History of the expression "Keep calm and carry on". Question of the Day: Where did the expression Keep Calm and Carry On come from? What does kip kalm mean?


Surely you have seen the poster more than once Keep Calm and Carry On, At one time it was incredibly popular - posters were hung on studio walls, printed on T-shirts, the title was rewritten in every possible way and the background color was changed. It's clear that this trend came to us from the West, but do you know the real origin of this poster? We decided to find out what the real story behind the Keep Calm and Carry On poster is.

The Second World War

The British government created the Ministry of Information for agitation and propaganda. In the summer of 1939, following the outbreak of World War II, the ministry developed a series of posters aimed at increasing morale and promoting peace among civilians. The posters consisted of a single color background, the crown of George VI, and had a simple but clear and easy to read font. Posters have been released Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

First two posters - "Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will Bring Us Victory" And "Freedom is in Peril"- were actively used at the beginning of the war, they were placed in store windows, on notice boards and public transport. The last “Keep Calm” posters were supposed to be placed after the start of serious bombing of Great Britain, and until then they were kept frozen in warehouses. Keep Calm has sold nearly 2.5 million copies.

However, in October 1939, the Ministry of Information considered such a campaign campaign to be too costly and not producing the desired effect. People considered the tone of such a poster to be too patronizing and condemned the government for not understanding the mood of the population. As a result, almost the entire batch of posters was destroyed.

2000 and now

60 years later, the bookstore owners Stuart and Mary Manley(Stuart and Mary Manley) were sorting out a box of books that they bought at auction, and found the same “Keep Calm” poster in it. They hung it in their bookstore, Barter Books. This poster aroused keen interest among store visitors and the owners decided to sell copies. They managed to sell hundreds of thousands of copies of the poster, as well as cups, mouse pads and other merchandise.

And then something began that always begins in the civilized world - someone is trying to make money. Mark Koop(Mark Coop) registers the domain keepcalmandcarryon.com and trademark. The Manley family tries to dispute this, arguing that the phrase "Keep Calm and Carry On" is a universal phrase and cannot be attributed to one person (and they can be understood). But all this is not as interesting as the history of the creation and distribution of this poster itself - let the issues of money and public property remain on the conscience of those who are concerned about them.

It's amazing that a poster created during World War II has been given new life in the new millennium with a completely different meaning. And even though the poster boom has already subsided, you won’t see it anywhere in a souvenir shop. In fact, here's the full story behind the Keep Calm and Carry On poster. We hope you were interested in learning something new - if so, rate our article and share with your friends :)

Most likely, you have a T-shirt, a cup, a notepad, or, at worst, an avatar or status on a social network that begins with the phrase “Keep calm and...”. The phrase has become so trendy and popular that only a hermit in the mountains would not know about its existence.

Translation options

It's time to put on the mask of Boris Burda or Anatoly Wasserman and reveal the “terrible secret”: the history of the expression “Keep calm and carry on” has its roots in the Second World War. The phrase was used as a British propaganda slogan designed to reinforce belief in British victory and resilience.
The translation of the phrase “Keep calm and carry on” is most often found in two versions: "Keep calm and hang in there!" or "Keep calm and keep up the good work". However, the Russian land has not dried up with talents who offer their translations of the phrases: “Be calm and keep it up!”, “Do what you must, and let it be what will be” and even “We smile and wave.”

It was intended that the poster would be used to maintain morale in the event of occupation by Nazi Germany. Of course, you are unlikely to find archival photos from 1939 that show unruly Britons, torn from afternoon tea, holding “Keep calm and carry on” signs, pacing Trafalgar Square. The name of the author of the masterpiece is unknown. The miraculous lines of the British anthem saved the queen, the nation, and the paper, which never spread throughout the United Kingdom a call to remain calm and hold on back in 1939.

In 2000, the anonymous author's grandson, who also remained unknown, discovered a copy of the poster by chance in a vintage bookstore. The copyright protection period expired, and the phrase became known to the world community. Attempts by Keep Calm and Carry On Ltd to trademark the slogan were unsuccessful because the phrase was too well known to limit its distribution. The popularity of this phrase can only be matched by the number of views on YouTube of Psy’s “Gangnam style” video. However, in the number of options on the theme, the musical masterpiece is still inferior to the famous expression.

It’s the 21st century, no threat of Nazi occupation is foreseen, showing perseverance and heroism is not so relevant, and the phrase, inconspicuous at first glance, continues to break records in the number of variations, modernizations and publications on the Internet and beyond. Perhaps the video will shed light on the mystery of the poster's popularity?

The magical combination of red and white, crowned with the symbolic crown of Britain, helped avoid a terrible tragedy in the 40s of the twentieth century. At the turn of the millennium, the poster continues to work its magic, supporting the “militant” mood among the masses with the help of its main weapon - humor. Let's take a look at the most successful fruits of folk art that the Internet is replete with:

It’s great if the poster inspires you to get creative). Maybe you have your own favorite interpretations of the phrase “Keep calm and...”? Don't be shy and leave your answers in the comments!

Tarada N.S. 1

Storozheva T.A. 1

1 State budgetary educational institution basic secondary school of the village. Verkhnyaya Podstepnovka m.r. Volzhsky Samara region

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Research work


Every year the English language becomes more and more common in our daily lives. When buying clothes or a bag with a foreign inscription, you need to ask how it is translated, if only so that your compatriots, who are more linguistically enlightened, do not laugh at you. What if something is written there that is offensive or does not correspond to the beliefs of someone who was flattered by the beautiful bright font and colorful background. Many of our compatriots have a T-shirt, cup, notepad, watch, phone case or pillow with an inscription beginning with the phrase “Keep calm and...”. The phrase has become so trendy and popular that only Old Believers, hermits secluded in caves, might not have known about its existence.
Relevance: Many young people prefer that inscriptions, for example on T-shirts, be in English. They believe that this may mean that the item was not made in Russia. Therefore, it is of higher quality.

Problem The problem is that not everyone knows how to translate the inscription on a T-shirt or other household item. Sometimes these inscriptions have a double meaning.

In order to study even the most popular phrases, you can write several papers. We decided to dedicate this work to just one inscription “Keep calm and...”.

Goal of the work: identifying the semantic meaning of the KEEP CALM propaganda poster in the past and present.

This goal involves solving the following tasks:

  • study theoretical material on this topic and understand what significance this propaganda poster had in the last century and has now;
  • find out the reasons for the revival of this poster;
  • conduct a survey among students about the most popular continuation of the statement Keep calm and...;
  • select pictures using this slogan on various items: T-shirts, mugs, pillows, etc.;
  • analyze the collected material in terms of vocabulary and grammar.

Hypothesis: students do not know what meaning the motto “Keep calm” carries, but simply pay tribute to fashion.

Object of study: propaganda poster Keep calm and go on.

Subject of study: lexical content of the continuation of the phrase Keep calm and..., the use of this slogan on various household items.

Research methods: generalization of material, comparison, systematization and analysis of the results obtained, survey.

This work has theoretical and practical significance. Firstly, you can look into the past and find out the reason for the appearance of the “Keep calm and go on” propaganda poster; secondly, having become acquainted with this material, teenagers will be more conscious of not only the inscription “KEEP CALM” on their clothes or on other objects , but also to inscriptions in English in general.

The work consists of an introduction, a main part, which includes theoretical and practical parts, and a conclusion. There are also apps. In the course of working on the topic, mainly Internet sources were used.

Main part

  1. Theoretical part
    • From the history of the appearance of a propaganda posterkeep calm

In our rapidly changing world, the most important thing is timely information that allows us to draw conclusions and take certain actions. How to figure it all out? Those people who have information can provide some help. There is competition between them, forcing them to resort to various methods of attracting attention. For example, come up with original, catchy slogans. What is a slogan? S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary says that “a slogan is the same as an appeal.” “An appeal is an appeal that in a laconic form expresses a guiding idea, a political demand, a slogan.” Now slogans are mainly used in business, in advertising of goods or services, and in elections.

This work examines only one slogan that has gone far beyond the borders of the country where it first appeared. The mysterious phrase KEEP CALM AND GO ON. What does it mean? To understand this, it is not enough to know English; you should immerse yourself in the history of the 20th century. Evgeny Malyar on the pages of FB.ru in 2015 shared the following material with readers: “An echo of the events of those years has become a popular motto today, widely replicated on tea cups, T-shirts, sports bags and other household items. What does "Keep Calm And Carry On" mean when written in English? If you translate it literally, then, as in most similar cases, the meaning will be incompletely conveyed. Just a call to stay calm and hold on. Nothing, the Russian language is expressive enough to convey the expressive context of this motto no less succinctly. Probably, in order to understand what “Keep Calm” means, you can remember how we ourselves sometimes say “calm down, we’ll break through!” Perhaps this expression would be a semantically correct translation of the old English motto. Only we sometimes get excited and pronounce such words, saturating them with temperament, and sometimes adding a couple of Russian folk idioms, and the inhabitants of Albion will say this calmly, maintaining calmness and self-esteem. It’s already clear to them what “Keep Calm” means. Do your job, don’t be afraid of anything, persevere through all difficulties.”

In the spring of 1939, in anticipation of war with Germany, the British government commissioned several propaganda posters. The posters had to promote peace on the eve of the war, they had to be unified in style and fonts, they had to feature the crown of George VI (as the only graphic element) and they had to contain only two colors. A total of three posters were prepared. The first, "Your courage, your cheerfulness, your resolution will bring us victory." (Your courage, optimism and determination will lead us to victory), the second “Freedom is in peril, defeat it with all your might” (Freedom is in danger, defend it with all your might) and the third, printed in two and a half million copies - "Keep calm and carry on". The name of the author of this masterpiece is unknown.

The translation of the phrase “Keep calm and carry on” is most often found in 2 variants: "Keep calm and hang in there!" or "Keep calm and keep up the good work".

This slogan was rejected during the war years on the grounds that “it was too banal to inspire.” The British government refused to distribute the posters, backing up its idea with the following argument: “People can only be annoyed that we doubt the stability of their nervous system.”

1.2. Poster presentkeep calm

“The posters with the slogan “Keep calm”, with a circulation of 2.5 million, were never presented to the public. The entire batch of posters remained in storage throughout the war. Half a century later, in the small town of Alnwick, Stuart Manley found a “Keep Calm...” poster in the attic of his bookshop. The Briton and his wife really liked the symbolic poster from past times, and they decided to decorate the window of their bookstore “Barter books” with it. Many visitors paid attention to this poster and expressed a desire to buy it. Then the owners came up with the idea to make copies of the commemorative poster and put them up for sale. Until 2005, although the posters were sold, they were not wildly popular until a note appeared in one of the newspapers. The note was about a “keep calm” poster, the author suggested it as a Christmas souvenir. Then a real sales boom began. The bookstore received daily requests for the “keep calm” poster. As Mr. Manley himself says, his employees at that time were only engaged in accepting applications and packing posters. Two years later, such a popular sketch began to be used by Mark Coupe. The enterprising Coop organized the production of mugs, aprons and other souvenirs with the “Keep calm and Carry on” logo. Such goods were in demand among the British and brought successful sales. So in 2011, Mark Coupe attempted to register "Keep calm and carry on" as his own trademark, demanding that other companies stop selling products with this distinctive logo. However, registration was refused on the grounds that the phrase had become quite widespread, becoming public property. The British themselves note that this slogan is a standard of English restraint and strength of character.” Evidence of the popularity of this poster is given in Appendix 1, and get acquainted with information about the Barter Books store in Appendix 2.

“What is the secret of the popularity of this old slogan? The war ended long ago, but each of the people living on our planet is constantly faced with situations that threaten catastrophic consequences. Someone may lose their job, another may become dangerously ill, a third may have problems in their family. It is important not to lose heart, remain calm and look for a way out of a difficult situation. And then the eye falls on the bright inscription, which at one time encouraged the British. “Keep Calm”, which means “Nothing, let’s break through! It didn’t happen that way.”

It’s the 21st century, no threat of Nazi occupation is foreseen, showing resilience and heroism is not so relevant, and the phrase, inconspicuous at first glance, continues to break records in the number of variations, modernizations and publications on the Internet and beyond.

As follows from the above, the poster did not become popular during the war years, but became widespread in the 21st century. Of course, today there are T-shirts or mugs with the inscription “ Keep calm" They do not carry a patriotic meaning, but they perfectly fulfill their main task - they help protect the owner from boredom and bad mood. The "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster has become so popular recently that it has ceased to be perceived as just a slogan and part of English history. Many people like his laconic appearance and positive attitude, others are already tired of his endless plays and paraphrases. Regardless of how people feel about this now iconic poster, its origins and recent rediscovery are quite interesting and relate to important chapters of British history.

Practical part

2.1 Analysis of the student survey

We decided to conduct a survey among students in grades 6-7. A total of 32 people were interviewed. The first question was: “Are you familiar with the inscription Keep calm and Carry on”? everyone answered positively and even gave examples where they encountered this inscription. However, they did not think about what it meant. Next, we asked to continue the phrase “Keep calm and...”. The survey results are shown in the tables.

The most popular answers were:

The least popular answers were:


2.2 Selection of items with the inscription« Keep calm"

During the work, various objects with the inscription “ Keep calm". We examined about 300 different inscriptions. Multi-colored T-shirts with the British crown and strict graphics resemble a propaganda poster. However, the slogan “Keep calm and Carry On” owes its origin to this type of printing product. The inscription was invented in 1939, but gained incredible popularity at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Of course, modern T-shirts with the slogan « Keep calm" we have gone too far from the propaganda that was created in Great Britain at the beginning of the Second World War. The slogan “Keep Calm” in those days referred exclusively to expected bombings, but today they are preceded by a huge number of wishes - from a call to fight zombies or vampires to a call not to give up or to learn English.

In addition to T-shirts, such inscriptions can be found on mugs.

On phone cases

on pillows

On notebooks and diaries

On jewelry

On bags

On cutting boards

And even a sign on the door

And on the mouse pad

In these examples we see that not only is the red background used, the font is also different from the original. The George VI crown can be replaced with a cat, scissors, a heart, a cup of coffee or tea, headphones and so on. The above pendant with the inscription "Keep calm and expecto patronum" from the Harry Potter movie. You can see other examples in Appendix 3.

The wave swept across the Internet, and this call was picked up by other countries. Some examples are given in Appendix 4. The Medvedkovo Book House invited potential buyers with a propaganda poster “Keep calm and go to the Medvedkovo Book House.” In Appendix 4 you can see pictures with T-shirts and tea mugs, on which there is an inscription in Old Church Slavonic font “Keep calm and please speak in Russian.” The initiators of the creation of this inscription are people who are fighting for the purity of our language and against a large number of borrowings from the English language.

2.3 Analysis of lexical and grammatical structures of the collected material

As part of this work, we will consider what language material was used in the samples we selected. Firstly, along with affirmative structures to do something, for example, “Keep calm and cook on” or “Keep calm and learn from your mistakes”, there are advice not to do something “Keep calm and don't read my diary” , “Keep calm and don't smoke”, “Keep calm and never give up”, “Keep calm and don't forget to be awesome”, “I am Russian and cannot keep calm” and others. Secondly, there are many structures with the verb to be. As examples, we give the following slogans: “Keep calm and be yourself”, “Keep calm and be Royal”, “Keep calm and be crazy”, “Keep calm and be a Princess”. Thirdly, there are complex sentences with the conjunction because: “Can’t keep calm because tomorrow is the last day of school”, “Keep calm because I love you”. Fourthly, structures with degrees of comparison: “Keep calm Tuesday is better than Monday.” Fifthly, we discovered a slogan with direct speech: “Keep calm and say “I do””. Look Appendix 5.

Unfortunately, in the course of our work we had to deal with slogans that had a negative connotation. “Keep calm and shut up” is one of the less crude examples. We will not give others.

To summarize, I would like to note that this slogan is known far beyond the borders of Great Britain. My classmates are also familiar with it; they themselves gave examples of what you can do while remaining calm. This call became so popular that T-shirts, mugs and other souvenirs with this slogan began to be produced. The lexical and grammatical structures used in slogans are varied. The meaning contained in the inscriptions can be obvious or secret. Everyone can find something interesting for themselves. There are inscriptions for lovers of cats, various drinks, cars, for those who love to travel and want to visit different countries. There are inscriptions giving advice on learning foreign languages ​​or advising to take up some kind of sport.


The five-word slogan, as the British themselves admit, is a standard of English restraint and strength of character. This phrase has become a real national treasure and a kind of modern calling card of Great Britain. The slogan has become so popular that we can find it in different languages.

In this work, we tried to show how diverse the variants of the slogan “Keep Calm and Carry On” are that have appeared in the 21st century. The poster quickly began to gain popularity, usually due to many parodies on it, where either the inscription or the logo was changed. But no matter how they try to remake the famous phrase, its original sound does not lose its relevance for many decades. After all royal calm And persistence in achieving goals- these are integral components of success in any business and in any era.

The magical combination of red and white, crowned with the symbolic crown of Britain, helped avoid a terrible tragedy in the 40s of the twentieth century. In the 21st century, the poster continues to work its magic, supporting the “militant” mood among the masses with the help of its main weapon - humor. In this work, we have presented the most successful fruits of folk art that are replete with the Internet. We also tried to consider the content of modern slogans from the point of view of vocabulary and grammar.

Many people, including my classmates, do not think about the meaning of the slogan “Keep Calm and...” They just like this phrase. It is popular, it can be found far beyond the borders of Foggy Albion. Thus, the hypothesis we put forward was confirmed.

List of used sources and literature

  1. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language, ed. Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Shvedova M.: Russian language, 1989-750 p.
  2. wikipedia.org›KeepCalm and Carry On
  3. ru›article/125162/chto-znachit-keep-calm-po…
  4. ru›what-oznachaet…keep-calm-and-carry…
  5. en›Articles›History of the posterKeep Calm and
  6. ru›Society›…-plakat-keep-calm…
  7. edukation.com.ua›keep-calm…kultovogo-plakata/
  8. ru›story/keep_calm_and_carry_on_nemnozhko…
  9. http://fb.ru/article/169794/lozung-eto-zerkalo-obschestva
  10. harrypotter.wikia.com›wiki/Expecto_patronum


A few facts about the poster


Used bookstore "Barter Books"

Barter Books, a second-hand bookshop, occupies the former Alnwick railway station. By the way, it is included in the 20 most beautiful bookstores in the world due to the splendor of its interior, which preserves the tea rooms and waiting rooms of the old railway station. IN 2000 year, the owners of Barter Books hung a poster on the wall of the store. It is believed that from this time the slogan began its second life. Multiple replications, varied interpretation and recognition in all corners of the world - this is what awaited the British poster in the 21st century.


Examples of modern posters


"Keep Calm" slogan in other languages ​​and countries


Variety of grammatical and lexical structures

Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language M.: Russian language, 1989, p. 266

Ibid., p.480



1) keep smth. keep one's old letters (one's old clothes, his books, the archives, etc.) keep old letters, etc.; this is where I keep my things (my money, my stores, etc.) this is where I keep my things, etc.; he can make money but he cannot keep it he knows how to earn money, but does not know how to save it

2) keep smth. keep this book (this toy, this photograph, etc.) keep this book, etc. for yourself; since you have found this watch you may keep it once you have found this watch, you can keep it [forever]; you can keep the box, I don't need it any longer I don't need this box anymore, keep it; keep the change no change needed, keep the change for yourself

3) keep smth. keep the job do not change jobs, work in the same place; keep one's seat /one's place/ stay in place, do not get up; keep one's room do not leave the room; keep one's bed don't get out of bed: keep one's feet stay on your feet and don’t fall; keep the saddle stay in the saddle; keep one's balance /one's feet/ maintain balance; keep the middle of the road (the road, the path, one's course, etc.) keep in the middle / walk in the middle / of the road, etc.; keep one's way go your own way, do not deviate from your path; keep the speed walk at the same speed, do not slow down or increase speed; keep time beat; keep good time show the time correctly

4) keep smth. keep one's temper (one"s presence of mind, one"s self-possession, one"s composure, etc.) keep calm, etc., do not lose calm, etc.; keep one's head don't lose your head; keep silence keep silent, remain silent; keep one's distance a) keep your distance; b) avoid familiarity

5) keep smth. keep fruit (vegetables, food, etc.) preserve fruits, etc., prevent fruits, etc. from spoiling; keep its shape (its color, etc.) keep /not lose/ shape, etc., keep one's figure maintain figure; keep one's looks not to look stupid, to remain attractive; keep good health stay in good health

7) keep smth. keep a bridge (a fort, a fortress, the gates of a town, one's grounds, etc.) protect / hold / bridge, etc.; keep the wicket defend the gate (in cricket) keep the goal stand at the gate, defend the gate (in football)

8) keep smth. keep the rules (the law, order, commandments, etc.) observe /not break/ the rules, etc., adhere to the rules, etc.; keep a treat /an agreement/ fulfill /comply/ with the terms of the agreement; keep an appointment come to a [business] date, arrive at the appointed time (place, etc.); keep a date coll. come on a date: keep one's word (one's promise, etc.) (With) keep your word, etc., be true to your word, etc., keep a secret /one"s own counsel/ keep quiet, keep a secret; can you keep a secret? do you know how to be silent/keep your mouth shut/?; keep faith remain faithful; keep peace keep / maintain / peace; keep regular hours go to bed and get up at the same time, lead a measured life; keep late hours stay up/sit, work/ late; keep early hours early to bed and early to rise; we keep late hours in this office in our institution the working day ends late; keep one's birthday (festivals, etc.) celebrate/celebrate/ birthday, etc.; keep a fast (Sundays, rites, etc.) fast, etc. keep a ceremony send / perform / ritual

9) keep smb. keep a family (an old mother, a wife and six children, etc.) provide / support / family, etc.; at his age he ought to be able to keep himself at his age it would be time to earn his own living; he doesn't earn enough to keep himself he can't feed himself

10) keep smth., smb. keep a car (a garden, a horse, etc.) have a car, etc.; keep an inn (a hotel, a school, etc.) keep a small hotel, etc.; he kept a bar Nege had a bar, he was the owner of the bar; keep chickens (poultry, bees, sheep, cattles, etc.) keep/breed/ chickens, etc.; keep a cook (a gardener, servants, a butler, a maid, etc.) keep a cook, etc.; keep boarders keep guests; keep lodgers let in tenants; she keeps my dog ​​when I am away I leave my dog ​​with her /she looks after my dog/ when I leave; keep good (bad, rough, etc.) company to be found / be friends / with good, etc. company / with good, etc. people /

11) keep smth. keep butter (eggs, tea, wine, meat, etc.) have oil, etc., sell oil, etc. this shop keeps everything you need (fresh eggs, fruit, etc.) this store has [on sale] everything you need, etc., keep a stock (a large supply) of machine parts (of vegetables, of socks, etc.) have a stock in stock or assortment (a large number of) machine parts, etc.; do you sell buttons? - I am sorry, but we do not keep them do you sell buttons? - No, we don't have them for sale.

12) keep smth. keep a diary (the score, records, accounts, books, the register, etc.) keep a diary, etc.; keep house run a household; keep watch to be on duty, to stand watch


1) keep smth. in some manner keep one's papers (one's toys, one's books, etc.) together keep your documents, etc. in one place; I wish you learned to keep your things together and not leave them all over the house when will you learn to keep your things in one place and not scatter them all over the house?

2) keep smb., smth. somewhere keep the children (the patient, all of us, etc.) at home (here, in, etc.) keep children, etc. at home, etc., do not let children, etc. out of the house, etc.; the cold weather kept us indoors we stayed at home /did not leave the house/ because of the cold weather; keep smb., smth. in some manner keep these birds (these animals, these things, etc.) apart (together, etc.) keep these birds, etc. separately [from each other], etc., do not keep these birds, etc. in one place /together/; soldiers kept five abreast the soldiers walked in a line of five [people] /five people in a row/

3) keep smb., smth. for some time keep the boys (one's friends, the newcomers, etc.) long (late, etc.) for a long time, etc. detain / not let go / boys, etc.; I won't keep you long I won't keep you long; what kept you so late? why did you stay late?; keep these books (this picture, his bicycle, etc.) long keep these books for a long time, etc.; don"t keep my dictionary long quickly return the dictionary to me, do not keep my dictionary for a long time; can you keep his papers a little longer? Could you keep his documents for a while longer?; keep smb., smth. somewhere what kept him there? What kept him there/detained/?


1) || keep smb. prisoner hold smb. in captivity

2) || keep smb. company compose smb. company


5 calm

I adj

1) windless, quiet

- calm day

Calm sea
- calm weather
- calm voice
- calm evening

2) calm, unperturbed

He is always calm with children. - He always behaves calmly with children.

He didn't feel very calm in playing against such a strong opponent. - He didn't feel very calm playing against such a strong opponent.

He is always calm in games. - He always plays calmly/coolly.

He is always calm with his son over his marks. - He never loses patience/gets angry about his son's grades.

- calm answer

Calm expression
- be calm about the coming talk
- be calm about the matter
- be calm about smb's future
- keep calm in games
- look calm
- seem calm
- be calm with smb
- keep calm
- feel calm
- be calm in action


The English adjective calm, like its Russian counterpart “calm”, has multiple meanings. The Russian adjective "calm", corresponding to the English calm 1., can also be rendered by the adjective quiet. The adjectives calm and quiet in this meaning differ in that calm refers to movement and emotions, and quiet refers to noises and sounds: a calm day; calm weather calm weather; calm sea; calm sea; calm pulse calm, even pulse, cf. the children were very quiet; be quiet! do not be noisy!; the city was strangely quiet to live a quiet life

II v

- calm smb by smth

Calm a frightened child
- calm smb's fears
- calm oneself
- calm smb by doing smth
- calm the child by telling him a story

6 excite

Impossible. - to worry;
Sovereign - to excite (someone/sth.)
1) agitate, trouble;
excite, stir (to excite);
disturb, worry (disturb);
alarm (alarm);
upset (upset) worried about memories
2) (about the surface of something) ruffle, stir

to wave | to excite - to excite (int.)
1. (water surface) ruffle (smth.) ;

2. (to disturb, disturb) upset* (smb.), worry (smb.) ;
agitate (smb.) ;
all this worries me very much the whole thing worries me, I`m awfully upset about it all;
~get excited, get excited
3. (about the sea, lake, etc.) be*/get* rough;
surge ;

7 take\ on

8 keep a calm soul


keep quiet, say little

Keep a calm sow... hear every man's counsel, and keep your own. (W. Scott, ‘The Abbot’, ch. XVII)- Keep quiet more... listen to people’s advice, and try to meddle less with your advice.

9 calm

1. adj.
1) calm, peaceful, unperturbed (about a person, about a person’s character) Syn: quiet
2) windless;
quiet, calm (about the sea) The sea is much calmer at the bottom than in any part nearer its surface. ≈ The sea is much calmer at the bottom than in layers close to the surface. Syn: windless, imperturbable, tranquil
3) decomposition immodest, shameless, vulgar
2. noun
1) calmness, self-control, equanimity (about a person’s character)
2) calm, calm;
calm (about the sea) Before and after earthquakes a calm in the air. ≈ Before and after the earthquake there is absolute calm in the air. Syn: lull
3) silence;
peace, silence Syn: quiet, silence
3. Ch.

At the beginning of the Second World War, when the world was plunged into depression, and people lived in fear, every day worrying about their lives and their future, humanity needed to raise its spirit and fighting spirit. At this time, propaganda leaflets and posters with various calls of a military and political nature were popular in many countries.

"Keep calm and keep up the good work"

In England, which participated in the Second World War in the Entente alliance, this phenomenon was also common. Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might (Freedom is under threat. Defend it with all your strength) and Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory (Your courage, Your vigor, Your determination will bring us victory) with such heroic calls were made by the English government to its people.

In September 1939, two such posters were replicated and hung throughout England: in shop windows and at railway stations. These posters were made in the same style and had only two colors: white letters on a red background. The inscriptions were made in a special beautiful font that would be difficult for the enemy to counterfeit. The image of the crown of King George VI was used in the form of a graphic emblem.

The British Ministry of Information issued a third poster in the same series, which read Keep Calm and Carry On. It was decided to use it only in case of crisis or invasion. But this did not happen, and the “keep calm” posters, with a circulation of 2.5 million, were never presented to the public.

The entire batch of posters remained in storage throughout the war. Half a century later, in the small town of Alnwick, Stuart Manley found a “keep calm” poster in the attic of his bookshop. The Briton and his wife really liked the symbolic poster from past times, and they decided to decorate the window of their bookstore “Barter books” with it.

Many visitors paid attention to this poster and expressed a desire to buy it. Then the owners came up with the idea to make copies of the commemorative poster and put them up for sale. Until 2005, although the posters were sold, they were not wildly popular until a note appeared in one of the newspapers. The note was about a “keep calm” poster, the author suggested it as a Christmas souvenir.

Then a real sales boom began. The bookstore received daily requests for the “keep calm” poster. As Mr. Manley himself says, his employees at that time were only engaged in accepting applications and packing posters.

Two years later, such a popular sketch began to be used by Mark Coupe.

The enterprising Coop organized the production of mugs, aprons and other souvenirs with the “Keep calm and Carry on” logo. Such goods were in demand among the British and brought successful sales. So in 2011, Mark Coupe attempted to register "Keep calm and carry on" as his own trademark, demanding that other companies stop selling products with this distinctive logo.

However, registration was refused on the grounds that the phrase had become quite widespread, becoming public property. The British themselves note that this slogan is a standard of English restraint and strength of character.

Since 2009, the poster image has become the property of the whole world, having ended up on the Internet. It's amazing that a simple phrase from the past, consisting of just five words, has become so popular in different countries in our time.

Translation options

Parodies have a different character

Thanks to the World Wide Web, the phrase “Keep calm and Carry on” has become popular among Russian users. Even their own translation options and analogous phrases appeared. Traditionally, “Keep calm and Carry on” is translated into Russian as “Keep calm and continue in the same spirit.”

There is another option: “Keep Calm and Hold On!” Native speakers of Russian also offer such translation methods as “Be calm and keep it up!”, “Do what you must, and let it be what will be.”

And they even use the equivalent of “Smile and wave.” It is clear that such options do not literally translate from English, but rather only convey the general meaning of the original.

Thus, the Russian-speaking population, using the phrase “keep calm” in this translation, makes it an element of the language game.

Use in modern culture

After the slogan “keep calm” entered the public masses, especially the Internet masses, it is not surprising that it had to be an element of the language game more than once. After the phrase came into common use, and, one might say, gained traction, becoming a “meme of Englishness,” it began to be actively parodied.

Parodies have a different character, most often with a touch of irony or outright sarcasm. Well-known examples: “keep calm and drink beer”, “keep calm and call batman”, “keep calm and fake a British accent”, “keep calm and evade the police”, “keep calm and blog on”.
In 2008, T-shirts with a parody print of “Now panic and Freak out” went on sale. In 2009, this version of the parody was quite popular due to the spread of the global economic crisis in England. And to this day, on many websites you can find products with various designs that are parodies of “keep calm.”

One of the well-known trading platforms has about 10,000 various products with original and derivative designs.

Also in 2009, an image generator website appeared, where any user can create their own poster in the “keep calm” style. The site's hosting gallery has over 12 million images created with this generator, and their number is constantly growing.

The popularity of “keep calm” is inexorable, and users’ imagination has no limits.

Despite the change of times and generations, a simple phrase of 5 words has conquered the world. The phrase, once called upon to save England from moral decline and to instill confidence, now saves, above all, from despondency. “Keep calm and Smile!”

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