Interesting ideas for the script report of creative teams. Scenario of the reporting concert of the mcuk "prelestnensky sdk


REPORTING CONCERT OF THE REGIONAL HOUSE OF CULTURE Throughout the year, RDK employees are actively involved in creative activities, organizing festive events, fun festivities, theme evenings, art exhibitions and much more for the population of our village. But the work of specialists of the Houses of Culture is not limited to the list of even such noticeable, bright moments. Most of their work is hidden from the eyes of the audience. What the viewer sees on the stage is preceded by a lot of preparatory work: script writing, rehearsals, preparation of costumes and scenery, stage and hall design, sound and noise design and much more. Events of a large-scale nature - festivities, festivals, etc. - they also carry a lot of organizational issues. Among other things, the House of Culture also conducts circle work, giving Kardymovites the opportunity to engage in creativity in amateur associations of various kinds. The reporting concert is a certain result of the work done. On the one hand, it may consist of numbers of the so-called "golden fund", on the other hand, as a rule, there are always premiere numbers. In addition, this is a holiday that is necessary both for the participants themselves and for the leaders of creative teams and associations. Therefore, concerts are usually held in a fairly organized manner and as informative as possible, so that in a very short period of time, one and a half to two hours, they can show everything that has been accumulated during the year. Natalia Datsko (Director of the RDK): - The program of the reporting concert includes performances with the participation of all the creative teams of the House of Culture, and today there are about 25 of them in the RDK, the permanent participants of which are more than 300 people, these are children, these are youth, these are people of the elderly age. And everyone, without exception, approaches such events responsibly and with great dedication! Last Saturday, December 17, the regional House of Culture invited Kardymovites to the reporting concert "Country of Talents in the Art World", which was held in the assembly hall of the Center of Culture. In the foyer of the Cultural Center, the guests who came to the concert were treated to an exhibition of arts and crafts "City of Masters". The exhibition featured beaded paintings by Natalia Volkova, photo frames made from seashells by Tatyana Sokol, bright souvenir dolls by a member of the Union of Designers of Russia Vera Yakovleva, a beaded necklace and a skillfully crocheted shawl and openwork vest by Galina Zvereva, souvenirs and jewelry made from beads by Galina Solovieva, New Year and Christmas decorations by Elena and Alexander Osin. All works were bright, interesting and memorable. No less bright was the concert program, which was traditionally hosted by the director of the regional House of Culture Natalia Datsko. The creative program was opened by groups that have been active for many years on the basis of the RDK - the folk choir and the satellite group of the folk choir, the Russian song ensemble "Nadezhda" (head of the groups Victoria Parfiryeva). Svetlana Anashkina, a permanent member of the People's Choir and the Nadezhda Ensemble, performed with fervent ditties, the author of which is our compatriot poetess Svetlana Matuzova. The ensemble of Russian song "Zabavushka" (headed by Victoria Parfiryeva) delighted the audience with new works. For many years, love for Russian song has been helping this creative team to search for and replenish their repertoire with new interesting numbers. By the way, in January next year, the ensemble will face a serious test - confirmation of the title of the folk group. However, despite the excitement, neither the participants nor the head of the team doubt that the ensemble will pass this test with honor. Now "Zabavushka", as they say, is "running in" a new program, which makes it possible for the audience to hear and evaluate some of its numbers in advance. The soloists of the Melodiya pop singing group (headed by Victoria Parfiryeva) Elena Morozova, Tatyana Korolenko and Nadezhda Ivanova performed just as brightly, with inexhaustible energy. A pleasant surprise for the audience was the performance of the debutants of 2016: Alexei Belodedenkov, Ekaterina Egorenkova, Olga Kovaleva. With a miniature "Epic about the modern history of Russia" and a musical composition dedicated to the Year of Cinema in Russia, "Attention! Movies are on!” the folk amateur group of the Niva Propaganda Brigade (leaders Vera Yakovleva and Natalia Datsko) performed. The group of artistic reading "Slog" (headed by Natalia Datsko), with her emotional performance, was presented by a permanent member of this group, Victoria Kravtsova. The performance of Tatyana Sokol, a member of the creative association "Inspiration" (headed by Elena Morozova), was poignant and impressive. Tatyana Nikolaevna read her own poem dedicated to the work of the People's Artist of Russia Oleg Pogudin. The audience did not skimp on applause that evening, meeting each artist with them. At the end of the concert program, the vocalists and all participants in amateur performances performed the song "And again we are on stage." The reporting concert is always a very emotional event that causes excitement and joy for the performers. I would like to sincerely wish the leaders and participants of the creative teams of the regional House of Culture further creative success, interesting ideas, audience love and full halls!

Scenario of the reporting concert of children's creative groups "Folk Traditions"

The date of the:
Time spending:

"April 27 at 17.00
Young artists of the folklore ensemble "Raznotsvetye" and the theater of national dance invite everyone to an unusual concert-journey "Folk Traditions"

For 20 min. national melodies sound in the hall
At the entrance to the hall, the audience receives a program of the concert
For 20 min. on the screen - 2 names of the concert organizers
For 5 minutes background about turning off mobile phones and rules of conduct at the concert
- preservation of the national musical heritage
- Education of citizenship, love for the Motherland, honor and respect for folk traditions and customs
- formation of a culture of interpersonal and ethnic relations: tolerance for a different way of life and style of thinking.

At 17.00 the call sign of the concert is "Let there always be childhood"
Voice from behind the scenes: The farther into the future we enter,
The more we value the past,
And in the old we find beauty,
At least we belong to a new one.

The course of the holiday

Vedas: Good afternoon, dear viewers. We are glad to see you at the reporting of two wonderful creative teams of the Raduzhny Center. Today, the pupils of the folklore ensemble "Raznotsvetye" and the pupils of the theater of national dance will please us with their success and skill. So, an amazing world of creativity, grace, skill and fantasy, a world of graceful, light dance and sonorous, soulful folk song opens its doors for us.
1. (Colorful "Spring invocations")
Vedas: Today we have a holiday and not a simple one, but a traditional one already ___ in a row, and we called this concert “Folk Traditions”. We invite you not only to watch, but also to listen to the traditions of different peoples living in Russia and abroad. The best way to learn something new is to travel. And where will we go first, the globe will tell us, let's unwind it and it will take us ....
(on the screen it is written: the Republic of Armenia, the state flag, the capital is Yerevan and state borders)
Vedas: The Republic of Armenia today is a small and very mountainous region, inhabited by only three million people. Armenia used to occupy a huge territory that included the mountains that today belong to Georgia and Azerbaijan, eastern Anatolia in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. This huge plateau is the place where Mount Ararat lies, the symbol of the Armenian nation, the mountain is visible from the capital of Armenia, Yerevan, but is located on the territory of Turkey.
Based on artistic traditions, the dances of the Armenian people are a lesson to all who dance and learn from them.
2. ("Mountain flowers" Armenian shopping center)
Vedas: Spin the globe.
(Russian landscapes on the screen)
Vedas: There is no dearer Motherland in the world, where other azure skies,
The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter than all, where groves and forests are encouraging.
High is the height of the heavens, deep is the depth of the waters,
Wide expanse of the Russian land,
The heroic silushka is great, the girl's eyes are black,
Ancient songs are sincere, daring folk dances.
3. ("Colors")

Vedas: Please tell me what you can travel on (the hall calls). And I imagine: a blue sky, a turquoise sea and a snow-white liner on its surface, we are all on it and our crew invites us to the cabins of the company, they have a tradition to give vacationers a good sea mood.
4. Premiere of the number sailor dance "Apple"
Vedas: Folk traditions are the shrines of the nation, which we are obliged to protect. Russia has long been the all-Russian home for the different peoples living in it. All of us gathered here are a part of this house. And the Russian house has always been famous for its hospitality, goodwill and cordiality.
Vedas: Let's talk briefly about the tradition of tea drinking in Rus'. For a Russian person, a samovar is not just a device for heating water. The samovar is a symbol of the family hearth, comfort, and friendship. No wonder they said among the people - the stove - mother, the samovar - father.
Vedas: Yes, Mother Rus' is rich in its traditions. And Rus' is also rich in its songs, dances, round dances and dances.
I love you, dear motherland!
And for what - I can not figure it out
Your short joy is merry
With a loud song in the spring in the meadow.
I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the deeds of the saints, for the sonorous voice, like a stream ...
5. Folk lyric song
Vedas: From our native side, we set off on a journey together with the folklore ensemble Raznotsvetye.
Vedas: The concepts of "tradition" and "custom" were created by the creative genius of the people. Each nation has its own historical traditions and customs. They are accustomed to, they are revered and kept, passed down from generation to generation.
Vedas: The Russian people have always been famous for their ability to have fun, dance, sing soulful songs. And may this tradition live on in us Russians for a long time to come.
This life is not enough to know Russia
The secret of our soul is the Russian share.
This is our monastery, this is the Russian mother
This is the Volga - a river, this is a Russian field.
Vedas: Like a living rainbow in bright colors came to life,
The fiery, whirlwind dance of the Russian went.
6. "Russian perky"
Vedas: The hospitality of Armenians is known all over the world. On any occasion of joy and happiness, it is customary to set the table. According to Armenians, the more often a person sets the table, the more he will get back.
In the Armenian language there is the word "TASIB" (honor, generosity), it plays a big role in Armenian traditions. The more "tasiba" (emphasis on the last A) a person has, the larger his heart.
7. Armenian dance "Mountain Flowers"
Vedas: It has long been noticed that people who feel their national identity and cultural unity build their lives with special reverence in accordance with the customs of their ancestors. Armenia has managed to preserve the true spiritual wealth - religion, culture and national centuries-old traditions, which they strictly observe, both in joy and in sorrow. To this day, such traditions as the strength of marriage, reverence for elders, the strength and breadth of family ties, the custom of family and neighborly mutual assistance, and hospitality are steadily preserved. You will never confuse Armenian music with any other. She has a special melodic and rich sound.
8. Armenian dance
Vedas: These songs have a bewitching ringing
And former native motives.
I have been in love with these songs since childhood.
From that they are dear, lovely.
Singing songs near and far,
Collects the song of all the singers of Moscow.
The song invites to a friendly round dance.
Whoever hears the song will sing with us.
They will sing and dance for us, show different songs
Story, folk, game, round dance,
See, admire, try to clap louder
9. Folklore ensemble
Vedas: Turn around, accordion, wider,
Make way, round dance,
Complete hostess -
The Russian song is coming.
On a wide expanse, under a clear sun-bell, fair girls gather, good fellows, they are going to have fun and amuse themselves.
Interestingly, people used to say in the old days, so that everyone would remember, with jokes, jokes, sayings and proverbs. The old proverb goes without saying. And how many sayings! There is a saying for every Egor. Well, which of you is a master of proverbs and sayings? ......... Yes, a saying is a flower, a proverb is a berry.
Vedas: And the globe spun again. We are met by quiet and cozy Slovakia. The capital of the Slovak Republic is Bratislava. This is a very beautiful country with high mountains, iridescent waterfalls, clean air, healing springs and unique Slovak folklore. The people of Slovakia are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and good nature. Therefore, it is not surprising that all celebrations are traditionally accompanied by cheerful songs and national dances.
10. Slovak polka - performed by pupils of the senior group of the theater of national dance
Vedas: Men's and women's dances in Armenia are noticeably different from each other. Where a man is assertive, jumps and deftly builds a fortress, a woman creates with her hands, smoothly and gracefully drawing the lines of the dance. The image of a dancing Armenian woman delights with modesty, depth and sophistication.
11. - Armenian dance "Uzundara"
12. - Jewish dance - performed by the senior group of the national dance theater
Vedas: The most traditional dance of the Jewish cultural heritage is “Seven Forty”. Almost everyone, young and old, knows this melody, and when it is heard, it is difficult to sit still - the legs themselves are torn to dance, the hands themselves fold at the elbows, the lips themselves smile.
The unusual beauty of Jewish dance is intertwined with centuries-old traditions. In ancient times, Jewish dances were usually performed by women and combined with singing. Judging by the descriptions in the Bible, a soloist began such a dance, accompanying him with singing, then the song was picked up by a choir of women who simultaneously danced and accompanied themselves on musical instruments.
Vedas: Thailand is a very popular holiday destination. It is always useful to know about the culture and traditions of the country you are going to visit. One Thai custom you come across often. This is WAY. You place your palms together at chest level and bow your head. Wai is used as a sign of greeting and respect.
Thailand - cultures of China, Laos, Cambodia and Japan are mixed in its culture, so many different sources can be seen in the dance. From the refined halls of the royal palace to the dusty village squares, the tradition of Thai dance has developed and gives pleasure.
13. - Thai dance with candles - premiere number.
Vedas: Armenian dance is the character of the people, diverse, colorful, created under the sun of hospitable Armenia.
Armenian dance often accompanied everyday life: to this day, dances invented in the process of felting wool, grape press, kneading dough are performed. Labor dances, shepherd dances are distinguished by ease, temperament and dignity.
14. Armenian dance "Shepherds"
Vedas: Greek culture dates back more than one thousand years and is deservedly considered one of the most original and ancient in the world. Greece is the country that gave the world the Olympic Games and philosophy, classical architecture.
There is hardly a person who has not seen how the Sirtaki dance is performed in national Greek costumes. Hands should be put on the shoulders of a neighbor on the right and left, and to the beat of the melody, sway in one direction, in the other.
(background. "Sirtaki")
Vedas: Greek national dance - conveys the whole depth of the folk soul. ... Behind his poetic picture you can see the whole of Greece, the beauty of its nature, the charm of countless islands, the light blue sky, the emerald sea - the Greeks share all this through dance!
15. - Greek dance - pupils of the senior group of the theater of national dance perform
Vedas: It is very important to raise a child in accordance with folk traditions, rituals and holidays in one's own country and far from it. Our saved past is our future. Folk traditions are the sources of wisdom and morality, let us cherish them and let the whole world be for us one country that we love.
16. "My favorite toy, dance picture
Vedas: The pupils of the folklore ensemble "Raznotsvetye" and the pupils of the national dance theater told you about folk traditions today, we invite them to the stage
(background. "It's fun to walk together")
Vedas: Dear friends, what do you think, where does the creative team begin? Right. From a creative, restless, talented leader and his assistants. To loud applause from the audience, the following are invited to the stage:
Vedas: Concertmasters:
Vedas: Vocal teacher:
Vedas: Artistic director of the folklore ensemble "Raznotsvetye"
Vedas: Artistic Director of the National Dance Theater
Vedas: A word to teachers, rewarding children, flowers to teachers.
Vedas: A representative of the administration of the TsRTDiU "Rainbow" is invited to the stage
Vedas: Living beautifully is not an empty sound. Only those who have multiplied beauty in the world,
By diligence, labor and kindness, he is truly crowned with beauty.
Thank you all for your attention. Our concert is over. See you again.

Scenario of the reporting concert

MKUK "Prelestnensky SDK"

Fanfares sound, the presenters take the stage, the music stops

Lead 1: Hello!

Vedas 2: Hello, then be healthy!

Vedas 1: Hello, then be rich!

Vedas 2: Hello, then be happy every person, every family separately and a large family of fellow countrymen together.

Against the background of the words of the presenters, the vocal ensemble "Sudarushka" enters the stage

Vedas 1: Under the wings of a double-headed eagle,

Born under the sign of Aquarius

You were born and lit your fire

Which warms us with warmth and light.

Vedas 2: I live here and I breathe you,

Feeding strength from your element.

I sing about you, I write, I scream!

Great, boundless Russia!

The song "Golden Rus'" sounds in Spanish. wok. ans. "Sudarushka"

Vedas 1: Small homeland or large -

All this is the Motherland, whatever you call it.

Gives strength and inspires hope

Pain relieves and teaches love.

Small homeland or big, -

All this is only one Motherland.

At the hour when everything collapses and decays,

She just keeps it going.

The song "My home is Russia" sounds in Spanish. V. Kyssa

Vedas 1: By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 2014 was declared the year of culture.

Vedas 2: What is Culture? Engine of progress

Basis of life, Synthesis of Beauty,

Counterbalance to aggression and stress,

The Grain of the Beautiful in the Field of Kindness.

Vedas 1: The dearest and closest person teaches us only good and beautiful things from childhood, this is our mother. Close your eyes, listen. Do you hear your mother's voice? He lives in you, so familiar and dear. You can't confuse him with anything. Even when you become older, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes and hands.

The song "Early in the Morning" sounds in Spanish. Diana Ovcharenko

Vedas 2: May the past stay with us forever,

Let life boil violently in the present.

Vedas 1: Let's fill the world with bright deeds,

And the future will accomplish a new feat.

The song "Great-grandfather" sounds in Spanish. Nikita Zakharova

Vedas 1: The world of childhood is an amazing and fabulous world,

A little funny, a little mysterious.

Where discoveries are made every day and every hour!

Vedas 2: You once visited it, and the light of this spiritual kindness

Stored in the heart, like a flame, warming us!

The song "Merry Song" performed by Olesya Machkarina sounds

The song "Red-haired girl" sounds in Spanish. Dmitry Ilyasov

Vedas 1: Suddenly in silence from subtle notes,

Weaving melody into a pattern,

There will be music. And so -

She lives, she suffers!

Vedas 2: And excites again and again -

Both weightless and invisible...

She's crazy like love

And how love is unique.

In Spanish D. Lobovoy sounds the song "White Birds"

The song "My Beloved" sounds in Spanish. E. Suvorova

Vedas 1: We cannot live without a song.

She is a work assistant.

And if your heart is sad,

You still always sing.

Vedas 2: So, dear ones, let's go through life.

It will probably stay like this forever.

Ears - to the fields, space - to the cranes,

And the song is for good people.

The song "Kalina - mountain ash" sounds in Spanish. N. Ievleva

S. Smolyakova performs the monologue "Grandma's happiness"

Vedas 1: Crystal ringing in the rays of dawn,

The fog was blue.

Love magic planet

Opened the door for you and me.

Performed by V. Kyss, E. Suvorova, the song “Snow-White Flowers” ​​sounds

I. Erchakova reads a poem by A. Dementiev "I wish you"

Against the background of the introduction of the song, the words of the presenter sound

Vedas 2: We wish you a lot in life

Health, happiness, warmth

Vedas 1: Love for each other and attention

And kindness.

The song "Wish" sounds in Spanish. wok. ans. "Sudarushka"

Against the backdrop of a loss, all participants of the program go on stage (children stand in the front row)

Our concert was attended by:

Vedas 1: Dear friends, our concert program has come to an end.

Vedas 2: Goodbye!

Leaders together: See you soon!

1. "Golden Rus'" - "Sudarushka"

2. "My home is Russia" - V. Kyssa

3. "Early in the morning" - D. Ovcharenko

4. "Great-grandfather" - N. Zakharov

5. "Funny song" - O. Machkarina

6. "Red-haired girl" - D. Ilyasov

7. "White Birds" - D. Lobova

8. "My Beloved" - E. Suvorova

9. "Kalina - mountain ash" in Spanish. N. Ievleva

10. Monologue "Grandma's happiness" - S. Smolyakova

11. "Snow-white flowers" - V. Kyssa, E. Suvorova

12. The poem "I wish you" - I. Erchakova

13. "Wish" - vocal ensemble "Sudarushka"

Oksana Soboleva
Scenario of the reporting concert of creative associations of the House of Creativity "Rainbow of the Planet of Childhood"

« Rainbow Planet Childhood»

Event progress

Voice: Attention! Attention! On this wonderful stage a fun show for all children and not only begins! After all, we celebrate the holiday Childhood. In today's concert only children participate! Let's give them a big round of applause!

(song sounds "Holiday Childhood» )

(On presenters come on stage) .

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Today on this stage you will see a variety of colors, genres, songs, music, poems, beautiful costumes, in general - a real rainbow! And we don't even need rain for this!

Lead 2: Do you know, dear viewers, what colors make up rainbow? (Green, Orange, Blue) How many? Only three? No, seven! Meet these colors! (Music. On participants of the concert enter the stage with balloons by color rainbows, clothing details match the color of the ball they are throwing out).

Presenter 1: How to arrange the colors correctly rainbows?

Lead 2: There is one trick! By the first letters in phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits".

Presenter 1: So the first is red, then orange ...

(Lines up participants according to the colors of the spectrum).

Lead 2: Here she is, rainbow! Let's give it to the audience!

(Soundtrack sounds "Wind Noise". On stage lights go out, screams and fuss. The light is on and stage only leaders remain.

Presenter 1:(Puzzled): Where are our artists, where is our Rainbow?

Lead 2: Here again this cold winter wind, still can not calm down. May is already in the yard, but he - no, no, and he will come again. Here is our rainbow shattered. So look and freeze here! (rubs hands).

Presenter 1: Yes ... Nothing, now we will fix everything! And the audience and their warm smiles and warm applause will help us in this. Is it true? (turns to auditorium). Let's all smile at each other and loudly applaud the participants of today's concert. And on this the scene will reappear rainbow children's art.

Presenter 1: Thank you dear friends! Today we are going on a journey across rainbow. And during this journey, we will see and hear wonderful performers and beautiful dancers. First color rainbows - red.

Lead 2: Why do we love red? Word "red" in the old days meant "Beautiful". A beautiful number for you is performed by Alexandra Konchenko. Song "Russia - you are my star".

Presenter 1: Another beautiful number for you. On stage fashion theater House of children's creativity- winner of the X regional competition of fashion studios and theaters "Harmony" with collection "Patterns".

Lead 2: And now, if you applaud for real, to the thunder of your applause, we will give the floor to congratulate the director Houses of children's creativity

Presenter 1: How do you like the red color of our rainbows? Great. Let's move on to the second color. Which?. Orange!

Lead 2: And what orange color do you like? (After answers). The most orange is an orange! Get an orange who answered. And we travel the orange lane rainbows!

Presenter 1: For you on stage Grishchenko Albina with an almost orange song "Tiger".

Presenter 1: To loud applause, we invite you to this scene Pogribatko Anastasia with a song "Mother".

Lead 2: On stage choreographic team "Tender Age" with a dance "Ah, mommy".

Presenter 1: Thank you very much to all the participants of the orange episode, we give them all a vitamin.

Presenter 1: For active participation, we give lemonade to everyone who remembered the yellow color!

Lead 2: For some reason, spring has a lot of yellowness.

Very yellow flowers bloom on a tussock.

The sun shines very brightly above me with yellowness.

At night, a very yellow moon is visible through the window.

Very yellow chickens, very yellow ducklings

A very yellow front garden.

Maybe it's a yellow holiday?

Presenter 1: And now the real sun will shine on the stage, because the girls from the choreographic group are performing "Tender Age" with a dance "Stompers".

Lead 2: Let's say hello to the next member of our concert Grishchenko Albina with a song "Our school".

Presenter 1: So the solemn moment of our holiday has come - the awarding of the best circle members of the year. The floor for the award is given to the director Houses of children's creativity Valuysky district Leonova Marina Vadimovna.

(Awarding in progress).

Lead 2: To find rainbow desires, we have already gone through three colors rainbows. The next color is black! No? Ah, green! Indeed green!

Presenter 1: Friends, where did you see the green color? Oh so much green! Probably a very important color. Bananas from the green taiga… Bananas not from the taiga? What do bananas grow on? ...On palm trees? On the red palms! Are palm trees green too? Then everything is fine. This green kingdom also has its own artists.

Lead 2: The green forest makes noise, worries,

Spring in a green dress.

Admire the snowdrop flower

Centennial, mossy pine.

Green, bright paint

Sparkling spicy May.

Our planet affectionately

Warm up the sun!

Presenter 1: On stage ensemble"Sun" with a green song "Spring drops".

Lead 2: On stage choreographic team "Tender Age" with a dance "Rusaya braid".

Presenter 1: What color rainbows are we going to travel now?

(In blue). Where do you see blue? The best answer is blue skies!

Lead 2: In which of the many colors

Is the whole sky above you colored?

When there are no clouds on it,

The whole sky is blue!

Presenter 1: Now let's look at the water.

In your glass the water is colorless

But in the river it will turn blue

After all, there are countless of them!

Lead 2: When you go for a walk in the forest in summer,

Then hold your gaze for two minutes,

Try to find a modest flower,

That blue is called forget-me-not.

This color calms us.

Presenter 1: There is also blue eyes.

Lead 2: On stage Chertkova Margarita with a song "Flap your wings Rus".

Presenter 1: On stage choreographic team "Tender Age" with a dance "Cats".

Lead 2: Friends, and we are traveling on rainbow and go to the blue path.

Presenter 1: What, is this in my hand? (Candies). Do you like sweets?

Lead 2: Of course, what child doesn't love them!

Presenter 1: Do you like chocolate? What about blue chocolates? Yes, I'm talking about chocolates in blue wrappers. Here they are!

Lead 2: Who remembers where the blue color is found - gets a blue chocolate candy! Well done!

Presenter 1: As if in a fairy tale, by the blue river

Blue-eyed flowers grow - cornflower flowers,

And the blue sea there the wind ripples,

And in the sea, a blue whale releases a fountain.

Lead 2: On stage Chertkova Margarita with a song "Hymn of Music"

Presenter 1: And we invite you to scene choreographic team "Tender Age" with a dance "Freedom".

Lead 2: Great we are traveling on rainbow! We've been to the river! Driven to the sea! Where else? What color is left? Grey.? …Brown? No? Let's think. Every hunter wants to know where he sits ... This means blue.

Presenter 1: But there was already blue! Then there's purple! This color, we are presenters and you, dear viewers, will give for our Rainbows of the Planet of Childhood.

Lead 2: And what is needed in order to appear Rainbow? Of course it's going to rain.

Presenter 1: But how can he go, we're under the roof?

Lead 2: It will be a rain of applause. Will you help us friends? (referring to audience).

Presenter 1 A: Then let's get started. I do and you repeat! The sky is clear and clear. Suddenly a cloud appeared from somewhere and the first drop of rain fell (1 clap, everyone repeats after the leader). Then two drops fell (2 claps, everyone repeats them, then three drops fell (3 claps with repetition, four drops fell (claps - repetitions). And the downpour came - strong, strong (everyone clapping together). And then the rain began to subside. Four drops fell, three drops, two drops. Do you hear the last drop? The rain is over! The sun came out and shone rainbow!

(no announcement song « wish rainbow» )

Lead 2: Over the river, over the city grew a bridge-

It got up rainbow above the stars

Seven paths glow in the mirror of the river,

Let's run along rainbow race.

Presenter 1: The sun will smile in a red mustache,

Everyone gets a drop of dew.

We are a horseshoe fire up the rainbow.

And in a pigtail we will braid the rainbow.

Lead 2: Will not melt rainbow for good.

We will share rainbow to everyone, everyone, everyone.

Presenter 1: look how beautiful the rainbow of our creativity turned out - bright, amazing! Nature miracle!

Lead 2: I have a suggestion, let's reward this miracle with thunderous applause! Do you agree?

Presenter 1: On this our concert ends. Our rainbow sparkling with cheerful colors. We thank the audience for their support, all those who prepared this holiday - for their active participation!

Lead 2: We say goodbye to you! Goodbye! Until we meet again with everyone who loves a boring life!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Education Committee of Ulan-Ude

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for group leaders



Scenario of the reporting concert of a creative dance

Association "KARAMEL"

The concert program was created for the final reporting event of the creative association "KARAMEL" MAOU DO CDO "Edelweiss"

Relevance of the event: demonstration by children of dances learned during the school year in front of parents and peers, spectators.

Target: show and evaluate the level of creative and performing growth of the team of the creative association for the academic year, congratulate on the completion of the academic period.


      Popularization of the art of choreography and creative activities of the association;

      To give the audience an idea about the work and repertoire of the association;

      Realization of practical skills in dance performance;

      Raising the spirit of collectivism and cohesion, mutual assistance. Uniting a creative team of different ages with a single responsibility in a solo concert;

      Awaken in schoolchildren from among the audience, the desire to engage in choreography in the creative association "KARAMEL";

      Create an atmosphere of success and celebration for children.

The concert program is designed for children 7-12 years old.


Children enter the hall to the music


1 child: Let the music play louder

2 child: Let the light shine brighter!

Ved.: Hello to our young viewers,

As well as their parents

3 child: And grandfathers,

4 child: and grandmothers -

Chorus: Hello! Hello! Hello!


Hello dear friends! We are glad to welcome you at the reporting concert of the creative association "Caramel". And today we want to invite you to the “Magical Land called My Home.

1. Miracles live in a fairy-tale house,
Here the children's voices do not stop,
And the joyful laughter never ends.
The doors are wide open for everyone!

2. Here an unfamiliar fairy tale lives,
And the magic behind the scenes awaits.
You just have to open the door
And step over the threshold without looking back.

3. You will quickly spin in a dashing dance,
And sing a real microphone
The painter's colors will become friends,
Blind the animal with your own hands.

4. Children's creativity is wonderful.
Everything on the planet comes from childhood.
And not a magician, but we are with you,
We make miracles with our own hands.



Childhood is a ringing laugh.

Rainbow in the sky.

In childhood with joy for everyone,

Everyone would take a dip.

Childhood is a special country that has its own traditions, values, finds and victories.

They believe in magic here

Here are friends with miracles

All fairy tales are real

They come to visit.

Here the clouds are not visible,

Here from smiles closely

On a creative wave

Floating somewhere childhood.

Dance (Funny Frogs)


"Every person is born talented." Every child has an abyss of talents and abilities.

And every parent wants a "star" to grow out of his child. All loving and sensitive parents are able to discern in their child the talent and craving for certain sciences or creativity. Over time, it may turn out that the chosen hobby, occupation in the future becomes a profession for the child.


Meet, on the stage, the girls of the junior dance group with the dance "Kindness"

Dance (Barbariki)


Happy, irretrievable time of childhood! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment!

Game Funny Answers


From cheerful rhythms

Nowhere to go

Rhythms modern -

These are the rhythms of childhood.

Dance (Modern cf. gr.)


Great dance! This is magic

It attracts quickly and tenaciously

Movement, rhythm and music relationship

Intertwined with bright illumination.

Here beauty begets beauty

What? The one in which there is no peace

And the heart again strives to the heights

Subject to dance, music and order.

Dance (Modern Art. Gr.)


Everyone is sitting in a circle. Everyone has a piece of paper and a pencil or marker. On a signal (this may be a musical melody), everyone begins to draw. As soon as the music stops, everyone finishes drawing and passes their started drawing around. After the music continues again, you need to continue the drawing that was given to you until the music ends. This can be continued until the sheets return to their owners. I wonder if you can recognize your drawing? Original

children read

    What's ahead? Who can answer?

After all, we are still so young.

Ved.: All paths lead to a happy world,

Happy babies live in this world.

    There, Vera and Good settled forever.

There, the wind is from laughter; there, joys are rivers.

    There the red sun plays with rays,

There the stars laugh at night,

    And the little inhabitants of this country

Good dreams come down on the rays !!!


We are responsible for the future:

Our joy, pain and sadness,

Our future is children..

It is difficult with them, so be it.

Our children are our strength

extraterrestrial worlds lights,

If only there was a future

as light as they are.

Song my house


Our concert was a success

We hope everyone enjoys it!

May it be memorable and bright for everyone,

As the best expensive gift!


The school year ends, the dance season ends. We congratulate everyone on the end of the dance season and want to say a big thank you to all parents and children for their patience and hard work.

Rewarding children

Presentation of thanks to parents

And to you, our dear viewers, we wish you always a good mood, many bright moments in your life and we are waiting for you in the next academic year.

Goodbye, see you again!


Do you want to laugh heartily? Then we suggest you play one fun game. Before it starts, you need to prepare cards with expected answers, the more cards there are, the longer you can play. The rules of the game are as follows: the leader distributes the cards face down to the participants. Then he starts asking everyone any questions that come to mind. You can write questions in advance, but it is more interesting if they become impromptu. To the questions, the participants must give the answers that are written on their cards. As a rule, they do not correspond in meaning to the questions, they are completely ridiculous, which causes laughter and great fun. We offer you some ready-made questions and answers.

Can you give away your friends' secrets?
Are your parents punishing you?
Do you often have to crow?
Do you eavesdrop when your sister is on the phone?
Do you respect your parents?
Do you often pick your nose?
Does your pen break when you write for a long time?
Do you like to make gifts?
Do you comb your hair every day?
Do you have to wash dishes?
How often do you use public transport without a ticket?
Do you break plates every day?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you cheat from your neighbor's desk?
Do you love gifts?
How often do you joke around with friends?
How often do you climb a neighbor's raspberries?
Is your dog listening to you?
Are you often lazy?
Are you happy to go to school?
Do you like to laugh at others?
Do you make your bed every day?
Do you like to eat sweets?
Do you lick your plate after eating?
Do you practice sports?
Do you stumble on your way to school?
How often do you wash?
Do you trim your toenails in public?
Do you sometimes sleep in class?
Do you often dream of hippos?
Do you like to sleep after dinner?
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Do you like cracking seeds?
Do you have many secrets?
Do you wear holey socks?
Do you think parents should only be told the truth?
How often do you visit?
Do you like going to the zoo?
How often do you skip classes?
Would you go through the forest at night?

I can't imagine my life without it.
Smart people don't give away secrets.
Yes, and my dog ​​too!
No, the teacher scolds me for it.
No, I'm very shy!
You don't get it, I love it so much.
You can try it away from home.
Of course, this is the most fun thing to do.
I don't know, but others say yes.
No, it still doesn't make sense.
This is my hobby.
Yes, but our cat has tantrums from it.
Just not here.
Every day except today.
Why not? With great pleasure!
Yes, the neighbors will not stand it soon.
If I'm strongly asked to.
Yes, when you need to look smart.
I can for hours, especially in the dark.
Yes, not to wash the dishes.
No, I tried it once and it didn't work.
Only when the weather is bad.
How did you guess?
Hardly on an empty stomach.
Only on holidays.
Oh, have you already been told about this?
Only at night.
Yes, if there is something to eat.
Only if no one sees.
Yes, it causes a brutal appetite.
Could you ask a more modest question?
Yes, they even wrote about it in the newspaper.
On Saturdays, this is a must for me.
Yes, my doctor prescribed it.
This is the main goal of my life.
What can't I see?
I just can't stand it.
Not always, but often.
No, I'm too well brought up.
Unfortunately no.

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