Interview with Bilan. Dima Bilan: “I don’t want to please everyone, I want to please myself


Towards the end of 2017, Dima Bilan released the longplay "Egoist" - a manifesto album, a protest album, an album of self-expression. There are no (and should not be) Eurovision-level super hits in it, although the lead single "Hold" has been occupying a leading position in iTunes for several months in a row. However, most of the tracks are performed calmly and as if in an undertone. The artist himself is sure - " sometimes, in order to be heard, it is not necessary to take high notes and amaze the sophisticated audience with the breadth of the range - you need to switch to a whisper". Yes, yes, the same even, calm vocal that sounds in "Memory" or in the author's song "Horror". And these will be the strongest and most genuine emotions. Bilan admits: "Egoist" is an extremely personal album, recorded not for the needs of the public and not for the sake of the notorious format. There was no purpose to prove something to anyone. "Egoist" is an album recorded for himself. That's why it got such a controversial name..

Indeed, Bilan the singer has not needed to prove anything to anyone for a long time. He is a two-time winner of Eurovision. It was Bilan who became the first and so far the only Russian performer to win gold at this largest international song contest. In his creative baggage there are already a couple of dozen unconditional hits that the whole country knows by heart. One has only to say "The impossible is possible" - and then a simple motive will play in your head. With the same light step (exactly like in the video), Bilan wins all existing Russian music awards from year to year: whether it's "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone" or the award of the Muz-TV channel. The unspoken status, if not the king, but certainly the prince of Russian pop music, has long been firmly attached to him.

VOLKY parka, Albione shirt, tie, vest, Patrikman trousers

It would seem, what could an accomplished artist wish for? Bilan replies - novelty! He is constantly looking for fresh emotions and strives to feel ... first-year student. So that life does not turn into an endless "Groundhog Day", he experiments in creativity and is not afraid of critical exclamations. Although there will always be dissatisfied! Here Bilan played a serious dramatic role in the film novel "Hero", but he released the author's electronic project Alien24. And then from different sides it was heard: "Bring back the Night Hooligan", "Come on for an encore" Mulatto-chocolate " and so on and so forth.

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Bilan has the courage to stick to his line. Moreover, all these experiments have a rather deep background. On the set of the film "Hero" - in the role of Lieutenant Andrei Dolmatov, who died during the First World War - Bilan agreed only after he carefully studied the history of his family. The artist's great-grandfather served in the Consolidated Cossack Hundred of Nicholas II and was once close to the royal family. In one of the museums near Moscow, there is even a chest with relics of an ancestor. " I felt that I have every right to act in this picture", - said Bilan and only then made a responsible decision about filming in this movie. Alien24 is nothing less than the first formidable attempt to bring composer's potential to life. In the project, little is left of the usual Bilan - there is pure electronics, nu-disco, ambient, a little techno. It is clear that the fans reacted to such a “test of the pen” with caution. " This is the only way I grow, develop, as an artist, as a musician, not village", Bilan explains. And with the enthusiasm of a debutant, he adds that rejoices like a child when he is invited to perform at electronic music festivals as Alien24 - where the usual Dima Bilan turns out to be "non-format". It's invigorating!

VOLKY fur coat, Patrikman suit and bow tie

Yes, he is no longer that cute guy in a white T-shirt and jeans on his hips, whose jump during his performance at Eurovision 2006 became his calling card for many years. And indeed, one cannot demand “sameness” from a person, and even more so from an artist. It threatens creative stagnation. Smells like mothballs. It is fraught with turning into its own embalmed copy, which year after year will be clapped at the "Blue Light" only as a tribute. Even Bilan's hairstyle gets across someone's throat - they say, he shaved his head, he looks like a gopnik. Meanwhile, the radical image change is a way to reset, understand, find and accept a new one. Give the monsters in your head some freedom.

At the beginning of last year, Bilan disappeared from the radar for three months (for a touring artist of his level and status). A sabbatical, a reboot, a pause in endless time pressure. " I am pleased to be in the key of a searching person. I get tired of fast, fast food, momentary. I have a very wonderful period - reasoning about life”, is his position, his declaration, if you like. Of course, evil tongues, the press, “well-wishers” instantly attributed to Bilan all the diseases in the world, a creative crisis, discussed unhealthy thinness, a haggard face - God knows what else! Even forbidden tricks were used - lifetime obituaries. The artist was about to sue the offenders, but the months spent alone with him gave a completely different impetus. Bilan returned from a sabbatical not a boy, but a husband - wise, calm and reasonable. " I learned to spit on conversations and gossip, I don’t try to adapt to everyone and please everyone, to go on about the crowd. And most importantly - got rid of perfectionism, learned to accept the imperfection of the world". He stopped doing what he hated, without regret he closed the doors to people who bring negativity into his life, removed from his notebook those with whom he had communicated for many years only by inertia. And most importantly, Bilan came to the realization that music and only music is his the most important and true love in life.

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Undoubtedly, recording a duet with a person who, albeit behind the scenes, is still considered your direct competitor on stage, is an act of an adult and self-confident person. This, of course, is about cooperation with Sergey Lazarev. Few people know, but initially the artists were supposed to perform the track “Hold” together, but later the choice fell on the song that Lazarev suggested - “Forgive Me”. And Bilan's team made the arrangement. No rivalry, no arguments. Fairly divided verses, sung choruses in unison. Everything is brotherly. Bilan sincerely rejoices at the success of Lazarev and writes congratulatory reviews on Instagram about his new album. " Sergey and I are people who know their own worth, people with a certain vector, we cannot be brought down, no matter what happens. Around us all the time trying to compose some kind of scandal. We have no choice but to remain silent, accept, agree or refute". happy end!

As for Bilan's album "Egoist", here the name caused the most ranting. Like, too presumptuous, somewhere even disrespectful, in some ways unjustified. For some reason, it is customary to see an exclusively negative connotation in this word. " Being selfish is bad! Thinking only of yourself is wrong!”- they inspire us from childhood. However, Bilan is not at all shy about such self-determination. Yes, he is the real egoist. Egoist involuntarily. But not the Pushkin one that Belinsky wrote about. Creative energy and lust for life are overflowing. And fortunately, it is embodied not in idleness and resting on our laurels, but in the next bold musical experiments. He is forced to be an egoist in order not to burn out, because he shares his energy with the audience at concerts every day, gives himself to the Voice project, provides for his family, and leads a huge team. That is why, remaining alone with himself, he completely immerses himself, digs, searches, gropes ... " You need to be an egoist to catch new emotions, sounds, intonations, which I eagerly collect and accumulate in creativity! Bilan says. This "vow of silence" is extremely important for a creative person. "Egoism" here is only a necessary measure of avoiding everyday life and fuss, so that nothing distracts from the Main.

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Bilan reset to zero and started from scratch. The verses have become more thoughtful, the music, at times, is not at all poppy, and the manner of performance is even and calm. Ripped jeans were replaced by discreet classic suits, and boyish mess of hair was replaced by an ascetic haircut. It seems that the artist did not return from the shores of Iceland, but stayed with Tibetan monks and comprehended Zen. He is happy because he belongs to himself, does not report to anyone and does not try to please anyone. Today Dima Bilan proclaims freedom in everything. He declares thus: I get great pleasure from life, from creativity and mainly from the fact that I am free!» It is all the more interesting to observe the further development of this extraordinary artist and person. But he again took a short sabbatical - and who knows what he will turn into: the album "Pacifist", roles on the stage, the embodiment of an alter ego on the opera stage? There will definitely not be indifferent!

VOLKY parka, Uniqlo turtleneck

PRODUCER | Zokha Lakerbaia @lakerbaya9 ; PHOTO | Grigory Pengrin @g_pengrin ; STYLE | Alena Gazarova @alena_gazarova ; GROOMING | Sophie Knox @sofi_noks ; EDIT | Denis Kazmin @denis_kazmin ; STYLE ASSISTANT | Lisa Shepeleva

We thank the outerwear brand VOLKY @volky.parkas and personally brand designer Dmitry Volkov for help in organizing the shooting.

Popularity is unpredictable. Someone covers like a wave - immediately, but not for long. Someone gives to reap laurels only after a while. Dima Bilan seems to be from the second category. “Night hooligan”, “Mulatto-chocolate”... It would seem, what else to expect? But no: after a romantic Venetian story with Dima in the role of a handsome prince, more adult fans were added to the singer's very young fans.

Then another lyrical composition. And here it is, glory: only the lazy did not discuss how the guy organically fit into the number of contenders for Eurovision. Now, 22-year-old Dima can hardly be found in Moscow: the shaft works, the tour is exhausting, and during an interview with MK in the car on the way to the studio, the singer nearly passed out several times. Even though he was driving.

What has Eurovision lost?

- This is after what you so sausages?
- The period of my chronic non-appearance at home has begun again, - Dima explains, with difficulty restraining a yawn. - During these two weeks I visited the house only on the Monday before last. Omsk, Chelyabinsk ... - all these flights and transfers are very tiring.

- Not so long ago, the whole story with Eurovision ended. Admit it: do you really regret that you didn’t get into the competition?
- Constant concerts and tours are, of course, cool, but I want some kind of qualitative leap. I think this competition would be such a leap. I went to him for sensations, adrenaline, which was no longer enough.
When you get used to the stage, you want a new and new dose. Much of what was a desirable peak turned out to be a step from which one must rise again. If I have a chance to participate in the qualifying round again, I will definitely agree.
- By the way, everyone said that you were a clear contender for the victory. There were even rumors about the juggling of facts ...
- I don't know. If it were evaluated by a specific professional jury, it would be possible to look for someone guilty, to talk about bias. But, to be honest, it was so nice that I was given high scores.
- When you watched the final of the competition, who did you root for?
- For Natasha, like everyone else. I worked with her. He sings quite well. By the way, I did not like the performances of Estonia and Romania at all. I was even disappointed in the competition: many of the melodies resembled songs that were played in the Soviet Union twenty years ago.
- Then what prevented Podolskaya from getting into the top ten?
- “Eurovision” is a competition that welcomes all the most unusual. It seemed to me that Natasha lacked some variety a little. She was great on stage, but as for the song ... This topic, - Bilan sings a verse, - it's not bad, but the chorus, in my opinion, puts the whole song down.
- Would you have performed better than Natalia?
- Of course, I would do my best to win. My song was written specially for the competition by a foreign composer... I see you are just pulling a confession out of me, - Dima smiles. - Yes, I think that I was worthy to get to Eurovision.

Family dinner for three

- Okay, let's move on to more mundane things. How did you manage your life? Who cooks and cleans for you?
- I myself periodically go to the store when I am in Moscow. I buy a lot of ice cream even though I can't. Sometimes there are flashes of consciousness, and I make serious food raids: I buy vegetables and even make salads out of them.
There is a cleaning assistant at home, but I cook myself. After all, this does not happen so often, according to the mood. True, a couple of times I almost burned down the apartment ...
- ???
- Once I put a plastic bottle in a chicken instead of a glass bottle ... Or, I remember, I fried pancakes ... After that, the apartment was covered in soot and stank of something terrible. As luck would have it, the landlady of the apartment arrived that day - they even almost kicked me out of there.
- So you are an inveterate bachelor, living alone in a large apartment?
- Well, why lonely? Sometimes sister Lena comes to me. She's 24. The last time she was with a young man - a cool guy. When they had just met, Gena saw a poster with my photo at her house and asked: “Are you a fan of Dima Bilan?” And I was very surprised when I found out that I was her brother. By the way, this bribed me. Because every time you think: why do they meet with you or with your loved ones - is it not because of the name of Dima Bilan? ..
Do you give any advice as a brother to a sister?
- She listens to me, by the way. I have a very developed sixth sense, intuition. Recently, the three of us had dinner at my place. Family celebration on the occasion of acquaintance. It's just that parents don't come to Moscow that often.
My sister, the younger one, came - I arranged for her to go to school so that in the future she would avoid difficulties and the feeling of a visitor. But she didn't want to stay. She must be doing well at home. She is a soloist of the children's choir, the only one in the class who received fives in Russian and mathematics - she called recently, boasted.

The dog was stolen at the presentation

- Repeatedly had to hear that Dima Bilan is a sort of gouging nihilist. Where does this opinion come from?
They are probably right in a way. If I can stop at a red light, get out of the car while it's on, and dance in front of everyone... I haven't said goodbye to my childhood yet. I am really unpredictable, and above all for myself. I am too sincere, even sometimes to the detriment of myself. My colleagues and I are talking about it. And, of course, lack of punctuality. I always miss my plane. But there is a certain thrill in this - to be late. When you rush to the airport, a huge amount of adrenaline is produced!
- That is, your image on stage is akin to your lifestyle?
- I did not create a special image. In my life there are events that, in principle, correspond to the song. When I sang about “Night Hooligan”, you could meet me at parties and wild parties. Now tastes are changing. I started listening to blues, jazz. In general, I have the mindset of a more adult person than myself. Often I don't have the patience. For example, it seems that I am so tired that everyone around me must reckon with my fatigue.
- So, you once said correctly that your dog is a real angel compared to you, harmful ...
- Unfortunately, I no longer have a dog. She was stolen. Right during the presentation, six months ago.

“The video was filmed by the girl’s parents”

- Since you have matured so much, let's talk about what love experiences gnaw at the heart of Dima Bilan - after all, you sing about them in every song ...
- Well, what can I say? .. I usually fall in love for a long time, it's difficult and painful ... It's hard for me to talk about it, because I fell in love only twice in my life. Everything else was like that, flirting, frivolous relationships.
- Since there were not so many of them, maybe you can share?
- I really met a girl for the first time when I entered the university. We met at school, in Kabardino-Balkaria, where I come from. Then the girl and her parents moved to Moscow. When I entered Gnesinka, I thought about where to live. She offered to stay with her, with her parents. I lived there for two years. We helped each other a lot. Her parents even made a video for me. So I generally stayed in Moscow thanks to her, and thanks to the feeling that arose, I began to write poetry and music. But after a while, everything turned into a friendship with us.
- Why is it that everything worked out so well? ..
- I wanted to taste all this artistic cuisine to the end. Just a couple of years later, I started singing and recording at the Soyuz studio. I wanted dramatic changes in my life. And I had to prove my independence.
By that time, I no longer lived with her, but in a hostel. Even my mother offered to help me, but I refused. Then I sang in KVN for different teams at the same time, I worked in the store on the night shift. And then he also met Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis - and everything finally started spinning. In general, I chose a job.
- And what did not work out with the second girl?
- I stopped seeing her recently. We climbed too far into each other's souls. And at that moment it was not worth doing, because a large stream of unnecessary information fell on us. And I just realized that I was not ready for a long-term relationship. Although I really want to.

“Looking for sly eyes”

- What should be a potential third girl?
She must have alluring and sly eyes. I do not like malleable: when you ask her to do something - and she looks into your mouth and runs to do it. I like it when people start arguing with me.
- And external parameters: big bust, long legs...
- The bust can be small. I like this - I judge by the examples that I had. And they were all small, but quite beautiful ... - Bilan is clearly embarrassed.
Actually, it's different for girls. For example, when I was still dating, she got angry with me and threw my documents and common money out of the window. Or vice versa: once I left one girl at home. And unexpectedly for myself I woke up when I was quite pleased ... In general, I said something superfluous here!
- You are often seen with Sasha Savelyeva. Is it for nothing?
- Oh, by the way, I recently saw her on the set. We remembered how our acquaintance began, how we saw each other home. Relations could develop further, but everyone began to do their own thing, our paths diverged.
- And what kind of relationship did you have with the actress Nastya Zadorozhnaya, with whom, as far as I know, you communicated before Sasha?
- Exceptionally friendly. We met her in Jurmala, lived in neighboring rooms. But they didn't talk that often. It’s just that when I entered GITIS, I decided to insure myself and asked Nastya to wait for me by the toilet with cheat sheets during the composition. I thought I would go to the toilet, and she would wait for me with spurs. But I didn’t come out - I was so flooded on the topic “Art for Man and Man in Art” ...

I've been waiting for Dima in the studio for more than an hour, but so far I've only received messages from him with apologies. When the singer shows up, he apologizes again: "I couldn't leave 16 people." We are talking about his team in the show "Voice". Dima looks tired. We ask him to dance for the photo, although we are afraid of refusal. I guess the musician would rather take the picture while sitting on the couch. But Dima easily agrees, and this is what he is all about. Bilan works 24 hours a day, this is not an exaggeration. He gives his all to the cause, whether it's filming a TV show, recording an album or a solo concert at Crocus City Hall, which will take place on November 8th.

“Recently I was talking about you with fellow journalists. And everyone who has already interviewed you said that Dima Bilan is a golden man, only he is often late. How did you manage to maintain a good reputation after so many years in show business?
- Apparently, there is no smoke without good ... (Laughs.) That is, without fire. So that's the way it is! I love my profession and all derivatives of it, including interviews. In fact, sometimes I get really tired. Like today, for example. I had a meeting with the Voice team, we rehearsed. Everyone needs to be talked to and encouraged. This is most of the work. It's a pity, she mostly stays behind the scenes.

"I have a habit of sticking my nose in everything"

- If you count "Voice. Children”, this is your tenth season…
- Tenth? Seriously? Tin ... I myself can not believe it. When I went there, I hoped at least not to fall into the mud with my face, and now the old man of the project, just like Dima Nagiyev.

- Not tired yet? Still, so much time and own strength to give the show ...
- I literally draw energy with spoons there. Of course, you have to learn not to waste yourself, to delegate tasks. But I am constantly convinced: if you want to do well, do it yourself. It's hard for me to trust. In order for me to synchronize with a person, years must pass. It's hard with me.

- Why do you think so?
- I'm in control. I have a habit of sticking my nose in everything.

What did the Voice teach you?
- Communicate. I used to constantly meet with a huge number of people, but often distanced myself from them. And there are so many different characters, each one needs an approach. Become a psychologist to some extent. You begin to understand where it is better to compromise, and where to insist on your own.

"Don't react to the imperfections of the world"


- Your new album is called "Egoist". Why?
There is a track with the same name. Yes, and I recorded the disc itself not to please someone or prove something, but for myself.

- Dima Bilan - an egoist?
— Absolute! To begin with, I am a creative person, with this it is already difficult. But the main thing is that I live for the sake of my work and strive so that nothing harms it.

I know your schedule. When a person has so many concerts, it is difficult to call him an egoist.
- By the way, this year I did not perform so much and remained in free swimming for several months. I took a long vacation, which I did not allow myself for 14 years.

“I like not to depend on anyone. Both at work and in personal relationships."

How do you envision your ideal day off?
“Get up early for such a long, long day. Sit down and compose music to feel: "Yes, I'm moving in the right direction." Then maybe get behind the wheel. This is rarely possible, so it is already a luxury. Take a ride on friends, sit with some for a couple of hours, then with others. And to be completely honest, to get the perfect day, I would like to cook something.

- What is your signature dish?
- From the last one: I made such vegetables here ... something like a stew. I just cut it all up and put it in the pan. I also bought myself new knives, one expensive one - for 10 thousand. This is my fetish: I like to cut food. I meditate like that, it's very relaxing when you come home after the tour.

- You are now 35 years old. And your November concert is called Again 35. What did you understand by this age?
- I would like to answer creatively: I don’t understand a damn thing! Okay, in fact, I realized that it is not necessary to react to the imperfections of the world. Every day something happens: wars, terrorist attacks, missile tests... It feels like the whole planet is sick. Previously, I was terribly worried. And now I think: "Well, it was and always will be." I became calmer. I also like not to depend on anyone. Both at work and in personal relationships.

What do you consider your main achievement?
— Well done, because I helped my parents. Moved them to another city, gave them the opportunity to start all over again. He also helped to ensure that the younger sister decided in life. She is currently studying in the United States. For me, these are important achievements.

“I have not obeyed for a long time”

- You have been working with producer Yana Rudkovskaya for many years. What is it like to be subordinate to such a strong woman?
- I have not obeyed for a long time. This was possible when we first started working together. Now we are friends and partners. Many people have the wrong idea: there is a musician, and he is in bondage with the producer, he cannot make any decisions. It seems to me that Yana and I have a mutually beneficial relationship. I think we gave each other what everyone needed.

- What is the main thing that Yana gave you?
- Probably, exactly what a woman can give. Feeling of own need in a good way, at the energy level. Confidence that you can do everything, you will succeed. Yes, you go to the goal yourself, you do everything with your own hands, you achieve with sweat and blood, but you know that they believe in you. Only a woman can give that.

Career Dima Bilan has never been as diverse as it is now. He spent several seasons in the mentor's chair in the highest rated shows - " Voice" And "Voice. Children", this year the premiere of the film will take place "Music in Ice", in which we will see Dmitry in the title role, the total dictation also could not do without a popular singer. And recently, Dmitry has become a brand ambassador mercedes benz. About their roles Dima Bilan said in an exclusive interview website.

website: Do you drive a car? What car are you currently driving?

Dima Bilan: Increasingly, it turns out that in my case, the driver owns the car, and I act as a passenger. Sometimes there is a desire to break out of the city, it is desirable that this happens at night and take off. I recently found myself driving in Moscow at night, I haven’t seen such a space for a long time, Moscow is wonderful when it is not twisted by a cork funnel. I drove many different cars, in general, a diligent driver. I didn't have any special cases related to driving. Although…

I used to have mercedes benz, I bought it, having arrived at a car dealership. This was before I got to know the company itself. Even before we met, I loved this brand. It was a wonderful car, however, it does not age.

An accident happened to that car. I was driving it when a man drove into me in a broken car. I go out, call the police, then the police, a car arrives, they ask us to drive to the safety island, we drive up to it, and before their eyes it drives into me a second time. The question of who is to blame was dropped immediately.

Dima Bilan: I think the producers already have ideas about who will take our places, but these are their corporate thoughts, and of course they do not disclose them. We can just guess - maybe Yuri Antonov, or maybe someone else. If you look at the age sections, then we can assume that, for sure, there must be some kind of lively lady.

Dima Bilan: Don't know. In the second season, we had an "extension" in connection with the introduction of an additional stage. Everyone likes the project, now it is such a rating-rating. Being part of the show is, of course, a blessing, but as for me, I want to end my participation in it. I am already becoming a boring creature in ordinary life, because I give everything there, but I don’t want to become a vegetable.

website: And if you were invited to participate in another musical project, would you agree?

Dima Bilan: There was a big risk when we launched the project "Voice". It was not clear what it was. There were thoughts that if the project was passing, we would ruin our reputation.

But in the end it turned out that the project made us, and we did it, breathed into it a face, according to which we are now about "Voice" we argue.

Introducing Uncle With Glasses, Crazy Bilana, Pelagia , Agutin. We all took risks and did not know how it would turn out. As a result, the project received an award "Best Project of the Decade". I think we helped each other.

website: How did you get into the project?

Dima Bilan: called me Yuri Aksyuta and said that they are starting a new show, this is a franchise that goes around the world.

But, of course, there was a question whether the project would take root with us or not. We did not quite understand at the beginning where we got involved. "Voice" It was hard, first of all, because there were a lot of experiences.

TV is not an easy thing, an incredibly magnifying glass, you double all the emotions and give a lot. You accept a huge number of opinions from viewers who sit at the screens, swear, maybe even throw something at the TV. Then they fight in the family. How many parents think bad of you if you don't turn around or choose another member. On TV, everyone gets old very quickly and matures just as quickly.

website: What do you attribute the huge popularity of Golos to in Russia?

Dima Bilan: I do not think that it is in our country - the peak of the popularity of this project. Firstly, I can say that the first seasons in different countries were watchable, then less. But on Channel One, the rating does not decrease. Maybe in our country he came at the right time or suits a Russian person to his liking, out of compassion. People miss feelings a lot. We don't know what young people do, singers, how they grow up. They dropped out of television, was " Star Factory", then failure. In this project, we see compassion and it's great. Secondly, the project was thought up psychologically competently by a Dutch psychologist, we learned very quickly, and the franchise sparkled with new colors. In general, I wish the project in Russia to live long.

website: During the "Blind Auditions" stage, do you already know which compositions you will give to one or another participant?

Dima Bilan: Some things have really existed for a long time, and I want to implement them, seeing a person who can really multiply it by two. You see a person and understand that you need to give this particular music, right now.

But I can’t say in advance what to give to this or that project participant, a lot is learned in the process of communication. I am a supporter of mutual communication, when people can be called partners in business.

It is impossible to succeed if you are always in dissonance with the person who wants to help you. Therefore, if he also shows his actions, then I respect him for this, I respect his freedom of thought, choice. In any case, we complement each other and I get a lot from this project. There were big hits, for example, with Alexander Bon. His image turned out to be concise, after "Vote" he received an offer from the group 30 seconds to Mars sing a few songs at their concert.

website: What advice would you give to those who just want to get on the show?

Dima Bilan: When a performer sings a song from your repertoire, you get a little uncomfortable. It seems like you need to turn around, but you don't, because you know this music very well. Tip: don't do this.

website: Should foreign compositions be given preference when choosing a song for Blind Auditions?

Dima Bilan: There is Russian and Soviet music, but there is not so much of it just for "Vote". Although, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that domestic songs are more of a classic repertoire, and not for shows. And take the foreign repertoire, it seems that the songs Whitney Houston specially designed for "Vote". You can immediately show the entire range of voice.

website: When you recruit a team at the very beginning of a project, can you guess who will reach the final?

Dima Bilan: Not immediately, at least not in the first round. Even if we quarrel, we have a misunderstanding with the contestant, I still try not to transfer my dislike to the assessment of this person. I try to see how worthy he is.

website: You played a major role in the film "Music on Ice" and often say in interviews that the experience in cinema changed you.

Dima Bilan: Yes, indeed, this experience has changed me. I studied, went to the theater of Satire, took lessons. Before shooting, you need to get into the right state. I had acting experience, but I was the king of silent scenes or scenes with music. Music had to be reformatted into words. For myself, I called it “getting into the tunnel”, if I get into the tunnel, then I experience the emotion that needs to be played. I think I've overcome the difficulties. The first ten days of filming were very hard for me, because the clamp went into my legs, the upper part was free, and my legs hurt a lot. I will not praise the film, in any case, everything will be shown in October, when it will be released.

website: In what genre would you like to act?

Dima Bilan: I'm leaning more and more towards melodrama or drama. My whole life is a comedy. I like Almodovar how he conveys feelings, for example, "Return".

I love adventure movies. Although I think there should be an aftertaste. Some kind of anguish, but not hopelessness. There should be an ending that makes you think.

Maybe art house, although it is sometimes skewed. I really like movies where everything is there, for example, "Devil's Advocate". Until I say what movie I will play after "Music on Ice", I will only say that work on the script is already underway.

Thank you restaurant O2 Lounge for help in conducting the interview.

On the eve of the super tour around the country, the singer dropped in on a visit to the TV Program and explained why he had sad eyes.

- Dima, because of you, there is a wild stir in the editorial office. Philip Bedrosovich came to us, and that was not the case.

“Do you want me to croak at the top of my lungs right now?” Cheese fell out...

- No. The fact is that… In an emotional sense, it is not an easy task to communicate with a huge number of people, to find compromises. It takes a lot of effort. The contestants are people with their own habits, often older than me. Some sentences had to be punched for a long time. I did not sleep at night - then I had not yet learned not to take this work home.

Can you say that the show made you different?

- Can. I hear on every corner that I was not known from this side. They began to look at me differently - as a wise person.

more on the topic

Dima Bilan is preparing a surprise for fansA popular singer is now treating advanced pneumonia. The musician, despite the illness, does not lose heart and assures fans that he is on the mend. He also shared his joy with them.

And I have always been a grandfather. Not in the sense of hazing, but as a grandfather from birth - I was always drawn to reflection, the search for meanings. And here I was given air time, and I became liberated, began to explain myself. It seems to me that we talked badly about everything there.

- From time to time someone no-no yes will say that in the "Voice" "everything is bought." Mentors take their friends, etc.

- In fact, all the mentors were afraid that one of their acquaintances would come, because we are spinning in the same environment, one way or another you saw someone, heard them, you can recognize them by their voice. But I didn't even recognize my friends! And sometimes I did. But then he didn't turn around. Well, I'm for garlic.

There were cases when they offered expensive watches, something else like that. I answer for myself: I did not take it. Here you say: changed. These opinions about me have changed. “Wow, you are a deep, interesting, reasoning character! Watched "Voice" only because of you!" This is what I hear all the time. Probably every teacher hears this. And no, no bullshit.

- Were there situations that then did not go on the air? Were fighting with Gradsky, maybe?

- There were a lot of things like that when suddenly life broke into a staged, in fact, show. But we all cooled down and realized that we would continue to be together. The first year I even drank sedatives. It was very disappointing to hear unfounded criticism. And if it is justified, then this is a class, just a balm! You start to think what to do next time so that everyone is stunned.

“It’s like you borrowed from your future”

Dima Bilan's personal archive

- After your video "Drunken Love" there was a feeling ...

- That I reluctantly went for it?

- It’s as if you are looking at Baskov’s revelry with Kirkorov and also go for outrageousness, which, in fact, is not characteristic of you.

- So "Drunken Love" was filmed much earlier than "Ibiza". And in general, I started with "Night Hooligan", where I drink from a gun. I entered this story as a grunge character!

- And here is trash.

- I would not say we did not fall into trash. This is a true wedding story. They write to me: “Dima, they are happening now just like that, even worse.” It's a comedy, a farce. We had a brainstorming session, each one suggested the most bizarre story - to evoke emotion and understand whether it is necessary or not.

There were elements that I asked not to put. For example, a mother or grandmother comes with an icon. My inner censor does not allow me to do certain things.

- It seems that in show business now everyone wants to conquer the young audience of YouTube.

We live in a world of children. If you want to learn something, before everyone went to an adult - they asked for advice, but now they learn from children. They know from birth what the Internet is, and without hesitation at all, they mount the video with one hand and compose bits with the other.

Everything has turned upside down and will continue to do so. Until the next generation comes along and turns that around too.

- Different things are written about your health on the Internet. And you admitted that you had back problems, you had pneumonia. Is this due to the discrepancy between your internal state and the external world?

Dima Bilan's personal archive

- This is all after the program "Voice" I started. For some, going on stage is like snapping your fingers, but for some, constant stress. Completely different people sing in your back! And if you sit without a visor, without a shield and a sword, with an open soul - you feel sorry for everyone, then you are being pulled to pieces.

This is what happened to me, I'm sure. But now you won’t take me just like that, I have already learned. This is from the category of mystical ...

- But you recently traveled to Tibet. Looking for protection from the outside world?

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- If you want to live for a long time as an artist, and not just one season - you shot and that's it, you are gone, then you need to share something with the public. To do this, you need to grow internally, you must collect something.

So I collect - I discover new places and something new in myself. I saw Kailash - I flew in with the Dalai Lama on the same day, I was at his residence. Then he flew to Kathmandu. I was engaged in rafting - I went down a mountain river along very steep rapids. People fell from this boat, they were caught. In general, it was fun. Well, I saw Pokhara, there is the Stupa of Peace - it was the Japanese who alone placed places of power all over the world.

Did you feel something there on an unconscious level?

“It's impossible to describe in words. Something inside happens when you look at the mountains and understand that you are small, absolutely nothing ... We don’t think about it at all in the bustle. You see these boulders and understand that people climbed there. And you have something to strive for, you fill up and realize that you can do a lot more.

- Do you have the opposite feeling when you return to Moscow?

— I can't live without the city, without this shake-up. There are many philosophies. Someone can sit in the lotus position all his life. But it seems to me that the worst thing is to do nothing, but simply wait for the moment of clarity of consciousness. After all, only in the struggle does a person produce something.

I can say I came out of the darkness. This lasted two years. I toured, gave concerts - they were of high quality, and people were happy. A lot of things were done, filmed. But I was worn out. It was as if you borrowed something from your future, spent it in advance.

- Since when did you feel that you had coped with this?

— After I shaved my head. It was a protest. One way or another, you go on about the society. I thought: who do I want to match? Do I want to be liked by the majority? Is this my meaning of life - to live for the opinions of people? Yes, you go! And it liberated me.

You must be a very positive person. But still, you look into your eyes and feel the loneliness that you seem to be unable to get rid of. This is true?

- I think that every person who has crossed the line of 32-33 years old has a certain depth of sight. I'm not talking about myself now. When a person has learned what a family is, such a thing also happens. Or when a child is born, a person changes a lot.

But negative experiences also change a person. This is normal and I am no exception. I, too, knew the "sorrow of the peoples of the world", let's say so.

“I have a hotel. Economical, three stars "

Dima Bilan's personal archive

- Over the years, is it more interesting for you to live, or vice versa?

- In creativity - yes, more interesting. I often have the feeling that everything has already happened. You are shooting for the cover, and you, therefore, were already standing like that, and like this, and throwing your leg over your head too. You think: my God, continuous repetition! But it forces you to dig deeper.

You must always be interesting. Someone says, "Stop. You have earned things that are fireproof. They know you." Impossible! It's the flow, time! Yes, I myself remember some of my past merits. And what? Further, the world must be conquered, every minute.

- I've been a dad since I was 14 ( for younger sister. — Auth.). If I didn't know how it is, I might already be a dad. Well, it's true. And since I know it's not just haha, I'm sorry. This should be a balanced decision. No, I don't want to yet.

— The Alien24 project, in which you manifest yourself as an electronics composer, where did you come from?

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— I like experiments. We can say that it was a test of the pen: I never wrote such music, but then suddenly it struck, and I began to make arrangements for days on end. After all, to be honest, I grew up on this music: Zodiac, Space, then David Tukhmanov and Eduard Artemiev appeared.

All those cosmic melodies. I love this light music, which is called "ambient". "Spatial" music, where the chords seem to have no end, only ellipsis. Did this experience allow me to call myself a composer? No. Ideals and principles prevent me from saying so. But the experience is priceless. Money is nothing if there is no idea, if you are not burning with anything.

Do you have a crazy idea that has nothing to do with music?

- I would not say that she is crazy ... For example, I have a hotel in one of the cities near Moscow. So economical, three stars. I won't name it. It must be interesting in itself.

There is also a sawmill, we produce logs. Boards, lumber, pellets (biofuel) - I started to understand this a little. The company is already profitable to sell. Twice as expensive. But I don't want that, because it's not about buying and selling. There are jobs, people are working.

- On February 6, a large concert tour "Planet Bilan" is launched. Why such a name?

“We all humans live in the galaxy. And every person is a planet. There is a planet Bilan, there is a planet… Alena. Or Alexey, Valera. They have their own gravity, nature, climate, scale, satellites. The development of the program goes on daily and at night - I go to bed either at two or at three o'clock.

We write and rework the script, because we see this show as a film played live. Story is my way. From the first album to today. Therefore, compositions that no one has heard for a long time will sound. The concert is divided into five parts, each with its own story.

There will be new music, but the lion's share is hits. I am glad that I am doing this together with the PMI company, which brings Western artists to Russia. We will travel around 22 million-plus cities starting from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

“It is better not to abuse the depression mode”

Dima Bilan's personal archive

- On Instagram, you posted a photo with a personalized phone with diamonds. What is the apparatus?

- It was given to me in London in the early 2000s, during the times of raging glory. It was fun time. When ( English musician and creator of the musicals Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, The Phantom of the Opera. — Auth.) invited me to the show, then came to Moscow, we met at the Ritz Hotel, talked. Then I performed with "A-ha" in Berlin.

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