History of the Metal Gear Solid universe - characters, series events. Brief Timeline of the Metal Gear Universe


My first author's translation(Concentration of copy-paste- 0% ), it turned out pretty well, the text is divided into three parts, because there are a lot of them) Wait for the next parts this week. When reading, I advise you to include something from the soundtrack MGS, so that feel.

The complete history of Metal Gear, part one.

The complete history of Metal Gear, part one.

The storyline is so confusing that even Hideo Kojima does not understand her. Be prepared - this article can cause brain circuits. Here will be a list of all events that have occurred in history MGS, including those that were not in the games of the series.

China, Russia And USA form an organization "Philosophers".

Born this year Jack (Jack), naked Snake (Nakyd Snake) And Big Boss (Big Boss).

Grandfather Otacon'a (Oktakon) starts work on "Manhattan Project".

President John F. Kennedy refuses to submit to the organization "Philosophers" (Philosophers).

Hitman kills Kennedy.

Platform: PS2 (2004)

Remakes: PS2 (2005) - MGS3: Subsistence; 3DS (2011) - The Naked Sample

Description: Most people who are not complete idiots assume that snake eater- the best game in the series metal gear. It is one of the most technologically advanced games on the PS2, and much better in the update. "The Subsistence" which introduced the 3D camera.

Story: Fox agent Naked Snake- father Solid Snake- descends with a parachute into the Soviet jungle on orders Major Zero (Major Zero) to save a Russian weapons designer and sabotage a facility that houses a new Soviet superweapon- Shagohod (Shagohod). Betrayed by his own mentor The Boss (Boss), whose betrayal and hijacking Walker main villain Volgin "th (Volgin) covers the detonation of a nuclear bomb that failed Virtuous Mission to failure. The world is on the brink of nuclear war. The United States, accused of bombing, make a deal, in order to prove their innocence in what happened, they send Naked Snake to kill Bossa and destroy the stolen walker. He is assisted in the jungle by an ex-National Security Agency agent. Eva (Eva), fights with an agent Spetsnaz "a (Special Forces)- Ocelot "ohm (Ocelot), learns about the existence "Philosophers" and their heritage fund- $100 billion, misappropriated Volgin.During the chase through the Soviet base, Naked Snake kills and Bossa And Volgin and learns the whole truth about his mission. Eve reveals that she was a triple agent - an American agent who pretended to defect to Russia, but in fact defected to China - and tried to secure "the Legacy" for the Chinese. Boss was supposed to deliver a fund to the United States, but was killed Naked Snake by order of the United States. As a result, the United States received half of the fund and are doing Snake new boss, but they leave him to the mercy of fate, angry at his country and the whole world.

Big Boss saves Frank Jaeger (Frank Jaeger) later became Gray Fox (Grey Fox) from the civil war in Mozambique.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Platform: PSP (2008)

Remakes and expansions: PSP (2009) - Portable Ops+

Description: The game turned out to be good, with excellent mini-missions, but with terrible controls, which was probably designed for people who have three thumbs on two hands

Story: Six years after the events in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, half of the inheritance is still walking around the world and Fox Renegades (Fox Renegades) looking for Big Bossa to interrogate him about the whereabouts of the money. During confinement at renegades, in a former abandoned Soviet missile silo in Colombia, Big Boss meets Green Beret Roy Campbell (Roy Campbell, Green Beret) and escapes from prison. When Big Boss meets his comrades from " Operation: Snake Eater missions" and finds out that he is accused of everything because of betrayal Fox, and creates an organization "FOXHOUND" (Foxhound) to hunt for Renegade Fox. His team includes Zero (Zero), Para-Medic (Para-Medic), Ocelot,Eve, And Jaeger.

fox creates the first gene-altered super-soldier- Gene (Gene).

Big Boss wins and Fox, And Gina, which recognizes Big Bosse true receiver Bossa, transmits renegades under his command, fund, and plans to create a military-ethnic state "Army's Heaven" (Army Heaven).

Insurrection Fox was organized Ocelot And Zero to bring the director of the CIA out of hiding and capture Inheritance all philosophers.Tired of the inconsistency and internal politicking of the secret government philosophers, Ocelot kills the head of the CIA, seizes control of legacy and forms a new group of American philosophers With Zero, Big Bossom, and former members Foxhound from snake eater under a new name. After realizing the collapsed dream of the first Boss of a united world "Patriots" Zero soon took control of every organ of government in America and made Big Bossa legendary figure and figurehead of their organization.

foxhound creates the US Army Division.

Big Boss is injured and falls into a coma. Initiated by Zero, the genes Big Bossa is used to create three children using Eve as a surrogate mother. Solid (Solid) And Liquid Snake (Liquid Snake) were twins - imperfect clones of their father - while the third brother, Solidus (Solidus), was a flawless clone Big Bossa. After recovery, Big Boss learn about betrayal Zero and went to Patriots, leaves foxhound and wanders the earth...

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Platform: PSP (2010)

Description: Originally named Metal Gear Solid 5, it has become one of the top 3 PSP games.

Story: Big Boss returns to its former codename- Naked Snake and is affiliated with the military organization "Soldiers Without Borders"- recruited by Costa Rican agents to help liberate the country from a growing military presence. Snake gathers an army, learns about Peace Walker (Peace Walker)- Another one metal gear prototype designed as a nuclear deterrent. put into action, AI based on reason first boss, Peace Walker will return fire without hesitation, launching nuclear missiles at any target that will attack him. KGB kills CIA agent Coldman who managed events in Costa Rica. Before dying, he decides to reprogram Peace Walker to fire on Cuba and transmit fake data to air defense. Solid Snake pretending Big Bossom to convince the United States that the launch of nuclear missiles is a fake. When the USA believed Big boss, Walker AI decides to flood the robot in the ocean, thus interrupting the fake signal. Big Boss and his company, together with designers Walker build their metal gear who is stolen by his own secret agent Zero- Paz Andrade (Paz Andrade) who plans to launch a nuclear weapon Metal Gear towards America and develop MSF (Militaires Sans Frontieres, "Soldiers Without Borders"). Snake does what he was supposed to do - kills Zika before turning to his troops and promising them his own country - Outer Heaven (Outer Heaven)...

Have you ever played a game with a serious plot that touches on the actual problems of modern society? If anything, we are not talking about the cyber-implants of Adam Jensen from Deiis Ex or the parallel worlds from BioShock Infinite. Today we will talk (and perhaps even run) about the legendary Metal Gear from the master of Japanese game design Hideo Kojima. The series began to gain worldwide popularity only recently (especially in our country), and this despite the fact that devoted fans have been following every bit of information about Kojima-san's new projects for more than a quarter of a century, building plausible and not very theories of possible fates heroes.

How metal was tempered

Back in 1987, when many of us hadn't even hatched yet, Konami, which then specialized in arcade machines, suddenly decided to release a game that was unusual by those standards. It was impossible to arrange a Texas chainsaw massacre in it, and most of the tasks had to go unnoticed, otherwise - an inglorious death. The decision was extremely controversial, but what the hell is not joking - the new title could be trusted, if only because its lead game designer, at that time still young Hideo Kojima, decided to abandon his project in favor of Metal Gear.

At the time of the appearance of the first part of the saga, boxes with games of the Stealth-action genre did not live on the shelves in principle. The game itself was positioned as a tactical spy thriller with puzzles, but due to the extraordinary gameplay at that time and the deep plot unusual for video games, the public greeted the game very warmly, with bread and salt. It was something completely new, incredibly fresh, like breath after mint gum. The series subsequently became the progenitor of all subsequent stealth action games, of which there were plenty. But the Metal Gear universe is famous for more than that.

Before you sit down to play any game in the Metal Gear series, you need to know a few simple facts:
Almost every game in the franchise has a scene after the end credits that turns everything you see upside down, forcing you to look at what happened with different, more bulging eyes.
Kojima is not shy about breaking the fourth wall - the barrier that protects what is happening on the screen from the player himself - therefore, do not be surprised if the characters suddenly want to turn to you, the player who sits on the other side of the screen and chews a cookie carelessly.
Even if you don't like hide-and-seek, you still have to keep clear and quietly bypass enemies. And not because the game requires it. It's just way more interesting that way.
The series is famous for its deep character development, even the secondary characters are captivating with their life stories, which are neatly woven into the plot. Get ready to empathize and blow your nose in a handkerchief.
Most of the information in the game you get through the codec - a kind of invisible analogue of the walkie-talkie, which operates at special frequencies with the help of nanobots. What are nanobots? This is something that can plug any hole in the game, a universal excuse for developers. You don't wonder why fantasy wizards shoot lightning out of their hands, do you? That's the same.
Despite the fact that any game in the Metal Gear series touches on such serious topics as the nuclear crisis, war as an economic tool, or even the meaning of life, the series is not without excellent humor. Putting a rooster hat on a player for failing to complete a mission? To show that the military are also people who can get carried away by watching an erotic anime magazine? Make a soldier suffer from indigestion? Hideo is not capable of such a thing.

Sounds a little strange and sometimes even difficult? Let's go through each big part of this vast franchise as briefly as possible so that the above does not seem like something wild and uncouth to you. Why briefly? To go into details, the retrospective of the series will take more than one issue of the magazine, and more than one month of hard work. But I still have a personal life.

First time on screen

In a wonderful time, when the clock speed of the console processor at 4 MHz was a luxury, and technology still did not allow to realize all the fantasies of the authors, the very first game of the series was released. metal gear. No one even expected to see on MSX 2 (something like a hybrid of console and computer) a serious action movie with a plot about nuclear weapons and conspiracy theories. At the time, the game seemed a little odd: unlike action movies, in which shooting in the face seemed like a common thing, in MG you had to hide behind boxes and try to avoid direct contact with the enemy. Some kind of coward simulator. Sounds pretty cool for a game where the enemy soldiers couldn't even move beyond their screen.

Metal Gear gameplay, 1987

In the first part, we find ourselves in the Outer Heaven fortress, get acquainted with the legendary Big Boss, the antagonist of the game, and Solid Snake, a lone wolf. a secret agent of the government, and part-time the main character. Even then, we had no idea about the connection between the hero and his worst enemies. But never mind, in the future the game will still make us emit a loud “WOW!” from skidding at plot twists.

Snake's Revenge on NES

Due to the excellent sales and the great love of the audience for the game, Konami decided to release not only a degraded port for NES consoles, but also a sub-sequel exclusively for Western audiences called Snake's Revenge. But it’s better not to think about it, because the creator of the game, Kojima, had nothing to do with its development.

The Good, the Bad, the Sequel

But it was this "craft" that became Metal Gear's pass to the big world. Thanks to the Western audience, the authors realized that just leaving this universe is a big sin, and in 1990 the long-awaited continuation in the face of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Surprisingly, American gamers themselves received the game only 15 years later with MGS3: Subsistence. And all because the platform for the game was MSX2, which outside of Japan was not particularly complained about.

The plot of the sequel has nothing to do with the first part, if you do not take into account the antagonist, in the role of which Big Boss again acts. "Coincidence? Don't think". Surprisingly, in the game of the distant 1990, such a serious topic was raised as the essence and content of modern wars. And even if Metal Gear 2 only lifted the veil of this topic, by the fourth part it will be revealed in full.

Unfortunately, Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 are of interest to the modern player only as an introduction to the universe, since playing them for the sake of gameplay in our time is frankly boring. But if that doesn't stop you, then know that these games are included in the HD Collection, so everyone who wants to touch the beauty can do it on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles.

The first "solid" Metal Gear

Metal Gear Solid revolutionized the world of video games, showing many developers how you can, and most importantly, you need to make games. It was this part that popularized the mixture of gameplay with cinematics, which is generally called a tactical spy game. The gameplay of MGS repeated Metal Gear 2, which, 8 years after the release, most of the then audience could simply forget about. Indeed, why not use cool ideas that were clearly ahead of their time in the sequel and submit them on a new, already three-dimensional engine? Add a famously twisted script here, and the tower just exploded from the resulting cocktail.

After the tragic events of Metal Gear 2, namely the betrayal of his best friend, our hero decides to retire. But suddenly Colonel Campbell, a faithful assistant and friend of Snake from the first part, appears on the scene and persuades the hero to go on his last mission. One more time and go home. Classic. At the Shadow Moses base, which is located near Alaska, it is necessary to deactivate a walker capable of launching nuclear warheads invisible to satellites anywhere in the world. The perfect finishing touch for a spy before he retires. But Snake decides to leave, loudly slamming the window, and then indulges in all serious. And so. During an ordinary mission, the hero learns a terrible secret. *drumroll* It turns out that the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks, the bloodthirsty Liquid Snake, is actually his brother. Technically. If the result of an attempt to clone a fallen Big Boss can be called a "brother". Yes, the same Big Boss who was our main enemy in the first two parts. "Santa Barbara" nervously smokes on the sidelines, jamming cigarette smoke with colorful pills.

Metal Gear Solid is the first universally recognized part of the universe, which fans love not so much for the cinematic action of what is happening and the well-developed plot, but for the attention and understanding of all the little things in the game, which ultimately build an incredible impression of the gamer. In what other game can you spot a laser trap using the smoke from a cigarette in your inventory? Or identify a woman in a male uniform by walking?? Thanks to such moves, the game can even be forgiven for its clumsy controls and the inability to shoot with a first-person view.

Was a cyberninja before it went mainstream

Continued fans had to wait a long three years. And it was worth it. Released in 2001 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty once again outstripped all conceivable and unthinkable topics, touching on issues of artificial intelligence, global censorship and how much a real picture of the world every person sees. What is good and what is bad, why we live and what we can pass on to posterity. Beat or kill? Or just walk by unnoticed?

Sons of Liberty begins as a regular continuation of Metal Gear Solid, but this time Kojima outplayed everyone (multi-move), making the main character Snake, who was not loved by millions of spy, but a gray-haired boy of dubious appearance named Raiden, whom we will still see in the distant future in the role the protagonist of Metal Gear Rising. Doubtful in the sense that he looks more like a girl, and not in what you thought. But more on that later. Just imagine what the indignation of loyal fans was when, instead of the legend promised in the trailer, they slipped a cute blonde in the best traditions of Japanese anime. But given that MGS2 is a kind of simulation of the first part of the game, an attempt to make a legendary fighter of the level of the good old Snake out of a rookie, then everything falls into place. Someone will say "simulation", and someone - "self-copying", because the familiar Shadow Moses base has been replaced by a refinery in the middle of the ocean, and Snake's orders are now carried out by Raiden, and up to a certain point in almost the same sequence. The task of this game is to ask as many questions as possible, which will not be answered by the main character, but by the one who is lazily lounging at the TV. And let the game character go on with his tasks, but we have to learn much more. Hey Kojima! Ah yes soo... supergenius!

The narrative is so twisted that even after passing it you don’t understand on whose side the truth is and who wants to really do better. Does the author lead by the nose both the main character and the player along with him? while the people above the bosses are trying to simulate human behavior. All this happens in a simulation in which the protagonist got into. Many, unable to withstand all the tricks of the game designer and the denial of plot facts, could simply not go through it to the end. And in vain. The game not only entertains us, but also carries a special philosophical meaning that with each generation we more and more pass on life experience and open our eyes more and more to the events taking place around us.

Ultimately, young Raiden will receive his legendary katana from special agent Solid Snake, which in some 12 years will return to TV screens as the weapon of the most dangerous assassin Raiden on the planet - a cyber ninja capable of resisting the best armies of our time. And it's good that this guy is on our side. Snake taught him what it means to be a hero.

Iconic snake eater

"We'll show you Kuz'kin's mother!" Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, shouts from the podium, threatening Mr. Vice President Nixon with a hydrogen bomb. No, this is not a 9th grade history lesson, we are still talking about the Metal Gear universe, namely Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

The action of the third part takes place in 1964, at the height of the Cold War. Once again, the brave Snake must save humanity from a foreign threat and weapons of mass destruction. "Is he that old?" Well. not really. This time, Naked Snake, who will later be known as Big Boss, is sent for reconnaissance. That's right, in Snake Eater we are offered to play for the very antagonist of the first parts. In the coming years, we will be told how a fierce hatred for marginals, politicians and other opponents of freedom crept into the heart of a soldier loyal to the United States, who, due to the impossibility of reaching an agreement, play with the lives of thousands of ordinary soldiers. Snake is also a soldier, but he has become something more than just a warrior on the battlefield. He became a legend. And this is his story.

Overall, MGS3 is an excellent spy thriller based on a fictional but very similar to real political story. The game started to look like a Bond movie in some ways: here you have triple agents, and the main cool character, and a fatal beauty. All the twists and turns are revealed in cinematic cut-scenes - if they were cut from the game, then they could be glued together into an excellent movie. But depriving the project of gameplay would be a sin, because the third part received the most sane management of all games in the Metal Gear Solid series. A third-person view was introduced, inventory management became convenient, a stealth indication was introduced that forced the use of different camouflage, and a realistic healing system in which each medicine healed a certain type of damage. Snake also had a need to eat, and since he was thrown into the jungle of the Soviet Union (yes, Kojima frankly didn’t give a damn that they didn’t really exist), he had to eat the inhabitants of the fauna and their waste products.

In addition, the game has a couple of very memorable bosses. The End sniper is an ordinary old man, and if at the beginning of the battle with him you save, exit and set the console time a couple of weeks ahead, then he simply died of old age! The second excellent boss is The Sorrow, a ghostly enemy that guides you through the river of souls of all those you killed during the game. If you use stealth diligently and don't kill the enemies, the fight with The Sorrow will be easy, but if you turned the game into a Call of Duty analogue, then during this battle you will not do well.

A re-release of the game was later released under the title Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence with online mode and the first two 8-bit games.

Patriot Games

“The war has changed. It is not fought for nation, ideology or ethnicity. It's an endless series of battles waged by mercenaries and machines."

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots originally conceived as the last part. The game was supposed to bring us to the final line of the series, reveal all the cards and loudly declare itself. That is why it turned out to be very serious, talking about the current state of war and a situation where conflicts are inevitable in our time. No matter how strange it may sound, but this time Kojima told us about the need for a familiar war, since it is she who is the right economic tool in the right hands. During the events of Guns of the Patriots, the main means of conducting aggressive diplomacy were private military forces, private military corporations and beyond, according to everyone's favorite conspiracy theory. War in its usual sense is jobs for soldiers in the state army, for people who are involved in its maintenance, these are grants for research and development of weapons. War as it is shown in the game is a sterile imitation in which private troops fight against the same mercenaries. only these mercenaries are simple guys from the street who were forced to look for a job. There are no jobs, no technological progress, we are just soldiers who mindlessly go to the next meat grinder and shoot when they are told. The war has changed so much that ordinary people began to suffer from it, who for years paid taxes on the maintenance of soldiers.

Metal Gear Solid 4 does a great job of showing the development of all the characters: even that bumbling guard from the first MGS. suffering from an upset stomach, takes his head and finds his love! Raiden is no longer a timid kid, but a fighting machine, crumbling robots into dust. The stories of all the main characters of the series tell the player in plain text, they say, that's it, this is the final, tragic, but at least some. So we believed...

In addition to the logical conclusion of the entire storyline. Kojima causes a stingy nostalgic tear from loyal fans of the series. In fact, all the bosses of the fourth part are reimagined bosses of the original MGS: sexy Sniper Wolf, Volcano Raven and Psychomantis from a group of deadly women in latex. As a bonus, we will also be allowed to wander around the territory of the familiar Shadow Moses base, which looks much more pleasant in a wrapper of modern graphics.

The ending of Guns of the Patriots sheds light on everything that happened before: the line with Big Boss and his clones ends, the history of the Patriots, which we heard about in the second part, is explained, the story of Eva, Naked Snake's girlfriend, who has noticeably aged since Snake Eater, ends. That is why you cannot play MGS4 in isolation from other licensed parts - you will not understand anything and will only waste 25 hours of your life in vain.

Breaking the fourth wall

Metal Gear without exaggeration can be called a trendsetter. This is one of the first gaming universes that blurs the line between the player and what is happening on the screen. Here's an example for you: in Metal Gear Solid we need to communicate with Meryl by codec, but here a problem arises - we don't know what frequency she is on. And suddenly we are told that the desired frequency is written on the back of the disc box! That's bad luck for pirates. But this is far from the most striking example of direct interaction with the player. The boss of the first part, Psychomantis, could change channels by reading your “mind”, or more precisely, by saving a PlayStation memory card. He talked about what games you played and how many times you died while playing MGS. He also used psychokinesis. by the power of thought acting on your main weapon - the gamepad, making it vibrate. Having taken possession of the controller, Psychomantis predicted any action and evaded future attacks. Particularly smart gamers disconnected the gamepad and connected it to the slot for the second player.

During the AI ​​glitch in the second part, Colonel Campbell orders Raiden to turn off the console because it's just a game and he lost it miserably. And his companion Rose advises not to sit so close to the screen, as this will negatively affect vision. Poor Raiden, being an inexperienced hero, was then led into a wild delusion. And how the players themselves were amazed when the characters, for no reason, decided to interact with them directly, no longer using the main character as an intermediary.

pocket snake

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker became the first game in the series for handheld consoles. Its purpose was to patch up the plot holes left after the third part. Surprisingly, this game, released on the PSP, has a full-fledged co-op mode, a military base management mini-game and an amazingly detailed world, previously unfamiliar to "small" consoles.

Peace Walker takes us back to 1974. Snake resolves the nuclear crisis in Costa Rica, during which he obtains a military operations base with private mercenaries called Outer Heaven. During the game, you will have to actively develop its infrastructure, stealing enemy soldiers, freed prisoners and just volunteers from the battlefield. Quite a funny picture for the fans of the series, because in the original Metal Gear, these guys were our main opponents.

Since the technical characteristics of the PlayStation Portable significantly limited the possibilities of developers, all screensavers in the game are made in the form of animated comics. Here you will see Paz Ortega from the last Groud Zeroes, remember the Boss, and also meet new interesting characters. The game was large enough for the PSP, so it was later ported to home consoles in the HC Collection. I highly recommend playing it to anyone who wants to delve a little into the universe before the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

The next game for portables was Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, which did not make any revolution, but told about the important events of the Meta Gear universe - the formation of the Foxhound squad and the Patriots group, implicated in a world conspiracy.

When Metal Gear isn't made by Kojima

Imagine that you have been waiting for Half-Life 3 for more than 10 years, but instead of a full-fledged third part, a shareware MMO comes out. It would seem that darkness, decay, hopelessness ... But then a strange thing happens - the game is addictive, after it there are excellent impressions, although it does not feel at all that this is the good old Half-Life. Roughly the same story happened with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance- a slasher from Platinum Games, in which you can literally cut everything into small pieces. And if, watching the gameplay of licensed parts, you can dislocate your jaw from boredom, then you want to watch Revengeance without stopping, enjoy the perky soundtrack, crumbling enemies into cabbage. The main character of the game is the familiar cyber ninja Raiden. Of course, neither fans nor the authors of the original series take the events of Revengeance as canon, but this does not negate the fact that Platinum Games turned out to be a great game.

Despite the fact that Guns of the Patriots was supposed to be the last part of the epic, the ingenious brain of its creator and love for new technologies were unstoppable. Yielding to the latest trends in modern game development, Kojima decided to make another MGS, but now with an open world. The game, akin to the last film about Harry Potter, was decided to be divided into 2 parts. So we got a paid demo in person Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, which showed all the possibilities of the open world and the beauty of the new Fox Engine, and also served as an excellent aperitif before the already full game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which we will be able to evaluate this year.

Gameplay Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

If you are reading these lines, then I can congratulate you - now you are briefly aware of what is going on in the minds of the game designers of the Land of the Rising Sun, and most importantly, what Metal Gear is. But no article or retrospective can convey the feelings that a gamer feels while playing games. So, as soon as you finish reading this article and stretching tiredly in your chair, turn on the console and start enjoying this beautiful, deceptively simple, but at the same time damn exciting gaming universe. [d]
ELSPA: 15+
ESRB: M - Mature
OFLC (A) : MA15+- Mature
USK: 12

Metal Gear Solid (jap. メタルギアソリッド metaru gia soriddo) - a computer game in the genre of stealth action. The project was developed by Konami and was originally released for the Sony PlayStation game console in 2009. The game was later ported to PC. This is the fourth game in the universe Metal Gear. Producer, director, game designer and game writer - creator of the Hideo Kojima series.

plot Metal Gear Solid is a direct continuation Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and talks about the anti-terrorist operation at the base for the disposal of nuclear weapons on Fox Island, the Shadow Moses archipelago, captured by a group of special forces soldiers from the FOXHOUND unit. The protagonist of the game, Solid Snake, must infiltrate the base, rescue the hostages and prevent the terrorists from launching a nuclear strike. IN Metal Gear Solid elements of the gameplay that first appeared in Metal Gear And Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake- the player, controlling Solid Snake, must lead him past numerous sentries and guards, avoiding meeting with them if possible and not falling into their eyes. Also, the hero expects a series of fights with bosses. The game has a complex and multifaceted plot, as well as cinematic.

The game received high marks in the press and was commercially successful, with over 6 million copies sold, and the game has a score of 94 out of 100 on Metacritic. It has often been called one of the best games of all time, and is also credited with popularizing stealth action as a genre of video game. Konami later released an enhanced version of the game for PlayStation and PC. Metal Gear Solid: Integral and a remake of the game for the GameCube game console Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes .

Game process

Gameplay fundamentals borrowed from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake on MSX - three-dimensional graphics are used to better implement old ideas. The player, controlling the main character Solid Snake, must bring him from point A to point B, trying not to catch the eye of the patrol. Patrolmen are able to notice Snake, not only by seeing him: they can hear his steps or track him down on their own by following the tracks left. To avoid meeting with them, it is necessary to use the gaming capabilities and abilities of the protagonist - leaning against the wall, you can look around the corner and assess the situation without being noticed; you can bypass the security through the ventilation shafts; knocking on the wall will help distract the attention of the enemy. If Snake is detected (falls into the zone of visibility of a guard or a surveillance camera), then an alarm is raised, and enemy soldiers begin to continuously gather in the location. Dealing with them with the right weapon is quite simple, but pointless, since the flow of enemies is endless. The only way to go further is to hide somewhere and wait until the alarm timer countdown reaches zero. On Easy and Normal difficulty, a mini-map radar is shown in the upper right corner of the screen, allowing you to quickly locate Snake and sentries.

As in previous games in the series, Snake has his own inventory, in which all the items found are added during the game, for example, cardboard boxes (using them, the hero sneaks past sentries unnoticed), cigarettes (they make it possible to detect infrared sensors, but slowly reduce the amount health), rations (restore health), etc. There is also a wide variety of weapons that Snake can find during the operation, ranging from a handgun and C-4 plastic explosive to a PSG-1 sniper rifle and a Stinger man-portable air defense missile system. Snake also has the ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat, throw opponents to the floor, or, sneaking up from behind, wring the neck of an enemy sentry.

Standard tasks are accompanied by solving riddles and duels with bosses. Each boss fight in this game is a unique challenge with many possible solutions, not necessarily overcome by brute force alone. The plot and gameplay are built in such a way as to gradually prepare the player for a meeting with a new enemy, about which you can then get comprehensive information.

The plot in this game is served through cutscenes, as well as Snake's negotiations with other characters on a device called codec. Through the codec, the player can get hints from various characters, get a description of an item or weapon, and even save the game. Getting acquainted with a new character, Snake receives his frequency, by tuning to which, you can call the character to communicate via codec.

In addition to the main story mode, the game also features many training missions in virtual reality (VR missions). In them, the player, controlling Snake, must pass small levels. Missions are divided into three categories: training, time and shooting. In total, there are several dozen VR missions in the game.



Also playing an important role is Meryl Silverberg, niece (as it turns out later, actually daughter) of Colonel Campbell, who was taken prisoner shortly before the events of the game due to the fact that she did not want to participate in the FOXHOUND armed uprising; Dr. Hal Emmerich, also known by the nickname "Otacon", a cowardly and naive, but kind and sympathetic scientist who designed the Metal Gear Rex, and also a big fan of Japanese animation; a mysterious cyborg ninja who, by his own admission, is neither friend nor enemy to Snake, yet opposes the rebellious members of FOXHOUND.

Other characters include two hostages: Donald Anderson, chief of DARPA, and Kenneth Baker, president of Armstech, it was with their support that Metal Gear Rex was developed. Snake's entire operation is controlled by Jim Houseman, the US Secretary of Defense, who stands over Colonel Roy Campbell. Additionally, the comic character in the game is Johnny Sasaki, a failed soldier suffering from diarrhea.


Action Metal Gear Solid takes place in an alternative version of our world, the main points of the story are left unchanged.

The development process of the game itself began in mid-1995, and the goal of the developers was to create the best game ever released for the PlayStation. The developers tried to make the game as realistic as possible for that time, so that it would become more interesting and exciting. In the early stages of development, the SWAT division of the city of Hunnington Beach advised developers on weapons, military equipment, and explosives. Weapons expert Motosada Mori also acted as a technical consultant on a military study, during which the developers also had to travel to Fort Irvine, where the exercises were held. Kojima expressed the opinion that it is pointless to make a game if it does not make the player believe that the world is real, which is why his team tried to work out the game world to the smallest detail.

cinematic performance

All dialogues in the game, story and additional, are fully voiced by professional actors. This applies to both the original Japanese version and the English language releases. Most of the text in the game is about negotiations between Snake (Akio Otsuka (jap. 大塚 明夫) and David Hayter - Japanese and English dubbing respectively) and other characters through a communication device called codec(eng. codec). The game contains more than four hours of dialogue, which are divided into two.

The plot is revealed by screensavers on the game engine. These inserts are made using technology motion capture, various camera angles and special effects. Platform technical limitations have resulted in characters' mouths being fixed during dialogue, and speech being presented as a slight head shake. More realistic cutscenes appeared in the continuation of the game, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty on PlayStation 2 .

Postmodernism, symbolism and secret frequencies

One of the most characteristic features of the project and the original style of Hideo Kojima is the use of numerous allusions, symbols and visual techniques reminiscent of postmodernism. For example, some negative characters have an original appearance and abilities, and, at first glance, are out of place in a serious techno-thriller, which can nominally be attributed to MGS, but rather suitable for comics or anime. In addition, both mystical and fantastic components are woven into the game's plot, despite the obvious realistic setting.

IN Metal Gear Solid there are several moments during which the fourth wall breaks - the game speaks directly to the player:

Exit Information

Exit in Japan

Two versions Metal Gear Solid were released in Japan - a regular version of the game and a premium version containing the game, a t-shirt, an A4 booklet, memory card stickers, a squad badge FOXHOUND and with the soundtrack from the original MSX version Metal Gear And Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. The premium version released in Japan was sold in a "silver" metal box. A "gold" version for Konami shareholders only was also released. Both regular and premium versions came out with the demo Genso Suikoden II. The game's main theme song was composed by Tuppi Iwase.

Exit in North America


Metal Gear Solid sold over 6 million copies around the world. The game has often been named by various gaming publications as one of the best for the PlayStation - for example, the project was the first winner " Platinum Award"(Received all 4 maximum points) of the Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine, and the Russian magazine" Strana Games "gave him 9 points out of 10.

The 3D graphics capabilities and larger capacity of the CD-ROM format compared to the cartridge format made it possible to create a more advanced version of what Hideo Kojima had introduced earlier in games Metal Gear And Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. MGS showed that a complex and complex story, affecting many philosophical problems, can be told not only in cinema or literature, but also in computer games.

After the first video shown on in 1997, Metal Gear Solid became one of the most anticipated games of its time and topped the sales charts in 1998.


Links to sources

  1. McGuire, Thomas. Metal Gear Solid tweak guide (indefinite) . 3D Spotlight (October 12, 2000). Retrieved September 6, 2011. Archived from the original on February 17, 2012.
  2. Tsilyurik, Sergei.

The chronology reveals the history of the games to a certain extent, although it only indicates key events and characters.

Metal Gear Solid 3: The Snake Eater (2004)

Although Snake received gratitude and the title of Big Boss for the "Snake Eater", he left the civil service and created his own military company Militaires Sans Frontières ("Military Without Borders").

One day, his assistant Kazuhira Miller reported that some Ramon and Paz wanted to hire MSF in order to clear their native Costa Rica from the troops of an unknown aggressor that had flooded it. Although the customers look extremely suspicious and Snake even “splits” one of them, he agrees to the offer when he is shown evidence that the Boss is alive and in Costa Rica.

As we find out along the way...

The hero goes to save her and Chico, and in his absence...

The platform is attacked by XOF forces who have infiltrated it under the guise of inspection. The MSF forces are overwhelmed, Paz, who has been planted with explosives by the enemy, jumps out of the helicopter where Snake, Miller and the MSF medic are, but too late - the whole trio ends up in intensive care. Snake falls into a coma.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)

The hospital where the Big Boss is lying is attacked. With the help of Ocelot, Snake (now Venom) escapes from there and goes to the Seychelles, where Miller founded the Diamond Dogs organization. Fulfilling military orders in Afghanistan and on the Angolan-Zairean border, the "dogs" are on the trail of XOF and its leader Skull.

Snake rips off his masks

It turns out that the XOF was once created as a support unit for FOX, including for Operation Snake Eater, but later got out of Cipher's control. Having asked Paz for the location of Zero, the Skull was able to seriously undermine the health of his boss (he miraculously survived). Zero, in turn, went to great lengths to save Big Boss. He even helped Miller put the "dogs" on their feet. And it was he who asked Ocelot to take care of the Big Boss and Venom Snake.

Venom Snake met in Africa a boy named Eli - one of the results of Les Enfants Terribles, a project of the US government under the patronage of Zero to clone the "ideal soldier" Big Boss. In the future, he would become known as Liquid Snake. In the same game, it turns out that Volgin did not die in 1964, but became (due to his hatred of Snake and the "boy in a gas mask" - Psycho Mantis, one of the "bosses" of the first one) "a fiery man."

Metal Gear (1987)

It's all in the hand

After the events of MGS, Ocelot attached Liquid Snake's hand to himself, and now Liquid's personality is gradually taking over him. After betraying the mercenaries and tricking Solid Snake, Ocelot sinks the tanker and hides on Metal Gear.

year 2009

Villains closely study the enemy

Young FOXHOUND operative Raiden, led by Campbell, must infiltrate the Big Shell plant, built on the site of a tanker crash, taken over by the Sons of Liberty, in order to rescue the hostages, among whom is the US president. The terrorists are led by Solid Snake.

In addition to Raiden, a special forces detachment penetrates the facility, but only one fighter named Iroquois Pliskin survives. In all other respects, what is happening strongly resembles the events of four years ago.

It turns out that...

Iroquois is Solid Snake, who was declared a terrorist after the events on the tanker, although this, of course, is not the case. The real leader of the "sons" Solidus Snake is the third clone of the Big Boss, previously the former President of the United States himself. His goal is to destroy the Patriots.

However, in reality...

Liquid didn't take over Ocelot's body. The gray eminence of the entire series, by and large, just pretended to be Liquid, continuing to work for the Big Boss. In the finale, Snake comes to the grave of the Big Boss and is about to commit suicide, but the Big Boss himself and the barely alive Zero suddenly appear. Big Boss reveals to Snake the background of the whole saga: it was he, Zero, Ocelot, EVE and a couple of people who once founded the Patriots, but then they parted ways. Big Boss demonstrates amazing awareness of the events of recent years, kills Zero, and then dies in Snake's arms, having reconciled with the best of his clones before dying.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013)


Ocelot is a secret agent who works for everyone, but in fact he pursues only his own goals, which he partially voices at the very end of each MGS. Strives to help the Big Boss (although sometimes you can’t say so directly). Appears in the vast majority of games in the series as one of the "bosses", in an unusual role as an ally.


The rise of a Hero.

Today I would like to talk about one of the most famous and most significant game series. The games in this series created the genre stealth action or, more precisely, Tactical Espionage Action . The games in this series have one of the most intricate plots in the history of the industry. The games in this series were created by one person. His name Hideo Kojima .

Hideo Kojima is a game designer at Konami. Born in Tokyo on August 24, 1963, then moved to Kobe at the age of three (by the way, Snatcher takes place there) past Vice President of Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, now head of Kojima Productions. Creator of successful gaming projects such as TV series Metal Gear Solid, Snatcher, Policenauts. Also produced both parts Zone of the Enders and series Boktai.

When Hideo was a child, his favorite game was hide and seek. He often played them with friends and, probably based on childhood experiences, he created the stealth action game genre in the future. From an early age, his parents instilled in him a love of cinema. They made him watch movies. Then he did not understand much, but he went to the cinema all the time. That is why Hideo Kojima's childhood dream was to become a film director. . Now he is the head of the Kojima Productions office. Kojima has written and directed many successful games such as the Metal Gear series, Snatcher, Policenauts. He is also the producer of both Zone of the Enders and the Boktai series. His games can be recognized by their peculiar style, which is to convey aspects of human life in a philosophical form.
Nowadays, game developers are mainly interested in the commercial success of the game. They often make big advertisements for games that aren't really worth watching. Gamers often fall for this promotion and spend a lot of money on "empty" projects. There are also other developers who create such games that for a long time do not let go of gamers a single step. Thus, the players themselves are destroyed. But Hideo Kojima is a completely different person. He creates games not for himself, but, first of all, for the players. He never cheats and never cheats gamers. His games make them think about their lives and the lives of other people. Each of his games is, in its own way, a work of art, not too long, not too complicated, and always leaving a mark on the soul. In 2002, Newsweek magazine lists Hideo Kojima as one of the 10 people who changed the world, and in 2005, according to Famitsu magazine, he took fourth place in the "Person of the Year" category. And this is no coincidence.

As I said, Kojima has always dreamed of making films. But this was not destined to come true. Instead, the young man became very interested in video games. One day, one game changed his whole life. The game has become fateful Shigeru Miamoto Super Mario Bross . He decided that it was possible to combine cinema and video games. Kojima decided to start a career in the video game industry. In his fourth year, he announced this to his friends, colleagues and professor. They all tried to dissuade Hideo from this idea. But, nevertheless, in 1986 he joined the Konami publishing company, specializing in games for the MSX Yamaha platform. At first, the purposeful screenwriter could not fit into the team. Previously, game developers were involved in the entire process of creating a game, and Hideo Kojima was invited as a screenwriter. Prior to this, there was no such position, and it was difficult for Kojima to fit into the team. He was accused of not having any technological skills, that he was not a programmer. The first game he worked on was Penguin Adventure . He was an assistant director.

The first game that Kojima developed independently was the game Lost Warld . The game was Super Mario Bross style. about a girl fighter in a wrestler's mask. Konami gave Kojima a game plan, he worked on it for half a year, but the problem was that he did not know anything about programming, did not calculate how long the game should last in time, did not follow the balance. As a result, Lost Warld was closed.

After that, things went downhill. Hideo Kojima was the only person in the Konami company who did not release a single game. Colleagues stopped even saying hello to Hideo. They spoke: “Make at least one game, then we'll talk!” Kojima was given another chance. After Lost Warld was cancelled, Hideo was asked to create a "military shooter". Despite the fact that the game was supposed to be a shooter, Kojima wanted to do something in the style of a movie. “Great Escape” , where the main task was not to kill enemies, but to run away and hide from them. When Hideo presented the plan, his superiors said: “You already failed one project, and now you are trying to come up with a strange concept for another”. By the end 1986, Kojima realized that such a project was too difficult for him, and he decided to leave Konami. He talked about it with the boss, but he dissuaded Kojima and gave some advice. As a result, after a couple of months of work, the game moved off the ground.
The game system was ready: the process took place with a top view, and if the enemy noticed you, then an exclamation mark appeared above his head, and he attacked you. When Kojima showed his colleagues the demo of the game, they said: "Yes! This is a great game!” After that, everything became much easier. Having come a long way, Hideo Kojima created his first game metal gear .

From now on, I will move on to a brief description of the Metal Gear series and other Hideo Kojima games. I intend to omit the plot. Wait for the full analysis the second part.

metal gear (1987)

Soon, Hideo Kojima created his first Metal Gear game. She was released in 1987 and was a resounding success, despite the fact that it was released on the platform MSX , not intended for the mass buyer. The game told us about Solid Snake , a rookie soldier who was sent to a fortified state “Outer Heaven to stop a nuclear-armed walking tank known as metal gear . The game was unique. It was the first stealth action game in history where the player basically had to run away from enemies, not kill them. And in general, this is in principle the first stealth action in the history! Since the MSX system could not display multiple moving objects, the game was divided into many locations, where there were usually no more than two enemies. But it even played into her hands: opponents could be bypassed in many ways.
Since the MSX platform was known only in Japan and Europe, porting the game to other systems was a matter of time. In 1988, Metal Gear was released in the US for the platform Nintendo Entertainment System . Porting Konami was assigned to another team Ultra Games . Over a million copies have been sold in the US alone. But since Kojima wasn't involved with the project, the port had many changes from the MSX original. Firstly, some cards were changed and removed, but new ones were added, secondly, the opponents became more stupid, and thirdly, in this version we weren't allowed to see Metal Gear itself . Of course, the graphics on the NES were worse than on the MSX. There were a couple of other changes to the plot.. In general, the port was good, but still the MSX version was much better. Metal Gear was later ported to C64, PC, Amiga (although the release was canceled) and even on gamecube(was timed to coincide with the Japanese release )
By the way, the American version of the game was translated so badly that it is better not to see it. The original (Japanese) Meta Gear came with a small manual for the game. Instead of adapting a Japanese or European manual, the American branch of Konami ordered the manual to be written from scratch. This style manual was designed for young children and had nothing to do with the game. And according to this terrifying instruction, a book was even written. Worlds of Power: Metal Gear. The verdict of the fans of the game, and even ordinary readers, was simple : "If you see this book (which is unlikely) burn it in the oven or hand it over to waste paper."

snatcher (1988)

In 1988, Hideo Kojima released the game Snatcher, which was heavily criticized but nevertheless successful. Snatcher is a Cyberpunk-inspired graphic novel set in the Cold War. The player tried on the skin Gillian Seed , a man living in the futuristic metropolis of Neo-Kobe, who knows nothing about himself or the world around him. Having settled down to serve in a detachment of a new generation, he had to figure out who he was and why he had lost his memory. The game's plot was heavily based on two Hollywood films: “Blade Runner” And "Terminator". Snatcher for MSX was only released in Japan.

As Metal Gear for the NES sold so well, American retailers began asking Konami to make a sequel. And Ultra Games without the support of Hideo Kojima started working on a sequel.

Snake's Revenge (1990, not part of the series timeline)

So in 1990, the game Snake's Revenge appeared. In the story, the terrorists decided to launch nuclear missiles on New York, Moscow and Tokyo with the help of the new super weapon Metal Gear-2 (original title), so Foxhound sent three of his operatives, one of whom was Solid Snake, to stop the terrorists. The game had nothing to do with the original. Firstly, as you, I think, have already understood, the plot was simply terrible in its primitiveness, and secondly, the game was unrealistically difficult, but the main problem was that it was an ordinary shooter with a view from above (and sometimes from the side ). Those who liked the original Metal Gear didn't understand Snake's Revenge, they said: "What the heck is that? This is not Metal Gear”. Snake's Revenge is no longer part of the official series timeline.

There is such a story that after the release of Snake's Revenge, on the train, Hideo met a guy who was developing Snake's Revenge. They talked for a long time, and the guy said that he was a fan of the original Metal Gear and would like to see a sequel created by the real author. His words stuck in Hideo Kojima's mind. Hideo began to think about a sequel. When he got off the train and came home, he had the whole story in his head. The next morning, Hideo Kojima came to Konami with a game plan. Everyone agreed, and development began immediately.

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1990)

In 1990, Kojima released Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. According to the plot of Metal Gear 2, Solid Snake infiltrates Zanzibar Land (not to be confused with the island of Zanzibar, which is part of Tanzania), a heavily defended state, supposedly located somewhere between Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and China. Snake's mission is to rescue the scientist who created the artificial oil-releasing agent, and to find and destroy the upgraded Metal Gear. The game has taken a big step forward in many ways. The graphics became more detailed, which caused the game to slow down a bit. Many changes were made to the gameplay: opponents learned to see at an angle of 45 degrees and hear the hero's steps, a radar was added, Snake learned to crawl, new devices and new weapons appeared. Melodies have become deeper and more memorable. By the way, some themes were borrowed from the Hollywood movie Rambo. But most importantly, the game had a very strong storyline. Even now, it is difficult to find a game that would keep the player on such suspense as Metal Gear 2. The game was so loved that many now call it the best on
MSX Yamaha platform.

Also released in 1990 SD Snatcher or Super Deform Snatcher . “Super deformation” the whole game was subjected, from the characters to the gameplay. The characters are now big-headed cartoon freaks, and the game itself is a complete RPG. Kojima was only involved with the project by scripting the original Snatcher. Nevertheless, the game turned out to be quite interesting. The graphics were nice, the music was up to the mark, but still, the game lost the atmosphere of a psychological thriller. It was no longer taken as seriously as the original. But the main thing, nevertheless, is that the game has one big plus that covers many shortcomings: a third act was added to SD-Snatcher, which was not in the original game, and which was the denouement of the whole story.
In 1992, Hideo Kojima redesigned the original Snatcher for the PC-Engine platform and named it the CD-ROMantic Snatcher. The CD format allowed the developers from Konami to: fully voice the game characters and insert high-quality MIDI music into the game. The graphics have undergone a big change. She became clear and very colorful. But the main difference between the remake and the MSX version was the addition of the third act "Junk", which first appeared in the SD-Snatcher game. In 1994, the game was ported to the Sega-CD platform. This was the only version of Snatcher released in English.

Policenauts (1994)

In 1994, Hideo Kojima releases Policenauts, a fantasy adventure game made in the style of the movie " Deadly weapon", which takes place on a space colony. Sometimes it is called the ideological successor of Snatcher.

In 1996, Snatcher and Policenauts were ported to a 32-bit console. Sony PlayStation . Both games were commercially successful. Therefore, in 1996, Konami decided to release them outside of Japan. In the same year, development began, and in 1997 the games were demonstrated at the E3 computer exhibition. But then for some reason the projects were cancelled. Perhaps Konami wanted to focus all her energy on the development of a new game in the Metal Gear series. Kojima was also a producer and planner for a series of dating sims. Tokimeki Memorial made on the Policenauts engine.

While Hideo was developing Policenauts, he first heard about the platform Sony PlayStation . In 1995, Sony opened the door to the 32-bit era with the PlayStation. . The new powerful system interested Kojima. When he saw how much more perfect it was, he began to think about a new action game. Then Kojima decided to return to the Metal Gear universe. . He and his colleagues organized a company called and in 1996 started developing a game in Tokyo called Metal Gear Solid for PlayStation. PS allowed you to do things that Kojima had long dreamed of. He wanted to make the game in 3D, and the developers from KCEJ used every opportunity provided to them for this. The first demonstration of MGS took place at E3 1997 . Everyone was delighted with the video shown. People who were at the exhibition in the morning came there again in the evening to watch this video again.

Metal Gear Solid (1998)

When the game went on sale in September 1998, it turned the video game industry on its head. . Incredible, for those times, graphics, perfected to the ideal gameplay and atmospheric soundtrack produced the effect of an exploding bomb. It sold 350,000 copies on its first weekend. . Later sales reached 6.000.000 copies worldwide . In this part, Snake had to stop a gang of genetically enhanced terrorists who had seized atomic weapons in Alaska. With the help of MGS, Hideo Kojima has taken the stealth action genre to the next level. After its release, Konami became a world famous game developer and Kojima became a world famous video game developer..
In 1999, an enhanced version was released for PS and PC. Metal Gear Solid: Integral. It was supplemented with VR missions, missions in virtual reality. Several of these could be completed in the original Metal Gear Solid, like training. In addition, in Integral it was possible to pass several levels for gray fox , one of the key characters in Metal Gear Solid.

In early 2000, Hideo Kojima reveals to us the first details of the Metal Gear Solid sequel, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The game was showcased at E3 2000. After the video shown there, Sons of Liberty has become one of the most anticipated games in history. Everyone was simply shocked by what they saw. The video showed us: Snake neutralizing his enemies while performing incredible stunts. All this was dressed in a perfect graphical shell with previously unseen physics. In addition, the video sounded very beautiful and atmospheric soundtrack. Still, for the role of the composer Kojima invited Gary Gregson-Williams , which I will talk about a little later.

Before the release of MGS2, Kojima produced an anime series and a game in 2001. Zone of the Enders which was quite successful.


In 2001, the most commercially successful part of Metal Gear Solid was released. This part of Kojima surprised many. Those who played the second part will immediately understand what I'm talking about. As you progress through the game, the plot presented many unexpected surprises. This game is one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of video games. Its ending is discussed to this day. Gameplay has undergone many changes . Now the game has a new feature: first-person shooting mode. There were many more changes and additions, to tell them all there is not enough time, and it is not necessary - just play it yourself.
In 1998, Hideo Kojima showed that he could make movies out of games with Metal Gear Solid. But thanks to the revolutionary graphics, the second part goes far ahead in this sense. Now gamers were playing a real, very beautiful and well-staged movie. And so, Hideo Kojima again made a breakthrough in the video game industry. It was there that his branded videos appeared, lasting "starting from 20 minutes and more". It wasn't a game - it was a movie . We can say that Kojima realized his dream - to become a film director.
In 2002 he released . It was a PS2 disc containing the game's early work, artwork, and the story behind its creation.

Also in 2002, Hideo Kojima released an expanded version . It included: the original game, a bunch of vr missions, the book “In the Darkness of Shadow Moses” and many, many other features for the fans. The most interesting thing, I think, was the mode Snake Tales. It represented new missions in the familiar locations of the Sons of Liberty, the main character of which was Solid Snake. Since the developers could not invite actors to voice the game, the story was told using text that appeared during the passage of a particular mission. The game was released for PS2, Xbox and PC.

In addition, Kojima agreed to develop (without his participation) the game , a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for the platform gamecube with gameplay from Metal Gear Solid 2 and a new director Ryuuhei Kitamura , who directed several fantastic action films. And did not lose! The change in director has given Metal Gear Solid a whole new light. The game has got new super fancy and very beautiful battle scenes. Snake has become much cooler: if in the original game we were haunted by the feeling that we were being controlled like puppets, then in Twin Snakes this feeling has disappeared. Who can manage a super strong, super dexterous and invulnerable soldier. On the other hand, the original was a very realistic game, and what we saw in the remake: Snake dodges a sniper with two-meter somersaults
in the air. In general, the remake turned out to be quite successful.

In 2003, Kojima announced the development of a new game in the Metal Gear universe.. There were a lot of rumors, assumptions and hypotheses about the plot on the Internet. Metal Gear Solid 3 . Hideo was in no hurry to reveal the details of the game to the players. On the contrary, by slowly posting screenshots and videos from the game, he wanted to lead gamers even more astray. However, real fans easily solved all the mysteries of Kojima. Even before the release of the game, they knew exactly who they would play in the third part. The main character was big boss - the person who gave the orders Solid Snake back in the very first Metal Gear, part-time Snake's genetic father. As those familiar with the plot of Metal Gear know, Solid Snake later killed his dad.


In 2004, Kojima released not the most successful, but, in his opinion (but not according to the author), the best part of the Metal Gear Solid trilogy, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The game took us to the not very distant past, during the Cold War. The main scene of action was the dense forests of the Soviet Union. For the first time, the gameplay took place in open spaces, and not in the closed complexes of the previous parts. MGS3 has a lot of new features: camouflage , treatment regimen , combat mode CQC and so on. I think it's not worth talking to you about graphics and sound. They were, as you probably guessed, top notch. The gameplay, as always, has undergone a bunch of changes for the better. However, the game sold worse than the previous parts. (4.000.000 copies worldwide ). But
this did not stop Konami from starting development on the series' next game.

Let's go back to the past for a while. In 2000 for handheld console Game Boy Color released a game called Metal Gear: Ghost Babel . The game was originally developed as a remake of the first Metal Gear, but then developed into an independent project. Kojima could not follow the creation of the project, as he was developing Metal Gear Solid 2. As a result, the director of the project became Shinta Nojiri , which proved that Metal Gear, made without the direct participation of Kojima, is not necessarily a failure. The plot, which was an alternative to the series, told us about an elite special forces unit used for other purposes. Offended by such impudence, they decided to take revenge on everyone and everything with the help of ... guess what. To neutralize the detachment, the universal soldier Solid Snake, who has not yet come out of the binge after "Outer Heaven", is sent. The game was moderately interesting, not bad graphically designed and quite successful. All these factors made Kojima think: “Shouldn’t Nojiri be given another alternate game in the series?” And he ordered.

Metal Gear Ac!d (2004)

Under the direction of Kojima, Metal Gear Ac!d was released for the platform PlayStation Portable . This is a rather interesting game created by Shinta Nojiri, who established himself as a good developer with the release of Metal Gear: Ghost Babel. Metal Gear Ac!d is a turn-based strategy and the main focus here is on
mission planning. The game has nice looking graphics, and the plot is revealed to us in the form of comic inserts. Ac!d became very successful, and Nojiri set about developing a sequel.

April 1, 2005 , after konami merged several of its branches, the Kojima team Konami Computer Entertainment Japan was renamed to Kojima Productions. Now, Hideo Kojima no longer spends time on the legal business, as he did when he was Vice Director of KCEJ, and therefore devotes himself to creating games. So far, Kojima Productions has already released two games.

The first is Metal Gear Ac!d 2 for PSP. It was created on the same basis as the first part. Has changed
only graphics made now on cell shaded technology. The game contains two maps from the first part and many new features.
The second game was for PS2. This is an expanded version of MGS3 that includes two multiplayer modes, a new third person camera and fan features (Duel Mode, Demo Theater) that were exclusive to the European version of the original game. The game also contains the original MSX versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. The latter was first released outside of Japan.

Fall of a Legend?


Well, to be honest, talking about MGS 4 is a thankless task. Firstly : The game hasn't been released yet. Secondly : I think that after its release there will be even more mysteries and questions. Well, thirdly : Kojima himself is trying his best to confuse the fans. It is already known for certain that the game will be released on a 50 GB Blu-ray disc.. According to the master, all the characters of the Metal Gear series will appear in the game and, most likely, Snake will die. And also Kojima said that this is his last game from the Metal Gear series. . It is worth noting that this is not the first time he says this, after the release of MGS 3 he said the same thing. In short, some speculation.

Here are all the games movies (no wonder he put Kitamura as director Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, not in vain...) created by Hideo Kojima.

Metal Gear series

Metal Gear Online (2008)
Metal Gear Acid Mobile (TBA)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008) - writer/producer/director
Metal Gear Solid Mobile (2008)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus (2007) - writer/original concept/executive producer
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel 2 (2007) - producer/director
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (2006) - writer/original concept/executive producer
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel (2006) - producer/director
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (2005) - writer/producer/director
Metal Gear Acid 2 (2005) - producer
Metal Gear Acid (2004) - producer
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004) - writer/producer/director
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (2004) - writer/producer/original director
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (2002) - writer/producer/director
The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 (2002) - producer/director
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001) - writer/producer/director
Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (2000) - producer/supervising director
Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions (1999) - producer/director
Metal Gear Solid: Integral (1999) - writer/producer/director
Metal Gear Solid (1998) - writer/producer/director
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1990) - writer/director
metal gear (1987) - writer/director ("game design")

Boktai series

Lunar Knights (2006) - producer
Boktai: Sabata's Counterattack (2005) - producer
Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (2004) - producer
Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (2003) - producer

Zone of the Enders series

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (2003) - producer
Zone of the Enders (2001) - producer

Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series

Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 3: Tabidachi no Uta (1999) - executive director
Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 2: Irodori no Love Song (1998) - planner/producer
Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 1: Nijiiro no Seishun (1997) - planner/producer/drama director

Snatcher series

Project 'S' (unknown) - co-design with Suda 51
Snatcher CD-ROMantic (1992) - writer/director
SD Snatcher (1990) - original writer
snatcher (1988) - writer/director

Other Games

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008) - designer of Shadow Moses Island stage.
Kabushiki Baibai Trainer Kabutore! Next (2007)
Stock Trading Trainer: Kabutore (2006)
Policenauts (1994) - writer/director
Lost Warld (sic) (1986, cancelled) - writer/director
Penguin Adventure (1986) - assistant director


Versus (2000) - cameo (extra) - Worked with Kitamura. An hour and a half of shootings, violence and massacre.
Azumi (2003) - cameo (extra) - Also collaboration with Kitamura. First-class samurai action.
Metal Gear Solid
(possibly 2008, most likely 2009-2010) - executive producer/writer

It seems that this is where my story about the Metal Gear series and Hideo Kojima should end. No matter how. Kojima is not the only person who created Metal Gear.
A little lower I will try to collect interesting facts about this game series.

Yohji Shinkawa.
Yohji Shinkawa, illustrator for the Metal Gear series, joined Konami in 1994, and showed what he was capable of in the first Metal Gear Solid. Thirty-three-year-old artist, designer Zone of the Enders and Metal Gears Solid 3: Snake Eater, taciturn and tries to avoid the press - which is unbelievable for a star of this magnitude. It is known that Shinkawa prefers to work with a brush rather than on a computer, and often leaves polygonal models at the mercy of assistants. His artistic taste is influenced by comics and manga (favorites are Gundam, Five Star Story and Hellboy) but his personal preferences are almost invisible in Metal Gear Solid , where menacing characters like Mantis and Ocelot dominate, and instead of girls with big eyes, walking robots. Shinkawa has worked with Kojima several times (on the MGS and ZotE series), but their relationship is not as close as it seems. Shinkawa said that kojima doesn't like to talk about his characters and gives him enough freedom.
"If we're given a character's full biography, we'll get the job done faster, but the fun won't be the same."

Harry Gregson Williams (Harry Gregson-Williams)
One of the most famous Hollywood composers. Composer 65 (!) Hollywood films such as "The Rock", "Armaggedon" and "Enemy of the State". Wrote soundtracks for 17 films. Composer for MGS 2 and MGS 3.

Snake prototype.

Kojima himself admitted that the prototype of Snake is the protagonist of the film "Escape from New York" Serpent Plisskin (1981, played by Kurt Russell) And "Escape from Los Angeles"(1996). By the way, in the second part of MGS, Snake also appears as Plisskin. And in the third part, Snake loses an eye and gets an arrow in the leg, just like in the movie.

Prototype Ocelot.

Is it necessary to say that Revolver Ocelot , the well-known villain of the MGS series, is also "based" on the popular movie character. Or rather, on the collective image of the heroes of Westerns, embodied on the screen Lee Van Cliff . His role bad V "Good bad evil" made a huge impression on the audience, including Kojima. He came to Yohji Shinkawa and demanded a villain who looked like Lee Van Cliff. And received. This is how the Ocelot Revolver was born. Rumor has it that Cliff also influenced the image of the old Snake from MGS4.

Scott Dolph.
Scott Dolph - commander of the Marine Corps at the start of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty . This is another MGS hero that has a prototype in the real world. The real Scott Dolph was "the only person at Konami who could speak English", simultaneously - companion, bodyguard and interpreter for Kojima. Scott writes music and lyrics, and also raps for Dance Dance Revolution - the popular music game from Konami. In the jukebox credits, he is often listed as "Scotty D".

Evil Kojima.

Of course, the creation of such an advanced game as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots requires huge budgets and hard work. On Tokyo Game Show 2006 Hideo Kojima talked about how difficult it is to work at Kojima Productions. For example, before starting to create levels, they had to travel around all the regions of the planet in which Snake would be, and collect material for artists and designers. And in Japan, the military consultant Motosada Mori regularly takes them out of town, dresses them in camouflage, divides them into two teams, distributes weapons and makes them play counter-terrorism operations. For example, today the programmers took the accountant hostage and fortified themselves in an abandoned factory! The programmers leave to take up defense, and in the meantime everyone else develops an assault plan. Kojima himself, who constantly travels to such events, talked about “training” in a network diary. Like, just knowing that when storming a room, the first person who enters gets a bullet in 80% of cases is one thing. It's quite another thing to be that first, to stand with a weapon behind a doorway, to feel the weight of a bulletproof vest on your shoulders and pray that it was empty inside. Although their bullets were not real, their feelings and invaluable experience turned out to be genuine.

And finally: the voice actors of the main characters of the series.

Solid Snake

Akio Otsuka
David Hayter


Hideyuki Tanaka

Christopher Randolph (photo not found)

Liquid Snake

Bandze Ginga

Cam Clark (photo not found)

Revolver Ocelot

Koji Totani

Patrick Zimmerman . (photo not found)


Kenyu Horiuchi (photo not found)
Quinton Flynn (photo not found)


Keko Terase(photo not found)
Debi May West (photo not found)

This is the end of my article about the history of Metal Gear and Hideo Kojima. Perhaps many of you are wondering why the article is called "Part 1"?. I will answer you : soon, literally tomorrow there will be a continuation of the article from my friend and colleague L.A. This article will fully devoted to the analysis of the plot and series.

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