modern teacher must provide a field of activity for self-manifestation and self-expression of the student. But not all children are gifted. A fairly large number of students in educational institutions have learning difficulties. This is due either to the poor health of children, or to a low level of motivation, or for a number of other reasons. For these children, IEM can be a great learning tool.

According to an individual educational route developed for a particular student, taking into account his psychological characteristics and level of knowledge, a study, consolidation or repetition of a topic, a program of preparation for final certification can take place. Such a route can be developed for a weak student, for a strong student, for a frequently ill student.

Routes can be short or long. The use of individual educational routes helps to solve many problems related to the development of the student's personality: it contributes to the formation of his cognitive interest in the subject, the ability to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practice. The child learns to work productively and achieve success.

There is currently no universal recipe for creating IOM. It is impossible to determine this route for the entire period at once, setting its directions, since the essence of its construction lies precisely in the fact that it reflects the process of change (dynamics) in the development and learning of the student, which allows timely correction of the components of the pedagogical process. The main task of the teacher is to offer the student a range of options and help him make a choice.

The choice of one or another individual educational route is determined by a complex of factors:

Features, interests and needs of the student himself and his parents in achieving the necessary educational result; the study of which takes place on the basis of a questionnaire;

professionalism of the teaching staff;

The school's ability to meet the educational needs of students;

The possibilities of the material and technical base of the school, part of the students can study with the teacher remotely, basically, this is a strong group of students.

Based on the diagnostic results, the teacher, together with the pupil and his parents, determines goals and objectives route, builds a system of general recommendations, including: content to be mastered;

types of activities for the assimilation of educational content.

The design of IEM is carried out by the students themselves, with the involvement of parents, teachers, and not the formation of a "volitional" way.

IOM design principles (T.N. Knyazeva):

  • The principle of systematic diagnosis

  • The principle of differentiated (individual) selection of pedagogical technologies

  • The principle of control and adjustment

  • The principle of systematic observations

  • The principle of incremental fixation

The effectiveness of the development of an individual educational route is determined by a number of conditions:

Awareness by all participants of the pedagogical process (parents - students - teachers) of the need and importance of an individual educational route as one of the ways of self-determination, self-realization

Implementation of psychological and pedagogical support and information support for the process of developing an individual educational route by students;

Active involvement of students in the creation of an individual educational route;

Organization of reflection as the basis for the correction of an individual educational route.

The IEM structure includes the following components: target, content, technological, diagnostic.

Stages of IOM implementation

Implementation stages

Forms and methods of activity

practical way out


1. Carrying out boundary control measures, questioning, observation

2. Analysis of diagnostic work, questioning, observation

3. Identification of the success of training in core subjects

practical material for analysis
information about typical mistakes, possible causes of their occurrence, individual difficulties, learning motivation

information about children interested in subjects ... of the cycle

Organizational and design

Search for ways of pedagogical correction:

1. Definition of the topic, ZUN (knowledge, skills), OUUN (general educational skills) of students.

2. Choice of forms and methods of work.

3. Deadlines.

4. Compilation of IEM (individual educational route) of the student.

5. Development of explanations for parents to the student's IOM.

IEM (individual educational route of the student):

IEM for students with difficulty in the subject

IEM for students with an interest in the subject.

Advice for parents of students.


1. Identification of unrealized (reasons)

2. Identification of prospects for further work

3. Thinking through a system of measures to prevent errors on corrected

Adjusted IEM depending on the identified reasons for the failure of their implementation


Summing up the implementation of IEM students

Closing gaps in the subject for a student who has difficulty in the subject

The acquired knowledge in the profile subject for a student who is interested in the subject

Content of individual educational routes

Individual educational routes are developed in two types:

1. Individual educational route for low-achieving students

2. Individual educational route for motivated students.

During the implementation of an individual educational route, it may be necessary to adjust it. It is produced by the teacher and brought to the attention of the child and parents. In the case when the adjustment affects the essential features of the educational route (refusal to complete modules that affect the invariant part of education, a significant redistribution of study time, etc.), it must be approved by the school administration and agreed with the parents.

Stages of implementing the technology of an individual educational route:

1. Diagnosis of the level of development of personal qualities of students.

2. Fixing by the student and teacher of fundamental educational objects in the educational field or its topic in order to designate the subject of further knowledge.

3. Building a system of personal relationship of the student with the educational area or topic to be mastered.

4. Planning by each student of individual educational activities in relation to their own and common fundamental educational objects.

5. Activities for the simultaneous implementation of individual educational programs for students and the general collective educational program.

6. Demonstration of personal educational products of students and their collective discussion.

7. Reflective-evaluative.

Reflective-evaluative activity

Self-analysis and self-assessment in the course of progressing through the IEM is built according to the following plan:

1. How successful is my promotion?

2. What difficulties do I experience?

3. What mistakes do I make?

4. What is their reason?

5. What needs to be done to overcome difficulties and correct errors?

6. What are the goals and prospects for my further education?


1. What educational products have I been able to create?

2. How well do they match my original intent?

3. Do they need to be finalized, improved?

4. What has changed in me?

5. What are the goals and prospects for my further education?

The diagnostic stage of work involves carrying out boundary control measures, questioning, and observation. As a result, the teacher receives material for research and planning further work.

The analytical and research stage provides information about typical mistakes, possible causes of their occurrence, individual difficulties, learning motivation. The teacher has the opportunity to compare the results of learning at this stage with the real learning opportunities (RUV) of students.

At the organizational and design stage, the teacher searches for ways of pedagogical correction and draws up an IEM (student's individual educational route), as well as explanations for parents.

The correctional stage involves the work of a teacher, student and parents directly on an individual educational route, where topics are defined to fill gaps, it is indicated what knowledge, skills, skills the child will acquire as a result of mastering this topic, as well as what OUUN (general educational skills and abilities) he necessary.

Thus, an individual educational route really becomes a personal way of realizing the student's personal potential in education.

IEM is a specific method of individual learning that helps to eliminate gaps in the knowledge, abilities, skills of students, master key educational technologies, provide psychological and pedagogical support to the child, and thus increase the level of learning motivation.

Information and bibliographic material:
On the individualization of education. Definition of concepts

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  2. Alexandrova, E. Once again about the individualization of high school students / E. Alexandrova // Educational work at school. - 2008. - No. 6. - P.27-46.

  3. Aleksandrova, E. Individualization of education: learning for yourself / E. Aleksandrova / Public education. - 2008. - No. 7. - S.243-250.

  4. Zotkin, A. Individualized learning in England and Russia / A. Zotkin, N. Mukha //School technologies. - 2008. - No. 2. - P.42-47.

  5. Loginova, Yu.N. The concepts of an individual educational route and an individual educational trajectory and the problem of their design // Bib-ka of the journal "Methodist". -2006. - No. 9. - P. 4-7.

  6. Krylova, N.B. Individualization of the child in education: problems and solutions / N.B. Krylov // School technologies.-2008. - No. 2. - P.34-41.

  7. Lerner, P.S. Subjective searches for the meaning of the content of education as a new task of cooperation pedagogy / P.S. Lerner // Proceedings of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. - M., 2008. - Issue 12.

  8. Selivanova, O.G. Teoriya i praktika upravleniya kachestva obrazovaniya obrazovanii v studentno-orientirovannom obrazovanii [Theory and practice of managing the quality of education of high school students in personality-oriented education]. Selivanova // Profile school. - 2008. - No. 5. - P.4-8.

Individual route

  1. Antsupov, S.V. Individual curricula in profile education: practice, successes, problems / S.V. Antsupov, T.N. Bogdanova, E.V. Ivanenko// School technologies. - 2009. - No. 1. - P.116-121.

  2. Artemova, L.K. Educational and professional route for high school students: problems, ways of implementation / L.K. Artemova // Profile school. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 47-54.

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  4. Bessolitsyna, R. Individual curriculum: design, choice, organization of education / R. Bessolitsyna, A. Khodyrev // Director of the school. - 2009. - No. 4. - P.58-63.

  5. Budinkova, V.S. Individual curricula of specialized education for students of educational institutions / V.S. Budinkova //Municipal entity: innovations and experiment. - 2008. - No. 4. - P.63-68.

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  8. Dekina, N.P. Map of choosing an individual training route / N.P. Dekina // Head teacher. - 2004. - No. 6. - P.46-47.

  9. Zhuravleva, K. Teaching according to individual curricula: increasing motivation and the student's ability to choose the desired load / K. Zhuravleva, E. Zubareva, I. Nistratova, E. Sekacheva // Director of the school. - 2008. - No. 3. - P.53-58.

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  12. Knyazeva, T.N. Individual educational route of the child as a condition for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation / T.N. Knyazeva // Correctional Pedagogy. - 2005. -№1. - P.62-66.

  13. Manichkina, Z.I. Individual cognitive routes as a way of developing a child's personality in the conditions of UDOD / Z.I. Manichkina, N.P. Sadomova //Additional education and upbringing. - 2006. -№11. - P.23-27.

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  18. Ryzhkova, I. The role of a tutor in the preparation of an individual educational program for a student / I. Ryzhkova // Directory of the head of the educational institution. - 2009. - No. 1. - P.58-61.

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  21. Tselishcheva, N. Innovation without quotes: learning according to an individual plan: The creative space of the Moscow network experimental site on this topic - 150 schools / N. Tselishcheva // Public education. - 2009. - No. 4. - S.199-204.

  22. Tsybenov, B.V. Working materials of a teacher and a student on an individual educational route / B.V. Tsybenko //Practice of administrative work at school. - 2009. - No. 4. - P.48-52.

  23. Shaposhnikova, T.V. Implementation of the linguistic profile of education in the form of an individual curriculum / T.V. Shaposhnikova, L.A. Baidurova // Education quality management. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.82-90.

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Individual learning path

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Individual trajectories of advanced training

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The main goal of modern preschool education is the development and education of the future student with the help of all available pedagogical resources. However, the toddler education program is focused on a child with average abilities, which means that in order to work with children who have deviations from developmental norms or, conversely, who are ahead of their peers, it is necessary to adjust the recommended educational strategies. This explains the relevance of developing a separate plan for the development of a particular preschool child, which was called an individual educational route (IEM) according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The essence of the concept of IOM

This is interesting. Galileo Galilei said: “We cannot teach a person anything. We can only help him discover it in himself.”

An individual educational route is a program for creating an educational space for a particular child, which is compiled with the help of child psychologists, speech pathologists, educators and methodologists at a specific educational level (in kindergarten this is the younger group, middle and older). In other words, IOM involves the selection of activities that will solve certain difficulties in learning or, conversely, expand or deepen knowledge, the degree of mastery of a skill. For example, when aptitude for mathematics is identified, the IEM may include additional classes in the subject, or in case of difficulties in communicating with peers, the child can be connected to group games as often as possible, starting with work in pairs and gradually increasing the number of participants. This takes into account not only the child's age (which is typical for the general educational strategy of a preschool institution), but also the child's abilities, which can be ahead or slower in comparison with generally accepted standards. Thus, IEM is a compensation for learning difficulties, taking into account the personal potential of the child, which allows him to show his intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity, moral and spiritual characteristics. Despite the fact that there is no specific “recipe” for drawing up an individual strategy, the principles, goals and objectives of IOM are stipulated in documents such as

  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • GEF DO.

Goals and objectives

The main goal of IOM is to create suitable conditions in an institution engaged in preschool education for successful self-realization among peers and surrounding adults of a single child, his social and personal growth, that is, to increase authority and increase the baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The objectives of a personal educational strategy are as follows:

  • the formation of an objective environment for the social development of the baby (that is, providing the necessary material and technical base for classes, for example, if the child is passionate about playing chess, then in the game room, along with “standard” toys, there may be a chessboard especially for him);
  • organization of a unified system of interaction between all levels of administration, as well as cooperation with parents aimed at the social and personal growth of the child;
  • improving the dialogue with the child on the basis of mutual respect and trust;
  • creation of all conditions for the upbringing of a positive attitude of the baby towards himself and the people around him, as well as for the development of the child's communicative competence;
  • the formation in the baby of a positive attitude towards his personality, as well as the education of awareness of the rights and freedoms relating to concepts relevant to this age (choice of friends, toys, the right to personal belongings, and most importantly, the right to one's own opinion).

The above tasks determine the factors that determine IOM:

  • state order;
  • requests and needs of adult family members, in particular, parents;
  • personal abilities and level of potential of a particular child;
  • material and technical equipment, as well as the teaching staff of the institution of preschool education.

These factors are important at all levels of interaction: the state determines the overall strategy and direction for the development of education (for example, the education of patriotism, spirituality), provides kindergartens with the necessary materials, parents put forward requirements for the level of readiness of children, kids realize and expand their capabilities, and the circle closes again - the same state - it "receives" individuals who become worthy citizens of their country, caring about its prosperity.

All these aspects of the creation of IEM practically repeat the general strategy of preschool education, but with the difference that now individualization, that is, an orientation towards the upbringing of a unique personality, is carried out not only at specially allotted hours for certain classes or in certain types of activity, but takes place " red thread" through the entire educational process.

For whom and why is it created

An individual education strategy is created for children

  • lagging behind in the assimilation of the program of preschool institutions;
  • with mental disabilities, for children with disabilities;
  • with advanced mental development.

In general, IOM is developed for

  • motor skills training (both fine and large);
  • formation of hygienic, moral-cultural, communicative and social skills;
  • activity realization of the child's potential, affecting the manipulative (laying out the loto, cards, etc.), sensory-perceptual (determining geometric shapes by shape, the texture of the material by tactile sensations, etc.), subject-practical (the use of a children's set for the sandbox, not only for the intended purpose, but also for the care of indoor plants) and play areas of development;
  • development of speech abilities (performing various tasks, the baby must comment on his actions);
  • formation of correct ideas about the world around us;
  • understanding of the essence of the concepts of space and time.

As a rule, IEM is compiled for the school year, but in some cases (for example, if the baby has not coped with the problem or if it concerns a gifted child), the strategy can be used for the entire period of study, only the methods and methods of work need to be adjusted: so that they are age appropriate child.

Who composes and leads

The educator is engaged in the development of IOM, but - what is of particular importance - he does this ONLY together with the methodologist and psychologist, and also taking into account recommendations and comments

  • baby's parents;
  • speech therapist.

An educator, a psychologist (some aspects of social and communicative development) and a speech therapist (a number of points in speech development) fill out the card. The differentiation between the aspects of observation and work takes place individually, which is associated with the qualifications of the employees of the preschool institution. This is especially true for kindergartens, where the teacher also performs the functions of a speech therapist. That is, in practice, a folder with IEM is created, including the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the baby, a plan for implementing the strategy, a list of expected results, as well as a table or characteristic with details of the implementation of each goal. With the frequency established by the administration of the institution (based on the goals of a particular IEM), parents get acquainted with the progress of the tasks, after which they express their wishes, ask questions regarding a specific area of ​​education. In the future, it is assumed that every kid graduating from kindergarten will present his “dossier” to the primary school teacher, who, continuing the line of individualization of education that has already been started, will formulate the following goals and objectives of the IEM and implement them already at the stage of the child’s education at school.

What includes

Main streamGoals and objectivesMethods and means
sensory parenting C.: development of tactile, muscular skills through the actions of perception and thinking.
Z.: develop fine motor skills; thinking, visual perception
M.: exercise, play.
WITH.: board games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, mosaics, lacing, sleeves, assignments in the corner of nature, research activities (with paper, natural material), plasticine, clay, sand.
environmental education C.: expansion of ideas about the environment.
Z.: * to teach to establish causal relationships between seasonal changes in nature and human actions in nature,
*expand ideas about plants and animals of the native land, Russia, planet Earth,
* to form an ecological culture, the need to protect natural resources.
M.: exercises, game, experiments, question, conversation, search activity.
WITH.: didactic games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, assignments in the corner of nature, research activities (with water, ice, natural materials - coal, stone, resin, sand, gravel).
Development of the main types of movements C.: development of general motor skills, coordination.
Z.: * develop physical qualities - speed, agility, manifestation of endurance and strength, * improve balance.
* to develop organization.
M.: exercises, massage, physical education, game.
WITH. - sports equipment: gymnastic benches, skittles, gymnastic sticks, balls, jump ropes, ring throwers, etc.
moral education C.: adherence to generally accepted norms and rules of conduct.
Z.: learn how to control your behavior
M.: exercise, play.
WITH.: reading fiction, dramatization of fiction, illustrations, slides.
Speech development C.: speech development.
Z.: * expand the vocabulary denoting the names of objects, actions, signs,
* learn to use synonyms, antonyms in speech,
* improve the ability to use different parts of speech accurately in meaning,
* to form the ability to distinguish by ear and in pronunciation all the sounds of the native language,
* improve phonemic hearing, determine the place of sound in a word.
* learn to agree nouns with numerals, nouns with adjectives, pronouns with nouns and adjectives,
* learn to form single-root words,
* educate the culture of verbal communication,
* Practice making sentences
* learn to divide words into syllables.
M.: didactic exercises, game, conversation.
WITH.: desktop-printed games, didactic games, tests, split alphabet, games - diagrams, cash registers, subject pictures.
Social and communicative development C.: enrichment of children's consciousness with new content - understanding of concepts - time, sign, symbol.
Z.: * reinforce the use of polite words.
* cultivate a culture of behavior at the table, in communication with peers and adults, in public places.
* Cultivate optimistic qualities.
* formation of self-service skills.
* consolidation of knowledge about traffic rules
M.: exercise, game, question.
WITH.: desktop-printed games, didactic games, tests, games - diagrams, subject pictures, educational and methodological material on traffic rules.

Stages of developing an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The development of an individual strategy takes place in stages.

  • observation stage. The goals of this stage are to identify children experiencing difficulties, as a result, the observer fills in the table.
  • Stage of diagnosis. This stage is carried out together with a child psychologist. Tests are performed with the child to identify the causes of certain difficulties. The result of the work is a table.
  • Construction stage. The purpose of this stage is the actual development of IEM based on the identified difficulties and the reasons for their occurrence. The result is a finished route scheme.
  • Implementation stage. With the help of different methods, the IOM is performed. Among the universal ways to achieve the goal, for example, with difficulties in the socialization of the child, the following can be distinguished:
Conversations, games, discussion of books read, problematic issues (for example, in the middle group - what is good and what is bad).Acquaintance with various manifestations of emotions that form moral assessments (for example, anger at the wolf that ate Little Red Riding Hood helps to form a negative attitude towards vile deeds)
Games, trainings for the development of the sphere of behavior.Development of communication skills, stress relief, reduction of aggressiveness in behavior, negativity, etc.
Art therapy (thread, fairy tale therapy, puppet therapy)Creative realization, education of aesthetic taste
Psychogymnastics techniques for relaxationMuscle relaxation, emotionally positive attitude, etc.
  • Stage of diagnosis. Evaluation of the results of work on IEM. The main criterion is whether the problem remains or it has been eliminated. If there is no progress, a new IOM is being developed; if progress is being made, then the existing one can be continued or improved.


Individual routes, as already noted, do not have an established design scheme, they can be in the form of a table or in the form of text - it all depends on the difficulty the development is aimed at solving. Let's consider two options.

Example #1

Difficulties: inattentive and distracted, has difficulty in solving logical problems, mathematical tasks.

Experiencing difficulties in solving logical problems, mathematical tasks.

A week
Regime momentsDirect educational activitiesIndependent activityInteraction with parents
3 week
Working with a multimedia presentation "Count the contour"Tangram game
4 weekWalk
"Draw a Geometric Castle in the Snow"
Tell your friends about your drawing
1 Week
Didactic game "What has changed?" Memo "Games for the development of logical thinking"
2 weeksWorking in a corner of nature
Watering plants based on the description of the flower.
Multimedia game "Associations"
3 week Working with punched cards
"The composition of the number"
Teach a friend
Work with a card.
Game visit us.
4 weekDuring the morning reception, completing assignments on handoutsMultimedia presentation "Merry Score"Check out a friend's work.

Route Action Results: The level of development of attention, concentration and switching has increased. The child copes with tasks of a mathematical nature, logical tasks.

Example #2

Child's age: 4 years 2 months

Gender: male

Problem: Weak computing skills

The purpose of the individual route: the development and consolidation of computational skills within the first ten

Task: to develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Frequency of classes: 2 times a week

Duration: 20 minutes

Exercises in the classroom:

  1. “The numbers got lost” Arrange the numbers in order Learn to name the numbers in order

2. "What has changed? What number is missing? Name the next and previous digit of the natural series Play the game "Name your neighbor"

3. "Merry little train" Attach, attach trailers with numbers to the train. Solve examples by adding the number 1.

  1. Put the cars in the garage Solving examples by counting one Learn to name the next and previous digit
  2. “Postman” Deliver letters - examples to houses (solving examples by adding and subtracting the numbers 1 and 2) Play the game “Bring a letter to grandmother, brother”
  3. "Paratroopers" Each "paratrooper" - land the figure on your own example. Games at home at the expense of objects that surround the child.
  4. Help Dunno to solve examples Solve examples of the first ten using punch cards Solve examples using fairy-tale characters: Piggy, Stepashka, Cheburashka, etc.
  5. Let's help the hedgehog collect mushrooms. Consolidation of computing skills within the first ten. Solving examples at home.

The structure of an individual lesson:

  1. Organizational moment: a moment of joy.
  2. Surprise moment: the arrival of a fairy-tale character.
  3. Main work: help, guess, prompt

Work at the magnetic board;

Handout exercises;

Work in a notebook.

    The result of the lesson: a minute of communication, what you liked, what caused difficulties, and what was difficult.

Performance evaluation:

As a result of systematic and systematic work with a child who has weak computational skills, by the end of the annual cycle of classes: computational skills will be fixed; cognitive interest in mathematics will increase; the mental activity of the child is activated, he will freely perform computational exercises within the first ten. These achievements will help in the future to overcome the problems of the mathematical development of the preschooler.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

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