Ingeborga dapkunaite pregnant. Ingeborga Dapkunaite: does the Lithuanian actress have children? Stage and set


Name: Ingeborga Dapkunaite (Ingeborga Dapkunaite)

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Vilnius, Lithuania

Height: 156 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Activity: theater and film actress

Family status: Married

Ingeborga Dapkunaite - biography

An actress of Lithuania, who has 64 films to her credit, she gained fame not only in the Soviet Union, Russia, but also in Hollywood. Now Ingeborga Edmundovna lives in London.

Childhood, Dapkunaite family

The girl got used to attention from childhood, as she was born in a family in which she was very loved. Her father is a diplomat, and for this reason, Ingeborg remembers the frequent absence of her parents as one of the facts of her biography. The girl was under the loving and close attention of her grandmother, grandfather, aunt and uncle. Surrounded by the future actress were creative artistic people. All of them served the Vilnius Opera House.

Ingeborga began to sing early, and her repertoire consisted mainly of operatic arias. From the age of 4, the grandmother brought her granddaughter to the stage. The girl successfully played roles in children's performances and children in adults: Cio-Cio-San, Faust, Demon. Ingiborg grew up as a creative child, so one hobby was not enough for her. She splashed out her energy in figure skating and basketball, although she did not have a violent character. But her biography has long been determined by all relatives.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite - theatrical biography

No matter how good the theater was, Ingeborg was attracted to ballet. But, despite this, the student studied a foreign language in order to enter the appropriate institute after graduation. As a result, Dapkunaite successfully passed the exams at the State Conservatory for the theater department. The course was recruited by Jonas Vaitkus.

The Conservatory has always announced admissions for its students before other institutions. After graduating from a higher educational institution, the graduate was accepted into the Kaunas Drama Theater.

The main roles appeared in the biography of the aspiring actress immediately. The teacher of the course staged performances in the theater, was a director, so he knew his capable student well. Having played her mentor in seven performances, the actress accepts an invitation from the Vilnius Youth Theater and again plays the main roles.

Work in Vilnius made Ingeborg friends with John Malkovich, who offered her to leave for the rehearsal of the play "Mistake of Speech". London again gives her the lead role and an accompanying invitation from the Chicago theater. There are many intimate female monologues in the performances, but the actress manages to minimize the vulgarity in frank confessions and scenes. The performance acquired a new vision of the role with Ingeborga Dapkunaite, which brought the production an incredible and completely unexpected success.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite - movies

While studying at the conservatory, Ingeborga received an invitation from Donatas Banionis to shoot the film "My Little Wife", the audience liked the smart girl from the film. But Dapkunaite woke up famous after the premiere of the film about intergirls, which was shot by Todorovsky. The first Golden Aries award was given to the actress for the film Cynics, then there was the Nika award, recognition for the role of Marusya in Burnt by the Sun.

Hollywood directors noticed the talented Ingeborg, in several films the actress starred with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. The heroines played by the actress are tragic and mysterious, they feel a combination of strength and tenderness, they are beautiful and smart.

There are no roles that a woman herself could not cope with - the mystery of Ingeborg Dapkunaite. Those who remember a quiet, modest, calm girl from childhood cannot imagine how the actress manages to play roles that are completely opposite to her own character.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite - biography of personal life

During her first job after graduating from high school, Ingeborg gets married for the first time, the actor Arunas Sakalauskas made up a couple for her. Although they are divorced, they do not lose good relations. The second husband was the director of the play, for which the actress left for London, Simon Stokes. Their joint married life was ten years. The divorce from the second husband was without strain, calm also made it possible to maintain friendship between the former spouses.

Dapkunaite meets her third, who never became legal, husband Emir Kusturica at a film festival. The famous Serbian director fell in love with the feminine actress immediately, but he was married. His wife filed for divorce herself, despite the fact that they had children together. For a long time, lovers met, but their marriage did not take place.

After fifty years, Ingeborga Edmundovna officially marries Dmitry Yampolsky. The entrepreneur is 12 years younger than his famous wife. The husband went to live in London, the couple does not have children they would raise. Dapkunaite does not like to talk about her personal life. She is more willing to share her recommendations on how to lose weight, what diet to follow, what physical exercises are best for women.

Fans are delighted with the figure and appearance of the actress and strive to be like her. And Ingeborga has a lot of fans and admirers, because the actress is extraordinary in everything: from external sophistication to a pleasant Lithuanian accent in her speech.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite - Filmography, films

- Coincidence
- Intergirl
- Cynics
- Alaska Kid
- Burnt by the sun
- Moscow Nights
- Mission Impossible
- Seven years in Tibet
- Morphine
- Kate
- My little wife

Ingeborga Dapkunaite is a famous Lithuanian film and theater actress. Dapkunaite was born in 1963 on January 20 in Lithuania in the city of Vilnius.

Ingeborg's mother worked as a meteorologist, and her father was a well-known diplomat. For many years, the parents of the future actress worked in Moscow, and little Ingeborg came to them only for the holidays, so her grandfather and grandmother, and sometimes aunt and uncle, raised and raised her.

Together, the relatives tried to do everything necessary for Ingeborga to make it easier for her to survive the long absence of her beloved parents. From early childhood, she performed in theater productions. The first debut of the actress occurred when she was only 4 years old - she participated in the opera production of "Cio-Cio-san" by Puccini.

The creative activity and rich personal life of Ingeborg Dapkunaite are interesting. Does the Lithuanian actress have children? The fact is that she always tried to make an excellent career, so she practically did not think about children. Over the 20 years of her acting career, Ingeborg managed to star in many films and worked with the most famous directors.

The actress played in such famous films as "Burnt by the Sun", "Mission Impossible", "Morphine" and many others. These roles glorified the actress not only in the countries of the former USSR, but throughout the world, where she is known and loved. At her age, Ingeborga looks great, which allows her to still actively engage in creativity.

In 2013, the actress starred in the Russian science fiction film Moscow 2017, where she again demonstrated her talent and professionalism.

Such hard work, tours and constant filming affected Dapkunaite's personal life. It is known that she had two marriages, which very quickly came to naught. The actress had no children from either her first or second husband.

In February 2013, Ingeborga married a successful restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky, who is 12 years younger than her. Dapkunaite's current husband owns several restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and he also owns some shares in a law firm. Enviable still the bride of Ingeborg Dapkunaite! The actress had children only from her marriage to Yampolsky, and these are not her own offspring, but from her husband's previous marriage.

The first two marriages of the actress were with famous creative people. The first husband Arunas Sakalauskas was a well-known Lithuanian actor, who was also her classmate. After a divorce from him, Ingeborga again decided to try her luck with the British theater director Simon Stokes, but again the marriage did not last long. They say that it was because of the lack of children that the star couple divorced.

Misfortune and bad luck in her personal life forced the actress to pursue only her career. Having conquered the hearts of Lithuanians and Russians, Ingeborg decided to try to reach the top in Hollywood. The actress was noticed very quickly and was offered a role in the film "Mission Impossible", where she starred with Tom Cruise, who had already become famous all over the world.

After this picture, Ingeborg began to receive other offers, and soon she again appeared on the world's television screens in the film "Seven Years in Tibet", where again she was lucky enough to star with the famous Brad Pitt.

In this film, Ingeborg was offered one of the main roles, so the actress very quickly became famous all over the world. After conquering Hollywood, Dapkunaite took part in the filming of the French-Russian film Winter Heat in 2004, where she had the opportunity to meet the world-famous director Stefan Vuillet.

Having conquered the cinema, the actress took up television. In 2005, she was offered to become the TV presenter of the world-famous Big Brother show, which aired on the Russian TNT channel.

For three whole months, the actress and the audience watched the life of the participants behind the glass. The following year, an interesting and bright couple Alexander Zhulin and the actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite appeared on the TV show "Stars on Ice". The personal life, children and history of the actress began to interest her fans even more, but the star herself focused very little on this in her interviews.

In 2008, she once again appeared on television, namely on Channel One - as a guest of the popular comedy program ProjectorParisHilton. A year later, she appeared at Eurovision, where she covered the scores of the participants, and in the same year she divorced her second husband.

Around the same time, the Lithuanian actress broke the family of Emir Kusturica, who, for the sake of Ingeborga Dapkunaite, left his wife Maya and two children - daughter Dunya and son Stribor. The romance of Ingeborga and Emir began at one of the film festivals and lasted several years, but the matter never came to a wedding. Although the star couple often thought about it.

Having made an excellent career, the actress began to think more and more about her personal life and actively began to build women's happiness. This time, the Lithuanian star decided to take this issue very seriously and look for a man who is not related to her occupation.

The young 38-year-old Dmitry Yampolsky noticed the actress for a long time, so their romance began very quickly and began to develop actively. Soon, they decided to formalize their relationship and quickly got married. Now Ingeborga has acquired not only a loving man and family, but also began to raise an adopted child. The daughter of Ingeborga Dapkunaite now feels the happiest, because she finally found a real family!

Despite her age, Dapkunaite does not deny that in the future she will finally have her own child and devote her life only to him. The actress hopes that this is her last marriage, which will make her the happiest woman in the whole world.

Being a popular film and theater actress, Ingeborga Dapkunaite avoided scandalous stories and shocking rumors about her personal life. No high-profile love affairs with colleagues, no withdrawals of husbands from the family, no financial fraud - nothing that could make her the star of the latest tabloid news.

A few days ago, Ingeborga Dapkunaite celebrated her 55th birthday, although it is hard to believe that the actress has already exchanged her sixth decade: she looks great, and cheerful sparks continue to burn in her eyes.

In honor of Ingeborga's birthday, Channel One shot a documentary about the life and work of the actress "Everything that they write about me is not true."

Ingeborg's colleagues and friends in theater and cinema starred in the film, who spoke about joint work and projects.

The ending of the film stunned all the fans of Ingeborga Dapkunaite - the woman showed her little son Alex, whom no one knew about. The child is about one and a half to two years old and he looks like his mother.

The appearance in the picture of the son of 55-year-old Dapkunaite caused heated discussions on social networks and forums. Internet users cannot understand in any way - where did Ingeborga Dapkunaite have a child, who gave birth, when it happened ...

In 2013, Ingeborga married a restaurateur and lawyer Dmitry Yampolsky. The wedding took place in the UK and was kept secret. The actress refuses to comment on her personal life, preferring to give interviews only about creativity.

Internet users are sure that a surrogate mother gave birth to Ingeborg Dapkunaite's son, since the actress worked actively all the time and no one saw her pregnant.

Fans of Dapkunaite are happy that their favorite has a son, but there are many on the Web who believe that motherhood after 50 is unnatural, because at this age women usually become grandmothers.

What do you think, friends, why do stars decide to have children at such a venerable age? What is it - a belated instinct of motherhood or an attempt to keep a young husband? Write your opinions in the comments.

January 29, 2018, 11:04

Little is known about Ingeborg Dapkunaite's personal life: this charming woman with a sunny smile knows how to keep secrets.

It is only known that the star married twice. Although her parental family, according to Dapkunaite herself, was very friendly, the actress's own marriages were childless both times and ended in a break.

The first husband is Arunas Sakalauskas: an actor with whom she studied together at the Lithuanian Conservatory.

“The old parquet at the theater academy was always waxed ... Now, as soon as I light a candle, a familiar smell hits my nose and a picture flashes before my eyes: at the end of a long corridor, a bunch of students. a smile blooms here and there ... Ringing laughter. Not a boy, but a ball! Short haircut, corduroy pants flutter on thin legs, a beige shirt ... The boy is not a boy - but an elf! I looked at this fluttering fascinated, like other classmates ... Ingeborgs are like a spring inside - they can’t speak in a static position, all the time in a dance ... It seems that I fell in love even before I realized that in front of me was not a fairy-tale creature, but a charming girl. I fell in love with an elf ... "- said Arunas.

“I held back my feelings for 2.5 years. The dam burst unexpectedly - under the influence of alcohol. I trudge along the corridor of the conservatory a little tipsy, and her smile comes towards me! We caught up, I say with tenderness: “Well, how is my love doing?” - and I go further, without waiting for an answer. And in the morning I wake up, burning with shame: "How to appear at the institute? Will she communicate with me?" I get to class, barely dragging my wadded legs. And in the same corridor - Inga again! Grabs me by the sleeve of my shirt, takes me to the bench: "Sit down and hold on tight! I love you too, you moron! For a long time!"

As soon as I was able to throw off my secret, like a stone from my soul, how Ingeborga again complicated my life: “Let's not tell anyone about us!” And for more than four years we lived with her, like the heroes of a spy novel.

Ingeborg liked to hide. She would die of boredom if we were one of those saccharine couples hugging each other. It seemed that this whole game captivates her even more than a loved one. As if we had become the heroes of some strange play. I was not left with the feeling that it was worth lowering the curtain - and our relationship could crumble. While we worked together, the halo of our secret began to gradually dissipate: whispering behind our backs. In the relationship, the nerve disappeared, there was disorder in everyday life. But the main thing is that Ingeborga was building a career, and I was marking time. She constantly went to shoot, returned with a lot of new impressions - from people, from the filming process. And I really couldn't keep up the conversation about the movie. We both felt that there was a crack between us. The crisis of relations coincided with my departure for the army. I was then 24 years old, and I could cut it off only if I lay down in a madhouse. But after that he would have become restricted to travel abroad - and goodbye, tour! When I returned, I immediately understood: she would leave me. She did not play up and quickly began an important conversation, although it was difficult for her. But if Ingeborg cut off the connection, then abruptly and for sure: “Everything has passed ...”

We spent two years separately, and one fine evening after the performance, Ingeborg suddenly says: “Come to me.” Even now I don’t understand why they started everything again then: I felt in my heart that it would not be possible to fix us with her. And Ingeborg, apparently, it seemed that the last time we had not moved to a more serious stage. In general, I don’t even remember how they decided to get married, but I know for sure that I didn’t make the offer ...

And so, the young people got married and got married in a Catholic church.

They lived in Vilnius, Ingeborga often went to shoot in Russia. After successful work in the cinema (Intergirl, Cynics, Burnt by the Sun, etc.)

A promising young artist is noticed by John Malkovich, a famous producer and director. He invites Dapkunaite to audition for the play "Mistakes of Speech" in London. Dapkunaite cannot refuse such an offer. She goes and tests. The Lithuanian actress was approved for the main role.

Inga (as her husband called her) consulted with Arunas: she promised that if the head of the family was against it, she would not fly anywhere.

All-Union popularity and recognition came to Dapkunaite after her appearance in the legendary film "Intergirl" by Todorovsky. The prostitute Kisulya performed by the Lithuanian actress turned out to be very bright.

“If not, then I’ll stay here, sit at home, have a baby ...” But I loved Ingeborg and understood what she was striving for with all her heart, ”recalled Sakalauskas, who let his wife go to America.

Some time later, Ingeborga called and said that she had fallen in love with director Simon Stokes, their romance began at the rehearsals of the play.

Our wedding was not typical: we did not get married in a church, but only went through official registration, ”Dapkunaite said then. - And then in the foyer of the theater where Simon worked, they gathered friends and acquaintances. They had fun for a couple of hours, and at six in the evening they went about their business.

For some time Ingeborg played in England. Later she was invited to the theater in Chicago. There Dapkunaite was successful in the provocative and scandalous performance "Vagina Monologues".

Starred in films..

Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Brad Pitt in Seven Years in Tibet

Dapkunaite divorced her second husband in 2009 after 10 years of marriage ...

The Baltic beauty lived with an Englishman for more than ten years, but the breakup took place without noise and mutual insults. Simon, after the dissolution of the marriage, remained to live in London, while Ingeborga first licked her wounds in Moscow
“Marriage with Simon Stokes is now a story from the past, I don’t remember and don’t want to talk about it anymore,” Ingeborga admitted.

The necessary papers were issued in the capital of Great Britain - in the same place where the marriage was formalized in the late 90s, which secular reporters often called "guest".

And then Ingeborga fell in love again ... This love ended in a third marriage - Ingeborga Dapkunaite married Dmitry Yampolsky.

Her chosen one is the ideal "prince", the man of dreams. Brilliant lawyer, respected businessman.

Before the relationship with the star, he was married to actress Olesya Potashinskaya.

Men often want variety. They even get bored from complete harmony. Everything turned out - how it happened ...

I did everything to save our alliance with Dima. But there are things when it is already pointless to fight. As practice shows, if a man decides to leave for another woman, then he will leave and you will not do anything, you will only waste your nerves. I confess that at first it was very difficult for me. But I came out of depression. Heals only time.

After a while, we resumed normal relations with him - after all, we have a common daughter. Of course, I don’t communicate with Ingeborg. Although I do not deny that she is a talented, punchy and strong artist. In our profession, you need to have time to catch the wave, and then you will be carried. True, you can fall at any moment. It is important to stay afloat at all times. But Dapkunaite I was very lucky with my Dima, and she definitely won’t fall anywhere with him, Olesya told about this situation.

The couple has a common daughter - the divorce did not affect her relationship with her father.

The child has an excellent relationship with Ingeborg.

In 2013, Ingeborga became the wife of lawyer and restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky.

The ceremony of their marriage took place in the strictest secrecy. Each of the invitees signed a non-disclosure document about the details of the event.

Dapkunaite's husband is a Russian businessman, lawyer, public figure. He is the creator of a number of successful Russian companies and international projects. In the area of ​​interests and business activities: jurisprudence, finance, projects in the HoReCa segment. He is a co-founder and managing partner of Sedov Yampolsky, a law firm specializing in corporate law. For many years he has been the Chairman of the Board and takes an active part in the work of the Russian charitable foundation for helping hospices "Vera". He is one of the initiators of the construction of the first Children's Hospice in Moscow and the popularization of the hospice movement in Russia.

Since 2003, he has been a co-owner and president of the large restaurant holding TableTalk, which combines such assets as the Jean-Jacques chain of French cafes, John Donne pubs, Mercato and Cervetti Bar Italian restaurants, the Mayak”, art cafe “Mart”, children's clubs “Shardam”.

He is fond of martial arts and gliding.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite has also been helping the Vera Foundation for many years.

5 facts about the actress
1. On New Year's Eve, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Vera Foundation, came to the First Hospice and the Palliative Care Center to read aloud to the patients Goodbye House and New Unprincipled Stories by Alexander Tsypkin.

11 years Dapkunaite together with the Vera Foundation team: “I didn’t have any questions - to join or not. It seemed to me that if you need me, then here I am ... "

2. Yampolsky's ex-wife, actress Olesya Potashinskaya, married him and a year later gave birth to a daughter, Sonya. The couple was together for seven years, then there was a divorce at the initiative of her husband, but Potashinskaya was able to forgive her husband after a while and improve relations. Otherwise, it is impossible if the couple has a common child. The current and ex-wife of the businessman do not maintain a relationship.


3. Dapkunaite's first husband said in an interview that they got married in a Catholic church.

With Dmitry, the actress had a secret ceremony in England. Relatives and friends attended the wedding and celebration five years ago. They say that all guests were warned that it was impossible to disclose information about the wedding.

4. For the recent anniversary of Dapkunaite, a documentary was shot in which she showed her son.

The boy is as curly as his dad, but with blond hair like his mom. The child is like both the father and the mother. For two years, only relatives knew about the happy event. Everyone assures that the actress turned out to be a wonderful caring mother.

5. The favorite topic of the fans was the discussion of the age difference - the husband of 55-year-old Ingeborga Dapkunaite is 12 years younger than her.

But Dapkunaite looks 10 years younger without any surgeries and interventions. Slender by nature - 48 kg with a height of 1 meter 66 cm Dapkunaite once shared the secrets of beauty in Elle gloss: “My grandmother lived to be 103 years old without a single wrinkle. But she didn't really do anything to herself. She had only one advice: the face should be cleansed in the morning and in the evening. And I follow him ... "

Dapkunaite gave this definition of love: “ Comedy or tragedy? Love is different every day. But a sense of humor never hurt anyone».

Dapkunaite attracts men not only with her beauty, but also with her special energy, the ability to always smile in a way that no one else can. The daughter of diplomats with excellent manners, who knows her own worth, attracts attention, and her lifestyle inspires respect - not a word about her personal life, only charity and work are in sight.
Ingeborga's first husband said that she was always admired. Even in their student years, men listened to her "with their mouths open." “Our friends ... were also a little in love with Ingeborg. It was impossible not to fall in love! - recalls the joint youth Sakalauskas. - I suspect that our master was breathing unevenly towards her. Once he even reprimanded at the whole course: “Do we have only one girl? Why did you surround Dapkunaite? Inga, in response, only lit up with her innocently sly smile. She knew everything about herself...

Ingeborga Dapkunaite is a Lithuanian theater and film actress. Although is it only Lithuanian? She is Russian, but British, and Hollywood. The actress of the world - you can say so, and this will not be an exaggeration.

Ingeborg was born on January 20, 1963 in the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius. She was the eldest of all the children in the family. Parents, by virtue of duty, lived separately, in Moscow. His father was a diplomat, and his mother was a meteorologist. Ingeborg could visit them only during the holidays. However, the girl did not grow up abandoned, on the contrary, she was surrounded by love and care by her grandparents, aunt and uncle. My aunt and uncle worked as musicians in a theater orchestra, and my grandmother worked as an administrator at the Opera and Ballet Theatre.
Since childhood, the girl loved to sing and dance and even performed arias from operas and scenes from ballets while playing with toys. As a result, it turned out that she was on stage at the age of 4. This happened at the behest of her grandmother, and she played the son of Madame Butterfly. Then there were other roles of small characters in different performances. Ingeborga liked to dance and create, she was impressed by movement and activity, so she made progress in sports, figure skating and basketball. But at the same time she also attended a theater studio in the local Palace of Trade Unions. At school, she studied the most ordinary, average, while she was not noticeable in it, rather, on the contrary, modest and quiet.

After graduating from school, the girl had a choice: either the theater department at the conservatory, or the Institute of Foreign Languages. The choice resolved itself - the entrance exams to the conservatory took place a month earlier, she passed them and was enrolled, although she could not then say for sure whether she had made the right choice. Ingeborg did not like her own appearance, she found fault with herself, like many girls at that age, but she believed that everything was in order with her talent, and this was how she would win success. Plus perseverance and hard work.
After graduating from high school, she went to work at the Kaunas Drama Theater. After some time, participation in the Vilnius Academic Theater and in the Youth Lithuanian Theater joined this work.
During these years, Inga married a Lithuanian actor for the first time. True, the marriage did not last long.
While working in the theater, she met John Malkovich, an American director, producer and actor. He invited her to play in London, in the play "Mistake of Speech", first for auditions. She went there more out of curiosity, since she had never been in this city before. However, the trip turned out to be fateful. She was invited to the main role, and besides, she met Simon Stokes, an English director, who later became her husband for ten years. Their wedding was modest, the young people practically did not arrange celebrations, they just had fun with friends and actors of the troupe for a couple of hours in the foyer of the theater and that same evening they left for France for the wedding of their younger sister Ingeborga.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite, career

In the movie, the actress began acting in 1984, and since then every year she has been very actively involved in films of various genres. In 1993, she made her Hollywood debut in the film " Alaska Kid».

Later in American cinema, she played in several films where her partners were Tom Cruise (" mission Impossible”) and Brad Pitt (“ Seven years in Tibet»).

She also actively starred in Russian cinema. She got very diverse roles. The actress is different from all the actresses of Russian cinema, she has her own, inimitable manner and charming accent. True, which is unusual for Russian directors, she is a very sensible actress, which is reflected in the performance of her roles.

After divorce from Simon Stokes she had a stormy romance with a world famous director Emir Kusturica which lasted for several years.

The relationship was stunningly romantic, despite the significant age difference.

Now Ingeborg is in his third marriage with a lawyer and a restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky The wedding took place in February 2013.

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