The Internet is frightened by footage with bald Dima Bilan, which gave rise to rumors about a terrible disease. Why did Dima Bilan shave his head? Why did Bilan cut his hair bald again


Dima Bilan shocked fans by posting a photo on his Instagram in a new image: the singer decided to radically change his image and shaved his head.

Singer Dima Bilan shaved his head, which surprised his fans. They began to suspect oncology in their favorite performer. Dima Bilan published photos of his new image in his personal account on the social network Instagram.

Recently, fans have been concerned about the state of Dima Bilan. The artist has lost weight to exhaustion and does not look the best. Recently it became known that the singer really has serious health problems: he was diagnosed with five vertebral hernias.

But instead of posting a photo on a social network from some suburban sanatorium or a sunny island in the ocean, Dima Bilan posted a photo where he has no hair at all. "Oncology?" - the fans were frightened .. - Soon you will find out everything!

The artist parted with his hair for the sake of filming a new video "Labyrinths", which will be held in Norway. As the site became aware, Bilan's decision to shave his head is a kind of challenge to those who spread rumors about the artist's allegedly fatal illness.

The subscribers almost unanimously came to the conclusion that the new style suits Bilan: “Super!!”, “Handsome!”, “Beautiful, the best!”

Among the followers there were also those who had a fairly rich imagination, they compared the bald Dima Bilan with Mayakovsky. “You are very similar to Vladimir Mayakovsky”, “You are bald”, “Dima, we still love you,” wrote admirers of the artist’s work. It is noteworthy that earlier some information sources reported that Dima Bilan was hospitalized due to illness.

Bald Dima Bilan shocked Internet fans by being at the center of a lively controversy regarding his health. The image, where the singer is completely devoid of hair, was published by the artist himself on Instagram.

Previously, fans of Dima Bilan's talents suggested that the pop star had health problems during his participation in the Voice television project. He stood out noticeably among the participants for his thinness and tormented appearance. Now, when he decided to shave his hair completely, many suspected a very bad state of affairs, up to cancer, which forced the Eurovision winner to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Despite the explosion of speculation, it has long been known that the artist has a variety of back problems (hernias), forcing him to be under the influence of painkillers frequently. And they, as you know, greatly upset the digestive function and can slow down the speed of mental reactions (which has repeatedly become the subject of ridicule from Dmitry Nagiyev).

It is worth noting the courage of Dima Bilan, who said that he was not going to stop his participation in the Voice. Children”, until his pupils reach the final, taking their rightful place in the competition. To do this, he had to postpone for some time the planned course of surgical treatment of vertebral hernias. It is worth wishing the singer excellent health and a speedy recovery, because his work charges so many citizens of the Russian Federation with positive and desire to live and create.

« For the persistent, all doors will open”, Said, going to conquer Moscow, a talented Kabardian boy Dima Bilan. What happened to him next, we all remember very well - a meeting with producer Yuri Aizenshpis, all kinds of music awards, a brilliant performance at Eurovision, a victory in the "Artist of the Year" nomination and unearthly love from fans. But a good fairy tale, sooner or later, comes to an end - the singer has serious health problems.

Bilan's childhood

In December 1981, in a simple working-class family with the surname Belan from the village of Moscow (Karachay-Cherkessia), the first-born appeared. They named the boy Victor.

Here is what the singer himself tells about his childhood:

  • Family. Dad - went from a locksmith to a design engineer, mom - was a worker at a local vegetable greenhouse. There are sisters - the elder Elena and the younger Anna;
  • Hobbies. Even in primary school, he liked to listen to classical music, childhood idols - Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky;
  • School of Music. In the fifth grade, Vitya entered a music school, after which he filigree plays the accordion;
  • First victories. Victory at the competition of regional importance "Young voices of the Caucasus" and the prize of the Moscow festival "Chunga-Changa".

An interesting point: in early childhood, due to his grouchy character, our hero was nicknamed "grandfather". And Vitya was very independent - from the age of 13 he worked part-time on a state farm, harvested peaches and apricots, and earned small, but own money.

Meeting with Yuri Aizenshpis: how Vitya Belan "turns" into Dima Bilan

For any creative person there is a certain starting point, for Vity Belan it was the successful participation in the competition of young talents in Moscow. Then, having received a diploma from the hands of Joseph Kobzon himself, our hero decides to dedicate his life to music completely:

  • 2000 - studying at a music school with a degree in classical vocals;
  • 2003 - GITIS.

With the help of the first producer of the singer Elena Kan, his video for the song "Autumn" is released on the MTV Russia television channel.

But the main events began to occur a little later:

  • Fateful meeting. It was 2002. Victor Belan comes to the concert of Sasha Savelyeva (now performing in the Fabrika group), and meets producer Aizenshpis. Yuri Shmilevich, who had worked with such artists as Viktor Tsoi and Vlad Stashevsky, appreciated the talent of the young talent;
  • Nickname. The only thing that the eminent producer did not like was the name of the singer. It was jointly decided - from now on, Victor Belan will perform using the stage name "Dima Bilan" for this. In fact, Yuri Aizenshpis thought of everything: the stage image, the behavior of "Dima", the image, etc.;
  • Awards. In 2005, Dima becomes "Artist of the Year" and receives the "Best Performer" award. The following year, in 2006, Bilan participates in Eurovision 2006. Now the singer is the record holder among Russian singers in terms of collected awards.

After the death of Aizenshpis, Yana Rudkovskaya becomes the singer's new producer, under whose leadership Dima wins Eurovision 2008.

What happened to Bilan?

In 2016, the incredibly popular artist started having health problems. Filming, concerts, holding charity events - such a busy schedule did not work for the singer:

  • USA trip. Dmitry left there with luggage full of strength, and returned thin and tired. There is an opinion that our hero conducted a medical examination there;
  • Bronchitis. Upon returning home, the singer came down with bronchitis;
  • Hernia. Since the end of 2015, the artist began to have back pain. The reason is a hernia. And not just one, but three! Doctors and relatives insisted on the operation, but Dima did not dare to go under the medical knife;
  • Ulcer. The singer's stomach problems last for more than one year. Could Bilan's excessive weight loss be related to a gastrointestinal complication?

In March 2017, Dima couldn't handle the hype surrounding his health and left the country for two weeks. According to him, he took a vacation.

Dima Bilan is dying?

“Hidden well-wishers” are in every person. Dima Bilan also has them. Seeing his unnatural thinness, evil tongues diagnosed the singer with cancer.

  • Weight loss. The artist has money, and he takes care of his health. But, if the singer is not able to gain weight, the problem is stored in another;
  • Hair. Dima cut his hair "bald" - that means he is undergoing chemotherapy procedures.

But these are all rumors. Bilan does not die.

Producer Yana Rudkovskaya answered frank nonsense about oncology:

  • weight loss - stomach problems;
  • Cancellation of the tour - vertebral hernia.

Big troubles are connected with the last illness - if the operation is performed, Dima will recover for months. And this is a disruption of creative plans, not to mention the fact that postoperative complications can harm the overall career.

Perhaps Yana Rudkovskaya is right and the reason for everything is emotional overwork and a nervous breakdown? They were followed by the activation of old diseases, and all this was reflected in the appearance of the singer.

Dima Bilan: 5 interesting facts

Do you know what Bilan has:

  • For a long time, today's name and surname were pseudonyms that only became official in 2008;
  • Lucky number - 13;
  • In the animated film "Trolls", the hero Tsvetan spoke in his voice;
  • The artist, in the film "Hero", played the main role - Andrei Kulikov;
  • After years of courting Elena Kuletskaya, a successful Russian model, Dima began dating Yulia Lima and later Yulia Krylova;
  • Bilan was also noted in politics - now he is an active member of the Liberal Democratic Party.

The idol of millions, the national hero and the sex symbol of the country rolled into one - all this is about Bilan. Already at the age of 35, Dmitry reached incredible heights, and entered the musical history of Russia forever. Continuing his confident march to new successes, the singer could not cope with the colossal loads - the artist had health problems. How the fight against the mysterious disease will end, we will all find out in the near future.

Video: why is Bilan bald?

In this video, journalist Artem Romanov will tell what happened to the artist, why Dima Bilan appears in public shaved bald:

The famous singer Dima Bilan shocked his fans by posting new photos on the social network Instagram. In fresh pictures, Bilan appeared before the fans completely bald.

In total, Dima Bilan posted two photographs in which the singer stands with his head completely shaved. As Bilan himself said, he is preparing to shoot a new video for his song "Labyrinths". The shooting of the video should take place in Norway, writes Life. However, due to the fact that earlier there were rumors about the singer's health problems, the star's fans were horrified by the new footage, believing that 35-year-old Dima Bilan was diagnosed with a serious oncological disease, and now the singer is undergoing chemotherapy.

In just a few hours, photos with bald Bilan gained almost 30 thousand likes and 3500 comments. Many fans were horrified and wished the singer a "speedy recovery" and "good health." Many also noted that recently the singer has noticeably lost weight. Some felt sorry for Dima's hair, and they believed that the singer "was better with hair." However, there were also those who appreciated the change in Bilan's image and his courage. The singer was called "handsome" and considered that "it suits him." Some fans even wrote that "now he looks like Timberlake."

As the site became aware, Dima Bilan's health problems concern only a few intervertebral hernias in the back, due to which the singer uses painkillers. In March, the singer went to the hospital to take care of a sore back. Dima Bilan said that he decided to do without surgery, choosing a different method of treatment.

Tonight, on the air of the Evening Urgant show, the popular singer Dima Bilan finally answered the question of why he shaved his head. "Who said I can't? All 33 years I thought about it,” the 35-year-old artist tried to laugh it off.

A few months ago, when fans first saw a photo of a bald Dima, they were seriously scared. Against the backdrop of rapid weight loss and health complaints (shortly before that, doctors discovered five vertebral hernias in the artist at once), they thought about the worst. Rumors immediately appeared on the Web that the singer was struggling with oncology. The musician did not comment on his decision, he only wrote deep philosophical posts on his blog.

Posted by bilanofficial (@bilanofficial) Mar 15, 2017 at 6:22 PDT

Its producer, Yana Rudkovskaya, tried to reassure everyone that this was a new project, but they did not believe her too much.

According to Dima, this decision was rather spontaneous. “I came to my Manana to get a haircut, we joked with her every time that we need to cut our hair bald, and then I said, come on. She says to me: "What, is it true?" - Her hands are itchy. Well, he shaved, absolutely not afraid of anything, not afraid. The last time I wore this hairstyle was when I was 3 years old. I have a photo of me being fat, on a bike, and bald. After that, he never, never cut his hair like that. So I thought, why not, on vacation, ”the artist shared his memories.

“I had such a long vacation, 3 months. Well, there was shooting in advertising, various inclusions there, a couple of corporate concerts, and the rest of the time I just thought, wrote music. For 15 years I did not rest in a row for 2 or 3 months. I thought that a new stage in my life was beginning, something had changed in my head, ”Bilan shared.

So it happened this time. Having got rid of his hair, the restless Dima went to Iceland to find himself in "zero latitude" and shoot a video there. “Seriously speaking, in fact, I timed all this with the video, 50 to 50 updates - 50 percent is the video that I shot there. And I rushed there all over Iceland, I traveled there a lot of kilometers, I traveled a thousand kilometers in total, this is an amazing place, ”he commented.

After this broadcast, Dima Bilan's fans can sleep peacefully. The health of the artist, fortunately, is not in danger. And the hair has grown back.

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