Healing pictures. Paintings that heal: The artist has developed unique art therapy techniques based on the discoveries of the great da Vinci Quantum paintings of healing and healing


Shymkent artist Bakhytbek Talkambaev claims that his paintings can heal a person. This is reported by the correspondent.

In the Shymkent gallery, unusual canvases are hung on the walls. These intricate patterns are surprising at first glance. Technique, and images are not like any other art style. All this seems to be something cosmic. “You are not far from the truth,” says Bakhytbek Talkambaev. “The philosophy is that when a person’s hands work, the path to the Galaxy opens through the palms, contact with the Almighty opens. When I draw, I draw what God indicates to me.”

Unusual energy emanates from the paintings, says the artist. Those who come to the exhibition must feel it. “People who are pure in soul will feel warm, and people who are impure will be frightened. True, you can get rid of all the dirt. To do this, you need to pick up a brush and believe. Faith will come to the soul,” the artist argues.

Bakhytbek Talkambaev realized that he had to treat people back in 1968. He says that he then read the Koran and his "mysterious meaning" was revealed to him. True, he does not consider himself a doctor and healer. He says that his art therapy teaches people to help themselves. "Art therapy will not cure a person from specific diseases. It helps him discover new knowledge in himself, guide him on the right path. After that, the person will go to recovery," says the artist.

People from different cities of Kazakhstan come to the native of the picturesque gorge Burgulyuk for advice, for faith. Many become his students. The artist literally saved the life of 17-year-old college student Yerlan. Because of problems at home and with peers, the guy wanted to lay hands on himself. Talkambaev's paintings "pulled" the guy out of the noose. Moreover, now the young man also draws pictures in the same technique as his teacher. Moreover, Yerlan also explains to his younger comrades how love for drawing begins.

Bakhytbek Talkambaev himself draws inspiration from nature. Tries to come home. He says that here the mountains, the sky, the herbs help him to be closer to the Creator. The river washes away fatigue and accumulated negative energy, so bathing in an icy mountain river is just as important for him as air.

All of Talkambaev's paintings are a kind of connection with the cosmos. His favorite circles are present in each canvas as a symbol of eternity, as well as the unity of consciousness and feelings. Each painting has its own mission, its own energy, says the artist. The canvas is designed to clear the space around a person, changes energy and helps a person in life. Bright, extraordinary canvases are ordered from the artist by businessmen, professors, deputies, and officials. Talkambaev can paint a picture for a certain person. And he can teach anyone to heal themselves with the help of drawing. For this, says Bakhtybek, you need a little bit - checkered notebooks and gel pens. Gel - because the word is also associated with cosmic energy. True, there are nuances in such art therapy, the artist is ready to tell everyone who comes to his master class about them.

Hello my dear readers! How inexorably fast time flies. It seems that just recently autumn delighted us with its beautiful multi-colored leaves, as winter crept imperceptibly with its frosts and snow blizzards. Today I have an unusual article for you. Let me tell you a little secret - this topic is very closely related to my old childhood hobby.

As a child, I was very fond of painting, I loved to draw portraits of people, nature, animals. And I drew somewhere from the age of 10 until I graduated from school, then I didn’t have time for drawings anymore, I entered the Polytechnic College as a chemical technologist. But that's another story, let's not dwell on it.

Today I will show you Afremov's paintings and reveal in them how to treat chronic fatigue and depression. You can read about other methods and folk recipes here. This method that I propose is called art therapy, or painting treatment.

About an effective method of treating chronic fatigue - art therapy, medicine has become known for a very long time. Many medical centers to this day organize exhibitions of paintings by famous artists, which, as noted by experts, have a beneficial and calming effect on the psychological state of patients, especially those preparing for operations.

The work of Leonid Afremov, which we will consider today, has been repeatedly discussed on the pages of the competent medical press as a cure for stress and chronic fatigue. The artist's paintings and their reproductions are successfully used by psychologists and psychotherapists during treatment sessions with patients complaining of constant fatigue, hopelessness, doom.

They say that after procedures using the bright art of Afremov, recovery is much more effective and occurs earlier than during the usual course of psychotherapy. His paintings fascinate and bring back to life, give resurrected hope for a better future.

The amazing bright world of Leonid Afremov does not leave a single person indifferent. The modern impressionist artist is known in all corners of the planet, his paintings are recognizable and unique with a special, peculiar only to him, style of creating canvases.


Let me tell you a little about Leonid Afremov. Leonid comes from the Belarusian town of Vitebsk, where he was born in 1955, graduated from a general education school and an art school founded by the great Marc Chagall.

The passion for drawing manifested itself very early, the boy attended various circles and took part in various exhibitions, which presented his first works created under the influence of Modigliani, Chagall, and while studying at the Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Graphics - also Borovsky .

Until 1990, the artist was engaged in design work, raised two sons with his wife, Inessa, Dmitry and Boris, and when Jews flocked to Israel during the perestroika period, he joined them with his entire family.

A real surge of creativity began precisely there, and since 1992 Leonid Arkadievich could not imagine a day without working on paintings, on organizing the first exhibitions.

Leonid Afremov traveled a lot across the continents until he accidentally ended up in the small Mexican town of Playa del Carmen and literally fell in love with the local nature. So the whole family, adult sons, who opened a company for the sale of his father's paintings, ended up in Mexico, on a forest ranch 26 km from the nearest settlement.

A talented artist loves to work in deserted silence, creating his paintings with a palette knife - a spatula-shaped knife and oil paints, bright, glowing, expressive or soothing, delightfully colorful with an unusual style and positive charge.

The main motives of creativity

Autumn by Leonid Afremov is one of the main themes of his painting. A real rest for the soul - a half-empty autumn park in the golden placers of falling leaves, among the crimson - a lost couple wandering along sleepy alleys, wet from the rain.

Here is the "Oak Alley" in a sunny-scarlet palette of colors, calm and pacifying. It seems as if you are wandering past the age-old giants, putting your thoughts and feelings in order, and from their wise hundred-year constancy, confidence in the future appears, the feeling of vanity and daily turmoil disappears, and a regenerating force comes to replace them. The same feeling from other paintings of this theme - "Autumn Haze", "Falling Leaves in the Forest", "Blue Fog", "Autumn Leaves", "Night Alley" and others.


An amazing relaxing effect on paintings with the main leitmotif of rain. A frozen pond, a lonely bench gets wet under endless cold streams, bare trees are chilled with dampness, and only lovers feel good together under one umbrella, they have reliable lights of the hearth ahead - this is the canvas “Inside the Rain”.

The melody of pouring water quietly sounds in the soul from contemplating the paintings “Rain in the City”, “Rain”, “Rustle of Rain”, “Autumn Rain”, “At the Bus Stop”, “The Aroma of Rain”, “On the Steps” and many others.


Thoroughly curing chronic fatigue, an optimistic mood comes into the soul during the revision of canvases with flowers. Delicate, sweet, painted in rich colorful shades, Afremov's bouquets finally expel despondency and melancholy from everyday life, causing a desire to fill one's own life with vivid emotions, decorate it with significant events, just not stand still and move on. Such are the canvases "Bouquet", "Flowers", "Vase with sunflowers", "Smile of spring".

The urban landscapes of Leonid Afremov are already an awakening from a dull somnambulistic state, a desire for actions, deeds, a desire to be in the thick of things. Here is the “City” with the embankment flooded with the reflection of lanterns, the same “Night in the Old City” with myriads of iridescent star bursts, or the “Walk” through a crowded quarter with inviting signs, pavilions right on the sidewalk, there are landscapes from different parts of the world: “In Venice”, a series of paintings “Amsterdam”, “Kiss in St. Petersburg”, “Castle”.

Music, dance, sports

And now the stunning expression of dance, music, races is already rushing upwards, picking up in a whirlwind of movement a soul aspiring to new achievements, renewed, washed with pure thoughts and aspirations.

Afremov's canvases with the central figure of a person of art or sports are especially admired for their exquisite grace, especially paintings about ballet and dance. Let's take a look at the works "Tango", "Classical Tango", "Ballerina". Graceful curves of the neck, arms, virtuoso pas, excellent posture - everything calls for self-improvement, changing one's own appearance, improving the inner world.

Contemplate the beautiful

Already at the dawn of human civilization, priests, and then doctors, philosophers, teachers used different types of art and creativity to treat the soul and body. They thought about the secrets of the influence of painting, sculpture, theater, etc., trying to determine their role, both in restoring body functions and in shaping the spiritual world. Thus, in ancient Greece, fine arts were considered as an effective means of influencing a person and his health. Sculptures were exhibited in the galleries, personifying the noble qualities of a person, mercy and kindness. It was believed that contemplating the beautiful statues, a person absorbs all the best that they reflect. The same applies to the paintings of great artists.

What are healing paintings and drawings?

At present, it is well known that a person receives more than 90% of information about the world around him through vision. From what information enters his brain, including what colors a person sees, his mood, behavior, reaction to the world around him, and physiological processes in the body depend.

So, the Australian doctor David Evans, as an experiment, recommended a group of his patients to enjoy their favorite music for several hours a day or look at albums with reproductions of paintings by famous artists that radiate positive, healing energy. After some time, he discovered that patients who regularly received "art-dose" required fewer analgesics than others.

Healing drawings are drawings that radiate powerful healing energy, help to overcome illnesses and mental traumas through their contemplation. In the process of treatment with drawings, thoughts, feelings, a person’s attitude towards himself and people change.

To believe or not to believe?

The success of any treatment consists, first of all, in the patient's faith in his healing. Although when contemplating pictures and drawings, many healing processes are launched in the body as if "automatically", one must still believe and hope for a cure. Scientists have long proved that the psychological factor plays a greater role in the cure of the disease than the physiological one.

How do healing drawings appear?

Perhaps, the process of the appearance of medical drawings cannot be described in words, and yet I will try.

Self-development and helping those who are in trouble - that's what is the meaning of my life. Self-development for me means constant movement forward, knowledge of what is not yet known. Every day I learn, and every time something new opens up to me. This process, as I understand it, has no end, at least as long as I live.

How do healing drawings arise and appear? First, images or the “picture” itself appear, and most often they appear spontaneously for me: I can see them, as it were, before my eyes, for example, in the process of meditation, or when I’m driving in transport, as if thinking about something (actually - nothing), sometimes before going to bed, or after reading a book on spiritual practices. In some cases, I purposefully tune in to see the necessary images, symbols or a “picture”, but always, in all cases, I read a prayer before that and ask the higher powers for support. And I begin to see ..., there is a feeling that I find myself in a stream of blindingly bright white light. And then there is an inexplicable strong desire to transfer what he saw to paper.

I want to give an example. Those who are familiar with the books of OSHO (Shri Rajneesh) know that it is impossible to just read his books, you want to study them, but, in my opinion, they should be studied, and nothing else. This happens to me, I hope, and to many, many people.

When I studied according to his wonderful "Orange Book", my vision of the blue color intensified. I noticed that I began to look at the sky more often than usual (as the great Master advised), one of his meditations is called: “Just look at the sky!”. I watched ... and soon the drawings "came", two of which are given below. I called them "Heavenly flowers of peace and quiet."

I would like to accompany these drawings with words from OSHO meditation: "Meditate on the sky, and when you have time, just lie down on the ground and look at the sky. Let this be your contemplation. If you want to pray, pray to the sky. If you want to meditate, meditate on the sky, sometimes with your eyes open, sometimes with your eyes closed, because there is a sky inside - just as big as outside. you feel that you are in deep harmony with it. A great silence will descend on you when you meditate on the color blue. Blue is one of the most spiritual colors, as it is the color of silence, constancy. It is the color of peace, rest, relaxation. Therefore, when you are really relaxed, suddenly there is a blue glow inside you. And if you can feel the blue glow, you immediately feel relaxed. It works both ways."

Heavenly flowers of peace and quiet

Therapeutic effect: the mind calms down, the human biofield strengthens, blocks and tension leave the body. It has a positive effect on the sixth chakra (Ajna), promotes the development of imagination, intellect, spirituality.

Therapeutic effect: normalizes the work of the endocrine glands, promotes the removal of mucus from the nasopharynx, provides control over the emotional state, brings calm and tranquility.

Working with a drawing

Important! You should always work with only one drawing, depending on what problems you want to solve for yourself.

Next, treat the drawing with love. Know that the drawing has a favorable energy of fullness, which, when a person comes into contact with it, easily gives away. Tune in to positive health. Forget the bad. Mentally ask the Creator for health for yourself and your loved ones. Take a comfortable position, relax. Only after that, carefully begin to consider the drawing, which should be hung in front of you on the wall or placed on the table at a distance of no more than 1 meter. In the process of viewing, you may feel the movement of energies, warmth or coolness, slight dizziness, you may have a desire to make some body movements, inhale or exhale. It means there is a cure. When you feel attuned to the drawing, this will indicate the greatest effect of its impact.

You should look at the drawing for 5-10 minutes every day. Determine the duration of the course of treatment for yourself. For example, 21 or 40 days.

It is good if you read prayers or health mantras throughout the whole time.

Bakhtybek Talkambaev is a doctor of science and art according to UNESCO international standards, an art therapist, artist, poet, scientist, healer from Kazakhstan, whose practice is based on ancient knowledge and verified by personal twenty years of experience. This unique master with his paintings not only treats patients, but also creates methods by which his patients practice self-healing.

Bakhtybek developed the art therapy method of individual artistic vision of the surrounding world about twenty years ago. And the same amount of time applies it in the treatment of children and adults. His unique method is based on ancient scientific knowledge, including the research of Leonardo da Vinci.

The picturesque canvases of the master carry ornamental and iconic symbols, which are not only a mysterious message to man, but also a kind of communication channel with the energy of nature, which gives strength and health.

His patients include young children, people with psychological disorders, cancer patients and even drug addicts. The healer, working with them according to his own method, reveals an extraordinary talent in many patients. And along with his own works, the works of his students are exhibited in his gallery.

"Everyone who begins to draw- says Bakhtybek, - not only becomes healthy and successful, but also gains inner freedom and confidence, discovers the limitless possibilities of a creator and creator."

Methods of healing according to Bakhtybek Talkambaev

It is noteworthy that everyone can draw according to this technique independently and without any special material costs. All you need is a sheet of paper and gel pens. Drawing every day, you can "work through" your negative charges, those that we "accepted" from our ancestors. And an improvement in mental and physical condition will immediately follow.

And all that is needed for the creative process is to completely free yourself from the control of the mind and give complete freedom to the subconscious and the hand. "Let the hand draw, not the mind!"- says the master, thanks to the technique of which it is possible to really change your life for the better, get rid of diseases and mental disorders without pills.

Drawing and painting over each square at his own discretion, the patient works out his birth problems. Bakhtybek claims that "the smaller the strokes, squiggles, geometric shapes, the more carefully the problems are worked out, the more qualitatively the formula of life changes".

The healer reads the drawing of each of his wards, where each column of the matrix reflects generic information: the first column carries information on the father's side, the third - on the mother's side, the middle one - is responsible for personal information.

And drawing according to this technique, the patient notices how his mood improves, unnecessary thoughts and negative emotions go away, fatigue recedes, and the solution of insoluble problems comes to mind. And many patients report that they have "pressure normalized, fatigue disappeared, excess weight went away, headaches stopped bothering me, the reaction to negative events changed, the psycho-emotional background changed, which had a positive effect on personal life and other areas of life, peace of mind came."

A special world of people with incurable diseases

There are many people on the planet who suffer from incurable diseases, before which medicine and healers are powerless. And here, surprisingly, art therapy comes to the rescue again, which helps to maintain the psycho-emotional background of patients suffering from Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and mental retardation.

In 1983 in San Francisco (California, USA) by the artist Florence Ludins-Katz and the mentally retarded psychologist Elias Katz
The Creativity Explored Studio Center was founded, where organizers, instructors and volunteers tried to create a special world for special people.

For 34 years, the studio has turned into a small art town with a huge art workshop, where unusual artists create their masterpieces. Every day from early morning the workshop is full of life. The artists, and there are over 130 of them, work each in their own group with their own instructor.

Each of these groups has its own creative atmosphere. Art therapy has become the meaning of the lives of these people, united them and made friends. Even the language barrier is not an obstacle to communication: all holidays, birthdays, and sometimes even weddings are collectively celebrated.

Numerous exhibitions and auctions play a significant role in the life of these masters, bringing them the constant joy of communicating with admirers. And the famous chocolate factory Recchiuti acquired and successfully uses the design find of one of the artists of the studio.

On the high asbestos walls of the studio, their works are hung, which for the most part seem to sparkle with positive, iridescent multicolor. Visitors, finding themselves in such a peculiar gallery, do not go home empty-handed, but they definitely get for themselves something from the creations of these unusual masters.

Healing pictures are created by artists in a state of trance and carry subtle, light vibrations of Love.
How it all works: During the examination of the healing pictures, the distortions of the human biofield are gently corrected. This is a highly effective support for standard therapies.
How to use: Look at the necessary picture several times a day, from 2 to 4 minutes, mentally imagining your healing. Also, looking at the image, you can meditate.

The pictures themselves:

Looking at this picture You will increase your energy tone:

Looking at this picture, you be healed of nocturnal enuresis. Watch daily - in the evenings, preferably before bedtime, for 3-4 minutes.

This picture heals thrush.

This image is charged for general healing. Look at it for 2-3 minutes daily.

This picture is loaded for cleansing the blood and intestines.

This picture is capable boost your self-control. In those moments when you need to concentrate and make a decision, or take some action to increase your self-control, look at the picture for 3-4 minutes. For convenience, you can print.

This picture will help relieve any localized pain in the body. For example, if you have pain in muscles, joints, severe pain in the abdomen, colic, etc., i.e. pain in a specific point of the body, say to yourself "I heal my pain" concentrate on the picture for 3-4 minutes. It can be printed and applied to a sore spot, but after 7 days the picture will lose its healing power. You can print again.

This picture help solve various hair problems: Dullness, brittleness, loss, dandruff - you will get rid of all these problems if you look at this picture for 3-4 minutes daily.

The picture is charged to normalize the functioning of the third chakra. The third chakra of Manipura is responsible for the emotional background. By normalizing its functioning, you will become the most calm.

This picture is capable evoke a feeling of love in you.

Picture to open the heart chakra. Look at the picture daily for 3-5 minutes, after pronouncing the intention "I intend to open my heart chakra."

This picture is loaded for the treatment of various kinds of phobias.

Picture to improve memory.

The picture will help you get rid of excess weight.

Picture for women looking at her You will become more attractive (to female attractiveness).

Picture charged to communicate with the Guardian Angel.

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