Historians victory over China arrhythmia. Forgotten victory of Rus' over Ancient China - Arimia



The Great Wall of China is one of the largest structures in the world, with a length of about 9,000 kilometers. It is generally accepted that the Chinese wall was built by the Chinese to protect against the raids of nomads from the north. All textbooks say this. And millions of tourists a year come from all over the world to look at this Chinese miracle. And it is unlikely that scientists will ever try to argue with this common truth, if not for one "but".

In 2011, a group of British archaeologists made a sensational discovery that crosses out all the usual ideas of Russian-Chinese history. Scientists have discovered a previously unknown part of the Great Wall of China.

Andrey Tyunyaev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The site, which until today the Chinese kept, thanks to them for this, and restored as best they could, remained an object forbidden for study. It is not recommended for study - to put it mildly. Therefore, all the archaeologists who tried to study it did not receive grants and did not receive permission to publish information about the research.

Having studied in detail the found section of the Chinese wall, scientists came to a sensational conclusion. The loopholes for firing in it are directed not to the country where the nomads lived, but to the south, that is, towards China.

What does this mean? It turns out that the Great Wall of China was built backwards, facing China. But how is this possible? The Chinese could not have built the world's largest fortification against themselves. Or was it not the Chinese who built the wall? But then who? And from whom did she serve as protection?

Ancient Chinese Rus'

Experts have calculated that it took more than 240 million cubic meters of building materials to build the Great Wall of China. If we imagine such a construction site in the modern world, then its implementation requires tens of thousands of kilometers of railways, hundreds of trains continuously delivering building materials, thousands of cranes and tens of thousands of trucks. All this should serve millions of people for many, many decades.

But then who in the ancient world was able to build such a large-scale fortification, compared with which even the construction of the Egyptian pyramids seems like just a sandbox game.

Rodobor, historian of Ancient Rus': “It would be foolish for the Chinese to build the Great Wall of China in order to defend themselves from the other side. Rather, this wall was built in distant, ancient times to protect itself from unwanted peoples.

It is known that the closest neighbors of the Chinese in those days were northern nomads. Historians argue that this tribe was unlikely to be able to build something like this. After all, when one of the most ancient civilizations in the world - the Chinese - already owned the secret of the production of silk, gunpowder and paper, only barbarians lived nearby. Nomads in those days could only build a fence around their tents, but nothing more.

Pavel Sviridov, candidate of technical sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Cosmonautics: “To create such a structure, especially for ancient China, is impossible in principle, and it makes no sense. Because if there is some kind of threat, then it must be localized, for this matter it is necessary to gather an army, to speak out. What if we don't know where it's coming from? From a military and economic point of view, it makes no sense to build such a wall.”

But if nomads built the Great Wall of China, then who and, most importantly, for what?

In search of answers, scientists turned to ancient geography. Among the museum valuables, they discovered the first geographical atlas in history. The world map in it was compiled by Abraham Ortelius and published on May 20, 1570 in Belgium.

However, until recently, scientists could not find a reasonable explanation for the information it contains. After all, the map clearly shows that where today the territory of the Far East is located, there was Mongolia. Upon closer examination of the map, it becomes clear that there are two Chinas on it at once. One is called the word CHINA (“China”), which is familiar to us, and the name of the second resembles the Russian reading “roll”. And where the Great Wall of China passes, it is clear that the state bordering on ancient China is Tartaria.

But why is there no information about the state, which, as can be seen on the ancient map, occupied half of the Eurasian continent. Who inhabited Tartaria? Was it really this civilization that was able to build the Great Wall of China?

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “Suddenly today, when medieval maps were published, we found that in the territories that we were previously taught one thing about, completely different states were indicated. Moreover, the states are such that they occupied almost half of the Euro-Asian continent. It's about Tartary."

Chinese chronicles testify that white people lived on the territory where Tartaria was once located. They could speak directly with the celestials, for which the ancient Chinese called them "white gods." However, in order to say who exactly the white gods who inhabited Tartaria were, scientists needed to have something more than chronicles. But they didn't have anything.

Everything changed when, in 2013, scientists finally received the results of an examination of unusual ancient vessels discovered back in 1960 in the territory considered the cradle of Chinese culture - in the province of Henan.

It turned out that the bowls, amphoras, jugs found at the excavation site were decorated with ancient writings that had nothing to do with Chinese characters.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “One can only judge by archaeological data, because there, in the depths of the Neolithic, no written history, no epic, nothing “reaches out”. All Neolithic products have the same "civilizational" approach."

However, scientists could not say for a long time which civilization the ancient vessels belonged to. It took more than 50 years to decipher these mysterious signs. And when the specialists received the first result, he plunged them into shock.

It turned out that the signs depicted on the ceramics completely coincide with the ancient Russian letter - the runic. But what does this mean? Did the ancient vessels have a Russian origin? If this is true, then how did they end up in ancient China? After all, the distance from the Celestial Empire to the borders of Ancient Rus' was calculated in thousands of kilometers.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “On Chinese ceramics, on the one found in the territory of the northern lands, the letters were found in the plural and all of them are absolutely identical to the letters found on the ceramics of the southern Russian territories, where Tripoli and a number of other cultures were located. Even Chinese historians say that writing came to China from Russian territories.”

It was this fact that allowed scientists to put forward a shocking version - ancient Tartaria and part of modern Chinese territories were once inhabited by Slavs. But if the Chinese lands were once Russian, what happened several thousand years ago when the Russians left their territories? And why is history silent about this today?

Bear vs dragon

Chinese ceramic vessels decorated with runes have caused a lot of controversy in the scientific world. Could the territories of the Celestial Empire, where ancient artifacts were discovered, once belong to the Russians? And does this mean that ancient geography will have to be rewritten? Perhaps all these questions would have remained unanswered, however, in the 20th century, scientists discovered well-preserved mummies on the territory of the former Tartaria, which is part of modern China.

It was this discovery that shed light on the origin of ancient vessels and opened the veil of the mystery of the construction of the Great Wall of China.

Andrey Tyunyaev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The Chinese were so happy with this discovery that they invited American geneticists and anthropologists to open the sensation to the whole world. Because the Chinese were sure that they had found their ancestors.”

But it turned out that the discovered mummies had European faces. This fact has baffled scientists. Who were these people, how could they have ended up in ancient China, and why were they buried with all possible honors?

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The mummies (they were called Tarim mummies or the mummies of the Tarim Basin) were tall - more than eighty meters, fair-haired with a high waist position.”

The find for a long time generated controversy in scientific circles, but everything changed when genetic analysis of the remains was made available to specialists.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “We did genetic studies of these mummies, and these genetic studies showed that they, these mummies, have the same genetics as the modern population of the Vologda, Tver, Moscow regions of Russia. That is, the same genes.

And this means that Russians were buried with all honors on the territory of Ancient China. It turns out that ancient Tartaria was inhabited by our ancestors - the Slavs, which means that the Chinese called them white gods.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “When American geneticists conducted a genetic examination and saw that they were ordinary Russians, the Chinese expelled American geneticists, covered up all their excavations, and since then a ban has been imposed on the study of these mummies, they are no longer studied.”

However, the results of the study were already enough for scientists to draw conclusions. But why, then, did the people of the Celestial Empire treat their northern neighbors with such deep respect, and where could Russian mummies come from in China, if the first mention of the Slavs, as a separate people, dates only to the eighth century? And this is 3000 years later than the Russian mummies were buried.

The historian of Ancient Rus' Rodobor: “History was rewritten. It is no secret that our history was written by the Germans: Miller, Bayer and Schlozer. One of them did not know Russian. These were “specialists” who wrote not only for Russia, state history, but not the history of the people.”

Moreover, having studied the mummies in detail, archaeologists found traces of a most complicated surgical operation on one of them. It's hard to believe, but one of the mummies clearly shows signs of surgical intervention - the stitches that were preserved after careful professional incisions indicated that one of these people had undergone lung surgery during his lifetime.

Andrey Shlyakhov, sinologist: “This is a rather technically complicated operation - it is necessary to open the chest. It is possible to perform an operation on a breathing lung if you know where to tie off the vessels and cut off the affected area, which most likely did not function. It all came down to opening the chest so that the person would not feel pain and to follow all the necessary rules, not to infect the patient and leave the patient.

But how is this possible 3000 years before the first operation on the lung? Indeed, according to official history, such surgical experiments began to be carried out only in 1881. Then, for the first time, scientists were able to remove part of a lung from a dog, but even then the operation was unsuccessful, and soon the experimental animal died.

However, the facts speak for themselves: the man whose mummy was examined by scientists, during his lifetime, did indeed undergo a complex operation on the lung. But then who in the ancient world could carry it out, really the Chinese?

Andrei Shlyakhov, sinologist: “It is hard to believe, because, firstly, this operation is of a more complex technical plan. It requires complex tools, including optical ones, and the Chinese did not have such knowledge at all.”

It is generally accepted that the pioneers of medicine are the Chinese. There is no doubt that it was the people of the Celestial Empire who first discovered the human circulatory system and were the first to discover the existence of bacteria. Ancient Chinese treatises that have survived to this day are replete with colorful images of the most complex medical operations, and all this is thousands of years before the first surgeon in Europe took up a scalpel to remove a patient's appendix.

Probably, the whole world would have considered Chinese healers as the founders of ancient surgery, if there were no records found in a Chinese medical treatise, which was written back in the 3rd century AD. It says that the operation on the found mummies could not be performed by the Chinese.

Petr Oleksenko, historian: “Among these artifacts, we can see various manuscripts, ancient texts, treatises and various maps drawn up either on parchment, or on pieces of leather, or on some material that has long-term storage. The ancient experts in medicine, as well as in other sciences, who lived not only in China, but also in other countries, were able to perform miracles.

An ancient handwritten document said that hundreds of years before the first, most primitive medical knowledge that the Chinese began to possess, white people came to the Celestial Empire to bestow strength and health on its people. The chronicle describes in detail how the white people, whom the Chinese called gods, taught their people the art of healing.

Petr Oleksenko, historian: “White gods or, most likely, gods of the Caucasoid type communicated with the Chinese. It is quite possible that in ancient times it was the white race that existed everywhere, and, most likely, they were not just gods, but representatives of a highly developed civilization. It is possible that this is what the gods looked like, since there are gods in the Chinese pantheon who look human-like.

But who were these gods who shared their knowledge with the people of the Middle Kingdom? It would seem that historians can no longer find an answer to this question. After all, documentary sources that have survived from those times can be counted on the fingers. However, the solution came unexpectedly. An ancient Chinese treatise also said that the white gods came to the Chinese from the north. It is known that of the ancient lands, only Tartaria was located north of China. But what does this mean? Did the Slavs, who inhabited Tartaria, give medical knowledge to the Chinese?

Petr Oleksenko, historian: “Specialists who deciphered those texts often say that it was written in the books that, supposedly, the Chinese received knowledge from some northern country or from somewhere in the north, from the sages, but what what country is this and where was it then?”

The Chinese treatise also says: "If the disease did not respond to treatment with medicines or acupuncture, then the white gods made an incision and took out the diseased organ." Chronicles describe in detail the methods and means of restoring a removed organ - all those actions that we would today call an organ transplant.

Petr Oleksenko, historian: “Chinese experts have found a fairly large number of different scientific treatises. And among these treatises there are works on medicine. These books simply surprise and amaze us, because they describe various complex surgical operations. But how could the ancient masters already in the 3rd-5th century AD perform such complex operations as organ transplants or an incision in the internal parts of the lung?

Organ transplantation in the ancient world two millennia before official surgery? After all, according to generally accepted history, for the first time organ transplantation from person to person was performed by Professor Yuri Voronoi, and this happened only in 1933 in Kherson. And the world's first lung transplant was carried out even later, in 1963, then Dr. James Hardy replaced his patient's lung, but he soon died. But if our ancestors were really able to perform the most complex surgical operations thousands of years ago, then it is not so difficult to believe that it was they who could build the Great Wall of China.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “The civilization of China from the north was built by immigrants from Russian territories. They came from the north to the central and northern regions of modern China, settled and created their own civilization. They built this wall, which, in general, was still, in some part, a military structure.

But if it was the Slavs who bestowed knowledge on the Chinese, then what happened thousands of years ago, why did the Russian people separate from the Chinese by a high impregnable wall? And was it really necessary to introduce such an incredible fortification to protect against people? Or did the Great Wall of China serve as a barrier against superhuman forces?

The researchers found the key to the puzzle in the ancient Russian legend, according to which, many thousands of years ago, a long bloody war was waged between the Russian people and an unknown civilization, which was called the race of the great dragon. Losses on both sides reached such proportions that humanity was on the verge of extinction.

Andrey Tyunyaev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “Moreover, the most surprising thing is that we find the echoes of these great battles in Slavic legends, in Chinese legends, in the legends of the peoples of Siberia. There is a mention in them that some great battle was taking place between the white race and the dragon race.

According to legend, the outcome of the war was the victory of the white race, and 7523 years ago, peace was concluded between the two civilizations. People called this day the creation of the world. From that moment on, the Slavic people created the first calendar in history, which lasted until the time of Peter the Great. And few people know that the image of the coat of arms of Moscow, familiar to everyone since childhood, on which George the Victorious defeats the dragon, is nothing more than a reflection of the ancient battle when the Slavs defeated the people of the dragon, that is, the Chinese.

Alexander Asov, historian: “We see the reflection of this legend in the legend of George the Victorious. It is curious that George the Victorious is also known to the Vedas of Rus'. He is known as Yegoriy the Brave, one of the leaders, of the princes, who is revered to this day and is still depicted on our coins.

The legend says that after the creation of the world, a great wall was built, which marked the borders of the state of the ancient Rus. The people of the great dragon were forbidden to cross the border, which served as a great wall, called "Ki-Tai".

Historians are well aware that the word "cue" in ancient Russian meant "fence", and the word "tai" in modern reading sounds like "top". And this means that "China" in Rus' was called an impregnable wall.

Rodobor, historian of Ancient Rus': “The Chinese are the peoples who at that time, most likely, lived next to this building, with the Chinese wall. Maybe that's why they were called "Chinese". Drawing further analogies, for example, in Moscow, Kitay-gorod, what is left of it is the same wall, there is nothing else there. But the Chinese didn't live there."

It would seem that the ancient legend has put everything in its place, but new questions have arisen. From what civilization, called the "great dragon", did the ancient Rus fight? Where did she come from and where did she disappear to? If these were the Chinese known to us today, then why did the ancient cartographers know nothing about them? After all, for the first time China appears on world maps only in the 15th century AD. But then who actually inhabited the territory of China in antiquity?

material prepared by Svetlana Voronova based on the film ""

The Great War 7500 years ago December 23rd, 2013

The memory of that ancient war has survived to this day, but it has been preserved in historical memory. The battle of the Grand Duke Asura - the prince of the "land of the Holy Race") and Ahriman - the ruler of Arimia (China) is described in the ancient books preserved in India and Iran - "Avesta". On the day of the autumnal equinox on September 22, when the time of the ancient New Year came, the ruler of Arimia Ahriman and the great prince Asura concluded a peace treaty between the warring powers. Since that time, the reckoning from the creation of the world appeared. This happened about 7500 years ago.

The great Wall of China
The separation of the outlying provinces from the Slavic-Aryan Empire led to the weakening of the Empire. As a result, the capital of this Empire, Asgard-Iriy, was captured and completely destroyed, which stood for 106,308 years!

Asgard was destroyed in Summer 7038 by S.M.Z.H. (1 530 AD) Dzungars - natives of the northern provinces of Arimia, as in those days the ancient rasichs called Ancient China. Today, on the site of Asgard is the city of Omsk.
The war was hard and unequal, but, nevertheless, the Great Rasseniya defeated Ancient China - Arimia.

The theme of the commonality of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the Avesta and the book of Veles is touched upon, which refers to the bloody war between the Great Russenia (Rus) and Arimia (ancient China - the country of the “Great Dragon”), which took place 7519 years ago. The victory in this most difficult and bloody war was immortalized in the new calendar - in the new chronology of the Slavs, where the date of the conclusion of the Peace Treaty with China - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple on September 22, was taken as a starting point.

Among all the sacred books of the world, there is one - the most amazing and perhaps the oldest. This is the Avesta, the sacred book of the Zoroastrians. Already in the time of the Persian king Cyrus, that is, five centuries before Christ, the Avestan language, in which her poems and songs were composed, was long forgotten by the people, just as Latin or ancient Greek are forgotten today. Only the Zoroastrian priests, who memorized the texts of the Avesta from generation to generation, understood their meaning. By order of King Cyrus, they translated and for the first time wrote down the verses of this amazing book, in the very first lines of which they spoke of a strange catastrophe - a glacier that radically changed the life of the entire ancient people. It also mentions the creatures - "Blue" and "Grey", who arrived on Earth in 4379 BC. that is, 1128 years after the war.
Grays are humanoid creatures with gray skin, mentioned in ancient documents of the Sumerians.
Blue - also humanoid creatures with blue or blue skin, but are mentioned among the Indians: Maya, Aztecs, etc.
Either the "blues" or the "greys" built the Great Wall of China to separate the two warring races - the white and the yellow. And much later, the dynasties of Chinese emperors appropriated the construction of a grandiose structure, as, for example, the Egyptian pharaohs did, attributing to themselves the construction of the pyramids.

Perhaps, before the Great War between the Slavs and the Chinese, the "blue" settled the white race on Earth, and the "gray" - the yellow race. The connection between the "blue" and the white race is indirectly confirmed by the fact that only the white race has a mention of "blue blood". Therefore, most likely, the Chinese wall was built by the "blue" gods, since it faces China with loopholes, and there are also stairs for climbing the walls from the Russian side!

L.N. Gumilyov also wrote:
« When the work was completed, it turned out that all the armed forces of China were not enough to organize an effective defense on the wall. In fact, if a small detachment is placed on each tower, then the enemy will destroy it before the neighbors have time to gather and give help. If, however, large detachments are spaced less often, then gaps are formed through which the enemy will easily and imperceptibly penetrate deep into the country. A fortress without defenders is not a fortress».

Old Russian style in the architecture of the Chinese wall.

In 2008, at the First International Congress "Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Writing and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture" at the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg), a report was made "China - the younger brother of Rus'", which presented fragments of Neolithic ceramics from the territory of the eastern part of Northern China. It turned out that the signs depicted on the ceramics have nothing in common with the Chinese "hieroglyphs", but they reveal almost complete coincidence with the ancient Russian runic - up to 80% [Tyunyaev, 2008].

In another article - "In the Neolithic, Northern China was inhabited by Russians" - based on the latest archaeological data, it is shown that in the Neolithic and Bronze Age the population of the western part of Northern China was not Mongoloid, but Caucasoid. The data of genetics made a clarification: this population was of Old Russian origin and had the Old Russian haplogroup R1a1 (Tyunyaev, 2010a).
Mythological evidence suggests that the eastward movements of the ancient Rus were led by Bogumir and Slavunya and their son Skif (Tyunyaev, 2010). These events are reflected in the Book of Veles, whose people in the 1st millennium BC. partially moved to the west (Tyunyaev, 2010b).

Nowadays, the text of the Avesta is widely known and available for study, but few scientists seek to take the information presented in it seriously. After all, according to textbooks, a reasonable man began to create his first settlements only about 12,000 years ago. And the advance of the glacier, described in the Avesta, took place even earlier - about 30,000 years BC.
Reasonable people in the deep Paleolithic? This seems completely unbelievable, but Veles' book also confirms this fact! Nevertheless, numerous details and facts make us see in the story from the ancient Avesta something much more than just an amazing fairy tale.

Taking this opportunity, I want to tell you about another Great Victory, 7500 years ago, the memory of which they are diligently trying to destroy ...

But before looking deep into the past, I would like to repeat once again: our fathers and grandfathers, having shown heroism, fortitude and military skill, won the Great Victory, forcing one of the strongest armies to sign an act of surrender in 1945, thereby CREATING THE WORLD. Remember this phrase, it will make clear the bizarre labyrinths of the past.

Few people know that the modern “calculus” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700. This act was performed by Peter I, or rather, his DOUBLE. It was by decree of Peter in the summer of 7208, according to the current chronology, that Russia canceled its own calendar and switched to the current chronology, starting from 1700.

This act was performed by Peter I, or rather, his DOUBLE. It was by decree of Peter in the summer of 7208, according to the current chronology, that Russia canceled its own calendar and switched to the current chronology, starting from 1700.

You ask, what does the memory of the Great Victory have to do with it?

The matter is that any calculation has a reference point from any SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example now 2013 YEAR (GOD - Lord) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar marked by Peter also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called the “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the country of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATED THE WORLD. It is obvious that the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar starting its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, according to which, at the time of this publication, there are 7521 years.

It was possible to level this reference point, make it abstract, and then erase it from people's memory and official “history” by changing the image of the word MIR. Each of us knows that in Russian there are words homonyms that are the same in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for such strangeness - the origin of twin words that have different concepts. Actually, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter had 49 letters in its composition. Among the capital letters that fell under the “abbreviation”, and now missing, was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and still has!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION. And the Letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word written as PEACE meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word written as the world had the image of the Universal World, the UNIVERSE. We know the slogan common in Soviet times, which includes both words with different meanings: “Peace - Peace!”, That is, the World of the Universe - Peace without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including reckoning. First, the letter “i” in the word MIR was replaced by the letter “i”, and “creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

In parallel, on frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by Vityaz-Ariy, the Dragon (the symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and Vityaz-Arii, who in Russia was referred to as Yuri, received the name of George (which in Greek means plowman) Should I remind you that the plowman who digs the earth is Arius, an Aryan? Nevertheless, Saint George has remained the patron saint of tillers in most modern cultures.

The substitution of three important components of the image of the Great Victory - the word WORLD (without war) for the Universe, the DRAGON (Chinese) for the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight for the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of counting our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human memory. This allowed Peter in 7208 years to painlessly and without resistance to replace our ancient calendar with the European one.

The memory of that ancient war has survived to this day, but it has been preserved in historical memory. The battle of the Grand Duke Asura - the prince of the "land of the Holy Race") and Ahriman - the ruler of Arimia (China) is described in the ancient books preserved in India and Iran - "Avesta". On the day of the autumnal equinox on September 22, when the time of the ancient New Year came, the ruler of Arimia Ahriman and the great prince Asura concluded a peace treaty between the warring powers. Since that time, the reckoning from the creation of the world appeared. This happened about 7500 years ago.

The great Wall of China
The separation of the outlying provinces from the Slavic-Aryan Empire led to the weakening of the Empire. As a result, the capital of this Empire, Asgard-Iriy, was captured and completely destroyed, which stood for 106,308 years!

Asgard was destroyed in Summer 7038 by S.M.Z.H. (1 530 AD) Dzungars - natives of the northern provinces of Arimia, as in those days the ancient rasichs called Ancient China. Today, on the site of Asgard is the city of Omsk.
The war was hard and unequal, but, nevertheless, the Great Rasseniya defeated Ancient China - Arimia.

The theme of the commonality of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the Avesta and the book of Veles is touched upon, which refers to the bloody war between the Great Russenia (Rus) and Arimia (ancient China - the country of the “Great Dragon”), which took place 7519 years ago. The victory in this most difficult and bloody war was immortalized in the new calendar - in the new chronology of the Slavs, where the date of the conclusion of the Peace Treaty with China - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple on September 22, was taken as a starting point.

Among all the sacred books of the world, there is one - the most amazing and perhaps the oldest. This is the Avesta, the sacred book of the Zoroastrians. Already in the time of the Persian king Cyrus, that is, five centuries before Christ, the Avestan language, in which her poems and songs were composed, was long forgotten by the people, just as Latin or ancient Greek are forgotten today. Only the Zoroastrian priests, who memorized the texts of the Avesta from generation to generation, understood their meaning. By order of King Cyrus, they translated and for the first time wrote down the verses of this amazing book, in the very first lines of which they spoke of a strange catastrophe - a glacier that radically changed the life of the entire ancient people. It also mentions the creatures - "Blue" and "Grey", who arrived on Earth in 4379 BC. that is, 1128 years after the war.
Grays are humanoid creatures with gray skin, mentioned in ancient documents of the Sumerians.
Blue - also humanoid creatures with blue or blue skin, but are mentioned among the Indians: Maya, Aztecs, etc.
Either the "blues" or the "greys" built the Great Wall of China to separate the two warring races - the white and the yellow. And much later, the dynasties of Chinese emperors appropriated the construction of a grandiose structure, as, for example, the Egyptian pharaohs did, attributing to themselves the construction of the pyramids.

Perhaps, before the Great War between the Slavs and the Chinese, the "blue" settled the white race on Earth, and the "gray" - the yellow race. The connection between the "blue" and the white race is indirectly confirmed by the fact that only the white race has a mention of "blue blood". Therefore, most likely, the Chinese wall was built by the "blue" gods, since it faces China with loopholes, and there are also stairs for climbing the walls from the Russian side!

L.N. Gumilyov also wrote:
« When the work was completed, it turned out that all the armed forces of China were not enough to organize an effective defense on the wall. In fact, if a small detachment is placed on each tower, then the enemy will destroy it before the neighbors have time to gather and give help. If, however, large detachments are spaced less often, then gaps are formed through which the enemy will easily and imperceptibly penetrate deep into the country. A fortress without defenders is not a fortress».

Old Russian style in the architecture of the Chinese wall.

In 2008, at the First International Congress "Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Writing and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture" at the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg), a report was made "China - the younger brother of Rus'", which presented fragments of Neolithic ceramics from the territory of the eastern part of Northern China. It turned out that the signs depicted on the ceramics have nothing in common with the Chinese "hieroglyphs", but they reveal almost complete coincidence with the ancient Russian runic - up to 80% [Tyunyaev, 2008].

In another article - "In the Neolithic, Northern China was inhabited by Russians" - based on the latest archaeological data, it is shown that in the Neolithic and Bronze Age the population of the western part of Northern China was not Mongoloid, but Caucasoid. The data of genetics made a clarification: this population was of Old Russian origin and had the Old Russian haplogroup R1a1 (Tyunyaev, 2010a).
Mythological evidence suggests that the eastward movements of the ancient Rus were led by Bogumir and Slavunya and their son Skif (Tyunyaev, 2010). These events are reflected in the Book of Veles, whose people in the 1st millennium BC. partially moved to the west (Tyunyaev, 2010b).

Nowadays, the text of the Avesta is widely known and available for study, but few scientists seek to take the information presented in it seriously. After all, according to textbooks, a reasonable man began to create his first settlements only about 12,000 years ago. And the advance of the glacier, described in the Avesta, took place even earlier - about 30,000 years BC.
Reasonable people in the deep Paleolithic? This seems completely unbelievable, but Veles' book also confirms this fact! Nevertheless, numerous details and facts make us see in the story from the ancient Avesta something much more than just an amazing fairy tale.

Taking this opportunity, I want to tell you about another Great Victory, 7500 years ago, the memory of which they are diligently trying to destroy ...

But before looking deep into the past, I would like to repeat once again: our fathers and grandfathers, having shown heroism, fortitude and military skill, won the Great Victory, forcing one of the strongest armies to sign an act of surrender in 1945, thereby CREATING THE WORLD. Remember this phrase, it will make clear the bizarre labyrinths of the past.

Few people know that the modern “calculus” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700. This act was performed by Peter I, or rather, his DOUBLE. It was by decree of Peter in the summer of 7208, according to the current chronology, that Russia canceled its own calendar and switched to the current chronology, starting from 1700.

This act was performed by Peter I, or rather, his DOUBLE. It was by decree of Peter in the summer of 7208, according to the current chronology, that Russia canceled its own calendar and switched to the current chronology, starting from 1700.

You ask, what does the memory of the Great Victory have to do with it?

The matter is that any calculation has a reference point from any SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example, now 2013 is the YEAR (GOD - Lord) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar marked by Peter also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called the “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the country of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATED THE WORLD. It is obvious that the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar starting its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, according to which, at the time of this publication, there are 7521 years.

It was possible to level this reference point, make it abstract, and then erase it from people's memory and official “history” by changing the image of the word MIR. Each of us knows that in Russian there are words homonyms that are the same in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for such strangeness - the origin of twin words that have different concepts. Actually, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter had 49 letters in its composition. Among the capital letters that fell under the “abbreviation”, and now missing, was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and still has!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION. And the letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word written as PEACE meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word written as the world had the image of the universal World, the UNIVERSE. We know the slogan common in Soviet times, which includes both words with different meanings: “To the world - Peace!”, That is, to the universal world - Peace without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including reckoning. First, the letter “i” in the word MIR was replaced by the letter “i”, and “creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

In parallel, on frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by Vityaz-Ariy, the Dragon (the symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and Vityaz-Arii, who in Russia was referred to as Yuri, received the name of George (which in Greek means plowman) Should I remind you that the plowman who digs the earth is Arius, an Aryan? Nevertheless, Saint George has remained the patron saint of tillers in most modern cultures.

The substitution of three important components of the image of the Great Victory - the word WORLD (without war) for the Universe, the DRAGON (Chinese) for the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight for the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of counting our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human memory. This allowed Peter in 7208 years to painlessly and without resistance to replace our ancient calendar with the European one.

If we look carefully at how, over the past 20 years, our Victory in the Great Patriotic War has been trying to belittle and nullify its original meaning, a parallel will become visible, with the events of the abolition of the Slavic calendar.

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