Historical information about our genus Konovalov. About the merchant family of the Konovalovs - Russian Diaspora Characteristic features of the Konovalov family


The 200th issue of Novy Zhurnal published a brief note about A. I. Konovalov and two letters to him from the writer Mark Aldanov. * In continuation of the conversation about one of the major industrialists and political figures, who was Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov , we bring to the attention of the readers of our journal a brief genealogical study on the origin of the Konovalov family. On the basis of documents found in the provincial Russian archives, some events in the life of representatives of this merchant family will be indicated.
In all likelihood, no one paid serious attention to the history of the Konovalov family. Over the past few years, in the provincial newspapers and magazines of the Ivanovo and Kostroma regions, one could often find articles by local history buffs about the textile industrialists in these parts: the Garelins, the Razorenovs, the Mindovskys, and others. Among them, the name of A. I. Konovalov occupied the leading role. For the most part, such publications were based on the conjectures of their authors and were not confirmed by archival documents.**
Pyotr Kuzmich Konovalov, a serf from the village of Bonyachki, Kineshma district, Kostroma province, is considered to be the ancestor of the merchant family of the Konovalovs. Based on the reviewed documents from this archive, as well as some printed sources, it is possible to compile a brief genealogy of the line of Pyotr Kuzmich Konovalov.

1/ PETER KUZMICH KONOVALOV, a serf from the estate of the landowner A.P. Khrushchov. Having redeemed himself, he took up weaving production. In 1812, he became head of the family firm. He died in 1846. He was buried in the cemetery of the village of Khrenovo, Kineshma district, Kostroma province, together with his wife Evdokia Ivanovna. (Magazine "Kostroma Starina" No. 6, 1994, "Provincial Necropolis", pp. 421, 422).

2/1 PETER PETROVICH, b. in 1800, died in 1839 in Sumy during a cholera epidemic. (Kostroma antiquity).
3/1 XENOFONT PETROVICH, (1806 - 1849). (Kostroma antiquity).
4/1 ALEXANDER PETROVICH, b. in 1812. After the death of his father, he became the owner of the family firm. In 1868 he built a factory for finishing and dyeing fabrics and a settlement for workers on the wasteland of Kamenka in the Kineshma district. Mind. in 1889 (GAIO, fund 138, inventory 1, file 4901, "Kostroma antiquity").
5/1 NIKOLAY PETROVICH, (GAIO, f. 138, op. 1, file 1359).
6/1 ANATOLY PETROVICH, (GAIO, f. 138, he. 1, d. 1339).
7/1 ALLA PETROVNA, (GAIO, f. 138, op. 1, file 1359).

8/4 IVAN ALEKSANDROVICH, after the death of his father, he took over the management of the company, which became known as the "Partnership of Manufactories of Ivan Konovalov with his son."

9/8 ALEXANDER IVANOVICH, b. September 17, 1875 Hereditary Honorary Citizen. Major industrialist. Member of the State Duma. Minister of Trade and Industry in the Provisional Government. Since 1918, after liberation from the Peter and Paul Fortress, he emigrated to France. He was a member of several Russian émigré organizations in Paris. Participated in the publication of the newspaper "Latest News" edited by P. N. Milyukov. In June 1941 he moved to the USA. In 1947 he returned to France. Mind. On January 28, 1949, he was buried in Paris at the cemetery of Saint Genevieve de Bois.
Married 1st marriage to the merchant's daughter Nadezhda Vtorova, b. September 1st, 1879, d. in 1959. Buried in Paris on the square. Saint Genevieve de Bois. 2nd wife Anna Ferdinandovna ...

10/9 SERGEY ALEKSANDROVICH, b. in 1899 lived in England. Professor at Oxford University. Published "Oxford Slavonic Papers". Son of A. I. Konovalov from the 1st marriage. Died February 12, 1982

Additional information about the Konovalov family can be obtained from the "Provincial Necropolis", published under the editorship of Vel. book. Nikolai Mikhailovich in 1914. At the parish cemetery of the Intercession Church in the village of Khrenova, there were graves of representatives of the Konovalov family. In addition to Pyotr Kuzmich Konovalov and his wife, the Konovalovs, who were not included in this short list, were buried there, since it seems difficult to establish the degree of kinship between them and connect them with a common family line without appropriate documents. Honorary Citizen Evfimy Ivanovich Konovalov (d. August 21, 1843) was buried at the cemetery in the village of Khrenov together with his wife Praskovya Vasilievna (d. September 8, 1844). Their son Nikanor Efimovich (d. April 5, 1850). It can be assumed that Pyotr Nikanorovich Konovalov, who died on December 2, 1851, was the son of Nick. Eph. Thus, if we make the assumption that representatives of one branch of the Konovalovs are buried in this cemetery, then this version of the painting will look like this:

3/2 PETER NIKANOROVICH, Hereditary Honorary Citizen. Mind. December 2, 1851
4/3 OSIP PETROVICH, merchant of the 2nd guild. Mind. at the age of 49 on January 3, 1856

5/4 PRASKOVIA OSIPOVNA, d. on the 23rd year of life on August 30, 1849. Married to the Kineshma merchant Mindovsky. They had a daughter, Anfisa: b. February 18, 1848, d. January 1, 1849
6/5 TAISYA OSIPOVNA, d. on the 22nd year of life July 5, 1851 Married to Baldin.

In the State Archive of the Ivanovo Region, in the fund of one of the weaving factories in the city of Kineshma, there is a formal list of the owner of the factory, Ivan Kapitonovich Konovalov, as well as several volumes of his handwritten diary. There is information that Ivan Kapitonovich emigrated, but information about his further fate has not yet been found.
With a further search for archival documents relating to the Konovalov family, it will undoubtedly be possible to compile a more detailed genealogy of their family. To date, more detailed information is available only about the most prominent representative of the family, Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov. After his father's death, he took over the management of the firm. In 1912, the 100th anniversary of its activity was celebrated. By that time, Alexander Ivanovich was already involved in politics. Being in exile in France in 1918, AI Konovalov was engaged in social and political activities. You can learn quite a lot about the life and work of Alexander Ivanovich in exile by reading his documents from the Bakhmetevsky archive.
Based on the data from the formulary list of A.I. Konovalov and documents from the Bakhmetevsky archive, it is possible below to provide biographical information about the life of Alexander Ivanovich in Russia and in emigration. ****

September 17, 1875 Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov was born.
1894, July. After graduating from the Kostroma Gymnasium, he was admitted to Moscow University in the department of natural sciences of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
1895 Finished listening to the course of lectures of the 1st and 2nd semesters and left the university.
1895 - 1896 Studying at the school of spinning and weaving in Mühlhausen (Alsace).
December 17, 1897 Director of the Board of the "Partnership of Manufactories Ivan Konovalov with Son".
1898, September 10. By the highest permission of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, he was appointed an Honorary Member of the Ladies' Care of the Poor in Moscow.
1900 June 4 By the highest order of the Civil Department, he was promoted to collegiate registrars for long service.
April 6, 1901 Member of the Kostroma Trade and Manufactory Committee.
December 12, 1903 Member of the Council of the Mutual Insurance Union.
April 28, 1905 Member of the Moscow Committee of the insurance company "Russia".
1905 September 18 - 1908 May 12 Chairman of the Kostroma Committee
Trade and Manufactories.
March 9, 1906 Member of the Moscow branch of the Council of Trade and Manufactories.
June 15, 1906 Choice from the Moscow Exchange Society.
1906 August 3 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Commercial Institute. September 24, 1906 Member of the Council of Congresses of Representatives of Industry and Trade.
1906 October 11 Foreman of the Moscow Exchange Committee.
1906 October 29 Authorized by the Moscow Merchant Society of Mutual Credit.
1906, Deputy Member of the Chief of Factory and Industrial Affairs of the Presence.
January 25, 1907 By the highest order of the Civil Department, he was promoted to the rank of collegiate secretary for long service.
March 30, 1907 Member of the Cotton Committee at the Main Department of Land Management and Agriculture.
1907 August 16 Chairman of the Council of the Russian Mutual Insurance Union.
March 18, 1908 Member of the Council of the Moscow Merchant Society of Mutual Credit.
May 17, 1908 Taking the place of the Chairman of the Exchange Committee. 1908 July 2 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Vocational School named after K. T. Soldatenkov.
September 15, 1908 Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Vocational School named after K. T. Soldatenkov.
1908 Member of the Cotton Committee at the Moscow Stock Exchange.
March 22, 1909 Permanent member of the Highly Approved Committee for the Arrangement of a Museum of Applied Knowledge in Moscow.
1909 Member of the Accounting and Loan Committee at the Moscow office of the State Bank, and member of the Society for Promoting the Advances of Experimental Sciences and Their Practical Application.
1910 January 1st. Granted the title of manufactory-adviser.
October 29, 1911 Emperor Nicholas II approved him as a member of the Moscow branch of the Council of Trade and Manufactories for four years (1911-1915).
1912, October 18. Member of the State Duma.
November 18, 1912 Representative of the Moscow Merchant Society of Mutual Credit.
April 6, 1913 By the highest order in the civil department, he was promoted to the rank of collegiate assessor for long service.
March 21, 1913 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Kineshma city almshouse and orphanage.
May 5, 1913 Honorary citizen of the city of Kineshma.
July 12, 1913 Vowel of the Kineshma Zemsky Assembly.
November 15, 1913 Comrade Chairman of the State Duma.
May 13, 1914 Resigned as Comrade Chairman of the State. Duma.
1914, October. Representative of the Russian Red Cross Society.
July 27, 1915 Deputy Chairman of the Petrograd Military Industry
leg Committee.
August 13, 1915 Minister of Trade and Industry.
March 2, 1917 Minister of Trade and Industry in the Provisional Government.
1917, August. Member of the Cadets.
1917, October. The arrest of AI Konovalov in the Winter Palace by the Bolsheviks and imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress.
1918 AI Konovalov emigrated to France and settled in Paris.
1921 Member of the Provisional Committee for the Protection of Russian Interests Abroad.
1924 Chairman of the "Council of Public Organizations".
1939 President of the "Committee for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of P. N. Milyukov".
June 11, 1940 The last issue of the newspaper "Latest News" was published, which was founded with the active participation of AI Konovalov. The newspaper was published under the editorship of P. N. Milyukov. Chairman of the Board - AI Konovalov.
1941, June. Moved to the USA and settled in New York.
1945 An article-questionnaire by A. I. Konovalov "Emigration and Soviet Power" was published in Novy Zhurnal No. 11.
1947 (presumably). AI Konovalov returns to France.
January 28, 1949 AI Konovalov died in Paris. He was buried in the cemetery of Saint Genevieve de Bois.

* Aldanov - Konovalov. Letters. Publication by A. Lyubimov. New magazine. No. 200, p. 232.
** It is enough to cite just one quotation from the regional newspaper Ivanovskaya Gazeta, where in the article "The Case of the Konovalovs" the author M. Smetania clearly states that: "... Alexander Ivanovich had a chance to survive the German occupation. Then he went on business to the USA , to New York, where he died suddenly. Such statements are also found in authoritative publications, including encyclopedias and reference books.
*** In all publications about the history of the Konovalov family, without exception, the name of Pyotr Kuzmich Konovalov is given, but everywhere there are no indications of archival documents confirming that Pyotr Kuzmich was the founder of the Konovalov merchant dynasty. No information was given about other lines of this genus. References to the Konovalovs' family burial given in the "Provincial Necropolis" serve as almost the only printed evidence in which names from other branches of the family are given. At present, not a single grave remains from the family tomb, which was located in the cemetery of the Intercession Church in the village of Khrenova, Vichugsky District, Ivanovo Region, (according to the new administrative division - ed.).
**** The data for the biography of A. I. Konovalov are taken from his official list, which is stored in the State Archives of the Ivanovo Region. Below we give a list of awards, which was given as an appendix to Konovalov's performance.
Order of Stanislav, 3rd class, awarded January 1, 1903
Order of St. Anne, 3rd class - 1908
Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd class - 1912
Rank of Manufactures Counselor - January 1, 1910
Order of St. Anne, 2nd class - 1 January 1915
Order of St. Vladimir, 4th class - 30 July 1915

Reveal the secret of the surname KONOVALOV(in Latin transliteration KONOVALOV) looking at the results of the calculation in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that you do not know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter of the K surname KONOVALOV will tell about the character

These people are characterized by throwing between the desire to find eternal love and doubt: maybe everything is still ahead? It is better to cast aside doubts and live your life, because you are naturally tactful, charming and endowed with graceful manners, while possessing great sexuality. What else?! Having entered into a long-term relationship, be patient so that you can overcome both storms and calm with honor. The main thing - do not rush!

Characteristic features of the surname KONOVALOV

  • power
  • comfort
  • unity with nature
  • impermanence
  • lack of systematic
  • endurance
  • nervousness
  • insight
  • artistry
  • great resourcefulness
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • great emotionality
  • mysterious unrest

KONOVALOV: number of interaction with the world "5"

A person who is under the influence of the vibrations of the five remains elusive and incomprehensible even to those who are close to him for a long time. Almost all of his actions are driven by the desire for independence and freedom; There is only one way to keep the "five" - ​​to let him go on all four sides: in this case, there is a chance that he will still someday return. Charming, easily won sympathy, sweet and friendly people of the five rarely become attached to someone seriously; emotional dependence is as difficult for them as any other. Among the priorities of the “five” is the opportunity to travel around the world, see different countries, and not be limited either in terms of travel or in its cost. The stories of such travelers about their experiences are unusually bright and colorful, but devoid of exaggeration and very useful; which is why A's often make a living by sharing their own experiences.

They are excellent writers and journalists, they know how to convey shades of mood with the help of words and make a good description, and therefore they are often in demand not only in the press, but also on the radio. The horizons of the "five" are very wide, but marital and family relationships rarely fall into the scope of their interests - here the people of the five cannot be considered either experts or more or less worthy of respect as specialists. Any problem in their personal lives can become an insurmountable obstacle for them; the ability to understand another person, to respect his interests and desires, is not enough for many “A”s.

Five people are great at avoiding problems, but they don't like to solve them, usually leaving others to deal with everyday difficulties. The whole life of the “five” is a great journey in search of a new and equally long escape from difficulties, monotony, routine, duties and responsibilities. A person of the five is capable of deep emotional attachments, but they rarely bring him happiness, sometimes becoming a burden and preventing him from achieving his goal. The Pyaterochnik will only benefit if he learns to separate the main from the secondary and understands what is better to give up so as not to burden himself.

Throughout their lives, A's learn the lessons of tolerance, understanding, and perseverance. The faster they become excellent students in these difficult disciplines, the better. If it is not possible to draw lessons from what is happening, such a person becomes unrestrained, angry and unable to restrain his emotions and conduct a constructive dialogue.

KONOVALOV: the number of spiritual aspirations "4"

Those born under the influence of the four are in harmony with themselves and the world around them. They know how to set goals and achieve them, strictly follow the rules and maintain a positive attitude in any situation. They can safely be called perfectionists: they strive to make a dizzying career, build an ideal family nest, build a huge house and raise children so that they can be proud of. These people are accustomed to bringing any matter to the end, and if the circumstances are different, they cannot come to terms with it for a long time.

Fours are stubborn not only in work, but also in their personal lives. They can win the love of a person they like for years, remember unrequited feelings for a long time. These people like to adhere to traditions in romantic relationships and expect the same from their chosen ones. Usually they start a family early, but this does not prevent them from listening to parental advice all their lives.

In raising children, people of the four use the carrot and stick method. These are wonderful parents, but if the desires of their child go beyond the norms established by society, then they can hardly be expected to understand. Fours have a heightened sense of justice, they see the mote not only in someone else's eye, but also in their own, so they rarely conflict with loved ones for a long time.

These people are trying to get everything in order. They like work that requires attention to detail, but can be carefully considered decisions. If the foursome is a representative of the creative profession, then he still adheres to discipline and the established schedule - even the muse visits him at strictly agreed hours. This person feels uncomfortable in leadership positions, but does an excellent job with the role of a performer.

He spends a lot of effort at work, but he does it not for the sake of encouragement, but simply because he cannot do otherwise. At the same time, he is definitely not ready to work for free, so he is looking for an employer who could appreciate his zeal and talents.

If a person of the four decides to open his own business, then he mainly chooses areas related to technology or information technology. He is unlikely to be interested in enterprises that promise huge profits, but are associated with increased risk.

This person is honest with others and expects reciprocity from them. He rarely participates in discussions, does not like to conduct high-society conversations. The four helps with deeds, but is not able to find kind words for moral support.

KONOVALOV: the number of true features "1"

In order for the unit to positively influence a person, he needs loneliness and freedom of activity. The problem with these people is that they not only do not take into account, but do not even listen to the opinions of other people. It is not for them to follow other people's orders. If the "single worker" was in a leadership position, then his orders will be clear and will not be subject to discussion.

From their subordinates, they expect only the execution of orders, but not advice and expressing their opinion. Such a person very rarely sees helpers in people. Those around him are followers of his ideas and no one else. For this reason, the "one-man" will never brag about his high patrons. He just never has them.

It is very important that the people who are affected by the unit always remember what they are working for. As a rule, this is not difficult. After all, they set themselves uncommon goals. For them, only significant, great, large-scale matters. Only mindful of the goal, the "one-man" can force himself to listen to other people, try to find a solution that is beneficial to both parties and drown out his violent impulses.

If the unit has an impact on a woman, then the lady will definitely be the leader in the pair. Moreover, in work, she often does not manifest herself as actively as in her personal life. But the men "one-man" try to dominate in all spheres of life.

To keep the bar, they sometimes have to be at the limit of their capabilities. They cannot relax either in the family environment or on vacation. And this is fraught with nervous breakdowns, health problems and difficulties in communicating with loved ones.

So that life does not become a race with obstacles, such people definitely need to learn to hear others. Pay attention to their needs, desires, learn to trust not only yourself, but also others. Only in this way can they find peace and rejoice when the goal is achieved.

Archive of surnames Konovalov. origin of the surname Konovalov Where Does The Last Name Konovalov Come From? What does the name Konovalov mean? Origin of the Konovalov family What information does the surname keep about the ancestors of Konovalov?

The meaning and origin of the name Konovalov.

Konovalov. Value 1.

In fact, the surname Konovalov is one of the oldest surnames in the world. Translated from Old Latin, it means a prosecutor who holds power and does not let go. In ancient times, a prosecutor was called a person who possessed the most developed and powerful muscles, was able not only in word, but also in deed to protect the entire mighty and good tribe. This is not the end.

Konovalov. Meaning 2.

Konoval - a person who treats horses. To do this, they often need to be knocked down to the ground. In Bunin's story 'Good Bloods', the horseman removes a bad tooth from a filly, knocking her to the ground. (F) Konovalenko is a similar surname of Ukrainian origin. Konovalikhin is a metronymic surname, from calling her mother by her husband's profession. Konovaliha - wife of a horse-dresser. (U) Konovaltsev may also be from the geographical name Konovalovo.

Konovalov. Meaning 3.

From ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. This was due to the fact that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. The nickname made it easy to distinguish a person in society. This was very convenient, since the supply of nicknames was truly inexhaustible. Sources could be: an indication of the characteristics of the character or appearance of a person, the designation of the nationality or locality from which the person came. Sometimes nicknames, originally attached to baptismal names, completely replaced names not only in everyday life, but also in official documents. The surname Konovalov goes back to the nickname Konoval, formed from two bases: “horse” and “play”. In Ancient Rus', the verb “to roll” meant “to heal”, therefore Konoval was called a person who was engaged in the treatment of horses, i.e. veterinarian. Konoval, eventually received the name Konovalov.

Konovalov. Meaning 4.

From ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. This was due to the fact that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. The nickname made it easy to distinguish a person in society. This was very convenient, since the supply of nicknames was truly inexhaustible. Sources could be: an indication of the characteristics of the character or appearance of a person, the designation of the nationality or locality from which the person came. Sometimes nicknames, originally attached to baptismal names, completely replaced names not only in everyday life, but also in official documents. The surname Konovalov goes back to the nickname Konoval, formed from two bases: “horse” and “play”. In Ancient Rus', the verb “to roll” meant “to heal”, therefore Konoval was called a person who was engaged in the treatment of horses, i.e. veterinarian. Konoval, eventually received the name Konovalov.

Konovalov. Meaning 5.

In fact, the surname Konovalov is one of the oldest surnames in the world. Translated from ancient Latin, it means a prosecutor who holds power and does not let go. In ancient times, a prosecutor was called a person who possessed the most developed and powerful muscles, was able not only in word, but also in deed to protect the entire mighty and good tribe.

Konovalov. Meaning 6.

The owner of the surname Konovalov, of course, can be proud of his surname as a monument of Slavic history, culture and language.

The family name Konoval was quite common; it is found in archival documents starting from the 17th century.

Konovalov. Meaning 7.

The surname Konovalov belongs to the type of Russian family names, indicating the professional activity of the ancestor. Konovalov in Rus' were called self-taught veterinarians who treated cattle in the villages. The duties of the horseman also included the castration of domestic animals, including horses. To carry out such a procedure, the animal had to be knocked to the ground, hence the formation of the word “konoval”. Horse-dressers were respected by the villagers, they were even a little afraid of them - it was believed that horse-dressers could tell fortunes, speak twigs, shoot and inflict damage on animals. The craft of a horse-dresser was that distinctive feature of a person, by which he was given the nickname Konoval. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, street nicknames coexisted with baptismal names for a long time and often appeared in official documents. Patronymic names were formed from them - the children of Konoval to the question: “Whose will you be?” they answered: "Konovalov's son" and "Konovalov's daughter", from where the surname Konovalov originates. The art of treating animals was inherited from generation to generation and from the master to his assistants. It is clear what the surname Konovalov means, the involvement of its first owner in this occupation.

Konovalov. Meaning 8.

The nickname Konoval was quite common. Historical documents mention the Smolensk archer Danilo Konoval (1610), the Verkhoturye archer Vaska Konoval (1620). A little later, patronymics and surnames are already found - the ore foreman of the First Konovalov (1666), the Solikamsk peasant Yakov Ivanov son of Konovalov (1688). It is unlikely that this surname could originally belong to a person from the upper class, however, several Konovalov families are known, granted by the nobility at the beginning of the 19th century. At the same time, the dynasty of textile manufacturers Konovalov became famous in Russia.

In our time, it is difficult to accurately determine the meaning of the name Konovalov in each case. To do this, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the life of the first bearer of this surname, find out what he did and where he lived. Sometimes the origin of the surname Konovalov can be associated with a geographical name. The settlements of Konovalovo are scattered on the territory of Russia, and people from these places could get the surname Konovalov by the name of their small homeland.

Konovalov. Meaning 9.

The family naming of the Konovalovs belongs to the most interesting group of surnames formed from intra-family "worldly" names. The presence of a second name was a kind of tribute to the ancient Slavic tradition of two names, which required the concealment of the main name in order to protect oneself from "evil forces" that should not have known the true name of a person. Moreover, the ancient Russian "worldly" names often completely replaced baptismal names, even acting as official names in documents. It is not surprising that very often the son's patronymic was written not from the baptismal, but from the worldly name of the father.

The family name of the Konovalovs belongs to the most common type of ancient nicknames, indicating the sphere of professional activity of one of the ancestors. Such "professional" nicknames have existed in Rus' since time immemorial. In official documents, a nickname by occupation helped to distinguish a particular person from the mass of people who bore the same baptismal name.

The surname Konovalov was formed from the "worldly" nickname of the ancestor Konoval. In the old days, a folk (uneducated) horse doctor was called a horseman. A strong strong horse was highly valued in any region of our country among all segments of the population - among the Cossacks, and among the boyars, and among the peasants. In this regard, the health of the animals was closely monitored. The treatment of horses was a craft that was in demand everywhere. Since gypsies and other parasites who “tormented cattle” also hunted in this occupation, a good horseman was worth its weight in gold. The descendants of the Konovalov proudly bore such a family name.

Initially, Konovalov could be called the son, grandson or nephew of the owner of the name Konoval. Subsequently, this nickname became family-wide and was officially registered as a family name.

The family name Konoval was quite common; it is found in archival documents starting from the 17th century. For example, the Historical Acts contain information about the Smolensk archer Danilo Konoval (1610), as well as the Verkhoturye archer Vaska Konoval (1620).

Since the second half of the 17th century, the Konovalov family name has been used in archival documents in modern spelling. For example, in the Collection of State Letters and Agreements, the ore foreman of the First Konovalov (1666) is listed. The Acts of Kalachov mention Yakov Ivanov son of Konovalov, a Solikamsk peasant (1688). The Acts issued by Fedotov-Chekhovsky contain information about the Shuisky townsman Andrey Borisov, the son of Konovalov.

Since the process of forming surnames was quite long, at the moment it is difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the emergence of the Konovalov surname. However, it can be said with certainty that it belongs to the number of the oldest Russian family names.


Coat of arms description: see text
Volume and sheet of the General Armorial: X,152
Citizenship: Russian empire

Konovalov- nobility.

Sergei Konovalov he entered the service in 1778 and, having passed the ranks, on December 31, 1809, he was promoted to Court Councilors and, being in this rank, on February 28, 1827, he was granted a diploma of nobility, from which a copy is kept in the Heraldry.

Description of the coat of arms

A black eagle's wing is depicted in the upper half in the middle of the shield in a golden field, and two red stripes are diagonally marked on its sides. In the lower half, in a silver field at the base of the shield, there is a beehive and three bees above it on a green stripe.

The shield is surmounted by a nobleman's helmet and crown. Crest: three ostrich feathers. The insignia on the shield is gold, lined with red. The coat of arms of Konovalov is included in Part 10 of the General Armorial of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 152.


  • Part 10 of the General Armorial of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 152

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    Named after G. V. Plekhanov (Moscow), established in 1991 on the basis of the Institute of National Economy (traces its history from the Commercial Institute founded in 1907). Training in economic, merchandising, technological and other specialties. In 1998… … encyclopedic Dictionary

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    List of the 30 richest Russians at the beginning of the 20th century (1914) according to Forbes magazine. The rating was carried out in the spring of 2005 according to archival documents. The rating is relative and rather shows the general picture of the beginning of the 20th century. In 1914: 1 gold ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Men 1.1 A 1.2 V 1.3 G ... Wikipedia

My grandchildren are growing up and more and more often they begin to ask me questions about our ancestors, about who they were, where they lived, what they did. I was once also interested in the same questions and I often asked them to my late father - Sergei Ivanovich and my uncle, my father's older brother - Vasily Ivanovich Konovalov. It was from them that I learned a lot of interesting, I would say invaluable information about our dynasty, and now I try to pass all this on to my children and grandchildren.

During the reign of Paul the First, in 1802, the ancestors of my father, serfs-Old Believers from the village of Bonyachki, Kineshma district, Kostroma province, were resettled to the land rich in black soil in the village of Vyazhlya, Kirsanov district, Tambov province, and were assigned as state souls to the estate of the Boratynsky nobles. In this "nest of nobility" from generation to generation people of the most enlightened class of the Russian state were born and grew up, including the great Russian poet of the Pushkin era, Yevgeny Abramovich Boratynsky.

In the neighboring village of Derben, in those ancient times there was a beautiful brick Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Vyazhla River, in which all my ancestors were baptized, married and buried, who by 1850 had become co-religionists. The calm and measured life of my great-grandfathers, as in many villages of Rus', practically did not change in its way of life for centuries. My grandfather Ivan Kirillovich Konovalov had 4 brothers, all of them were hardworking farmers, kept a lot of cattle, their own mill and their own shop.

In the post-revolutionary 1920, there was a severe drought, my grandfather and brothers, like many peasants in the Tambov region, were deprived of all rights, banned from trading in bread, food requisition was introduced and they began to take the entire crop by force, to which they responded with armed resistance and joined the partisan forces of the "Antonov rebellion" ". The Bolsheviks responded to this with a tough occupation regime, many of my relatives were arrested, repressed and placed in concentration camps, General Tukhachevsky commanded this punitive operation.

Of the five brothers, only my grandfather survived, and even then, because during this period he was at the front, the rest were shot along with family members. 15 years later, in 1936, my grandfather, along with other wealthy peasants of the Kirsanov district, was accused by the fist and overpowered to a settlement in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. By that time, my grandfather had three sons, my father was one year old and they did not all get to Kazakhstan, along the way, my father’s younger brother, Alexander, died of illness, and at the beginning of the war, my father’s younger sister Tatyana was lost, whom my father met only later 25 years old in her native Tambov land in the city of Morshansk, where she lived with a foster family of railway workers. My grandfather Ivan Kirillovich went through three wars (World War I, Finnish and World War II), was a full Knight of St. George, served as a machine gunner in the cavalry troops. In 1943, his wounded man was brought to the Moyinty railway station, not far from the town of Balkhash, he suffered from wounds for 2 years and died in 1945, his grandfather was buried at the local Moyinty cemetery.

I was born at the same Mointa station and lived there with my parents for 4 years. When I visited my small homeland, I often heard from relatives and acquaintances that all their lives the Konovalovs were engaged in their favorite business and family. The industriousness, generous charity, breadth of soul of the Konovalov brothers earned the respect of their fellow villagers. Doing good for them was the norm.
As my uncle Vasily Ivanovich told me, our distant relatives are representatives of the Konovalov dynasty of Old Believers from the village of Bonyachki, Kineshma district (now the city of Vichuga, Ivanovo region), who in the middle of the 19th century switched to the common faith and became the founders of a large factory business. Their most prominent representatives are the merchants Alexander Petrovich Konovalov (1812-1889) and his grandson Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov (1875-1949.
Alexander Petrovich Konovalov took a worthy place among the largest entrepreneurs in Russia, became a recognized leader of the industrial circles of the Kostroma province, an iconic figure in the factory and socio-cultural life of the Kineshma district. Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov was a major Russian entrepreneur, public and political figure, member of the State Duma (1912-1917), Minister of Trade and Industry of the Provisional Government in 1917.
The "Partnership of Manufactories of Ivan Konovalov and Son" with a table linen factory and a paper-dyeing factory produced muslin, calico, canifade, tablecloths, nanke and napkins. They sold their products in Moscow, Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and China. For the excellent quality of their products, they have repeatedly received high awards, including the State Emblem and the title of suppliers to the Court of His Imperial Majesty. In the ancestral village of Bonyachki, Alexander Petrovich, at his own expense, erected a church in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, reminiscent of the former name of the area - Bogorodichesky.
The merchants Konovalovs not only successfully engaged in the textile and spinning business, but also built churches in the Kostroma province, maintained schools, hospitals, contributed to education, cultural leisure of the people and maintained famous choirs.
The words of one of the heroes of the novel, P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky "In the woods", said about his father: "I heard about the Konovalovs; they are commemorated with goodness throughout our neighborhood, in all near and far places; one can say about such people: they sowed good, sprinkled good, reaped good, bestowed good, and their name became honest and memorable in the family.

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