Historicisms and archaisms internal changes. Dictionary of obsolete words spelled alphabetically


Kulakov V.S. 1

Konstantinova M.V. 1 Boeva ​​E.A. 1

1 Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 5 Odintsovo

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Job Files" tab in PDF format


“The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years, countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov

All "living" languages ​​are constantly evolving, improving and changing. They have their past, present and future. At the same time, language invariably fulfills its most important meaning - it serves as a means of communication. Since the language is constantly changing, many words disappear from use and new words appear. In my work, I would like to study these changes in detail.

The role of language in society as a means of communication is incredibly great. Therefore, this topic is always relevant.

In this research work, such phenomena of the Russian language as archaisms, historicisms and neologisms are considered.

Purpose of the study: the study of concepts - archaisms, historicisms and neologisms, as well as the reasons for the disappearance and appearance of words.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks:

Analyze the development of words in the Russian language;

To study the concept - archaisms;

To study the concept - historicism;

To study the concept - neologisms.

Research methods: reading, processing and analysis of relevant literature.

Practical significance: in-depth study of this issue, which goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum.

In doing this work, the material was studied by me quite deeply.

With this work, I would like to draw attention to the degree of importance of obsolete words as the cultural and historical heritage of our people, as well as the problem of perception and the need for new words.


“There are two kinds of nonsense: one comes from a lack of feelings and thoughts, replaced by words; the other - from the fullness of feelings and thoughts and the lack of words to express them "

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Despite the presence of certain norms and traditions, any language is gradually changing. These changes happen all the time, but they are not very noticeable during the life of one generation.

Let's consider two main systems of the Russian language: syntax and vocabulary.

« Syntax of the Russian language- a part of the grammar of the Russian language, indicating the rules for connecting words in a phrase and sentence "1.

« Vocabulary- the vocabulary of the language or works of some writer" 2 .

The syntactic structure of the language is more stable and does not undergo any significant changes. But the lexical composition, on the contrary, reacts very quickly to everything new that appears in social life, science, technology, art and everyday life. Therefore, it is the most variable.

Today, the Russian language as a developing phenomenon is rarely considered. We are used to it and use words automatically, sometimes without even thinking about the meaning and historical significance of these words. And this is absolutely normal, since we are native speakers of the Russian language. We also calmly react to the appearance of completely new words in colloquial speech. But precisely for this reason, we need to be interested in the history of our language and its specifics.

Over the centuries, our language has changed. Old words disappeared or changed, new ones appeared.

Therefore, our developing Russian language is a completely unique cultural heritage.

1,2 - Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - http://wikipedia.org- (accessed 20.04.2018).


« Archaisms- these are obsolete words that, in the process of language development, were replaced by more modern synonyms” 3 .

Despite this, some archaisms are still used. For example, they are used in poetry.

The reason for replacing obsolete words with more modern ones is the continuous development of the language.

Now no one says "know". This word has been changed to "know". But on the other hand, such derivative words as “ignorance”, “unknown”, “guided”, “witch” have been preserved.

The word "velmi" was replaced by "very", "very".

No one speaks such words as “nowadays”, “hand”, “right hand”, “cheeks”, “blankness”, “finger”, “trust”, “brow”, etc. any more. And some may not even know the meaning of these words.

I would like to focus on one word "canopy". Everything seems very simple, everyone knows its meaning. "Seni" is the entrance part of the house, the hallway, the terrace. And what is so interesting about this word?

Let us recall the well-known lines from the work of A. S. Pushkin:

"The grass is green, the sun is shining,

A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us ... " 4

I wonder if anyone wondered why the swallow flies into our hallway. What exactly is she supposed to do there? You might think that this is a figurative expression, because we are talking about poetry. In other words, spring comes to our house. But let's take other lines of A. S. Pushkin:

“... and the canopy expanded thick

Huge, neglected garden,

Orphanage of pensive dryads…” 5

3 - Sudanov G. G. Russian language on the fingers. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2017. - 288 p.

4.5 - Pushkin A. S. Poems. Fairy tales. Poems. - Moscow: Eskimo Publishing House, 2017. 544 p.

Or, for example, these lines:

“In their vestibule of the wind there is noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist and wavy ... " 6

Can a garden have an entrance hall where the wind blows? Of course not.

From this we can conclude: in the old days, “canopy” was called the crowns of trees, which, as it were, could shelter a person.

Lines from another work of A. S. Pushkin confirm this.

"For the last time, in the shadow of solitude,

Our foam listens to my verses " 7

It is very important to know the true meaning of archaisms and pass this knowledge on to other generations!

6.7 - Pushkin A. S. Poems. Fairy tales. Poems. - Moscow: Eskimo Publishing House, 2017. - 544 p.


« historicisms- words and expressions that have gone out of active use due to the fact that the concepts they denote have disappeared or become irrelevant” 8 .

These words differ from archaisms in that they are completely out of use and do not have synonyms.

Historicisms are divided into various groups.

Table 1. Groups of historicisms.

Historicism groups


Names of old clothes

Zipun, shushun, camisole, caftan, zhupan, kokoshnik;

Names of monetary units

Grosh, altyn, polushka, etc.;


Boyar, nobleman, duke, prince, etc.;

Names of officials

Policeman, governor, clerk, contractor, etc.;

Weapon names

Pishchal, shestoper, unicorn (cannon), etc.;

Administrative titles

Volost, county, district, etc.

I would like to say a little about such a group of words as necrotism.

Necroticisms- words that are currently completely unknown to native speakers.

Examples of necrotisms:

- "strong" - paternal uncle;

- "rug" - mockery, scold;

- "zga" - the road;

- "prat" - to erase;

- "odr" - bed, pastel.

Now these are words unknown to us. But once they were completely natural and were actively used in everyday speech. It is possible that historicisms will eventually move from one category to another and become necroticisms.

8 - Encyclopedia of the Russian language - [Electronic resource]. - http://russkiyyazik.ru - (accessed 20.04.2018).


"Neologisms are words, meanings of words or phrases that have recently appeared in the language. This is all newly formed, previously absent” 9 .

Neologisms have always appeared throughout the history of language development. Each historical period had its own neologisms.

Once upon a time, words familiar to us such as “thermometer”, “horizon”, “atmosphere”, “acid”, “industry” and others were neologisms. They arose due to the development of science. In the literature, such words as "shuffle", "touching", "entertaining", "stupidity" and others appeared.

In Saltykov-Shchedrin's story "The History of a City" the writer comes up with many different new words. Here are lines from his work:

“There was, he says, in ancient times a people called bunglers, and they lived far to the north, where Greek and Roman historians and geographers assumed the existence of the Hyperborean Sea. These people were nicknamed bunglers because they had the habit of "pulling" their heads on everything that they met on the way. The wall will fall - they sting against the wall. Many independent tribes lived in the neighborhood of the bunglers, but only the most remarkable of them were named by the chronicler, namely: walrus-eaters, onion-eaters, thick-eaters, cranberries, kurales, swirling beans, frogs, lapotniks, black-skyed, dolbezhniks, broken heads, blind beards, lip-slaps, lop-eared, kosobryukhi, vendace, corners, kroshevniks and rukosu. 10

Many of these "new" words are derived from two other words and are compound words with two roots.

Neologisms are divided according to the source of appearance and purpose.

According to the source of occurrence, neologisms are of two types:

General language (newly formed or newly borrowed);

9 - Sudanov G. G. Russian language on the fingers. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2017. - 288 p.

10 - Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. The history of one city. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka Publishing House, 2017. - 352 p.

Neologisms are used for their intended purpose:

To designate objects that did not exist before, phenomena. concepts;

For a more concise or expressive notation;

To achieve artistic and poetic effect;

As names for newly created items.

There is such a thing as derivation. Derivation in Russian, this is the formation of new words with the help of words already existing in the language. This is one of the ways to create neologisms. Another way is to borrow words from other languages. For example, the word "marmalade" is borrowed from the French language marmalade. In turn, this word was borrowed by the French from the Italian word marmelada or marmelo - quince.

There are thousands of borrowed words in Russian.

Once upon a time, words such as "minus", "refraction", "balance", "diameter", "square", "department" and others were neologisms, but now they are ordinary everyday words.

I would like to say a few words about the neologisms of the present tense. These are words such as “google”, “fake”, “freak”, “freelancer”, “coach”, “outsourcing”, “copywriter” and others.

Let us briefly analyze the meaning of these words, although I think they are widely known to our people, especially young people.

"Google" - search for information on the Internet using the appropriate search engine. Now the expression "ok Google" is known to almost everyone, and even to the generation that does not really use the Internet.

"Fake" is a fake.

"Freak" - a person whose appearance and behavior does not correspond to social norms. It is also used as a curse word.

Freelancer is a freelance worker. A person who does not depend on the schedule and can devote a lot of time to his personal interests. Here is such an interesting work appeared in the modern world.

"Coach" - coach, business coach, coach-psychologist.

"Outsourcing" is the transfer by one company of part of its work to another company.

"Copywriter" - a specialist engaged in writing advertising texts.

In fact, there are a lot of such words. This is just a small part.

Moreover, there are some features of the appearance of neologisms. Most of them occur during special periods. For example, with technological progress or a change in society. When there are revolutions, wars and so on.

In Russian, as in other languages, thousands of neologisms appear every year. After all, life is constantly changing and human needs too. Most of the neologisms do not take root in the language and disappear. But some are fixed and become an integral part of the language. Over time, they cease to be neologisms and become the words of the main stock of the Russian language.

For example, in the youth of my grandparents, mom and dad, their vocabulary was replenished with such words as “VCR”, “player”, “satellite”, “jeans”, “sneakers”, “hippies”, “flares”, “communal apartment » and the like. And it seems like it was quite recently. But these words have already ceased to be neologisms.

Now there are words in the language that my grandparents no longer understand. But for me, they are completely natural. These are words such as "hipster", "clave", "headliner", "flashmob", "device" and others.

Moreover, I noticed that for the older generation, these innovations cause some distrust and are not pleasant to the ear. I think this is due to the fact that our grandparents, mothers and fathers simply do not find practical use of these words in their daily lives. And for future generations, they will cease to be neologisms. And there will be other new words that will already alarm me.


In this work, I studied in detail such concepts as archaisms, historicisms and neologisms of the Russian language.

Particular attention was paid to the development of the Russian language, its change and the factors causing it.

I have made the following conclusions:

The language is constantly changing;

Changes in the language are directly dependent on changes in the life of society;

Many words completely disappear from Russian speech;

New words sometimes cause disapproval among older generations;

Language is a huge pantry of human thought. It connects times and generations.

Our Russian language “lives”, constantly changes and develops with us. It is necessary to carefully study these changes and observe the development in order to preserve this most valuable cultural heritage.


Wikipedia - free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - http://wikipedia.org - (accessed 20.04.2018).

Pushkin A.S. Poems. Fairy tales. Poems. - Moscow: Eskimo Publishing House, 2017. - 544

Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. The history of one city. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka Publishing House, 2017. - 352 p.

Sudanov G. G. Russian language on the fingers. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2017. - 288 p.

    HISTORICITY - this means the words were known only to our ancestors and fell out of use. For example, the names of ancient weapons: halberd, ax, pischel. But if a thing or concepts remained, and their names left the language, were replaced by others, these are ARCHAISMS. For example: this-this one; very green; teenage boy. Archaisms may not differ entirely from modern words, but in some sounds: piit-poet. Poets often used obsolete words to give verse a solemn air. For example:

  • historicisms

    These are obsolete words that have ceased to be used due to the fact that the objects and phenomena that they denoted have disappeared, for example, the constable, boyar, shishak.


    In general, these are also outdated and obsolete words. But there are different types of archaisms:

    • lexical, these are obsolete words for which there is a synonym in the modern language: neck (neck), in vain (in vain, in vain), in other words (that is);
    • semantic, these are words used in the modern language in an obsolete sense: existing (meaning existing), belly (meaning life);
    • lexical-phonetic, words with the same meaning, but pronounced differently: mirror (mirror), glad (hunger), piit (poet);
    • lexical and derivational, words with the same meaning, but formed from other words: shepherd (shepherd), answer (answer).
  • Archaisms(from Greek ancient) these are words that have fallen into disuse due to the emergence of new words, however, in modern Russian there are their synonyms.

    historicisms- words or phrases that are the name of disappeared objects or phenomena. For example, boyar, smerd, educational program

    The difference between archaism and historicism

    • archaism is a word that has fallen into disuse, but the object that was called this word has remained, having received a different name.
    • historicism is a word that has fallen into disuse along with the subject that denoted it.
  • I'll try to explain in my own words:

    Archaisms are words that are practically not used anymore, because a modern replacement has already been invented for them: cheeks used to be called cheeks, lips with lips, eyes with eyes.

    But historicisms are words that have left our speech due to the fact that the objects denoting them have sunk into oblivion. Here are examples: a halberd (this type of weapon is gone, the word is gone from the lexicon), the master and the serf - they are now gone, the names are also irrelevant.

    Hope I was able to explain clearly.

    The difference between historicisms and archaisms is that historicisms are obsolete words denoting objects, phenomena, concepts, etc. that have long disappeared from our everyday life, which no one uses now, so they have no synonyms. And archaisms are also obsolete words, but objects, concepts, etc., called such words exist in our time, that is, archaisms have synonyms. Examples of historicisms are plow, gladiator, boyar, arshin. Examples of archaisms are finger (finger), swara (quarrel), hand (hand).

    Archaisms have synonyms in modern Russian.

    And historicisms do not have (or have, only partially coinciding in their meaning). And objects or words that denote historicisms are simply absent in the modern world.

    Historicisms and archaisms refer to the vocabulary of a limited sphere of use. It will not be difficult to distinguish them if you understand the essence.

    Archaisms(from the Greek archaikys ancient, ancient) - these are ancient words that are replaced by others in the modern language. For example: eyes - eyes.

    historicisms they were not replaced by anything, but simply went out of active use, as they went out of use, and, accordingly, out of active use, the words that they denoted. For example: bast shoes (now no one wears bast shoes, respectively, and the word is not actively used).

  • Archaisms.

    Archaisms- these are words that have fallen out of use in modern times in colloquial speech. To be more precise, these are obsolete words, which in the modern language are replaced by new words similar to archaisms in meaning - synonyms.

    Examples of archaisms:

    • finger - finger,
    • right hand - right hand,
    • shuytsa - left hand,
    • vyya - neck,
    • lop - flat extension, sheet.


    historicisms- these are obsolete words that are no longer used in modern speech, because the objects or concepts they denote have disappeared from life.

    Historicisms are the only names for objects or phenomena that have disappeared from life. Therefore, historicisms, unlike archaisms, do not have synonyms.

    All historicism words can be combined into groups:

    1. names of ancient clothes - caftan, kokoshnik,
    2. names of monetary units - arshin, grosh,
    3. titles - boyar, prince,
    4. names of officials - policeman, clerk,
    5. administrative names - volost, county.
  • historicisms And archaisms make up the passive composition of Russian vocabulary, in contrast to the active vocabulary that we use hourly and daily.

    Historicisms, as their name implies, denote objects and concepts that have disappeared over time. And the words that called them remained as a monument of antiquity, for example: noblewoman, smerd, serf, tsar, fist, worker, konka, gendarme, arshin, Berkovets, dozen.

    Archaisms are obsolete words that name concepts and objects that exist now. As a rule, there are modern analogue words, that is, synonyms of archaisms. Historicists do not have this.

    Archaisms are often incomprehensible to modern man. To understand the meaning of archaism, one should pick up a modern identical word, for example:

    persi - chest, labia - cheeks, eyelids - eyelids, ramen - shoulders, interpreter - translator, operator - surgeon, barber - hairdresser.

    Both archaisms and historicisms are called upon in fiction, cinema and theater to create the flavor of the era. And in some cases, an inappropriately used obsolete word creates a comic effect in speech.

    It is actually quite easy to distinguish these words, just to know the meanings of these words.

    historicisms these are those obsolete words that have become obsolete due to the fact that those things, concepts that existed before have already disappeared, remained only in history. For example, historicisms are the words penny, penny. Why? Yes, because now we do not have such monetary units, they have gone into oblivion, or, more simply, have disappeared.

    archaisms they call those words that name those things, concepts that exist to this day, but they just have new names. For example, these are well-known words: eye - eye, hand - hand, as well as a girl - a teenager, piit - a poet and many others.

The Russian language is a kind of living organism, constantly changing and acquiring new forms. It sounded differently in different historical epochs, and the lexicon that has survived to this day has changed a lot. The texts of the Old Russian Chronicles, for example, today the usual the layman cannot understand. words change, although not so noticeably. New concepts constantly penetrate into the language from abroad, thanks to the discoveries of science and technology, thereby enriching it. Some concepts become unnecessary and are lost, others live for a very long time.

Active vocabulary - lexicon, used in daily life. Passive vocabulary - words that leave us and are forgotten. Passive vocabulary includes:, historicism. Neologisms are new concepts, terms and concepts related to active vocabulary.

Historicisms and archaisms are important means of artistic expression.

In contact with


Archaisms there are:

  1. Lexical - the most numerous group. Examples: lie - you can, very green, forehead - forehead, finger - finger.
  2. Derivatives - a separately obsolete word-building element, usually a suffix. Examples: restaurant, promotion, Asians, coffee.
  3. Phonetic - somewhat modified in sound. Examples: licorice, vorog, gishpansky, tie, string, number.
  4. Semantic - lost their original meaning. Examples: shame - this word used to mean "spectacle"; a dream is a thought.
  5. Grammatical - changed the gender. Piano, swan - were feminine.


Historicisms are words that denote disappeared:

  • clothes and footwear (zipun, armyak, cherevichi);
  • household items (svetets - a stand for a torch);
  • weapons (squeaker, axe);
  • administrative units (county, parish);
  • persons and positions (sergeant, policeman);
  • military ranks (centurion, warrior, cuirassier);
  • units of measurement (altyn, grosz);
  • historical phenomena (rent, corvée).

It should be noted the social terminology of the Soviet era, which very quickly fell into disuse (Budyonovka, Revolutionary Committee). In Ushakov's dictionary they marked with a double mark new, historical.

What is the difference between concepts

Archaisms are objects or concepts that exist in our life, therefore are easily replaced by synonyms. For example: in Pushkin: "Noise, noise, obedient sail (sail)."

Historicisms are words denoting something that no longer exists. Therefore, they have no synonyms. For example: policeman - the lower rank of the police of tsarist Russia. Policemen in Moscow wore black uniforms, in other cities - green.

A metal plaque with a personal number and a coat of arms (provincial or city) was attached to the headdress. From Chekhov we read: “Ochumelov, the guard, is walking across the square, followed by a red-haired policeman with a sieve filled to the top with confiscated gooseberries.”

Important! Archaisms, unlike historicisms, have synonyms in the modern language.

Words and their meanings fall out of use for various reasons. Sometimes they return to circulation after a long time, changing its original value. After the revolution they returned: a soldier, a lieutenant, etc. In the fifties - a minister, a ministry. To collect information, scientists create dictionaries of obsolete words, in particular, an explanatory dictionary.

Archaisms differ from historicisms in that they can highlight the degree of obsolescence:

  1. Words that have disappeared from the language and are not found even in derivative words. For example: which is a quarrel, blue - February, cancer - a grave.
  2. They are not used on their own, but are present in the root. These are: rug - a mockery, beef - cattle, thin - skillful.
  3. Preserved only in Stake - a small plot of land (neither a stake, nor ...), a falcon - a tool for destroying walls (a goal, like ...), zga - a path (no zgi is visible).

These concepts fell out of general use and are not used. They tell us about the distant times of the development of the language, about what has long passed.

So, let's conclude: words go out of frequent use, pass into passive, and even disappear altogether. If they were replaced by more comfortable ones in sound and retained their meaning, these are archaisms. If expressions are no longer needed, if the concepts themselves have disappeared, these are historicisms. Archaisms differ from historicisms in meaning.

The role of forgotten concepts in literature

Expressions recreate the color of the historical period in the narratives of military subjects.

Forgotten words tell us about the past, help the reader feel the spirit of the times. In the literature, you can come across an outdated vocabulary of two layers. Pushkin in The Captain's Daughter, in order to create the flavor of antiquity, deliberately introduces forgotten words from the 18th century into the text: corporal, soul jacket.

While writing the story, at the beginning of the next century, the author uses the usual, in that historical period, vocabulary: coachman, second. By now they are outdated.

They create solemnity of style in poetry.

Obsolete words (usually archaisms) give speech high poetic sound. In Blok’s verses we read: “youth is insane”, in Yesenin we notice: “with a light wave of a finger”, “I want to be a youth”.

They successfully implement the ideological ideas of the author, create rhythm and good rhyme in poetry. Lermontov liked to poetize the past. His “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov” is a one-of-a-kind stylization of folklore of a large epic form. In order to bring the reader as close as possible, to describe the events of ancient times, the author used a large number of historicisms: guardsman, place of execution, cup, fathom.

Emphasize comic and satirical moments

Master of ridicule Saltykov-Shchedrin skillfully used archaisms to create ironic situations and ridicule human vices. Choosing highly solemn terms and including them in a commonly used context, the author achieved a humorous effect (“The History of a City”).

Examples of words and expressions are often found in historical novels and fiction.

Cultural value of ancient vocabulary

The use of archaisms and historicisms expands the view about Russian culture and history. Education forms a full-fledged person, a versatile person who gets to know the world through languages.

A broad-minded person, spiritually and morally strong, aesthetically educated, respects and loves the true values ​​presented in literature. The great, mighty Russian language reflects a truly human attitude to the world.

Knowledge based on local history subjects of native speakers will be useful to foreign students studying Russian.

What is the difference between historicism and archaism?

Obsolete words - archaisms

There are many special categories of words in Russian. They help people to describe certain things and phenomena in more detail. One of these special categories of words are historicisms. In this article we will talk about this group, as well as the difference between historicisms and archaisms. Moreover, consider examples of historic words and their meanings.

What is historicism?

The Russian language, like any other language, is a constantly changing living organism, which often takes on new forms. The modern Russian language is very different from the one used by the first princes. It went through several stages in its development. There are three stages of historical development:

  1. Old Russian language.
  2. Old Russian language.
  3. period of the national language.

It sounded different in different historical epochs. Due to constant development, the lexical composition has changed a lot. As an example, let's take the documents of Ancient Rus'. A simple layman is unlikely to be able to understand what is written in the text. There are too many incomprehensible words, and familiar words have a completely different meaning. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, a large number of new concepts have appeared in the vocabulary that enrich the vocabulary of the language. You can also increase active vocabulary if you borrow foreign words to add variety to your vocabulary. This rule also works vice versa. Some words are no longer used, because many items have disappeared from everyday life. So the words that described these objects go out of use. These words are called historicisms. The picture below is an example of historicism.

What is archaism?

Archaism means something a little different. They have one thing in common with historicisms, because of which they are often confused. Historicisms with archaisms are often used in old works. But there is a rather big difference between them: if historicisms describe objects that have disappeared from our lives, then archaisms are an outdated form of naming an object that exists. As an example, let's take the word that we know from children's books - gold. This is archaism, because this word has a modern form - gold.

What is the difference between them?

The difference is big enough. One small detail will help determine what is in front of you, historicism or archaism. The second has commonly used synonyms. Of course, these two concepts are rather conditional. Words fall out of use for various reasons. In some cases, they return to active vocabulary after a long time period. Here is an example of historicism words that returned to circulation after a while: lieutenant, minister, officer, etc. Linguists create special dictionaries in which such words are entered.

Another important difference between archaisms and historicisms is that archaisms have 3 degrees of obsolescence. They are specially distinguished by linguists to track the old age of the vocabulary of the language.

What can be the conclusion? Many words fall out of frequent use and pass into a passive state or disappear. For words that have passed into a passive state, there are two options: if they were replaced by others, the word became archaic; if the object itself has disappeared, then it is historicism. They differ in meaning, this must not be forgotten. Below in the picture you can see an example of historicism and archaism. So you can more clearly understand the difference between them.

Examples of historicisms and archaisms in Russian and their meanings

Historicisms can be divided into several categories, depending on which historical period the vocabulary belongs to. Examples of historicisms in Russian:

  1. Tiun is a princely steward.
  2. Smerd is a peasant who is directly dependent on the prince.
  3. Bratina - composition for serving alcoholic beverages.
  4. Nepman is an entrepreneur in the USSR during the NEP period.
  5. Boyar - the highest stratum of society in ancient Rus'.
  6. Likbez is a program for the eradication of illiteracy.
  7. Tax in kind - food tax levied on farms, introduced instead of food appropriations.
  8. Altyn - a coin equal to three kopecks.
  9. The landowner is a landowner belonging to the privileged class.
  10. Prince - the title of a person close to the throne.
  11. Count is the title of a nobleman.
  12. Onuchi - windings for legs under boots.
  13. A clerk is a clerk and clerk in the clerk's office.
  14. Short fur coat - a short sheepskin coat.

Let's look at examples of archaic words:

  1. Eyes - eyes.
  2. Eight - eight.
  3. Finger - finger.
  4. An adversary is a villain, an enemy, a scoundrel.
  5. The belly is life.
  6. Lanites - cheeks.
  7. Mouth - lips, mouth.
  8. Shelom - a helmet.
  9. Night is night.
  10. Speak - speak.
  11. Right hand - right hand.
  12. Voice is a voice.
  13. Just now - a long time ago.
  14. Evening - last night.

Here are also examples of words that became historicisms, but then returned to active vocabulary:

  1. Hryvnia. Initially - a neck decoration in the form of a hoop, later - the monetary unit of Ukraine
  2. An officer. After the revolution, officer ranks were removed from the army, but in 1943 it was returned.
  3. Shoulder straps. Also, after the revolution, they were removed from the military uniform, but in 1943 they were returned.
  4. Ministry. They were liquidated after the revolution, in the 1950s they were created anew instead of the people's commissariats.

Again, the difference between these categories of words is clearly visible. Historicism can only be expressed by a term, archaism by a synonym. There is another rather interesting feature. Historicisms are more common in history textbooks and are used there as scientific terms. Archaisms are closer to the language, just one word has been replaced by another. So we have seen examples and meanings of historicisms, so now the reader will have a clearer idea on this topic.

The role of historicisms and archaisms in literary works

Special vocabulary helps to recreate the historical flavor in the works, so that the reader can fully immerse himself in the atmosphere of the time being described. Also, poets do not disdain special vocabulary. It helps to create a solemn atmosphere in the poem. Usually poets use archaisms to give speech a higher poetic sound. Another important detail that special vocabulary helps to emphasize is the display of comic and satirical moments. Especially often this property was used by Saltykov-Shchedrin to create ironic situations and ridicule human vices.

What cultural role does obsolete vocabulary play?

The use of such vocabulary by writers expands the reader's understanding of the historical period and Russian culture. Thanks to this, a person gains additional knowledge. This knowledge will help to form a full-fledged personality who knows how to get to know the world with the help of languages. A person learns to think broadly, to be spiritually and morally strong, aesthetically educated, to love and respect the history of our country.


Special vocabulary plays a big role in the Russian language. With its help, we can recreate the atmosphere of the past, which writers often use in their works. Its role is difficult to overestimate. After all, these words describe historical objects that we will never see. That is why it is considered "passive vocabulary", because it is quite difficult to hear historicisms and archaisms. They can be considered the historical heritage of our language, so they need to be protected. Even though this vocabulary has fallen out of active use, most people know it and, meeting it in literary works, understand it. And without the use of archaisms and historicisms in literature, works lose their solemnity and originality. In this article, we looked at examples of historicism and archaism, which helped us figure out what it is and what is the difference between them.

Archaisms and historicisms are obsolete words. Here are examples of obsolete words: halberd, pischal, ax (names of ancient weapons); this, Zelo, lad, thoughtful.

The names of objects that were known only to our ancestors and fell out of use are historicisms (halberd, pischel, ax). It may be so: the thing or concept remained, but their names left the language, were replaced by others. Such bygone words are archaisms: set - this, green - very, lad - teenager, young man, thoughtful - reasonable.

Archaisms may differ from modern words not entirely, but only in some sounds (or even one): piit - poet, fire - fire, vran - raven. These are phonetic archaisms. If in the past the word had a different emphasis, then they speak of accent, or accentological, archaisms: symbol, sir, ghost. For example, in the verses of M. Yu. Lermontov:

Her mocking ghost

And day and night the spirit disturbs.

Another variety of archaisms is morphological; they are archaic in their morphemic structure: ferocity - instead of modern ferocity, nervous - instead of nervous, collapse - instead of collapse. For example, F. M. Dostoevsky: “He took a step, swayed and collapsed to the floor in a faint.”

It happens that the appearance of a word is quite modern - its meaning is archaic. These are semantic archaisms. Thus, the word shame, which we now use in the sense of "disgrace", in the old days meant "spectacle." Ordinary about a hundred and fifty years ago meant "made in one day" (they said: an ordinary way, an ordinary house), and not at all "ordinary, ordinary", as it is now. When reading from Pushkin in The Captain's Daughter: "A Bashkir with outrageous sheets was captured," one must keep in mind that here the word outrageous means "calling for indignation, for rebellion" (compare the modern: an outrageous act, outrageous behavior).

The reason for the appearance of historicisms in the language is in the change in life, customs, in the development of technology, science, and culture. In place of one thing and relationships come others. For example, with the disappearance of such types of clothing as armyak, camisole, caftan, the names of these types of clothing left the Russian language: they can now only be found in historical descriptions. Forever gone, along with the corresponding concepts, the words serf, tax, quitrent, corvée and others associated with serfdom in Russia.

The reason for the appearance of archaisms is in the development of the language, in updating its vocabulary: one word is replaced by another.

Words that are forced out of use do not disappear without a trace: they are preserved in the literature of the past, they are necessary in historical novels and essays - to recreate the life and language coloring of the era. Here, for example, are two excerpts from the novel by A. N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great": "In the distance, at the Nikolsky Gate, one could see a high - like a pipe - boyar's sable hat, fur caps of deacons, dark caftans of the elected best people" (historicisms); “When the coming of King Carolus is truly announced, and if he is deliberately strong, guard him tightly” (archaisms).

Poets often resort to obsolete words in order to give verses a high, solemn coloring. For example:

In a blue distant bedroom

Your child has passed away.

With a flick of a white finger

Secrets of years I cut the water.

(S. Yesenin)

The only human

in the midst of the howl, in the midst of the screech

I will raise

(V. Mayakovsky)

Sometimes obsolete words begin to be used in a new meaning. So, the word dynasty has returned to the modern Russian language. Previously, it could only be combined with such definitions as royal, monarchical. Now they talk and write about working dynasties, dynasties of miners, lumberjacks, meaning families with an "inherited" profession.

Archaisms are also used for the sake of a joke, in an ironic context, for example: “The layman is curious, I would like to know everything about pie!” (V. Mayakovsky); “And now the store doors open: there are no chairs. There are no tables” (L. Likhodeev).

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