Stories from life. Composition of an interesting incident in my life Statement of an incident from my life


My life is so amazing and full of surprises that while thinking about the topic of the essay, several funny situations came to my mind at once. In general, I am a person who loves adventure and constantly gets into some kind of trouble. My summer incident was no exception.

It was during the summer holidays. As usual, my parents were going to send me for a few weeks to my grandmother in the village. This is already a common thing, for the last few years I have been getting to my grandmother on my own, because she lives very close. Two hours by train and you're there. But this time, my distraction and inattention gave me a real adventure.

On the eve of the trip, my mother helped me pack my bag, warned my grandmother that her beloved granddaughter would soon come to visit, gave me the necessary instructions and parting words. The day before, because the train is at lunchtime, and mom and dad will just be working. Of course, I nodded approvingly, agreed with everything, put the tickets and documents on the table and went to bed. I woke up early, I wanted to see my friends and take a little walk in front of the road. The girls came three hours before the train, and we went outside, bought ice cream, sat on a bench and talked. Time flew by unnoticed, and I was brought back to reality by a call from my mother. I quickly said goodbye to the girls and ran for the bag. The key, as luck would have it, stuck in the lock, I was nervous, and the train time was approaching.

All the same, the door gave way, I grabbed the bag, closed it and ran to the station. All wet and tired, she fell into her car and the train immediately started moving. I got a little hungry and decided to get the sandwiches that my mother put on the path for me. As I pulled out my bag, I noticed some movement in it. At first I was scared, but then I heard a loud "meow". And then I realized that I was not going to my grandmother alone. I open my bag, and there sits my red cat Vasily, who looks at me with plaintive eyes. It turns out that while I was walking, the cat climbed into the bag and fell asleep, and I, being late for the train, did not notice him and took him with me.

To be honest, we had more fun together, it’s good that the ride was not long, and Vasily behaved like an exemplary passenger. During this time, he managed to get acquainted with the neighbor grandmother Lucy, who treated him to sausages and sausage. So we got to Grandma.

By the way, Vasily brought a lot of benefits there too, because mice often ran into the old house, which the red-haired prankster caught and importantly brought, showing what kind of hunter he was. This is what happened to me and my cat.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades


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For the sake of a red word, they will not spare their father

Parents are impatiently waiting for the baby to say the first word, but at some point there are more words, and they add up to speech, which often puts adults in a position, frankly, uncomfortable, replenishing the family catalog “Funny and awkward cases from life” .

A young couple with a four-year-old daughter went to a Sunday performance at the circus. It was decided to get there by public transport, which turned out to be crowded. The kind grandmother, who was sitting on the first seat of the trolley bus, offered to take the child in her arms and, as usual, started a conversation with the girl. I must say, the girl was sociable, moreover, recently, walking with her grandmother, she heard a new and beautiful word "alcoholic". Until today, there was no chance to insert a beautiful word into your story, and then fate presented the girl with a gift in the form of such a grateful listener. Grandmother received a standard set of questions:

"What's your name? And your mother? And your father? And what does your mother do? And your father?"

And away we go. Since it was the height of honor for a child to work in her preschool institution, the girl, proud of her father, showed her imagination without a twinge of conscience and said that he worked in the True Friends kindergarten.

"And by whom?" - Grandma asked, and now it has come, the long-awaited moment.

"Alcoholic!" - proudly answered the girl. There was no point in making excuses, there was Homeric laughter in the trolley bus, and the clowns in the circus could not amuse the young parents more than their daughter.

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After the end of the literature lesson in the senior class, the teacher decided to sit down at the table and write down the topic of the lesson in a journal. Leaving the classroom, one of the students accidentally touched the chair with his foot, and he moved, at the same time with this movement, the teacher sat down past the chair and found herself on the floor. The children who were still in the class froze in horror, waiting for the reaction of a strict teacher, but the teacher laughed and said: “That’s how I landed, softer than Gagarin.”

first graders

Another teacher recalled how once, together with other teachers, she got to an open lesson in the first grade. An excited young teacher addressed the class with the words: “The guys in our lesson today are wild animals.” The kids turned in unison towards the commission.

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Humor is useful everywhere

Funny cases from the real life of the work team are always fun to remember. It is no secret that people often spend most of their time at work, and if you are lucky with your colleagues, this time can be not only useful, but also enjoyable. In the team, as a rule, there is a joker who can turn any situation into a joke. About such a comedian and will be discussed. Of course, it is difficult to list all the curiosities associated with him, but there were cases from life that were funny to tears.

From time to time, the management of the company in which our comedian worked began a struggle for savings. This time, the all-seeing eye turned its attention to the excessive use of printed paper. Therefore, each department received it separately and under the signature. The copier, which was used by the whole company, was in and, as always happens, when you urgently need to make some copies, the employees resorted to the supply and found that they had not captured the paper, so they turned to the suppliers with a request. But when the latter had an overrun, the shop closed. And then one day a very active marketer, out of breath, ran to take a coveted copy of an urgent document, but there was no paper, then she turned to her colleagues with a fiery speech: "Guys, we are doing one common thing!" And our humorist was immediately found: "Yes, we are doing one common thing, but each with his own paper!"

Speaking metaphorically

Perhaps the funniest incidents in the life of the team occurred when the company's management conceived another innovation and invited top-level specialists to teach their negligent staff about overseas tricks. During one of the very necessary trainings, the team faced the task of overcoming timidity in front of the management and behaving with the bosses on an equal footing, as with old comrades. It was required to describe in an accessible form the role of the manager and employees in the work process. One of the zealous managers volunteered to express his vision, so to speak, metaphorically. The essence of the speech was that the whole company is a beehive, employees are worker bees, and the director is a queen bee. When the training ended and the leadership left, our humorist enthusiastically exclaimed to his colleague (bee lover):

Well done, you said such a speech.

Did you really like it? - modestly lowered his head.

Still, so boldly in front of everyone to take and call the director a female genital organ!

All roads lead to Rome

Funny cases from the real life of travelers are always interesting, because our people are not afraid of difficulties, and everywhere they feel at home.

A trip to Italy of a cheerful company was remembered not only by the centuries-old sights of this country. The journey began on February 23, so upon arrival, the first thing we did was tired, but happy friends raised their glasses “For the Defenders of the Fatherland”. The evening dragged on until late at night, and part of the company went to bed, two members of the team, inspired by the drunk, decided that they had not come here to sleep. Taking the map and "with them", they went to explore the local attractions. Night Rome and talk about the eternal led our researchers to the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Fascinated by the shrine, illuminated by moonlight, they rolled for the beautiful and decided that for the fullness of sensations they lacked the night Colosseum. But it turned out that the map for some reason indicates incorrect information. It was decided to act the old fashioned way, namely, to take the "language" and interrogate where this very Colosseum had gone. The night city did not indulge passers-by, besides, the only person who more or less knew English slept peacefully in a rented apartment.


Finally, those suffering to touch eternity came across an Italian who was passing by wanderers. For some unknown reason, he decided to stop, and ours had a chance to see the pride of Rome. From a set of phrases of foreign languages ​​once studied at school, the aborigine guessed that people needed to go to the Colosseum, and for a pack of cigarettes he agreed to deliver them there. On the way, the passengers and the driver learned to understand each other and even got to know each other, it turns out that the name of the savior was Sanye. The night was beautiful, the amazing ancient giant struck with its beauty, and it was simply necessary to honor the memory and commemorate the builders, gladiators, and indeed everyone. Dawn began to dawn, it was time to return home, but the map still did not save. After interrogating a couple of frightened dog lovers along the way, lovers of night excursions still managed to get home. After a few hours of sleep, they and the rest of the team went to take in information and admire the antiquities along the planned route.

All roads lead to Rome II

Having gained enough impressions, the whole company decided to consolidate the learned material. Fortified with strong drinks. The story of the travelers inspired another member of the company, and now the three of them went on a night outing. Despite the fact that during the day they all visited the Colosseum together, at night the road and the map again let the sufferers contemplate antiquity by the light of the moon. The veterans had a plan.

Colosseum II

A few stops at the fountains to refresh and "for the beautiful", a couple of patient locals, and here it is - the Colosseum in all its glory. Having admired the long-suffering antiquity from the bottom of their hearts, embracing it and drinking, crying and confessing their eternal love, connoisseurs of beauty decided that they were tired, so it was time to go home.

The map and roads of Rome again failed, and passers-by ceased to come across. Only the carabinieri stopped, their similar tourists and incidents from life are funny and not very long ago they ceased to amaze. Asking if everything was fine and hearing the answer in “great and mighty,” the law enforcement officers smiled, waved their hands affably, and were like that. Travelers had no choice but to trust the instinct of the guide of one of the members of the expedition. The path was long and confusing, and suddenly the unfortunate people heard a familiar voice. It was Sanye calling his night buddies. He met them again in his car.

Remember at least the address

Delighted by the meeting, friends explained to Sanya in a language already familiar to him that they again went to admire the night Colosseum, but with a new participant. A polite Italian offered to help a group of friends and said that he would give them a lift to the house for free. But then it turned out that none of those present knew the address, and after saying goodbye to the new comrade, the group moved on after their guide. Having reached home in the morning, tired and impressed comrades fell asleep, and in the morning they called their homeland and talked about their incredible adventures in Italy.

23 chose

As a child, I was restless and gave my parents a lot of trouble. Recently, my mother and I recalled interesting cases from my childhood. Here are some funny episodes:

Once, on a walk in kindergarten, my girlfriend and I came up with the idea, but should we quietly go home, watch cartoons, because kindergarten is so boring. And so we quietly slipped to the exit, the gate, to our joy, was not closed. And finally - freedom! We felt like adults and were truly happy. We knew the way home very well, since it was located three blocks from the kindergarten. We had almost reached the house, when suddenly our neighbor Uncle Misha, who was going to the bakery, blocked our path. He asked us where we were going and why we were alone, turned us around and led us back to the kindergarten. This is how the first independent trip ended sadly for us, because we didn’t manage to watch cartoons that day, because. we were punished.

And this story happened to me when I was taken to my grandmother for the summer, I was a little over 3 years old. I played in the house with toys while my grandmother was busy in the garden, and then, tired, I crawled under my grandmother's bed and fell asleep safely there. My grandmother came into the house, began to look for me, first in the house, then in the yard, then all the neighbor's children were raised to help, who examined the surrounding places. They searched behind the garden, near the river and even in the well ... More than two hours passed, adults joined the search. What was going on then in my grandmother's head, only God knows. But then, to everyone's amazement, I appear on the threshold of the house, yawning and sleepily rubbing my eyes. Then my grandmother and I often recalled this incident, but with a smile.

And another case when I already went to school. I was then 7-8 years old. I must say that I really loved poking around in my mother's jewelry box with beads, trying on her high-heeled shoes and various beautiful blouses, but most of all I was not indifferent to my mother's cosmetic bag. And here I am, once again, I decided to audit my mother's cosmetic bag and found a bottle of new perfume (as I later found out, my father got these French perfumes "Klima" with great difficulty, like everything was in short supply at that time, and gave it to my mother for birthday). Naturally, I decided to open them immediately. But it was not so easy to open them, I tried my best and finally opened it, but at the same time the bottle slipped out of my hands, fell first on the sofa, then rolled onto the carpet. Naturally, there was almost nothing left in the bottle. Mom was very upset then, and for a long time the wonderful aroma of perfume hovered in the house.

I conducted a small survey among my acquaintances on the topic of children's pranks and almost everyone had 2-3 interesting stories. A friend told me that she decided to cut flowers out of her mother’s new dress and make an applique for a labor lesson out of them, the employee shared a story of how she and her brother threw tomatoes at each other, which mom bought the day before for seaming, but the most interesting thing was that they threw themselves in the room which has recently been refurbished. And he spoke about the reaction of his mother, who came home from work and saw this art.

Surely you also have funny stories from childhood, I would be interested to hear them and laugh with you.

Last summer I was visiting my grandmother at the dacha and a very interesting incident happened there. This is a great place, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. Everything is fascinating here - lush greenery, and thickets of juicy and ripe raspberries, and lush fruit trees, on the branches of which it is very fun to climb to pick a juicy ripe apple or a fragrant pear.

However, in the evenings, we began to notice a very strange noise coming from a nearby abandoned area, densely overgrown with bushes. It seemed that a huge and terrible beast lives there. One day, the adults went away for a short while, leaving me and my younger sister at the dacha. Grandmother asked me to look after my sister and not go outside the site. But we were terribly frightened when we again heard the noise behind the mesh fence of the abandoned site. It was accompanied by the crunch of branches, the rustle of last year's foliage. I decided to show courage and, rushing into the barn, grabbed the first thing that came to hand - a large shovel. My little sister also decided to take part in the "bloody struggle" with an unknown creature. She rushed after her toy sand scoop.

With such a frightening "weapon", we froze at the gate, waiting for the appearance of a terrible monster. There was no limit to our surprise when a cute tiny hedgehog with a funny black nose and beady eyes crawled out from under the net right to us. He was busily puffing and stomping, creating the very rustle and crunch that so frightened us for several days in a row. At the same moment, adults appeared, finding us with all our "armor".

This amusing incident greatly amused all the adults, and my sister and I were a little ashamed of our absurd fear. Since then, we have known that adult hedgehogs and even small hedgehogs can make very loud noises.

Together with the article “An essay on the topic “An interesting case from my life” they read:


Composition "An interesting case in my life."

When an interesting incident happened in my life, my friend and I turned 10 years old. We live in the private sector, and the houses are practically nearby. Natasha and I walked side by side in a clearing where a walnut tree grew. We used to spread the bedspread under the shade of the walnut tree and play with dolls.

The incident, which is described in the essay on the topic of an interesting case, occurred at the end of the summer. The weather was clear that day, but as it was getting closer to autumn, it rained frequently, the evenings were getting colder and not as cozy as they used to be.


My friend and I agreed to meet in the afternoon. The weather was good and we decided to just walk around. Walking along the street, we talked about school, classmates, parents, lessons and household chores. Suddenly Natasha stopped and asked if I heard any sound? I answered: "No." After standing and listening, we realized that tiny kittens were squeaking somewhere. We stood near the dismantled house, a squeak came from the other side. We decided to go in and have a look. When we entered, we saw three small kittens who were not even 2 weeks old. They lay on the ground and tried in vain to move. It became clear that someone had thrown the unfortunate crumbs into the trash, and we, without hesitation, took them with us.

Our parents did not react to the kittens as happily as we would like, they were against it, because we often brought animals home from the street. But such small were for the first time. We did not know what to do now, but we were able to find a way out. My cat recently had kittens, and we gave them to good hands. She missed them, and we offered her to take care of the babies we found. In the clearing where my friend and I played, we built a house where a cat and kittens lived. We kept them a secret from our parents for a week. All this time they brought them food and water. But our secret was revealed, the parents of Natasha's friend decided to take pity on the kittens and take them home for a while.

How are the kittens

When the kittens were one month old, we started looking for owners. We just walked the streets and knocked on the yards, offering to pick up the kids. Many refused. But we did not give up and were able to find owners for two kittens. One we could not attach for a long time. And Aunt Zhenya, Natasha's mother, allowed him to stay with her.

At the end of the essay on the topic of an interesting case, I can say that the kitten was given the name Timothy, and now he is a happy, well-fed, fluffy cat.

Remembering this fateful day, in order to write an essay on the Russian language, I thought that everything worked out well, and the animals found their home.

Mini essay "An interesting case in my life"

Once in my life an interesting incident happened. It was last summer. At this time of the year, my parents and I live in our house in the countryside. Not far from our house there is a not very wide, but rather deep and fast-flowing river. Very often my friends and I go fishing there or just sit on the shore and chat about something of our own.
Conversations by the river
And once, on one of these evenings, my friend Sasha and I were sitting on the river bank, telling each other interesting stories and throwing stones into the river. A large stone fell under my arm and without hesitation I threw it into the water with a swing. And then huge air bubbles came out from under the water.
Sasha and I immediately fell silent and began to observe what would happen next. In the place where my stone fell, something black appeared. It began to move against the current. We immediately took off and rushed after the stranger.
After some time, a strange object swam very close to us. We froze and something did the same. Twilight was falling on the ground, so we could not see the black object. To be honest, we were scared for a while. But soon we were able to see a funny furry muzzle. The strange object turned out to be a cute little beaver.
After looking at us a little, the animal disappeared from sight. And we waited a little, hoping that the animal would show itself to us again. But this never happened.
Waiting for the animal
Sasha and I came to that place many more times and brought food with us to treat the beaver, but the animal never appeared.
The animals are very interesting to watch. I don't think I'll get that opportunity again.

Here is such an interesting incident that happened in my life, I liked this topic, then there are other similar topics of essays

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