"irony of fate" was banned as a symbol of Russia. The New Year's comedy "Irony of Fate" was banned in Ukraine The irony of fate why was it banned


“Every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse,” said the hero of the famous comedy Eldara Ryazanova Evgeny Lukashin. Over the past ten years, Russian viewers have developed an equally stable tradition: on December 31, watch the country's main New Year's comedy on Channel One. Since 2007, Channel One has consistently shown the story of the adventures of Zhenya Lukashin and Nadia Sheveleva on New Year's Eve.

Zhenya and Nadya change their New Year's "registration"

This time, however, viewers won't see "Irony..." on the familiar button. According to "Lenta.ru" with reference to the representative of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Victoria Arutyunova, those who do not want to celebrate the New Year without the usual heroes will be able to find them on "Russia 1".

According to the source of "Lenta.ru", the reason is related to the rights to display. According to the channels' agreements with the Mosfilm film concern, which owns the rights to most of the best domestic films, "there is a package of films that should be rotated between channels, like Eurovision."

However, concessions are not unilateral. The first channel instead of "Irony" will be able to show the films "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" and "Prisoner of the Caucasus", previously aired on New Year's Eve on the Russia 1 TV channel.

Such a distribution of the “golden fund” of Soviet cinema applies only to Channel One and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and does not affect other TV channels.

Beginning of the legend

Play Emil Braginsky and Eldar Ryazanov “Enjoy your bath! or Once upon a New Year's Eve ... ”, which formed the basis of the picture, was written in 1969 and was successfully staged in theaters for several years.

The film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" was filmed by Eldar Ryazanov at the Mosfilm studio in 1975 by order of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Television and Radio Broadcasting.

The premiere of the picture took place on January 1, 1976 at 17:45 on the first program of the Central Television. "Irony ..." instantly earned the incredible love of the audience. It doesn't often happen that a film shown on television is then released to the cinema, but with Ryazanov's picture it turned out just that.

Irony... was recognized - according to the results of a poll by the Soviet Screen magazine - as the best film of 1976, and Andrey Myagkov was named best actor of the year. In 1977, the creators of the picture were awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

"Continuation" will remain on the First

December 21, 2007 on the screens of Russian cinemas came out a picture Timur Bekmambetov"The Irony of Fate. Continuation". Among the creators of the film was Channel One, and its leader Konstantin Ernst became one of the producers of the tape. The film was recognized as the highest-grossing film in Russia and the CIS in 2008: fees amounted to about 49.92 million dollars.

Just since 2007, Channel One retained the right to pre-New Year's showing of the classic "Irony of Fate". TV premiere of the film “The Irony of Fate. Continuation ”was held on January 1, 2010 on Channel One. Unlike Ryazanov's picture, Bekmambetov's tape will not move anywhere: those who wish will find it on Channel One.

Ukrainians were again allowed to watch "Irony of Fate"

Recently, passions around the "Irony of Fate" have been seething in Ukraine. In December 2015, the Goskino of Ukraine announced that it was ready to consider the possibility of banning the film The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! from being shown in the country, if the SBU received a corresponding request.

As explained in Goskino, this is possible, since Valentina Talyzina, who played in the episode, is included in the "black list" of Russian artists. If the National Security and Defense Council or the Security Service of Ukraine submits a relevant request, Goskino will consider it.

As a result, on the eve of the new year 2016, the film's distribution certificate was not revoked, but the Ukrainian TV channels preferred not to include "Ironiya ..." in the broadcasting network out of harm's way.

Clarity came only in December 2017. Head of Goskino Philip Ilyenko in an interview with Ukrainian Vesti, he said that Ryazanov’s film could be shown in the country:

“The law on cinematography says that a film can be banned if one of the participants in the film is included in the list of persons posing a threat to national security, but the law also defines who a “participant in the film” is. A “movie contributor” is an individual who has taken part in the making of a film made and/or first shown after 1991.”

Since "Irony ..." with the "wrong" Talyzina was released on January 1, 1976, it does not fall under the ban.

And thanks for that. In any case, for the first time in recent years, Ukrainians have the opportunity to calmly watch their favorite New Year's film.

In 1989, the main New Year's picture of our country fell into real disgrace under Gorbachev. It is surprising that the most seditious times of stagnation were behind, and in the yard stoodperestroika and glasnost .

Despite this, the film "Irony of Fate" wasnot recommended for showing on television for two whole years (from 1989 to 1990), and only after the collapse of the USSR, the beloved film began to be shown on TV again. What was the reason for such a tough decision?

In 1989, the leader of the country, Mikhail Gorbachev, announced in the countryanti-alcohol campaign . In the USSR, vineyards are being destroyed, wine and vodka production is being reduced, and, most importantly, the sale of alcohol is being restricted. In addition, even on the screens they fight against drunkenness and ban films or cut out scenes where the main characters drink a lot of alcohol.

That's how the favorite picture of the Soviet audience got under the ban"The Irony of Fate" , where the main character, after going to the bathhouse, gets drunk to the point that he flies to Leningrad instead of his friend. How the film ended, everyone knows perfectly well. Like Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign, which failed miserably.

According to the memoirs of television workers, hundreds of letters came from indignant viewers demanding to show their favorite comedy. And the state went forward, deciding to show the film during the New Year holidays, but cutting out the most "drunk" scenes from the film.

Film ban in Ukraine

Interestingly, in our time, "The Irony of Fate ..." again fell under the ban, but this time alreadyin Ukraine . The formal reason was the fact that one of the actresses of this film, Valentina Talyzina, visited the Crimea without the appropriate permission of the Ukrainian authorities. as well as loyaltyAndrey Myagkov to the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

But no matter how passions boiled around this film among politicians, for ordinary viewers it was and remains a favorite New Year's picture and a symbol of the New Year.

New Years is soon. And for many of our compatriots, it is associated with the cult film by Eldar Ryazanov. I don’t know how the minister of culture, the head of the State Film Agency, the prime minister live there, but it just so happened in most Ukrainian families: if the apartment smells like a Christmas tree with tangerines, then they will definitely show “Irony of Fate…” on TV and many of this eternal film by a wonderful director, who, to the last (God rest his soul), supported Ukraine, look! And let the officials who do not know this turn over in their chairs!

And they will definitely turn over, because Ukrainian channels will not show this movie on these New Year holidays. They are so intimidated that they are simply afraid.

And it all started with a message from the all-powerful National Commission on TV and Radio Broadcasting on their website: “The National Council reminds TV and radio organizations and program service providers that, according to the law “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Protection of the Information TV and Radio Space of Ukraine”, the Ministry of Culture has compiled a list of persons who pose a threat to national security.Therefore, films, programs and other programs with the participation of persons included in it cannot be broadcast on the air of television and radio organizations."

This is where all the fuss began. In "Irony..." there is Valentina Talyzina, who, according to modern Ukrainian criteria, "threatens national security." How? The 80-year-old actress says a lot of "wrong" things. Not in the movie, but now. And our democracy will not tolerate it!

One would like to say to the officials: "You are our democratic ones, the poker is in your liver!" Do you remember who made this movie? Who's in the cast? Ryazanov, Akhedzhakova, Myagkov - people from the "white list" (whether it is wrong with the "black", but still). And the same Ministry of Culture, compiling it, promised to patronize the creativity of those who supported Ukraine in this difficult time.

Stop shitting, gentlemen officials. Get busy!


The press service of the State Film Agency (it is this department that is responsible for issuing licenses for showing films on TV and in cinemas) promised us to find out the fate of Irony ... in the rental department - whether it still has a rental certificate or no longer. On the evening of December 23, we were informed that the film would still not be banned. Although it's too late - after all, the channels have already decided not to take risks and have not included this picture in the program grid.


"It seems to me that we have forgotten that we live in the 21st century"

Vladimir BORODYANSKY, general director of the STB channel, which is the owner of the TV show of the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!":

It seems to me that we have forgotten that we live in the 21st century, where cultural prohibitions practically do not work. Here we need to ask the question: what does the state want to achieve by this or that act? If it wants to protect its own culture, to develop it, then perhaps prohibitions are not needed for this. We need, on the one hand, certain restrictions, on the other hand, preferences.

When they say that someone's series, films destroy our culture... By and large, the cinema does not destroy anything, completely different people destroy it with completely different actions that we see on TV every day!

Yes, of course, we must identify ourselves as a nation. But you can't get it with a ban. I do not consider such a move to be an effective solution.

The film "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" has become almost the standard of the Russian New Year. So why is he still popular today? I will share with you in this news

Eldar Ryazanov's film "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" from the moment it was born became, literally, a cult for the Soviet, and later for the Russian audience. Not a single New Year can do without it in Russia now. The hostesses cut Olivier to the songs of Nadia (actress Barbara Brylska) and the script itself has long been disassembled into quotes. So what's special about this movie? How did he sink into the soul of a Russian person?

Preparing for the New Year

The film shows well how a typical Soviet person prepares for this magnificent holiday. On the example of the protagonist Zhenya (Andrey Myagkov), it can be seen that many in the family have developed traditions. For someone it is important to go every year on December 31 with friends to the bathhouse. Here, Ryazanov rather played up such a Russian tradition as washing in a bathhouse in general, not only on holidays.

Typical residential areas

The director captured the gray everyday life of ordinary citizens in the images of panel high-rise buildings. But, indeed, go to any residential area of ​​any major city in Russia, and you will see how they are the same. And in everyday life, little has changed. Housing is still hard to come by. So you have to huddle in small apartments, furnished with the simplest furniture.

Ridiculous situations on New Year's Eve

Many laugh to tears from the stage when Nadezhda discovers Yevgeny in her apartment and wonders how he could get into her apartment. This is perhaps the most innocuous and sweet situation that could happen on New Year's Eve. And how many different curiosities are happening throughout the country? Ryazanov simply fantasized that this could well happen to everyone in our country.

Noisy and funny friends

That the friends of Zhenya Lukashin, that the girlfriends of Nadia Sheveleva set the atmosphere of the holiday. Ryazanov showed that any person should always have such true friends who will support you in any situation, no matter what happens in your life.

Touching denouement or irony of fate

All of us, one way or another, are tied by an invisible thread of fate. Sometimes she treats us harshly, sometimes she jokes like that. Only thanks to such an irony of fate Zhenya and Nadia found each other. Isn't this a Christmas miracle? The most important thing that the director wanted to show us is that miracles happen, you just have to believe. And he did a great job conveying that idea to the viewer in this film. In The Irony of Fate, everyone will find themselves: someone in the tender Nadezhda, someone in the eccentric Eugene, someone in the jealous Ippolit, and someone will be one of those cheerful girlfriends-laughter or one of true friends. That is why this film remains a cult in Russia for all time.

published: 12/18/2019 at 17:10

With the legendary film by Eldar Ryazanov there was a real irony of fate. When it comes to politics, many understand that officials can make unexpected decisions. But who would have thought that in the political war between Russia and Ukraine, things would come to the classics of cinema. The authorities of Ukraine may not let the "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" to the country's TV channels.

The State Film Agency of Ukraine expressed its readiness to consider the request of the SBU to ban the showing of Eldar Ryazanov's Soviet film The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!, which is considered traditional for the New Year.

Minister of Culture of Ukraine Vyacheslav Kirilenko asked his fellow citizens not to dramatize the situation, assuring them that their nostalgia for the Soviet past would soon pass.


The decision to ban the screening of the cult film by Eldar Ryazanov, as well as a number of other Soviet films, arose due to the fact that one of the film's actresses, Valentina Talyzina, was included in the list of persons posing a threat to national security. She signed a letter in support of Vladimir Putin's position on Crimea. The list also includes Oleg Tabakov, Dmitry Kharatyan, Natalya Varley.

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