Irish jig: original folk dance. Best dances Gigi dance origin


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Gigue - an old dance of sailors. At least today we know him with such a characteristic. The etymology of the name has not been reliably established: the name came either from the Old English giga - “folk violin”, to the accompaniment of which they danced in the 12th century, or the Old French giguer - “to dance”.

This relaxed and fast dance has been performed by sailors since time immemorial to intricate music with a rhythm of 3/8, 6/8, 9/8 or 12/8. According to various sources, its roots can be found among Italian dances, which migrated first to France and then to Britain. Others argue that the jig is a Celtic dance, and initially it was a pair. Only one thing can be stated without a doubt - today the jig has survived only in Ireland, from where it began its new conquest of the world.

Shakespeare talked about the buffoon character of this dance, which allows us to consider the jig as a dance popular at entertainment events, presumably high society.

Later, in the 17th century, the jig acquired the meaning of a salon dance, spreading throughout Europe. At the same time, the quadruple version of the jig became widespread in lute music.

Composers of the 17th-19th centuries repeatedly included the melody of the gigi in their works. So, Bach and Handel inscribed it in their masterpieces in the form of a fugue, part of a suite and gave it a polyphonic sound. Different composers also decided the size of the jig in different ways: for some it was two-part, for others it was three-part, for others it was four-part.

At one time, the gig was an obligatory final number in any theater, regardless of what was given: a tragedy or a comedy. Due to the ubiquity of the jig, it became known to the general population. Even later, she moved to festivities and to the decks of ships, where she became a solo dance, rollicking, perky and very mobile.

A double jig is more suitable, which carries a fighting spirit. The size of this jig is 12/8 ("one-two-three times-two-three times-two-three times-two-three"). It is performed mainly in a line (symbolizes a fortress wall) in a fast rhythm, uniting the group into a single whole. Soft shoes are most comfortable for a double jig. A slow triple jig is performed in hard boots and in size 6/8. The dance is characterized by numerous jumps and pirouettes. And finally, the sliding jig is the most feminine of all the jig dances. Only girls in soft shoes dance, since slips, swings on toes are only possible in comfortable elastic shoes. The size of the sliding jig is the size 9/8 ("one-two-three times-two-three times-two-three").

Whatever type of jig you prefer, do a traditional warm-up. Make the main emphasis on the development of the feet, since the back and arms are motionless in the dance. Keep your back straight to keep your balance for a beautiful spectacular jump.

Learn the dance. Young people stand in front of the girls. Take a step forward with your right and then your left foot. Next, step your right foot forward with a jump and touch your partner with the forearm of your right hand; take a step back on your left foot.

Take 2 steps back with 2 jumps (landing on the first jump on the right foot, on the second - on the left). Repeat 3 times.

Repeat 4 times, with your hands slightly touch the partner's forearm.

Take 2 steps forward and jump forward. As you jump, turn 90 degrees to the left and clap your hands above your partner's head. Then again turn 90 degrees and stand in the partner's place. Repeat 3 times.

With your left hand, hold on to your partner's hand, and with your right hand, hold on to your waist. Spin around with jumps until the last pair of dancers. Take a seat at the end of the row.

At this time, the others clap, and the row slowly moves to the beginning. Thus, all dancers must take their places.

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Technique plays a paramount role in Irish dancing. Jig, no worse than athletics, helps to develop all muscle groups of the legs, tighten the buttocks, strengthen the back and pump up the press, plus you can correct flat feet.

Helpful advice

Women's jig dress should be short, bright, with Celtic patterns and a wide skirt for ease of movement. The image is complemented by white golfs to the knee. Hair must be curly.

The men's suit consists of short pants and a shirt with wide sleeves.

Irish dances are popular all over the world, but they won special love in the CIS. Perhaps this happened because the controversial Russian soul seemed to inspire the path of persecution and prohibitions through which the Irish passed, who managed to pass on their culture from generation to generation. In addition, Irish dancing is a beautiful and spectacular sight.


Irish dancers use two types of shoes - soft lace-up slippers without heels - soft and hard - hard shoes with a small heel and a heel on the toe, due to which the shoes take on a very interesting look. It is best for a novice dancer, in the absence of software, to start practicing in ballet flats or Czech shoes. But with dances performed in hard shoes, you will have to wait. Hards are very specific shoes that cannot be replaced with ordinary shoes or sneakers, so if you still decide to learn how to dance these varieties of Irish dances, you will have to order shoes from Ireland.

At Irish dancing competitions, you could see dancers in short skirts with a wide skirt, embroidered with Celtic patterns. Young people perform in tight trousers, shirts with wide sleeves and vests. For a beginner dancer, it will be most convenient to practice in a short skirt or, young people can take shorts or narrow trousers for a lesson. It is important that clothing does not restrict movement.

Irish dance consists of basic movements - jumping, movements of both the feet and the whole leg. Dancing in hard shoes includes trebles - two quick hits on the floor with the toe of the boot, clicks - hitting the heels together, hitting the floor with a full foot, and jumping. Although the dance elements are the same, each school has its own dance patterns. That is why video filming of the competition is prohibited. If you decide to learn Irish dancing, you need to enroll in a dance school. Usually dance schools recruit once or twice a year - in September and January.

Of course, you can start learning the basic elements at home using descriptions or video tutorials. However, you should be aware that this can be traumatic, because Irish dancing includes jumping, and it is very important to be able to land correctly. An experienced dance master will explain to you how to do this, otherwise you risk seriously injuring your ankle.

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Interest in Irish dances among the Russian public appeared after the enchanting performances of the bands Lord of the dance and Riverdance. They have become so popular that in some fitness clubs, elements and movements of traditional Irish dances are used in training.


Sign up for an Irish dance studio if there is one in the city where you live. In Moscow, you can contact the school of Maria Singal, IRIDAN, Ars Longa, in St. Petersburg, Triskal, Divadance, Shamrock are successfully working. In Kazan there is an Irish dance Sonas. Classes for most of them are held twice a week, duration 1.5-2 hours. If you want to work out for yourself, you can also choose a regular studio, the training program of which includes elements of Irish dance. If you set yourself goals such as performing at international competitions, contact a school whose teachers have international certificates An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha, T.C.R.G. or T.M.R.F.

Watch Irish dance shows Riverdance and Lord of the dance. Recordings of these performances can be purchased on DVD or found online for free. Try to repeat the movements of the soloists, the main elements of the dance. Remember that only a specialist can explain the subtleties to you, since the performance of leg tricks involves such muscle groups that are practically not used in everyday life.

Explore -classes recorded by the best specialists and participants of famous shows. Some of them can be found on the websites of well-known schools in the public domain, you can also contact the studio staff with a request and purchase a DVD with recordings of classes and explanations. However, copying the movements of a figure on the screen, unfortunately, does not guarantee that you will master the movements, even if you have good choreographic training.

Keep in mind that Irish dancing requires special shoes. Before buying the first pair, it is best to get expert advice; beginners are usually offered boots with a hard sole.

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Please note that there are very strict rules regarding the costumes in which Irish dances are performed in competitions.


  • CLRG costume rules

What does a person imagine when he remembers Scotland? Of course, the traditional Scottish kilt, the sound of Scottish bagpipes, high-quality Scottish whiskey ... But Scottish dances are no less popular.

Scottish ballroom dancing

Sometimes they are also called Scottish country dances. The dance takes place in pairs, but the men separate in two lines, opposite each other. There are more than 10,000 such dances, but four such couples are enough for almost everyone. The principle of the Scottish ballroom dance is that as soon as the music starts, one or more couples begin to move along predetermined trajectories, moving intricate patterns.


Solo, purely male dance. It is safe to say that it is one of the most spectacular Scottish dances. If in the previous dance the emphasis was on simple and unpretentious movements, then highland implies clarity and confidence in the movement of the legs, and the hands are needed here in order to depict deer antlers. In highland, a man must keep his body straight, his hands are usually in the same position, and the dance itself is a series of jumps on half-fingers. In Scotland, this dance is a kind of competitive dance, so the dancers are required to have a high level of performance and physical fitness. In addition, it should be noted that not a single festival, for example, the Mountain Games, can do without this dance.

lady step

This dance is also solo, but, as the name implies, it is already female. And accordingly, it combines soft and graceful movements, showing the plasticity of female nature.

Cape Breton step

This is a Scottish step dance that can be performed solo by both sexes. Usually this dance is performed at various holidays and parties. The manner of performance in this dance is called "Close to the floor", that is, all movements of the legs occur close to the ground or floor, and the sweeping swings of the legs show the unprofessionalism of the dancers.

Now there is even an official organization of Scottish dances - the Royal Society of Scottish Ballroom Dancing. It consists of about 25,000 people. And if we include among them those who are “in Scottish” unofficially, then we can say with confidence that Scottish dances are a success all over the world!

Jiga is an old British dance. Its origin is Celtic. The speed of the jig is fast. The jig is one of the main melodies used in Scottish and Irish dances.

The jig got its name from a musical instrument, namely, a small violin. Melodies for dancers were played on such a violin in the 12th century. At first, the jig was a pair dance, but gradually it began to spread as a solo, and later as a solo comic dance. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Italian jig was widely developed. In the 18th century, the jig gave way to the minuet, gavotte and other increasingly popular European dances and gained a foothold among the people.

Jig in Irish dancing

The jig subsequently became the basis for many Irish dances, and its melody, as a rule, sounds in three versions. Depending on the speed that the dance gained, the jig was divided into single jig, double jig and treble jig.

single jig

Single jig is one of the simplest varieties of this dance. This type is most widespread in Europe. In modern times, jig training begins with a single jig, since this type is easier to learn.

Double jig

The double jig is played at a faster pace. When dancing a double jig, the dancers put on soft shoes and during the dance they beat the rhythm in the manner of Irish tap dancing.

treble jig

The treble jig is danced at a slower pace. The dancers wear hard shoes. The main dance elements are all kinds of pirouettes, jumps, swings. Many dance moves are performed by alternating single jig, double jig and treble jig, thus changing the pace of the dance.

At the present stage, jig is popular in narrow circles. In some European countries and the United States, specialized schools are being created to teach this historical dance.

The Irish jig is a popular dance far beyond its historical homeland. Surely everyone who has anything to do with dancing has repeatedly danced a jig or at least just heard about it. However, few people know that a real jig is not just jumping. This is a truly original dance with a lot of nuances.

Origin of the dance

The basis for the emergence and development of the jig as a dance is an ancient Celtic dance, the name of which directly depended on the music to which it was performed. And the name of the music is a derivative of the French word "gigue", the ancient meaning of which is violin.

That is why the Irish jig is one of the many folk dances that is performed to the accompaniment of the violin. In this particular case, we are talking about the original Celtic violin. The Scottish and Irish versions of the jig are represented in the culture, but in the global sense, it is the Irish jig that enjoys the wider popularity.

The dance itself is usually performed in a characteristic 6/8 rhythm to the music of the violin. Since the jig is characterized by an abundance of jumps, it immediately acquired a solemn, cheerful character. That is why it is most often performed at weddings.

The Irish jig consists of a group of jumps and special steps that are easy to perform but require some practice.

Among the main varieties of jigs are:
1) Treble Jig is the slowest jig variation. It is usually danced in special hard shoes with a time signature of 6/8;
2) Single Jig - the most elementary variation of the jig. It is danced in soft shoes with a time signature of 12/8 or 6/8;
3) Double Jig - a variation of the dance, which is characterized by a clear beating of a given rhythm;
4) Slip Jig - sometimes this variation is also called the original Irish ballet because of the grace and grace. The dance is characterized by the size 9/8.

The popularity of the Irish jig

After the resounding success of the Riverdance project, Celtic and Irish dances have become incredibly popular around the world. Recently, more and more dance troupes specialize in this type of cultural dance. New schools of Irish dances are opening, which help everyone to master the basics of this unique art.

Today we can say with all confidence that even after a thousand years after its appearance, the Irish jig has not lost its charm and relevance.

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