Institute of Pharmacy. Distance education for pharmacists


Pharmacist(from Latin provisor - caring in advance, preparing, Greek pharmakeutes - preparing medicines.) - this is a pharmacist of the highest qualification, who has the right to independent pharmaceutical work (manufacturing of medicines) and to manage a pharmacy. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

The title of a pharmacist in terms of qualification corresponds to a doctor.

A pharmacist who graduated from a college or technical school (secondary vocational education) can work assistant pharmacist: manufacture some forms of drugs, dispense drugs and manage a pharmacy in the absence of a specialist with a higher education.

Features of the profession

The most common name for a pharmacist or his assistant is apothecary. However, the pharmacy does not cover the full diversity of this profession.

Pharmacy is a complex of scientific and practical disciplines involved in the development of medicines, the search for natural sources of medicinal substances, the study of these substances, storage, manufacture, dispensing and marketing.

Pharmacy is based on the data of pharmacology - a biomedical science that studies medicinal substances and their effect on the body.

The pharmacist must have a higher pharmaceutical education, as well as a certificate in one of the following specializations:

  • management and economics of pharmacy;
  • pharmaceutical technology and pharmaceutical chemistry;
  • pharmacognosy (pharmaceutical science of medicines obtained from medicinal plant and animal raw materials).

A graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy who does not have a certificate can engage in pharmaceuticals only under the supervision of qualified pharmacists.
To obtain a certificate, training in postgraduate professional education programs and an internship are required.

The organization of the wholesale trade in medicines, the control of the work of pharmacies is carried out by a pharmacist specializing in management and economics.
He can also use chemical analysis to check the quality of certain medicines, raw materials that have arrived at a pharmacy or pharmacy warehouse. A pharmacist specializing in technology and chemistry can independently manufacture medicines. He is guided by the prescription that the doctor wrote out to the patient: he takes the required amount of medicines and excipients indicated in the prescription, crushes the components or dissolves them in water (or alcohol), mixes, combines with the base (for example, ointment). The finished medicine is packaged in individual doses, draws up documents and a label.

Pharmacognostics are involved in the organization and analysis of medicinal plants and animal raw materials (for example, snake and bee venom, placenta, etc.).

Pharmacy is different from pharmacy. How?

pharmaceuticals is an applied discipline dedicated to the production and technological process. In other words, this is an industrial direction of pharmacy. The traditional method of pharmacy is the manual preparation of medicines (in a pharmacy or laboratory at a medical institution). Pharmaceutics is their mass (industrial) production.

The personal skill of a person in mass production is not as important as in manual work. The industry uses the most unified technologies.

If you examine the contents of two ampoules of the same medicine, but released at the factory in different months or even years, then you can make sure that they do not differ from each other. The point is the immutability of the technological process.


Pharmacists work in pharmacies and research institutes (development of new drugs), in pharmaceutical factories, in procurement departments of factories (collection and processing of medicinal plants), in pharmacy warehouses and in analytical laboratories of regulatory authorities. As well as in organizations engaged in the wholesale of medical products.

Possible positions: pharmacist of a pharmacy or pharmacy warehouse, researcher, developer, organizer of procurement of raw materials, quality analyst for drugs and raw materials, licensing and certification specialist, sales manager, marketing specialist for the drug market, etc.

Pharmacist salary

Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 30000—70000 ₽

Moscow 43000—95000 ₽

Training for a pharmacist (pharmacist)

The Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUIR) provides services for professional retraining and advanced training (certification cycle) on the basis of higher or secondary medical education in the direction in the format of part-time education using distance technologies. Graduates of the courses are issued certificates, diplomas, certificates.

Important qualities

When creating medicines, a good memory, subject-effective thinking, a high level of concentration, and a developed sense of responsibility are necessary. And the development of new drugs requires a propensity for research work.

If a pharmacist works on the sales floor of a pharmacy, he has to communicate with customers. It requires patience, kindness, a culture of communication.

Knowledge and skills

The pharmacist must know the physical and chemical properties of medicines, preparation technologies, and storage rules. He should be free to navigate in their types and groups, composition, rules of use, dosage. Good understanding of raw materials.

Knowledge of Latin is required.

Working in the pharmaceutical industry requires knowledge of modern pharmaceutical equipment, the principles of operation of "clean zones", global GMP standards and the basics of biotechnological production.

To organize a pharmacy, production, wholesale trade in medicines, it is not necessary to know the technological process in all its intricacies, but it is absolutely necessary to know the market conditions for medical devices, have knowledge of marketing, understand the legal laws governing the trade and production of drugs, be able to draw up contracts and agreements. When working with foreign partners, knowledge of a foreign language is required.

Becoming a pharmacist, you can work at any stage of the development, manufacture and marketing of medicines. Basically, such specialists are employed in pharmacies, where they not only sell, but also help in the selection of drugs. Many graduates of pharmaceutical colleges and universities become medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies or work in drug factories in quality control departments. Another area of ​​activity can be work in research institutes and control and testing laboratories, as well as in educational institutions of the pharmaceutical field.

If you decide to study as a specialist in the pharmaceutical industry, then you need to know that you can get the profession of a pharmacist after graduating from college or college. But for the sake of a pharmacist diploma, you will have to graduate from a higher educational institution. The difference is that the pharmacist has the right immediately after graduation from the university to hold leadership positions, for example, to be the head of a pharmacy. A pharmacist, on the other hand, will be able to conduct independent pharmaceutical work, including managing a pharmacy, only if he has more than 3 years of work experience.

If you are interested in the profession of a pharmacist, you will be interested to know that today in Moscow, training in the specialty "Pharmacy" is conducted by several colleges and universities. Consider the learning conditions in each of them.

is a unique college in Moscow specializing in the professional training of pharmacists. Here students are trained in the specialty "Pharmacy" (diploma of the state sample) in part-time form for a period of 3 years 10 months. The cost is fixed for the full period of study 2016-2020, which protects applicants from unreasonable annual price increases. In addition, the cost of education compares favorably with other colleges and amounts to 49,000 rubles per year. There are 300 places for admission in this specialty, which is significantly higher than in similar educational institutions of the capital. The college accepts applicants of any age who want to get a new profession and have an education not lower than the basic general one. There are no entrance exams. The college accepts applications from June 15.

In addition, the college cooperates with the educational project “New Personnel. Pharmacy". Within the framework of this project, it is possible to receive training at the expense of an educational project without the obligatory “working out” of the education received and have the opportunity to get a job in the specialty according to the priority scheme. A significant advantage of the college is a flexible study schedule that allows you to work and study at the same time.

Get a diploma in the specialty "Pharmacy" offers and Moscow State Educational Complex in Tushino, accepting documents from graduates of the 9th and 11th grades. According to the admission plan for 2016/2017, there are 50 places (full-time) after 9 classes and 25 for part-time. For those who graduated from the 11th grade, 25 places were allocated for full-time education, and 150 for part-time education. According to information from the admissions committee, the cost of full-time education in 2016/2017. will amount to 140,000 rubles, and part-time costs 70,000 rubles per academic year.

You can study in the specialty "Pharmacy" in Moscow Regional Medical College No. 2 (Lyubertsy branch). The cost of education is 115,000 rubles per academic year. As part of the admission, 50 places were allocated after grade 9. (full-time), as well as 25 places after 11 cells. (full-time and part-time). Entrance tests are not provided for in accordance with the current legislation, only an interview with a teacher-psychologist is recommended. Applications to the college are accepted until August 15, 2016.

You can get a specialized higher education in the specialty "Pharmacy" with the qualification of a pharmacist in a number of Moscow universities. For example, in medical academy. Sechenov or at faculty of the Medical University. Pirogov.

For example, in the Faculty of Pharmacy State Humanitarian-Technological University (GSTU) the direction of preparation of higher education is being implemented - "Pharmacy" (FGOS), for a period of study of 5 years (full-time). In total, the university is ready to accept - 23 people. Entrance tests vary depending on the level of education of applicants. For secondary general education, this is the USE in chemistry, biology and the Russian language, for vocational education - oral exams in chemistry and biology, a written test in the Russian language (exams are listed in priority order). At the same time, the cost of full-time education is 51,000 rubles. for 15/16 account. year. Admission rules and deadlines for submitting documents are standard for all universities, their detailed description can be found on the website. The educational buildings of the faculty are located in the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo near Moscow.

It should be borne in mind that it is mandatory for admission to any educational institution to provide a medical certificate, since many common diseases can be the reason for refusal to enroll.

Today, according to the data of the Ministry of Health of Russia, only 40% of specialists employed in the industry have specialized education, and with the growing demand from the pharmaceutical industry, the lack of qualified personnel is growing. For 2016, the rating of the profession on the basis of "demand" and "prospects" is estimated at 85% and 80%, respectively. Therefore, every year there are more and more educational institutions that are ready to professionally train highly qualified specialists, and the professions of a pharmacist and a pharmacist are included in the list of the most popular specialties in the Russian Federation.


The profession of a pharmacist has been valued since ancient times, and specialists in this field enjoyed universal honor and respect. And this is understandable: the work is hard and responsible, it is long and difficult to study.

Not everyone is capable of such a step. In the specialty of a pharmacist, higher education can be obtained at the chemical-pharmaceutical academy or at the pharmaceutical faculty of universities. Many medical universities, a pharmacist can also work there, have specialized departments where they train specialists with the appropriate certificate.

Training in the specialty of a pharmacist

When planning to master this profession, one should not forget about the qualities that a person must possess if he wants to succeed in his chosen field. These include:

  • increased attention, the ability to be collected in any life troubles, extremely accurate (preparation of medicines does not allow carelessness, negligence and inattention; even slightly violating the recipe, you can get poison instead of medicine);
  • patience (customers are different, not always clearly knowing and understanding what exactly they need), responsiveness (no matter how tired the employee is, the client should not suffer, you always need to put yourself in the place of another person, serve him the way you would like to be served yourself);
  • be responsible, have the ability to self-discipline and self-control;
  • have a phenomenal memory (otherwise how to keep in mind such a countless number of drug names and their dosages);
  • have analytical skills;
  • have a subtle and sensitive sense of smell.

And what is unacceptable for a specialist of this profile: inattention to patients, negligence in the implementation of their professional activities and the preparation of prescription drugs, indifference to other people's health problems, rudeness towards clients, excessive irritability, inability to switch off from family troubles and problems.

Where are you trained to be a pharmacist?

The following higher educational institutions are engaged in the preparation of specialists in this profession:

  • First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov;
  • St. Petersburg Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy;
  • Perm Pharmaceutical Institute;
  • Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute.

You can also get specialized education at the pharmaceutical departments of most medical institutes in the country.

Anyone can get a second higher education as a pharmacist. Including economic or legal, which will open up broader prospects in terms of professional activities. Just keep in mind that the second higher education in our country is a paid pleasure, and not always affordable.

Anyone can graduate from the Pharmacist Institute. Although until now, as in Soviet times, education in the capital remains valuable. But do not be upset if it is not available. Other universities of the country train high-level specialists in this specialty, who can boldly compete with graduates of metropolitan universities and academies.

A pharmacist graduates from a university with a diploma that does not give the right to carry out professional activities. In order to work in the specialty, you need to complete residency, internship or graduate school and obtain the appropriate certificate, which confirms the right of a specialist to carry out professional activities.

In the future, working in the specialty, you can improve your professional level and take exams for assigning a category. After five years of continuous work experience, you can get the second category, after working for seven years and having the relevant experience, you can get the first category. And for the assignment of the highest category, work experience in the specialty must be ten or more years.

And a little about what the representatives of this profession do in order to get a complete picture and understand the specifics of the industry. The essence of the work of this specialist is as follows:

  • advising patients on various types of medicines, selling them;
  • storage and distribution of medicines;
  • compiling surveys on the needs of the population in various types of medicines, with their subsequent provision;
  • quality control of drugs purchased by the pharmacy chain;
  • search for new drugs, changing the properties of existing drugs;
  • the manufacture of medicines;
  • development of technologies for the manufacture of medicines.

And these are just the main areas of activity of the representatives of the profession. This is a caste, to which one is considered prestigious. This is one of the most dynamically developing areas. A person with this profession will never be left without a job. People got sick and continue to get sick, which means that they will go to the pharmacy for medicines. There are still many diseases for which no cure has been found, which means that there is something to work on in research institutes and laboratories.

In Russia, there are no more than 40. Most of them are medical universities, 7 of them are among the multidisciplinary universities, and only 2 of them are considered pharmaceutical. Despite the fact that the number of universities corresponding to the profile is not large, good specialists are also trained at other universities. We counted 12 such universities and made a rating of the best of them.


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Samara State Medical University is a well-known forge of pharmaceutical personnel in the Volga region. Over the entire period of its existence, the Faculty of Pharmacy has produced more than 10 thousand highly qualified specialists. Many of the graduates of Samara State Medical University hold high positions, including becoming heads of Russia's largest pharmacy chains. Employers throughout the country generally note the high level of training of Samara State Medical University students and often offer them work already during their studies.

Official site:

Cost of education: 143,000 rubles per year


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Despite the fact that the Faculty of Pharmacy is considered the youngest department of the SSMU. V. Razumovsky, it meets all the latest requirements of pharmaceutical education. So, here is a modern photochemical laboratory, research of medicines is carried out, business games, olympiads and other competitions are held. And for those who want to study in absentia, there is a wide range of electronic manuals available to students online at any time.

Official site:

Cost of education: 109 000 rubles per year


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What can you expect from studying at a good university? Deep knowledge in the specialty, energetic teachers, a friendly company of classmates and a rich student life. All this can be obtained at KSMU: scientific research is carried out here, the Council of Young Scientists is functioning, innovative teaching methods are being introduced, conferences of all-Russian and global scale, creative events are held, and volunteer activities among students are widely developed. Therefore, upon graduation from the university, you can receive not only a diploma of a pharmacist (pharmacist), but also priceless memories of your student days.

Official site:

Tuition fee: 200,000


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Volgmu is considered one of the largest medical universities in the Volga region. Its structure includes different faculties: medical, dental, pediatric, biomedical and, of course, pharmaceutical. However, young and ambitious applicants who have firmly decided to become pharmacists will be interested in another division of VolGMU -. Previously, it was an independent university, the third pharmaceutical university in our country. Now pharmacists are being trained here, and even masters of pharmacy, who are in great demand abroad.

Official site:,

Cost of education: 82 000 rubles per year


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VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko is the very first and, according to 2010 data, the best medical school in Russia. In the training of future pharmacists of the Central Federal District, only RNIMU im. N.I. Pirogov and the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov - the main medical universities of our country. The level of training of graduates of this university was highly noted by the rating agency "Expert RA", which assigned VSMU a rating class "D" (which means an acceptable quality of training).

Official site:

Cost of education: 108 000 rubles per year


Image source: kamsky-interactive.rf

The Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, in contrast to the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, which became a branch of Volgograd State Medical University, has retained its autonomous status and functions as an independent educational institution. Here they are preparing in several areas:, and. Specialists in all three areas can work in the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

Official site:

Cost of education: from 60,000 to 110,000 rubles per year


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If you want to become a pharmacist, then RUDN University can offer you two options. The first option is to complete a specialty in the direction of "Pharmacy". So you will become a pharmacist and will be able to take leadership positions in a pharmacy. The second option is to complete a specialty in the direction and an internship of your choice (“Management and Economics of Pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical Technology”, “Pharmaceutical Chemistry”), and then work as a pharmacologist or master other pharmaceutical professions. For example, to become a technologist in chemical pharmaceutical production.

Official site:

Cost of education: 180 000 rubles per year


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The most extensive medical library in Russia, practice in our own clinics and the largest number of budget places beyond the Urals - you will find all this at Siberian State Medical University. The training of pharmacists here is considered to be of high quality, and therefore applicants from many regions of the country strive to enter here. In addition, SibGMU is extremely popular both abroad and in the countries of the Near Abroad.

Official site:

Cost of education: 130 000 rubles per year


Every year, the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy holds an intellectual competition "Russian School of Pharmacists" for the most ambitious and motivated children. Students of the 10th grade and first-year college students can take part in it. The winners are awarded a nominal scholarship, the amount of which covers the cost of studying at the SPKhFA. Provided that you study well and pass your exams on time, the scholarship will be paid until the end of your studies.

Official site:

Cost of education: 134,000 rubles per year


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Moscow State University is one of the best universities in Russia. Here, at a high level, you will be taught not only special disciplines, but also disciplines of mathematical, humanitarian (philosophy, economics, history) and organizational and managerial (psychology, management, marketing) cycles. Therefore, after graduating from the university, you will not only be a great connoisseur of pharmacy, but also a good manager, as well as the owner of high erudition. Judge for yourself: aren't these three qualities inherent in a real pharmacist?

Official site:

Cost of education: 400,000 rubles per year


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RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov is deservedly one of the best educational institutions in Russia. His offices are equipped with the necessary dummies, equipment and other equipment that makes the process of training future doctors efficient and convenient. For pharmacists, in turn, educational laboratories are provided - students are engaged in the study of the effect of substances on biological material and conduct chemical experiments. In addition, RNRMU has a huge library fund (955 thousand copies), a large hostel complex and a sports building where classes are held in various types of martial arts, volleyball, football, choreography and athletics.

Official site:

Cost of education: 225 000 rubles per year


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Sechenov University is considered a university of advanced technologies. By 2020, a scientific and technological park of biomedicine will be created on its basis, the main task of which will be to create new biocellular products and drugs. Already now, MSMU has an international school "Medicine of the Future", a training center for medical practice "Praxi Medica", its own technopark and other divisions. If you want to build the future now, then Sechenov University is your choice.

Official site:

Cost of education: 125,000 rubles per year


Training in the specialty of a pharmacist can take place in several forms: full-time and part-time. Each of them has its pros and cons.

You can get an education as a pharmacist in absentia at a college or higher educational institution. Let's find out what kind of education to prefer and where you can study as a pharmacist in absentia.

Part-time education of a pharmacist

To enter the correspondence department, a pharmacist can already have a secondary specialized education, anyone who already has a job, but wants to continue his education, can. The essence of such an educational program is as follows: the student attends classes in his spare time, i.e. if the work schedule is in shifts, then this is quite realistic to implement. Synonymous with evening education. In this it differs from the completely distance learning of pharmacists, when students appear at the faculty only during the credit week and session, while at work they receive paid study leave.

This type of educational activity has its advantages:

  • you can combine study with work, earn your seniority and earn a living (this is especially true for those who have no relatives, or who have low-income families and there is no way to help a student);
  • there is no need to attend all lectures and practical classes, the student chooses the time for studying for himself. The fact that working students in tests or sessions will be treated condescendingly is still a big question, it all depends on the particular teacher (for some, even the obvious pregnancy of a student is not a reason not to fail her in the exam if she does not know the material on the subject);
  • the level of expenses during training is reduced, while the student is quite capable of paying for his studies himself;
  • learning and working, you can put into practice all the knowledge you gain, thus acquiring invaluable experience that cannot be obtained when you are engaged only in theory.

What are the disadvantages of part-time education of pharmacists?

Don't just think about the positives. Distance learning of pharmacists also has disadvantages:

  • a smaller amount of material being studied entails a smaller amount of knowledge, respectively, they will not be as deep and complete as in full-time education. And if the student is not working in his specialty, then the level of knowledge obtained in general can be superficial;
  • not all employers accept a distance learning diploma, as a rule, preference is given to a full-time educational program;
  • training always takes place on a commercial basis, with the exception of part-time.

In the specialty of a pharmacist, part-time education will be preferable for those who already have a diploma of secondary special education.

Where are trained in pharmacists in absentia?

Moscow provides a pharmacist with distance learning for this purpose several higher educational institutions, as well as secondary special ones.

If you want to get skills in this specialty quickly and painlessly, then you can go to a pharmacy college. They take them there after the end of the ninth or eleventh grade, part-time education is possible. After graduating from college, the student receives a certificate in the specialty of a pharmacist and can easily get a job in a pharmacy.

Where do they study to be a pharmacist in absentia yet? Of course, in a higher educational institution, where you can enter both after the eleventh grade and after graduating from a pharmaceutical college. Higher pharmaceutical education is provided by chemical-pharmaceutical academies or pharmaceutical faculties of medical institutes or universities. After graduation, you can get the specialty of a pharmacist, which opens up broader prospects in terms of labor activity.

Studying as a pharmacist by correspondence takes longer than full-time education, but not by much. If we talk about the university, then it will be 5.5 years, instead of five with full-time education.

To enter the full-time part-time form, you also need to pass entrance exams (Russian, chemistry, biology, and in some institutes, physics). The package of documents that are submitted to the selection committee should include a certificate of school education, a compulsory medical insurance policy, a certificate from a clinic about the possibility of studying, a passport, photographs, and a certificate from the place of work. Entrance examinations begin in July, after the end of school exams. And admission to the faculty takes place in the second half of August, when everyone who wishes has already passed the entrance exams.

Currently, distance education is not something bad or of poor quality. But unlike full-time education, when daily classes, lectures and seminars discipline the student, with distance learning, self-discipline should be well developed. So that when I come home after work, I have enough willpower to sit down for textbooks, and not study them on the last night before the test or exam. And this is not for everyone, alas.

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