The history of mankind since ancient times. Message on the topic: “Pages of world history


As they say, there is a first time for everything. Today you will find a fascinating list of the very first creations of human hands, ranging from the first cities to the first spaceships.

25. First skyscraper

The 10-story Home Insurance Building was erected in Chicago in 1884 and has since become known as the "father of modern skyscrapers".

24. First person to circumnavigate the world on their own

Erden Eruc from Turkey was the lucky one as he rowed around the globe.

23. The first person killed by a robot

On January 25, 1979, Robert Williams died due to a head wound he received from a Ford foundry.

22. First National Park

Yellowstone National Park in the United States was the first national park on the planet. President Ulysses Simpson Grant officially declared the site a nature reserve in 1872.

21. The first official video made by fans

Placebo were so impressed with the Grégoire Pinard video for their song "English Summer Rain" that they decided to make it the official video.

20. First Action, Science Fiction and Western

The 1903 film The Great Train Robbery was only 10 minutes long and featured only 14 scenes.

19. The first person to reach the North Pole on foot and alone

Although Sir Walter Herbert of Great Britain is officially credited as the first person to reach the North Pole in 1969, Norwegian Bjørgen Ousland did so alone and under his own power only in 1994!

18. First manned space flight

The first space shuttle, a manned space shuttle, was launched on April 12, 1981. The date of its launch was timed to coincide with the legendary flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1961. Astronauts John Young (John Young) and Robert Crippen (Robert Crippen) flew straight into the unknown, because at the end of the flight they had to return back to Earth and land on their own.

17. The first automatic weapon

In 1883, Sir Hiram Maxim created the world's first Maxim machine gun, which was immediately picked up by the revolutionaries, and subsequently used in both world wars.

16. The first commercial passenger spacecraft

On March 23, 2010, the Virgin Spaceship Enterprise made its first test flight in California. Although flights were planned to start as early as 2012, in 2014 the ship crashed during one of the test flights, significantly pushing back the launch of commercial flights.

15. The first supercomputer

Cray-1 is the world's first supercomputer. It was installed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States in 1976 at a cost of $8.8 million.

14 The First Animal With Bionic Leg Implants

In June 2010, a cat named Oscar received bionic limbs after he lost his legs under a combine harvester.

13. First video game

The very first video game was launched in 1947 by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. Their invention was called the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device and was the world's first simulator.

12. The first extraterrestrial tornadoes (dust devils)

Terrestrial tornadoes won't surprise anyone, but what about extraterrestrial ones? The first images of dust devils on Mars were obtained in the 1970s by the Viking spacecraft.

11. First road map

By order of the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, the first road map was created. It took almost 20 years to complete!

10. First flash mob

The first flash mob, confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records, took place in New York in 2003 in one of the local stores.

9. First watch

The first official watch was called the Nuremberg Egg. They were made by Peter Hemlein in Germany in 1509.

8. Finding signs of life on the planet

When the Galileo spacecraft flew over the Earth, scientists decided to explore our planet for the likelihood of life on it (as if seeing it for the first time). They managed to find here a complete list of signs: chlorophyll, oxygen and methane were found.

7. First strike

The first officially recorded strike occurred on November 14, 1152 BC. Artisans of the Royal Necropolis became the initiators of this action.

6. First aerial bombardment

In 1849, the Austrians launched several hundred unmanned balloons with the intention of dropping timed bombs on Venice. The operation was not very successful due to strong winds.

5. The first ever maximum score in a PAC-MAN game

July 3, 1999 Billy Mitchell from the USA managed to score the maximum number of points in PAC-MAN for the first time.

4. First Controversial Video Game

The game Death Race, released in 1976, consisted in the fact that the player had to hit as many gremlins as possible with a car. This caused quite a bit of hype, as many believed that this game could lead to an increase in the number of cases of reckless driving.

3. First city

The first city in the world was the city of Uruk, founded in 3200 BC. He was in Mesopotamia (Iraq). It had almost 50,000 inhabitants, it had thick walls and was an important trading center.

2. First declaration of war

Let's go back to Mesopotamia. Historians believe that the Epic of Gilgamesh contains the world's first official declaration of war. Gilgamesh himself was the king of Uruk, and the epic describes his exploits.

1. The first victim of a car accident

And although cars were only experimental vehicles in 1869, Mary Ward from Great Britain was the first official victim of a car accident.

This question has always worried both scientists and ordinary people. Many scientists still devote their entire lives to studying this issue, never finding an exact answer. And although no one knows for sure yet, in the scientific world they took as a basis the theory of Darwin, who believed that man evolved from apes in a natural way. At the same time, so far no one has found such evidence of the origin of man from animals, which are completely irrefutable.

Darwin's theory

In the modern world, Darwin's theory is no longer as strong as it used to be, but still it is the basis for understanding where man came from.

The question of the origin of animal species is considered by such a science as biology. The origin of man is also a question of concern to this science.

The British biologist and geologist Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species in 1859, which is one of the most famous works in the history of the science of biology.

In his book, Darwin outlined the theory on the basis of which he made an assumption about the evolution of living beings. He believed that living beings have evolved over billions of years through natural selection, that is, the strongest survived and adapted to new conditions.

Then, in the book “The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection,” he tried to substantiate the theory of Georges-Louis de Buffon, who suggested that the first people on Earth appeared due to evolutionary processes. After Darwin published this work, it was recognized by the entire scientific world.

The descendants of Darwin, the followers of his school - Darwinists, then stated that man originated precisely from the ape. This opinion is currently considered to be the only correct scientific explanation of what the origin of man was. There is still no scientific refutation of this theory.

Scientists believe that the first people on Earth appeared about 7 million years ago from ancient monkeys. Of course, there are also antagonists of this statement. The further evolution of man took place in a very complex way, leaving the right to life only to more advanced species.


Australopithecus is considered the first link in the human evolutionary chain. In the Republic of Chad, the remains of this species were found, which are more than 6 million years old. The "youngest" Australopithecus was found in South Africa. No more than 900 thousand years have passed since his death. Of all the links found in human evolution, this species lasted the longest period of time.

Australopithecus have pronounced features of both human and ape-like creatures. Their growth was up to one and a half meters, and their weight ranged from 30 to 50 kg. The absence of large fangs suggests that they could not use them as a weapon, therefore, they ate more plant foods than meat. They would not have been able to kill large animals, so they hunted small animals or picked up already dead creatures.

These primates knew how to use primitive tools that did not need to be made: stones, branches, etc. Based on this, Australopithecus is called a “handy man”.


The life of the first people on Earth was clearly not easy, given the weak adaptation to simple survival.

The first remains of a great ape of this species were found on the island of Java, which is located in South Asia. This species existed on planet Earth about 1 million years ago. Australopithecus completely disappeared during the same period. Pithecanthropes also died out about 400 thousand years ago.

Thanks to the found remains, from which it was possible to determine the structure of the skeleton, scientists suggest that this species almost always walked on two legs, for which it was nicknamed "upright man." This was found out due to the fact that the femur of such a primate is very similar to a human.

Also, during the excavations, their tools were found. They cannot be described as masters of this business, but the Pithecanthropes already at that time understood that sharp sticks and stones were more suitable for hunting and butchering food than untreated wood and cobblestones.

In addition, scientists believe that they managed to learn how to coexist peacefully with fire. That is, they were not as afraid of him as other animals, but they still did not know how to get it on their own.

Pithecanthropes did not yet know how to talk and communicated with their own kind of primates at the level of ordinary ancient monkeys.

Often they are associated with another branch of evolution - synanthropes, which existed at the same time. Scientists believe that they were similar to each other and led a similar lifestyle.


Neanderthals existed in Europe and Western Asia for hundreds of thousands of years, they were isolated from other branches of great apes.

For the most part, Neanderthals were predators and ate meat. To do this, they had huge jaws, which at the same time did not protrude forward, as in more ancient primates. They even hunted very large animals: mammoths, ancient rhinos, etc.

The brain volume was the same as that of a modern person, although scientists suggest that in some groups of individuals it was even larger.

Due to the fact that they lived during the ice age, these great apes were well adapted to survive in a cold environment. In addition, they had very broad shoulders, a pelvis, and well-developed muscles.

About 40 thousand years ago, Neanderthals as a species of great apes began to die out sharply. And 28 thousand years ago there was not a single living representative of this species. Their extinction is associated with another link in human evolution - the Cro-Magnons, who could hunt and kill them.


Representatives of this species are referred to as "modern man." Modern man, especially representatives of Caucasian races, is considered completely identical to the late Cro-Magnons.

The remains of the Cro-Magnons found tell us that the representatives of the early species were as tall as a tall modern person (about 187 centimeters) and had a large skull.

Cro-Magnons already knew how to express their thoughts with characteristic sounds, which is associated with the appearance of speech. They were all divided into hunters and gatherers, each using stone tools.

Later representatives of the Cro-Magnons already skillfully used fire, built primitive ovens in which pottery was fired. Scientists also suggest that they could use coal for these purposes.

They also advanced far enough in the creation of clothing that both sheltered them from the bites of wild animals and helped keep them warm in the cold seasons.

The feature that distinguishes this species from all the early great apes is the emergence of such a thing as art. Cro-Magnons lived in caves and left various drawings of animals or some life events in them.

Due to the fact that the number of different types of activities began to grow rapidly, more and more differences appeared between the hands and feet. For example, the thumb on the hand developed more and more, with which the Cro-Magnons managed to hold heavy tools just as easily as small objects.

Homo sapiens

This species is the prototype of modern man. It appeared about 28 thousand years ago, as evidenced by the finds of the most ancient people.

Even then, our ancestors learned to express their emotions in coherent speech and increasingly improved their social relationship with each other.

Different climate and weather conditions entailed the formation of different features of a particular race that lived on different continents. It was about 20 thousand years ago that three different races began to appear: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.

Thus, in a very condensed form, it is possible to express the evolutionary chain of Darwinists, which can describe the origin of man.

Thanks to scientific research, the similarity of human genes with chimpanzees by 91% has been established.

Refutations of Darwin's theory and the teachings of his followers

Despite the fact that this theory is the foundation for all modern human science, there are also findings by various researchers that refute the understanding accepted by the entire scientific world of where the first people on Earth came from.

The found footprints, which are more than 3.5 million years old, prove that humanoids began to move on straight legs much earlier than primitive labor appeared.

The evolution of man, connected with the origin from the monkey, is unclear if you ask the question about human limbs. Why are human arms so much weaker than legs, while apes have the opposite? What contributed to the weakening of the limbs, since strong hands are clearly more useful for hunting and other work, is not clear.

To date, not all the links have been found that could completely unite the ancient ape with modern man.

In addition, there are a number of incomprehensible questions and facts that cannot be answered using the well-known scientific theory of the origin of man.

Religious theory of the origin of man

Every religion that has survived to this day says that man appeared thanks to a higher being. Adherents of such a theory do not believe in all the evidence for the origin of man from animals that exists today. For example, Christians say that man descended from Adam and Eve, the first people God created. Also, everyone knows the phrase: "God created man in his own image."

Regardless of the type of religion, they all claim that a person did not come into the world in a natural way, but is a creation of the Almighty. No one has yet found proof of the origin of man from the Creator.


There is such a science as creationism. Scientists who are engaged in it are looking for evidence of theories of the origin of man from God and confirmation of information from religious books.

To do this, they use almost sound scientific calculations. For example, they calculated that the ark that Noah built could indeed accommodate all animals (about 20 thousand different species), without taking into account waterfowl.

The prehistory of mankind - at the origins of the universe

There is only a moment between the past and the future.

It is he who is called Life.

Modern hit wisdom

It is not given to a person to understand how the Universe in which he lives is arranged. For the reason that the concept of the infinite is inaccessible to his mind. This, of course, is about an ordinary person. Philosophers, mathematicians, physicists and other abstract thinkers don't count. As soon as it comes to the infinite - it doesn't matter what: queues, troubles, the Universe - an ordinary person immediately asks the question, who is the extreme, what is next, what is there, beyond infinity? Therefore, it is better not to burden it with such abstractions. How will we try not to upset him with the absurdity of immortality (physical) that is equally incomprehensible to him.

By the way, it's even good that Man does not know his Universe. It is common for a child to break a toy as soon as he figures out how to do it. It is enough that Man has already spoiled his "small universe" - the earth's surface. And here he would have prepared a grave for himself, no longer on earthly, but on cosmic scales.

Therefore, in relation to the Universe, Man has to be content with what he sees (or believes that he sees) with his own eyes. He sees not just the Universe, but three whole worlds, dissimilar to each other, like red, fast and round.

The first world underlying the other two is the world of the atom, the microworld. We encounter in life only its surface - molecules, atoms. A molecule is an ordered collection of atoms, and the atom itself is infinite, like the Universe. Its countless structures populate the rungs of the endless ladder of their structures. As soon as you stop at some step, the question immediately arises: what's next? And then - a new step, and so on without end.

For clarity, atoms are sometimes compared to the solar system. In the center is the Sun, the nucleus, in which almost the entire mass of the atom is concentrated. Elementary particles revolve around the nucleus in their orbits (of course, the similarity is purely external; we recall that this is - another world). But after all, both the nucleus and elementary particles can have their own structures, substructures, and so on, like nesting dolls - one inside the other. So physicists came up with the idea that under certain conditions, our Universe could shrink to a “point” without time and space. In what follows, we will see what this hypothesis led to.

So far, physicists have only reached elementary, subatomic particles (electrons, positrons, protons, and so on). But even these particles behave either as particles or as waves (in fact, neither one nor the other, their world is different!). They make millions of revolutions per second (which is impossible to imagine), and then they go from one state to another. In a calm state, they are alone; if you touch them, they are completely different, like an eccentric wife.

One of the physicists wittily remarked that even the nucleus of an atom (not to mention elementary particles) resembles an impregnable island surrounded by a wall. You can't break through the wall or climb it. You can only throw stones of different weights through it, with different strengths, and then wait for the response of the "islanders". By their reciprocal stones - always strictly proportionate to the strength and weight of those thrown over the wall - one can judge the habits of the inhabitants.

Physicists' research suggests that the Universe consists of elementary particles, just as the ocean consists of drops. Particles are omnipresent and continuously interact with each other. They penetrate us and under certain conditions form atoms of cosmic gases and molecules of cosmic dust. And planets, stars, galaxies are created from gas and dust nebulae.

A great achievement of scientific thought was the understanding that the Universe is heterogeneous, consists of an infinite number of regions (domains) of different quality.

So far, scientists have thought of the existence of three types of domains: the already mentioned point, dimensionless in time and space (this is exactly what is most difficult to imagine); vacuum, where elementary particles are so far from each other that they interact very weakly with each other; finally, our own domain, our mega-world, which is the process of the Big Bang of the aforementioned “point” and galaxies flying in all directions (which is recorded by telescopes). Whether our domain will expand indefinitely or to certain limits, after which it will begin to shrink again, scientists are not yet clear.

Astronomical studies have made it possible to formulate a hypothesis according to which the Big Bang began about 13 billion years ago and continues to this day. In the course of this process, as already mentioned, gas and dust nebulae are formed from the elementary particles of space, and from them - celestial bodies and their combinations - galaxies. Some "products" of the explosion - the most distant from us - are not yet understood (they are called "quasars", "pulsars", "black holes" and the like). Others have been better studied and can be judged more confidently.

So, astronomers, having studied different stars at different stages of their development, formulated the theory of the birth, life and death of a star.

Stars are formed from celestial particles of matter, "sticking" to each other according to the law of universal gravitation. If the star turns out to be "too big" - it explodes, scatters part of its matter into space and gradually, over tens of billions of years, cools down as a luminous "white dwarf". If a star turns out to be "too small" - thermonuclear processes in its depths do not have time to heat it up to glow, and it cools down as a non-luminous "black dwarf" for tens of billions of years. If the star turned out to be “medium (like our Sun), it is able to shine steadily for about ten billion years - our Sun has traveled about half of this path - and then the same slow cooling process begins.

Some stars remain “singles”, others form “pair systems”, and some, like the Sun, surround themselves with planet-stars. Due to their small size, the planets of the solar system can neither warm up nor collapse on the Sun, but begin to revolve around it in certain orbits. And in the same space around the Sun, many smaller celestial bodies rotate in the most intricate orbits. Some of them become satellites of the planets and from time to time fall to their surface along with cosmic dust.

The folding of the planets is similar to the folding of the stars - only on a smaller scale. And then it all depends on how large the planet is and at what distance it is from the Sun. There are "small planets" - those that are closer to the Sun or, conversely, very far from it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars (we know very little about the distant ones). There are "large" ones beyond the orbit of Mars: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

It is important for us to know one thing about the planets: all the dreams of old and recent years about “is there life on Mars” (as well as on all other planets and their satellites) are, alas, unscientific fiction. While we do not know whether there is life on the planets near the stars closest to the Sun, it is so far away that we are unlikely to ever know, and if we do find out, we are unlikely to “reach out”. But the fact that we are alone in the solar system, and we will never reach other solar systems - at least in our current state (we will have to talk about other possible states) - is for sure.

Instead of dreaming about a “distant life”, it is better to deal with two fairy tales that have long clouded your head and prevent you from soberly assessing the state of things.

Fairy tale number 1 - "contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations." There is only one reason for her justification: I really want to. All other arguments cry out against such contacts. To begin with, the cosmic distances even between nearby stars are so great that sending rockets or signals to such distances is the same as sending them “to nowhere”. But this - for us, in our current state. For a qualitatively different state, this may take a fraction of a second. In other words, it means meeting qualitatively different civilization. For example, a meeting of a man with an ant. What should these two interlocutors talk about: what is the best way to build an anthill or Moscow (although the difference, it would seem, is small)? Is it worth it to drive kefir instead of formic alcohol? That is why, even if a civilization higher in its level of development has the technical capabilities of contact with ours, it will not do this, just as a reasonable person will not stir up an anthill in vain.

Fairy tale number 2 - "life on Earth was brought from space." The primitiveness of this popular tale is revealed by a simple question: who brought life to space? (We agreed not to touch on religion in this book).

Instead of fairy tales, let's ask other questions. How could life originate on Earth? Why did life originate (even if only within the solar system) only on Earth?

Geologists did a good job and gave us a clear picture of how the planet Earth was formed.

Like all other planets of the solar system, the Earth was formed from a gas-dust cloud that revolved around the Sun. This happened approximately 4.5–4.6 billion years ago. Initially, the planets were supposed to look more or less the same. And then the unique characteristics of the Earth (mass, distance from the Sun, and so on) caused the rapid evolution of the earth's crust and atmosphere, an evolution that has not occurred on any other planet. It took 200-300 million years for the lithosphere, atmosphere and the emerging hydrosphere (also a unique property of the Earth!) to reach a state where compounds of ever more complex molecules could form. And twice as many years for molecules to appear that can reproduce themselves, that is, a qualitatively new form of the existence of matter appears - life(3.8 billion years ago).

The duration of the process of formation of the organic world from the inorganic allows us to consider this process as a complex chain of changes that eventually led to the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. In order for a complex set of molecules to turn into a self-reproducing organism, apparently, it took a coordinated, synergistic action of several mechanisms giving such an effect.

Among this kind of mechanisms, the following mechanisms are distinguished by their value: protective (helping to resist destruction); processing and metabolism (helping to maintain the achieved state); reproduction of their own kind (at first - by a simple expansion of the cells of the body, then - in more and more complex ways); mutations (adaptation to a changing environment); struggle for existence (survival in deteriorating conditions), natural selection (the most viable survive); care for offspring (otherwise the process of reproduction of generations collapses); aging and death (to provide living space for the next generations and thereby increase the viability of the entire population).

For all that, the question remains about the specific impulse that transformed a complex set of molecules into an organism. Whether it was an electric discharge (lightning), a sharp change in the parameters of the environment during an underwater volcanic eruption, or some other natural disaster (most likely a combination of several such factors), we do not know. We only know that this does not require any "bringing from outer space", nor the obligatory intervention of any supernatural forces.

Instead of fortune-telling replacing the lack of scientific knowledge, I would like to once again draw attention to the uniqueness of the situation: a favorable combination of many different conditions, often even independent of each other, develops.

Earth is not too close to the Sun (like Venus) and not too far from it (like Mars). Of all the planets of the solar system, only on Earth could a stable hydrosphere - the cradle of life - be created. The volcanic activity of the Earth is great enough to raise the temperature of the bottom layers of the ocean in some places (a necessary condition for the emergence of life). But not large enough to bring the ocean to a boil, or even to temperatures at which complex molecules break down. The Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere are a good "screen" from excess solar radiation, but they still let through some of the rays - just the kind that is favorable for the emergence of life.

All this is said to emphasize once again: a unique “life-giving optimum” has been created on Earth, which is absent on other planets. Perhaps this is the rarest (though not necessarily the only) phenomenon in our entire galaxy. And we must do everything to maintain this optimum. This is much more important than any contact with any hypothetical alien civilizations.

It is all the more necessary to do this, since this "life-giving optimum" is by no means guaranteed to us, not only for millions and billions of years, but even for the near future. The earth's crust is by no means as stable as it seems. It consists of huge tectonic plates, which for millions of years either “collide” or “spread”. Large-scale human intervention can dramatically accelerate these processes, provoke an increase in volcanic activity, create a greenhouse effect on the earth's surface and raise the level of the World Ocean due to the melting of ice in the Antarctic and the Arctic. Thus change the center of gravity of the Earth's rotation around its axis and cause catastrophic climate change.

And this is not to mention the fact that the fall of a large celestial body on the Earth's surface or a sharp change in the cosmic irradiation of the planet can cause a global catastrophe (the last such catastrophe happened 70–67 million years ago). Yes, and smaller catastrophes in modern conditions can mean millions and billions of human victims.

In a word, we must not only thank God for the unique conditions for life on Earth, but we ourselves must do everything possible to maintain the “life-giving optimum”, not to let our planet degrade in this respect to the level of other planets of the solar system.

First, organisms of "original life" (Proterozoic, 2.6–0.57 billion years ago);

Then the organisms of "ancient life" (Phanerozoic, 570-230 million years ago);

Then the organisms of "middle life" (Paleozoic, 230-70/67 million years ago);

Finally, the organisms of the "new life" (Cenozoic, the last 70-67 million years).

If we try to present this scheme in the form of a film, where each frame is equal to a million years, then we get something like this.

... The shallow waters of the seas, where it is warmer, but not too hot, were covered with microscopic organisms (bacteria, they are also called blue-green algae), around which viruses swarmed - the smallest non-cellular particles consisting of nucleic acid and a protein shell. At first, organisms fed on these substances, and then they created a mechanism for photosynthesis - the processing of inorganic substances into organic ones using the energy of the Sun. Development went faster.

A by-product of photosynthesis - oxygen began to enter the atmosphere, from which part of the hydrogen and inert gases managed to escape into space. As a result, a new - modern atmosphere rich in oxygen was formed. Oxygen began to be actively absorbed by the upper layer of the earth's crust. Soil appeared.

Primary viruses and bacteria for a billion years have settled down, established themselves, transformed the sea, air and land of the Earth, opened the way for more complex organisms - multicellular plants and animals: sponges, jellyfish, corals, worms ... The "age of algae" has come (another billion years), " the age of jellyfish” (another billion years), “the age of fish”… A massive invasion of organisms began on marshy land, well prepared for them by the vital activity of bacteria. In the plant world, the moss offensive was launched (it continues to this day). For plants - amphibians, then reptiles. The "age of reptiles" began, lasting more than one and a half million years. These then "kings of nature" became more and more gigantic. Thirty-meter dinosaurs dominated on land, fifteen-meter ichthyosaurs dominated the sea, and eight-meter pterodactyls soared into the sky.

But 200-300 million years ago, some kind of global catastrophe occurred (one can only guess which one: an asteroid, a burst of cosmic radiation or something else ...) - and luxurious coniferous-fern forests went underground, becoming deposits of coal, oil , gas.

Another catastrophe followed 70–67 million years ago - and miserable dwarfs remained from the kingdom of giant reptiles: 20 species of crocodiles, 212 species of turtles and about 5 thousand species of lizards and snakes. And in place of fern forests, deciduous ones appeared.

The keratinized scaly skin-armor and the laying of eggs in a calcareous shell at one time gave a huge advantage to reptiles compared to amphibians. Warm-blooded animals - birds and mammals - received the same advantage. The feathers of some and the wool of others helped to keep the body warm. And mammals generally gave birth to cubs alive and fed them with mother's milk - the best remedy for pathogenic microbes. Mammals, like reptiles before them, invaded the seas (whales, dolphins, walruses, seals), flew into the air (bats).

Every day of the life of every organism is a continuous struggle for survival. Under such conditions, repeated reactions laid the foundation for a chain of instincts - innate forms of behavior typical of a given animal. Gradually, the laws of instinctive group behavior developed. From several thousand primary species of mammals, several species of so-called insectivores (more precisely, almost omnivores) emerged over time: hedgehogs, moles, desmans ... Who would have thought that our family tree would go so far!

Imagine: predators have a problem with meat and they are forced to say goodbye to life, the grass dries up - herbivores have the same tragedy. And omnivores, if they have to go badly, will not disdain anything. Huge advantage!

They especially skillfully learned to use the laws of instinctive group behavior when obtaining a variety of food and saving from enemies several dozen species of omnivorous mammals - primates (for which they received this honorary title of "first"). Among the primates stood out "primatossimus" - monkeys. They appeared no earlier than 35-30 million years ago, but according to various sources, they became especially widespread from 3.5 million to 600 thousand years ago.

The first primates were small, squirrel-like animals. One of these families - tupai - has survived to this day, and scientists argue whether to attribute them to primates or to insectivores. But another family - lemurs - clearly has many features of primates. And the third - tarsiers - surpassed even lemurs: they have the most developed hind limbs (hence the name), fingers of the forelimbs and a rounded skull - an important condition for the formation of a more perfect brain.

The lower species of lemurs are like large mice, and the lower species of monkeys are like highly developed lemurs. See what the chain is? But between the "lower lemur" and the "higher ape" there is a huge distance. In the “higher monkeys”, puberty comes later - better preparation for the reproduction of offspring, pregnancy and breastfeeding are longer - offspring are longer and better saved from pathogenic microbes, vocal cords work better - which means that you can use your voice, modulating in dozens of frets, to keep in touch on the hunt , report danger. And their facial expressions are more complicated - which means that you can tell your partner valuable information without giving yourself away with a sound. And even life expectancy is optimal (from 20 to 60 years), allowing to withstand the pace of generational change - there are always strong and experienced adults in the herd, protecting the growing cubs.

We have already said that the food of monkeys, like all primates, was very diverse. Edible fruits, leaves, stems, young shoots, flowers, tubers - a rich "groceries". Edible insects, lizards, snakes, chicks, eggs, worms, snails - no less rich "gastronomy".

It is a shame, of course, to realize that we are descended from an animal to which it is difficult to apply the epithet "beautiful". And not, say, from a magnificent-tailed peacock or a majestic swan, like a princess from a fairy tale. But what can you do? There are many kinds of monkeys. They are divided into "lower" (less human-like) and "higher" (more similar). Moreover, the difference between the "lower" and "higher" monkeys is no more than between the "higher" monkeys and humans. Even in the smallest details! So in vain, many of us disown the pedigree that is downright striking in the eyes.

So, what is the difference between just an ape and an ape-man, and that, in turn, from an ape-man and, finally, just a man?

In short, a monkey (“higher”) can use some kind of tool only by chance and immediately forget about this gratifying episode in his life. Because her natural position is on all fours, and “to rear up” and free at least one forelimb to grab a tool (say, a stick) is a rare, extraordinary feat.

Unlike “just a monkey”, a human ape (this is no longer 30 million years ago, but an order of magnitude closer to us) is an animal, if not yet upright, then easily standing on its hind legs and using a stick, bone, stone for attack and defense. Note that the tool has not yet been processed, but a suitable object that has turned out to be at hand, but not by chance, but deliberately, with skill.

Finally, for the ape-man (Pithecanthropus) - 1.2–0.5 million years ago - a stable upright posture is characteristic, which means the systematic use of tools, not only suitable objects, but also roughly processed ones.

For all that, it's still an animal. The rudiments of reason appear - the animal becomes a man.

Note that this line is by no means a direct genealogy. There may be "branches" that have not received further development. For example, bones of creatures were found that occupy an intermediate position between Pithecanthropes and humans (dating: 200-35 thousand years ago). They were named Neanderthals after their discovery. Some scientists consider them as a special, cut off branch in human development.

Only very few species of monkeys live in families and not in trees, but where it is more convenient in terms of environment. As a rule, the monkey's place of residence is tree branches in the forest (it's safer that way). And the optimal size of the flock is not too large (not enough food) and not too small (so that the flock survives a not too deadly catastrophe). Already here we find some features of similarity with the primitive community of people - although here, of course, there is a huge difference.

Over time, the higher types of monkeys reached one and a half to two meters in height and one or two centners in weight. A sort of colossus could measure strength with a bear. In any case, she surpassed him in speed of reaction, cunning, dexterity, speed of movement.

But not meters and centners, but instincts - "automatic" reactions to this or that influence from the outside - the monkey turned out to be strong. More precisely, as already mentioned, the effectiveness of instinctive group behavior.

Instincts (reflexes), as you know, are divided into unconditional and conditional. The simplest unconditional instincts: blinking, coughing, sneezing, allowing you to automatically clear the eyes, throat, and nose of dust and pathogenic microbes. There are even more complicated instincts: the instinct of self-preservation, the instinct of nutrition (also a kind of self-preservation), the instinct of reproduction, which is divided into sexual and parental, the instinct of orientation - adaptation to the environment (remember at least intercontinental flights of birds). In this regard, the monkeys did not have any special advantages compared to other animals.

But in terms of conditional instincts (not innate, but acquired, obtained by “life experience”), the higher types of monkeys are far ahead of the rest of the animal brethren. Even the smartest animals - dogs, cats, horses. This is not a minnow who will swallow the hook again and again, even when he is convinced that his "breadwinner" is a villain. Deceive the monkey once - well, twice - and that's it: she has developed a conditioned reflex to you as an enemy. And she immediately notifies the whole flock about this. It would be bad for you if you were not separated by the bars of the zoo cage!

And then the monkey accidentally knocked down a banana with a stick. The sensation was reported to the neighbors. The group conditioned reflex worked - and bananas were gone everywhere the stick reached. The tool can be not only a stick, but also a stone. A stone with a pointed shape that acts like an axe. It remains to rise on its hind legs, release its front legs and begin to work, repeating the disgusting: "Labor made a man out of a monkey."

And there it went and went: ape-man, ape-man, Neanderthal man ...

Sovey recently believed that instead of the ellipsis, it is necessary to complete the evolutionary series like this: “and 40 thousand years ago, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens, appeared.”

However, recent studies have shown that the path from the ape to Homo sapiens turned out to be more difficult and took hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years.

We will not go into the details of this process. Let's take a closer look at a pack of monkeys, let's see how far a pack of apes and apes have gone from it, how many common features are there in a pack of monkeys and in a primitive community of people.

It turns out that there are many common features.

For example, both in the flock and in the community, “authority” is necessarily distinguished - the most powerful and successful getter of food. Him - the best piece. And not as a reward, but by sober calculation. He will eat more satisfyingly - he will get more for others. It is no coincidence that the instructions in case of a plane crash say: first put on an oxygen mask yourself, then put it on your child - otherwise both will die.

Both in the pack and in the community, the most attractive female (in terms of health, according to sexual maturity) again goes to the strongest and most successful, sometimes after the selection of applicants - the fight of males. There is no calculation here, but pure instinct: in this way the most healthy offspring is obtained. But if all the females go to one, incest, degeneration, and death are inevitable. And all the same instinct drives the "first lover" to the next. And his place is taken by another - and please: the desired variety. It's funny, but the remnants of this purely monkey behavior have remained in humans (mainly men) to this day. They are clearly formulated in the aphorism of the showman Fomenko: "The dream of an idiot is the wife of a neighbor."

Both in the flock and in the community, the mother will definitely share food with the cub. Maternal instinct tells her that escheatment threatens otherwise. Both in the pack and in the community, the female will never let a physically stronger male near a girl who has not reached puberty. For this, too, threatens escheat.

General conclusion from what has been said. There is no impenetrable wall between the inorganic and organic worlds (although they are different worlds). There is no impenetrable wall between flora and fauna (although they are different worlds). There is no impenetrable wall between the monkey and species of the animal world close to it. There is no impenetrable wall between ape and man (although the difference is huge). There is no impenetrable wall between the monkey pack and the primitive community (we will not understand anything about the peculiarities of the primitive community if we do not look at their "sprouts" in the monkey pack).

According to various testimonies and studies, approximately three million years ago (although the alternative history of mankind names other figures), man emerged from the animal world. About 35 thousand years ago, the formation of modern people began. Thirty thousand years later, civilizations began to take shape in different parts of the world.

If the history of mankind were equated to a day, then from the moment the formation of classes and states to our time, according to scientists, only 4 minutes would have passed.

The primitive communal system was the longest stage. It lasted for about a million years. At the same time, it should be noted that it is very difficult to name the exact time when the history of mankind began. The upper boundary (the final stage) of the primitive communal system varies within different limits depending on the continent. For example, classes in Africa and Asia began to take shape at the turn of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e., in America - 1 c. BC e.

How the history of mankind began, why, where and when it happened, remains a mystery. Unfortunately, there are no monuments of those eras.

Humanity by different scientists is carried out in different ways.

Even ancient Roman and ancient Chinese philosophers knew about the existence of three (copper), stone and iron. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, this archaeological periodization received scientific development. As a result, scientists typologized the stages and epochs of these periods.

It lasted several times longer than the entire subsequent history of mankind. The division into stages within this era is based on the complication and change in the forms of stone tools.

The Stone Age began with the Paleolithic (Old Stone), in which, in turn, scientists distinguish the stage of the lower (early), middle and upper (late) Paleolithic.

The Stone Age ends with the Neolithic (New Stone Age). At the end of this period, the first copper tools appear. This indicates the formation of a special stage - the Eneolithic (Chalcolithic).

The structure of the internal periodization of subsequent centuries (New Stone, Iron and Bronze) is presented by different researchers in different ways. The defined cultures within the stages themselves are also quite different.

Archaeological periodization is based entirely on technological aspects and at the same time does not give an idea of ​​the formation of production as a whole. At present, the system of separation at the stage is not so much global as regional.

Some limited goals are present in the paleoanthropological periodization of the primitive system. It is based on the principle of biological evolution of people. According to this system of division at the stage of development, researchers talk about the existence of the most ancient (archanthropus), ancient (paleoanthropus), as well as a fossil of modern (neoanthropus) man. Despite some controversial points, the paleoanthropological system of dividing the development of people into stages closely echoes the archaeological system.

At the same time, these special periodizations of human history cannot be compared in importance with the general system of dividing the past of people. The development of the direction of the historical and material understanding of human development was first seriously started by Morgan (an American ethnographer). In accordance with the division of the whole process into epochs of civilization, barbarism and savagery, established in the 18th century, taking into account the indicators of the level of development of the production of "means of life", the American ethnographer singled out the highest, middle and lowest stages in each indicated epoch. Subsequently, Engels, highly appreciating this periodization, generalized it.

Warning. This story is my fantasy, all events and circumstances, even if they repeat yours to terrifying accuracy, are fictitious, and the coincidences, of which there may be quite a lot in the story, are absolutely random. In thinking through and writing the story, I did not have the intention to do something bad to you, nor did I have the intention to do something good for you. There was only one goal: to give you consumer pleasure that you get simply by consuming "cognitive" information in order to feel involved in something important, meaningful, useful, which will give you an additional sense of the significance of your life and give the illusion of development and "wiser" . Those of you who have been able to deceive themselves into believing that they do NOT need such an illusion, please refrain from reading the story. Otherwise, the author does not bear any responsibility for possible side effects.

Friends, your attention is invited to continue the parody of all such appeals, as if filed on behalf of very influential people or powerful beings, as well as people who communicated with them. All of you are well aware that such a format is great for manipulation and often, even on the basis of such texts, entire sects or communities of believers in their creator and, as a result, in the truth of his words are formed (another striking example, in addition to those already mentioned in the First Epistle: "Anastasia", which gave rise to a large group of sects). Once again I show you how easy and simple any of you can write a similar text without much straining.

In the first part, I applied a number of classic manipulations and methods of persuading the reader, in this part I will try not only to apply the same techniques more accurately and effectively, but also to add other techniques of influence. Enjoy.

Important warning. Starting to read this story, you must definitely complete the reading, that is, reach the very last words of the "Afterword" (but NOT necessarily in one day, time is not important). The fact is that the story contains a lot of serious manipulation techniques and if you are drawn into this game, you can seriously suffer if you do not exit it correctly, and the keys to the correct exit will be available only to those who have completed the game completely: from the first to the last words. If you get stuck in the middle, then you seriously risk your psyche, therefore, no matter how unpleasant it becomes for you somewhere in the middle or towards the end, I ask: be sure to read to the end to free yourself from obsession. If you do not have a serious intention to complete the game, do not start it, because the level of manipulation is so high that you may not even notice it and not understand that you are in full swing. Generally speaking, you play such games every day when you read someone's informative notes, so at first I was not going to make any warnings, but then I realized that in this case there is a serious difference: after reading carefully to the end, you are guaranteed get rid of a possible delusion, you must admit that few people will give you such guarantees. Moreover, having received the last key to the very main door, behind which lies the main meaning of all my work in this blog, you will learn the terrible secret of your entire society, the problem from which I am trying to warn you. And when you recognize this problem of yours, you will be glad that I have finally completed my public activity. But you need to get to the main door correctly, consistently.

I warned. And yes, if you are under 18, close the text, you are strictly prohibited from reading the story by this law of yours.


Hello, my dear ones, I read the First Message a little less than three of your earth years ago. During this period, you managed to send many different questions to the noosphere regarding its content. A significant part of these is due to your own inattention, that is, in fact, you are asking what is directly described in the Message. Fewer questions have arisen because of your desire to have everything ready at once, without making any accompanying efforts. The answers to such questions are also in the text of the Message, but already, as they say, “between the lines”. It is impossible to give these answers directly, all for the same reasons that are quite clearly described in the text. However, there are some questions, very few of them, that I really want to answer. My Second Message will answer all your questions about those whom you mistakenly call the Masters of the Earth and the World Backstage. Your knowledge in this matter is so insignificant that many of you do not even see the difference between the two entities mentioned and the so-called Global Predictor, believing that they are one and the same. Because of this extreme ignorance on your part, which is very detrimental to your future, I have been allowed to shed some light on the subject. Along the way, I will talk about conspiracy theories, about other ways to enslave people and how you can counter all this. But even this will not be the main thing, the most important information, indirectly related to the Global Predictor, but still having independent significance, is presented in the last part. I can say with confidence that the Second Epistle makes no sense without this last part, for the sake of which I read it out.

The rules are the same: I won't tell you anything new. Everything that has been said is already known to people and in some way embedded in your culture. My task is only to present this information in a form that is convenient enough for most of you: popularly descriptive, without going into deep argumentation (it still won’t help those who don’t want to think and are not needed by those who know how to do it). ), giving simple and meaningful examples.

The conversation about the World Backstage will be long and will start from afar. The fact is that it is impossible to understand this essence without understanding some important phenomena of your world. It may seem strange to you, but we will have to start with the study of magic. Yes, yes, that’s right, if you don’t understand the nature of magic, it’s completely impossible to understand the main topic of my Message. Next, we will study the nature and essence of egregors, move on to the psychodynamics of society and the so-called "visualization", that is, the materialization of desires or stable tendencies. And only after that it will be possible to reveal the main topic, and then complete it with that important information, without which the main topic does not make sense. With this outline in mind, let's move on.

Magic is not at all what you are accustomed to understand by it. The fundamentally materialistic culture of your society in vain separates the usual physical life and the "unusual" phenomena that accompany it, which cannot be explained in any way "scientifically". By the way, it is impossible to explain by any methods what goes beyond the boundaries of their sensitivity, but scientists who are well aware of this fact for some reason have not yet guessed to apply this rule to their methodology of science. It's okay, there are other people who have already guessed this, for what reason I have such knowledge. Now I will share it with you.

So, the terrible secret that you yourself have hidden from yourself is that magic is an effect on physical reality. That's the whole definition, as you can see, it is simple and understandable, and there is no mysticism and supernatural here.

Let's say you need to hammer in a nail. You take a nail, a hammer, apply the nail with the point to the desired object - and perform several magical acts, expressed in the form of low-frequency vibrations of the "magic" hammer, each of which brings you closer to the desired end result through a sequence of collisions resulting from these vibrations. Suppose another person in your place would have acted differently: he would have taken a magic wand, waved it, and by means of the physical vibrations of the air accompanying the utterance of the spell, would have pressed the nail into the desired object in the same way. There is a difference? In fact, no, just the first way is familiar to almost every living person, and the second - only to a few of you. It is the second method that you would call magical, but in reality both are, it’s just that you cannot explain the second using the methods that you studied at school and through personal very limited experience, also obtained within the rather primitive culture of your civilization, which you can safely call primitive in comparison with its predecessor, if we talk specifically about the ability to magic.

In order to better understand this important point - that there is no difference between the two methods of hammering a nail described - imagine a representative of some self-contained tribe from those that can still be found on the islands of the World Ocean. They practically did not see your civilization, and therefore any of your gadgets such as a smartphone, through which you can communicate with each other at a distance with audio and video communication, will be perceived in the same way as you would perceive the second way of hammering a nail. Now imagine yourself in their place and a person who sailed to your island with a pneumatic hammer that fastens wooden structures in “one touch”. Why not magic? If you were a savage, for you it would be the same as for a “civilized” person a magic wand in the hands of a representative of some more advanced civilization, for example, the one whose spaceship is now watching the theater of the absurd on your blue balloon. But you will learn about this absurdity a little later, when we study the main topic. Then you will see for yourself.

In general, this is a pretty good way to realize the boundaries of your ideas when you put yourself in the place of any representative of a primitive tribe or a medieval scientist, and, knowing and understanding more, compare your present self with your imaginary self from the past. And just as medieval scholars were mistaken in such elementary questions that every schoolboy now knows, you, a real, modern and experienced person, are mistaken in relation to those things that we will talk about in this Message. Believe me, I look at you in much the same way as you look at the obscurantism that reigned in the heads of primitive tribes. Although you consider yourself educated and civilized people. If you were truly educated, you would not ask such questions.

There is another technique that allows you to see the limits of your abilities. This is an application of the analogy with young children. Imagine a child who is just starting to learn how to play with building blocks. You showed him that two parts can be connected and disconnected. The child saw this, took two parts and brought them to each other, expecting that now they would be connected. But that was not the case, the formal application of them to each other does not bring the expected result. The child does not understand that the spikes of one part must engage with the grooves of another. You show him everything from the beginning, the child realizes that you need to “press”. He takes the parts, presses them in the opposite direction into each other, but nothing happens, because the spikes do not fit into the grooves, the parts need to be turned a little. From some time, the child still begins to understand what's what, and now he already knows how to connect the parts. Has he learned? This isn't hard to check - give it more complex pieces where the tongues and grooves are arranged in a more complex way and a little more ingenuity is needed to make a proper connection. And now the child can no longer connect them. Why? Because he does not understand the general principle, he only learned to imitate you very well to connect simple details, but he did not understand how this happens in principle. Now imagine that you are solving some life problem. So, when you solve it, I look at you as you are - at this child who cannot understand in any way what spikes, grooves are and how everything should be held. You are trying to “pressure” somewhere, “attach” somewhere, “cheat” somewhere, “steal” somewhere, “deceive yourself” somewhere, and so on. It looks exactly like this child looks in front of you. It is also obvious to you that he does not yet understand the principle of connection, just as it is obvious to me that you do not yet understand the principles of life. That's why you cannot solve your life problems, you don't solve them, you just hammer the details of your life into each other in the hope of getting the desired engagement, without even understanding how it should be realized at all. That is why you cannot solve much simpler problems: overcome gravity, teleport, hammer a nail with the power of thought. You don't understand the general principle. However, you have one good excuse. After all, you must admit, the child was at least shown that the details can be connected and he purely formally tries to repeat the action accompanying this act, and no one showed you what antigravity and teleportation look like .... wait though. Is it? Hmm ... quantum teleportation - you saw it, how an electron instantly disappears in one place and appears in another - you saw it. How light overcomes gravity relatively calmly, and although this is not yet anti-gravity, but the very fact that light can move at the same constant speed in a vacuum does NOT depend on what obstacles and slowdowns it has experienced before (moving through different types of slowing it down substances before he left the Earth) should have led to some thoughts, right? Why did it pick up high speed again after leaving the atmosphere? Look for the necessary spikes, grooves, and think about how you can insert one into the other. As for other problems that arise in life, here you have ALL the necessary images and examples before your eyes. There is a huge storehouse of cultural heritage, looking into which you can see EVERYTHING, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, your life situations and hundreds of options for their development in all the options for the development of accompanying events imaginable for you. But no, each of your new generation thinks that the ancestors were “some kind of idiots” and solved “wrong” tasks. But now, after this short educational spanking, let's get down to business.

The most important thing for understanding magic is that matter can take very different forms, the vast majority of which you are not able to perceive in the same way now, and therefore your attitude to these forms of matter is different. Everything that you can touch with your hands usually does not raise doubts, and therefore you do not perceive as magic any effect of such matter on a similar one. For example, driving a nail into a wooden board with a hammer is a good example of such magic, which seems to you to be a normal physical process. The process of launching a rocket into space is exactly the same in complexity, because in this process everything is completely similar: some matter tangible by your senses affects another equally “understandable” matter - and the flight takes place. Another question is that controlling such a magical act seems much more difficult than controlling a hammer, but in reality both processes are completely equal in terms of qualification in the field of influencing matter, that is, they are equally primitive. More interesting and complex things start further.

Your eyes are able to perceive a certain radiation, which is also matter. This matter affects the matter in your eyes - and after certain (and also material) transformations in the brain, you can see the image. This type of magic is also understandable to modern man and no longer a surprise, although it is more difficult than launching a rocket or hammering a nail. However, there are options for the interaction of matter that you perceive as supernatural, that is, it is precisely this interaction that you call magical: “anti-gravity”, the movement of objects by the “power of thought” at a distance, teleportation, visualization, various biofield interactions and much more.

Unfortunately, your level of morality is not yet high enough to overcome gravity or teleport over great distances. There is such a Global Law, which says that any knowledge is given only to those beings who are able to perceive it, who are guaranteed not to be able to use this knowledge to cause serious harm to the world around them. This law is called "Protection from the Fool." Your morality has given rise to just such a science that limits your ability to fly into space over long distances. The same morality allows you to kill each other with atomic weapons that can quickly and reliably tear our entire planet to shreds. I say “ours” because in a certain sense I am also part of that life that is attached to the Earth, although I am not attached to it as much as you are. If your morality were closer to the Righteousness of the Almighty, your science would have taken a different path of development, you would not have been able to create atomic weapons, but you would have already visited several stars closest to you long ago, the distance to which you, due to your stupidity, calculated incorrectly. In fact, they are much closer, but this circumstance will not help you anyway. Or rather, they are not objectively closer, but “become” much closer as soon as you start approaching them at a certain speed and, which is also important, with certain intentions.

So, I explained to you why you are not ready to hear many things from the sphere of magic and this gives me the right not to discuss them at all, but simply to mention them. I will not talk about: anti-gravity, teleportation, overcoming this "light speed" of yours, extracting energy from the ether and other such things that have already been described by your science fiction writers. They took this information from the noosphere and expressed it as best they could in their stories, although I must admit that they are all very far from the real description of these processes available to other civilizations. Some other forms of magic have never been described anywhere in your culture, they don't even have names and there are no images that I could use to describe them. These are acts of transferring the vibration of matter, which give rise to very complex and indescribable for your science perturbations of space (space is also matter, and yes, vacuum is also the same), in which a new life is born. To be more precise, there is a preparation of space for the reception of souls, which after that become material and alive in the sense familiar to you. You may have thought that this is the usual conception of a new person, but no, there is the same difference between this act and real conception as between teleportation and your usual movement on foot or by car. Moreover, you can conceive a child only in the womb of a woman (or her artificial counterpart), while the described act implies ANY point in space. Thus, for example, your solar system came into being and a place was prepared for your physical life. Then there was an act of creation, the duration of which was several billion of your earth years. Quite quickly, I must say, by the standards of the creature that performed this act, only a few “days” passed.

I'll try to give another analogy. Since your thinking is discrete, it will be more convenient for you to think in terms of the "levels of development" through which the magical act passes. For example, when you crawl on the floor at the age of (approximately) one year, this is one level of movement in space. Next, you learn to move on two legs, which is essentially similar to crawling, only more efficient and diverse (walk, run, jump). All these variants of movement are repulsion from the object, that is, the transformation of a part of the energy of one's body into the kinetic energy of movement, which is spent on transforming the matter around oneself in such a way as to change one's position in relation to it. The next level could be called the use of special means (transportation) that allow you to move your body more efficiently in terms of speed and distance. And now imagine the next level that you have not yet reached - this is teleportation, that is, a movement in which there are no intermediate states familiar to you between one position and another. This method of "level analogies" is very effective: you can depict a chain of development levels in any business and invent another level that does not yet exist for reasons of logic with elements of fantasy. This is how a dream appears, which sometimes becomes a scientific prediction and then a real discovery.

In the same way, try to imagine the process of creation in the form of such conditional levels. At a basic level, these are simple do-it-yourself crafts, that is, primitive ways to change matter so that it takes the form you want. These skills can be underdeveloped or highly developed. You can call people with highly developed skills masters or professionals. You may have noticed that when a certain level of perfection is reached, or even when it has not been achieved, but it is still clear that a person is trying hard, he is able, as it were, to “revive” a thing, to make it seem to be “with soul”, and when to this you touch things, you feel an incomparable feeling, as if a person left in a thing a particle of his living self, his care, warmth and love. This is (conditionally) another level, following the usual production of crafts. Further, this also includes the transfer of experience and knowledge, in fact, this is also a transformation of matter, but for the purpose of transferring information, and the level of skill of the master here can also greatly exceed the abilities of an ordinary person. Therefore, when you listen to a lecture by a person wise in life, there is a peculiar feeling that he penetrates right into your soul and speaks just for you. The next level is the deliberate (rather than spontaneous) creation of egregors, which are programs that look like living ones, but are not alive. They can influence other people and living beings, they can have signs of intelligence and a fairly developed decision-making system. We'll talk more about these entities later. The next level is the conception of a new person. This is a sacred act of preparing the physical body for God to instill in it a soul that wishes it on its own, or is sent to play a certain role in God's Providence. Next come the levels that you for the most part have not reached, for example, the materialization of objects according to a clearly formed image in your mind. This is exactly what you call magic, although in reality it is just a different level of mastery of the matter of space, when you master the control of biofield structures. Several people on Earth have mastered this level and are moving to the next one: impact on dense matter from a great distance. Upon reaching this level, it becomes possible even to change the trajectories of the movement of celestial bodies, but, I assure you, people do not yet possess these abilities. Further, you can select other levels that are closely related to both teleportation and overcoming gravity (moving yourself by changing the laws of your artificial physics), but here is an even more difficult level - this is the creation of a material shell for living entities to settle in it at any point in space along to your own discretion. Up to the point that by the effort of thought you can create your own system of stars and planets, properly transforming the substance of the Universe.

Thus, for your convenience, you can divide any magical action into levels and then try to show your imagination and speculate on the topic of what the further development of a certain skill could be. Let's say, moving from trying to jump up to flying into space, you will eventually get to anti-gravity, teleportation and something else that has not even been invented a word yet. Moving from “aha” to creating natural human speech, you subsequently get to telepathy and such a state, which, again, there is no word, when you don’t need to say anything at all or communicate in any way, everything is simply clear to all entities of your level due to an extremely broad understanding of things, and your will reaches the entities of a lower (conditionally) level of development through circumstances that turn out to be the inevitable consequence of their own actions within the part of the world given to you under control. Controlling this part, you implement one of the possible paths prescribed to the matrix of the predestination of Existence, freely choosing it to the best of your ability and according to your morality. Do you feel what I'm leading to? In the same way, God controls you through the language of life circumstances, and the most amazing thing is that you can say nothing to Him at all, He knows everything anyway. Everything you say is what you do for yourself in order to better understand yourself. So, besides God, there are other beings to the level of which you can grow ... maybe. They communicate with you in the same way through the language of life circumstances, it makes no sense for them to have another language, because their “words” are “life circumstances” for you and vice versa - your actions and intentions are “words” for them. Thus, from simple physical vibrations in the form of shaking the air, we reach such power of the word, when it acquires the ability to "create the destinies of the worlds." Such “levels” games can allow you to see a lot of things that you didn’t even know about, just follow the logic of the development of this or that ability and try to “determine” it into the future, based on the past. The better you understand the structure of the Matrix of Existence, the more accurate your "determination" will be.

Here I would like to make a small lyrical digression in this paragraph and explain one detail of your life that is incomprehensible to many of you, since its explanation would be most appropriate here. You are used to communicating with each other using the words of your natural speech, and therefore you can cheat and deceive, including deceiving yourself. However, the creatures mentioned above, who understand everything without your words, who understand the speech of your actions, see all your tricks. You may try to hide from yourself and other people your true intentions in making this or that choice, but you can never hide it from more advanced beings who perceive the language of life circumstances. Any of your actions (including a mental act) is a “word” for them. They see right through you and, of course, they answer you, conduct a dialogue with you. They answer not with words familiar to you in your language, and not with logical conclusions, which you are still not able to perceive honestly and correctly if they are unpleasant for you, but with some life circumstances from which you can no longer get away, this level is much higher. And if you try to resist and cunning further, then new and new circumstances will appear that will eventually convince you. Remember what the Quran says? - "They were cunning, and Allah was cunning, and indeed Allah is the Best of cunning." I hope that this lyrical digression will help you understand the cause and essence of your life tragedies and even minor failures. Let's return now to the main presentation.

Why do we need physical life? That is, why do you need to strive for the ability to create "living"? It is necessary for the full-fledged internal development of entities created by God. Any act of thinking required for development is accompanied by the movement of matter, which then returns through a cascade of influences back to the essence that gave rise to it, thanks to which it can determine the quality of its thought. Since the interaction between entities (until they have merged into the One) is possible only through matter, it is the physical life that allows each entity to establish this interaction and come to an understanding of the correct direction of its internal development, because there are other ways to do this, if not through interaction , does not exist. Being in interaction, entities understand how their thoughts affect other entities and through feedback determine the correctness of their own development, which is accompanied by new thoughts, and those, in turn, also affect the reality in which everyone else lives, and so on. Such a process is called “psychodynamics”: it is a management process in which the subjects of management with their morality, their understanding of the nature of things and the logic of social behavior give rise to everything that is called the global historical and political process. This process generates conditions for the life of entities that they can experience as pleasant or unpleasant for themselves, as desirable or undesirable, as reasonable or unreasonable, as well as determine them in any other way, which ultimately is one or another variation of the division into “correct ” and “wrong” from the position of the Providence of God in the form in which they understand Him. In the process of such a life in the conditions created by their psychodynamics, entities develop, eliminating their mistakes, observed in the form of reflections in the historical and political process, and gradually master more and more complex types of magic, up to the ability to generate new life at any point in space, move around which by that moment of their development they already know how to do without any obstacles. Observing the actions of the lives they have generated, they determine the quality of their morality, since it is reflected in the society that takes shape in the worlds they have created. So they become even more developed, eventually reaching the level of development of God, completely merging with Him, as a result of which God himself develops as the top of this hierarchy of self-developing entities. This process is called Globalization. In other words, the very nature of God is such that He can exist in the form determined by Himself only through the existence of the world created by Him, in which living beings, also created by Him, in the process of their evolution independently reach His level, merging with Him and making Him more more advanced and perfect. Imagine this as an infinite recursion, that is, an infinite self-similarity, in which each part of the Universe is similar to the Whole, and each living creature of God is identical to Himself in terms of the direction of development. The difference is only in the achieved level.

Summing up, let's give a definition. Physical life is a matrix of the predestination of the existence of the universe, embodied unambiguously in the real practice of life, laid down by the Creator at the stage of the formation of the World, the purpose of which is to continue the self-development of the Creator by working out His shortcomings through creation, observation and interaction with the material world and life in it. In other words, matter is an instrument of self-knowledge of God, a set of various limitations, the overcoming and overcoming of which inevitably leads to the improvement of beings that have overcome these limitations, and the living entities created by Him, to put it simply, are particles of the Creator, called to go through a certain path of development and self-knowledge, in which and reflects the self-development and self-knowledge of God. And in itself the nature of God is such that His existence is expressed precisely through the self-knowledge of living beings in the material world. Ultimately, in the course of Globalization, all souls will have to merge into a single soul in God.

This is how it turns out, my dears, that all of you are particles of God, whose task is to reach His level of development to the maximum independently and, having merged with Him, pass on to Him the new things that you learned in the course of this development, while overcoming the material limitations of the physical world in process of globalization. And since there is no limit to perfection, the process of life turns out to be eternal, only it happens in different places in different ways. At the same time, if someone thinks that the Big Bang was the beginning of everything, then I have to disappoint you, this is just a small ordinary event in this part of the Universe closest to you. And it was not an explosion at all in the sense you are accustomed to, just light from distant galaxies reached you as observers by the time you became able to perceive this light. You interpreted this event as an expanding Universe, while no one is expanding anywhere, but simply electromagnetic waves (except for which you really can’t see anything and can’t register) propagate in a completely different way than you think. However, you still have to find out all this on your own. Just think about this: if you put a lamp far from you and turn it on, the light from it will not immediately reach you, but does this mean that neither the lamp nor the objects around you were there until the lamp was turned on? Now imagine that the lamp is you. You have been "turned on" by creating a place for your life by a magical act at a certain point in space. It doesn’t matter who created it and when, but it is important that from this moment your purely individual “Big Bang” begins in the conditions of the Universe that already existed a long time ago, which, as is characteristic of your self-centered worldview, you mistakenly consider the beginning of history ALL Universe.

See how it works? I tried to describe just one example of such a magical act that has not yet been described in your science fiction works, but I had to simplify its meaning so much that it could be reflected in images that you understand, nevertheless, even for this I had to go to theme of the meaning of life. Other similar actions, even more complex, it makes no sense to even try to describe in this language, because the language itself cannot in principle even catch the images that are needed for this, it will be the same as trying to scoop up water with a sieve. Let's move on to those magical phenomena that I can describe.

Your official scientists, due to their extreme ignorance, still deny such a phenomenon as a biofield. This is understandable, I said that the very logic of science is such that it cannot but deny such things, which are endowed with deliberately false properties and then investigated through these properties. Imagine such an anecdote, your scientists took a sieve for sifting flour and began to catch hydrogen with it. Of course, they could not catch any hydrogen, from which they concluded that hydrogen does not exist. It seems funny to you, but the vast majority of your everyday and scientific logic can be described by just such an anecdote. He also describes the attitude of scientists to the biofield: they are looking for the wrong thing, in the wrong place and with the wrong tool, and therefore they don’t find anything. They endowed the hypothetical biofield in advance with such properties through which it "can be felt", but "to everyone's surprise", "feel" failed. Exactly for the same reasons, atheists do not believe in God: they endowed God with some characteristics in advance and see that it is impossible to find an entity with such characteristics, and it is also impossible to correlate the existence of such an entity with what they observe in reality. The conclusion is obvious: there is no God. In fact, there is not God, but the essence that atheists depicted in their imagination. And in order to deny the nonsense that they imagined, in general, you don’t need to bear the proud name of an atheist, you just need to live to the level of development of a three-year-old baby, which, alas, not every scientist succeeds, even who has lived a long life according to your standards.

For this reason, the caste of artificially mentally limited people of their own free will, who call themselves "scientists", denies the biofield. Meanwhile, it is not so difficult to understand that it cannot but exist. There are a number of proofs for this. For example, a simple theoretical reasoning can be constructed as follows; I'm just sketching a diagram, and then think for yourself. Every atom in the human body emits electromagnetic waves that can be detected by your instruments. Many atoms emit many waves. The totality of this radiation forms the "glow" of the human body at a certain frequency of the electromagnetic wave. This glow is the aura, or biofield. If we add to this the fact that you can already observe far from all types of radiation with your devices, then the biofield becomes a very real object that remains only to be discovered after a theoretical prediction. Nevertheless, there are also practical results of its manifestation, expressed in the fact that people next to each other can work harmoniously on one job, when one person literally guesses what the other needs and gives him this object or performs the action that he needs. Also, one person can solve a problem that he is not an expert in, but is close to a person who is also focused on this problem. This is how the learning process happens in the right schools: the teacher just stands (sits) nearby and thinks about the problem, and the student performs the actions that the teacher thinks through. From time to time, due to the imperfection of your biofields and the ability to perceive them, the teacher may ask leading questions in order to push the student out of the closed cycle of thought development, when he stops at one action and cannot get off it.

Biofields can unite in a whole team of people, forming a kind of powerful invisible structure of the team. If a person with an alien biofield breaks into such a structure, he may become uncomfortable, he will probably want to leave this team. If this person has a strong developed biofield, he can destroy the collective by embedding his biofield into the collective aura. And maybe even absorb it entirely, setting the team to submission.

You can talk a lot more about the biofield, but this will not do you any good, because you have not yet been given the opportunity to see a person's aura due to the Fool-Proof rule. If you learn to see it ahead of time, you will bring even more harm to each other, knowing exactly where and with what force you need to hit in order to break a person. Luckily for you, your morality does not allow you to learn to see this structure. The same morality will never allow scientists to discover the biofield, and those people who nevertheless learned to work with it, will never allow them to talk about it in such a way that someone understands them and can apply knowledge to harm.

Why do I talk so much about harm and the Law of the Fool-Proof? Why am I so sure that harm is sure to be done as soon as a person gets at the disposal of at least one truly powerful tool? Be patient, I will tell you about it. The answer to this question is directly related to the answer to the question about the GP and the world behind the scenes. But not so fast, friends, you still have a lot to learn, for example, about how the biofield is connected with egregors and how a simplified act of creation in the universe looks like, as a result of which an egregor is created as a sham analogue of a living entity.

So, I have told you about magic. But what's the matter? Why can't you still launch fireballs, hammer nails with the power of your mind, and unfasten girls' corsets from a distance? Very simple, my dears. If I give you a definition of the word "freedom", knowing that definition alone will not make you free. If I tell you what "truth" is, it will not make you a bearer of the truth. Also with magic. I told what magic is, but nowhere was it said that after this story you would immediately master it. Humble yourself.

However, this knowledge is in itself necessary to understand the underlying theme.

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