Computer science preparation for the Unified State Exam from scratch materials. How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in computer science


The Unified State Exam in computer science is chosen by schoolchildren who plan to further develop in the IT field and master technical and engineering specialties. Although the exam is not mandatory, it is popular.

Computer literacy has become something taken for granted for modern people. This does not mean that everyone can easily pass the 2019 Unified State Exam in computer science. You will need excellent knowledge of theory, good practice, and the ability to apply acquired skills to pass tests.

What's next for you?

The exam lasts 235 minutes. During this time you need to complete 27 tasks.

The first part of each ticket contains 23 problems. The solution to each of them is a number or sequence of letters and numbers. The second section contains four tasks that require detailed answers. Full detailed solutions are required. The level of difficulty varies: 12 tasks are at a basic level, 11 at an advanced level, and 4 at a high level.


Is it possible to improve your computer science knowledge to the required level on your own? If you take the matter seriously, you can cope without special courses or tutors. To do this, you will have to devote at least a couple of hours to studying every day.

It is advisable to start by collecting information on the topic. All test questions are based on the school curriculum, therefore, it is enough to provide yourself with regular textbooks.

It is important to start studying from the very beginning and not miss a single diagram. Training should be based on the principle “from simple to complex”, and each section must not only be memorized, but also understood. This is the only way to use the acquired skills to solve problems.

The material covered must be consolidated by practicing. Test materials in the textbook may not be enough at this stage; additional tasks should be found.

When you have completed the school course completely, it is time for training. Independent preparation from scratch for the Unified State Exam in computer science involves taking tests every day. You should devote at least one and a half to two hours to study every day. Short breaks will help overcome fatigue and restore mental clarity.

You should not neglect the demo versions of the 2019 Unified State Exam in computer science - the exam will probably have similar tasks, and if you practice well in advance, you will not have any difficulties with them. We wish you good luck in your exams!

Which programming language to choose, which tasks to focus on and how to allocate time during the exam

Teaches computer science at Foxford

Different universities require different entrance exams for IT areas. Somewhere you need to take physics, somewhere you need to take computer science. It’s up to you to decide which exam to prepare for, but it’s worth keeping in mind that the competition for specialties where you need to take physics is usually lower than for specialties where the Unified State Exam in computer science is required, i.e. the likelihood of enrolling “through physics” is greater.

Why then take the Unified State Exam in computer science?

  • It is faster and easier to prepare for it than for physics.
  • You will be able to choose from more specialties.
  • It will be easier for you to study in your chosen specialty.

What you need to know about the Unified State Exam in computer science

The Unified State Examination in computer science consists of two parts. The first part contains 23 problems with a short answer, the second - 4 problems with a detailed answer. The first part of the exam contains 12 basic level tasks, 10 advanced level tasks and 1 high level task. In the second part there is 1 task of an advanced level and 3 tasks of a high level.

Solving the problems from the first part allows you to score 23 primary points - one point for each completed task. Solving the problems of the second part adds 12 primary points (3, 2, 3 and 4 points for each problem, respectively). Thus, the maximum primary points that can be obtained for solving all tasks is 35.

Primary scores are converted into test scores, which are the result of the Unified State Examination. 35 raw points = 100 test points for the exam. At the same time, more test points are awarded for solving problems from the second part of the exam than for answering problems in the first part. Each primary score received for the second part of the Unified State Examination will give you 3 or 4 test points, which in total is about 40 final points for the exam.

This means that when completing the Unified State Exam in computer science, it is necessary to pay special attention to solving problems with a detailed answer: No. 24, 25, 26 and 27. Their successful completion will allow you to score more final points. But the cost of a mistake during their implementation is higher - the loss of each initial point is fraught with the fact that you will not pass the competition, because 3-4 final points for the Unified State Exam with high competition in IT specialties can become decisive.

How to prepare to solve problems from the first part

  • Pay special attention to tasks No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23. These tasks, according to the analysis of the results of past years, are especially difficult. Difficulties in solving these problems are experienced not only by those who have a low overall score for the Unified State Exam in computer science, but also by “good” and “excellent” students.
  • Memorize the table of powers of the number 2.
  • Remember that KBytes in tasks means kibibytes, not kilobytes. 1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes. This will help avoid errors in calculations.
  • Carefully study the Unified State Exam options of previous years. The computer science exam is one of the most stable, which means that you can safely use the Unified State Exam options from the last 3-4 years for preparation.
  • Get to know different options for wording assignments. Remember that minor changes in wording will always lead to poorer exam results.
  • Read the task conditions carefully. Most errors when completing tasks are due to an incorrect understanding of the condition.
  • Learn to independently check completed assignments and find errors in answers.

What you need to know about solving long-answer problems

Task 24 - to find an error

Problem 25 requires writing a simple program

Problem 26 - game theory

Task 27 - you need to program a complex program

The main difficulty in the exam is problem 27. It can only be decided60-70% of those writing the Unified State Exam in computer science. Its peculiarity is that it is impossible to prepare for it in advance. Every year a fundamentally new task is presented for the exam. When solving problem No. 27, not a single semantic error can be made.

How to calculate time in an exam

Refer to the data given in the specification of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam in computer science. It indicates the approximate time allotted for completing the tasks of the first and second parts of the exam.

The Unified State Examination in computer science lasts 235 minutes.

Of these, 90 minutes are allocated to solving problems from the first part. On average, each task from the first part takes from 3 to 5 minutes. It takes 10 minutes to solve problem No. 23.

There are 145 minutes left to solve the tasks of the second part of the exam, while solving the last problem No. 27 will require at least 55 minutes. These calculations were carried out by specialists from the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements and are based on the results of previous years' exams, so they should be taken seriously and used as a guide for the exam.

Programming languages ​​- which one to choose

  1. BASIC. This is an outdated language, and although it is still taught in schools, there is no point in wasting time on mastering it.
  2. School algorithmic programming language. It is designed specifically for early learning of programming, convenient for mastering initial algorithms, but contains virtually no depth, and there is no room for development.
  3. Pascal. It is still one of the most common programming languages ​​for teaching in schools and universities, but its capabilities are also very limited. Pascal is quite suitable as a language for writing the Unified State Exam.
  4. C++. A universal language, one of the fastest programming languages. It is difficult to learn, but in practical application its possibilities are very wide.
  5. Python. It is easy to learn at a beginner level; the only thing required is knowledge of the English language. At the same time, with in-depth study, Python provides the programmer with no less opportunities than C++. Having started studying Python in school, you will continue to use it in the future; you will not have to relearn another language in order to achieve new horizons in programming. To pass the Unified State Exam, it is enough to know Python at a basic level.

Good to know

  • Computer science papers are assessed by two experts. If the experts' assessment results differ by 1 point, the higher of the two points is assigned. If the discrepancy is 2 points or more, the work is rechecked by a third expert.
  • A useful site for preparing for the Unified State Exam in computer science -

Independent preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science. Kashaev S.M., Sherstneva L.V.

SPb.: 2009 - 464 p.

The book is intended for independent preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science in secondary schools and contains the following sections: “Information and information processes”, “Number systems”, “Logic”, “Information models and systems”, “Computer, operating systems and software shells”, “Processing of graphic and audio information”, “Spreadsheets”, “Databases”, “Telecommunication technologies”, “Algorithmization and programming”. The last topic, taking into account the predominance of these questions in Unified State Exam tests, is devoted to three chapters: algorithmization of problems, programming, algorithms without programming. Each chapter is structured as follows: first, the necessary theoretical information is discussed, as it is presented, typical examples are given, and at the end there is a separate section with examples. The book can be used both in preparation for the Unified State Exam and in the current educational process by students and teachers of schools and colleges.

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Table of contents
Introduction 9
From the authors of book 13
Chapter 1. Information and information processes 15
Number of information 17
Law of information additivity 19
Calculating the minimum number of questions 20
Probability and Shannon's formula 22
Information transfer process 24
Encoding text data 29
Situations with three elementary events 30
Examples of tasks 31
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 39
Chapter 2. Number systems 43
Types of number systems 43
Converting numbers from one system to another 47
Fractional numbers 51
Actions on numbers 54
Representation of negative numbers 56
Interval of numbers on the bit grid 58
Errors when performing addition and subtraction 58
Examples of tasks 60
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 71
Chapter 3. Mathematical logic 76
Logical operations 78
Properties of logical operations 81
Examples of tasks 83
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 107
Chapter 4. Analysis and Models 115
Examples of tasks 115
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 129
Chapter 5. Computer and operating systems 138
Computer systems architecture 139
Microprocessor architecture 142
Types of microprocessors 144
Operating systems and file system 145
Examples of tasks 148
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 152
Chapter 6. Graphics 154
Presentation of graphical data 154
Types of graphics 155
Color coding 157
Examples of tasks 158
Chapter 7. Internet 161
Protocols 163
Domain name system 165
Order in address space 165
Internet services 166
Email 166
WWW Service 167
FTP File Transfer Service 168
Uniform Resource Locator 169
Hypertext Markup Language HTML 169
Creating an HTML File in Notepad 171
Formatting text 176
Images 185
Hyperlinks 188
Lists 194
Tables 200
Internal hyperlinks 204
Tag<МЕТА> 205
Tags And

Examples of tasks 208
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 215
Chapter 8: Spreadsheets 219
Starting Microsoft Excel 2007 221
Creating a Microsoft Excel Workbook 224
Creating formulas and formatting cells 226
Relative and absolute references 231
Links to other sheets and other books 241
Access to built-in functions 242
IFSIO function 244
Fushchsh.I0,OR()t5.NOT0 245
Nested functions ISLIO 246
COUNTE function 246
INTEGER function 248
Date and Time Functions 248
Creating names for cells and ranges 250
Arrays 251
Automation examples 252
Working with charts 255
Creating a graph 259
Examples of tasks 261
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 269
Chapter 9. Databases 273
Data structure 274
Creating a table in a database 276
Requests 277
Selection conditions 278
Numerical conditions in selection 279
Entering multiple conditions in one field 280
Entering selection conditions for several fields 280
Examples of tasks 281
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 283
Chapter 10. Programming 285
Introducing Pascal 287
Compilation 291
Operators for working with integers 292
Real numbers 296
Rules for evaluating expressions 299
Constants 301
Working with 302 characters
Boolean data type 304
Condition operator 305
Selection operator 311
Loop statement for 312
Loop with precondition 319
Loop with postcondition 322
Arrays 323
Working with Character Strings 331
Examples of tasks 334
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 354
Chapter 11. Algorithmization of problems 359
Analysis of numbers and number systems 359
Counting the sum of digits in the number 360
Converting a number to binary 361
Analysis of parity of numbers 363
Constructing triangles from segments 365
One-dimensional arrays 368
Finding the arithmetic mean 368
Summation of array elements subject to condition 369
Checking the order of an array 370
Exchange of array values ​​371
Summation of adjacent array elements 372
Counting elements by condition 373
Transferring value modules to another array 375
Counting the number of maximum elements 376
Two-dimensional arrays 379
Calculating the sum of maximum elements 379
Finding a column with a maximum amount of 381
Calculating the amount given condition 383
Function Analysis 384
Calculating Function Values ​​384
Belonging of a point to a certain area 385
The point belongs to the ring 388
The point belongs to the square 390
Belonging of a number to a certain interval 393
Solving Equations 395
Quadratic Equation 400
Solving Inequality 402
Processing 404 Data Sets
Student testing 404
Olympiad report 407
Certificates 409
Exam 411 results
Semi-passing score 413
Sort 415
Selection sort 416
Sort by exchanging values ​​421
Finding a solution on a chessboard 422
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 426
Chapter 12. Algorithms without programming 436
Calculator 436
TASK 1 436
TASK 2 437
TASK 3 438
TASK 4 439
TASK 5 439
Game strategy 440
Game1 440
Game 2 441
Game 3 442
Game 4 443
Robot 444
TASK 1 445
TASK 2 446
Turtle 447
Assignments from the Unified State Exam 2009 448
Conclusion 457
Literature 458
Subject index 459

So, the Unified State Exam has fully entered our lives. This book is addressed to students who are going to take the Unified State Exam in the discipline "Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies". The purpose of this examination work is to evaluate the training of graduates of general education institutions in this discipline for the purpose of conducting final certification and competitive selection of applicants to institutions of secondary and higher vocational education.
The total number of tasks in the examination paper is 32, and the paper itself consists of three parts. The first part (A) contains 18 tasks of basic, advanced and high levels of difficulty. This part contains multiple-choice tasks that require you to indicate one correct answer out of four given. The tasks are completed in draft form, and the answers are entered on a special answer form for Part A.
The second part (B) contains 10 tasks of basic, advanced and high levels of difficulty. This part contains tasks with a short answer form, which involve independently formulating and entering the answer in the form of a sequence of characters. The tasks are completed in draft form, and the answers are entered on a special answer form for Part B.
The third part (C) contains 4 tasks, the first of which is of an increased level of difficulty, and the remaining three are of a high level
difficulties. The tasks in this part involve writing a detailed answer in free form on a special form.

It is simply impossible to enroll on a budget at a prestigious university for popular majors such as economics, law, computer security, etc. Most people are simply not able to pay tuition fees - only a few can pay over 100 thousand rubles a year.

At the same time, the school curriculum, in most cases, does not include the topics included in the Unified State Examination. And most school teachers are not able to give the student the level that is necessary to get high scores. You can often hear from students about rewriting textbooks instead of competent teaching, solving in lessons the wrong examples that they need, and a small number of lessons they need.

What should students and parents do in this case? Most parents try to find their child a professional teacher in the required subject, which, in principle, is correct, especially if you take subjects such as mathematics and physics. Preparation for these subjects is extremely difficult: to pass mathematics you need to solve a huge number of different variants of tasks, in physics you need to know all the necessary laws, formulas, and be able to apply them.

The principle of passing an exam in computer science is fundamentally different from passing the subjects mentioned above. Firstly, most of the tasks are standard, and in order to complete them, you do not need to solve hundreds of different options. Secondly, some of the tasks are designed for the ability to think logically. Many students, having taken a trial course in computer science for the first time, are sincerely surprised that the tasks are like puzzles, and begin solving them in their free time just for fun.

Here you need to understand that some tasks are extremely difficult and will require maximum effort from the student not only to solve them, but even to understand what they actually want from him. However, to get a passing score (40 points in 2013), you just need to pore over the assignments for a few hours. And this is with almost zero knowledge base on the subject.

Unified State Examination tasks in computer science can be divided into several main blocks:

  1. Programming. Traditionally the most difficult section of the exam. The problem is that in most secondary schools, teachers teach a minimum level of programming, or even avoid this topic altogether. And the student simply cannot understand the basic principles of the program. However, on the modern Internet there is a huge amount of reference materials written in a language that students can understand. And yet, to study this topic, it is highly advisable to hire a tutor, at least to gain basic knowledge.
  2. Logics. The second most difficult section of the exam. To complete most tasks, you need to solve a logical equation or system and be able to work with sets.
  3. Amount of information. What could be easier than counting the number of bytes in a text document? Given that the number of characters in this document and the size of each character are given.
  4. Spreadsheets. Here you need to know the basic mathematical functions of the MS EXCEL program and the principle of addressing cells in a table. Most people have Excel installed with Microsoft Office, and completing assignments at home is easy.
  5. Working with number systems. Here you will need to remember elementary school: the ability to divide with a remainder and solve examples in a column, because It is prohibited to use a calculator on the Unified State Examination.
  6. Various tasks for thinking, logic, counting.

Of course, with the proper desire, it is quite possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own and score 60-80 points, but it is highly advisable to find a tutor, or, in extreme cases, a person who is simply knowledgeable in computer science, who can point out mistakes and suggest the right solution. It is enough to come to such a person once a week or two with assigned tasks in which problems have arisen. And, of course, actively use the Internet - on programming forums, on social networks, on thematic sites, a huge number of all kinds of tasks with detailed solutions.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in computer science is a labor-intensive and slow process that requires a systematic approach from the student. If a qualified teacher works with the child, then there will be no problems at all. The specialist will tell you exactly what questions to expect during testing, and will also teach you how to solve even the most complex problems. How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in computer science if there is no tutor nearby? In this case, all planning and training issues are decided directly by the graduate.

Where to start preparing

It is worth noting that those schoolchildren who studied diligently all year and honestly completed all their homework will not have any difficulties with preparation. Before you prepare for the Unified State Exam in computer science on your own, you need to go to all the lessons and listen carefully to the teacher. The teacher has been preparing graduates for testing for many years and will be able to tell many interesting nuances, knowledge of which will ultimately help them get a high score.

The self-training algorithm looks like this:

  • You need to find computer science problems that were on the Unified State Exam last year, and also study the assessment criteria;
  • Tasks are solved without taking into account time, special attention is paid to issues that cause difficulty. In this case, there are several similar problems that need to be solved in order to consolidate the material;
  • Having decided on problematic issues, it is worth making a repetition plan with dates;
  • The child is tested in computer science for the previous year against time.

During the test, you immediately need to decide which questions do not cause difficulties and where to save time. This advice can be heard from many professional tutors. The limited time for writing a test drives some students into a stupor, so identifying easy places in testing allows you to make a certain time reserve.

Many schoolchildren take the Unified State Exam in computer science, so you will have to prepare thoroughly for this subject. There are several tips on how to prepare for Unified State Examination computer science from scratch and efficiently.

  • You need to start preparing in advance. You shouldn’t put off preparing for the last few months before the Unified State Exam. During this time it is unrealistic to learn everything well;
  • The material must be taught in thematic blocks. It’s good to keep a separate notebook and take notes on the main points there. This technique allows you to memorize quickly;
  • The questions in the first part of the test are usually easy. Therefore, you need to look for the correct answers automatically so as not to waste precious time;
  • In order to confidently solve problems in computer science for a while, you can study on special sites on the Internet. Such resources are absolutely free and allow you to work through various issues and tasks.

Before you start preparing for the Unified State Exam in computer science, you need to make sure once again that this particular subject is worth taking and not another. Preparation should take place in a calm environment.

How to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam

Our specialized courses in the city of Klin will help you quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam in computer science. Here graduates will gain deeper knowledge compared to self-training. All tasks that may be tested are analyzed in detail by teachers, after which a timed trial exam is taken. This approach in almost all cases guarantees a high score in computer science at the end of the school year.

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