Interesting drawing techniques for schoolchildren. Non-traditional drawing techniques for children in kindergarten and school


If your toddler is often frustrated that he can’t draw, or the drawing doesn’t turn out the way he expected, suggest that the crumbs do not draw according to the model, but use alternative drawing techniques that will captivate him and become excellent motivators for creativity!

We offer you 20 options for non-traditional drawing techniques for a child that will reveal his personality!


In this drawing technique for children, the child's careless "crabs" are inserted into a sheet with a cut out shape of an animal, tree, flower, etc. You need to cut out a template, for example, in the form of a chamomile and put it on top of the baby's daub. Thus, an unremarkable drawing will become part of a special idea.


A sheet of paper should be placed on a flat relief object and shaded with a colored pencil on its surface. You will get a beautiful picture-print, with the silhouette of the object-substrate! Children who have tried to draw on a table with relief wood probably know that sometimes this technique is “plugged in” into a drawing quite by accident.


To prepare this paint, mix in a small bowl:

  • 250 g flour, half a teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of citric acid
  • a couple of drops of food coloring
  • 1 st. l salt

Drawing technique:

  1. Pour a little water into the dishes with the above ingredients to make the paint the desired density.
  2. Apply paint to thick cardboard with a brush or cotton buds.
  3. Put the drawing in the microwave for 20 - 30 seconds until the mass dries. Drying time depends on how thick your paint turned out and what layer of it you made in the drawing.

Make sure that the cardboard does not contain synthetic materials and films. Choose either the most common version of it, or take colored thick paper.


For this drawing technique you will need:

  • shaving foam
  • watercolors or food coloring
  • flatware
  • paper
  • scraper

Work plan:

  1. Apply a thick layer of shaving foam to any flat dish.
  2. Make a saturated solution of each paint color with water - dilute the dyes to a liquid state.
  3. Take a pipette (or a simple brush) and drip a few drops of paint of different shades onto a layer of foam.
  4. With a brush, smear the paint over the surface, try to do it in such a way that you get beautiful lines and shapes. This stage can be considered the most creative and interesting!
  5. Place a blank sheet of paper on top of such foam with a pattern.
  6. Lay the sheet on a flat surface and remove any foam from it with a piece of cardboard.
  7. Under the foam, you can see unusual marble stains that look like northern lights! Now you need to put the picture in a dry place for 2 hours so that it dries.


Mix the paints with a few drops of ordinary liquid soap, then apply with a brush to paper. You will see that small soap bubbles appear from the paint, which create a beautiful texture of the picture.


To perform this technique, you can use a straw to blow out a blot, or you can do without it. Ask your child to drip paint onto a sheet of paper, then tilt it in different directions, and then add something to the blot to get a beautiful drawing.

You can also make a blot, and then fold the sheet in half so that it is printed on the second half of it. Then let the child dream up what the blot looks like and ask them to draw the necessary elements.


Moisten the paper sheet with water and leave to dry for literally half a minute, and then start painting on it with watercolors. The paints will spread in different directions and you will get very original streaks with streaks.


Carefully collect 5-6 colored pencils in a bundle, tie them with duct tape and let the baby draw.


Make a starch solution and moisten a clean sheet of paper with it. Give the baby crayons, let him try to draw on such a slippery base. Use the main colors of the crayons and they will give new shades on paper!


Prepare several empty containers and pour PVA glue into them, then drop a couple of drops of different colors of paint into each cup. With this colored glue, draw whatever your heart desires! Especially beautiful are the drawings in the "drip technique"


Draw a sketch on paper with a simple pencil, go over the outline of the drawing with a wet brush, and then sprinkle liberally with salt. After 10 minutes, shake off the salt, finish the missing elements. With the help of salt, you can beautifully draw butterflies, birds, snow.


On a white sheet, draw the outlines of people, trees or flowers with a wax candle. When the child begins to paint the drawing with watercolor, he will "create" beautiful white images. You can also cover the entire sheet with multi-colored paint, dry it, then wax it liberally.

Apply a thick layer of dark gouache on top of the wax and let dry. After that, with a thin needle or wooden stick, you can “scratch out” a bright pattern on a dark background.


By wetting a sponge or piece of foam rubber with gouache, the baby can draw the crown of trees, flowers, winter landscapes and much more.


Tie a bunch of cotton swabs with adhesive tape or an elastic band, invite your child to dip it in paint and draw clouds, trees, snowdrifts, snow. Missing details can be finished with a simple brush.


First, the baby must draw the outline of the object, and then fill its entire background with multi-colored dots, using paint or a felt-tip pen. To make the drawing colorful, you need to alternate the colors of the dots.


Take a dry toothbrush and grease it with gouache. Do not overdo it, the paint should not be much, but it should be thick. Place the sheet on the table, lean over it, hold the paint brush in one hand, and scrape the bristles in your direction with the other. The bristles must be turned down to the pattern, otherwise you and your child risk splashing the whole house.

If you put several colors on the brush, you can create a salute. Yellow and orange scales are suitable for an autumn-themed drawing, and blue will help create a beautiful winter landscape.


Take an apple, cut it in half and create beautiful drawings by dipping the halves in paint. For this unconventional drawing technique, you can use other interesting "stamps" that you find at home!


This technique will require: box lid, balls, paint, paper, brushes.

Lay a sheet of paper at the bottom of a flat box (or on top of any other) and splatter liberally with watercolor paint. Then throw some glass balls (or balls from bearings) in the same place and shake the box a little so that they roll, thereby mixing the color splashes on the sheet and creating a pattern.


This drawing technique for kids is very relaxing and develops the child's imagination! Tape a sheet of paper to the floor. Put a pencil between your toes and ask your child to draw something.

You can also paint with paints, wetting your toes in gouache and creating beautiful prints on paper.

The standard idea of ​​drawing for many is associated with an album and drawing accessories: paints, pencils, brushes and felt-tip pens. Meanwhile, there are many ways to make a lesson in unusual and exciting ways that will evoke positive emotions not only in children, but also in adults.

Unusual drawing techniques for children, using non-standard tools and materials, is a great opportunity to show your imagination and create spectacular, memorable crafts.

We draw with our hands

A very simple way to draw unusual and varied pictures using the tool that is always at hand, namely the hand of the artist himself. From a very young age, simple abstract pictures can be used, and when the child gets older, you can complicate the task. A child's hand provides ample opportunities for creating stories, here are two of the simplest.


Take a sheet of paper, lay it horizontally. Bend in half, fix the fold line well, then straighten the sheet. Type a little gouache on the brush (let the child choose the colors on his own), and paint the baby's palm. If a child holds a brush well and confidently, then he can paint his own palm, this will give him a lot of pleasure. It is better to paint the fingertips and palm in different colors, this will make the drawing more vivid.

The young artist applies the painted palm to a sheet of paper. The base of the palm should be at the fold line of the sheet. Since the butterfly wing consists of two parts, once the child puts his palm, slightly turning his fingers down the picture, the second time, on the contrary, turning his palm up with his fingers.

Then attach the second half of the sheet to the resulting handprint - and you will have a wonderful butterfly. For reliability, you can draw the torso and head of a butterfly by hand or cut them out of colored paper and glue them with glue.


An excellent version of the image of a tree using the same hand, however, now you will need not only a palm, but also a part of the arm above the hand.

The technique is simple: the child paints the palm and a piece of the hand just above the wrist with brown gouache, and applies it to a vertically lying sheet of paper. It turns out a tree trunk, which is left to draw foliage. Options are also possible here: you can draw it yourself, or you can glue real leaves collected in the autumn forest.

Pictures in stamps

A creative solution that will make any drawing unexpected and eye-catching is drawing its elements with stamps.

What is a stamp? This is a piece of the base on which the desired pattern is cut or fixed with improvised means.

Anything can be used for making stamps:

  • raw potato tubers;
  • small apples cut in half;
  • plasticine;
  • Lego constructor elements;
  • lids from small jars;
  • matchboxes and string.

A versatile and inexpensive impression material that everyone can find.

  • Choose small tubers, wash and clean them.
  • Cut the tuber in half. On the resulting surface of the stamp, draw the imprint that you want to get, let's say it will be a leaf of a tree.
  • Use a knife to make incisions that mimic the structure of the leaf. Then dip the finished stamp into the paint and make an impression on a pre-prepared piece of paper.
  • To create a complete composition, you can make the necessary blank, for example, an image of a tree branch, the leaves on which can be drawn with the resulting stamp.

Attention: the potato quickly and well absorbs the paint, therefore, to obtain prints of different colors, each time you need to use a new stamp (potato tuber).

Stamps on plasticine

One of the kids' favorite ways to create their own stamps. To do this, you will need: a piece of dense plasticine and a ballpoint pen (for small details). For larger details that need to be pressed into the print, it is better to use a pencil with a thick lead.

Making an impression:

  • We roll a sausage 2-3 cm long from plasticine. We make the bottom of the sausage smooth and even.
  • We take a ballpoint pen and set, deeply pressing inward, a point in the middle of the base of the print. This will be the center of the flower.
  • We apply a ballpoint pen to the stamp as follows: with the pointed end to the center, press well. We make several prints, forming petals around the core of the flower.
  • We fill the resulting recesses of the stamp with paint, it is better if it is acrylic paint or gouache. The watercolor will spill out, giving unsaturated colors.
  • We print on paper. The composition can be diversified by making several stamps with different patterns.

apple postcards

For this “delicious” drawing technique, you will need: several small apples, gouache or acrylic paints, two or three sheets of thick colored cardboard.

Cut the apples into halves, dilute a few colors in an additional bowl. In order for the prints to be saturated, do not dilute the inks too much. Having lowered the apple with the cut side into the paint, invite the child to make several prints on pieces of colored cardboard.

Let parents not be afraid that when they see bright and appetizing prints, children will have a desire to put them on cardboard in an incredible amount. Once the prints are dry, the cardstock can be cut to fit the postcard size, or you can cut out the apple print square and stick it onto a large piece of cardstock in a contrasting color. Tails of apples can be drawn separately. It turns out a wonderful picture for the kitchen!

thread stamps

This type of creativity attracts children with funny geometric patterns resulting from the use of ordinary threads.

The basic materials for this unusual technique are simple and affordable - these are boxes of matches (only boxes are needed, no matches), thick threads of woolen or synthetic yarn, and paints (all but watercolors).

In order to make a stamp, you need to take a small piece of thread and wrap it around a matchbox. The thread should not be too thin and should fit snugly around the box. We dip the resulting stamp into the paint and get a spectacular print with a geometric pattern.

Unusual drawing and natural materials

The most interesting drawing techniques for children are associated with natural materials of various textures: wood, stone, plant seeds, and, of course, tree foliage.

Collecting leaves with children in the autumn forest, we sometimes do not suspect what scope for a flight of fancy and unusual drawings lies in an ordinary dried oak or maple leaf.

Drawings with autumn foliage

Leaves for these works need any: large and small elongated and round, green, yellow with or without cuttings. Walking in the forest, focus the children's attention on the variety of shapes and colors of autumn leaves.

leaf prints

Option one

We take a sheet of not very thick white paper, put it in front of the children on the table. It is better to fix its corners with tape, for this type of work it is important that the sheet does not slide on the table. We lay out three sheets of different shapes next to each other and “print” each sheet in turn, sketching it with colored wax crayon.

Second option

We “print” with leaves, having previously applied paint to them. This drawing method looks like this.

Take a few large sheets and invite the kids to work as autumn wizards. Have them color one side of each sheet on their own with the colors they like, in no particular order. Then let them put the leaves with the colored side to a white sheet of paper. Get bright, juicy prints.

This type of work will allow you to create interesting and bright collages on the autumn theme!

Making your own colored paper

Few people know that it is enough to simply create spectacular multi-colored paper at home on your own. As a result of this unusual technique, it will turn out to be a bizarre, unusual color, reminiscent of a marble stone pattern.

To create this type of colored paper you will need:

  • men's shaving foam;
  • watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • disposable paper plate for mixing paints;
  • paper;
  • a piece of thick cardboard.

We apply a uniform dense layer of foam on a plate. Lightly dilute the paints with water, the colors should be saturated and bright. Then we take a little paint of each color with a brush and “drip” a few drops of different shades onto a plate with foam in random order.

The next part is most loved by children of any age. Picking up a cotton swab (you can remove it from the cotton tip) or a toothpick, the child should dilute the colored drops in the foam. As a result, completely bizarre shapes are formed - blots, dots, stains and incredible combinations of colors.

Then you need to take a sheet of paper and attach it flat to the multi-colored foam formed in the plate. Turn the sheet over, lay it dry side down on the table. Now you need to scrape off the remaining foam from the surface of the sheet. To do this, just take a piece of thick cardboard, and holding it vertically, remove excess foam.

A sheet of the resulting colored paper in bright and cheerful colors can be used when it dries.

All of the listed variety of works made by children and adults in unusual drawing techniques is ideal for home art lessons, creating drawings using collage technique and decorating family albums using scrapbooking technique.

Lecturer, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Comprehending the world around them, children try to express their impressions about it by means of cognitive and creative activities: playing, drawing, telling. Drawing provides a huge opportunity here. To enable kids to express themselves in a variety of ways, you can engage in drawing with your child both in traditional techniques and in the most unusual ones. The more interesting the conditions in which the child’s visual activity will take place, the faster his creative abilities will develop. Let's see what children's drawing techniques can be used for the development of the child.

Traditional drawing techniques

The basis of the general comprehensive development of the child is laid at a younger preschool age. Drawing is one of the most important means of child development, during which the baby learns the world, forms an aesthetic attitude towards it.

When drawing, a child develops a wide variety of abilities, namely:

  • the child learns to visually evaluate the shape of an object, navigate in space, distinguish and feel colors
  • trains eyes and hands
  • develops the hand.

“Did you know that drawing is one of the main ways for the versatile development of a child, his sensations, fine motor skills of hands, a sense of shape and color? With the help of this simple and exciting activity, children convey their attitude to reality.

The success of education and training depends on what forms and methods a teacher or parent uses in creative activities with a child.

So, the main technique for younger children preschool age is a demonstration of how to use a pencil and paint. At the same age, passive drawing is effective: when an adult leads the baby's hand. When the baby grows up a little, visual activity is taught by the information-receptive method: children study the shape of an object, circling it with their hand, feeling the outlines. Such a study of the subject helps the baby to create a more complete picture of the subject. The next step is the choice of drawing technique.

Traditional children's drawing techniques:

  1. Drawing with a simple pencil.
  2. Drawing with colored pencils.
  3. Drawing with markers.
  4. Drawing with a brush - watercolor, gouache.
  5. Drawing with wax crayons.

When starting to choose a drawing technique for a crumb, you need to pay attention to his age and interest. To be useful and educational, drawing must first of all be fun.

Drawing with paints and pencils

Children enjoy drawing, especially if they are good at it. Even drawing with such traditional techniques as drawing with paints and pencils requires certain skills. If there are no skills, then the drawing may not turn out the way the little artist intended, as a result of which the child may be upset and no longer want to draw. Younger preschoolers are not yet skilled enough in drawing.

Let's see how you can teach your kid to draw with paints and pencils.

Learning to draw with paints

Today, the first use of paint by a child is finger painting. As soon as the baby has learned to hold the brush in his hand, invite him to draw with it. For the first lessons, it is better to use: it does not need to be diluted with water and it leaves a bright mark. Show your child such a drawing technique as “sticking”: you need to attach a brush with paint to the paper with all the pile. This will turn out to be an imprint - a leaflet, a light, a trace of an animal, a flower, etc. Children can use this simple technique when depicting natural phenomena familiar to them. It will be interesting to draw on dark paper (for example, blue) with white gouache. So you can depict, say, a snowfall. The next stage of drawing with paints is the image of straight and wavy lines.

Usually the baby masters the work with paints and brushes by 3.5 - 4 years. From this age, the crumbs can be given paints at his disposal: let him draw what he wants. And parents just need to suggest topics for drawing and show the right techniques.

Starting to draw with a pencil

At first, it is better for the baby to give not a pencil in his hand, but a felt-tip pen: they leave a bright mark even with a slight pressure of the child's pen. When the hand gets stronger, put a pencil in his hand. Draw different shapes together by moving the child's hand. So gradually he will understand how to move the pencil in order to get the desired drawing. Repeat the movements many times, fixing them.

"Advice. Support your child's interest in drawing by providing good conditions for creativity: high-quality supplies, a separate table and chair in a bright place, appropriate for the child's height.

Children's non-traditional drawing techniques

Non-traditional techniques of children's drawing stimulate the development of imagination and creative thinking, the manifestation of initiative and independence, the baby. In the process of such drawing, a preschooler will improve his powers of observation, form an individual perception of art and beauty, and try to create something beautiful. And non-traditional drawing brings children a lot of positive emotions.

Let's see what non-traditional drawing techniques you can do with your child at home.

For preschool children:

  1. Finger drawing. The kid dips his fingers in gouache and paints on paper.
  2. Drawing with palms. The baby applies gouache to the entire palm and makes prints on paper, which can later become funny pictures.

For children of middle preschool age:

  1. Foam print. The child dips a piece of foam rubber into the paint and makes an imprint on paper.
  2. Cork imprint.
  3. Combined drawing with wax crayons and watercolor. The kid draws an image with wax crayons on paper, and then paints over only a sheet of paper with watercolors, without affecting the drawing.
  4. Drawing with cotton swabs or drinking tubes. By dipping them in paint and applying them in different ways, you can make an interesting picture.

For older children:

  1. Painting with sand or salt.
  2. "Spray". By picking up paint on a brush and hitting it on cardboard over paper, the child will receive a whole firework of splashes of paint that will fall on paper.
  3. Drawing with crumpled paper. Pieces of crumpled paper are dyed and pressed against the paper where the painting plans to appear.
  4. Classography. Through a cocktail tube, you can blow multi-colored blots. And you can put them with an ordinary plastic spoon. Using fantasy, blots can be turned into funny characters or landscape elements.
  5. Monotype. Covering thick paper or ceramic tiles with a thick layer of paint, and then attaching a sheet of paper, we get a blurry print on paper that can become the basis for a landscape.
  6. Engraving (grattage). Having painted over a sheet of paper with a dense layer of gouache, try scratching it out with your child using toothpicks.

We use different materials

“Did you know that a variety of non-traditional children's drawing techniques are becoming more popular every day? Drawing, kids act as they like.

The beauty of non-traditional drawing techniques is that in the creative process a child can use a variety of materials and their combinations. That is why these drawing methods are very interesting for both children and adults: there is no limit to imagination and self-expression.

What combinations of materials when drawing can be used to make the creative process enjoyable, and the picture turned out to be unusual and expressive?

  1. Imprints of natural materials. If you cover leaves, cones, flowers with different colors, and then attach it to paper, you get an imprint. Having completed the missing details, the child will have an excellent one.
  2. Plasticine. From plasticine, you can not only sculpt figures, but draw them on paper. This method is called plasticineography.
  3. Everything at hand. With the help of a wooden spool for thread, the thread itself, buttons of various sizes and shapes, a cardboard tube, a fresh orange peel, a corn cob, knitting needles and everything that can be found in the house and adapted for creativity, you can draw. Each item leaves its own unique imprint. With a little imagination, you can create unusual paintings with the help of quite everyday items. The coil will leave a trail that looks like a wheel or two tracks, a button - a circle with dots. Unusual stamps can be cut from the peel of an orange, for example, in the form of a spiral. And the function of the paint roller will be performed by a corn cob or a cardboard tube.

Drawing is a great leisure activity for a preschooler, a job that should not be forced. However, it is important to support the child and positively evaluate the results of his work. Expand your child's creativity. Traditional drawing will teach your child how to properly handle brushes, paints, pencils and felt-tip pens, teach them to recognize and draw different shapes, and distinguish colors. And non-traditional drawing techniques will help him become more creative, emotionally stable, confident in his abilities, proactive.

Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. The child learns the world around him, trying to reflect it in the game, modeling and drawing. After all, in the soul every kid is a singer and musician, artist and sculptor. Creative impulses in children are often associated with artistic activity, and the fine art of the child is an ideal opportunity for the manifestation of his imagination. This is an important condition for the normal development of the baby.

Non-traditional drawing techniques for children in kindergarten and school - this does not mean something complicated. Quite the opposite - such drawing turns the art lesson into fun fun. It is not at all necessary to have complex pencil and brush skills. With simple non-traditional drawing techniques, the child is able to create beautiful drawings and paintings, and this will give him an amazing creative experience with an excellent final result. He himself will be drawn to art when he feels that he can create beauty with his own hands.

Non-traditional ways of drawing

For children, non-traditional drawing techniques are a wonderful way to create small masterpieces. It turns out that the palm can turn into a pink elephant, and a simple blot can become a tree, and a carrot and potato can surprise with unusual patterns.

Eg, kids 3-4 years old can offer:

With kids 5-6 years You can also try:

  • picture prints
  • plasticine printing
  • leaf prints
  • hand drawings
  • drawing with cotton swabs
  • magic strings
  • monotype.

And with children 7-8 years you can learn more complex techniques:

  • crumpled paper drawing
  • bubble painting
  • salt painting
  • blotography
  • plasticineography
  • scratching
  • frottage.

For children, plasticine modeling is a whole world full of variety and experiments! Under your strict guidance, a child can mold all kinds of things and will be the best guide for creating various fairy-tale characters, animals and plants.

hand drawing

Drawing with pens is the first technique that little children are able to master very early. The drawing turns out quickly - this is extremely important, because kids cannot do one thing for a long time. Dip a child's hand in paint and let the baby make an imprint on the surface of the paper. See what it looks like. Ask the baby what you need to finish to get some kind of animal or bird. The missing details can be drawn with your fingers.

Wet paper watercolor technique

To create small masterpieces, you will need a sheet of thick paper, watercolors and a brush. Help your child wet the sheet evenly, but without puddles. Let him pick up some paint on the brush and start creating. Each stroke with a new tone spreads across the paper, beautifully turning into a different shade. It's time to show the child the mixing of colors and explain what shades are.

Tell the child that all movements should be done easily and smoothly, no need to press the brush into the paper, as many children like to do. A light touch is enough. In this technique, it is good to draw backgrounds. And after drying, you can continue to draw the rest of the drawing.

Drawing in the technique of Adhesive Pictures

To draw in this style, you will need a glue gun. Help your child draw outlines on paper with hot glue, inside which the image is filled with paints. Thanks to the glue, the paint does not flow beyond these contours. It turns out something like a stained glass image. Using this technique, you and your child can create a real stained glass window on glass, but then instead of simple watercolors, you will need to buy water-based acrylic paints.

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, kindergartens host exhibitions of bright crafts and creative works of kids that decorate the kindergarten on the most magical days of the New Year holiday. We offer you a variety of

Drawings in watercolor technique with wax crayons

To draw a picture in this technique, you need: a landscape sheet, wax crayons, watercolor paints, a squirrel brush, leaf templates.

Let the kid with your help draw several different leaves on the sheet. The drawing must be arranged according to the size of the leaves - first large, then smaller. Let the leaves overlap each other - after all, that's how it is in nature.

Now take wax crayons and circle the contours of the leaves, for this you will need warm-colored crayons: yellow, red, orange, brown, burgundy. You can use several colors in one sheet. Do not forget to draw veins on each leaf, except for rowan

Interesting! Paper fantasies or ideas for autumn paper crafts to school

And now it's time to use watercolors - start painting over not the leaves, but the landscape sheet from the upper left corner. Show your child how to add other colors so that one shade flows smoothly into another without clear boundaries. Thus, we gradually fill our sheet with autumn colors.

Drawing funny prints

1. Plasticine stamps

It is very easy and convenient to make stamps from plasticine - just give a piece of plasticine the desired shape, decorate with patterns (lines, dots) and paint it in the desired color.

2. Stamps from threads

To create interesting “striped dies”, you can use threads that need to be firmly wound around an object. Then the threads are dyed with thick paint in the desired color. Now only fantasy will tell you how to apply a "striped pattern" to the surface of the paper.

3. Rolled cardboard stamps

By rolling a piece of cardboard into a roll, you can get an original stamp for "roses". And if you cut off a “kruglyash” from a toilet paper sleeve and give it the shape of a leaf, then your child can create a beautiful composition on their own.

4. Prints "leaves"

This technique is familiar to many. To print a sheet, you can take any beautiful sheet and apply paint to the veined side. Then, with the painted side, attach the sheet to the paper and iron it. After a few seconds, you can gently lift the leaf - its imprint will remain on the paper.

5. Prints with potatoes, carrots, apples

For young children, this is a fairly popular technique. You will need any vegetable or fruit and gouache. Then everything is simple - dip the object into the paint and make an imprint on paper.

Stamps can be made from apples, potatoes, carrots, peppers and other vegetables or fruits. The easiest way to make a stamp is from potatoes. If you have a metal cookie cutter, simply press the cookie cutter into the potato and carefully trim any excess pieces around the edges with a knife.

Bubble painting

It will be very interesting for the child to draw a picture with soap bubbles. To do this, add any soap solution and paint to a glass of water and use a straw to make a strong foam. Gently place a sheet of paper on the bubbles and wait for the first patterns to appear. You can lift the paper - bubble patterns are ready.

salt painting

To give the background of the picture a whimsical texture, salt can be used when depicting any landscape. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the background with salt. It absorbs excess water, sticks and creates a very interesting effect. Excess salt should be gently shaken off after drying. Unusual light spots will remain in its place.

There is another unusually interesting version of salt painting. To do this, draw a drawing with a pencil, and then circle with PVA glue. It can be a simple flower, patterns or geometric shapes. We do not regret Clay. Generously sprinkle the pattern with salt, and then gently shake off the excess onto a tray. Now let's add colors - you can paint with a brush, or you can take a pipette and apply tinted water drop by drop to the drawing. You can see how the drops spread and bright patterns and shapes are obtained.

Drawing with crumpled paper.

Using a crumpled napkin or paper, you can get an unusual texture. There are two methods for this technique:


This unusual painting technique is based on a unique print, which can only be obtained in a single copy. Therefore, two absolutely identical drawings cannot be created.

A monotype is an imprint with paints: applying spots of paint (with or without water) on a sheet of paper, another clean sheet is placed on top, pressed and smoothed. It turns out two sheets with an unusual spotted pattern. It can be used either as a background for a future drawing, or it can be refined, adding details, turning a shapeless spot into a full-fledged drawing.

If you take not two sheets, but one folded in half, the paint will print almost like a mirror. In this version of the technique, watercolor landscapes turn out very well: the clearer half is, say, a forest, and the more blurry one is a reflection of the forest in some kind of reservoir. It remains only to refine the details.

Watercolor and drawing ink

Since watercolor and ink are transparent, fluid paints that require an abundance of water, a monotype using them can be made in two ways. First, you can moisten a sheet of paper with water, and then apply paint with a wide brush or drops. Secondly, you can apply paint on a dry sheet, and then dilute it with drops of water. The results in both cases will differ markedly.

Don't use too much ink and not enough water - the prints will be too bright. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to get rid of excess liquid, blot the sheet with a crumpled paper towel or sprinkle coarse salt on the paper. It will also create unusual textures. After the paint has dried, the salt can simply be shaken off.

Acrylic and gouache

These paints, unlike watercolors and ink, are dense and opaque. The prints are also different: they are textured and textured (especially when using acrylic). Acrylic, by the way, absolutely anyone is suitable for monotype. If you use a thick, undiluted paint, when you remove the second sheet (if you shoot without shifting) you will get beautiful tree-like or coral-like structures. If you move or rotate it slightly when removing the top sheet, you will get a beautiful and textured smearing effect.

Aging paper with lemon and milk

This is a "prepaint" technique that is used to make paper look like an old, yellowed page. Put drops of lemon juice on a clean sheet of paper, some can be smeared. Lime juice will work too. When the juice dries, iron the sheet with an iron. The lemon juice will darken, creating an aged effect. In addition, the sheet will also wrinkle slightly, which will give it an even greater resemblance to old paper.

You can use full fat milk or cream instead of lemon juice. This method has its roots in ancient times, when milk was used as invisible ink. Apply milk with a brush on a sheet of paper, let dry. Then iron the sheet with an iron or heat it in another way. The milk will turn brown and tint the leaf "antique".

Washing off black mascara

Another way to original toned paper (attention, the process is very dirty). You will need sheets of paper, white gouache, drawing ink, a large brush. The paper must be very thick so that it does not tear when washing. We paint over the central part of the sheet with white gouache (you can not try to make the contour even, chaotic strokes will do). We are waiting for the paint to dry. Now with black ink, carefully paint over the entire sheet. Let dry again.

Now we take a dried sheet and go to the bathroom. Gently wash off the mascara from the sheet under running water (you can rub it lightly with your hands). We wash the middle part of the sheet (the ink on top of the gouache should be easily washed off). And the edges of the sheet, since the ink has soaked into the paper, will remain black. Place the washed sheet on a stack of newspapers and leave to dry. While you wait, wash the bath, otherwise the mascara will strongly eat.

Drawing with shaving foam and ink

You can get very beautiful stains in this way. You need shaving foam or gel and colored mascara. Squeeze the foam onto a plastic palette (if gel, add a bit of water to it and beat with a brush), spread evenly over the palette and drip a few drops of drawing ink. With a brush handle, make stains from the ink on the foam. Now put a sheet of paper on top, press lightly, remove. Remove the remaining foam with paper towels.

Thread drawing

A very unconventional way of painting that gives amazing results. You will need paper, ink and thick knitting threads. Dip a piece of thread in ink and lay it out beautifully on a piece of paper (but the tip of the thread should go beyond the edge). Cover with another sheet of paper, put a book on top and press lightly with your hand. Now slowly pull the thread. When you put the book away and separate the sheets, you will see that both sheets of paper are covered with a beautiful intricate pattern. The pattern can be finalized by turning it into a full-fledged drawing.

Blob spots

Such ink stains can become a blank for a full-fledged work: they can be a background, or they can be the base of a drawing that needs to be supplemented with details. On a dry sheet of paper, apply a few drops of colored mascara (if you want a lot, it’s better not to apply them all at once). We take a tube for a cocktail and inflate a drop. You can simply blow, trying to stretch the blot as far as possible, or you can try to give the spot some form, so that later you can use it to create a picture.

"Crumpled" drawing

An interesting effect is given by paint on crumpled paper. You will need paper, wax crayons and gouache (watercolor). Draw the desired object (contour) on the sheet with crayons, paint over the space around the object with crayons as well. Now the sheet must be gently crumpled, then straightened. We paint over with gouache, and then, with the help of a sponge and water, quickly wash off the paint. The ink should remain only at the folds of the paper on the unpainted area.

Technology in action

You can paint with a regular toothbrush. And you can draw electric. A massage brush will also work. Unusual concentric patterns are obtained that can be used as a background for a picture (especially if you take more than one color). Required paint - gouache or acrylic.


With the help of various stamps (which, by the way, can be almost all small and not so small objects), you can create an interesting background for the drawings, the drawings themselves, and even decorate clothes and interiors. You can use both improvised objects with an interesting texture, and self-made stamps: cut them out of an eraser or from a potato (at one time). Then you just have to dip the stamp into the paint and start creating.


There are two ways to spray paint on a sheet. The first is stencil spatter, when an object is placed on a sheet of paper and its outline is imprinted with splashes. The second is purposeful spraying, with different intensity, paint concentration, droplet size. So you can create whole drawings, moreover, quite presentable and not "childish".

Point technique

Similar to stamping. In addition to the fact that the technique gives a rather unusual result, it is also a great way to relieve your stress. You will need cotton swabs, sheets of paper, paint of your choice. Dip a cotton swab in the paint and begin to apply the pattern on paper with rhythmic movements. It is very interesting in this technique to try to mix colors and shades.

foam drawing

The texture background or "fluffiness" in the picture can be created using an ordinary sponge. You can try this technique with soft foil or a thin plastic bag: dip a small piece of sponge (if the foil or bag is a small lump) into the paint and dip it on the surface of the sheet.

"Combing the Paint"

To create texture, try running a toothed comb or fork over the still wet paint. Lines can be made both straight and wavy. Just be careful not to damage the paper.


This is also scratching with a sharp object, only here it is not the texture that is created, but the drawing itself. Rub a thick sheet of paper with a candle, apply ink or gouache over the wax layer (so that it completely covers the sheet, without gaps). Add a few drops of liquid soap to the mascara, so it will lie better. When the paint dries, take a sharp object and scratch the drawing.

Drawing with cling film

We apply large spots of paint on a sheet of paper, cover with cling film on top. But you don’t need to smooth it, on the contrary, wrinkle it slightly. When the paint is completely dry, remove the film. Thin lines and bubbles will remain on the sheet, which cover the sheet with a cobweb.

Believe me, these are not all the techniques, methods and techniques of drawing that you can try if you want something unusual in your work. In the end, no one bothers you to turn on your fantasy and try to come up with something new!

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