History of balloons. Everything about balloons: the history of creation and useful tips for using


The question of who invented the balloon will certainly be of interest to every student. After all, this aircraft was created in the distant 18th century and has stood the test of time, as it is used in aeronautics today. Technique and materials change and improve, but the principle of operation has remained the same for centuries. That is why the appeal to the personalities of those people who came up with this new amazing vehicle seems to be especially relevant.

short biography

The inventors were the Montgolfier brothers. They lived in the small French town of Annone. Both from childhood were fond of sciences, crafts, technology. Their father was an entrepreneur, he had his own paper mill. After his death, the eldest of the brothers, Joseph-Michel, inherited it and subsequently used it for his invention.

For his scientific achievements, he later became the administrator of the famous Parisian Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. His younger brother Jacques-Étienne was an architect by training.

He was fond of the scientific works of the outstanding British natural scientist who discovered oxygen. This hobby led to the fact that he began to take part in all the experiments of his older brother.


The story of who invented it must begin with an explanation of the conditions that made such an amazing discovery possible. By the second half of the 18th century, a number of important scientific discoveries had already been made, which allowed the brothers to put their own observations into practice. We have already mentioned the discovery of oxygen. In 1766, another British researcher, G. Cavendish, discovered hydrogen, a substance that later became actively used in aeronautics. About ten years before the famous balloon-lifting experiment, the famous French scientist A. L. Lavoisier developed a theory about the role of oxygen in oxidation processes.


So, the story of who invented the balloon is closely connected with the scientific life of the second half of the 18th century. In this case, it is important to note that such an invention became possible due to the above discoveries. The brothers were not only aware of the latest scientific discoveries, but also tried to put them into practice.

It was this thought that prompted them to create the ball.

They had all the necessary materials for its manufacture at their disposal: the paper factory left by him from his father provided them with paper and fabrics. At first, they made large bags, filled them with hot air and launched them into the sky. The first few experiments prompted them to the idea of ​​​​creating a large ball. At first, they filled it with steam, but this substance quickly cooled when raised, settling in the form of water precipitation on the walls of matter. The decision was then made to use hydrogen, which is known to be lighter than air.

However, this light gas quickly evaporated and escaped through the walls of matter. Even covering the ball with paper did not help, through which the gas quickly disappeared anyway. In addition, hydrogen was a very expensive substance, and the brothers were able to get it with great difficulty. It was necessary to look for another way to successfully complete the experiment.

Preliminary samples

In describing the activities of those who invented the balloon, it is necessary to indicate the obstacles that the brothers had to face before their experiment was successfully completed. After the first two unsuccessful attempts to lift the structure into the air, Joseph-Michel suggested using hot smoke instead of hydrogen.

This option seemed successful to the brothers, since this substance was also lighter than air and, therefore, could lift the ball up. The new experience was successful. Word of this success quickly spread throughout the town, and the inhabitants began to ask the brothers to hold a public experiment.

Flight of 1783

The brothers set the trial for June 5th. Both carefully prepared for this significant event. They made a ball that weighed more than 200 kilograms. He was without a basket - that indispensable attribute that we are used to seeing in modern designs. A special belt and several ropes were attached to it to hold it in position until the air inside the shell heats up. The balloon of the Montgolfier brothers had a very impressive appearance and made a great impression on the audience. Its neck was placed over a fire that heated the air. Eight assistants held him by the ropes from below. When the shell was filled with hot air, the balloon rose up.

Second flight

The basket balloon was also invented by these people. However, this was preceded by a huge resonance, which had the discovery of unknown researchers from a small French town. Scientists from the Academy of Sciences became interested in this discovery. King Louis XVI himself showed such interest in the flight of the balloon that the brothers were summoned to Paris. a new flight was scheduled for September 1783. The brothers attached a willow basket to the balloon and claimed that it would hold the passengers. They wanted to fly themselves, but there was a heated discussion in the newspapers about the great risk. Therefore, for starters, it was decided to raise the animals in the basket. On the appointed day, September 19, in the presence of scientists, courtiers and the king, the ball went upstairs along with the “passengers”: a rooster, a ram and a duck. After a short flight, the balloon caught on tree branches and sank to the ground. It turned out that the animals feel good, and then it was decided that a balloon with a basket would also withstand a person. After some time, the world's first air flight was carried out by Jacques-Etienne and the famous French scientist, physicist and chemist Pilatre de Rozier.

Ball types

Depending on the type of gas with which the shell is filled, it is customary to distinguish three types of these aircraft. Those that rise with the help of hot air are called hot air balloons - after the name of its creators. This is one of the most convenient and safe ways to fill matter with a gas that is lighter than air and, accordingly, can lift a basket with people in it. Different types of balloons allow travelers to choose the most convenient way to travel. Of particular importance in this design is the balloon burner.

Its purpose is to constantly heat the air. In cases where it is necessary to lower the ball, it is necessary to open a special valve in the shell in order to cool the air. Those balls, the inside of which is filled with hydrogen, are called charliers - by the name of another outstanding French chemist-inventor, a contemporary of the Montgolfier brothers, Jacques Charles.

Other types of devices

The merit of this researcher lies in the fact that he independently, without using the developments of his outstanding compatriots, invented his own balloon, filling it with hydrogen. However, his first experiments were unsuccessful, since hydrogen, being an explosive substance, having come into contact with air, exploded. Hydrogen is an explosive substance, so its use in filling the shell of aircraft is associated with certain inconveniences.

Helium balloons are also called balloons. The molecular weight of this substance is greater than that of hydrogen, it has sufficient carrying capacity, it is harmless and safe. The only drawback of this substance is its high cost, so it is used for manned vehicles. Those balls that are filled half with air, half with gases, were called rosiers - by the name of another contemporary of the Montgolfier brothers - the aforementioned Pilatre de Rozier. He divided the shell of the ball into two parts, one of which was filled with hydrogen, the other with hot air. He tried to make a flight on his apparatus, but the hydrogen caught fire, and he, along with his companion, died. Nevertheless, the type of apparatus he invented was recognized. Balloons filled with helium and air or hydrogen are used in modern aeronautics.

A balloon will take us to distant lands,
A fair wind will favor us,
I will kiss your lips sweetly
And you go crazy in my arms.

Love will open the gates to heaven for us,
Will indicate a new path of changeable fate,
The ball will lift us high beyond the clouds,
Air palaces closed from the eyes.

One of them will open the door loudly for us,
Cupid will lead both to the crystal hall,
Under the dome, the nightingale will fill with song,
Inviting everyone to a heavenly ball.

With the advent of the night, the sky is a thousand...

Stake out a place in the sky
Between lush clouds.
Never been there before
But it's ready to fly.

Multi-colored, thick ball
Breaks into a joyful height.
Sun caressing flashlight
It signals to me: "Let's go!"

I rush towards the light.
I rise above the rooftops.
Ahead, by all indications,
Only windless silence.

So that I don't get bored
I'll find fun:
I will inflate a balloon
And I will let go.

Let him fly to the sky
Straight to the white clouds.
Let him find miracles
And tell us about them.

Eyes so he can see better
I drew on it.
To hear better - ears,
Mouth - to tell us everything.

The balloon took off and disappeared into the sky,
Don't rush back to me.
Maybe he got lost
In the blue sky?!

And in vain I waited for the ball,
He flew away forever.
He knew the will in the sky
Will never return...

Flying in a hot air balloon is very beautiful!
You enter without fear and risk into the basket

After all, it once happened to you
Do you feel in your heart

How good it is in heaven
And it's quiet, and the sky rustles with clouds

We fly over the fields
Over castles and cities

Ah ... It seems the world is under your feet,
Beautiful and wonderful

Nature's child is born again
With every breath... with every word

Flying in a hot air balloon is very beautiful,
You go down and stroke the fields of corn

Traveling around the world in a hot air balloon
grab a camera to shoot.
My advice to you.

Capture all the beauty of the earth.
It can be placed
in "Internet tra-ta-ta dot ru".

I warn you! To the center of your attention
and not very useful for a person, his own deeds.

Send these facts to You Tube, UN, Unesco, Pas!
To the same European Union, Yupief.

The ball of gravity silently rolls a shadow
All federations according to Poisson's law ...
Sir Newton designed the model
The fall of an apple on the top of the lawn ...
In a magnetic field, Gauss is carried away ...
In the potential of vector republics
Erected a concept like "doomed"
For "non-magnets" atypical publics...
Temptation, lure, Vectolite complex
It will attract funds from the catering field ...
... and in every house it will ring loudly
Influence of a foreign magnet!

I sent an air kiss in a letter.
With a postcard where an angel with an arrow -
Also - "I love you, I miss you" - he wrote.
What have you done with body and soul?!...

Your kiss slipped from the line
He kissed my lips softly.
He languidly descended on my chest,
And voluptuously dug into Percy.

He hurriedly through the body, wandering,
Kissed from toe to head.
In me desires sinful giving birth,
Like a feather, touching tickled.

I tried to catch him with my hands -
Invisible he fluttered like a moth.
He asked...

For many years, one of the unattainable desires of people was the ability to fly, or at least take to the air. What inventions have not been invented to make this happen. Once, the fact that objects of small weight can rise when exposed to hot air was recorded, and this became the impetus for the development of aeronautics.

It is believed that the world's first hot air balloon was created in 1783. How did it happen? History sends us back to the distant XVI-XVII centuries. It was then that the prototypes of the first balls appeared, which could not show themselves in practice. In parallel, in 1766, the chemist Henry Cavendish was the first to detail the properties of a gas such as hydrogen, which was used in his work with soap bubbles by the Italian physicist Tiberio Cavallo. He filled the bubbles with this gas, and they quickly soared into the air, since hydrogen is 14 times lighter than air. This is how the main two lift forces used in balloon flights today appeared - hydrogen and hot air.

These discoveries did not solve all the problems of flight. To create a balloon, a special material was required that would not be too heavy and would also be able to hold the gas inside. Scientists-inventors solved this problem in different ways. Moreover, several designers competed for the championship of discoveries at once, the main of them are the brothers Jacques-Etienne and Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, as well as the famous professor Jacques Alexander Charles from France.

The Montgolfier brothers had no special knowledge about the properties and characteristics of various gases, but they had a great desire for discovery. At first they experimented with smoke and steam. There were attempts to use hydrogen, but they were affected by the problem of the lack of a special fabric that would not allow this gas to pass through. Also, its cost was quite expensive, and Montgolfier returned to experiments with hot air.

The first hot air balloon was created in 1782. The Montgolfier brothers made it, although it was small in size, only 1 cubic meter in volume. But still, it was already a real ball that rose to a height of more than 30 meters above the ground. Soon the experimenters made a second balloon. It was already much larger than its predecessor: with a volume of 600 cubic meters and a diameter of 11 meters, a brazier was placed under the ball. The fabric for the balloon was silk, pasted over with paper on the inside. The ceremonial launch of the balloon in the presence of a large audience was carried out on June 5, 1783, which was organized by the already famous Montgolfier brothers. With the help of hot air, the balloon was raised to a height of 2 thousand meters! This fact was even written to the Paris Academy. Since then, balloons that use hot air have been named after their inventors - hot air balloons.

Such achievements of Montgolfier spurred Jacques Alexandre Charles to intensify the development of his new invention - a balloon that uses hydrogen to rise. He had assistants - mechanics brothers Robert. They managed to make a silk ball impregnated with rubber, the diameter of which was 3.6 m. They filled it with hydrogen using a special hose with a valve. A special installation was also made for extracting gas, which was obtained as a result of chemical reactions when metal filings interacted with water and sulfuric acid. To prevent acid fumes from spoiling the shell of the ball, the resulting gas was purified with cold water.

The first hydrogen balloon was launched on August 27, 1783. It happened on the Champ de Mars. Before the eyes of two hundred thousand people, the balloon rose so high that it was no longer visible behind the clouds. After 1 km, the hydrogen began to expand, as a result of which the shell of the balloon burst, and the balloon fell to the ground in a village near Paris. But they did not know anything about such an important experiment, and the inventors did not have time to arrive, as the frightened residents tore the unusual ball to shreds. So a great invention worth 10,000 francs fell into disrepair. Since 1783, hydrogen balloons have been called charliers, in honor of Charles.

    The first mention of hot air balloons can be called mythological.... They refer to the legend of the ancient Karelians about flying on balloons made of whale and bull skin. They were used as a form of transport, carrying residents from village to village through swamps, forests and impassability. There are legends about buffoons entertaining residents with painted bubbles from the intestines of animals.

    In fact, the proven invention of the hot air balloon belongs to the great physicist and chemist Michael Faraday. The great scientist and inventor, famous for his discoveries of electromagnetic induction, the laws of electrolysis, who assembled a model of an electric motor and a transformer, drew attention to the sticky qualities of rubber resin. For experiments with hydrogen, he made a kind of bag out of rubber, which became the prototype of the modern flying ball.

    About the air sacs, which serve for fun, have been talking since 1847. It was then that J. G. Ingram introduced the celestial flying ball.

    At first, hydrogen served as a filler. Light gas raised the balls high into the sky, delighting the public, not spoiled by the wonders of technology. Explosive cans were used until, in 1922, an extreme prankster set fire to the city's festive decorations. The explosion led to the use of safe helium as a filler.

    The modern latex shell came about thanks to a patented invention by Neil Tylotson in 1931.

    Natural latex is obtained from the sap of rubber trees by means of an aqueous dispersion combined with salts and minerals. It is durable, elastic and environmentally friendly material. It decomposes well in natural conditions.


Angela Betsko

The ball bursts into the sky from the hands:
Are you my friend or not?
If a friend, then let go
And tell me after: "Fly!"

If I let go of the ball,
I'll upload it right now
Because on a string
The sun is in my hand!


Anna Arkanina

On birthdays, on a holiday,
when by the end of the corporate -
people release balloons into the sky
and are not in a hurry to leave.

They take off into the sky different -
carrying dreams, hopes, dreams.
and in the sky they continue to celebrate
dangerously close to pines.

They are like messengers, messengers -
headlong into the clouds...
kettles are boiling in the kitchens,
while everyone is freezing up their noses.

They see people - soldiers
from distant cloud tops...

So people release balloons
from the depths of an open soul.


Anna Vishnevskaya

We bought with mommy
The ball is blue.
He was very small
And now big.

Tied a thread
And went for a walk.
There will be a wind with a ball
Play blue.

The ball is torn from the string,
Wants to fly away.
Clouds and sun
Look in the sky.

Very hard ball
I keep my hand.
I won't let him walk
Even though he's big!


Anna Alferova

In our children's park
a lot of kids
And always at the entrance
sell balls.
One hundred balloons
i can lift
Let go to the sky
and then catch!
I am a three-year-old strongman -
everything is up to me!
I'll lift the whole bunch
if I want!
I'll untie from the rack
I will free them
Thanks for the balloons
I'll tell my aunt...
Untied! Look!
The truth is, I'm not kidding.
Oh! Catch the balls!
I'm flying with them!


Vasily Rosov

The red ball, frolicking, rose
Straight into the sky, into the clouds!
He must have been there...
Goodbye, ball. Bye.


Vasilisa 5

I'll blow up the balloon too
And I'll take air in my mouth,
What would the ball give me air,
I strongly blow into the balloon ... - "Sentry ..."

Somehow my air escaped
And my ball is empty again...
And daddy quickly inflated him,
Dad got a big ball.

I breathed in through my mouth and nose,
She puffed out her cheeks like a hippopotamus,
And I didn’t bring air into the balloon,
He fell into Sofochkin's stomach.


Viktor Gvozdev

Ah, what a beautiful ball!
I've been wanting this for a long time!
I'll take him by the thread
Yes, I will fly to the sky.

The ball alone misses, curls.
He wants me to take it.
And my heart is beating
I can't do without a ball.

There are no two coins!
To make my dream come true.
There is no happiness! There is no happiness!
Even though there is beauty.

The ball twisted, twisted, twisted ...
But then the wind came up,
Agreed with the seller
The ball took and flew away.

ball with a dream

Victoria Doroshenko

The dream flew away, clinging to the balloon.
I ran after her, stumbling and falling again.
Everything seemed to grab me, take me to the sky, like a sail ...
But a dream flew without me, throwing off the burden of shackles.

The balloon soared high, enjoying the freedom of flight,
Substituting a spinning side to the playful wind,
And the blue paths of the sky beckoned him ...
Only joy and happiness!
Yes, only a sudden bang -
And on the thread is not a ball, but scraps with a dream in an embrace
On the window bars... And a nail sticking out from somewhere.
The ball with a dream at the moment turned into an invisible dream.
Didn't make it this time. And, alas, it did not come true ...

inflatable heart

Galina Dyadina

I carry on a thread
inflatable heart,
And it's angry
Beats in the wind.
And doesn't want to
Fly for me...
Well, what kind of heart
Tether on the inside?

I release into the sky
inflatable heart -
Let someone surprise
Will be on the moon!
But it doesn't want to!
Hovering over me...
Maybe tied
Still to me?


Violetta Tokar

Mom bought me a balloon
Bright yellow, like a flashlight.

But suddenly the wind picked up...
The ball was snatched from his hands.

Flew up to the roof
And then - higher, higher.

Up rose to heaven.
And disappeared behind the clouds.

I wave to him
Mom will buy me another!

From the life of a balloon

Elena Lipatova

Inflate! .. -
We inflate
grows up
Grow up! .. -

Inflate! .. -
Here he is now
CLAP! - And..

Flies away!
Fly away!..

For nothing


Irina Busygina

Here is the subject of a simple balloon,
Buy and put in your pocket.
And it does not seem to interfere -
The question in my head: "Why do we need it?"
But .. the day comes in the mood
We inflate a balloon -
On a holiday or children's birthday,
They amuse us, make us laugh.
We are happy to play throwing them,
They fly and fall again.
It seems like an oblique trajectory,
But sometimes they will definitely hit!
The crowd is immediately animated
Boring faces and sleepy eyes -
From ordinary cotton
In this miracle that filled the gas!


Irina Gurina

I had a ball.
Bright as a flashlight.
The ball was wow and ah!
And then he's like bang!

Sat on the button: once and - BAM!
In general, the balloon burst itself.
And there were patches
Unprecedented beauty.


Irina Krisanova

The ball is torn to heaven:
The wind plays with it
Spins like crazy...
He is a gift to me!!!


Irina Morozova 4

The balloon flies in the clouds
I hold the thread-tail in my hands,
The ball is torn to the wind to visit,
I'll let go of the thread-tail.
I don't mind, fly away
Play with the wind in the sky.


Clara Zhabova

Was a nondescript petal -
We tricked him
And with his rope
Pulled tight.
He became round
Became easy
Easier than anyone in the world.
We are for his birthday
Gave the wind!


Koval Tatiana

Can't hold the ball
Now he soars in the clouds.


Ksenia Valakhanovych Golub

There is no better game
Than balloons.
I blew three
Wind - own - inside!

I'll grab them by the strings...
I'm flying-u-u!

Ball in the sky...

Lana Grieg

Nothing is eternal under the Moon,
and we are not eternal.
The painted ball takes off
dear milky,
Pulls the thread tighter
aiming higher and higher.
Don't hold back, don't block.
Almost inaudible
Farewell cry, last call
goes into oblivion.
Keeping the inviolability of the foundations,
we look to the sky...
As long as the hand is in your hand
nothing scary
Disappear into haze in the distance
like yesterday...


Leonid Chernakov

“Goodbye, globe of the earth! -
Shouted an inflatable balloon. -
I'm flying for the clouds.
Do not lose me! Bye…"

Balloon my friend

Ludmila Firsova-Sapronova

Light ball, dear friend,
From my hands you are torn.
I chase you
You can't be alone.

I will look after you.
You fly, I'll catch up.
It's easy for me to dream with you
How high I fly!

My air friend, my balloon,
Sky blue fire
You dreamed me in a dream
We flew high.

Ah, what a beauty -
Clouds and altitude!
I see the whole country from above
I see my mom!

I shout to her and everyone: - Hello!
Soon I will be five years old!
And I'm flying high
Because I am growing!


Max Merlev

Pull up! Overhead
Balloons air garland.
We let go of the threads with you,
Let them fly somewhere
Above the veranda...

Let them fly bypassing the floors
And they follow the clouds.
Joyful pink life
Bright funny eyes!

To make it more fun
Color the day with good words
And imagine that above the poplars
You are rushing
Following the clouds!


Marina Terentyeva

The ball melted somewhere in the clouds,
It is no longer in our power to return it.
And it seemed to me that in my hands
He finally found peace and happiness!

After all, he quieted down, did not tear the tight thread,
To fly away to walk in the sky.
And I didn't try to change anything.
He became tame, not eager for freedom.

But I, relaxing my fingers, realized
That she made a terrible mistake.
The abyss took him forever.
But everyone looked at the flight with a smile ...


Marina Terekhova 2

I am a balloon
Oh, naughty.
I am different:
Blue and red.
For kids -
My friend is wonderful.
I take off into the sky
Where I play with the wind.
Any desire
I'm doing.
cherished desire
you guess
And only then,
Let me go.
I am with the wind
I'll fly to the clouds
For a OTHER wish
I'll pat!


Molchanov Vitaly Mitrofanovich

If you wanted to fly
And instead of wings - ordinary hands,
Do not worry, you need to get the ball
Red, beautiful, huge, resilient.
To fill it with solar gas
And to be tied with a strong ribbon.
Feel free to grab, jump up and - time! -
Fly into the sky - loudly aikay and oykay.
Above the trees and above the houses
Butterflies, birds, pilots to envy.
Just look, come home -
Remember, there are lessons left for tomorrow?

Three balloons

Nadezhda Radchenko

walks well
Light in the summer.
Three balloons
I hold in my hand.

Three balloons
Rushing into the sky.
The wind flutters the balls
Like sails.

I run with the wind
I want out loud.
Before that, I'm having fun
What's about to take off!


Nadezhda Radchenko

They bought me a blue balloon.
He was light and airy.
Oh how handsome he was
But terribly naughty.

He was always rushing into the sky,
I didn't want to be submissive.
And, as soon as I gape,
The ball took - and flew away.

I wave my hand to him
A little sorry for him though.


Natalia Zarayskaya

light ball,
Almost weightless.
Lively in games
My good friend.

He's on holidays
In the spotlight.
Burst .... Ah!

All frustrated in anticipation
We blow into a new object of adoration.

Air balloons

Natalya Merkushova

I go, in my hand
Balls on a leash!

There is scarlet and red!
Blue is wonderful!

There is orange! Green -
Well, just like a maple leaf!

I was able to bring it home!
There they are - under the ceiling!

Here they are on the ceiling!
Only ropes in hand!


Natalya Tata Zubareva

I have a balloon
I take him for a walk
So that he doesn't fly away
I'm holding on to a thread.

I ran along the alley,
My ball rushed after
Suddenly caught on to something
“Bah!” - and the ball is no more!

Mom and Dad explain:
Like, knots stick out everywhere ...
Explain something explain
And where is my ball - they are silent!

I understood everything: and about “bang!”,
About "bitches" and about "everywhere",
I don’t understand one thing - where is my ball ?!


Natasha Iva

They bought me a balloon!
Bright, light, naughty!
I walk with him all day
I don't let go of myself! -

I gape a little
The ball will rush into the clouds!
The ball will fly, fly ...
I will roar, roar...


Nelli Vakhrusheva

The air was her toy
The face beamed with a smile,

Like a sky ball, the same color.
Legs ran along the path,
Suddenly a breeze rose from the branches,
And they missed the thread of the palm.

Became very quickly removed,
Was a light ball, airy,
Clinging to a branch with a thread,
He's just obedient to the wind

The girl quickly ran after
She pulled her hands to the ball,
Looking for a thread with my eyes
Bursting loudly with laughter.

I didn't want to part with him.
The ball from above smiled at her,
Higher, higher rose
I said goodbye to the girl in the sky.

Almost merged with the clouds
His dream of freedom came true,
But the girl's laughter stopped
He hastened to return soon.

Balloon in the hands of a girl
Floated across the sky on a long thread,
The air was her toy
His face beamed with a smile.


Nikolai Bodrov

You cannot give what you have lived.
A stroke on the solar painting.
The balloon flies into the sky.
The ball is red. The ball is blue.

On the day of rest. Goodbye day.
The sky is empty and clear.
Time for disappointments.
The ball is blue. The ball is red.

Everyone ever on the road.
It's going to be such a poignant day.
We all come to visit God……..
Here he is - good, real.

Only tears on a handkerchief
For an unknown reason.
Points disappear in the sky.
The ball is red. The ball is blue.


Platon Andreev

Dad bought me a balloon
Pink, airy.
He hovered on a thread
My obedient ball.

I looked at him
The sun was shining.
He was the cutest of all
I dreamed about him.

Music and laughter in the park
The kids frolicked
Only I'm the happiest
Spinning around with a ball.

blue ball

Just Yoshka

I was given today
Air balloon
Blue blue.
Air balloon

Wants to fly to the sky
Want to see from above
To my house and cars
To our city and valleys.

Wants to touch the sky
Wants to smile at the sun
He wants to play with the wind
Wants to get lost somewhere.

I won't keep it
Let him fly to the clouds.
And from there, right on top.
May he give us joy!

air seller

Semyon Ostrovsky

On the market,
Where there are always people
There is a dexterous merchant.
In beautiful packaging.
And you can see
So good before
His color goods!
I myself
Grosh -

balloon inflated

Tamara Vtorova

The balloon was inflated -
I gained more importance
But puffed up like a bubble
The ball hit the pin...
And from the importance of it
Nothing left!

Walk with a ball

Tatiana Goethe

Somehow an inflatable ball
Decided to take a walk with me.

I didn't mind him
Supported the proposal.

First we went as friends
Ball on the left, me on the right.

And then vice versa.
We walked without worries

But tired of each other
Soon we really.

He rushed up! "Bah-bang!"-
Rumbled in the clouds.

The situation is familiar...
Oh, I'd rather be at home!


Tatyana Dergunova

Flying, flying red ball.
And they look after him, both young and old.
How transcendental heights attract!
And do not shout: "Come back! Stop!"
Tired, apparently, of being on a leash
and rushed to freedom lightly.
He is airy, naughty, lonely
and with space an unstable player.
Who will predict whether the flight will be long
where the wind tears the clouds apart?
But you and I will be able to understand it -
was a happy moment of knowledge of heights.


Frida Polak

Gently kiss mommy
"Good morning! - I say. -
I really love balls.
Do you want a RED present?


Julia Zazimko

Do not keep the balls on a leash,
Let them fly beyond the clouds and above.
Oh, fate, at least somehow take it out.
Whoever has ears, let him hear.

Release the balls without pity.
Open your hands and believe
What is the loss of this smallness
It will be the only one in the world.

Make a wish after them
Don't hold a grudge against anyone.
A bright date lasts with childhood,
Until the balls are out of sight.

Let what is entrusted to them be done,
And dreams will not be in vain.
Release balls confidently
Blue, green and red.

Give to children

From the Internet

Give your kids balloons for the holidays
They are as different as childhood dreams
They're as bright as children's eyes
And the children will remember these holidays forever!

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