Research work: "The origin of the names of my classmates" ". Project (Grade 4) on the topic: Research project "The Secret of My Last Name" Project on the topic of the origin of my last name



My name is Bryleva Masha. I am a cheerful, open, sociable and inquisitive girl. Recently, I have been very interested in questions related to my birth. I love my family very much. And I was interested in the question why they called me Masha and where did my last name come from?

I decided to look into these issues, and for this I set myself a goal and tasks.

Purpose: to find out where the names and surnames came from and why they are needed.


1) Learn about the origin of names in general and, of course, about your name.

2) Find out everything about surnames, study the meaning of my surname.

Hypothesis: if I find out the secret of the origin of the name and surname, then I will reveal this secret to other children.

Project type: research

Type: mid-term

Main part

Why was my name Maria

I guess the name is very important in a person's life. No wonder there is a proverb: without a name, a child is an imp.

The first document in which the name, surname and patronymic are recorded is the birth certificate! And all the guys have this document.

It turns out that the name can tell us a lot. For example, by name, we can determine the gender of a person - he is a man or a woman. By name, we can determine whether it is a small child or already an adult.

In ancient Rus', names were originally as characteristics of people.

By name it was possible to determine the most important feature of a person. There were also names given by the names of animals.

After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', new, Christian names began to be approved, which were given according to the church calendar.

The ancient Slavs believed that names determine the fate of people. After all, it was not without reason that in Rus' a person had two names, one - false, for everyone, and the other - secret, only for the person himself and his very close people. This tradition existed as a protection against unkind spirits and unkind people.

Mom told me that she called me, and dad wanted to call me Anya, like that. And my mother called me that, because I was supposed to be born at the end of September, at about the same time the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, was born.

Of course, my mother, first of all, wanted this name to be protection and support for me in difficult times. And yet, Marusya was called my great-great-grandmother and my great-grandmother's niece, so I'm not the only Masha in our family.

And although I know for sure that we do not choose our own names, adults do it for us, but I like my name!

It turns out that the name Maria is one of the most common names in the world. It is of Hebrew origin.

According to one version it means - bitter, according to another - beloved, according to the third - stubborn.

And also, I like that many fairy-tale characters are named after me.

Look how many fairy tales with Masha I know:

And yet, my name can sound differently, here is such a flower from my name turned out:

The children in our group have different names..

The male names that I like are: Nikita, Yura, Vanya.

And women: Dasha, Rufina, Gulina, Katya, Nastya.

Conclusion: it turns out that the name Maria is one of the most common names in the world. It is of Hebrew origin.

Origin of the surname

With the name, a lot is now clear to me, now we can move on to the surname.

The surname comes from the Latin familia and means family.

The surname is present always and everywhere in our life. There is even a whole science that studies surnames - anthroponymy.

At first, in Rus' there were only names, and nicknames were used instead of surnames. Most often, surnames were given on behalf of the father or grandfather (Ivanov, Stepanov, etc.). Surnames have always been passed down through the male line. It was obligatory for the Slavic peoples to know and honor their genealogy.

Also, surnames were given by place of residence (Penkov), by occupation (Rybnikov, Kuznetsov).

And surnames were given according to some qualities of a person (Bald, Beard).

Let's remember the names of the three epic heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Muromets is not a surname, but a nickname, reminiscent of the fact that the brave "Ilya son Ivanovich" he was from the city of Murom.

Dobrynya Nikitich is the son of Nikita.

Popovich may seem like a surname to us, but in ancient times Popovich was a nickname based on his father's occupation.

I know that I got my last name from my dad: Brylev Alexei Glebovich.

The surname Brylev is derived from the nickname Bryl. In a number of dialects, lips were called bryly.

Consequently, the nickname Bryl was given to a man with thick lips.

It is possible that the surname also goes back to the Polish word bryl, i.e. "a cap". Then, the ancestor of the owner of this surname was from Polish lands and was engaged in the manufacture of hats, for which he received a similar nickname.

However, in Russian the word "bryl" was used in a similar sense - "circumference, edges of the edge and a wide-brimmed hat."

Therefore, in one case, the surname could indicate the place of residence of the ancestor, who settled on the edge of the forest, in the other, to his habit of wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

Bryl, eventually received the surname Brylev.

Conclusion: I got the surname from my dad and it can mean either big lips, or a person who wore or made hats, and possibly lived on the edge of the forest.


My hypothesis was confirmed.

  • The name and surname are very important in a person's life, they are recorded in all documents of a person.
  • The name and surname can tell a lot about a person: his gender, age, origin, and even influence his character!
  • I found out that my mother gave me the name in honor of the Virgin Mary, my name has several meanings, but most of all I liked the meaning of “beloved”. And I got the surname from my dad and it can mean either big lips, or a person who wore or made hats, and possibly lived on the edge of the forest.
  • Names are given to us by parents, and surnames are inherited and characterize our belonging to the family. Surname is a family name!
  • The names and surnames of three epic heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich can tell a lot about the origin of surnames in Rus'.


1. Nikonov V.A. Dictionary of Russian surnames. M.: School-press, 1993,. Page 23

2. Superanskaya A.V., Suslova A.V. Modern Russian surnames. M.: Nauka, 1981, str.321

3. - Backgrounds for presentations. - Site for mothers and babies (poetry)


This project is a joint work of the teacher Trofimova N.N. and students

4 B class Grigoryeva Yulia.

Being born, a person receives not only a name, but also inherits the surname of his

ancestors. And everyone, sooner or later, thinks about the question "What

does my last name mean? Unfortunately, most of us find it difficult

explain the meaning of even very familiar and familiar surnames. But

the original word from which the surname was formed meant something!

Hundreds and thousands of words that have disappeared from the living have come down to us through surnames.

language. The more obscure and familiar surnames we

"Decipher", the more we learn the forgotten words. And thus open

a lot of new about our ancestors, their occupations, way of life, beliefs. A material

for these discoveries is not located anywhere in the museum, archives or for the family

seals, but literally everywhere: every hour we pronounce, hear from

interlocutors, we read the names of different people in books.

Explore the origin story

and the meaning of their surname and the surnames of classmates.

The history of the surname is the history of our ancestors, the history of the family, and

to get in touch with history means to take a step towards the knowledge of one's own kind,

to the compilation and preservation of the genealogy of his family.



A surname is a family name added to a person's given name and patronymic. The name for each of us was chosen by our parents. The patronymic is formed from the name of the father. Our surname is also, as a rule, paternal, and passed to the father from the grandfather ...(problem issue)

After reviewing the list of surnames of students in our class, I came to the conclusion that I find it difficult to explain the meaning of even very familiar surnames. But every original word, from which the surname was formed, meant something! Hundreds and thousands of words that have disappeared from the living language have come down to us through surnames. The more incomprehensible surnames we “decipher”, the more we will recognize forgotten words. And thus we will discover a lot of new things about our ancestors, their occupations, life, beliefs, the wider and more complete our ideas about the past of our Motherland will be.(hypothesis)

And the material for these discoveries is not found anywhere in a museum, archive, or behind seven seals, but literally everywhere: every hour we pronounce, hear from interlocutors, read the names of different people in books. We read, but we don't think. Let's try to make sure that our surnames keep many curious secrets.

The purpose of the research work:study of the history of origin and the meaning of one's surname and the surnames of classmates.


To study materials on the history of the origin and meanings of surnames in Rus';

To identify what factors influenced the process of formation of surnames;


methods : collection of information and materials on this topic, analysis of the collected materials, interviewing and questioning my family members, questioning students and parents of the 4th grade, comparing different points of view and opinions on this topic.

does my last name mean? So I asked myself this question, but I could not answer it right away. At the very beginning of our work, we conducted a survey

among parents and fourth-grade students “Do you know (do you know) what your (your) surname means?” Survey results again

6 gave a positive answer.


1. The magic key to discovering these secrets of our surnames is science. anthroponymy.

This science has existed since the 60s of the 20th century. Word"anthroponymy"

translated from Greek as " anthropo" - a person and "onyma" - a name. The science

studies personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames of people.

Famous philologists dealt with issues of anthroponymy:

A.V.Superanskaya, V.D. Bondaletov, I.A. Korolev, T.F. Vedina.

2. The word "surname" of Latin origin: "famulus" means "slave",

"A surname is a hereditary family name added to a personal name."

3 .The first surnames in the now known sense arose in the 10-11th centuries in

Northern Italy.

In Russia, the first to have the right to have surnames werein the 14th-15th centuries princes and boyars.

From the 16th century surnames began to have nobles.

In the 18th and 19th centuries surnames receivedservants and merchants, in the 19th century -

Russian clergy, V end of the 19th century and up to the 30s of the 20th century

peasants ( after the abolition of serfdom in 1861). Before

4 .Most often Russian surnames are formed from nicknames and personal namesthrough possessive adjectives. They have suffixes–ov/-ev, -in and answer the question"Whose? Whose will you be?The difference is in what sound the generating word ends with:-ov added to names and

Nicknames into a hard consonant(Ignat-Ignatov, Mikhail - Mikhailov),

Ev to names and nicknamesinto a soft consonant(Grigory-Grigoriev,

Ignatius-Ignatiev),-in - to the basics on -a, -я (Erema-Eremin, Ilya-Ilyin).

5 .According to scientists, Russian surnames can be divided into 5 main groups:

1 ) derived from Christian male baptismal names(Sergeev,

Andreev). This is the largest group of surnames. So, for example, the name Ivan

In our class, out of 26 surnames, 10 are formed from male names.

2 ) surnames that retained basically worldly (which were given without the participation of the church) names and nicknames.

Our ancestors received nicknames for some distinctive feature, for example, height - Korotkov, gait - Volokushin, etc. According to research, the most common surname in Russia is Smirnov. Why? It turns out that earlier, in a large family, peasant parents sighed with relief if quiet, unobtrusive children were born. This is a rather rare quality and is captured in the name of Smyrna. It, therefore, was often the main name of a person in life, since the church name was immediately forgotten. In our class, 11 surnames are formed from worldly names and nicknames (Gushchina, Vyguzova, etc.).

3 ) surnames formed from the professional nicknames of ancestorstelling which of them did what. There are 4 such surnames in our class (Baibara, Wagner, Gurnik, Konopkin).

4) surnames formed from the name of the area where one of the ancestors came from.The basis of such surnames became geographical names (Moskvina)

5) surnames belonging to the Orthodox clergy(Trinity - in honor of the Holy Trinity, Rozhdestvensky - in honor of Christmas).

6. Thus, after analyzing all the collected materials, we came to

I conclude that my last name Grigorieva derived from the name Gregory. From

Grigoriev. What does she mean? The baptismal name Gregory goes back to the Greek verb "grigoreo" - "keep awake." The name Gregory was associated with many saints, but above all with St. Gregory the Wonderworker, probably the first bearer of this name. The high religious and historical status of the name led to its frequent use in church circles, both in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions: 16 popes and 7 patriarchs of Constantinople were bearers of the name.

The fact that surnames formed from the full form of the name had families that enjoyed great authority in the area. Neighbors respectfully called them by their full names, unlike other estates, which were called, as a rule, by diminutive names (Grishkin, Grishunin, etc.)

Having begun to study the meaning of my surname, the origins of its origin, I

7 .The number of surnames derived from given names is great. This

It's actually? What is the most common last name in our school?

Analysis of the lists by class led to the conclusion: the most common surname in our school- Popovs , and my surname is 0.16% of the total number of surnames (1236).

There can be many reasons for the widespread use of the Popov family name. Not all Popovs are descendants of priests. Pop (or Popko) as a personal name was quite common among the laity. Religious parents gladly gave their children this name. This once again testifies to the deep Orthodox faith of the Russian people.


There are 26 students in our class. The theme of our work has become

In order to systematize and generalize the accumulated material, we have prepared the album "4 B class. The secret of our surnames."

origins. There are a large number of dictionaries, books, scientific papers on this topic. And the topic always remains interesting and relevant.


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Slides captions:

The secret of my last name

“Who was your great-grandfather in Rus'? Ask your last name ... "G. Graudin

Problematic question: Where did surnames come from and who invented them?

Hypothesis: Our surnames keep many curious secrets, are closely connected with the history of our Motherland.

Purpose: To study the history of the origin and meanings of one's own surname and the surnames of classmates.

Tasks: To study materials on the history of the origin and meanings of surnames in Rus'. To identify what factors influenced the process of formation of surnames. Conduct a study "What is the most common surname in our school?" Create a cool album “4 b class. The secret of our families.

Results of the survey: At the very beginning of our work, a survey was conducted among parents and fourth-grade students “Do you know (do you know) what your (your) surname means?” children parents Number of people 54 56 Positive response 6 11 Negative response 48 45

Anthroponymy (Greek and ntropos - "man") - the science of the proper names of people - is one of the youngest philological disciplines.

Surname The word "surname" is of Latin origin. Among the ancient Romans, it did not refer to spouses and children, but only to slaves. "Familia" are slaves owned by one person

SURNAME - hereditary family naming, added to a personal name. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova

When did the first surnames appear? In Europe: X - XI century. V. - Northern Italy, France, then - England, Denmark, Germany (X I - X I X centuries) In Russia: X IV - X V centuries. - princes, boyars of the X VI -X VIII centuries. - nobles of the XVIII -XI X centuries. - service and trading people XI X century - Russian clergy End of XI X century (until the 30s of the XX century) - peasants

Decree of Peter I: “Record all the people living in .... localities, by name with fathers and with nicknames” (

The formation of surnames from personal names and nicknames

Surname groups by meaning:

The formation of the surname Grigoriev The church name Grigory served as the basis for the surname Grigoriev. The baptismal male name Gregory in Greek means "awake, awake, vigilant." One of the patrons of this name is St. Gregory, Patriarch of Antioch, who became famous for his piety, modesty and desire to make the life of believers, especially people from the people, less difficult. Among the eminent representatives of the family are Vasily Vasilyevich Grigoriev (1816-1881), an orientalist, by origin a nobleman of the Vladimir province; Pyotr Grigoryevich Grigoriev (1807-1854), Russian actor and playwright.

The most common surnames in our school: 1. Popov 2. Ivanov 3. Belyakov (Belyaev) 4. Mikhailov (Mikhalin) 5. Ushakov 6. Petrov 7. Fomin 8. Filatov 9. Uvarov 10. Pavlov 11. Nikulin (Nikolin, Nikolaev ) 12.Miloserdov 13.Matveev 14.Makarov 15.Kuznetsov

The result of our work:

Conclusions: The history of a surname is the history of my ancestors, the history of my family, and to get in touch with history means to take a step towards knowing one's kind, to compiling and preserving the genealogy of one's family. Interest in the study of surnames instills in us love for our family, our origins, respect for the history of both our own and other peoples.

Some surnames originated from place names. From them you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the settlement of this area took place. Many surnames are reminiscent of disappeared professions: Bortnikov, Konovalov, Luchnikov, Mechnikov, Sokolnikov and others. The history of work and life left a trace in surnames, the lexical bases of which meant social relations (Batrakov, Polovnikov), items of clothing (Laptev, Nogovitsyn), food (Shangin, Sbitnev), customs and rituals (Panihidin, Ryazhenykh). Many surnames tell about past superstitions: in families where children often died, newborns, in order to deceive the "evil spirits", were given the names of amulets: Naiden, Nenash, Nakhodka, patronymics from which later became surnames - Naydenov, Nenashev, Nakhodkin. The surnames Nekrasov, Fools, Negodyaev are connected with the names-amulets.

The research work convinced us that surnames can be an interesting source for historical, sociological, linguistic research, as they reflect time and a person - his social status and spiritual world.

Sources of information: About Russian surnames /A.V.Superanskaya, A.V.Suslova. : Shkola Press, 1993. Russian surnames. Popular etymological dictionary / Yu.A. Fedosyuk. : Flinta: Science, 2006. Sweet Gift, or The Secret of Names and Nicknames /A. Ktorova.: Gamma-Press, 2002. Dictionary of Russian surnames / Compiled by E.L. Krushelsky. : School-Press, 1993. Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning / T.F. Vedina .: AST Astrel, 2007. http: // ru.


my secret


municipal autonomous

educational institution

"Secondary School No. 30"

4th grade b

Scientific director

Trofimova Natalya Nikolaevna


  1. Contents 1
  1. Introduction 2 - 3

Project relevance

Goals and objectives of the project

Research methods

Literature review

  1. Main part 4 - 8
  1. Conclusion 9
  1. References 10
  1. Applications

The word "surname" comes from the Latin familia - family. Once and in

in Russian, “surname” could mean “family”, this is reminded

expressions "family resemblance", "family traditions". Connection between

the words "family" and "surname" are not accidental, the surname is a family

the name added to the name and patronymic of a person. Name for everyone

we were chosen by our parents. The patronymic is formed from the name of the father, which, in

in turn, he was given by his parents - our grandparents. Last name

us, too, as a rule, paternal, and passed to the father from the grandfather, to the grandfather from the great-grandfather ...

Who invented it first, where did it come from?

After reviewing the list of names of students in our class, I came to the conclusion that

that I find it difficult to explain the meaning of even very familiar and familiar

surnames such as Vorobyova, Androsov, Nikitina. But each original

the word from which the surname was formed meant something! Through surnames

hundreds and thousands of words have come down to us that have disappeared from the living language completely or

preserved only in local dialects. The more

we will “decipher” incomprehensible surnames, the more we will learn the forgotten words.

And thus we will discover a lot of new things about our ancestors, their occupations, life,

beliefs, the wider and fuller will be our ideas about the past of our

Motherland. And the material for these discoveries is not somewhere in the museum,

archive or behind seven seals, but literally everywhere: we say hourly,

we hear from interlocutors, we read the names of different people in books. We read, but

we do not think. Let's try to make sure that our names are stored in

a lot of interesting secrets.

The magic key to the discovery of these mysteries is the science of anthroponymy.

This science has existed since the 60s of the 20th century. The word "anthroponymy"

translated from Greek as "anthropo" - a person and "onyma" - a name. The science

studies personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames of people. Development

The main issues of anthroponymy were dealt with by well-known philologists:

A.V.Superanskaya, V.D. Bondaletov, I.A. Korolev, T.F. Vedina. This science

young, only developing, there are still many questions to be answered

find answers to scientists (for example, it is not known exactly how many surnames

exists in Russia - it is believed that from 500 thousand to 2 million).

The purpose of our research work:study the history of origin and

the meaning of my surname and the surnames of my classmates.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following


To study materials on the history of origin and the meaning of surnames in Rus';

Find out what factors influenced the process of forming surnames;

Conduct a study "What is the most common surname in our


Create a cool album "4 B class. The secret of our surnames."

In writing our research paper, we used the following

methods: collection of information and materials on this topic, analysis of the collected

materials, interviewing and questioning my family members, questionnaires

pupils and parents of the 4th grade, comparison of different points

perspectives and opinions on the topic.

Being born, a person receives not only a name, but also inherits the surname of his

Ancestors. And everyone, sooner or later, thinks about the question "What

does my last name mean? So I asked myself this question, but to answer immediately

couldn't do it. At the very beginning of our work, we conducted a survey

among parents and fourth-grade students “Do you know (do you know)

What does your (your) last name mean? Survey results again

proved the relevance of work on this topic. Of the 54 children surveyed

6 gave a positive answer, and 48 do not know the meaning of their last name.

Of the 56 parents interviewed, 11 attempted to explain the meaning of their

surnames, 45 - gave a negative answer. (See Appendix)

I tried to involve my classmates in my research work,

to interest them in this topic, and I succeeded. Guys with pleasure

engaged in work on this topic.

Having collected and studied materials from various sources of information (books,

dictionaries, the Internet), here's what we learned:

1. The word "surname" of Latin origin: "famulus" means "slave",

"servant". And initially the "surname" in ancient Rome called everyone

Slaves owned by one person. This is a late one-root word

"Familia" began to denote family, genus. In Russia, the word "surname" is also

At first it was used in the meaning of "family". In the 17th and 18th centuries there were still

The word "nickname": in those days it meant, called a surname. AND

Only in the 19th century did the word "surname" acquire its second meaning, which became

Main. In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S.I. Ozhegov it is written:

Surname is a hereditary family name added to a personal name.


2. The first surnames in the now known sense arose in the 10-11 centuries in

Northern Italy.

In Russia, the first to have the right to have surnames were the princes in the 14-15 centuries

And boyars. From the 16th century, nobles began to have surnames.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Russian Emperor Peter I issued a Decree: “Record all

People living in localities, by names with fathers and with nicknames.

In the 18-19 centuries, servants and merchants received surnames, in the 19 century -

Russian clergy, at the end of the 19th century and up to the 30s of the 20th century -

Peasants (after the abolition of serfdom in 1861). Before

Serfs in Rus' were not supposed to have a surname.

3. Most often, Russian surnames are formed from nicknames and personal names through

Possessive adjectives. They have suffixes –ov/-ev, -in and

They answer the question “Whose? Whose will you be? The difference lies in which

The sound ends with the generating word: -ov was added to the names and

Nicknames for a hard consonant (Ignat-Ignatov, Mikhail - Mikhailov),

Ev to names and nicknames on a soft consonant (Grigory-Grigoriev,

Ignatius-Ignatiev), -in - to the basics on -a, -i (Erema-Eremin, Ilya-Ilyin).

4. According to scientists, Russian surnames can be divided into 5 main groups:

1) formed from Christian male baptismal names (Sergeev,

Andreev). This is the largest group of surnames, which indicates

The deep Orthodox faith of the Russian people. So, for example, the name Ivan

(John), translated as "the grace of God", was the most

Common in Russia. Hence one of the most common

In Rus', surnames are Ivanov (Vanin, Vanyushin, Ivannikov).

In our class, out of 26 surnames, 10 are formed from male names (see appendix).

2) surnames that retained basically worldly ones (which were given without

church participation) names and nicknames. Our ancestors got nicknames for

Some distinguishing feature, for example, height - Korotkov, gait -

Volokushin, etc. According to research, the most common

The surname in Russia is Smirnov. Why? It turns out that earlier in a large

Peasant parents sighed with relief if they were born quiet,

Non-screaming children. This is a rather rare quality and imprinted in the name

Smirnaya. It, therefore, was often the main name of a person in life,

Because the church was immediately forgotten.

In our class, 11 surnames are formed from worldly names and nicknames (Gushchina,

Vyguzov, Shishkin and others).

3) surnames formed from professional nicknames of ancestors,

Telling which of them did what. In our class of such surnames -

4 (Baibara, Wagner, Gurnik, Konopkin).

4) surnames formed from the name of the area where one of the

Ancestors. Geographical names became the basis of such surnames.

(Novgorodtsev, Moskvina)

5) surnames belonging to the Orthodox clergy (Troitsky - in

Honor of the Holy Trinity, Rozhdestvensky - in honor of Christmas).

5. Thus, after analyzing all the collected materials, we came to

I conclude that my surname (Grigorieva) came from the name Grigory. From

The name was formed patronymic (Grigoriev son), and then the surname

Grigoriev. What does she mean?

The family name of the Grigorievs refers to a common type of Russian

Surnames. The baptismal name Gregory comes from the Greek verb

"grigoreo" - "keep awake". Gregory is one of the few actually

Christian names that appeared in the era of the formation of Christianity,

The name was metaphorically compared with the personal qualities of the ideal

Christian. The name Gregory was associated with many saints, but before

In total - with St. Gregory the Wonderworker, probably the first bearer

This name. The high religious and historical status of the name determined it

Frequent use in ecclesiastical circles, both Catholic and

Orthodox tradition: the bearers of the name were 16 popes and

7 Patriarchs of Constantinople.

Our ancestors believed that when forming a surname from a baptismal name

The patronage of the saints goes to the whole family. Most likely the founder

The Grigoriev family was a man from the privileged class. The thing is

The fact that surnames formed from the full form of the name had mainly

Social nobility or families who enjoyed great

Other estates, called, as a rule, diminutive derivatives,

Common names (Grishkin, Grishunin, etc.)

Of course, the surname Grigorieva is a wonderful

Monument of Slavic writing and culture. No wonder that

Having begun to study the meaning of my surname, the origins of its origin, I

I would like to know my family tree. And this topic, I think, will become

Continuation of our further research work.

6. The number of surnames derived from names is a great many. This

It prompted us to do a little research. Everyone is hearing

The most common surnames: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov. But is it

Is it for real? What is the most common last name in our school?

Where does my last name fit on this list?

Analysis of the lists by class led to the conclusion that the most common

The last name in our school is the Popovs, and my last name is 0.16% of

The total number of surnames (1236), (see appendix).

There can be many reasons for the widespread use of the Popov family name.

Not all Popovs are descendants of priests. Pop (or Popko)

As a personal name, it was quite common among the laity. religious

Parents gladly named their children by this name. This is once again

It testifies to the deep Orthodox faith of the Russian people.


The history of the surname is the history of my ancestors, the history of my family, and

to get in touch with history means to take a step towards the knowledge of one's own kind,

to the compilation and preservation of the genealogy of his family.

This research work is the result of a collaboration between scientific

leader, students and parents of our class for several

months. There are 26 students in our class. The theme of our work has become

Interesting to classmates, they also wanted to unravel the secret of their

Surnames. We shared the results of our work with other students.

classes who enthusiastically joined the study of this topic.

In order to systematize and generalize the accumulated material, we are preparing

collection "4 B class. The secret of our surnames."

We have achieved our goal, but we do not consider that our work is finished.

Interest in the study of surnames instills in us love for our family, our

origins, respect for the history of both their own and other peoples. Exists

a large number of dictionaries, books, scientific papers on this topic. A theme

always remains interesting and relevant.


  1. About Russian surnames

/A.V.Superanskaya, A.V.Suslova. : School Press, 1993.

  1. Russian surnames. Popular etymological dictionary

/ Yu.A. Fedosyuk. : Flint: Science, 2006.

  1. Sweet Gift, or the Secret of Names and Nicknames

/A. Ktorova.: Gamma-Press, 2002.

  1. Dictionary of Russian surnames

/ Compiled by E.L. Krushelsky. : School-Press, 1993.

  1. Surnames

/B. Higir. : AST Astrel, 2006.

  1. Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning

/T.F.Vedina.: AST Astrel, 2007.


  1. Mini survey.

Parents and children were asked the question “Do you know what

Your last name?"

Number of participants: 110 people.

  1. Analysis of the names of students according to the method of their education.

Purpose: Determining the most common way of education

Surnames among students of two classes.

Number of participants: 54 people.

  1. Analysis of the lists of students of MAOU secondary school No. 30 in Tambov.

Purpose: Identification of the most common surnames among students

Our school.

Number of participants: 1236 people.

The 15 most common surnames of our school (in descending order):


2. Ivanov

3.Belyakov (Belyaev)

4.Mikhailov (Mikhalin)

5. Ushakov

6. Petrov

7. Fomin


9. Uvarov


11. Nikulin (Nikolin, Nikolaev)

12. Merciful

13. Matveev

14. Makarov

15. Kuznetsov

There is a saying that parents are not chosen. And here you can make a small addition: the surname too. In the modern world, there are a huge number of funny, strange and simply interesting surnames. This is what we want to talk about in our article.

Pleasant surnames

A person can have a surname that will be not only harmonious, but also pleasant in terms of its meaning. So, a girl of not too beautiful appearance can have the surname Beautiful, and no one will argue with that! It is very pleasant when Dobro Vova or Reason Zhenya is called to the board at school. Cheerful Anya will most likely never be sad, and Happiness Denis is unlikely to cause inconvenience to anyone.

Labor surnames

A very interesting surname is Turner or Locksmith. Here you don’t need to choose a place of work, everything is already determined by fate. “Hi, I’m Tokar Alexander” - “Hi, but we didn’t call you!” - here is an example of a funny situation that can happen to a person whose last name is too professional. The surname of a female narcologist Kalyan, as well as traumatologists Girya and Cactus, sounds quite fun. Here it is no longer the surname that determines the workplace, but the work itself finds people with suitable full names.

Geography and climate

A very interesting surname. "To whom shall we go? Gore! Also, people can have surnames Winter or Spring, which is not offensive at all. Often you can meet the Vershinins, Travyannikovs, Solntsevs. This, of course, does not sound so indirect, but you can still understand the meaning.

summer residents

What else is an interesting surname? So, people have "country" or "garden" surnames. For example, Cabbage Olga or Drought Oksana. For male fishermen, Perch, Crucian or Pike are very suitable. Polivaev Semyon is unlikely to abandon his garden, he will definitely be in order. Delicious "country" surnames can be like this: Radish, Parsley, Potato. Or various variations on this theme: Morkovitsyn, Pomidornikov, Yablonin.

About magic

The person with the last name Focus will be very lucky. Here he, probably, can surprise anyone. There are also Koldunovs and Talismanovs. And a person with the surname Miracle is unlikely to be ordinary, and few people will refuse to be friends with the Miracle.

Briefly and clearly

A very interesting surname - Ku - belongs to Ivan Petrovich. Write quickly, and people will remember for a long time. With the same simple surnames - for example, As, Kim - it will be easy to live, because few people will read it incorrectly or find it difficult to pronounce. And the mistakes of passport officers in this case are hardly possible. Although who knows?


Alcoholic names are very interesting. So, men will like Comrade Vodkin or Cognac. At the wedding, the main man will always be Nalivaikin. At the same time, one should be wary of the consequences of such a riotous lifestyle, otherwise Belochnikov will come.


What other interesting surnames are there? The list can be replenished with delicious examples of them. So, you can remember the film "Queen of the gas station", where the hero Comrade Borsch was. People with the surname Sweet (or Sweet) also live well. Surnames such as Varenik or Salo can be very national.


A very interesting surname Dergorukov. It just motivates you to take action. Probably very evil people live with the surname Perebionos. There is also a hairdresser Zaveyborod.


I would also like to consider interesting names and surnames. Andreevich or Petrov Petr Petrovich will sound rather unusual. On the other hand, this is good, you can easily and without problems remember the name of a person. If we talk about surnames derived from names, then the following can be mentioned as an example: Mashechkins, Lyubimovs, Adamovichs.


"Animals" surnames will seem very beautiful and unusual. The first inspired thought is a phrase from the film “The weather is good on Deribasovskaya ....”: “Falcon, Orlov!” - "Eagle, Sokolov!" So try to understand where is the compliment, and where is the surname. So, the Bunnies, Lions, Lebedevs, Kotenochkins and Sobakovs live in our country.


Interesting last names for girls, what are they? It is unlikely that any lady will grieve if she has the surname Rose or Flower. The surname of Vinogradov or Berezkin, Yablochnikov or Romashka sounds just as beautiful. For men, "wooden" surnames are suitable: Oak, Topolev, Kashtannikov.


The most interesting surnames are probably "military". They will be wary of a person whose last name is Hitler. But there are such people! But Polkovnikov, Mayorov, Admiralov are relatively calm, but still a little defining the sphere of life of the surname.


The name Romanov sounds very beautiful and noble. Just like that I want to be closer to the royal family. However, this is just a derivative of Roman. And there are many Romanovs, but not all of them. The surname Shuisky, Obolensky also sounds very pleasant. And, of course, the surnames Onegin, Kostomarov, Pechorin, Polonsky are out of competition. And they sound beautiful, and have already been heard.


A very interesting surname - Vagina - belongs to Irina. That's just not to be confused, the emphasis here is on the first syllable. However, this is not yet the most difficult case, as they say. There are a huge number of such strange surnames that it is generally not very clear how a person lives with her. Foreign surnames look especially fun on our territory. Maya Bee lives in Belarus, well, just a fairy-tale character. Good, probably, a woman with the surname Dobrobaba. And the most hardworking workers of the collective farm are, most likely, Svinar and Khryukin.

Bad last names

If you have to get acquainted with a person whose surname is Gnida, from the first time it is unlikely that anyone will trust him. Sometimes you don’t even want to develop an acquaintance, who knows how it could all end. The surnames Beda or Grave may seem unpleasant, however, according to historians, they are considered quite happy, and the people who wore them were lucky in life. It's a shame, probably, to bear such a surname as Skotina, but what can you do, the legacy of our ancestors.

Needless to say, there are a lot of unusual and interesting surnames, it is a pity that it is impossible to bring them all within the framework of one article.

Motivation is an internal psychological characteristic of a person, which finds expression in external manifestations, in relation to a person to the world around him, various types of activity. Activity without a motive or with a weak motive is either not carried out at all, or it turns out to be extremely unstable.

Who was your great-grandfather in Rus'? Ask for your last name! There are Kuznetsov in every class. Who is Kuznetsov's great-grandfather? He was from a family of blacksmiths, the father of the father of the father. Goncharov's great-grandfather knew the potter's wheel and clay ... Pilshchikov was friends with the saw, Crumpled Kozhemyakin skin. Warriors attacked, Streltsov also fought ... They sound like music, like poetry, Surnames are simple. Look closely and you will see the History of Russia in them. (G. Graubin)

Classification of surnames 1. Surnames formed from non-Slavic roots: Atesh, Gerlitz, Epurash, Kumarbek, Turdubaev, Khabibulin. 2. From Russian church names: Ivashchenko, Makarkin, Platonenko. 3. From worldly names and nicknames: Baluta, Bakharev, Gryzykhin, Kashin, Molchanova, Nevolin, Pitchenkova, Rezanov, Shipulina.

Results Personal - the guys have an interest in learning something new, the foundations of civic identity, respect for the culture and history of their own and other peoples are being formed. Cognitive - the use of various ways of searching for information, mastering logical actions, such as classification, making judgments, etc. Communicative - the ability to present the materials of your research to classmates, work with parents, etc. Subject - from the point of view of history - acquaintance with historical facts, great historical figures, bearers of surnames; from the point of view of philology - the history of the other Russian language, archaic words, dialects.

Literature Veselovsky S.B. "Onomasticon". Dal V.I. "Dictionary of the living Great Russian language in 4 volumes", M. "Russian language". Kozlova T.V. "Steady Characteristics and Semantic Aspects Associated with Zoonyms". Nikonov V.A. Dictionary of Russian surnames. Selishchev A.M. "Selected Works", article "The Origin of Russian Surnames, Personal Names and Nicknames". Fedosyuk Yu.A. "Russian surnames".

Ukhobotova Ekaterina

Research work "The origin of the names of my classmates." The purpose of the work: to find out the meaning and origin of the names of students in grade 7 MBOU secondary school No. 10. Tasks: find out what anthroponymy is; find out how and when Russian surnames appeared; find out into which groups all surnames can be divided.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 10 of the Nadezhdinsky district"

Primorsky Territory

Research topic:

"The origin and meaning of the names of my classmates"

Ukhobotova Ekaterina

leader: teacher

Russian language and literature

Tuleshova Tatyana Vladimirovna




2.Main part

2.1. The meaning of the word "surname" _________________ 4

2.2. The science that studies surnames ________________4

2.3. Scientists-anthroponymists_________________5

2.4. The history of the origin of surnames __________________ 5

2.5. Analysis of the origin of the names of classmates _____8

2.6. Classification of the names of my classmates_________15

3. Conclusion _______________________________________________ 17

4. References __________________________________18



The theme of my research work is "The origin and meaning of the names of my classmates."The relevance of my topic is obvious, since it has now become fashionable to be interested in one's ancestors, to make a family (genealogical) tree. After all, it is so important for everyone to feel themselves not as a separate person, but as part of a whole family, a link in the chain of generations.I decided to find out the history of the origin of the names of my classmates, including my own.

The purpose of my work:find out the meanings and origin of the names of my classmates.

Tasks: - to find out what is ANTHROPONYMICS;

Find out how and when Russian surnames appeared;

Find out the meaning and origin of some of my surnames


I also put forward hypothesis: I think that the history of surnames is closely connected with the history of the people and their language. And I suppose that most of the surnames of my classmates are formed from proper names.

Object of study:anthroponymy: Russian surnames, literature on surnames, Internet data.

Subject of study:surnames of students of the 7th grade of our school.

Research methods:search, research.

2.Main part

The secret of the surname will tell a lot,

Someone's fate will certainly tell,

The meaning of surnames needs to be known for a long time,

No one can hide the secret!

2.1. The meaning of the word "surname"

The history of the word "surname" itself is interesting. It is Latin in origin and came into the Russian language as part of those borrowed from the languages ​​of Western Europe. But in Russia, the word surname was initially used in the meaning of "family". And only in the 19th century the word surname in Russian gradually acquired its second meaning, which then became the main one. As you know, a surname is a hereditary family naming used together with a personal name. That is, it is passed down from generation to generation, from older family members to younger ones.

Accordingly, in order to find out what the meaning and secret of a surname is, you need to turn to its origins, understand what their history and origin are. The surname is a very valuable material for research in various fields of knowledge.

2.2. Science studying surnames

Anthroponymy is a section of onomastics that studies the names of people and their individual components (personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames), their origin, patterns and functioning. Anthroponymy emerged from onomastics in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century.

Onomastics - from Greek " onomastike", which in ancient times was translated into our language simply as “the art of naming.

2.3. Scientists - anthroponyms.

The development of the main issues of anthroponymy was carried out by V.D. Bondaletov, N.A. Baskakov, S.I. Zinin, A.A. Reformatsky and others. M. V. Gorbanevsky, Yu. K. Frolova

Anthroponymic scientists emphasize that the study of the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, because some words that disappeared from the modern language could be preserved in the surname. By restoring such words, we can also restore some details of the life of our ancestors.

Russian researchers - anthroponyms have been studying Russian surnames relatively recently, among the works devoted to this topic, one can name the dictionary of Yu. From these works, I managed to learn that the first Russian surnames are found in the ancient Russian documents of the 15th century that have come down to us, but they could have existed even earlier. In the 19th century, almost every Russian already had a surname. But they received strict heredity and legal security in 1930.

2.4. The history of the origin of Russian surnames.

Surnames in Russian nominal formulaappeared rather late. Most of them came frompatronymics(according to baptismal or secularnameone of the ancestors)nicknames(by occupation, place of origin, or some other feature of the ancestor) or other generic names.

Citizens were the first to acquire surnames in Russian landsVeliky Novgorod, probably adopting this custom from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Then inXIV- cc. acquired surnamesMoscow specificprinces And boyars. To end XVIII- middle 19th centurythe majority of the population of central Russia did not have surnames. As a rule, Russian surnames were single and passed only through the male line. In the middleXIXcentury, especially after the abolition of serfdom ing., the surnames of the majority of peasants are formed. The process of acquiring surnames was basically completed only by the 30s.XX century.

Another group of Russian surnames was formed from the names of settlements, church holidays and the names of saints with the help of a suffix and the ending -sky / -ky (Ilyinsky, Christmas- from Ilyinskaya, Nativity Church,Makovetsky- owner of Makovets,Gorsky- owner Gore). These names are historically associated withclergyor Western Russian gentryGrand Duchy of Lithuania.

Most Russian surnames come from dedychestvo, the father's temporary surname, that is, the name of the grandfather, thus fixing the hereditary name in the third generation. So it became easier to designate families of the same root. If the grandfather, whose name formed the basis of the established surname, had two names - one baptismal, the other everyday, then the surname was formed from the second, since the baptismal names did not differ in variety. It should be noted that the name of the grandfather was recorded by Russian officials at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century and the surnames for the inhabitants of the national outskirts, thus the majority of the surnames appeared in Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Surnames derived from the names of representatives of the animal world. Hence the Zaitsevs, Vorobyovs, Medvedevs and others.

So, Russian surnames by origin can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Surnames formed from canonical and various folk forms of names received at baptism: Ivanov, Petrov, etc.
  2. Until the 13th century, most Russian people also had a secular, non-church name: Besson, Nechai, etc. Often, descendants received a surname from this common name or nickname.
  3. Surnames formed from the name of the area where one of the ancestors came from (the basis of such surnames was various geographical names - cities, villages, villages, rivers, lakes, etc.): Meshcheryakov, Novgorodtsev, etc.
  4. Surnames formed from professional nicknames of ancestors, telling which of them did what. Hence the Goncharovs, Ovsyannikovs, Kovalis, etc.
  5. The group of surnames that students of religious institutions received was either the names of parishes, or foreign words decorated with Russian suffixes, or some exotic names, or church holidays. Hence the Trinity, Rozhdestvensky, Hyacinth and Cypress.

After reading several works on the origin of Russian surnames, I decided to conduct my own research, the subject of which would be the surnames of my classmates. To successfully complete this task, I needed the existing dictionaries of Russian surnames and the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language"

V. I. Dahl, in which I was looking for a surname, or a word that formed the basis of the surname.

Analysis of the names of my classmates.

Having learned the origins of the origin of surnames, I decided to conduct a survey in the class "Where did your surname come from." There are 18 students in my class. As a result of the survey, I managed to find out that almost the majority of the class never thought about the origin of their last name (14 people), someone guesses where his last name came from (3 people), and only 1 person was able to answer where his last name came from.

Poll results:

1. Did not think about the origin of their last name - 14 (78%)

2. Guess where their last name came from - 3 (17%)

3. Know the history of the surname - 1 (5%)

I found out: from what words their surnames originated, and into what groups these surnames can be divided. In total, I had a list of 16 surnames. About the names of my classmates, I learned the following:

  1. The basis of the surname Matveev served the church name Matthew.

This name of Jewish origin means

"Gifted by God" The surname Matveeva is quite common. The earliest mention of it dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. Artamon Sergeevich Matveeva was a boyar, one of the close associates of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Probably, this person is one of the earliest ancestors of the bearers of this surname. Matvey, eventually received the surname Matveeva.

  1. Surname Sulzhenko originates from the nickname Sulga. The nickname is based on the dialect word "shulga", i.e. left hand. Most likely, Sulga was called left-handed. In popular representations, the "left" has always been associated with evil, evil spirits, untruth, with everything bad and hostile. Therefore, Sulga could be nicknamed not only a left-hander, but also a deceiver, a rogue in general.
  2. The basis of the surname Fedyakin the church name Theodore served. Fedyaka is a derivative form of the name Theodore, which is derived from the ancient Greek Theodoros - "gifted by God." The combination of “eo” sounds, uncharacteristic for the Russian language, disappeared, and therefore the Russian version of the name Theodore began to sound like Fedor. Since the middle of the 20th century, this name has been used very rarely, although in the 16th-17th centuries it was one of the most common among Russians: in the frequency of use, the name Fedor was second only to Ivan and Vasily. Hence the huge number of derivative forms of this name: Fedor, Fedya, Fedka, Fedyash, Fedyak, Fedurka, Fedyanya, Fedyunya, Fedenya and others. In the history of Christianity, the name Theodore bore about 30 martyrs. One of the patron saints of this name is the great martyr Theodore Tiron, that is, a rookie warrior.

During the persecution of Christians in the 4th century, he accepted the Christian faith and burned one pagan temple, for which, after great torment, he was burned at the stake. Fedyak, eventually received the surname Fedyakin.

  1. The basis of the surname Dronin the church name Andron served. The surname Dronin goes back to the baptismal male name Andron. This name came to Russian from Greek and translated into Russian means "courageous." This name had many derivative forms: Dronka, Drosha, Dronyay, Dron, Dron, Drondey, Dronnik, Dronya. The latter formed the basis of the surname. In ancient times, the name Andron was borne by a Roman slave, whose touching story is told by ancient historians Helius and Elian. According to this legend, Andron from his master, the Roman proconsul in Africa, fled to the Libyan desert, where he met a lame lion, from which he took a splinter from his paw. In gratitude for this, the lion became faithful to him like a dog, and for three years shared his prey with him. Then Andron was caught and brought to Rome; the same fate befell the lion; both had to fight in the arena of the Roman circus, but instead of rushing at Andron, caressing, the lion lay down at his feet. Struck by this strange sight, the emperor Tiberius gave the slave both freedom and a lion. Most likely, the founder of the Dronin family came from a working or peasant environment.
  2. The basis of the name Fedorov the church name Theodore served. The name Theodore is derived from the ancient Greek Theodoros - "gift of the gods." In the XVI-XVII centuries. it was one of the most common Russian names and was second only to Ivan and Vasily in frequency of use.

In everyday pronunciation, the complex combination of vowels "eo" disappeared. Fedor, eventually received the name of Fedorov. Among the most famous namesakes are Fedorov Ivan Fedorovich (c. 1510-1583), the founder of Russian printing in Russia and Ukraine, as well as Fedorov Nikolai Fedorovich (1829-1903), a Russian religious thinker and philosopher.

  1. Surname Mazhuga originates from the nickname Mazhuga. The nickname Mazhuga goes back to the word "mazha" - "Chumat cart, cart", as well as "a measure of weight or volume, which is equal to the capacity of one Chumat cart." In the old days, bread was taken to the Crimea and the Don, and they took fish and salt. It is quite possible that one of these drivers was a man nicknamed Mazhuga. According to another, less plausible version, this surname is associated with the word "smear". In this case, a bad, mediocre artist or simply a sloppy, unkempt person was called Mazhuga in mockery. Among the famous owners of the surname are Yuriy Nikolaevich Mazhuga (b. 1931), Ukrainian actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1981), professor at the Kyiv Institute of Theater Arts (since 1985).
  2. At the heart of the surname Beletskaya is the name of the toponym. Apparently, the ancestor of the Beletskys was from the village or village of Beloe, Belovo, for which he received the nickname Beletsky. According to another, less plausible version, such a nickname was given to a fair person, blond with pale skin.
  3. Surname Voltova originally could belong to the inhabitants of Volyn - a historical region in Western Ukraine. However, if the ancestors of the Volyntsevs were from the Ryazan lands, then their surname, most likely, came from the nickname Volynets - a reveler, a self-willed person.
  1. Surname Zorin occurred, according to one version, from the nickname Zorya associated with the word "sighted". Therefore, it could be obtained either by a person with sharp eyesight, or by an attentive and insightful observer. It is also possible that the parents could affectionately call their child Zorya. It is less likely that Zorya is a diminutive form of the names Nazar (translated from Hebrew - "dedicated to God"), Zakhar (translated from Hebrew - "God's memory"), Lazar (translated from Hebrew - "God's help").

In "Onomasticon" S.B. Veselovsky mentions Zorya Vasily, a peasant, 1624, Nizhny Novgorod; Zorya Igumnov, landowner, 1598, Arzamas. Zorya, eventually received the name Zorina.

  1. Surname Galchik originates from the nickname Galets. The nickname Galets goes back to the Ukrainian word "galicia". This is a folk-poetic version of the noun "jackdaw". Most likely, Galts could be called a man of small stature. However, often the nickname Galets was received by a native of the Galitsky district of the Kostroma region. It is also possible that the nickname Galets originates from the name of the fish "galec". In this case, it can be assumed that the ancestor of the Galtsovs was a fisherman. According to a less plausible hypothesis of another version, this surname could be formed from the female name Galina (from the Greek galene - "serenity, calmness"), or rather from the diminutive form - Galka.
  2. Last name Ostapenko formed on behalf of one's own and belongs to a common type of Ukrainian surnames. The basis of the surname Ostapenko was the church name Ostap. The surname Ostapenko was common in the western regions of Ukraine.

Obviously, it is formed from the Slavic male name Ostap, which was a short form of such canonical names as Eustathius (from the ancient Greek eustatheros - "steady, strong") and Eustachius (eustathos - "magnificent, eared").

  1. Surname Torchinsky originates from the nickname Torch. The surname Torchinsky is derived from the Ukrainian word "torch" - "a fence in the form of brushwood sticks, fixed vertically." According to this, it can be assumed that the founder of the Torchinsky family was a thin and tall man. Later, the nickname Torch is Torchinsky.
  2. Nesterovs - a noble family, originating, according to legend, from Oblagin, who left Sweden to the Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy in 1375, whose grandson, Nestor Yuryevich, became the ancestor of Nesterov. The surname Nesterov goes back to the canonical male ancient Greek name Nestor, which means "returning home." The surname was based on the derivative form of this name - Nester. The patron saint of the name Nestor was the martyr Nestor of Thessalonica (c. 306), a disciple of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica. Having received a blessing from him, Nestor entered into a gladiatorial duel with the emperor's favorite strongman, the German Liy. Usually Ley threw the vanquished from the platform onto the spears of the warriors, but with Nestor the opposite happened. Strengthened by the omnipotent power of God, the young Christian, to the shame of the pagans, defeated Leah and threw him from the platform onto spears. The enraged emperor ordered the immediate execution of Nestor, for which he was counted among the martyrs.
  3. Surname Dymov comes from a nickname.

In the old days, a hut, a courtyard was called smoke. Thus, the nickname Smoke could be received by one who separated from his parents and lived with his family. However, it is impossible to exclude the connection of the nickname with the verb "smoke" in the meaning of "smoke". In this case, Smoke could be called the one who lived in a chicken hut, stoked the stove “in a black way” (when the smoke comes out not through a chimney, but through a window and a door). This surname is quite old. It has been found in documents since the 15th century: Dym Afonya, peasant, 1605, Arzamas; Dymov Vasily Semenovich Krivoy, late 15th century, Novgorod; Dymov Mikhail, executed in the oprichnina. Smoke, eventually received the name Dymov.

  1. Surname Klushina derived from the nickname Klusha. Usually the so-called mother hen. In a figurative sense, the nickname meant "a badly dressed or muffled woman." In Tver and Pskov dialects, the nickname Klusha was assigned to a woman with gray, quick eyes. According to this hypothesis, Klushina belongs to the group of surnames formed from female nicknames. Surnames of this type are not numerous, since traditionally the nickname or name of the father as the ancestor and head of the family was taken as the basis. The mother’s nickname became the basis of the surname only if the child was illegitimately born. There is also a version that the nickname Klusha originates from the word “klushi”, which in Tver dialects meant “black card suit with a spear, guilt, spades”. In this case, the nickname was ironic in nature and was intended to reflect the impartial side of a person, his bad habits: a passion for gambling. Klusha, eventually received the surname Klushina.

Meaning of my last name:

  1. The surname Ukhobotov is formed from the nickname Ukhobot.

It most likely goes back to the Russian word "earbot". In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" V.I. Dalia “earbot” is defined as “chaff, weedy and light grains.” Most likely, this nickname was one of the “professional” names and indicated the occupation of a person. So, the earbot could be called the one who was engaged in the processing, wagging of grain. Ukhobot formed the basis of the surname Ukhobotov. Ukhobot, eventually received the name Ukhobotov.

2.6. Classification of the names of my classmates.

Most anthroponymists, compiling dictionaries of Russian surnames, note that there are a lot of surnames, and it is unthinkable to find out the meaning of each, therefore it is very important to single out groups according to the meaning of the words underlying the surnames, and already correlate one or another surname with these groups. I divided the names of my classmates into the following groups:

1. Surnames formed from personal names - Matveeva, Fedyakin, Fedorov, Ostapenko, Dronin, Nesterov.

2. Surnames formed from geographical names - Beletskaya, Voltova.

3. Surnames formed from nicknames - Mazhuga, Galchik, Zorin, Torchinskaya, Dymov, Ukhobotova, Klushina, Sulzhenko.

In Rus', as you know, in addition to personal names, nicknames were also widespread, which also became a source for the formation of surnames. Moreover, the range of nicknames was extremely wide, and they were very popular among the urban and rural population of the Russian state. In this case, we can assume that the secret of the surname is hidden behind the shadow of the nickname.

Therefore, having understood what this or that nickname means, we can find out the meaning of the surname.

The secret of your surname can also be revealed by the symbols that each surname contains. In other words, to find out the secret of a surname, you need to analyze the letters included in it.

(see Appendix 1)

3. Conclusion.

Let's return to the hypothesis of my work, each surname is a riddle that can be solved if you are very attentive to the word; a unique and inimitable phenomenon of our culture, a living history. I assumed that most of the surnames are formed from personal names, but as a result of the study, I came to the conclusion that most of the surnames I studied were formed from nicknames. My hypothesis, unfortunately, was not confirmed. Surnames formed from the name make up - 33%

This work can be continued in several directions, it is possible to significantly expand the list of studied surnames, it is possible to make a more accurate classification of surnames, it is possible to find out the meanings of those surnames that I could not determine within the framework of this work, this will require additional dictionaries. It seems to me that this work is very interesting and exciting.

The research work convinced me that surnames can be the most interesting source for research, since they reflect the time and the person - his social status and spiritual world.


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Appendix 1. Learn the secret by letter



A - symbolizes the beginning - the creator, discoverer, creator of the idea

E - self-criticism, self-expression,

And - peace-loving nature, kind and vulnerable soul

O - the desire to understand everything originality, generosity

Yo - irascibility, lack of restraint

Life laws and purposes, the ability to reason

U - a tendency to openly express one's thoughts, generosity

E - vanity and incorrect window dressing, curiosity, sneakiness

Yu - love of social sciences, the ability to act cruelly

I am the ability to achieve goals and defend my positions

B - financial independence

B - creative personality, communication skills

G - curiosity, the desire for more knowledge

D - deliberation, caution in making any decisions, goodwill

F - lofty views, closed nature

Z - cowardice, excellent intuition

K - the ability to keep everything in oneself, the secrecy of nature

L - the desire to find and fulfill your destiny

M - great love for nature, practicality

H - self-sufficiency, pride, creative latent abilities

P - a large number of ideas, initiative, a tendency to generalize

P - self-confidence, intelligence, courage, determination

C - irritability, dissatisfaction with others, irascibility, but quick appeasement

T - inability to soberly assess one's capabilities, maximalism

F - exaggeration of the significance of one's personality, a tendency to feel oneself the center of the universe, deceit

X - stability, strength, good financial position, independence

C - ambition, arrogant nature

H - the predominance of collectivism to the detriment of the individual, a developed sense of duty, altruism

Ш - the ability to keep your head held high, a sense of the importance of your own person

Щ - the desire to always help, generosity, the ability to lead

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