Love story. Conqueror of women's hearts Soso Pavliashvili: biography, creative activity and family Soso Pavliashvili: biography


Soso Pavliashvili is a famous Russian and Georgian singer and actor, whose biography and personal life sometimes interest fans even more than creativity.


Iosif Raminovich Pavliashvili was born on June 29, 1964 in the city of Tbilisi, the then Georgian SSR. Having moved to Russia early, Soso Raminovich has long been perceived as a Russian artist - besides, he really works in our country most of the time. His outrageous image for many years remains one of the brightest on the Russian stage.

It is not surprising that Soso Pavliashvili's fans are interested in any information about his biography and life, whether it be personal photos or the latest news from his family. And today we have to understand - what do we really know about the famous singer?

Childhood and family

Soso's father, Ramin Iosifovich, worked as an architect. The mother of the future singer, Aza Alexandrovna, was a housewife almost all her life. Perhaps the fact that Aza Alexandrovna spent a lot of time with her son became paramount for the biography of Soso Raminovich. After all, it was thanks to the mother that the future performer began to study music.

When Soso was six years old, he already played the violin decently and even appeared at children's festivals, attended concerts for talented youth. Soso Raminovich is the case when the question of a future career did not stand for a minute: by the time he graduated from school, he already knew for sure what fate he was dreaming of.

Soso's only goal was to enter the prestigious Tbilisi Conservatory. No difficulties could prevent a talented applicant from passing the entrance exams, and soon Soso joined the student community.

Soso Pavliashvili in childhood and now

At the university, Soso showed himself as a responsible young man who was able to work tirelessly - it was so important for him to achieve the goal. Subsequently, Soso Pavliashvili will tell that during the years of university studies he often did not get enough sleep, and there was no question of building a personal life: he was so busy building his creative biography.

The work was not in vain: Soso Raminovich received the highest score in the final exams. To this day, he remains one of the most famous students of the conservatory.

Soso Pavliashvili

After graduating from university, Soso joined the army. It was there that Soso (colleagues knew him as Joseph) began to perform in front of the public as a vocalist. Having once experienced incredible emotions from such contact with the audience, Soso firmly decided that he wanted to become a pop singer.

Musical career

Returning after the demobilization, Pavliashvili immediately had the opportunity to make sure that fate favors his desire. The young man got into the Georgian ensemble "Iveria", which was incredibly popular in the mid-seventies. In the Soviet Union, perhaps, there was not a single corner where they would not have heard about the legendary team.

Soso Pavliashvili collaborated with Iveria for only a year, and after their path they parted ways. However, during this time he managed to gain experience from more professional colleagues, increasing his knowledge and continuing to develop his talent.

singer Soso Pavliashvili

In 1989, Soso Raminovich went to Jurmala to prove to the whole world that he deserves to be a solo artist - and not an ordinary, "passing" artist, but a bright star. And he really soon shone on the domestic horizon, winning the main award of the music festival.

The victory in Jurmala was a turning point in Soso's life. Job offers immediately rained down on him, and soon the singer began touring the countries of the Union. By 1993, there were so many compositions in the artist's repertoire that he decided to combine them in a studio album, which provided Soso Pavliashvili with even greater popularity.

Soso Pavliashvili on stage

Four years later, Soso Raminovich appeared on the big screens of the country, playing a role in the cult film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio". By this time, he had already completely left his native Georgia, having moved to Moscow and received Russian citizenship. In 1998 and 2003, respectively, the albums "Me and You" and "Georgian Waiting for You" were released. After that, the glory of Soso Pavliashvili reached its peak, becoming unconditional and undeniable.

On the national stage at that moment there was no one who would be similar in style or voice to a Georgian musician. Soso Pavliashvili's star burned brighter than ever.

Soso Pavliashvili

Murder charges

As often happens, joyful days were suddenly overshadowed by tragic events. In March 2013, Soso's friend, well-known businessman Avtandil Aduashvili, was found murdered.

The public was discouraged by the fact that the Tbilisi police were issued an official arrest warrant for the singer. Soso Raminovich was the main suspect in the case - it was believed that he could be the customer of the murder.

Soso Pavliashvili accused of murder

At first, the investigation did not clarify the circumstances, but only more confused the investigators. The funnel of justice drew in at least six more people, among whom was Soso Pavliashvili's brother-in-law, Vakhtang Chkhapelia.

The proceedings dragged on for a long time, and the country followed the development of events with bated breath, trying not to miss a single detail of the complicated incident. The result was the removal of charges: Soso Pavliashvili was released.

Soso Pavliashvili

Personal life

All aspects of the biography of Soso Pavliashvili surprise with their brightness, and, of course, the personal life of the singer could not be an exception. At the moment, there were three women in the fate of the artist, relations with which, it seems, can be considered the most serious.

With his first wife, Nino Uchaneishvili, the singer met at home, even before the final move to Russia. It was in marriage with her that Soso first became a father. Year of birth of the first son Soso Pavliashvili - 1987; the singer with great joy accepted such positive changes in his biography and personal life.

Soso Pavliashvili with his son from his first wife

However, soon the couple decided to divorce - the reason was a banal mismatch of characters. According to the artist, the former spouses still maintain friendly communication.

This was followed by a civil marriage. For a long time, Soso Pavliashvili met and even lived with another Russian pop star, Irina Ponarovskaya. Violent passions were constantly seething in the couple - after all, both Soso and Irina have strong, hot characters. Could not do without jealousy and quarrels. Perhaps that is why the couple did not dare to go to the registry office.

Soso Pavliashvili married to Irina Patlakh

And since 1997, Soso Pavliashvili tied the knot with Irina Patlakh. The singer's chosen one also has a musical past - for some time she was a backing vocalist in the Mironi group.

It seems that it can be argued that the biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili ended up being successful - in his last marriage he has two children, girls Louise and Sandra.

Soso Pavliashvili family
  • Most fans of Soso Pavliashvili are known as a singer, but he has more than twelve filming in films and TV shows.
  • In 1988, at the Winter Olympics, Soso Pavliashvili performed the song "Suliko". He was met with warm applause and shouts from an audience of more than fifty thousand people. From this began his growth as a great solo artist.
  • In 2005, Soso Raminovich received the "Order of the Maecenas" for sincerity and disinterestedness. The singer continues to do charity work today.

Singer Soso Pavliashvili on stage

Soso Pavliashvili now

Soso Raminovich remains a sought-after singer and actor and is often seen on television. For example, the new year 2018 was marked by the participation of the performer in the New Year on STS project, where Soso appeared with his beloved women - his wife and daughters.

Today, the family occupies a place of paramount importance in the biography of Soso Pavliashivli: he tries to devote more time to his personal life and children, as evidenced by numerous joint photos full of smiles and happiness.

Soso Pavliashvili in the project "New Year at STS"

Soso Pavliashvili continues to give concerts both in Russia and in the former allied countries. Recently, information appeared on the Internet about a fight that the singer's fans started before his concert in Baku, but everything ended well. For 2018, the singer is scheduled to tour Russia.

"Temperamental, handsome, vociferous, intelligent, courteous"... All these words are intended for a true gentleman on the Russian stage - Soso Pavliashvili. The titles are given at their true worth, none of the representatives of Russian show business can compare with his gallantry.


Soso was born in the summer of June 29, 1964 in the capital of the Georgian SSR, in the family of an architect and a housewife. The mother of our hero was a very creative person and insisted that the child study music. By the age of six, the boy already played the violin perfectly, took part in various children's competitions, received awards and prizes. By the end of school, the issue of choosing a profession was already resolved. Pavliashvili did not even doubt what he would devote his future to. Music attracted him, he had an excellent voice and hearing.

All photos 10

Immediately after graduating from school, Joseph Raminovich entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. He was noted as a special student with excellent musical abilities, striving for the full development of his talent. His teachers were leading figures of Georgian art. The guy plunged into the classes with a soul, completely devoted himself to all the subjects taught. And as a result, he became the best student of the Tbilisi Conservatory in its entire history. After successfully passing the exams, Soso went to fulfill his honorable duty - to serve in the SA.

Service in the army was a turning point for Soso Pavliashvili. A gifted young man, accustomed to soloing on the violin, sang the song for the first time on the army stage. After a successful performance, he already knew that he would develop a career as a vocalist. At 24, he was demobilized and went home.

Arriving from the army, the musician dared to visit the legendary Georgian musical group Iveria and ask to join it. The entire Soviet Union knew about this ensemble, their compositions were constantly heard on the radio. To his surprise, Pavliashvili was accepted immediately, and his work with talented musicians lasted a year. This period gave the young talent invaluable experience and skills, as a result he became a professional performer and musician.

In 1989, the first competition for young performers took place in Jurmala. Soso decided to become one of the participants and received the main prize. His rivals were Valeria, Kormukhina, Zakirova. Thanks to the festival, the country saw new faces, young performers, including the rising star Soso Pavliashvili. After Jurmala, life flowed along a creative channel, and the Georgian singer became one of the most popular in the USSR.

The victory brought the talented singer several contracts, according to which he began to tour throughout the country and neighboring countries. The first album was released in 1983, which exaggerated the success many times over. Literally a couple of years later, Pavliashvili released the next album, which was sold out in a matter of days. Invitations followed to participate in television projects, the picture "The Adventures of Pinocchio" brought incredible success to Pavliashvili as an actor. Frequent visits to the capital of Russia became the reason for a complete relocation. Since the end of the 90s, the “real Georgian” has become a Muscovite.

The end of the 90s was marked by amazing hits - “Let's Pray for Parents”, then the groovy and rhythmic songs “Georgian is waiting for you”, “Me and you” were performed. The singer was invited to the best concerts, festive events.

No state celebrations could do without it, the number of released records increased. Soso Pavliashvili was not only a performer, but also a composer of hit songs. His repertoire also includes songs to Reznik's verses, to the music of Osiashvili, Tanich. The singer was repeatedly invited to the cinema, and he did an excellent job with the roles in 12 films.

Personal life

In 2013, the press and television reported on a crime allegedly committed by a favorite of the public. According to sources, the singer and his friends ordered the murder of businessman Aduashvili. The Tbilisi prosecutor's office sent an official request for the arrest of Pavliashvili. Many were worried about this, but soon all charges were dropped, the singer was released. Creative career continues to grow. Pavliashvili performs at every festive evening, pleases the audience with a beautiful voice.

The love affairs of a temperamental Georgian were often written in the press. The first wife was Nino Uchaneishvili, who gave birth to the musician's son Levan. They did not live together for long, but they still maintain friendly relations. Upon arrival in Moscow, the singer developed a close relationship with the popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya, but the couple did not dare to register the union. They were united not only by feelings, but also by joint creativity. The union lasted for several years. In 1997, Soso met the singer Irina Patlakh, who worked as a backing vocalist. The couple had two daughters, Lisa and Sandra.

The eldest son from his first marriage is a frequent guest in his father's house and maintains close and warm relations with him. Singer Pavliashvili feels like a happy husband and father, and does not intend to change anything in his personal life.

Mom instilled in her son a love of music. By the age of six, little Soso mastered the violin and began to take an active part in various competitions and youth concerts. After graduating from school, Pavliashvili entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. At the final exams, Son received the highest score and became one of the most famous graduates of the Tbilisi Conservatory throughout its existence.

After graduating from the university, Soso Pavliashvili was called up to serve in the army, where he began to perform in an ensemble. It was there that he first discovered himself as a vocalist, and not just as a violinist. After the end of the service, he decided to pursue a career as a pop artist, but he did not do it right away.

After demobilization, Soso Pavliashvili soon became one of the musicians of the legendary Georgian band Iveria, whose fame came in the 1970s. Together with the ensemble, Soso gained irreplaceable experience, touring throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1989, Pavliashvili went to a music competition in Jurmala, deciding to prove himself as a vocalist, where he was awarded the main prize of the festival. The victory brought him popularity, and already in 1993 he released his debut album entitled "Music to Friends".

In 1996, he recorded his second disc "Sing with me", which, like the first one, was a success. In 1997, Soso played a role in the film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio".

In 1998, the third album of the artist "Me and You" was released, followed at intervals by "About my love", "A Georgian is waiting for you!", "Best songs for you", "Remember a Georgian" and "Oriental songs" .

Pavliashvili also took part in the filming of several feature films and TV series - these are: "Ice Age", "Friendly Family", "On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 3", "33 Square Meters", "Lost the Sun", "First Ambulance", " Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Daddy's Daughters", "Happy Together", "Golden Key", "New Year's Matchmakers", "Kiss Through the Wall", "Aladdin's New Adventures", "8 First Dates" and "The Last of the Magikians".

Now the artist continues to conduct active concert activities and tour, performing with joy for his devoted fans his favorite hits: "White Veil", "Let's Pray for Parents", "Please", "Heaven in the palm of your hand" and others.

Personal life

He was married to Nino Uchaneishvili, who bore him a son, Levan. Now the artist is in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh, the backing vocalist of the Mironi group. With a common-law wife, Soso had two daughters: Lisa in 2004 and Sandra in 2008.

Interesting Facts

Collaborates with Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, Georgy Karapetyan, Konstantin Gubin, Karen Kavaleryan and others

Loves football and KVN

His birth as a vocalist took place in Calgary, in 1988, during the Winter Olympics. Soso played the violin in the ensemble "Iveria" and decided to sing the composition "Suliko" on the stage, installed on the square in the city center. His singing caused a flurry of applause from the 50,000th audience

After he performed in 2004 on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, by a decree of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, the artist’s creativity and performances were banned in the country

Makhmud Esambaev called Pavliashvili "Tuning fork of Georgia"

The song "Greetings from Soso" by the Ukrainian duet "Carlos and Pindos" is dedicated to him.

Popular Georgian and Russian singer.

Soso Pavliashvili released the albums Georgian is waiting for you!», « About my love», « The best songs for you" and others. He starred in episodes of several Russian TV series, took part in the programs " Two stars», « You are a superstar"and others.

Biography of Soso Pavliashlivi

Soso Pavliashvili was born on June 29, 1964 in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR. The singer's father is Ramin Iosifovich Pavliashvili, an architect by profession, and his mother is Aza Aleksandrovna Pavliashvili. At the age of six, the future musician began to learn to play the violin, and after graduating from school he entered the conservatory in the violin class.

Soso Pavliashvili joined pop music in the army and after two years of service, at the age of 24, he began to seriously engage in vocals. Soon he got into the ensemble " Iveria”, a well-known vocal and instrumental group in Tbilisi, which had wide popularity in the USSR in the mid-1970s. Soso Pavliashvili worked at Iveria for a year. Already in 1989 he was at the competition of performers in Jurmala and received the Grand Prix.

The full name of the musician is Iosif Raminovich Pavliashvili.

Soso Pavliashvili about his victory at the competition in Jurmala: “Then I finally believed in my own strength, because I bet on this competition very seriously. I told myself that if I didn’t win the victory, I wouldn’t sing anymore. In fact, I was terribly worried before this competition. I do not like all sorts of competitions, because I am too proud. And, thank God, it so happened that I immediately managed to take the first prize. This is the main award of my whole life, I think so.

The creative path of Soso Pavliashvili

The first album of the singer called " Music to friends” came out in 1993. A year earlier, Soso Pavliashvili took the Grand Prix of the festival " Step to Parnassus". Next disc, Sing with me”, was released in 1996, and a video clip was shot for the title track of this album.

Soso Pavliashvili is the author of most of the compositions he performs, but sometimes he attracts other composers to work. The singer collaborated with Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, Mikhail Tanich and others.

Soso Pavliashvili about his songs: “Basically, it comes by itself, and neither the moment of life, nor the mood, nor the well-being matters. A lot of songs, for example, I wrote in the shower. Or, let's say, I woke up at night because I was dreaming of some kind of melody, and in a half-asleep state I recorded it on a voice recorder, which I always have next to my bed in this case. In the morning I didn’t remember anything, but it remained on the cassette. That's how most of my songs were born."

In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili starred in the musical film " The latest adventures of Pinocchio", in which many Russian pop singers were employed. So, the role of Pinocchio performed Christina Orbakaite, became Malvina Natasha Koroleva, and other heroes played Larisa Dolina, Bogdan Titomir, Arkady Ukupnik and others.

Also in the filmography of Soso Pavliashvili are such television projects and films as the popular sitcoms "33 square meters", "Daddy's daughters" and "My favorite witch", "New Year's matchmakers", " The New Adventures of Aladdin"," Kiss through the wall", "8 first dates", "Swing".

Soso Pavliashvili releases an average of one album every two or three years. To date, he has eight discs and about two dozen video clips to his credit.

Soso Pavliashvili about music: “Now men who are able to express truly strong feelings of love, passion, and tenderness have completely disappeared from the stage. Feelings are sung lightly and often this love is without signs of sex or with signs of perversion. I am sure that real men can suffer because of love, and should express it in songs, as they have expressed it for centuries by serenading under the window of their beloved. I am close to the musical lyrics of Vysotsky, Rosenbaum, romances performed by Kobzon, Kikabidze.

Personal life of Soso Pavliashvili

From 1985 to 2003, Soso Pavliashvili was officially married to Nino Uchaneishkhvili. On August 21, 1987, the couple had a son Levan. Soso decided that his son needed a strict upbringing, so he sent the boy to the Suvorov School, after which the young man entered and successfully studied at the Military Technical University under the Federal Agency for Special Construction.

Soso Pavliashvili had an affair with the famous Soviet singer Irina Ponarovskaya, which ended in a breakup in 2002.

Even before the divorce from his official wife Nino, in 1997, Soso Pavliashvili began to live in a civil marriage with the backing vocalist of the group " Mironi» Irina Patlakh. Soso and Irina had two daughters - Lisa(December 4, 2004) and Sandra(June 2, 2008). The singer does not get tired of confessing his love to Irina even after 20 years of living together. He constantly posts tender posts with heartfelt confessions on social media. lived in a civil marriage with the singer.

In this article we will talk about who Soso Pavliashvili is. "Without You" is one of the artist's most famous compositions. The full name of our hero is Joseph Pavliashvili. We are talking about a Russian and Georgian singer and actor. In addition to the already mentioned composition, the most famous of his creations include the following: “Pray for the parents”, “Me and you”, “Please”. Fans call our hero the tuning fork of Georgia, the guardian angel, the knight of the mountains, the king of oriental music. Details about this person are given below.


Soso Pavliashvili was born in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. His father, Ramin Iosifovich, is an architect. Az's mother is a housewife. While still a preschooler, our hero began to attend a music school and started learning to play the violin. Many hours of study and hard work brought quick results. Very soon, the young musician began to take part in republican and regional festivals and competitions. The violin captivated our hero. After graduating from general education and music schools, Soso Pavliashvili became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. He chose the direction of violin playing. While serving in the army, our hero moved away from classical music. He joined the pop direction. After receiving his diploma, he became a member of the Iveria vocal and instrumental ensemble.

Thus began the creative path of Soso Pavliashvili. He began to sing songs a little later. The singer's talent in him was revealed by chance. The young man was a member of the team mentioned above for a year. After he left it, because he realized that there is something more important than a musical instrument. One day he walked up to the microphone. It happened in Canada. There was a concert dedicated to the Winter Olympics held in Calgary. The performer presented his performance of a Georgian song called "Suliko". This speech shocked those present. Soon our hero received the Grand Prix at the vocal festival in Jurmala as a solo artist. He gained fame. A feature of the repertoire of our hero is that he is the author of music for most of his hits. Only occasionally does he resort to the services of famous Georgian and Russian composers.


Almost any concert of Soso Pavliashvili is a success. The reason can be called the uniqueness of such events. Our hero is able to express love, tenderness, passion from a male position through singing. The artist's debut studio album "Music to Friends" was released in 1993. This disc attracted mainly the attention of women. The next albums "Me and You" and "Sing with me" strengthened the artist's popularity. To date, our hero has an impressive number of works, and each composition is filled with love lyrics, soulful lyrics and gentle romantic melodies. The songs “I won’t call you by name”, “Let’s pray for parents”, “Heaven in the palm of your hand”, “Me and you”, “Please” became big hits. In addition, our hero often performs with other stars in a duet. With Lyubov Uspenskaya, he performed the composition "Stronger than before." With Leonid Agutin he recorded the song "Some Thousand Years". With Larisa Dolina, he performed a soulful composition called "I love you."


Soso Pavliashvili also tried his hand at cinema. Moreover, he did not limit himself to the cameo format familiar to many musicians. He embodied real film images in the following films: "Ice Age", "Matchmakers", "Daddy's Daughters". However, most of all, the singer has musical holiday tales. Among them: "The New Adventures of Aladdin", "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Pinocchio".

Personal life

The yellow press writes about our hero without much enthusiasm. On the contrary, if information about this person appears in the media, then most often it concerns creativity. He is mentioned as an actor, composer and singer. In the life of our hero there were no third-party novels. And he loved few. The first wife of Soso Pavliashvili is Nino Uchaneishvili. Former spouses maintain friendly relations. In addition, these people are brought together by a common child - a boy named Levan. The first-born of our hero did not follow in the footsteps of his father. He was educated at the Suvorov Military School. Then there was the study at the university. As a result, he chose the path of a military man.

The second love of our hero was the pop singer Irina Ponarovskaya. They did not officially marry, but for several years they lived like a real family. Since 1997, our hero has been in a relationship with Irina Patlakh, a singer. From the chosen one, he has two daughters - Sandra and Elizabeth. The civil union of these people lasted 17 years. In 2014, our hero from the stage made an offer to his beloved.


The performer in 1993 recorded the album "Music to Friends". In 1996, his disc "Sing with me" was released. In 1998, the work "Me and You" appeared. In 2001, the album "About my love" was recorded. 2003 brought the disc “Georgian is waiting for you!” to connoisseurs of the work of our hero. In 2005, the disc "Best Songs for You" appeared. In 2007, the album "Remember the Georgian" was published. In 2010, the work "Oriental Songs" appeared.


In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili took part in the film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio". In 2002, our hero worked on the painting "Ice Age". In 2003, he got a role in the film "On the corner at the Patriarchs - 3". In 2004, the film "Lost the Sun" appeared with the participation of our hero. In 2007, our hero played in the films "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" and "Daddy's Daughters." In 2009, he received a role in the film The Golden Key. In 2010, the film "New Year's Matchmakers" was released with his participation. In 2011, the performer starred in the film Kiss Through the Wall. Soon, another film with the participation of our hero, "The New Adventures of Aladdin", was released on the screens.

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