Yoga is your savior from cellulite and excess weight. Yoga against cellulite - the best exercises from trainer Jennifer Aniston


A simple complex of anti-cellulite yoga, developed by the "star" American yoga and Pilates instructor Christine McGee

This simple anti-cellulite yoga complex was developed by the "star" American yoga and Pilates instructor Christine McGee.

A 20-minute set of exercises should be performed 3 times a week. If you combine it with cardio loads every other day, cellulite should disappear in a month and a half. If not, you will have to work twice as long.

1. Tilt forward

Spread your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Slowly bend forward and stretch your chest to your hips, and your head to your shins. Grasp the back of the lower leg with your hands and help yourself with your hands - pull the body to the legs. When you feel that there is nowhere to bend further, slowly straighten your legs. At the same time, the arms and body should remain in the same position.

Freeze in this position for 5-8 deep breaths.

2. Squats

Stand up straight and place your feet so that the big toes are touching and the heels are slightly behind each other. Do an incomplete squat - bend your knees, tilting your body forward slightly, as if preparing to sit on a chair, but do not go too deep. Freeze and arch your back forward as if you want to stretch as high as possible - while the legs should remain in the "half-sitting" position.

Fold your arms in a boat and stretch up. Keep your abdominal muscles taut. Now sit down so that your shins are almost perpendicular to the floor - as if you were really sitting in a chair.

Count to 30 and return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

3. Pose "Eagle"

Bend your knees a little. Raise your right leg and put it on top of your left thigh, while putting your right shin behind your left knee and try to bend your foot behind it (see photo). Now he stretches his arms in front of him with “scissors” - they should cross at the elbows, right over left. Put your palms together and bend both arms - you will again get a cross. Now slightly bend the left leg (on which you stand), while leaning forward slightly. Keep your abdominal muscles taut.

Count 5 deep breaths and repeat the same thing, but swapping the left and right legs.

4. Pose "Warrior"

Stand up straight with your feet together. Take the left leg clearly back (pull the toe) and at the same time tilt the body forward. Stretch your arms along the body. In the end, your back and left leg should stretch into one line, parallel to the floor.

To make it easier for yourself, place your right foot correctly: the foot should stand slightly diagonally and directly under your center of gravity, that is, slightly forward.

The pose should be held for 5 breaths, then change the leg.

5. Lunge with twist

Put your feet together, squeeze your hands as if in prayer and press your closed palms to your chest. Take your left leg sharply back, while bending your right leg so that the lower leg is strictly perpendicular to the floor. Keeping your hands in a closed position, turn the body to the right, while stretching your right elbow up.

Freeze for 5-8 slow breaths. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg.

6. "Bridge"

Exercise is best done on a mat. Lie on your back, place your feet firmly on the floor so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor. In this case, the body should come off the floor, and your feet and shoulders will become your fulcrum (see photo).

Stretch your arms along the body, put them under the body and close in the lock. You will immediately feel how the muscles of your back, lower back and especially the buttocks have tightened.

Hold this position for 5-8 breaths, then slowly remove your hands from under you and lie down again. Repeat 3 times.

7. Shoulder stand

This exercise is also known as "Birch". It is also better to do it while lying on a soft surface - a rug or mat. In addition, an additional rug or just a folded towel should be placed under the shoulders - so that they are a couple of centimeters higher than the head and neck.

So, lie down on the mat, put your hands along the torso and rest your palms on the floor. Bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach - first lift your feet off the floor, then your hips, then your pelvis and lower back. Gradually straighten your legs and throw them over your head - your socks should touch the floor.

Now bend your arms and support your back, elbows are on the floor. Raise your legs again - now stretch your socks towards the ceiling, and not over your head. Gradually try to raise your pelvis and lower back higher and higher towards the ceiling and straighten your back and legs in one line perpendicular to the floor.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then lower yourself. Repeat 5-8 times.

Attention! Stop the exercise immediately if you feel too much strain on your neck.

Based on materials

No woman is immune from the appearance of cellulite. It occurs when the structure of fatty tissues located under the skin is disturbed, lymph stagnation and problems with microcirculation begin. Most often, the process starts with an increase in the level of estrogen in the body. One of the fashionable and effective methods of dealing with orange peel is cellulite yoga.

Does yoga help cellulite?

To understand whether it is possible to fight cellulite with the help of yogic practices, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. Affected by the problem are women who lead a lifestyle that is different:

  • improper, unbalanced diet;
  • the presence of smoking, drinking and other bad habits;
  • low level of physical activity.

If a woman has a history of hormonal imbalance, it can be expected that the skin will lose its fresh appearance. The notion that fat women suffer from cellulite is a myth, because skinny young girls also face the “orange peel effect”. First, the skin condition becomes worse, noticeable flabbiness appears, and after that, extra centimeters grow in the so-called "problem areas".

Massages and wraps, as well as the use of various scrubs and oils, will not give the desired effect without reconsidering views on lifestyle, nutrition and sports. Yoga allows you to change not only the appearance, but also the worldview of a woman. Over the millennia that this practice has existed, experts have studied its effect on the human body and soul. Today it is known that yoga classes tone up, strengthen muscles and skin, teach to relax.

Those involved noted that the first results appear after several months of regular training. In parallel with the condition of the skin, other positive effects can be achieved:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • getting rid of stagnation of lymph;
  • improve blood flow to all organs, including the brain;
  • deep muscle work;
  • improvement of biochemical and chemical indicators of blood;
  • lowering the level of sugar and serum lipids in the blood;
  • cleansing of toxins;
  • weight loss and external transformation;
  • strengthening the strength of the spirit;
  • mood improvement.

Yoga classes solve several problems with the health and emotional state of a woman at once. And happy and self-confident, she will be beautiful in the eyes of others.

Asanas for cellulite

To get rid of cellulite from the hips and other problem areas, standard yoga positions are indispensable. It is necessary to work with an experienced trainer who will assess the condition of the skin and the whole body of a woman and create a training program just for her. There are asanas designed to deal specifically with the "orange peel".

Women who want to get rid of cellulite and make their skin more beautiful should include the following cellulite yoga poses in their workout schedule:

  • Inclined positions - there are many of them, but the easiest option to perform is the following. It is necessary to stand up straight, placing your feet at shoulder width and slightly bending them at the knees. Then the slope is performed as much as possible. Ideally, the chest should be in contact with the knees. Hands need to clasp both ankles and straighten your legs. Stay in position for at least 80 seconds, taking up to 8 breaths and exhalations for them. When returning to the starting position, you need to straighten up smoothly, starting from the coccyx.
  • Squats. First you need to stand up, straighten your spine. Put your feet so that they touch with your thumbs with your heels apart. Then, the practitioner should go down to a half-sitting position, stretch his arms forward, raise them and connect them so that a boat is formed. In this position, they linger for 40-80 seconds, depending on the degree of training.
  • Boat pose. To perform it, they sit on the floor, and then raise their legs and body until a right angle is reached. Hands reach to the knees to learn balance. The legs and body remain straight. You need to be in this position for 8 breaths and exhalations.
  • Pose "Warrior". The starting position assumes a stance with a straight back. Then, the right leg is retracted as far back as possible, the body leans forward, and the arms are extended along it. Before changing legs, you need to linger in this asana for 7 breaths and exhalations.
  • Reversed Dog Pose. Initially, the student gets on all fours, focusing on hands and knees spaced shoulder-width apart. Then the buttocks rise up so that the back looks like a sloping roof of a house. Having lingered for a short time in this position, you should raise your leg until it reaches a straight line with the body. Legs change periodically. The foot is tense. It has a positive effect on posture.

In order for gymnastics to give results, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. An experienced yogi should help, who will pay enough attention to this, because performing asanas with incorrect breathing is pointless and will not bring any benefit. Pranayama will teach you to keep concentration on inhalations and exhalations when doing exercises, rejuvenate the body with the help of breathing, improve the functioning of the immune system, teach the brain and lungs to work at full strength.

During the performance of asanas, one breathes either with the upper part of the lungs, or with the help of tension in the intercostal space, or with the so-called “childish” or diaphragmatic breathing. All three varieties are taught to every beginner. The help of an experienced person is necessary, otherwise there will be no positive effect from the classes.

Are supportive procedures necessary?

As noted above, yoga or creams do not solve the problem of cellulite. Treatment includes a comprehensive approach and a change in thinking and daily routine. The fight against cellulite includes:

  • following a proper diet;
  • performing a massage;
  • sufficient sleep;
  • reducing the level of tension and stress.

The daily menu should be varied and complete. The Indian food system says that in a day a person should eat something sweet, bitter, spicy, sour, salty and astringent. Each of the tastes is responsible for the work of various organs and systems of the body, and together they lead to health and longevity.

Eating more fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables is recommended. If the dish is cooked with steam or stewing, then the ingredients should not be boiled and falling apart. In winter, the need for oily food with spices increases. It is better to replace meat with low-fat types of poultry.

You need to eat four to six times a day, alternating with drinking clean water. Training starts 2-3 hours after eating.

To make the massage effective, you can purchase a special brush or massager with rollers for it. Applying them, a woman will improve blood circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Wraps with essential oils are also useful, which have a double effect: they heal the skin and affect the emotional state due to the inhalation of vapors and aromas.

The most useful in the fight against "orange peel" on the skin are grapefruit, mint, orange, tangerine and juniper oils. Use them by adding to the base - olive or peach. You can combine up to three oils at the same time. After applying oils to problem areas of the body: wrap the thighs with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes. It is better to do this before going to bed and after performing asanas.

Regularly performing the described, you can influence the condition of the skin and maintain its good condition.

You can get rid of stress by meditative practices and the study of breathing practices.

Changing your attitude towards food and sports will lead to better skin condition and getting rid of cellulite. Anti-cellulite yoga is an excellent therapy suitable for all women who want to get rid of skin imperfections.

The new Clarins Body Fit Cream Gel with botanical lifting effect visibly reduces the signs of cellulite and fat deposits, improves skin tone and elasticity. The result of the action of the remedy will increase if you use it before or after yoga.

scientific explanation

Cellulite occurs due to uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat. Fat cells (adipocytes) begin to push through the layers of collagen fibers or connective tissue under the skin and form bumps on the surface of the skin. found that an increase in the volume of adipose tissue and the appearance of signs of cellulite is a consequence of a malfunction of three types of adipocytes at once - adipocytes that accumulate fats, adipocytes that burn fats, and adipocytes that produce collagen fibers. As a result of improper functioning of fat cells, the number of incoming calories begins to exceed the amount consumed. Fat-accumulating adipocytes grow both in volume and in quantity. Fat-burning adipocytes lose their activity, which leads to the growth of fat cells. And adipocytes that produce collagen fibers begin to produce them in excess. And the entire fat mass is locked between the fibers. Restoring the balance between these fat cells helps reduce cellulite and prevents its reappearance, according to Clarins experts.

Effective composition

In the fight against "orange peel" all methods are good - anti-cellulite massage, body wraps, masks, mesotherapy. With advanced forms of cellulite, doctors recommend combining salon procedures with the independent use of cosmetics. But anti-cellulite products work not only in combination. It all depends on the correct composition. It is based on a combination of plant extracts of quince leaves, celosia, water mint, baccharis, scabiose, horse chestnut and hazelnut oil. Studies have shown that quince leaf extract normalizes the functioning of fat cells, stimulates the breakdown of fats and helps to reduce fibrosis (hardening) of the dermis fibers. In addition, quince leaf extract has unique anti-inflammatory properties and soothes the skin in case of allergic reactions. Water mint strengthens collagen fibers. Bacharis effectively nourishes the skin and makes it more elastic. Horse chestnut (a popular component of anti-cellulite products) - stimulates subcutaneous circulation and removes toxins. Only 7 plant extracts combined can stop the process of "orange peel" formation.

How to use

In order to improve the effect of the Body Fit cream-gel, the experts of the Clarins laboratory have developed a special modeling massage technique. Cream-gel should be applied simultaneously with both hands with pressing movements, the entire surface of the palms should be used. You can do this in a sitting or lying position from the bottom up (according to the lymph flow). Particular attention should be paid to places where you feel tension.

Reliable union

Yoga is an effective method of getting rid of cellulite. Muscle stretching and contraction in asanas increase blood circulation and help lymph flow freely in places of fatty deposits. Due to this, fat is burned, body detoxification occurs, muscle tone increases. The result will be much more effective if supplemented, which will enhance the work of the upper layers of the skin, visibly tighten and smooth the skin. "Yoga + cream" is a reliable program in the fight against cellulite.

Anti-cellulite yoga complex

The asana strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. It especially works out the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh. Also, this posture speeds up the metabolism in the body.

2. Low squat

Asana promotes the opening of the hip joints, which stimulates active blood flow to the pelvic area and improves lymph flow. It also stimulates blood circulation in the back of the thighs and gluteal muscles. The posture speeds up the process of removing toxins from the body.

During this asana, it is important to additionally squeeze the buttocks, pushing off the floor with the feet as much as possible and pushing the pelvis up. The effect occurs at the exit from the pose, when blood begins to actively flow to previously tense areas. Thus, the trophism of adipose tissue improves.

4. Eka Pada Ardha Purvottanasana

This pose works with problem areas of the arms, hips and buttocks, increasing blood flow and metabolic processes in the tissues of the body. Alternately lifting the legs up, the effect is enhanced and the muscles of the press and the front of the thigh are also activated.

5. Virabhadrasana 3 (warrior pose)

The asana strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. This pose speeds up the metabolism in the body, burning fat and improving blood circulation and lymph flow.

6. Shalabhasana

Strengthens the muscles of the upper buttocks, stimulates the trophism of adipose tissue. It is important to maintain this posture enough to feel the heat in the body and tone in the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. You can perform several approaches with short rest breaks.

7. Paripurna Navasana

To a greater extent, this asana affects the abdominal muscles, but it also involves the front surface of the thigh, strengthening the muscles, tightening and toning the tissues of these areas.

8. Viparita Karani Mudra

Asana helps to stimulate the organs that produce female hormones. The hormonal background is harmonized. This posture contributes to the overall rejuvenation and regeneration of tissues throughout the body. In yogic treatises it is said that the time spent in this asana flows back.

It is better to perform each asana in 3 sets with rest and compensation, keeping up to the feeling of heat in the body, and especially in those areas that this asana affects. For a good result, you should perform a complex 3-4 times a week with the application of Clarins Body Fit Cream-Gel.

Sport Angel and Reebok

Photo: Photo: Alexander Gorchakov. Model: Alena Vorobyova.

Yoga is an ancient system of improving the body and spirit, the benefits of which have been proven by three millennia of practice. Those who have not practiced before think that yoga is gentle, “flowing” into each other movements that are unlikely to have a serious effect on different muscle groups. Meanwhile, the technique itself, like no other, is aimed at a comprehensive strengthening of the body and body. This allows you to effectively use exercises from the arsenal of yoga, including to eliminate cellulite.

Does yoga help cellulite?

What is the healing effect of yoga in getting rid of the annoying "orange peel"?

    Getting rid of excess weight. Is weight loss the ultimate goal? Scientists from Massachusetts conducted studies proving that weight loss is not always accompanied by an improvement in skin condition.

    To achieve the desired effect, you need not only to lose fat, but to build muscle so that the skin is tightened and cellulite is smoothed out. To do this, you need to combine breathing and strength exercises, which is just practiced in yoga. As a result, the muscles are toned, calories are actively burned, and the fat layer melts.

    Improving blood circulation and lymph flow. The stagnation of these bodily fluids is one of the main causes of cellulite. The transition from one position to another, twisting exercises, smooth "flows" stimulate the movement of blood and lymph.

    healthy habits. Yoga provides for a balanced diet and proper drinking regimen, which helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite and prevents subsequent unwanted "accumulation".

    Attention to yourself. Restorative yoga practices make a person more sensitive to his inner state. You are able to adequately assess the moment of reaching saturation, which means you can protect yourself from overeating.

    Clearing stereotypes. Cellulite is not a "horror" and not an enemy, it is part of your current state. Bringing the emotions and mind into harmony, you will understand that the "orange peel" is by no means a reason not to love and not accept yourself. Good self-esteem will help in any endeavor, including the formation of a beautiful body.

Varieties of yoga from cellulite

Any yoga technique will have a beneficial effect on the body and mind. But if we talk directly about cellulite, then active classes in ashtanga vinyasa yoga, power yoga (only for those who are physically prepared) will help you to a greater extent.

There is a special section of yoga that is especially good for this problem - Bikram Yoga, or, as it is also called, "hot yoga". Her exercises are performed in a preheated room, which increases the intensity of the impact on the muscles, subcutaneous fat cells and blood vessels. The effect comes not only due to the loss of fluid as a result of sweating, but also the active burning of calories.

Bikram yoga is not a panacea for cellulite, you should not rely solely on this practice.

The key to solving the problem is an integrated approach, which is discussed in the article "What is cellulite".

As you start training, remember: you can not burn fat in only one place without affecting others in any way. Specific exercises "for the thighs" or "for the buttocks" will not be able to get rid of cellulite manifestations, since they do not have a physiological meaning, which has been proven by professional studies.

Only the impact on the whole body as a whole will change the general condition, including removing the hated cellulite.

yoga poses for cellulite

Note that it is not isolated exercises that work most effectively, but sequences (for example, yoga chikitsa and others), and you can “collect” asanas for one workout yourself (for example, start with standing yoga poses, smoothly moving to sitting poses, then lying down , inverted poses). The meaning of the sequences is that each asana prepares the body for the asana that follows it, and the change of postures occurs continuously and smoothly.

TOP asanas, the most effective in the fight against the deposition of fat under the skin:

    Garudasana - has the greatest effect on skin tone on the inner and outer thighs;

    Adho Mukha Shvanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana and other poses aimed at bending forward - focus on the back of the thigh;

Regular exercise helps fight overweight, reduce the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, and increase muscle tone. Due to this, the “orange peel” on the hips and buttocks is reduced, the surface of the epidermis is leveled, and the contours of the body are tightened. Yoga, in addition to the above effects, stimulates metabolic processes, improves breathing, saturates the blood with oxygen, normalizes lymph flow, and has an antioxidant effect.

Is yoga effective for cellulite on the thighs and buttocks

Performing special asanas allows you to work out even deep muscle groups that cannot be affected with. Increased blood circulation provides oxygen, mineral and vitamin nutrition to cells. There is a strengthening of the vascular walls, so it is possible to eliminate stagnant processes in the subcutaneous layer and even out the relief of the hips and buttocks.

Yoga helps to normalize the state of the nervous system, exercises give relaxation, which is very important in the fight against excess weight. After all, it is known that under stress, many women transmit, begin to consume a large amount of sweets.

Another indisputable benefit of yoga is the removal of harmful toxins from the body. In combination with a low-calorie diet, classes can reduce or completely eliminate the “orange peel” on the hips, buttocks, and abdomen.

Fundamentals of proper breathing

Anti-cellulite yoga exercises include asanas, breath control and mind control. During classes, you need to breathe only through your nose. There is upper, middle and lower breathing. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle use the midline of the ribs and collarbone during breathing. In this case, a large amount of energy is expended, and the lungs are not completely filled with air. In yoga, diaphragmatic breathing is practiced, this allows you to smoothly fill the airways.

When inhaling, it is necessary to relax the abdominal muscles, it inflates a little, then the air rises up and fills the lungs. Exhalation begins in the chest and ends in the abdomen, resulting in a wave-like movement.

Breathing for better circulation (cane yoga):

  • Stand up straight, press your palms to your hips.
  • Take a deep breath and hold your breath.
  • Slowly bend forward and reach for the cane, which you have previously placed on the floor in front of your feet.
  • Squeeze the stick in your hands and place it back on the floor.
  • Return to the starting position and release the air from the lungs.

During yoga, you should listen to your body, as many vital processes are activated, almost all muscles work. If dizziness occurs, you should stop exercising and take a break.

Effective asanas against cellulite on the legs and buttocks

To combat cellulite in yoga, a special set of asanas is used. You need to do at least 3 times a week, on the other days cardio loads, exercises on an exercise bike, and a treadmill are recommended. By devoting only 20 minutes a day to exercises, you can get a noticeable result by the end of the first month and make classes your favorite part in a comprehensive way.

Important! During yoga, asanas must be performed slowly, feeling how the muscles are stretched. You should not immediately try to do the whole complex complex, you need to gradually improve the postures and increase the load.

Warrior (option 3)

Order of execution:

  • Stand up straight.
  • Transfer body weight to one leg, lean forward with the body, while the other leg rises back parallel to the floor.
  • Stretch your arms forward, close your palms.
  • The pose should resemble the letter T.
  • Standing in this position, take 5-6 breaths for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the other leg.

The warrior pose gives vivacity, a beautiful shape to the hips, develops stability, tones the body, improves posture, eliminates cellulite on the buttocks, legs, and abdomen.

Lean forward

Uttanasana technique:

  • Stand up straight, lower your arms along the body.
  • Place them on your hips and slowly lean forward as you exhale.
  • Reach for your big toes. With a good stretch, you can grab the feet or heels from behind.
  • Keep your legs straight, do not bend at the knees.
  • As you inhale, raise your head, trying to look ahead. At the same time, the back and shoulders straighten, hands remain on the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  • As you exhale, bend your head down again.
  • Repeat several times.
  • Return to the starting position while inhaling, rounding your back and slowly rising up.

This asana normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, helps to get rid of constipation, flatulence, and improves intestinal motility. As a result, lipid metabolism is normalized, fat deposits are burned, buttocks and thighs are smoothed. Uttanasana in yoga is used to relieve abdominal pain during PMS, during menopause.

How to do sampattasana:

  • Starting position lying face down on the floor, feet together.
  • Place your knees on the ground, elbows on the floor so that they are under your shoulders and create an angle of 90 °.
  • Gradually straighten your legs and lift your body, resting on your elbows and toes.
  • Stretch all parts of the spine, from head to heels, ideally you should get a straight line.
  • Hold for 5-30 seconds.

When performing the asana, the abdominal muscles should be tightened, the load should be distributed evenly, not forgetting to breathe properly. As you master the exercise, you can alternately alternate relaxation and muscle tension while holding the bar, fully straighten your arms in the elbow joints (kumbhakasana).

Sampattasana makes all muscle groups of the body work, activates metabolic processes, helps eliminate excess fat deposits in the thighs, waist, buttocks, abdomen, and reduces signs of cellulite at all stages.

Technique for performing paripurna navasana:

  • Sit on your buttocks, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Tilt your back straight back a little, straighten your legs and lift them up at an angle of about 60 °, stretch your toes forward.
  • Stretch your arms parallel to the floor so that they do not touch your legs.
  • Hold the asana for as long as possible.

Paripurna navasana strengthens the muscles of the abdominals, back, thighs, buttocks, where the symptoms of cellulite most often appear.

This is useful! During yoga, blood circulation in the abdomen increases, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and normalizes hormonal balance.

Konasana ducking technique:

  • Standing, spread your feet apart at an angle of 45 °, heels together.
  • Step one foot wide to the side.
  • Sit down so that the thighs are parallel to the floor, and the knees create an angle of 90 °, try not to take the buttocks back.
  • Raise your arms bent at the elbows up. The palms should be open with the back facing you.
  • Hold for 5 breaths (20-30 seconds).
  • As you exhale, straighten your knees and bring your legs together.

In Indian yoga, the goddess pose is useful for strengthening the adductors of the hips, back, and working out the hip joints.


The order of execution of utkatasana:

  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • While inhaling, you need to stretch your arms above your head, and connect your palms.
  • As you exhale, sit down, as if sitting on a chair. Try to keep your thighs parallel to the floor and your knees at a right angle.
  • On each breath, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds, repeat the movement several times. If the asana is difficult to perform, you can first stretch your arms in front of you.

The chair pose helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, buttocks. In these zones, blood circulation increases, lymph outflow accelerates, stagnant processes and edema are eliminated. Utkatasana is one of the main yoga exercises for fighting cellulite.

Downward facing dog

Algorithm for adho mukha svanasana:

  • From a pose on all fours face down, straighten your knees and elbows, put your feet and hands shoulder-width apart.
  • As you exhale, arch your back, lift your ass up, without lifting your feet from the floor.
  • Take 5-10 breaths.

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