The results of the competition Yesenin Rus. National festival-competition of traditional folk art of youth "Yesenin Rus"


May 18-19 at the Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin, the XIII Interregional Festival of Scientific, Literary and Artistic Creativity of Students "Yesenin's Spring" was held.

In 2017, more than 200 talented young people from three federal districts (Central, Volga, Siberian), 36 higher educational institutions and institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia became participants in the festival. Among the contestants are students and graduate students aged 17 to 25 years (inclusive) - researchers of creativity S.A. Yesenin, artists, musicians, poets, prose writers, readers, authors of videos dedicated to the legacy of the great Russian poet, from Moscow, Tambov, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas, the Republic of Mordovia, Altai Territory, Ryazan and Ryazan Region, and other regions of Russia.

The festival was coordinated by the Center for Regional Projects, the Yesenin Research Center and the Department of Educational Work of the University.

Welcoming words were addressed to the participants by the Vice-Rector of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin on educational work and international activities O.N. Isaeva, Deputy Minister of Education of the Ryazan Region A.I. Kiryanov, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region E.S. Gorshkova, head of the department of the Ministry of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ryazan Region V.V. Danchenko.

The head of the Yesenin Scientific Center and the Center for Regional Projects of the University, Professor O.E. Voronova. The winners of competitive nominations of different years are today graduate students and teachers of leading universities, working on the study of various facets of Yesenin's heritage, professional musicians. And this means that the festival fulfills its main mission - it supports talented youth, unites novice researchers, and promotes the spiritual, moral and patriotic values ​​of Russian culture.

The work of competitive nominations of the festival began immediately after the opening ceremony. The participants of the "Yesenin Spring" presented their works in competitions of scientific works, literary creativity, art and visual art, musical and performing art, artistic reading, videos. The selection and evaluation of the works submitted to the festival competitions was carried out by a professional jury in each of the six areas.

The program of the first day of the festival ended with a creative evening of a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, chairman of the selection jury of the International Literary Prize named after Sergei Yesenin "Oh Rus', flap your wings ...", member of the jury of the festival D.A. Darin (Moscow), which was held at the Museum of S.A. Yesenin Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin.

On May 19, the results of the festival were summed up and the winners and prize-winners were awarded. The hall unanimously welcomed the brightest creative numbers, marked by the jury. Vice-Rector of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin on educational and methodological activities of E.A. Kiryanova congratulated the participants of the creative forum on the successful completion of the competition program.

The winner of the Grand Prix of the XIII Interregional Festival "Yesenin Spring" and the nominee for the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the support of talented youth in the framework of the national project "Education" was a postgraduate student of the Department of Literature of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin, the absolute winner of the festival in the nomination “Creativity of S.A. Yesenin through the eyes of young researchers”, the author of the informative report “Modern theatrical Yeseniniana in the countries of the near abroad” Anna Evdokimova.

Honorary guest of the Yesenin Spring D.A. Darin noted that according to the results of the festival, its absolute winner Anna Evdokimova and the 1st place winner in the literary and creative nomination "Heirs of Yesenin", a cadet of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after V.F. Margelov Ivan Droshnev reach the finals of the International Literary Prize named after S.A. Yesenin "Oh Rus', flap your wings ...", the summing up of which will take place on October 6 in Moscow.

Another guest of honor of the festival is the scientific secretary of the Academic Council of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, candidate of psychological sciences R.V. Komarov stressed that by participating in the Yesenin Spring, we turn to national traditions, the origins of Russian culture, of which Sergei Yesenin was an outstanding representative.

Prizes for the winners of the festival were established by the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ryazan Region, Department of Education and Youth Policy, Department of Culture of the Administration of the City of Ryazan, S.A. Yesenin State Museum-Reserve, Ryazan Community in Moscow, Ryazan Regional Branch Writers' Union of Russia. Partner support for the festival was provided by the Polytech printing company and the Ryazan news agency 7 News.

The final chord of the festival was a fascinating journey to the homeland of the great poet, to the village of Konstantinovo.

"Yesenin Rus"

Every year in the city of Ryazan, the national festival-competition of traditional folk art of youth "Yesenin Rus" is held. Klepikovsky House of Creativity, according to a good tradition, has been participating in it for many years.

This year the festival-competition was held from 25 to 28 October. XVII The festival-competition was held in the following categories:

Folk singing;


Instrumental performance;

Arts and Crafts

costume theater

art word

The participants of the festival-competition were evaluated by highly professional specialists, including Valery Evgenievich Zazhigin - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Folk Instruments of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins; Evgenia Borisovna Ostroumova - teacher of the Moscow Textile Academy, stylist, fashion designer, teacher of the Moscow club of make-up artists "Forum"; Tatyana Borisovna Evsyukova - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, ex-soloist, assistant choreographer of the State Academic Choreographic Ensemble "Beryozka" named after N.S. Nadezhdina; Nikolai Viktorovich Shichkin - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, chief choreographer of the State Academic Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov; Lyudmila Prokopyevna Korshunova - People's Artist of Russia, artist of the Ryazan Drama Theater of the State Academic Art Theater - and many others.

Our talented teachers with their gifted children performed in several categories:

- "Choreography" - (soloists). Angelina Subbotkina (teacher Agafonova N.A.) showed the dance "Zabavushka".

2 students took part in the nomination "Artistic word":

Irina Makarova and Alexandra Vlasova, students of the Friends of the Theatre, teacher Maria Vorobieva. They prepared beautiful poems by S. Yesenin “Letter to grandfather” and “Tanyusha was good ...”

Teachers of additional education Olga Nikolaevna Mikhalova, association "Solominka" and Yulia Nikolaevna Grishina, association "Magicians" took part in the design of the exhibition of products of folk and applied arts (straw inlay and sewing, patchwork plastic, embroidery).

Our participants have achieved good results:

Alexandra Vlasova became the laureate of the 1st degree,

Irina Makarova - laureate of the 2nd degree,

Agelina Subbotkina - diploma winner of the competition,

Olga Mikhalova and Yulia Grishina received gratitude for the design of the exhibition.

We congratulate our participants and wish them victories in other contests.

Evgenia Vlasova, head of the city administration's culture department, noted that Ryazan is always glad to see participants who every year amaze with their creativity and an interesting look at tradition and history.

Olga Marushkina

About the past February 15 under the chairmanship First Deputy Minister Vladimir Aristarkhov meeting of the interdepartmental working group "on the preservation and development of a cultural heritage site of federal significance - the sightseeing place" Yesenin Rus ", associated with the life and work of the poet Sergei Yesenin (Ryazan region)".

The problems of "Yesenin Rus" are already being discussed , but are resolved extremely slowly and not radically. Cottages and entire villages built in the memorial landscape still flaunt in their places, and the sightseeing place "Yeseninskaya Rus" has borders, but still does not have approved land use regimes and town planning regulations.

It remains to be assumed that this is precisely why, when it became clear that in the usual mode the federal and regional authorities would solve these and other problems of Yesenin's homeland for several decades, Russian President Vladimir Putin a number of instructions on "Yesenin Rus". They envisaged, in particular, the creation before February 1, 2017 of an interdepartmental working group on the preservation of a cultural heritage site, the elimination of violations identified by law enforcement agencies and the introduction (by July 1, 2017) of the boundaries and urban planning regimes of the sightseeing place in the master plans and PZZ located on its territory rural settlements.

Now, Yesenin Rus was taken up in a new way: the head of the interdepartmental working group Minister of Culture appointed Vladimir Medinsky, representatives of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General's Office were introduced into its structure.

According to the Ministry of Culture, “the meeting participants discussed issues related to the development of the territory of the sightseeing place, which continues, despite the presence of security zones of the State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin, as well as the approved boundaries of this place of interest.

Until March 1, 2017, according to the presidential order, the interdepartmental working group should ensure "the development of a draft regulatory legal act that establishes requirements for the implementation of activities, restrictions on the use of forests and requirements for urban planning regulations within the boundaries of the territory of a cultural heritage site of federal significance" Yeseninskaya Rus - a place associated with the life and work of the poet S.A. Yesenin "".

February 15, i.e. two weeks before the scheduled date, the interdepartmental working group stated that "the development of project documentation on establishing requirements for the implementation of economic activities and town planning regulations of the sightseeing place has not yet been completed." Since such expert and design work is carried out for months, we, in turn, can assume that the presidential order is on the verge of failure.

Following the meeting on February 15, the interdepartmental working group determined a “plan of priority measures”: the Government of the Ryazan region should “submit to the Ministry of Culture of Russia a roadmap for introducing changes to territorial planning and urban zoning documents, as well as to the unified state real estate cadastre”, as well as (according to according to our data - by February 27) “to submit to the Ministry of Culture of Russia scientific and design documentation on establishing requirements for the implementation of economic activities and town planning regulations within the boundaries of the sightseeing place “Yeseninskaya Rus - a place associated with the life and work of the poet S.A. Yesenin”, for further development and conduct of the state historical and cultural expertise”.

The project of regimes and urban regulations of "Yesenin Rus" exists. In November 2016 he was three sections of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, where he was subjected to detailed and substantive criticism from both Ryazan social activists and Moscow specialists. For example, the following opinions were expressed: the document contradicts the subject of protection of the sightseeing place, allows for “mid-rise residential development” and even “development of coastal slopes” in different areas; it does not offer solutions to existing illegal developments; it is aimed at the "development" of memorial landscapes, and not at their preservation, etc. As a result, the project was not accepted, but was sent for revision.

Three months later, in February 2017, as the meeting participants told us, the “Ryazan side” did not present any fundamentally new materials.

Member of the interdepartmental working group expert Yuri Vedenin told the "Heritage Keepers" that at the meeting it was decided to create a special expert group that would be able to finalize the draft regimes and regulations - without Ryazan customers and Ivanovo contractors.

Thus, the capital's experts will apparently be forced to urgently save the situation (and at the same time "Yesenin's Rus") themselves - otherwise they will not fulfill the presidential order on time, and they will not receive regimes and city regulations that really protect the historical landscape.

It becomes clear that for the development of Yesenin's landscapes, which was allowed under the newly dismissed governor Kovalev, someone will still have to answer. In this regard, the theses voiced today by representatives of the Ryazan region are very indicative. For example, if you listen member of the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation for Culture Olga Voronova, then it turns out that anyone is to blame, but not the Ryazan authorities, who at one time simply canceled the protected zones of the museum-reserve in Konstantinov: “The State Duma has not yet considered the proposals of the Ryazan Regional Duma sent by me almost a year ago to amnesty, allowing the possibility of loopholes for illegal construction in protected areas”; “The Federal Bailiff Service is in no hurry to help the region in the demolition of illegal buildings, and the current judicial practice in such disputes is not on the side of the state, but on the side of private developers,” etc.

True, as participants in the meeting at the Ministry of Culture on February 15 testify, representatives of the bodies responsible for combating corruption made it clear that they were not included in this working group for the sake of formality.

In the photo: one of the private cottages that have been decorating the landscape of "Yesenin Rus" for several years

In 2019, the national festival-competition of traditional folk art of youth "Yeseninskaya Rus" will be held from October 30 to November 2.

Established in 1999 as a city children's folklore festival "Yesenin Rus" by the Department of Culture and Art of the Administration of Ryazan. It is held annually on the days of the celebration of the birth of our countryman, the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, in order to preserve and develop Russian musical art, stimulate the interest of young people in folk song, dance, and local folk singing culture, preserve the traditions of folk festivals, identify original, outstanding performers , improving their skills in the best traditions of Russian vocal, dance and instrumental performance.


  • Folk singing: soloists, ensembles;
  • Choreography: folk dance, variety dance, ensembles from 5 people; small forms 2-4 people, solo performers;
  • Instrumental performance: soloists, ensembles;
  • Decorative and applied arts;
  • Theater - costume;
  • Artistic word (face-to-face competition of readers);
  • Art.

The competition is held in four age groups:

  • 5 - 9 years;
  • 10-12 years;
  • 13-15 years old;
  • 16-25 years old.

2001 was a turning point for the festival. It entered the Festival Movement "Hope of Europe" as the first national festival-competition of traditional folk art of youth "Yeseninskaya Rus". mass media. The new status strengthened the position of the festival, which turned into a bright celebration of folk art, became another step towards the revival of the original artistic creativity of the Ryazan region, to familiarize young people with the origins of national culture. In 2002, the national festival-competition of traditional folk art of youth "Yeseninskaya Rus" was included in the federal program "Culture of Russia".



Instrumental performance:

Jury President:

Jury members:

Folk vocals:

Jury President:

Jury members:

Kukushkin Dmitry Nikolaevich -

teacher in the gusli class of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Director of Public Relations and Artistic Director of the Cultural and Educational Center "Kupina" named after Lyubov Zhuk. Editor of the professional trade magazine "Gusli". Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions. Soloist of the Kupina Guslar Ensemble and the Grand Melody Orchestra.

Romanova Ekaterina Anatolievna -

Head of the Central Committee of the Department "Solo and Choral Singing" GAPOU MO "Moscow Regional Basic College of Music named after V.I. A.N. Scriabin; Laureate of All-Russian and International Competitions, Head of the Exemplary Group - the Russian Song Ensemble "Nezhdana" of the Children's Music School im. Zh.I. Andreenko, Elektrostal; head of the youth exemplary group - the ensemble of Russian song "Tiririshnik" "KC im. N.P. Vasiliev, Elektrostal.

Choreography folk:

Jury President:

Jury members:

2.Costume Theatre:

Jury President:

Jury members:


Jury President:

.Jury members:

Artistic word:

Jury President:

Jury members:


The results of the XVII national festival-competition of traditional folk art of youth "Yeseninskaya Rus" were summed up at the Municipal Cultural Center.

Hospitable Ryazan hosted about 900 participants from different regions and cities of our vast Russia. And all of them were united by love for folk art and the national traditions of their homeland.

The competition program of the festival included several nominations: "Folk Singing", "Choreography", "Instrumental Performance", "Decorative and Applied Arts", "Costume Theatre", "Artistic Word" (face-to-face reading competition).

The participants and guests of the festival were addressed by acting. deputy head of the administration of the city of Ryazan Elena Sorokina, head of the department of culture of the administration of the city of Ryazan Evgenia Vlasova (chairman of the organizing committee of the festival), director of the MBUK "Municipal cultural center of the city of Ryazan" Vladimir Kolchaev (general director of the festival). They congratulated the winners of the festival, and wished all the participants of the competition creative success!

Within the framework of the XVII national festival-competition of traditional folk art of youth "Yeseninskaya Rus", the opening of arts and crafts took place. Their works were presented by: the Shilovskaya Loza enterprise, the Vladimir Pavlovich Groshev Museum of Wooden Architecture, the Ryazan branch of the Higher School of Folk Arts.

According to the established tradition, during the festival, a creative program was held in the dance hall of the MCC.

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