Art criticism literature. "art history"


Literature on the general theory of art is collected in the section 87.8 Aesthetics, and books on aesthetic problems of certain types of art - in the relevant divisions of the department 85 . For example, art and the problem of beauty - 87.8 , beautiful in painting - 85.14.

Books on the psychology of artistic creativity and the perception of art are collected in the section 88.8 .

Literature about the creative process (work, methods and techniques of work, etc.) of an architect, sculptor, artist, composer, actor, about the attitude of the viewer and listener to their art is collected in the relevant divisions of department 85.

In the department 85 collects literature that examines works of art from the point of view of figurative content and artistic skill, books about musical instruments and the history of their manufacture, and to the department 3 includes literature on the industrial production of artistic products, work on the technology and organization of the industrial production of musical instruments, stage equipment, etc.

Literature on technical aesthetics, artistic design and product design is collected in section 30.18.

Literature on the theory, technology and history of certain types of fine arts belongs to the divisions 85.13 Sculpture, 85.14 Painting, 85.15 Graphics, respectively.

Publications devoted to any topic in the work of individual artists are collected in the relevant subdivisions of the art department and can be re-reflected in the relevant industry divisions of the classification. For example, the book Pyotr Fomenko rehearsing Pushkin will receive the index 85.334.3(2)6-8Fomenko P. + 83.3(2=411.2)5-8Pushkin A.S., however, the book Leo Tolstoy in the visual arts must first be reflected in the personalities of L. N. Tolstoy - 83.3(2=411.2)5-8L.N. Tolstoy, and only again - under the index 85.103(2).

The use of computer technologies in different types of art, as well as literature on media art in general, is collected under the index 85c. Literature on the use of computer technologies in individual art forms is collected under the indexes of these art forms and can also be distinguished using CTD p. For example, using Photoshop to create artistic works, including theatrical scenery - 85.14s.

Network art (net art), network interactive art belongs to division 85.7. Publications about the collections of fine arts presented on the Internet are reflected under the indices of the corresponding types of art. Books about interactive exhibitions of art museums are reflected, depending on the content, under the index 85.101 Protection of monuments of art. Art museums, collections and collections or related arts.

In sections of the history of individual art forms within individual territories, the divisions of periodization, disclosed in section 63.3, can be used.

Literature on arts and crafts, on various art products, on manual methods of artistic processing and finishing of material, on folk arts and crafts, on the history of costume and on issues of style and fashion as aesthetic norms of clothing of past eras and our time is collected in divisions 85.12.

Artistic literature on objects of folk life that have artistic value is collected in division 85.12 and can be re-reflected in section 63.5 Ethnology (ethnography).

Literature on the use of natural materials in interior design (phytodesign, biodesign, etc.) is reflected under the index 85.12ft, publications on the creation of "green sculpture" are collected under the index 85.118.7 Green building (landscaping of populated areas).

Literature on collage, kinetic art, installation, and other* forms and techniques of visual arts other than traditional visual arts is collected under the index 85.19. Publications on the use of, for example, the collage technique in traditional arts are collected in the relevant divisions 85.12 - 85.16. So, collage in painting is reflected under the index 85.14, photo collage - 85.16.

Subsection 85.3 Music and the performing arts is intended to reflect literature dealing with music in general and all or some of the performing arts. Departments 85.31 collect musicological literature and texts for musical works. Musical publications are allocated in a special section - 85.9 Musical works (musical publications).

Works on music theory and musical performance in general are collected under the index 85.31, the history of musical art - in subdivisions 85.313. Books about individual composers, about individual musical works or musical works of the same genre, belonging to the work of one composer, are collected in the respective divisions 85.313(2) Musical Culture of Russia and 85.313(3) Musical Culture of Foreign Countries.

Literature on the theory, history and practice of certain types of musical performance, about the masters of musical and performing arts is collected in the relevant subdivisions of the index 85.31. For example, a book on the fundamentals of vocal art would be classified under heading 85.314 Vocal music, as well as books on chamber singers and performances of the chamber-concert repertoire by opera singers. Books about the life and work of opera singers, operetta artists and pop singers belong to the corresponding subdivisions of indices 85.335 Musical theater and 85.36 Variety. Works on the technique of recording and reproducing music are collected under the index 32.871 Recording and reproducing sound.

Under the index 85.32 Dance (choreography) and its subdivisions, works of a general nature are collected, including choreography in general, variety dance types, ballet on ice, etc. Section 85.32 is closely related to the ballet theater (85.335.42), under whose index literature is collected about ballet as a stage art, as well as about the problems of the embodiment of choreographic art on stage.

The basis of theatrical performance is dramaturgy, which as a literary genre is presented in fiction. Section 85.33 Theater collects literature dealing with the implementation of drama and other literary works on stage. This issue is resolved somewhat differently for section 85.37 Film art, where, due to the specific features of this type of art, both the theory of film scripts and the texts of film scripts are collected.

A common problem in visual arts and theater is stage design. Literature about theatrical and scenery painting, about artists-decorators is collected under the index 85.14, and works on scenography, where theatrical and scenery painting is included as one of the components of the visual solution of the performance, refer to section 85.33. Studies on the genres of stage music and its dramaturgy, on composers writing for the theater, refer to section 85.31, and works on the role of music in the theater, on the musical design of the performance, and on the creative activity of musical theaters, to section 85.33. Literature about the architecture and technique of the stage, the use of lighting equipment, computers in the theater is also reflected in subdivisions 85.33.

Material from the Uncyclopedia


Marx Kengels F. About Art: In 2 volumes - 3rd ed. - M .: Art, 1976. - T. 1-575 e .; vol. 2.-719 p.

Lenin V. I. On Literature and Art. - 6th ed. - M .: Khudozh. lit., 1979.- 827 p., ill.

VI Lenin and fine arts: Documents. Letters. Memories / Comp. and ed. will enter, articles by V. V. Shleev.- M .: Image. art, 1977.- 550 p., ill.

Meetings of artists with V. I. Lenin: Memoirs. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1976. - 224 p., ill.


Alekseev S. S. About color.- M .: Image. art, 1974.- 172 p., ill.

Alekhin A.D. On the language of fine arts.-M.: Knowledge, 1973.- 48 p.

Alpatov M.V. and others. Art: A book for reading. Painting. Sculpture. Graphic arts. Architecture.- M.: Enlightenment, 1969.- 543 p., ill.

Amashukeli E. The sixth sense.- M.: Mol. guard, 1981.- 143 p., ill.

Andreeva M. V. and others. Stories about three arts: Essays.-L .: Det. lit., 1975.- 223 p., ill.

Andronikova M. I. Portrait: From rock paintings to sound film. - M .: Art, 1980. - 423 p., ill.

Baldina O.D. Russian folk pictures.- M .: Mol. guard, 1972.- 207 p., ill.

Berkhin N. B. General problems of the psychology of art. - M .: Knowledge, 1981. - 64 p.

Bore Yu. B. Aesthetics. - 3rd ed. - M .: Politizdat, 1982. - 399 p., ill.

Buslovich D, S. et al. Mythological, literary and historical subjects in painting, sculpture and tapestries of the Hermitage. - 3rd ed. - L .: Avrora, 1978. - 160 p., ill.

Vanslov V. V. On the realism of the socialist era. - M .: Image. art, 1982.- 104 p., ill.

Vatagin V.A. Memoirs: Notes of an animalist.- M .: Sov. artist, 1980.- 214 p., ill.

Volkov N. N. Perception of the picture. - 2nd ed., add. - M .: Education, 1976. - 32 p., ill.

Voronova O.P. Art of sculpture.- M.: Knowledge, 1981.- 111 p., ill.

Vorontsov V. V. Serving the Muses: Aphorisms, Sayings, Statements of the Fatherland. and abroad. ed. about literature and art. - M .: Sovremennik, 1976. - 214 p.

Gerasimov S.V. On Art: (On Traditions and Innovation) .- M .: Mol. guard, 1973.- 155 p., ill.

Golubkina A. S. How sculpture is created: A few words about the sculptor's craft. - M .: Art, 1965. - 48 p., ill.

Goncharov A.D. On the art of graphics.- M .: Mol. guard, 1960.- 83 p., ill.

Davydova M. V. Essays on the history of Russian theatrical and decorative art of the 18th - early 20th centuries. - M .: Nauka, 1974. - 186 p., ill.

Ermonskaya V. V. What is sculpture.- M .: Image. art, 1977. - 95 p., ill.

Ioganson B. V. How to understand fine arts. - M .: Knowledge, 1980. - 54 p., Ill. - (Nar. un-t).

Kameneva E. O. What color is the rainbow.- M .: Det. lit., 1971.-161 p., ill.

Kibrik E. A. About art and artists.-M .: Publishing House of Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1961.- 311 p., ill.

Koretsky V. B. Comrade poster: An experience of reflection. - 2nd ed., Corrected. and additional .- M: Plakat, 1981.- 128 p., ill.

Krollis G. E. Two colors of time - M .: Mol. guard, 1980.- 127 p., ill.

Lipsky V. N. High criterion of art: (On the ideological orientation of art) - M .: Knowledge, 1982. - 63 p.

Nemensky B.M. The wisdom of beauty: On the problem of esthete, education. Book. for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1981. - 213 p., ill.

Panorama of the Arts: Scientific and popular. Sat. Issue. 1-6.- M.: Sov. artist, 1978-1983 (publication in progress).

Perepelkina G.P. The art of looking and seeing. - M .: Education, 1982. - 223 p., ill. - (World of Knowledge).

Russian writers about fine arts.-P .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1976.- 32U p., ill.

Ryabov VF Man creates art.- L.: Det. lit., 1981.- 160 p., ill.

Stasevich V.N. The Art of the Portrait.- M.: Enlightenment, 1972.- 80 p., ill.

Tomsky N.V. In bronze and granite. - M .: Mol. guard, 1977.- 141 p., ill.

Tuberovskaya O. M. Visiting the paintings: Stories about painting.-L .: Det. lit., 1973.- 160 p., ill.

Turova V.V. What is engraving.- M.: Image. art, 1977. - 94 p., ill.

Favorsky V. A. About the artist, about creativity, about the book. - M .: Mol. guard, 1966.- 127 p., ill.

Favorsky V. A. Stories of the artist-engraver. - 2nd ed. - M .: Det. lit., 1976.- 103 p., ill.

Erengross B. A. The amazing science of aesthetics! - 2nd ed. - M .: Det. lit., 1977.- 223 p., ill.

To the young artist: Drawing and painting. Sculpture. Art and design work at school. A practical guide to fine arts.- M.: Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1963. - 336 p., ill.


Andreeva M. V. and others. Miraculous transformations: Clay. Stone. Sand. Scientific-popular. essays. - L .: Avrora, 1973. - 159 p., ill.

Bednik N. I. Khokhloma / Fig. L. Solodovnikova.-L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1980.-39 p., ill.

Boguslavskaya I. Ya. Russian clay toy. - L .: Art, 1975. - 142 p., ill.

Boguslavskaya I. Ya. Russian folk embroidery. - M .: Art, 1972. - 151 p., ill.

Bubnova E. Konakovskiy faience.- M.: Image. art, 1978.-232 p., ill.

Vasilenko V. M. Folk art: Selected works on folk art of the X-XX centuries.- M .: Sov. artist, 1974.- 294 p., ill.

Voronov V.S. On peasant art: Selected works. - M .: Sov. artist, 1972.- 350 p., ill.

Good hands craftsmanship: Works Nar. art in the collection State. Russian Museum. Sat. essays. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional .- L .: Art, 1981.- 311 p., ill.

Zhegalova S. K. and others. Gingerbread, spinning wheel and bird Sirin.-M .: Education, 1971.- 230 p., ill.

Zhegalova S. K. Russian folk painting.- M.: Enlightenment, 1975.- 191 p., ill.

Little Miracles: Sat. essays about Russian. nar. art.-L .: Det. lit., 1981.- 207 p., ill.

Mertsalova M.N. History of the costume: Essays on the history of the costume. - M .: Art, 1972. - 197 p., ill.

Mertsalova M.N. Poetry of folk costume.- M.: Mol. guard, 1975.- 191 p., ill.

Nekrasova M. A. Palekh miniature. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1978. - 362 p., ill.

Ovsyannikov Yu. M. Solar tiles: Stories about tiles. - M .: Sov. artist, 1967.- 207 p., ill.

Razina T. M. Russian folk art: Problems of decorative art.- M .: Image. art, 1970.- 255 p., ill.

Rogov A.P. Folk masters: Biogr. essays: Anna Mezrina, Ignaty Mazin, Vasily Vornoskov, Ivan Golikov.- M.: Mol. guard, 1982.- 271 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Russian art crafts: The second half of the 19th-20th centuries. / Ed. E. V. Pomerantseva.- M.: Nauka, 1965.- 267 p., ill.

Russian tapestries: St. Petersburg Tapestry Manufactory.- L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1975.-269 p., ill.

Russian decorative art: In 3 volumes / Ed. A. I. Leonova. - M .: Publishing House of Acad. arts of the USSR. T. 1. 1962.-504 p., ill.; vol. 2. 1963.- 695 p., ill.; vol. 3.- M.: Art, 1965.- 434 p., ill.

Saltykov A. B. The closest art. - M .: Education, 1969. - 295 p., ill.

Semenova T. S. Folk art and its problems: Essays. - M .: Sov. artist, 1977.- 246 p., ill.

Semenova T.S. Artists of Polkhovsky Maidan and Krutts.- M.: Sov. artist, 1972.- 199 p., ill.

Modern folk art ...: In 2 editions - L .: Artist of the RSFSR. Issue. 1. 1975.- 216 p., ill; Issue. 2, 1980.- 207 p., ill.


Art of countries and peoples of the world. Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Graphic arts. Decorative arts: Krat, artist. encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M .: Sov. encyclopedia, 1962-1981.

History of Russian Art: Textbook. In 2 volumes - M .: Image. art, 1979-1981. - T. 1.-2nd ed., revised - 362 p., ill.; vol. 2, book. 1.-2nd ed., Rev.- 312 p., ill.; vol. 2, book. 2. - 2nd ed., revised - 288 p., ill.

Alpatov M.V. Etudes on the general history of arts: Selected. art critic, works.- M.: Sov. artist, 1979.- 287 p., ill.

Brrdsky B. I. Connection of times: Nauch.-art. literature.-M.: Det. lit., 1974.- 220 p., ill.

Volynsky LN Seven days: Tales of art.-M.: Det. lit., 1971.- 350 p., ill.

Dmitrieva N.A. Brief history of art.- M.: Art, 1969-1975.- Issue. 1. From ancient times to the 16th century - 346 p., ill.; issue 2. Northern Renaissance: Western countries. Europe XVII-XVIII centuries; England; Russia of the 18th century - 340 p., ill.

Dolgopoloe I. V. Stories about artists: In 2 vols. T. 1 .- M .: Image. art, 1982.- 672 p., ill.

Lunacharsky A. V. About art: In 2 volumes - M .: Art, 1982. - T. 1 (Art in the West) .- 470 e .; v. 2 (Russian Soviet art). - 391 p.

Small history of arts. T. 1-9.- M.: Art, 1972-1981.

Masters of Arts on Art: Fav. excerpts from letters, diaries, speeches and treatises. In 7 volumes / Under the general. ed. A. A. Huber and others - M .: Art, 1965-1970.

Nedoshivin G. A., Petrova O. N. One hundred meetings in the world of art.- M .: Mol. guard, 1980.-217 p., ill.

Monuments of world art: Vol. 1-8.- M.: Art, 1967-1982.

Paustovsky K. G. A book about artists. - M .: Art, 1966 -152 p., ill.

Ugrinovich D.M. Art and religion: (Theoretical essay).-M.: Politizdat, 1982.-288 p., ill.

Sherstobitova V. F. At the origins of art. - M .: Art, 1971. - 200 p., ill.

To the young artist: The art of the ancient world and the Middle Ages. Renaissance art. Foreign art of the XVII-XX centuries. Russian art. Soviet art. Book. for reading on the history of art. - 2nd ed. - M .: Publishing House of Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1963. - 583 p., ill.


Alyansky Yu. L. Stories about the Russian Museum.-L .: Lenizdat, 1981.-247 p., ill.

Bavarian State Collections of Paintings. Munich: Album / Ed. M. Ya. Libman.- M.: Image. art, 1982.-200 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

British museum. London: Album / Ed.-comp. B. I. Rivkin.- M .: Image. art, 1980. - 256 p., ill. - (Museums of the world).

Brodsky B.I. Treasures of Moscow.- M .: Image. art, 1980.- 376 p., ill.

Varshavsky S.P., Reet B. Ticket for all eternity: The Tale of the Hermitage. - 2nd ed. - L .: Lenizdat, 1981. - 496 p., ill.

Vatolina N. N. A walk through the Tretyakov Gallery.- M .: Sov. artist, 1976.- 255 p., ill.

Pitty Gallery. Florence: Album / Comp. I. Smirnova.- M.: Image. art, 1971.-152 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Uffizi Gallery. Florence: Album / Ed.-comp. A. Guber.-M.: Sov. artist, 1968.- 184 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow: Album / Ed.-comp. V. M. Volodarsky and others - M .: Image. art, 1974. - 284 p., ill. - (Museums of the world).

State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin. Moscow: Album / Ed.-comp. I. A. Antonova et al. art, 1981.-218 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin: Guide to paintings, gallery.- M .: Image. art, 1980.-159 p., ill.

State Russian Museum. Leningrad. Painting XII - early XX century: Album / Ed.-comp. V. A. Pushkarev. - M .: Image. art, 1976. - 238 p., ill. - (Museums of the world).

State Hermitage. Leningrad: Album / Ed.-comp. I. Nemilova.- M.: Image. art, 1975.-314 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Louvre. Paris: Album / Ed.-comp. Yu. Zolotoe.- M.: Image. art, 1971. - 208 p., ill. - (Museums of the world).

Moleva N. M. The Kremlin: The paths of history - the roads of art.- M .: Mosk. worker, 1980.- 240 p., ill.

Museums of Rome. Gallery Borghese. National gallery: Album / Ed.-comp. 3. Borisov. - M.: Image. art, 1971.- 176 p., ill. - (Museums of the world).

Art Museum. Budapest: Album / Ed. K. Garash.- M.: Image. art,

1976.- 228 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Museum Law. Madrid: Album / Ed.-comp. K. Malitskaya.- M.: Image. art, 1971. - 160 p., ill. - (Museums of the world).

National Gallery. London: Album / Ed. text and comp. I. Kuznetsov.- M.: Image. art, 1971.- 168 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Nenarokomova I. S. State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin.- M .: Art, 1977.- 199 p., Ill.- (Cities and museums of the world).

Nenarokomova I. S. Honorary citizen of Moscow P. Tretyakov.-M .: Mol. guard, 1978.- 224 p., ill.

Saved masterpieces: In 2 volumes - M .: Sov. artist,

1977.-T. 1.- 116 p., ill.; v. 2. Masterpieces of the Dresden Gallery: Album. - 272 p., ill.


History of the arts of the countries of Western Europe from the Renaissance to the beginning of the 20th century. - M .: Art, 1980. - Issue. 1. Art of the Early Renaissance. - 528 p., ill.

Lltaev Al. Ahead of the Ages: Tale.- M.: Detgiz, 1959.- 495 p., ill.

Tales of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo.

European art of the 19th century. 1789-1871: Album. - M .: Art, 1975. - 128 p., ill.

The Art of the Peoples of Africa: Essays by the Artist. culture from antiquity to present, time. - M .: Art, 1975. - 311 p., ill.

Korotskaya A. A. Treasure of Indian art. - M .: Art, 1966. - 384 p., ill.

Lazarev V. N. Old Italian masters. - M .: Art, 1972. - 362 p., ill.

Livshits N. A. and others. Art of the 17th century: Historical essays. - M .: Art, 1964. - 407 p., ill.

Likhacheva V. D. Art of Byzantium IV-XV centuries.- M.: Art, 1981.- 311 p., ill.

Lot A. In search of the frescoes of Tassilin-Ajer / Per. from French-L.: Art, 1973.- 110 p., ill.

Lyubimov L. D. Art of the Ancient World: Book. for reading.- 2nd ed.- M.: Enlightenment, 1980.- 320 p., ill.

Mozheiko I. V. 7 of 37 miracles. - M .: Nauka, 1980. - 395 p., ill.

Nikulin N. N. Netherlandish painting of the 15th-16th centuries in the Hermitage: Essay-guidebook. - 2nd ed.

Field V. M. Art of Greece: In 3 books. - M .: Art, 1970-1975.-Kn. 1 - 327 p., ill.; book. 2-349 p., ill.; book. 3-445 p., ill.

Field V. M. Art of the countries of Latin America.-M .: Art, 1967.- 323 p., ill.

Rotenberg E. I. The Art of Italy (middle Italy during the High Renaissance). - 2nd ed. - M .: Art, 1974. - 213 p., ill.

Rubinstein R. I. Visiting Khnumhotep: (Stories about ancient Egyptian artists, sculptors and craftsmen) .- M .: Education, 1970.- 143 p., ill.

Avermat R. Peter Paul Rubens / Per. from French - M .: Art, 1977. - 223 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Beletsky P. A. Obsessed with drawing: The Tale of the Japanese Artist Hokusai.- M .: Det. lit., 1970.- 176 p., ill.

Belousova N. A. Giorgione: Essays on creativity.- M .: Image. art, 1982.- 207 p., ill.

Betty J. Namatjira / Per. from English. - M.: Art, 1972. - 144 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Weiss D. Auguste Rodin / Per. from English - M .: Art, 1969. - 579 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Gastev A. A. Delacroix .- M .: Mol. guard, 1966.- 224 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Gastev A. A. Leonardo da Vinci.- M.: Mol. guard, 1982.- 400 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Herman M. Yu. Antoine Watteau. - L .: Art, 1980. - 200 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Grashchenkov V. N. Rafael. - 2nd ed. - M .: Art, 1975. - 213 p., ill. Grigulevich I. R. Siqueiros.- M.: Art,

1980.-248 p., ill.- (Life in art). Dmitrieva N.A. Picasso.- M.: Nauka, 1971.- 228 p., ill.

Dyakov L. A. Giovanni-Battista Piranesi.- M .: Image. art, 1980.- 119 p., ill. Egorova K. S. Jan van Eyck. - M .: Art,

1965.-251 p., ill.

Znamerovskaya T. P. Velasquez. - M .: Image. art, 1978.- 271 p., ill.

Znamerovskaya T. P. Jusepe Ribera.- M .: Image. art, 1981.- 239 p., ill.

Kalitina N. N. Gustave Courbet: Essay on life and creativity. - M .: Art, 1981. - 183 p., ill.

Kemenov V. S. Paintings by Velasquez. - M .: Art, 1969. - 384 p., ill.

Kent R. It's Me, Lord: The Autobiography of Rockwell Kent / Per. from English - 2nd ed. - M .: Art,

1966.- 647 p., ill.

Lvov S. L. Pieter Brueghel the Elder.- M .: Art, 1971.- 206 p., ill.- (Life in art).

Lvov S. L. Albrecht Durer. - M .: Art, 1977. - 302 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Marquet M. Albert Marquet. - M .: Art, 1968. - 192 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Murina E. B. Van Gogh. - M .: Art, 1978. - 438 p., ill.

Pashut L. Rafael / Per. from Hungarian - M .: Art,

1981.- 568 p., ill.- (Life in art). Perryusho A. Paul Gauguin / Per. from French -

M .: Art, 1979.-319 p., ill.- (Life in art).

Perrusho A. Life of Renoir / Per. from French - M.: Progress, 1979.-368 p., ill.

Perryusho A. Edouard Manet / Per. from French - M .: Mol. guard, 1976.- 319 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Perryusho A. Cezanne / Per. from French - M .: Mol. guard, 1966.- 368 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Pozza N. Titian / Per. with it. - M .: Art, 1981. - 207 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Prokofiev V. N. "Caprichos" by Goya. - M .: Art, 1970. - 181 p., ill.

Rotenberg E. I. Michelangelo Buonarroti: Album .- M .: Image. art, 1976.- 29 p., ill.

Turchin V.S. Theodore Gericault.- M.: Image. art, 1982.- 208 p., ill.

Schmitt G. Rembrandt / Per. from English - 2nd ed. - M .: Art, 1970. - 616 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Escollier R. Daumier / Per. from French - M .: Art, 1978. - 158 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Yakimovich A. K. Chardin and the French Enlightenment. - M .: Art, 1981. - 143 p., ill.


History of art of the peoples of the USSR: In 9 volumes. T. 1-6.-M .: Image. art, 1971 - 1981.

Alekseeva T. V. Artists of the Venetsianov School. - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Art, 1982. - 419 p., ill.

Alpatov M.V. Etudes on the history of Russian art: In 2 volumes - M .: Art, 1967. - T. 1-214 p., Ill.; vol. 2-234 p., ill.

Vereshchagina A. G. Artist. Time. History: Essays on the history of Russian historical painting of the 18th - early 20th centuries. - L .: Art, 1973. - 130 p., ill.

Golitsyn S. M. Tales of white stones. - 2nd ed., add. and revised - M .: Mol. guard, 1980.- 254 p., ill.

Zotov A. I. Russian art from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. - M .: Art, 1979. - 415 p., ill.

Kaganovich A. L. "The Bronze Horseman": The history of the creation of the monument. - 2nd ed., ext. - L .: Art. 1982.- 191 p., ill.

Konchin E.V. Riddles of old paintings.- M .: Knowledge, 1979.- 80 p., ill.

Lyubimov L. D. The Art of Ancient Rus': Book. for reading.-M.: Enlightenment, 1974.-333 p., ill.

Nemilova I. S. Riddles of old paintings. - 2nd ed. - M .: Image. art, 1974.- 350 s, ill.

Osetrov E. I. Living Ancient Russia. - M .: Enlightenment, 1976. - 255 p., ill.

50 short biographies of the masters of Russian art: Sat.-L.: Avrora, 1971.- 301 p., ill.

Rakova M. M. Russian historical painting of the middle of the XIX century. - M .: Art, 1979. - 43 p., ill.

Russian Art: Essays on the life and work of artists. Second half of the nineteenth century. In 2 vols.-M.: Art, 1967-1971.

Savitskaya T. A. In Search of Truth and Beauty: Essays on the Wanderers.- M .: Image. art, 1976.- 110 p., ill.

Sarabyanov V. D. Russian painting of the 19th century among European schools: Experience of comparison. research. - M .: Sov. artist, 1980.- 261 p., ill.

Stasov VV Selected articles about Russian painting.- M.: Det. lit., 1968.- 256 p., ill.

Three hundred centuries of art: Art of the European part of the USSR. - M .: Art, 1976. - 327 p., ill.

Alpatov M.V. Alexander Ivanov.- M.: Mol. guards, 1959.- 271 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Alpatov M.V. Feofan Grek.- M.: Image. art, 1979. - 199 p., ill.

Amshinskaya A. M. Vasily Andreevich Tropinin. - M .: Art, 1976. - 151 p., ill. - (Life in art).

F. A. Vasiliev: Album. - M .: Image. art, 1973.- 4 p., ill.- (Image and color).

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov: Articles. Letters. Contemporaries about the artist. - L .: Art, 1980. - 391 p., ill. - (The world of the artist).

N. N. Ge: Album. - M.: Image. art,

1974.- 167 p., ill.

Grabar I. E. Valentin Alexandrovich Serov: Life and work. 1865-1911.- 2nd ed.- M.: Art, 1980.- 547 p., ill.

Zhuravleva E. V. Konstantin Andreevich Somov. - M .: Art, 1980. - 231 p., ill.

Kemenov V. S. Surikov's historical painting. 1870 - 1880s - M .: Art, 1963. - 507 p., ill. Kogan D. 3. M. A. Vrubel.- M.: Art.

1980.- 351 p., ill.- (Life in art). Konichev K.I. The Tale of Fedot Shubin.-

The Tale of Voronikhin.- L.: Lenizdat, 1975.- 679 p., ill.

Konchalovskaya N. I. Priceless gift: Romantic story about V. I. Surikov. - 3rd ed. - M .: Det. lit., 1974.- 334 p., ill.

Konstantin Korovin recalls ... - M .: Image. art, 1971.-912 p., ill.

Kurochkina T. I. Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.- M .: Image. art, 1980.- 207 p., ill.

Lazuko A. K. Vasily Maksimov. 1844-1911.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1982.- 79 p., ill.

Lebedev A. K. Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin: Life and work. 1842-1904.- 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Art, 1972. - 395 p., ill. Lebedeva T. A. Ivan Nikitin.- M.: Art,

1975.- 167 p., ill.

Lenyashin V. A. Portrait painting of V. A. Serov in the 1900s: Main problems. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1980. - 258 p., ill. Leontieva G. K. Karl Bryullov.- L ": Art,

1976.- 326 p., ill.- (Life in art). Lyaskovskaya O. A. V. G. Perov: Features

creative the way of the artist. - M .: Art, 1979. - 175 p., ill.

Maltseva F. S. Alexei Kovdratievich Savrasov: Life and work. - M .: Art, 1977.-406 p., ill.

Moleva N. M. Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky. - M .: Art, 1980. - 233 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Ptslipenko V. I. I. K. Aivazovsky. 1817-1900.-L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1980.- 71 p., ill.

Repin I. E. Far close. - 8th ed., Revised. and add.-L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1982.- 520 p., ill.

Roerich N. K. Life and work: Sat. articles.- M.: Image. art, 1978.- 306 p., ill.

Rosiner F. #. Hymn to the sun: (Chiurlionis). Art critic. story. - M .: Mol. guard, 1974.- 192 p., ill.- (Pioneer means first).

Sarabyanov V.D.P.A. Fedotov.- M.: Image. art, 1969.- 294 p., ill.

Sakharova I. M. Alexey Petrovich Antropov. 1716-1795.-M.: Art, 1974.- 274 p., ill.

Semenova G. A. Ivan Petrovich Argunov. - M .: Art, 1973. - 207 p., ill.

Sergeev V. N. Rublev.- M.: Mol. guard,

1981.- 254 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people). Smirnova-Rakitina V. A. Valentin Serov.-

M.: Mol. guard, 1961.- 336 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Suchkov S. V. Fedor Stepanovich Rokotov.- L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1976.- 31 p., ill.

Turchin V.S. Orest Kiprensky.- M.: Image. art, 1975.- 166 p., ill.

Fedorov-Davydov A. A. Isaac Ilyich Levitan: Life and work. 1860-1900.- M.: Art, 1976.- 571 p., ill.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin: Correspondence. Diary. Contemporaries about the artist. - L .: Art, 1978. - 463 p., ill. - (The world of the artist).


Art of the peoples of the USSR: In 9 volumes. T. 7-9 .- M .: Image. art, 1972-1982.

Art of the peoples of the USSR. 1917-1970s: Works of owls. artists. Painting. Sculpture. Graphics / Comp. album and auth. will enter, articles by O. I. Sopotsinsky .- L .: Avrora, 1977.- 502 p., ill.

Art of the Soviet Union: Album. - JL: Aurora, 1982.-688 p.

Soviet Fine Arts: Painting. Graphic arts. Sculpture. Monumental art / Comp. V. V. Vanslov, M. T. Kuzmina.- M.: Image. art, 1982.- 424 p., ill.

Gapeeva V. I., Kuznetsova E. V. Conversations about Soviet artists: A guide for students. - M .; L .: Education, 1964. - 198 p., ill.

Zimenko V. M. Soviet historical painting.- M .: Sov. artist, 1970.- 151 p., ill.

Ladur M.F. Art for millions: Notes of the artist.- M.: Sov. artist, 1983.- 191 p., ill.

Lebedev P.I. Russian Soviet Painting: A Brief History.-M.: Sov. artist, 1963.- 276 p., ill.

Lenin. Revolution. Art: Protection of monuments of art. - Monumental propaganda. - V. I. Lenin in the drawings of artists. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977. - 102 p., ill.

V. I. Lenin in the Soviet fine arts: Album / Comp. V. Shabelnikov; Enter, article by P. M. Sysoev .- M .: Pravda, 1976.- 6 p., 43 sheets. ill.

Leninian in the homeland of Ilyich: Ulyanov. Regional artist. museum. Painting. Graphic arts. Sculpture / Ed. will enter, articles by A. Shefov. - M .: Sov. Russia, 1980.- 154 p., ill.

Young Soviet Artists: Painting. Graphic arts. Sculpture / Comp. V. P. Sysoev.- M .: Image. art, 1982.- 176 p., ill.

Essays on the history of Soviet art: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Graphics.- M.: Sov. artist, 1980.- 263 p., ill.

Pavlovsky B. V. I. Lenin and fine arts.-L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1974.- 84 p., ill.

Paramonov A. V., Chervonnaya S. M. Soviet painting.-M.: Enlightenment, 1981.- 287 p., ill.

The feat of the people: Monuments of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 - M .: Politizdat, 1980. - 318 p., ill.

Suzdalev P.K. Soviet art of the period of the Great Patriotic War. - M .: Sov. artist, 1965.- 468 p., ill.

Khan Magomedov S. Lenin's Mausoleum: History of Creation and Architecture.- M.: Enlightenment, 1973.- 128 p., ill.

Alekseeva A. Sun on a frosty day: Kustodiev. Tale.- M.: Mol. guard, 1978.- 174 p., ill.- (Pioneer means first).

Bychkov Yu. A. S. T. Konenkov.- M .: Mol. guard, 1982.- 315 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Vladich L. V. Aleksey Alekseevich Shovkunenko - People's Artist of the USSR. - Kyiv, 1960. - 31 p., ill.

Voronova O.P. Shadr.- M.: Mol. guard, 1969.- 190 p., ill.- (Life is remarkable. people).

Vuchetich E. V. Artist and life. - M .: Publishing House of Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1963. - 446 p., ill.

Golubkov D.N. Kind sun: The story of the artist M. Saryan.- M .: Det. lit., 1970.- 134 p., ill.

Deineka A. A. Life, art, time: Lit.-art. heritage.- L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1974.- 341 p., ill.

Dubovitskaya N. N. N. Andreev.- M .: Image. art, 1970.- 43 p., ill.

Zamoshkin A. I. M. K. Anikushin. - J1 .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979. - 343 p., ill.

Zotov B. I. The Tale of Mitrofan Grekov.- M .: Military Publishing House, 1982.- 207 p., ill.

Kamensky A. A. Knightly feat: A book about the sculptor Anna Golubkina.- M .: Image. art, 1978.- 246 p., ill.

Kekusheva-Novosadyuk G. V. E. E. Moiseenko.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977.- 68 p., ill.

Konenkov S. T. My age / Comp. Yu. A. Bychkov.- 2nd ed.- M.: Politizdat, 1972.- 368 p., ill.

Konchylovsky P. P. Artistic heritage. - M .: Art, 1964. - 302 p., ill.

Korotkevich E. G. Tatyana Yablonskaya: Painting. Graphics.- M.: Sov. artist, 1980.- 111 p., ill.

Kukryniksy: Three of us. - M.: Sov. artist, 1975.- 295 p., ill.

A. T. Matveev: Album / Ed. articles and comp.

E. B. Murina.- M.: Sov. artist, 1979.- 383 p., ill.

Minina V. B. Nikolai Tomsky. - M .: Art, 1980. - 327 p., yl.

Moor D. I am a Bolshevik! - M.: Sov. artist, 1967.- 255 p., ill.

Nenarokomova I.S. Solar palette of Abram Arkhipov.- M.: Sov. artist, 1982.- 167 p., ill.

Nesterov M. V. Old days. - 2nd ed. - M .: Art, 1959. - 399 p., ill.

Nikonova I. I. Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov.- M .: Art, 1979.- 231 p.- (Life in art).

Ostroumova-Lebedeva A.P. Autobiographical notes: In 3 volumes - M .: Image. art,

1974.-T. I-II-632 e.; vol. III-494 p.

Pakhomov A. F. About his work. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1971. - 306 p., ill.

Petrov-Vodkin K. S. Khlynovsk. Euclid space. Samarkandia. - L .: Art, 1969. - 631 p., ill.

Yu. I. Pimenov: Album. - L .: Aurora, 1972. - 37 p., ill.

A. A. Plastov: Album / Comp. N. A. Plastov.- L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979.-311 p., ill.

Prorokov B. I. About time and about myself. - M .: Image. art, 1979.- 447 p., ill.

Razgonov S. N. Height: Life and deeds of P. Korin. - 4th ed.-M .: Sov. artist, 1978.- 159 p., ill.- (Stories about artists).

Rylov A. A. Memories. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977. - 288 p., ill.

Salakhov T. Rhythms of the new.- M.: Sov. artist, 1975.-32 p., ill.

Samokhvalov A. N. My creative path. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977. - 318 p., ill.

Saryan M.S. From my life. - 2nd ed. - M .: Image. art, 1971.- 382 p., ill.

Stankevich N. I. B. V. Ioganson. 1893-1973.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1978.- 38 p., ill.

Suzdalev P.K. Vera Ignatievna Mukhina. - M .: Art, 1981. - 168 p., ill.

Ural Tansykbaev: Album / Ed. enters, articles and comp. I. V. Ginsburg.- L.: Aurora, 1977.- 15 p., ill.

Tomsky N. V. Notes of the sculptor.- M .: Mol. guard, 1965.- 144 p.

Chaupova R.N. Teodor Eduardovich Zalkaln. - M .: Image. art, 1974.- 46 p., ill.


School of Fine Arts: In 10 issues. - M .: Publishing House of Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1960-1963.

Abrosimova A. A. and others. Artistic carving on wood, bone and horn. - M .: Vyssh. school, 1981.- 151 p., ill.

Alekseev S. About color and paints. - M .: Art, 1964. - 53 p., Ill. - (B-ka novice artist).

Barshch A. O. Sketches and sketches. - M .: Art, 1970. - 166 p., ill.

Trouble GV Painting: To help beginners and amateur artists. - M.: Art. 1971.- 128 p., ill.

Bogolyubov N. S. Modeling in the classroom in a school circle.- M .: Education, 1979.- 144 p., ill.

Bulanin V.D. Mosaic works on wood.- M .: Lesnaya prom-st, 1981.- 181 p., ill.

Gusakova M.A. Application: Proc. allowance for ped. schools. - M .: Education, 1977. - 129 p., ill.

Gusarchuk D. M. 300 answers to a lover of woodwork.- M .: Lesnaya prom-st, 1977.- 245 p., ill.

Deineka A. A. Learn to draw: Conversations with students of drawing. - M .: Publishing house Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1961. - 224 p., ill.

Zernova E.S. To the future artist about the art of painting.- M .: Sov. artist, 1976.- 239 p., ill.

Kameneva E. O. Your palette.- M .: Det. lit., 1977.- 96 p., ill.

Kuzin V.S. Sketches and sketches: A guide for teachers. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Education, 1981. - 160 p., ill.

Lebedeva E. VChernykh R. M. Art of the graphic designer: Prakt. amateur advice. artist.- M.: Sov. artist, 1981.- 343 p., ill.

Matveeva T. A. Mosaic and woodcarving: Textbook

nickname for avg. PTU.- M.: Higher. school, 1981.- 80 p., ill.

Meliksetyan A.S. To a young mosaic lover: Book. for students.-M.: Education, 1979.- 158 p., ill.

Mikhailov A. M. For lovers of drawing.- M .: Mol. guard, 1963.- 86 p., ill.

Odnoralov N. V. Sculpture and sculptural skill: Proc. allowance.- M.: Image. art, 1982.-224 p., ill.

Fundamentals of artistic craft.- M.: Enlightenment, 1979.- 352 p., ill.

Pavlinov P. I Everyone can learn to draw: Tips for a draftsman.- M .: Sov. artist, 1966.- 104 p., ill.

Beautiful - with your own hands: Nar. artistic crafts. - M .: Det. lit., 1979.- 158 p., ill.

Radlov N. E. Drawing from life. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1978. - 130 p., ill.

Figure: Prakt. guide for beginners and amateur artists. - M.: Art, 1965. - 272 p., ill.

Drawing and painting: A guide for amateur artists. - 3rd ed. - M .: Art, 1976. - 143 p., ill.

Semerak GBogman K. Artistic forging and locksmith art / Per. from Czech. - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1982.-232 p., ill.

Advice of the masters: Painting and graphics.- 2nd ed.-L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979.- 376 p., ill.

Khvorostov A. S. Chasing. Inlay. Wood carving: A guide for teachers. - M .: Education, 1977. - 143 p., ill.

To make the walls come to life ...: (Sat.). -2nd ed.-M .: Mol. guard, 1977.- 96 p., ill.

Shchipanoe A.S. For young lovers of the brush and cutter. - 2nd ed., add. and revised - M .: Education. 1981.-416 p., ill.


1. Aksenova, A. History of arts. Just about the important. Styles, directions and currents / A. Aksenova. - M.: Eksmo, 2017. - 220 p.
2. Alekseev, A.D. History of piano art. In 3 parts. Part 3: Textbook / A.D. Alekseev. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2018. - 288 p.
3. Alekseev, A.D. History of pianoforte art In 3 parts. Parts 1 and 2: Tutorial. / A.D. Alekseev. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2018. - 416 p.
4. Arslanov, V.G. Theory and history of art history. XX century. Spiritual-historical method. Sociology of art. Iconology / V.G. Arslanov. - M.: Academic project, 2015. - 275 p.
5. Arslanov, V.G. Theory and history of art history. XX century. Postmodernism: Textbook / V.G. Arslanov. - M.: Academic project, 2015. - 287 p.
6. Arslanov, V.G. Theory and history of art history of the twentieth century. Formal school / V.G. Arslanov. - M.: Academic project, 2015. - 344 p.
7. Arslanov, V.G. Theory and history of art history. Education. F. Schelling and G. Hegel / V.G. Arslanov. - M.: Academic project, 2015. - 435 p.
8. Arslanov, V.G. Theory and history of art history. Antiquity. Middle Ages. Renaissance: Textbook / V.G. Arslanov. - M.: Academic project, 2015. - 436 p.
9. Atabekov, G.I. Dance art of China: history and modernity / G.I. Atabekov. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2011. - 224 p.
10. Belenky, I. History of cinema. Filming, film industry, cinema art / I. Belenky. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2019. - 405 p.
11. Bobrikov, A.A. Another history of Russian art / A.A. Bobrikov. - M.: Nov. lit. review, 2012. - 744 p.
12. Borovsky, A.D. History of Art for Dogs / A.D. Borovsky. - St. Petersburg: TID Amphora, 2012. - 128 p.
13. Bulgakov, F. Illustrated history of printing and typographic art / F. Bulgakov. - M.: Lomonosov, 2010. - 364 p.
14. Vats, A.B. Dance art of China: history and modernity / A.B. Wats. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2011. - 224 p.
15. Vats, A.B. Dance art of China: history and modernity / A.B. Wats. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2011. - 208 p.
16. Windrow, M. History of military art / M. Windrow. - M.: Makhaon, 2014. - 96 p.
17. Volkova, P.D. Art History: An Illustrated Atlas / P.D. Volkov. - M.: AST, 2018. - 320 p.
18. Volkova, P.D. Art History: An Illustrated Atlas / P.D. Volkov. - M.: AST, 2018. - 221 p.
19. Geisman, P.A. A short course in the history of military art in the Middle and New Ages: The history of military art in the New Ages in the era of Frederick the Great and Catherine the Great. Military art in Western Europe / P.A. Geisman. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 336 p.
20. Geisman, P.A. A short course in the history of military art in the Middle and New Ages: The history of military art in the New Ages up to the age of Louis XIV and Peter the Great inclusive. Military art in Western Europe / P.A. Geisman. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 200 p.
21. Geisman, P.A. A short course in the history of military art in the Middle and New Ages: The history of military art in the Middle Ages / P.A. Geisman. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 192 p.
22. Gnedich, P. History of arts. Europe and Russia: masters of painting (silk) / P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014. - 448 p.
23. Gnedich, P. History of arts. Renaissance: world masterpieces / P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2015. - 448 p.
24. Gnedich, P. Art History: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. From Ancient Egypt to medieval Europe / P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014. - 448 p.
25. Gnedich, P.P. General history of arts. Painting. Sculpture. Architecture / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 848 p.
26. Gnedich, P.P. Art history. Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Europe and Russia: masters of painting / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2015. - 448 p.
27. Gnedich, P.P. Art History: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Europe and Russia: masters of painting / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014. - 448 p.
28. Gnedich, P.P. General History of Arts: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: Eksmo, 2018. - 975 p.
29. Gnedich, P.P. Art History: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Renaissance: world masterpieces / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014. - 448 p.
30. Gnedich, P.P. Art history. Painting. Sculpture. Architecture / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 848 p.
31. Gnedich, P.P. Art History: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. From Ancient Egypt to medieval Europe / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2015. - 448 p.
32. Gnedich, P.P. Art History: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Renaissance: world masterpieces / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2015. - 448 p.
33. Gnedich, P.P. Art History: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. From Ancient Egypt to Medieval Europe (silk) / P.P. Gnedich. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2015. - 448 p.
34. Gosmanov, R.G. Chinese Art History: Textbook / R.G. Gosmanov, N.M. Kolychev, V.I. Pleshakov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2004. - 960 p.
35. Grafton, K.B. Animalism. Images & fantasies. History of Fine Arts for Creative Personalities / K.B. Grafton. - M.: Hummingbird, 2016. - 224 p.
36. Dvorak, M. The history of Italian art in the Renaissance. T.1. XIV and XV centuries: a course of lectures / M. Dvorak. - M.: Ripol-classic, 2019. - 303 p.
37. Delbrück, G. History of military art since ancient times-VPM / G. Delbrück. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 496 p.
38. Delbrück, G. History of military art since ancient times / G. Delbrück. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 496 p.
39. Delbrück, G. History of military art. within the framework of political history. T.3. Middle Ages / G. Delbrück. - M.: Nauka, 2008. - 448 p.
40. Delbrück, G. History of military art within the framework of political history. T.3. Middle Ages / G. Delbrück. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2008. - 448 p.
41. Zabalueva, T.R. Art history. Styles in fine and applied arts, architecture, literature and music. Uch. / T.R. Zabaluev. - M.: ASV, 2013. - 128 p.
42. Ilyina, T.V. Art history. Western European art / T.V. Ilyin. - M.: Higher School, 2009. - 368 p.
43. Ilyina, T.V. History of national art. from the baptism of Rus' to the beginning of the third millennium: A textbook for academic undergraduate studies / T.V. Ilyina, M.S. Fomin. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 501 p.
44. Ilyina, T.V. The history of Russian art from the Baptism of Rus' to the beginning of the third millennium: Textbook for bachelors / T.V. Ilyin; Reviewer A.V. Kornilov. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 473 p.
45. Ilyina, T.V. The history of Russian art from the Baptism of Rus' to the beginning of the third millennium: A textbook for universities / T.V. Ilyin. - M.: Yurayt, ID Yurayt, 2010. - 473 p.
46. ​​Ilyina, T.V. History of art in Western Europe. from antiquity to the present day: A textbook for academic undergraduate studies / T.V. Ilyin. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 444 p.
47. Ilyina, T.V. Art history. Domestic art / T.V. Ilyin. - M.: Higher School, 2009. - 407 p.
48. Ilyina, T.V. History of Western European Art from Antiquity to the Present Day: A Textbook for Bachelors / T.V. Ilyin. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 435 p.
49. Ioffe, I.I. Selected. Part 1. Synthetic history of arts / I.I. Ioffe. - M.: OOO "RAO Talking Book", 2010. - 655 p.
50. Komech, A.I. History of Russian art.V.1. Art of Kievan Rus. IX - the first quarter of the XII century. In 22 volumes / A.I. comedian - M.: Northern pilgrim, 2007. - 664 p.
51. Kohn-Wiener, E. History of Fine Arts Styles / E. Kohn-Wiener. - M.: Lenand, 2015. - 224 p.
52. Cohn-Wiener, E. History of Fine Arts Styles. Per. with him. / E. Kohn-Wiener. - M.: Lenand, 2017. - 304 p.
53. Kondakov, N.P. History of Byzantine art and iconography based on miniatures of Greek manuscripts / N.P. Kondakov. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 280 p.
54. Korobova, G.A. Art History: Textbook / G.A. Korobova; Under scientific ed. G.V. Drach, T.S. Paniotov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 680 p.
55. Kravtsova, M. History of Chinese Art: Textbook / M. Kravtsova. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2004. - 960 p.
56. Kravtsova, M.E. World Art. History of Chinese Art / M.E. Kravtsov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2004. - 960 p.
57. Lifshits, L. History of Russian art in 2 volumes - v. 1: Art of the X-XVII centuries / L. Lifshits. - M.: White City, 2008. - 344 p.
58. Lobodanov, A.P. Semiotics of Art: History and Ontology: Textbook / A.P. Lobodanov. - M.: MGU, 2013. - 680 p.
59. Lobodanov, A.P. Theory and history of art. Issue. 1 / A.P. Lobodanov. - M.: MGU, 2012. - 208 p.
60. Magaffi, D.P. History of the classical period of Greek literature: Prose: history, oratory, philosophy / D.P. Magaffi. - M.: KD Librokom, 2015. - 440 p.
61. Makhov, N.M. Ontology of Art: History, Theory, Philosophy of "Old" and "New" Art. General aspects of world culture. Theory of the aesthetic paradigm; periodization theory of the postmodern movement. Reasons for the emergence of abstract painting / N.M. Makhov. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 456 p.
62. Makhov, N.M. Ontology of Art: History, Theory, Philosophy of "Old" and "New" Art. General aspects of world culture. Theory of the aesthetic paradigm; theory / N.M. Makhov. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 456 p.
63. Makhov, N.M. Ontology of Art: History, Theory, Philosophy of "Old" and "New" Art. General aspects of the world. cult. Theory of the aesthetic paradigm / N.M. Makhov. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 456 p.
64. Melton, K. The art of espionage. The secret history of CIA special equipment / K. Melton. - M.: Alpina Non-fiction, 2018. - 470 p.
65. Melton, K. The Art of Spying: The Secret History of CIA Special Equipment / K. Melton, R. Wallace; Per. from English. V. Alekseenko. - M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2013. - 470 p.
66. Melton, K. The art of espionage: the secret history of CIA special equipment / K. Melton. - M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2015. - 470 p.
67. Mironov, A.M. History of ancient art / A.M. Mironov. - M.: KD Librokom, 2010. - 304 p.
68. Mironov, A.M. History of ancient art / A.M. Mironov. - M.: KD Librokom, 2019. - 302 p.
69. Mikhnevich, N.P. History of military art from ancient times to the beginning of the nineteenth century / N.P. Mikhnevich. - M.: Lenand, 2018. - 538 p.
70. Mozhaeva, S.V. Wind instruments. History of Performing Arts: Textbook / S.V. Mozhaev. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2015. - 288 p.
71. Poniatowski, S.P. History of viola art / S.P. Poniatowski. - M.: Music, 2007. - 336 p.
72. Puzyrevsky, A.K. History of military art in the Middle Ages: V-XVI centuries: From the decline of Roman military art to the establishment of permanent troops; from the appearance of firearms to the transition to the military art of the New Age / A.K. Puzyrevsky. - M.: Lenand, 2017. - 520 p.
73. Pushnova Yu.B. VPS: Theory and History of Art. Lecture notes. / Yu.B. Pushnova. - M.: Prior, 2006. - 128 p.
74. Razin, E.A. History of the military art of the Middle Ages / E.A. Razin. - M.: Veche, 2016. - 287 p.
75. Razin, E.A. History of military art of antiquity / E.A. Razin. - M.: Veche, 2017. - 121 p.
76. Razin, E.A. History of military art of the XVI-XVII centuries / E.A. Razin. - M.: Veche, 2017. - 121 p.
77. Ruiz, D.M. Toltec art of life and death: the history of one discovery / D.M. Ruiz, B. Emrys. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2018. - 128 p.
78. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of Fine Arts: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 240 p.
79. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of fine arts: Textbook for students / N.M. Sokolnikova, E.V. Sokolnikov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2012. - 304 p.
80. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of fine arts: In 2 vols. 1: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academy, 2018. - 304 p.
81. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of Fine Arts: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academia, 2016. - 232 p.
82. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of fine arts. In 2 vols. T.1. History of fine arts: Textbook for students / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2011. - 304 p.
83. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of fine arts: In 2 vols. 2: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academy, 2014. - 352 p.
84. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of Fine Arts: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academia, 2015. - 144 p.
85. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of Fine Arts: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikova, E.V. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academia, 2016. - 140 p.
86. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of fine arts: In 2 vols. Vol. 2: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academia, 2014. - 128 p.
87. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of fine arts. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. History of fine arts: Textbook for students / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2011. - 208 p.
88. Sokolnikova, N.M. History of fine arts: In 2 volumes. Vol. 1: Textbook / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 255 p.
89. Talmin, Ya. Tasks, history and technique of the theater: A guide for lovers of performing arts. Ed.2 / Ya. Talmin. - M.: KD Librokom, 2012. - 224 p.
90. Talmin, Ya. Tasks, history and technique of the theater: A guide for lovers of performing arts / Ya. Talmin. - M.: KD Librokom, 2018. - 224 p.
91. Tolmachev, Yu.A. Wind instruments. History of Performing Arts: Textbook / Yu.A. Tolmachev, V.Yu. Oak. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2015. - 288 p.
92. Trofimova, T.I. Art History (for bachelors) / T.I. Trofimov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 680 p.
93. Trubek, E. History and the vague future of the art of writing by hand / E. Trubek. - M.: Hummingbird, Azbuka-Atticus, 2019. - 176 p.
94. Hodge, A. History of Art. Painting from Giotto to the present day / A. Hodge. - M.: Kuchkovo Pole, 2018. - 208 p.
95. Hook, F. Scam Gallery. History of art and those who sell it / F. Hook. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2016. - 16 p.
96. Hook, F. Gallery of swindlers. History of art and those who sell it / F. Hook. - M.: Azbuka.Azbuka-Atticus, 2018. - 448 p.
97. Shestakov, V.P. History of art history. From Pliny to the present day: Textbook for arts and humanities universities / V.P. Shestakov. - M.: LKI, 2008. - 304 p.
98. Shestakov, V.P. History of art history: From Pliny to the present day / V.P. Shestakov. - M.: Lenand, 2015. - 336 p.

Reference literature on art is an important source of information in fulfilling the various aesthetic needs of readers of various categories.

The diversity of reference publications is determined by the specificity of certain types of art. Among them, along with knowledge common to all branches, a significant place is occupied by specific publications characteristic of one or another type of art.

It is widely practiced to publish reference materials on art as supplements to scientific works, collections or other types of documents.

Typology of reference literature on art.

Using the information presented in the monograph by A.A. Turovskaya, the most common types of reference literature on art, we include:

Industry encyclopedic publications;

Terminological and biographical dictionaries;

Reference books on individual genres;

Chronicles of the life and work of masters of art;

Chronicles of artistic life;

Catalogs and guides;

Calendars of memorable dates;

Photographic guides. (see #9)

Encyclopedic publications on art.

Editions of this type of reference literature are divided into three main groups:

Multi-volume branch encyclopedias;

Encyclopedic reference books addressed to specialists in the field of art and culture;

Encyclopedic dictionaries for a wide range of art lovers.

Before the advent of branch encyclopedias, the most complete information on art was contained in general encyclopedias, in particular the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. But since universal publications are designed not so much for specialists, but for those who are not familiar with these issues, i.e. to a wide range of readers, they cover only the basic information, phenomena, concepts of all types of art.

Industry encyclopedias are the highest form, the highest type of reference literature; modern scientific knowledge on certain types of art is concentrated in them.

The first branch encyclopedias on art "Theatrical Encyclopedia" and "The Art of the Countries and Peoples of the World" appeared rather late - in the early 60s. XX century. This is not accidental, since the creation of major directories is based on the achievements of the science of art. (see #9)

Since the encyclopedia is used not only to provide factual information, but also to obtain broader information on the issue of interest, the bibliography becomes a necessary element of the encyclopedia article.

A feature of art history encyclopedias is the presence of rich illustrative material that complements the information and makes it original.

Being similar in the content of the material: theory, history and modern artistic practice of a particular type of art, branch encyclopedic publications differ in their structure. The construction of some is based on the dictionary principle, others give the material in a complex way.

An example of the former is the five-volume "Theatrical Encyclopedia", which sanctifies on its pages the theory and history of performing arts from ancient times to the present day.

It presents all types of theatrical art.

Unlike the "Theatrical Encyclopedia", the art encyclopedia "The Art of the Countries and Peoples of the World" aims to provide a comprehensive coverage of the issues of architecture, painting, sculpture and arts and crafts, to briefly present a broad picture of the artistic development of mankind from ancient times to our time. .

The peculiar structure of the publication, grouping the material by countries and national schools, makes it possible to provide a comprehensive coverage of all issues of the artistic life of a particular country, to show various trends and directions.

In art history encyclopedias, bibliography becomes especially important due to the insufficient supply of certain branches of art history with special bibliographic materials.

The bibliography in the encyclopedia reflects, as a rule, the main scientific literature on the topic, moreover, the latest, articles from the periodical press devoted to the development of highly specialized issues. Along with publications in Russian, it includes the most valuable foreign sources.

Naturally, the preparation of multi-volume, major publications on art is associated with a lot of scientific, methodological and organizational work, which requires a long time.

Therefore, short encyclopedic dictionaries published in one or two volumes are of great practical importance. Compared to multi-volume encyclopedias, dictionaries are mass reference books designed primarily for art lovers. The volume of the dictionary determines both a smaller number of entries and their brevity. Thus, the "Encyclopedic Musical Dictionary" contains about 7 thousand articles, about the same volume and film dictionary. (see #9)

Depending on the volume in dictionaries, two groups of articles can be distinguished:

Articles and essays;

Reference articles and notes.

Most of the articles belong to the second group and their content is limited mainly to factual information.

A somewhat larger volume, as a rule, are articles of a complex nature, articles on especially topical and important topics of this type of art. The Encyclopedic Musical Dictionary and the two-volume Film Dictionary, which cover the whole range of issues of theory, history and artistic practice of these art forms in accordance with the needs of a wide range of readers, are exactly this type of reference book.

A characteristic feature of notes and articles in encyclopedic dictionaries is the desire to saturate them as completely as possible with reference information.

The auxiliary apparatus of encyclopedic dictionaries is due to the specifics of the publication. For example, "Film Dictionary" contains "Alphabetical Annotated Film Index". In the absence of a multidisciplinary encyclopedia, an encyclopedic dictionary is the most complete reference.

A separate group of encyclopedic publications on art is also made up of reference dictionaries such as "Musician's Companion", "All About Talent", etc.

What distinguishes them from ordinary encyclopedic reference books is the structure of the publication: the material is grouped into sections, updated by the specifics of the type of art to which the reference book is dedicated. For example, all articles-notes on choreographic art are combined into 4 sections:

ballet masters;


The specificity of this type of reference books is due to the absence of a bibliography for notes. (see #9)

Dictionaries of individual genres of art.

One of the varieties of reference dictionaries are dictionaries that summarize information about one of the genres of a particular type of art, for example, “Dramatic Dictionary”, “Dictionary of Operas”, “Opera Librettos”, etc.

Thus, the unique reference book "Dictionary of Operas" consists of more than a thousand articles about operas that were first performed or created in our country over a period of more than two hundred years. Each opera is reported on: the author of the music, the libretto, the literary source that served as the basis for the libretto, literature, the genre of the opera, the place and time of the events taking place in the opera, the date of the premiere, the theaters that staged the opera, the composition of the performers, the publication of the literature, the clavier and the libretto. In addition to these basic information, others are also reported that are of interest to researchers of this genre, to whom the reference book is primarily addressed.

More popular are the publications "Opera Dictionary", "Opera Libretto". The content of the first of them is limited to information about 500 operas of domestic and foreign classics. The article-essay informs about the creators of the opera, briefly outlines the content and its specific history; the musical dramaturgy of the work is analyzed.

The reference book "Opera Libretto" sets out a summary of the opera, the most important events of the author's creative biography. The material is organized according to the principle of personalities arranged in the alphabet of composers' surnames. (see #9)

Terminological guides.

A significant group of reference books are terminological dictionaries that combine terms and concepts in a particular field of art. Lovers of art, readers engaged in self-education are especially in need of such publications. Aimed at a wide range of non-specialists, these guides tend to be popular explanations of the main terms and concepts often found in the critical and research literature and do not include highly technical terms. The main terms of such a dictionary refer to the theory and artistic practice of this type of art. Thus, the visual arts dictionary contains about 700 terms, the musical one contains more than 3 thousand, and the aesthetics dictionary contains about 200. (See No. 9)

Personal directories.

A significant group of reference publications are personal reference books of various types. Of these, first of all, it should be called the "Chronicle of life and work" of individual masters of art. And although this group of reference books is still not numerous, their type is very promising and important. The chronicle is not only a chronological compilation of factual material about the life of the artist, but also a kind of documentary research, a documented biography, which not only traces the life and creative path of the artist, but recreates his appearance, reveals the formation of his worldview, political and aesthetic views, the diverse creative and spiritual connections of the artist with contemporary artists are traced.

The value of this type of reference book is largely due to the fact that, as a rule, materials and documents relating to the life and work of the artist are extremely scattered, not published, dispersed among numerous archives.

Therefore, documentary, literary, epistolary, memoir sources, statements about the artist of his contemporaries, systematized facts, collected together in the "Chronicle ...", are the most complete set of factual material, which makes the chronicle a source study base for subsequent research, as well as an indispensable reference tool that makes it possible to make inquiries on issues relating to all more or less significant moments of the artist's life. (see #9)

Commemorative calendars.

The purposes of the wide popularization of art, the organization of work on the aesthetic education of the general population are calendars of significant and memorable dates:

- "Music calendar";

- "Theatrical calendar";

- “One hundred memorable dates. Art calendar»;

- Film Calendar.

Reference books of this type contain material on domestic and foreign art dedicated to anniversaries. Short articles-essays in a popular form also tell about the work of individual masters of art, anniversary institutions (theaters, museums, universities, etc.), about masterpieces of world art. The value of these publications would be greatly increased if the small notes were supplemented by a list of references recommending material for expanding and deepening knowledge on a particular subject. (see #9)

This section combines information about the centuries-old heritage that has been accumulated and preserved thanks to tireless human labor. A huge number of books by foreign and Russian authors, with which you can go on a mysterious and fascinating journey through different countries and eras, get to know the cultural heritage of their peoples. And also learn the biography of legendary personalities and all the secrets of the history of the emergence of the main types of arts, such as literature, music, painting, architecture, sculpture, etc. The best books on art and culture can be read online for free or downloaded for reading from your own electronic media, becoming a regular guest of this section.

Title: Theatrical Encyclopedia
Author: Team of authors
Publisher: Soviet Encyclopedia
Year: 2000
Pages: 3040 pages
Format: pdf
Size: 24 Mb
Good quality
Russian language

This publication is the first scientific and reference manual that comprehensively describes theatrical art. In Russian. The book deals with the history and theory of theater from ancient times to the present day. Target audience - figures of theatrical art - actors, directors, artists, teachers and students of special educational institutions, as well as members of the media, a wide readership. The book will be useful for all those who are passionate about the theater - not only the stage, but also a unique cultural phenomenon. Such people may include participants in amateur performances, as well as students of universities of culture. This publication also contains articles on various types of theatrical art, among them - drama, opera, ballet, operetta, musical comedy, children's and puppet theater. The circus and the stage are being considered. Many materials tell about the forms and genres of theatrical art, interesting information is raised from dramaturgy, acting and directing, and the musical accompaniment of theatrical scenes is considered. Various information about the construction and organization of scenery, stage technology, theater production, architecture and arrangement of theater buildings, theater printing. Talks about theater education. It will be useful for theorists and research work in the field of theater. The Theater Encyclopedia tells about theatrical creativity. It tells about the different arrangement of the theater in all countries in which it is an object of culture and luxury. The book focuses on Soviet art and the pre-revolutionary theater of the peoples of Russia.

Name: Jazz melodies for harmonization
Author: Yu. Chugunov
Year: 2009
Format: DjVu
Size: 4.5mb
Quality: normal
Language: Russian

Jazz is one of the most complex and, at the same time, the most beautiful musical genres. Teaching jazz harmonization is not so easy. This requires special abilities, such as an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and good technique on any instrument that can be played jazz. In this collection you will find the most popular jazz melodies and compositions, which are designed to teach anyone the correct jazz harmonization. Based on the main concepts of mainstream jazz, the melodies presented in this edition are designed to effectively teach the musician jazz harmonization and improvisation in a variety of styles (for example, blues and so on).
The publication contains illustrations and is intended for students of music schools, academies and conservatories. Also, it can be used by musicians as a collection for self-development and the emergence of new creative ideas.

Name: Great Soviet films. 100 films that became legends
Author: Ludmila Sokolova
Year: 2011
Pages: 448
Size: 1.2 Mb
Quality: excellent
Language: Russian

To all lovers of Soviet cinema, we offer a unique edition, which contains 100 of the best films of the last century, shot in the USSR. Here you will find the most detailed information about films that many people love. Actors, unique photographs, amazing stories that happened on the set, interesting facts and catchphrases from your favorite films: all this is collected in one wonderful book. Each film is accompanied by a detailed story about the history of its creation, which will allow the reader to look at any film as if from the inside.
The publication contains illustrations and is intended for the general reader who loves and respects the Soviet film industry.

Name: History of Russian ballet
Author: Krasovskaya V.M.
publishing house: Art
Year: 1978
Language: Russian
Pages: 230
Size: 11 MB

In this book you will find information about the history of such an art form as ballet. The period from the origins of Russian ballet to the seventeenth year of the last century is covered.
The publication will be useful for both students and those for whom ballet is the subject of the deepest interest.

Name: History of graphics and art books
Yu. Ya. Gerchuk
Publisher: Aspect Press
The year of publishing: 2000
Number of pages: 320
Format: PDF
Size: 12.15 Mb
ISBN: 5-7567-0243-1

Description: The book by Yu. Ya. Gerchuk "The History of Graphics and the Art of the Book" for online reading is devoted to two independent, but closely related topics: the evolution of the book as a synthetic work of art and the historical development of graphic arts.

The manual is compiled for students of higher educational institutions, beginners or experienced printing artists, as well as for all readers who are interested in the topic "the history of graphics and the art of the book."

Name: World artistic culture of the twentieth century: Cinema, theater, music
Author: L. M. Bazhenova, L. M. Nekrasova, N. N. Kurchan, I. B. Rubinstein
Year: 2008
Pages: 432
Quality: Good
Language: Russian
Size: 25.82 mb

In this edition, each of our readers will find the necessary information on world artistic culture, in particular on such sections as cinema, theater and music. You will learn all about the development of these areas of culture in the last century.
The book is intended for both teachers and students of schools, secondary and higher educational institutions.

Name: Bright light, black shadows: The true story of ABBA
Author Story by: Carl Magnus Palm
Year: 2009
Pages: 688
Format: RTF, FB2
Size: 11.3 MB

This biographical publication will tell readers everything about the most famous musical group of the last century - the Swedish quartet ABBA. You will learn about the life story of each of the four members of the group, as well as how ABBA became one of the most recognizable groups in the pop genre.

Anthony Pichot, Monse Ager, Jordi Puig
Date of issue: 2005
Sheets (pages): 210
Extension: pdf
File size: 15.7mb
ISBN: 978-84-8478-173-8
Quality: excellent
Publication language: Russian

We present to the attention of a wide audience one of the most non-standard and monumental works by the great shocking specialist, his Theater-Museum-Mausoleum.

Name: Slovak folk tales
Author: Collective, Slovak folk tale, Tales of the peoples of the world
publishing house: Kyiv "Veselka"
Year: 1990
Pages: 143
Format: DJVU
Size: 7.01 mb
Quality: Excellent
Series or Edition: Tales of the peoples of the world
Language: Ukrainian

Your attention is invited to a book that belongs to the cycle of publications "Tales of the peoples of the world" in Ukrainian. It contains the most famous and popular fairy tales from Slovakia: "Twelve Months", "Vernydub" and many others.
The publication is designed for independent reading by schoolchildren, as well as for reading fairy tales by parents to children.

Name In: Modern musicians. Brief Biographical Dictionary
Author: Kovalenko S. B.
publishing house: M.: Ripol Classic
The year of publishing: 2002
Number of pages: 608
Format: DjVu
Size: 6.97 Mb
Quality: Good
Language: Russian

Description: We bring to your attention an encyclopedia containing about three hundred biographies of the most popular musical performers. The book is conditionally divided into three parts. From the first part you will learn about the most famous pop music performers. The second part will tell readers about the most popular musicians who work in the rock direction. The third part presents performers of jazz music. The publication contains information about both individual musicians and groups and various groups that sing and play not only in our country, but also abroad.
The publication is intended not only for music lovers, but also for those who are interested in information about the musicians of our time.

Author Cast: Mark Kaufman, Brett Crittenden, Antonina Koroleva
publishing house: Zhigulsky Publishing House
Year: 2003
Pages: 288
Size: 71.14 Mb
ISBN: 5-93679-034-7
Quality: Normal
Series or Edition: Wines and spirits of the world
Language: Russian

This book will be useful to all those who seek to learn more about the wines of a wonderful country located in South America - Chile. Alcoholic drinks from this country have already strengthened their positions in the wine market not only in Russia, but throughout the world and are in no way inferior in quality to well-known and expensive European and other brands. Having tasted at least once the original Chilean wine, you will learn about the rich history and culture of this sunny South American country. And what the wine does not tell about, this interesting and informative publication will surely tell.

Name: 100 great legends and myths of the world
Mikhail Kubeev
Publisher: Veche
The year of publishing: 2010
Number of pages: 258
Format: PDF
Size: 36.03 Mb
Language: Russian

Description: An interesting informative book for online reading "100 Great Legends and Myths of the World" by Mikhail Kubeev is offered to the attention of a wide audience of readers of the Booksgid library.

As you know, myths and legends are stories and stories about the representation of the world around us by our ancestors. Some of their content is, of course, fiction, and some may be pure truth. Many of these stories with their brave warriors, mighty rulers and fair deities have been known to us since childhood, the book will refresh the memory of familiar characters and introduce new interesting heroes. Here you will be offered myths about the exploits of Russian heroes, myths of Ancient Greece and Rome, secrets, myths and mysteries of the Egyptian Sphinx, the myth of the magician Merlin and many others. others

Norvis D.
Publisher: Moscow: INFRA-M
The year of publishing: 2005
Number of pages: 594
Format: PDF
Size: 21.5 Mb
ISBN: 5-16-000074-7
Quality: Good
Language: Russian

Description: This book is a comprehensive encyclopedia of the renowned University of Oxford and covers the arts. Richly illustrated, it contains a huge number of different articles related to art.

The publication will be useful not only to students, but also to all those whose work is closely related to the content presented on the pages of this book.

Alpatov M.V.
Publisher: Art
Year: 1967
Pages: 216+328
Format: pdf
Size: 61.9 mb

The first and second volumes of the collection of articles on the importance of the Russian contribution to world art. The epochal book examines data from ancient times to the twenty-first century. Considered, for the most part, the domestic fine arts. Articles about Russian architecture, as well as fiction are presented. The main task of the book is to trace the connection of Russian artistic culture. The first volume contains information on the history of Byzantine art, without which it is impossible to analyze the art of Ancient Rus', since all topics are important for understanding ancient Russian art from Byzantine, as well as the deep originality of the Russian school. The second volume includes information on the history of the arts of Western European countries, the place of the Russian school in comparison with Western achievements is demonstrated.

Tsivyan Yu. G.
Publisher: Zinatne (Riga)
Year: 1991
Pages: 246
Format: DJVU
Size: 26.5 MB
ISBN: 5-7966-0310-8
Quality: above average
Language: Russian

This publication is a monographic work, on the pages of which the author, a scientist, explores the era of the formation and rapid flourishing of the development of the language and poetics of cinema, which is practically unknown to the general public. The monographic work is distinguished by the documentary-historical nature of the narrative. Information that was obtained in the archives of Riga, Moscow and Leningrad is presented. The most interesting information of a historical nature, which is considered from the position of changing conditions for understanding the film. The scientific work presents systematized characteristics of the internal laws of the development of cinema, as well as other types of art. This publication includes materials that acquaint readers with a frame-by-frame analysis of films of the 1920s. The publication is aimed at art critics and philologists, students who are interested in the history of film production. The book will be useful for the general development of those who are interested in the history of culture.

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